wellbeing week 1 jan 16

Understanding Wellbeing Level 1 Certificate with Michelle Walsh @ The Waterside Centre 01254 354413 or [email protected]

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Understanding WellbeingLevel 1 Certificate

with Michelle Walsh @ The Waterside Centre

01254 354413 or [email protected]

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LO 1: Discuss the course overview  LO 2: Complete induction paperwork  LO 3: Take part in getting to know you

activities  LO 4: Create group rules  LO 5: Discuss Wellbeing

Week 1 Learning Outcomes

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Fire Evacuation Toilets Smoking – Away from the door Kitchen – Washing own cups Mobile Phones – Silent or vibrate Commitment – Minimum is 70% Absences – To be reported, you

would be required to catch up

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This qualification is designed to develop your understanding of a range of wellbeing topics. Each topic provides you with the opportunity to better understand your own wellbeing and that of others. There are 5 different topics:

What’s this course all about?

Unit Title Credit Value

01 Introduction to stress & stress management 304 Develop an awareness of substance misuse 205 Personal safety awareness 207 Introduction to alcohol awareness for the


11 Weight management & body image 3 13 credits = Level 1 Certificate

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Primarily me, your tutor - Michelle Other staff at Waterside – pink lanyards Learning Support worker – Rachel Each other!

Lancashire Care: Minds Matter (NHS) If you feel that you would benefit from more personalised support in relation to your wellbeing, you may benefit from contacting the above service. Referral details available

What support is available?

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Learner information Appeals and grievance procedure – Speak to tutor, Info + at

Main College or www.accross.ac.uk – Getting it right form

Code of Conduct/IT acceptable use policy – Copy in classroom and reception. Please familiarise yourself with it

Confidentiality – What we do with your information

Safeguarding – Building, lone working

Equality & Diversity – As a College, we ensure all learners receive fair and equal treatment on their journey. If you feel this isn’t the case then please speak to someone about it.

Ask if you are unsure

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Assessing your work Your workbook and submissions on ItsLearning will be

marked by myself

Please use correct grammar (capital letters and punctuation) and be careful with your spellings. If you are unsure, ask.

Keep your workbook tidy

Any corrections will be given back to you and marked again once completed

Completing the criteria and ALL associated tasks will give you a Level 1 Certificate in Wellbeing

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Work outside of class time

You will be given tasks/assignments to complete, outside of class time

These will be set each week and they should be completed by logging into ItsLearning* (you will be given details for this before you leave today)

This work needs to be completed as it will always relate to what we are covering next and will sometimes expand on what we have covered in the session

*You must speak to the tutor if you are having trouble logging in or are unable to complete the homework on ItsLearning (you must still complete the homework) as these are mandatory parts of the course.

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Any questions so far?

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Paper Airplane Game

• So that we can get better acquainted with one another, we are going to throw some paper planes around the room…

• You will be given a sheet of A4 paper. • On this sheet ……

• Write your name• Your favourite food• A hobby or interest • Something that we don’t know about you

• Then fold the sheet of paper into your best airplane.• When we are all ready, we will commence throwing the airplanes round the

room (not at each other)• Pick up whichever plane is nearest and introduce the person on that plane.

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Committed – Paperwork time

We must sign up to ACCROSS for our accreditation…This includes...

Enrolment Form to ACCROSSFinance form – Declare benefit and evidenceIndividual Learning Plan (ILP) – No need to complete Literacy / Numeracy Assessment BookletCommunity Learner Survey - Feedback (given to you at the end of the course)

You will need to show evidence of benefit entitlement. Please remember…

“This course is (ONLY) free to people who are unemployed, actively seeking work and claiming a benefit…”

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15 mins

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One minute masterpiece1. Get into pairs with someone you don’t know and

arrange your chairs to sit facing each other. 2. Each partner needs a blank sheet of paper (A4), a

marker pen and a hard surface to draw on (table?)3. You will have 1 minute to draw a picture of each

other – nobody is allowed to look at the paper as they draw their partner (not even the person drawing)

I will say “Go!” to start and “Stop!” to… stop


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It relates to the Wheel of Well-being and the 5 ways to well-being: You listened to instructions. Your brain made sense of the language (understood that it was

English, not Chinese, for example!) and what you had to do (the instructions). (Mind - Keep Learning)

Your brain told your eyes to ‘see’ the person you had to draw and to really look at the person. (Place - Take Notice)

Your brain told your hand how to hold and move the pen and what to do to draw the picture. (Body - Be Active)

Possibly - your minds were telling them something funny was going on with your partner and the others in the group – and it made some people laugh. (People - Connect)

You shared your masterpieces with your partners – and gave them a gift. (Spirit - Give)

Why that activity..?

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GROUP RULESTo make sure that everyone is happy, comfortable and able to learn, we need to decide on some standards or rules that we are going to stick to during this course.

Task: In groups of 3 or 4 (swap groups) write a list of ground rules that you would like everyone (including yourself) to adhere to for the next 10 weeks

Each team will have the opportunity to share their ideas and then negotiate with other teams if they would like to keep/abolish their proposed rules

If you do want to get rid of a rule then you MUST explain why and if it needs voting on then you can vote to keep or abolish

Eg. “no throwing chairs at your tutor!”

Now create a group rules list.

Tutor will type up the agreed list and you will sign this document (it’s a contract)

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According to the ONS, Wellbeing is measurable…“In October 2014 we released the first ever combined 3 year Personal Well-being Annual Population Dataset”

This survey asked 4 key questions… “How satisfied are you with your life nowadays?” “To what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?” “How happy did you feel yesterday?” “How anxious did you feel yesterday?”

1. Out of 10 what do you think the UK population results are for the questions above?2. Based on the words used in the questions, what do you think personal wellbeing is about?

What actually is Wellbeing?

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“Evidence suggests there are five steps we can all take to improve our mental wellbeing. Try approaching them with an open mind and judge the results for yourself.”

Q - Does anyone remember which activity you took part in relating to the five steps?

Your Wellbeing..?

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LO 1: Discuss the course overview LO 2: Complete induction paperwork LO 3: Take part in getting to know you activities LO 4: Create ground rules LO 5: Discuss Wellbeing

Week 1 Learning OutcomesDid we…

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Use the ‘Stress and the Brain’ hand-out to help you provide your own answer to the following; Outline what is meant by stress (1.1) Outline the purpose / usefulness of stress on the body (1.2, 2.2)

Log in to ItsLearning. Your assignment will be listed as ‘Week 1 Assignment’ in the Week 1 folder.

Please upload your typewritten document to this area. You will not need to complete that section in your workbook

as I will assess your work online.

Self study & homework are a requirement of this course – If you are having trouble accessing ItsLearning then you need to let me know.

You will still be required to do any homework given.
