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Our Parish Vision:WITNESSING CHRIST TOWARDS TRANSFORMING COMMUNITY Bulletin of Sacred Heart Parish, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Vol. XXXII - No.- 5, October - November 2013 Editorial........... For Private Circulation Only YES, WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (Continued on Inside Cover Page) Jesus in turn says you are the light of the world. “You are like light for the whole world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under the bowl; instead he puts it on the lamp stand where it gives light for everyone in the house. In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your father in heaven.” (Mt 5:14-16) Yes, we are the lights that bring life to our families, neighbourhood, offices, parishes etc. Each one of us radiates this light in a unique way. This light of love, charity and compassion is not to be kept bottled within us, but we are called to spread it to all those with whom we come in contact. As light has power to overcome darkness and all its vices, so also our good lives will bring joy and happiness to many. Yes, we are the light that dispels darkness in the world today. In November we also celebrate the feast of All Saints and All Souls. On All Saints Day we remember the numerous people who have lived holy and exemplary lives. But - Fr RAPHAEL MORDOM India, the land of rich cultural heritage has one or the other festival for every month. One such festival is “DIWALI – The festival of lights” that falls in November. It falls on the day of “Amavasya” when the moon does not rise and there is darkness all around. It is the darkest night of the darkest period, yet it is a celebration of light. Light being the symbol of hope and positive energy indicates victory of good over evil. Light dispels darkness and brings joy and hope to those around. It brings warmth into our lives. It is impossible to imagine a world without light. For us Christians, Christ is the light of the world, who was present at the beginning of creation and will be there forever till the end of time, and continues to enlighten us even today. He is the true light that dispels all darkness. He is the one who dispels all doubt and ignorance. He is the one who brings peace, joy and happiness. In Mt 5:14-16

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    Bulletin of Sacred Heart Parish, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Vol. XXXII - No.- 5, October - November 2013


    For Private Circulation Only


    (Continued on Inside Cover Page)

    Jesus in turn says you are the light of the world. “You are like light for the whole world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under the bowl; instead he puts it on the lamp stand where it gives light for everyone in the house. In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your father in heaven.” (Mt 5:14-16) Yes, we are the lights that bring life to our families, neighbourhood, offices, parishes etc. Each one of us radiates this light in a unique way. This light of love, charity and compassion is not to be kept bottled within us,

    but we are called to spread it to all those with whom we come in contact. As light has power to overcome darkness and all its vices, so also our good lives will bring joy and happiness to many. Yes, we are the light that dispels darkness in the world today.

    In November we also celebrate the feast of All Saints and All Souls.

    On All Saints Day we remember the numerous people who have lived holy and exemplary lives. But


    India, the land of rich cultural heritage has one or the other festival for every month. One such festival is “DIWALI – The festival of lights” that

    falls in November. It falls on the day of “Amavasya” when the moon does not rise and there is darkness all around. It is the darkest night of the darkest period, yet it is a celebration of light. Light being the symbol of hope and positive energy indicates victory of good over evil. Light dispels darkness and brings joy and hope to those around. It brings warmth into our lives. It is impossible to imagine a world without light.

    For us Christians, Christ is the light of the world, who was present at the beginning of creation and will be there forever till the end of time, and continues to enlighten us even today. He is the true l ight that d ispels a l l darkness. He is the one who dispels all doubt and ignorance. He is the one who brings peace, joy and happiness. In Mt 5:14-16

  • VASHI VISION Parish Bulletin of Sacred Heart Church

    Vashi, Navi Mumbai Vol. XXXII, No. 5, October - November 2013

    EDITORIAL TEAM Fr. Raphael Mordom, George Thomas,

    Maureen Lobo, Bertha Fernandes, Aruna Rathod, Silika Pinto

    DESIGN & LAYOUTFelix Rodrigues


    PUBLISHED BYFr. Gerry Fernandes,Sacred Heart Church, Plot No. 67, Sector - 9A, Vashi,Navi Mumbai - 400 703. Tel.: 2765 0343 - 1392Church email: [email protected]

    FB Page: www.facebook.com/sacredheartchurch.vashi

    PRINTED ATMermier Printing Institute,Mermier Bal Ashram,18A, Bonkode Road, Sector - 11,Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai - 400709.Tel.: 2754 3335

    Web-page: www.sacredheartchurchvashi.wordpress.com

    ...LIGHT OF THE WORLD(Continued from Cover Page)

    they have not been canonized. They are also saints, they are real people whose stories may never have been told and whose goodness was never celebrated. They were ordinary people who didn't always DO saintly things, yet always strove to BE good people. They may be holy people we have known, maybe from our own families, friends, and relations. They are in heaven interceding for us. We remember them and pray to them on this day.

    On All Souls day we celebrate our fellowship with the saints in purgatory, a state of temporary suffering for departed souls who are not yet fully ready for full fellowship with God. The souls of the dead are in an interim state where they have not yet reached perfect union and peace with God, they are being purified. This is where our prayers can help them. In other words just as God has not stopped loving these poor souls because of their imperfections, we also have not forgotten them and we continue to pray for them and offer Masses for them on All Souls day.

    May Jesus the true light enlighten every person.


    Do share your news, Views, stories, achievements, Inspirations and activities in various Church Groups and Associations which can be shared with the larger family of this Sacred Heart Parish through this News Letter Vashi Vision (It will be great if you can provide the articles as soft copy if not hard copy is always welcome).

    - Articles & Pictures for printing in the future issues of Vashi Vision should reach the

    editorial team latest by 15th of every preceding month of the issue. (Maximum 400 words

    per article)- email your views & articles and photographs & advertisements to [email protected]

    - For Advertising in Vashi Vision kindly contact the Church office.

    Share Your Community News, Articles and Suggestions

    “We thank Your Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias for your words of appreciation and encouragement" - Vashi Vision Team

  • - TONY MARTYRIS, Sector 16 A

    "Christ has confirmed you and He entrusts His own mission to you. Go and make disciples. Be a missionary disciple. Go to the fringes of society, to all types of people."

    How are we carrying this out in our personal lives? Are our Small Christian Communities equipping us? Are we allowing Christ living in us to affect those around us in our normal spheres of life? "Return home, show and tell how much God has done for you? So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him (Luke 8, 38-39). God wants to use us, where we are, with what we have, right now.

    As followers of Jesus, we are called to be His "witnesses in Jerusalem (home and family), Judea (workplace), and Samaria (neighborhood) and to the ends of the earth (our social arenas). Letting Jesus live through us is not simply a Sunday or Church-related activity. It is walking through open doors of opportunity that the Lord swings open especially in our own spheres of influence using the gifts that the Lord has blessed us with.

    It is essential to spend time daily in prayer listening to God, making ourselves available to be led and used in others' lives. His Spirit gives us the desire to share His love with others and we want to act in loving ways. Spend precious time daily in listening to and assimilating God's Word (Scripture). "My word-------will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and will achieve the purpose for which I sent it (Isaiah)." Our responsibility is to plant, fertilize and continue to cultivate the Word of God. God brings the harvest in His time. However listening alone is not

    enough. We must be ready and willing to be used and take steps to reach out, to act.

    It would be useful to have some training in Faith Formation (not information) including the Church's Social Doctrine and Apologetics. But St Paul tells us that it is more important to be available to Him, to be used by Him, as He trains us on-the-job. "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me."

    Our goal has to be living close to Jesus, to be consistent in our joy, peace, goodness and a positive calm attitude even in crisis. People will perceive that we are different, that we have something different and will ask why. They will observe that we have happy homes, that we are people of honesty and integrity at our workplace even in little things, that we do not gossip or complain or make rash judgments, that we are clear about our priorities and are relaxed even if busy. In

    today's frenzied world, it is important that we ruthlessly decide to oust even some good

    things in our lives so that we can have time to partake of the best things. If we remain

    too busy we will not see the people or the opportunities God places before us. We shall see people and situations as interruptions or inconveniences.

    Finally we must remind ourselves that we must serve people not just to

    help them - which is, just humanistic philosophy - but in order to point them to

    Jesus. We have to be sure that people understand that Jesus is the reason that we do

    what we do and He gives us the strength to do this. "The secular becomes spiritual and integrated if done for the eternal."

    It would indeed be fruitful if we could share our prayer, faith and life experiences at our SCC meetings as we use creative ways to meet the needs of the people we come into contact with.


    1VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi October-November 2013

    1) Faith and Belief:

    Most people think faith and belief are the same thing. WRONG! You can believe something and not have faith in it.

    A man staggers up to you he is dying of starvation. You put food in front of him, he just looks at it. You say this food will nourish you and keep you alive, Do you believe that? Yes I believe that. The man just looks at it and then he dies. Why did he die? Because he didn't eat the food. The eating of the food is faith. Faith is acting on what you believe. Many Christians today believe the Bible, they believe all of God's promises. However if

    they don't have faith and act on the word of God they will not receive all of Gods best that He wants them to have. If they don't have faith they will die just like our man died. They will be sick but not get God's healing. They won't have God's prosperity. They won't have God's peace and contentment. And the worst part is they will never please God without faith. Without faith you can't please God. [Hebrews 11:6]

    You have to do more than just believe. You have to act on what you believe! You have to act on God's word! And that action is what faith is. The word of God works when you do what it says.

    - Borrowed from the Internet




    - P. RUFUS, Sector -10A

    Although God kept to just ten when He handed the commandments to Moses, Jesus' summary of them clearly implies an essential 'Eleventh Commandment' for all times, especially the present. Perhaps, this year should specially mark this eleventh commandment of caution to mankind.

    The rains of this year may be more aptly called as showers of caution. While an abundance of rain is most welcome for people, crops and cattle, its over-abundance wreaks havoc. There has been severe flooding not only in our country, but also in other parts of the World.

    There have been floods in Europe. Even Lourdes was not spared. Melting snow from the Pyrenees and heavy s t o r m s s u rg e d t h e r i v e r s i n southwestern France. In June this year, the usually tranquil Gave de Pau, the river that runs just a few meters in front of Our Lady's apparition Grotto, is reported to have swelled as much as 15 feet. The waters leveled up to the altar table beneath the grotto. There were no candles on the iconic candle stand that was half sub-merged next to the altar. No masses on that submerged altar. When the waters subsided, the place was left with knee-deep silt. Restoration is still on.

    Regardless of debates among scientists about climate change, the effects are unmistakably evident all over the world. As for mankind, civilization has indeed taken a wrong turn somewhere. But where could all this find place in God's grand design?

    Was it a mistake for man to be given such dominion over creation? At times, we even wonder whether God should have included an Eleventh Commandment like: “Thou shalt not destroy my creation.” Interestingly, Jesus seems to have made up for this! The instance comes to my mind, where Jesus' wisdom was put to the test by a lawyer. He asked Jesus to pick out the greatest of the Ten Commandments. But instead, Jesus more than summarized the ten into just two commandments. The first one of these: 'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.' Superb drafting! Clearly, this contains not only

    the first four of the ten given to Moses, but also implies the 'Eleventh'. If we are commanded to love God with all heart, soul and mind, does it not also imply that man shall not destroy His wondrous gift of creation? After all, when we give gifts to our loved ones, don't we mean the gifts to be cherished

    and preserved, although we may not say it explicitly?Incidentally, it is said that of all God's creations,

    man stands unique in being gifted with a Mind capable of understanding how creation works. This gift and a little bit of sense should suffice to preserve creation. So, will we heed the confusion of the penguins in Antarctica at grass sprouting amidst melting ice? If this is too far away a matter, will we heed the floods at Uttarakhand, Lourdes and other places? Would the disappearance of entire fishing villages in our coastlands interest us? Or, will we wait till the waters reach our doorsteps and church altars? They are all connected!

    - MAYSIE DO REGO, Sector-28

    “The Titanic”… Does the word “Titanic” makes you think of something? Well, if you are thinking about the 900 ft long “Titanic” which sank in the Atlantic Ocean, well you are right. But my question is this “Did we learn any lessons from the Sinking of the Titanic?”… Well Yes. Build safer Ships... “But did we learn any lessons in our Christian Living?” The answer here too is yes. There are many important lessons to be learnt through this incident.

    The first lesson is to “Keep on Trying”. When the Titanic was sinking, the people tried their best to save their lives. They tried and tried. If we do not try, how can we succeed? Even the Bible speaks of the word “Try”. David tried to kill Goliath and he succeeded.

    The disciples of Jesus tried their best to make wicked people good. Try and Try. Only if you try, will you succeed.

    The second lesson is to change course. The Captain of the Titanic was warned many a times to change its course. If he had listened to the warnings, the Titanic would not have hit an iceberg. God tells all of us not to follow the path of evil which leads to Hell but to change our course and follow the path of goodness and riches in Heaven. “Change Course” and be a better Christian.

    Well the Decision is each one's. We learnt many lessons but in this

    article, I just wanted to share these two most important things. I decided to select these two because there are many references in the Bible to this. God Bless You All.

    2 Sacred Heart Church, Vashi - VASHI VISION October-November 2013

  • They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With their rich maroon gowns flowing ... and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt.

    Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and Moms freely brushed away tears.

    This class would NOT pray during the commencements - not by choice, but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it.

    The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.

    The speeches were nice, but they were routine ... until the final speech received a standing ovation.

    A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened.

    All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED!!!!

    The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said, "GOD BLESS YOU, each and every one of

    you!" And he walked off stage ...The audience exploded into applause. This

    graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval.

    This is a true story; it happened at the University of Maryland.

    Who says that our young are not smart .....

    - Borrowed from the Internet


    - Dr. Maureen Lobo

    “This Land is your land, this land is my land…..this land was made for you and me”

    On the 4th of October, we celebrated the feast of St. Francis of Assisi; the patron saint

    of animals and the environment. This comes at a time when there is increasing concern for the degradation of Mother Earth and awareness to integrate sustainability into the fabric of our lives. The University of Notre Dame has taken the “St. Francis Pledge” which asks Catholic individuals, parishes and institutions to Pray and Learn about climate change, to assess their environmental impact, to Assess their own environmental impact, to Act to reduce their impact and to Advocate for policies and initiatives that protect the environment and the world's poor; thus caring for God's gift of creation with the awareness that any actions taken today impact people, especially the marginalized who suffer most, is not only a sign of hope but a necessity

    St. Francis wrote a canticle or song called “In Praise of the

    Creatures” that holds an important key to sustainable thinking. He praises God and expresses his gratitude for nature. He refers to nature as his family. The sun is his “Brother” and the moon is his “Sister”.

    We on the other hand see nature as a resource to be consumed. If we think and act towards nature, with this perspective, we are putting our own survival in danger – for we are part of the same ecosystem that we are destroying. (Eitan Press)

    We should demonstrate respect for all creation by being responsible and ethical stewards of God's resources, meeting current needs without sacrificing the survival, health and success of future generations. Sustainability means preserving the earth so that future

    generations will have the same r e s o u r c e s t h a t w e e n j o y. Sustainability focusses on 3 interdependent areas of concern

    1. Ecological preservation2. Economic viability3. Social justice“Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” is

    the mantra of the day. Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. What kind of a change maker are you?


    3VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi October-November 2013

  • A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going. After a few weeks, the preacher decided to visit him.

    It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his preacher's visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace…and waited.

    The preacher made himself at home but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, the preacher took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone, and then he sat back in his chair, still silent.

    The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember's

    flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead.

    Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The preacher glanced at his watch and realized it was time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow, once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it.

    As the preacher reached the door to leave, his host said with a tear running down his cheek, 'Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I will be back in church next Sunday. 'We live in a world today, which tries to say too much with too little. Consequently, few listen. Sometimes the best sermons are the ones left unspoken.

    - Email forwards by VICTOR SEVERES, Sector-6


    - OSCAR GOMES, Sector – 6,

    There were two young men, look-a-like twins and orphans living in a small town in a small house. Their father had left them annuity for their upkeep. One was named Luiz and the other Franco. Luiz held a small

    job in the post office while Franco was a wastrel squandering his share of annuity in bars and friends.

    Late one night Luiz was feeling uneasy for some reason. He was looking out of his window and he saw a figure running towards his house. As the figure neared, he saw that it was his brother. He opened the door and his brother burst in, clothes torn and covered with blood. Franco said “Help me, I fought a man and he is dead now. The mob and police are after me. Hide me.”

    Luiz thought quickly “Give me your clothes, take mine, run out through the back door and go to the

    next village.” Franco did his bidding and Luiz waited.The police and the mob arrived and arrested Luiz

    thinking that he was Franco. Months passed. Franco was now unrecognisable

    and had grown a beard. He came back to his hometown searching for his brother. Mingling with the crowd, he overheard conversations regarding a man who was executed. Enquiring further he learnt that Luiz was executed for the murder he had committed.

    Distraught he ran to the magistrate and said “You have executed the wrong man. I did the killing that night. To save me, my brother took my place. He was innocent. Punish me.”

    The magistrate said “Nothing can be done now - the law is satisfied.” Go now and continue your new life like your brother did.”

    Does this story ring a bell. Two thousand years ago one man gave His life so millions can live in peace and harmony. Did Luiz know of him?


    4 Sacred Heart Church, Vashi - VASHI VISION


    When a woman discovered that she was pregnant, her four-year-old son overheard his parents' conversation.

    He didn't say anything until a week later when a family friend asked him if he was excited about the prospect of a new brother or sister.

    “Yes," said the boy, "and I know what we're going to name it. If it's a girl, we're going to call her Emily, and if it's another boy we're going to call it Quits."

    October-November 2013

  • One Friday morning, a teacher came up with a novel way to motivate her class. She told them that she would read a quote and the first student to correctly identify who said it would receive the rest of the day off.

    She started with "This was England's finest hour." Little Suzy instantly jumped up and said, "Winston Churchill.”

    “Congratulations," said the teacher, "you may go home early.”

    The teacher then said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but.." Before she could finish the quote, another young lady belts out,

    "John F. Kennedy!" “Very good," says the teacher, "you may go

    also.”Irritated that he has missed two golden

    opportunities, Little Johnny said, "I wish those girls would just shut up.”

    Upon overhearing this comment, the outraged teacher demanded to know who said it. Johnny instantly rose to his feet and said, "Bill Clinton. I'll see you Monday."

    Who Said It?


    The saying goes 'Mata, Pita, Guru, Dev' indicating that mother is always our first teacher. Our parents take up the responsibility to teach and imbibe all the good values in us and act as our initial

    'Teachers'. Likewise, Teachers too continue to teach us and strive to make us better human beings. They become our inspiration and guide throughout our lives. Teachers are someone we always look up to and cherish the memories we had with them.

    Our community of St. Antony, Sector-14, like every year, gathered to felicitate the teachers in our SCC on the occasion of teacher's day at the residence of Mr Yeshudas. The evening started with some prayers followed by the felicitation of the teachers in our community. Lovely cards were prepared very innovatively by Cheryl D'mello. I really loved her idea and it made me realise that even a small token of appreciation made by a student really makes you feel special.

    We began with the most senior teacher in our community, Mrs Susan Yeshudas. It was nostalgic and downright hilarious when she shared her experiences as a teacher. It gave everyone a glimpse of how innocent kids can be. Then her daughter Ms Teresa, a teacher at

    Sacred Heart High School, was felicitated. Her experiences highlighted the fact that teachers cannot discriminate as all children are equal. Then it was my turn, the youngest teacher of our community, that's how I was regarded as, to share my most treasured experiences as a teacher.

    Each day as a teacher for me has always been unique and special. I will always be proud of what I am doing and will continue doing. I thank my community, on behalf of all teachers, for giving us such a lovely memory. Having heard everyone's experiences also made me realise that teachers can actually leave a great impact on the students and it is completely their responsibility to nurture and guide the students to become great individuals and citizens of our country.

    I have never had the opportunity to thank my teachers for being an inspiration in my life. So I would like to thank all my teachers and everyone who have been a part of my life. Because we all, in the end, are teachers to someone or the other. Belated Happy Teacher's day to you all!

    TEACHER'S DAY Celebrated at ST ANTHONY'S S.C.Community

    5VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi October-November 2013


    As Catholics we turn to Mary as the Mother of God. Mary's journey with God was one of deep faith and great trust. She took a leap in faith and had to let go of her

    plans and say “YES” to a life of faith.Mary was the MESSENGER and Christ was the MESSAGE.

    During the 9 days of novena the catechism children put some marvelous plays, dance and presentations bringing out the ultimate message of 'faith' that can be seen through various aspects of our lives.

    It's that time of the year where each child is excited about the feast as they await handful of chocolates and the party on the feast day but this year we seen a rise in the excitement level especially in the participation and attendance of the novenas.

    Every Class brought in package of surprise and creativity to the stage and beautifully encompassed the message of faith which I am sure has touched and absorbed by every kid present for it.

    Here's what one of the Sunday school kid,Trisha Serroa has to share about her experience and learning during the 9 days of Novena

    “Since my childhood days, these 9 days of Mother Mary's Novena has always been overwhelming as children of all ages participate in it whole-heartedly. Even parents and elders take a little time out of their busy schedule to spend it with the Lord.

    Obedience is one of the qualities which I would like to have in me just as Mother Mary had been obedient to the Word of God.

    The whole journey has truly been a one of a kind experience for me, the messages that we learnt from the skits to the games we played on the feast day has made me take a bigger leap of faith this time”

    6 Sacred Heart Church, Vashi - VASHI VISION October-November 2013

    XSuccess is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer

    XFailure doesn't mean you are a failure it just means you haven't succeeded yet. - Robert H. Schuller



  • On 8th September Sacred heart parish, Vashi witnessed the war of one act play, calling in gangs from various zones to bring out beautiful messages/morals and to be honest, each of them nailed it perfectly.

    The zones consisted of 2 to 3 SCC Communities grouped together to present these ‘One Act Plays’. Each zone were asked to choose a Biblical passage from the events having some relevance to Mother Mary’s life as a theme, and they had to convey it’s relevance to the present day situations in our society through a 20 min act. The themes and groupings were as follows:

    Zone I- Mathew, Sectors - 1, 2&3, 4&5, Theme - The Flight into Egypt. Gospel Passage - Matthew 2:13-15.

    Zone II-Mark, Sectors - 6, 31A (Vashi Gaon), 7&8, Theme - The wedding at Cana in Galilee and the performance of Jesus' first miracle at Mary's intercession. Gospel Passage - John 2:1-11.

    Zone III-Luke, Sectors - 9, 9A, 10A and 10, Theme - Mary's visitation to Elizabeth (her cousin), the mother of John the Baptist. Gospel Passage - Luke 1:35-80.

    Zone IV-John, Sectors - 14, 15, [11, 12, 28 &29], Theme - Mary's presence with the Apostles in the upper room after Ascension. Gospel Passage - Acts 1:14.

    Zone V-Paul, Sectors - 16, 16A, 17 & Turbhe, Theme - The Passover visit of the Holy Family to the Temple, when Jesus was Twelve, Also, the loss and finding of Jesus. Gospel Passage - Luke 2:41-51.

    Apart from the winning and losing, we witnessed sheer (Hidden) talents coming in the spotlight , creativity had no bounds and pure community efforts were seen.

    The ultimate goal of putting together a zonal act competition is what Fr. Gerry commented was to get people to interact and bond together as a community, well am sure the goal was achieved!

    Here's what few excited participants have to share:

    - SILFORD BRAGANZA, Zone - 1I had a wonderful experience every day.

    Every moment of the practice to the play was a very enjoyable experience, especially coming for the practices, improvising my dialogues & laughing out loud at mistakes is just a memory now!

    - ROSHNI GEORGE, Zone - 3Coming everyday for the practices was a

    lot of fun. Each day was like a bonding session and by d time it was D-day we all knew each other really well and became good friends. Just the process of putting together the skit was an amazing experience, but winning the competition was definitely the icing on d cake! Big thanks to Carol and all the others from our zone who worked really hard on the skit. Looking forward to more such events in our parish!

    - LEASEL FERNANDES, Zone - 5‘Obedience and respect towards parents'

    was our theme. During this wonderful journey of practices and the final day of performance I have learnt to be dedicated to my duty because I have realized that dedication, prayers and hard work brings out good results.

    One important lesson that I'll always remember is that respecting your parents is very important in life as it helps to build a good character in you. Another thing that I learnt was the ‘Power of Prayers’. Every time we met for any practice as a group we began the session by prayers to our Lord invoking His Holy Spirit to Lead us through the session the way He wanted us to go and help us to get the message across clearly to the audience present. And also pray for all the other groups and the success of the whole event. Even though we facing lot of obstacle in our paths with regards to the finalisation of the script, availability of actors & participants, last minute changes and improvisations. It was only presence of our Lord that was guiding us through it all helping us win the 2nd place in the event.

    Thank You Lord and lots of thanks to our director Mrs. Pressy Menezes who the journey beautiful for me and gave each one of us a good lesson about life.

    - Compiled by SILIKA PINTO

    THE GREAT INTER-ZONAL ONE ACT PLAYMarks the Celebration of Mother Mary’s Birthday

    - For more photos of the event please see back cover page and also visit ‘Photos & Videos’ page at:

    www.sacredheartchurchvashi.wordpress.com -or- www.facebook.com/sacredheartchurch.vashi

    7VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi October-November 2013

  • - RAYNA & MAXIM DESOUZA - Sector 9

    SEPTEMBER 8, 2013 - the Birthday of our Blessed Mother Mary - the day we chose to enthrone the image of the SACRED HEART in our home and to consecrate our family to Him publicly in the presence of our Parish Priest, Rev Fr Gerry Fernandes, a few members of the Legion of Mary, our neighbours and a few of our sector members.

    The solemn occasion for us commenced with the blessing of the picture, followed by the recitation of the Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart, Litany, Prayer of Thanksgiving and final blessing of all our family members and our home by our Parish Priest.

    Now that we have enthroned the Sacred Heart of Jesus as King in our home, we have confidence in His promises to take over our interests and bless and sanctify our family. We pledge ourselves to live as though He is living in our midst and treat Him as an intimate member of our family.

    We thank Fr Gerry for readily consenting to have the enthronement in our home on this day despite it being a very busy day for our Parish. God Bless You.






    - BRYAN FERNANDEZ, Sector-9A

    Monday 9th of September.........52 odd parishioners old and infirm were taken on a pilgrimage to Mount Mary Church, Bandra. This has been an annual feature organised by the E.T.C. of our parish, and so after

    breakfast we proceeded by bus (in luxurious comfort for a change, thanks to efforts of Sr. Sharmila) leaving Vashi by 8.45 for the special mass at 10.45 a.m. Having arrived at Bandra well ahead of the Examiner published mass timing at 10.45, we were subjected to various misleading announcements regarding the special mass, due to which some of our parishioners missed out participating in the mass.

    T h e E u c h a r i s t w a s concelebrated by Bishop Bosco,

    who emphasised on the importance of senior citizens. The day being a public holiday, the church premises were jam packed, so much so that there wasn't an inch of space to move around let alone finding a chair to sit upon.

    This year the shamiana erected gave us an unrestricted view of the altar and the concelebrants, a welcome change from the earlier shelter which had a lot of supporting structures. The weather Gods too were kind to us even though there was a brief shower, it did not cause any difficulty for us.

    Thanks to the E.T.C. the organisers, who year after year plan and execute this with precision, the parish fathers who are always a pillar of support, and also the sponsors (especially the bus that was provided for us) God Bless all of you.

    - IRIS JOSEPH, Sector - 6

    The Big Monsoon Togetherness of the Elders of Sacred Heart Parish started on the 18th August'13, with the celebration of the Eucharist by our very own Parish Priest, Rev Fr Gerry Fernandes. The celebration

    that followed was well attended with several new faces

    which were very encouraging. May the tribe of the Elders increase!

    There were games, interspersed with jokes, plenty of spot-prizes, lots of laughter and Camaraderie! Before lunch our evergreen melody queen, Mrs Martis, entertained us all with Konkani songs. After the sumptuous lunch, the curtain came down on another fellowship of the E.T.C.

    8 Sacred Heart Church, Vashi - VASHI VISION October-November 2013

  • - SYLVIA MENEZES, Sector - 28 On 2nd October 2013 – the national day

    of peace, the community members of St. Pauls (Sect 11, 12, 28 & 29) along with a few friends from our fellow communities visited the Little sisters of the Poor home for the

    Aged and Cheshire Home, Andheri. We started our journey around 8.30 a.m and decided

    to use the public transport for our commute which would help us to spend some quality time together. We reached the Little sisters of the Poor home for the Aged at around 10am and were welcomed by Sr. Agnes (sister-in-charge) and Luiza with a warm smile who took us around to meet the 80 inmates along with a few instructions. Before our visit, we had never been to an old age home, so we were wondering what it would be like. Would the people present there be happy to see us and what would be the topic of our conversation? And as soon as we reached there, we got all our answers. The inmates were very hospitable and friendly, and they welcomed us with their beautiful smiles. To break the monotony of their lives, we presented a few songs and their requested Konkani masala, old English numbers, and hymns. We first went to the old aunties section. It was really wonderful seeing the old aunties singing songs like “Yo Baile Yo” and “You are my sunshine” and dancing with us. Next was the old uncles section but we dare not call them old, as they were as active and vibrant at 16 year olds! There was a 92 year old uncle who started dancing with us the minute we started singing for them. There was another uncle who with his awesome deep voice sang 2 beautiful English songs and reminded us of Louis Armstrong!

    We got an opportunity to share our love and feelings with them who were either homeless or were neglected by children. We knew from their expressions that they

    were longing to share their grief with someone. There were few who were at the old age home since more than 30 years! We received a lot of love, acceptance and blessings in return since all of us personally approached them for blessings with joined hands. They wholeheartedly accepted us and blessed us just as they would bless their children. We also got a chance to learn different things. We learnt how helpless we can be when there is no one around to look after us. Now we know for sure that their need at this time of their lives is not so much for money and luxuries but a shoulder to lean on! We presented a cheque to Sr. Agnes with the generous contribution from the families of our community and made our way to Cheshire home which was 5 mins away.

    We visited Cheshire Homes and got a good opportunity to meet differently-abled people who are made self- reliant by learning and earning activities. It has about 35 inmates and almost all of them are confined to wheelchairs. Sister Yvonne (sister-in-charge) took us around the place and arranged for the inmates to come together in a common hall where we were ready to play a game of housie with them. Every community member tagged with one inmate to help them play housie. We then visited their workshop where there were holy articles, cards, gift articles etc made by the inmates which were put for sale. Some of us patronised. After spending quality time with the inmates, we presented a cheque to Sr. Yvonne and headed back to Vashi.

    The day was very self-satisfying and fulfilling. It was absolutely worth it! Thanks to all who helped us make this event a success – the generous donors, Sr. Agnes, Luisa and Sr. Yvonne, the inmates, the community members/ animators of St. Paul's and everyone who joined us by giving their time to be a part of this blessed event. God bless you all!

    Activities of ST. PAUL'S SCC (SECTOR 11, 12, 28 & 29)Visit to the Home for the Aged and Cheshire Home, Andheri

    9VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi October-November 2013

  • - SYLVIA MENEZES, Sector 28 The festival of Harvest comes once every year and is celebrated by all communities in different ways. The first

    fruit of a farmers labour was brought to the table to be blessed and then distributed to all the family members. Even today the tradition continues. It is a time for family members to get together and eat together and in so doing to strengthen the bonds that hold them together. Along the same lines, on 13th September 2013 the community members of St. Pauls (Sect 11, 12, 28 & 29) along with a few friends from our fellow communities together had the “Noven Jovan” at the residence of Michael and Geeta Saldanha – Sect 29. Every family brought one home cooked veg dish and hence we had a delicious spread of a variety of dishes. We ate on banana leaves following the tradition that forms the basis of this feast.

    St. Paul's Community Celebrates - ‘NOVEN JOVAN’

    The Christian Workers' Movement that completes fifty three years of enriching and empowering workers by way of seminars, training programmes and projects on workers' causes and other issues, is now starting sections in parishes having more than seven members.

    The Christian Workers' Movement has invited all Catholic workers, professionals, business people, self-employed people, housewives, including the retired, Call Centres/BPO workers and those taken VRS/CRS from all parishes of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane and Raigad of Archdiocese of Bombay to enroll themselves as members of the Christian Workers' Movement - the Church Amongst Workers'.

    Seven members are required to start a parish

    section. Membership contribution of Rs. 250/- should be paid by cheque favoring, Christian Workers Movement.

    For a free membership brochure, write to, CHRISTIAN WORKERS' MOVEMENT

    (Bombay), Parijat CHS, 37/1095, Pantnagar, Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai 400 075 or by e-mail stating your postal address, telephone

    numbers & parish at or Thanking you,Yours in Service of Christ,For, “Christian Workers' Movement” Cajetan Peter D'Souza

    Christian Workers' Movement (C.W.M.) MEMBERSHIP DRIVE

    - For more photos of the events visit ‘Photos & Videos’ page at: www.sacredheartchurchvashi.wordpress.com -or- www.facebook.com/sacredheartchurch.vashi

    10 Sacred Heart Church, Vashi - VASHI VISION October-November 2013


    The Freedom Cup- football tournament held on the 15th of August every year is one of the most looked forward to events organised by the youth of our parish. That this tournament is known to attract football

    enthusiast regardless of gender is no news, however this year the youth group decided to add something new. And thus, the carom tournament came to be.

    The tournament, as always was played in league style matches. There were ten teams (Red, Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Black, Grey, Yellow, etc) divided into 2 leagues. With the total number of participants reaching almost a 100, the excitement was palpable. The carom tournament was held at the Sacred Heart School hall and the football tournament happened at the school quadrangle.

    The novelty of this tournament was that, this year due to a kind sponsor Mr Parag More, who was also the Chief Guest, we were able to award the winners, cash prizes along with the customary trophy. Team Yellow won the cup and the prize for the most goals scored by a girl was awarded to Jennifer and Henry won it amongst the boys. Mr Vincent Menezes had the distinction of being the first winner of the carom tournament. The atmosphere was energetic and it was wonderful to see everyone do their level best.

    Needless to say, the event was a success. But a lot of effort went into making it what it was. 25 volunteers from the youth group were on their feet throughout the day, so that everything went smoothly.

    All in all, it was a fun-filled and a thrilling day. And we can't wait for the tournament again next year.


    In keeping with tradition, the month of August saw the youth organise one of the most anticipated event of the year, 'The Freedom Cup'. There was an attempt to make the tournament more inclusive. We had the largest turnout in terms of participants

    and spectators this year. We have Mark D'souza, sharing details of the Football and Carom tournaments.

    While we realize that fellowship and fun are essential, we also know that nothing can take the place of prayer. And so, in September, we introduced “The Taize Prayer Service” with an aim to nourish our spirituality. In a first of its kind initiative for the youth in our parish, this hour long service emphasizes on singing, chanting and silent meditation. On Page 12 we have Rachel Rebello share her experience of this service. With the help and support of our Spiritual Director Fr Baptist we intend to conduct these services regularly.

    Another significant development that took place was the formation and in some cases the re-formation of The Neighbourhood Youth Groups (NYGs) in our parish. Fr Baptist and the President of the Youth Group, Roshni George, met with the youth in every community to kick start the NYGs.

    Here's giving you a sneak peek into our activities for the coming months. We'll be organising a literary competition in our parish this year. An event aimed to provide a platform for those who have a good understanding of the Bible and decent literary skills. So all those interested in quizzing, writing, solving crosswords and puzzles, make sure you don't miss this. We also have a five day cultural fest coming up in the month of December, where we'll be organising Zonal level competitions for the community. With this event we intend to bring to the fore, the talents of all, young and old.

    - Rajni George

    The YOUTH GROUP Report!

    - For more photos of the event please visit ‘Photos & Videos’ page at: www.sacredheartchurchvashi.wordpress.com

    11VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi October-November 2013

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  • -Rachel Rebello

    What is Taize Prayer?Not many know what it means? Well

    Taize prayer originated in Taize, France. It was founded in 1940 by Brother Roger Schutz, a Protestant. Over 1,00,000 young

    people from around the world make visits to Taize each year for prayers. Taize prayer is a communal way to share one's faith. It is spiritual, contemplating and brings people together for an hour to share God's presence.

    The youth from Sacred Heart Parish had organized a Taize Prayer Service at Fr. Agnels Chapel on 28th September at 8 pm. Around 45 youth experienced God's presence at our Taize Prayer Service. The setting of this prayer service was definitely one of a kind with

    colorful lit candles burning brightly in the dark signifying hope and setting the right mood for all. The Cross & Blessed Sacrament was displayed at the center of the worship space. The Youth gathered around the cross and meditated with silent prayer. Devotional songs, Intercession & repetition of chants made my first time experience simply spell bound. It was truly magical and we all enjoyed it. Am sure we all left taking with us God's holiness home.

    My beautiful experience with Gods power has made me feel light and stress free. I recommend we should have such services held once every month to sustain what we learn and to break free from what we hold back. Calling all the youth out there who missed this golden experience, please take that one step forward towards him and he has arms wide open for YOU!



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    12 Sacred Heart Church, Vashi - VASHI VISION October-November 2013

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    4.30 to 6.30 pm in The Activity Room on 2nd Floor of the Church


    Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, family counselors Rachana and Sabu Joseph are available from: 5 to 7 pm in the Counselor’s office at: Sacred Heart High School, Sector-4, Vashi

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    13VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi

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    14 Sacred Heart Church, Vashi - VASHI VISION October-November 2013

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    15VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi October-November 2013

  • 16 Sacred Heart Church, Vashi - VASHI VISION October-November 2013

  • Baptism - Born in Christ

    Marriage - United in Christ

    Burial - Resting in Christ

    18-08-2013 - Joanna Fernando - Child of - Joseph & Queena19-08-2013 - Deepa Nair - Child of - Pushpan & Shreedhar19-08-2013 - Almas Monye - Child of - Noorul Amin & Fatima29-08-2013 - Yohaan Correa Maurya - Child of - Pradeep & Audrey

    04-08-2013 - Ameya Chimegawe -with- Selma Colaco24-08-2013 - Calvin Aranha -with- Sneh Thadani24-08-2013 - Anoop Menon -with- Pamela Roberts

    1) 10-09-2013 - Assumption Gonsalves - age 78 years- Sector 6, Vashi2) 18-09-2013 - Mario John D’Souza - age 33 years- Sector 11, Vashi3) 25-09-2013 - Edwin Creado - age 81 years- Sector 6, Vashi

    We are publishing the photograph of our dear Parishioners who were united with Christ in the preceding/current month.In case of death of our parishioner the family may handover the photo of the departed family member along with the name, age & sector to the Vashi Vision Team or in the Parish Office, in case they Desire so. (deadline announced in Church Notices)

    Parish Schedule

    Confessions: - Every Saturday at 6.15 pm or on requestBaptisms: - 1st and 3rd Sunday at the 9.00 am MassSunday Good News Club: - 8.00 am Mass in the Church followed by Cathechism for children.Mass Schedule: - Weekday: 6.30 am, 7.15 am and 7.00 pm

    - Sundays: 7.00 am, 8.00 am, 9.00 am and 6.00 pm Language Masses: - Konkani: 3rd Sunday - 7.00 am

    - Tamil: 1st & 3rd Sunday - 10.00 am - Malayalam: 2nd & 4th Sunday - 10.00 am

    Charismatic Prayer: - Tuesdays & Thursdays after the Evening MassChurch Office: - 9.30 am to 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm

    Sunday Closed

    1 2 3

  • For more photos of the events visit Photos / Album at: www.facebook.com/sacredheartchurch.vashior ‘Photos & Videos’ page at: www.sacredheartchurchvashi.wordpress.com


    to CelebrateMother Mary’s

    Birthday 8th September 2013

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