volkert 1 parallel systems special chapter: foundations of grid computing grid computing part 2:...

Volkert Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Foundations of Grid Computing Computing Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller Dieter Kranzlmüller

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

VolkertVolkert 11

Parallel Systems Special ChapterParallel Systems Special Chapter Foundations of Grid ComputingFoundations of Grid Computing

Grid ComputingGrid ComputingPart 2 SecurityPart 2 Security

Jens VolkertJens VolkertDieter KranzlmuumlllerDieter Kranzlmuumlller

22 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

33 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

44 VolkertVolkert


Principal PartnerPrincipal Partner An entity Human program or machineAn entity Human program or machine

CredentialsCredentials Some data which prove identity (Some data which prove identity (Particular features certificatesParticular features certificates))

AuthenticationAuthentication Verification of a principals identityVerification of a principals identity

AuthorizationAuthorization Assignment of a set of privileges to a principalAssignment of a set of privileges to a principal

ConfidentialityConfidentiality Messages are encrypted such that only the receiver can understand Messages are encrypted such that only the receiver can understand


The message is not modified on the wayThe message is not modified on the wayNon-repudiationNon-repudiation

Impossibility to deny the authenticity of a digital signatureImpossibility to deny the authenticity of a digital signature

55 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

66 VolkertVolkert


View here Here Grid = connected LANs

Someone (principal) communicates with a partner somwhere in the Grid

77 VolkertVolkert


No unauthorized person is allowed to read or modify the exchanged information

The partner at the other end should be the one which pretends to be

The partner should be trustworthy even when no contact existed until now

AuthenticationCertifying identity or trustworthiness

of the partner or of the provided particular features

FurthermoreThe partner has the same rightsA principal must do something for it

88 VolkertVolkert


Any resource sharing is voluntary

Each resource owner decides whether she wants to share the resource when and how it can be used

99 VolkertVolkert

Example Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Authoritarian modelTrust is build up on interrogation of the pin code

Based on the code the machine makes sure that the partner is eligible

The partner must trust thereon that the machine is not manipulated

eg keep the card for later abuse

Remark In a Grid it would be naive to assume that no machine participating in the communication is manipulated

=gt In such a system partners have equal rights

1010 VolkertVolkert

The Risks in Grid

Aimed attacks on intermediate locations Large-scale distributed farms

Illegal or improper data distribution and information depending on the access type

Huge distributed storage capacities

Break-in by exploting security leaks Complex heterogeneous and dynamic environments

Damages by viruses worms etc Problem of a highly connected novel infrastructure

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 2: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

22 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

33 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

44 VolkertVolkert


Principal PartnerPrincipal Partner An entity Human program or machineAn entity Human program or machine

CredentialsCredentials Some data which prove identity (Some data which prove identity (Particular features certificatesParticular features certificates))

AuthenticationAuthentication Verification of a principals identityVerification of a principals identity

AuthorizationAuthorization Assignment of a set of privileges to a principalAssignment of a set of privileges to a principal

ConfidentialityConfidentiality Messages are encrypted such that only the receiver can understand Messages are encrypted such that only the receiver can understand


The message is not modified on the wayThe message is not modified on the wayNon-repudiationNon-repudiation

Impossibility to deny the authenticity of a digital signatureImpossibility to deny the authenticity of a digital signature

55 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

66 VolkertVolkert


View here Here Grid = connected LANs

Someone (principal) communicates with a partner somwhere in the Grid

77 VolkertVolkert


No unauthorized person is allowed to read or modify the exchanged information

The partner at the other end should be the one which pretends to be

The partner should be trustworthy even when no contact existed until now

AuthenticationCertifying identity or trustworthiness

of the partner or of the provided particular features

FurthermoreThe partner has the same rightsA principal must do something for it

88 VolkertVolkert


Any resource sharing is voluntary

Each resource owner decides whether she wants to share the resource when and how it can be used

99 VolkertVolkert

Example Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Authoritarian modelTrust is build up on interrogation of the pin code

Based on the code the machine makes sure that the partner is eligible

The partner must trust thereon that the machine is not manipulated

eg keep the card for later abuse

Remark In a Grid it would be naive to assume that no machine participating in the communication is manipulated

=gt In such a system partners have equal rights

1010 VolkertVolkert

The Risks in Grid

Aimed attacks on intermediate locations Large-scale distributed farms

Illegal or improper data distribution and information depending on the access type

Huge distributed storage capacities

Break-in by exploting security leaks Complex heterogeneous and dynamic environments

Damages by viruses worms etc Problem of a highly connected novel infrastructure

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 3: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

33 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

44 VolkertVolkert


Principal PartnerPrincipal Partner An entity Human program or machineAn entity Human program or machine

CredentialsCredentials Some data which prove identity (Some data which prove identity (Particular features certificatesParticular features certificates))

AuthenticationAuthentication Verification of a principals identityVerification of a principals identity

AuthorizationAuthorization Assignment of a set of privileges to a principalAssignment of a set of privileges to a principal

ConfidentialityConfidentiality Messages are encrypted such that only the receiver can understand Messages are encrypted such that only the receiver can understand


The message is not modified on the wayThe message is not modified on the wayNon-repudiationNon-repudiation

Impossibility to deny the authenticity of a digital signatureImpossibility to deny the authenticity of a digital signature

55 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

66 VolkertVolkert


View here Here Grid = connected LANs

Someone (principal) communicates with a partner somwhere in the Grid

77 VolkertVolkert


No unauthorized person is allowed to read or modify the exchanged information

The partner at the other end should be the one which pretends to be

The partner should be trustworthy even when no contact existed until now

AuthenticationCertifying identity or trustworthiness

of the partner or of the provided particular features

FurthermoreThe partner has the same rightsA principal must do something for it

88 VolkertVolkert


Any resource sharing is voluntary

Each resource owner decides whether she wants to share the resource when and how it can be used

99 VolkertVolkert

Example Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Authoritarian modelTrust is build up on interrogation of the pin code

Based on the code the machine makes sure that the partner is eligible

The partner must trust thereon that the machine is not manipulated

eg keep the card for later abuse

Remark In a Grid it would be naive to assume that no machine participating in the communication is manipulated

=gt In such a system partners have equal rights

1010 VolkertVolkert

The Risks in Grid

Aimed attacks on intermediate locations Large-scale distributed farms

Illegal or improper data distribution and information depending on the access type

Huge distributed storage capacities

Break-in by exploting security leaks Complex heterogeneous and dynamic environments

Damages by viruses worms etc Problem of a highly connected novel infrastructure

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 4: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

44 VolkertVolkert


Principal PartnerPrincipal Partner An entity Human program or machineAn entity Human program or machine

CredentialsCredentials Some data which prove identity (Some data which prove identity (Particular features certificatesParticular features certificates))

AuthenticationAuthentication Verification of a principals identityVerification of a principals identity

AuthorizationAuthorization Assignment of a set of privileges to a principalAssignment of a set of privileges to a principal

ConfidentialityConfidentiality Messages are encrypted such that only the receiver can understand Messages are encrypted such that only the receiver can understand


The message is not modified on the wayThe message is not modified on the wayNon-repudiationNon-repudiation

Impossibility to deny the authenticity of a digital signatureImpossibility to deny the authenticity of a digital signature

55 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

66 VolkertVolkert


View here Here Grid = connected LANs

Someone (principal) communicates with a partner somwhere in the Grid

77 VolkertVolkert


No unauthorized person is allowed to read or modify the exchanged information

The partner at the other end should be the one which pretends to be

The partner should be trustworthy even when no contact existed until now

AuthenticationCertifying identity or trustworthiness

of the partner or of the provided particular features

FurthermoreThe partner has the same rightsA principal must do something for it

88 VolkertVolkert


Any resource sharing is voluntary

Each resource owner decides whether she wants to share the resource when and how it can be used

99 VolkertVolkert

Example Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Authoritarian modelTrust is build up on interrogation of the pin code

Based on the code the machine makes sure that the partner is eligible

The partner must trust thereon that the machine is not manipulated

eg keep the card for later abuse

Remark In a Grid it would be naive to assume that no machine participating in the communication is manipulated

=gt In such a system partners have equal rights

1010 VolkertVolkert

The Risks in Grid

Aimed attacks on intermediate locations Large-scale distributed farms

Illegal or improper data distribution and information depending on the access type

Huge distributed storage capacities

Break-in by exploting security leaks Complex heterogeneous and dynamic environments

Damages by viruses worms etc Problem of a highly connected novel infrastructure

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 5: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

55 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

66 VolkertVolkert


View here Here Grid = connected LANs

Someone (principal) communicates with a partner somwhere in the Grid

77 VolkertVolkert


No unauthorized person is allowed to read or modify the exchanged information

The partner at the other end should be the one which pretends to be

The partner should be trustworthy even when no contact existed until now

AuthenticationCertifying identity or trustworthiness

of the partner or of the provided particular features

FurthermoreThe partner has the same rightsA principal must do something for it

88 VolkertVolkert


Any resource sharing is voluntary

Each resource owner decides whether she wants to share the resource when and how it can be used

99 VolkertVolkert

Example Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Authoritarian modelTrust is build up on interrogation of the pin code

Based on the code the machine makes sure that the partner is eligible

The partner must trust thereon that the machine is not manipulated

eg keep the card for later abuse

Remark In a Grid it would be naive to assume that no machine participating in the communication is manipulated

=gt In such a system partners have equal rights

1010 VolkertVolkert

The Risks in Grid

Aimed attacks on intermediate locations Large-scale distributed farms

Illegal or improper data distribution and information depending on the access type

Huge distributed storage capacities

Break-in by exploting security leaks Complex heterogeneous and dynamic environments

Damages by viruses worms etc Problem of a highly connected novel infrastructure

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 6: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

66 VolkertVolkert


View here Here Grid = connected LANs

Someone (principal) communicates with a partner somwhere in the Grid

77 VolkertVolkert


No unauthorized person is allowed to read or modify the exchanged information

The partner at the other end should be the one which pretends to be

The partner should be trustworthy even when no contact existed until now

AuthenticationCertifying identity or trustworthiness

of the partner or of the provided particular features

FurthermoreThe partner has the same rightsA principal must do something for it

88 VolkertVolkert


Any resource sharing is voluntary

Each resource owner decides whether she wants to share the resource when and how it can be used

99 VolkertVolkert

Example Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Authoritarian modelTrust is build up on interrogation of the pin code

Based on the code the machine makes sure that the partner is eligible

The partner must trust thereon that the machine is not manipulated

eg keep the card for later abuse

Remark In a Grid it would be naive to assume that no machine participating in the communication is manipulated

=gt In such a system partners have equal rights

1010 VolkertVolkert

The Risks in Grid

Aimed attacks on intermediate locations Large-scale distributed farms

Illegal or improper data distribution and information depending on the access type

Huge distributed storage capacities

Break-in by exploting security leaks Complex heterogeneous and dynamic environments

Damages by viruses worms etc Problem of a highly connected novel infrastructure

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 7: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

77 VolkertVolkert


No unauthorized person is allowed to read or modify the exchanged information

The partner at the other end should be the one which pretends to be

The partner should be trustworthy even when no contact existed until now

AuthenticationCertifying identity or trustworthiness

of the partner or of the provided particular features

FurthermoreThe partner has the same rightsA principal must do something for it

88 VolkertVolkert


Any resource sharing is voluntary

Each resource owner decides whether she wants to share the resource when and how it can be used

99 VolkertVolkert

Example Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Authoritarian modelTrust is build up on interrogation of the pin code

Based on the code the machine makes sure that the partner is eligible

The partner must trust thereon that the machine is not manipulated

eg keep the card for later abuse

Remark In a Grid it would be naive to assume that no machine participating in the communication is manipulated

=gt In such a system partners have equal rights

1010 VolkertVolkert

The Risks in Grid

Aimed attacks on intermediate locations Large-scale distributed farms

Illegal or improper data distribution and information depending on the access type

Huge distributed storage capacities

Break-in by exploting security leaks Complex heterogeneous and dynamic environments

Damages by viruses worms etc Problem of a highly connected novel infrastructure

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 8: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

88 VolkertVolkert


Any resource sharing is voluntary

Each resource owner decides whether she wants to share the resource when and how it can be used

99 VolkertVolkert

Example Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Authoritarian modelTrust is build up on interrogation of the pin code

Based on the code the machine makes sure that the partner is eligible

The partner must trust thereon that the machine is not manipulated

eg keep the card for later abuse

Remark In a Grid it would be naive to assume that no machine participating in the communication is manipulated

=gt In such a system partners have equal rights

1010 VolkertVolkert

The Risks in Grid

Aimed attacks on intermediate locations Large-scale distributed farms

Illegal or improper data distribution and information depending on the access type

Huge distributed storage capacities

Break-in by exploting security leaks Complex heterogeneous and dynamic environments

Damages by viruses worms etc Problem of a highly connected novel infrastructure

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 9: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

99 VolkertVolkert

Example Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Authoritarian modelTrust is build up on interrogation of the pin code

Based on the code the machine makes sure that the partner is eligible

The partner must trust thereon that the machine is not manipulated

eg keep the card for later abuse

Remark In a Grid it would be naive to assume that no machine participating in the communication is manipulated

=gt In such a system partners have equal rights

1010 VolkertVolkert

The Risks in Grid

Aimed attacks on intermediate locations Large-scale distributed farms

Illegal or improper data distribution and information depending on the access type

Huge distributed storage capacities

Break-in by exploting security leaks Complex heterogeneous and dynamic environments

Damages by viruses worms etc Problem of a highly connected novel infrastructure

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 10: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

1010 VolkertVolkert

The Risks in Grid

Aimed attacks on intermediate locations Large-scale distributed farms

Illegal or improper data distribution and information depending on the access type

Huge distributed storage capacities

Break-in by exploting security leaks Complex heterogeneous and dynamic environments

Damages by viruses worms etc Problem of a highly connected novel infrastructure

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 11: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

1111 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 12: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

1212 VolkertVolkert


Mathematical algorithms E and D which play an important role in connection with insecure infrastructuresVariable symbolism (meaning)

Simple text M Encrypted text C Encryption with key K1 E K1

(M) = C Encryption with key K2 D K2 (C) = M

Algorithm Symmetric K2 = K1 Asymmetric K2 ne K1


EncryptionEncryption DecryptionDecryptionM C M

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 13: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

1313 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric AlgorithmsThe same key is used to code and decode

Examples 1048707 DES 1048707 3DES 1048707 Rijndael (AES) 1048707 Blowfish 1048707 Kerberos

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


3$r ciao



1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 14: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

1414 VolkertVolkert

Simplest Method

Secret key is exchanged between the two communicating partners Not allowed to be crackable Should not produce something regular

Via a secure way Hand it personally (Mils Elektronik) Secure storage

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 15: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

1515 VolkertVolkert

Key Generation via an Insecure Channel

Diffie-Hellman procedure about 1970 Information exchange using the channel Without information transport the key

reconstruction is allowed

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 16: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

1616 VolkertVolkert

Common Secret Key Between Alice and Bob

The number α is known modulo arithmetic is usedAlice dices a random number a sends A = αa mod NBob dices random b sends B = αb mod NAlice computes C = Βa = αba = αab mod NBob computes C = Ab = αab = αba mod NC is the common secret key

RemarkEven when A B N and α are known C is practically not discoverableBecause of the modulo arithmetic with high modulo values

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 17: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

1717 VolkertVolkert

Modulo Computation A = αa mod N is for big N practically irreversible so called one way function

The determination complexity for a typical N is proportional to

exp(C log N (log log N)2)13 with Cgt1 typically N = 10385 (a 1280-digit binary number) Even standard exponentiation would be at this order too much

for the most modern chips a computation would take more time than the time the universe exists

Computation exploiting the dual representation Example

a = 37 = 25 + 22 + 20

α 2i is computed by repeated squaringα37 = α32 x α4 x α0 gives the value

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 18: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

1818 VolkertVolkert

Generally One Way FunctionsFunction H with H(M) = h1 For given h it is almost impossible to compute M = H-1(h)2 For given M it is difficult to find an M with H(Mrsquo) = H(M)

We also speak of one way hash functions when the one way function H creates a fixed length message out of a variable length message

h must be at least 128 Bits long to insure some security

Examples SNEFRU Hash length 128 oder 256 Bits MD4MD5 Hash length 128 Bits SHA (Standard FIPS) Hash length 160 Bits

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 19: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

1919 VolkertVolkert

Symmetric Keys

Advantage fast

Disadvantage How to distribute the key The number of keys is O(n2)

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 20: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

2020 VolkertVolkert

Deceiving Partner

One of the partners sends himself messages pretending to be from others

Remedy asymmetric keys

Each used has a private key D and a public key E The personal key can not be derived from the public one A message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted

with a personal key Often both keys function reversely

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 21: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

2121 VolkertVolkert

Public Key MethodEach user has a private and a public keyNumber of keys is O(n)No exchange of secret information is needed

The sender encrypts with the receivers public key

The receiver decrypts with its personal key

Example Diffie-Helmann (1977) Lower sums (Ralph Merkle

Martin E Helman) RSA (1978)

John keys

public private

Paul keys

public private

Paul John


3$r ciao

Paul John


cy7 ciao



2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 22: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

2222 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Principle Given

Key E = (a1a2hellipan) Message N

Procedure Message is binary coded Decomposed in blocks of length n Blocks x = (x1x2hellipxn) are encrypted as a scalar product E x

Example E = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) E x = 6790 x =

With a suited choice of E hardly breakable All 2n possibilities should be tried Tipically today n = 1280 Even the receiver does not manage it otherwise

Solution X = (0011101110)

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 23: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

2323 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Obtaining the Key

Significant part of the private key Choose random numbers such that with increasing n each

number is bigger than the sum of all previous onesD = (d1d2hellipdn)

Example D = (35112041831693406791358) Remark an x coded this way can be easily decrypted eg 1260

for the old x

Public key Choose random numbers w and m and compute ai = di w mod m

Remark w and m remain secret being therefore part of the private key

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 24: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

2424 VolkertVolkert

Lower Sums Essential Statements

Due to modulo almost unbreakable Example w = 764 m = 2731 A = (229210892111625128359975931525972463) Our old message A x = 6790

Decryption is easy One uses w-1 with w-1 w = 1 modulo m (it exists when m and w have no common divizors

easy to compute) Example 764-1 = 1605 mod 2731

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 25: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

2525 VolkertVolkert

Low Sums Decryption

Compute Crsquo = C w-1 mod m Crsquo = 6790 x 1605 mod 2731 = 1260

Further it is valid that because C = Σ ai xi

C w-1 = Σ ai xi w-1 = Σ ai w-1 xi = Σ di xi mod m

With the private key it is easy to decrypt

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 26: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

2626 VolkertVolkert


Basic principle big prime factors are difficult to find Public key

Choose 2 bog prime numbers p and q n = pq and another random number E make the

public key Encryption

Each character of the text is decimally coded (0-99) with a fixed code

The code is decomposed in blocks Pi of same length such that the resulted numbers are lower than n

Encrypted text is Ci = PiE mod n

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 27: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

2727 VolkertVolkert


One takes advantage of the fact that

aE mod n = aE mod φ(n) mod n

with φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)

So when in addition to E an easily determined D and ED=1 is used we obtain

CiD = Pi

ED = Pi mod n

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 28: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

2828 VolkertVolkert

OverviewOverviewGlossaryGlossaryNecessity of security in data networksNecessity of security in data networksEncryptionEncryption

Symmetric algorithmsSymmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital signaturesDigital signatures X509 certificatesX509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic conceptsBasic concepts Grid Security InfrastructureGrid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganizationVirtual Organization Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 29: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

2929 VolkertVolkert

Securer Partner

Third person Cleo is located inbetween Towards Alice she behaves as Bob

Generates the random number c Generates a common key with Alice

Crsquo = αac = αca

Towards Bob she behaves like Alice Generate a common key with Bob

Crsquorsquo = αbc = αcb

Can now read and manipulate each message between Alice and Bob

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 30: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

3030 VolkertVolkert


Introduction of a pass and the corresponding authority

The pass does not strictly speaking prove that to the given image the given name does belong but the emitting authority believes this

Here Certificate from an authorizer Signatures

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 31: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

3131 VolkertVolkert

Digital SignaturesPaul computes the Hash of the message

Paul encrypts with his own privateprivate Key obtaining the digital signaturedigital signature

Paul sends the signed message to John

John computes himself the hash of the message and verifiesverifies by comparing with has decoded using the publicpublic key

If they are the same the message was not modified Paul cannot repudiate it


This is some


Digital Signature


This is some


Digital Signature

This is some


Digital Signature





Paul keys

public private

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 32: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

3232 VolkertVolkert

Digital CertificatesPaulrsquos digital signature is secure when

1 Paulrsquos private key was indeed used2 John knows Paulrsquos public key

How can John be sure that he knows Pauls public key and not of someone other

A third party (a kind of authority) guarantees the conformity of the public key with the owner

Both Paul and John must trust this third party

2 ModelsX509 hierarchical organizationPGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 33: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

3333 VolkertVolkert

PGP ldquoweb of trustrdquo

F knows D and E who knows A and C who knows A and BF is reasonably sure that the key from A is really from A







3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 34: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

3434 VolkertVolkert


The third party is a Certification Authority (CA)

Emits digital certificates for principals (users programs and machines)Verifies the identity and the personal data of the requirer

Registration Authorities (RAs) execute the actual verification

CAs periodically publish lists of no more valid certificatesCertificate Revocation Lists (CRL) contain all the revoked and expired certificatesCA certificates are self signed

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 35: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

3535 VolkertVolkert

X509 CertificatesAn X509 certificate contains

ownerrsquos public key

identity of the owner

info on the CA

time of validity

Serial number

digital signature of the CA1048707

Public keyPublic key

SubjectC=CH O=CERN SubjectC=CH O=CERN OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba OU=GRID CN=Andrea Sciaba 89688968


Expiration date Aug 26 080814 Expiration date Aug 26 080814 2005 GMT2005 GMT

Serial number 625 (0x271)Serial number 625 (0x271)

CA Digital signatureCA Digital signature

Structure of a X509 certificate

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 36: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

3636 VolkertVolkert

GRID Security the playersGRID Security the players

bull Large and dynamic populationbullDifferent accounts at different sites bullPersonal and confidential databullHeterogeneous privileges (roles)bullDesire Single Sign-On


bull ldquoGrouprdquo data bull Access Patterns bull Membership


SitesSitesbull Heterogeneous Resourcesbull Access Patterns bull Local policiesbull Membership


3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 37: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

3737 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 38: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

3838 VolkertVolkert

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

every userhostservice has an X509 every userhostservice has an X509 certificatecertificatecertificates are signed by trusted (by the certificates are signed by trusted (by the local sites) CArsquoslocal sites) CArsquosevery Grid transaction is every Grid transaction is mutually mutually authenticatedauthenticated

11 John sends his certificateJohn sends his certificate22 Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos Paul verifies signature in Johnrsquos

certificatecertificate33 Paul sends to John a challenge stringPaul sends to John a challenge string44 John encrypts the challenge string with John encrypts the challenge string with

his private keyhis private key55 John sends encrypted challenge to PaulJohn sends encrypted challenge to Paul66 Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt Paul uses Johnrsquos public key to decrypt

the challengethe challenge77 Paul compares the decrypted string with Paul compares the decrypted string with

the original challengethe original challenge88 If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity If they match Paul verified Johnrsquos identity

and John can not repudiate it and John can not repudiate it

JohnJohn PaulPaulJohnrsquos certificateJohnrsquos certificate

Verify CA signatureVerify CA signature

Random phraseRandom phrase

Encrypy with Jrsquo s private keyEncrypy with Jrsquo s private key

Encrypted phraseEncrypted phrase

Decrypt with Jrsquo s public keyDecrypt with Jrsquo s public key

Compare with original phraseCompare with original phrase

Based on X509 PKI


Private keysPrivate keys must be stored only

in protectedprotected places


in encryptedencrypted form

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 39: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

3939 VolkertVolkert

Certificate request hellip more Certificate request hellip more details details

EgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAsEgeeLCG recognizes a given set of CAs httpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtmlhttpslcg-registrarcernchpki_certificateshtml

How do you request a certificate depends on How do you request a certificate depends on your CAyour CA

For GILDA have a look at the Demo VideoFor GILDA have a look at the Demo Video httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtmlhttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllproxyhtml

(Flash) (Flash) httpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyrahttpsgildactinfnitvideoCertificationAllCertproxyra

mm (Real) (Real)

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 40: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

4040 VolkertVolkert

Certificate RequestCertificate Request

Private Key encrypted on

local disk


Public Key



User generatespublicprivate

key pair

User send public key to CA along with proof of


CA confirms identity signs certificate and sends back to user

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 41: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

4141 VolkertVolkert

Certificate InformationCertificate Information

To get cert information run To get cert information run grid-cert-infogrid-cert-info

[scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject [scampanagrid019~]$ grid-cert-info -subject

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 74617461

Options for printing cert informationOptions for printing cert information-all-all -startdate-startdate-subject-subject -enddate-enddate-issuer-issuer -help-help

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 42: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

4242 VolkertVolkert

X509 Proxy CertificateX509 Proxy CertificateGSI extension to X509 Identity CertificatesGSI extension to X509 Identity Certificates signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)signed by the normal end entity cert (or by another proxy)

Enables single sign-onEnables single sign-onSupport some important featuresSupport some important features DelegationDelegation Mutual authenticationMutual authentication

Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) Has a limited lifetime (minimized risk of ldquocompromised credentialsrdquo) It is created by the It is created by the grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-init command command grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initEnter PEM pass phrase Enter PEM pass phrase

Options for grid-proxy-initOptions for grid-proxy-init-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-hours ltlifetime of credentialgt-bits ltlength of keygt-bits ltlength of keygt-help-help

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 43: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

4343 VolkertVolkert

grid-proxy-initgrid-proxy-initUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private keyUser enters pass phrase which is used to decrypt private key

Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate Private key is used to sign a proxy certificate with its own new publicprivate key pairkey pair

Userrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signedUserrsquos private key not exposed after proxy has been signed

User certificate file

Private Key(Encrypted)Pass


User Proxycertificate file

Proxy placed in tmp the private key of the Proxy is not encrypted stored in local file must be readable only by the owner proxy lifetime is short (typically 12 h) to minimize security risks

NOTE No network traffic

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 44: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

4444 VolkertVolkert

Proxy again hellip Proxy again hellip

grid-proxy-init grid-proxy-init equiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquoequiv ldquologin to the Gridrdquo

To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy To ldquologoutrdquo you have to destroy your proxy grid-proxy-destroygrid-proxy-destroy This does This does NOTNOT destroy any proxies that were delegated from this destroy any proxies that were delegated from this

proxyproxy You cannot revoke a remote proxyYou cannot revoke a remote proxy Usually create proxies with short lifetimesUsually create proxies with short lifetimes

To gather information about your proxy To gather information about your proxy grid-proxy-infogrid-proxy-info Options for printing proxy informationOptions for printing proxy information

-subject-subject -issuer-issuer-type-type -timeleft-timeleft-strength-strength -help-help

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 45: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

4545 VolkertVolkert

Delegation and limited proxyDelegation and limited proxyDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credentialDelegation = remote creation of a (second level) proxy credential

New key pair generated remotely on serverNew key pair generated remotely on server Client signs proxy cert and returns itClient signs proxy cert and returns it

Allows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the userAllows remote process to authenticate on behalf of the user Remote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the userRemote process ldquoimpersonatesrdquo the user

The client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquoThe client can elect to delegate a ldquolimited proxyrdquo Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited Each service decides whether it will allow authentication with a limited

proxyproxy Job manager service requires a full proxyJob manager service requires a full proxy GridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be usedGridFTP server allows either full or limited proxy to be used

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 46: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

4646 VolkertVolkert

Long term proxyLong term proxyProxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)Proxy has limited lifetime (default is 12 h)

Bad idea to have longer proxyBad idea to have longer proxy

However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time However a grid task might need to use a proxy for a much longer time Grid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 daysGrid jobs in HEP Data Challenges on LCG last up to 2 days

myproxy servermyproxy server Allows to create and store a long term proxy certificateAllows to create and store a long term proxy certificate myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt myproxy-init -s lthost_namegt

-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server-s lthost_namegt specifies the hostname of the myproxy server myproxy-info myproxy-info

Get information about stored long living proxy Get information about stored long living proxy myproxy-get-delegation myproxy-get-delegation

Get a new proxy from the MyProxy serverGet a new proxy from the MyProxy server myproxy-destroymyproxy-destroy Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option Chech out the myproxy-xxx - - help option

A dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxyA dedicated service on the RB can renew automatically the proxy contacts the myproxy server contacts the myproxy server

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 47: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

4747 VolkertVolkert

GSI environment variablesGSI environment variablesUser certificate filesUser certificate files

CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default $HOMEglobususercertpem$HOMEglobususercertpem))

Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default $HOMEglobususerkeypem$HOMEglobususerkeypem))

ProxyProxy X509_USER_PROXYX509_USER_PROXY (default (default tmpx509up_ultidgttmpx509up_ultidgt))

Host certificate filesHost certificate files CertificateCertificate X509_USER_CERTX509_USER_CERT (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-

securityhostcertpemsecurityhostcertpem)) Private keyPrivate key X509_USER_KEYX509_USER_KEY (default (default etcgrid-etcgrid-


Trusted certification authority certificatesTrusted certification authority certificates X509_CERT_DIRX509_CERT_DIR (default (default


4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 48: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

4848 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 49: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

4949 VolkertVolkert

Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organizations and authorizationauthorization

Grid users MUST belong to Virtual OrganizationsGrid users MUST belong to Virtual Organizations What we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquoWhat we previously called ldquoGroupsrdquo Sets of users belonging to a collaborationSets of users belonging to a collaboration List of supported VOsList of supported VOs


VOs maintain a list of their membersVOs maintain a list of their members The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects The list is downloaded by Grid machines to map user certificate subjects

to local ldquopoolrdquo accountsto local ldquopoolrdquo accounts

Sites decide which VOs to acceptSites decide which VOs to accept

C=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Simone Campana 7461 dteamC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Andrea Sciaba 8968 cmsC=CHO=CERNOU=GRIDCN=Patricia Mendez Lorenzo-ALICE alice


5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 50: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

5050 VolkertVolkert

On the side user Registration in a VOOn the side user Registration in a VO

Import your certificate in your browserImport your certificate in your browser If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 If you received a pem certificate you need to convert it to PKCS12 Use Use opensslopenssl command line (available in each egeeLCG UI) command line (available in each egeeLCG UI)

openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey openssl pkcs12 ndashexport ndashin usercertpem ndashinkey userkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquouserkeypem ndashout my_certp12 ndashname rsquoMy Namersquo

Sign the usage guidelines for the VO Sign the usage guidelines for the VO You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)You will be registered in the VO-LDAP server (wait for notification)

Gilda (and other VO) Gilda (and other VO) You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web You receive already a PKCS12 certificate (can import it directly into web

browser)browser) For future use you will need For future use you will need usercertpemusercertpem and and userkeypemuserkeypem in a directory in a directory

~globus on your UI~globus on your UI Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again Export the PKCS12 cert to a local dir on UI and use again opensslopenssl

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my_certp12 -out userkeypemopenssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my_certp12 -out usercertpemusercertpem

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 51: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

5151 VolkertVolkert

VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPSVirtual Organization Membership ServiceVirtual Organization Membership Service

Extends the proxy info with Extends the proxy info with VO membership group roleVO membership group role and and capabilitiescapabilities

Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS)Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS) Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile)Checks if the user is authorized (currently using the grid-mapfile) Checks if the user is banned at the siteChecks if the user is banned at the site Checks if at that time the site accepts jobsChecks if at that time the site accepts jobs

Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS)Local Credential Mapping Service (LCMAPS) Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens Maps grid credentials to local credentials (eg UNIX uidgid AFS tokens

etc)etc) Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject)Currently uses the grid-mapfile (based only on certificate subject) In the near future will map also VOMS group and rolesIn the near future will map also VOMS group and roles

VO=cmsGROUP=cms cmsVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprod cmsprodVO=cmsGROUP=cmsprodROLE=manager cmsprodman

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 52: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

5252 VolkertVolkert



Symmetric algorithms Symmetric algorithms Asymmetric algorithms PKIAsymmetric algorithms PKI

CertificatesCertificates Digital Signatures Digital Signatures X509 certificates X509 certificates

Grid SecurityGrid Security Basic concepts Basic concepts Grid Security Infrastructure Grid Security Infrastructure Proxy certificatesProxy certificates Command line interfacesCommand line interfaces

Virtual OrganisationVirtual Organisation Concept of VO and authorizationConcept of VO and authorization VOMS LCAS LCMAPSVOMS LCAS LCMAPS

CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)CC++ interfaces (GSS-API GSS Assist)

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 53: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

5353 VolkertVolkert

Security APIs in egeeLCGSecurity APIs in egeeLCG

Currently there are no API developed specifically by Currently there are no API developed specifically by egeeLCGegeeLCG

The existing API come from other projectsThe existing API come from other projects AuthenticationAuthentication

Globus GSS-API GSS Assist COG KitsGlobus GSS-API GSS Assist COG Kits AuthorizationAuthorization

LCAS pluginsLCAS plugins

LCMAPS pluginsLCMAPS plugins


The documentation is generally poorThe documentation is generally poor

Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004Some development is on the way Check CHEP 2004 httpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypyhttpindicocernchcontributionDisplaypy


5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 54: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

5454 VolkertVolkert

API GSS-API and GSS AssistAPI GSS-API and GSS Assist

GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming GSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-Interface) is a generic API for client-server authentication (RFC-2743 2744)2743 2744)

Traditionally interfaces to KerberosTraditionally interfaces to Kerberos Globus interfaced it to GSIGlobus interfaced it to GSI Unfortunately rather complicated to useUnfortunately rather complicated to use

GSS-API as user interface to GSIGSS-API as user interface to GSI C APIC API Java APIJava API

The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of The Globus GSS Assist routines are designed to simplify the use of the GSSAPIthe GSSAPI

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 55: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

5555 VolkertVolkert


1 The client initiates a context and prepares a token for the server

2 The token is sent to the server 3 The server interprets the token and

prepares a new one to be sent to the client 4 The token is sent to the client 5 Iterate process until authentication process

succeeds or fails

1 The client wraps a message for the server and sends it

2 The server receives the message and unwraps it

3 The server sends a confirmation message to the client (MIC)

4 The client verifies the MIC

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 56: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

5656 VolkertVolkert

GSS-API data typesGSS-API data types

IntegersIntegers OM_uint32OM_uint32

StringsStrings typedef struct gss_buffer_struct typedef struct gss_buffer_struct

size_tsize_t lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_tgss_buffer_desc gss_buffer_t

NamesNames gss_name_tgss_name_t

OIDsOIDs typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct

OM_uint32OM_uint32 lengthlength

voidvoid valuevalue

gss_OID_desc gss_OIDgss_OID_desc gss_OID

OID setsOID sets typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct typedef struct gss_set_desc_struct

size_tsize_t countcount

gsss_OIDgsss_OID elementselements

gss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_setgss_OID_set_desc gss_OID_set

CredentialsCredentials gss_cred_id_tgss_cred_id_t

ContextsContexts gss_ctx_id_tgss_ctx_id_t

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 57: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

5757 VolkertVolkert

More on data typesMore on data types

Strings are used for character strings and tokensStrings are used for character strings and tokensNames are an opaque representation of a principalNames are an opaque representation of a principalObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used forObject Identifiers (OIDs) are used for

Security mechanismsSecurity mechanisms Quality of Protection (QOP) valuesQuality of Protection (QOP) values Name typesName types


GSS_C_NO_OID for default or null valueGSS_C_NO_OID for default or null value

Status codesStatus codes OM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errorsOM_uint32 major-status generic GSS-API routine errors OM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errorsOM_uint32 minor-status mechanism-specific errors

TokensTokens Context level tokens used for context establishmentContext level tokens used for context establishment Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted Per-message tokens used for data protection (cryptographic tag encrypted


5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 58: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

5858 VolkertVolkert

Name manipulationName manipulation

Convert a string to a name and vice versaConvert a string to a name and vice versa gss_import_name()gss_import_name() gss_display_name()gss_display_name()

Compare duplicate namesCompare duplicate names gss_compare_name()gss_compare_name() gss_duplicate_name()gss_duplicate_name()

Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific Generate a Mechanism Name a mechanism-specific representation of a namerepresentation of a name


Export a MN in a format suitable for comparisonExport a MN in a format suitable for comparison gss_export_namegss_export_name

Destroy a nameDestroy a name gss_release_name()gss_release_name()

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 59: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

5959 VolkertVolkert

Credential managementCredential management

Acquire an existing credential by nameAcquire an existing credential by name gss_acquire_cred()gss_acquire_cred() If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is If name is GSS_C_NO_NAME default credential is


Obtain information about a credentialObtain information about a credential gss_inquire_cred()gss_inquire_cred() gss_inquire_cred_by_mech()gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH) name lifetime usage (INITIATE ACCEPT BOTH)

mechanisms supportedmechanisms supported

Destroy a credential handleDestroy a credential handle gss_release_cred()gss_release_cred()

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 60: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

6060 VolkertVolkert

Context managementContext management

Establish a secure contextEstablish a secure context gss_init_sec_context()gss_init_sec_context() gss_accept_sec_context()gss_accept_sec_context()

Retrieve residual duration or other info about Retrieve residual duration or other info about contextcontext gss_context_time()gss_context_time() gss_inquire_context()gss_inquire_context()

Export a context from a process to another by Export a context from a process to another by means of an interprocess tokenmeans of an interprocess token gss_export_sec_context()gss_export_sec_context() gss_import_sec_context()gss_import_sec_context()

Destroy a secure contextDestroy a secure context gss_delete_sec_contextgss_delete_sec_context

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 61: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

6161 VolkertVolkert

Confidentiality and integrityConfidentiality and integrity

Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) Generate a cryptographic message integrity code (MIC) for a message to transfer to the peer applicationfor a message to transfer to the peer application


Verify the received message against the received MICVerify the received message against the received MIC gss_verify_mic()gss_verify_mic()

Embed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) messageEmbed the MIC in the (possibly encrypted) message gss_wrap()gss_wrap()

(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC(possibly decrypt and) verify the embedded MIC gss_unwrap()gss_unwrap()

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 62: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

6262 VolkertVolkert

Globus extensionsGlobus extensions

Credential import and exportCredential import and export To pass credentials from a process to another or storing themTo pass credentials from a process to another or storing them Export to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native formatExport to 1) an opaque buffer or 2) a file in GSI native format gss_import_cred()gss_import_cred() gss_export_cred()gss_export_cred()

Delegation at any timeDelegation at any time A lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegationA lot more flexible than standard GSS-API delegation

Delegation at times other than context establishmentDelegation at times other than context establishment

Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for Possible to delegate credentials different than those used for context establishment even for different mechanismscontext establishment even for different mechanisms

Ex delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSIEx delegate a Kerberos credential over a context established with GSI

gss_init_delegation()gss_init_delegation() gss_accept_delegation()gss_accept_delegation()

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 63: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

6363 VolkertVolkert

GSS AssistGSS Assist

Simpler functions forSimpler functions for Credential handle creationCredential handle creation

major_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_acquire_cred(ampminor_status



Context establishmentContext establishmentmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_statusmajor_status = globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context(ampminor_status credential_handlecredential_handle ampcontext_handleampcontext_handle (char ) server_princ(char ) server_princ GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAGGSS_C_DELEG_FLAG|GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG ampret_flagsampret_flags amptoken_statusamptoken_status globus_gss_assist_token_get_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_get_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd(void ) ampsocket_fd globus_gss_assist_token_send_fdglobus_gss_assist_token_send_fd (void ) ampsocket_fd)(void ) ampsocket_fd)

Little documentationLittle documentationhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtmlhttpwwwglobusorgsecuritygss_assisthtml

Pointers to functions to send and receive tokens using sockets

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml

Page 64: Volkert 1 Parallel Systems Special Chapter: Foundations of Grid Computing Grid Computing Part 2: Security Jens Volkert Dieter Kranzlmüller

6464 VolkertVolkert

Further Information


bull LCG Security httpproj-lcg-securitywebcernchproj-lcg-security

bull LCG Registration httplcg-registrarcernch

bull Globus Security httpwwwglobusorgsecurity


bull GGF Security httpwwwgridforumorgsecurity

bull GSS-API httpwwwfaqsorgfaqskerberos-faqgeneralsection-84html

bull GSS-API httpdocsuncitesuiucedusun_docsCsolaris_9SUNWdev


bull IETF PKIX charter httpwwwietforghtmlcharterspkix-charterhtml

bull PKCS httpwwwrsasecuritycomrsalabspkcsindexhtml