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WEBQUEST PROJECT By Shawn Grant For Ethics(F- block)

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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•Shawn Grant



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Why I Believe in God

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Why I Believe He Exist

There are many reasons to believe in God and there are many people that don’t believe that he is there. I personally believe there is a God or higher being than the human race.

One of the reason I believe he exist is in some situations you can see how God helps people in his own way by shedding some of his blessing upon them. Some things can’t just be a accident .

Another reason why God exist is because I know he watches over us and protects us. Like in a situation that we need help all we have to do is pray and ask for it and in his own time he will send a blessing for you in his own way.

Some People don’t believe in God because there is no physical proof. They only believe what they can see and hear. Its understandable because for some people its hard to worship and praise something you can’t physically hear and see. You have to hear and see God with your heart and have faith in him. That’s one way of many to get in contact with our lord Jesus.

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Why I Know He Loves Us

For God so loved the world he gave his only Son, That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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Why He Is Always With Us

God can always provide for us. When we really need something he can give it to us but only if its something you truly need. That’s another reason why people don’t believe in God because, they ask “why when I ask for something I don’t get it when I want it”. God will not just give you everything you want because some things you may want are things that could harm you or is not really good for you. God will only give you what you absolutely need maybe not material items but something you will thank him for sooner or later.

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I Believe In Good And Evil

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I Believe He Gave Us Choice

We have the choice to choose what the outcome of our life is . You can believe In god or you can live without God in your life . I personally invite God into my life because I believe he can answer all my questions .

I believe all the question that people that don’t believe in God have if they open there hearts and try to talk to God they could find there answer . But there not going to find there answer by just standing around waiting to see if there is a god or not. Waiting and sitting around for something to happen . They have to seek there answer and really decide if they really believe if there is a god or not . Can’t just say you don’t believe in something with no proof that it doesn’t exist .

You may not be able to see him physically or hear him but there’s proof through good and evil. In the world you can see how the Devil has his input and how God has his input . There is a lot f evil in the world like sex, money, drugs, murder, gangs, guns, etc.. There is also a lot of good in the world like church , The positive people in your life, God, Love, etc.. But its what path you chose depends on what the outcome of your life could be. But without God there to guide you your path isn’t very bright. You could face many problems and frustration but not saying that people that believe in God have a stress free life we also face hardships and trails on our path of life. But its our choice of which path to take .

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He Is A Forgiving God

I know my God is A very forgiving person because anything wrong you have done or whatever sin you have committed you can always turn to God for forgiveness . You just can’t go on with your day without thinking of the consequences of your actions . Like for example the Blasphemy Challenge videos. Those are people expressing how they feel about the existence of God or a higher Being than they are . Again its understandable but they are just saying the believe in God and have no proof that a God doesn’t exist. The only thing they can say is that science and the theory of evolution is the way things came to be. I personally believe that mankind wasn’t created by a huge explosion and everything just was moved into place. I believe that there was some one or something that shaped the planets, the moon and the stars, the sky, the universe and the heavens and hell.

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He Guides Us

With God there is a pacific path that is giving unto us and that path of righteousness. There for God guides us and steers our lives in the right path. But he will not do all the work you also have to be willing to let him in your life and work with him for him to be able to guide you on the right path. That’s one of things people don’t see is that you have to be willing and let God into your life and work with him in order from him to help you and put you on the right path. Some people don’t believe that There is a God because when they get in trouble and don’t get any help the feel hopeless and that’s also how some people lose their faith in God by not giving him enough time to help them and give them the blessings they asked for.

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Which Path Are U Headed On ?