intro to gis mapping webinar

Intro to GIS Mapping April 23, 2014

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GIS Mapping displays data geographically. Major news publications have used it to map poverty in America, demonstrate the impact of food stamp cuts, and display election results. Maps can also be a key tool for legal aid organizations, to help you learn more about the clients you serve and the program services you deliver. LSNTAP and LSC will host a three-part series on GIS mapping that explains what it is, provides examples from the field, and demonstrates ways to map with free software. The first webinar will cover the basics of GIS mapping, and provide examples from legal aid organizations that are using maps for planning, communications, and program evaluation. Time: 1 PM Eastern, Noon Central 11 AM Mountain 10 AM Pacific Location: Speakers: Bill Kennedy from Legal Services of Northern California Dave Sobie from Legal Aid of North Carolina Jonathan Pyle Philadelphia Legal Assistance Mara Pellittieri LSC Christina Sanabria LSC


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Intro to GIS Mapping April 23, 2014

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• Why mapping data is effective

– Bill Kennedy, Legal Services of Northern California

• The basics of GIS

– Christina Sanabria, Legal Services Corporation


Why GIS, and what is it?

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How can mapping help my organization?

Examples of GIS in legal aid organizations:

• Advocacy

– Bill Kennedy, Legal Services of Northern California

• Planning

– Dave Sobie, Legal Aid of North Carolina

• Assessment

– Jonathan Pyle, Philadelphia Legal Assistance

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• Experiment with a few free tools

– Christina Sanabria, Legal Services Corporation

• Join us for a two-part tutorial

– May 14 and 21 trainings on Google Fusion Tables


How can I get started?

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Why Mapping?

The Cognitive Science of Mapping and Graphic Presentations of Data

Bill Kennedy,

Legal Services of Northern California

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Spatial Memory and the Brain

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Spatial Memory and the Brain

• Hippocampus is the

center of “spatial


• Showing data in a map

gives advocates

opportunity to bypass

other memory centers

(amygdala, entorhinal


• “Re-orient” the viewer

and build new memories

using different parts of

the brain.

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Images can be more accessible than numbers

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The same data, now on a map

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It has been done for a long time W.E.B. du Bois’ map of Philadelphia’s Seventh Ward, 1899

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GIS Basics

Christina Sanabria,

Legal Services Corporation

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GIS Map = a Database with Spatial Info

File containing attributes

about geographies

• How much/ many

• What kind

• When

File with your data that can be mapped

File containing spatial data


bin/geo/shapefiles2010/main Joined

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Nodes (points) 2012 LSC grantee


Arcs (lines) NYC subway lines

Polygons (shapes) Percent change in DC

population 2000-2010,

by Ward

Data: Three Geographic Representations

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Nodes (points)

• Input: address converted to latitude and longitude


• Ways to use

– Color and/or shape can show type/category

– Proximity can show concentration

– Color and/or size can show magnitude

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• Input:

– Reference pre-existing geographies (e.g. counties)

– Create your own geographies (advanced)

• Ways to use

– Color can show type/category or quantity

– Styling (e.g. cross-hatching) can show type/cat.

Polygons (shapes)

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Layer multiple

datasets to show a

fuller picture

Data Can be Layered

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Mapping in Advocacy

Bill Kennedy,

Legal Services of Northern California

Avondale Glen Elder Neighborhood Association

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Environmental Justice

• In December 2008, staff from Sacramento

Natural Gas Storage Company contacted clients

in a historically African American community two

weeks before Christmas offering $500 cash and

a $200 gasoline credit card for the mineral rights

beneath their homes.

• Their plan was to pump 7.5 billion cubic feet of

natural gas into bedrock beneath the homes.

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Maps in Less Than an Hour

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Advocating against proposed closure of mental health centers

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Potential burden on patients traveling to health centers

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• Maps are processed differently by the brain than

written/spoken material.

• Maps don’t have to be “pretty” or take a long

time to be meaningful.

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Office Location Assessment

Dave Sobie,

Legal Aid of North Carolina

Mapping for Planning

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Do we need an additional legal aid office in this area?

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Why map the data?

• It would help answer a specific question (“Do we

need an additional legal aid office?”)

• We wanted to see spatial relationships within

this area. Where are the concentrated areas of

poverty? For adults? Children? Seniors? Etc.

• Mapping the data may raise additional questions

for further inquiry.

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Poverty in the Focus Area

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Poverty and Clients Served in the Focus Area

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Extreme Poverty (income <50% of FPL) in the Focus Area

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Poverty and Clients in Richmond County

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Poverty and Clients in Richmond County

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• LANC established an office in Rockingham.

• Increased number of clients from this area.

• Local judges got involved and allowed LANC to

do domestic violence work in neighboring


• Reduced travel time for clients.

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Map project advice

• Create more maps than you need.

• Search web for map examples and great ideas.

• Check out local county/city GIS departments

• Avoid trying to put too much information/data

into your maps.

• Create a workflow – it will save you time.

• Experiment!!

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Reaching Asian Populations in Philadelphia

Jonathan Pyle,

Philadelphia Legal Assistance

Mapping for Assessment

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Reaching Populations in Philadelphia

Ratio of intakes to pop. in poverty, by race:

Category: Intakes People Ratio

Black: 5,714 201,633 0.028

White: 1,764 82,912 0.021

Hispanic: 966 74,399 0.013

Asian: 206 25,430 0.008 Sources:

Intakes: Philadelphia Legal Assistance in 2013

Poverty: Census Bureau American Community Survey, 2012 5-year


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Locations of Asian social service organizations


Social service agencies

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Relatively large number of households

Relatively small number of households

Social service agencies

Number of linguistically isolated households (Asian languages)

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Relatively large number of households

Relatively small number of households

Social service agencies

Number of intakes

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Social service agencies

Relatively large ratio

Relatively small ratio


Ratio of intakes to linguistically isolated households

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Relatively large ratio

Relatively small ratio

Drilling down: studying potential outreach targets

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Relatively large ratio

Relatively small ratio

Drilling down: studying potential outreach targets

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Potential outreach partners

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Suggested Resources

• U.S. Census Bureau American FactFinder web



• LegalStat web application (PLA’s TIG project):


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A Few Free Mapping Tools

• Google Fusion Tables

• Google Maps Engine Lite

• Tableau Public


• ArcGIS (reduced price through TechSoup)

See LRI for more information about each of these tools.

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Thanks for Joining Us

• Join us for parts two and three of the series

– May 14, 1 PM ET

– May 21, 1 PM ET

• Contact us for additional information

– Brian Rowe, [email protected]

– Christina Sanabria, [email protected]

– Dave Sobie, [email protected]

– Jonathan Pyle, [email protected]