water in contemporary china

FREE EVENT UA POETRY CENTER DOROTHY RUBEL ROOM Helen S. Schaefer Building, 1508 E. Helen St. FREE Parking after 5 PM Advance your human conversations. What can we discover about ourselves by decoding the past through film, literature, and music? In this week-long series hosted by the UA College of Humanities, you will explore contrasting cultures, international languages, and divergent ideas at the heart of what makes us human. HUMANITIES WEEK 2015 is a series of FREE public lectures and events on the University of Arizona campus presented by the College of Humanities. HW .arizona.edu WHEN THE RIVER RUNS CLEAR: Water in Contemporary China Droughts are common in Arizona, but water problems affect unexpected regions around the world, including North China. Nature and culture have conspired to critically shape the waterscape of the North China Plain. This region is unique because local communities and the state in China have tried addressing this ecological challenge for centuries, often in remarkably creative and effective ways. The water problem has been compounded by the breakneck pace of economic and social change during the last several decades and has added a new layer to this problem. Explore the contemporary challenges of water scarcity in China through the lens of history, seeking a translation of sorts of historical experience into a more nuanced view of China’s water challenges and the potential national and international consequences of resource constraints. FRIDAY Presented by: David Pietz Associate Professor EAST ASIAN STUDIES OCT 9 @ 5:00 PM

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Post on 07-Dec-2021




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FREE Parking after 5 PM

Advance your human conversations. What can we discover about ourselves by decoding the past through film, literature, and music? In this week-long series hosted by the UA College of Humanities, you will explore contrasting cultures, international languages, and divergent ideas at the heart of what makes us human.

HUMANITIES WEEK 2015 is a series of FREE public lectures and events on the University of Arizona campus presented by the College of Humanities.


WHEN THE RIVER RUNS CLEAR:Water in Contemporary China

Droughts are common in Arizona, but water problems affect unexpected regions around the world, including North China.

Nature and culture have conspired to critically shape the waterscape of the North China Plain. This region is unique because local communities and the state in China have tried addressing this ecological challenge for centuries, often in remarkably creative and effective ways. The water problem has been compounded by the breakneck pace of economic and social change during the last several decades and has added a new layer to this problem. Explore the contemporary challenges of water scarcity in China through the lens of history, seeking a translation of sorts of historical experience into a more nuanced view of China’s water challenges and the potential national and international consequences of resource constraints.


Presented by:

David Pietz Associate Professor


OCT 9 @ 5:00 PM