what can i see?

By: David Porter, Nathan Anthony, Julie Bowen, and Reinaldo Rosa

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: What can i see?

By: David Porter, Nathan Anthony, Julie Bowen, and Reinaldo


Page 2: What can i see?

Location: on top of other organs and skin layers

Function: Protection from diseases, overexposure from the sun etc.

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Location: Alveoli of lungs, lines of blood and lymphatic vessel (called endothelium, classified as connective tissue by some histologists) surface layers pleura, pericardium, peritoneum (called mesothelium; classified as connective tissue)

Function: Absorption by diffusion of repertory gasses between alveolar air and blood.

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Location: Surface layer of mucus membrane lining the mouth, esphogus, vagina, and skin.

Function: Protection

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Location: Surface layer of mucus membrane lining the urinary bladder and uterus.

Function: Permits stretching

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Location: Surface layer of mucus membrane lining the stomachm intestines, and respitorytract.

Function: Protection, absorbtion, secretion, moving of mucus (by ciliated columnar epithelium)

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Location: Lining portions of the male urethra, mucus membrane near the anus

Function: Protection

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Loose ordinary Fibrous

Located between other tissues and organs.

Its function is to connect tissues and organs

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is a category of connective tissue which includes areolar tissue, reticular tissue, and adipose tissue. Loose connective tissue is the most common type of connective tissue in vertebrates. It holds organs in place and attaches epithelial tissue to other underlying tissues. It also surrounds the blood vessels and nerves.

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Located under the skin

Padding at various points

Used for protection, insulation,support and to reserve food.

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Inner framework of spleen lymph nodes and bone marrow filtration.

Main function is support.

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Located in Tendons, Ligaments, Aponeurouses

It is flexible but strong connector.

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Located in Deep Fascia, Dermis, Scars,Capsuleof Kidney,

Made For connection and support.

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Found in the Skeleton,

Made for support, protection and calcium reservoir

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Part of Nasal Septum,Covers articular surface of bones, the larynx and rings in trachea and bronchi

It is firm, but flexible, made for support.

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The Skeletal muscle tissue is responsible for the motor functions and movement of the body.

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Muscle tissue that contracts without conscious control. Found in organs and arteries.

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The Cardiac Muscle tissue is responsible for the transportation of blood and everything that is in it.

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The Nervous tissue is the sensory system for the entire body. It tells the brain whether stuff is hot or cold, or how to react to different situations.