wwii 399th infantry regiment

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  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    ~ f e r n a : f ~ r a : f i f u 6 e

    for flici r ~ ~ ~ , flicir ~ o u t t f ~ l l , 9 4 U ~ fftdr ! d ~ f raU .m e 4 $ U r ~ of ~ ~ u o f i o n , "'diumGJg ~ ~ ~ i C d f c ffti$ hooli

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


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  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    -, '

    - -_.- - - - . -- - - - - - - ..

    FIRST PLATOON SE;COND THIRD PLATOON2ndLt Reid PLATOON 1stLt FlanaganT / S g t L ~ y 2ildLtToth T/SgtBuudy

    +SlSgt'Vender T/Sgl Kauffinan . 5 lSg t Kelleher+Ffc Briggs S/S91 Dawe +Pfc -StephensC Squillante . P f c Karas + GentrY -Falsetto Megna Bogan.T1.4 - Lyerly S/Sgt Coburn S/Sgt Watson +S/S91 Borderspfc Reppert . P f c Jones, R. (fJPfc North Warrick ' .. Kimm, H. GrayRust . Kohlbacher + Ignatowski+ Underwood DiMatteo Reklinski Vodicka Breckenridge +' Nemitz Katzenstein Cpl Shindler Neville+ Lee . P f c Jacobson Meza,LaFraUa Hoilaman RossmanSylvia Holser Hedrick Kahn Richards + GonzalesCpl Tuck- 5gt Frey CS/Sgf CallahanS/Sgt James + S/Sgt Albano S/S91 Stefucak

    +Pfc Salerno' + PCC 'McCreary . Cpl Gerzetich+ Wade Price . P f c Mitchell Tomczyk + Zuvella + Graff

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    GaS.sianf. ,.:. Donaghey,! ,P.owellStratton IUizzard + Scott Martino + Pisowicz C Kimm, J. Hicks Inman Jones, C.Graham Richard EbersonMcManus Baker +- DicksonC Matra:falio Jones, J. }(. ' . Pike

    Cpl Krut .- Sgt Cote, +Sg t Cassaro S/Sgt Persiani S/5gt Doak S/59t Cemelli ptc

    Pannel pre Smythe Pfc Douglas Dugger + Blake C LoweAbraham + . H a l ~ C Porter Archer + Wright Herzfeld Allen, Jones, J. R. Smith,+ Badei' C C41ahii,il belaney~ t i o n PUi'tiliIsky + Marien-Bradley Sinclair + Huffman--"Morgan' Cpl -Cramer + Graham+ B I ~ k e + JohnsQn

    Sgt Weiss 'Sgt Fager


    2ndLt Cohen: ,. T/Sgt BoerstlerC pre Shea Zendr


    C Capt Prince _1st Lt ThorntonIstSgt Buck

    S/5gt DeLucaPte Harlamon

    .SgtC - . pte.-C 5gt


    -, GOldberg, FulmerLeggitt

    S/5gt LibudaPfe 'Corsiglia+ Clark

    'WynneGagneDerryberry: McKissick, s/Sgr N a t o ~ e

    'Pfe KugelmeyerSchumanSchwartz _

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    c. Pfc Metro CohenC

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    9 p } ~ ~ r ~ t p . ~ ~ r ) ~ _ i ~ ~ : - i i :Fort ~ a : c k s Q n , ~ c . ; .. s f ~ e 1 o J ; l ~ d i ~ s i p n :c ~ D f i s f n g the Division s.t&ff &nd _cadre, w i t n ~ s l i ~ d the, activ,ation.c ~ r e u i P J W ~ ~ t ~ 4 . il-qq,Uw.Cofn:-'wmr .let ~ ~ I ! - : ~ . ' a " * , \ I ~ ; ~ .... ~ t \ ' i ; ~ ' l t e s ~ W ! ~ ~ ~ ! & ~ d Company B rated W.9P ip.. the ~ ~ ~ s l p I l j - f ~ " ' ~ ~ c ~ o ~ , . q , i I \ ~ J 19, l : 1 ~ g mti-iln,ing for' the "ieal thing", In the spring of 1943" the, Company; e ~ i v ~ d - - a ;new"Qffu:;er.. a West P.oint..graduflte, ..who.was destined jo1Je one of the o u l ~ ~ a n d i n : g l eaders of the C ~ : l I n P 9 - n y . The'new arrivc}l ,~ L1. Altu$ prfi{ce. Through' the e1forts:-d({lhe officers and men, b:yt h fall of i94J' t h Company was in iop' forril'Md: aga in was confron-t!.. . . .le

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    CfOrewordTo: Officers and Men of Company H,

    399th InfantryInside the pages of this book is the story of brave youngAmerica cal led to arms to preserve what is most dear toour way of life. To each of you I say. that I am deeplyproud to be a part of your team, and to have seen, with)'lou, the overwhelming courage and spirit that carriedCompany B through the struggle to final victory in thehighest tradition of our armed'might. The s tory , which'no words can describe, is our bond to cherish in the yearsto come. My best wishes and warmest appreciation willalways be with you. E. M.Zehner

    Lt. Col., 399th Inf.Commanding.

    1 ~ ~ ~ . ~ \ - " - w - ' - : 0 / - ' ( ' ~.. " , , ~ f i , ~ ---.- . ~ . . . . ...... - :, " .. ' _.Although this book can't possibly cover all of our ac-tivities, personal triumphs, our unit victories, and ourmany heart aches, s ti ll i t captures for all time our unusualgroup spirit, our respect, admiration and love of fellowmen springing from combat danger and imminent prospectof sudden and violent death.The saddest and most unforgettable day of my life will bethat time when circumstance forces us all to part and goour separate ways. Let this book be our common bond,and using it as a medium, continue the deep and intimaterelationship that at times has made us seem more likebrothers than friends. Harry G.Flanagan

    Capt. Inf.Co. B 399th Inf.

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    of training and a c c u s t ~ e d . t h ~ e l v . e s .. to;' the rigors of combat.After three months of chowless days aiid. sleepless nights, heaven inthe form of Fort Bragg, N.C., came. to the weary Bakermen. Herefurloughs, showers, movies and passes to Fayetteville made thelives of the ma,neuver-weary men: considerably' -more pleasant.During tbis time. t J 1 ~ . D h d s i o n . w a 5 ag.rtn bfought up .. to strength. Dueto the need of 'men for > o v e i s e a ~ " a u t y it goodly number of Centurymen were POE'd to suPply other outfits engaged in combat. InMarch 1944, the Company was aga in b rought up to strength by thearrival of 'Some eighty ASTP"I)nm. NOw the Division was' teady tobe-gin it s laSt phase 'o f pre-C'ombat trainlng; .F r Q ! ! l - ~ P P ~ '411 S f ; ! p ~ ~ r 1 9 4 4 , . f . h e . C ~ m p a n y . r e c ~ ~ v : . e ~ . s i x . : I l 1 o n t h s . o iJ;ltense t r a ~ n i ! , 1 , g ~ . Combined ,attack.. theo,ry, .:tan1t ..t,r.aining,..mine sptools+~ E ? ~ P ~ t ~ ~ n i n g r _artillery-infantry; exercises, attack(. and, defensefield problems. and un,it. te$ls put. the. men ..on a rigorous .diet .0Lcon~ ~ ~ [ a l e d ,w9* inpreparatlo,r;. for' t h lneyitabl.e j o u r ~ e y o v e r s e a s ~In June. of- 1944 the Division was:picked to' r-epresent' the Army onInfantry Day and to'parade mNew Y ~ r k 'City. Abattalion in strengthwas'selected irom the varlOtis:pa.rts"of ilie Divis'ion; . U. Flanagan'andten enlisted men representedrBakefC'()inpany'in Gotham. After'twoweeks-'af 'Parades; ~ f d r i r l . a t i u n s r ' a n a drills" lhe-bigh-flying C-enturynrenretilrned to earth and"again resumed their 'training.


  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    tn nrte' August Division tests were 'again taken, ana o'nee 'again 'Bak-erimtl i , took 'top hooms. The Jourth 'platoon under S/Sgt: -DeLadi.turned'iri' a "top 'perfonnarice and was 'slated as t h ~ ' b e ~ t ~ e a I i O r i Splatoon in the Division. The rifle pla toons also did well: wfth: Lt.Fl;lmigan's and S/Sgt.Lea:hy's. platoons, tlle third and.seco.nd,furninghi.,.topperfQ11nanees>

    I ~ ~ ; ~ p J l W l b ~ J : ; l . h e . p i V i ~ i o n ,was givenjhe ,gree,n H g h t , a n ~ ; ~ e . , ~ x i ~ p e ' ; $ p ~g ~ ~ ~ ! ~ i ' ; ' " i l l f i c e ' ~ e g a : ~ U ~ , tour ,of ' ~ .U!ll,tS :in' " U : i ~ J ) 1 ~ i 9 n . . ; , ~ ~ f~ ! , I l ~ M t ~ I ! , [ Y ~ i v ; e . d ..ui.e .Qrdeal ~ d ~ ' I ? a g e , r ~ a 4 Y lox:, ~ , c o J l i 0 ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~The Division was next inspected by the Army G"roI1J1.A Forces chief,Lt. Gen Ben Lear, and officially alerted for shipment. 'New 'men' a ; r i ~v ~ d . t ~ ~ m J h ~ Cpast ArtiHery,.and..IRTC e a ~ p s , a . ~ d the C O ~ 1 ? a n y . ~ < J ; ! P ~ J e a c l i ,for the' move.' ' A t ~ t h i s 9 ' m e ~ t h e ' C o ~ p ~ y ' 6 J f i c e r S ' r ~ r e .1 6 i J . o ~ s : L t . ' P r i n c e ; c. b.;Lt. Thcimton,' Exec. Officer; Lt. Reld;--ist']ha:f), . f. , ":" I .. ' ~ -' . . > - - .. - ' ' (, :' ., . -, ,.fo()n,,-,Lt.'Toth, 2nd l'll!-'to'on; (t. flanagan, 3id J l i a t o o ' i l , a ~ i : i ' I i o 'e;iI#cM~ ~ i ' - ~ ~ j ~ u i i h j i l a t o o n : 'T/Sg't. B o ~ r ~ U e r w a ~ : acUng' p l a t ~ ' o ~ : ' i ~ ~ t l e ~n .t l l ~ .. : ~ _ , _ . -.-... . . . " ..f?,.I.;$ . w ~ ~ n s ,platoon. Speculation 'was high an

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    , t ~ ~ ~ a n s p o L ~ , w ~ r e .loaded and theAHvi!;ion ceapy.t

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment



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  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    CHAPTER IICJhe C V o s g ~ s

    This.was it; . ,On Novem!Jer 1st, when the Company took over BakerCQmllanY's position of the 179th Infantry, the situation was quiet. AtlOOO'houTs ,on November 1, 19..the first patrol undertaken in combatwas assigned to Lt. Jack Reid.and, his.,.fust.platoon. The pat ro l contacted elements of the Third DiVision. accomplished its mission, andretumedto the lines without casualties. After the first night. of combatthe men settled down to the grind of. warfare. In the afternoon of~ o v e m b e r 2nd, the 'Company was alerted and ordered to move_ intopositions just outside of LaSalle. The Company dug in, sent a partyinto LaSalle, and _prepared for another night. This was the first ex.citing night of combat for Baker Company, .PaJrols { r : o m ' t h e ' s ~ o n dand third platoons were sent out and cc'>,ntacted tfle enemy., Thesepatrols returned intact and withthis the .whole. company. to asmall e3ttent, was battle wise.It 'was ' on the next momingthat the Company was giveni t first' objec tive, the town ofSaint R ~ . ,. Moving into positions,'; juSt outside of SaintRe'my, - W men dug in wW.lepatrols were sent into this{ Q ~ : T h e first plato'on clearedthe town' taking two prisonersWhilet"the rest of the CODlp,any1p:oved: 'forward. As 'leading' ,elelllell.ts of the Company en- )tered" disaster struck- F r o ~ < " :excellent OPs, German ..artilr r Y ' ~ , a n d mortar fire ~ u [ e di h l Q . ' ~ ; : m e n as they s ~ r i E : d "f ~ r . c , shelter. Positi"Oiis, 'wl:lte' , : , , , , " , , - , . ' : ' ~ ' , ;................._..,,............;.._.;.....iIc 9 . ~ i ( d . i ~ t e d . ~ t e r iIWyh;": dlffr;;;:;'

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    ~ u l t y . .D\lring this t i m ~ snipers ~ n d . b ~ r p . g u n Q . e r s conUnued,to h a r r a - ; ; ~the.:BakeJ: men. Road blocks.,were ,established all.d .-co.ntac,l, wasIQAde with Able. and C ~ a r l i e Companies w i t h i n a s l l O r l t i m ~ .after tileinilial.actioQ.. This was Baker's first I:eal fighLand is. .remelIlbered.hyalLwho have survived.tbliS fa.: I t was he.re .that our.Jirst batUe" ~ . casuil.lties.were received. tw() .men..killed.dnd two ,wounded. ,A{tej:'.qh e l l i ~ h night of aJ:tillery and. mortar fire, the men a c c u s t ~ J ; n e d , t h e P l cs e l ' l : ~ s _ ' t o .the situation and awaited t h e . . C ( ) m p a 8 . y : s ~ n e x t ID:0ve.. ,ILwos~ long.-in coming. On the 'evening :f Noyember ;Jth-.Baker waso r ; d ~ ~ > to relieve Hem Company'which: had ;met stiff dnd ...pewerfu!resistance. Late in .,the evening..the .Cq.qJ.panym,oN:ed .into the7sawmiU....ov.er\ooking E,tival, and ther.e took. up posiijons. ,. Againheavy. resistance and, ortillery .fire .from., the..Genn!il15 g r ~ t e d 7 . t l mweafy.men... Finally after. two nights o f : . r ~ mw:l..and\open,foxholes.the Cpmpany.was. r.elieved and withdrawn. to,-Sa:intnRemy wbere 1th eJ ; l I ~ : h a d .their, /j,rsL real rest in ,their .first..week, of. combat . Qn; t h lI10ming of r7 Nov.ember 1944 th e b 4 t t a l l ( ) n ~ m o v e d . i n t o , a - r ~ i J , r . aJ;eqaWili1;ing .movemen t to .jlnother. sector. Mov.ing .-up. into ; t h e - z w e o ~~ ~ , d D . e n .dug in ..a n d a w a ~ t e d orders to mo'!'e. Dis3$ter in the',Conu.iofw,il).es.,and booby traps\str:uck. A jee.p was. bloWIL up. O D ; e c l I l a a ~ a ' Skilledand .several wo.unded.- Thi.s was, ~ B o 0 9 y . T [ a p . H i l 1 ' ~ -one:-of~ ; , ; ' W O T $ t experienc:esQJ,e Company was--t -encounter.c, TherIl;extafternoon, 8 N o v ~ m b e r . ' 1 9 ~ 4 . ~ , G O I ; n p a n y -marched to ; a n . ~ q t r u c k i n gpoint and boarded trucks for points unknown. Just outside of Baccarat, the Company bivouaced in a densly wooded sector 'of th e VoSgesMountains. The second pla toon moved slighUy forwardand.took,up'an OPL on the high ground just 'ahead of .the C { ) m p ~ y : , FOl"' twodays these positions afforded rest to th e weary. vets.. . '.On the 11th of November B Company moved. forward again, d . u g j - i n ~and s tayed a night in these positions' before'DIOving'up c i t d i n e . ; ' ' r h ~a;fternoon of November 12th found .. the ! G 6 m p a n y . ' s ) q g g i ~ Its Way t positions near the key city of RaonPl'Etape, - In' the ' s n , ~ w " ~ n d niud ()fthe high Vosges, the Company aga in dug in ' -and.-awaite'd the driveon that City. Overlooking the city al!d cutting the'vital S 1 I { i p ~ y roadto . the. fortress, were a seriesof'.liilis assigned to the, 'baUalion asqbjectives. The first assnail. br theCompany 'was met 'by a firmlye:ntrenched and reinforced enemy a iid resu lt ed ' in - a .number of

    ' ~ t l a l t i e ~ ..in the Company..,Mov1iJ.g back in order to allow'close-:increci.aland .artillery .s.upport, th e Company gave way to "the Third

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    B a t ' t a l i O l ~ - w h o . st'or,med and captured-the hill." -Tha.thilLprovedto-beone of t h mosf:strongly defendffi1-and best prepared defensive.positlons ya -enoountereD thlsmove was' again very higb: . "

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    Captured on Hill 538- wereS/Sgt. Callahan,Sgt Legitt,CpL -GeHe..J:owski, and ~ f c ' s C a l l i n s , M e t ~ - o and Meza:'- Altthese me.nhave--sincebeen' l iberated Pte, Mezawas .recaptured within a . ~ - l e w 'hours ofhis capture by- men of -C- Company. sgt, Leg-gitt; Cpl.:Geilerowski:;Pfc. -Collins and PIc. Metro were recaptured in: Strasb6urg -whileS/Sgt. Calahan was liberated duri1l9 the last weeks -of , the war .Also during the -(J,ction -of -HiU538;P-fc. Rober1 Barringer's-gallanqyinaction wonforbim the Silver Star. During the. same engagementPfc. Clyde. Magee's heroism warrante

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    contacted .the.Third Division. They then proceeded to . clear the citytogether...Shortly. after the city wasdeared. the enemy threw in. aterrific .artillery barrage. ,It was. jI,1sLafter. this that the BattalionCommander ordered the Company outo! to.wn in hopes. of surprisingthe enemy by', pressing the attack.. i l l a heavy downpour Ule men ,leftRotheau ,and:starled.a.night attack on the townof Nelzenbach. Aftercrawling and stumbling over several thousand yards of mud coatedpeaks, Baker 'Company moved in on its .objective. Fording the Fiver

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    the men entered the rear of the town and captured i t w ith comparative ease. I t .was learned from the vi llagers that the -enemy'andseveral.of his field pieces had evacuated the town only scant minutesbefore the arrival of the Centurymen. Several.prisoners .wer.etakenand once again .casulaties in1he operations were nil.Jbis town will be remembered most vividly by Sergeant ArthurForderer, who in search of. straw for his lodging found hi.IhSelf confronted by two towering Krauts armed with burp guns. The Germansgestured to him to come and one of them said, "Kommen Siemit WlS ' .However, the surpr ised mortarman replied, "Nix", and emphasizedhis reply with. several shots from his. carbine. The Germans fledand the very disturbed sergeant was forced to s leep without strawthat e v e n i n g ~The next morning the Company again moved out, scaled anotherpeak and captured the town of Wachenbach. The evening of thesame day, November 25th, found the Bakermen on a long downhilltrend to the city of Schirmeck. Enter ing the city from the south, the.company proceeded through i t and continued the push forward. Fornearly eight hours the doughs hiked on, through Urmatt and Niederhaslach, on the heels of the fastfleeing Nazis. Finally trucks shuttledthe men into sleeping Oberhaslach which yie lded severa l Germansand marked the end of the long campaign. The Regiment was pinchedout of the Strasbourg drive by the 3rd and 45t1l Divisions and washalted here for orders. This town was one of the key points toStrasbourgand its fall helped to open the Alsat ian Plain to the oncoming flood of Allied might. So here at Oberhaslach, twelve milesfrom Strasbourg, the men of Baker Company ended their long campa ign in the Vosges Mountains... The period up until. this time is, tothe old men of the Company,. the days of rain, mud and m i r e ~ counterattacks, the. GIs and "beaucoups" Krauts, and wilt- generally bereferred to by them as the days "back in the Vosges". This also marked for the men of-the Company their first real rest, the chance fOl: aglorious shower and the completion of the first phase of combat.


  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    L.A S A L . ~ : E : TO,OBERHASLACH.

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    O & ~ ~ ~ A . s L 1 A , H ; . - T O . ~

    . I i 9 T : Z . ~ N ' e i:iiJCK'_

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    CHAPTER I ! !Pemberg

    On November .28th the Company moved to LaRobedeau near Senoneand the Division was placed in Corps reserve. Here the Company wal>strengthened by,more reinforcements, .showers were taken, weaponswere test fired and the neighboring towns exploited. After a shortstay here, the battalion was ordered to Neidersweiler where the menhad an opportunity to vis it nearby Sarrebourg for movies . showersand sight seeing. After two days here the Company moved to tiletown of Shalbach and prepared once again for action. On December3rd Baker Company moved to Puberg where U. Prince received hisCaptaincy. The next day was spent in .hiking through towns. on theway to Wingen which was reached December 5th. I t w a s ~ e r e thata .large store of cognac, champagne, wines .and kitchep. stores were"liberated". This supply was dis tribu ted later for mQrale purposes.On December 6th the.Company moved up to positions near Goetzenbrtick and.later that afternoon entered the town..Early on the morningof December 7th. the First Battalion pushed .out of GoetzenbruCk toS t Louis de Bitche. Moving through S t Louis, the men occupiedpositions above the town awaiting artillery preparations for theassault on Lemberg and the surrounding high ground.Our art il le ry prepara tion began at 0930 and was to last for fiveminutes after. which a rolling barrage would commence. The attackwas to begin at 0935 with the b a t t ~ i o n closely following the barrageand taking the high ground beyond tha t c ity while the Third Battaliontook the city. Baker Company was the left flank of the a ttack andwas_given the mos t difficult terrain over which to operate. Crossingthe IP at H-hour, the Company proceeded in two skirmish lines, thefirst and thi rd p latoons in the lead and the second and fourth inthe rear,while Capt Prince and headquarters took a central positionbe tween the two leading platoons. The attack plan called for theCompany to pass over approxiInately two hundred yards of -open.ground before reaching the Enchenberg-Lemherg' Highway; Aftercrossing this, another 400 yards of open' ground lay ahead before


  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    reaching, the railroad tracks cOilnecting Encheiiberg willi Lemberg.Five hundred yards beyond that lay the, woods and' high groundwhich was the-Company's objective. In a cunningly executed trap,

    , the-Germaosallowed the first wave to cross the road while the.secondwave'foHowing'a hundred yards behind''Was::yet to cross. -When theenemy opened fire, the situation found the ,first wave ' - .the third pia"toon' 0 0 the left, headquarters in the center, aod-the first platoon on


  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    the.right--:onthe.,-gently det;:linil).!J s,lope nearly abUIl.lh:edyanis aqossfue ,. r q ~ d . : ' a Q d > , m . o v ~ l 1 g f o ~ r d : tQwards 'the. ;rctilroad , tracks r e c e i ~ving enemy-fire' frQ.m the ~ t e n t . t A ~ - l e f t aI)d. right f J : ~ t s , .and, the rightrear,. Charlie C o m p a ~ Y i n f a i t i n g to puSh off on l ime; exposed Bakerto 'the full ,vohune 9f ~ - e . t l e J P . y . - , f i , r ~ i :Pirst- f i r e e n c Q W l t e r e ) \ V a ~ J f machine::guns-and< 2Q .mOl. , ' e a ~ n . , T h e f i n ~ ~ o u n t e d in .furyuntilat l e ~ . t five 20 mm. ~ o n s . - - s e v e r a l fla.k ~ @ S i numerous,heiliVy.cal ibre machine guns, and assorted small arms fire was pouring.,intothe men' from all directions. After the first burst of. fire the weapoJ:lSplatoon made. an excellent display of courage when, in an open field,S!1t; Adamcek's section set up a light machine gun and proceeded.totlltel and..k:nock out an enemy flak wagon on the Company's rightflank.. At the .same time Sgt'sWebb, Howarth and Hass 'pu t a 60 m.m.mortar into action and eliminated another flak wagon firing from theright rear. The men of the third platoon. subjected to the greatestvolume of fire, engaged the enemy to their front with rifle fire killingseveral Germans.All this had taken place within a few minutes and by 0945 Germanartillery began dropping in on the .trapped men... Direct fire from alltypes of weapons poured in and casualties mounted Baker Compal).ywas without communications and support in this. isolated position.The men of the forward wave cou ld only pray and claw for themselves shallow holes while the torrent of fire fell in among them. Themen in the rear wave had two alternatives - to make their wayforward and seek shelter in th'e ditch paral le ling the road or to m a ~ ea dash for the woodS from whence they had departed. Most of thefourth platoon made their way to the.woods where they dug il).. andprepared a defensive line. They too were subjected to intense artillery and direct fire from flak wagons' in these positions. The secotldplatoon chose to use the ditch and moved forward to that position.The s it uat ion became more despera te with each moment. At thistime Pfe. Richard Jones made his way back to the woods, locatedenemy gun posit ions for artillery observers and then s i n g l e h a n d ~ l ystrung a communications line from the woods to Capt. Prince acrossthe road. For his heroism and d isregard for personal safety, Pfc.Jones received t h Silver Star.This murderous fire continued all through the day and it wasn't untildusk that Capt. Prince received orders to withdraw the remaillder


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    oLhil> cmqpany back to $e . woods....Under .cover of . d ~ r k n e s . s and!riendly, artillery fire. the. raggE\.d ..remnant.s .of. the Compap,y stumbledanli crawled b ~ c k . . It was a sorry spectacle, the liVing carrying thehal("dead, the-lesser wounded,strl1ggling, hack with.their-more .sorelywounded comrades, o 1 h e r ~ dragging themseh:es. out, by sheer; wUh'power" the dazed and half .crazed stumbling ahead, .all of them le.avingthis ,hellish; place. . Prayers.. ~ .thanks :roingled with . c u r s ~ of hate.This.. was. the- worst. imaginable.. All .. lhrougl l tbe .night and. ea.rlymorning .UJ,e ~ ~ v o r s returned... Here,at L e m b e ~ g : , v a l O l : . s h Q w e d . i u ;face.. Lt. flanagan received the Silver Star. fo r heroism. a .number, fBronze Slats .were. awarded. to f,he survivors. who ..,had.distinguishedUremseLves. that -day. The greates t number for Lemberg. were thepurple Hearts_ Our .losses that day were seyenteen. killed .aud thirtyfow; w:ounded.. Many others were. evacuated fox exposure., shells h o c ~ an.d.nervous condiUons.. Only.a handful.of those.whQ'.startedthe..attack. 'were present. for the second, assault the next evening.. .On December 8th the tank-supported First Battalion in, a nightattaekpU$hed into, the: town of.Lemb.erg, obliterated: the-.defenders and procli!eded. to clear the town. . December 9th. the. town was entirelycleared. .numerous prisoners taken.aild defeD.$ive positioll9 .consolidated." In the. evening of that -day the Company wasreliev.ed andreturned to -St. Louis fo r reorganization'and rest.For two days. aJid tWQ- nights the ~ ~ rest-ed. w e r ~ given showers;


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    saw:a mOllie and allowed to r-Qam. It was here that onDecember1 t t h - t h ~ W40gen ..stock wa.distributed... .. Several par ties resulted,numerous haog-.overs,- and thememorY''

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    9Jifche 9lretJtife was uneventful and, except for guard and occasional artilleryand patrol action, quite calm, Christmas Day was celebrated in dug-outs and foxholes. The .environment was different but t he sp irit thesame. Packages 'were plentiful and the meal on Christmas was ex-cellent. I t was'not as bad as expected here now. Just after Christ-mas,.however, German observat ion planes were more frequent visitors,strange noises heard and movement increased Trains (which laterproved to be phonograph records) were even heard pulling intoBitche. German patrol activity increased notably. I t was NewYear's Eve. The ar tillery had prepared to ring in 1945 with a bang,but unforseen circumstances prevented the "festivit ies", At 2330,New Year's Eve. a barrage of i lluminat ing nares poured in. .TheGerman offensive had s ta rte d

    Almost immediately communi-cations. with aU platoons andwith bat ta lion went out. Theoutposts were overrun and anirntial assault made on the line.The line held and the enemypulled back and reorganizedI t was during this first assaultthat Sergeant ClIford LaBellemanned his machine 9un andpoured deadly fire into theenemy. He killed twenty' andwounded half a dozen more.Through out the night be kepthis gun in action and alonegreat ly hampered the Germaneffort. Sergeant LaBelle, laterawarded the Silver Star and


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    recommended for the Distipgulshed ServiceCtoss (which is n Q W ~ : p e l Fding)., w a s ~ c a p t u r e d when going to .the assistance of one of his crew;

    The 117th ReconnaisanceTroopwas hlt wltha tremendous attack andforced to withdraw several thousand yards. Beingon the COmpany's~ i g h t flank, this withdrawal opened the complete right.flatik .of bofuthe baltalio? and the regiment to attack . Seizingtliisopporiunity.~ h Germans.poured in' and assailed. the Company from the flank: Atemporary line was formed aIong the Bitche Highway made up of menfrom C Company and the third and headquarters platoons. This linetook the brunt of the assault and after a terrific 'fire fight buckled:The survivors ret reated to the Company CP, a group of farm buil-dings. where the next stand was made.'While t l i ~ r i i e n at th eCP were preparing toriJ.ake the next s t ~ n d , theother platoons were defending their positions above Bitclle Ironi t,he,German frontal assault These positions held throughout the morning,but becoming Uiltenable,were evacuated through the second and thirdb

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    'haggard but ,with undaunted's,pirils, they, once again' found them-,seLves back .with their Company. , ~ i d i n g , ' dodgin-g Nazis ,at everytum, shooting and ,pummeling their way out of tight circumstancesthey worked their way out of the college through the German linesand finally; into our positions, ,During their escape they hid hi. thec h i m n e y ~ ' of the" college,. 'unde'r tables and piles of refuse, inabandoned Toxholes aU the time under' the' very' noses of their pursuers.Three over-inteliigent GermanS, noting their locations, were disposec\of and severar more are listed as ' p r o b ~ b l e s ' " Arter the ir e ~ p 1 r i e n c e sthe.men' askedT6r arms arid a little food arid .took their p l a c ~ s withtherei;t of 'the C o m p ~ ~ Y . " . .As Company commander, Lt.' F l a n ~ g a n . l e d h i s ~ e p l e t e d .coJ.Ilpany: intopositions opposite Fruedenberg Farm and Fort Sehiesseck. in a fOrIner

    ' F r ~ n d 1 garrison ,and the surrounding area; Here the next tJ:1rust.wasaw'aited, received and. repelled For ten days in 'ope'n positions uriderthe heavlest ' i lfenemy artillery, morlat', rocket ,and small arms fire;the Company 'held "these "positions. ,hi 'the heavy 'snow arid coldweat,hei,the' 'i1Feqwpped and exhausted men, fed K, and C rations~ n l y , repelled. eneiny thri.ists day atter day, ,arid night after night.,Aimostsuiciaal po"sitlons were established. ' ' O u t p o ~ ~ : and listeningposts Iii 'the open field before the ' ''farm'' arid its network

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    Anzio". Finally: on 11 .1anuary 1945, the Second Baltalion tookoverthe Company's f ront and afforded the men of the Comp

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    weapons 'firing. and recreation. .It was not too _bad now, even with.the patrolling.On. one. particular.February. night, -the. thirdplatoori was assigned thetask of I.aiding .. Fruedenberg. arid one .of its. adjoining .pillboxes_ Anew .experience.was: encountered when a. flame thrower. was orderedto be employed in this attack. T/5 Boyd Pike .carried .this and led theassaultoIi the pillbox. Because of h ~ a v y :enemy fire lrom .the f a r m ~house and another concealed machine gun, the raiders were forcedto withdraw..Before leaving! however, T/5 Pike .acco.unted fo.r oneGerman. crew with his flame thrower. The raid failed and Fruedenberg continued. to act as a thorn in the Company'sside even thoughaImostleveled by corps TOT's and P-47 missions on it. Fruederiberg,'little Anzio", Schiesseck,' and Spl tzberg took their toll until thei 5 ' ~ a r c h 1945. .On the inorriiJig of March 15th the defensive per iod ceased to exist..In a coord inated smash the entire Seventh Army jumped ofL. Tanks,a r t i l l ~ r Y . and the dotighs:.of the .unit surged forward. T h e < ; o m p a ~ y ' sobjective was the high ground. overiookingBitche to the left' oflhe.formerly held positions above that bastion. Crossing the iF at 0800'the .men slashed their way through opposing forces, up the steepslopes and acwss- the mine infested obstacles. By noon the groundwas taken, along willi several p risoners; the men emplaced,and.every inch of los t ground recovered.~ o u n t i n g tanks at dawn the .following mornirig, Baker Companyproceeded down to -BUche. Because of road blocks the men detrucked,.marched out past Fruedenberg, past smoulding Schiesseck and downinto the dreaded city. In the shadow of the once' mighty c itadel thecitizens of Bitche heralded the men. Not delaying the Companyquickly pushed through the throngs and proceeded toward the military garrison just outside of the city. Neai: theotitskirlsoftownleadscouts of the.Company were fired on by a sniper. By quickly dispatching an BAR and a rifleman, the sn iper was eradiCated and the Company again moved forward. Leaving the'city behind Baker Companyapproached. the stronghold of Camp de Bitdie from -the right whileA Company struck from the left. Midway to the camp, machine gun:fire forced the men into' cover, inflicting casuaiities on the point squadmade up of men from the Company. On the left of the road a large

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    pillbox: spat out ' i ts lethal message , whi le form the -right of . the road:enemY'.machine -guns and riflemen .made i t uncomfo'rtable. Allnostimmediately.mortar fire began dropping in out he Company. Sizingup the situation Lt. WilliiunSuUivan,in'his first attack. With the Company,triok his _first .platoon and cominencedto Rank the pillbox.Meanwhile, Pfc. Llozd J. Smith ran back .to -Bitche and' returned: With'two-much -needed t a n k s ; ~

    When .the tanks _arrived,the situation found Lt. Sullivan's p l a t ~ o n ,neailysiicrouncling 'the p'illbox white -Lt. Flanagan in one tank andLt.Reid 'hi the other, directedp6irit blaitk fire from the 76's into theehemy- positions. Finally, when' in position, the fiistplatoon assailedthe pillbox. Directing bazooka, ' BAR 'and rifle fire into the turretsLt'Sul1ivab's pla toon neu tral ized the position. Then Iil6ving alonehe personally accounted for .two Germans With carbine fire and grenadesand called out 'some eighty-odd prisoners including a battalioncommander . Hus tl ing these prisoners back to the tanks and thenceback ''10 Bitche,the Company reorganized and again moved towardthe. garrison. For his' action aga in st the enemy .pillbox Lt. Sullivanhas. be-en reccommended for the ,DisUnguished.-Service Cross.

    F o ~ i n g the roadand:using.a crOss country route, the men pushed'on, stopping only when'piwied down by enemy mortar. fire. Finallyat about 1500 hours fue.flrst ~ u i l d i n g s of the garrison were reached.

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    Moving quickly ink> thE;! center of the camp ( a l r ~ d y cleared by AbleC o m p a ~ y ) . the platoons o! the Company m o v ~ d ,out, cleared morearea and took up positions .awaiting ~ o r d e r s . : ,As Gusk approached a.terrific rocket and a r t i l l ~ r y barrage started. T h ~ s continued. untilJ:!ightfall., After the evening meal a .quartering party 'was sel,:ctedand ,.sel),t to .pick billets. ill Bitche. Later that evening after beingrelieved by men of the 398th, the weary doughs plodded back toBitche and had a well deserved rest.The next Il;lOrning after a hearty breakfast , ammunition .and rationswere. d i s t r i b u t ~ d a.nd preparations made. to continue the chase. HereLt. Sullivan and most oE his platoon,. arter remaining on line t}le pre-c;eeding evening, returned with e i g h t e ~ n more prisoners. This broughtthe platoon's toll of prisoners to over a hundre.d in 'less than twenty-fqur hours:

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    CAMP.... : ' .. ; . DE"- ' -

    .. '"' ...."....

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    CHAPTER Verhe Chase

    At 1100 hours the men once again said goodbye to Bi tc he and starteda long shuttle chase. Moving through several ghost towns. the racecontinued for nearly fourteen hours. At about midnight the Companycrossed the last phase line and entered Germany. An enemy artillerybarrage was not long In.coming, but luckily it was. inaccurate. Withno communication oc food or bed coIls, the men scraped themselvesshallow holes and settled down for the night. Early the next daywire contact was made with battalion and preparations made for theday's attack. Several hundred yards .to the front lay the l it tl e townof Hilst and beyond that the gIeamingdragon's teeth of the vauntedSiegfried Line. A patrol found Hils tunoccupied and preparationsw ~ r e made to enter. Orders came down to hold 'present .positionsand at nightfall to be relieved by elements of the 71stDivision. Atlast it seemed as though "B" Company would be relieved and retur-ned to France for a rest. The shock came soon when word was recei-ved that the Company wasta march about ten miles to an assemblyarea where i t organized for the assault on the Westwall. That eveningfound a foot sore Company trudging it s way down a winding rivervalley, past artillery positions and tank parks, through sleepingvillages, and finally up the steep incline leading into the .heavilywooded assembly area. Not even delay ing long enough to scrapeout shallow holes, t he weary doughs spread their rolls and slept,leaving only a minimum of men on guard.The next morning immediately after breakfast, holes ,were dug, andorders.were awaited. Maps came down, the officers" were oriented,and plans laid for the use of teams in the assuaIt on the Siegfriedforts, platoons splitting into various units each of a few men with as peci fi c m is si on . . Church services were he ld in the open and everything made ready for the move. Orders were delayed and the attack:which was to commence the following day was postponed until thenext day. Utilizing the delay the Bakermen used the day in writing,

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    sleeping .or just, relaxing. . On..21 Marctl. 1945, a t 0800 the Companyboarded trucks an.d moved .forward. toward ~ h line. . On the pre:ceding d ~ .. the line had cracked and broken.beorethe..overwhelmingforces attacking. The batter:ed r ~ m n a n t s o - : ~ e ,Ge!IDiln defenderswere racing back towarc!.s the Rhine. w i ..the ~ e r i c a n forces closebehind. '[he '. orders ,received w e r e - - t o ' - p u r s \ 1 ~ . the' enemy untjl c o ~ ~ a c t was made.,' Roaring.through battered towns,.across open fields.past wrecked' pillboxes, the COmpany proceeded tQwards - the Rhineand .the. next ,German .line of defense. By-passing Zwiebrucken andPinnasens; the convoy raced down, the Hardt Riv:er. Valley in t h

    .'If. 'CI \

    c .

    1 J

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    shadow of the towering Hardt Mountains. . .Scores of abandonedvehicles, dead horses and scaHered .eq.uipment ,lay :on either side ofthe road.Passi!l9'.thousalldsof liberated',laborers .and 101:1g. files ofprisoners, the 'convoy .continued until the Rhine -Plain :was reache the town of .Maudach,a suburb of-the Rhine city of LudWigShayen.. Clearing the town ofMaiIdach the men setled' d o ~ . ahd awaited. the move to Ludwfgshaven: 'The next . aftemoon': tlie Company marched two mBes intothe next suburb. Remaining.in. Mundenheim for one evening, thenext move was into the central part of Ludwigshaven. Taking positions along the Rhine, the Company proceeded to clear their sectorof the city, capturing a few stragglers and would-be snipers. Herethe Company was subjected to intense direct fire from weaponsacross the river and'heavy sniper an

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    forward the Company.look the next town, .Reilingen,.and bedded down.for th e evening. During th e n ight French' armor and infantry pushedthrough the town and captured the nex t day 's objeCtive; Remainingin Reilingen th at d ay ..,the .Company was placed in reserve and thereawaited the next move. Early the next morning the C01Dpany pulledout in convoy. The move was to the to the cityof:,Waldorf whichhad been ta ken the preceding day. Here a'day's sta'wllS given themen and church services 'held.Just before noon on the following day tanks, TDs and trucks weremounted and the Company raced past Sinsheim and into Steinfurt.-Several prisoners were taken'here and resistance was, expected toincrease. At09QO the next day the convoy was' o r d ~ r e d to mo'vetoSchwaigern., A ~ the"Company entered the town of G e ~ m i n g e n , thetown befo re Schwaigern. heavy enemy fire from SP. and .artilleryguns held up the advance. Taking up positions in this' toWn theCompany awaited the new attack orders. That a ft ernoon the firstp la toon was cal led upon to cover C Company which had b ~ ~ ' : l t ; r a ' p p ~ din the woods, between Gemmingen and S c h w a i g ~ n L B y m o ~ n g tothe b e s i ~ g e d company 's r ight flank their withdi:awal'was fadlitatedand Charlie was rel ieved without fur ther casualties. The platoonthen made 'its way back to Gemmingen and took ,up positions . tl;1ere.All through tbe night th e heavy bombardment continued: On thenext morning t h e ~ t h i r d platoon was getting i ts morning chow 'Whemitwas nearly fired upon by a French annored force that was attackingthe town. The p la toon informed the French that the town had beentaken and th en con tinued w ith its breakfast.At 2300 that evening tanks, TDs and trucks were once .again boardedand the. Company moved again t ~ w a r d the strongh61d'of Heilbronnon the Neckar River. On the the outskirts of Schwaigem a conyoyof French vehicles was encountered. These trucks had their headlights on and were affording t he enemy per fect - ar f, il le ry ta rget s,After several minutes of combine

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    C A ~ P : dE' BercH: TOPi)?MASEN$, " l . " M ~ U ' ~ A ~ : H i , :

    '#d' -.ii "MAUOAC'H" ~ ' T - o ;

    H E ' j l B ' R 6 : N ~

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    .- CHAPTER -VIC2J .' I t - & ~ f w l -,--.TJelLOrOnn .... .teln

    On 7 ApriL1945 the. Company .moved into positions along the banksof the Neckar_River. This fac tory area wassubJectedto a terrificvolume ,of artillery _fire. . Direclfire_ from tanks.-anti"tan.k -guns. and~ _em. m_ortars pOUI:ed in; and small arms fire hit.the Company-simultaneouly. .This fire.continue.d all.day and-night. On_the 8th of-April at11.00 hours, Company B crossed th e Neckar on a foot -bridge undercover of a smoke s c r e e ~ w h i c ~ seemed' to draw fire. the crossing thusbeing made under in tense bombardment Several men were h it crossing. one mortally. Moving into a factory; .the .Company. reorganized!lnd pushed_ out again. S e v e r ~ l blocks of houses were ass igned to~ h Company for c l e " , r a ~ c e . Th's took 'till evening .to accomplish.Several mor.e. casual ties were sustaiq.e

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    wheeled around and came stanning.backtoward Pfc. Grimm. Hecalmly "leveled his bazooka andflred. 'The'tank came rushing towardshinl. Pte. Grimm fired again. The round hit the .tank: ,near .the driver'scompartment. ,As',the tank rolled to a stop, 'he aga in fired; th is timea W\P round; setting the tal)k alice..As. the DCCUpan,ts spilled out they.were mowed d ~ w n by ' fice from t h e ~ n t i r ~ platoon. .For his actionPCc. Grimm has been reccommended for the Distinguished .ServiceCross; : 'The, tolL. taken by.. 'the platoon. was. one Ceiu ian. PanzerJaguar .lV.:two..enemy.deadand thr.ee.;captUred. .Also.on 'that dayS/SgLi>ersiani;and :Giuseppi .Peri.a liberated .Italian,partisan. nab beda. dozen prisoners"after. a .sma1L fue,'fight':and ihitter, l is t , fight., .Thed a ~ s " t o l l was ,then over. thirty. captured,.onecenemy :tank:knocke-dout, an,d numerous enemy .killed. .OuL.casualties-.weie light 'whiletho!!e,oI the enemy were c o m p a r a t i v . e 1 y . h e a v y ~ 'For the. n'ext'two. days the mopping up proceedure continued: By thistime the Company had pushed to the oatskirts of the city and waspreParing tostonn the mili ta ry', garrison. Shortly after noon 'on12.April 1945 the, assault on Heilbconn's garrison began.'Approachingfrom the left :flank, the Companybegan itsaUack. Heavy'mach1negtin, sniper "and small! arms' fite was encountered but e n ~ r a n c e wasfinally gained and the Clearance of the gacrison commenced. Aftersixhoursof::searching, ' the last of the Germans were thrown out.Sharp

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    the high ground beyond Flein. A patrol sent ahead to reconnoiter tliearea was pinned down by the heavily entrenched ene,my 0!1 this highground. Here LL Everett brought a tank up and p e n ; Q ~ a l l Y manningthe 50 cal ibre machine gun on the tank, .led t h Company,in.-.sto,rmingthese positions. The enemy was routed and the Company, :to?k,overthese positions. Here the Company was subjected to a, t ~ ~ ~ f i c r o c k ~ tbarra9'e. A }a-rg,e number of white p h o s p , h q r o ~ , s 1 J . e l ~ ~ ~ feU a-roundthe men. Casualties were n il and a!ter pgstil!g sevttrafQutposts onthe ridge, the rest of the Company pUlled b a ~ , to flein for theevening. During the evening several more p r y S , O n ~ r s were takenwhen they came into the town .unaware of the ~ m p a n y ' ~ presence.For their action ,th'aJ day Lt . Everett has b,een reccommended for theDistinguished Service Cross and Ll'Leahy has receive.d the Silver Star.

    i f j, " i ~ ' t : ' ~. . . , . . ~ : >1,..-.'


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  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    CHAPTER VIICJhe Cflna! CfJrloe

    Remaining in Fleln for a day, the toWn was.thocoughly checkvd by themen, ammunition distributed and plans laid fOr the n ~ attack. Aftelthe evening meal ordes were received to take' the high groundb.eyoodthe .area taken the previou.s illght. Baker Company was placed inreserve, but when C Company was pinned dQWD a few k i l o b l ~ t e r s bey-.ond Flein, the orders were changed and the Company was commitledLeaving the towtl. at dusk with two .accompanying tanks, the menproceeded te .thE! plaee whete C Company was held up. The tanks'were forced to abandoned the a ttack du.e to ' nunl.erous roadblocks.I .eaving the- tanks behind -Lt. Flanagan. led ~ i tnen over .il _lieavilYwooded hill towards the ~ n e m y snongpoint. Several times .the men.....ere -forced to lay low while etiemy barrages feU iJi -amolig:.them_5evei'al mea were 'Wounded on this hill. -sending thesl'! men back. to'

    Flein, the Company umved up.again until pinned down. byautotnalic .WMpon:s .fite.. ,Bythis tittle. the roadblock hadbeen removed and. the tanks'allowed to move' fOrwatd. Thetanks destroyed .this ebemy-,posUion and C Compa.ny \UideI1covet of darkness pulled backInt-o Flan. In compliance With-orders the C()mpaJiy' pushedahead until at: the. designated objective was reaChed..With 'no'communkation .Withthe rest O f t h ~ battalion' and.without' bedrolls or -blanketsthe ' J i lendug, in , .establishedperimeter defense. and got as

    . muchresl as possible.' During_= ...... L . - . . . a . ~ ; . ; . . , --' t h ~ .:rilght ,.more.' roadblocks37

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    were cleared and by early mornilig'lhe road was"opened. TDs movedinto position, wire corit'ac't was established, and hot chow brought upto !:he weary men. On !:he afternoon of April 16th the Companypulled otlt of these positions arid hiked to the town of Wustenhausen.No res'istance was encOutllered here although later ' that afternoonone Gecman was captured when he came riding iDto town on abicyde. Sollle enemy artillery fite fell on the town but no casualt ieswerednflieted., When C Company, s e ~ t !l motorized patrol of "Platoon,st,r,ength.:to r ~ C Q n n . o i t e r t h e area ahead and had i t cut

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    on Gagenberg. Approaching tile town,from the n.orth.. the menproceeded,down a narrow road until the houses of the l ~ appeared.The Company then formed a skirmish line and pushed on through tileorchard,and field on,either side of the road. As the ~ l U t s k i [ t s . o f .,thetown loomed ahead, the lin e was, c h a l l e n g ~ d .and fu'ed- .UP0ft. "by aneneJiIlY machine gun. ,Pte. Robert Reynolds d i s t i n g u i s h e d J ~ i m s ~ l t by. returning this fire with his BAR, killing one.of,.the ;gun's . c r ~ w ,and

    r o u ~ g the .rest of the. enemy. Tllis :position destroyed-entrance .tothe .town was gained. As the men. closed in..on , t h e - - , r e ~ l of, the.:tQwnintense.Jire from a ilak-wagon until knocked out-by .r,eturn fire... .sollleartillery ,fire also fell in on the to.wn but- i t w . a s . b l i n d l y ~ ' f i r . e d and,nocasualties resulted frOlll it. ,By 2300 the tE:!wn :was entirely secured,def-enses.established.and the Company settled. For his .action 'duringthe. assault. on ,Gagernberg, Pfc. Reynolds has.- been reccommendedfor. the -Distinguished Service Cross.Early on .the, morning of April 18th, a German patrol made its ,wayoack into G a ~ e r n b e r g , fired .four panzerfausts and ,pulled hack ass ilen tly a s th ey had appeared. I t was that evening' that LL Flanaganreceived a prom

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    ting tanks, and -IDs -the lnell raced tbrGUgh S\llzbach aild Oppenwat-'tern .reaching Backnang at about 1400 that afternoon. Delaying onlyWhile a bridge was being repaired, the attack continuedwithWinenden.rtow as the goal On the outskirts.of HertiIiannsweiler enemy resistancewas. enC'otiJrtered.- AweU. concealedanti-tank- gun knocked out thelead tank,killing two men and wounding several other'$; One malidied of. W'Oilnds.later. About seven German:s were taken in this town .as .the Company'moved in and settled. About 2300 a 'night attackwas ()fdered ()Ji Winenden. The convQY again mot'ed out and reachedt{J.e outskirts -of Wenenden at midnite. TheviUageptiest in or!1ertos a : v e : t h ~ .cily. from.{utthet destruction offered to take -the Companyifito .the: town witho\i t atoUsilig enemy suspiCion. '. He ted 'the Com"paliy- to a bridge on the end of town and showed the men a routeinto :the center of town .by which .they ceiild cap.ture the- defenders,However, a problem was presented when "twofi've hundred .poundbombs. The town, illuminated by several burning houses, was entered,and breathless labor, several man- of theth.itd platoon.removed. thesebombs. The town, illuminated by ~ e v e r a l burnin!) hOUSElli,Was entered,t German defe_nders.captured .and an entire enemy field hospital,staff and patients taken. By 0200 the town WilS secured; outpostssituated and communications established.On the following day, April.21st, the C o m p ~ m y moved to Stetten ont anks and TOs.No opposition was encountered b.ere..a.nd t w e n t y ~ t h r e e :Germans were taken prisoner. Here the CompaJ;ly settled and prepared for the next day's. operation. At .1300 the next day the menstarted to c lear the woods near Hagensberg, later entering the town.By evening the Company had the town thoroughly cleared and themen p r e p ~ r e d for a few days stand. -For the n ~ x t f e w days the surrounding towns were searched for contraband and patrolled. The menreceived clean clothes, cigarette rations, .and made.in general moreconifortable; Finally the Division was pulled off .the line, and theCompany moved to Stuttgart. This was on the n th oLApril.Seeking out billets in the. bomb-shattered city, the men found themselves in one of the.most devastated dUes in Europe. ~ there werestill snipers in the city and 'as the French were still cleating.the Germans from the outskirts, there was still a considerable. amount' offiring ~ o i n g o r i . After a' fewctays these ~ e m a i n i i l g d e r e n d e r s werepushed out and were finally pulled away from .the bilttle-weary Baker-

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    men. I t was

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    ready, fqr ,_J:edlWloyment .directly , t o , . ~ e _ . P a c i f i c ; while. still otherst a l k e d o L C h t i s t m a s , a t , h o ~ e j n . 1 9 4 6. The first.' two .weeks'in Augustbrought. about considerable changes. First the, atornbomb .wasemployed in the Japanese war and then the Division alerted fo r redeplo,ymenthome .i n November . Fever ishly .struggling .UuQugh records,piIeS. o L e q u i p m 7 n ~ and .stacks of unfinished work, the. men oftb.eCompany prepared for the expected .and.long awaited. journey home.A f t e r . s e v ~ n days. of sweat ing. the war with Japan .suddenly ended.T k h o p e s ~ of. m ~ n y fell a long with the thankful, relief'brougM withthe momentuous .news. As. exllected.thedream vanished with, the!"evocation oLthe a le rt orders.and since. then the.monotony of occu-pation resumed., .'what future..lies ahead for us is ..unkrJown but at least a brief. look atthis Unit's history is contained in this book. As brief a testimonialas i t is, this book is intended to serve as a memorial to all of thoseJllen .who have. faithfully served in Company.B.


  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment



    ~ rl'op.

    "..f. .'~ ~ C H. . ' HINGN ....-...: OPP/NGEN." .~ T I N G N' ' ' \(TO H t i : 8 ~ O N N )JULY Jfi.-19Jf-5

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    r ' N ~ ~ - " - - ~ ~r:t~ .

    GENERAI,. O I W I i R ~NUMBER,2tl6,

    PRESIDENTIAL: . . : - .CITATION 23. July 1945

    BATTLE H:ONORS ..,,:-CITATION OF-UNITBy direction of th e President, under th e proVIslons o f Sect ion IV,Circular Numbei 333, War Department. 1943, and _with ,the approvalof the Army Commander, the following named organization is citedfo r o u t s ~ a n d i n ! 1 performance of dUly in act ion:THE FIRST BATTALiON.- 399TH INFANTRY REGIMENT is cited fo routstanding performance in combat during the period 16 November 1944to 17 November 1944, near Raon L'Etape, France. Overlooking the important Muerthe River City of Raon L'Etape, in th e thickly ,forestedfoothills of the Vosges Moun tains , is a hill-mass known as Tete DesRedos_ This high ground, arfording perfect enemy o b s ~ c v a t i o n , barredan assault upon the vital communications city, -01)._ t h rainy morningof 16 November, the First Battalion launched an atfi\ck to cle ar th eenemy from these strongly fortified lim' positions.' Fighting throughthe dense, pine forest under intense enemy arti l lery, mortar, machinegun and automat ic weapons fire, the Fiest Battalion, after th reehours of effort, drove across a trail circling the base of the hill-mass.A withering, forty-five minute art il lery preparat ion at this pointproved ineffective against the deep, concrete and log covered enemybunkers built into the side of the hills, and i t soon became evidentthat basic infantry asSault was the only feasible method for drivingth e enemy from their positions. In a fierce, close-in, small a rms firefight. which increased in fury as they climbed th e pn:cJpitQWi slopeS,the Fiest' Battalion wormed their way toward th e top- of Hill 462;8;key to the enemy 's defenses . Bat tl ing against f a n a t i ~ 1 eilemyresi-

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    - - -stance, they. f i n ~ I J Y J e _ a ~ h e d t b e . C [ e s t . B i l t e t . h a n ~ - t ( ) " h a n d fightingdeveloped as the enemy hur led repea ted counteraUacks against theinspired infantrymen. Once -the ;FiIsti-BatWipn -was driven-from; -the-liiiI-top, but r a p i d l y r e g T o - h p ~ 9 ' . t h e y ~ e g a t m i d t h e i rpositions. At dark:,;the enemy finally withdrew, leaving the First Battalion in possessionof high ground. Throughout , suppl ies had to be hand carried up thesteep slopes under continuous enemy fire. Only the teamwork., coor~ I i a : t i < ) n - a n d d e t e n i n n a ~ o n 6f allele.ments'-in:'thfi;-:heroic' Battalion;made the success o f this attack possible, opening the gateway throughthe Vosges Mountains to the Alsatian Plains beyond.


    l. O. KI1..GORE. C o l o n e l ' G ~ C .-Chief of . :Staff-

    OFFICIAL:BYROftc'DEL4. 'MATERLteol AGO: .Adj\ltant General:

    DISTRmutloN"A': &. ~ ~ B B " .. ~ . .. ~

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    Author . . . . . . . . . . Pfc. Mark A. MegnaTypist Pfe. George A. KohlbamerDesign and Layout Pfe. Robert B. HillSketdles S/Sgt. Milton E. ReppertMaps. . S/Sgt.Walter J. RooneyAdvisor Lt. Russel P. Leahy

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    The following men were transfered from the' divisionsince 6 October 1944:

    NAMEAllen. Lee R.Anderson, HowardBetsworth, Maurice L.Blizard, Robert A.Bochniak, Joseph N.Borders, Jobn W.Boerstler. M.ontie H.Bower. Irving W.Boyers, Lester J.Bradley, Andrew W.Brayall, Russell E.Brygidyr. MichaelBuck, Earl C.Bundy, Albert C.Carlisle, William F.Cemelli, Salvatore T.Cation, Paul C.Cramer. Roher t E.Dawe,-George W.DeGarmo, Arthur C.Dickerson, Harvey E.DeLuca, Valentine. J.Doak, Merlin E.D'Onofrio, AnthonyDulaney, Carl L.Evans, Thomas. Q. Jr. .Fager. Harold A.Finocchio, Albert H.Freitag, Norman D.Frey, Lewis T.Fullmer, Paul R.Gibson, D'ouglas HGielarowski, JosephN.Graff. John F. .Graham, George CGranitz, RohertGratopp, Mason S..Greer. William B.,Grzetich, Joseph S.'Hammond, Gerald E..Harshman. Charles G.Hedrick, Ralph: II .Heiberg, 'Arthur.

    HOME ADDRESSRT #2. Brookston, Texas6 W. 10Mh St, New York, N. Y.Merrill; Iowa48 J.efferson st. Milford, Mass..1423 4th St. NE, Minneapolis. Minn.325 McBrayer St, Shelby, N. C738 N. Rockford Ave, Tulsa , OklahomaRR #1, McHenry, Illinois JRT#2, Morgantown, W. Va.RT *1, Box 21, Elida, New Mexico2 Nudd St , Waterville, Maine306 E. 5th St, New. York, N. Y.RFD #6, Duluth. Minn.37 Grove S t.Norwich, Conn.Kadoka, S. D.314 6th St , Hoboken, N. J. .1014 W. Armstrong Ave, Peoria, Illinois633 Penn Ave, Elmira, New York406 W.39 St,. Terrace, Kansas 'City, Mo.RFD #1. Schuylerville, New York613 ~ l m e r Ave, Anniston, Alabama1202 Raymond St , Schenectady .N. Y.RFD #2 , Easton, Maine1104 E. N. Y. Ave, Brooklyn, New YorkRT #2. Fulton. Miss.722 E. 3rd South. Salt Lake City. Utah.Box 514, S1; Paul, Kansas.: ..6125 Reedland St, Phila, Pa. .300 Malv.erne Drive. Syracuse, N. Y.Slateford, Pa.2 1 Southern Ave, S. WiliiamspQft,. Pa.305 'Beach St , Chaska, MinD..5149 .Henderson S1, Chicago, IllinoisRF ':If 1, .Rural Valley Arms" Pa.321 W.,McMicken' Ave, Cinn,Ohio'.27,9 Division 'Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y.951 Cla rk RoadRR 2, Birmingham, Mich..Box 155. DadeVille. Alabama7526W.58 St, Swrimit, Illinois . .10'/1 Parry St;Hudson Falls, N;:Y. '.904 Chestnut Ave, Trentoil;NewJerseyU8 Hawthorne St,Belmont.N. C, 'littlefork, Minn.

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    Ht!lie, .Norm,an.R.Herzfeld, Robert C.Inman, Floyd B.Epperson; Jack L.Jennings, Dale G.James, Sam L.Jones, Jack K.Jones, ~ i c h a r d J.Jordan, William C.Kahn, Adolph R. Jr .Karas, Richard J.Kauffman; Romain F. Sr.Kimm, Howard F.MitchelI, WalterE. Jr.Murphy, Edward J.Metro, Jack D.Lyden, Tho(nas MLibuda, John H.Leggett, Robert A.Krut, Robert P.Neville, John S.O'Brien, William T.Pawloski, Leons. Jc.Pendleton', Warren K.Persiani, Armando V.Pike.-William C.Plummer, .Clifford E.Prada. Norbert R.Press, LewisPrice, Johnnie M.Purczinsky, Julius O. Jr.Pyles, John L.Rafferty; . C l e ~ e l 1 t J.Ramsey, James CRamynke, Pau l V.Reavis, .Leonidas O. Jr.Reed, JamesRichard, Roger A.Reyna, Ishmel F.Richardson,. Earl W.Rossman, MartinRudin, Sidney S.Rust, Ralph R.Salter, Lloyd .G.Shemet, Benjamin G:Silvia, George M.Simmons, Wilifield H.Skelton,:WiIlard.S. Jr.Skorets, Gilbert F.Smythe, Walter F.

    13 Wetmore. St, Keene,.N.H.2837 Mariett Ave, Milwaukee, Wise.RR *3.Winslow,IridianaRT *1, Cleveland, Tenn.RT * I Hamilton, Montana42 .Hart 51, Union, S. C.801 Ft Worth St, Weatherford, TexasDewey,IIliJ;lOis" 2034.North St. Portsmouth, Va . 't lOI Malinche St; Laredo, Texas3624 N"frandsco .5t, Chicago,. Illinois14 Gilbert. St, E. Stroudsburg,' Pa.,442.Hillside.Avenue, Orange, New JerseyItOW.Central Ave, Franklin , Mass.12 Portland Ave, Dover, N. H.RT * I, Pitcairn, Pa.150 Park Ave, Portland, ,MaineSf Pond St, Ludlow, Vermont589.6th Ave, Watervliet, N. Y:83 Harding Ave,. Lynbrook. L. I. N. Y.3919 Gen TaylorSt, New Orleans, La.'21 Il/z. Savin Ave, W. Haven. Conn.Byron Center, Michigan2706. Brentwood RD N. E., Wash, D.C.147 Klockner Road, Trenton, N. Jersey216 .Wood .C1, Wilmette, Illinois212.Broom St , Trinidad,Colorado66 Pinckney St, Boston, Mass.1075. GrandConcoourse, .Bronx;. N. Y.RT #3, Matthews, N. C.RT #2, Lorena,TexasRT #4,Silver Hm, Md.1 Park St. Housatonic, Mass.Hot S p r i n g s ~ N. C.113 6th St, 5: E., Watertown, S:D.Manson ...N.C.Hazard, Kentucky'4Q'Albiori St, FalI River, Mass.9807 llandera' S Los Angeles, CaLNeosha, Mo. .20M High St, Cainden, N. J.317 Fdrest Ave,-Cinn, Ohio3503' .McClellan'Ave, Detroiti Mich.209' Keeta,.Ottuiliwa, Iowa;1440. S ~ 5 1 s t St, .'Cicero, IllinoisBrownelPs ,Ulne, Portsmouth, R. I.429:E; Market St,.Marietta. Pa. .506.'W.13St,cameron,':Texas816 W. Markef St, Scranton; Pa.775-,-10th-Ave. N South StPaul, Minn.


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    Spear, Edward C.Stefurak, Paul S.Stratton, HaLSweeney, George J.Tepperman, SeymourThompson, NorwoodTomczyk, Stanley A.Trotter, Dossie W.Turk,:Edward M.Ulrich, Carl I i.Verhovsek., FrankVodicka, Raymond W.Warrick, Donald E.Weiss, Arthur S.Watson, Henry E.Wyatt, Curtis B.

    West Brooklyn, Maine87-87 116th.Sti.RichmondHill L. I, N. Y.480 S. Euclid Ave, Pasadena, .Cal.443 W. Bro.adway; S. Bostol1, Mass.204 E. Price St,. Linden, New Jersey11 Ave Bo, New Bern, N. C.86 J a b ~ z Street, Newark, N. J;. RFD #3; Erin, Tenn. .56 W;.Sumlllit.St, Alliance, OhioRT 2 330'A, .Michigan City, Indiana914 E. 150. St,. Cleveland, Ohio4333 Ganne.tt.Aye, St. Louis,:Mo.RFf # I, Barnesville, Ohio .201W_I05th St,.New York, N. Y.RFD' #2 ; Valley' station; KentuckyRT :jj: 1 Box 278, I-!arriman, Tenn.

    Albano, Russell L.Bader, Henry L. Jr.Blake, Robert G.Blake, Wilfred K. Jr .B r i g g ~ , PhillippM.Cassaro, Santo P.Clark; Harold I i .D ~ o n , Williapl A. JrGentry, Raymond L.Graham, Edwin F.Gnelecki, EdwardHale, Daniel R.Higley, Richard L.Hollander, Donald N.Huffman, Yale K.Igna,towski,Norbert:JolinsoIJ., 'Howard L. Jr.Lee, James.Luebbert, John F.Marin, Arthur E.Martinez, Mike A..McCreary, John P.Moore, Donald R.Nemetz, Henry LNorth, George F.Owens, Lawrence W.Pisowicz, Edward J .Reklinski, Edmund F.Salerno, JosephSchubert.. :HerberLW.

    KILLED IN ACTION249 Fenwick St , West Haven, Conn.85'Marquand-Ave, Yonke.rs, New YorkGen Del, E. P ~ I e s t i n e , Ohio27 Academy 'Road, Madisol1,.N. J.1921 S. 16' St , Uncoln, Neb..78 S1: NicholaS Ave, Brooklyn, N , Y.RD #1, New Cumberland, W Va.1315 N. 9th St. Waco TexasRT # I, Bonrraire, GeorgiaRT #1 , Raleigh, N. C.Ashuelot, N. H:RT #2, Alexandria, Tenn:. .17722 H o r a c ~ S ~ San Fernando, Calif.7905 Sleaford Place, Bethesda, Md.Route #2, Leesburg, Ohio2022 S. 6th St, 'Milwaukee, WiS

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    Scott, Claude H.Shephard, Ndrman D.Sims, Geor.ge E.Spencer, MiHon N.Stephens, Joe.B.Titus, Charles R.Underwood, DanielJ.Velie, David S.Vender, RobertVlade, EV"4!lJW"Wright, JamesM.Zuvella, Tony ..J.

    Box 294 Ringgold, La.RT :It:$, Bay City, Mich.Hughes, Ark.RT .:It: I, Bernie, Mo.Box 235, Alto, GeorgiaRFD #.4, Purcellville, Va.315 Pine St , Fayetteville, N. c.6081/! N; Lawe St, Appleton, .Wisc.H Ludwig St, W. Brighton, New YorkRaymondVille, Mo.Box 85, Park, ,W. Va.RT :It: 1, Box 30, Bellaire,Ohio

    -MiSSING IN.ACTIONPrince, Allus E. .2601 Pr'kwy Phil. Penn.Callahan, Edward C. 2615 South St, Phila , Pa.Callahan, Thomas J. 103 Orange 'Road,.Montdair, N. J.Gonzales, Santiag'J 'Box 795 Mercedes , TexasHowarth., Raymond S..' 2737 Center St , Magna, Utah.Kimm, ,James W. Marengo, .Iowa.LaBelle, Clifford W. 2109 Eshco l Ave, ,Zion, IllinoisLowe, Glenn G Jr . 3962 Bldke St, Denver, Colo.Matrafailo; Paul.a. Route 59, West Nyack, N Y;.Muller,.Richard, 1646 Wl Washburne Ave: Chlcago',"m. .Oliva, Vincent J; 2 ~ 1 7 Astoria 'Bivd. Long tsland CitY"N. Y,Perrymand; Kirby D 1501W. Day St, Denison, Texas .Porter, Robert C. Box8Z$pririgfieid Ave, New P r o v i d . N ~ " 1 . .Portwood, Kenneth RFD * i , Midway, Kenhicky .Prescher, Walter E. .West 23 S. l s t St , Estherville, iowaPulkas, Walter W. Trout Creek; Ontonagon, MichiganRickert, ,John. E. ' . 195 Kirlyn Ave, Upper-Darby, Pa:'Robinson; Roy L. Windom, N. C. .Satoski, JulluS M. I.O,Mravlay, Manor, Elizabetli, N. J.Shafran, Leo, 3016 SunnySide Ave, Chicago, lI11nois , ' .'Shea. Vincent J . 185t Greenport Road, -Far' Rockaway, 'N;Y.S p o t o / P a u L C ~ , . HOi N.Howal"d Ave. "tampa; Fla. - ,SqUillante; Gae t anok ' 4 - W ~ - A v e J:;Brooklyn, New York.Tabisel, Solomon 2309 nolland Ave; Bronx, New YorkWatkins,- F o r i : e s ~ ~ ' R'T :It:2; CtirtiS, Oklahoma

    Roster"-"';" II!> S e p t e I h b ~ r 1945' .Adamcek;'Chas. -S.Cote, LeRoy J;CQb\lrll, W i n . s ~ l I G.'Kelleh'e'r; Wm."r: ,

    236 N e c " p s i ( : , I ! - d " G l a s t o n b ~ r y . CoilaHolcombe Rust;'Wise. .RFD#2,StrafCord, Vt... 1441' Eitsl 92; .stl Srooldyn,'fj ' Y ~ ,

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    Watson, James,-A.Corsiglia, Gus L.Graham; Frank R.Hass, Harold W.Hawes, Joseph W.Hicks, CarlJones, John R.King, Claude H.,Lane, PortetW.Price, Daniel M.Reppert, Milton E.Rooney, Jr. , walter ' J. 'Syverson, Carl L.Timko, George T.Campbell, FrankHn RCouch, RalphN.Fleck, Carl E. 'Forderer, Jr., Arthur E.Hall; Wi1liatri R. ,', 'Kelly , Leo J.Metzger, Donald D.Silvoy,AhdtewMTrull, Ishmeal A.Webb, Alvin B. 0'Wesolowski, ~ i n . a . r dZazaluc, Walter S.Christensen, Arthur, L.Derreberry, MackieTilson, J. A. " "Anderson, Russell E.Carpenter, ,Parker L.Diamantos, Geoi-ge L.Fenlon. Raymond'Ii. 'Fries, Clayton H.Fuchs, Joseph,D.Garcia, ManuelMicek, Stephen L.Ryner, C l a r e n c ' e ~ . A :Tarsel, Anthony J.Teahan. John'H.Thomsberry;EddWatkins, Jack S. "Beacham Jr.; Leon D.Hart, Lloyd W. 'Heller, Homer J. 'Hermance, SamuelW.Karcher, Edward E.McKissic, Robert B.Pike"BGyd'R;'- , ,Risnychok,WaUerL.: '

    RFD #3. Seytnour, Tenn.,5338 N.'Western Ave, Chicago', iiI.12214 ,12th Ave, Seatt le , Wash.ti031 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, qhio31 Furness, St, Revere, Mass.' ' '1305 Windsor Ave, Bristol, Tenn.6731ChelTY Ave,'N. Long Beach,Cal; 'Swanton, 'Md. 'Rt. #4, Mt.'Airy, N. C.'a7l %. 29th Sl , Indianapolis, Ind.3363 Harbor View Drive, San Dieago, Cal.1136 Audubon st; -New Orleans. La.26 Nortoik St, Cranston, R. -I. 'i06S. 101/21St, Terre Haute, Ind.419 Idaho Sl,Farrell . Pa .Rt. #4, Broken Arrow, Okla.1520 Penn Ave, Wyomissing. Pil...60 Crest Rd., Piedmont, Cal.2137 Franklin Ave, M o r t o ~ Pe.1515 West ST, Utica. -N. Y.Box 15,' Terrace Drive, Shavertown. Pa.211 Carbon Sf., Bethlehem, Pa.Rt. # I, Linden, lenlLRt. ,#3, Corvalis, Ore.i02 Morgantowh Rd., Reading,Pa.,704 Cauldwell' A'i-e, New York, N. Y.20a S. Franklin,St, Greenville, Mich.Marble, N: C . ' 'Rt. #2,EIVJin, Tenn.Ellison B a y ~ Liberty Grove, WiS, '1201 'Hazel, St , Charlottesville, Va.4420 W:Coligress' St , Chicago, tn.213'115tl1 St, N.W., WaSh.,D.C.- .740 Mu'nsteT St, Council B l u f f s ~ iowa1658 Moss St, Ne-w- Orleans, -lao ' 'P. O. Box, #308, San Benito. Texas,2811 N.Hancock St , phila., Pa. ..IU.. #4, SnohoIfiish Wash.1026' W. 'Spritte st; S b . a m o k 4 t , p a ~ ,1813 Wieman Ave, E. Slu,uis,UI.Ki t e ;Ky " ',,''610 Putnam St,Parkersburg,W. Va.901N:Jeffetson. 5t'Dublin; Ga.Shreveport"U. ' ,535 Church St . Lebanon, Pa.,Rosendale-Ulster Co., N. Y.7404 Colgate fi..ver Cleveland, ohio- ,-302 2nd Ave,'Apt. F-Phenix City;-Aia..Rl #"1, Tallapoosa, Ga. '2820 ' G o l u m i > i a - A ~ e , Phifat,pa. '


  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    Abraham, MichaelAdams, Henry c.,Addis, M'ax E.Archer, Edwin A.Arthur. Burl J.Ashworth, Charles E.Baker.-Meril C.Barker, George K.Barringer, Robert D.Bashore, Jay LBennett,Ralph W.Bowers, Harry G;Bradley, Louis E.,Burkhalter, John Z.Callannan, Kenneth L.Calkins, Leland E.-Cardosa, DavidCarey, Paul 'Cassiani, Dante L.Catalano, Ch'esterm T.Christensen, Robert H.Cohen, Sirt'onColeman, Lonnie A.Collier, Cliftun H.Collins Jr., Charles,R.Corbett,- Arlirigton J.,Cornet 'a, Cannen J.Delano,'Wmitit B. 'DeStefano, Andrew J.DiMatteo, AnthonyF.Donaghey. M , a n s o ~ A.Douglas, Robert H.Duggan Jr. , Charl es J.Eakin, BrooksErk, William C.Fabre, Everette W.Farine Jr., FrankFerguson, DeweyJ;i.Fox, DavidM.,Frey Sr., Harold A.Gagne, ArmandGarsian,RobertCoidberg, BernardGray, Roy LGreene, Carl W.,Griffin, Harold R.Grimm, Arthur c.Guest,RoyO.'Hall, Lloyd R.Hamby Sr" Glen M.

    310 E. .16th Ave, Homestead, Pa.Appling, Ga'. , .3219 Failneld Ave, Cincinnah, ohioBox 16,.Keating Summit, Pa.Rt. #,3, ,Johnson City, Ten,n. . ''I N.Exum St, Jolrnson City, Tenn.568 W. Lawson Sti SI. Paul, Minn.Hj Upton Ave , Bat tl e Creek, Mich.842 W. Center St, Fostoria, Ohio '42 N. ChestnutSt,Palmyra,,:Pa;Box 185"Mayer"Arizona338 E .1st North St, Morristown, Tenn.3622 Elmley Ave,:Ba.itimore, Md,. ' ,Gen. Del.,. Langdale, Ala. .Rt. # I, Downers Grove, l ll .801 N. Federal St, Mason qty, IowaRt. #1, Box 320 B, Weslaco, Texas .Arrowsmith, Ill.360 Langley. Rd.,Newton Center,Mass.231 E 151 St , Bronx , N. Y.Mt. Pulaski, HI. . , ' ,105 Kennedy St, NW #206,W'ash",D. C.Cottonwood; Ariz.210 Fulton 51, .Jef(ersonville, Ind.801 S. Main,St,Highpoint, N. C.Rt.., #2 .Vernon, Ala.28Proctor Ave, Revere,Mass;Warsaw, Va. ,368t / !5thSt, Jersey City, N. J.739 Annin St,Phila" Pa. ..RFD #7. Drew St , Concord Hgts, N. H.1226 Rhode St, Kenosha , Wis. ;2169 Coleman S t , B r o o ~ l y n , N.Y.Zona; W.Va.-1019 CourtSt, Honesdale. Fa..Gen. Del., Berwick, La.Box 279, .Grindstone, Pa.Gen, DeL, St, Pittsburg, Tenn.Rt. ,#I,Alexandria, Mo. ..401.E GoeppSt, Bethlehem, Pa.63 A. Jacksun St,' Laconia,' N:H.4813 Broadway-Union City, N. J.275 Genesee P.k. Dr., Syracuse; N. Y.King, Texas ,217 Morrison St, Shelby, N..c.115 Clifford 51" Muscatine; IowaAlverton,.,;P,a,..Box; 441,De1.Ri,o,;Texas, .estmorland' Co.,:: Colonial Beach, Va. :

    - 1 0 9 3 N _ C ~ d a r S t , O t t a w a , K a p . s a s .


  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    Hardwig, Herbert W.Harli\m(,n, John LHarm, John V.Hayes, Richard K.Hill, Robert B.HoiaLman, Russell S.Holland, Joseph T.Huskey Jr., Thomas H.Johndro ,Jr., Herman J.Johnson, Almus L.Johnson, James E;Jones, Jesse E.Jordan, David C.Justice, Lonnie L.Kachadurian, VarshariKatzenstein, WernerKnop, Kenneth G. 'Kohlbacher, Geol'ge,A.Kurzenski, William J.LaFratta, JamesLeoniy, Frank S. ,Maitland, Fred C.Margaris, FredMartino, William F.Mayberry, Ray E.Maynard, Verne F.Megna, Mark A.Melton, Alvin W.Meza, JuanMurray, Paul J.Oliver, Earl K.Orum, James C.Pannell, Otis R.Natole, FrankParnell . Edwin L.Pesek, Clarence T;Powell, AndrewPlummer, Clifford E.Prather, Marion L.Quabeck, Henry LReinhard, RobertReynolds, Robert L.Rider Jr., Willis B.Rodgers, Ernest V.Rut, BenneUW: 'Russell, Leroy W.Russell, William ,E.Rusella, Josephf ~ C ~ ' William C.enmetz, Charles F.

    1117 8th St, International Falls, M i n n ~70 Windermere St; Springfield, Mass.132 Overlook Ave, Belleville, N. J.Rt.=lf2,Asheville, N. C.2440 E 29thSt,Tu!sa, Okla.Fosston, Minn. '355 'Selrino St; Baltimore, Md.Marble Hill, Mo.RFD '# I, Caribou, Me.RFD'# I, Farmington, Ky.Rt. #2, Jasper, Ala.Rt. #3,'Smitbville, Tenn.1614 rrving, St, NW-Wash., D. C.Coliunbia, S. C.2631 Akron St . Dearsbon, Mich.,Coles Road, Black.wood, N. J.RR :if: 1. Alhambra:, Ill.38 Linden Ave, Jamestown, N. Y.7360 Sheehan St, Detroit, 'Mich.72 'Foster - S Brockton, Mass.378 Conntock St, New BrUIiswick, N. J.Rt. =If I, Box 250, Diamond Springs, Va.121 Knickerbocker Ave. Paterson, N. J;53 Falcon- St, E Boston, Mass.Winona, Mo.'Rt. #4, .Box 30, santa Ana, Cal.1855 N Cambr idge Ave, Milwaukee, WIS.Rt. '*1= 1, Coffeeville, Miss.'1311 Scott St, Laredo, Texas,6100S Fairfield Ave. Chicago, Ill.2437 Cowart St, Chatanooga, Tenn.407 Grant St, McMechen. W. Va.Rt. #2; Box 105. Wytheville, Va.8 Bochtoo'St, Amsterdam, N. Y.'4S 2 ' n d " S t . M i " n e r s v i l l e ~ Par459".B'anfiISt. SI-Paul, Minn.Schurz, Nevada1239 E Orman St.' Pueblo, 'Colo,233 E Center St,Lawrenceburg, Ind.645S 19th Sf, Newark, N. J. '3219 Monument Ave, Richmond. Va.222 S' Taylor Ave,. Oak Park, Ill.161TlstNorth' ~ t Syracuse, N. Y.'N Hollis St." Nallhua, N. Y.7128 S "w-abash :Sl; Chicago',om.101W -ChestIiut St, Walla W-alla,:Wash.610 Zion St, Hartford, Conn.1017 Cross St, Phila. , ParRt. #1, Perkins, Ga.4117 52nd St, Woodside, N. Y.

  • 8/3/2019 WWII 399th Infantry Regiment


    Schuman; Robert M.Schvarczkopf, John G.Schwab, John C.Schwartz,' k e n n e l l i A . ~Seely, Edward J. .Seinsolh, Judson H.Selmi, Domini