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Lesson #7 - Money and the Practice of Unlimited Thinking Hello beautiful sisters, Happy 2020! I am so excited about what we will be covering in the second half of our journey. This is it. This moment is your miracle. Not when you get into a relationship, when the funding comes, when your children behave, when you have more money in your bank account. Now! You have arrived now. You want to get into practice of shifting yourself to seeing and saying “this moment is my miracle”. This moment has it all. When you can invest in being happy and fully alive knowing that the only thing that carries “enough” is this moment, then you have mastered living life from a place of “enoughness”. You can’t bank on your enoughness coming from external sources. Never. Because when those external things go, you are left in the same condition then before you found them,

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Lesson #7 - Money and the Practice of Unlimited Thinking

Hello beautiful sisters, 

Happy 2020! I am so excited about what we will be covering in the second half of our journey. 

This is it. This moment is your miracle. Not when you get into a relationship, when the funding comes, when your children behave, when you have more money in your bank account. 

Now! You have arrived now. 

You want to get into practice of shifting yourself to seeing and saying “this moment is my miracle”. This moment has it all. 

When you can invest in being happy and fully alive knowing that the only thing that carries “enough” is this moment, then you have mastered living life from a place of “enoughness”. 

You can’t bank on your enoughness coming from external sources. Never. Because when those external things go, you are left in the same condition then before you found them, sometimes even worse, as personal judgement increases for “not having it together”. 

The truth is, you are are financially free now! 

That’s your true state. Natural state. 

Just to be clear, that you in this moment are starting from a full energetic tank of financial freedom. This moment is the most rich and abundant moment there is. 

It’s the things I project onto money (lack) that make us feel like there isn’t enough. 

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Live in this moment long enough and the material money will catch up. 

How you manage little is how you manage more. 

So stop reading here for a moment,  grab your pen and journal and begin Journal   prompt #1   now! 

Make a list of all the things you currently do that take you out of the financial freedom you have now. 

List them out... do you pay for people to make up for your “not enoughness”? Are you not spending enough time in stillness that you start to see the world from a place of fear and therefore projecting it onto your money? Are you buying things you don’t need to fill a void that needs a different solution? Are you not using your money towards paying for experiences that bring you joy (which attracts more money)? 

What do you personally do to take yourself out of financial freedom? Make a list and become aware of how your day to day actions, thoughts and patterns take you out of the abundance that is there. This is who you are in nature. Abundant. You have just trained yourself to think otherwise. 

Okay... now let’s talk about money and it’s mission. 

Money loves purpose. Money loves fun. Money loves relaxation and easiness. Money wants to support you. 

We have been working over the last 2 lessons in allowing yourself to be supported via prayer. 

Well that’s exactly what money wants to do. To support you. It’s a masculine energy that wants to hold you. It wants to provide for you. 

Time for Journal Prompt #2 -  

A) List all the ways you use your money “on purpose” or is it out of fear, lack, people pleasing or boredom? 

B) List all the ways you are having fun in your life. And if you are not having enough fun, what do you want to start doing regularly this year? 

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C) List all the ways you are being easy, relaxing and slowing down to receive in your life.  If you are not doing enough of that, what do you want to commit to doing regularly this year? 

D) List all the ways you are allowing support in. Think of every area of your life. Are you allowing people to support you? At work? At home? Are you allowing others to hold you? If you are not allowing support in, what are some ways that you can shift to do so? What actions you can take to allow support in? 


You are the source of your abundance and money. Through working with your thoughts, feelings and intentions, you can become a master at CREATING whatever you want. YOU are the source of your riches. Not your job, your investments, your spouse or your customers. By linking with the unlimited abundance of your soul, by staying connected to God and the Universe, by expressing and radiating your highest qualities of INNER PEACE, JOY, WELL-BEING and ALIVENESS, you become the source of your abundance. 

Having money and things is not as important as mastering the process of creating them. Once you master the process, your ability to be prosperous will not be determined by the economy or outside conditions, for you will be able to create whatever you want when you want it!!! Wooohooo!!

Learning to create abundance is a process of growth. It will require you to change your beliefs and shift your thinking from small to that of unlimited and of what you believe your deserve to have!  

The process of getting each new thing, whether it’s a car, home, larger salary or more revenue, is really a process of expanding your growth, trusting deeper and seeing yourself as whole. 

Because your thoughts and emotions set up the model of what you draw into you, it is important to think about what you do want.  

Most of the time we are so focused on what we don’t yet have... what we still need to get... how this would be better if we had more... and while we get to plan to scale and elevate and go to next levels, this is about training the mind to focus! 

Also, having an abundance of money does not come from disliking poverty. Whatever you focus on is what begins to grow. That is the point of our journey together. To train your mind to see, think and feel what you want more of.

We must spend time thinking what we want around money. To support that, here we are at Journal Prompt #3 - How do you want to feel about money? How

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much of it do you want to create and call in? What do you want to do with the money? What experiences do you want to have with it? What and how do you want to contribute with your money? What shift do you see your money creating in this world? Who do you want to support on their movement with your money? What do you want to buy and own? 

When you don’t intently focus your new way of thinking around money, you will fall back to old patterns of dwelling on things such as problems   and why there isn’t enough money to fix them. You then repel abundance. 

We got to spend more time in unlimited thinking than we do in limited thinking.  

YOU CREATE YOUR PROSPERITY no matter what the economy is like. Your challenge is to keep your thoughts about your economic future positive and in high-vibe, beyond the stories others are telling you about what’s possible. 

It’s not about judging yourself for the lack and fear-based thoughts. It’s about responding to them by smiling and showing them a better way to be. 

It’s time to identify what your thought-patterns around money are and then we are going to cancel them out and reprogram your mind to think differently. You are beginning to shift your beliefs around money and what you believe in can become your reality. We must practice focusing on them daily. Consistently. This is key and you are going to practice this 2 different ways this week: 


Using the guidelines from the PDF attached, spend 5 minutes daily bliss writing and creating a mental image of receiving and having what you want. Journal about what you are doing with money, how grateful you are for it supporting all your ambitions and desires. Get into relationship with money via bliss writing daily. Connect with it. Tell it your plans. Be grateful for it and vision your ultimate, perfect life for you. See yourself enjoying what money is providing you. There is such great power in repetition of thoughts and feelings you envision having around money over and over again. Repetition implants the idea in your subconscious and that informs what you think about!

Don’t take this lightly. Repetition of 5 minutes a day over 30 days is a reprogram. No questions. Especially at the time we are in now. Where we can merely think of someone and they call or we think of something we are interested in and it appears throughout our day. We are in a powerful time moving to the 5D and are manifesting at light speed. 

You are so powerful.

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It’s now time to work on your hard drive. Commit to this for 5 minutes or more daily until our journey is over. This is a way to practice unlimited thinking which also gets you in touch with the larger picture and links you with the higher vision of your higher self. It helps you fulfill your potential. All great works start with a vision in the mind. To unfold your potential you will want to imagine having your dreams come true. Now. Write about them, dare to dream and think big. Pretend what you write about is what will become true a year from now. You will be living what you consistently focus on today, tomorrow and the next day. Now that is a great daily 5-minute investment! 

Action for the week:  

1) If you have never heard of bliss writing, read the attached PDF to familiarize yourself in greater detail with Bliss Writing. 

2) Get a special “Bliss Writing” notebook and use it for just this one purpose. Daily. For 5+ minutes a day. Do not miss a day. Train your mind. Commit. Show up for yourself. 


Action for the week:  

1) Continue to ASK for help (practice from lesson #5) as you go through your day. Do this anytime, anywhere in the flow of your day. I suggest you put your hand on your heart, and deeply and honestly connect to your request for help.

2) Continue to connect with your prayer sisters on WhatsApp thread and use this as a lifeline!! Stay committed. Consistent. And pray both morning and night for 2-3 minutes each time!! YOU ARE TOO VALUABLE with your mission and purpose

to not stay prayed up!!!   


Okay here we are again training the body how to relax via activation of the Vagus Nerve which is basically the QUEEN of the parasympathetic nervous system. 

In order to fly high like an eagle and flow, and change your vibration, your body must move out of the stress response (DO IT mode) and into rest and digest mode as you go through your day. It is possible to be productive and not have your body be in constant adrenaline and cortisol release mode. This blocks your blessings and abundance!! It blocks money flow. And it sends messages to the Universe that you are not available to receive more. 

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Action for the week:  

1) Continue with your “Vagus Nerve Activation Breath Practice” for 3 minutes as described in the article I shared on Lesson 5. The most calming way to breathe is six times a minute. Five seconds in and five seconds out. You can do this before bedtime as well to switch into Relaxation Response. 

2) Chanting to activate Vagus Nerve - 

Take a moment to read another short article on the Vagus Nerve: 

This article offers more ways to stimulate the Vagus Nerve and today I want to focus on chanting. While you can chant anyway you want, I invite you to set a timer for 5 minutes (or longer if your enjoy it) and chant to the mantra Sa Ta Na Ma. 

Chanting mantras will also support you to continue to help break residue of unwanted mental patterns around money (or anything). A perfect combo to your bliss writing and breath work all in which raise your frequency. When we chant mantras we turn down the volume on our egos which allows us to move past limiting beliefs and into a beautiful realm. “SA TA NA MA” is a key mantra for anyone trying to break addictions or small thinking patterns. It is the seed mantra “Sat Nam” Broken into all of its parts. SA means infinity, TA means life, NA means death or transformation and MA means rebirth. This is a very powerful practice. You can complete the whole 12 minutes or just set a timer to do it for 5 minutes. Enjoy this nourishing practice and video to follow along.

A summery of this week’s actions:

• Journal Prompts (3 of them) • 5-Minute Bliss Writing • Continue with Prayer • 5-minute chanting • 3 minute “Vagus Nerve Activation Breath Practice” 

Take 20+ mins to do your Prayer, Bliss Writing, chanting and breath work. That’s all it takes. But do it daily. Consistently. You’ve got this!!! 

Well... That’s all for Lesson 7! A bit of a longer one this time. 

Your next lesson will be delivered to your inbox January 20th. Do not let yourself fall behind. We are practicing the skills of consistency and discipline throughout the 4 months together. If you can be trusted with little, you can be trusted with

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more.  Your next call will be this Wednesday January 15th as a rescheduled call 5 due to technical difficulties last week. 

Let’s do this beautiful souls! 

Wishing you a blessed week full of miracles, and so many blessings your way! 

Much love

B  x