[ ishida akira, james davies ] attack and defense(elementary go series) igo baduk weiqi

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  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Elementary Go Series, Vol. 5

    ATTACK AND DEFENSEby Akira Ishida and

    James Davies



  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi



    At several places, such as the ends of Chapters To, !"ve, andS"#, e have "ncluded rather lon$ se%uences fro& profess"onal play.

    'e put the& "n (ecause e thou$ht the reader &"$ht l"ke to see hoprofess"onals use the techn"%ues (e"n$ d"scussed, (ut "f he f"ndsthe& un"nterest"n$ or "nco&prehens"(le, he &ay sk"p past the&"thout (reak"n$ the cont"nu"ty.


    )o "s a $a&e* you are free to dev"se your on strate$"es andplay herever you ant. If you "n + f"ne* "f you lose + so hat The

    &ore e#per"&ents you try, the &ore "nterest"n$ the $a&e (eco&es.Th"s (ook "ll sho you plenty of $ood &oves, (ut e do not &eanto "&ply that they are the only $ood &oves, or that you &ust ("ndyourself to the&. 'e encoura$e every reader to develop on h"s on.


    -ur thanks to

    R"chard /o0ul"ch of the Ish" Press, "thout hose encoura$e+

    &ent and prodd"n$ e &"$ht never have f"n"shed.

    1ohn Poer, for proofread"n$ and styl"st"c "&prove&ents.

    The &any profess"onal players, l"v"n$ and dead, fro& hose$a&es e have (orroed "thout alays $"v"n$ cred"t.

    The N"hon 2"+"n, for the use of the"r fac"l"t"es.

    Tokyo, 1apan Ak"ra Ish"da

    ece&(er 4565 1a&es av"es


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi



    Chapter -ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Terr"tory and Poer

    Chapter To ........................ .......... 94

    Attack"n$ Strate$y

    Chapter Three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :;Attack"n$

  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Chapter One

    Territory and Power

    Attack and defense prov"de &ost of the e#c"te&ent "n $o. Ifstones could not (e captured and $roups k"lled, the $a&e ould (edull "ndeed. )o players are supposed to (e a rat"onal, cal&, calculat+"n$ lot, (ut that does not step the& fro& en?oy"n$ the thr"ll of attack+"n$ and atch"n$ the"r opponents r"$$le and s%u"r&. It could even(e ar$ued that $o appeals to the sa&e hu&an e&ot"ons as do hunt"n$and arfare.

    Strate$"cally as ell as e&ot"onally, attack and defense are of$reat "&portance "n $o, espec"ally "n the &"ddle $a&e. They are, "nfact, so deeply "nvolved "th the &"ddle $a&e that "t ould (e d"ff"+cult to cons"der the one "thout cons"der"n$ the other. /efore $ett"n$cau$ht up "n the su(?ect of attack and defense, accord"n$ly, e ou$htto &ake sure e kno hat the (as"c purpose of the &"ddle $a&e "s.It "s not to attack or to defend* these are &eans rather than ends. It "sto (e found, "nstead, "n to funda&ental (alances, h"ch also corre+spond to hu&an dr"ves the (alance of terr"tory and the (alance ofpoer.

    The Balance of Territory

    /y the (alance of terr"tory e &ean the (alance of def"n"tely

    controlled areas + the terr"tory that /lack has secured so far as op+posed to the terr"tory that 'h"te has secured. Is th"s (alance "&por+tant @es, (ecause hoever leads "n "t at the end of the $a&e "s the"nner The (alance of terr"tory "n the &"ddle of the $a&e "s less de+c"s"ve, (ut "t "s st"ll "&portant. S"nce $o "s a terr"tor"al $a&e, the (al+ance of terr"tory "s alays a pr"&ary factor.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    And s"nce $o "s a strate$"c $a&e, knoled$e of the (alance ofterr"tory "s a pr"&ary factor "n plann"n$ strate$y. 2no"n$ ho youstand "n the (alance of areas secured so far tells you hat you haveto acco&pl"sh "n the areas of potent"al terr"tory and no+&anBs+land +

    "t clar"f"es your $oals. 2no"n$ your $oals $reatly "ncreases yourchances of f"nd"n$ a "nn"n$ strate$y. Profess"onal players "n ser"+ous $a&es keep a constant atch on the (alance of terr"tory, so&e+t"&es evaluat"n$ "t at al&ost every &ove. 'e do not su$$est that you$o that far + you should not d"stract yourself "n the &"ddle of a f"$ht+"n$ se%uence (y orry"n$ a(out unrelated terr"tor"al %uest"ons + (uthenever the f"$ht"n$ d"es don and you f"nd yourself onder"n$hat to do ne#t, "t "s a $ood "dea to start (y est"&at"n$ the (alance of

    terr"tory.That ra"ses the pro(le& of ho to est"&ate "t. S"nce the (ound+

    ar"es of &ost terr"tor"es tend to (e so&ehat unsettled dur"n$ the&"ddle $a&e, an e#act nu&er"cal value "ll (e hard to o(ta"n. -necan try to &ake reasona(le con?ectures a(out hat "ll happen "nthe end$a&e and thus deter&"ne a prec"se value for each p"ece ofterr"tory, perhaps us"n$ certa"n avera$"n$ techn"%ues, (ut th"s "s hardfor even a profess"onal to do accurately, and the e#erc"se "s unl"kely

    to (e orth the t"&e re%u"red.That leads one to &ake rou$h est"&ates of terr"tor"es, to hat

    looks l"ke the nearest &ult"ple of f"ve+ten po"nts here, th"rty+f"vethere, etc. Th"s &ethod can (e useful, (ut "t "s st"ll t"&e+consu&"n$and "ts accuracy "s not too &uch to (e rel"ed upon. A fe (ad est"+&ates can d"stort the total (alance (y ten to tenty po"nts, or &ore,and a nu&er"cal est"&ate that "s that far off "s not orth &uch.

    The s"&plest ay to est"&ate the (alance of terr"tory, and the

    ay e ant to reco&&end for the &"ddle $a&e, "s to &atch the(lack and h"te areas a$a"nst each other d"rectly. Th"s (lack terr"to+ry "s a(out the sa&e s"0e as that h"te one* that (lack terr"tory "s as("$ as those to h"te ones put to$ether,B and so on. Th"s &ethod "s%u"cker than any nu&er"cal &ethod and "s accurate enou$h to steerone aay fro& $ross strate$"c (lunders, h"ch "s all that "s re%u"red.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Take the $a&e "n "a. 4 for e#a&ple. It "s /lackBs turn, and con+s"der"n$ the relat"ve pos"t"ons of the tr"an$led stones a &ove l"ke Aor / see&s appropr"ate. A hasty player ould pro(a(ly play at oneof these po"nts. 'hat happens, hoever, "f /lack est"&ates the (al+

    ance of terr"tory

    The upper s"de "s d"v"ded "n half. /lack has the r"$ht half, and "fe $rant 'h"te control of the left half, these to areas rou$hly can+cel.

    'h"te has a s&all terr"tory "n the loer r"$ht and a fra&eork "nthe loer left. The latter "s no+t a(solutely secure, (ut letBs not %u"(+

    (le a(out that* letBs turn to the h"te $roup "n the loer r"$ht center.It "s dead* 'h"te ould have trou(le &ak"n$ even one eye, let aloneto. S"nce a po"nt "th a pr"soner on "t counts dou(le, th"s p"ece of(lack terr"tory "s al&ost t"ce as ("$ as "t looks, and al&ost t"ce as("$ as 'h"teBs hold"n$s "n the loer r"$ht and loer left co&("ned./lack has a lar$e terr"tor"al lead.

    '"th that co&fort"n$ knoled$e to $u"de us, letBs (e$"n cons"d+er"n$ /lackBs ne#t &ove. Ho a(out /lack A, or /lack 4 "n "a. 9


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Th"s "s a f"$ht"n$ &ove, and "f /lack plays "t 'h"te &ay f"$ht(ack (y ?u&p"n$ to 9. '"th a sol"d h"te all off to the r"$ht, "t "snot "nconce"va(le that /lack &"$ht end up (e"n$ captured "n a ("$

    ay. The fact that he on the encounter "n the r"$ht half of the (oarddoes not necessar"ly &ean that he "ll "n th"s one too. Th"s l"ne ofplay "nvolves all sorts of tact"cal r"sks, and "f /lack adopts "t there "sa very real chance that 'h"te "ll sta$e an upset. The sa&e $oes for/lack / "n "a. 4.

    'hat then should /lack do a(out h"s tr"an$led stone "n "a. 4'ell, s"nce he already has a ("$ terr"tor"al lead he can afford to sacr"f"ce"t. He can do that "th /lack 4 and 3 "n "a. 3. If he keeps on "n the

    sa&e sp"r"t "th : and 6 he $a"ns terr"tory "n the center to co&pensatefor the stone he has lost. H"s terr"tor"al lead re&a"ns a(out the sa&e. Ifhe avo"ds f"$ht"n$ and plays l"ke th"s, he can hardly lose.

    There "s a 1apanese say"n$ that a r"ch &an shouldnBt p"ck %uar+rels.B The player ho leads "n the (alance of terr"tory should try tosta("l"0e the $a&e (y play"n$ safe and s"&ple. It "s h"s opponent ho"ll elco&e co&(at.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Ne#t letBs e#a&"ne the pos"t"on "n "a. 7 'h"te to play. 'ho "slead"n$ "n the (alance of terr"tory th"s t"&e 'hat should 'h"te doCons"der 'h"te A and /.

    'h"te has noth"n$ to co&pare "th /lackBs lar$e terr"tory "n theupper left, so /lack leads "n terr"tory at the &o&ent. Can 'h"te eventhe (alance (y cutt"n$ at A, ".e. at 4 "n "a. : /lack "ll force h"&throu$h 44, then defend the loer s"de at 49. Ho do /lackBs and'h"teBs terr"tor"es co&pare no The lar$e one 'h"te has ?ust &ade

    on the r"$ht s"de "s a(out e%ual to /lackBs lar$e one "n the upper leftDcount and ver"fy "f you "sh, (ut /lackBs upper r"$ht corner "s ("$+$er than 'h"teBs s&all upper+s"de terr"tory, /lackBs left+s"de terr"tory"s ("$$er than 'h"teBs left+s"de terr"tory, and /lackBs loer s"de "s,after 49 "n "a. S, ("$$er than 'h"teBs loer s"de. /lack has a con+s"dera(le lead. It see&s that "f 'h"te lets /lack defend the loers"de at 49, he cannot "n.

    If /lack has any vulnera("l"ty "n th"s $a&e, "t "s h"s $roup "n theloer r"$ht, h"ch "s lar$e (ut open at the (otto&, and lacks def"n"teeye shape. 'h"teBs only chance l"es "n tak"n$ advanta$e of "ts eak+


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    ness, not "n a &"nor ay l"ke cutt"n$ at A, (ut "n a &a?or ay, l"ke"nvad"n$ at /. !ro& / 'h"te can escape to e"ther the r"$ht or theleft.

    Dia. 6. Th"s pos"t"on "s fro& one of the 1apanese authorBs $a&es,and the se%uence shon "s the one actually played. 'h"te "nvaded at4. /lack let h"& out to the r"$ht, sacr"f"c"n$ to stones "n order toplay 4= and 49 "n sente, then defended at 47, (ut 'h"te 4: &eantthat he st"ll d"d not have to sure eyes, so he could not stop to con+

    nect a$a"nst A. 'h"teBs "nvas"on as a success. A fe &oves later'h"te ent (ack to cut at A, and hat "th the prof"t taken on theloer s"de, the $a&e (eca&e reasona(ly close. /lack as st"llahead, (ut h"s $roup as st"ll eak and 'h"te as a(le to chase "ttoard the left, then &ake a &ove that threatened (oth "t and theloer left corner. /lack, under pressure, defended "ncorrectly andlost the corner. 'h"teBs strate$y as rearded "th v"ctory.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    !"$ht, "nvade, and try to $enerate confus"on + the strate$y to fol+lo hen one "s terr"tor"ally (eh"nd "s e#actly the oppos"te of thestrate$y for hen one "s ahead. Est"&at"n$ the (alance of terr"toryand choos"n$ oneBs strate$y accord"n$ly "s not d"ff"cult, (ut &any

    players fa"l to take th"s step.The reason &ay (e that they are ?ust too cau$ht up "n the e#c"te+

    &ent of the $a&e to stop and cons"der hat "s actually happen"n$,(ut perhaps they are also "n the $r"p of pr"&al hu&an ur$es. Natural+"sts tell us that &ost an"&als, &an "ncluded, have a terr"tor"al "n+st"nct.

  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    prov"des the $oal "n the $a&e, the (alance of poer prov"des one ofthe keys for reach"n$ "t.

    Evaluat"n$ the (alance of poer "s eas"er than est"&at"n$ the(alance of terr"tory. Perhaps for that reason, "f a 1apanese pro+

    fess"onal "s asked ho "s lead"n$ "n a $a&e h"s response "s l"kely to(e that /lack or 'h"te "s atsui. Th"s ord l"terally &eans th"ckB, andth"ckness "n $o &eans stren$th, or poer. 'hat he "s say"n$ "s that/lack or 'h"te leads, not necessar"ly "n the (alance of terr"tory atthe &o&ent, (ut "n the (alance of poer, and "n the (alance ofterr"tory to co&e.

    There are so &any ays "n h"ch poer can (e useful that "t "shard to kno here to start $"v"n$ e#a&ples. Here are three of the

    &ore co&&on th"n$s that the player ho holds the (alance of poercan often do.

    %& Attack&

    Dia. 6. /lack has $"ven 'h"te f"fth+l"ne terr"tory on the upper s"de "ne#chan$e for a poerful, th"ck all. Theay for h"& to use th"s poer "s shon"n the ne#t d"a$ra&.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. ;. He should attack and push'h"te a$a"nst h"s all. He cont"nuesattack"n$ "th 3 and :, then closes theco&er "th 6. Th"s $"ves h"& a n"ce p"ece

    of terr"tory that 'h"te cannot eas"ly "nvade.H"s th"ckness has y"elded prof"t, not "n "tson "&&ed"ate v"c"n"ty, (ut "n another partof the (oard. Th"s "s often ho poerorks.

    '& Invade&

    Dia. 5. /lack holds the (alance of poer

    "n th"s local pos"t"on too. H"s outer all "ssol"d and the h"te $roup a(ove "t "s th"n, so

    the sta$e "s set for an "nvas"on.Dia. 10. /lack "nvades at 4, and 'h"te

    has no cho"ce (ut to let h"& l"nk up "th 3 and :. /lackBs poeradvanta$e "s converted "nto a terr"tor"al advanta$e.

    Dia. 11. If 'h"te tr"es to capture /lack (y play"n$ 4, /lack hanesat 7, connects at 8, cuts at ;, and h"s pos"t"on suddenly &akes "ts poer

    felt. )"v"n$ atar" at a ould acco&pl"sh noth"n$, so 'h"teBs four stonesare dead.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    (& Cut and )i!ht&

    Dia. 49. /lackBs outer all $"ves h"& a $reat fund of poer "n the

    loer r"$ht. In v"e of that, ho should he play here

    Dia. 13. He should cut "th 4 and 3. If 'h"te plays 7 to 4= he&ay (e a(le to escape, (ut h"s $roup re&a"ns eak and /lack "s(u"ld"n$ up poer "n the center. If he uses th"s poer (y "nvad"n$ne#t at A, h"s th"ckness "n the loer r"$ht corner "ll end up earn"n$h"& prof"t on the upper s"de.

    These three e#a&ples could (e su&&ar"0ed (y say"n$ that theplayer ho holds the (alance of poer can play a$$ress"vely. Heshould look for eaknesses "n the ene&y stones and str"ke (efore h"s

    opponent has a chance to defend. The player ho "s (eh"nd "n the(alance of poer, conversely, should play "th caut"on and restra"ntunt"l (y so do"n$ he has restored the poer e%u"l"(r"u&.

    If poer "s useful to have, then "t can (e orth spend"n$ &ovesto ac%u"re. Real"0"n$ th"s can chan$e oneBs hole att"tude toard the$a&e. -ne learns to evaluate &oves, not only "n ter&s of the a&ountof terr"tory they create or destroy, (ut also "n ter&s of hat they doto the (alance of poer. -ne learns to (u"ld up th"ckness and


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "nfluence, then use the& to $a"n prof"t later. -ne learns to &ake&oves l"ke the follo"n$.

    Dia. 14. Th"s "s another of the 1apanese authorBs $a&es. /lack 4

    as pro(a(ly a &"stake, for 'h"te 9 as a (eaut"ful reply. It &ayhave had no d"rect terr"tor"al value, (ut "t (ea&ed poer throu$houtthe r"$ht+hand half of the (oard, and "t stren$thened 'h"teBs pos"t"on(y destroy"n$ /lackBs tesu?" at A. !urther&ore, "t as sente.

    Dia. 15. Dne#t pa$e If /lack "$nored "t, to play 4 "n the loerleft corner for e#a&ple, 'h"te ould press at 9, 7, and 8, $a"n"n$poer at every step. /lackBs pos"t"on ould (e co&pressed "nto aconcave shape and "ts "nfluence ould (e restr"cted to the left ed$e,

    h"le 'h"teBs all ould do&"nate to+th"rds of the (oard. Th"sould (e too &uch to allo.Dia. 16. So /lack ansered 'h"te 9 "th 3, and "th the

    (alance of poer at stake there as noth"n$ for each s"de to do (utkeep push"n$ (ack a$a"nst the other. Th"s k"nd of poer stru$$le "s afre%uent occurrence. All the &oves "n th"s d"a$ra& ere necessary.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    The reader can test h"&self (y play"n$ throu$h th"s se%uenceand ask"n$ h"&self at each step hat ould have happened "f the&ove had (een o&"tted.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Dia. 17. If 'h"te o&"ts a, /lack plays 4 and 3. 'h"teBs "nfluenceco&pletely van"shes.

    Dia. 18. If /lack o&"ts 4, 'h"te $"ves atar" there and connects.Dia. 19. If 'h"te o&"ts 4, /lack turns there, threaten"n$ a.Dia. 20. If /lack o&"ts a, 'h"te (ends around h"& "th 4 and 3.

    Any of these four se%uences ould (e a cala&"ty for the player hoalloed "t to happen.

    Dia. 21. Dne#t pa$e If 'h"te "$nores /lackBs last &ove "n "a.48, ne#t /lack "ll e#tend to 4. /es"des $a"n"n$ "nfluence andpoer, th"s a"&s at the attach&ent shon "n the ne#t d"a$ra&.

    Dia. 22. /lack 4 "s a tesu?". If 'h"te "$nores "t /lack alls h"&"n "th 3 to 6. -nce th"s happens 'h"te &ay as ell res"$n. H"s pre+v"ous push"n$ &oves $o co&pletely to aste.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Dia. 23. 'h"te, of course, d"d not "$nore /lack 6* he cut at ;. It

    ould take us off our su(?ect to follo the succeed"n$ &oves "ndeta"l D/lack 46 should pro(a(ly have (een at a, (ut 'h"te hadsucceeded "n even"n$ up the (alance of poer "n the center and heent on to "n the $a&e. Note that "f /lack ne#t dras out h"s stoneat 44, 'h"te "ll e#tend stra"$ht (elo 47, "ll"n$ly sacr"f"c"n$ 4=,49, 48, and 4; "n e#chan$e for &ore poer "n the center.

    Dia. 24. Suppose, for co&par"son, that 'h"te had ansered


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    /lack 4 at 9. /lack ould have forced h"& "th 3 to 6 then taken thekey po"nt "n the center at 5, do"n$ essent"ally hat 'h"te d"d "n thed"a$ra&s a(ove. D/lack should actually have played 4 at 5. 'h"te 9"n th"s d"a$ra& helps /lack to for& a lar$e fra&eork e&(rac"n$the left s"de, and "t shos poor apprec"at"on of the (alance ofterr"tory. 'h"te already leads "n secure terr"tory (ecause of h"scapture of the upper left corner, so h"s strate$y should not (e toac%u"re &ore terr"tory (ut to cancel /lackBs outs"de poer.

    1ust as &an has an "nst"nct"ve crav"n$ for terr"tory, he has ath"rst for poer, and "f &uch of h"story can (e v"eed as a stru$$lefor the for&er, &uch can also (e v"eed as a stru$$le for the latter.It "s "nterest"n$ that the &"ddle $a&e "n $o can (e v"eed "n thesa&e ays. 'h"ch factor, terr"tory or poer, "s &ore "&portant "shard to say + pro(a(ly the to are a(out e%ual. 'hat &atters "s to (eaare that there are such th"n$s as a (alance of terr"tory and a (al+ance of poer, to take note of ho they stand dur"n$ the $a&e, andto (u"ld your strate$y around the&.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Chapter Two

    Attacking Strategy

    It often happens that dur"n$ the open"n$ one player "ll sk"&pon safety "n order to (u"ld up a terr"tor"al lead. The other playerBs ?o(then (eco&es to overtake h"& (y attack"n$ h"s eak $roups. It &ayalso happen that (oth s"des have eak $roups that attack each other.Th"s chapter deals "th the (as"c strate$"es of attack.

    'hat does "t &ean to attack The o(v"ous anser to th"s %ues+

    t"on ould (e that "t &eans try"n$ to capture stones and k"ll $roups,(ut th"s "s not alays correct. -ne &ust not let oneself (eco&e o(+sessed "th k"ll"n$ and captur"n$, l"ke a certa"n player e knehose sole purpose "n the $a&e as the destruct"on of ene&y

    stones. Th"s player as perhaps an e#tre&e case. Terr"tory &eantnoth"n$ to h"& unless "t conta"ned a dead $roup. He &astered allfor&s of the eye+steal"n$ tesu?" and terror"0ed eaker opponents, (uthe $enerally fared (adly a$a"nst players of e%ual or $reater stren$th.

    "a. 4 shos th"s player perfor&"n$ as /lack. /lack 4 "s an un+reasona(le place&ent, (ut "t "s typ"cal of h"s style. !or the ne#t th"r+ty+e"$ht &oves he f"$hts do$$edly to hold 'h"te to one eye, eventhou$h th"s &eans ru"n"n$ the $reater port"on of h"s on terr"tory.He nearly succeeds, (ut "n the end he has no anser to 7=, so 'h"tel"ves. Cons"der"n$ ho &uch potent"al terr"tory he had (efore he

    started th"s attack and hol"ttle he as left "th at the

    end, one (e$"ns to see hy helost so fre%uently.

    Question !"at s"oul# $la%o instea# o' t"is()ns*er +lay 1 at 21.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    -ne even"n$, after dropp"n$ h"s n"neteenth consecut"ve $a&e tothe local e#pert, th"s player dec"ded to sallo h"s pr"de and askhat he as do"n$ ron$. The e#pert, (y ay of reply, la"d out "a.9, po"nted to the po"nt &arked a, and sa"d,

    'ould you play th"s ladderBNo, of course not.B'hy notB/ecause "t doesnBt ork.BSoBSo "f I play "t,B de&onstrat"n$ "th the &oves "n "a. 3, not

    only "ll you escape, (ut IBll have dr"ven you r"$ht throu$h the &"d+dle of &y on terr"tory and IBll have cutt"n$ po"nts left all up and

    don the l"ne here you can &ake dou(le atar"s. IBll ?ust (e ru"n"n$&y on pos"t"on.B

    'ell, thatBs hat you keep do"n$ every t"&e you try to k"ll a$roup and fa"l,B the e#pert sa"d.

    -ur player re&a"ned s"tt"n$ at the (oard for a lon$ t"&e, th"nk+"n$ a(out the rese&(lance (eteen "a. 3 on th"s pa$e and "a. 4 onthe last. Sloly the l"$ht daned on h"&. He real"0ed that he had(een &odel"n$ h"s style of play after the Char$e of the >"$ht/r"$ade. He as e&(arrassed to th"nk ho fool"sh he had (een. Af+ter all,B he &used to h"&self, "tBs the player "th the eak $roupho should (e tak"n$ the r"sks, not h"s opponent.B


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    After th"s h"s $a&e chan$ed re&arka(ly. He cont"nued to attack,(ut no lon$er "n the style of a &ad char$e (y an under&anned troopof cavalry. No h"s &ethods ere patterned after a steady "nfantryadvance, h"ch $a"ns $round and takes t"&e to consol"date "ts $a"ns,

    even "f that &eans lett"n$ the ene&y surv"ve. He started to "n &oreoften, and h"s rat"n$ ent up. He st"ll occas"onally (rou$ht don alar$e $roup + so&e of h"s opponents s"&ply refused to see the needto defend, and others had an outr"$ht death "sh + (ut these success+es no lon$er &attered &uch to h"&, for he had learned to e#chan$ethe pleasure of &ak"n$ the ene&y d"e ("$ for the su(tler pleasure of&ak"n$ h"& l"ve s&all. If anyone asked h"& no a(out the purposeof attack"n$, h"s anser ould not (e To capture and k"ll,B (ut To

    $a"n terr"tory,B or To $a"n poer.B

    Attacking to Gain Territory

    Ho does one $a"n terr"tory (y attack"n$ The (est ay to e#+pla"n "s "th a fe s"&ple e#a&ples.

    Dia. 1. 'h"te to play and attack the (lack $roup on the loer s"de.

    Should he attack fro& a(ove "th A or (elo "th /


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Dia. 2. Dcorrect 'h"te 4 attacks fro& the r"$ht d"rect"on. The "dea"s not to k"ll the (lack $roup, (ut to e#pand 'h"teBs center h"le threat+

    en"n$ the (lack $roup. A cont"nuat"on l"ke 9 to 5 "s poss"(le, and 'h"te"s start"n$ to $et a lar$e a&ount of central terr"tory.

    Dia. 3. Dron$ Th"s 'h"te 4 &ay keep /lack fro& $ett"n$ toeyes at the ed$e, (ut 'h"te has no real chance of captur"n$ h"&. /lack

    turns at 9, threaten"n$ a, and ?u&ps to 7. 'h"te "s spo"l"n$ h"s on

    central fra&eork + h"s ch"ef asset "n th"s $a&e + (y chas"n$ /lack "nto"t.

    The (as"c %uest"on "n attack"n$ "s not ho to k"ll the ene&y$roup + that "s usually "&poss"(le + (ut hat d"rect"on to attack fro&./u"ld"n$ up a terr"tor"al fra&eork "n one part of the (oard (y at+

    tack"n$ a $roup that l"es "n another part, as 'h"te does "n "a. 9, "sone of the f"rst strate$"es that one should learn. All "t takes to &asterth"s strate$y "s the a("l"ty to see "n to d"rect"ons at once, and any+one ho cannot do a s"&ple th"n$ l"ke that has no (us"ness play"n$$o.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Try to e#a&ples "thout h"nts.Dia. 7. 'h"te to play. Ho should he attack the (lack $roup "n the

    loer r"$htDia. 5. 'h"te to play. !ro& hat d"rect"on should he attack the

    $roup "n the loer left center


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Dia. 8. 'h"te should attack at 4, (u"ld"n$ up h"s fra&eork a(oveand forc"n$ /lack to travel throu$h neutral space "th 9 and 7.

    Dia. 6. 'h"te &ust not attack (y peep"n$ at 4. /lack counters "th9, and the da&a$e "nfl"cted (y /lack 7 and 49 "s un(eara(le.

    Dia. 8. S"nce add"t"onalterr"tory can (e &ade "n theloer r"$ht %uarter of the(oard and not "n the upperhalf, 'h"te attacks "th 4and 3. -nce a$a"n /lack "sforced to play 9 and 7 "n a

    neutral area. Ne#t 'h"teshould close the corner "th:, to keep /lack fro& "n+vad"n$ at the three+threepo"nt.


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    Attacking to Gain Power

    1ust as one can attack to $a"n terr"tory, so can one attack to $a"npoer. Th"s t"&e e shall look at only one e#a&ple, (ut "n &ore de+

    ta"l, see"n$ ho the poer as used.Dia. 1. -ur e#a&ple co&es fro& a $a&e (eteen to profess"onal

    5+dans, Sakata and !u?"saa. /lack D!u?"saa "s so&ehat (eh"nd "nthe (alance of terr"tory, (ut "t "s h"s turn to play and there "s a eak

    h"te $roup "n the center. To "n, he needs to f"nd a ay to e#plo"t "ts


    /lack A &"$ht see& natural, (ut that &ove ould not attackvery stron$ly, and ould st"ll leave /lackBs loer s"de s&aller than

    'h"teBs upper s"de. A (etter ay for /lack to redress the (alance ofterr"tory ould (e to "nvade the lar$e fra&eorks 'h"te has on theupper and left s"des. At the &o&ent, hoever, he lacks an ade%uatepoer (ase fro& h"ch to launch any "nvas"ons.

    /lackBs strate$y, accord"n$ly, "ll (e as follos. !"rst he "ll ac+%u"re the necessary poer (ase (y attack"n$ 'h"teBs center. Then he"ll "nvade.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Dia. 2. 1 - 10 !or the ne#t fe d"a$ra&s e shall follo the se+%uence actually played. /lack (e$an h"s attack "th 4. 'h"te s%u"r&ed

    to the r"$ht "th 9 and 7, then r"$$led to the left "th 8 and ;. /lackpursued h"s strate$y of conta"n"n$ 'h"te and $a"n"n$ poer "th 3, :,

    6, and 5.After 'h"te 4= /lack faced a dec"s"on. Should he keep play"n$

    fro& the outs"de "th A, or should he connect at / 'h"ch &oveould the reader have &ade

    Dia. 3. If /lack ere $o"n$ to try to k"ll 'h"te, 4 ould (e the

    &ove, (ut 'h"te has the contact ?u&p at 9, and (ecause of the cutt"n$po"nts at a and ( /lack "ll f"nd "t "&poss"(le to hold h"& "n. -nce

    'h"te $ets out, /lackBs on center pos"t"on "s left dan$erously th"n.

    Dia. 4. 11 - 12 Dne#t pa$e /lack played 44. 'h"te 49 capturedto stones, (ut to stones are only four po"nts of terr"tory, and only

    one eye. 'h"teBs $roup as al"ve, (ut ?ust (arely.

    As for /lack, s"nce the (e$"nn"n$ of "a. 9 he had succeeded "nplac"n$ four stones D4, 6, 5, and 44 "n the center fac"n$ the $aps "n'h"teBs fra&eorks on the upper and left s"des. He had h"s poer(ase, and no he as ready to "nvade.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Dia 5. D43 + 96 /lack(e$an (y "nvad"n$ the uppers"de at 43. 'h"te atte&ptedto &a"nta"n h"s terr"tor"al

    advanta$e (y sav"n$ h"sstone on the r"$ht s"de "th48 to 97, (ut /lack as a(leto (alance that to so&e e#+tent (y play"n$ 46, and $otsente to "nvade the left s"deat 9:. 'h"te defended theloer left corner "th 98,

    (ut /lack "$nored h"& andplayed 96.

    '"th th"s, the poerthat /lack had $a"ned (yattack"n$ "n the center hadena(led h"& to (reak up all'h"teBs for&er terr"tor"alfra&eorks. 'h"teBs (est

    re&a"n"n$ prospect as ofsecur"n$ a lar$e corner "nthe loer left, (ut (efore hecould play another stonethere to do so, he had todefend h"s all "n the upperleft, h"ch /lack as nothreaten"n$ to capture



  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "as. 8 and 6 sho ho all th"s turned out. 'h"le sav"n$ theupper left "th 9; + 3;, 'h"te da&a$ed h"s on pos"t"on to the r"$ht(y hav"n$ /lack play 3: to 35. DFuest"on hy /lack 35, &ak"n$ ane&pty tr"an$le and not /lack a Anser to keep 'h"te fro&play"n$ ( "n sente. Ne#t, h"le sav"n$ the upper r"$ht "th 77 to 7;,

    'h"te lost h"s second eye "n the center. Then h"le sav"n$ h"s center$roup, he da&a$ed h"s on loer left corner, so &uch that after 8:/lack as threaten"n$ to take over the ent"re loer left %uarter ofthe (oard. /lack had lost four stones "n the upper r"$ht + "f /lack a "n"a. 6, 'h"te / + (ut he as "n a pos"t"on to co&pensate for th"s (yplay"n$ /lack %, 'h"te a, /lack # and captur"n$ the r"$ht s"de. Heon (y a co&forta(le &ar$"n.

    Th"s $a&e "s a (eaut"ful e#a&ple of hat &"$ht (e called the

    ("ll"ard+(all effect, /lack caro&"n$ fro& one attack to the ne#t.'hat set the hole cha"n+react"on off as h"s "n"t"al poer+$a"n"n$attack "n the center.

    Runnin! "attes

    Dia. 4. D(otto& of fac"n$ pa$e 'e have seen that one can at+tack for e"ther terr"tory or poer. Here "s a pos"t"on "n h"ch /lack


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    has a cho"ce (eteen these to a"&s. He can $o for terr"tory "th A,or C, or he can $o for poer "th /. 'h"ch &ove "s correct


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    "a. 9. /lack 4 "s correct. The reason "s that th"s "s a runn"n$(attle (eteen to eak $roups, the (lack one and the h"te one "nthe center. The (alance of poer (eteen the& "s the cruc"al "ssue./lack 4 stren$thens the for&er $roup and eakens the latter. As a

    s"de (enef"t, "t "nduces 9 to S, $"v"n$ /lack so&e sol"d terr"tory onthe r"$ht ed$e. /lack 6 "s the sa&e type of &ove as /lack 4,attack"n$ the ene&yBs runn"n$ $roup h"le defend"n$ /lackBs on.

    "a. 3. Dne#t pa$e If /lack turns at 4, he pushes 'h"te "ntoattack"n$ "th 9. Then he has to run "th 3 h"le 'h"te &akesterr"tory "th 7, ?ust the oppos"te of hat happened "n "a. 9. Hecannot cont"nue "th /lack a (ecause 'h"te ( ould threaten c.

    'orse yet, 'h"te d "s sente a$a"nst the loer r"$ht corner, so 'h"tecan "nvade at e "th a poss"(le l"nk+up at f.

    "as. 9 and 3 sho very clearly ho terr"tory tends to fall natu+rally to the s"de that holds the (alance of poer.

    "a. 7. Th"s /lack 4 "s an end$a&e+type &ove. A$a"n 'h"te"ll take the key po"nt at 9, and a$a"n he can play a "n sente, h"ch&eans he can eas"ly "nvade at (.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. :. A runn"n$ (attle "s a stru$$le for supre&acy (eteen tooppos"n$ $roups. In th"s pos"t"on the to $roups are the h"te one "nthe upper r"$ht and the (lack one co&"n$ don fro& the upper s"de.It "s /lackBs &ove, and he has a $ood chance to $a"n the upper hand"n the poer stru$$le. Should he play A, or /


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. 8. /lack 4 "s correct, (ecause "t concerns the eye space of

    (oth runn"n$ $roups. -nce /lack plays here he "s pract"cally al"ve,h"le 'h"te has no eyes and "s threatened "th /lack a. If he de+fends "th 9 to 8, /lack $ets terr"tory on the r"$ht s"de.

    "a. 6. If /lack plays 4 here, 'h"te takes the key po"nt at 9, andno he "s ?ust one &ove D'h"te a aay fro& l"v"n$. /lack can at+tack at a, (ut he does not ant to (ecause 'h"te ( "n reply ouldunder&"ne h"s on runn"n$ $roup. Nor ould /lack (, 'h"te a,/lack c, 'h"te d (e $ood. /lack c could not escape and 'h"te

    ould (e al"ve. The po"nt of th"s e#a&ple "s that runn"n$ (attles donot alays have to (e a$ed (y runn"n$ "n the center. A stru$$le forpoer "s (as"cally a stru$$le for eye space.

    Indirect or *#eanin!+ Attacks"a. 4. Dne#t pa$e Th"s pos"t"on "s fro& a profess"onal t"tle

    $a&e /lack to play. He has a n"ce tar$et to attack "n the for& of theh"te $roup "n the loer r"$ht.

    If e try to apply the strate$"es e have seen so far, the f"rst

    &ove that looks $ood "s /lack A, (u"ld"n$ up the terr"tor"al fra&e+ork on the loer s"de h"le attack"n$. /ut then e not"ce a eak$roup cons"st"n$ of f"ve (lack stones "n the center. Attack"n$ fro&the d"rect"on of A could have undes"red conse%uences for "t.

    -ur ne#t "dea, accord"n$ly, "s to follo the strate$y of the prev"+ous sect"on and play /, stren$then"n$ the (lack $roup h"le attack+"n$. That, hoever, ould "nduce 'h"te A. /lack does not ant topush 'h"te "nto h"s on fra&eork.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    The d"rect &oves, A and /, are (oth undes"ra(le, so "f /lack "sto f"nd a &ove that orks he "ll have to try an "nd"rect approach.

    "a. 9. /lack 4 to : prov"de the solut"on to th"s pro(le&. /ylean"n$ a$a"nst 'h"teBs center $roup, /lack s"n$s the (alance ofpoer (eteen h"s on center $roup and 'h"teBs r"$ht+s"de $roup toso&eth"n$ approach"n$ e%ual"ty. Then he can attack fro& the d"rec+t"on he ants to "th 6. No he has a strate$y that orks.

    >ean"n$ a$a"nst one $roup to re"nforce oneself "n preparat"on foran attack on another "s a standard techn"%ue. Try apply"n$ "t to thene#t to pos"t"ons.

    "a. 3. 'h"te to play. A or / Try to "&a$"ne the cont"nuat"on."a. 7. /lack to play. Should he run "th A or /


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. :. 'h"te 4 "s correct. If /lack ansers at 9, 'h"te 3 shuts"n h"s r"$ht+s"de $roup and "t "ll have to stru$$le Dstart"n$ "th a

    ?ust to l"ve."a. 8. If /lack ?u&ps out at 9, hoever, 'h"te can capture an

    "&portant pa"r of cutt"n$ stones "th 3. Th"s ould (e a catastrophefor /lack.

    "a. 6. If 'h"te plays 4 here, /lack escapes "th 9 Dne#t "f'h"te a, /lack (. 'h"te cannot capture anyth"n$, and h"s center

    $roup "s left eak."a. ;. /lack 4 "s correct, lean"n$ a$a"nst the tr"an$led stone. If

    'h"te pushes (ack "th 9 and 7, /lack e#tends at 3 and : h"le theto h"te stones to the left fade "nto o(l"v"on.

    "a. 5. Dne#t pa$e If 'h"te runs out "th 9 throu$h ;, /lack&akes another lean"n$ attack at 5. !ro& a (as"cally defens"ve starthe has captured the offens"ve.

    "a. 4=. /lack 4 here "s loose. It has no lean"n$ effect, and


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    ne"ther does /lack 5. As further pun"sh&ent for /lackBs a"&less&aneuver"n$, 'h"te can play a "n sente, threaten"n$ (.

    In order to lean a$a"nst so&eth"n$, you have to &ake contact"th "t, or at least co&e close, so contact plays D4 "n "as. : and 8and shoulder &oves D4 "n "as. ; and 5 are the &ost co&&on lean+"n$ attacks. Here are a couple &ore "llustrat"ons, th"s t"&e not fro&runn"n$ (attles (ut fro& pure attack"n$ s"tuat"ons.

    "a. 44. /lack to play. Ho should he attack the h"te $roup onthe loer s"de

    "a. 49. /lack to play, attack"n$ the h"te $roup co&"n$ up

    fro& the loer s"de.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. 43. /lack 4 "s the correct lean"n$ attack, and 'h"teBs (estreply "s to run to safety "th 9 and 7. If he plays 9 at 3, /lack canplay 9.

    "a. 47. If 'h"te hanes "th 4 here, "nduc"n$ /lack 9, he &akes/lackBs attack &uch stron$er. To force the ene&y out the ay 'h"teforces /lack out at 8 "s al&ost alays ron$.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. 4:. Here the shoulder &ove at 4 "s effect"ve. -nce a$a"n'h"teBs (est reply "s pro(a(ly to run out "th 9 and 7 and $"ve up h"sstone on the left s"de. If he plays 7 at :, /lack "ll of course keeplean"n$ on h"& "th a.

    "a. 48. If 'h"te ansers /lack 4 at 9, he pushes /lack "nto at+tack"n$ h"& further "th 3. After 'h"te 7, /lack leans a$a"n at :.H"s attack "s $a"n"n$ e"$ht, and he threatens to start a second attackat a. 'h"te 9 "s dou(tful for these reasons and also (ecause 'h"teBsterr"tor"al prospects ere (ad here to (e$"n "th, s"nce /lack cansl"de to (.

    >ean"n$ attacks l"ke these are the essence of $o. The sat"sfact"on

    of toy"n$ "th an ene&y $roup + not attack"n$ "t d"rectly (ut c"rcl"n$around "t, aay fro& "t, and forc"n$ the ene&y to concede stonesand terr"tory h"le protect"n$ "t + can (e ?ust as $reat as the sat"sfac+t"on of k"ll"n$ "t throu$h (rute force. /rute+force attacks are f"nehen they succeed, (ut hen they fa"l the result tends to (e l"ke "a.4 at the (e$"nn"n$ of th"s chapter. >ean"n$ attacks cannot fa"l so(adly. The attacker "s not tak"n$ any ("$ r"sks.

    "a. 46. A full+(oardpos"t"on /lack to playand attack the h"te$roup "n the center. The(rute force &ove ould(e /lack a, (ut 'h"teould escape toards h"sto stones on the r"$ht

    s"de "th 'h"te (, /lackc, 'h"te d. After 'h"teescapes, /lack a loses&ost of "ts value. Can thereader "&a$"ne a (etteray to attack

    Dia 17


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. 4;. Ho a(outlean"n$ at /lack 4 That "shat the 1apanese authord"d "n th"s pos"t"on dur"n$

    a recent t"tle &atch. 'h"terepl"ed at 9 and /lack keptlean"n$ on h"& "th 3, :,and 6. At th"s po"nt 'h"tecould no lon$er "$nore thedan$er to h"s center, so hedefended "th ; to 49.

    No "n a very narro+

    &"nded sense /lackBsattack had fa"led, (ecausehe had not done anyda&a$e to the r"$ht s"deand he could not capture the center, (ut even "n fa"lure he hadsucceeded, (ecause /lack 5 to 43 led to h"s $ett"n$ over forty po"ntsof terr"tory "n the loer r"$ht. Th"s drast"cally upset the (alance ofterr"tory. In add"t"on, 'h"teBs center re&a"ned cut off (y /lack 4+6

    and suscept"(le to pressure. None of /lackBs stones ent to aste.Th"s attack on h"& the $a&e.

    'ould the reader have played 4 at :, or at the po"nt a(ove thatIf so, $ood enou$h + he has the r"$ht "dea. /lack 4 as chosen (e+cause "t related ell "th the fra&eork (elo. /lack 4 at 6 &"$htalso do the tr"ck, althou$h "t ould pro(a(ly fa"l to cut off the cen+ter.

    Divide and Conquer

    So far e have (een talk"n$ a(out attack"n$ one ene&y $roup,(ut the fun "ncreases hen there are to. 'hen one can threaten to$roups s"&ultaneously, "t (eco&es &uch harder for the ene&y to de+fend. The (as"c techn"%ue "s ?ust to play (eteen the to $roups andkeep the& d"v"ded. 'e shall call such attacks spl"tt"n$ attacks, ordou(le attacks.


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    "a. 4. The eak $roups here are the cha"ns of h"te stones fac+"n$ the center. The ron$ ay to attack the& ould (e "th a &ovel"ke /lack A. 'h"te ould ?o"n up at /, and then the sheer s"0e ofh"s for&at"on ould &ake "t relat"vely "nvulnera(le.

    "a. 9. /ut suppose /lack attacks (yspl"tt"n$ 'h"te "th 4. If 'h"te ?u&ps to 9,/lack keeps spl"tt"n$ h"& "th 3. The (otto&half of 'h"teBs $roup "s (e"n$ forced to fleeand the top half, althou$h not actuallycaptured yet, has (eco&e ?ust so &uch "nert,dead e"$ht.

    "a. 3. If 'h"te res"sts "th the hane at 4,/lack keeps h"& separated "th 9 and 7. Nothe (otto& h"te $roup "s "n trou(le.

    "a. 7. Th"s pos"t"on as &ade to orderfor a spl"tt"n$ attack. Ho should /lack playon the r"$ht s"de


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    "a. :. /lack 4 ("sects 'h"teBs pos"t"on. D/lack A ould do thesa&e. /lack 3 cont"nues the dou(le attack. '"th : /lack (e$"ns to(ear don on the loer h"te $roup, (ut he "s not a(andon"n$ theupper one. He "s plott"n$ a lean"n$ attack at /. He "ll pro(a(ly notk"ll e"ther $roup, (ut he "s $a"n"n$ poer and "s not lett"n$ 'h"te&ake any s"$n"f"cant a&ount of terr"tory.

    If /lack fa"led to play here, 'h"te ould $leefully cross underat A.

    "a. 8. /lack to play. Th"s pos"t"on co&es fro& a class"c $a&e(eteen )o Se"$en D(lack and 2"tan", (ut the &ove "s one the read+er should have no d"ff"culty see"n$. 'here can /lack &ake a spl"t+t"n$ attack

    "a. 6. Dne#t pa$e /lack played 4 + even $o $en"uses are nota(ove ava"l"n$ the&selves of o(v"ous &oves l"ke th"s. /lackconsol"dated h"s pos"t"on "th 3 and : h"le 'h"te had to defend"th 9, 7, and 8. /lack 6 as a forc"n$ &ove "nc"dental to the floof play, (ut /lack 5 as another spl"tt"n$ attack. -f course /lackBsspl"tt"n$ strate$y d"d not lead to the capture of e"ther $roup + thatould have (een too &uch to e#pect + (ut (y attack"n$ "n th"s ayhe as a(le to keep the "n"t"at"ve and eventually on.


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    "a. ;. /lack to play. Th"s t"&e the pos"t"on "s fro& an a&ateur$a&e. 'hat should /lackBs strate$y (e


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    "a. 5. /lack should play to spl"t the to h"te $roups e#posed"n the loer half of the (oard. /lack 4 looks l"ke the (est attack*"th the $roups farther apart, a play on the &"dl"ne (eteen the&ould not (e so severe. If 'h"te repl"es at 9, /lack keeps h"& d"v"d+

    ed "th 3. 'e have (een stress"n$ that to attack does not necessar"ly&ean to k"ll, (ut "n th"s case there "s a chance that one of the h"te$roups "ll actually d"e. If 'h"te plays 9 at A, /lack 9 ru"ns theshape of h"s loer $roup.

    'hat "f the to ene&y $roups are even farther apart than "n "a.5, so that one stone can no lon$er attack (oth of the& In th"s casethe tr"ck "s to chase the& toard each other, a"t unt"l the $ap hassuff"c"ently narroed, then spl"t (eteen the&. 'hen "t orks, th"s

    can (e one of the &ost devastat"n$ &aneuvers "n the $a&e."a. 4=. Dne#t pa$e In th"s pos"t"on a &ove l"ke /lack A ouldnot (e &uch of a threat to e"ther the h"te $roup "n the upper left orthe one on the loer s"de.

    "a. 44. /ut atch hat happens as /lack chases the upper$roup "nto the center "th 4, then steers "t toard the loer s"de "th3 and :. '"th 'h"te 8, the d"stance has closed enou$h for a spl"tt"n$attack.


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    "a. 49. /lack str"kes at 6. Th"s &akes &"a" of A, trapp"n$ theupper $roup, and /, trapp"n$ the loer one.

    "a. 43. 'h"te defends h"s lar$er $roup "th ; and 4= as /lack5 and 44 f"n"sh off the s&aller one, h"ch "s st"ll pretty ("$. It "s $en+erally dan$erous to have to eak $roups on the (oard. Th"s d"a+$ra& shos hy.


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    The ult"&ate for& of spl"tt"n$ attack "s the cut. 'hen one cuts,the to ene&y $roups are as close to$ether as they could poss"(ly (e

    and the result"n$ dou(le attack takes on &a#"&u& force."a. 4. In a pos"t"on l"ke th"s 'h"te can do a $reat deal of da&+

    a$e (y cutt"n$.

    "a. 9. He cuts at 4. If /lack ansers fro& (elo "th 9, 'h"tee#tends at 3. No A and / are &"a", and /lack "s pro(a(ly $o"n$ tolose one $roup or the other.

    "a. 3. If /lack defends fro& a(ove "th 4, 'h"te $"ves atar" at9 and connects at 7. The loer (lack $roup "s dead and the upperone "s not ent"rely out of dan$er D'h"te a.

    The cut "n "a. 9 orked very n"cely* (oth "a. 9 and "a. 3 aresplend"d results for 'h"te. -ne should not conclude, hoever, that


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    all cuts are $ood. If you cut off so&eth"n$ that the ene&y can affordto $"ve up, the cut &ay actually (e counter+product"ve, help"n$ h"&to stren$then h"s pos"t"on.

    "a. 7. A h"te cut here, for "nstance, ould (e atroc"ous. The

    to stones 'h"te cuts off $et captured all r"$ht, (ut the capture "snot very ("$, and /lack 9, 7, and 8 do onders for /lackBs pos"t"onas a hole. If you are $o"n$ to cut s&all l"ke th"s, you had (etter notcut at all.

    "a. :. So&et"&es "t "s &ore effect"ve to herd the ene&yBsstones to$ether than to hack the& apart. Here, for e#a&ple G

    "a. 8. /lack can eas"ly capture one stone (y crosscutt"n$ "th 4and 3, (ut as co&pensat"on 'h"te $ets to play 7, 8, and ; "n sente.He no has &uch (etter defens"ve shape than he started "th.

    "a. 6. Instead of cutt"n$ 'h"te apart, /lack should push h"&to$ether "th 4, then under&"ne h"s eye space "th 3 and chase h"&

    out "nto the center. /lack "s st"ll tak"n$ prof"t, and 'h"te "s "n &uch&ore trou(le.

    Can you tell the d"fference (eteen a $ood cut and a (ad + (e+teen hat the ene&y can afford to sacr"f"ce and hat he cannot-n the ne#t to pa$es e have collected s"# e#a&ples of cuts, so&e$ood and so&e not. 'h"ch are h"ch


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    "a. ;. Should /lack cut at A"a. 5. Ho a(out 'h"te A"a. 4=. /lack A ould cut off one stone. Is "t orthh"le"a. 44. Th"s t"&e /lack A ould cut off to stones.


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    "a. 49. The h"te stones on the upper s"de are eak. Should/lack cut at A

    "a. 43. Should 'h"te cut at A


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    "a. 47. )ood /lack 4 "s an "deal cut. 'h"te cannot eas"ly sur+render e"ther $roup, (ut he "ll have a hard t"&e sav"n$ (oth ofthe&. /lack 3 a"&s toard A and /.

    "a. 4:. /ad /lack "ll"n$ly $"ves up to stones, even add"n$a th"rd at 7 "n order to s%uee0e 'h"te &ore effect"vely. 'h"te has$a"ned a p"ttance "n the corner and lost a fortune on the outs"de.Note "nc"dentally that /lack threatens a+(+c.

    "a. 48. If 'h"te plays : "n the last d"a$ra& at 4 here, /lackBsouts"de pos"t"on (eco&es even stron$er.

    "a. 46. Dne#t pa$e Instead of cutt"n$, 'h"te should approachat 4 + the eye+steal"n$ tesu?". If /lack connects at 9 Dh"s (est reply'h"te can l"nk under at 3.

    "a. 4;. )ood Althou$h /lack 4 cuts off only one stone, cap+tur"n$ "t ould (e very ("$. 'h"te accord"n$ly tr"es to save "t "th 9throu$h 8, (ut /lack 6 threatens A and /.

    "a. 45. /ad 'h"te "$nores /lack 4 and "nvades the r"$ht s"de"th 9. Add"n$ to /lackBs pro(le&s "n the corner "s the fact that'h"te A threatens /.

    "a. 9=. !ar fro& cutt"n$, /lack should connect at 4 and sacr"+f"ce three stones to all off the r"$ht s"de "n sente. Th"s t"&e "f 'h"teplays 9 at a /lack ed$es "n at 6.


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    "a. 94. /ad /lack 4 threatens A, so 'h"te has to anser at 9and /lack catches four stones "th 3 to 6 for a $rand total of a(outtelve po"nts. In v"e of the (alance of terr"tory th"s "s not nearlyenou$h to "n the $a&e. 'h"te ; (e$"ns to threaten the tr"an$led$roup and "pes out the "nfluence of the (lack all "n the loer left,and the &a"n part of 'h"teBs $roup "s vastly stren$thened.


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    "a. 99. /lack should attack 'h"teBs $roup as a hole "th 4.He &ay not (e a(le to k"ll "t, (ut he "s (u"ld"n$ a all that coord"+nates "th h"s all "n the loer left and &ay lead to h"s $ett"n$ alar$e terr"tory "n the center.

    "a. 93. Dne#t pa$e )ood The ladder "s (roken, so 'h"te 4 d"+v"des the tr"an$led collect"on of stones "nto to attacka(le parts.Ne"ther part &ay (e captura(le, (ut as events unfold 'h"te can lookforard to dou(le attacks at A and C. 'h"te A ould attack the left+hand tr"an$led $roup and threaten a corner "nvas"on at /. 'h"te Could attack (oth the r"$ht+hand tr"an$led $roup and the to stoneson the upper s"de D'h"te . In add"t"on, 'h"te has lean"n$ attacksat E or !. 'h"te 4 "s a pro&"s"n$ cut.

    Th"s pro(le& co&es fro& a $a&e (eteen the 1apanese authorDh"te and ChBen Tsu+te, a lead"n$ player of the Ch"nese &a"nland.To conclude th"s chapter, e ould l"ke to follo the attack that (e+$an "th 4 out to "ts conclus"on. Note that 'h"te starts "th very l"t+tle "n the ay of terr"tory, h"le /lack has terr"tory or potent"al terr"+tory al&ost everyhere, so "f 'h"te can "n "t "ll (e test"&ony tohat can (e acco&pl"shed (y attack"n$.


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    "a. 97. D4 + : /lack ansered the cut at 4 "th a ladder+(lockat 9 and 'h"te $ave atar" at 3. 'h"te could have &ade a dou(le atar"at 7, (ut then /lack 3 ould have ended the usefulness of the cutt"n$stone at 4. 'h"te 3 as played to prevent /lack 3. Ne#t 'h"te :threatened to capture the three tr"an$led stones.


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    "a. 9:. D8 + 4: /lack defended "th 8 and 'h"te cont"nued todevelop h"s cutt"n$ $roup "th 6 throu$h 4:. At the end of th"s se+%uence /lackBs ar&y "n the loer r"$ht as "n acute dan$er. It hadno eyes yet and 'h"te could cut "t off "th a.

    "a. 98. -ne ay to defend "t ould (e to l"nk at /lack 4, (utth"s ould &erely "nv"te the dou(le attack at 7, one of 'h"teBs a"&shen he or"$"nally cut.

    "a. 96. D48 +93 So /lack atte&pted to l"ve locally "th 48./lack 9= captured one h"te stone for one sure eye and half+cap+tured 'h"te 46 for a second. If 'h"te rescued 46 "th a, /lack couldresort to a ko + /lack (, 'h"te c, /lack d + for l"fe.

    Rather than force the ko at once, 'h"te &ade the to dou(le at+tacks he had (een plann"n$ "th 94 and 93. 'h"te 94 threatened e,hereas 'h"te 93 &eant that /lackBs loer+r"$ht $roup as effec+t"vely sealed "n and the ko fro& 'h"te a to /lack d as a ser"ous "s+sue.

    "a. 9;. D97 + 37 /lack ansered the orst threat (y l"v"n$ "th97 and 98. No "f 'h"te played a /lack could, as"de fro& f"$ht"n$the ko, &ake an uncond"t"onal eye "th (.

    'h"te sh"fted h"s attack to the upper left "th 96 to 33. /lack "$+nored 'h"te 33 to play "n the center at 37. Th"s as a $ood &ove,


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    defend"n$ (y threaten"n$ /lack c, (ut the fact that 33 had not (eenansered &eant that the loer left corner as that &uch &orevulnera(le to "nvas"on.

    ur"n$ the course of these &oves, (oth 'h"te 96 and 34 threat+ened the se%uence shon "n "a. 95 on the ne#t pa$e.


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    "a. 95. If /lack ansers the tr"an$led &ove at 4, 'h"te ed$esat 9, s%uee0es "th 7, 8, and ;, and cuts at 4=.

    "a. 3=. D3: + :3 'h"te 3: protected the center and /lack 38the (otto& left corner. Here 'h"te dec"ded to settle the ko on the

    loer s"de and played 36. He had lots of ko threats, start"n$ "th 35.Connect"n$ at 77, /lack offered h"& a chance to play a and &akethe ko a l"fe+or+death affa"r, (ut 'h"te decl"ned th"s $a&("t and cap+tured at 7:. /y do"n$ so he put h"s on loer+s"de $roup out of anyposs"(le dan$er and &ade /lack l"ve at :9.

    So far, all 'h"teBs attack"n$ had not (rou$ht h"& &uch actualterr"tory, (ut h"s attacks ere (eco&"n$ pro$ress"vely severe. 'h"te:3 as the death+(lo. No that (oth the tr"an$led stone and 'h"te

    73 had (een played, /lackBs to stones "n the upper r"$ht ere "n ane#tre&ely (ad pos"t"on.

    "a. 34. As a s"de note, "nstead of play"n$ 38 "n "a. 3= /lackcould have captured four stones "th 4 to 6, (ut as"de fro& not de+fend"n$ the (otto& left corner, these plays ould let 'h"te k"ll thetr"an$led stones "th ;.


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    "a. 39. D:7 + ;: Th"s shos the f"nal denoue&ent. /lackBs

    upper+s"de $roup d"ed and he res"$ned. Note the lean"n$ &oves at:6, 8:, and 86 that helped 'h"te capture "t. 'h"te :6 as a k"nd ofpro(e. epend"n$ on ho /lack ansered "t, 'h"te &"$ht have cho+

    sen to play :5 at 8=.


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    Chapter Three

    Attacking Moves

    In the last chapter e cons"dered the strate$y of attack. In th"sone e turn to the tact"cs for "&ple&ent"n$ the strate$y.

    Make Non-Contact Moves

    In the real& of hu&an co&(at, the (as"c techn"%ue of attack "sto &ake forceful contact "th the th"n$ you are attack"n$. A (o#erattacks h"s opponent (y punch"n$ h"&, a restler (y $rappl"n$ "thh"&* ne"ther can do anyth"n$ (y hover"n$ out of reach. CaesarBsar&"es used sords, spears, and (atter"n$ ra&s + all contact eapons+ to con%uer )aul.

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    The reason for th"s "s that hen one &akes a contact &ove, theene&y $enerally responds "th a sol"d e#tens"on or a sol"d connec+t"on, so he sol"d"f"es + stren$thens + h"s pos"t"on. That "n "tself &akesthe contact attack a contrad"ctory &ove, and a pro(a(le fa"lure. To

    &ake &atters orse, the attack"n$ stone, s"nce "t "s left s"tt"n$ "ncontact "th a stren$thened ene&y stone, "s very l"kely to f"nd "tselfcounterattacked. The (est the contact player can usually hope for "sa (ack+and+forth even f"$ht "n h"ch (oth s"des attack and defend s"+&ultaneously.

    "a. l. !or a concrete e#a&ple, letBs take th"s pos"t"on. 'h"teants to attack the loose (lack $roup "n the loer r"$ht. 'hat "llhappen "f he chooses one of the three l"kely+look"n$ contact plays, at

    A, /, or C

    "a. 9. DA Suppose he plays the hane at 4. He can l"nk up alon$the r"$ht ed$e, (ut h"le he "s &arch"n$, or rather cral"n$, alon$the second l"ne, /lackBs for&erly loose $roup "s ac%u"r"n$ sol"d"ty,terr"tory, and eye space. Th"s "s the orst poss"(le ay for 'h"te toplay.


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    "a. 3. D/ Ne#t "n l"ne for appra"sal "s the cut at 4, (ut th"s "sthe type of cut the reader as arned "n the last chapter not to &ake(ecause the ene&y can afford to sacr"f"ce hat "s cut off. /lack re+sponds "th 9 to 8. Th"s t"&e he &ay not $et terr"tory or eye space,(ut he does $a"n sol"d"ty. 'h"te $ets ?ust one stone, the loss of h"chcauses /lack no pa"n.

    "a. 7. DC Th"rd co&es the h"te cla&p at 4. Th"s "s the &ost"nterest"n$ of the three contact &oves + "t does the &ost da&a$e to

    /lackBs shape + (ut note ho once a$a"n /lackBs $roup (eco&es sol+"d as he responds "th 9 to 4=. Note also ho 'h"te 4 "s left "n aeak pos"t"on. Note f"nally that /lack 9 "nfl"cts a lar$e loss on'h"te at the ed$e + nearly tenty po"nts. P"cture /lack ?u&p"n$ to aand sl"d"n$ to ( "n sente "n the end$a&e. 'h"te 4 "s an overplay, pro+vok"n$ a response 'h"te does not ant to see.

    None of these contact plays lead to $ood results. Ho thenshould 'h"te attack

    "a. :. Dne#t pa$e He should keep h"s d"stance and play 4. !orco&par"son "th the last d"a$ra&, letBs suppose /lack descends at 9.'h"te can ?u&p to 3. Th"s looks l"ke "a. 7, (ut there are to "&por+tant d"fferences. The f"rst "s that /lackBs $roup "s not as sol"d as'h"te &ade "t (efore cons"der 'h"te a for e#a&ple. The second "sthat 'h"te 4 "s left "n a stron$, not a eak pos"t"on. Th"s result "s&uch (etter for 'h"te.

    "a. 8. Dne#t pa$e Rather than descend, /lack "ll &ore l"kely


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    respond "th a ?u&p l"ke 9 "n the center, so as to defend a$a"nst

    'h"te a, (ut once a$a"n "t "s clear that 'h"te has a (etter result than

    "n "as. 9 to 7. /lackBs $roup "s st"ll loose and devo"d of eye shape.'hat as true here "s true "n $eneral. Contact attacks tend to

    (ackf"re. Co&parat"vely "nnocent+look"n$ non+contact &oves are&uch &ore effect"ve.

    eek everity

    Avo"d"n$ contact, hoever, does not "n "tself &ake for a stron$


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    Anyone can tell the d"fference (eteen a contact and a noncon+tact play, (ut d"st"n$u"sh"n$ (eteen a severe and a non+severe at+tack "s a l"ttle harder. Could the reader f"nd the severe attack "n thefollo"n$ pos"t"on

    "a. 9. Th"s happened to the 1apanese author. H"s opponent,'h"te, had ?ust played the tr"an$led &ove. Apparently he anted/lack to respond at a so that he could trade ( for c "n sente, then pro+tect the upper r"$ht "th d. /lackBs upper+s"de $roup, hoever, asnot "n &ortal dan$er, so rather than respond as 'h"te hoped, "tlooked (etter to take the offens"ve "n the upper r"$ht, and th"s the au+thor d"d. To &ake the &ost of h"s opportun"ty, /lack needs to attackseverely. 'here

    "a. 3. Not here. Althou$h /lack 4 "s a standard &ove, "t $"ves'h"te an easy defense at 9. /lack "s attack"n$ fro& the r"$ht $enerald"rect"on, (ut $ett"n$ only a &ed"ocre result.

    "a. 7. Dne#t pa$e 'ell then, for a &ore severe &ove, ho

    a(out cla&p"n$ at 4 The reader, hoever, already knos that th"scontact play "s unl"kely to (e correct. 'h"te "ll respond at 9 and leth"&self (e pushed out "nto the center, $"v"n$ /lack terr"tory (ut (e+co&"n$ stron$ "n sente "n co&pensat"on. Th"s "s st"ll not sat"sfactory.

    "a. :. The severest attack l"es here, only one l"ne aay fro&each of the to "ncorrect &oves ?ust cons"dered. Its sever"ty co&espartly fro& the fact that 'h"te cannot ?u&p "n front of "t as he d"d "n


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    "a. 7 and partly fro& the ay "t prepares for a cut at a. /lack a&akes "t "nadv"sa(le for 'h"te to try to push past 4 "nto the r"$hts"de "th (.

    "a. 8. If he does try, th"s "s the result. 'h"te &ay have (rokenthrou$h, (ut he has lost half h"s $roup "n the process, and the otherhalf has no eye shape and "s st"ll very &uch under attack.

    "a. 6. In the actual $a&e, 'h"te dec"ded he had no $ood re+sponse to /lack 4, so he "$nored "t and played 9. /lack 3 to 6 ere

    the cont"nuat"on. 'h"te 7 and 8 are a tesu?" co&("nat"on, (ut "n sp"teof the& 'h"teBs $roup as left eyeless and poorly developed h"le/lack (u"lt toard a lar$e terr"tory on the r"$ht. The attack as asuccess.

    It takes a certa"n a&ount of search"n$ to f"nd &oves l"ke /lack 4"n "a. :, (ut "th e#per"ence one learns here to look. It helps thatso&e attack"n$ &oves recur fre%uently enou$h to %ual"fy as standardfor&ulas. !"ve of the &ost co&&on are descr"(ed ne#t.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    The !ye-tealing Tesu"i

    The stron$est attack"n$ &oves are those that ru"n the ene&yBseye shape, and fore&ost a&on$ the& "s the eye+steal"n$ tesu?".

    "a. 4. /lack to play and attack the h"te $roup on the r"$hts"de. There "s a key po"nt here that should leap to oneBs &"nd.

    "a. 9. That po"nt "s /lack 4. The relat"on "th the tr"an$ledstone &akes th"s the eye+steal"n$ tesu?".

    "a. 3. 'h"teBs standard reply "s 4. /lack ?u&ps (ack to 9, andno hat can 'h"te do for eyes 'h"te a, /lack ( ould $et h"&nohere. 'h"te (, /lack c, 'h"te a ould (e (etter, (ut he can st"ll&ake no &ore than one eye on the ed$e. He &ust therefore turn to+ard the center "th 3.

    The reader &ay (e onder"n$ "f 'h"te does not have a stron$erreply than 4 "n "a. 3, (ut as the stones s"t, he does not.

    "a. 7. Dne#t pa$e The place&ent at 4 "s conce"va(le, (utdou(tful, (ecause after 3 and : 'h"te cannot l"ve uncond"t"onally atthe s"de and /lack $ets to play 8.

    "a. :. The outer attach&ent "s also dou(tful. /lack hanes un+derneath at 9, and h"s connect"on at 7 threatens to cut. Th"s t"&e'h"te cannot $et even one eye at the ed$e.


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    "a. 8. Take aay the (lack stone at A, hoever, and 'h"te 9(eco&es effect"ve. No 'h"te ansers 3 (y e#tend"n$ at 7. /lackcan l"nk up "th : and 6 D"f 'h"te plays 8 (elo 6 to (lock h"&,/lack cuts, so h"s attack has not e#actly fa"led, (ut 'h"teBs result "snot (ad e"ther. '"thout /lack A, then, there "s a %uest"on of the t"&+"n$ of /lack 4.

    Anyay, hen the t"&e does co&e to attack, /lack 4 "s thepo"nt. "a. 6. "fferent pos"t"on, sa&e tesu?". 'h"te to attack.

    "a. ;. The &ove "s 'h"te 4. -nce a$a"n there "s a %uest"on oft"&"n$, (ecause $"ven certa"n cond"t"ons on the left s"de or "n thecenter 'h"te &"$ht prefer to lean at A "nstead, (ut "f he ants to at+tack the loer s"de, 4 "s the &ove. /lack ansers at / or C, (ut evenplay"n$ on (oth these po"nts ould add only a false eye to h"s pos"+t"on.


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    The Angle Tesu"i

    Th"s "s another &ove that str"kes at the ene&yBs eyeshape. A(stractly "t "s 4 at r"$ht, for&"n$ an an$ular

    "th the to ene&y stones.

    "a. l. 'h"te to play and attack the (lack $roup on the r"$ht.

    "a. 9. Th"s "s a clear case for the an$le tesu?"."a. 3. If /lack crals "th 4 and 3 'h"te dras (ack as

    shon. /lack cannot $et &ore than one eye alon$ the r"$ht ed$eD/lack a , 'h"te ( for e#a&ple and there "s a $ood chance that h"sent"re $roup "ll d"e.

    "a. 7. Dne#t pa$e If /lack plays 4 and 3 on top, 'h"te can sh"ftto a lean"n$ attack at 7. -nce a$a"n, /lack cannot $et &ore than oneeye on the r"$ht ed$e.

    "a. :. /lackBs stron$est, or at least tr"ck"est, defense "s 4, h"ch&akes &"a" of 9 and 3. 'h"teBs responses fro& 9 to 8, hoever,leave /lack "th not even one eye on the ed$e, and as he runs "ntothe center 'h"te can &ake the sa&e lean"n$ attack as "n "a. 7. If/lack plays 3 at 7 "n th"s se%uence 'h"te "ll play 3, /lack a, 'h"te:, and /lack "ll (e dead.

    "a. 8. !or co&par"son, suppose 'h"te attacks &ore conserva+t"vely at 4. /lack then takes the key po"nt at 9, and after 8 he "s "n notrou(le at all.


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    The #night$s Attack

    Th"s attack does not h"t d"rectly at the ene&yBs eye shape.Rather, "t "s used to dr"ve h"& toard or a$a"nst so&eth"n$, or to(u"ld a fra&eork h"le attack"n$, or to do (oth.

    "a. 4. A typ"cal e#a&ple "s th"s kn"$htBs attack, h"ch as&ade a$a"nst the 1apanese author dur"n$ a telev"sed $a&e. /lack "s

    a"&"n$ to dr"ve 'h"te toard the upper s"de.


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    "a. 9. 'h"te defended at 9, and /lack attacked "th a secondkn"$htBs &ove at 3.

    "a. 3. 'h"te defended at 7 and /lack kept attack"n$ "thkn"$htBs &oves at :, 6, and 5. Here the attack (e$an to endan$er the

    upper s"de + th"s had (een /lackBs purpose all alon$ + and 'h"te hadto defend "th 4= and 49. The h"te $roup (elo had $ron too ("$to tackle as a hole, (ut /lack as a(le to cut at 43, h"ch led to ad"ff"cult f"$ht.

    -ne could not ask for a (etter "llustrat"on than th"s of hat akn"$htBs attack "s.

    "a. 7. Dne#t pa$e Here "s another typ"cal kn"$htBs attack. /lackhas a all "n the upper left. He ants to &ake use of "t (y push"n$

    'h"te a$a"nst "t, hence the kn"$htBs &ove at 4."a. :. If 'h"te flees "th 9, /lack leans a$a"nst the upper s"de

    "th 3 and :, then attacks "th a second kn"$htBs &ove at 6. 'h"tecannot $et out, so perhaps he "ll defend "th ; to 47. Th"s &akesh"& secure, (ut "t also $"ves /lack a n"ce outer pos"t"on h"ch hecan use to (u"ld an "deal lar$e+scale fra&eork "th 4:. A resultl"ke th"s "s a hu$e success for the attacker.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    The Ca%%ing Attack

    'hereas the a"& of the kn"$htBs attack "s to chase the ene&y, thecapp"n$ attack stops h"& head+on.

    "a. l. 'h"te to play and attack the to (lack stones "n the lo+er left. The &ove should (e o(v"ous.

    "a. 9. 'h"te caps /lack at 4. /lack "s trapped. He cannot $etout "nto the center. 'e "ll see "n the ne#t chapter hether or not hecan l"ve.


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  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Pee%ing Attacks

    !"nally e have peep"n$ attacks, h"ch can (e used for a var"etyof purposes. The f"rst "s to spo"l the ene&yBs eye shape, as "n the fol+

    lo"n$ e#a&ple."a. l. /lack to play and attack the h"te center $roup."a. 9. /lack peeps at 4. 'h"te has l"ttle cho"ce (ut to connect

    at 9, (ut then /lack ?u&ps forard to 3. 'h"te, "th h"s e&pty tr"an+$le, has very poor shape* th"s "s a d"rect result of the 4+9 e#chan$e./lack has a n"ce attack $o"n$.


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    "a. 3. 'hen the ene&y has the three+stone for&at"on cons"st+"n$ of a to+space e#tens"on and a one+space ?u&p, the peep"n$ at+tack at 4 "s fre%uently &ade. Th"s t"&e the peep "s not an assault on/lackBs eye shape (ut a pro(e to see ho he connects.

    "a. 7. If he ansers at 4 'h"te can, "n th"s case, push throu$h

    "&&ed"ately "th 9. The ladder at a does not ork, so /lack has no$ood ay to cont"nue. If he defends h"s stones on the left s"de, 'h"te"s $o"n$ to $et a lar$e terr"tory (elo.

    "a. :. /lack "ll therefore connect at 4, (ut then "t suff"ces for'h"te to play 9. The fact that /lack has connected at 4 "nstead ofplay"n$ as "n "a. 7 &eans that he has 'h"te a etc. left to orrya(out.

    "a. 8. Dne#t pa$e Co&("nat"ons "n h"ch the f"rst &ove "s a

    peep"n$ &ove and the second "s so&eth"n$ else are a co&&on for&of attack. 'e have already seen to e#a&ples, and here "s a th"rd.No the purpose of the peep "s to conta"n /lack. 'h"te cont"nues"th 3, (u"ld"n$ toard lar$e terr"tor"es a(ove and to the r"$ht.'h"te 3 "s the pr"nc"ple &ove, (ut 'h"te 4 "s e%ually "&portant.

    "a. 6. If 'h"te ?ust attacked at 4, "thout peep"n$, /lack could$et past h"& "th 9. No 'h"teBs fra&eork+(u"ld"n$ strate$y


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    ould (e &uch less l"kely to succeed.Th"s co&pletes our rundon of standard attack"n$ &oves* ne#t

    co&e so&e pro(le&s.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi



    The follo"n$ ten pro(le&s are appl"cat"ons of the f"ve attack+"n$ &oves presented on the preced"n$ pa$es. In so&e pro(le&s the&oves appear "ndependently (ut "n so&e they are co&("ned, for e#+a&ple, a kn"$htBs attack &ay (e at the sa&e t"&e an an$le tesu?". An+sers follo on pa$es 6; to ;:.

    In do"n$ these pro(le&s, (ear "n &"nd that the &oves youchoose should (e strate$"cally as ell as tact"cally correct, that "s,they should attack fro& the r"$ht d"rect"on. Several of the pro(le&s

    concern runn"n$ (attles. In these the d"rect"on of attack "s part"cular+ly "&portant.

    Pro(le& 4. 'h"te to play. esp"te "ts pon+nuk" shape, the (lack$roup "n the upper r"$ht "s r"pe for attack"n$.

    Pro(le& 9. /lack to play. Th"s t"&e "t "s the h"te $roup "n the&"ddle of the r"$ht s"de that "s to (e attacked.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Pro(le& 3. /lack to attack the to h"te stones on the left s"de.

    Pro(le& 7. /lack to play a$a"nst the to h"te stones "n theloer left.

    Pro(le& :. /lack toplay. Th"s t"&e he has alar$er $roup to attack, con+s"st"n$ of the four h"testones on the r"$ht s"de.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Pro(le& 8. 'h"te to play. The $roup to attack "s the (lack one"n the upper r"$ht corner.

    Pro(le& 6. 'h"te to attack the (lack $roup "n the center.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Pro(le& ;. /lack to play. Ho should he attack the three h"testones on the r"$ht s"de

    Pro(le& 5. 'h"te to play. '"th a cho"ce of tar$ets, he should at+tack the lar$er one the (lack $roup "n the loer left.

    Pro(le& 4=. 'h"te to attack the (lack $roup "n the upper r"$ht.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi



    Answer to ,robem %"a. 4. 'h"te 4, a co&("nat"on kn"$htBs attack and an$le tesu?",

    h"ts /lack at a pa"nful po"nt. If he "$nores th"s attack, 'h"te a cap+tures h"&, so G

    "a. 9. He runs out "th 9, 7, and 8, (ut "n the process he has topush 'h"te "nto the valua(le area "n front of the loer r"$ht co&erenclosure. 'h"te stren$thens h"s upper pos"t"on "th 6 and aa"tsfurther attack"n$ opportun"t"es.

    Answer to ,robem '"a. 3. Dne#t pa$e The &ove that $"ves /lack the upper hand "n

    th"s runn"n$ (attle "s the eye+steal"n$ tesu?" at 4. It threatens a, a cut

    that 'h"te cannot allo."a. 7. 'h"te defends "th 9 + he cannot avo"d &ak"n$ an e&ptytr"an$le + and /lack develops h"s $roup "th 3, leav"n$ 'h"te s"tt"n$(eh"nd "th very poor shape.

    Answer to ,robem ("a. :. /lack 4 "s a natural peep"n$ attack. If 'h"te connects,

    /lack follos "th a lean"n$ attack at 3. If 'h"te ansers that at a,/lack keeps lean"n$ "th (* th"s could lead to trou(le for 'h"teBs


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    left+s"de $roup. 'h"te accord"n$ly defends "th 7 and 8, lett"n$/lack &ake an "deal press"n$ &ove at 6.

    "a. 8. If 'h"te ants to (e def"ant he can res"st /lackBs peep"th 4, (ut the result th"s leads to has l"ttle to reco&&end "t. Con+nect"n$ at 9 "n "a. : "s correct.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Answer to ,robem -"a. 6. Th"s "s a perfect set+up for /lack 4, h"ch could (e

    called e"ther a kn"$htBs attack or a capp"n$ attack. Enlar$"n$ /lackBsarea on the loer s"de h"le dr"v"n$ 'h"te toard the th"ckness "nthe upper left, /lack 4 does e#actly hat a $ood attack should do.

    "a. ;. If 'h"te defends "th 9, /lack keeps attack"n$ fro& thesa&e d"rect"on "th the kn"$htBs &ove at 3.

    Answer to ,robem ."a. 5. /lack se"0es control "th the capp"n$ attack at 4. Th"s

    pos"t"on has ar"sen fro& a runn"n$ (attle on the r"$ht s"de, and /lack4 "s the key po"nt that defends the fr"endly $roup h"le attack"n$ theene&y one.

    "a. 4=. If 'h"te repl"es "th 9, /lack &akes a second capp"n$attack at 3. /es"des h"s $roup on the r"$ht s"de, 'h"te has to orrya(out the lar$e fra&eork /lack has (u"lt "n the upper left, the evenlar$er e#tens"on of "t he can &ake on the left s"de, and /lack a and (on the loer s"de. /lack pract"cally has the $a&e on already.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Answer to ,robem /"a. 44. The correct &ove "s the kn"$htBs &ove at 4. 'h"le at+

    tack"n$ the $roup a(ove, "t tharts any plans /lack &ay have hadfor the tr"an$led stone (elo and (u"lds toard a n"ce terr"tory "n the



  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. 49. Dprev"ous pa$e If /lack defends "th 9, 'h"te plays 3and : "n sente, then enlar$es h"s center area "th 6.

    Anser to pro(le& 6."a. 43. Here e have the eye+steal"n$ tesu?" a$a"n. Th"s "s the

    key po"nt. If 'h"te attacked fro& any other d"rect"on, /lack oulddefend (y play"n$ 4 h"&self, "nstantly ach"ev"n$ $ood shape.

    "a. 47. /efore connect"n$ at 3 /lack plays the hane at 4 + "f heplayed 4 after 3 'h"te &"$ht respond at a, + (ut desp"te the cutt"n$stone at 4 'h"te has /lack "n ser"ous d"ff"cult"es. 'h"te 7 takes an+other key po"nt "n h"s shape.

    "a. 4:. Dne#t pa$e If /lack ?u&ps to 4, 'h"te caps h"& "th 9./lack &ay l"ve, (ut the poer 'h"te ac%u"res "n the center, herehe can capture four stones at "ll "th a, &eans that the upper s"de

    stands naked to "nvas"on.

    Answer to ,robem 0&"a. 48. The key po"nt "n th"s runn"n$ (attle "s the capp"n$ play

    at 4, h"ch defends the (lack $roup h"le attack"n$ the h"te one.To &ake th"s clearer, (efore look"n$ at the cont"nuat"on fro& 4 letBse#a&"ne to other conce"va(le (ut "ncorrect ays of attack"n$.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. 46. Suppose /lack attacks fro& th"s d"rect"on "th 4.'h"teBs escape at 9 forces /lack to flee "th 3, and 'h"te cont"nuesto chase h"& "th 7 and 8, push"n$ h"& a$a"nst the sol"d pos"t"on onthe loer s"de. /lackBs plays have no effect on the already settledh"te $roup there, h"le'h"teBs &ove shave alar$e effect on the openupper s"de. In add"t"on,the upper r"$ht corner "sst"ll "nvada(le at a, so/lackBs strate$y "s co&+pletely (ankrupt.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. 4;. Another attack to avo"d "s the peep"n$ attack at 4.'h"te 9 and 7 $reatly eaken the (lack $roup (elo, and /lack "salso vulnera(le to a lean"n$ attack at a fro& a(ove. Note that /lackcannot play 3 at 7, (ecause of 'h"te (.

    "a. 45. That (r"n$s us (ack to the correct capp"n$ attack at 4.Th"s pro(le& as taken fro& one of the 1apanese authorBs $a&es,and hen he played 4 'h"te defended "th 9 and 7. /lack as thena(le to cont"nue "th a n"ce an$le attack at :. The ensu"n$ f"$ht $ave/lack a stron$ center pos"t"on and a clear lead.

    Answer to ,robem 1&"a. 9=. The (est &ove "s the peep"n$ attack at 4. If /lack con+

    nects at 9, 'h"teBs descent at 3 leaves h"& "th l"ttle "n the ay of

    eye shape. /lack then &ust escape, and (y chas"n$ h"& 'h"teshould (e a(le to &ake a lar$e capture of terr"tory "n the center."a. 94. /lack should pro(a(ly defend "th 4 and 3, lett"n$

    'h"te cut at 7. /y thro"n$ half h"s $roup over(oard, he $a"nss&ooth sa"l"n$ for the other half. St"ll, 'h"teBs center prospects are$ro"n$ very lar$e, not to &ent"on the tenty+f"ve po"nts safely cap+tured (y 8 and ;. The reason for 'h"te ; "s to prevent a (lack ed$+"n$ tesu?" (eteen 9 and 8.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Answer to ,robem %2&"a. 99. 'h"te 4, an an$le attack, "s &ost severe. It "s very hard

    to see ho /lack can l"ve after th"s. He can $et an eye "n $ote on theupper ed$e D/lack a to e (ut to &ake another eye "n sente f"rstsee&s ?ust a(out "&poss"(le.

    "a. 93. The &"stake to avo"d "s the peep"n$ &ove at 4. Thatould (e f"ne "f /lack connected, (ut he does not connect* he plays9. Th"s threatens to l"nk "th the $roup "n the loer r"$ht, and /lack+

    Bs chances of l"v"n$ "&prove &arkedly.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    Chapter Four


    Hav"n$ taken a lon$ and deta"led look at the strate$y and tact"csof attack, "t "s t"&e for us to turn the pro(le& around and v"e "tfro& the s"de of the defender. Th"s "ll re%u"re less space. The &a"npo"nts "ll (e covered "n one chapter.

    -ne reason for th"s "s that defense "s "ntr"ns"cally eas"er than at+tack. To see hy, cons"der the s"&plest poss"(le case, the attack anddefense of an "solated stone. It takes four &oves to capture onestone, even "n the eff"c"ent shape shon "n "a. 4. It ould take only

    one &ove to defend "t + /lack 7 after 'h"te 3 for e#a&ple. Escape "seasy, captur"n$ hard. 2"ll"n$ $roups that cons"st of several stones "seven harder. That "s hat &akes the "nd"rect and dou(le attack"n$strate$"es of chapter to necessary. In $o, the odds are e"$hted "nfavor of the defender.


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    /ecause of th"s, one &ay develop a tendency to sh"rk defens"vedut"es + to let non+fatal eaknesses $o unprotected "n order to keepfor$"n$ ahead. To an e#tent th"s "s a healthy th"n$. efense "s less

    product"ve than offense, and the co&puls"ve defender $enerally los+es. -n the other hand, ne$lect"n$ defense can eas"ly (e carr"ed toofar. 'e have seen nu&erous e#a&ples of ho the attacker can &aketerr"tory or $a"n other advanta$es "thout actually k"ll"n$ the $rouphe "s attack"n$. These s"de effectsB &ust not (e for$otten. -ne of thef"rst th"n$s one not"ces a(out the ay profess"onals play "s that theydo defend, fre%uently even hen "t see&s that they could $et (y"thout defend"n$.

    "a. 9. Th"s pos"t"on arose "n a $a&e "n the second ea$ue (eteen 2"tan" and )o Se"$en. It "s 'h"teBs D2"tan"Bs &ove.Should he "nvade the fra&eork /lack "s (u"ld"n$ on the upper s"de,or try to (reak up /lackBs &ore esta(l"shed loer+s"de terr"tory, orshould he enlar$e h"s on area on the left s"de 'hat ould thereader have done


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    "a. 3. 2"tan" played 'h"te 4. Ad&"ttedly th"s &ove does notlook l"ke &uch. It destroys no (lack terr"tory, "t creates no h"te ter+r"tory* "t ?ust s"ts there out "n the open. 'hat (us"ness, one &"$ht

    ask, d"d a fa&ous 5+dan profess"onal have play"n$ a &ove l"ke th"s


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. 7. The anser (eco&es clear hen e "&a$"ne 'h"te notdefend"n$ and /lack attack"n$ "th 4 and 3. Th"s "s the class"cstrate$y of e#pand"n$ a terr"tor"al fra&eork "n one place Dthe loers"de (y attack"n$ an ene&y $roup "n another place, and /lack "s

    &ak"n$ perfect use of h"s th"ckness "n the upper r"$ht (y push"n$'h"te a$a"nst "t. -f course he cannot actually k"ll the h"te $roup,(ut "f he $ets f"fty po"nts of terr"tory on the loer s"de he "ll notneed to k"ll "t*he "ll "n anyay.

    Seen "n th"s l"$ht, 'h"te 4 "n "a. 9 (e$"ns to look &uch (etter,(ut there "s &ore to cons"der. !or one th"n$, there "s the (alance ofterr"tory. 'h"te has secure terr"tory "n three corners and $ood pros+pects on the left s"de, so he does not have to "nvade "&&ed"ately* he

    can afford to defend. !or another th"n$, "f he ever does have to "n+vade the upper or loer s"de, 'h"te 4 "ll furn"sh valua(le (ack+upsupport.

    "a. :. Th"s "s a Hon"n(o t"tle $a&e (eteen Sakata Dh"te andTaka$aa + 'h"te to play. -ne notes so&e sl"$htly eak stones onthe (oard, (ut Sakata "s fa&ous for h"s a("l"ty to escape fro& trou+(le, so "t see&s too early for h"& to defend. Surely he e#tended onthe loer or left s"de, or perhaps &oved to reduce /lackBs fra&e+

    ork on the upper s"de.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. 8. Sakata, hoever, d"d noth"n$ of the k"nd. He defendedthe s&all knot of h"te stones "n the loer &"ddle area (y play"n$ 4,and "f /lack had responded at a, he as plann"n$ to defend h"s r"$hts"de $roup "th (.

    'h"te 4 "s not the k"nd of defens"ve &ove that one feelsasha&ed to &ake. It "s clearly a &a?or po"nt as re$ards the (alanceof poer, "th a lar$e "nd"rect effect on the loer, left, and uppers"des. -nce one sees "t played, "t looks %u"te "&press"ve. St"ll, "ts&a"n funct"on "s to defend.

    "a. 6. /lack 4, "f per&"tted, ould attack (oth the f"ve h"testones (elo, h"tt"n$ the"r an$le po"nt, and the lar$e $roup on ther"$ht s"de. 'h"te could undou(tedly save (oth $roups, (ut he ouldhave to scra&(le, and h"le he as scra&(l"n$ he ould not (e a(leto do anyth"n$ else. Psycholo$"cally too, (e"n$ attacked stron$ly "snot an en?oya(le e#per"ence. >ook at the e#press"on on a playerBsface hen he "s on the ver$e of los"n$ a lar$e $roup + the t"$htlyclenched ?a &uscles, the kn"tted (ro, the $l"nt of despa"r "n theeyes. It "s &uch eas"er on the nerves to n"p the attack "n the (ud (ydefend"n$ early, (efore "t (eco&es severe, as Sakata d"d "n "a. 8.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. ;. Th"s "s a &ore recent Hon"n(o $a&e, the players (e"n$@osh"o Ish"da Dh"te and R"n 2a"ho. 'h"te to play. /y no thereader &ust real"0e that Ish"daBs ne#t &ove "s $o"n$ to (e defens"ve,(ut even so, he &ay (e surpr"sed hen he sees "t.


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    "a. 5. Ish"da played 4. Surely, one feels, th"s as a &"stake +heas play"n$ "ns"de h"s on terr"tory + (ut 'h"te 4 as correct. Notef"rstly that th"s &ove, and no other, &akes the r"$ht+s"de h"te $roupa(solutely al"ve. Note secondly that 'h"te has another eak $roup"n the loer left, so (y defend"n$ at 4 he "s prevent"n$ a dou(le at+

    tack. Note th"rdly that 'h"te 4 "s not s&all "n ter&s of terr"tory, forne#t 'h"te can ?u&p "nto the upper r"$ht corner at a, and on the r"$hts"de he has a sente play at (. Play"n$ 4 "s orth &ore than play"n$ "nthe lar$ely neutral area "n the center ould (e.

    "a. 4=. Suppose /lack (locks f"rst at l. 'h"te 9 "s the correctresponse, (ut /lack $"ves atar" at 3. Co&pare th"s "th /lack c,'h"te d "n "a. 5. The dan$er of (e"n$ rendered eyeless (y a (lack

    place&ent at 9 "nstead of 4 "s an add"t"onal ar$u&ent "n favor of oc+cupy"n$ th"s key po"nt early.

    If even top+rank"n$ profess"onal players &ake defens"ve &ovesl"ke these and $o on to "n D'h"te on all three of the $a&esa(ove, there &ust (e so&eth"n$ (as"cally correct a(out the&. Itco&es don to the (alance of poer. 'hen you defend your eak$roups, you $a"n poer, and that helps you to do hatever you haveto do ne#t. If you leave your $roups eak, you keep hav"n$ to play


  • 7/21/2019 [ Ishida Akira, James Davies ] Attack and Defense(Elementary Go Series) Igo Baduk Weiqi


    around the& + to restr"ct your act"v"t"es elsehere to avo"d $ett"n$the& "nto trou(le. 'e put attack (efore defense "n th"s (ook, (ut "npract"ce "t "s $enerally the other ay around. !"rst to defend and&ake sure that your on $roups are all healthy, then to $o forth and

    attack "th conf"dence "s one of the (as"c strate$"es of the $a&e.It takes no spec"al sk"ll to defend "n $ood t"&e l"ke th"s. The

    &oves co&&only re%u"red are one+space ?u&ps, e#tens"ons, hanes +&oves that everyone knos. Spec"al sk"ll "s needed only hen one "sf"$ht"n$ for oneBs l"fe.

    So the "deal "s to stay out of trou(le and never (e called upon toe#erc"se spec"al sk"lls + (ut as very $o player knos, that "s "&poss"+(le. The $a&e "s too co&ple#, and &ak"n$ the &ost of your pos"t"on

    so&et"&es re%u"res that you play close to the l"ne (eteen l"fe anddeath. !or that reason, e turn ne#t to the su(?ect of defens"ve tesu?".

    Defend with Conta