your title your group name? names of your members

Your Title Your group name? Names of your members.

Upload: loren-edwards

Post on 26-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Your Title Your group name? Names of your members

Your Title

Your group name?Names of your members.

Page 2: Your Title Your group name? Names of your members

We were inspired by…

Our Main Inspiration and its influences(What region did you choose for the IPW? Why did you choose this region?)

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Pictures of RL houses and structures from the region. (Choose the ones that you were inspired about. Include why it inspired you.)

Page 4: Your Title Your group name? Names of your members

Our Journey

Slides should have some text and a lot of pictures. (A thousand words…)

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The Team / The Designers

1. Introduce members, functions and class you represent.2. Talk about who did what (highlight strengths). Include pictures of people at work. (ex This is Zoe. He is our resident expert on Indonesian Culture. He proposed that we base our design on Balinese houses and contributed a lot of ideas on…)

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Our Strengths

3. Our group found it a breeze to…..(talk about what you found easy to do).

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Our Challenges

4. We encountered a few difficulties in… (talk about what you found difficult) but we (talk about how you faced the challenges).

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5. Slideshow of pictures?

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6. And now we would like to show you our finished product…

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The Minecraft Structure

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Target Residents

Who is the house / structure built for? What purpose does it serve? Where do you think the structure should be built? (ex This Padang house is specially designed for a small family who loves technology but not at the expense of sacrificing their appreciation for their culture. This house may be best built in the outskirts of Jakarta.)

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(Minecraft walkthrough)• Highlight how the original inspired you (in general terms)

and why you chose these parts from the original building/structure.

• Highlight the materials you used and why you chose the specific materials.

• Highlight special features (details, not big changes), explain why it is a special feature (Did it come from another region? Is it a modernised version? Ask viewers to note it or immediately - and briefly - discuss it.)

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Special Features

• You may itemise each special feature and discuss its importance (Why you decided to change it and the advantages and disadvantages the modification on your structure.)

• Limit this to maybe 3-5 features only. (ex Original kitchen structures allowed for the stench from the animals to reach the residents dining area - not very conducive to eating. So we modified it by….)

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Interesting Information

• How much would a house like this cost?• Would this be good for the environment?• Is it a viable design?• Why should anyone choose this design for

their house / hotel?

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End with a bang!

1. Maybe an advert promoting your house on video? Or upload a walkthrough on youtube so your audience can view it?2. Stress again the viability of the design and why it would be good for anyone. (ex The Padang Pad is great for singles who want to enjoy life but have a shoestring budget! It is economical, dynamic and an engineering genius!)