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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: ReducingAnxiety and Providing a Good

Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

Sensory processing disorders and autismMany children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) struggle withsensory issues including sensory processing disorder (SPD). Chantal Sicile-Kira, “The Autism Advocate,” describes SPD as “a neurological disorder thatcauses di culties with processing information from the ve senses:vision, auditory, touch, olfaction, and taste, as well as from the sense ofmovement (vestibular system), and/or the positional sense(proprioception). For those with SPD, sensory information is sensed, butperceived abnormally. Unlike blindness or deafness, sensory information isreceived by people with SPD; the di erence is that information isprocessed by the brain in an unusual way that causes distress, discomfort,and confusion.” (Sicile-Kira, 2010)

While the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)does not list sensory processing disorder or issues in their diagnosticcriteria for autism, psychologists note that it is rare that a child withautism does not experience sensory processing issues to some extent.According to a study published in Pediatric Research, “over 96% ofchildren with ASD report hyper and hypo-sensitivities in multipledomains…and these behavioral di erences can endure throughadulthood.” (Marco, Hinkley, Hill, & Nagarajan, 2011) Like autism, sensoryprocessing disorder is experienced on a spectrum and will a ect eachperson uniquely.

Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

How anxiety and sleep dysregulation a ectschildren with autism

Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

According to Indiana University Resource Center for Autism (IRCA), 40% ofchildren with autism have one or more comorbid diagnosed anxietydisorder. (Merrill) IRCA reports that the prevalence of speci c anxietydisorders is:

Specific Phobia: 30%

“People with speci c phobias, or strong irrational fear reactions, workhard to avoid common places, situations, or objects even though theyknow there’s no threat or danger. The fear may not make any sense,but they feel powerless to stop it.” (ADAA)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: 17%

“A common, chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a person hasuncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors(compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over”(National Institute for Mental Health, 2016)

Social Anxiety Disorder/Agoraphobia: 17%

“Social phobia (also called social anxiety) is a type of anxietyproblem. Extreme feelings of shyness and self-consciousnessbuild into a powerful fear. As a result, a person feelsuncomfortable participating in everyday social situations.”(Lyness, 2013) “Agoraphobia is an intense fear and anxiety of being in placeswhere it is hard to escape, or where help might not be available.Agoraphobia usually involves fear of crowds, bridges, or of beingoutside alone.” (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2017)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: 15%

“Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by persistent andexcessive worry about a number of different things.” (ADAA)

Separation Anxiety Disorder: 9 %

Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

“The essential feature of separation anxiety disorder is excessiveanxiety concerning separation by a child from the home or from those(in adolescents and adults) to whom the person is attached. Thisanxiety is beyond that which is expected for the individual’sdevelopmental level. The fear, anxiety, or avoidance is persistent,lasting at least 4 weeks in children and adolescents and typically 6months or more in adults.” (Bressert, 2017)

Panic Disorder: 2%

“Panic disorder is diagnosed in people who experience spontaneousseemingly out-of-the-blue panic attacks and are preoccupied with thefear of a recurring attack.” (ADAA)

Anxiety disorders can lead to the further issues of sleep deprivation anddysregulation and create a cycle of imbalance in children and adults.According to the National Sleep Foundation, “At some point, it’s hard totell whether you’re having trouble sleeping because you’re anxious, oryou’re anxious because you can’t sleep. The answer may be both. It’s a two-way street: Stress and anxiety can cause sleeping problems, or worsenexisting ones. But lack of sleep can also cause an anxiety disorder.”

Kim West, LCSW-C, identi es the following 11 consequences of sleepdeprivation specific to children:

Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

Overly emotional (explosive temper tantrums, easily hurt feelings, nopatience) Difficult to wake in the morning Difficulty concentrating or focusing during play Taking long, or excessive naps Hyperactivity Defiant or contrary behavior Difficulty falling asleep (overtired) Falling asleep as soon as they hit the pillow (sleep should take about20 minutes for a healthy sleeper) Increased appetite Accident prone, or clumsy Excessive talking (more questions than normal or frenziedconversation) (West, 2016)

When children with autism are stuck in the cycle of anxiety causing sleepdysregulation and, in turn, sleep deprivation causing anxiety, parents areoften left wondering what they can do to break this cycle. Holistic optionsare often more favorable over medication for many families as a rstoption. Weighted blankets have become an increasingly popular option forboth children and adults on the autism spectrum and those who areneurotypical to aid in anxiety reduction and help achieve a better night’ssleep.

Weighted blankets as a tool for better sleep andanxiety reductionWeighted blankets come in various sizes and weights and provide deep-touch therapy or deep-pressure stimulation. Clinical studies suggest thissensation, similar to being held or hugged, releases serotonin which helpsto regulate sleep and mood. Springbrook Behavioral Health likens thisdeep-touch therapy to other vestibular activities such as yoga, heavy worksuch as hopscotch or raking leaves, and swimming.

Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

Applied Behavioral Analysis EDU describes the biological processes thattake place when a weighted blanket is used:

“When you apply deep pressure to the body, the body switches fromrunning its sympathetic nervous system to its parasympathetic nervoussystem. This is the so-called switch from “ ght or ight” to “rest anddigest”…Unfortunately, kids with autism spectrum and sensory processingdisorders spend a lot of time stuck in the sympathetic nervous system.Even when they do calm down, it takes very little to retrigger this system…As deep pressure is applied to the body, the parasympathetic nervoussystem comes online, calming your child and bringing a sense of well-being.” (ABA EDU)

Weighted blankets can be particularly e ective for children during timesof heightened anxiety, while trying to sleep, or when sensory processingissues become overwhelming. Some children also enjoy using their blanketas a source of comfort while watching TV or lounging. They are especiallyeffective when creating a sensory space for your child with autism.

Applied Behavioral Analysis EDU describes these positive e ects of deep-pressure stimulation:

General sense of calm that can last up to a few hours after therapy Decreased overall anxiety when practiced regularly Increased happiness Improved social interactions Increased communicativeness Better sleep Improved focus Lowered incidence of seizures Lowered hypersensitivity to touch Improved ability to tolerate the school environment Decrease in self-injury

Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

Best weighted blankets for adults and adolescentsChildren are not the only people who bene t from the calming e ects ofweighted blankets and deep-pressure stimulation. Biologically, the adultand adolescent body will have the same release of endorphins childrenfeel. As autism, anxiety, and sensory processing disorders need to bemanaged throughout an individual’s lifetime, many adults and adolescents

nd comfort in having a variety of tools available to them. Most of thesame retailers who sell weighted blankets for children have an adult linewith di erent fabrics, weights, and patterns. All of the retailers linkedbelow also sell blankets appropriate for adults and adolescents.

Selecting a weighted blanket for your childIn selecting the best weighted blanket for your child, parents must takeinto consideration the child’s weight, height, and even their bed size andcolor preferences. Mosaic Weighted Blankets, a trusted weighted blanketsupplier, suggests the blanket should weigh 10% of the child’s bodyweight plus one or two pounds. Their website features a chart that canhelp you determine the best weight blanket for your child. Is especiallyimportant for young children not to have a blanket that is too heavy. If youare still unsure of the best blanket weight for your child, a therapist ordoctor should be able to advise you on what will work best for your child.An increasing number of therapists keep weighted blankets in their o cesthat a child can try before your purchase.

Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

Weighted blankets come in a variety of materials including cotton,antimicrobial fabrics, minky, chenille, eece, cooling fabrics, orwaterproof fabrics. Depending on your child’s sensory preferences,blankets can often be made out of custom fabrics as with The MagicBlanket. The lling of weighted blankets is as diverse as the fabrics withwhich they can be made. The most common llings are polypropylenepellets or glass beads.

Where to buy a weighted blanketAs weighted blankets increase in popularity, more retailers are croppingup. While it is important to be sure your child’s weighted blanket is wellconstructed and uses appropriate llers, consumers have an increasingnumber of retailers to choose from when purchasing.

As mentioned above, Mosaic Weighted Blankets is a popular option. Theyhave a large variety of blankets and wraps to choose from allowingconsumers to customize their blanket’s material, size, and weight morethan many other retailers. They also o er a DIY kit for families feelingadventurous. Their children’s blankets tend to hover around the $100 pricepoint.

The Magic Blanket, another popular retailer, has a large variety of fabricoptions and allows the customer to email them with custom orders. Theirwebsite houses an extensive review section and answers frequently askedquestions. They o er military and law enforcement discounts and theirblankets tend to range from $70 to $120 depending on the fabric.

Weighted Comforts, run by a mother and son team, make weightedblankets in partnership with Sew for Hope. Their blankets come in neutraltones and quilted or Coolmax fabrics. Their blankets are most appropriatefor older children, adolescents, and adults as their blankets tend to beheavier. Their prices range from $195 to $299 depending on the fabric.

Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

CapeAble Sensory Products is an award-winning company started by twomothers, Marna Pacheco and Susan Hickok, who were inspired to createtheir own products to provide comfort and focus for their daughters withspecial needs. Today, CapeAble Sensory Products o ers weighted blankets,weighted wearables, and sensory enrichment tools at a variety of pricepoints that deliver deep pressure touch stimulation, enabling the centralnervous system to communicate most effectively with the brain.

If you prefer to purchase through Amazon, be sure the retailer you choseuses a certi ed and safe lling as well as taking care to select theappropriate weight for your child. Popular and well-reviewed brandsavailable on Amazon include Platinum Health and YnM.

As always, if you have questions about the most appropriate blanket foryour child, seek the advice of an occupational therapist, pediatrician, orpsychologist.


Sicile-Kira, C. (2010, March 02). What is Sensory Processing Disorder andHow Is It Related to Autism? Retrieved 2018, fromhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-autism-advocate/201003/what-is-sensory-processing-disorder-and-how-is-it-related-autism

Marco, E. J., Hinkley, L. B. N., Hill, S. S., & Nagarajan, S. S. (2011). SensoryProcessing in Autism: A Review of Neurophysiologic Findings. PediatricResearch, 69(5 Pt 2), 48R–54R.http://doi.org/10.1203/PDR.0b013e3182130c54

Merrill, A. (n.d.). Indiana University Bloomington. Retrieved 2018, fromhttps://www.iidc.indiana.edu/pages/anxiety-and-autism-spectrum-disorders

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

How Does Anxiety A ect Sleep? (n.d.). Retrieved January, 2018, fromhttps://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-disorders-problems-list/how-does-anxiety-affect-sleep

West, K. (2016, November 11). 11 Negative E ects of Childhood SleepDeprivation. Retrieved January, 2018, from https://sleeplady.com/toddler-sleep-problems/11-negative-effects-of-childhood-sleep-deprivation/

Sensory Processing activities for children with Autism. (2017, February 07).Retrieved January, 2018, fromhttps://springbrookautismbehavioral.com/portfolio-item/using-deep-pressure-stimulation-to-improve-sensory-processing/

1. (2016, January). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Retrieved January,2018, from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/index.shtml

Lyness, D. (Ed.). (2013, May). Social Phobia. Retrieved January, 2018, fromhttps://kidshealth.org/en/teens/social-phobia.html

923. (2017, December 21). Agoraphobia. Retrieved January 26, 2018, fromhttps://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000923.htm

924. (n.d.). Speci c Phobias. Retrieved January, 2018, fromhttps://adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/specific-phobias#

Bressert, S., Ph.D. (2017, August 24). Separation Anxiety DisorderSymptoms. Retrieved January, 2018, fromhttps://psychcentral.com/disorders/separation-anxiety-disorder-symptoms/

1. (n.d.). What is Deep Pressure Stimulation? Retrieved January 26, 2018,f r o m https://www.appliedbehavioranalysisedu.org/what-is-deep-pressure-stimulation/

Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

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Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep

Katherine G. HobbsKatherine G. Hobbs is a freelance journalist and university studentstudying English, with an emphasis on journalism, and psychology. She isinterested in the impact of having a special needs child on the familydynamic. Katherine is dedicated to bringing awareness of resources tofamilies and providing help to those who love their autistic children. Youcan find her online at katherineghobbs.com.

Weighted Blankets: Reducing Anxiety and Providing a Good Night’s Sleep