why is it so hard to bring your patient experience …[email protected] m why is it so hard to...

[email protected] m Why is it so hard to bring your Patient Experience Strategy to Life?

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Page 1: Why is it so hard to bring your Patient Experience …...abrion@rootinc.co m Why is it so hard to bring your Patient Experience Strategy to Life? PATIENT EXPERIENCE MOVEMENT\爀屲The

[email protected]

Why is it so hard to bring your Patient Experience Strategy to Life?

Presentation Notes
PATIENT EXPERIENCE MOVEMENT The PX movement is BIG! Real big. In fact...if you were to Google PX and you’ll get 150 MILLION results in less than half second...so there’s a lot of information about PX Led by Dr. Merlino and CC patient experience teams, the PX movement is growing exponentially, and the fact that you took time to be here this week from various countries confirms that PX is a GLOBAL MOVEMENT. Let’s take just a few moments to see what countries are represented here today? Let’s do this,...OKAY.. Please raise your hand to speak, and when I point at you, please PUSH your mic buttorn at the base of your mics, and tell me your country you’re representing...and when you hear your country mentioned, please raise your hand or stand! Okay? And you are here this week to understand strategies and tactics to improve the patient experience. And If you were to google the terms “PX Strategy”, and you’d get about 16 MILLION results in less than half second...so there’s a lot of information about PX Strategies out there. But we know that there are a lot of organizations with patient experience strategies that are not getting their desired results... So what’s the SECRET?
Page 2: Why is it so hard to bring your Patient Experience …...abrion@rootinc.co m Why is it so hard to bring your Patient Experience Strategy to Life? PATIENT EXPERIENCE MOVEMENT\爀屲The

[email protected]

PXS = Peple

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PXS = PEOPLE...we think it’s about how you engage PEOPLE in your strategy There’s no question that PX movement struck a responsive chord in all of us...BECAUSE it is after all, about PEOPLE taking care of PEOPLE in compassionate ways that respect our dignity...This is about PEOPLE seeing the world through each other’s eyes. It is about EMPATHY. For the next 30 minutes then, I invite you to go on a journey with me as we look at the world through the eyes of the PEOPLE YOU DEPEND ON to take care of your patients.... Let’s spend time understanding the world of your CAREGIVERS...and think of them as YOUR CUSTOMERS WHO WILL CARE FOR YOUR PATIENTS...
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Leaders Discover Canyons

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LEADERS DISCOVER CANYONS Every year, thousands of your colleagues/peers around the world, perform a leadership ritual...that goes something like this... First, Ttake 6-12 months developing mission-vision-strategy with consultants and have many meetings away from the office/offsites.... Next, strategy is delivered in binders and PPTs, approved by BOD...Launched at big town hall meetings, PPT overload, leadership summits/campaigns Then a year later... They discover barely anything in the plan is executed or implemented effectively...and behaviors have not changed. This is a story about people trying to execute strategy in THE CANYON
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90% of strategies are poorly executed. Source: Robert Kaplan and David Norton

70% of employees do not consider themselves actively engaged. Source: Gallup


Cost to U.S. economy:

$400+ Billion in lost productivity Source: Gallup

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Let’s take a look inside the Canyon of Disengagement 90% strategies are poorly executed 70% of employees, not engaged
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Does your workforce look like this when you talk about strategy or patient experience?
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Is your strategy putting people to sleep?
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Does your mission and vision capture their imagination and noble purpose?
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Here is the Canyon...let’s have some fun. WHAT DO YOU SEE, WHAT IS THE STORY?
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Senior leaders aren’t clear or aligned on the strategies they create.
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Managers struggle to interpret the strategies they are being asked to translate for their people. Frontline supervisors – not senior managers are the opinion leaders in your organization which makes them critical to the success of any change effort. Frontline managers may direct as much as 2/3 of the workforce and are responsible for the part of the company that defines the customer experience. The manager is the most important enabler of employees’ commitment to their jobs, organizations and teams.
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Individuals are often clueless on how they connect to the strategies presented to them. And what about the customers on the lower right corner?
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As we leave the Canyon, here are some key things we’ve learned about engaging people to execute strategy like the patient experience.
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Lessons Learned Engaging

Peple in Strategy

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In working with the Canyons of companies around the world for the last 20 plus years, we took some notes and learned some lessons about engaging people in change.
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Strategy without execution is meaningless.

Execution without engaged peple is impossible

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FIRST.... Strategy without execution is meaningless....and Execution without engaged PEOPLE is IMPOSSIBLE That means, leaders must engage their workforces to execute strategy
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Peple want to be engaged

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The good news is that PEOPLE WANT TO BE ENGAGED (WE) Be part of something greater than themselves, to have a sense of purpose And to feel a sense of belonging To go on a meaningful journey To know that their contributions make a significant impact or difference To us “engagement” is indicated when employees/caregivers exert discretionary efforts beyond what’s expected.
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Peple resist change...

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PEOPLE WILL RESIST CHANGE How many of us think change is EASY....? HOW MANY OF US ARE MARRIED....? People will resist change if they believe the REASON for the change is an INDICTMENT of their previous performance...so be clear about the context for change Actually, what people actually resist is not the change so much as the idea of being changed by someone else
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Peple tolerate...

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PEOPLE WILL TOLERATE People will tolerate the directives and conclusions of leaders.....BUT will act wholeheartedly on their own conclusions That means, if you want people to take ownership of strategic initiatives, you need to let them process the ideas so they own it. This is one of the most critical success factors...it is the idea that people want to solve their own puzzles, not be told the conclusions or solutions.
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Peple embrace change

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PEOPLE EMBRACE CHANGE.... People embrace change more naturally when there is an open and honest debate about the current situation, and a vivid and compelling picture of the desired future state People need a rational AND emotional connection to the strategy...FACTS, FEAR and FORCE do not sustain strategic change KUBA...When they can engage in a process that moves from KNOWLEDGE...UNDERSTANDING...BELIEF and ACTION..K-U-B-A People will embrace change when they see the WHY-WHAT-HOW of change and WHAT’S IN IT FOR THEM
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Peple get disengaged

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PEOPLE GET DISENGAGED... When leaders don’t walk their talk When leaders don’t face reality, and are in denial When they can’t see the big picture When they are scared or fearful or angry And when they are overwhelmed by complexity and speed of change
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Peple are most engaged...

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PEOPLE ARE MOST ENGAGED...WHEN LEADERS Show empathy Help them understand the WHY-WHAT-AND HOW of change...why change? what is the change? How will we change Create a Common Language and Altitude Create Pictures Together Connect Through Images and Stories Facilitate Strategic Conversations
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Peple need memorable experiences...

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PEOPLE NEED MEMORABLE EXPERIENCES Caregivers need memorable experiences if you want them to give memorable experiences to your patients. Generally, patients won’t get treated much better than the way caregivers are treated by leaders and colleagues
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We’ve found that successful companies are generally good at bridging canyons, building engagement and driving change. Cleveland Clinic is one of those...and we partnered with them to help them define, and engage their workforce on their leader’s view of the Cleveland Clinic Experience.
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HBR STORY OF CC There’s a great story in the May 2013 issue of the Harvard Business Review about the Cleveland Clinic Experience...and how they went from being mediocre in patient satisfaction scores to top tier rankings. Let’s take a quick look at the following charts to see the kind of results CC got from paying attention to people.
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Here is a photo of what it looks like to engage small groups of employees for a 3 hour discussion of the patient experience.
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Here is one of the tools and process CC used...for all 43,000 CC employees to discuss the patient experience. Started with putting patients at the center and surrounding them with clinical excellence, employee experience and patient experience. Those are three main components of the Cleveland Clinic Experience.
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Here is a view of the employee experience. We have found that the patient experience is related to and impacted by the employee experience. Satisfied employees are more likely to help create a better patient experience than unhappy employees.
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Here is a view of the patient experience path.
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Here is a systems view, a big picture of how CC leaders saw the Cleveland Clinic Experience Exceptional Employee Experience World Class Patient Experience Clinical Excellence Everyone is a caregiver
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Strategy Execution Through People®


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