writing assignment 1 intro. to humanities final

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  • 7/23/2019 Writing Assignment 1 Intro. to Humanities Final


    Mark TwainRobel Mesfn 06/20/15

    Robel Mesfin

    Prof. Kim Nelson

    Introduction to Humanities

    30 June 2015

    Mark Twain the lowest animal


    Before I start to ealuate in m! understandin" t#e ideolo"! of Mar$ %&ain I &ould li$e to

    mention some 'oints on #o& econom! is "oernin" force no&ada!s( it #as been lon" time since

    econom! became t#e "oernin" force of t#e current &orld( because 'eo'les ie& to&ards

    econom! #as c#an"ed tremendousl!( econom! of a famil!( a count!( a cit!( a state and t#e

    econom! of oerall 'o'ulation of a countr! "oernments started com'utation on econom!

    Ma)orit! of "oernment*s beliee economic foundation is not onl! im'ortant for a stron" modern

    and educated 'o'ulation but t#is ideolo"! is based on 'ersonal( famil! &ide or nation&ide

    ideolo"! to maintain self+interest &it# or &it#out considerin" t#e adanta"e of ot#ers( it is also

    im'ortant to influence t#e surroundin" countries eit#er economicall! or 'oliticall!( but most of

    t#e time t#ere s#ould be one "oernin" force in one area to emer"e economicall! stron".

  • 7/23/2019 Writing Assignment 1 Intro. to Humanities Final


    Mark TwainRobel Mesfn 06/20/15

    Based on t#e aboe facts( I &ill tr! to anal!ses t#e basic facts( Mar$ %&ain*s

    researc# is er! interestin" for me because #e dee'l! understand t#e be#aior of #uman bein"

    in man! &a!s. %#e most interestin" 'art of #is 'a'er is t#at #e anal!ses #is ar"uments b!

    'roidin" and com'arin" common facts of #uman bein" actiities &it# ot#er animals( #e

    c#ooses e,'ressie and detailed &ords to s#o& us t#e influences( creatiit! and "eneral crimes

    of #uman bein"s to ot#er #uman bein"s and animals. %&ains ideolo"! also e,'lains ma)orit! of

    t#e facts t#at &e see on t#e "round in our dail! life( 1I was aware that many men who have

    accumulated more millions of money than they can ever use,in t#is cote #e sim'l! used to

    s#o& t#e "reediness of #uman bein" com'arin" to anot#er animals and #o& mone! &as used

    unfairl! in t#is &orld to attac$ ot#er #uman bein"s or animals. %#e &orld &as "oerned b! some

    common forces amon" #uman bein"s ic# resulted com'utation not onl! for "ood &or$s but

    also for eil &or$s too and "reediness became t#e foundation for t#e ma)orit! 'roblems in t#e

    &orld( en &e see ma)orit! of t#e conflicts of t#e &orld t#e core base is "reediness( e,am'le

    li$e diision amon" 'eo'le o #ae t#e same social cultural and lin"uistic base are results of

    "reediness eit#er directl! or indirectl!( nobod! e,'ects a leader of one countr! to brin"

    socioeconomic im'roement of t#e nei"#borin" countries or in ot#er( een medias tells us t#at

    one countr! s#ould be 'o&erful oer t#e nei"#borin" countr! and t#eir relation lies onl! on #o&

    to defend and secure t#e adanta"es of t#eir o&n indiidual countries( een t&o countries &it#

    t#e same culture( lan"ua"e and #istor! cannot trust eac# ot#er as it &as su''osed to be

    because "reediness "oerns t#e &orld eer!one beliees somebod! is ta$in" adanta"e( een

    t#e most 'o&erful countries in t#e &orld focus in maintainin" t#eir interest onl! and t#is resulted

    in a com'le, &orld t#at &e are facin" ri"#t no&. -ndre& reel! in 200/ #ica"o un times

    states t#at 2Greed is responsible for crooked cops and crooked politicians . Greed causes

    1 Mark Twain

    2 Andrew Greely

  • 7/23/2019 Writing Assignment 1 Intro. to Humanities Final


    Mark TwainRobel Mesfn 06/20/15

    the constant efforts to destroy unions that protect basic worker rights.u'remac!(

    'o&erfulness and accumulatin" millions of dollars ma! not brin" #a''iness because if &e are

    "reed! t#e "et t#e millions &e &ill neer eer satisf! our seles.

    Mar$ %&ain e,'lains broadl! t#e relations#i' bet&een #uman bein" and animals( one of

    t#e most im'ortant 'oints of %&ain is "reediness( Mar$ %&ain #as e,'lained it in t#e ri"#t &a!

    ma)orit! of us s'eciall! t#ose o &ere able to ma$e millions of dollars are "reed!( some of us

    drie lu,ur! cars( &e s'end tens of t#ousands in acation( and &e neer satisf! our a''etite(

    but in t#e contrar! &e mi"#t #ae seen 'eo'le liin" under brid"es o al&a!s t#an$s t#eir od

    for "iin" t#em t#eir dail! food( actuall! life doesn*t #ae t#e same definition for all 'eo'le liin"

    in t#is &orld( one mi"#t en)o! e,'ensie acation and ot#ers stru""le for liin" end een some

    t#e! don*t #ae s#elter for liin"( I tried to researc# on some ot#er 'a'ers ic# focuses on t#e

    be#aior of #uman bein" 3Man is the only animal that robs his helpless fellow of his country-

    takes possession of it and drives him out of it or destroys him. Man has done this in all the


    There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in possession of its rightful owner, or that has

    not been taken away from owner after owner, cycle after cycle, by force and bloodshed.

    He also tried to e,'lain b! com'arin" t#e be#aior of #umans &it# ot#er animals(

    accordin" to Mar$ %&ain man is t#e onl! animal t#at robs #is #el'less fello& of #is countr!.

    enerall! at #e tries to e,'lain is reall! im'ortant as &e $no& ma)orit! of #uman bein"

    accumulate &ealt# some of t#em een t#e! can*t finis# it in t#eir life time and 'o&er b! ta$in"

    adanta"e of t#e 'oor 'eo'le o are #el'less( in t#e #istor! of #uman bein" &ealt# and 'o&er

    became t#e "oernin" force and used as a tool to o''ress t#e #el'less 'oor 'eo'le s'eciall! in

    t#e ancient time t#e 'oor 'eo'le &ere &or$in" onl! to "et food for t#eir dail! needs.

    3 Mark Twain

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    Mark TwainRobel Mesfn 06/20/15

    ccording to Twain, !"ats are loose in their morals, but not consciously so. Man, in his descent

    from the cat, has brought the cat#s looseness with him but has left the unconsciousness behind-

    the saving grace which e$cuses the cat. %&ain

    %&ain also tried to com'are t#e be#aior of #uman bein" &it# cats( e,'ressin" man as

    loos moral as similar as cuts but #as left unconscious be#ind t#e sain" "race ic# e,cuses

    cat. In "eneral it is er! un"raceful full to understand t#at &e #uman bein"s are not as "ood as

    some animals li$e cats( but at I found er! interestin" is t#at man is mentioned as er!

    reli"ious in t#e researc# of Mar$ %&ain( #e beliees e,'ressed man a er! reli"ious animal and

    t#e onl! animal &it# true reli"ion( and #uman bein"s are also e,'ressed as t#e onl! animal

    ic# loes its nei"#bors as #imself. It is also interestin" and frustratin" to learn t#at man is t#e

    onl! slae and t#e onl! animal o enslaes. I beliee t#e multi'le and endless needs of #uman

    bein" 'utted #umans in life com'le,it!

    %o s#o& t#e cruelt! of #uman Mar$ %&ain e,'lained in #is researc# b! 'o&erful &ord

    5man is t#e onl! lae. -nd #e is t#e onl! animal o enslaes. 4 %&ain( I beliee %&ain &as

    tr!in" to tell us #o& cruel a #uman bein" is because in ot#er animals it is not common one $ind

    of animal to #urt anot#er one of t#e same $ind but in #uman bein" it is uite different #uman

    bein" can be e,'ressed in man! &a!s different from t#e ot#er animals but &e need also to

    consider t#e $ind 'eo'le also because #uman bein" is smart( cruel( but also $ind. I beliee t#e

    main reason ! some 'eo'le are en"a"ed in eil actiities is due t#eir 'ersonal and social

    'roblems( and some due to t#e &a! t#eir famil! raised t#em but econom! and t#e needs of

    #uman bein" also #ae some factor to our dail! actiities. Human bein" to en"a"e in eil

    actiities of enslain" anot#er #umans( as Mar$ said man became t#e onl! animal ic#

    4 Mark Twain

    5 Mark Twain

  • 7/23/2019 Writing Assignment 1 Intro. to Humanities Final


    Mark TwainRobel Mesfn 06/20/15

    s#o&ed to t#e &orld bein" a slae and #o& to enslae. Mar$ t&ain also tried to e,'lain t#e &ord

    'atriotism ic# is common to man( #uman bein"s attac$ ot#er territories and societ! for man!

    reasons suc# as e,'ansion( fun( economic "ain and to enslae ot#ers. enerall! een t#ou"#

    &e are not sure #o& 'atriotism and fla" resemblance introduced to t#is &orld no&ada!s fla" is a

    common si"n ic# is used all oer t#e &orld to im'l! t#e belon"in"ness of t#e territor! of t#e

    area ere t#e fla" is 'utted( 'atriot da!s celebration also became common in an! nation as a

    si"n of 'roud of !our o&n 'atriots eit#er o defended !our territor! or e,'anded territor!.

    In onclusion &e I beliee Mar$ %&ain tried to e,'lain ast areas of #uman actiities b!

    com'arin" t#em &it# ot#er animals( and &e can sa! man is intelli"ent brilliant animal o lies

    in a ciili6ed &a! b! committin" unciili6ed( unfair( and "reed! crimes on ot#er #uman bein"s

    and animals( %&ain used definitel! true ar"uments( and facts to concert #is ideas to&ards t#e

    actiities nature of #uman bein"s and #o& t#e! affect eit#er 'ositiel! or ne"atiel! ot#er

    #uman bein"s and animals.

  • 7/23/2019 Writing Assignment 1 Intro. to Humanities Final


    Mark TwainRobel Mesfn 06/20/15

    Work Cited

    "America's Disease Is Greed." Common Dreams. Andrew Greeley, 20 Aug. 2004. Web. 01 July


    Twain, Mark. %&owest nimal.% '())*+