water level in lakes and rivers

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  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status

    of the development of the standards for the

    Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    Water levelWater level in lakes and reservoirs, water storage



  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status

    of the development of the standards for the

    Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    Water levelWater level in lakes and reservoirs, water storage

    Global Terrestrial Observing System

     Rme, 2009


    Valery Vuglinskiy


    Valery Vuglinskiy, Monica Monteduro, Reuben Sessa,

    Tatyana Gronskaya, Jean-Francois Cretaux 

    ECV reports coordinator: Reuben Sessa ([email protected])

       V  e  r  s   i

      o  n    8

       1  1    M  a

       y   2  0  0  9

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    GTOS Secretariat

    NRL, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

    Vie ee Terme i Crc, 00153 Rme, Ity

    Te.: (+39) 06 57054026

    Fx: (+39) 06 57053369

    E-mi: [email protected]

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    iiiWaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    Acronyms   IV

    Executive Summary   VI

    1. Introduction   1

    2. Definition and units of measure   1

    3. Existing measurements methods, protocols and standards   2

    3.1 In situ measurement   2

    3.2 Satellite measurement   4

    3.3 Summary of requirements and gaps   9

    4. Contributing networks   9

    5. Available data   9

    6. Conclusions   13

    7. Recommendations   13

    7.1 Standards and methods   13

    7.2 Additional recommendations   13

    References   14

    table of Conens

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    iv WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    Lis of Acronyms

    CEOP Crite Ehce obervi Peri

    CESR Cetre fr Evirmet sytem Reerch?

    CNES Cetre nti ’Etue sptie

    DAAC ditribute active archive Ceter

    DFO deprtmet f Fiherie oce

    DMU de Mtfrt Uiverity

    EMAN Ecic Mitri aemet netwr

    ESA Eurpe spce aecy

    GCOS gb Cimte obervi sytem

    GEMS gb Evirmet Mitri Prrm

    GEO grup Erth obervti

    GLAS geciece ler atimeter sytem

    GRDC gb Ruff dt Ceter

    GSFC gr spce Fiht Ceter

    GTN-H gb Terretri netwr fr Hyry

    GTN-R gb Terretri netwr fr River dichre

    GTOS gb Terretri obervi sytem

    HARON Hyric appicti Ruff netwr

    HYDROLARE Iterti dt Cetre Hyry f le Reervir

    ICES Ice, Cu, Eevti steite

    ICOLD Iterti Cmmii lre dm

    IGDR Iterim gephyic dt Recr

    IGLD Iterti gret le dtum

    IGWCO Iterte gb Wter Cyce obervti

    ISO Iterti orizti fr strizti

    MSSL Mur spce sciece lbrtry

    NASA nti aerutic spce amiitrti

    RLA River le atimetry pruct

    RLH River le Hyry pruct

    SIRAL sythetic aperture Iterfermetric Rr atimeter

    SUI stte Hyric Ititute

    TOPC Terretri obervti Pe Cimte

    UN Uite nti

    UNESCO Uite nti Eucti, scietic Cutur orizti

    UNH Uite Heth grup

    USDA/FAS Uite nti deprtmet f aricuture’ Frei aricutur service

    UW Uiverity f Wici

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    vWaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    WatER Wter Eevti Recvery Mii

    WaterGAP Wter – gb aemet Pri

    WCMC Wr Cervti Mitri Cetre

    WHYCOS Wr Hyric Cyce obervi sytem

    WMO Wr Meteric orizti

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    vi WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    Execuive Summary

    le eve i cmpex iex f tur wter

    exche withi their wterhe. Therefre, -

    term eve fuctuti i tur (ureute) e

    refect cimte che ccurri i the rei.

    o the ther h, e wter tre, which epe

    wter eve, i eiy vibe urce f wter

    fr my ectr f ecmy uch ricuture,

    metic iutri wter uppy, hyrpwer,

    wter trprt ther.

    The Wr Meteric orizti’ (WMo)Iterti gry f Hyry efie e

    i by f wter f cierbe ize whie

    reervir re tur r m-me wter bie

    ue fr tre, reuti ctr f wter

    reurce. gue e reervir re rmy

    cte er their utet, but ufficiety uptrem

    t vi the ifuece f rww (WMo-n.168,

    1994). Hyric ifrmti btie by ru-

    be ue itrumet i imite ue t the

    pre itributi f ue tti. a tertive

    i t ue rr timetry t meure urfce wter

    heiht f re e which h ccurcy f withi

    tw cetimetre i vibe i er-re time.

    Wter eve i e reervir i meure i

    cetimetre it the ti referece pe r

    it me pte pe ( ce “zer” rph).

    surfce re f e r reervir i meure i m2 r

    m2 epei their ize. le r reervir tre

    (vume) i meure i m3 r m3 epei

    their ize.

    Ifrmti reti t hyric bervi

    tti t e meuremet re ecribe i

    Vume III (Hyry) f the Techic Reuti

    (WMo-n.49, 2006) i the WMo guie t

    hyric prctice (WMo-n.168, 1994). The

    ecti e eve pecify the requiremet i the

    etbihmet perti f hyrmetric tti

    fr the meuremet f te. ste, r wter eve, i

    the eevti f the wter urfce retive t tum.

    Recr f wter eve re btie by ytemtic

    bervti mu (-recri) ue, r

    frm recri ue. It hu be berve with

    precii f e cetimetre i eer t three

    miimetre t ctiuu-recr ui tti

    (WMo-49, WMo-168).

    sever type f -recri ue fr

    meuri te re ue i hyrmetric prctice:

    rute vertic tff ue, rmp r icie

    ue, wire-weiht ue ite tructurebve the trem, rute r, tpe wire

    r pit ue fr meuri the itce t the

    wter urfce. The mer type f ctiuuy

    recri te ue icue: hyrttic ue,

    bubbe ue -ctct ue (rr

    utric). The frequecy f recri f wter eve

    i etermie by the hyric reime f the wter

    by by the purpe fr cecti the t. a

    iy meuremet f te i uuy ufficiet i

    e reervir fr the purpe f ccuti

    che i tre.

    Remte ei c be ue t meure

    umber f e ttribute icui urfce re

    eevti but cti e me (ccute

    frm operti nviti Chrt, etc.). athuh

    their primry bjective re ce ice tuie, fr

    mre th 15 yer teite rr timetry h bee

    uccefu techique fr tuyi ctiet wter

    bie. The urfce wter eve i meure withi

    terretri referece frme with repetbiity

    vryi frm 10 t 35 y epei the rbit

    cyce f the teite. a teite rr timeter i

    t imi evice, but ctiuuy recr

    vere urfce ‘’pt’’ heiht it trvere ver

    the Erth’ urfce. The techique re w we

    vite. amt 150 e reervir mthy

    eve vriti euce frm muti-teite timetry

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    viiWaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    meuremet re freey prvie. Future mii

    ie Cryt-2, ati setie-3 wi be icue i

    future prcei.


    1. The exiti meth prceure fr e

    reervir wter eve bervti re we

    refecte i ifferet techic cumet f

    WMo, UnEsCo Iso, but it eem tht there

    i ee t prepre ie tr cumet,

    fr exmpe Iso str, ti beIso/TR 11330:1997 (purey ifrmtive w).

    2. The reut f teite wter eve meuremet

    ti cti ubtti errr exceei

    miibe imit. Hwever thi t ebe the

    eer emet f e -term

    wter eve tre. Further in situ  viti

    f thi t thruh ru etwr

    imprvemet f the techique f teite wter

    eve meuremet re ecery.

    3. The Iterti dt Cetre Hyry f

    le Reervir (HYdRolaRE) hu be

    me perti t w the etbihmet f

    b tbe f eve bervti the

    wr e reervir fr prctic purpe

    cietific yi.

    4. Impemetti f vce utmte me

    f meuri wter eve (epeciy e

    which were che pririty e i gTn-l*)

    re require t vi ubjectivity errr

    uvibe whe ui cveti meth.

    5. Further yi hu be uerte, thruh

    HYdRolaRE, t certi the tte f the

    wr’ ke reervir eve bervti

    meth etwr, ti it ccut the

    recmmeti the preprti f peci

    tr fr wter eve f e reervir.

    *see Impemetti P fr the gb bervi sytem fr Cimte i supprt f UnFCCC – octber 2004,

    gCos-92 (WMo/Td n

     1219 ).http//www.wm/it/pe/pr/gcos/index.php

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    1WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    1. Inroducion

    Hvi certi ierte, e receive, trfrm

    iteify cimtic i. The hyric

    chrcteritic f e (e eve e vume)

    re imprtt iictr f che f cimte.

    The yi f tempr pti vribiity f e

    eve ymic re therefre imprtt ctributi

    b reerch f cimte che.

    le eve re cmpex iex f tur wter

    exche withi their wterhe. Therefre, -

    term eve fuctuti i tur (ureute) e refect cimte che ccurri i the rei.

    o the ther h, e wter tre, which epe

    wter eve, i eiy vibe urce f wter

    fr my ectr f the ecmy uch ricuture,

    metic iutri wter uppy, hyrpwer,

    wter trprt ther. Uie river ruff, e

    tre i w t be wy reewbe it i

    frme uri hure thu f yer.

    Therefre, t eure utibe ue, wter ue hu

    t excee the uy reewbe vume (which i

    river ifw precipitti miu evprti). If

    wter withrw reury excee thi vume e

    tre wter eve wi irreveriby rp. gret

    rie e cte i ri rei re the mt

    eitive t uch ceri. oe f the mt trii

    exmpe f thi i the ar se (e by rii). I the

    1970 1980 reur ubtti irriti wter

    withrw frm the ifwi amu-dri sir-

    dri river reute i the ft erti f the

    ar ecytem. sice 1960 the eve f the ar h

    ecree by ver 22.5 m, it tre h ecree

    by 9.6 time the ar rei h bee cifie

    re f ecic cttrphe.

    le wter eve i cmpex iex f wter

    exche i tur-techeic ytem reervir-

    river bi. The chrcter f thi wter exche

    epe t y river fw but the reime f

    ruff perti i the reervir. The me f the

    ruff perti (ruff reitributi) i etermie

    by reervir wter tre retive t the u

    river ichre t the m ite. If the vume f the

    reervir i equ t r mre th 20 percet f u

    river ichre -term ruff perti i pibe.

    If the vume i e th 20 percet f u river

    ichre y u, e, mthy r iy

    perti ruff my te pce.

    Fr reervir there re three typic perti

    eve: rm ffuet, mximum ctrbe

    miimum rww. nrm ffuet eve i the

    hihet permiibe perti eve f reervir.Mximum ctrbe eve i the hihet eve

    permiibe uri rre ccurrece f. The

    miimum rww eve i the miimum eve

    f perti withut y me t the reervir


    2. Definiion and unis

    of measure

    The WMo Iterti gry f Hyry efie

    e i by f wter f cierbe ize

    whie reervir re tur r m-me wter

    bie ue fr tre, reuti ctr f

    wter reurce.

    Wter eve i eevti f the free-wter urfce

    f by f wter retive t tum eve. Che

    i wter eve f e r reervir re it bute

    retive fuctuti.

    abute eve fuctuti re che i wter

    eve f e r reervir cue by che i it

    tre fr efiite peri f time.

    Retive eve fuctuti re, rue, hrt-

    term che i the wter eve t cite with

    che i the tre f wter i e r reervir

    cue by ymic fctr uch wi

    che i the tmpheric preure (uri,

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    2 WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    eiche). Retive eve fuctuti i reervir my

    be cue by -reur wr f hyreectric


    gue e reervir re rmy

    cte er their utet, but ufficiety uptrem

    t vi the ifuece f rww (WMo-n.168,

    1994). Hwever, it i mre feibe t cte them

    er the xi f equiibrium t mth the ifuece

    f retive eve fuctuti i cmputi che i

    wter tre f e r reervir fr the efiite

    peri f time (tuie reprt i Hyry, 31,

    UnEsCo 1981).surfce re f e r reervir i the re f

    e r reervir retive t pecific wter eve.

    stre f e r reervir i vume f

    wter ccumute i the bi t pecific wter

    eve. le r reervir urfce re their

    tre t vriu wter eve re etermie

    frm urvey tprphic-eetic wr.

    Be thee urvey, curve epicti urfce

    re (re curve) the vume f tre wter

    (tre curve) it the wter eve re ptte

    (H, le mrphmetry). stre curve i

    ptte be the t frm ptti the re

    curve. Firty, iiviu vume f wter betwee

    tw hrizt re etermie the ucceive

    ummti i perfrme up t the hrizt ie

    iicti the hihet wter eve i the e r


    Measurement units

    Wter eve i e reervir i meure i

    cetimetre it the ti referece pe r

    it me pte pe ( ce “zer” rph).

    surfce re f e r reervir i meure i m2 r

    m2 epei their ize. le r reervir tre

    (vume) i meure i m3 r m3 epei

    their ize.

    3. Exisingmeasuremenmehods, proocolsand sandards

    3.1 In situ measuremen

    Measuring lake level

    Non-recording gauges

    sever type f -recri ue fr meuri

    te re ue i hyrmetric prctice. The cmm

    type f ue re:

    () rute vertic tff ue;

    (b) rmp r icie ue;

    (c) wire-weiht ue ite tructure bve

    the trem;

    () rute r, tpe, wire r pit ue fr

    meuri the itce t the wter urfce.

    Recording gauges

    My ifferet type f ctiuuy recri

    te ue re i ue. They my be cifie

    ccri t bth me f ctuti me f


    a cmmy ue itti cit f tii

    we cecte t the trem by pipe ft i

    the tii we cecte t whee recrer by

    bee wire r perfrte tpe.

    The mer me f meuri wter eve


     hyrttic ue,

     bubbe ue,

     -ctct ue (rr utric).

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    3WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    Procedures for measurement of stage

    Establishment of gauge datum

    T vi etive rei, the ue hu be et

    tht rei f zer i bew the wet ticipte

    te. The ue tum hu be chece uy

    by eve frm c bechmr. It i imprtt t

    miti the me ue tum thruhut the

    peri f recr. If feibe, the c ue tum

    hu be tie t ti r rei tum.

    Recording gaugesThe rphic (ue), iit, eectric, r

    teemeteri evice recrer i et by referece t

    uxiiry tpe-ft ue r t tff ue

    cte iie the tii we. I iti, tff,

    rmp r wire-weiht ue et t the me tum,

    i ecery t cmpre the wter urfce eevti

    i the tii we with tht f the river. Fr ue

    with -pure ytem tii we, the tff,

    rmp, r wire weiht ue i the e hu erve

    the referece ue.

    The perti f mer meuri meth re:

    1. Hyrttic ue fucti thruh hyrttic

    preure the heiht f the iqui ver the

    preure er. Hyrttic preure epe

    the wter temperture the tmpheric

    preure. differeti hyrttic ue re

    wiey ue i the hyrmetric prctice

    ver the wr. They cit f hw tube

    which i pee t the tmphere. Hyrttic

    eve ue re the mt cmm evice fr

    meuri wter bie. The vte re:

    they re cmpct retivey iexpeive t•


    they c be ue fr prcticy y re f eve•

    meuremet (frm 1 t mre th 100 m), which

    i imprtt fr reervir were re fuctuti

    i wter eve ccur;

    they c be ue fr eve meuremet eve•

    uri witer freeze-up;

    hih ccurcy f reut;•

    w mitece (it i recmmee t chec•

    the ue every ix mth).

    2. Bubbe ue perte by meuri iqui

    preure i the iter preure uit pit.

    It iffer frm the hyrttic ue the

    preure er i cte the hre ()

    i cecte with the wter urfce thruh hw tube i which ir i pumpe t certi

    prrmme time iterv. The bute preure

    er tertey etect ir preure i the

    hyrmetric tube the tmpheric preure.

    differece f thee i iicte wter eve.

    operti temperture re itti

    citi me it pibe t ppy bubbe

    ue prcticy i citi. Bubbe ue

    re the mt vce mer evice fr

    meuri wter eve t utmte ite.

    3. n-ctct ue meure wter eve

    remtey by ctct er f tw type: rr

    utric. The er emit perpeicur t

    the wter urfce ue the refecte i

    t etect the itce (iterferece effect). The

    exct itce betwee the er the wter

    urfce i cmpute by the prcer. The evice

    c be ite brcet r brie r ther

    hyruic bject bve the wter (Fi.1).

    Frequency of measurement  

    The frequecy f recri f wter eve i

    etermie by the hyric reime f the wter

    by by the purpe fr cecti the t. a

    iy meuremet f te i uuy ufficiet i

    e reervir fr the purpe f cmputi

    che i tre.

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    4 WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    WMO and ISO Standards

    Ifrmti reti t hyric bervi

    tti t e meuremet re ecribe

    i the Vume III (Hyry) f WMo Techic

    Reuti (WMo-n.49, 2006) i the WMo

    guie t hyric prctice (WMo-n.168, 1994).

    The ecti e eve pecify the requiremet

    fr the etbihmet perti f hyrmetric

    tti fr the meuremet f te. gue e

    reervir re rmy cte er their utet,

    but ufficiety uptrem t vi the ifuece f

    rww. The precii f the bervti hu

    be e cetimetre i eer t three miimetre

    t ctiuu-recr ui tti (WMo-49,


    The Iso tr which re mre cey rete

    t e meuremet re liqui Fw Meuremet i

    ope Che: Vcbury symb (i it Thir

    eiti) the 1981 liqui Fw Meuremet i

    ope Che. Prt 1: Etbihmet perti f

    ui tti Prt 2: determiti f te-

    ichre reti. Hwever, the bve metie

    tr ct be ue t meure in situ e eve

    bervti uch e eve, e re e

    tre reti

    Fig.1 Varians of radar gauge insallaion

    3.2 Saellie measuremen

    Satellite derived products from Hydrolare

    The Hyrre t cetre wi icue teite rr

    timetry t the urce f ifrmti fr

    e eve time erie eiverie. It i be eve

    ifferet teite (Tpex / Pei, J1&2,

    ERs2, gFo Evit). Hitric time erie wi

    be prvie it i currety e the Hyrweb

    t be (ee bew). accurcy f rr timetry

    fr ccuti f e eve epe the ize f

    the e the urrui terri. It e frm

    2-3 cetimetre f ccurcy fr the ret e (ie

    le Victri fr which viti f rr timetry

    c be uerte with in situ ue) t up t 30-40

    cetimetre f ccurcy fr the met e. Withi

    the Hyrre t cetre, cibrti/viti f

    pruct wi be uerte, by:

    1. Cmpri with imirph whe they exit.

    2. Fie cmpi t me eicte ite (fr

    exmpe c/v ite fr timetry h bee et

    up i 2004 by the le the Iyu le

    ever cmpi hve bee rize ice

    the t etimte timetry ccurcy fr e


  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    5WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    Pruct wi be eivere mthy bi

    thruh utmtic ytem which i currety

    uer evepmet (curret upti f pruct

    withi Hyrweb i ru ix mth t e yer fr

    mre th 150 e).

    Satellite altimetry and imagery for lake

    monitoring, summary and principles

    Remte ei (teite timetry mitri f

    the re f e reervir) h the pteti t

    prvie umber f e reervir ttribute,fr exmpe urfce re, eevti, cti

    ietificti (e me) ccute thruh

    operti nviti Chrt mp, etc.; www.

    cp.m.uc.c.u/r/u/cc/htm/m.htm 1.

    athuh their primry bjective re ce

    ice tuie, fr mre th 15 yer teite rr

    timetry h bee uccefu techique fr tuyi

    ctiet wter bie. I prticur, the biity t

    1 www.f.r/doCREP/005/aC666E/c666e08.htm

    remtey etect wter urfce eve che i e

    i e h bee emtrte. The urfce

    wter eve i meure withi terretri referece

    frme with repetbiity vryi frm 10 t 35

    y epei the rbit cyce f the teite. a

    teite rr timeter i t imi evice, but

    ctiuuy recr vere urfce ‘’pt’’ heiht

    it trvere ver the Erth’ urfce.

    operti t u frequecie 13.6gHz (ku B:

    J T/P) 5.3 gHz (C B) r 13.6gHz 3.2 gHz

    (s B: Evit), ech timeter emit erie f

    micrwve pue twr the ir irecti thtre exmie i the time mi. By ti the

    tw-wy time ey betwee pue emii

    ech recepti, the urfce heiht i etermie by

    the ifferece f the teite rbit the timeter

    re meuremet. Ech reture heiht vue

    i vere f urfce heiht fu withi

    the ftprit f the timeter. The imeter f the

    ftprit epe the urfce ruhe, but c

    typicy re betwee 200 m (fr pe p f

    wter i cm citi) t few imetre (pe

    Satellite Operation Repeat Period

    sEasaT 1978 17 y

    gEosaT 1986-1989 17 y

    ERs-1 1991-1996 35 y (phe C+g)

    T/P 1992-2002 10 y

    ERs-2 1995-2003 35 y

    gFo pt 2001 17 y

    EnVIsaT pt 2002 35 y

    Jason-1 Jason-2pt 2002

    pt 200810 y

    T/P(ew rbit) 2002-2005 10 y

    Insumn Summy

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    t4 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    6 WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    wter with urfce wve). Ech teite i pce i

    pecific repet rbit, fter certi umber f y

    the me pit (t withi 1 m), the Erth’ urfce

    i reviite. I thi wy, time erie f urfce heiht

    che c be ctructe fr prticur cti

    the teite ru trc uri the ifetime f

    the mii. There hve bee umber f timetric

    teite mii. sice 1993 fr exmpe, five re

    perti: T/P, J-1, J-2, EnVIsaT gFo.

    over the pt five yer the le h evepe

    web tbe (Hyrweb) ctii time erie

    ver wter eve f re river, e wet tb ce. amt 150 e reervir mthy

    eve vriti euce frm muti-teite timetry

    meuremet re freey prvie. Ptetiy the

    umber f e mitre cu be iificty

    icree. Future mii uch Cryt-2, ati

    setie-3 wi be icue i future prcei

    wi iure the ctiuity f the e urvey.

    The curret pruct (mthy wter eve

    tr eviti fr ech e) hve bee ctty

    cmpre t exiti in situ t (fr rup f 10

    t 15 e) with precii ri frm 3 cm (le

    Victri) t 30-40 cm fr very m e.

    Methodology of data productions

    le eve re ctuy be mere Tpex/

    Pei, J-1 2, ERs2, EnVIsaT gFo t

    prvie by Esa, nasa CnEs t cetre (PodaaC

    aVIso). The timeter re meuremet ue

    fr e cit f 1 Hz t fr bi e 20 Hz

    t fr mer e. a cic crrecti (rbit,

    ipheric trppheric crrecti, pr

    i Erth tie) re ppie. depei the ize

    f the e, the teite t my be vere ver

    very itce. It i thu ecery t crrect fr

    the pe f the ei (r equivety, the me e

    eve). Becue the referece ei prvie with the

    timetry meuremet (e.. EgM96 fr T/P t

    r gRaCE me fr mre recet t) my t be

    ccurte euh, we hve cmpute me e

    eve, veri ver time the timetry meuremet

    themeve. The wter eve re further referre t

    thi “me e eve”. If ifferet teite cver the

    me e, the e eve i cmpute i three-tep

    prce. Ech teite t i prcee iepeety.

    Pteti rr itrumet bie betwee ifferet

    teite re remve ui T/P t referece.

    The e eve frm the ifferet teite re

    mere mthy bi (rec tht the rbit

    cyce vry frm te y fr T/P J, t 17 yfr gFo 35 y fr ERs Evit). geery

    icree precii i berve whe muti-teite

    prcei i ppie.

    Web databases

    The Hyrweb Web ite i hte by CnEs/le:


    Thi Web tbe wi be the cre f HYdRolaRE

    t cetre fr Remte sei t e

    reervir with iti ifrmti urfce

    vriti fr umber f e fr which precie et

    f teite imery (frm ModIs, lt, asaR,

    CBERs) hve bee prcee.

    Hyrweb prvie e eve vriti i time

    ccute frm teite rr timetry. I iti

    the ue f teite ime with equte reuti

    (epei the rer mitue f wter extet

    vribiity) t ifferet time, ri frm w t hih

    wter te, it i pibe t ccute rti curve

    fucti which i impy the reti h/s, where

    h i the vriti f eve, s i the vriti f

    urfce. appyi thi rti curve fucti t eve

    t btie frm teite rr timetry wi w

    the ccuti f the urfce vriti f the e

    ver the time p f the timetry t (ri

    frm 1-2 y fr bi e t e mth fr mer

    e). a prttype be 20 e reervir

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    7WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    h bee evepe t le wi be extee t

    the whe tbe i the ext mth.

    The U.s. deprtmet f aricuture’ Frei

    aricutur service (Usda-Fas), i cperti with

    the nti aerutic spce amiitrti,

    the Uiverity f Mry, re rutiey

    mitri e reervir heiht vriti fr

    pprximtey 50 e cte ru the wr. Thi

    prject i uique, bei the firt f it i t utiize

    er-re time rr timeter t ver i wter

    bie i perti mer. surfce eevti

    pruct re pruce vi emi-utmte prce pce t thi web ite fr Usda pubic

    viewi. a trete e reervir re cte

    withi mjr ricutur rei ru the wr.

    Reervir le heiht vriti my be viewe

    by pci the curr cici the ctiet f

    iteret. Rr timeter t frm the nasa/CnEs

    Tpex/Pei J-1 teite mii. Time

    erie f timetric e eve Vriti frm the

    Usda Reervir dtbe t www.pec.f.u.


    The Eurpe spce aecy (Esa) de

    Mtfrt Uiverity (dMU -Uk) evepe ytem

    t bti etimti f river e heiht frm

    bth ERs Evit t. de Mtfrt Uiverity

    evepe utmte ytem t pruce tw

    type f pruct ce River le Hyry pruct

    (RlH) River le atimetry pruct (Rla)2.

    EnVIsaT-ERs Expitti River le Pruct

    Hb ecribe the hyry pruct erive

    frm ERs-1/2 Evit teite timeter t.

    The tbe evepe by Esa (river e)

    prvie t uer the eve f e ver the wr

    frm retrce evit ERs t fr 13 bi e

    i nRT prce. oy the mt recet t (t tw

    mth) re irecty vibe frm the Web pe.

    2 http://erth.e.it/rivere/, ECV-T4-e-ref-41-EnVIsaT-ERs Expitti River le Pruct-Hb_2_0.pf 

    Fr hitric timetry retrci t, uer ee t

    ppy irecty t Esa.


    avte limitti f steite Rr

    atimetry re hw i the ite f Usda-Fas



    dy/iht wether perti.

     geery uhiere by veetti r cpy

    cver.a etermie urfce heiht re with repect t

    e cmm referece frme.

    steite re pce i repet rbit (up t 1 m

    either ie f mi ru trc) ebi

    ytemtic mitri f river, e, wet,

    i e fpi.

    H the pteti t ctribute heiht ifrmti

    fr y tret beeth the teite verp, thu

    ctributi ifrmti where triti ue

    (te) t my be bet.

    steite timetric itrumet hve bee

    i ctiuu perti ice 1991 ew

    mii re cheue fr the ext ece. There

    i therefre the biity t mitr e t

    iteru vriti uri the ifetime f thee


    Techique hve bee vite reut

    pubihe i peer-reviewe jur.


    Thee itrumet re primriy eie t

    perte ver uifrm urfce uch ce

    ice-heet. Hihy uuti r cmpex

    tprphy my cue t r -

    iterpretti f t.

    Retrieve heiht re “vere” f tprphy

    withi the itrumet ftprit. such vue re

    further vere i the irecti f the teite

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    8 WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    mti, ivi, fr exmpe, e fi heiht vue

    every 580 m (ToPEX/PosEIdon) r 350 m (ERs)

    the ru trc. atimetric vue therefre

    iffer frm triti ue meuremet which

    ffer “pt” heiht t pecific cti.

    The heiht ccurcy i mite by wee

    f the teite rbit, the timetric re (itce

    betwee te tret), the ephyic re

    crrecti the ize type f the tret.

    Uie imi itrumet, timeter y

    retrieve heiht rrw wth etermie

    by the itrumet’ ftprit ize. The effectiveftprit imeter c vry epei the

    ture f the tret, c ptetiy re

    frm ever hure metre t my imetre.

    Miimum tret ize i ctre by the

    itrumet ftprit ize the teemetry/t

    rte, the urrui tprphy

    the tret-trci meth ue.

    The teite rbit ceri tret ize

    etermie the pti tempr cvere.

    Imprve tempr cvere i ie t the

    expee f pti cvere fr ie teite


    Mjr wi evet, hevy precipitti, ti

    effect the preece f ice wi effect t

    quity ccurcy.

    depite the imitti the timetry i techique,

    which h prve pteti fr hyry ciece:

    the t re freey vibe fr the whe pet,

    which fr my remte re i the y urce f

    ifrmti. Mrever viti with ru-be

    ue t ive me meure f the expecte

    ccurcy fr imir tret type ize. Cmpri

    f T/P J reut with ue t fr the gret

    le, fr exmpe, hw ccurcy ~3-5 cm rm

    (shum et al., 2003). athuh thi ccurcy i reuce

    with mer e the erive eve vriti re

    eery rer f mitue hiher th the tt

    errr buet. oi reerch i exmii the

    tre ff betwee miimum tret ize bervbe

    cceptbe heiht ccurcy fr the vriu

    hyric ppicti.

    Cryst-2, the ext Esa rr timetry mii,

    expecte t uch i 2009 i eie t meure

    chi ice fie, but it wi ctribute t

    mitri wter reurce by cquiri mpe f

    t frm it ew eerti rr timeter ver

    i wter bie up requet frm cietit fr

    experimet purpe.

    Cryst-2 wi fy ehce rr timeteritrumet, ce the sythetic aperture

    Iterfermetric Rr atimeter (sIRal) which wi

    w it t imprve the reuti f the meuremet

    by icrei the umber f eprte rr pue it

    e w t Erth every ec frm 1 800 t up t

    17 800. The experimet wi emtrte the beefit

    f ve techie t erve emeri ciece fie,

    uch hyry, frm pce3.

    EnVIsaT-ERs Expitti River le Pruct

    Hb ecribe the hyry pruct erive

    frm ERs-1/2 Evit teite timeter t. The

    cumet cti five ecti. I secti 2, the

    bcru f teite timetry i briefy ecribe.

    secti 3 icue the prcei ppie t thee

    t t extrct meifu heiht ver i wter.

    I secti 4, the etie pruct pecificti

    frmtti re efie. secti 5 cti ifrmti

    the xm frt e vibe fr the eer uer

    hyry pruct.

    The Uiverity f Wici (UW) h bee ctive

    i purui the bjective f the IgWCo, icui

    the uch f tw iititive:

    The Frehwter Cr Criti grup,

    The Mutiery spce-bre Mitri f gb

    lre le: Twr operti aemet f

    Tre i Wter Qutity Quity.

    3 http://www.erc.r/web/tempte.php?pe=iiviu&Id=208

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    9WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    The f thi iititive re t:

     pruce teite-erive mp hwi wter

    eve fuctuti ver 40 re e wrwie;

     evute the biity f Ice, Cu, l

    Eevti steite (ICEs) / geciece ler

    atimeter sytem (glas) t prvie ccurte e

    eve meuremet, fr the me 40 e4;

     ue fie bervti frm gb Evirmet

    Mitri Prrm (gEMs) tbe

    crrecte teite imery t cify ec et

    f e,

     erive bic perti rithm;

     qutify remte ei ct t prcei


    3.3 Summary of requiremens andgaps

    The fwi re require fr imprvi e eve

    bervti fii t p:

     ayi f ti e reervir wter eve

    bervti etwr ee t be iitite fr

    imprvi t exche picy.

    Reur prvii f wter eve t t HYdRolaRE

    t w the Iterti dt Cetre t becme


     Itercmpri viti f in situ 

    teite bervti t fr vriu e

    reervir i require.

    Icree the ue f the vce wter eve

    meuremet meth, epeciy fr the 156

    wter bie ite i the gCos it, i hihy


    4 The nasa-pre surfce Wter Wri gruph etbihe frmewr fr vci teitebervti f river ichre wter treche which fcue btii meuremet

    f wter urfce heiht (te), pe, extet.steite er timetry prvie meth t btithee i wter prmeter ctribute t bwter bce mitri.

    4. Conribuingneworks and agencies

    The prpe etwr wi be the gCos Beie le

    leve/are netwr be ToPC pririty it (ee


    5. Available daa

    International Data Centre on Hydrology ofLakes and Reservoirs

    The areemet betwee the Feer service fr

    Hyrmetery Evirmet Mitri,

    the Rui Feerti the Wr Meteric

    orizti etbihmet f the Iterti

    dt Cetre Hyry f le Reervir

    (HYdRolaRE) w ie 5 My 2008. HYdRolaRE

    becme perti the 1 Jury 2009 wi

    be be i the stte Hyric Ititute (sHI).

    sHI me the hyric etwr e

    reervir f the Rui Feerti, which be i

    1860, pee i the 1980 t 493 tti, ecie

    i the 1990, h w tbiize t 377 tti.

    dt ifrmti thi etwr i rchive

    eectricy i hyric yerb icue

    e eve, urfce wter temperture, wter

    temperture prfie, het ctet, ice cver

    thice, w epth, wi, wter bce, wve

    curret. HYdRolaRE i bei prpe t meet

    the ee fr b t e reervir. The

    mut f wter tre i the wr’ 145 ret e

    i etimte 168 000 m3. The ver bjective f the

    prpe cetre i t etbih, evep reury

    upte iterti tbe hyric

    reime f e reervir i rer t:

    timute the evepmet f b mitri

    ytem e reervir fr rti ue,

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    10 WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    preervti memet f b wter


    imprve the wee f ter fuxe

    trfrmti withi e reervir;

    uppy t fr cietific eucti purpe,

    mei, the evepmet f b

    rei prject prrmme.

    The firt te f evepi HYdRolaRE wu

    cit f cecti, prcei itributi

    mett uy upte hyrmeteric

    bervti fr e reervir icui wter

    eve, che i wter tre, ifw/utfw t, ice citi.

    The gCos/gTos Terretri obervti Pe fr

    Cimte (ToPC) h ietifie iiti pririty it f

    156 e fr which t re, eve , if pibe,

    freeze bre-up te hu be cecte. The

    ToPC pprch t mitri i t fcu primriy

    ce-bi e but icui mjr ephemer

    e eecti f the ret pe e. The

    mjr cierti i the chice f ite i t eure

    repreettive mpe f ech type f e (where

    preet) i ech rei. Where mutipe pibiitie

    fr mitri exit, preferece hu be ive t

    re e t fciitte the ue f teite bervti.

    secry cierti i the chice f ite re: ()

    wter ue, (b) reevce fr ther mitri purpe

    (e.. wter quity, biiverity, puti), (c) the

    exitece f er-term, hitric r pecimtic

    recr t the ite.

    The iiti tret f 156 e wrwie, ri i

    ize frm 15 t 374 000 m2, wi be f immeite

    beefit t cimte meer, thuh the ivetry

    wi hve t ruy icree t the rer f 500

    e t eure fuy equte rei cvere

    ufficiet ite t eure repicbiity f the erive

    recr. le eve re ee t be meure

    iey weey r t et mthy, with hrizt

    reuti f 10 m vertic reuti f t

    et 5 cm. Thee meuremet wu be me by

    ti hyric ervice hu be prvie

    t eite iterti t cetre.

    International Lake Environment Committee


    at preet, cheret e reervir t be

    with b cvere t exit, hwever piece

    re vibe t vriu cti. The Iterti

    le Evirmet Cmmittee5 miti tbe

    f e reervir6; hwever thi tbe e

    t cti time-erie f reevt hyricvribe. ather e tbe, the Mssl/WCMC/

    Un gb le Ctchmet Cervti

    dtbe7, w evepe by Mur spce sciece

    lbrtry f the Uiverity Cee l

    prttype fr remte ei ppicti (Birett

    M, 1995). It icue ver 1 400 e

    reervir, but very imite et f ttribute (e

    me, cti, cutry, urfce re eevti

    etimte frm operti nviti Chrt

    mp, etc.) .

    IGWCO Water Cycle Variable8: Streamflow

    and surface water storage (runoff)

    The bjective i the etbihmet f iterte

    trem/e/reervir tbe, cmprie f in situ 

    remtey-ee cpcity/fw mitri i

    re time.

    give tht wter reurce mer ee timey

    ccurte ifrmti with repect t river fw

    wter tre i e reervir t prevet,

    5 IlEC, -vermet riti etbihei 1986 i Jp, http://www.iec.r.ip/e_ iex.htm6 http://www.iec.r.jp/tbe/iex/ix-e.htm

    7 http://wwwcp.m.uc.c.u/r/u/cc/htm/m.htm8 http://www.wm.it/web/hm/iwc/reprt/IgWCo_emet_reprt.pf

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    11WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    m ther thi, wter-rete iter, the

    IgWCo h emphize the evepmet f gb

    Ruff Mitri Prject. The bjective f thi

    iititive i t prvie tempr bervti

    ye f urfce ruff e/reervir tre

    vriti vribiity, by me f iterte in

    situ  remtey ee re-time mitri. I

    the yer ice it w firt prpe, the prject h

    expe t icue prticipt uch the Esa,

    gEo gTn-H.

    Prticipt icue: gEo, gTn-H/gTn-R, Esa,

    de Mfrt Uiverity, WHYCos WMo.

    International Commission on Large Dams

    The Iterti Cmmii lre dm (ICold)

    miti reitry f m (ICold, 1988). Thi tbe

    w riiy pubihe y i pper b, but

    recety becme vibe eectricy Cd-RoM.

    The ICold reitry cti ifrmti ever

    thu reervir, embe frm eieeri

    perpective. oe criteri fr icui reervir i thi

    reitry w t hve 15 m r hiher ctructi, thu

    ptetiy evi ut my reervir i pi rei

    where ever metre hih m ctructi miht

    reut i re iuti. Whie etie ifrmti

    the m ctructi (purpe, heiht, eth

    vume f the ctructi, ctructi type, piwy

    cpcity) re prvie beie bic ifrmti the

    reervir itef (mximum cpcity, reervir urfce

    re, etc.), but ther eeti ifrmti (icui

    cti, me ichre thruh the reervir) i

    mii. The y wy t erphicy ietify thee

    reervir i by the eret city river me tht

    re prvie prt f the tbe. sever ttempt

    hve bee me t ietify thee m mp

    crrect the ifrmti (by UnH, gRdC, CEsR). I

    rete effrt, Usgs evepe m ivetry fr

    the Us, Rui miti tbe f ti

    e reervir.

    The meri f the bve-metie e

    reervir t et with the vibe iit mp

    cu be bi fr mre etie b e/

    reervir tbe, but thi wr i t trivi

    ee exteive mu effrt. It w te tht t

    preet ymic ifrmti i vibe e

    reervir (eve che, perti, etc.). Remte

    ei (teite timetry, mitri f the urfce

    re) h the pteti t ve thi prbem. nasa

    gsFC i wri ui teite timetry (ToPEX/

    PosEIdon, ERs-1) t meure e reervir eve

    (Birett, 1998). at the preet time, b ifrmti urfce wter tre i e, reervir

    wet i iequte i term f cvere

    time-erie bervti f che i the tre

    vume t ce. Hwever, it w te tht hiher

    reuti ifrmti vibe y i me rei

    i imprtt, ive the rei ture f me

    hyric iue.

    International Great Lakes Datum

    Iterti gret le dtum (Igld) i the

    referece ytem by which the gret le-st.

    lwrece River Bi wter eve re meure. It

    cit f bechmr t vriu cti the

    e st. lwrece River tht ruhy cicie

    with e eve ( wter eve re meure i feet

    r metre bve thi pit). Mvemet i the erth’

    crut eceitte upti thi tum every 25-30

     yer. The firt Igld w be up meuremet

    bech mr tht cetre the yer 1955,

    it w ce Igld (1955). The mt recety upte

    tum ue ccuti tht cetre 1985, it i

    ce Igld (1985). Meuremet recre i ngVd

    (1929) r Igld (1955) ee t be cverte t Igld

    (1985) meuremet befre they c be ue i

    cmpri ituti99.

    9 ECV-T4-e-ref-37-Iterti gret le dtum1985.pf 

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    12 WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    USDA Reservoir Database

    Tw timetric tet re currety beig


    1. ToPEX/PosEIdon (T/P). I it rii rbit (1992-

    2002) thi teite perte with te-y repet

    rbit, with b cvere extei t nrth/

    suth titue 66 eree. Te yer f rchive

    gdR t (frm september 1992) re utiize.

    T/P tet hve bee prvie by aVIso/CnEs

    (Veri C) the nasa Phyic ocerphydaaC t the Jet Prpui lbrtry, Cifri

    Ititute f Techy.

    2. Jason. a fw- mii t T/P, the J

    teite w uche 7 december 2001. Thi

    prject utiize the IgdR J t which i

    typicy vibe withi 3-4 y fter teite

    verp. lie T/P, the J rbit repetbiity

    i te-y with the me b cvere. The

    J IgdR tet re vibe vi ftp. The im

    i t prvie time-erie f wter eve vriti

    fr me f the wr’ ret e reervir

    (>100 m2) epeciy i imprtt ricutur


    The mi tbe pruct re rph cite

    ifrmti i tbur frm. Fr the rph, che

    i wter eve re re but the y-ce i rbitrry

    (retive) ive i metre. The x-xi refer t

    time with iterv f ever mth. The bue

    ymb repreet reut frm ToPEX (the nasa alT

    r ssalT) timeter, the re ymb ete reut

    frm the J PosEIdon-2 timeter. The Reut

    Tbe ive heiht, cite errr te/

    time f the bervti. nte tht erphic

    extet cr the e h bee ue t erive the

    time erie - rther th pt meuremet which

    i mre typic f triti ue. a icui

    timetric heiht ccurcy c be fu i the

    accurcy+Viti ecti.

    Thee e pruct exit i the pubic mi.

    Hwever, the fwi eer cweemet

    f thi tbe hu be me if the ifrmti

    preete here i ue fr further cietific purpe

    /r iti ppicti:

    Radar altimeter data from the NASA/CNES

    Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 satellite missions. Time

    series of altimetric lake level variations from the USDA

    Reservoir Database at http://www.pecad.fas.usda.


    Canadian Hydrographic Service10

    le wet re re try rive by cimtic

    citi py critic re i the cyci f

    crb. C h 24 percet f the wr’ wet

    thee cery ee t be mitre. The cutry

    i bee with immee qutic reurce i it

    e (e.. the gret le, hre with the Uite

    stte, cti pprximtey 18 percet f the wr

    uppy f freh wter). The Ci Hyrrphic

    service, prt f dFo, cect t fr the gret le

    ther re Ci e pee recr

    i bc t 1918 whie umber f mer e

    hve bee mitre fr my yer, fr wter

    memet r reerch purpe. The Ecic

    Mitri aemet netwr (EMan),

    icue ter i thi reprt, i i t my uch

    reerch mitri ite i C11.

    10 http://www.ec.c.c/cimte/CCaF-FaCC/sciece/t2002/f49#f4911 The Experimet le are (Ela) i weterotri, the Turey le i uther otri,

    le kejimuji i nv scti re exmpe f uchreerch iititive tht re uefu i the emet fecytem qutic impct f cimte che.

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    13WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    6. Conclusions

    The exitig meth fr ke wter eve

    bervti re we evepe ufficiet t

    bti t ccurte euh fr further prcei


    The reut f teite wter eve meuremet

    ti cti ubtti errr exceei miibe

    imit. Hwever thi t ebe e t e

    eer e -term wter eve tre.

    Further viti f thi t thruh the e

    reervir ru etwr imprvemet f thetechique f teite wter eve meuremet re


    Mi perti the Iterti dt Cetre

    Hyry f le Reervir (HYdRolaRE)

    wi w the evepmet f b tbe f

    eve bervti the wr e reervir.

    7. Recommendaions7.1 Sandards and mehods

    1. The exiti meth prceure fr e

    reervir wter eve bervti re we

    refecte i ifferet techic cumet f

    WMo, UnEsCo Iso, but there i ee t

    prepre ie tr cumet, fr exmpe

    Iso str, ti be Iso/TR 11330:1997

    (purey ifrmtive w).

    2. The reut f teite wter eve meuremet

    ti cti ubtti errr exceei

    miibe imit. Hwever thi t ebe the

    eer emet f e -term

    wter eve tre. Further in situ  viti

    f thi t thruh ru etwr

    imprvemet f the techique f teite wter

    eve meuremet re ecery.

    3. The Iterti dt Cetre Hyry f

    le Reervir (HYdRolaRE) hu be

    me perti t w the etbihmet f

    b tbe f eve bervti the

    wr e reervir fr prctic purpe

    cietific yi.

    4. Impemetti f vce utmte me

    f meuri wter eve (epeciy e

    which were che pririty e i gTn-l)

    re require t vi ubjectivity errr

    uvibe whe ui cveti meth.

    5. Further yi hu be uerte, thruhHYdRolaRE, t certi the tte f the

    wr’ e reervir eve bervti

    meth etwr, ti it ccut the

    recmmeti the preprti f peci

    tr fr wter eve f e reervir.

    7.2 Addiional recommendaions

    1. Fr e reervir withut tre re

    curve, it i rther prmii t evep meth

    f ei vume che withi rww

    tre ui teite ime fr etimti

    f e r reervir urfce re fr prticur


    2. It i ecery t ctiue cmprtive yi

    f the reut f in situ  teite bervti

    fr vriu e reervir i rer t e

    the effect f vriu fctr the ccurcy f

    teite wter eve meuremet.

    3. It i ecery t ye the iterepeece

    f e reervir wter eve ther ECV

    vribe the eemet f the bitic

    bitic reime.

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    14 WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE


    World Meteorological Organization , 1980: Mu

    strem gui. Vume I II, operti

    Hyry Reprt n. 13. WMo-n. 519, geev.

    International Organization for Standardization ,

    1988: liqui Fw Meuremet i ope Che:

    Vcbury symb. Thir eiti, Iso 772,


    International Organization for Standardization ,

    1981: liqui Fw Meuremet i ope Che.

    Prt 1: Etbihmet perti f uitti Prt 2: determiti f te-

    ichre reti. Iso 1100, geev.

    Hakanson, L.A.,   mu f e mrphmetry,

    sprier-Ver, 1981. Meth f hyric

    cmputti fr wter prject. stuie

    Reprt i Hyry no38, Uec, 1982.

    Carlson, R.E. & Simpson. J.   1996. Vuteer le

    Mitri i the Upper Mi-wet: Prrm,

    Techique, Techic Recmmeti. nrth

    americ le Memet sciety, Mi, WI.

    Meth f cmputti f the wter bce f

    re e reervir. V.1: Methy.

    “stuie Reprt i hyrgy n o  31”

    Uec, 1981.

    Iterti gry f Hyry. WMo-n o385,


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    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    15WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    156 Pioiy lks in Gob tsi Nwok lks

    Name Country

    aby Ethipi

    abert Usa

     aibi Chi

    a kzht

    abert (Mbutu see se/nyz) Zire/U

    ameu autri

    ar se kzht/Uzbeit

    athbc C

     auti autri

    Bhrh Chi

    Bi Rui

    Bt Hury

    Bhh kirizt (kzht!)

    Ber UsaBeyehir Turey

    Biw-k Jp

    Beee germy/switzer/autri

    Bri key

    B T nuur Mi

    Bite-hu Chi

    Buhi Phiippie

    Buyr Chi/Mi

    Cpi azerbij/Rui/Turmeit/Ir

    Ch Ch/Cmer/nieri/nier

    Chmpi C/Usa4

    Chy RuiChiehi Chi

    Chiw Mwi/Mzmbique

    Chue Hupi areti

    Crter Usa

    du Tb Iei

    dviumbu Ppu new guie

    de se Ire/Jr

    dechm but C

    diefeber C

    di Hu Chi

    Eu Cire C

    Ebi ChiEriir Turey

    Ei C

    Erie C/Usa

    Eim suth C

    Eyre autri

    Frbiher C

    Frme autri

    girer autri

    gtium Pm

    gere U

    gret Ber C

    gret st le Usa

    gret sve le C

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4 Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    16 WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    Name Country

    Hmmer Irq

    Hr U Mi

    Hubuu Mi

    Huu Hu (Huu nur) ChiHutze Chi

    Hur C/Usa

    Hyr nuur (khiriz nuur) Mi

    Ime Rui

    Iri Fi

    Iy-ku kirizt

    Izbe gutem

    Jui Peru

    kmiuu C

    kmi C

    kyu Chi

    kh Chi/Rui

    khu Chi/Rui

    khv nuur (Hvu) Mi

    kieret (se f giee) Ire

    kivu Rw/Zire

    k nr Chi

    ktey C

    kuuiye Rui

    ky (ki) U

    lc l Re C

    lc sit-Je C

    l Ruil e Chp Mexic

    l i Cm Ity

    l i gr Ity

    lu s gre areti

    lem (geev) switzer/Frce

    leer sve C

    lp nr Chi

    luh der Ire

    lu se Thi

    Mire Ity/switzer

    Mu nicru

    Mitb CMr Chiquit areti

    Mrcib Veezue

    Michi Usa

    M Usa

    nivh key

    nmu Chi

    netii C

    neuieeree autri/Hury

    nriHu Chi

    nicru nicru

    nipi C

    ny (Mwi) Mzmbique/Mwi/Tziohri Mcei

    o C

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    t4Assessment of the status of the development of the standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables

    17WaTER lEVEl In lakEs and REsERVoIRs, WaTER sToRagE

    Name Country

    oe Rui

    otri C/Usa

    ouu Fi

    Pje FiP Chi/Ii

    Ptzcur Mexic

    Peipu Eti/Rui

    Py le Chi

    Pyrmi Usa

    Qii (Zii) Chi

    Reieer C

    Rtru nZ

    Ruf Ethipi/key

    Ruw Tzi

    st se Usa

    sy C

    sy kzht

    scutri abi

    seetyteiz kzht

    seec Usa

    sev armei

    sh Ethipi

    sr abi

    superir C/Usa

    The Usa

    Ti-hu Chi

    Tyi Tzi/Zire/Zmbi/BuruiTymyr Rui

    Teiz kzht

    Terim Chi

    Titicc Peru/Bivi

    Trre autri

    Tuz Turey

    Uuur Chi

    Urmi Ir

    Uv nuur Mi

    Veci Veezue

    V Turey

    Ver sweeVtter swee

    Victri Tzi/U/key

    Vvi greece

    Wei-h Chi

    Wiry P

    Wiermere Uk

    Wiipe C

    Wiipei C

    Xtt (Mu) nicru

    Ymr Chi

    Ziwy Ethipi

    Zu switzerZurichee switzer

  • 8/13/2019 Water Level in Lakes and Rivers


    GTOS Secretariat

    c/o Land and Water Division (NRL)

    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

    Vie ee Terme i Crc 00153 Rme, ItyE-mi: [email protected] Te: (+39) 06 57054026 Fx: (+39) 0657053369
