wednesday, may 17, 2017 73rd day

HOUSE JOURNAL EIGHTY-FIFTH LEGISLATURE, REGULAR SESSION PROCEEDINGS SEVENTY-THIRD DAY — WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2017 The house met at 2:32 p.m. and was called to order by the speaker. The roll of the house was called and a quorum was announced present (Recordi1289). Present — Mr. Speaker(C); Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.; Are ´valo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Cyrier; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonza ´lez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Israel; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Mun ˜oz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Neva ´rez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Smithee; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler; Zerwas. Absent, Excused — Oliveira. The speaker recognized Representative Hinojosa who introduced Thomas Daniel, senior pastor, Covenant Presbyterian, Austin, who offered the invocation as follows: Lord God, as we gather here today, we need to first pause and give you thanks and praise. Thank you for this day that you have given us. Thank you for this nation and this state in which we live and enjoy the glorious fruits of freedom. Thank you for our communities, our friends, our spouses, our children, and our grandchildren. Thank you that the men and women gathered in this hallowed hall have been entrusted by their communities to be their representatives in this seat of power. Thank you that we live in a time and in a society in which the voice of every Texan, in all our diversity, may be heard, respected, and valued.

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Page 1: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 73rd Day




The house met at 2:32 p.m. and was called to order by the speaker.

The roll of the house was called and a quorum was announced present(Recordi1289).

Present — Mr. Speaker(C); Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.;Anderson, R.; Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac;Bonnen, D.; Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales;Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Cyrier;Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins;Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins;Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez;Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter;Isaac; Israel; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King,T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Lang; Larson;Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller;Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson;Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price; Raney;Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero;Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine;Simmons; Smithee; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry;Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba;Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler; Zerwas.

Absent, Excused — Oliveira.

The speaker recognized Representative Hinojosa who introduced ThomasDaniel, senior pastor, Covenant Presbyterian, Austin, who offered the invocationas follows:

Lord God, as we gather here today, we need to first pause and give youthanks and praise. Thank you for this day that you have given us. Thank you forthis nation and this state in which we live and enjoy the glorious fruits offreedom. Thank you for our communities, our friends, our spouses, our children,and our grandchildren. Thank you that the men and women gathered in thishallowed hall have been entrusted by their communities to be theirrepresentatives in this seat of power. Thank you that we live in a time and in asociety in which the voice of every Texan, in all our diversity, may be heard,respected, and valued.

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You have given us so much, and yet we confess we are not always goodstewards of your gifts. Sometimes we have failed to love our neighbor asourselves. Sometimes we are more interested in party than in the true merits ofpolicy. Sometimes we fail to do all that we can to care for the widow, the orphan,the marginalized, and the oppressed. Sometimes we are all less than our best, lessthan you call us to be.

But God, your grace is enough. We know that despite ourselves you keepshowing up. You promise us that you can use us, with all our gifts and all ouruncertainties, to build your kingdom and that your kingdom is real and is a truththat we can pursue and embody every single day. So we gather here with fullconfidence that a day is coming when every tear will be wiped away and everysoul will know its worth, a day when justice will roll down like waters andrighteousness like a mighty stream.

And so I thank you for your faithfulness to us. I give you thanks for eachperson sitting in this hall. I give you thanks that you have called them here, and Ipray for two specific things. First, I pray for wisdom. Fill each representative witha wisdom that comes from you, the wisdom to know your will. Give them thewisdom to know what doors of opportunity you are opening and what doors youare closing. And second, fill them with courage. Give them the courage not onlyto know your will, but to follow it even when it is hard. I pray that this day, thisbeautiful chamber, would be a beacon of divine wisdom and divine courage forthe flourishing of all who live in this state. I pray this in your name. Amen.

The speaker recognized Representative Wilson who led the house in thepledges of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.


The following member was granted leave of absence temporarily for todaybecause of illness:

Oliveira on motion of Thierry.


Representative Hunter requested permission for the Committee on Calendarsto meet while the house is in session, at 2:45 p.m. today, in 3W.15, to set acalendar.

Permission to meet was granted.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Calendars, 2:45 p.m. today, 3W.15, for a formal meeting, to set a calendar.

(Cyrier in the chair)


A message from the senate was received at this time (see the addendum tothe daily journal, Messages from the Senate, Message No. 1).


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The chair recognized Representative Gonzales who presented Dr.iAnujSharma of Round Rock as the "Doctor for the Day."

The house welcomed Dr. Sharma and thanked her for her participation in thePhysician of the Day Program sponsored by the Texas Academy of FamilyPhysicians.


The following member was granted leave of absence temporarily for todaybecause of important business in the district:

Smithee on motion of Flynn.


On motion of Representative Kuempel and by unanimous consent, thereading and referral of bills was postponed until just prior to adjournment.


Representative Lucio moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up andconsider at this time the following congratulatory resolutions.

The motion prevailed.

The following resolutions were laid before the house:

HCR 133 (by Frullo), Honoring artist G. Harvey of Fredericksburg.

HCR 134 (by Craddick), Honoring Joseph I. O ’Neill III of Midland for hisachievements as a business and civic leader.

HR 1976 (by Goldman), Congratulating Kay Newton on her retirementfrom Trinity Valley School in Fort Worth.

HR 2060 (by Minjarez), Recognizing Umberto ’s Italian Grill in SanAntonio and its owners, Raul and Rita Segura.

HR 2207 (by Arevalo), Honoring norteno band Intocable for itscontributions to music.

The resolutions were adopted.

On motion of Representative Lucio, the names of all the members of thehouse were added to the resolutions as signers thereof, with the understandingthat a member may remove his or her name from any resolution.

HR 1926 - PREVIOUSLYADOPTED(by Geren, Stucky, Giddings, and Ashby)

The chair laid out and had read the following previously adopted resolution:

HR 1926,iCongratulating Lee F. Jackson on his retirement as chancellor ofthe University of North Texas System.

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The chair recognized Representative Stucky who introduced the HonorableLee F. Jackson and members of his family.


Pursuant to a previous motion, the following member was granted leave ofabsence for the remainder of today to attend a meeting of the ConferenceCommittee on SBi1:

Zerwas on motion of Geren.


Notice was given at this time that the speaker had signed bills andresolutions in the presence of the house (see the addendum to the daily journal,Signed by the Speaker, House List No. 24 and Senate List No. 18).


The chair laid out and had read the following previously adopted resolution:

HCR 133,iHonoring artist G. Harvey of Fredericksburg.


The chair recognized Representative Frullo who introduced family membersof G.iHarvey.


The chair laid out and had read the following previously adopted resolution:

HR 2207,iHonoring norteno band Intocable for its contributions to music.


The chair recognized Representative Arevalo who introduced members ofIntocable.


Representative Gutierrez requested permission for the Committee onDefense and Veterans ’Affairs to meet while the house is in session, at 5, in 1W.14, to consider SBi49, SBi102, SBi441, SBi544, SBi578, SBi588,SBi591, SBi805, SBi1371, SBi1676, SBi1677, SBi1679, SBi1698, SBi1843,SBi1897, SBi1936, and SCRi51.

Permission to meet was granted.


The following committee meeting was announced:


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Defense and Veterans ’Affairs, 5 p.m. today, 1W.14, for a formal meeting, toconsider SBi49, SBi102, SBi441, SBi544, SBi578, SBi588, SBi591, SBi805,SBi1371, SBi1676, SBi1677, SBi1679, SBi1698, SBi1843, SBi1897, SB 1936,and SCRi51.


Representative Moody requested permission for the Committee on CriminalJurisprudence to meet while the house is in session, at 4 p.m. today, in 3W.9, toconsider SB 1322, SB 1649, and SB 1913.

Permission to meet was granted.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Criminal Jurisprudence, 4ip.m. today, 3W.9, for a formal meeting, toconsider SBi1322, SBi1649, and SBi1913.


Representative T. King moved to reconsider the vote by which SB 319, asamended, was passed to third reading on Mayi16.

The motion to reconsider prevailed.

SB 319 ON SECOND READING(Raymond - House Sponsor)

The chair laid before the house, on its second reading and passage to thirdreading,

SB 319, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the continuation andfunctions of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; authorizing areduction in fees; providing penalties.

SB 319 was read second time on May 16 and was passed to third reading, asamended.

Amendment No. 5 - Vote Reconsidered

Representative T. King moved to reconsider the vote by which AmendmentNo.i5, as amended, was adopted on Mayi16.

The motion to reconsider prevailed.

Amendment No. 7 - Vote Reconsidered

Representative T. King moved to reconsider the vote by which AmendmentNo.i7 was adopted on May 16.

The motion to reconsider prevailed.

Amendment No. 7 was withdrawn.

Amendment No. 5, as amended, was adopted.

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Amendment No. 2 - Vote Reconsidered

Representative T. King moved to reconsider the vote by which AmendmentNo.i2 was adopted by Record No. 1274 on May 16.

The motion to reconsider prevailed.

Amendment No. 2 was withdrawn.


The following member was granted leave of absence for the remainder oftoday because of important business in the district:

Israel on motion of Howard.

SB 319 - (consideration continued)

SB 319, as amended, was passed to third reading by (Record 1290): 144Yeas, 0 Nays, 2 Present, not voting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione;Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis,S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar;Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales;Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero;Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.;Kacal; Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel;Lambert; Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio;Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy;Murr; Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan;Phillips; Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts;Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield;Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland;Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner;Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu;Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.


While we support this bill, we believe that it would have been significantlybetter with the amendments by Representative Larson and RepresentativeGooden. It is imperative that we all work to protect the private property rights ofall Texans and to make sure that hunters and deer breeders are treated fairly.

Capriglione, Springer, and Stickland


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The following bills were laid before the house and read third time:

SB 735 ON THIRD READING(Cook - House Sponsor)

SB 735, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to periodic rate adjustment byand to certain transactions involving electric utilities.

SBi735 was passed by (Record 1291): 142 Yeas, 1 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione;Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis,S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar;Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales;Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa;Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal;Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert;Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez;Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr;Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips;Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.;Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen;Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry;Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba;Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Nays — Stickland.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Gutierrez.


When Record No. 1291 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended tovote yes.



On motion of Representative Cook, Representative S. Thompson wasauthorized as a house sponsor to SBi735.

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SB 1895 ON THIRD READING(Oliveira - House Sponsor)

SB 1895, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the assessment ofadministrative penalties under the Texas Workers ’Compensation Act.

SBi1895 was passed by (Record 1292): 143 Yeas, 0 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione;Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis,S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar;Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales;Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero;Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.;Kacal; Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert;Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez;Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr;Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips;Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.;Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen;Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson;Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver;Villalba; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Klick.

SB 12 ON THIRD READING(P. King, E. Johnson, Villalba, Burkett, Fallon, et al. - House Sponsors)

SB 12, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the creation of a grantprogram to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vestsand body armor.

SBi12 was passed by (Record 1293): 141 Yeas, 1 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione;Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis,S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank;Frullo; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden;Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland;Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; Keough; King,


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K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Lang;Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer;Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez;Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price;Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.;Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield;Shine; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry;Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba;Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Nays — Dutton.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Elkins; Geren.


When Record No. 1293 was taken, my vote failed to register. I would havevoted yes.


SB 203 ON THIRD READING(S. Davis - House Sponsor)

SB 203, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to removing the deadline for theDepartment of Family and Protective Services to enter into permanency careassistance agreements.

SBi203 was passed by (Record 1294): 141 Yeas, 0 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman;Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.;Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank;Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra;Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard;Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; Keough; King, K.; King,P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Lang; Larson;Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller;Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson;Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price; Raney;Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford;Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Springer;Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.;Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson;Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

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Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Bonnen, G.; Goldman; Rodriguez, E.


When Record No. 1294 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


SB 752 ON THIRD READING(Cortez - House Sponsor)

SB 752, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the overseas military e-mailballot program.

SBi752 was passed by (Record 1295): 140 Yeas, 0 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.; Arevalo;Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen,G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy;Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.;Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar;Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales;Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero;Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.;Kacal; Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel;Lambert; Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio;Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murr;Neave; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett;Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, J.; Romero;Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine;Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry;Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba;Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Allen; Murphy; Nevarez; Rodriguez, E.


When Record No. 1295 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.



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SB 312 ON THIRD READING(Gonzales, Burkett, Flynn, S. Thompson, and Raymond - House Sponsors)

SB 312, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the continuation andfunctions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase inrates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition ofreplacement aircraft.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Uresti offered the following amendment to SBi312:

Amend SBi312 on third reading by adding the following appropriatelynumbered SECTION to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of thebill accordingly:

SECTIONi____.iiSubchapter B, Chapter 225, Transportation Code, isamended by adding Section 225.130 to read as follows:

Sec.i225.130.iiHEROES OF HARLANDALE MEMORIAL HIGHWAY. (a)The portion of State Highway Spur 536 (Roosevelt Avenue) in Bexar Countybetween its intersection with Texas State Highway Loop 13 and InterstateHighway 410 is designated as the Heroes of Harlandale Memorial Highway.

(b)iiSubject to Section 225.021(c), the department shall:(1)iidesign and construct markers indicating the designation as the

Heroes of Harlandale Memorial Highway and any other appropriate information;and

(2)iierect a marker at each end of the highway and at appropriateintermediate sites along the highway.

Amendment No. 1 - Point of Order

Representative Huberty raised a point of order against further considerationof Amendment No. 1 under Rule 11, Section 6(g) of the House Rules on thegrounds that the amendment was not laid out 24 hours prior to the time the billwas eligible for consideration.

The chair sustained the point of order and submitted the followingstatement:

SBi312 is a sunset bill that would extend the Department of Transportation.Sunset-bill amendments are subject to Rulei11, Sectioni6(g) of the House Rules,which requires 10icopies of any amendment to be provided to the chief clerk andbe "available in the chief clerk ’s office at least 24 hours prior to the time thecalendar on which the bill or resolution to be amended is eligible forconsideration." Rulei11, Sectioni6(i) requires the Committee on HouseAdministration to ensure that "members of the public using the system availableon the Internet may view any amendment required to be provided to the chiefclerk under Rulei11, Sectioni6(e), (g), and (h) at least 10ihours prior to the timethe calendar on which the bill or resolution to be amended is eligible forconsideration." Amendment No.i1iwas not filed 24ihours prior to the time thecalendar on which SBi312 was eligible for consideration.

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Because the house considers bills on third reading the day after those billsare passed on second reading, the calendar for third-reading of the sunset bill willalmost always fall before a full 24ihours after the second reading. This makes itnearly impossible for timely notice to be given for the third-reading amendment."Under strict enforcement of the rule, members would be required to fileamendments for third reading before a measure passes second reading, and thechief clerk would be required to post all amendments to which Sectioni6(i)(3)applies to the Internet at least 10ihours before a calendar containing the measureto be amended is eligible for consideration." See 84iH.J.iReg.i3713-3715i(2015)(Moody point of order on SBi206).

The chair, out of respect for the members, must enforce the rules the bodyadopts. The body, having been made aware of the impact of the rules onthird-reading sunset amendments as recently as last session, nonetheless adoptedthe same rules governing requirements for sunset amendments. The chair is onceagain compelled to sustain the point of order. See Rulei1, Sectioni9;84iH.J.iReg.i3713-3715i(2015) (Moody point of order on SBi206); see also75iH.J.iReg.i3809-3810i(1997) (Wohlgemuth point of order on SBi1500). If infuture sessions the body wishes to preserve the option of amending sunset billson third reading, the membership may wish to consider amending therequirements of Rulei11, Sectioni6(g) and (i)(3).

The ruling precluded further consideration of Amendment No. 1.

SB 312 was passed by (Record 1296): 139 Yeas, 0 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen,G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy;Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.;Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank;Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez;Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa;Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; Keough; King,K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Lang;Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer;Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez;Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price;Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose;Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons;Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thompson, E.; Thompson,S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson;Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Bohac; Cosper; Holland; Rodriguez, E.; Thierry.


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When Record No. 1296 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


SB 877 ON THIRD READING(Oliveira - House Sponsor)

SB 877, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to liability of certain politicalsubdivisions in certain workers ’compensation actions.

SBi877 was passed by (Record 1297): 140 Yeas, 2 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione;Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis,S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar;Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales;Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero;Hinojosa; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Keough;King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Lang;Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer;Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez;Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price;Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose;Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons;Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson, E.;Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle;White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Nays — Kacal; King, K.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Holland; Rodriguez, E.


When Record No. 1297 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017 HOUSE JOURNAL — 73rd Day 3619

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SB 1954 ON THIRD READING(Lozano - House Sponsor)

SB 1954, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to participation in andcontributions to the optional retirement program for certain employees ofinstitutions of higher education.

SBi1954 was passed by (Record 1298): 140 Yeas, 0 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione;Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis,S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn;Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez;Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa;Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal;Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert;Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez;Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr;Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips;Pickett; Price; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, J.; Romero;Rose; Sanford; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons;Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson, E.;Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle;White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Dutton; Raney; Rodriguez, E.; Schaefer.


When Record No. 1298 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


SB 826 ON THIRD READING(Huberty - House Sponsor)

SB 826, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the sequencing of requiredEnglish language arts courses and mathematics courses in schools andconforming changes.

SBi826 was passed by (Record 1299): 140 Yeas, 0 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.


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Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione;Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis,S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar;Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez;Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa;Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; Keough; King,K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Lang;Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer;Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez;Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price;Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford;Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Springer;Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.;Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson;Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Giddings; Holland; Raney; Rodriguez, E.


When Record No. 1299 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


When Record No. 1299 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.

E. Rodriguez

SB 291 ON THIRD READING(Alvarado - House Sponsor)

SB 291, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the issuance of a writ ofattachment for certain witnesses.

SBi291 was passed by (Record 1300): 139 Yeas, 4 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy;Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.;Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar;Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales;Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero;Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.;

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Kacal; Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel;Lambert; Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Laubenberg; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio;Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy;Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips;Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez,J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield;Shine; Simmons; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson,E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle;White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Nays — Burrows; Murr; Rinaldi; Springer.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Leach.

SB 1305 ON THIRD READING(Darby - House Sponsor)

SB 1305, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the grant program usingmoney from the transportation infrastructure fund.

SBi1305 was passed by (Record 1301): 140 Yeas, 1 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.; Arevalo;Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen,G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy;Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.;Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar;Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez;Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa;Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal;Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert;Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf;Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Neave; Nevarez;Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price;Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.;Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield;Shine; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry;Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba;Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Nays — Murr.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.


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Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Allen; Giddings; Laubenberg.

SB 42 ON THIRD READING(Smithee - House Sponsor)

SB 42, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the security of courts andjudges in the state; establishing a fee.

SBi42 was passed by (Record 1302): 140 Yeas, 3 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione;Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis,S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar;Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales;Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero;Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal;Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert;Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez;Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr;Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips;Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez,J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield;Shine; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson,E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle;White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu.

Nays — Isaac; Stickland; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Pickett.

SB 533 ON THIRD READING(Geren - House Sponsor)

SB 533, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to state agency contracting andprocurement.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Simmons offered the following amendment to SBi533:

Amend SBi533 by adding the following appropriately numberedSECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the billaccordingly:

SECTIONi____.iiSection 2161.001(3), Government Code, is amended toread as follows:

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(3)ii"Economically disadvantaged person" means a person who:(A)iiis economically disadvantaged because of the person ’s

identification as a member of a certain group, including:(i)iiBlack Americans;(ii)iiHispanic Americans;(iii)iiwomen;(iv)iiAsian Pacific Americans;(v)iiNative Americans; [and](vi)iiveterans as defined by 38 U.S.C. Section 101(2) who have

suffered at least a 20 percent service-connected disability as defined by 38 U.S.C.Section 101(16); and

(vii)iipersons with a disability as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section12102; and

(B)iihas suffered the effects of discriminatory practices or othersimilar insidious circumstances over which the person has no control.

SECTIONi____.iiSection 2161.002, Government Code, is amended byadding Subsection (e) to read as follows:

(e)iiThe comptroller shall adopt rules to provide goals for increasing thecontract awards for the purchase of goods or services by the comptroller andother state agencies to businesses that qualify as historically underutilizedbusinesses because the businesses are owned or owned, operated, and controlled,as applicable, wholly or partly by one or more persons with a disability as definedby 42 U.S.C. Section 12102. The goals established under this subsection are inaddition to the goals established under Subsections (c) and (d), and the goalsestablished under Subsections (c) and (d) may not be reduced as a result of theestablishment of goals under this subsection.

SECTIONi____.iiSection 2161.061, Government Code, is amended byadding Subsection (f) to read as follows:

(f)iiTo be certified by the comptroller as a historically underutilizedbusiness, a business owned by one or more persons who qualify as economicallydisadvantaged solely based on being a person with a disability as defined by42iU.S.C. Section 12102 must submit to the comptroller an affidavit from thephysician of each owner claiming a disability verifying that owner ’s disability.

SECTIONi____.iiSection 2161.125, Government Code, is amended to readas follows:

Sec . i 2161 .1 25 . i iCATEGORIZATION OF HISTORICALLYUNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES. The comptroller, in cooperation with eachstate agency reporting under this subchapter, shall categorize each historicallyunderutilized business included in a report under this subchapter by sex, race, andethnicity and by whether the business qualifies as a historically underutilizedbusiness because it is owned or owned, operated, and controlled, as applicable,wholly or partly by one or more persons with a disability as defined by 42 U.S.C.Section 12102 or one or more veterans as defined by 38iU.S.C. Section 101(2)who have suffered at least a 20 percent service-connected disability as defined by38iU.S.C. Section 101(16).


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The following members were granted leaves of absence temporarily fortoday to attend a meeting of the Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence:

Canales on motion of Geren.

Gervin-Hawkins on motion of Geren.

Hefner on motion of Geren.

Hunter on motion of Geren.

Lang on motion of Geren.

Moody on motion of Geren.

Wilson on motion of Geren.

SB 533 - (consideration continued)

Amendment No. 1 - Point of Order

Representative Reynolds raised a point of order against further considerationof Amendment No. 1 under Rule 11, Section 2 of the House Rules on the groundsthat the amendment is not germane to the bill.

The point of order was withdrawn.

(Gervin-Hawkins, Hefner, Lang, Moody, and Wilson now present)

Amendment No. 1 failed of adoption by (Record 1303): 39 Yeas, 95 Nays, 3Present, not voting.

Yeas — Alvarado; Anderson, C.; Bell; Bohac; Bonnen, G.; Burkett;Burrows; Cook; Dale; Fallon; Farrar; Frank; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez;Guerra; Guillen; King, P.; Klick; Koop; Kuempel; Larson; Laubenberg; Martinez;Meyer; Moody; Munoz; Nevarez; Parker; Phillips; Raney; Raymond; Rodriguez,E.; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Swanson; Thompson, E.; White.

Nays — Allen; Alonzo; Anchia; Anderson, R.; Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes;Bernal; Blanco; Bonnen, D.; Burns; Button; Cain; Clardy; Coleman; Collier;Cortez; Craddick; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton;Elkins; Faircloth; Flynn; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Gooden;Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Howard; Huberty; Johnson, E.;Johnson, J.; Kacal; Keough; King, K.; King, T.; Krause; Lambert; Landgraf;Lang; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Metcalf; Miller; Minjarez; Murphy; Murr;Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Pickett; Price; Reynolds; Rinaldi;Roberts; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert;Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Stickland; Stucky; Thierry; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt;Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu;Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C); Neave.

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Canales; Hunter; Zerwas.

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Absent — Biedermann; Capriglione; Cosper; Holland; Isaac; Leach;Morrison.


When Record No. 1303 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted no.


When Record No. 1303 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


When Record No. 1303 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


When Record No. 1303 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended tovote no.


When Record No. 1303 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted no.


Amendment No. 2

Representative Raney offered the following amendment to SBi533:

Amend SBi533 on third reading by adding the following appropriatelynumbered SECTION to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONSaccordingly:

SECTIONi____.iiChapter 122, Human Resources Code, is amended byadding Sections 122.0075 and 122.0076 to read as follows:

Sec.i122.0075.iiINCREASE IN WAGES; PLAN. (a) This section applies toa state contract with a community rehabilitation program in which that program:

(1)iiis participating in the program administered under this chapter; and(2)iipays workers with disabilities employed by the program wages that

are less than the federal minimum wage under Section 6, Fair Labor StandardsAct of 1938 (29 U.S.C. Section 206).

(b)iiEach state contract with a community rehabilitation program mustinclude terms that allow the community rehabilitation program to obtain from theworkforce commission:

(1)iiassistance in developing a plan to increase the wages paid to theprogram ’s workers with disabilities to the federal minimum wage not later thanSeptember 1, 2019, for work relating to any products or services purchased fromthe community rehabilitation program under the state contract; and


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(2)iion request of the community rehabilitation program or any workerwith a disability, assistance to ensure the increase in wages paid to a worker witha disability under the state contract does not affect the worker ’s eligibility toreceive any federal benefits the worker received or was eligible to receive beforethe wage increase.

(c)iiEach state contract with a community rehabilitation program mustrequire that the program, to the maximum extent possible, ensure that eachworker with a disability remains employed by the program after the programincreases the wages paid to those employees as required by the state contract inaccordance with the plan developed under Subsection (b).

(d)iiEach state contract with a community rehabilitation programmustirequire a community rehabilitation program that is unable to employ allworkers with a disability after the program increases the wages paid to thoseemployees to the federal minimum wage, to work with the workforcecommission and any other governmental entity to seek and obtain any jobtraining that may be suitable for those former employees to find otheremployment that pays at least the federal minimum wage.

(e)iiIn addition to the assistance described by Subsection (d), the term of thestate contract must allow a worker of the community rehabilitation program torequest the workforce commission to assist a worker with a disability not retainedby a community rehabilitation program to secure employment in a position thatpays at least the federal minimum wage.

(f)iiOn request of a community rehabilitation program, the workforcecommission may extend the period for compliance with the program participationrequirements of Section 122.0076 for not more than 12 months if the communityrehabilitation program:

(1)iirequests the extension not later than July 1, 2019;(2)iihas demonstrated to the commission that an extension would be in

the best interest of the program ’s employees with disabilities;(3)iihas worked with the commission to develop a transition plan and

made meaningful progress towards meeting the program participationrequirements of Section 122.0076; and

(4)iisubmits a revised transition plan to the commission detailing howan extension will allow the program to meet the program participationrequirements of Section 122.0076.

(g)iiThe workforce commission shall make a decision on a request for anextension under Subsection (f) not later than September 1, 2019. The commissionmay not grant more than one extension to a community rehabilitation program.

(h)iiNot later than January 31, 2019, the workforce commission shall reportto the legislature regarding the implementation of this section. The report mustinclude any recommendations for legislative or agency rule changes necessary toassist the commission and community rehabilitation program in performing theirduties under this section.

(i)iiThis section expires September 1, 2021.

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Sec.i122.0076.iiWAGE REQUIREMENTS. (a) Each state contract with acommunity rehabilitation program participating in the program administeredunder this chapter must require the community rehabilitation program to pay eachworker with a disability employed by the program at least the federal minimumwage under Section 6, Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. Section 206),for any work relating to any products or services purchased from the communityrehabilitation program through the program administered under this chapter.

(b)iiEach state contract with a community rehabilitation programparticipating in the program administered under this chapter must allow theworkforce commission, at the request of a community rehabilitation program orany worker with a disability, to exempt the community rehabilitation programfrom the requirements of this section with respect to a worker with a disability ifthe workforce commission determines, based on the program ’s circumstances,that requiring the program to pay the worker at the federal minimum wage wouldresult in the program not being able to hire or retain the worker with a disabilityand the worker, based on the worker ’s circumstances, such as commuting to aparticular job site, would not be able to obtain employment at a higher wage thanthe program would be able to pay the worker notwithstanding the requirements ofthis section.

(c)iiTo the extent of a conflict between this section and Chapter 62, LaborCode, this section controls.

(d)iiThis section does not apply to a state contract with a communityrehabilitation program participating in the program administered under thischapter before the later of:

(1)iiSeptember 1, 2019; or(2)iithe date an extension granted under Section 122.0075(f) expires.

(e)iiThis subsection and Subsection (d) expire September 1, 2021.

Amendment No. 2 was adopted by (Record 1304): 113 Yeas, 26 Nays, 4Present, not voting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bernal; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Burkett; Burrows;Button; Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby;Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon;Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Gonzales;Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa;Holland; Howard; Huberty; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; King, K.;King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Kuempel; Lambert; Larson; Laubenberg;Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison;Munoz; Murphy; Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Perez;Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Roberts; Rodriguez,E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Stephenson; Stucky;Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo;Walle; White; Workman; Wray; Wu.


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Nays — Biedermann; Bonnen, G.; Burns; Cain; Capriglione; Goldman;Hefner; Keough; Krause; Landgraf; Lang; Metcalf; Murr; Paul; Rinaldi; Sanford;Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Simmons; Springer; Stickland; Swanson;Tinderholt; Wilson; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Bell; Cyrier(C); Rose.

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Canales; Hunter; Zerwas.

Absent — Leach.


When Record No. 1304 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended tovote no.


When Record No. 1304 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended tovote no.


When Record No. 1304 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended tovote no.


When Record No. 1304 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended tovote yes.


When Record No. 1304 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended tovote yes.



Representative Pickett requested permission for the Committee onEnvironmental Regulation to meet while the house is in session, at 4:30, in 3W.15, to consider SBi546.

Permission to meet was granted.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Environmental Regulation, 4:30ip.m. today, 3W.15, for a formal meeting, toconsider SBi546.

SB 533 - (consideration continued)

Amendment No. 3

Representative Leach offered the following amendment to SBi533:

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Amend SBi533, on page 9 between line 19 and 20iby inserting thefollowing properly lettered subsection and relettering subsequent subsections ofthe section accordingly.

SECTION 3. Section 2269.056(b), Government Code, is amended to read asfollows:

(b) The governmental entity shall base its selection among offerors onapplicable criteria listed for the particular method used. The governmental entityshall publish in the request for proposals or qualifications the:

(1) criteria that will be used to evaluate the offerors;(2) [, and the] applicable weighted value for each criterion; and(3) and for state agencies, a detailed methodology for scoring each


Amendment No. 3 was adopted.

(Hunter now present)

SB 533, as amended, was passed by (Record 1305): 139 Yeas, 0 Nays, 2Present, not voting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen,G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman;Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.;Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo;Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden;Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Howard;Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; Keough; King, K.; King,P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Lang; Larson;Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller;Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson;Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price; Raney;Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero;Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine;Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry;Thompson, E.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle;White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Canales; Zerwas.

Absent — Bernal; Fallon; Holland; Thompson, S.


When Record No. 1305 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.



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When Record No. 1305 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.

S. Thompson

SB 667 ON THIRD READING(Smithee - House Sponsor)

SB 667, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to establishing a guardianshipcompliance program.

SBi667 was passed by (Record 1306): 129 Yeas, 13 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bernal; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen, G.;Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook;Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel;Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren;Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra;Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard;Huberty; Hunter; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.;Klick; Koop; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach;Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody;Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul;Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Roberts;Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schofield; Schubert;Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stucky; Thierry;Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle;White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu.

Nays — Bell; Biedermann; Cain; Isaac; Keough; Krause; Lang; Rinaldi;Schaefer; Stickland; Swanson; Tinderholt; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Canales; Zerwas.

Absent — Morrison.


When Record No. 1306 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


SB 1367 ON THIRD READING(Howard, Cortez, Flynn, Klick, and Sheffield - House Sponsors)

SB 1367, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to policies and trainingregarding the use of epinephrine auto-injectors by public institutions of highereducation; providing immunity.

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SBi1367 was passed by (Record 1307): 140 Yeas, 0 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen,G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman;Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.;Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank;Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez;Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa;Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal;Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert;Landgraf; Lang; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez;Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr;Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips;Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.;Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen;Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Swanson;Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver;Villalba; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wu; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Canales; Zerwas.

Absent — Bailes; Klick; Wray.

SB 2082 ON THIRD READING(Clardy and J. Johnson - House Sponsors)

SB 2082, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the work-study studentmentorship program administered by the Texas Higher Education CoordinatingBoard.

SBi2082 was passed by (Record 1308): 131 Yeas, 9 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Blanco; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen, G.; Burkett;Burns; Burrows; Button; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez;Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes;Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Gervin-Hawkins;Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez;Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter;Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop;Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria;Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison;Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul;Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Roberts;Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schofield; Schubert;


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Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stucky; Swanson;Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba;Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Nays — Biedermann; Cain; Isaac; Keough; Lang; Rinaldi; Schaefer;Stickland; Tinderholt.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Canales; Zerwas.

Absent — Bohac; Geren; Vo.

SB 2087 ON THIRD READING(Phillips - House Sponsor)

SB 2087, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the creation of a temporaryhealth insurance risk pool.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Phillips offered the following amendment to SBi2087:

Amend SBi2087 on third reading in added Section 1510.008(a)(2),Insurance Code, between "coverage" and the underlined period, by inserting"consistent with Section 1510.003".

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

SB 2087, as amended, was passed by (Record 1309): 117 Yeas, 23 Nays, 2Present, not voting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bernal; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen, G.;Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook;Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel;Dukes; Elkins; Faircloth; Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins;Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez;Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Johnson, E.;Johnson, J.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf;Larson; Laubenberg; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer;Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez;Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price;Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero;Rose; Schofield; Schubert; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Stephenson; Stucky;Thompson, S.; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; White; Workman;Wray.

Nays — Bell; Biedermann; Cain; Dutton; Fallon; Hefner; Isaac; Kacal;Keough; King, K.; Krause; Lang; Leach; Rinaldi; Sanford; Schaefer; Shaheen;Springer; Stickland; Swanson; Tinderholt; Wilson; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

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Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Canales; Zerwas.

Absent — Thierry; Thompson, E.; Wu.


When Record No. 1309 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended tovote yes.


SB 74 ON THIRD READING(Price - House Sponsor)

SB 74, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the provision of certainbehavioral health services to children, adolescents, and their families under acontract with a managed care organization.

SBi74 was passed by (Record 1310): 140 Yeas, 2 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen, G.;Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman; Collier;Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Dean;Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo;Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden;Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland;Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; Keough; King,K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Lang;Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer;Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez;Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price;Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.;Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield;Shine; Simmons; Springer; Stephenson; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson,E.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson;Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Nays — Biedermann; Stickland.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Canales; Zerwas.

Absent — Thompson, S.


When Record No. 1310 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.

S. Thompson


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SB 511 ON THIRD READING(Wray - House Sponsor)

SB 511, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to a written declaration todesignate a guardian before the need for a guardian arises.

SBi511 was passed by (Record 1311): 129 Yeas, 14 Nays, 2 Present, notvoting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook;Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Deshotel;Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Geren;Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra;Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Herrero; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard;Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; King, K.; King, P.; King,T.; Klick; Koop; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Larson; Laubenberg; Longoria;Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison;Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul;Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Roberts;Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield;Shine; Springer; Stephenson; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson, E.;Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle;White; Wilson; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Nays — Bell; Cain; Capriglione; Fallon; Keough; Krause; Lang; Leach;Rinaldi; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Simmons; Stickland.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker; Cyrier(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira; Smithee.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Canales; Zerwas.


The following bills were laid before the house as postponed business:

SB 416 ON SECOND READING(Smithee - House Sponsor)

SB 416, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the composition of the boardof directors of the State Bar of Texas.

SB 416 was read second time on May 15 and was postponed until 9

Representative Murr moved to postpone consideration of SBi416 until5:30ip.m. today.

The motion prevailed.

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Representative Murphy moved to suspend the five-day posting rule to allowthe Committee on Special Purpose Districts to consider SBi2284 and SBi2287 at8ia.m. tomorrow in E2.028.

The motion prevailed.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Special Purpose Districts, 8 a.m. tomorrow, E2.028, for a public hearing, toconsider SBi2284, SBi2287, and the previously posted agenda.



The following bills were laid before the house and read second time:

SB 304 ON SECOND READING(Raymond - House Sponsor)

SB 304, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the continuation andfunctions of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; authorizing a reductionin fees.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Cain offered the following amendment to SBi304:

Amend SBi304 (house committee printing) on page 10, by striking lines15iand 16 and substituting the following:

(a) A license under this chapter is valid for a term of two or more years asdetermined by board rule.

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

SB 304, as amended, was passed to third reading.


Representative Raymond requested permission for the Committee onHuman Services to meet while the house is in session, at 4:45ip.m. today, in3W.15, to consider SBi738, SBi948, SBi1314, SBi1922, SCRi33, and pendingbusiness.

Permission to meet was granted.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Human Services, 4:45 p.m. today, 3W.15, for a formal meeting, to considerSBi738, SBi948, SBi1314, SBi1922, SCRi33, and pending business.


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SB 313 ON SECOND READING(Burkett, S. Thompson, and Raymond - House Sponsors)

SB 313, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the continuation andfunctions of the State Board of Dental Examiners; imposing fees.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Burkett offered the following amendment to SBi313:

Amend SBi313 (house committee report) on page 31, by striking line 10 andsubstituting the following:

(b)iiMembers of the committee serve staggered six-year terms, with theterms of three members expiring on February 1 of each odd-numbered year.

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

SB 313, as amended, was passed to third reading.

CSSB 1004 ON SECOND READING(Geren - House Sponsor)

CSSB 1004, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the deployment ofnetwork nodes in public right-of-way; authorizing fees.


REPRESENTATIVE FARRAR: As written, CSSBi1004 doesn ’t apply tocounties, correct?

REPRESENTATIVE GEREN: That is correct. It does not apply to counties.

FARRAR: All right. Are you aware that Harris County maintains about eightpercent of total road miles in the county that are located within municipalities inthe county through various agreements under the Harris County Road Act?

GEREN: Yes, of 1913, I believe.

FARRAR: Right. Is it the intention that the provisions of this bill do not apply toany improvements located in any right-of-way maintained or under thejurisdiction of Harris County under the Harris County Road Law Act of Marchi5,1913, 33rd Legislature, Chapteri17, 1913, Texas Laws, 54, as amended?

GEREN: I believe that it does not apply to those roads.

REPRESENTATIVE P. KING: Chairman Geren, I have a question to present toyou for legislative intent purposes. Is it correct that your bill would not impact therates, terms, or conditions of current or future pole attachment agreementsexecuted by municipally-owned utilities, investor-owned utilities, ILECS,co-operative electric, or co-operative telcos?

GEREN: Yes, that is correct.


Representative P. King moved to print remarks between RepresentativeGeren and Representative P. King.

The motion prevailed.

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(Canales and Smithee now present)

Amendment No. 1

Representative Burrows offered the following amendment to CSSBi1004:

Amend CSSBi1004 (house committee report) as follows:(1)iiOn page 14, line 17, strike "request" and substitute "require".(2)iiOn page 15, line 26, strike "include" and substitute "include, without

limitation".(3)iiOn page 16, line 3, strike "and".(4)iiOn page 16, line 6, between "level" and the underlined period, insert the

following:; and

(3)iireasonable requirements relating to minimum spacing, location inthe public right-of-way, and number of nodes on new or existing poles

(Speaker in the chair)

Amendment No. 1 failed of adoption by (Record 1312): 26 Yeas, 109 Nays,1 Present, not voting.

Yeas — Alvarado; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.; Burns; Burrows;Capriglione; Deshotel; Flynn; Frullo; Giddings; Guerra; Keough; Koop;Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Laubenberg; Meyer; Murr; Pickett; Price;Schubert; Simmons; Smithee; Uresti; Walle.

Nays — Allen; Alonzo; Anchia; Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal;Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Cain; Canales;Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Craddick; Cyrier; Dale; Davis, S.;Davis, Y.; Dean; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Farrar; Frank; Geren;Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; Gonzales; Gooden; Guillen; Hefner; Herrero;Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.;Kacal; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Krause; Lang; Larson; Leach;Longoria; Lozano; Martinez; Metcalf; Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison;Munoz; Murphy; Neave; Nevarez; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul;Perez; Phelan; Phillips; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts;Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine;Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Stucky; Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.;Tinderholt; Turner; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; White; Wilson; Workman; Wray;Wu; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Zerwas.

Absent — Button; Cosper; Darby; Fallon; Gonzalez; Gutierrez; Hernandez;Lucio; Schaefer; Schofield; Swanson.


Page 33: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 73rd Day


When Record No. 1312 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended tovote no.


When Record No. 1312 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended tovote yes.



Representative Farrar moved to print remarks between Representative Gerenand Representative Farrar.

The motion prevailed.


Representative Phillips requested permission for the Committee onInsurance to meet while the house is in session, at 5 p.m. today, in 3W.15, toconsider pending business.

Permission to meet was granted.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Insurance, 5 p.m. today, 3W.15, for a formal meeting, to consider pendingbusiness.


The following member was granted leave of absence temporarily for todayto attend meetings of the Committee on Insurance and the Committee onTransportation:

Phillips on motion of Geren.

CSSB 1004 - (consideration continued)

CSSB 1004 was passed to third reading.

SB 999 ON SECOND READING(Giddings - House Sponsor)

SB 999, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to procedures for takingpossession of a child and for certain hearings in a suit affecting the parent-childrelationship involving the Department of Family and Protective Services.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Burrows offered the following amendment to SBi999:

Amend SBi999 (house committee printing) by adding the followingappropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumbering subsequentSECTIONS of the bill accordingly:

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SECTION ____.Section 161.101, Family Code, is amended to read asfollow:

Sec.i161.101.iiPETITION ALLEGATIONS. (a) Except as provided bySubsection (b), a [A] petition for the termination of the parent-child relationshipis sufficient without the necessity of specifying the underlying facts if the petitionalleges in the statutory language the ground for the termination and thattermination is in the best interest of the child.

(b)iiIn a suit filed by the Department of Family and Protective Servicesrequesting termination of the parent-child relationship, the department may pleada ground for termination against a parent only if the department includes anaffidavit supporting the petition that states facts sufficient to plead the ground fortermination alleged in the petition against that parent. The department may notplead a ground for termination against another parent unless the affidavit alsostates facts sufficient to plead the ground for termination against that parent. Factssufficient to support a pleading alleging a ground for termination against oneparent are not, in and of themselves, a sufficient basis to support a pleadingalleging a ground for termination against another parent.

(c)iiIf after filing suit, the Department of Family and Protective Servicesdiscovers additional facts sufficient to support pleading a ground for terminationagainst a parent who was not named in the original petition, the department mayamend or supplement its pleading to allege a ground for termination against theparent. The amended or supplemental pleading must be supported by an affidavitthat complies with the requirements of Subsection (b).

(d)iiOn filing an amended or supplemental pleading under Subsection (c),the court shall conduct a hearing under Section 262.201 not later than the 14thday after the date the amended or supplemental pleading is filed.

(e)iiThe department shall join any party whose joinder is required underRule 39, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

Amendment No. 2

Representative Schofield offered the following amendment to SBi999:

Amend SBi999 (house committee report) by adding the followingappropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequentSECTIONS of the bill accordingly:

SECTION ____. Section 155.201, Family Code, is amended by addingSubsectioni(d) to read as follows:

(d) On receiving notice that a court exercising jurisdiction under Chapter262 has ordered the transfer of a suit under Sectioni262.203(a)(2), the court ofcontinuing, exclusive jurisdiction shall, pursuant to the requirements ofSectioni155.204(i), transfer the proceedings to the court in which the suit underChapteri262 is pending, within the time required by Subsectioni155.207(a).

SECTIONi____. Sectioni155.204(i), Family Code, is amended to read asfollows:


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(i) If a transfer order has been signed by a court exercising jurisdiction underChapteri262, the Department of Family and Protective Services shall [a partymay] file the transfer order with the clerk of the court of continuing, exclusivejurisdiction. On receipt and without a hearing or further order from the court ofcontinuing, exclusive jurisdiction, the clerk of the court of continuing, exclusivejurisdiction shall transfer the files as provided by this subchapter within the timerequired by Subsectioni155.207(a).

SECTIONi____. Sectioni262.203(a), Family Code, is amended to read asfollows:

(a) On the motion of a party or the court ’s own motion, if applicable, thecourt that rendered the temporary order shall in accordance with proceduresprovided by Chapteri155:

(1) transfer the suit to the court of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction, ifany, within the time required by Subsectioni155.207(a), if the court finds that thetransfer is:

(A) necessary for the convenience of the parties; and(B) in the best interest of the child;

(2) [if grounds exist for mandatory transfer from the court of continuing,exclusive jurisdiction under Sectioni155.201,] order transfer of the suit from the[that] court of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction; or

(3) if grounds exist for transfer based on improper venue, order transferof the suit to the court having venue of the suit under Chapteri103.

SECTIONi____. Chapteri262, Family Code, is amended by addingSectioni262.012 to read as follows:

Sec.i262.012. For allegations of abuse or neglect arising from the sameincident or occurrence, the Department of Family and Protective Services shallfile petitions for the protection of children in same home in the same court.

Amendment No. 2 was adopted.

SB 999, as amended, was passed to third reading.

SB 1300 ON SECOND READING(Darby - House Sponsor)

SB 1300, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the designation of the SanAngelo State Supported Living Center as a forensic state supported living center.

SBi1300 was passed to third reading.

SB 1476 ON SECOND READING(K. King - House Sponsor)

SB 1476, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to eligibility for support fromthe universal service fund.

SBi1476 was passed to third reading. (Hunter and Rinaldi recorded votingno.)

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SB 1758 ON SECOND READING(Turner - House Sponsor)

SB 1758, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to requirements for the courtin permanency hearings for children in the conservatorship of the Department ofFamily and Protective Services who are receiving transitional living services.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Turner offered the following amendment to SBi1758:

Amend SBi1758 (house committee printing) as follows:(1)iiOn page 9, line 9, strike "and (a-4)" and substitute ", (a-4), (a-5), and

(a-6)".(2)iiOn page 9, strike lines 10 through 22 and substitute the following:(a-3)iiThe department shall conduct an independent living skills assessment

for all youth in the department ’s conservatorship who are 16 years of age or older.(a-4)iiThe department shall conduct an independent living skills assessment

for all youth in the department ’s permanent managing conservatorship who are atleast 14 years of age but younger than 16 years of age.

(a-5)iiThe department shall annually update the assessment for each youthassessed under Subsections (a-3) and (a-4) to determine the independent livingskills the youth learned during the preceding year to ensure that the department ’sobligation to prepare the youth for independent living has been met. Thedepartment shall conduct the annual update through the youth ’s plan of service incoordination with the youth, the youth ’s caseworker, the staff of the Preparationfor Adult Living Program, and the youth ’s caregiver.

(3)iiOn page 9, line 23, strike "(a-4)" and substitute "(a-6)".(4)iiOn page 10, line 7, strike "this Act" and substitute "Section

264.121(a-4), Family Code, as added by this Act,".(5)iiOn page 10, line 10, strike "this Act" and substitute "Section

264.121(a-4), Family Code, as added by this Act,".(6)iiAdd the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and

renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:SECTIONi____.iiThe Department of Family and Protective Services shall

conduct the independent living skills assessments for youth in the department ’spermanent managing conservatorship required by Section 264.121(a-4), FamilyCode, as added by this Act, according to the following schedule, if funds areavailable for that purpose:

(1)iibeginning September 1, 2017, the department shall assess youthwho are at least 15 years of age but younger than 16 years of age; and

(2)iibeginning September 1, 2018, the department shall assess youthwho are at least 14 years of age but younger than 15 years of age.

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

Amendment No. 2

Representative Klick offered the following amendment to SBi1758:


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Amend SBi1758 (house committee printing) by adding the followingappropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering subsequentSECTIONS of the bill as appropriate:

SECTIONi____. Sectioni107.002(b-1), Family Code, is amended to read asfollows:

(b-1)iIn addition to the duties required by Subsectioni(b), a guardian adlitem appointed for a child in a proceeding under Chapteri262 or 263 shall:

(1) review the medical care provided to the child; [and](2) in a developmentally appropriate manner, seek to elicit the child ’s

opinion on the medical care provided; and(3) for a child at least 16 years of age, ascertain whether the child has

received the following documents:(A) a certified copy of the child ’s birth certificate;(B) a social security card or a replacement social security card;(C) a driver ’s license or personal identification certificate under

Chapteri521, Transportation Code; and(D) any other personal document the Department of Family and

Protective Services determines appropriate.SECTIONi____. Sectioni107.003(b), Family Code, is amended to read as

follows:(b) In addition to the duties required by Subsectioni(a), an attorney ad litem

appointed for a child in a proceeding under Chapteri262 or 263 shall:(1) review the medical care provided to the child;(2) in a developmentally appropriate manner, seek to elicit the child ’s

opinion on the medical care provided; and(3) for a child at least 16 years or age:

(A) [,] advise the child of the child ’s right to request the court toauthorize the child to consent to the child ’s own medical care underSectioni266.010; and

(B) ascertain whether the child has received the followingdocuments:

(i) a certified copy of the child ’s birth certificate;(ii) a social security card or a replacement social security card;(iii) a driver ’s license or personal identification certificate under

Chapteri521, Transportation Code; and(iv) any other personal document the Department of Family and

Protective Services determines appropriate.

Amendment No. 2 was adopted.

Amendment No. 3

Representative Schofield offered the following amendment to SBi1758:

Amend SBi1758 as follows:Strike pagei1, lines 21-23.

Amendment No. 3 was withdrawn.

SB 1758, as amended, was passed to third reading.

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SB 1343 ON SECOND READING(Parker - House Sponsor)

SB 1343, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the prosecution of criminaloffenses regarding unauthorized recordings.


Representative Stickland raised a point of order against further considerationof SB 1343 under Rule 4, Sectioni32(c) of the House Rules on the grounds thatthe bill analysis is incorrect.

The chair overruled the point of order and submitted the followingstatement:

Rule 4, Section 32(c)(4) of the House Rules requires the bill analysis toinclude "a statement indicating whether or not the bill or resolution expresslycreates a criminal offense, expressly increases the punishment for an existingcriminal offense or category of offenses, or expressly changes the eligibility of aperson for community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision."Representative Stickland argues that SBi1343 adds a criminal punishment.Specifically, Representative Stickland argues that pagei2iof the bill expresslycreates a criminal offense that was not present before. Because the bill analysisstates that SBi1343 neither creates a new criminal offense nor expressly increasesthe punishment for an existing criminal offense, Representative Stickland arguesthat the bill analysis does not comply with Rulei4, Sectioni32(c)(4).

SBi1343 deals with the prosecution of criminal offenses for unauthorizedrecordings. An offense which already exists and is punishable by a term ofimprisonment, a monetary fine, or "both." The claim by Representative Sticklandis that the wording change from "imprisonment, fine or both" to "imprisonment,fine or both fine and imprisonment" is something beyond nonsubstantial, clearerdrafting. Adding clearer, nonmandatory language in a statute that makes it easierto read to Texans, is not a point of order but a desired state of legislative drafting.Because SBi1343 neither creates a new offense nor increase the punishment foran existing offense, the bill analysis complies with the House Rules. The point oforder is respectfully overruled.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Parker offered the following amendment to SBi1343:

Amend SBi1343 (house committee report) as follows:(1)iiAdd the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill:SECTIONi____.iiSection 503.001, Business & Commerce Code, is

amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:(e)iiThis section does not apply to voiceprint data retained by a financial

institution or an affiliate of a financial institution, as those terms are defined by15iU.S.C. Section 6809.

(2)iiStrike page 3, line 27, through page 4, line 6, and substitute thefollowing appropriately numbered SECTION:


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SECTIONi____.ii(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this section,the changes in law made by this Act apply only to an offense committed on orafter the effective date of this Act. An offense committed before the effective dateof this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the offense wascommitted, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. Forpurposes of this subsection, an offense was committed before the effective date ofthis Act if any element of the offense occurred before that date.

(b)iiThe change in law made by this Act to Section 503.001, Business&iCommerce Code, applies only to a violation that occurs on or after theeffective date of this Act. A violation that occurs before the effective date of thisAct is governed by the law in effect on the date the violation occurred, and theformer law is continued in effect for that purpose.

(3)iiRenumber the SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

SB 1343, as amended, was passed to third reading by (Record 1313): 136Yeas, 5 Nays, 1 Present, not voting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy;Coleman; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Cyrier; Dale; Darby; Davis,S.; Dean; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn;Frank; Frullo; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez;Gooden; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Hinojosa; Holland;Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; Keough; King,K.; King, P.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Lang;Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer;Miller; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez;Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Pickett; Price; Raney;Raymond; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Sanford;Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Smithee;Springer; Stephenson; Stucky; Swanson; Thierry; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.;Tinderholt; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; Wilson; Workman;Wray; Wu.

Nays — Cain; Romero; Stickland; White; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel; Oliveira.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Phillips; Zerwas.

Absent — Davis, Y.; Herrero; Lucio; Rose.

CSSB 944 ON SECOND READING(Clardy - House Sponsor)

CSSB 944, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the adoption of theUniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act.

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Amendment No. 1

Representative Clardy offered the following amendment to CSSBi944:

Amend CSSBi944 (house committee printing) as follows:(1)iiOn page 3, line 22, strike "or".(2)iiOn page 3, line 25, between "law" and the underlined period, insert the

following:; or

(9)iiit is established that the foreign country in which the judgment wasrendered does not recognize judgments rendered in this state that, but for the factthat they are rendered in this state, would constitute foreign-country judgments towhich this chapter would apply under Section 36A.003

(3)iiOn page 6, strike lines 20-23, and substitute the following:SECTIONi3.iiThis Act applies to a pending suit in which the issue of

recognition of a foreign-country money judgment is or has been raised withoutregard to whether the suit was commenced before, on, or after the effective dateof this Act.


REPRESENTATIVE LEACH: Chairman Smithee, I appreciate your commentson the amendment and Representative Clardy in bringing this bill. I just want anunderstanding from you as the chairman of the committee that heard this bill.This bill came through your committee, correct?


LEACH: Okay. Can you tell me––you know this house passed HBi45 byRepresentative Flynn a couple of weeks ago. That ’s over in the senate now. It ’smy understanding there ’s going to be a hearing on that in the senate tomorrow.Can you tell me how this bill works with HBi45?

SMITHEE: Well, it ’s similar. HBi45, as I recall it, is limited primarily to familylaw matters. And this bill, as it was voted out of committee, basicallyincorporates the Uniform Foreign Money Judgments Act and applies it tonon-family law matters, which I think is great. The catch, though, is adding theprovision that ’s a little concerning, about trying to dictate the results of onespecific lawsuit that ’s pending right now.LEACH: Okay, thank you for that clarification. Chairman, is it your statementthat HBi45 as well as CSSBi944 work hand in hand and should both bepassed––essentially just cut to the chase?

SMITHEE: Well, yes. I think the bill, particularly as it came out of ourcommittee, is probably a good thing for Texas. This is a Uniform and Model Actthat has been approved by most of the states. Texas is really behind in doing this.It ’s good policy, and it should be done. There ’s a little bit of a concern, though,when you call something the Uniform Act and then we come in in Texas andmake changes to the Act, which this amendment is trying to do, because it ’s


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really not the Uniform Act anymore. But the legislature can certainly do that if itchooses to. You just need to be aware that you ’re basically going to dictate thewinner and a loser in one particular lawsuit.

LEACH: Okay. Chairman Smithee, thank you for your work on these issues andRepresentative Clardy as well. Lastly, Chairman Smithee, is it my understandingthat you have some good news to share with the body?

SMITHEE: Well, we had a grandson last night.

LEACH: Well, congratulations, Chairman.


Representative Leach moved to print remarks between RepresentativeSmithee and Representative Leach.

The motion prevailed.

(Oliveira now present)

Amendment No. 1 was adopted by (Record 1314): 77 Yeas, 61 Nays, 1Present, not voting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Arevalo; Ashby;Bailes; Bernal; Blanco; Burkett; Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cortez; Dale; Dukes;Dutton; Elkins; Farrar; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner;Hernandez; Hinojosa; Howard; Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Kacal; King,K.; King, P.; Kuempel; Lambert; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano;Lucio; Martinez; Meyer; Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Neave; Nevarez;Oliveira; Ortega; Paddie; Perez; Pickett; Raney; Raymond; Rodriguez, E.;Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Schubert; Sheffield; Stephenson; Stucky; Turner;Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Walle; White; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Nays — Anderson, R.; Bell; Biedermann; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen, G.;Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Canales; Capriglione; Cook; Cosper; Craddick;Cyrier; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Dean; Faircloth; Fallon; Flynn; Frank; Frullo;Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; Gooden; Holland; Keough; Klick; Koop; Krause;Landgraf; Lang; Metcalf; Miller; Minjarez; Murr; Oliverson; Parker; Paul;Phelan; Price; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Roberts; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield;Shaheen; Shine; Simmons; Smithee; Springer; Stickland; Swanson; Thierry;Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Wilson.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Phillips; Zerwas.

Absent — Darby; Deshotel; Geren; Giddings; Herrero; Johnson, J.; King, T.;Vo.

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When Record No. 1314 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


When Record No. 1314 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


When Record No. 1314 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended tovote no.


When Record No. 1314 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended tovote no.


When Record No. 1314 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended tovote no.


When Record No. 1314 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended tovote no.


CSSB 944, as amended, was passed to third reading by (Record 1315): 130Yeas, 11 Nays, 1 Present, not voting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen, G.;Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman;Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Cyrier; Dale; Davis, S.; Dean;Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo;Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden;Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard;Huberty; Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; King, K.; King, P.; King,T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Larson; Laubenberg;Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Martinez; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Minjarez;Moody; Morrison; Munoz; Murphy; Murr; Neave; Nevarez; Oliveira; Oliverson;Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez; Phelan; Price; Raney; Raymond; Roberts;Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schofield; Schubert;Shaheen; Sheffield; Shine; Simmons; Smithee; Springer; Stephenson; Stucky;Thompson, E.; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; White; Wilson;Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler.

Nays — Biedermann; Cain; Keough; Lang; Reynolds; Rinaldi; Schaefer;Stickland; Swanson; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker(C).


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Absent, Excused — Israel.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Phillips; Zerwas.

Absent — Darby; Davis, Y.; Herrero; Pickett; Thierry.


When Record No. 1315 was taken, I was in the house but away from mydesk. I would have voted yes.


When Record No. 1315 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended tovote yes.



Representative Bernal requested permission for the Committee on PublicEducation to meet while the house is in session, at 5:45 p.m. today, in 3W.9, toconsider pending business.

Permission to meet was granted.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Public Education, 5:45 p.m. today, 3W.9, for a formal meeting, to considerpending business.


Representative Morrison requested permission for the Committee onTransportation to meet while the house is in session, at 5:30 p.m. today, in 3W.15,to consider SBi1588.

Permission to meet was granted.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Transportation, 5:30 p.m. today, 3W.15, for a formal meeting, to considerSBi1588.


Representative Price requested permission for the Committee on PublicHealth to meet while the house is in session, at 5:30 p.m. today, in 3W.9, toconsider pending business.

Permission to meet was granted.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Public Health, 5:30 p.m. today, 3W.9, for a formal meeting, to considerpending business.

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SB 1488 ON SECOND READING(Landgraf - House Sponsor)

SB 1488, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to nonsubstantive additions to,revisions of, and corrections in enacted codes, to the nonsubstantive codificationor disposition of various laws omitted from enacted codes, and to conformingcodifications enacted by the 84th Legislature to other Acts of that legislature.

SBi1488 was passed to third reading.

SB 46 ON SECOND READING(Y. Davis - House Sponsor)

SB 46, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to allowing judges to use juroridentification numbers when polling the jury.

SBi46 was passed to third reading.


The following members were granted leaves of absence temporarily fortoday to attend a meeting of the Committee on Transportation:

Burkett on motion of Geren.

Goldman on motion of Geren.

Minjarez on motion of Geren.

Morrison on motion of Geren.

Pickett on motion of Geren.

Simmons on motion of Geren.

E. Thompson on motion of Geren.

Wray on motion of Geren.

The following members were granted leaves of absence for the remainder oftoday to attend a meeting of the Committee on Transportation:

Y. Davis on motion of Geren.

Martinez on motion of Geren.

S. Thompson on motion of Geren.

SB 2027 ON SECOND READING(Moody - House Sponsor)

SB 2027, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to a study to evaluate byregion training and employment opportunities in this state for individuals with anintellectual disability.

SBi2027 was passed to third reading by (Record 1316): 124 Yeas, 10 Nays,1 Present, not voting.

Yeas — Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.;Arevalo; Ashby; Bailes; Bell; Bernal; Biedermann; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.;Bonnen, G.; Burns; Burrows; Button; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman;


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Collier; Cook; Cortez; Cosper; Craddick; Cyrier; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Dean;Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farrar; Flynn; Frank; Frullo;Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Giddings; Gonzales; Gonzalez; Gooden; Guerra;Guillen; Gutierrez; Hefner; Hernandez; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Huberty;Hunter; Isaac; Johnson, E.; Johnson, J.; Kacal; King, K.; King, P.; King, T.;Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach;Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; Metcalf; Meyer; Miller; Moody; Munoz; Murphy;Murr; Neave; Nevarez; Oliveira; Oliverson; Ortega; Paddie; Parker; Paul; Perez;Phelan; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Roberts; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez,J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schofield; Schubert; Sheffield; Shine; Smithee;Springer; Stephenson; Stucky; Thierry; Turner; Uresti; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo;Walle; White; Wilson; Workman; Wu.

Nays — Cain; Keough; Lang; Rinaldi; Schaefer; Shaheen; Stickland;Swanson; Tinderholt; Zedler.

Present, not voting — Mr. Speaker(C).

Absent, Excused — Israel.

Absent, Excused, Committee Meeting — Burkett; Davis, Y.; Goldman;Martinez; Minjarez; Morrison; Phillips; Pickett; Simmons; Thompson, E.;Thompson, S.; Wray; Zerwas.

Absent — Herrero.

SB 2053 ON SECOND READING(Murr - House Sponsor)

SB 2053, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the distribution of theconsolidated court cost.

SBi2053 was passed to third reading.

SB 27 ON SECOND READING(Blanco - House Sponsor)

SB 27, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the mental health program forveterans.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Gutierrez offered the following amendment to SBi27:

Amend SBi27 (house committee printing) by adding the followingappropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumbering subsequentSECTIONS of the bill accordingly:

SECTIONi____.iiSubchapter D, Chapter 74, Education Code, is amendedby adding Section 74.155 to read as follows:

Sec.i74.155.iiNATIONAL CENTER FOR WARRIOR RESILIENCY. (a) Inthis section:

(1)ii"Board" means the board of regents of The University of TexasSystem.

(2)ii"Center" means the National Center for Warrior Resiliency.

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(b)iiThe board shall establish the National Center for Warrior Resiliency atThe University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio for purposes of:

(1)iiresearching issues relating to the detection, prevention, diagnosis,and treatment of combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbidconditions; and

(2)iiproviding clinical care to enhance the psychological resiliency ofmilitary personnel and veterans.

(c)iiThe organization, control, and management of the center are vested inthe board.

(d)iiThe board shall:(1)iiprovide for the employment of staff and an operating budget for the

center; and(2)iiselect a site for the center at The University of Texas Health Science

Center at San Antonio.(e)iiThe board may solicit, accept, and administer gifts and grants from any

public or private source for the use and benefit of the center.(f)iiThe center may enter into agreements or otherwise collaborate with

public or private entities, including other public institutions of higher education,private or independent institutions of higher education, the United StatesDepartment of Veterans Affairs, the United States Department of Defense, theNational Institutes of Health, and the Texas Veterans Commission, to perform theresearch functions of the center.

(g)iiAn employee of the center is an employee of The University of TexasSystem.

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

SB 27, as amended, was passed to third reading.

(Goldman, Minjarez, and Wray now present)


Representative Parker moved to suspend the five-day posting rule to allowthe Committee on Investments and Financial Services to consider SBi1994 at8ia.m. tomorrow in E2.016.

The motion prevailed.


The following committee meeting was announced:

Investments and Financial Services, 8 a.m. tomorrow, E2.016, for a publichearing, to consider SBi1994.

(Pickett, Simmons, and E. Thompson now present)


Representative Lozano requested permission for the Committee on HigherEducation to meet while the house is in session, during bill referral today, in1W.14, to consider pending business.

Permission to meet was granted.


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(Morrison and Phillips now present)


The following committee meeting was announced:

Higher Education, during bill referral today, 1W.14, for a formal meeting, toconsider pending business.


Representative Coleman moved to suspend the five-day posting rule toallow the Committee on County Affairs to consider SBi1673 at 9 a.m. tomorrowin E2.026.

The motion prevailed.


The following committee meeting was announced:

County Affairs, 9 a.m. tomorrow, E2.026, for a public hearing, to considerSBi1673.

(Burkett now present)


The following bills were laid before the house as postponed business:

SB 416 ON SECOND READING(Smithee - House Sponsor)

SB 416, A bill to be entitled An Act relating to the composition of the boardof directors of the State Bar of Texas.

SB 416 was read second time on May 15, postponed until 9 a.m. today, andwas again postponed until this time.

Amendment No. 1

Representative Schofield offered the following amendment to SBi416:

Amend SBi416 as follows:(1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike "outreach" each time it is written and

substitute "at-large".(2) Strike Subsection (d) beginning on page 1, line 21, and continuing

through page 2, line 6, and substitute the following: "(d) The president of thestate bar appoints the at-large directors, subject to confirmation by the board ofdirectors."

(3) In SECTION 3 of the bill on page 2, line 23, strike "outreach" andsubstitute "at-large".

(4) Strike page 2, line 25 through page 3, line 2 and substitute the following:SECTION 4. This Act takes effect only if the supreme court or a lower court

finds Sections 81.020(b) and (d), Government Code, as those sections existedMayi1, 2017, unconstitutional and that finding is final and not appealable.

Amendment No. 1 was adopted.

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SB 416, as amended, was passed to third reading.

(Munoz in the chair)


At 5:45 p.m., Representatives Farrar, Guerra, and Isaac moved that, at theconclusion of the reading of bills and resolutions on first reading and referral tocommittees, the house adjourn until 10 a.m. tomorrow in memory of Josue Floresof Houston; Edmon Grant "Sandy" Hall of Corpus Christi; and Sharon Ogletree,mother of Representative Isaac.

The motion prevailed.



Bills and joint resolutions were at this time laid before the house, read firsttime, and referred to committees. Resolutions were at this time laid before thehouse and referred to committees. Pursuant to Rule 1, Section 4 of the HouseRules, the chair at this time corrected the referral of measures to committees. (Seethe addendum to the daily journal, Referred to Committees, List Nos. 1, 2, and 3.)

(Romero in the chair)


In accordance with a previous motion, the house, at 6:02 p.m., adjourneduntil 10ia.m. tomorrow.



The following bills and joint resolutions were today laid before the house,read first time, and referred to committees, and the following resolutions weretoday laid before the house and referred to committees. If indicated, the chairtoday corrected the referral of the following measures:

List No. 1

HR 1833 (By Craddick), Urging Congress to enact legislation to expand andextend the current federal tax credit for carbon capture, utilization, and storageunder Section 45Q of the Internal Revenue Code.

To Select State and Federal Power and Responsibility.

HR 1854 (By Wu), Commemorating the 135th anniversary of the ChineseExclusion Act.

To State Affairs.


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HR 2185 (By Isaac), Commending the ongoing efforts in the Texas HillCountry to reduce escaped light.

To Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.

HR 2217 (By Isaac), Urging Congress to amend the Controlled SubstancesAct to exclude cannabidiol and cannabidiol-rich plants from the definition of"marijuana."

To Public Health.

SB 506 to Elections.

SB 884 to County Affairs.

SB 1786 to Public Education.

SB 1838 to Public Education.

SB 2094 to State Affairs.

List No. 2

HR 2018 (By Alonzo), Honoring the life of William C. Velasquez on the74th anniversary of his birth.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2092 (By Minjarez), Honoring Miriam M. Elizondo for her service tothe Rape Crisis Center in San Antonio.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2124 (By Sanford), Recognizing David Alexander Weiser of Austin forhis professional accomplishments.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2125 (By Sanford), Congratulating the Prosper High School baseballteam on winning the 2015 UIL 5A state championship.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2126 (By Sanford), Congratulating the Prosper High School girls ’andboys ’ swimming and diving teams on their outstanding success during the2016-2017 season.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2127 (By White), Congratulating Karsten Walker on being named awinner of the 2017 Treasures of the Texas Coast Children ’s Art Contest.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2128 (By Dean), Congratulating Rogers Pope Sr. on his selection as2017 Citizen of the Year by the Rotary Club of Longview.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2129 (By Kuempel), Recognizing November 2017 as Diabetes andCardiovascular Disease Awareness Month.

To Rules and Resolutions.

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HR 2130 (By Herrero), Congratulating Jacob Rodriguez on his athleticachievements at Tuloso-Midway High School in Corpus Christi.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2131 (By Frullo), Congratulating the 2017 State Artists.To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2132 (By Frullo), Congratulating the 2018 Texas State Artist honorees.To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2133 (By White), Honoring Elder Debra Battise-Kleinman of the IndianPresbyterian Church at the Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation for her serviceas Pastor of the Day.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2134 (By Lozano), In memory of former Texas state representativeBenjamin Albert Glusing of Kingsville.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2135 (By Goldman), Congratulating Jennifer Mitchell on her selectionas a 2016-2017 Fort Worth ISD Elementary Teacher of the Year finalist.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2136 (By Goldman), Congratulating Tara Woods on her selection as a2016-2017 Fort Worth ISD Elementary Teacher of the Year finalist.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2137 (By Herrero), Congratulating George Ann Voss on her receipt of aSuperstar Award from the Student Support Services–STEM program at TexasA&M University–Corpus Christi.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2138 (By Herrero), Congratulating Jessica Barrera on her receipt ofthree awards from the Programs for Academic Student Support initiative at TexasA&M University–Corpus Christi.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2139 (By Button, Burkett, Koop, and Neave), Congratulating Jim Cahillon his retirement from the Garland City Council.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2140 (By Herrero), Congratulating Aissa Garza on her receipt of anOutstanding Award from the Project GRAD program at Texas A&MUniversity–Corpus Christi.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2141 (By Button, Burkett, Koop, and Neave), Honoring StephenW.iStanley on his retirement from the Garland City Council.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2142 (By Roberts), Congratulating the boys ’track and field team fromCypress Christian School in Houston on placing second overall at the2017iTAPPS 4ATrack & Field State Meet.

To Rules and Resolutions.


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HR 2143 (By Dutton), Congratulating the Reverend Matthew R. Alix Sr. ofHouston on his 60 years in the ministry.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2144 (By Dutton), Commending the Honorable Monique D. Davis forher outstanding service as a member of the Illinois House of Representatives.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2145 (By Lucio), Honoring the participants in the 2017 Rio GrandeValley Legislative Internship Program.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2146 (By E. Johnson), Commending Maria Torres for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1054 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2147 (By E. Johnson), Commending Cheryl Rhodes for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 4041 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2148 (By E. Johnson), Commending Mathis Perkins for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 4040 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2149 (By E. Johnson), Commending Hollis Wakefield for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 4038 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2150 (By E. Johnson), Commending Jack Gresham for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 4033 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2151 (By E. Johnson), Commending Patricia Swift Stephens for servingas Democratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 4028 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2152 (By E. Johnson), Commending D. C. Culberson for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 4024 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2153 (By E. Johnson), Commending Claudia Fowler for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 3045 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2154 (By E. Johnson), Commending Deborah Gardner for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 3035 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2155 (By E. Johnson), Commending Debra Aguilar for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 3034 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2156 (By E. Johnson), Commending Ricky Phillips for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 3027 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

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HR 2157 (By E. Johnson), Commending Clifford Mills for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 3026 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2158 (By E. Johnson), Commending Tommy Briggs for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 3024 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2159 (By E. Johnson), Commending Cynthia Cole for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 3023 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2160 (By E. Johnson), Commending Marilynn Mayse for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 3022 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2161 (By E. Johnson), Commending Cydney Walker for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 3018 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2162 (By E. Johnson), Commending Vincent Rodriguez for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 3016 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2163 (By E. Johnson), Commending Fernando Rojas for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1308 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2164 (By E. Johnson), Commending Emma Nelson for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1307 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2165 (By E. Johnson), Commending George Collins for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1119 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2166 (By E. Johnson), Commending John Burton for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1115 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2167 (By E. Johnson), Commending Diego Ayala for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1112 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2168 (By E. Johnson), Commending Carlton Caraway for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1089 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2169 (By E. Johnson), Commending Tracy Dotie-Hill for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1084 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2170 (By E. Johnson), Commending Shannon Bailey for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1081 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.


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HR 2171 (By E. Johnson), Commending Hobie Hukill for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1079 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2172 (By E. Johnson), Commending Cynthia Cole for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1078 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2173 (By E. Johnson), Commending Barbara Rosenberg for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1076 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2174 (By E. Johnson), Commending Johnny Jefferson for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1063 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2175 (By E. Johnson), Commending Gabriela Pataro for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1061 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2176 (By E. Johnson), Commending Sally White for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1058 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2177 (By E. Johnson), Commending Randy Mock for serving asDemocratic Party precinct chair of Precinct 1057 in Dallas County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2178 (By K. King), Congratulating the Canadian High Schoolgirls ’ibasketball team on winning the 2017 UIL 3A state championship.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2179 (By K. King), Honoring the Legislative Reference Library.To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2180 (By Kacal), Congratulating Roshauud Paul of Bremond HighSchool on earning the 2016 Mr. Texas Football High School Player of the YearAward.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2181 (By J. Rodriguez), Recognizing the Jefferson Outreach for OlderPeople in San Antonio on the occasion of National Older Americans Month.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2182 (By Isaac), In memory of Allen W. Duhr of Cedarburg, Wisconsin.To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2183 (By E. Johnson), In memory of Charles Hamilton of DeSoto.To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2184 (By Paddie), Congratulating Leland Vance Jordan Jr. on receivinga Golden Trowel Award from Masonic Lodge No. 856 in Joaquin.

To Rules and Resolutions.

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HR 2186 (By Herrero), Congratulating Peyton Baros of Tuloso-MidwayHigh School in Corpus Christi on his selection as a 2017 Buc Days King Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2187 (By Herrero), Congratulating Michael Gutierrez of HaroldT.iBranch Academy in Corpus Christi on his selection as a 2017 Buc Days KingScholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2188 (By Herrero), Congratulating Rush Hoelscher of Tuloso-MidwayHigh School in Corpus Christi on his selection as a 2017 Buc Days King Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2189 (By Herrero), Congratulating Carlos Machado of Mary CarrollHigh School in Corpus Christi on his selection as a 2017 Buc Days King Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2190 (By Herrero), Congratulating Jordan Moeller of W. B. Ray HighSchool in Corpus Christi on his selection as a 2017 Buc Days King Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2191 (By Herrero), Congratulating Aaron Rodriguez of Richard KingHigh School in Corpus Christi on his selection as a 2017 Buc Days King Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2192 (By Herrero), Congratulating Joe Rosas of Mary Carroll HighSchool in Corpus Christi on his selection as a 2017 Buc Days King Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2193 (By Herrero), Congratulating Matthew Rodriguez ofTuloso-Midway High School in Corpus Christi on his selection as a 2017 BucDays King Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2194 (By Herrero), Congratulating Carlos Vela of Ingleside HighSchool on his selection as a 2017 Buc Days King Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2195 (By Herrero), Congratulating Noal Villareal of Odem High Schoolon his selection as a 2017 Buc Days King Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2196 (By Herrero), Congratulating Meagan Harrington of Richard KingHigh School in Corpus Christi on her selection as a 2017 Miss Buc Days Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2197 (By Herrero), Congratulating Maddie Hernandez of HaroldT.iBranch Academy in Corpus Christi on her selection as a 2017 Miss Buc DaysScholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2198 (By Herrero), Congratulating Roslyn Holland of A. C. Jones HighSchool in Beeville on her selection as a 2017 Miss Buc Days Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.


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HR 2199 (By Herrero), Congratulating Kennedy Quintanilla of W. B. RayHigh School in Corpus Christi on her selection as a 2017 Miss Buc Days Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2200 (By Herrero), Congratulating Tara Remmich of Richard KingHigh School in Corpus Christi on her selection as a 2017 Miss Buc Days Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2201 (By Herrero), Congratulating Catherine Schultz of Incarnate WordAcademy in Corpus Christi on her selection as a 2017 Miss Buc Days Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2202 (By Herrero), Congratulating Mallory Smith of Henrietta M. KingHigh School in Kingsville on her selection as a 2017 Miss Buc Days Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2203 (By Herrero), Congratulating Sheridan Steen of Incarnate WordAcademy in Corpus Christi on her selection as a 2017 Miss Buc Days Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2204 (By Herrero), Congratulating Vaunne Telan of Richard King HighSchool in Corpus Christi on her selection as a 2017 Miss Buc Days Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2205 (By Herrero), Congratulating Aleena Villareal of Mary CarrollHigh School in Corpus Christi on her selection as a 2017 Miss Buc Days Scholar.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2206 (By Ashby), Commemorating the 25th anniversary of Love INCof Angelina County.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2208 (By White), Congratulating the Deep East Texas Council ofGovernments and Economic Development District on its 50th anniversary.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2209 (By Stucky), Congratulating Rosemary "Mamie" Shugert Crossand Thornton "Thorny" Young of Argyle on their wedding.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2210 (By Farrar), In memory of Lindsay Davis Weems of Fort Worth.To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2211 (By Farrar), Congratulating Rebecca C. Reyna on the occasion ofher 10th anniversary as executive director of the Greater Northside ManagementDistrict.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2212 (By Oliverson), Congratulating the Yellow Rose of TexasRepublican Women on its 10th anniversary.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2213 (By Oliverson), Commending Bruce Hillegeist for his outstandingservice to the Tomball community.

To Rules and Resolutions.

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HR 2214 (By Oliverson), Congratulating the Tomball High SchoolPercussion Ensemble on winning the Scholastic Concert Open Class title at the2017 Winter Guard International Percussion World Championship.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2215 (By Oliverson), Congratulating Justin Jackson of Tomball onhelping the University of North Carolina men ’s basketball team win the2017iNCAA national championship.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2216 (By Oliverson), In memory of former Tomball mayor Harold Gene"Hap" Harrington.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2218 (By Roberts), Congratulating Chantal Thantrong of Cypress CreekHigh School on her selection as a National Merit Scholar semifinalist.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2219 (By Button), Commemorating the exhibition of the Moving WallVietnam Veterans Memorial in Sachse May 26-29, 2017.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2220 (By Wu), In memory of Lillian Anderson of Austin.To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2221 (By Craddick), Congratulating the Klondike FFA homesiteevaluation team on its first-place finish at the 66th National Land and RangeJudging Contest.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2222 (By Lang), Commending Staff Sergeant Earl Gillum of the TexasHighway Patrol for rendering lifesaving aid to a fellow Texan.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2223 (By Button, Burkett, Koop, and Neave), Congratulating LoriBarnett Dodson on her retirement from the Garland City Council.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2224 (By Button, Villalba, and Koop), Congratulating Kris Oliver onhis retirement from the Richardson ISD Board of Trustees.

To Rules and Resolutions.

HR 2225 (By Lang), Congratulating Billy and Rita Lashlee of Clyde ontheir 40th wedding anniversary.

To Rules and Resolutions.

List No. 3

Pursuant to Rule 1, Section 4 of the House Rules, the chair corrects thereferral of the following bills and resolutions:

SB 965 to Culture, Recreation, and Tourism.

SB 2285 to Special Purpose Districts.


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The following bills and resolutions were today signed in the presence of thehouse by the speaker:

House List No. 24

HBi88, HBi294, HBi544, HBi635, HBi728, HBi873, HBi886, HBi979,HBi1073, HBi1197, HBi1221, HBi1227, HBi1345, HBi1406, HBi1709,HBi1790, HBi1793, HBi2027, HBi2056, HBi2580, HBi2968, HBi3536,HBi4156, HCRi31

Senate List No. 18

SBi44, SBi495, SBi549, SBi559, SBi680, SBi1033, SBi1052, SBi1516,SBi1524, SBi1541, SBi1630


The following messages from the senate were today received by the house:

Message No. 1


Austin, TexasWednesday, May 17, 2017

The Honorable Speaker of the HouseHouse ChamberAustin, Texas

Mr. Speaker:

I am directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has taken thefollowing action:


HB 100 Paddie SPONSOR: SchwertnerRelating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring anoccupational permit; authorizing a fee.

HB 516 Israel SPONSOR: HinojosaRelating to the requirement that drivers younger than a certain age complete andpass a driver education course.(Amended)

HB 1526 King, Phil SPONSOR: HuffmanRelating to the provision of state death benefits to peace officers employed bycertain private institutions of higher education located in this state.(Amended)

HB 1819 Springer SPONSOR: PerryRelating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respectto a firearm silencer.(Amended)

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SB 610 HuffinesRelating to a study on expanding the state virtual school network.

SB 825 Taylor, LarryRelating to school district discretion to administer college preparation assessmentinstruments to public school students at state cost.

SB 1151 BuckinghamRelating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of highereducation.

SB 1696 LucioRelating to federal lunch programs for public school students, including a studyon participation in such programs and school district lunch grace period policies.

SB 1971 KolkhorstRelating to the deposit and allocation of certain funds to the Texas RacingCommission horse industry escrow account.

SB 1972 KolkhorstRelating to the deposit and distribution by the Texas Racing Commission ofcertain pari-mutuel wagering funds to benefit the Texas-bred program.


SB 1052 (30 Yeas, 0 Nays)

Respectfully,Patsy SpawSecretary of the Senate



Favorable reports have been filed by committees as follows:

May 16

Business and Industry - SBi920

County Affairs - SBi1260, SBi1742, SBi2117

Criminal Jurisprudence - SBi1264, SBi1849

Defense and Veterans ’Affairs - SBi769, SBi1968Economic and Small Business Development - SBi75, SBi452, SBi634,


Government Transparency and Operation - SBi115

Human Services - SBi894

Insurance - SBi563, SBi1413, SBi2179


Page 59: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 73rd Day

Investments and Financial Services - SBi295, SBi830, SBi1400

Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence - SBi813

Land and Resource Management - SBi715, SBi1248, SBi1878

Licensing and Administrative Procedures - SBi2065

Natural Resources - SBi726, SBi873, SBi1085, SBi1538, SBi2282

Special Purpose Districts - HBi4345


May 16 - HBi88, HBi294, HBi544, HBi635, HBi728, HBi873, HBi886,HBi979, HBi1073, HBi1197, HBi1221, HBi1227, HBi1345, HBi1406,HBi1709, HBi1790, HBi1793, HBi2027, HBi2056, HBi2580, HBi2968,HBi3536, HBi4156, HCRi31, HCRi143


May 16 - HBi101, HBi394, HBi947, HBi1001, HBi1346, HBi1434,HBi1495, HBi1559, HBi1638, HBi1829, HBi1963, HBi2332, HCRi53

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 HOUSE JOURNAL — 73rd Day 3665

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