week of november 11, 2012 lessons for the leader elijah ... · pdf file3/11/2012 ·...

OK to copy. Lessons for the Leader 1a Application Activities Format: Follow the numbers with arrows for a 30-minute, large group plus 20-minute Application Activities format. 1 Follow all the numbers for a 45- to 60-minute large group only format. What do these symbols mean? Session at a Glance First Kings 17–18 records a clash between a prophet and a king. This prophet had to deliver big news to the powerful king. Have you ever had to deliver news to someone you did not want to tell? Read 1 Kings 17:1. Learn who Elijah was and what he said to the king. In whose confidence did Elijah stand to talk to the king? Do you stand in the confidence of God? Do you allow God to lead you in what you say and do? Read 1 Kings 18:1-2. How long did it not rain? Can you imagine going that long without rain? Different areas of the world experience drought each year. What are the results? God showed grace when He ended the drought. Elijah again listened and obeyed God. What did Elijah do? Read 1 Kings 18:41-46. These verses contain two miracles of God. The first is rain. How many times did Elijah send his servant to look for rain? The number seven is important in the Bible. What was Elijah doing before and between each time he sent the servant to look? Elijah continued to pray even after his first prayer was not answered. How often do we give up and not bother to pray over things? Notice the second miracle: Elijah ran faster than the chariot. Elijah had told Ahab to get his chariot ready and leave so the rain would not impede his travel. The rain did come, fast and furious. God continued to bless Elijah. Read James 5:17-18. Elijah was born and lived like everyone else. However, Elijah was a prophet, set apart from others by God. Elijah prayed faithfully. Do you faithfully pray? Start today! Elijah Prayed to God Focus Passage: 1 Kings 17:1; 18:1-2,41-46; James 5:17-18 Key Bible Verse: Matthew 7:7 Life Application I can ask God for help. Level of Biblical Learning (God) God wants people to pray to Him. Introduction to Worship (6 to 8 minutes) Greet Children Draw Pictures Worship (30 minutes/45 minutes) Welcome Children Pray Sing "God Will Listen When You Pray" Sing "My Singing Is a Prayer" Learn the Bible Verse Find It Tell the Bible Story Review the Bible Story Use Worship Guides Make Application Sing "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing" Present Offering and Pray Transition Application Activities (20 minutes) Wrap-Up (10 minutes) Week of November 11, 2012 Page 1 of 17

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Page 1: Week of November 11, 2012 Lessons for the Leader Elijah ... · PDF file3/11/2012 · Lessons for the Leader. 1. a. ... Can you imagine going that long without rain? ... Week of November

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Lessons for the Leader

1a Application Activities Format: Follow the numbers with arrows for a 30-minute, large group plus 20-minute Application Activities format.

1 Follow all the numbers for a 45- to 60-minute large

group only format.

What do these symbols mean?

Session at a Glance

First Kings 17–18 records a clash between a prophet and a king. This prophet had to deliver big news to the powerful king. Have you ever had to deliver news to someone you did not want to tell?•Read 1 Kings 17:1. Learn who Elijah was and

what he said to the king. In whose confidence did Elijah stand to talk to the king? Do you stand in the confidence of God? Do you allow God to lead you in what you say and do?

•Read 1 Kings 18:1-2. How long did it not rain? Can you imagine going that long without rain? Different areas of the world experience drought each year. What are the results? God showed grace when He ended the drought. Elijah again listened and obeyed God. What did Elijah do?

•Read 1 Kings 18:41-46. These verses contain two miracles of God. The first is rain. How many times did Elijah send his servant to look for rain? The number seven is important in the Bible. What was Elijah doing before and between each time he sent the servant to look? Elijah continued to pray even after his first prayer was not answered. How often do we give up and not bother to pray over things?

•Notice the second miracle: Elijah ran faster than the chariot. Elijah had told Ahab to get his chariot ready and leave so the rain would not impede his travel. The rain did come, fast and furious. God continued to bless Elijah.

•Read James 5:17-18. Elijah was born and lived like everyone else. However, Elijah was a prophet, set apart from others by God. Elijah prayed faithfully. Do you faithfully pray? Start today!

Elijah Prayed to God

Focus Passage: 1 Kings 17:1; 18:1-2,41-46; James 5:17-18

Key Bible Verse: Matthew 7:7

Life ApplicationI can ask God for help.

Level of Biblical Learning (God)God wants people to pray to Him.

Introduction to Worship (6 to 8 minutes)

Greet Children Draw Pictures

Worship (30 minutes/45 minutes)

Welcome ChildrenPray Sing "God Will Listen When You Pray"Sing "My Singing Is a Prayer"Learn the Bible VerseFind ItTell the Bible StoryReview the Bible StoryUse Worship GuidesMake ApplicationSing "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing"Present Offering and PrayTransition

Application Activities (20 minutes)

Wrap-Up (10 minutes)

Week of November 11, 2012

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Introduction to Worship

Elijah Prayed to God

1aGreet Children

Pull It TogetherOffering container

•Show preschoolers where to put their offerings.

2aDraw Pictures

Pull It TogetherPaper, markers, children's scissors, glue sticks

•Distribute supplies.•Say: "Our Bible story includes rain. Let's make

things about rain. We can draw pictures of places we like to be when it rains or us playing in the rain. Cut out rain drop shapes, umbrellas, and rain clothes and glue to paper."

•Allow kids to draw and make pictures.•Say: "Elijah prayed to God for help. The land

needed rain. We can pray to God for help. Display your pictures at home to remind you to pray to God for help."

Worship 3aWelcome Children (2 minutes)•Say: "I am so glad you are here. Worshiping

together is fun. Did you know God wants people to pray to Him? Prayer is talking to God. We can ask God for what we need and for help."

4 Pray (2 minutes)•Invite a few preschoolers to pray.

5aSing "God Will Listen When You Pray" (DVD, 2 minutes)

6 Sing "My Singing Is a Prayer" (DVD, 2 minutes)

7aLearn the Bible Verse (5 minutes)

Pull It TogetherClothespins, yarn or string, index cards, markers•Print each word of Matthew 7:7 from your

preferred translation on a separate index card.•Tie yarn between 2 chairs.

Teacher TipPrint "Matthew 7:7 Paraphrase" (CD).

•Call on a child to clip the first word of the Bible verse on the clothesline.

•Say the word. •Lead preschoolers to echo.•Call on another child to clip the next word. •Say the first and second words of the verse. •Lead preschoolers to echo.•Continue this pattern until the children display

the verse and reference.•Remark: "We can ask God for what we need."

8 Find It (5 minutes)

Pull It TogetherMasking tape, scissors•Print "1 Kings," "Matthew," "James," and

"Testaments" (CD). Cut apart "Testaments."•Place a tape loop on the back of each page.

•Begin: "The Bible has two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament."

•Attach the Old and New Testament signs to two children or adults, or to a wall.

•Say: "Our Bible verse is in the New Testament in the Book of Matthew [attach sign]."

•Continue: "Our Bible story is in the Book of 1 Kings and the Book of James. First Kings is in the Old Testament [attach sign]. James is in the New Testament [attach sign]."

•Lead kids to say names of books and testaments.•Remark: "Our Bible story is about a man named

Elijah. Open your Bibles to 1 Kings 18."•Enlist adults to help the children.

9aTell the Bible Story (7 minutes)

Pull It TogetherUmbrella, yarn, scissors, tape, hole punch•Print "Teaching Picture 11 Elijah" and

"Elijah Story Drops" (CD). •Cut apart drops. •Punch a hole in the top of each drop.•Tie a length of yarn to each drop. (Display drops as

directed.)•Place a string in your Bible at James 5.

•Open your Bible to 1 Kings.•Open the umbrella as you say: "Our Bible story

includes rain. Who has used an umbrella? The people in Bible times did not have umbrellas. We'll use an umbrella during our story. Let's learn what happened."

•Tell the Bible story, attaching drops to the umbrella as directed.

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Week of November 11, 2012

Elijah Prayed to GodBased on 1 Kings 17:1; 18:1-2,41-46;

James 5:17-18

Elijah told King Ahab (AY hab) it would not rain again until he said it would rain. Three years passed, and no rain fell. No food could grow, and people were very hungry. [Add drop 1.]

Three years later, God told Elijah to go to Ahab. God said He would send rain. Elijah went to Ahab. On his way to meet Ahab, Elijah helped many people know that God is the one, true God. Elijah finally told Ahab to eat and drink because rain was coming. Ahab went to eat and drink. [Add drop 2.]

•Display the teaching picture.

Elijah went up on the mountain (Mount Carmel) and prayed. Elijah told his servant to go look toward the sea. The servant did not see anything. Elijah sent him to look again, but he still did not see anything. Six times he looked but did not see anything. The seventh time, he told Elijah he could see a small cloud coming from the sea. The cloud was the size of a man's hand. [Add drop 3.]

Elijah sent his servant with a message for Ahab. The servant told Ahab to get his chariot ready to leave before the rain stopped him. [Add drop 4.]

Soon the sky was full of dark clouds. The wind blew and the rain came down. Ahab left for Jezreel (JEZ reel), but Elijah ran ahead and got to Jezreel first. [Add drop 5]

Elijah prayed for no rain to fall. God answered his prayer. Three years later, Elijah prayed again, this time for rain to come down. God gave rain so there would be water to grow plants, fill the streams, lakes, and rivers, and give people and animals water to drink. [Add drop 6.]

10aReview the Bible Story (5 minutes)

Pull It Together3 beanbags, masking tape, marker•Print numerals 1, 2, and 3 on tape pieces. Tape a

number to each beanbag.•Tape a large square on the floor.•Tape a second square inside the large square.•Tape a third square inside the second square.

•Instruct: "I'll invite three children at a time to toss the beanbags onto the squares. Try to land your beanbag in the center square [point]."

•Invite three children to toss the beanbags.•Call on the child whose beanbag is closest

to the innermost square to choose a number between 1 and 6.

•Read aloud the review question matching the number the child chose (see "Review Questions" under Wrap-Up).

•Allow all three children to work together to answer the question.

•Invite three new players.•Repeat process until each child gets a turn to

toss the beanbag.•Connect: "Elijah prayed to God and asked

for help. Elijah asked God to send rain. God answered Elijah's prayers. God wants people to pray to Him. We can ask God for help. We can ask God for what we need."

11aUse Worship Guides (7 minutes)

Pull It TogetherWorship Guides, pencils

•Distribute materials.•Lead children to complete the activities on the

Worship Guides.

12 Make Application (4 minutes)•Remark: "We are learning God wants people

to pray to Him. The word pray means 'to talk and listen to God.' God wants us to ask Him for help. What can we ask God help for?”

•Encourage responses.•Lead kids to say the Bible verse (Matthew 7:7).•State: "Our verse says to ask for our needs.

What are needs? (water, rain, sunshine, food, clothing, air, places to live) What are wants?" (toys, candy, games, and so on)

•Encourage responses.•Talk about the differences.•Conclude: "We should pray for help for our

needs and not just the things we want."

13 Sing "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing" (DVD, 2 minutes)

14aPresent Offering and Pray (2 minutes)

15aGo to Application Activities or Wrap-Up

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Wrap-Up(Large Group Only Format)

Wrap-Up(Application Activities Format)

Week of November 11, 2012 Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition Leader Guide© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

*Giant Game Floor Mat (001114564) may be ordered through LifeWay Christian Resources Customer Service Center at 1.800.458.2772 or online at www.lifeway.com.

16 Sing "Made for Tappin' " (DVD, 2 minutes)

17 Review (3 minutes)

Pull It TogetherUmbrella with attached rain drops from step 9

•Display the umbrella.•Comment: "Each drop tells a part of our Bible

story. Let's see how well we remember our story."

•Give hints about what happened in each part of the Bible story (section of story on each drop).

•Invite children to tell each part of the story.•Lead kids to say the Bible verse (Matthew 7:7).•Remark: "God wants people to pray to Him.

The Bible verse tells us to ask God for what we need. Elijah asked God for what he needed. God answered Elijah's prayers."

18 Play a Game (5 minutes)

Pull It Together3 beanbags and taped squares on floor from step 10, paper, marker, tape, scissors•Print the words need, want, and help on the paper

and cut apart.•Tape the words inside the squares.

•Instruct: "We'll take turns tossing the beanbags onto the squares. In each square is a word. When your beanbag lands in a square, I'll read the word, and you'll tell us either a need, a want, or something to pray for help about."

•Invite kids to toss the beanbags and respond.•Conclude: "God wants us to pray to Him. We

can ask for help when we pray."

19 Dismiss Children to Their Parents

Review Questions1. What did Elijah tell Ahab would not happen again

until Elijah said it would? (rain)2. How long did no rain fall? (more than 3 years)3. What happened when no rain fell for 3 years? (no

food could grow, people were hungry)4. What did Elijah pray for on the mountain? (rain)5. How many times did Elijah's servant look for

clouds but did not see anything? (6)6. What did the servant see the seventh time?

(a cloud as big as a man's hand)

16aSing "Made for Tappin' " (DVD, 2 minutes)

17aHighlight Application Activities (2 minutes)•Call on several children to tell what they did in

their Application Activities. dArts and Crafts—Make Rain Clouds dDramatic Play—Enjoy Water Play and a Mystery Box dGames—Play "Puddle Plop" dExploration and Discovery—Stamp Word Designs

•Apply: "Our activities helped us learn we can ask God for help."

18aSing a Song (6 minutes)

Ask God for Help Song(Tune: "London Bridge")

God wants us to pray to Him, pray to Him, pray to Him.God wants us to pray to Him to ask Him for help.

We can ask for what we need, what we need, what we need.We can ask for what we need. God will answer.

•Choose two children to form a bridge by facing one another, holding hands, and raising their hands above their heads.

•Lead the remaining boys and girls to form a line and walk around and underneath the bridge.

•Sing the song as everyone walks.•Instruct the children forming the bridge to

"capture" the child walking under the bridge when they hear the line, "to ask Him for help." All other children stand still until child is released.

•Assist the captured child in naming a need someone might have. The child will remain "captured" until the second part of the song is complete.

•Continue as time permits.•Connect: "We learned about asking God for

help. God helped Elijah. God answered Elijah's prayers. We can ask God for help, too. We can ask Him for what we need."

19aDismiss Children to Their Parents

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Application Activities Select from the following choices. Each choice is designed for 20 minutes of small group time.

Pull It TogetherHeavyweight paper, scissors, markers, painting smocks, tempera paints (black, white, red, yellow, blue, orange), sponges, spring clothespins, newspaper, tables•Cover the tables with

newspaper.•Cut sponges into

1-inch squares. Attach a clothespin to each sponge. Make 1 sponge paintbrush for each child.

•Print "Clouds" (CD).

Teacher Tips•Use watercolor paints

and cotton swabs.•Allow any child to

sponge paint the entire paper.

Pull It TogetherWater table or large tub, plastic cups, eye droppers, paintbrushes, spoons, painting smocks, plastic table covering, box, variety of fun play items (balls, toy figures, trinkets, etc.)•Fill the water table or

large tub with water. •Place plastic table

covering under the table or tub.

•Fill a cardboard box with fun items that a child might want.

Teacher TipOffer water play ideas: use an eye dropper to pretend to fill a cup with rain, pour water from one cup to another without spilling, and paint a toy with water.

Week of November 11, 2012

Worship Through Dramatic PlayEnjoy Water Play and a Mystery Box•Ask: "What do we need in order to live? (food, water, a place to live, and

people who will take care of us) We can ask God for what we need."•Give examples and listen and respond to the children's responses.•Place children in two teams.•Say: "Both teams will do the activities. Each team will start at one station

and then switch when I tell you. This team [point] will have fun pouring, mixing, stirring, and painting with water at the water table. The other team [point] will have fun discovering what is in the box to play with."

•Send teams to their stations.•Assist kids with putting on smocks and/or opening the box.•Call for teams to switch places halfway through the activity time.•Lead kids to clean the stations and sit on the floor.•Clarify: "We played with water—something we need—and toys—things

we want. Wants are different from needs. We should pray for help for our needs and not just for the things we want."

•Lead kids to say the Bible verse (Matthew 7:7). •Close in prayer.

Worship Through Arts and CraftsPaint Rain Clouds•Ask: "Why do we need rain?" Encourage the children to respond.•Continue: "Rain helps plants and crops grow so we have food to eat. Rain

also gives us water to drink. In our Bible story, we learned no rain fell for a long time. Elijah prayed and asked God to send rain. God heard Elijah's prayers. God sent rain. Let's paint rain clouds to help us remember what God did."

•Assist kids with putting on painting smocks.•Display "Clouds."•Show children how to dab the sponges into the paint and onto the papers.•Talk about the Bible story as kids paint.•Clarify: "Wants are different from needs. Let's name things we want, but

don't need." •Give examples and listen and respond to the children's responses.•Ask: "What do we need in order to live? (food, water, a place to live, and

people who will take care of us) We can ask God for what we need."•Say: "Elijah sent his servant to look for storm clouds. How many times did

the servant go look for a cloud? (seven) Elijah knew God would send rain. God gave Elijah and the people what they needed."

•Lead kids to clean the area, wash hands, and remove smocks.•Close in prayer.

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OK to copy.

Pull It TogetherLarge sheets of light blue paper, beach ball, tape•Tape "puddles" (blue

paper) randomly on the floor.

•Tape a starting line to the floor about 8 feet from the "puddles."

Teacher TipUse a beanbag instead of a beach ball.

Teacher TipLooking for additional resources to enhance your teaching? Check out the Levels of Biblical Learning resources available at www.lifeway.com/levelsofbiblicallearning

Pull It TogetherPaper, rubber stamps (alphabet, shapes), washable ink pads, blank index cards, markers•Stamp the following

words on individual index cards: food, water, family, home.

Teacher TipAssign a word to each child. When he finishes stamping the word, suggest he switch the word card with a friend.

Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition Leader Guide© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Worship Through Exploration and DiscoveryStamp Word Designs•Say: "Elijah prayed and asked God to send rain. God heard Elijah's

prayers. God sent rain. What do we need in order to live?" •Encourage responses.•Comment: "We need food, water, a place to live, and people who will take

care of us. We can ask God for what we need. God hears our prayers."•Point to the word cards on the table. •Read aloud each word. •Say: "These are things we need. Let's practice stamping these words.

Choose a word to stamp. Stamp the letters, then draw a picture about the word. Stamp the shapes to help with the picture. Take turns with the stamps. You can stamp more than one word."

•Give each child paper.•Demonstrate how to use rubber stamps to spell the words.•Review the Bible story.•Clarify: "Wants are different from needs. Let's name things we want but

don't need." •Encourage responses.•Assist kids with stamping or spelling words.•Say the Bible verse (Matthew 7:7) with the children. •Lead children to clean the area and wash their hands.•Pray.

Play "Puddle Plop"•Ask: "Why do we need rain?"•Encourage responses.•Explain: "Rain helps plants and crops to grow so we can have food to eat.

Rain also gives us water to drink. In our Bible story, we learned no rain fell for a long time. Elijah prayed and asked God to send rain. God heard Elijah's prayers. God sent rain."

•Point to papers and say: "Let's pretend these papers are puddles. Did you know that puddles are made of water on the ground? We will take turns trying to kick the ball to make it land in one of the puddles. When it lands in a puddle, name something we need in order to live."

•Direct the children to stand behind the starting line. •Invite kids to take turns gently kicking the ball and naming needs.•Correct any wants the children state.•Talk about the differences between needs and wants as kids play.•Change games.•Instruct half of the kids to defend the puddles. The other half will try to get

the ball onto a puddle. Switch after a few minutes.•Invite kids to jump in the puddles.•Lead kids to say the Bible verse (Matthew 7:7). •Say: "We are to pray for help for our needs, not only for the things we

want."•Pray, thanking God for His help.

Worship Through Games

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Michael Sloan Elijah Prayed to God© 2009 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in the USA. 1 Kings 17:1; 18:1-2,41-46; James 5:17-18

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Matthew 8Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.



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James 13Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.



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1 Kings 2Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

1 King


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Testaments (November 11) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

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Matthew 7:7 Paraphrase (November 11) 1Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.




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Matthew 7:7 Paraphrase (November 11) 2Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.







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Matthew 7:7 Paraphrase (November 11) 3Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.







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Eilijah Story Drops (November 11) 1Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.


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2Three years later, God told Elijah to go to Ahab. God said He would send rain. Elijah went to Ahab. On his way to meet Ahab, Elijah helped many people know that God is the one, true God. Elijah finally told Ahad to eat and drink because rain was coming. Ahab went to eat and drink.

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Eilijah Story Drops (November 11) 2Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.


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5Soon the sky was full of dark clouds. The wind blew and the rain came down. Ahab left for Jezreel, but Elijah ran ahead

and got to Jezreel first.

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Clouds (November 11) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Fall 2012© 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

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