what are the three limitations that england put on the colonies? required colonists to buy british...

What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? • Required colonists to buy British goods only • Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain • Manufacturing items in colonies was banned

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Post on 11-Jan-2016




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Page 1: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies?

• Required colonists to buy British goods only• • Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain• • Manufacturing items in colonies was banned

Page 2: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What was carried on the portion of the Trans-Atlantic trade route from Europe to


• Manufactured Goods

Page 3: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What is the role of the colonies in the system of mercantilism?

• To exist for the “Mother Country”

Page 4: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What was the name given to the religious revivals that happened in the colonies in the


• Great Awakening

Page 5: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What is Benjamin Franklin’s most famous sayings?

• The American Dream

Page 6: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Name three inventions that Benjamin Franklin created?

• Lightning Rod, Bifocals, Franklin Stove

Page 7: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What was carried on the “Middle Passage”?

• Slaves

Page 8: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Who was the Methodist Preacher that helped spread the concept of religious revival

through the colonies in the 17th Century?

• George Whitefield

Page 9: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What is the opposite concept of Monarchy?

• Democracy

Page 10: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What two types of churches grew out of the Great Awakening?

• Baptist and Methodist

Page 11: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What were the two major languages developed by the African Slaves in the


• Gullah and Pidgin English

Page 12: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What are two of Benjamin Franklin’s scientific discoveries?

• Electricity• Charting the Gulf Stream

Page 13: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Who was called the “Great Itinerant”?

• George Whitefield

Page 14: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What type of system was the system of mercantilism?

• Economic

Page 15: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Which preacher said that there was no types of religion, but Christians in the kingdom of heaven?

• George Whitefield

Page 16: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Jonathan Winthrop was from what colony?

• Massachusetts Bay

Page 17: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Who was the man that wrote the most famous Sermon “Sinners In the Hands of an

Angry God”?

• Johnathan Edwards

Page 18: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What did Benjamin Franklin believe that hard work would give you?

• Wealth

Page 19: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Thomas Hooker was the founder of what colony?

• Connecticut

Page 20: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

How many children were born in Ben Franklin’s family?

• 17

Page 21: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What religion was a common theme of African Slave culture?

• Christianity

Page 22: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Where was Ben Franklin born?

• Boston

Page 23: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What country controlled the Trans-Atlantic Trade?

• England

Page 24: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What was carried on the portion of the trans-Atlantic trade route from Africa to North America (Americas)?

• Slaves

Page 25: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What colony had the Puritans?

• Massachusetts Bay

Page 26: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What three continents were involved in the 1700’s trade route that helped the mother

country exist?

• Africa, Europe, North America

Page 27: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What is the ability to move up in social status in a given society?

• Social Mobility

Page 28: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What product proved to make slavery a “increasing” need in the colonies?

• Cotton

Page 29: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What is it called when a country exports more than it imports?

• Favorable Balance of Trade

Page 30: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What are the two factors that SSUSH2 says that Benjamin Franklin exhibits?

• Individualism, Social Mobility

Page 31: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

The ability of a person to be his own person to find success through him self

was a concept of what famous American?

• Benjamin Franklin

Page 32: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What proved to have no economic benefit, so the slave trade increased?

• Indentured Servants

Page 33: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What is the name of the laws that were put on the colonies to limit their trade?

• Navigation Acts (1660 &1696)

Page 34: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What is a “market”?

• A place to sell products

Page 35: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What kind of music was closely associated with the culture of the African American


• Gospel

Page 36: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What two continents were the cultures that made what is African American culture?

• African and European

Page 37: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What country eventually controlled the slave trade in Africa?

• England

Page 38: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What three things did Benjamin Franklin make as a printer?

• Poor Richard’s Almanack• Pennsylvania Gazzette• First Public LIbrary

Page 39: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Why is the Great Awakening important to American History?

• The break from old tradition to free will is a pattern that the colonists later use to break from England.

Page 40: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What groups did the great awakening attract?

• Poor/Slaves

Page 41: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

The need for religious understanding expanded _________ in the colonies.

• Cotton

Page 42: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What was carried on the portion of the Trans-Atlantic Trade route from the Americas to


• Raw Materials

Page 43: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What is the opposite of the “God’s chosen path”?

• Man Chooses his Path

Page 44: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What is the major goal of mercantilism?

• Acquisition of gold and silver through favorable balance of trade

Page 45: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Name an item that came from the West Indies to New England. (back of your

notes)• Sugar and Molasses

Page 46: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

Where did Ben Franklin run away to and make his home?

• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Page 47: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What products that left New England to West Africa ? (back of your notes)

• Rum, Guns, gunpowder, cloth, and tools.

Page 48: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What was the major emphasis of the Great Awakening?

• Free Will vs. Predestination

Page 49: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

What geometric shape was the trade between the mother country and the colonies looked like

in the 1700’s?

• Triangle

Page 50: What are the three limitations that England put on the colonies? Required colonists to buy British goods only Raw materials were to be sold only to Britain

How was Benjamin Franklin a Statesmen? (3 ways)

• Founding Father• Signed DOI• Signed Constitution