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us jYJSNJNG TIMES WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY JANUARY 23 1901 2 GOITEET Progress of Atldieks7 Fight for the Seiiatoisliip Another Vote T y AtcTitilty Expect the Holy the Cns 3Iajxnate Coiideinif in Interview liy 1romiueni Men DOVER Del Jan 23 The seventh bal- lot for two United States Senators was tsken by the General Assembly in joint session yesterday showing no change in the deadlock except that the antiAd dieks RejwbJieacri ma age t keep to- gether better than on the previous day No materia change in the voting is ex- pected during the remainder of this month All eyes are now oa the Spates Com- mittee on Elections which is handling Ross contest for Senator McNultys seat because Rwss is believed to represent the wanttowin Republicans who favor election of any two Senators rather then leave two vacancies at Washington Thus if seated Ross vote will be counted for Adofcks in tie end at which time it is claimed that the millionaire leader will get ail but six of the DnpentUichards moo This with Farlow Democrat who give him twentyfour rotes or wi2 in three of the number necessary to a choice Yesterdays vote resulted as follows Lang term Richard R Kenney Demo- crat 23 John Edward Addioks Unian Re puMicsx 15 Henry A DnpOBt Regular Republican 8 scattering Republicans 5 absent 1 Union term Willard Saulsbury 22 John Edward AcTdfoks Union 15 Charles F Richards Regu- lar Republican 11 seattering Repabir cans 2 Democrats 1 absent Short Un ion Republican Necessary to a choke 2 Howard D Ross who Is contesting the seat 9f Senator MeNmHy may yet be seated te the Senate for four years as guaranteeing the witness fees and trav- eling expenses necessary to Both sides The will begin tomorrow afternoon Ross contention wfll be that lege of voting by the forcible dosing of the pells in the South Wilmington dis trlet 185 of whom were Republicans The district is probably Democratic and for thts reason the Regular Republicans may risk Rose supporting Addlcks and vote to seat him WILMINGTON Del Jan the Instance of S Freak Ewart Chairman of the Joint Committee of the New Castle Cowaty Republicans during the last Secretary Billany called a confer- ence e C the committee yesterday after keot0 HeB the Senatorial situation jaC Aft rams of the East Side Associa- tleiiiV j EOivard AtJdicks was present but not enough the eennnittecmen at tended to consider the matter and the conference was tfeelar ir effi Speaking cf the statements of District Attocaey Pyre ASdiefe said ia conectly reported in one sentece by Byrne He said he had informed Byrne that he had hard work to keep the Union Republicans from entering a with the Democrats and not that he Addicts had HBeclty in the THE TIEL WARE f T Seeure the Dut out the for Addlcks at the Jst sessieu ill Republican- S ort Re- publican the a heir 25 electors were deprived of tlte ptii eec n of Jte deal pre U- nseating Of TenCnlididfleY voted Demo- crat Senate yesterday peseef resolution LAt tI wee DemO ora feaforhi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < B Ian Warner PresMcjit f tl- DeSawar Railroad Company Charles W Jones Cpm isay- a i a Presidential elector on the IJeaa ticket and Darid Lindsay of the fe Itoore Paper akiKg Cwnpaa- yan oat in mt views condeisnicff- eniuhiacy et VRchs for thrit States CLAPP SUCCEEDS Renalt of Kaliotiit SE PAUL Jan 23 Is the Legisiaiare to succeed tie present Senator Nelson end iSe late Seaator Davis In the Len a e the roles teed the long term Kiute eisoar 42 R R Kefe n Fusion istit For successor to the late Senator Ba4s Closes E Clapp 47 Charles L Tewne 17 In the the ballot re- sulted For the long term Knute Nel- son 54 R R Nelson 22 For successor- to Senator Davis Moses E Clapp 32 Charles A Towae 21 Senatorelect Clapp will go at once to Washington and relieve Charles A Towne BALLOTING T2T OREGON Ia orM Fall i to Senator 3IclJride PORTLAND Ore Jan 2 The Oregon Legishrtare began balloting yesterday for Uslted States Senator with the following resells In the Senate McBride 10 Cbr bett 8 6 scattering 3 la the House McBride 9 Corbett 29 Smith 26 Bcattering 4 Smith Is a Democrat and Has received the entire vote of his party McBride is tile retiring Senator and Corbett who is also a Republican was refused a seat in the Senate four years ago after being appointed by the Governor when the Leg- islature had failed to elect TO SUCCEED PJBTTIGIEEvT Robert J Elected Senator South Dakota PIERRE S D Jan 23 The South Dakota Legislature voted for United States Senator yesterday The Republicans east their ballots tar Robert J Gamble present Representative The Populists and Democrats voted for various members of tlie Legislature Soaator Pettigrew had requested that they leave his name out of the contest The official ballot will be taken In Joint session today and Gamble will be de- clared elected Mr Gambles term as Representative will expire on March 4 Mr Gamble was Lorn near Akrcn Y on February 7 1S51 and removed to Fox Lake Wis in 1SS2 He graduated Reduced Prices Continue I Week MERTZ and MERTZ 906 and 908 F Street I PJitMi the PuseT t PUb I I the 1 I I Ui41I1c ota Lesrdature I abal10t was each on te eo1ce of United States Sftators t I For House L Cllooe a Smith I Gamble in N All l I of ator TOWffE byrji yssday tea in house Suc- cessor > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ < from Lawrence University Appleton Wis in 1S74 and after i ng admitted to the bar went Yankton o D He was a mem- ber of the Fiftyfourth Congress was de feated for a second successive term but was reelected to the Fiftysixth Con gress SEWELL DECLARED ELECTED Action on the Seiintorsllip Taken I y JereyH LeKslntureT- RENTOX J Jan 23 Promptly at high noon today President of the Senate Pitney called the joint assembTy of the House and Senate to order Captain Par ker clerk of the House being made clerk The Senates Secretary was called upon to read the record of the Senate showing th election of Gen W J Sewell to the United States Senate The House record was then read also showing General Sew eirs election and then President Pitney saidIt appearing that the Hon W J Sewell has been duly elected I now declare him the United States Senator from New Jer sey for a term of six years The joint assembly then reelected Charles J Bradley as the States director ef railroads and adjourned until February OBTAUT DECISION Jfo RisrUt KANSAS CITY Mo Jan Henry of the Circuit Court handed down- a decision of national importance yester day when in a written opinion he decided that the State of Missouri represented by the State Board of Equalization had no right to tax the franchise of the West- ern Union Telegraph Company When the State Bard of Equalization last met the Western Union turned in a valuation of its assessment of actual property which th board praotitally doubted and added the words And on all other property fsS24W It was to this tVt the company SOUTH AES5CA2J HOSPITALS Ilojal Commission Submits LONDON Jan 23 The royal commis- sion appointed to investigate the South African hospital question under he pies idency of Justice Romera has issued report the tenor ef which is that reviewing the campaign as a whole it cannot properly Be said that tie medical- or hosaital arrangements were bad It adds that there has been nothing ia the nature of care of the sick and wounded and no general widespread All the witiPsses of in oth wars were practically unanimous in declaring that caking it all in all the sIck and wounded were so well cared for fca any eauspsfKn I MAY BE CALLED BT- tlly at Iils Triitl PATERSON X J Jan 23 The trial of George J Kerr Jw Harder f BcsscMeter will proteJHy begin Mon- day next The ciYH calendar will be eteared beiere the trial is takeR liP McAUster Eeaifc and Campbell may not be sentenced until after Kerrs trial The prosecution intimated as much today It Is said that Campbell and Death may be he did ilitreat her The recent trial it is estimated cost 5 AN to Tux u extern Union Tclerrullti Prtuchie 23Judge ob- jected Tile Report r a- lOng I I a scandal in regard to the n Iaet exPerience er I never KERR nlll Lllely r the I ale I f e8tled bY Kerr to prove that he pO- jJart ia dmmBt the girl sod that not t New is- Cumnzendntiry Campbell Donut to Tes Jon had theSram3l ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 3OIEDEK ED BT BRIGANDS Slayers of nn Aurericnn lie at the Fceiie of Their Crime GUADALAJARA Max Jar 23 A few nights ago s bead of brigands made an assault on the hcuse occupied by loon Melfekersoa an American in the viRago of San Sebastian near Guadalajara Mat kkerscn resisted the attack and was Ml j his body being hacked to with j Everything of value in the hoase was carried off i tame by a fcree of rurales and of them have just been overtaken and cap- tured The prisoners will taken to the PLAYERS PREVENT A PA3TEC A Di astroo Ilre Theatre at Ciiieluiiati CINCINNATI Jan 23 E H Sothern and his company aided largely in prevent- ing a panic in a bg audience last night du fire that finally destroyed the Grand Opera House and several surrounding ctitings and entailed a loss of about a half million doHars After the play of Hamlet had progressed about half an hour the strong smell of smoke that had been generally noticed for a few moments was suddenly followed by streams of smoke and quiekly by flames earning ap parently from the floor Mr Sothern advanced to the front of the stage and entreated the people to keep the mean time the opera hsa e was being emptied of the excited but set stampeded audience The occupants of the foremost rows of seats helped ever the stage by Mr Sothern and members of his com- pany and easily reached a bark street through the stage door iia y men and women left so abruptly that evercoats and sealskin and other rich garments were left behind to the Iis ies In ten minutes from the first alarm the building was enveloped in dames Everybody es- caped no one even sustaining an iajury Mr Sothern lost cestttiaes which he said worJi at least 5Mi09 WK in- cluding the special armor etc made toe him in England and costing 5000 His scenery he valtisd at SIGOCtt making his total loss as he estimated it with small insurance He had intended putting on the play Camille after leering hare for whict his wife Virginia Harned had been rehearsing but scenery for this play was also destroyed Mr Sothern was quite calm and cheerful despite his ex- citing experience serious financial loss and the entire upsetting of his future plans although he has by no means re- covered his health from a recent injury The local German theatrical company had its home in the Grand Opera House where it gave Sunday performances The company lost all its scenery and The headquarters building of Ute Gin cinnati fire department was badly wreck ed and much of the valuable apparatus destroyed The fine new Butler Build- ing around the earner oa Sixth Street was destroyed Rosentbars printing works Aek rt Hinkle lithographers and Max Vocher sitrgical instruments are among the firms who the prin- cipal losers The Are attained full de- structive fury more speedily than any conflagration here in years Vine Street in front of the Grand O era House was soon sprinkled with persona some hatless and coatless others with tie costumes of the play with whieh they had hastily quitted the stage The heat from the burning buildings made Race Street impassable for a time ME Harry Ralnforth one of the lessons of the opera house says he the fire originated in the engine room At 10 oelack the fire department In checking the flames and had them under control Very III- CRAWFOHDSVILLE lad Jan 23 Novelist Maurice Thompsons fever which somewhat abated last week returned and his temperature Is again quite high He has lost ground and physicians state the outlook Is discouraging CURE GRIP IM TWO DAYS Laxative BromoQuioine rctnorej cause I to Shot I t t eel machetes The outlaws pursued the mean I several I be scene ot the murder and shot inn ringa I I calm as the was reaelng In were ere 3 tOO f th cos- tumes are thinks suc- ceeded ap- parently Thompson has o TilE pieces were to danger not Novelist 4 the ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Subject Again Discussed by the National Board of Trade Resolution Adopted Favoriiijr nn E i IIe Adjustment liny IM of Benefit Their Adopt The second days session of the annual meeting of the National Board of Trade was called to order promptly at 10 oclock this morning by E O Stanard of St Louis The report from the committee- on postal rates and classifications as submitted by Finley Acker of Philadel- phia at yesterday afternoons session was again discussed with a great deal of Robert E Fattison former Gov- ernor of Pennsylvania advocated the adoption of the report as submitted by the committee Mr Anderson of Pitts burg Pa also spoke in favor of adopting the report and submitted an amendment- to the resolution advising the discontin- uance of the postal committee of the board on the ground that a similar corn rmittee o Congress was investigating the same matter The amendment evoked laughter and merriment Mr Boswell of Quincy ill objected to the Mr Ackers report casting reMections en the sincerity of Congress He said he did not believe that anything ould be obtained by casting reflections the board should simply investigate and if they find they are justified they should de- mand Mr Boswell said that the United States mail is prepared to carry goods in the interest of commerce He feared that this railway mail pay agitation may seriously interfere with the commercial Interests of this country If the deficit in the postal revenues arising front the necessary correspondence of commerce amounts to millions of dollars it mat ters not All postal facilities to promote the commercial interests of the country should demanded The original preamble anti of resolutionso- f the postal committee of which Finley as follows Whereas the report of the Joint Con sressieaatfCommtssion to investigate rail wavma r pay contains numerous specific j references to the testimony and Whereas the National Board of Trade always favors the full and impartial in- vestigation and consideration of both sides ef every important question j Resolved That we respectfully recom the crossexamination of the same evi- dence and we also respectfully offer the sugsesrion that the comparisons there made may be correspondingly modified and ad- justed to suit any of the opinions regarding length of haul without impair ing the logical principle underlying the Resolved That we reaffirm our former recommendation for such adjustment of raiiway mail pay as will be equitable the railroads the Government and the seopJft- Ths following resolution of the on bankruptcy legislation was adopted Resolved That the National Board of Trade reaffirms its repeated prior en- dorsement of the national Bankrupt law i and believes that with the adoption of j the amendments suggested by what Is j known as the Ray bill the law will prove I necessary and beneficial to our commer PAY FOR RAIL VI AY MAILS I nUll tiiieiidiiient tu the Riiikruptey l Act Recommended and SIlJ ted I in- terest l wording- in I i be Aeker Philadelphia is chairman WM I I I the ol testimony and I sifting comparison t to- t l I ion of mend reading the commit- tee >< ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ cial interests fair and equitable to the honest though unfortunate debtor and should become a permanent and enduring part of our national jurisprudence Resolved That we recommend the adoption by Congress of said suggested amendments at the earliest possible time The committee on merchant marine sub mitted the following resolution which was unanimously adopted Whereas the development of a large merchant marine Is an imperative neces- sity to our nation in order that the effi ciency oC our growing navy of which the merchant marine is a valuable and indis- pensable auxiliary In the time of war be properly maintained and to keep pace with the demands of a rapidly enlarging commerce and to meet the requirements of our new possessions and Whereas It is of vital importance that owing to the vast Increasing export trade ot the United States the American ship ping in the carrying trade be augmented- to meet the requirements growing out of this constant commercial expansion in trade it is therefore Resolved That the National Board of Trade recommend to Congress the imme- diate consideration and passage of such necessary legislation as will tend to en courage and promote the growth and de- velopment oJ a merchant marine commen- surate with the needs of the nation and as will give to all American citizens equal opportunity for building ships and competing for the carrying trade of the world and safeguarding to them the benefits which such legislation aims to secure The report was signed by Wi W Pea- body George F Stone William McCar roll Robert E Pattison James E Carter James T MeHugh Andrew Wheeler and Alfred Winsor The committee on department of com- merce and industries submitted a resolu- tion requesting Congress to establish a Department of Commerce and Industries and that its head be a member of the Presidents Cabinet The resolution was adopted A number of other resolutions were sub- mitted and adopted The Board is in ses- sion this afternoon taking action on com- mittee reports THIEF QUTCKIS ARRESTED Caught While TryliiK to Dispose the Stolen Property Owing to the clever work of Detectives Peck and Muller the robbery at the home of B V Jackson 1512 Park Street Mount Pleasant last night has been quickly cleared up and John B Connell who the police say Is a professional thief is lock ed up charged with housebreaking in the night time How entrance into the house was effect- ed is a mystery for apparently none of the doors or windows had tampered with Mr Jackson who is the commercial freight agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad discovered his loss this morn tag and immediately informed the detec- tive office that the following articles were missing Two overcoats a stand of um- breiUs and canes a silver tea service including s gar cream pitcher water pitcher and a quantity of under efethiBg from a clothes horse in the kitch en Detectives Peck and Miller were as signed to the case Fussing through D Street to take the cars to the scene of the robbery the offi eerx saw Coanell with an overcoat on his arm Knowing his reputation they watch ed him and saw that he was trying to selt it They then took him t Police Headquarters where Mr Jacksons name found in the pocket of the overcoat and Connell was promptly locked up His at 32J Missouri Avenue was searehed nothing found there and It was stated that he had not been there for three nights Connell arrested January 1 by Detectives Muller and Baur on suspicion bet under the recent decisions of Judge Bradley they were unabte to hokl him and ae was released Tile Holland Leaves Norfolk NORFOLK Va Jan 23 Repairs to her hull having been completed the subma- rine torpedo boat Holland left the navy yard In tow of the tug Standlsh yesterday for the Naval Academy t t ill uf beta hew and was room but was seas ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CARRIED TOO FAR he Fur of J eiiiit Deceived or Ilmu Prevents I Pram Trying u Good Medicine Stomach troubles are so common and in- most cases s4 obstinate to cure that people to look with suspicion on any remedy claiming to be a radical perm- anent cure for dyspepsia and indigestion Many such people pride themselves on their in never being humbug- ged especially in medicines This fear of being humbugged can be carried too far so far in fact that many people suffer for years with weak diges tion rather than risk a little time and money in faithfully testing the claims made for a remedy so reliable and uni- versally used as Stuarts DyneDsia Tab letsNow Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are vastly different in one important respect from ordinary patent medicines for the reason that they are not a secret patent medicine no secret is made of the Ingred but analysis shows them to contain the natural digestive ferments pure asep j tic p psin government test Golden Seal and diastase They are not cathartic neither do they act powerfully on any particular organ but they cure f on the common sense plan of digest- ing the food eaten thoroughly before it has time to ferment sour and cause the mischief This is the only secret of their success i Cathartic pills never have and never can cure indigestion and stomach troubles be- cause they let only on the bowels the whole trouble is In the stomach Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets taken after meals digest the food That is all there is to it Food not digested or halfdi gested is poison as it creates gas acidity headaches palpitation of the heart loss of flesh and appetite and many other trou bles which are often called by some other name They are sold by druggists everywhere in the United States Great Britain and Canada The Police Looking for Persons Wh o ji ave D isapp eared Sirs ICnaxluud Fears Her Husband Hns Met With Foul Way at Jack suit Detectives Searching for Charles OConnor and Janice T Peter H Kausland who lives at 3i N Street southeast disappeared from his home last Sunday and since that time all to find him by his wife have with no success His wife fears that me with foul plar In i one of the gambling houses at Jackson City or taken his own life The fact j that he spoke several times to her suicide Jeads Mrs Kaaslaad to believe that be way have intended to kill him- self Kaasland left omt about noon Sunday and remarked that he was going to Jack son City He took with him a small amount of laundry and his shaving set His absence from home that night no particulac anxiety but when he did not return Monday night Mrs Kausland became yesterday asked the local psMcs i earh for ter husoand- j Last night lrs Kausland said her hus- band occasionally played cards across the i river bukJte not before remained away n Many are apt I L t I lents t r I f I I AlIT MISSlllf PEOPLE I I CityThe IoC Some ienrs Suicide I I met he marhave has about- i t I I I lUIS d worried and burned indiges- tion where- as I of made ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + from herforany length of time learned yesterday that he had been paid about 10 due him as salary at the of- fice of a life insurance company on F Street Saturday night Kausland and hfS wife caine here from Kansas City Mo during August last Prior to that time he had been foreman- of the Kansas City branch of the Swift Packing Company leaving his po sition he brought his wife to Washington and soon obtained work as a collector The couple have been married about nine years Mrs Kausland told a reporter that she had no idea why her husband had disap peared beyond the fact that he had been in from time to time for years She called last evening upcn Mr Howell as sistant agent of life insurance but the latter had no Information regarding her husband since his sudden departure Mystery still surrounds the where- abouts of Charles T OConnor the residing with his wife and two young children at 633 K Street southwest It was learned yesterday that John OCon nor who according to a despatch from Elizabeth N J was found partially frozen on the streets in that city was not the missing carpenter Letters received here from George OConnor proprietor- of the Bedford Park Hotel Jerome Ave- nue and South Boulevard New York City and a brother of the missing carpenter say nothing has been heard from him there The police yesterday included in their daily bulletin for general distribution a description of OConnor which has also been telegraphed to various nearby cities The absence of any apparent rea- son for his disappearance is puzzling the detectives not a little He left home about 6 oclock on the meming of the 15th saying he was going to Frederick Md to find employment and since noth- ing has been heard from him He was a cripple the result of a railroad accident a year ago and when last seen wore a dark suit of clothes checked with grey Efforts to find James F Fox have prov ed unavailing While it is hardly be- lieved Fox has actually ended his life as threatened by the postal he Is said to have written Mr Waters yet no definite trace of him has yet been discovered A report that he was recently seen in Georgetown lacks1 confirmation Detec- tive McNainee who is working on the case said last night that he had noth- ing new in the way of developments in the ease Fox is a marine and was re tired from the navy two years ago He ifCnArticlcM to hounds itt Luu- LOUigVTfitE Jan 23 Tom Sharkey lies signed particles for a tweny round contest Peter Matter befcre the Louisville Athletic Club in February The conditions call for catch weights Maher wired acceptance and the articles have been forwarded The fight will take place at the Horse Show Building which has a seating capacity of 75CO Harry Pullian has turned over to J J Saunders and JJ McCloekey the Amer- ican Association franchise for a club in Louisville It is understood that Manager McCIoskey has his team practically se- lected for the Ilclicf of Senator Proctor ALBANY N Y Jan 23 A bill for the relief of United States Senator Proctor of Vermont lisa been introduced by Assem- blyman Fisk His marble company is in- corporated under the laws this State and has an office in New York city but the property Is situated in Vermont and is also Incorporated In that State In order to consolidate them and benefit the business Mr Fish has amended the Stock Corporation law so that whets 05 per cent of the stockholders of a corporation do- ing business in this State vote to consoli date with a corporation In another State It may be done A Judarmcat Acala t Alvord NEW YORK Jan 23 Judgment for 500017 was entered today in the County Clarks Office against Cornelius L Alvord Jr In favor of the First National Bank for money embezzled by Alvord between January 1 1S95 and October IS 15CO She After he com- pany carpen- ter V is sIxty years old MAHER TO MEET withy of sHARxEiD They Fight Tventy ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Iff PIPER first Issue of The Commoner Leaves the Press The JjcatlinRT KdHorlnl Kxi lulnn the Name of tile InliJIeiition anti DC TluitIt Will Be tiie leoplt Humorous CoutriJiu- tiuun of a Political Character LINCOLN Neb Jan first number of Mr Bry ns newspaper The Commoner v is issued last sight under the personal direction of its editor Four or five hundred friends were present At 8 oclock Mr Bryan removed his coat and hat upon the feed- ers stand on the press which had pre- viously been made ready Some poe threw him an apron and the crowd to him to put it on and he did so Ke was smiling all the while until grasped the grew serious With the assistance of the Joreman he got the first sheet down to the pins and the signal vas given The motive power was by Uncle Jake Wolfe a veteran Democratic Mr Bryan fed a doaen or snore papers into the grippers on one press and took the half printed sheets to another where the operation Then he tried the folder but abandoned this Each one present was given a souvenir copy with Mr Bryans signature at the top of the first page Mr Bryan has superintended everything and insisted upon doing the first thing in every step of the mechanical process The first edition will be 50800 It had bean his intention to issue 30800 but many orders one for 5000 from a newS agency made him change his mind The paper Is set pertly in doubleleaded long primer and partly in brevier The pages are eight in number each Halt inches There is no advertising- It is printed on book paper Six of the eight pages are devoted to editorials and the remainder to clippings and humorous contributions of a political aaracter by a stall writer of the WorldHerald At the lefthand corner of the first i ge ap pears William J Bryau in pica De Yinnc type and underneath it in small letters the words editor and proprietor The leading editorial is devoted to ex- planation of why TIle Commoner was selected as the name ot the paper A com- moner Is one of the common people and Scripture is quoted to prove that no high- er compliment can ba paid to any class The common people Mr Bryan writes are not exclusive Anyone who is Willis to contribute by brain or muscle the na- tional strength and graatnees can beo e a member He concludes- A rich man who has honestly can count himself among the common people while a poor man Is not really crat and has no higher ambition than to b a courtier of a sycophant Tae Commoner will be satisfied t W to the common people it proves its right to the jt ae te chosen Under the heading A Living Foun- tain Mr Bryan deprecates the tendency of the pimple to turn toward the once discarded doctrine Empire He says When the people are recog- nized as the source of power the Govern ment JJ perpetual because the people forever The Government then res- ponds to their desires and conforms to their character It can be made as goad as they deserve to have and they are sat- isfied With it because it their own han- diwork If it has evife those evils are endured because the people recognize that they themselve are to blame and i that it is within their power to apply any needed remedy A government resting- on its force is on the other hand ever unstable because it excites hatred rather thau affection and is continually at war with human nature it is in constant an- tagonism to that universal sentiment which ia defined as the love liberty One whole page is devoted to editorial paragraphs of the snappy character Under the head Questionable Mr Doan criticises the President He characterizes the appoint- ment Of the was of Justices Harms ansi MeKenna as direct blows at the dignity and independence of the court and the si lecre observed by members ef the domi- nant party shows how imperialism and commercialism are the con- science of the Republican leaders j Another editorial is devoted to pointing i out that liberal nensions are not possible in a coiintr with a large military estab- lishment The silver question received a column editorial directed at what Mr Bryan calls Secretary Gages endless chain as repre stnted by his recommendation for the re- demption of silver dollars In gold oa de- mand He looks upon this as the first step toward the retirement of the silver loBar on the plea that it can be used to drain the Treasury of geld Mr Bryan explains that The Common- er is not a rival of the local weekly pa- pers The reader is urged to take some paper published at home and that it be the paper which supports the polities he believes ia The Commoner will not enter the field of general news but as an expo m it of Democratic sentiment and as a tfcjndor of Jeffersoninn principles it nores to make itself useful It the read er does net find in The Commoner every- thing he wants it is that he will find enough to justify him in welcoming it to his home HEDUCED RAILROAD RATES Siajrle Fare for 1rJp to In jiu aral Ccreinoiiisa YEW YORK Jan 23 Tbe general pas- senger agents of the railroads is the Trunk Line Association have agreed en a special rate of a single fare for round trip front all points to Washington and return on the occasion of the inaugu- ration ceremonies on March 4 Action on special rates for important educational events was deferred until afteh the rates to the PanAmerican Exposition have been fixed Committees representing the pas- senger departments of all railroads oper ating between New York and Chicago will meet tomorrow to consider applications for special rates for the exposition LABOR GROWING SCARCE 3IisMixsii i i lacjuern StearnS l cvtnir- Xcjrroes Coaxed NEW ORLEANS Jan 23 The the Utica neighborhood in South Mis- sissippi are resisting the labor agents who have been through that section re- cruiting negroes for railroad work An indignation meeting held at Utica adopted resolutions ordering all labor agents to leave the country The farmers complain that labor is exceedingly scarce under normal conditions and the agents are en- ticing away their farm hands at a season when they are needed for ih commence ment of spring planting The eompteint- ot the scarcity ot labor seems to be gen- eral Mississippi The negro element is very unsettled and prefers railroad to farm PNEUMONIA CAN UE attack of the griir a4 mar be prevcntM hj the timely use of Ouunberlaiug Cough Itemed Tint remedy was extensively used during epi- demics of la grippe of the not n which shows it to be a certain preventive ot that dangerous disease CliarnbcrJains Cough Remedy gained n worldwide reputation for Evsas wJwJesale ana rpfoil and cit tJru ists BRYANS 23The and owner andmo ted shouted he first sheet fur- nished editor re- peated an to hIs wealth sad si sot Is I its care to laws made by hiS ci them if he fawnS a I is I I I j of t se rely f I I par h dng i I I I I I hoped th farmers- in throughout worK pnEY TED This always remits from a mM or an the past mit and breit did not recover et that resilied in poecososia fh ot colds rot Uef1lY Ill dares Devoted to Ten he Was ac- quired afraid en- trust fellows one befone plate fi- delity has boost v I en- dure Appoint- ments Round Away dieaee yests single ease leaever reported that eurat anti ttfp sate ly > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The WonteM Curative Properties of SwampRoot To Prove what SWAMPROOT will do for YOU Every Reader of The Times May Have a Sam- ple Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by MalL TEST FOR YOURSELF ¬ Among the mans famous cures oC SwampRoot investigated by The Times none seem to speuk higher of the wonder- ful curative properties of this great remedy than the one we pabltek this week for the benefit of our readers You feave no Idea how well I feel 1 am saxeimMr lifts So saw Mr Sissy Bweffiardt of 2SSS Madison Street St Louis Ito to a reporter of the Lucia OtebeDenoenit than years I ted suffered what the doctors termed fcfeiale trouble also heart trouble with swetttarr of and limbs Last summer 1 felt so that- I thought I had not Ton to Irv I doctor after Getter and tcftk their aiediciftes But BO The phjsicans told e my kidneys were aSected and I Did ISot Know Had Kidney Trouble- S sonwiiew felt certain my kidneys were the cause of my trouble A mend recoJHBsended me fo trr Dr KEhiers- Sra apGoot and I mast say I benefit almost from the first week I continued the medicine taking it esn feirly and X am now in splendid health The paina and adios hare all gone Ikisre wewanraad ed SwampRoot to all my friends aad told gardlns my case t heartily endorse SwampRoot from every standpoint There is uch a pleasant taste to and it goes right to i t I kid- ney I sitii5ed ht I do not seed sag cine u I jn sa good health as 1 was n my t more tea With feet consulted felt better not J derived im- mense them what it hat done for I will answer anyone desires to write tI1P re t the wcsk spots and Grime ant ever For the me gladly wile mo ¬ ° thin out of the system sins MARY EXCELIURDT I M8S MAHS EXGELHAKDT It used to ba considered that only Hryiargr awl i nov sao en science proves that nearly an have their beginning in the disorder WcSBia3 S l Tie kidneys filter and purify the their work So when your kidneys art weak orNout of order you can under stand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems tV rail to do Its duty c- It you are sick or feel badly begin takIng the famous new dls overy Dr Kilmers because as soon as your kidneys are wen they alt the other organs to health A trial will convince anyone f Many women suffer mfcery because the nature ot their disease Is not understood They are to believe that womb trouble cr female weakness o some sort Is responsible for the many beset womankind l Neuralgia nervousness headache p ffy or dark circles under tire eyes rheuma tism a dragging pain or dull ache In the back weakness or bearing down sensa- tion profuse or scanty supply of urin wita strong otter frequent deslra to pass It night or day with scalding or burning sensttioa these are all unmistakable signs of Kidney and bladder trouble If there Is fJiy doubt in your mind as to your eos tttlon take from your mine oa rising about four ounces place it In a glass or bottle and let It stand iTrei tyfour hours It oa examination it ia milky or clcEdy if there Is a settling or if small particles float about in it your kidneys are In need of ImmedIate attentions Other symptoms showing that yon need SwampRoot are sleeplessness dizzi- ness irregular heart breathlessness sallow unhealthy completion plenty of ambi tion but no strength SwampRoct fe pleaaeatto take aa d is used in the leading hospitals recom Kemle by physicians in private pmctiee and Is taken by doctors themselves they recognize in It the greatest most successful raaedy that science ever to compound If you ar already convinced that SwampRoot Is what you need you can pur- chase the result and 1 bottles aftfce drug stores EDITORIAL NOTICE SwarapRoot KHaey Liver aM Bladder rem- edy Is so remarkably saceessfnl that a special arrangement hex been made by which all oC ers have not already tried it may a sample bottle sent absolutely free by Also a book telling all about ad bladder troubles and containIng many ftf Ute thousands apon thousands of testimonial letters received tram zaea and weraen cared by SwampRoot Be sure and mention reading this generous offer is The Ewenfl moss sending your aOdresa to Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton X T UOW s snd 0 LV t1 i bladder troubles Were to be traced to the kldneY3 f HOI ee but 0 of these most organs bloodthat- Is untold corr- ectly led llIsthat because a ad has ben abe everywhere the great have mail W k1 ton whet a diseases important Jan Will their SOcent cut who kidney ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SPECiVI XOTIC13S There will be of the stock holders of the PCRTTT ICE COMPANY at the office of the company Room 23 Hutchins Building corner Tenth and D Streets northwest on MONDAY THE 4TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1901 AT 11 OCLOCK A X for the purpose of su stock ef fifty thousand 50W dollars to one hundred and fifty thouasBd 15006ft dollars JOHN E McGAW LEI mrrcHiNs HEADQUARTERS PUBLIC COMFORT Rooms SOS and 509 FIfth Soar tha Evening Star Building All parties wishing to furnish accommodations to visitors dUring the inaugural are to call at headquarters or send description of quarters stating number of persons that can be supplied with rooms with and without meals etc list ot prices per day M I WELLER Chairman Public Comfort Committee de2SlnK enr WE BUY UNDrVIDED INTERESTS IN Real Estate and Perfect Titles Parties who failed to pay 1S2S taxes said whose property was can protect them from maturing to deed and loss cf prop erty by calling at the office of LAW CLAIMS CO Eocrr 7 472 Louisiana Arenne northwest city nolStfe- rnSCTTS EBOLSIOil is especially helpfal to babies and children who are thin tlnijjHisti 50c and SI Suits To Measure worth SiaCSO 505 Seventh St FrVAXCtAi STATE31EXTS ot FIRBtESS 1SSCRA5CE COM Of WASUIXUTON M SBOaCEXOWK for ending Oceeraber 31 1900 Jt SETS Kcal estate loans rK6 25 I TWW Stocks and bond 00- Bibmce iK bank 9COH31 rsitywrsnwc wserre 7cS 2t C W HOWAKD Secretary of HOt M HOFFSVK rnblic Jersey Avenue pneumonia COL F mtDER f Rurcau of Awer lose Ktiuwfrjpy Funeral services over the remains of Col f V- Hildar who on Monday Lux be heM at Trinity Episcopal Cimreft CORKS Of 3d C 8fc aw at S p m JasHrur 2t el BSOWX On MoMhqr Jm vmrf 21 B M at hw residence It nnia U C THOMAS B U f be fored husband of Ella Longos Itrown ia the tMfty rfjEai yr r ot Ms ag Funeral Thc l 3f Jn itaary 2i at 3 Chapel lenBing I C TAYLOR Qn Tuesday January 52 HOt at 12 pnr WOSK il TAYtOK wife L M Tayter Services will fee held frwu late residence T221 Maasacltasetta Avenue at 2 pm Tharsctoy- J1SS HKfKNf M TReXUOLJt in lbs tatx ninth year of tLiu hter of Sloe K IL Trenbolra ot Charleston Si C and sister f John G Capers at feshia en Funeral services Thursday morning at It oclock from 1333 Massachusetts Avenue north areat ml Undertalcer nail IJvery KZ Peon Ave X W Washington D C I a I I thoriztng the increase or the present W J Trustees I f sold a 1 I u I Q Rag ans y iiliJiU I I 9 flB B I n S A I I I I o- fT T l T t PAY the I I heat tate u l I TJtlmTtE- SN onpiL BilL paJltlblt i Outstanding cMc no is 3S a sail tliIiihf City Seat W Sub nil DIED ltlLbfihlOn l 111M H url ef the aSH and lfI hm JOt i el be of Dr lltwefay bDary her t tIt 0- J WTTTT A 1T LEES meeting cag Its i DAxrE- iaIT23tam re- quested also WASHING- TON I PEL veer mess 55O0O5O 4G C SistecaiSed tcet January Mossdoy Snniinny sri Sets F died leer tnSSS- TIiEXWOLMOw 22 11OL age Mst ¬ = > > + SwampRoot will do just as much for any housewife whose beck Is too weak to who is al- ways tired and overwroagbt who that Ute cares f life ai nara than can stand ft Is a tb the weafc and ailing I porters her D work reels 0 sk1t been cery ¬ I New Telephone Rates service on metallic circuit with long distance instruments in Red 1 dcceea Only six parties on each circuit jfessap Hate tefejenea on mtaSs circuits with Ionsdistance instruments fn HBadences Only parties on each eacuit COO outMsrd calls 20sOtt For reduced and particulars apply to Contract Department CIS 14th Sfc X W Telephone 1SS3 ja5tfem Launder COLLARS and COF R- Te Shirts a finish which meets the approval at well dressed men FAMILY ASH the largest family wash and our modern machinery and skilled help as have your next bundle Our charge only per lb mM STEAM LAUNDRY 514 8th St H W Phone lars A Whisky that has a reputation merit back of It 51 quart E 3 QUINN flH Pa Av Phone 2131 Artistic Laundry- We prontat ow patrons the best kind of laundry gina shirtS a beautiful BtHwstte fb fc collars have antiswear bet toolH ls Besides if you are prosiieil fee time we taiL launder yoor linen aa short noUce and ile liver STEAM Corner Sixth and C Sts SW Order the For Inauguration The wise will place their orders at once for the extra betiding j- W inexpensive Cots Beds and Mattresses Will lay them r acMe for delivery when you sfcy Avoid possible Usappoiatraat by f ordering NOW T Wash B Williams I- 7h and D Sts 0 1 e c t i- I t t per f t t t of t- f f Ii 1 A t We In this department we are prepared t- on A- J and save the annoynce and i Qf P is I C Mit sir I and ont promptly I L PAINES CELERY WMPOU- NUt It I i Extra Bedding I- I t lined t ed for the Inaugural occasion t t I f I I I Imamited 4 l4SsG aen- ct 4 sin pee rear mIca 9011 per dozmpiccal for give DOMESTIC give perfect satisfaction Let trouble Washing athorne- I hrs a anti iiYUerlaueky S U5LVIH LAUdllRY o sea 4 i a sell t iagt > + + > + + + + +

Upload: vancong

Post on 18-Mar-2018




7 download




Progress of Atldieks7 Fight for theSeiiatoisliip

Another Vote T yAtcTitilty Expect the Holy

the Cns 3Iajxnate Coiideinif inInterview liy 1romiueni Men

DOVER Del Jan 23 The seventh bal-

lot for two United States Senators wastsken by the General Assembly in jointsession yesterday showing no change inthe deadlock except that the antiAddieks RejwbJieacri ma age t keep to-

gether better than on the previous dayNo materia change in the voting is ex-

pected during the remainder of thismonth

All eyes are now oa the Spates Com-

mittee on Elections which is handlingRoss contest for Senator McNultys seatbecause Rwss is believed to represent thewanttowin Republicans who favorelection of any two Senators rather thenleave two vacancies at Washington Thusif seated Ross vote will be counted forAdofcks in tie end at which time it isclaimed that the millionaire leader willget ail but six of the DnpentUichardsmoo This with Farlow Democrat who

give him twentyfour rotes or wi2 inthree of the number necessary to a choice

Yesterdays vote resulted as followsLang term Richard R Kenney Demo-

crat 23 John Edward Addioks Unian RepuMicsx 15 Henry A DnpOBt RegularRepublican 8 scattering Republicans 5

absent 1 Unionterm Willard Saulsbury

22 John Edward AcTdfoks Union15 Charles F Richards Regu-

lar Republican 11 seattering Repabircans 2 Democrats 1 absent Short Union Republican Necessary to a choke 2

Howard D Ross who Is contesting theseat 9f Senator MeNmHy may yet beseated te the Senate for four years as

guaranteeing the witness fees and trav-eling expenses necessary to Bothsides The will begin tomorrowafternoon Ross contention wfll be that

lege of voting by the forcible dosing ofthe pells in the South Wilmington distrlet 185 of whom were Republicans Thedistrict is probably Democratic and forthts reason the Regular Republicans mayrisk Rose supporting Addlcks and voteto seat him

WILMINGTON Del Jan theInstance of S Freak Ewart Chairman ofthe Joint Committee of the New CastleCowaty Republicans during the last

Secretary Billany called a confer-ence e C the committee yesterday afterkeot0 HeB the Senatorial situation

jaC Aft rams of the East Side Associa-tleiiiV j EOivard AtJdicks was presentbut not enough the eennnittecmen attended to consider the matter and theconference was tfeelar ir effi

Speaking cf the statements of DistrictAttocaey Pyre ASdiefe said iaconectly reported in one sentece byByrne He said he had informed Byrnethat he had hard work to keep the UnionRepublicans from entering a withthe Democrats and not that he Addictshad HBeclty in the


f T Seeure

the Dutout


for Addlcks at the Jst sessieu ill

Republican-S ort



the a


25 electors were deprived of tlte ptii






U-nseatingOf TenCnlididfleY




Senate yesterday peseef resolution




DemOora feaforhi











B Ian Warner PresMcjit f tl-

DeSawar Railroad Company Charles WJones Cpm isay-

a i a Presidential elector on theIJeaa ticket and Darid Lindsay of the

fe Itoore Paper akiKg Cwnpaa-yan oat in mt views condeisnicff-eniuhiacy et VRchs for thrit States


Renalt of Kaliotiit

SE PAUL Jan 23 Is the Legisiaiare

to succeed tie present Senator Nelsonend iSe late Seaator Davis In the Lena e the roles teed the long termKiute eisoar 42 R R Kefe n Fusionistit For successor to the late SenatorBa4s Closes E Clapp 47 Charles LTewne 17 In the the ballot re-sulted For the long term Knute Nel-son 54 R R Nelson 22 For successor-to Senator Davis Moses E Clapp 32Charles A Towae 21

Senatorelect Clapp will go at once toWashington and relieve Charles A Towne


Ia orM Fall i

to Senator 3IclJridePORTLAND Ore Jan 2 The Oregon

Legishrtare began balloting yesterday forUslted States Senator with the followingresells In the Senate McBride 10 Cbrbett 8 6 scattering 3 la theHouse McBride 9 Corbett 29 Smith26 Bcattering 4

Smith Is a Democrat and Has receivedthe entire vote of his party McBride istile retiring Senator and Corbett who isalso a Republican was refused a seat inthe Senate four years ago after beingappointed by the Governor when the Leg-islature had failed to elect


Robert J Elected SenatorSouth Dakota

PIERRE S D Jan 23 The SouthDakota Legislature voted for UnitedStates Senator yesterday The Republicanseast their ballots tar Robert J Gamblepresent Representative The Populistsand Democrats voted for various membersof tlie Legislature Soaator Pettigrew hadrequested that they leave his name outof the contest

The official ballot will be taken In Jointsession today and Gamble will be de-

clared elected Mr Gambles term asRepresentative will expire on March 4

Mr Gamble was Lorn near AkrcnY on February 7 1S51 and removed toFox Lake Wis in 1SS2 He graduated




MERTZ and MERTZ906 and 908 F Street


PJitMi the PuseT t PUbI





Ui41I1c otaLesrdature I

abal10t was eachon te eo1ce of United States Sftators t




L Cllooe a



Gamble in







yssday tea in house









from Lawrence University Appleton Wisin 1S74 and after i ng admitted to thebar went Yankton o D He was a mem-ber of the Fiftyfourth Congress was defeated for a second successive term butwas reelected to the Fiftysixth Congress


Action on the Seiintorsllip Taken I yJereyH LeKslntureT-

RENTOX J Jan 23 Promptly athigh noon today President of the SenatePitney called the joint assembTy of theHouse and Senate to order Captain Parker clerk of the House being made clerkThe Senates Secretary was called uponto read the record of the Senate showingth election of Gen W J Sewell to theUnited States Senate The House recordwas then read also showing General Seweirs election and then President PitneysaidIt appearing that the Hon W J Sewellhas been duly elected I now declare himthe United States Senator from New Jersey for a term of six years

The joint assembly then reelectedCharles J Bradley as the States directoref railroads and adjourned until February


Jfo RisrUt

KANSAS CITY Mo JanHenry of the Circuit Court handed down-

a decision of national importance yesterday when in a written opinion he decided

that the State of Missouri represented by

the State Board of Equalization had noright to tax the franchise of the West-ern Union Telegraph Company

When the State Bard of Equalizationlast met the Western Union turned in avaluation of its assessment of actualproperty which th board praotitallydoubted and added the words And onall other property fsS24W

It was to this tVt the company


Ilojal Commission Submits

LONDON Jan 23 The royal commis-sion appointed to investigate the SouthAfrican hospital question under he piesidency of Justice Romera has issued

report the tenor ef which is thatreviewing the campaign as a whole itcannot properly Be said that tie medical-or hosaital arrangements were bad

It adds that there has been nothing iathe nature ofcare of the sick and wounded and nogeneral widespread

All the witiPsses of in othwars were practically unanimous in

declaring that caking it all in all thesIck and wounded were so wellcared for fca any eauspsfKn


tlly at Iils TriitlPATERSON X J Jan 23 The trial

of George J Kerr Jw Harder fBcsscMeter will proteJHy begin Mon-

day next The ciYH calendar will beeteared beiere the trial is takeR liP

McAUster Eeaifc and Campbell may notbe sentenced until after Kerrs trialThe prosecution intimated as much todayIt Is said that Campbell and Death may be

he didilitreat her

The recent trial it is estimated cost



to Tux u extern UnionTclerrullti Prtuchie









a scandal in regard to the

n IaetexPerience


I never

KERRnlll Lllely




fe8tled bY Kerr to prove that he pO-

jJart ia dmmBt the girl sod thatnot





Campbell Donut to Tes
















Slayers of nn Aurericnn lieat the Fceiie of Their Crime

GUADALAJARA Max Jar 23 A fewnights ago s bead of brigands made anassault on the hcuse occupied by loonMelfekersoa an American in the viRagoof San Sebastian near Guadalajara Matkkerscn resisted the attack and was Ml j

his body being hacked to with jEverything of value in the

hoase was carried off i

tame by a fcree of rurales and ofthem have just been overtaken and cap-tured The prisoners will taken to the


A Di astroo Ilre Theatre atCiiieluiiati

CINCINNATI Jan 23 E H Sothernand his company aided largely in prevent-ing a panic in a bg audience last night du

fire that finally destroyed the GrandOpera House and several surroundingctitings and entailed a loss of about ahalf million doHars After the play ofHamlet had progressed about half an

hour the strong smell of smoke that hadbeen generally noticed for a few momentswas suddenly followed by streams ofsmoke and quiekly by flames earning apparently from the floor

Mr Sothern advanced to the front ofthe stage and entreated the people to keep

the mean time the opera hsa e was beingemptied of the excited but set stampededaudience The occupants of the foremostrows of seats helped ever the stageby Mr Sothern and members of his com-pany and easily reached a bark streetthrough the stage door iia y men andwomen left so abruptly that evercoatsand sealskin and other rich garmentswere left behind to the Iis ies In tenminutes from the first alarm the buildingwas enveloped in dames Everybody es-caped no one even sustaining an iajury

Mr Sothern lost cestttiaes which hesaid worJi at least 5Mi09 WK in-cluding the special armor etc made toehim in England and costing 5000 Hisscenery he valtisd at SIGOCtt making histotal loss as he estimated it withsmall insurance He had intended puttingon the play Camille after leeringhare for whict his wife Virginia Harnedhad been rehearsing but scenery forthis play was also destroyed Mr Sothernwas quite calm and cheerful despite his ex-citing experience serious financial lossand the entire upsetting of his futureplans although he has by no means re-covered his health from a recent injury

The local German theatrical companyhad its home in the Grand Opera Housewhere it gave Sunday performances Thecompany lost all its scenery and

The headquarters building of Ute Gincinnati fire department was badly wrecked and much of the valuable apparatusdestroyed The fine new Butler Build-ing around the earner oa Sixth Streetwas destroyed Rosentbars printingworks Aek rt Hinkle lithographersand Max Vocher sitrgical instrumentsare among the firms who the prin-cipal losers The Are attained full de-structive fury more speedily than anyconflagration here in years

Vine Street in front of the Grand O eraHouse was soon sprinkled with personasome hatless and coatless others with tiecostumes of the play with whieh they hadhastily quitted the stage The heat fromthe burning buildings made Race Streetimpassable for a time

ME Harry Ralnforth one of the lessonsof the opera house says he thefire originated in the engine room

At 10 oelack the fire departmentIn checking the flames and

had them under control


Novelist Maurice Thompsons fever whichsomewhat abated last week returnedand his temperature Is again quite highHe has lost ground and physicians statethe outlook Is discouraging

CURE GRIP IM TWO DAYSLaxative BromoQuioine rctnorej cause


to ShotI




The outlaws pursued the mean I

several I

bescene ot the murder and shot




calm as the was reaelng In



3 tOO





suc-ceeded ap-parently



o TilE


were to

danger not




















Subject Again Discussed by theNational Board of Trade

Resolution Adopted Favoriiijr nnE i IIe Adjustment liny

IM of BenefitTheir Adopt

The second days session of the annualmeeting of the National Board of Tradewas called to order promptly at 10 oclockthis morning by E O Stanard of StLouis The report from the committee-on postal rates and classifications assubmitted by Finley Acker of Philadel-phia at yesterday afternoons session wasagain discussed with a great deal of

Robert E Fattison former Gov-

ernor of Pennsylvania advocated theadoption of the report as submitted bythe committee Mr Anderson of Pittsburg Pa also spoke in favor of adoptingthe report and submitted an amendment-to the resolution advising the discontin-uance of the postal committee of theboard on the ground that a similar corn

rmittee o Congress was investigating thesame matter The amendment evokedlaughter and merriment Mr Boswellof Quincy ill objected to the

Mr Ackers report casting reMectionsen the sincerity of Congress He said hedid not believe that anything ould beobtained by casting reflections the boardshould simply investigate and if theyfind they are justified they should de-

mand Mr Boswell said that the UnitedStates mail is prepared to carry goodsin the interest of commerce He fearedthat this railway mail pay agitation mayseriously interfere with the commercialInterests of this country If the deficitin the postal revenues arising front thenecessary correspondence of commerceamounts to millions of dollars it matters not All postal facilities to promotethe commercial interests of the countryshould demanded

The original preamble antiof



the postal committee of which Finley

as followsWhereas the report of the Joint Con

sressieaatfCommtssion to investigate railwavma r pay contains numerous specific

j references to the testimony andWhereas the National Board of Trade

always favors the full and impartial in-vestigation and consideration of both sidesef every important question

j Resolved That we respectfully recom

the crossexamination of the same evi-dence and we also respectfully offer thesugsesrion that the comparisons there mademay be correspondingly modified and ad-justed to suit any of the opinionsregarding length of haul without impairing the logical principle underlying the

Resolved That we reaffirm our formerrecommendation for such adjustment ofraiiway mail pay as will be equitablethe railroads the Government and theseopJft-

Ths following resolution of theon bankruptcy legislation was adopted

Resolved That the National Board ofTrade reaffirms its repeated prior en-dorsement of the national Bankrupt law

i and believes that with the adoption ofj the amendments suggested by what Isj known as the Ray bill the law will proveI necessary and beneficial to our commer



nUlltiiieiidiiient tu the Riiikruptey

lAct Recommendedand SIlJ ted









Aeker Philadelphia is chairman WM




the ol testimony and










mend reading the


> <













cial interests fair and equitable to thehonest though unfortunate debtor andshould become a permanent and enduringpart of our national jurisprudence

Resolved That we recommend theadoption by Congress of said suggestedamendments at the earliest possibletime

The committee on merchant marine submitted the following resolution whichwas unanimously adopted

Whereas the development of a largemerchant marine Is an imperative neces-sity to our nation in order that the efficiency oC our growing navy of which themerchant marine is a valuable and indis-pensable auxiliary In the time of war beproperly maintained and to keep pacewith the demands of a rapidly enlargingcommerce and to meet the requirementsof our new possessions and

Whereas It is of vital importance thatowing to the vast Increasing export tradeot the United States the American shipping in the carrying trade be augmented-to meet the requirements growing out ofthis constant commercial expansion intrade it is therefore

Resolved That the National Board ofTrade recommend to Congress the imme-diate consideration and passage of suchnecessary legislation as will tend to encourage and promote the growth and de-velopment oJ a merchant marine commen-surate with the needs of the nation andas will give to all American citizensequal opportunity for building ships andcompeting for the carrying trade of theworld and safeguarding to them thebenefits which such legislation aims tosecure

The report was signed by Wi W Pea-body George F Stone William McCarroll Robert E Pattison James E CarterJames T MeHugh Andrew Wheeler andAlfred Winsor

The committee on department of com-merce and industries submitted a resolu-tion requesting Congress to establish aDepartment of Commerce and Industriesand that its head be a member of thePresidents Cabinet The resolution was

adoptedA number of other resolutions were sub-

mitted and adopted The Board is in ses-sion this afternoon taking action on com-mittee reports


Caught While TryliiK to Disposethe Stolen Property

Owing to the clever work of DetectivesPeck and Muller the robbery at the homeof B V Jackson 1512 Park Street MountPleasant last night has been quicklycleared up and John B Connell who thepolice say Is a professional thief is locked up charged with housebreaking in thenight time

How entrance into the house was effect-ed is a mystery for apparently none of thedoors or windows had tampered withMr Jackson who is the commercialfreight agent of the Baltimore and OhioRailroad discovered his loss this morntag and immediately informed the detec-tive office that the following articles weremissing Two overcoats a stand of um-breiUs and canes a silver tea serviceincluding s gar cream pitcherwater pitcher and a quantity of underefethiBg from a clothes horse in the kitchen Detectives Peck and Miller were assigned to the case

Fussing through D Street to take thecars to the scene of the robbery the offieerx saw Coanell with an overcoat on hisarm Knowing his reputation they watched him and saw that he was trying toselt it They then took him t PoliceHeadquarters where Mr Jacksons name

found in the pocket of the overcoatand Connell was promptly locked up His

at 32J Missouri Avenue was searehednothing found there and It was

stated that he had not been there for threenights Connell arrested January 1 byDetectives Muller and Baur on suspicionbet under the recent decisions of JudgeBradley they were unabte to hokl him andae was released

Tile Holland Leaves NorfolkNORFOLK Va Jan 23 Repairs to her

hull having been completed the subma-rine torpedo boat Holland left the navyyard In tow of the tug Standlsh yesterdayfor the Naval Academy






hew and
























CARRIED TOO FARhe Fur of J eiiiit Deceived or Ilmu

Prevents IPram Trying u Good

MedicineStomach troubles are so common and in-

most cases s4 obstinate to cure thatpeople to look with suspicion onany remedy claiming to be a radical perm-anent cure for dyspepsia and indigestionMany such people pride themselves ontheir in never being humbug-ged especially in medicines

This fear of being humbugged can becarried too far so far in fact that manypeople suffer for years with weak digestion rather than risk a little time andmoney in faithfully testing the claimsmade for a remedy so reliable and uni-versally used as Stuarts DyneDsia TabletsNow Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets arevastly different in one important respectfrom ordinary patent medicines for thereason that they are not a secret patentmedicine no secret is made of the Ingred

but analysis shows them to containthe natural digestive ferments pure asep j

tic p psin government test Golden Sealand diastase They are not catharticneither do they act powerfully on anyparticular organ but they cure f

on the common sense plan of digest-ing the food eaten thoroughly before ithas time to ferment sour and cause themischief This is the only secret of theirsuccess i

Cathartic pills never have and never cancure indigestion and stomach troubles be-

cause they let only on the bowelsthe whole trouble is In the stomach

Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets taken aftermeals digest the food That is all thereis to it Food not digested or halfdigested is poison as it creates gas acidityheadaches palpitation of the heart lossof flesh and appetite and many other troubles which are often called by some othername

They are sold by druggists everywherein the United States Great Britain andCanada

The Police Looking for PersonsWh o ji ave D isapp eared

Sirs ICnaxluud Fears Her HusbandHns Met With Foul Way at Jacksuit Detectives Searchingfor Charles OConnor and Janice T

Peter H Kausland who lives at 3i NStreet southeast disappeared from hishome last Sunday and since that timeall to find him by his wifehave with no success His wife fearsthat me with foul plar In

i one of the gambling houses at JacksonCity or taken his own life The fact

j that he spoke several times to hersuicide Jeads Mrs Kaaslaad to believethat be way have intended to kill him-

selfKaasland left omt about noon Sunday

and remarked that he was going to Jackson City He took with him a smallamount of laundry and his shaving setHis absence from home that nightno particulac anxiety but when he didnot return Monday night Mrs Kauslandbecame yesterday asked thelocal psMcs i earh for ter husoand-

j Last night lrs Kausland said her hus-band occasionally played cards across the

i river bukJte not before remained away


are apt





lents t








IoC Some ienrs Suicide



methe marhave







lUIS d

worried and



















from herforany length of timelearned yesterday that he had been paidabout 10 due him as salary at the of-

fice of a life insurance company on FStreet Saturday night

Kausland and hfS wife caine here fromKansas City Mo during August lastPrior to that time he had been foreman-of the Kansas City branch of the SwiftPacking Company leaving his position he brought his wife to Washingtonand soon obtained work as a collector Thecouple have been married about nineyears

Mrs Kausland told a reporter that shehad no idea why her husband had disappeared beyond the fact that he had beenin from time to time for years Shecalled last evening upcn Mr Howell assistant agent of life insurance

but the latter had no Informationregarding her husband since his suddendeparture

Mystery still surrounds the where-abouts of Charles T OConnor the

residing with his wife and two youngchildren at 633 K Street southwest Itwas learned yesterday that John OConnor who according to a despatch fromElizabeth N J was found partiallyfrozen on the streets in that city was notthe missing carpenter Letters receivedhere from George OConnor proprietor-of the Bedford Park Hotel Jerome Ave-nue and South Boulevard New York Cityand a brother of the missing carpentersay nothing has been heard from himthere

The police yesterday included in theirdaily bulletin for general distribution adescription of OConnor which has alsobeen telegraphed to various nearbycities The absence of any apparent rea-son for his disappearance is puzzling thedetectives not a little He left homeabout 6 oclock on the meming of the15th saying he was going to FrederickMd to find employment and since noth-ing has been heard from him He was acripple the result of a railroad accident ayear ago and when last seen wore a darksuit of clothes checked with grey

Efforts to find James F Fox have proved unavailing While it is hardly be-lieved Fox has actually ended his life asthreatened by the postal he Is said tohave written Mr Waters yet no definitetrace of him has yet been discovered Areport that he was recently seen inGeorgetown lacks1 confirmation Detec-tive McNainee who is working on thecase said last night that he had noth-ing new in the way of developments inthe ease Fox is a marine and was retired from the navy two years ago He

ifCnArticlcM tohounds itt Luu-

LOUigVTfitE Jan 23 Tom Sharkeylies signed particles for a tweny roundcontest Peter Matter befcre theLouisville Athletic Club in February Theconditions call for catch weights Maherwired acceptance and the articles havebeen forwarded The fight will take placeat the Horse Show Building which has aseating capacity of 75CO

Harry Pullian has turned over to JJ Saunders and J J McCloekey the Amer-ican Association franchise for a club inLouisville It is understood that ManagerMcCIoskey has his team practically se-


for the Ilclicf of Senator ProctorALBANY N Y Jan 23 A bill for the

relief of United States Senator Proctor ofVermont lisa been introduced by Assem-

blyman Fisk His marble company is in-

corporated under the laws this Stateand has an office in New York city butthe property Is situated in Vermont andis also Incorporated In that State Inorder to consolidate them and benefit thebusiness Mr Fish has amended the StockCorporation law so that whets 05 per centof the stockholders of a corporation do-

ing business in this State vote to consolidate with a corporation In another StateIt may be done

A Judarmcat Acala t AlvordNEW YORK Jan 23 Judgment for

500017 was entered today in the CountyClarks Office against Cornelius L AlvordJr In favor of the First National Bankfor money embezzled by Alvord betweenJanuary 1 1S95 and October IS 15CO



he com-pany



is sIxty years old




sHARxEiDThey Fight Tventy





















first Issue of The CommonerLeaves the Press

The JjcatlinRT KdHorlnl Kxi lulnn theName of tile InliJIeiition anti DC

TluitIt Will Betiie leoplt Humorous CoutriJiu-tiuun of a Political Character

LINCOLN Neb Jan firstnumber of Mr Bry ns newspaper TheCommoner v is issued last sight underthe personal direction of its editor

Four or five hundred friends werepresent

At 8 oclock Mr Bryan removed hiscoat and hat upon the feed-

ers stand on the press which had pre-

viously been made ready Some poe threwhim an apron and the crowd tohim to put it on and he did so Ke was

smiling all the while until grasped thegrew serious With

the assistance of the Joreman he got thefirst sheet down to the pins and the signalvas given The motive power was

by Uncle Jake Wolfe a veteranDemocratic Mr Bryan fed a doaenor snore papers into the grippers on onepress and took the half printed sheets toanother where the operation

Then he tried the folder butabandoned this Each one present wasgiven a souvenir copy with Mr Bryanssignature at the top of the first page MrBryan has superintended everything andinsisted upon doing the first thing in everystep of the mechanical process

The first edition will be 50800 It hadbean his intention to issue 30800 butmany orders one for 5000 from a newSagency made him change his mindThe paper Is set pertly in doubleleadedlong primer and partly in brevier Thepages are eight in number each Haltinches There is no advertising-

It is printed on book paper Six of theeight pages are devoted to editorials andthe remainder to clippings and humorouscontributions of a political aaracter by astall writer of the WorldHerald Atthe lefthand corner of the first i ge appears William J Bryau in pica DeYinnc type and underneath it in smallletters the words editor and proprietor

The leading editorial is devoted to ex-

planation of why TIle Commoner wasselected as the name ot the paper A com-moner Is one of the common people andScripture is quoted to prove that no high-er compliment can ba paid to any classThe common people Mr Bryan writes arenot exclusive Anyone who is Willis tocontribute by brain or muscle the na-

tional strength and graatnees can beo ea member He concludes-

A rich man who has honestly

can count himself among the commonpeople while a poor man Is not really

crat and has no higher ambition thanto b a courtier of a sycophant TaeCommoner will be satisfied t W

to the common people it provesits right to the jt ae techosen

Under the heading A Living Foun-tain Mr Bryan deprecates the tendencyof the pimple to turn toward the oncediscarded doctrine Empire

He says When the people are recog-nized as the source of power the Government JJ perpetual because the people

forever The Government then res-ponds to their desires and conforms totheir character It can be made as goadas they deserve to have and they are sat-isfied With it because it their own han-diwork If it has evife those evils areendured because the people recognizethat they themselve are to blame and

i that it is within their power to apply anyneeded remedy A government resting-on its force is on the other hand everunstable because it excites hatred ratherthau affection and is continually at warwith human nature it is in constant an-tagonism to that universal sentimentwhich ia defined as the love liberty

One whole page is devoted to editorialparagraphs of the snappy character

Under the head QuestionableMr Doan criticises the

President He characterizes the appoint-ment Of the was of Justices Harms ansiMeKenna as direct blows at the dignityand independence of the court and the silecre observed by members ef the domi-nant party shows how imperialism andcommercialism are the con-science of the Republican leaders

j Another editorial is devoted to pointingi out that liberal nensions are not possible

in a coiintr with a large military estab-lishment

The silver question received a columneditorial directed at what Mr Bryan callsSecretary Gages endless chain as represtnted by his recommendation for the re-demption of silver dollars In gold oa de-

mand He looks upon this as the first steptoward the retirement of the silver loBaron the plea that it can be used to drainthe Treasury of geld

Mr Bryan explains that The Common-er is not a rival of the local weekly pa-pers The reader is urged to take somepaper published at home and that it bethe paper which supports the polities hebelieves ia

The Commoner will not enter thefield of general news but as an expom it of Democratic sentiment and as atfcjndor of Jeffersoninn principles itnores to make itself useful It the reader does net find in The Commoner every-thing he wants it is that he willfind enough to justify him in welcomingit to his home


Siajrle Fare for 1rJp to Injiu aral Ccreinoiiisa

YEW YORK Jan 23 Tbe general pas-senger agents of the railroads is theTrunk Line Association have agreed ena special rate of a single fare forround trip front all points to Washingtonand return on the occasion of the inaugu-ration ceremonies on March 4 Action onspecial rates for important educationalevents was deferred until afteh the ratesto the PanAmerican Exposition have beenfixed Committees representing the pas-senger departments of all railroads operating between New York and Chicago willmeet tomorrow to consider applicationsfor special rates for the exposition


3IisMixsii i i lacjuern StearnS l cvtnir-Xcjrroes Coaxed

NEW ORLEANS Jan 23 Thethe Utica neighborhood in South Mis-

sissippi are resisting the labor agentswho have been through that section re-cruiting negroes for railroad work Anindignation meeting held at Utica adoptedresolutions ordering all labor agents toleave the country The farmers complainthat labor is exceedingly scarce undernormal conditions and the agents are en-ticing away their farm hands at a seasonwhen they are needed for ih commencement of spring planting The eompteint-ot the scarcity ot labor seems to be gen-eral Mississippi The negroelement is very unsettled and prefersrailroad to farm


attack of the griir a 4 mar be prevcntM hjthe timely use of Ouunberlaiug Cough ItemedTint remedy was extensively used during epi-demics of la grippe of thenot n

which shows it to be a certain preventive otthat dangerous disease CliarnbcrJains CoughRemedy gained n worldwide reputation for

Evsas wJwJesale ana rpfoil and cit tJru ists




andmo ted


hefirst sheet







hIs wealth sad si sot Is I

its care to laws made by hiS

ci them if he fawnS a






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pnEY TEDThis always remits from a mM or an

thepast mit andbreit

did not recover et that resilied in poecososia

fh ot colds rot Uef1lY


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Ten he



quired afraid en-

trust fellows

one befone plate


delityhas boost








yestssingle ease leaever reported that

eurat anti ttfp sate ly





























The WonteM Curative Properties of SwampRoot

To Prove what SWAMPROOT will do for YOUEvery Reader of The Times May Have a Sam-

ple Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by MalL



Among the mans famous cures oC

SwampRoot investigated by The Timesnone seem to speuk higher of the wonder-ful curative properties of this great

remedy than the one we pabltek thisweek for the benefit of our readers

You feave no Idea how well I feel 1 amsaxeimMr

lifts So saw Mr Sissy Bweffiardtof 2SSS Madison Street St Louis Ito to areporter of the Lucia OtebeDenoenit

than years I ted sufferedwhat the doctors termed fcfeiale trouble

also heart trouble with swetttarr ofand limbs Last summer 1 felt so that-I thought I had not Ton to Irv Idoctor after Getter and tcftk their aiediciftesBut BO The phjsicans told e mykidneys were aSected and I

Did ISot Know HadKidney Trouble-

S sonwiiew felt certain my kidneys werethe cause of my trouble A mendrecoJHBsended me fo trr Dr KEhiers-Sra apGoot and I mast say I

benefit almost from the first week Icontinued the medicine taking it esn feirlyand X am now in splendid health The painaand adios hare all gone Ikisre wewanraaded SwampRoot to all my friends aad told

gardlns my case t heartily endorseSwampRoot from every standpoint Thereis uch a pleasant taste to andit goes right to




sitii5ed ht I do not seed sagcine u I jn sa good health as 1 wasn my

tmore teaWith



felt betternot


derived im-mense

them what it hat done for I willanswer anyone desires to write tI1P re


the wcsk spots and Grime

ant ever



me gladlywile




thin out of the systemsins MARY EXCELIURDT I M8S MAHS EXGELHAKDT

It used to ba considered that only Hryiargr awl

inov sao en science proves that nearly

an have their beginning in the disorder

WcSBia3 S l Tie kidneys filter and purify thetheir work So when your kidneys art weak orNout of order you can under

stand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems tV railto do Its duty c-

It you are sick or feel badly begin takIng the famous new dls overy DrKilmers because as soon as your kidneys are wen they altthe other organs to health A trial will convince anyone f

Many women suffer mfcery because the nature ot their disease Is notunderstood They are to believe that womb trouble cr female weakness

o some sort Is responsible for the many beset womankind lNeuralgia nervousness headache p ffy or dark circles under tire eyes rheuma

tism a dragging pain or dull ache In the back weakness or bearing down sensa-tion profuse or scanty supply of urin wita strong otter frequent deslra to pass Itnight or day with scalding or burning sensttioa these are all unmistakable signs ofKidney and bladder trouble

If there Is fJiy doubt in your mind as to your eos tttlon take from your mine oarising about four ounces place it In a glass or bottle and let It stand iTrei tyfourhours It oa examination it ia milky or clcEdy if there Is a settling orif small particles float about in it your kidneys are In need of ImmedIate attentions

Other symptoms showing that yon need SwampRoot are sleeplessness dizzi-ness irregular heart breathlessness sallow unhealthy completion plenty of ambition but no strength

SwampRoct fe pleaaeatto take aa d is used in the leading hospitals recomKemle by physicians in private pmctiee and Is taken by doctors themselves

they recognize in It the greatest most successful raaedy that scienceever to compoundIf you ar already convinced that SwampRoot Is what you need you can pur-

chase the result and 1 bottles aftfce drug storesEDITORIAL NOTICE SwarapRoot KHaey Liver aM Bladder rem-

edy Is so remarkably saceessfnl that a special arrangement hex been made bywhich all oC ers have not already tried it may a sample bottlesent absolutely free by Also a book telling all about ad bladdertroubles and containIng many ftf Ute thousands apon thousands of testimonial lettersreceived tram zaea and weraen cared by SwampRoot Be sure and mention readingthis generous offer is The Ewenfl moss sending your aOdresato Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton X T

UOW s snd 0LV t1 i bladder troubles Were to be traced to the kldneY3

f HOI ee but0of these most organs


untold corr-ectly led


because a adhas ben abe

everywherethe great


W k1 ton whet

a diseasesimportant





cut whokidney







There will be of the stockholders of the PCRTTT ICE COMPANY

at the office of the company Room 23Hutchins Building corner Tenth and DStreets northwest on MONDAY THE 4THDAY OF FEBRUARY 1901 AT 11OCLOCK A X for the purpose of su

stock ef fifty thousand 50W dollarsto one hundred and fifty thouasBd 15006ftdollars JOHN E McGAW

LEI mrrcHiNs


Evening Star Building All partieswishing to furnish accommodations tovisitors dUring the inaugural are

to call at headquarters or senddescription of quarters stating numberof persons that can be supplied withrooms with and without meals etclist ot prices per day

M I WELLER ChairmanPublic Comfort Committee


Real Estate and Perfect TitlesParties who failed to pay 1S2S taxes saidwhose property was can protect themfrom maturing to deed and loss cf property by calling at the office of

LAW CLAIMS CO Eocrr 7 472

Louisiana Arenne northwest citynolStfe-

rnSCTTS EBOLSIOilis especially helpfal to babies and children whoare thin tlnijjHisti 50c and SI


To Measure worth SiaCSO

505 Seventh St



for ending Oceeraber 31 1900Jt SETS

Kcal estate loans rK6 25I TWW

Stocks and bond 00-

Bibmce iK bank 9COH31

rsitywrsnwc wserre 7cS 2t

C W HOWAKD Secretary

of HOtM HOFFSVK rnblic

Jersey Avenue pneumoniaCOL F mtDER f Rurcau of Awerlose Ktiuwfrjpy

Funeral services over the remains of Col f V-

Hildar who on Monday Lux be heMat Trinity Episcopal Cimreft CORKS Of 3dC 8fc aw at S p m JasHrur 2t el

BSOWX On MoMhqr Jm vmrf 21 B M at hwresidence It nnia U C THOMAS B U f befored husband of Ella Longos Itrown ia thetMfty rfjEai yr r ot Ms ag

Funeral Thc l 3f Jn itaary 2i at 3Chapel lenBing I C

TAYLOR Qn Tuesday January 52 HOt at12 pnr WOSK il TAYtOK wife

L M TayterServices will fee held frwu late residence

T221 Maasacltasetta Avenue at 2 pm Tharsctoy-

J1SS HKfKNf M TReXUOLJt in lbs tatxninth year of tLiu hter of Sloe K ILTrenbolra ot Charleston Si C and sister fJohn G Capers at feshia en

Funeral services Thursday morning at Itoclock from 1333 Massachusetts Avenue northareat ml

Undertalcer nail IJveryKZ Peon Ave X W Washington D C





thoriztng the increase or the present

W JTrustees







I QRag ans y iiliJiU

II9 flB B


n S A I




fT T l TtPAY



Iheat tate u


TJtlmTtE-SN onpiLBilL paJltlblt iOutstanding cMc no is 3S

asail tliIiihf City

Seat W Subnil

DIEDltlLbfihlOn l 111M H

url efthe


lfI hmJOti el

be ofDr

lltwefay bDaryher

t tIt




cagIts i










SistecaiSed tcetJanuary

Mossdoy Snniinny sriSets











SwampRoot will do just as much forany housewife whose beck Is too weak to

who is al-

ways tired and overwroagbt whothat Ute cares f life ai nara thancan stand ft Is a tb the weafc andailing

Iporters her D workreels

0 sk1tbeen

cery ¬

I New TelephoneRates

service on metallic circuitwith long distance instruments in Red

1 dcceea Only six parties on each circuit

jfessap Hate tefejenea on mtaSscircuits with Ionsdistance instrumentsfn HBadences Only parties on eacheacuit COO outMsrd calls 20sOtt

For reduced and particulars applyto Contract Department CIS 14th Sfc XW Telephone 1SS3 ja5tfem

LaunderCOLLARS and COF R-

Te Shirts a finishwhich meets the approval at welldressed men

FAMILY ASHthe largest family wash and our

modern machinery and skilled help

as have your next bundle

Our charge only per lb


514 8th St H W Phone lars

A Whisky that has a reputationmerit back of It 51 quart

E 3 QUINN flH Pa Av Phone 2131


We prontat ow patrons the bestkind of laundry gina shirtS abeautiful BtHwstte fb fccollars have antiswear bettoolH l s Besides if you areprosiieil fee time we taiL launderyoor linen aa short noUce and ileliver


Corner Sixth and C Sts SW

Order the

For InaugurationThe wise will place their ordersat once for the extra betiding j-

W inexpensive Cots Bedsand Mattresses Will lay them racMe for delivery when you sfcy

Avoid possible Usappoiatraat by fordering NOW T

Wash B Williams I-

7h and D Sts

0 1 e c ti-

It tper


t-f f Ii 1 A t


In this departmentwe are prepared t-on

A-J and save the annoynce andi Qf Pis










i Extra Bedding I-

I tlined

t ed for the Inaugural occasion


tI f I I I


4 l4SsG aen-ct




9011per dozmpiccal for


give perfect satisfaction Let

trouble Washing athorne-I







o sea

4ia sell










