webinar: intro to content marketing - by top floor technologies

+ Content Marketing A New Years Revolution January 30, 2014 Twitter: @topfloortech

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According to a study by Google, people are engaging with more and more pieces of content before making a purchasing decision. Increasingly, this content is being developed not by publishers but by companies that understand the importance of educating, informing, and engaging with their customers. This webinar is targeted at executives and senior marketing professionals who want to gain a better understanding of what content marketing is, why it is effective, how it is done, and how its success should be measured.


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Content Marketing A New Years Revolution

January 30, 2014

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ Top Floor Technologies

Twitter: @topfloortech

Branding & Positioning

We help companies define and communicate what makes them unique.

Web Design &


We create attractive, user-friendly websites that generate leads.

Search Marketing

We drive traffic to our clients' websites by getting them top rankings in search engine


Content Marketing

We help clients create interesting, valuable content that attracts new customers and

engages existing customers.

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+ Presenters:

Twitter: @topfloortech

Denny Yunk

Director of Marketing


Cal Fidler

Content Marketing Specialist


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+ Agenda

What is Content Marketing?

Why is it important?

How do you do it?

How do you measure its effectiveness?

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ Housekeeping

To ask questions during the presentation, type

them in the chat bar on the right side of your

screen, or tweet them using the hashtag


We will devote the final 10 minutes of the

webinar to Q&A.

After the webinar, we will email you our slides.

We value your feedback!

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ Content Marketing What is it?

Why is it important?

How do you do it?

How do you measure its effectiveness?

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the marketing

and business process for creating and

distributing valuable and compelling

content to attract, acquire, and

engage a clearly defined and

understood target audience – with the

objective of driving profitable customer


Joe Pulizzi

“Epic Content Marketing”

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ Content Marketing What is it?

Why is it important?

How do you do it?

How do you measure its effectiveness?

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ Why is Content Marketing important?

It is increasingly effective.

It accomplishes the key goals of each step of the marketing process:

“Through content, you connect. Content is the currency that powers

connection. It speaks to us, makes us want to share it, and motivates

people to buy.” – Jon Wuebben, Content is Currency

Customers demand it.

Google’s ―Zero Moment of Truth‖ study reported that in 2010, the average customer engaged with five pieces of content before making a purchase. In 2011, it had doubled to more than 10.

Your competitors are doing it.

Twitter: @topfloortech

Awareness Familiarity Preference Decision Loyalty

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+ Your competitors are doing it.

Twitter: @topfloortech

Source: 2014 B2B Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs

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+ Your competitors are doing it.

Twitter: @topfloortech

Source: 2014 B2B Content Marketing Trends—North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs

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+ Content Marketing What is it?

Why is it important?

How do you do it?

How do you measure its effectiveness?

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ Content Marketing Step by Step Guide

Determine Goals

Understand your Audience

Select Content Topics

Create Editorial Calender

Create/Collect Content

Publish Content

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ 1. Determine Goals What do you hope to accomplish with your content marketing?

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ 2. Understand Your Audience

Develop personas for

each of your key

customer types

Identify their top priorities

Identify the sources they

look to for information

Develop key messages

for each persona

―Speak‖ in a voice that is

appropriate to them

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ 3. Select Content Topics

It’s about your customers, not about you

Feel Their Pain- Identify the need you want to satisfy with content.

Answer relevant questions

Solve their problems

Make their job easier

Twitter: @topfloortech

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Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ 3. Select Content Topics

Use current events to draw attention

Search.twitter.com – find relevant and trending hashtags

What is going on in your particular industry?


Twitter: @topfloortech

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Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ 3. Select Content Topics

Incorporate keywords

Choose top Keywords and incorporate them into your content and


Dig into your Google Analytics data to see what terms people are

using to find your website

Twitter: @topfloortech

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Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ 3. Select Content Topics

Use numbers and FAQs in your titles

―Top ten tricks for training your terrible terrier‖

“FAQ’s in Your Industry “

“Fifty Reasons why it is great to live in Wisconsin”

Share relevant content

Share other’s content that is relevant to your theme, industry or topic.


Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ 4. Create Editorial Calendar

Step 1: Plan out Topics for Content

Twitter: @topfloortech

Month Industry or Major Topic

Major Events (trade show, relevant holiday,

company news, anniversary, etc.)

Planned Campaigns

(Sales or Marketing Campaigns)

Suggested Campaigns













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Twitter: @topfloortech

4. Create Editorial Calendar Step 2: Choose types of content

- Blog

- E-Newsletter

- Whitepaper or E-book

- Videos

- Events

- Mobile

- Webcasts or Podcasts

- Infographics

- Photo

- Visual memes

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+ 5. Create/Collect Content

Twitter: @topfloortech

- Assign content creators for each topic.

- EX: Each month one person is responsible for the blog topic

- Create a workflow for content creation to publish

- Re-purpose great content that has not been shared yet.

- Look through your website, sales materials, testimonials, case

studies or conversations with employees to find relevant content

that can be shared.

- Find Relevant content to share-

- 80% shared content

- 20% created content

Creator Producer Editor Publisher Manager

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+ 6. Publish Content

Twitter: @topfloortech

•Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. Be sure to

share your content on any social network you participate on and ask brand

advocates to do so as well.

•Blogs: Promote your content not only on your own blog, but on other industry

blogs as well.

•Email: Consider sending an email announcement to your subscribers describing

your content.

•Press releases: If your content is newsworthy, think about crafting a press or

media release to promote your piece.

Utilize a Content Marketing Automation Service: Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Hubspot.

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+ Content Marketing What is it?

Why is it important?

How do you do it?

How do you measure its effectiveness?

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ Measuring Effectiveness

Twitter: @topfloortech

Source: www.marketingprofs.com

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+ Summary

What is Content Marketing?

creating and distributing valuable and compelling content to attract,

acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience –

with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

Twitter: @topfloortech

How do you do it?

1. Determine your goals

2. Understand your audience

3. Select content topics

4. Create an editorial calendar

5. Create/collect content

6. Publish

7. Measure

8. Repeat!

Why is content marketing


• It works!

• It accomplishes the key goals of

each step of the marketing


• Customers demand it.

• Your competitors are doing it.

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+ Q & A

Twitter: @topfloortech

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+ Upcoming Workshop

Content Marketing: Defining audience personas and

creating an editorial calendar

Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014

Time: 1:30PM to 3:30PM

Location: Top Floor Technologies

2725 S. Moorland Rd.

New Berlin, WI

Register at www.topfloortech.com/seminars

Enter discount code WEBINAR to save $50 off the registration fee.

Twitter: @topfloortech