washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1901-12-04...

THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4 1901 8 w Corner j Market Space Best of Ercrjtliins fox the Least Money Santa Claus has charge of our Toy De- partment and will remain in charge of same until it is tIme for him to make his journey in order to distribute his nany wares to those children who have been good and mindfuL He Invites everybody- to call and meander through the stock and see the many pretty toys of every kind suitable for boys and girls Fourth floor That Blow Last Night Was a Howling SuccessA- nd our warm ncedables which are ad vertised for tomorrow will be still more successful on account of the many timely items and warm atmosppere From Our Womens Suit Dept 25 highgrade Allwool Golf Capes a host of pretty patterns which we have just placed on are garments worth from 750 to 875 offered at 23 fine Black Allwool Kersey Cloth Capes two styles plain and trimmed full length and full sweep worth 900 and 51060 for 100 Airwool Cloth Rainyday Skirts in a pretty shade of dark oiford with a hair- line effect scams and stitched bot toinsra garment actually worth 500 for Those three very specials can be found on our second floor Now AYe Follow with a Line of Specially Priced WRAPPERS AND THEY ARE BARGAINS WORTHY OF ANYONE Gboaquality Flannelette Wrappers neat deslgps and colorings made with flouac ed bottom and trimmed with fancy braid regular tJSc fcr Best quality of Flannelette Wrappers in figured striped and Per- sian effect some trimmed with embroi- dery edge others with fancy extra full through the flounce round the bottom in a variety of pretty and neat designs all J50 Imported Flannelette House Gowns in light and dark colorings very effective designs some trimmed with bands of ma terial to match others with soutache braia finished in the best possible perfect fitting worth 175 for Fine Twilled Flannelette House Gowns some trimmed with bands of black satin ribbcn many new and pretty colorings and effects thorough dressmaker finish all sizes worth 225 for Heres a lot of finegrade of which includes all the leading and colorings among which are the latest Persian stripes the range of shades includes lavender rose pink blue and red they are cut extra wide and made with deep flounce and are neatly trimmed and finished with ruffles over the shoulders the regular worth is 275 for Second the Millinery Department Movements o Xnvnl Vessels The battleship Indiana training vessel has arrived at Guantanamo the collier Lebanon at Clenfuegos the cruiser At- lanta at Buenos Ayres the gunboat Wil- mington at Chin Kiang the torpedo boat Winslow at Newport and the cruiser New Orleans at Cheefoo The trainingship Es sex has sailed from Port au Spain for St Kitts and the battleship Kentucky Rear Admiral Kempffs flagship from Hongkong for Amoy The converted vessel Rainbow ship at Cavite and the cruiser Cincinnati have been placed in commission at the New York Navy Yard Empire State Members Feted A complimentary entertainment and re cepticn was given by the New York State Republican Club of this city to the newly elected members of Congress from the Empire State last night in National Riiles Armory Despite the inclemency of the weather four cf the six New York Rep- resentatives Invited attended namely Representatives Low Allen Perkins and Douglas Index Clerk Parrnn llcslsrna- yi Thomas Parran who was the only Republican elected in Maryland last month resigned his positfonas icdes clerk of the House today and D C Dinger of West Virginia the assistant index clerk will be appointed In his place Mr Par ran was elected clerk ot the Maryland Court of Appeals M Stewart of Maryland will be made assistant index clerk XOTT Pastor nt Stonelinm Mass TheRSv B Alfred Dunn formerly of this city was recently installed- as pastor of the Congregational Church at Stoneham Mass CASSTORSA FerMjnissidGhldrc Via Kind You Have Aiwajs Bou it ThHlusJ IIi s the salethey 4a988 698 trap 298m Z- 69Cs Fleet lined braidmade hipsdeep sizesworth man- ner 1G690 1o98e flooradjoining which is to be used a stationary flag W pas- tor 4 t ii9 Sons CuI- Wt2y3 Food prices 7 1 ATTENTION worth forai98c 1I25 Flannel- ette de- signs as ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 4 If I THE IGGES SA Overcoats I Ever Held in This City We llaTe just received direct from tory i00 Mens and Yoke In nfl the latest materials and also a lot of Chest rf elds 44 to 52 inches long reproductions of tIle swell styles Weve Picked Out the Following for Selection o f i7UNO p the ftc Boys OvercQats ii Exact z Your Lot 1105 consists of an assortment of Dark Grey Yoke Overcoats nicely made and finished worth 575 for Lot 1003 Consists of a handsome selection of Dark Bottlegreen Yoke Overcoats worth every bit of 15 for Lot 5C65 Consists of elegant Satin lined Imported Melton Yoke 52 lashes long and worth for Overcoats- I 5 I 940 aoo NEWS AND GOSSIP FROM GEORGETOWN LETTER GiRRBE APPISR BEAD Stricken VVitU Heart Disease and Dies at the Threshold ol His Home Real Estate Deals AVntt Married iL Appier for tansy years a let ter carrierdroppea da 3 oclock this Homing taJJie hallway of his home 2SOS P Street made the midnight collection lrom the mail boxes on his route Heart disease was the ause cf death Mr Appier made his collection in a cart which he stabled with his horse in the rear of the offices of the MillerSfcoe Real Estate Company on 03 irty second Street Apparently Mr Appier realized the seriousness of his condition- as the stable doors were left open and the horse unhalteredv bowing that he was hurrying to his home The mall had been turned in before the attack came He was aimembcrof the Dumbarton Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church Mr Appier was over sixty years of age He leaves a two R and Lawrence Appler Meal Estate Deals Mr J J Murphy has sold to Mrs S L Hawken lot 1 in block 3 in Burkets sub- division in Friendship and Mount Airy Tenleytown Rosa Y Waner has sold to Messrs William and Alexander Johason part of lot 1C7 in square 12 e The purchasers immediately the property to Mr Barney McKay for 5 0V Grace H Lembkey has purchased of Flora Kirkwood parts of lots 7 and S in block 6 Cleveland Park Part of Grasslands Sold Mr Charles C Glover yesterday sold to Mr Thomas Hyde the undivided onehaif interest in a part of the Friendship Sub- division and also all of brocks 1 and 2 Annsleigh Park being on Wisconsin Avenue near the Grant Road Tenleytown Mr Hyde trans ferrefftO air Glover parts of Grasslands This is a part of the property owned by Sir William C Whit ney xtten Secretary of the Navy aiarringrc o Miss Watt Announcement has been made of the marriage orMiss Helen GWatt to Mr Frederick C Bache ot Binghamton N Y Miss Watt taught in the public schools of Georgetown for several years The wedding occurred November 27 G A Wilson performed the cere mony v Officers o 3Uzpah Chapter The annual election of officers of Hiz pah Chapter Order Eastern Star took place last night and resulted in the choice of the following Worthy matron Miss Lulu Cunningham worthy patron Mr W H Harrison associate patron Mrs W H Harrison secretary Miss Mary Becker treasurer Mrs Louisa Wagner and conductress Mrs Blanche Wise associate conductress Mrs Carrie Becker These officvers will be installed- on December 17 Officers of the Royal Arch Chapter to serve for the ensuing year will be elected next Tuesday Old pIKcera Heelected William R Singleton Lodge of Masons of Tenleytown met last night and re elected its officers They are Frank H Thomas worshipful master I E Shoe- maker senior warden Samuel O Wendel warden Andrew Burger Eli Riley treasurer W L Conley senior deacon Fred Robey Junior dea con Thomas Boling senior steward T F Riley junior steward and Alexander tyler Minor Xotes funeral of Clement Beckett the aged colored man who died Sunday was held this afternoon at Ebenezer A M E Church The members of the Grand Lodge of colored Masons of the District attended Mr James H Taylor will deliver the regular biweekly lecture to the pupils of tho Linthiftumschocl tonight His sub- ject will be Commercial Law The Georgetown Citizens Association will hold its monthly meeting Friday evening in Cooperative Hall Policeman Lipscomb of the Third pre- cinct has been transferred to the George town J Murphy who was promoted from a private In the Sev- enth to acting sergeant ia the Third Bsarstha- Signaturo i- of Miss Arthur out after balngjust maker wIdowand sonsArthur The- Re I junior secre- tary J Yowell The I 0 ic o j eke VV ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < Lot 16C2 Consists of a fine line of Oxford Yoke Overcoats The equal of my 12 Coat for Lot 8312 Consists Tt a nobby line of unfinished Cheviot Yoke Overcoats the newest cloth an 18 value for Special Special- We have 35 Mens Overcoats in dark blue material Must be closed out for S8alS I S2mSO I I 4 and S75O I Ha Friedlander It Broil Corner Ninth and E Streets now a Young Xcirro EffcctedanEn trance Into a Store Percy Lee colored nine years old is said to have made a great slide down a rope several nights ago In securing en trance to the premises of the Hartford Rubber Company 1113 Fourteenth Street northwest Twentythree Hartford bicycle tires valued at 50 and 2 in cash wore stolen and now Percy is locked up at the House of Detention having been arrested by Precinct Detective Evans William Gray colored seventeen years old is also under arrest charged with complicity in the crime The robbery was reported yesterday by David L Scovel the mancger for the company and the arrest was effected shortly afterward Finding a skylight over the store open Percy is said to have gone to the upper part of the building and slid down a rope the end of which was held by Gray Into the store ex- pected that the property will be today The boys are also charged with other robberies Gray with having stolen an overcoat from Lewis Leuborinsky and Lee with the larceny of a bicycle from Dr Lewis 1311 Fourteenth Street northwest The boys live in Greens Court COLORED EMTIiOYES CEL Government to Be Aske to 3n5OOOO or More The Government Claim Association an organization of colored people held an interesting session at its headquarters at 40S South Capitol Street Monday night The claimants will ask Congress to 150 XW or more to refund cer- tain money deducted from the pay of cer- tain colored employes of the Union Army during the war of 1S61 to 1SC5 between the States This money was deducted It is said to support a hospital for the sick among these employes to aid contrabands and for the support of the indigent poor in and around the District of Columbia at that time The claimants hold that the deduction was a tax to raise revenue and that all measures to raise revenue must originate- in the House of Representatives and that therefore the deduction under the special order of Secretary Stanton issued on May 2 1862 for that purpose was without con stitutional sanction and therefore illegal and that the money must be refunded CrHtcnicm Home Entertainment The bazaar and musical entertainment- at the Florence Crittenton Home 213 Third Street northwest last evening proved to be quite a success notwith standing the inclement weather An ex- cellent programme was presented includ jug recitations vocal solos and Instru- mental music The entertainment will be repeated this evening Murphy Expected Tomorrow Detective Tyser Is expected to return here tomorrow from Eufala Ala where he has gone to take charge of Samuel Franklin Murphy tho alleged evangelist and confidence man who Is wanted here on a charge of forgery Illustrated Lecture Tonight An Illustrated lecture will be given to night at the First Baptist Church by Sir Belts There will be songs and moving pictures After the lecture refreshments will be served on the lower floor in the ladies bazaar Goes to Stanford University Prof Marathon iL Ramsey professor of Roman languages at Columbian Uniyer sity has resigned his positiont accept a similar one at the Leland Stanford Jr University Team of Horses Walk Overboard A team of horses attached to an leo wagon belonging to Hayward Smith of 318 F Street southwest walked overboard into the James Creek Canal hear theM Street bridge last night One of the horses was rescued but the other drowned The ladies of Logan Union W V R TJ gave a progressive euchre party Monday evening Mrs Hazard Wheeler chair man assisted by Mrs Belle Gibson airs Noskey Mrs Burke Mrs Gorram Mrs Chase and MissMartin Electrical wbrkcra5 Smoker A smoker was held by the International Brotherhood Electrical Workers Local Union 148 at Arion Monday evening There was a most interesting prosramine of entertainment Corcorans vs TJrella The Corcoran Cadet and Urell Rifles teams will play return game tonight in the District series in Centre Market Armory The Urells won their first game as league members ifdni the Corcorans SLID DOWN A ROPE ILls recov- ered rS Refund ap- propriate I I Progressive I Bali a Base o 0 0 Y Z Euchre Party was ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = of irresistible interest From now until Xmas our stores must be crowded every minute of each business day to round up the enormous Shoe Stocks now in our three Big stores Yesterdays bad weather made a gap in our sales which we intend to more than fin up by tomorrows extra attractions We expect to be roIly compensated by your increased patronage for the sacrifice of profits on the following items for tomorrow only III In j- 0 r ONEJDAY PRICES i sIIOE = > Lambs Wool Soles From S to 1130 tomorrow only all sizes for Women Misses and Children No more than 3 t fr u pairs to any one pur- chaser 40c Rubbers iTrom S to 1130 tomorrow only all sizes Womens Misses and Childrens reliable quality r r I Rubber Overshoesthe us- ual 4Cc grades WOMENS SHOES Stylish Patent Leather Winter Dress edges or wide extension edge soles and heels Splendid 250 ft Shoes I TOMORROW U I U Bootsclose LY Womens 3 Boots Two pretty styles handsewed welt finest Vici Kid Laced Boots all sizes and all j widths Z 7 I TOMORROWONLY s 150 Kid Bpote Laoed and kid or pat- ent fitting dressy and reliable Q qualities I f TOMORROW I Buttonwith tipsperfect Y ¬ Warm Footwear Warmlined handsewed Laced Shoes and Juliets of good black and red cloth 100 values L t TOMORROW ONLY V v CHILDRENS DEPARTMENT 11 250 Shoes Handmade Box Calf Doublesoled Laced Shoes for Misses and Boys ft t f- all sizes I Tomorrow 4 I fi x I SL50 Shoes Splendid wearing L50 grade Kid and Box CalL Shoes All sizes for boys and girls Tomorrow S 115 Spring Heels Spring Heel Kid Laced and Button Boots 4 styles light or heavy soles m f Sizes 4 to S I Tomorrow MENS SHOES Enamels and Pat Leathers Dress and street Soes made in the latest styles with Goodyear handsewed process sole o l f Exceilent 3 vahies Tomorrow only J < Solid Serviceable Shoes Made of goodwearing Sterling Calf with strictly solid leather j soles and heels Laced Fi t r and Gaiterst styles Tomorrow only I THREE RELIABLE SHOE HOUSES Cor 7th JC Sfs I9I4I916 Pa Av J 233 Pa Ave SE I m Cons BOARD XF APPRAISERS Annnrtl Report 3 nctc to the Secre- tary of the Treasury The annual report of the Board of Cnlted Geaasaliippralsers for the twelve mouths endeC September 30 19 l was submitted this morning to Secretary Gage of the Treasury The board consist- ing of Messrs Charles H Ham Hender son M Somerville George C TIchenor William 7 Lunt W B Howell I F Fisher Marion De Yrles and James A Jewell in referring to the disposed- of during the past year said At the making of the last annual re port there remained undecided for the consideration of this board 5S902 cases There during the last year October 1 19 0 to October 1 1S01 19789 new cares making an aggregate of 7S891 Of these the board during the last year de- cided 20584 leaving undecided on sia last date 58107 cases Of thOse 58107 cases 48697 are or the suspended flies awaiting decisions oL the courts upon some issue raised by the pro- tests therein and are on the docket or in the hands of tie board for decision There were 12S appeals taken to United States circuit courts during the year DEATHS OF i WEEK Slight Decrease In 3IortaIity Due to Consumption and Among Children The deaths in the District during the week ended on Saturday last number 186 as against 107 in the corresponding week of last year and 105 in the week previous or the decedents 55 were white a death rate of 148 per thousand and 51 colored death rate 306 For all the deaths the rate was 19S per thousand cf all the population From affections of the brain there was an increase in the mortality as compared with the previous week from 9 to 15 of heart diseases from 5 to 9 and kidney ailments from 5 to S There was a decrease in deaths from consumption from 17 to 14 and those among children under 5 years old from 28 to 19 and among those under 1 year of age from 23 to 22 There was 1 fatal ease of typhoid fever 3 of diphtheria and 3 from grip There were 2 deaths from violence 1 being a case of suicide by drowning 1 acidental Inhalation of illuminating gas At the close of last report there were 33 cases of diphtheria In quarantine in 28 premises During the week 9 new cases ocurred and 15 were discharged leaving 27 cases under treatment in 21 premises- Of scarlet fever there were 57 cases in quarantine in 37 premises at the close of last report During therweek 11 cases were reported and 6 were discharged leaving 62 cases with warning cards in 43 promises The mean weather conditions prevalent during the week were Temperature of the atmosphere 37 degrees relative humidity 63 and barometer 2S90 There was a rainfall of 118 inches with northwesterly winds averaging 11 nciles per hour The maximum of the thermometer was 54 de- grees on the 24th and minimum 23 degrees on the 2Sth The following were the deaths classified according to their icausesr Apoplexy 6 bronchitis 4 congestion of lungs 4 con- sumption 14 diphtheria 3 diseases of brain 4 diseases of heart 9 diseases of kidneys 5 malignant growths 7 menin- gitis 2 pneumonia 7 suicides 1 ty phyid fever 1 miscellaneous 33 Petitions Against Polygamy The citizens of the Commonwealth ot- IMassachusets are much exercised over the question of polygamy and have start- ed In to flood Congress with petitions in behalf of the passage of an antipolygamy- law The petitions declare that a state of monogamy is the only legal and proper one The signatures tin the petitions have already rolled up into the thousands The a Slave to Catarrlu D T Sample President of Samples Installment Coinpsriy writes For years 1 with Chronic Catarrh Remedies and treatments by specialists only care me tem- porary I was to use Dr Azaews Catarrhal Powder It gave almost in rttnt relief and hiss proved the one good thing in my case Sold S iTHlama Ninth and F Struts Edmonds Williams Third Street and PeonscrlTania Avenue ZL I s work arose I nd new President Pa was relief d o ii i9ei repre- senting by P t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > CREED REVISION COHMITTEE Presbyterinns Hold FIrst Session The committee of the Geaerl Assembly of Presbyterian Church of the United States appointed to consider a revision of the Westminster Creed held its first ses- sion today In the Church of the Covenant Reports of the three subcommittees which were in session in this and other cities last week were read but regarding the details of them strict secrecy was maintained It wasas srlain I however that the work which in the of the church- men Js the most Important has not yet been placed under discussion This is the report of the committee which was au- thorized to draw up a brief statement of the Reformed Faith After considerable discussion the corn inittee deeMed to restrict this to 1000 words has been complet- ed and it will it is thought be the first item on the list of important business to receive the committees attention This will followed by detail of the two other subcommittees one which had under consideration the addition of new chapters to the code of laws and the other which dealt with the elimination of certain more or less ob- jectionable features ot it The committee will continue its session tomorrow PATWETR ERRED The gut Police Court Acquittal Put William Palmer colored was put en trial today before Justice Barnard in Criminal Court No 2 on a charge of housebreaking Overconfidence in his knowledge of law is ths cause of Palmer now being In Its toils In June last the priscncr and Joseph Chisel also colored were charged in the Police Court with entering the house of Matthew Meyer 232S Brightwood Avenue and stealing 120 in cash a gold watch and other articles of value Chisel is now serving a sentence of ten years in the penitentiary at Moundsville WVa the hearing In the Police Court Palmer was discharged Believing that he had been tried for the crime with which be was charged he gave the law and the detectives the laugh and openly admitted that he had participated In the robbery of Meyers house He received the gold watch he said as his share of the plunder and on being pushed by the police threw It Into a well on the premises where he and Chisel lived Helan and McNsmee follow- ed this clue and in the search found Mey ers watch at the bottom of the well on premises 309 Pomeroy Street where Palmer lived at the time of the robbery Palmer rearrested and indicted by the grandjury MYSTERY OF NINE HAMS Colored Woman Arrested But Two Colored Men Escape Nine large hams contained in a hag and- a basket were taken last night from a house In Union Court northwest to the Sixth precinct station Policeman Corn well has arrested Bessie Jenkins col ored on suspicion pending investigation of the theft of the hams It Is supposed by the police that the hams were stolen from a freight car of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Two negroes were carrying the hams Into the house when they were discovered by Cornwell He gave chase and entered the house but found only the Jenkins woman within The negroes had escaped through windows at the rear TIle hams are the property of the Nel sonMorris Company The Death Record The following deaths for twentyfour hours were reported at the Health De- partment up to noon today Christiana A F Wade 76 years Mrs Sarah Ann Swormstedt 71 years r Conrad Bauman 70 years Maria Thies 67 years Anderson Stulard58years George Gent 45 years Amelia Miller 17 years Infant of Eli za Patterson 5 months William S Hanes 2 days infant at Sarah Murphy 1 day Mere Today ion Thestatement be 6 WHERE an End to Ills Case I Detectives 0 the re- ports At oas ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = From D6pt t 1- c Cash or Credit ET ii Two1raokerJak Haraios the F rn fture 59C For Cane worth LOIJ 85C For Brace Arm Chair For large Diner worth U Chair JV wcrthL25L25 C Oak too At the Lowest Possible Prices with the Privilege to Pay Intervals We are displaying the finest stock of Clotting atr prices which are equal and yes lower than tile socalled cash stores quote Mens and Boys Yoke Overcoats and Raglans lens and Boys Suits s Ladies Raglans Jackets Skirts Waists etc Latest Styles 415417 Seventh Street Womens5 and Chuldrell3a Clothing L- t t J p c Inthe I Mayer Pettit- L Molls9 t a TO SECURE the publication of YOUJ Name- X TilE XZXT ISSUE Of TUB Telephone Directory Application for service be made before December 16 1991 When legal restrictions tlo oat prevent the building of lines staioas will be liabed promptly Washington Service Chesapeake and Poto- mac Telephone Co 619 14th N VI d HJ3RKMA2vTJ Couplets IlcmefurnUbers- SOI903 SeT ath St Corner I St Vonderiieldes THE New York Baffal PLACE 405iQtJiSt H W Heurichs Maerzen and Senate Beers Evans Hudson Ale and Porter Bass 4 Cos Ale on draught All the pop- ular brands ot WWskis and Uauors as represented Kb ot Bottles DRPIERCES MEDICAL BLOOD LSVER LiJ ftlGS CANDY CATHARTIC Genuine stamped C CC Never sold In bulk Beware of the dealer who tries to sell something lust as good WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4 1901 Weather Indications Fair and continued cold tonight and Thursday brisk northwesterly winds TEMPERATURE Temperature at 9 a m 27 Temperature at 12 noon 23 Temperature at 2 p m 31 THE SUN A HO MOON Sun rose 703 AM Sun sets 4i4S PM Moon rises j Moon sets 1253 A M TIDE TABLE High tide tide 9 10 AM and 957 P M STREET LIGHTING Lamps lit today Lamps out tomorrovr6Il A M AMUSEMENTS Rational If I Were King evening Mann and Clara Lip man in The Red Kloof evening Chases Peter Dailey and polite vaude- ville afternoon and evening Lafayette A Lady of Quality after- noon and evening Academy The Village Parson even- ing Kennns Reilly Woods burlesquers afternoon and evening Bijou Burlesque and vaudeville after- noon and evening Downtown Temperature The temperatures registered by the standard thermometer at Rouse Herr manns today were 9 a m 32 degrees 12 m 26 2 p m S3 Police Inspection Resumed The inspection of the Police Depart ment which yesterday by the zeta was resumed today The Third Seventh Eighth and Ninth are ton the r Tie Fourth and Tenth should Residence from 300 pB from per Annual payment t69U3 U S E I I Eye THIS I IS I guaranteed Refill- ing GOiDEN DI1SCOVERV I FCR I Duffys PliDlF- BPIIalt Whiskey EtInin Qi1Ut i I 237 MInd P M ColumbiaLouis was Interrupted today be Ibs te f f rroW o moath Besiness 5175 mouth conrntiMuuthy r p gR FlU THE 1j di- minishing A 2l2P B- Low Vllst far will ¬ = ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = N i f6 1 1 5- Y i Sl98 g i e4- An Extension Table S feet heavy legs B N WALFORD 477 909 Pa Ave CHRIST3IAS SUGGESTIONS FOOTBALLS Tfc STRIKING BAGS 100 BOXING GLOVES CLS FOOT CYCLE SKATES LS5 JERSEYS SWEATERS VSLWM ICE SKATES Tie BICYCLES i CHOCOXOLE BOARDS GOLF OCTFITS- AAGW LASTERXS RIFLES AND SHOTCrxS FISHING BODe REELS ASO liNES PER sasaBj ess TON New River Red Ash Try It WRfl J ZEH 702 Eleventh Street N VI 13th and D Northwest I YES WE SELL r cash We want trade Anthracite 550 delivered A i K J S S DASH SONS T FOR PRICES 1207 G Street Phone 33S and hit Costumers TilE BEST FOR TIlE PRICE MADE OF OAK OR MAHOGANY SIX PINS SECURELY 1013 1015 7th St N W and fork grarantecd steel Wade JOHN B ESPEY Splendid Billiard Room Famous for Wines and Liquors 407 TENTH STREET You Ought to Call Star of the East fancy patent flour 414 per bbl For a fetr days only at either of J T D PYLES STORES All tbe ntwe t isott cot leather to O43 Pcnnzylranla- DhnrtA jnart bottles the Lot Washington Brewing Cos famous Golden Hop fleer for lOr DCCl 51 Delivered in unlettered Hrasoss Washington Paris Among the interesting exhibits the late Paris Exposition was a toe display of Rcriet Air Cushloa Trusses of all kinds supporters Various appliances for men women and children from 1221 i F St S W which took the high award over all competitors American end foreign Th Horict pJ Sir Cushion Truss leads the world Two weeks Two r guarantee Cataiosue and consultation free 1221 F St S 1 W GAS STOVES joj For Cooking and Heating GAS APPLIANCES EXCHANGE 1421 New York Avenue Northwest tip 7 Ii Egg CQal 6th and KSts Southwest- I Ii COAl f than anybody became you pay J your J 1 I i 2 Ia b C Walker I CARVERS n- I piece Sc l I m m WALSHS m e ana ttncthe uyles 1D menS- abon Blacks blU Equal uro 52 SUP mad East a l at est l yearS Ii PAINPSCELEHY 1 x Cheaper northwest FAST- ENED Burks1 Carving tiknife ioio PaAvo Regent ace Shoes tvcnur a and trial i cPllitF = = = < > > + + > < > ± +

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1901-12-04 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1901-12-04/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · latest Persian stripes the range of ... ney xtten


Corner j Market Space

Best of Ercrjtliins foxthe Least Money

Santa Claus has charge of our Toy De-

partment and will remain in charge ofsame until it is tIme for him to make hisjourney in order to distribute his nanywares to those children who have beengood and mindfuL He Invites everybody-to call and meander through the stockand see the many pretty toys of everykind suitable for boys and girls Fourthfloor

That Blow LastNight Was a

Howling SuccessA-

nd our warm ncedables which are ad

vertised for tomorrow will be still moresuccessful on account of the manytimely items and warm atmosppere

From Our WomensSuit Dept

25 highgrade Allwool Golf Capes ahost of pretty patterns which we havejust placed on are garmentsworth from 750 to 875 offered at

23 fine Black Allwool Kersey ClothCapes two styles plain and trimmedfull length and full sweep worth 900and 51060 for

100 Airwool Cloth Rainyday Skirts in apretty shade of dark oiford with a hair-line effect scams and stitched bottoinsra garment actually worth 500 for

Those three very specials can be foundon our second floor

Now AYe Follow with a Line ofSpecially Priced


OF ANYONEGboaquality Flannelette Wrappers neat

deslgps and colorings made with flouaced bottom and trimmed with fancy braid

regular tJSc fcr

Best quality of FlanneletteWrappers in figured striped and Per-sian effect some trimmed with embroi-dery edge others with fancyextra full through the flounceround the bottom in a variety of prettyand neat designs all J50

Imported Flannelette House Gowns inlight and dark colorings very effectivedesigns some trimmed with bands of material to match others with soutachebraia finished in the best possible

perfect fitting worth 175 for

Fine Twilled Flannelette House Gownssome trimmed with bands of black satinribbcn many new and pretty coloringsand effects thorough dressmaker finishall sizes worth 225 for

Heres a lot of finegrade ofwhich includes all the leadingand colorings among which are the

latest Persian stripes the range ofshades includes lavender rose pink blueand red they are cut extra wide andmade with deep flounce and are neatlytrimmed and finished with ruffles over theshoulders the regular worth is 275 for

Second the MillineryDepartment

Movements o Xnvnl VesselsThe battleship Indiana training vessel

has arrived at Guantanamo the collierLebanon at Clenfuegos the cruiser At-lanta at Buenos Ayres the gunboat Wil-

mington at Chin Kiang the torpedo boatWinslow at Newport and the cruiser NewOrleans at Cheefoo The trainingship Essex has sailed from Port au Spain for StKitts and the battleship Kentucky RearAdmiral Kempffs flagship from Hongkongfor Amoy The converted vessel Rainbow

ship at Cavite and the cruiser Cincinnatihave been placed in commission at theNew York Navy Yard

Empire State Members FetedA complimentary entertainment and re

cepticn was given by the New York StateRepublican Club of this city to the newlyelected members of Congress from theEmpire State last night in National RiilesArmory Despite the inclemency of theweather four cf the six New York Rep-resentatives Invited attended namelyRepresentatives Low Allen Perkins andDouglas

Index Clerk Parrnn llcslsrna-yi Thomas Parran who was the only

Republican elected in Maryland lastmonth resigned his positfonas icdes clerkof the House today and D C Dinger ofWest Virginia the assistant index clerkwill be appointed In his place Mr Parran was elected clerk ot the MarylandCourt of Appeals M Stewart ofMaryland will be made assistant indexclerk

XOTT Pastor nt Stonelinm MassTheRSv B Alfred Dunn formerly

of this city was recently installed-as pastor of the Congregational Churchat Stoneham Mass

CASSTORSA FerMjnissidGhldrc

Via Kind You Have Aiwajs Bou it

ThHlusJ IIi







69CsFleet lined






which is to be used a stationary flag






ii9 Sons CuI-




7 1





Flannel-ette de-













4 If


Overcoats I

Ever Held in This City

We llaTe just received direct fromtory i00 Mens and Yoke

In nfl the latest materials and also a lot ofChest rf elds 44 to 52 inches longreproductions of tIle swell styles

Weve Picked Out the Followingfor Selection



pthe ftc

Boys OvercQats

ii Exact


Lot 1105 consists of an assortmentof Dark Grey Yoke Overcoats nicelymade and finished worth 575 for

Lot 1003 Consists of a handsomeselection of Dark Bottlegreen YokeOvercoats worth every bit of 15 for

Lot 5C65 Consists of elegant Satinlined Imported Melton Yoke

52 lashes long and worth forOvercoats-

I 5






Stricken VVitU Heart Disease andDies at the Threshold ol His

Home Real Estate DealsAVntt Married

iL Appier for tansy years a letter carrierdroppea da 3 oclockthis Homing taJJie hallway of his home2SOS P Street made themidnight collection lrom the mail boxeson his route Heart disease was theause cf death

Mr Appier made his collection in acart which he stabled with his horse inthe rear of the offices of the MillerSfcoe

Real Estate Company on 03 irtysecond Street Apparently Mr Appier

realized the seriousness of his condition-as the stable doors were left open andthe horse unhalteredv bowing that hewas hurrying to his home The mall hadbeen turned in before the attack came

He was aimembcrof the DumbartonAvenue Methodist Episcopal Church Mr

Appier was over sixty years of age Heleaves a two Rand Lawrence Appler

Meal Estate DealsMr J J Murphy has sold to Mrs S L

Hawken lot 1 in block 3 in Burkets sub-

division in Friendship and Mount AiryTenleytown

Rosa Y Waner has sold to MessrsWilliam and Alexander Johason part oflot 1C7 in square 12 e The purchasersimmediately the property toMr Barney McKay for 5 0V

Grace H Lembkey has purchased ofFlora Kirkwood parts of lots 7 and S inblock 6 Cleveland Park

Part of Grasslands Sold

Mr Charles C Glover yesterday sold toMr Thomas Hyde the undivided onehaifinterest in a part of the Friendship Sub-

division and also all of brocks 1 and 2

Annsleigh Park being on WisconsinAvenue near the Grant Road TenleytownMr Hyde trans ferrefftO air Glover partsof Grasslands This is a part of theproperty owned by Sir William C Whitney xtten Secretary of the Navy

aiarringrc o Miss WattAnnouncement has been made of the

marriage orMiss Helen GWatt to Mr

Frederick C Bache ot Binghamton N

Y Miss Watt taught in the publicschools of Georgetown for several yearsThe wedding occurred November 27

G A Wilson performed the ceremony v

Officers o 3Uzpah ChapterThe annual election of officers of Hiz

pah Chapter Order Eastern Star tookplace last night and resulted in thechoice of the following Worthy matronMiss Lulu Cunningham worthy patronMr W H Harrison associate patronMrs W H Harrison secretary MissMary Becker treasurer Mrs LouisaWagner and conductress Mrs BlancheWise associate conductress Mrs CarrieBecker These officvers will be installed-on December 17

Officers of the Royal Arch Chapter toserve for the ensuing year will be electednext Tuesday

Old pIKcera HeelectedWilliam R Singleton Lodge of Masons

of Tenleytown met last night and reelected its officers They are Frank H

Thomas worshipful master I E Shoe-

maker senior warden Samuel O Wendel

warden Andrew BurgerEli Riley treasurer W L Conley

senior deacon Fred Robey Junior deacon Thomas Boling senior steward TF Riley junior steward and Alexander

tylerMinor Xotes

funeral of Clement Beckett theaged colored man who died Sunday washeld this afternoon at Ebenezer A M EChurch The members of the GrandLodge of colored Masons of the Districtattended

Mr James H Taylor will deliver theregular biweekly lecture to the pupilsof tho Linthiftumschocl tonight His sub-

ject will be Commercial LawThe Georgetown Citizens Association

will hold its monthly meeting Fridayevening in Cooperative Hall

Policeman Lipscomb of the Third pre-

cinct has been transferred to the Georgetown J Murphy whowas promoted from a private In the Sev-

enth to acting sergeant ia the Third

Bsarstha-Signaturo i-




after balngjust


wIdowand sonsArthur




junior secre-tary

J Yowell




ic o j













Lot 16C2 Consists of a fine line ofOxford Yoke Overcoats The equal ofmy 12 Coat for

Lot 8312 Consists Tt a nobby lineof unfinished Cheviot Yoke Overcoatsthe newest cloth an 18 value for

Special Special-We have 35 Mens Overcoats in dark

blue material Must be closed out for

S8alSI S2mSO



4 and S75OI

Ha Friedlander It BroilCorner Ninth and E Streets

now a Young Xcirro EffcctedanEntrance Into a Store

Percy Lee colored nine years old issaid to have made a great slide down arope several nights ago In securing entrance to the premises of the HartfordRubber Company 1113 Fourteenth Streetnorthwest

Twentythree Hartford bicycle tiresvalued at 50 and 2 in cash wore stolenand now Percy is locked up at the Houseof Detention having been arrested byPrecinct Detective Evans

William Gray colored seventeen yearsold is also under arrest charged withcomplicity in the crime

The robbery was reported yesterday byDavid L Scovel the mancger for thecompany and the arrest was effectedshortly afterward Finding a skylightover the store open Percy is said to havegone to the upper part of the building andslid down a rope the end of which washeld by Gray Into the store ex-pected that the property will be

todayThe boys are also charged with other

robberies Gray with having stolen anovercoat from Lewis Leuborinsky andLee with the larceny of a bicycle fromDr Lewis 1311 Fourteenth Streetnorthwest The boys live in GreensCourt


Government to Be Aske to3n5OOOO or More

The Government Claim Association anorganization of colored people held aninteresting session at its headquarters at40S South Capitol Street Monday nightThe claimants will ask Congress to

150 XW or more to refund cer-

tain money deducted from the pay of cer-

tain colored employes of the Union Armyduring the war of 1S61 to 1SC5 between theStates

This money was deducted It is saidto support a hospital for the sick amongthese employes to aid contrabands andfor the support of the indigent poor inand around the District of Columbia atthat time

The claimants hold that the deductionwas a tax to raise revenue and that allmeasures to raise revenue must originate-in the House of Representatives and thattherefore the deduction under the specialorder of Secretary Stanton issued on May2 1862 for that purpose was without constitutional sanction and therefore illegaland that the money must be refunded

CrHtcnicm Home EntertainmentThe bazaar and musical entertainment-

at the Florence Crittenton Home 213

Third Street northwest last eveningproved to be quite a success notwithstanding the inclement weather An ex-

cellent programme was presented includjug recitations vocal solos and Instru-mental music The entertainment will berepeated this evening

Murphy Expected TomorrowDetective Tyser Is expected to return

here tomorrow from Eufala Ala wherehe has gone to take charge of SamuelFranklin Murphy tho alleged evangelistand confidence man who Is wanted hereon a charge of forgery

Illustrated Lecture TonightAn Illustrated lecture will be given to

night at the First Baptist Church by SirBelts There will be songs and movingpictures After the lecture refreshmentswill be served on the lower floor in theladies bazaar

Goes to Stanford UniversityProf Marathon iL Ramsey professor of

Roman languages at Columbian Uniyersity has resigned his positiont accepta similar one at the Leland Stanford JrUniversity

Team of Horses Walk OverboardA team of horses attached to an leo

wagon belonging to Hayward Smith of 318

F Street southwest walked overboard intothe James Creek Canal hear theM Streetbridge last night One of the horses wasrescued but the other drowned

The ladies of Logan Union W V R TJ

gave a progressive euchre party Mondayevening Mrs Hazard Wheeler chairman assisted by Mrs Belle Gibson airsNoskey Mrs Burke Mrs Gorram MrsChase and MissMartin

Electrical wbrkcra5 SmokerA smoker was held by the International

Brotherhood Electrical Workers LocalUnion 148 at Arion Monday eveningThere was a most interesting prosramineof entertainment

Corcorans vs TJrella

The Corcoran Cadet and Urell Riflesteams will play return game tonight inthe District series inCentre Market Armory The Urells wontheir first game as league members ifdnithe Corcorans














o 0 0



Euchre Party













of irresistible interestFrom now until Xmas our stores must be

crowded every minute of each business day toround up the enormous Shoe Stocks now in ourthree Big stores Yesterdays bad weather madea gap in our sales which we intend to more thanfin up by tomorrows extra attractions

We expect to be roIly compensated by yourincreased patronage for the sacrifice of profits onthe following items for tomorrow only

III In j-






Lambs Wool SolesFrom S to 1130 tomorrow only

all sizes for Women Misses andChildren No more than 3 t fr

upairs to any one pur-chaser

40c RubbersiTrom S to 1130 tomorrow only

all sizes Womens Misses andChildrens reliable quality r r


Rubber Overshoesthe us-ual 4Cc grades


Stylish Patent LeatherWinter Dress edges orwide extension edge soles andheels Splendid 250 ftShoes I




Womens 3 BootsTwo pretty styles handsewed

welt finest Vici Kid Laced Bootsall sizes and all j


150 Kid BpoteLaoed and kid or pat-ent fittingdressy and reliable Qqualities I fTOMORROW I




Warm FootwearWarmlined handsewed Laced

Shoes and Juliets of goodblack and red cloth 100values L t



250 ShoesHandmade Box

Calf DoublesoledLaced Shoes for Missesand Boys ft t f-all sizes ITomorrow 4 I fi x

I SL50 ShoesSplendid wearing

L50 grade Kid andBox CalL Shoes Allsizes forboys andgirlsTomorrow S 115

Spring HeelsSpring Heel Kid

Laced and ButtonBoots 4 styles lightor heavy soles m fSizes 4 to S ITomorrow


Enamels and Pat LeathersDress and street Soes made in

the latest styles with Goodyearhandsewed process sole o l fExceilent 3 vahies

Tomorrow only J


Solid Serviceable ShoesMade of goodwearing SterlingCalf with strictly solid leather j

soles and heels Laced Fi t rand Gaiterst styles

Tomorrow onlyI


Cor 7th JC SfsI9I4I916 Pa Av J

233 Pa Ave SEI

m Cons


Annnrtl Report 3 nctc to the Secre-tary of the Treasury

The annual report of the Board ofCnlted Geaasaliippralsers for thetwelve mouths endeC September 30 19 lwas submitted this morning to SecretaryGage of the Treasury The board consist-ing of Messrs Charles H Ham Henderson M Somerville George C TIchenorWilliam 7 Lunt W B Howell I FFisher Marion De Yrles and James AJewell in referring to the disposed-

of during the past year saidAt the making of the last annual re

port there remained undecided for theconsideration of this board 5S902 casesThere during the last year October1 19 0 to October 1 1S01 19789 newcares making an aggregate of 7S891 Ofthese the board during the last year de-

cided 20584 leaving undecided on sia lastdate 58107 cases

Of thOse 58107 cases 48697 are or thesuspended flies awaiting decisions oL thecourts upon some issue raised by the pro-tests therein and are on the docketor in the hands of tie board for decisionThere were 12S appeals taken to UnitedStates circuit courts during the year


Slight Decrease In 3IortaIity Due toConsumption and Among ChildrenThe deaths in the District during the

week ended on Saturday last number 186

as against 107 in the corresponding weekof last year and 105 in the week previousor the decedents 55 were white

a death rate of 148 per thousandand 51 colored death rate 306 For allthe deaths the rate was 19S per thousandcf all the population From affections ofthe brain there was an increase in themortality as compared with the previousweek from 9 to 15 of heart diseases from5 to 9 and kidney ailments from 5 to S

There was a decrease in deaths fromconsumption from 17 to 14 and thoseamong children under 5 years old from28 to 19 and among those under 1 yearof age from 23 to 22 There was 1 fatalease of typhoid fever 3 of diphtheria and3 from grip There were 2 deaths fromviolence 1 being a case of suicide bydrowning 1 acidental Inhalation ofilluminating gas

At the close of last report there were33 cases of diphtheria In quarantine in 28premises During the week 9 new casesocurred and 15 were discharged leaving27 cases under treatment in 21 premises-

Of scarlet fever there were 57 cases inquarantine in 37 premises at the close oflast report During therweek 11 caseswere reported and 6 were dischargedleaving 62 cases with warning cards in 43promises

The mean weather conditions prevalentduring the week were Temperature of theatmosphere 37 degrees relative humidity63 and barometer 2S90 There was arainfall of 118 inches with northwesterlywinds averaging 11 nciles per hour Themaximum of the thermometer was 54 de-grees on the 24th and minimum 23 degreeson the 2Sth

The following were the deaths classifiedaccording to their icausesr Apoplexy 6bronchitis 4 congestion of lungs 4 con-sumption 14 diphtheria 3 diseases ofbrain 4 diseases of heart 9 diseases ofkidneys 5 malignant growths 7 menin-gitis 2 pneumonia 7 suicides 1 typhyid fever 1 miscellaneous 33

Petitions Against PolygamyThe citizens of the Commonwealth ot-

IMassachusets are much exercised overthe question of polygamy and have start-ed In to flood Congress with petitions inbehalf of the passage of an antipolygamy-law

The petitions declare that a state ofmonogamy is the only legal and properone The signatures tin the petitions havealready rolled up into the thousands

The a Slave to CatarrluD T Sample President of Samples Installment

Coinpsriy writes For years1 with Chronic Catarrh Remediesand treatments by specialists only care me tem-

porary I was to use DrAzaews Catarrhal Powder It gave almost inrttnt relief and hiss proved the one good thingin my case Sold S iTHlama Ninthand F Struts Edmonds Williams Third Streetand PeonscrlTania Avenue ZL










relief d





by P














Presbyterinns Hold FIrst Session

The committee of the Geaerl Assemblyof Presbyterian Church of the UnitedStates appointed to consider a revision ofthe Westminster Creed held its first ses-

sion today In the Church of the CovenantReports of the three subcommittees

which were in session in this and othercities last week were read but regardingthe details of them strict secrecy wasmaintained

It wasas srlain I however that thework which in the of the church-men Js the most Important has not yetbeen placed under discussion This is thereport of the committee which was au-thorized to draw up a brief statement ofthe Reformed Faith

After considerable discussion the corninittee deeMed to restrict this to 1000words has been complet-ed and it will it is thought be the firstitem on the list of important business toreceive the committees attention

This will followed by detailof the two other subcommittees

one which had under consideration theaddition of new chapters to the code oflaws and the other which dealt with theelimination of certain more or less ob-

jectionable features ot itThe committee will continue its session



The gut Police Court Acquittal Put

William Palmer colored was put entrial today before Justice Barnard inCriminal Court No 2 on a charge ofhousebreaking

Overconfidence in his knowledge of lawis ths cause of Palmer now being In Itstoils

In June last the priscncr and JosephChisel also colored were charged in thePolice Court with entering the house ofMatthew Meyer 232S Brightwood Avenueand stealing 120 in cash a gold watchand other articles of value

Chisel is now serving a sentence of tenyears in the penitentiary at MoundsvilleWVa

the hearing In the Police CourtPalmer was discharged Believing that hehad been tried for the crime with whichbe was charged he gave the law and thedetectives the laugh and openly admittedthat he had participated In the robberyof Meyers house

He received the gold watch he said ashis share of the plunder and on beingpushed by the police threw It Into a wellon the premises where he and Chisellived

Helan and McNsmee follow-ed this clue and in the search found Meyers watch at the bottom of the well onpremises 309 Pomeroy Street wherePalmer lived at the time of the robberyPalmer rearrested and indicted by thegrandjury


Colored Woman Arrested But TwoColored Men Escape

Nine large hams contained in a hag and-a basket were taken last night from ahouse In Union Court northwest to theSixth precinct station Policeman Cornwell has arrested Bessie Jenkins colored on suspicion pending investigationof the theft of the hams

It Is supposed by the police that thehams were stolen from a freight car ofthe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad

Two negroes were carrying the hamsInto the house when they were discoveredby Cornwell He gave chase and enteredthe house but found only the Jenkinswoman within The negroes had escapedthrough windows at the rear

TIle hams are the property of the NelsonMorris Company

The Death RecordThe following deaths for twentyfour

hours were reported at the Health De-

partment up to noon today Christiana A

F Wade 76 years Mrs Sarah AnnSwormstedt 71 years r Conrad Bauman 70years Maria Thies 67 years AndersonStulard58years George Gent 45 yearsAmelia Miller 17 years Infant of Eliza Patterson 5 months William S Hanes2 days infant at Sarah Murphy 1 day

Mere Today



be 6


an End to Ills Case


















From D6pt t1-


Cash or Credit

ET iiTwo1raokerJak Haraios

the F rn fture

59CFor Caneworth LOIJ

85CFor Brace Arm Chair

For large Dinerworth

U Chair


C Oaktoo

At the Lowest Possible Prices with the Privilege toPay Intervals

We are displaying the finest stock of Clotting atr priceswhich are equal and yes lower than tile socalled cash storesquote

Mens and Boys Yoke Overcoats and Raglanslens and Boys Suits s

Ladies Raglans Jackets Skirts Waists etcLatest Styles

415417 Seventh Street

Womens5 and Chuldrell3a

Clothing L-



J p



I Mayer Pettit-L

Molls9 t


TO SECUREthe publication of

YOUJ Name-


Telephone DirectoryApplication for service be made before

December 16 1991

When legal restrictions tlo oat prevent thebuilding of lines staioas will beliabed promptly

Washington Service

Chesapeake and Poto-mac Telephone Co

619 14th N VId

HJ3RKMA2vTJCouplets IlcmefurnUbers-

SOI903 SeT ath StCorner I St


THE New York Baffal

PLACE 405iQtJiSt H W

Heurichs Maerzen and Senate BeersEvans Hudson Ale and Porter Bass4 Cos Ale on draught All the pop-ular brands ot WWskis and Uauors

as represented Kbot Bottles




Genuine stamped C C C Never sold In bulkBeware of the dealer who tries to sell

something lust as good


Weather IndicationsFair and continued cold tonight and

Thursday brisk northwesterly winds

TEMPERATURETemperature at 9 a m 27Temperature at 12 noon 23Temperature at 2 p m 31

THE SUN A HO MOONSun rose 703 AM Sun sets 4i4S PMMoon rises j Moon sets 1253 A M


tide 9 10 A M and 957 P M

STREET LIGHTINGLamps lit todayLamps out tomorrovr6Il A M

AMUSEMENTSRational If I Were King evening

Mann and Clara Lipman in The Red Kloof evening

Chases Peter Dailey and polite vaude-ville afternoon and evening

Lafayette A Lady of Quality after-noon and evening

Academy The Village Parson even-ing

Kennns Reilly Woods burlesquersafternoon and evening

Bijou Burlesque and vaudeville after-noon and evening

Downtown TemperatureThe temperatures registered by the

standard thermometer at Rouse Herrmanns today were 9 a m 32 degrees12 m 26 2 p m S3

Police Inspection ResumedThe inspection of the Police Depart

ment which yesterday by

the zeta was resumed today The ThirdSeventh Eighth and Ninth are ton the

r Tie Fourth and Tenth


Residence from 300 pBfrom per

Annual payment








I guaranteed Refill-ing



Duffys PliDlF-BPIIalt Whiskey

EtInin Qi1Ut i


237 MInd



was Interrupted

todaybe Ibs te f f rroW


moathBesiness 5175 mouth


r pgR






A 2l2P B-Low

Vllst farwill


= ¬












Y i


g i e4-

An Extension Table S feetheavy legs

B N WALFORD477 909 Pa Ave






sasaBj ess TON

New River Red AshTry It

WRfl J ZEH702 Eleventh Street N VI

13th and DNorthwest


r cash We want trade Anthracite550 delivered A i K J


1207 G StreetPhone 33S and hit

CostumersTilE BEST FOR TIlE


1013 1015 7th St N W

and fork grarantecd steel



Splendid Billiard RoomFamous for Wines and Liquors

407 TENTH STREETYou Ought to Call

Star of the Eastfancy patent flour

414 per bblFor a fetr days only at either of


All tbe ntwe t isott

cot leather to

O43 Pcnnzylranla-

DhnrtA jnart bottles theLot Washington BrewingCos famous Golden Hop fleer for

lOr DCCl 51 Delivered in unlettered Hrasoss

Washington ParisAmong the interesting exhibitsthe late Paris Exposition was a

toe display of Rcriet Air CushloaTrusses of all kinds supporters

Various appliances for menwomen and children from 1221 iF St S W which took the high

award over all competitorsAmerican end foreign Th Horict pJSir Cushion Truss leadsthe world Two weeks Two r

guarantee Cataiosue andconsultation free 1221 F St S 1W

GAS STOVES jojFor Cooking and Heating




7 Ii

Egg CQal

6th and KStsSouthwest-

I Ii

COAl fthan anybody became you pay J

your J1


2Iab C



Ipiece Sc




anattncthe uyles 1D menS-

abon Blacks blUEqual

uro 52 SUPmad














Carving tiknife

ioio PaAvo


tvcnur a











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