world energy leaders summit - · san carlos de bariloche, argentina hosted by: h.e....

World Energy Leaders Summit Grand Energy Transition the Latin American Context 13-14 June 2018 San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina Hosted by: H.E. Juan José Aranguren, Minister of Energy, Argentina 100+ TOP LEVEL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR PARTICIPANTS TOPICS: G20 ENERGY AGENDA REGIONAL PATHWAYS FOR A NEW ENERGY FUTURE MANAGING ROBUST TRANSITION APPLYING THE TRILEMMA FRAMEWORK INNOVATIONS PREPARING FOR DISRUPTION The World Energy Leaders’ Summits (WELS) are exclusive high-level events organised by the World Energy Council to support the global energy leaders’ community in on-going dialogue on important energy matters, including energy transition and transformation. The Argentina WELS Grand Energy Transition the Latin American Context will be taking place on the margins of the G20 Energy Meetings. Participation to the WELS is by invitation only to Ministers and officials, the Council’s Patron and Global Partner CEOs, and selected VIP guests. The agenda builds on insights generated by the Council’s well-respected studies and energy leaders transition toolkit, which include: The Grand Transition Energy Scenarios 2060; annual Energy Policy Trilemma Index; and, the annual Issues Monitor. World Energy Leaders’ Summits are an opportunity to engage with peers in deeper dialogue on actionable insights that are relevant to the diversity of regional energy systems under global energy transition. Recent WELS events include Mexico City (Sept 2017) and Lisbon, Portugal (Oct 2017). The WELS are also a highlight of each World Energy Congress: Istanbul, Turkey (2016) and the forthcoming 2019 Congress in the UAE. Contact: The Global Agenda Team for more details: [email protected].

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World Energy Leaders’ Summit Grand Energy Transition – the Latin American Context

13-14 June 2018

San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina

Hosted by: H.E. Juan José Aranguren, Minister of Energy, Argentina









The World Energy Leaders’ Summits (WELS) are

exclusive high-level events organised by the World

Energy Council to support the global energy leaders’

community in on-going dialogue on important energy

matters, including energy transition and transformation.

The Argentina WELS Grand Energy Transition – the

Latin American Context will be taking place on the

margins of the G20 Energy Meetings.

Participation to the WELS is by invitation only to Ministers

and officials, the Council’s Patron and Global Partner

CEOs, and selected VIP guests. The agenda builds on

insights generated by the Council’s well-respected

studies and energy leaders transition toolkit, which

include: The Grand Transition Energy Scenarios 2060;

annual Energy Policy Trilemma Index; and, the annual

Issues Monitor.

World Energy Leaders’ Summits are an opportunity to engage with peers in deeper dialogue on actionable insights that are relevant to the diversity of regional energy systems under global energy transition. Recent WELS events include Mexico City (Sept 2017) and Lisbon, Portugal (Oct 2017). The WELS are also a highlight of each World Energy Congress: Istanbul, Turkey (2016) and the forthcoming 2019 Congress in the UAE.

Contact: The Global Agenda Team for more details:

[email protected].


Programme in detail

*all content sessions simultaneously translated English/Spanish

Main WELS venue: BoKado Salón y Restaurante

Opening Dinner: Hotel El Casco

On 12th/13th June, registration for WELS participants will be at Hotel Cacique Inacayal, room Salon

de las Artes. Due to G20 security concerns, there will be heightened security measures and we

encourage all participants to get their badges as soon as possible upon arriving in Bariloche.

13th June 2018



Transfer via bus only from Hotel Cacique Inacayal

Opening Dinner

Location: Hotel El Casco *bus transportation will be provided following the dinner to Hotel Cacique Inacayal,

Hotel Panamericano, the NhEdelweiss and the Alma de Lago

14th June 2018

From 8:00 Registration Desk at Hotel Cacique Inacayal, room Salon de las Artes. There will be transportation from here to Salon BoKado at 8:30.

8:30 – 9:30

9:30 – 9:50

9:50 – 11:10


Location: Salon BoKado

Keynote Address

H.E. Juan José Aranguren, Minister of Energy, Government of Argentina

Tracking Energy Trends – What’s keeping energy leaders up at night?

The opportunities and challenges to achieving a sustainable energy future are many and varied. The potential disruptive capacity of the 3D’s – digitalisation, decarbonisation, and decentralisation, the still distant promise of reliable and scalable e-storage capacity, as well as the quick wins achievable through increased energy efficiency could jointly contribute to an ideal energy mix. Yet, the picture is not entirely positive. Stranded assets, the price of carbon, public sector financing and energy policies are all areas where uncertainty remains variable. What are the energy trends that are keeping energy leaders up at night? Where could more innovation and collaboration help to realise greater potential?

Discussion Leaders

• Steve Berberich, CEO, California ISO, U.S.A.

• James Gordon Carr, Minister of Natural Resources, Canada

• Leonardo Beltrán, Deputy Secretary for Energy Planning and Transition, Mexico

• Pedro Jatobá, Chief of International Affairs, Eletrobras, Brazil

• Hai Bin Wan, Director General, Development, GEIDCO, China


• Christoph Frei, CEO and Secretary General, World Energy Council


11:10 – 11:30 Refreshment Break

11:30 – 13:00 The Grand Transition: Regional Pathways to a New and Better Energy Future

As the energy mix continues to change and policies begin to favour and enable renewables and low emission energy sources, the role of gas, nuclear and unconventional sources becomes a matter of great debate. In a region of abundant energy resources and constrained infrastructures, where do we currently stand in The Grand Energy Transition? What regional visions are shaping the key strategic choices in national energy strategies? Will there be a different energy mix by 2030? How will regional integration opportunities for resilience be realised?

Discussion Leaders

• Ana Carolina Cosse Garrido, Minister of Energy, Uruguay

• Ivan Dybov, President, Rosatom Latin America, Russian Federation

• Marcos F. Meireles, CEO, Rio Energy LLC, Brazil

• Marcelo Tokman, General Manager, Empresa Nacional del Petróleo ENAP, Chile

• Ricardo Torres, President, Edenor, Argentina


• Andrew Herring, Managing Director Energy, Marsh Inc., U.K.

13:00 – 14:30 WELS Lunch

Location: BoKado

14:30 – 15:45 Enabling Policy Frameworks – Managing Resilient and Robust Transition

Managing robust energy transition is not straightforward. It benefits from using integrated policy approaches and frameworks, such as those encouraged by the WEC Energy Trilemma Index, to attend to emerging trade-offs and synergies in the fundamentally shifting ‘glocal’ energy landscape. How are policy makers in the region navigating new threats and opportunities in the new context of rapidly declining cost of renewable energy, recent discoveries of unconventional resources, climate change stress on hydropower and more decentralised solutions to mobility and affordable access? What are next steps towards greater regional integration? Which are necessary top priorities in sector reforms?

Discussion Leaders

• Mauricio Bejarano, Vice Minister of Energy, Paraguay

• Maurizio Bezzeccheri, Country Manager, ENEL, Argentina

• Alfonso Blanco, Executive Secretary, OLADE, Ecuador

• Mauricio Garrón, Chief of Energy, CAF, Colombia

• Susana Jiménez, Minister of Energy, Chile


• Manlio Coviello, Chief Natural Resources and Energy, CEPAL, Chile.


15:45 – 16:00 Refreshment Break

16:00- 17:15 Innovative Business Models and New Technologies – Preparing for Disruption

Fast-paced technology and business model innovation driven by decarbonisation, electrification of final demand, decentralisation and digitalisation redefine the landscape of possibilities for the region. What new business models and technology developments are most relevant for the region? What role is policy reform playing in enabling better business models to meet access, affordability and sustainability challenges across the region?

Discussion Leaders

• Pierre Devillers, Chief Marketing and Customer Solutions Officer, ENGIE Latin America, Chile

• Timothy Gould, Head of Energy Supply Outlook Division, IEA, France

• Walter Lanosa, CEO, Genneia, Argentina

• Javier Pastorino, CEO for Argentina and Uruguay and CEO Division Power and Gas for South America, Siemens, Argentina


• Claudia Cronenbold, Chair of the Board, Bolivian Chamber of Hydrocarbons & Energy (CHBE), Bolivia

17:15-17:45 Closing Address

Sharing their key takeaways from the day’s discussions will be:

• Jorge Bacher, Chair, CACME, Argentina

• Claudia Cronenbold, Chair of the Board, Bolivian Chamber of Hydrocarbons & Energy (CHBE), Bolivia

• Manlio Coviello, Chief Natural Resources and Energy, CEPAL, Chile

• Christoph Frei, CEO and Secretary General, World Energy Council, UK


Confirmed Participants

Ministries / Public Sector

Aranguren, Juan José

Minister of Energy Government of Argentina

Ministry of Energy Argentina

Cannings, Richard

Member of Parliament, South Okanagan — West Kootenay, British Columbia

Government of Canada Canada

Carr, James Gordon

Minister of Natural Resources Government of Canada

Ministry of Natural Resources Canada

Deslonghamps, Alexandre

Press Secretary for Minister Carr

Government of Canada

Ministry of Natural Resources Canada

Fisher, Ana

Trade Commissioner

Government of Canada

Embassy of Canada to Argentina


Flanagan, Erin

Director of Policy for Minister Carr

Government of Canada

Ministry of Natural Resources Canada

Fry, Robert

Ambassador to Argentina

Government of Canada

Embassy of Canada to Argentina


Jennings, Philip

Associate Deputy Minister of Natural Resources

Government of Canada

Ministry of Natural Resources Canada

Kokkinos, Yiota

Director General - International Energy Branch

Government of Canada Canada

Jiménez, Susana

Minister of Energy Government of Chile

Ministry of Energy Chile

Estevez, Paula

Chief Advisor on International Affairs to the Minister

Government of Chile

Ministry of Energy Chile

Beltrán, Leonardo

Deputy Secretary for Energy Planning and Transition

Government of México

Secretariat of Energy México

Bejarano, Mauricio

Vice Minister Government of Paraguay

Ministry of Energy Paraguay

Cosse Garrido, Ana Carolina

Minister of Industry, Energy and Mines

Government of Uruguay

Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines


Monteiro, Alejandro

Minister of Energy Nequen Province Argentina


Private Sector / Development Banks / Civil Society (In alphabetical order by organisation) *Observer

Paris, Rodrigo

Head for Latin America Barefoot College Colombia

Kletzky, Alejandro

Commercial Manager Bolland Argentina

Sanchez Zinny, Adolfo

President Bolland Argentina

Motta, Gabriella*

Assistant to the Chairman Brazil Member Committee

World Energy Council Brazil

Siciliano, Alexandre

Manager, Energy Brazilian Development Bank Brazil

Bacher, Jorge

Chair Partner (Retired)


PWC Argentina Argentina

Aguirre, Ricardo

Treasurer CACME Argentina

Fernandez, Horacio

Secretary CACME Argentina

Garrón, Mauricio

Chief of Energy CAF Colombia

Berberich, Steve

CEO California ISO U.S.A.

Coviello, Manlio

Chief Natural Resources and Energy


Aldunated, Javiera*

Secretary Chile Member Committee

World Energy Council Chile

Diaz Toro, Daniel*

Director Colombia Member Committee

World Energy Council Colombia

Garcia, Jairo*

Secretary Colombia Member Committee

World Energy Council Colombia

Flaks, Daniel

Director Edenor Argentina

Maggi, Eduardo

Director of Operations Edenor Argentina


Torres, Ricardo

President Edenor Argentina

Jatobá, Pedro

Chief of International Affairs Eletrobras Brazil

Tokman, Marcelo

General Manager Empresa Nacional del Petróleo (ENAP)


Bezzeccheri, Maurizio

Country Manager ENEL Argentina

Caponera, Federica

Business Development ENEL Argentina

Martinez, Alejandra

Director of Communications ENEL Argentina

Dell'Elce, Dante

Country Head Argentina ENGIE Argentina

Febre, Darío

Vice President Business Development

ENGIE Argentina

Devillers, Pierre

Chief Marketing and Customer Solutions Officer Chair

ENGIE Latin America

Chile Member Committee


Chambouleyron, Andres

President ENRE Argentina

Alvarez, Nidia

Country Manager for Argentina

Equinor Argentina

Fuselli, Lucia*

Energy Specialist Future Energy Leader

European Investment Bank World Energy Council


De Nigris, Daniel

Lead Country Manager ExxonMobil Argentina

Livieres, Ricardo

Operations Manager ExxonMobil Argentina

Szapiro, Matias

Manager of Public and Government Affairs

ExxonMobil Argentina

Saggese, Alberto

President and CEO Gas y Petroleo de Nequen Argentina

Carrillo, Luis Felipe

CEO Área Central Latinoamérica-Lima

GE Argentina


Locarnini, María

Commercial Director GE Argentina

Tang, Qiong

Manager, Latin America Office


Wan, Hai Bin

Director General, Development


Wang, Zhe

Deputy Division Chief GEIDCO China

Bernardi, Alfredo

Manager of RRII Genneia Argentina

Lanosa, Walter

CEO Genneia Argentina

Cisneros-Lavaller, Alberto

President & CEO Global Business Consultants (GBC)


Arano, Luis

Global Account Manager Halliburton Argentina

Rearte, Fernando

Global Account Manager Halliburton Argentina

Rivera, Jorge

Vice President, Argentina Halliburton Argentina

Neuss, Patricio

CEO HARTZ Energy Argentina

Aguilar, Mariana*

Business Development Future Energy Leader

Intemepro World Energy Council


Reinoso, George

Consultor Energetico Secretary

Interenergy Member Committee DR

Dominican Republic

Beyer, Sylvia

Officer/Energy Policy and Security Division

International Energy Agency (IEA)


Gould, Timothy

Head of Energy Supply Outlook Division

International Energy Agency (IEA)


Vargas Gibsone, Bernardo

CEO Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P (ISA)


Spalding Hellmers, James

General Director-Paraguay Itaipú Binacional Paraguay


Ariotti, Sergio

Senior Vice President, Director

Marsh Inc. U.S.A.

Herring, Andrew

Managing Director Energy Marsh Inc. U.K.

Nura, Al Otaibi

International Energy Policies Advisor Future Energy Leader

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources

World Energy Council

Saudi Arabia

Martos, Alberto

Regional Sales Manager Nalco Champion Argentina

Rehman, Salman*

Deputy Directory Future Energy Leader

National Electric Power Regulatory Authority

World Energy Council


Blanco, Alfonso

Executive Secretary OLADE (Latin American Energy Organization)


Vugdelija, Jorge

General Manager Oldelval Argentina

Mindlin, Marcelo

CEO Pampa Energia Argentina

Patrón Costas, Santiago

Manager – Energy Projects Pampa Energia Argentina

Ancarola, Martín

Manager of External Communications

Pan American Energy LLC Argentina

Bulgheroni, Juan Martin

Vice President of Operations, Argentina

Pan American Energy LLC Argentina

Bulgheroni, Marcos

CEO Pan American Energy LLC Argentina

Maqui, Diego*

CEO’s Office Pan American Energy LLC Argentina

Imperatore, Francisco*

Marketing Specialist Future Energy Leader

Pan American Energy LLC

World Energy Council Argentina

Gomez, Marcelo

CEO PeCom Argentina

Martinez, Diego

Commercial Director PeCom Argentina

Ferreira Tupiassú, Álvaro

General Marketing Manager of Natural Gas

Petrobras Brazil


De Diego, Claudio

CEO Pluspetrol Argentina

Macchi, German

Country Manager, Argentina Pluspetrol Argentina

Poli, Afredo

Director Pluspetrol Argentina

Pullit, Francisco

Vice President of New Business

Pluspetrol Argentina

Pereyra, Guillermo Juan

Secretary General Private Oil and Gas Union of Rio Negro, Neuquen and La Pampa


Mirazon, Ezequiel

Partner Energy & Utilities Leader

PWC Argentina

Meireles, Marcos F.

CEO Rio Energy LLC Brazil

Dybov, Ivan

President Rosatom America Latina Russia

Gaarenstroom, Laurens

General Manager, Unconventional Ventures, Latin America

Royal Dutch Shell U.S.A.

Ferioli, Jorge

President Member

San Jorge Petroleum

CACME Argentina

Alvarez, Grace

Director of Strategy, Business Development and Quality in Energy, Services for Latam

Siemens U.S.A.

Bertuzzi, Hector

Director Public Sector Siemens Argentina

Bin, Nicolas

Director of Energy Management

Siemens Argentina

Pastorino, Javier

CEO for Argentina and Uruguay and CEO Division Power and Gas for South America

Siemens Argentina

Rossi, Marco

Director of Sales and Marketing of Oil & Gas for Energy Services Latam

Siemens U.S.A.

Zaiser, Nataliya

Public Policy Advisor Executive Secretary

Squire Patton Boggs

World Energy Council - Russia

Russian Federation

Bacher, Carlos

CEO Techint Ingeniería y Construcción



Gallino, Gustavo

General Director – Argentina and Uruguay

Techint Ingeniería y Construcción


Videla, Pablo

Director – Oil and Gas Development

Techint Ingeniería y Construcción


Markous, Ricardo

General Director of Business Development

Tecpetrol Argentina

Ormachea, Carlos

President and CEO Tecpetrol Argentina

Ridelener, Daniel

CEO TGN Argentina

Dupuis, Philippe

General Director Total Argentina

Concha Mandujano, Santiago*

Counsel Future Energy Leader


World Energy Council Chile

Moss, Hamilton

Rector Universidade de Vassouras Brazil

del Soccorro Gonzalez Gonzalez, Olga Victoria

Asesora de la UPME UPME Colombia

Gismondi, Andrés

Country Manager for Argentina

Vestas Argentina

Sekeff Zampronha, Rogério

Country Manager for Brazil Vestas Brazil

Albrecht, Gustavo

General Director Wintershall Argentina

Costa, José Ignacio

Director of Legal and Public Affairs

Wintershall Argentina

World Energy Council Leadership (In alphabetical order by organisation) *Observer

Bauman, Tania

COO World Energy Council UK

Cronenbold, Claudia

Chair of the Board Vice Chair for Latin American & Caribbean

Bolivian Chamber of Hydrocarbons & Energy (CHBE)

World Energy Council


Frei, Christoph

CEO and Secretary General World Energy Council UK


Oxley, Jonathan

Senior Director – Networks and Development

World Energy Council UK


About the World Energy Council

The World Energy Council is the principal impartial network of leaders and practitioners promoting

an affordable, stable and environmentally sensitive energy system for the greatest benefit of all.

Formed in 1923, the Council is the UN-accredited global energy body, representing the entire

energy spectrum, with more than 3000-member organisations located in over 90 countries and

drawn from governments, private and state corporations, academia, NGOs and energy-related


The World Energy Council informs global, regional and national energy strategies by hosting high-

level events, publishing authoritative studies, and working through its extensive member network to

facilitate the world’s energy policy dialogue.

World Energy Council recent publications (Please click on each report to follow the link)

• World Energy Issues Monitor 2017

• World Energy Trilemma 2016

• World Energy Trilemma Index 2016

• World Energy Resources 2016

• World Energy Scenarios 2016

• World Energy Resources 2016

Upcoming World Energy Leaders’ Summit

• Milan, Italy in October 2018

• Abu Dhabi, UAE in September 2019, as part of the 24th World Energy Congress

For more information about our events, please visit or

write to us on [email protected].

World Energy Council | 62-64 Cornhill, London EC3V 3NH, United Kingdom | @WECouncil