washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1900-07...

THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON FRIDAY JULY 27 1900 6 h 7 I Fractional Gains General in the Opening Dealings Uurllnxtiui untl Qiilitey A lvniice ou- III TrmiHit AI o Stroiijr Otlicr- mciit AY it ho lit Special S K- ICRIICC A 1rofctislonnl Tone NEW YORK July 27 Higher prices were recorded at the opening of the Stock Market this morning Fractional gains wore general although the dealings contin- ued to be of narrow proportions Burlington and Quincy advanced on re ports that the forthcoming June statement would not show the decreases expected In some quarters Brooklyn Rapid Transit was also strons on covering by shorts and manipulation by those responsible for increased earnings reports with the corresponding period last year when there was a strike on the road The other movements were without spe- cial significance the market continuing professional in tone with an absence of outside Interest Xe v York Corrected dally lir Vf I TJ of the Sew York Street American S i W American SHEW American Tobacco AtcM on Atchison nW- R O Brooklyn Rapid Transit Oiilo Chicane B k Q Chicago Gas C M St 1aul R I k 1acifl- ca F i Consolidated Gas Continental Tobacco Continental Tobacco pit Federal Sue Federal Steel pfd General KlecUic Illinois Ctrl Iouisville Nashville Metropolitan Traction Manhattan Elevated MI sour i Pacific Jersey Central X Y O Western Noitbtrn Pacific Xorthern PaciSe pW- 1aciflc Mail Penna Italltoid Reading firs tioutatrs IaviBc- Souttcrn Railway pd Term Iron Lazes Pacific Union Ijcfflc pta U S Leatlwr U S Rubber Vatuih pfd x flv 2 per B IHMw X roem Kicfaanse 1113 F Open High Low 215 34 35 34 U 33 27 f rra szy 272- lJCS 127 IMS 127S 10 i 99h KJtf 99iJ HIM IV 1114 HIS S4 34 Tv4 33 17J ISO 79 179- ro isu 6 sc- rftt 79i 79H 79H 71 71K 71 71 K- 15G 1DOH 150 IDS 91 ft 91 91 S 50 i WJi W Wi- M MS 6754- S3W XJii 3SM- 75U WK 75H 7514 10 IB 107s 10- S3 4 i4 4 3K asl- a laji IS isi- VasliIitKton MicJC nxermuce Traction Scrip J170 lOG 34 Capital Traction 1M0U02 SS 15 102 34 Washington Gas S 3 2 S3 American Grapbophoae Company 180 11 38 Mergenthaler Linotype 10CT11S 14 5KflS4 1H1S4 I aneton Monotype 0K12 Pneumatic Gun Caniage 302 12 Alter call Capital Traction 1 ft 103 Wash- ington Loan and Trust Company 104 17 12 Notice On motion the board decided to suspend the call oa Saturdays during the months of July and August 1500 GOVERNMENT BONDS Hid Asked U S 41 100C Q J 115S 11GU U S 4s 1007 J 115Ji 110 U S 4i It 132 IXSfi U S 4 C 1H5 133 134H U S Ss C 1UOI V K iH 11 M us ss n looe j F IMHI H u a 3s n u s u a F JIOH 111 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BONDS Ta IMS 30jcar funding p M IOJ 1M1 Water currency HftK Funding currency 385a 12J MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Capital Traction It U 4i 107 107K Met 1C If 6 11 5 12i li Met H It Cert Indebtedness A M 112 llet U It crt lodebtedntas B I H Columbia K It r 191t l l Columbia It R mOlt HI 113 City k Suburban n II 105K 10S WWI Gas Co r A 1992 7 Ill AVssh Gas Co r B lS912i Ill U a tIes Light Deb Imp 1SWT IfliJi U S Elcc Liuht Iwlelit M Cbs Pot Tel 1S961911 103JJ CIte Pot Tel Con Ss Secy Toot 6s 1805 10J Wash Market Co 1U IStC 111 57086 retired annually Ill Vah Mkt Imp fa 1 122T 1 Mkt Ce be IH47 HI- Maaontc IU1I AMB Ss C 1993 HO 112 Araer Grapboabooe Deb Ss- Anaeertia Potomac Ss 1 0 NATIONAL BANK STOCKS Bank of WMhiagtan 3K Uetro olitan ftS Central x- 1Karmen k Meehaoic ao Etcoed J5 Citizens IK Colc ba It Capital no Wat End iis us Traders IS5 130 Lincoln Hi SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANIES Natiosal Safe DepetU Tnat lte U V sh Lean It Trust JJC 157 Anwriean Trait i B 209 Safe Deporit 75- INSURAKCK STOCKS Firemen t Franklin Metropolitan jn Corcoran 5 x Arlingten jj German American National Union in coimbia o JJlSBs 7 i 0 CoUnial- Coramerclil VVVV 4 5 TTTIE Real Estat Title B Columbia Title i2j z WashiBRton Title District Title 3 RAILROAD Capital Traction Capital Tractia Co Scrip h City i Sulmrban SG 40 Georgetown Tennallytown o GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT WasWnstca Gas ru George t n Can Cher Potomac Ptnn5jlvania MlSCELL Mejr nthal r ICJ1 Lanston Monotype ffS AtD VVV n JlS pid g ia 135 Exdlridcnd is ars WHEAT Open nigh LOW Au nst n 73144 Ktr rc 38 B g f fe August XK I2 2 i KS 5S35 long ScPt H75 1105 1172 1103 rr S3 SK- IB3 C87 70J C67 702 9ct Ct3 C07 083 68 Cotton Market Open High Low 215 August 9s ISO y i 671 874 871 871 October 833 6 833 841 January 821 838 8 i s t1 5 MARKBi PIll HIGHER UtIlUrtllDrnuklu flop Stuck Stock Ya JI 1Hi 1JYs 97S S 6l III W1 OOS k 4 58 jJ k Chi Jl6s lro JOOYs IW 16 19J J2Jn llt4y 11tH IlIJJ t IiI ri 5H 51 JOS JlJ illS JiJS 17 1S sS i t ui It s SalesCapital ISo Q lInG 110 7s toe d Cs Cut J t l- Am Cs Co Wash k JOn il lib IXSUllSCE STOCKS 4 TOCKS I 107 SOCKS STOCK G ne ne t J Ii Washington Urweln Cblcnao Grnln nnel IroIlon Unrket Corrected ll D Ilibis bua of the 011 Stock Exe1u 15 t G jj ist Xi JS Y OATS n U J t LAnD Sept 6 fJ 87 Sew York 9 PnorztIiIc 1o MnrLe 17 lbl V74 id34 6 Ott co 74g tO4 IUt35 7 a4 31k 31i ff44 c34 1PI4 12934 llli4 New 125 I534 ta 122 511 5is 2J34 5O3 2 71 7I 12 1S3j 35 53 3i3 ta3j 71 7tt t7 8 5731 57 cat S 5 cit I Potomac 1lJ TELEPIjOg t ricK American S PItliIBatic Gun tarn3ge 55hingtOn V 01 2 Se Sept 673 ¬ ¬ ¬ > = ¬ > > > = A prand Opportunity- To lay in a supply of STATIONERY Trustees Salo of Easton Rupp Stock A complete clearance must be made of the entire stock in order to settle the afTiirs of the firm and this very lib- eral discount is offered in or- der to close it out at once It is an opportunity that none should neglect Tilt stock comprises a very line assort- ment of Correspondence 1a i er Blank Books Desic Ar- ticles Twine and all such things as may be ex- pected at a firstclass station- ery store Everything will be sold at 20 per cent oil Easton liupps wellknown low prices Lewis C Denham TRUSTEE 421 11th Street JOCKEY SLOAN INJURED Hit Mount Pails in the Itrerpnoli- Cuji Itnce- LIVERCQQJ JUly 27 Tod Sloan the American J fqgy badly hurt in the race for thc LJvcrpool Cup at the July mTing Sloen had the mount on Mrs Langtrys Maluma and the horse fell badly injuring its rider about the bead Sloan was taken to the Royal Inflrmary The race for the Liverpool Cup of i200 sovereigns and 50 sovereigns irrplato or the whoe in specie at the winners option one mile aad three furlongs and was won b H C Whites Skojxx W RntoiDans Kleon was second and Mr Fairies Cutaway third Nine horses ran The betting was 0 to 2 against Skopos 106 to S a in t K 699 and 100 to 3 against Cutaway The jockeys J Reiff and Rugby rode the fLat end second horses respect rely ALLEGED ABSCONDER CAUGHT AccnKcil of ItuIiblnR n X iv York Li uor Firm CHICAGO 111 July 27 William Kahle formerly cashier of the wine and liquor firm of August Beckman Co was arrested and locked up at the Harrison Street station last night charged with embezzlement He disappeared from New York April 13 it Is alleged with J2WO of his employers money Photographs and descriptioas of Kahle were sent over the country Last even- ing Detectives Bock and Halpin were stand- ing in front of a hotel on Clark Street when they observed a man pass who an swered Kahles description To assure himself Detective Bock consulted a mem- orandum in which a photograph of Habit was pasted Then stepping up to the stranger he enquired if he was from St Louis Kahle said Why no I have lately come from New York At the station Kahle ssjd that lie would return to New York without requisition papers and fact thi charge A BATTLE WITH BURGLARS Clitenjco AVnioIininn Kijchtx Three Tlilevew In n Tunnel CHICAGO July 27 A fierce pistol fight In which two men were shot took place uader the river last nigh between three burglars and John McCauganey a private wa4chman The scene of the affray was the centre of the Va j Bores Street tun- nel While bullets from four revolvers were whittling through the air the grip man of a Blue Island Avenue cable car shot his train down the east approach and before he knew what was wrong his pas gengers were in danger Luckily none ot them was wounded Nearly two dozen shots were fired dur- ing the McCaughney was wounded- in the right hand while burglar was shot and probably fatally wounded by a bullet from the watchmans revolver Tile burglars all escaped McCaugferjcy had caught them robbing the International Shirt and Collar Companys office and them into the tunnel DEFEATED A SHARK Government Employe Encounter One in Delaware Water MILFORD Del July 27 Since the Gev enment engineers under Peter F Causey jr have been surveying the MiepUHo- nRlvtr below Milford they have frequently been annoyed by sharks Wednesday afternoon Edward Lowery a Government employe at low tide had wad- ed nearly half a mile into the buy to take a sounding when he was attacked by a bull shark ten feet ong The only he had xiift 4 clam rake but this he used to advar ago The fight was fierce but short and when the shark was final ly made to retreat the water about the scene of bottle was tinged with the mo- nsters How badly the shark was wounded Mr Lowery could not tell Ilillitiln K Work In Maryland ELKTOX Md July 27 During a severe electrical storm in Cecil county yesterday lightning struck the barn on the farm of Benjamin H near Elkton which with the hayhousc stables and contents was destroyed In the buildings wore wheat oats farming implements car- riages and harness The loss is fully cov- ered by Insurance This is the second barn to be destroyed by lightning within the past three days in Cecil county HACERSTOWN Md Juy 27 Light- ning struck five times In John woods none Wllliamsport A white oak tree four feet in diameter was split in two and one part hurled thirty feet away A cow was struck and killed The of John S Winters Ca itown Wash- ington county was struck the lightning going down the chimney demolishing a cook stove Mrs Winters who was stand- ing near the stove was stunned Assaulted by Strikers CUMBERLAND Md July 27 Hugh DunCon assistant stable boss for the New York Mining Company was intercepted by three men while going to work yesterday end after being knocked down was badly bruised the men who were strangers to him kicking him in a brutal manner A force of about fifty strikers surrounded Union Mine No 2 having heard that an effort would be made to resume but there was no attempt It Is said the party ln eluded sixteen lumbermen who came down from the Blue Jay camp The feeling for rsumption has spread to Barton and Mid land President J J Alexander of the Goorges Creek Coal and Iron Company arrived last night and will confer with a committee of employes today A paper ia being signed by miners at Frostburg In favor of resumption 20 DISCOUNT lap r I was to I ADMrk all t I one purs- ued weap- on Sapp s resi- dence wholesale battle S blond Dorse3 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < NEW SIZE LIQUID 25t 7 ErergJlfoming POWDER 5 t C I I SOZOLONT L4uMLPowl TEETH 4 ATTHESTORESORBYMAILJ I STEEL MiGMTESlPEBRcj- ircsentativos of Ihe Largo Com Meet in Chicago reMUIeiit of the Federal Con- cern Sum That the DiK MIllH Are Xot to Shut Down JI Kxplnnn- tion of the LetlmrKX 1rnile Just nt lre ent Pureliufccrs AVnitliif CHICAGO July 27 lUpreseniatlves of nearly all the principal iron and steel companies of the country are in this city for the purpcrfe of cttecdiag a conference at the offlcj of the Illinois Steel Company- in the Jloo tsry building A preliminary sesSon held yesterday but nothing was done as come ol the lead- ing persons in interest could not bu prcs eat The meeting was adjourned unit to- day when K is expected that all the com- panies invited to participate will be rep- resented The principal person who delayed the proccctlingir is President Schwab of the Carnegie Company who wa In the city on Wednesday but who was recalled to FlIts burg Among those present at the preliminary meeting were President Gary and H H Portr of the Federal Steel Company Pres- ident Warner and Vice PeSdont Thomp- son of the Republic Iron and Steel Com- pany Chairrrac Clifford ami President Palmer of the American Steer and Wire Company and a representative cf the Moore Steel and Ion Company According to President Gary Qf the Fed erad Ste l Company who ras agreed on as the one member of the conference to give out information concerning it the present meeting is one of a series the preceding assemblages having been held in New York Its object he said is simply to talk oVer the steel and iron situation discuss the conditions of the trade exchange ideas and consider suggestions as to the best methods of improving business The conference was called by President Gary of the Federal Steel Company Pres- ident Schwab of the Carnegie Steel Com- pany and Joseph G Butler jr represent- ing the Bessemer Furnace Association The object of the conference Is to go over the trade situation for the purpose of if possible on some plan to Im- prove it The big steel and Iron mills throughout- the country are not going to shut down for they cannot afford to they have too many orders on hand was the statement made by E H Gary President of the Fed- eral Steel Company Just previous to the assembling of the presidents of the large steel companies In the offices of the Illi- nois Steel Company There Is not an overproduction In steel and Iron said President Gary so much as an underconsumption and just now the times are unsettled This is a Presidential year and purchasers are waiting to see If prices have reached their bottom notch Men do not wish to buy though they are in need just now until they see the final adjustment of the Presidential anti indus- trial questions The mills cannot close j now The times are too prosperous They are much bettor than they were four years j EASTERN MARKET REPORT Stull Were Vacant In t Yenr B F Cranain superintendent of the Eastern Market has submitted to the Commissioners a report of the receipts of the market for the fiscal year ended 30 1900 as follows Front stveR tatter stands at t per MOMti twelve months S from Mr ft staixK at pet month twelve months MI from tkSrij seven ixreteter ctaads at 8 per tIt twelve moetkts irons tw ntvtw meat Mack at 1 per twelve month 4066 frost right miicela eoiK ttaMfe at 4 per month twelve month SSI frost see cafe at 6 per mouth twelve months 72 from two huckster stand at JX per month eight meets 18 from two jnicrtlaneons stand at 4 month four Booths extra gas l Total S3e Mr Graham states that the last two items of stalls are the same two stalls which were occupied for eight months as huckster and for the remaining four months as miscellaneous There have been no vacant stalls in this market during the entire year BROOKLYN NAVAL DRYDOCK Likely to Bo CoiiHtrnctcil in the Whitney Hnnlu NEW YORK July 27 The naval board which his been ia session for a few days at the navy yard ia BrooUyo considering selection of a site for the sew Sitff- MO drydock has finished its labors and will soon forward its report to ton It is understood that board has roe mcBded that the dock be constructed in the centre of the Whitney Basin ia a cordanee with Captain Aaeersoas saggea tion SECRETARY LONG PRESENT lie Delivers nil AilUrens nt the ew England Chnutnuqun SOUTH FRAMINGHAM Mass July 27 Secretary John D Long kept a promise made some time before the outbreek of the trouble in China to attend the New Eng land CLautauqua Naval Day yesterday Secretary Longs address was upon The United Sfttes Navy and was a review of the American Navy of the past and pres- ent At the morning session there was an ad dress by William G Gussard Chaplain of the training ship Constellation at TO OPERATE COPPER MINES to Work In eriek County 3I 1 FREDERICK Md July 27 W J Ayres owner and operator of the Liberty copper mines In the northern section of Frederick county has returned from Philadelphia where he organized a company for operat- ing the mines on a more extensive scale He says the company will put in two new mills or concentrators one of 100 tons ca- pacity daily and the other of fifty tons New air compressors and other modern machinery will be installed The company has secured options on a quantity of adjoining land on the farm of Mrs Harry Boyle A copper mine has recently been opened and now operated on the farm of M Cra mer near Liberty A IlellKhtfnl Drniv The Sporty Boy 5cent cigar NO HOPE OK UECOVEKY The Doctor Said l But Clinmlicrlnlnn Colic Cholern mid Diarrhoea Remedy Cnred Him My Kin tras suffering with severe cramps and was up as beyond hope l y my regular physician woo stand high in his profession A neighbor ran in with a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diana Remedy an after three my son regained consciousness and recovered entirely within twen tyfour Mrs haIler of Mount Orawfoid Va This remedy is for by Evan ftieUaale and retail and all druggists HAVE TOU Sore Throat Pimples Ccppcr Uair FalUsgT Write COOK REMEDY CO 1H1 Vjuoole Chicago DL for proofs ot care Capital We the Gar In was t I det- ermining I I a Grnltzzu Xo June Q 1 tit per tho Was l the Company Formed Fed a ses ot it sa Cot ered Spou Aches Old in Moutb solicit men rtinde hue cured the worst cues La U to Beck Free ij13tt P S FaBles go uIerintezldcnt Says t t New- port riven ours sale Oh cues V5 U days HOpage ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 922 to 928 Seventh St nnil 7 M7O K Street THE DEIEM AIILE STOUE n GOLDENERGS I > Mail and telephone orders Riven prompt and efficient attention Phone 1075 I I Tomorrows the Last Day Before InventoryT- he last day prior to inventory finds us making greater sacrifices than ever to dispose of all this small lota all the broken lines all the odds and ends besides many complete assortments which we would rather turn Into casi than count in taking stock A third loss a halt lose any price that will move out the stocks Instantly It means deepest sacrificing ell greatest values of the season Sacrificing Skirts and Waists A lot of White English Welt Pique Skirts made liberally full and for v A choice collection of Fine Wash Skirts comprising real Irish lin- ens linen crashes plain and erts and trimmed satin borbers A lot of finest quality Wash Skirts Including best Imported Irish trimmed with linen insertion fine denims and coverts trimmed and plain trimmed colored ducks white piques linen flounces rf j Skirts Regular 3 and values for finest quality Genuine Habutai Jap Silk exquis- itely tucked all over including sleeves and collars A lot of Womens Bathing made of black silk mohair reduced to 3 dozen Womens Finest Allwool Walking Skirts in medium and light grays Oxford and black with reverse side in a variety of nobby plaid combinations Heavily stitched around bottom Regu lar 6 values at Sacrificing Boys Clothing A lot cf Boys Celebrated Washington Mills Navy Blue Serge only Sold everywhere at J3SO for 4 Unreserved choice cf our entire lines of regular 6e and SOc Boys for Boys regular uOc Jersey Sweaters to fit boys fram 5 to 9 years in blue and red and Mack and gold stripes Oil boiled to snake them fast color reduced to Regular 39c and 9c Boys Laundered Percale with cellar and cuffs attached sizes 12 to 14 reduced te i Boys Brownie Overalls ia sizes 3 to 11 made of bee denim and strongly sewed reduced to guaranteed strictly all wool and fast color Our entire remaining stock of CWMrens Large Rrim Salter Straw L of every description sold at Me ad te 1iJ A 69c Corset Sale Choice of s eh makes of Cor etc as R G sad C B m4e or fiae French coatS in short and long styles and drab and Wait jnd all sizes from IS to 30 offered for die Saturday C9c Wash Petticoats 39c A lot of 7 dozen Washable Gingham Petticoats made with large umbrella cut lie and samll ruffle at bottom lull and wide Regular Me vstae offered Satur day at 30 50c Muslin Undergarments 39c- A special line of Womens good quality Muslin Undergarments consisting of Chemise and C rcet Covers sit of them neatly trimmed Fullcut fitting garments worth 5c joe 39 cents each Sacrificing Mens Wearables Rcxjular 26c maJrvcight Suspender ia fancy stripes and figares 1 OiC with elastic cads sad nickl buckles fir FIae QuHty French Bzlbnggan Underwear and Drawers to match full regular made with Otis patear tailormade Regular 5c OiC value reduced o J- Mens Regular JL25 Navy BUss Jersey Bathing Suits guaranteed fast OQC color 2 pieces reduced to Famous F hhM6 Negligee Sfclrt i a flee aseartaieiit ef the nobWeslTqC patterns imagiaablt The J12S kind IB mot stores reduce te Mens regular c Jean Drawers trUth tiepeader aad double reOJC enforced seats reduced to A Stupendous Sacrifice of Finest Shirt WaistsT- he final sarrlftcint is being made In the Finestgrade Shirt Waists and come toppling down regardless of former value or east We are bent clearance and we are wilting te accept any loss to accomplish it S beginning tomorrow we offer unreserved chdc of any Colored Waist in the house lrre ctiv of fornw price besides hundreds of Finest White Waists which sold up to 2 t2 e aand 3 for 88c Included are alt the finest grades and roost exclusive styles of Shirt Waists among them Uw host creations of Americas foremost makers comprising the finest and sheerest quality White India Linen aad Persian Lawn Waists ca with 4 aad 6 rows of insertion and others with allover fronts of Swiss embroidery the handsomest Col- ored Waists ia imported dimities bi its and lawns trimmed in the most artistic effects imaginable some with plastrons H WL os front and in many other styles a fact those are the representative Skirt Waists of the season and qualities sold at 2 JrJ 2W sad 3 all market at 15 Discount on RefrigeratorsTom- orrow we offer a uniform discount of 15 per cent off the of stock Ours are the best kind too that wont the Ice If you have the slightest need for a Refrigerator yu should avail yoerself unusual offer Masons genuine Machinemade Fruit Jars with porcelainlined tops JQ both antI quarts por doses for Crystal JeTiy Glasses with tin tops 12 and 13 pint size OAC per dozen for Nursery Refrigerators galvanized lined and charcoal filled Re OQ duced to Closewoven Hammocks with pillow ar3 spreader extra strong 7CQ worth 5100 reduced to throughthe 39C wide with deep cut to fit Regular 1 valuesgo tomor- row 95C embroidered piques plain and which actual 2 for wit 65 and homespun crasbes ew Kai f Kai 4 Waist 98 In black cerise lavender Jlpk blue F etc Regular down Suit 2 98 5 3 89 1 75 md fast color 8 9 10 9 C Suits In aU sizes from 3 to 10 oar In dark 35 C Shirt 29 18 c Navy Serge Pms la sze 3 to It 59C to Hats ire poplar I cent Gown Skirt Drawer t pre I Ins Irs n I price II I pie say o pint I s hemsand trimmed coy are values linens with colored bends stylish it S- Is through- out white turquoise light 6 values marked to and tastefully trimmed with Regular values Suits guaranteed atefatly all wool sizes 7 and S Wsh light and patterns offered C Boys regular 8k Blue Knee white I 2 f tapes sod this u ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > ¬ ST NW Rent Estate Brokerage Loose In vcvtiuciitM Fire Insurance Etc SHALL BE GLAD to see ladies and gentlemen who have properties to sell or desire to buy PROSPERITY IS ASSURED Our experience Is large tad varied Come early to see u it your business requires attention OUR PROPOSITION is either to buy or tell for you If your property seems alter a short interview to mutt our attention we think we can MAKE OR SAVE MONEY FOR YOU Can furnish many high testimonials now or as seen as the active season com NO ONE IS BETTER POSTED HERE in the lines of real estate for property and homes We will convince of the essential merits of our plan if you will call or at least write now to Cob D IL KENT Jyi2tf Uncle Sam Dont Wear t Truss let he carries the Air Cuthicn Trtn aU over the United States Men women and children and like The Air Cushion Pad holds with comfort the will Consultation End two necks trial free in attendance for laci S Office patfoia waiting and consultation rooms on the same floor Catalogue fre T11E- RCRICK Alit CTSIIJOX COMPAXY 11i F st nw 2d floor mU10tf ai FOR SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS lid Cal ou I the NS W OINt 25 PILL 10 CENTS IERCES tactful a wear PILLS Goods delivered to nil parts of the suburbs tree of charge Corner 12th and F StreetsI- n Treating More Cases of Chronic Nervous Skin and Blood Diseases Them Any Other IMiyi leirm In Thin Country CONSULTATION FREE before too late and Old Men S of you troubled with weak lucks kioneys and other unmistakable signs of debil r Many die of this trouble ignorant of the cause most obstinate cases of this char- acter are treated with unfailing lucccss The highest fee charged by Dr Young is 95 a month and all medicine office hours 10 to 1 and 2 to C Sunday 10 to 12 Wednesday and Saturday evening 7 to 8 CURE YOURSELF Use Dig O for usoatarcl- inflamatlODt irritation or ulcerationi of anconi membrane T nnli Sold by Dracsite or seal in br iprcsi prepaid fot- tlfO or 3 i7S Circular tent oa rtMuert For Coustipation vnUa un ufra from ne or yon should tie thi apl t fro Toung Men you are yetis are otherwise unfitted for study besinos treatiutnt from noted There at eel nerve ci iuiiS5doys Gzastee4 5 rot trhrue sod net aside 1 5 ThittAss CaticeiCs gent cc pols2000e- ciNciNiuro U5L a e r aundIJanos The Criminal lodge bfr U out always Now our KfiUncts axe alvtaya shor- ticstatct 100 shares of this we immediately reply It Is al o just as e y to get ot a U u to get in Try it Howard Crosby Go loOt Chestnut St FJilIn 2 Wail St Xew York DINGMAH JENKINS Stock Brokers 142 F Street Phone 177X BRANCH OFFICESuite 3 Ctutral Xatiotl Dank BuiiUic Seventh Street and IVnnijlvania- A enue Thonc ffttf SMALL JlARCIVa BOARD SERVICE FAST WIRE QCOTA- T1OXURPHY 613 Fifteenth Street Washington Ci Bread way J ew Tcrk Washington Hicbmocd Atlanta Orleans Jacksonville Birmingham Macon scd all principal intermediate cities LOOK US UP IK BRADSTREETS Money to Loan- At 4 and 5 Per Cent ON REAL ESTATE OS D C SO DELAY BEYOND EXAMINATION OF TITLE VJLISTEXL IS ACICKU- 11U t llth ST N W HONEY AT 4i and 5 Per Cent ProrapUy Loaned en Real Estate in JJtsuitt of Columbia HEISKELL JIcLKRAN1- 03S F Street ecICtl W B CO BANKERS AND BEOEEUi 1419 F Street CorrftpcadeBtj ol- XnUltC TIIAUMAXX CO Jfer York MOXEV AD TO LOAJt tin f IVJ ITV We Lire plenty of money at ozr sposal to loan en PIANOS ORGANS ETC in owners IVi 1 0 are Jayable la snail easy monthly prrt te No expense uaJtsc n i 0 infoncatlo 0 N cheerfully Private room o rates j O low offered by and Tou it to y or ad J O P rZ Y stajw to deal with tie ctd tiubujhed ted CAPITAL LOAN GUARANTEE CO plStt COS F EL K W OX FCUXITCKE PIANOS ETC amount from till up to 50U tad can make yoer own terms Loans within three boom tile time yen so biTe na fear ot Ulna Cur Sets are up on the Mth floor from thi rtrtet aid are o arraac i that we eaa insure strictest privacy i ates POTOMAC LOAN KStK F St Near 9ta nw ROOM 7 Atlantic UwkHag Take Elevator to Fifth VIsor MONEY 50000 MONEY To loan on fnrmlture piaacs tic withaut re- eOTal or i Vie will lean any amcunt raakig time sad pay cezta to oat month ar one rear as- TOU desire and at rates that you con aSBri If cow hue a loan with arty other company aw desire snore money give u a aU Wilt cheerfully sate a 19 teai as 100 ad co charge or expcs if leas is not toads Uwajj and willing to c Te intoraation recardiac rates and melhedi te secure XT are the cWert loin company the cy and will flr too treatment AH business cca Private offices Washington Loan F Street N In nil nnrrnram 01 IU I ICUVITTJUE PIANOS HORSES c rates sad on lbs day YOU apply We are leaning on the aa l- Loan Asaociatloa pUn which makes the cost ot allowS you pay rotes desire remans one to fvelri months You only raT for the use o money for the length ot time yea entry it If you JUTS a loan with IOme other we wIlt cS and advance tears ronney If desired Rates rteerfally given and no is nude Leans made anywher In CaB eei rate Front room Cat SPOT Sc cctiOc American BcUdlcc National Mortgage Loan Co 625 F Street N W Money Loaned On Furniture On Pianos- We lean you any amount of money on jrmu- fernitur pianos organs or nay personal rty One rates are cheaper and we PTC thf longest time enJ make rcjments onalL TriTati omen business confidential Call or semi postal ta Columbia Guarantee Company Can K ST X IV 1 HAVE sonieswphB money tIt will lend en- hoasboM or other securities at reas oaWe mica JOhN MARTIN 34 AVaHer Dtdg j 53t MONET TO LOAK at 3 S I and 1 per- cent in sums of fl000 to 10000 on 11 C real estate pay off 5 and 6 per cent mortgages and begin anew all transactions with economical consideration for borrowers W3I H SAUNDERS CO HOT F St nw Jjltfem SIGNET loaned salaried people and rttail mer- chants upon their own i nea without easy payments T01MAI Room 4S 9J3 91 0St oc22lyr MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED COLLAT EIIAL No delay CHAKLES A Rooms 40 and 44 iletzerott Building 1110 F St- JelStf PERSONALS ORIGINAL GYPSY PALMIST HC2 7th t nw lOc past present future lucky cosmos sep- arated brocgbt together wali upstairs jy 41wkem- ilUE DAVIS born and card reader tells about business removes spells and evil influences reunites the separated and gives luck to aU curse piles and i 3 25tJj at jyUlmoeia IXAXCIL Slay b et a Of Short Sentences a fr You Say Buy Got I St G I C Jitts Sew ass icabea Terk Stock llrcharge LAD L TED TO lOAN M 0 N EY 0 N EY ron MONEY MONEY d M EY r N EY rill ° Cast to Loan without removal from our los and on Our ratei are appy We loan for the osly and not wait cur ds you need Jeolll away Drop GUIt TEE CO sad it rot riD b- raT yore as R read in Mon a a Co- G I 0 L DlDele oans on at 1S1Ii1din loans lees you pay And t It In any pay ct and pro rrhOttcm Boone d t se- curity BAKER 1 man few words but inc 1Youve It ni Congreis Boston utern New MiiiY BtfgnuLij FiR1TVRE made PYZet Utiatsees strictly glass for ladles arc ne ethers nd relish say the cheapest you tram Interest tit cc and g oe u day you ask fr hearst strictly Edentis tnT ntsgcn tie carryivg than ee where cf eie yO teem company cost to you unie jo the Diatr to6tf = < > ¬ ¬ ° ° I Cenire Market I Delivery i t S lie hue now installed in the CEXTRE MARKET a bUy de livery settler for the exctMtv purpose at deLveria marfcetinff te all parts of the OSee sad delivery wfll be located in use Ninth Street Court of tile Cot tre Market BASKETS BOIES AND 1AR delivered protoptly sad rex tenably to all parts of the dry Merchants I Parcel Delivery BANKS AND TRUST CC ir WILL LEND TOU MONEY U fan are tDlcilng of borrowing money to your Ccaadal diScnltia come to os specially organized and equipped for lending nosey on pianos or fcrcltcre ia any amount from flO cp and you will lad oar terries reliable strictly cocCdectiiL Loans curled from one month to a jear it yo- aeaj decide and small loans will tans ecuideration as Uire oars If you appreciate low ccnrtcoos tnt attention to yoor Interests yoa 111 Most prirate SECURITY LOAN COMPANY EOOU i VTAEDEtt BfJILDrMO Comer Sib and f its c RIGGS NATIONAL BANK OF WASUIXGTOS DC Capital 500000 ESCLASD FHAXCE AND OEKMAST Letters of Credit ATAILA3LE 13 ALL FOREIGN PABT BASK COLLECTIONS ORDERS FOR IKVE3TUENT3- CTOCKS AND BONDS prju Union Trust and Storage Go ot the District or Columbia No i 400 F St N W Caoital 1200000 Less than I SSSO Per a day Per Year A sate DEpfiSit Box Year Washington Safa Deposit Co 01 63 ia Pa Ave PERSONALS Dr Leatherman 5PEaAUST la tie rare of ttt print Citcttti HTdrocele Varicocele Strirtnre Ira ptteney Syphilitic Di ea potiCvelr cure and cecsuttatMa lath stzrs EcHr to 12 S t E Elrr 7 to IL- COS F Street SortbT t tt- taoced SsadJ7 oM3t The 3 Days Cure toe nest i a s all remedies im this city prompt and ptnaanent tore or so charre Itatiutt free DR McKEEHAN SU tC- CH hour t li a au to S s M Sas J to 4 if ir8M- REDCCED REDUCED Hk readings Sc SOc PROF CLAY OUest cstab s ed Clairvayant tells bustnvs love dam fcmiJy troubles aboot lawwits di- vorces 01 anx thing you wish to kaow ttrisgi parated togeihcr taints speedy rsarn ffe re moves family cMcs bad luck spells r mys- terious flings 1C to daily 438 H tt rr Dr Keed Specialist Twelfth St Carts Ctrcnie Xerrou and Special Dlatxn- ot lien sad Wcmen Ccssaltctloa free cad coaMentiaL- Mrdltino furnished ready for Charges low prompt core Raannteed Children half price Private rooms Special license trim the District or Cote ibi to treat Catarrh Obesity Rheumalisa Cox Ttipiticn Piles Throat Lung Brain Rein Blood and Skia Bunsen Ononoea Uleit Stricture Varicoceie cured without detention tram busiceu no paiiihj Ljttruraenti used Kerroui ted Seznal DebIlity Loss by Dreams or In Urine SyphilIs ail stages Blood Poison tIters cored for Hfe br eafe n et ds Offlce noun S ta 1 to DR CZARRA 317 6th St N OLDEST CFRMAN SPECIALIST in skin and Wood diseases PRIVATE DISEASES of quickly and permanently CCRED XRAYS for examination LADIES NEEDING ADIGE MiD TREATMENT CONSULT Wirs REJNER Legally licensed to practice obstetrics In tie D Late resident aeutaat of the Womens Hospital Siuaicfc bavaria and medal awarded lit in be science of ofcstt tries ia Out institution PRIVATE SANITARlUil to treat wemaas UU ccrnpUicts and irrrcularities Home comforts for casej before anU during conScwmrt Trained cnrscs sOd expert physIcian ia atteadaaee M a m to 6 m CM PenciylT aIa northwest T jhiacton 1 C Je tf- S H K FULTOiVS LOAN OFFICE 314 Ninth Street N WU- CZCT Leaned oa Watches Diaracnds Jewelry OLD COLD AND SILVER ROCCI1T Bcsin si confldentUL with soy other Office In CLAIRVOYANT 3IADA3IB a tripod aM tdriser She jcirm teri- w UtioB lov cocitsbip mttrngt sad stttkt AtarrcH rctiMtw ISo HI S speedy m hfj marriage of Gar choice The twrtltJ sbovk seek her fomrtt ThWMeds of It MADAME LMTRELL 917 II st nwi MME THEO Medium ac4 Card Reader most b mow and Palmist Coasvlt her on Jove and family affairs reunites cepiratrd removes spells cause speedy mar riaees sad gives luck Open Ctnraae- pekcn lIe and SOc S H st nw iy2S7t DO t a ratehiBie we can interest you we are frinuk of the poor roan vr have a fine lot o clothing on hand slijbtly ue i made by our tiiioi ar i ai f iws to jiitifj you in ceiling hi TIlE t iV JUSTHS OLD STAND Cil D irSl 7t t CI i 1 We to announce tire pub that we room aM It and nPEre man wilt lie in hue eEl 0 i t Co- t JC ana T zen and ot1at a loaa tII edIcts In the dles No puhUdey tI nm nCHSCE mEL D 250 cent Open to Po Id Saturdays tQ Po m frs F lit tree SatwGu CWt SIlk t 6 St t Las GaIts year t 10 II 509 use I Ctti and Ill ocde sod SIt w both Dally froDl t to p m rile noeL outa ilarytan d pro t oy OSlo EtC dod ltct1ol IAl ELL divorce asp stated ud a with the forkr ate hearts made through her tsstblal psdk tione She ie eYfr ready to Uilist aD ton Cl2iout business the If are a ESTIO ABLE G 0 ev es tr- la A S s I beg to cot competent eo4e 4 WE US- er We- e leasehold tees tam through LitIIIccCIII Ice P ON 1ZO 3 5 Teestay Thursday tan a ate jed7tttm into U sexes Tuesday aad Savsrday S ci nd bears from Avenue 3 strictly advice os levers one sad glad p tea stark hive yeu laboring man- or beat ¬ ¬ ¬ = > = < + + +

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Post on 24-Apr-2018




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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1900-07 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1900-07-27/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · 6 THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON FRIDAY JULY 27 1900 h




Fractional Gains General in theOpening Dealings

Uurllnxtiui untl Qiilitey A lvniice ou-

III TrmiHit AI o Stroiijr Otlicr-mciit AY it ho lit Special S K-

ICRIICC A 1rofctislonnl Tone

NEW YORK July 27 Higher priceswere recorded at the opening of the StockMarket this morning Fractional gainswore general although the dealings contin-

ued to be of narrow proportionsBurlington and Quincy advanced on re

ports that the forthcoming June statementwould not show the decreases expected Insome quarters

Brooklyn Rapid Transit was also stronson covering by shorts and manipulation bythose responsible for increased earningsreports with the corresponding period lastyear when there was a strike on the road

The other movements were without spe-

cial significance the market continuingprofessional in tone with an absence ofoutside Interest

Xe v YorkCorrected dally lir Vf

I TJ of the Sew YorkStreet

American S i WAmerican SHEWAmerican TobaccoAtcM onAtchison nW-

R OBrooklyn Rapid Transit

OiiloChicane B k QChicago GasC M St 1aul

R I k 1acifl-ca F iConsolidated GasContinental TobaccoContinental Tobacco pitFederal SueFederal Steel pfdGeneral KlecUicIllinois CtrlIouisville NashvilleMetropolitan TractionManhattan ElevatedMI sour i Pacific

Jersey CentralX Y O WesternNoitbtrn PacificXorthern PaciSe pW-

1aciflc MailPenna ItalltoidReading firstioutatrs IaviBc-Souttcrn Railway pdTerm IronLazes PacificUnion Ijcfflc ptaU S LeatlwrU S RubberVatuih pfd

x flv 2 per

B IHMw X roemKicfaanse 1113 F

Open High Low 21534 35 34 U 33

27 f rra szy 272-

lJCS 127 IMS 127S10 i 99h KJtf 99iJ


S4 34 Tv4 3317J ISO 79 179-ro isu 6 sc-

rftt 79i 79H 79H

71 71K 71 71 K-

15G 1DOH 150 IDS

91 ft 91 91 S50 i WJi W Wi-

M MS 6754-

S3W XJii 3SM-

75U WK 75H 751410 IB 107s 10-

S3 4 i4 4 3K asl-a laji IS isi-

VasliIitKton MicJC nxermuceTraction Scrip J170

lOG 34 Capital Traction 1M0U02 SS 15102 34 Washington Gas S 3 2 S3

American Grapbophoae Company 18011 38 Mergenthaler Linotype 10CT11S 145KflS4 1H1S4 I aneton Monotype0K12 Pneumatic Gun Caniage 302 12

Alter call Capital Traction 1 ft 103 Wash-ington Loan and Trust Company 10417 12 Notice On motion the boarddecided to suspend the call oa Saturdaysduring the months of July and August1500


U S 41 100C Q J 115S 11GUU S 4s 1007 J 115Ji 110U S 4i It 132 IXSfiU S 4 C 1H5 133 134HU S Ss C 1UOI V K iH 11 Mu s ss n looe j F IMHI Hu a 3s n u s u a F JIOH 111


1M1 Water currency HftKFunding currency 385a 12J

MISCELLANEOUS BONDSCapital Traction It U 4i 107 107KMet 1C If 6 11 5 12i liMet H It Cert Indebtedness A M 112llet U It crt lodebtedntas B I HColumbia K It r 191t l lColumbia It R mOlt HI 113City k Suburban n II 105K 10SWWI Gas Co r A 1992 7 IllAVssh Gas Co r B lS912i IllU a tIes Light Deb Imp 1SWT IfliJiU S Elcc Liuht Iwlelit M

Cbs Pot Tel 1S961911 103JJCIte Pot Tel Con Ss

Secy Toot 6s 1805 10JWash Market Co 1U IStC

111 57086 retired annually IllVah Mkt Imp fa 1 122T 1

Mkt Ce be IH47 HI-Maaontc IU1I AMB Ss C 1993 HO 112Araer Grapboabooe Deb Ss-Anaeertia Potomac Ss 1 0

NATIONAL BANK STOCKSBank of WMhiagtan 3KUetro olitan ftSCentral x-

1Karmen k Meehaoic aoEtcoed J5Citizens IKColc ba ItCapital noWat End iis usTraders IS5 130Lincoln Hi


V sh Lean It Trust JJC 157Anwriean Trait i B 209Safe Deporit 75-

INSURAKCK STOCKSFiremen tFranklinMetropolitan jnCorcoran 5xArlingten jjGerman AmericanNational Union incoimbia oJJlSBs 7 i

0CoUnial-Coramerclil VVVV 4 5

TTTIEReal Estat Title BColumbia Title i2j zWashiBRton TitleDistrict Title 3

RAILROADCapital TractionCapital Tractia Co Scrip hCity i Sulmrban SG 40Georgetown Tennallytown o

GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTWasWnstca Gas ruGeorge t n Can

Cher PotomacPtnn5jlvania

MlSCELLMejr nthal r

ICJ1Lanston Monotype ffSAtD VVV n JlS

pid gia



is arsWHEAT Open nigh LOW

Au nst n 73144 Ktrrc 38 B

g f feAugust XK I2 2

i KS 5S35longScPt H75 1105 1172 1103

rr S3 SK-IB3

C87 70J C67 7029ct Ct3 C07 083 68Cotton Market

Open High Low 215August 9s ISO y i

671 874 871 871October 833 6 833 841January 821 838 8 i s t15


UtIlUrtllDrnuklu flop




JI 1Hi1JYs 97S


k 458 jJ

kChi Jl6s lro JOOYs

IW 1619J J2Jn

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JOS JlJ illS JiJS17 1S

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Cblcnao Grnln nnel IroIlon UnrketCorrected ll D Ilibisbua of the 011 Stock Exe1u


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Sew York





17 lblV74 id34

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a4 31k 31iff44 c34

1PI4 12934llli4

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AmericanSPItliIBatic Gun tarn3ge











> =






A prand Opportunity-To lay in a supply of


Trustees Salo ofEaston Rupp Stock

A complete clearance mustbe made of the entire stockin order to settle the afTiirsof the firm and this very lib-

eral discount is offered in or-der to close it out at once Itis an opportunity that noneshould neglect Tilt stockcomprises a very line assort-ment of Correspondence 1ai er Blank Books Desic Ar-ticles Twine and allsuch things as may be ex-pected at a firstclass station-ery store Everything will besold at 20 per cent oil Easton

liupps wellknown lowprices

Lewis C DenhamTRUSTEE

421 11th Street


Hit Mount Pails in the Itrerpnoli-Cuji Itnce-

LIVERCQQJ JUly 27 Tod Sloan theAmerican J fqgy badly hurt in therace for thc LJvcrpool Cup at the JulymTing Sloen had the mount onMrs Langtrys Maluma and the horse fellbadly injuring its rider about the beadSloan was taken to the Royal Inflrmary

The race for the LiverpoolCup of i200 sovereigns and 50sovereigns irrplato or the whoe in specieat the winners option one mile aad threefurlongs and was won b H CWhites Skojxx W RntoiDans Kleon wassecond and Mr Fairies Cutaway third

Nine horses ran The betting was 0 to 2against Skopos 106 to S a in t K 699 and100 to 3 against Cutaway Thejockeys J Reiff and Rugby rode the fLatend second horses respect rely


AccnKcil of ItuIiblnR n X iv YorkLi uor Firm

CHICAGO 111 July 27 William Kahleformerly cashier of the wine andliquor firm of August Beckman Co wasarrested and locked up at the HarrisonStreet station last night charged withembezzlement He disappeared from NewYork April 13 it Is alleged with J2WO ofhis employers money

Photographs and descriptioas of Kahlewere sent over the country Last even-ing Detectives Bock and Halpin were stand-ing in front of a hotel on Clark Streetwhen they observed a man pass who answered Kahles description To assurehimself Detective Bock consulted a mem-orandum in which a photograph of Habitwas pasted Then stepping up to thestranger he enquired if he was from StLouis Kahle said Why no I have latelycome from New York At the stationKahle ssjd that lie would return to NewYork without requisition papers and factthi charge


Clitenjco AVnioIininn Kijchtx ThreeTlilevew In n Tunnel

CHICAGO July 27 A fierce pistol fightIn which two men were shot took placeuader the river last nigh between threeburglars and John McCauganey a privatewa4chman The scene of the affray wasthe centre of the Va j Bores Street tun-nel While bullets from four revolverswere whittling through the air the gripman of a Blue Island Avenue cable carshot his train down the east approach andbefore he knew what was wrong his pasgengers were in danger Luckily none otthem was wounded

Nearly two dozen shots were fired dur-ing the McCaughney was wounded-in the right hand while burglar wasshot and probably fatally wounded by abullet from the watchmans revolver Tileburglars all escaped McCaugferjcy hadcaught them robbing the InternationalShirt and Collar Companys office and

them into the tunnel


Government Employe EncounterOne in Delaware Water

MILFORD Del July 27 Since the Gevenment engineers under Peter F Causeyjr have been surveying the MiepUHo-nRlvtr below Milford they have frequentlybeen annoyed by sharks

Wednesday afternoon Edward Lowery aGovernment employe at low tide had wad-ed nearly half a mile into the buy to takea sounding when he was attacked by abull shark ten feet ong The only

he had xiift 4 clam rake but this heused to advar ago The fight was fiercebut short and when the shark was finally made to retreat the water about thescene of bottle was tinged with the mo-nsters How badly the shark waswounded Mr Lowery could not tell

Ilillitiln K Work In MarylandELKTOX Md July 27 During a severe

electrical storm in Cecil county yesterdaylightning struck the barn on the farm ofBenjamin H near Elkton whichwith the hayhousc stables and contentswas destroyed In the buildings worewheat oats farming implements car-riages and harness The loss is fully cov-ered by Insurance This is the secondbarn to be destroyed by lightning withinthe past three days in Cecil county

HACERSTOWN Md Juy 27 Light-ning struck five times In Johnwoods none Wllliamsport A white oaktree four feet in diameter was split intwo and one part hurled thirty feet awayA cow was struck and killed The

of John S Winters Ca itown Wash-ington county was struck the lightninggoing down the chimney demolishing acook stove Mrs Winters who was stand-ing near the stove was stunned

Assaulted by StrikersCUMBERLAND Md July 27 Hugh

DunCon assistant stable boss for the NewYork Mining Company was intercepted bythree men while going to work yesterdayend after being knocked down was badlybruised the men who were strangers tohim kicking him in a brutal manner Aforce of about fifty strikers surroundedUnion Mine No 2 having heard that aneffort would be made to resume but therewas no attempt It Is said the party lneluded sixteen lumbermen who came downfrom the Blue Jay camp The feeling forrsumption has spread to Barton and Midland President J J Alexander of theGoorges Creek Coal and Iron Companyarrived last night and will confer with acommittee of employes today A paper iabeing signed by miners at Frostburg Infavor of resumption


lap r





ADMrk all











































ircsentativos of Ihe Largo Com

Meet in Chicago

reMUIeiit of the Federal Con-

cern Sum That the DiK MIllH AreXot to Shut Down JI Kxplnnn-tion of the LetlmrKX 1rnile Justnt lre ent Pureliufccrs AVnitliif

CHICAGO July 27 lUpreseniatlves ofnearly all the principal iron and steelcompanies of the country are in this cityfor the purpcrfe of cttecdiag a conferenceat the offlcj of the Illinois Steel Company-

in the Jloo tsry buildingA preliminary sesSon held yesterday

but nothing was done as come ol the lead-ing persons in interest could not bu prcseat The meeting was adjourned unit to-day when K is expected that all the com-panies invited to participate will be rep-resented

The principal person who delayed theproccctlingir is President Schwab of theCarnegie Company who wa In the city onWednesday but who was recalled to FlItsburg

Among those present at the preliminarymeeting were President Gary and H HPortr of the Federal Steel Company Pres-ident Warner and Vice PeSdont Thomp-son of the Republic Iron and Steel Com-pany Chairrrac Clifford ami PresidentPalmer of the American Steer and WireCompany and a representative cf theMoore Steel and Ion Company

According to President Gary Qf the Federad Ste l Company who ras agreed on asthe one member of the conference to giveout information concerning it the presentmeeting is one of a series the precedingassemblages having been held in NewYork Its object he said is simply to talkoVer the steel and iron situation discussthe conditions of the trade exchange ideasand consider suggestions as to the bestmethods of improving business

The conference was called by PresidentGary of the Federal Steel Company Pres-ident Schwab of the Carnegie Steel Com-pany and Joseph G Butler jr represent-ing the Bessemer Furnace AssociationThe object of the conference Is to go overthe trade situation for the purpose of

if possible on some plan to Im-prove it

The big steel and Iron mills throughout-the country are not going to shut downfor they cannot afford to they have toomany orders on hand was the statementmade by E H Gary President of the Fed-eral Steel Company Just previous to theassembling of the presidents of the largesteel companies In the offices of the Illi-nois Steel Company

There Is not an overproduction In steeland Iron said President Gary so muchas an underconsumption and just now thetimes are unsettled This is a Presidentialyear and purchasers are waiting to see Ifprices have reached their bottom notchMen do not wish to buy though they arein need just now until they see the finaladjustment of the Presidential anti indus-trial questions The mills cannot close j

now The times are too prosperous Theyare much bettor than they were four years j


Stull Were Vacant In t YenrB F Cranain superintendent of the

Eastern Market has submitted to theCommissioners a report of the receipts ofthe market for the fiscal year ended30 1900 as follows

Front stveR tatter stands at t per MOMtitwelve months S from Mr ft staixK at

pet month twelve months MI from tkSrijseven ixreteter ctaads at 8 per tIt twelvemoetkts irons tw ntvtw meat Mackat 1 per twelve month 4066 frostright miicela eoiK ttaMfe at 4 per monthtwelve month SSI frost see cafe at 6 per

mouth twelve months 72 from two hucksterstand at JX per month eight meets 18 fromtwo jnicrtlaneons stand at 4 month fourBooths extra gas l Total S3e

Mr Graham states that the last twoitems of stalls are the same two stallswhich were occupied for eight months ashuckster and for the remaining fourmonths as miscellaneous There have beenno vacant stalls in this market during theentire year


Likely to Bo CoiiHtrnctcil in theWhitney Hnnlu

NEW YORK July 27 The naval boardwhich his been ia session for a few daysat the navy yard ia BrooUyo considering

selection of a site for the sew Sitff-MO drydock has finished its labors andwill soon forward its report toton

It is understood that board has roemcBded that the dock be constructed in

the centre of the Whitney Basin ia acordanee with Captain Aaeersoas saggeation


lie Delivers nil AilUrens nt the ewEngland Chnutnuqun

SOUTH FRAMINGHAM Mass July 27Secretary John D Long kept a promise

made some time before the outbreek of thetrouble in China to attend the New England CLautauqua Naval Day yesterdaySecretary Longs address was upon TheUnited Sfttes Navy and was a review ofthe American Navy of the past and pres-ent

At the morning session there was an address by William G Gussard Chaplain ofthe training ship Constellation at


eriek County 3I 1

FREDERICK Md July 27 W J Ayresowner and operator of the Liberty coppermines In the northern section of Frederickcounty has returned from Philadelphiawhere he organized a company for operat-ing the mines on a more extensive scaleHe says the company will put in two newmills or concentrators one of 100 tons ca-pacity daily and the other of fifty tonsNew air compressors and other modernmachinery will be installed

The company has secured options on aquantity of adjoining land on the farm ofMrs Harry Boyle

A copper mine has recently been openedand now operated on the farm of M Cramer near Liberty

A IlellKhtfnl DrnivThe Sporty Boy 5cent cigar


The Doctor Said l But ClinmlicrlnlnnColic Cholern mid Diarrhoea

Remedy Cnred HimMy Kin tras suffering with severe cramps and

was up as beyond hope l y my regularphysician woo stand high in his profession Aneighbor ran in with a bottle of ChamberlainsColic Cholera and Diana Remedy an after

three my son regainedconsciousness and recovered entirely within twentyfour Mrs haIler of MountOrawfoid Va This remedy is for byEvan ftieUaale and retail and all druggists

HAVE TOU Sore Throat Pimples Ccppcr

Uair FalUsgT Write

COOK REMEDY CO1H1 Vjuoole Chicago DL for proofs otcare Capital We the










Grnltzzu Xo







Was l


Company Formed Fed

a ses ot it


Cotered Spou Aches Old in Moutb

solicit menrtinde hue cured the worst cues LaU to Beck Free ij13tt





uIerintezldcnt Says






Ohcues V5U days HOpage
























922 to 928 Seventh St nnil 7 M7O K StreetTHE DEIEM AIILE STOUE



Mail and telephone orders Riven prompt andefficient attention Phone 1075


Tomorrows the Last Day BeforeInventoryT-

he last day prior to inventory finds us making greater sacrifices than everto dispose of all this small lota all the broken lines all the odds and endsbesides many complete assortments which we would rather turn Into casithan count in taking stock A third loss a halt lose any price that will moveout the stocks Instantly It means deepest sacrificing ell greatestvalues of the season

Sacrificing Skirts and WaistsA lot of White English Welt Pique Skirts made liberally full and

for vA choice collection of Fine Wash Skirts comprising real Irish lin-

ens linen crashes plain anderts and trimmed satin borbers

A lot of finest quality Wash Skirts Including best Imported Irishtrimmed with linen insertion fine denims and coverts trimmedand plain trimmed colored ducks white piques linen flounces rf j

Skirts Regular 3 and values forfinest quality Genuine Habutai Jap Silk exquis-

itely tucked all over including sleeves and collars

A lot of Womens Bathing made of black silk mohair

reduced to3 dozen Womens Finest Allwool Walking Skirts in medium

and light grays Oxford and black with reverse side in a variety ofnobby plaid combinations Heavily stitched around bottom Regular 6 values at

Sacrificing Boys ClothingA lot cf Boys Celebrated Washington Mills Navy Blue Serge

only Sold everywhere at J3SO for 4Unreserved choice cf our entire lines of regular 6e and SOc Boys

forBoys regular uOc Jersey Sweaters to fit boys fram 5 to 9 years in

blue and red and Mack and gold stripes Oil boiled to snake them fastcolor reduced to

Regular 39c and 9c Boys Laundered Percale with cellar andcuffs attached sizes 12 to 14 reduced te i

Boys Brownie Overalls ia sizes 3 to 11 made of bee denim andstrongly sewed reduced to

guaranteed strictly all wool and fast color

Our entire remaining stock of CWMrens Large Rrim Salter Straw Lof every description sold at Me ad te 1iJ

A 69c Corset SaleChoice of s eh makes of Cor etc as R G sad C B m4e or

fiae French coatS in short and long styles and drab and Waitjnd all sizes from IS to 30 offered for die Saturday

C9c Wash Petticoats 39cA lot of 7 dozen Washable Gingham Petticoats made with large umbrella cut

lie and samll ruffle at bottom lull and wide Regular Me vstae offered Saturday at 30

50c Muslin Undergarments 39c-

A special line of Womens good quality Muslin Undergarments consisting ofChemise and C rcet Covers sit of them neatly trimmed

Fullcut fitting garments worth 5c joe 39cents each

Sacrificing Mens WearablesRcxjular 26c maJrvcight Suspender ia fancy stripes and figares 1 OiCwith elastic cads sad nickl buckles fir

FIae QuHty French Bzlbnggan Underwear and Drawers tomatch full regular made with Otis patear tailormade Regular 5c OiCvalue reduced o J-

Mens Regular JL25 Navy BUss Jersey Bathing Suits guaranteed fast OQCcolor 2 pieces reduced to

Famous F hhM6 Negligee Sfclrt i a flee aseartaieiit ef the nobWeslTqCpatterns imagiaablt The J12S kind IB mot stores reduce teMens regular c Jean Drawers trUth tiepeader aad double reOJCenforced seats reduced to

A Stupendous Sacrifice of Finest Shirt WaistsT-

he final sarrlftcint is being made In the Finestgrade Shirt Waists andcome toppling down regardless of former value or east We are bent

clearance and we are wilting te accept any loss to accomplish itS beginning tomorrow we offer unreserved chdc of any Colored Waist in thehouse lrre ctiv of fornw price besides hundreds of Finest White Waistswhich sold up to 2 t2 e aand 3 for 88c Included are alt the finest gradesand roost exclusive styles of Shirt Waists among them Uw host creations ofAmericas foremost makers comprising the finest and sheerest quality WhiteIndia Linen aad Persian Lawn Waists ca with 4 aad 6 rows of insertionand others with allover fronts of Swiss embroidery the handsomest Col-ored Waists ia imported dimities bi its and lawns trimmedin the most artistic effects imaginable some with plastrons H W Los front and in many other styles a fact those are therepresentative Skirt Waists of the season and qualities sold at 2 JrJ2W sad 3 all market at

15 Discount on RefrigeratorsTom-orrow we offer a uniform discount of 15 per cent off the of

stock Ours are the best kind too that wont the IceIf you have the slightest need for a Refrigerator yu should avail yoerself

unusual offerMasons genuine Machinemade Fruit Jars with porcelainlined tops JQ

both antI quarts por doses forCrystal JeTiy Glasses with tin tops 12 and 13 pint size OACper dozen for

Nursery Refrigerators galvanized lined and charcoal filled Re OQduced to

Closewoven Hammocks with pillow ar3 spreader extra strong 7CQworth 5100 reduced to


39Cwide with deep cut to fit Regular 1 valuesgo tomor-row

95Cembroidered piques plain andwhich actual 2 for

wit 65and homespun crasbes ew KaifKai 4

Waist98In black cerise lavender Jlpk blue Fetc Regular down

Suit 2 985

3 89

1 75md fast color 8 9 10

9 CSuits In aU sizes from 3 to 10 oar In dark

35 C

Shirt 29


Navy Serge Pms la sze 3 to It 59Cto

Hats irepoplar


Gown Skirt Drawer t



Ins Irsn





pie say





trimmed coyare values


with colored bends stylishit S-


out white turquoise light6 values marked to

and tastefully trimmed with Regular values

Suits guaranteed atefatly all wool sizes 7 andS

Wsh light and patternsoffered


Boys regular 8k Blue Knee


I 2

f tapes












ST NWRent Estate Brokerage Loose In

vcvtiuciitM Fire Insurance EtcSHALL BE GLAD to see ladies and gentlemenwho have properties to sell or desire to buy

PROSPERITY IS ASSURED Our experienceIs large tad varied Come early to see u ityour business requires attention

OUR PROPOSITION is either to buy or tellfor you If your property seems alter a shortinterview to mutt our attention wethink we can MAKE OR SAVE MONEY FOR YOUCan furnish many high testimonials

now or as seen as the active season com

NO ONE IS BETTER POSTED HERE in thelines of real estate for property and homes Wewill convince of the essential merits of ourplan if you will call or at least write now toCob D IL KENT Jyi2tf

Uncle Sam Dont Weart Truss let he carries the AirCuthicn Trtn aU over the UnitedStates Men women and children

and like The Air Cushion Pad holdswith comfort the will ConsultationEnd two necks trial free in attendance forlaci S Office patfoia waiting and consultationrooms on the same floor Catalogue fre T11E-RCRICK Alit CTSIIJOX COMPAXY 11iF st nw 2d floor mU10tf ai












Goods delivered to nil parts of the suburbstree of charge

Corner 12th and F StreetsI-n Treating More Cases of

Chronic Nervous Skin

and Blood Diseases

Them Any Other IMiyi leirm In ThinCountry


before too late

and Old Men Sof you troubled with weak luckskioneys and other unmistakable signs ofdebil r Many die of this trouble ignorant ofthe cause most obstinate cases of this char-acter are treated with unfailing lucccss Thehighest fee charged by Dr Young is 95 a monthand all medicine

office hours 10 to 1 and 2 to C Sunday10 to 12 Wednesday and Saturday evening

7 to 8

CURE YOURSELFUse Dig O for usoatarcl-

inflamatlODtirritation or ulcerationiof anconi membrane

T nnli

Sold by Dracsiteor seal inbr iprcsi prepaid fot-tlfO or 3 i7SCircular tent oa rtMuert

For Coustipation


ufra from neor yon

should tie thi apl t


Toung Men you areyetis

are otherwise unfitted for study besinostreatiutnt from noted





5rot trhruesod net aside 1

5 ThittAss CaticeiCs gent cc pols2000e-




The Criminal lodgebfr U out always

Now our KfiUncts axe alvtaya shor-ticstatct

100 shares of this we immediately reply

It Is al o just as e y to get ot a U u toget in Try it

Howard Crosby Go

loOt Chestnut St FJilIn

2 Wail St Xew York


Stock Brokers142 F Street Phone 177X

BRANCH OFFICESuite 3 Ctutral XatiotlDank BuiiUic Seventh Street and IVnnijlvania-A enue Thonc ffttfSMALL JlARCIVa BOARD SERVICE


613 Fifteenth StreetWashington

Ci Bread way J ew TcrkWashington Hicbmocd Atlanta

Orleans Jacksonville Birmingham Maconscd all principal intermediate cities


Money to Loan-At 4 and 5 Per Cent




4i and 5 Per CentProrapUy Loaned en Real Estate in JJtsuitt of


03S F Street ecICtl


1419 F StreetCorrftpcadeBtj ol-



tin f IVJ ITV We Lire plenty of money atozr sposal to loan en

PIANOS ORGANS ETCin ownersIVi 1 0 are

Jayable la snail easy monthly

prrt te No expense uaJtscn i 0 infoncatlo

0 N cheerfully Private roomo rates

j O low offered by andTou it to y or ad

J O P rZY stajw to deal with tie ctdtiubujhed ted


plStt COS F EL K W


amount from till up to 50Utad can make yoer own terms

Loans within three boom tile time yen

so biTe na fear otUlna Cur Sets are up on the Mth floor

from thi rtrtet aid are o arraac i that weeaa insure strictest privacy iates

POTOMAC LOANKStK F St Near 9ta nwROOM 7 Atlantic UwkHagTake Elevator to Fifth VIsor

MONEY 50000 MONEYTo loan on fnrmlture piaacs tic withaut re-

eOTal or iVie will lean any amcunt raakig time sad paycezta to oat month ar one rear as-

TOU desire and at rates that you con aSBriIf cow hue a loan with arty other

company aw desire snore money give u a aUWilt cheerfully sate a 19 teai as 100 adco charge or expcs if leas is not toads Uwajj

and willing to c Te intoraation recardiacrates and melhedi te secure XT are thecWert loin company the cy and will flrtoo treatment AH business cca

Private offices

Washington LoanF Street N

In nil nnrrnram01 IU I ICUVITTJUE

PIANOS HORSESc rates sad on lbs day

YOU apply We are leaning on the aa l-

Loan Asaociatloa pUn which makes the cost ot

allowS you payrotes desire remans one to fvelrimonths You only raT for the use o money forthe length ot time yea entry it If you JUTS aloan with IOme other we wIltcS and advance tears ronney If desired Ratesrteerfally given and nois nude Leans made anywher InCaB eei rate Front room Cat SPOT SccctiOc American BcUdlcc

National Mortgage Loan Co625 F Street N W

Money LoanedOn Furniture On Pianos-

We lean you any amount of money on jrmu-fernitur pianos organs or nay personalrty One rates are cheaper and we PTC thf

longest time enJ make rcjments onalL TriTatiomen business confidential Call or semi postaltaColumbia Guarantee Company


1 HAVE sonieswphB money tIt will lend en-hoasboM or other securities at reas oaWe

mica JOhN MARTIN 34 AVaHer Dtdgj 53t

MONET TO LOAK at 3 S I and 1 per-cent in sums of fl000 to 10000 on 11 C

real estate pay off 5 and 6 per cent mortgagesand begin anew all transactions witheconomical consideration for borrowers W3I HSAUNDERS CO HOT F St nw JjltfemSIGNET loaned salaried people and rttail mer-

chants upon their own i nea withouteasy payments T01MAI Room 4S 9J3


EIIAL No delay CHAKLES ARooms 40 and 44 iletzerott Building 1110 F St-



ORIGINAL GYPSY PALMIST HC2 7th t nwlOc past present future lucky cosmos sep-

arated brocgbt together wali upstairsjy 41wkem-

ilUE DAVIS born and card readertells about business removes spells and evil

influences reunites the separated and gives luckto aU curse piles and i 3 25tJj at



Slay b eta

Of Short Sentencesa fr

You Say Buy







assicabea Terk Stock llrcharge




M 0 N EY0 N EY ron


M EY rN EY rill °

Cast to Loanwithout removal from our los and on

Our ratei are

appy We loan for the osly and notwait cur ds you needJeolllaway



sad itrot riD

b-raT yore




Mon a a Co-

G I 0


oans on


loans lees you payAnd t It In any











man few words butinc

1Youve It

ni Congreis Boston



MiiiYBtfgnuLij FiR1TVRE


PYZet Utiatsees strictly

glassfor ladles arc ne




cheapest youtram

Interest titcc

and g oe

u day you ask fr

hearst strictlyEdentis


ntsgcn tie

carryivg than ee

where cf eieyO teem


cost to you unie jothe Diatr







° °

I Cenire MarketI Delivery it S

lie hue now installed inthe CEXTRE MARKET a bUy delivery settler for the exctMtvpurpose at deLveria marfcetinff teall parts of the OSee saddelivery wfll be located inuse Ninth Street Court of tile Cottre Market

BASKETS BOIES AND 1ARdelivered protoptly sad rex

tenably to all parts of the dry

MerchantsI Parcel Delivery


MONEYU fan are tDlcilng of borrowing money to

your Ccaadal diScnltia come to osspecially organized and equipped for lending

nosey on pianos or fcrcltcre ia anyamount from flO cp and you will lad oar terries

reliable strictly cocCdectiiLLoans curled from one month to a jear it yo-

aeaj decide and small loans will tansecuideration as Uire oars

If you appreciate low ccnrtcoos tntattention to yoor Interests yoa 111

Most prirate


Comer Sib and f its c






Union Trust and Storage Go

ot the District or Columbia

No i 400 F St N WCaoital 1200000

Less than I SSSOPer a day Per

Year A sate DEpfiSit Box YearWashington Safa Deposit Co

01 63 ia Pa Ave


Dr Leatherman5PEaAUST la tie rare of ttt print

Citcttti HTdrocele Varicocele Strirtnre Iraptteney Syphilitic Di ea potiCvelr cure

and cecsuttatMa lath stzrs EcHrto 12 S t

E Elrr 7 to IL-

COS F Street SortbT t tt-taoced SsadJ7 oM3t

The 3 Days Curetoe nest i a s all remedies im this city

prompt and ptnaanent tore or so charreItatiutt free DR McKEEHAN SU tC-

CH hour t li a au to S s M Sas J


Hk readingsSc SOc

PROF CLAYOUest cstab s ed Clairvayant tells bustnvslove dam fcmiJy troubles aboot lawwits di-

vorces 01 anx thing you wish to kaow ttrisgiparated togeihcr taints speedy rsarn ffe removes family cMcs bad luck spells r mys-terious flings 1C to daily 438 H tt rr

Dr KeedSpecialist Twelfth St

Carts Ctrcnie Xerrou and Special Dlatxn-ot lien sad Wcmen

Ccssaltctloa free cad coaMentiaL-Mrdltino furnished ready forCharges low prompt core RaannteedChildren half price Private roomsSpecial license trim the District or Cote ibi

to treat Catarrh Obesity Rheumalisa CoxTtipiticn Piles Throat Lung Brain ReinBlood and Skia Bunsen Ononoea UleitStricture Varicoceie curedwithout detention tram busiceu no paiiihjLjttruraenti used

Kerroui ted Seznal DebIlity Loss by Dreamsor In Urine SyphilIs ail stages Blood Poison

tIters cored for Hfe br eafe n et dsOfflce noun S ta 1 to

DR CZARRA317 6th St N

OLDEST CFRMAN SPECIALISTin skin and Wood diseases

PRIVATE DISEASES ofquickly and permanently CCRED

XRAYS for examination


Wirs REJNERLegally licensed to practice obstetrics In tie D

Late resident aeutaat of the WomensHospital Siuaicfc bavaria and medalawarded lit in be science of ofcstttries ia Out institution

PRIVATE SANITARlUil to treat wemaas UUccrnpUicts and irrrcularities Home comfortsfor casej before anU during conScwmrt Trainedcnrscs sOd expert physIcian ia atteadaaee

M a m to 6 m CM PenciylT aIanorthwest T jhiacton 1 C Je tf-


314 Ninth Street N WU-

CZCT Leaned oa Watches Diaracnds Jewelry


with soy other Office In


a tripod aM tdriser She jcirm teri-w UtioB lov cocitsbip mttrngt sadstttkt AtarrcH rctiMtw ISoHI S speedy m hfj marriageof Gar choice The twrtltJ

sbovk seek her fomrtt ThWMeds of


MME THEOMedium ac4 Card Reader most bmow and Palmist Coasvlt her on

Jove and family affairs reunitescepiratrd removes spells cause speedy marriaees sad gives luck Open Ctnraae-pekcn lIe and SOc S H st nw iy2S7t

DO ta ratehiBie we can interest you we arefrinuk of the poor roan vr have a fine lot o

clothing on hand slijbtly ue i made by ourtiiioi ar i ai f iws to jiitifj you in ceilinghi TIlE t iV JUSTHS OLDSTAND Cil D irSl 7t

t CI


1We to announce tire pub

that we


aM It andnPEre man wilt lie in hueeEl





t JC



zen andot1at a loaa tII

edIcts In thedles No puhUdey




250 cent

Open to Po Id Saturdays tQ Po mfrs





t 6St

tLas GaIts



II 509



and Ill ocde





Dally froDl t top m


noeL outa ilarytand

prot oy



dod ltct1ol


divorce aspstated ud awith the

forkr atehearts made through her tsstblal psdktione She ie eYfr ready to Uilist aD

tonCl2ioutbusiness the

If are a











beg to



eo4e 4



er We-



throughLitIIIccCIII Ice



1ZO 3

5 Teestay Thursday tan




into U


Tuesday aad SavsrdayS

ci nd

bears fromAvenue



advice os


one sadglad

ptea stark hive yeu laboring man-or









+ + +