vol. 7, no. 3 fall 2011 - father stanger - holy infant ... · father edward j. stanger was born to...

Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother was one of thirteen children and he was the fifth of five children, one sister and four brothers, all born within a six year period. His father is 93 and his mother was recently received into the arms of Jesus (10/6/2011) at the age of 84 years. Their home was in St. Timothy Parish in Affton. Faith was a big part of the Stanger family. He thought of being a priest when he was a child, but he thought of being many other things too. In later years while attending St. Mary’s High School, he began seriously considering the priesthood. Making his deci- sion, upon graduation he entered College Seminary in 1982. He then completed his education at Kenrick Semi- nary to Ordination on January 12, 1991. His Priestly assignments started as Associate Pas- tor at Sacred Heart in Olde Town Florissant in 1991 to 1995. He was then assigned as Secretary to Archbishop Rigali from 1995 to 1997. He resided at St. Margaret of Scotland in South St. Louis and St. Rapha- el Parish in St. Louis Hills. Following this he was assigned as Associate Pastor to Queen of All Saints in Oakville (1997-2002) and then returned to Sacred Heart in Olde Town Florissant as Pastor 2002 to 2011. He was assigned to be Pastor of Holy Infant Parish in Ballwin in June 2011. Many of his former Sa- cred Heart parishioners attend his Sun- day and weekday Masses here at Holy Infant. He treasures his life as a Priest and loves cele- brating the Sacraments as well as proclaiming the Word of God. He is given opportunity to wrestle connecting faith to life and life to faith. He sees and respects a rich tradition of more than 50 years of faithfulness at Holy Infant. On his first visit to our Adoration Chapel he prayed to build on the faith, hope, and love tradition conveyed. He had a vibrant wel- come and sees us as a loving community parish rich with organizations and ministries. Huge! He en- joys the enthusiasm of members of our youth ministry and the compassion of our more seasoned members. It is a joy to work with two brother priests who are his contemporar- ies. The rectory is never boring, already having had many memora- ble conversations and lots of laugh- ter. It is great to see so many spiritu- al opportunities for men and women starting with the Stephen Ministry, CRHP and the PX90 Men’s Spiritual Enrichment Pro- gram. As for the most challenging task(s) ahead of him, first and foremost would be getting to know the people by name and for them to get to know him. He is one person facing (Continued on page 3) Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 By JoAnn Dinkelkamp - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT WELCOMES OUR NEW SHEPHERD He sees and respects a rich tradition of more than 50 years of faithfulness at Holy Infant. photo by Don Dinkelkamp

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Page 1: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother

Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and

Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say,

6/6/64. His mother was one of thirteen children and he

was the fifth of five children, one sister and four brothers,

all born within a six year period. His father is 93 and his

mother was recently received into the arms of Jesus

(10/6/2011) at the age of 84 years. Their home was in St.

Timothy Parish in Affton. Faith was a big part of the

Stanger family.

He thought of being a priest when he was a child,

but he thought of being many other things too. In later

years while attending St. Mary’s High School, he began

seriously considering the priesthood. Making his deci-

sion, upon graduation he entered College Seminary in

1982. He then completed his education at Kenrick Semi-

nary to Ordination on January 12, 1991.

His Priestly assignments started as Associate Pas-

tor at Sacred Heart in Olde Town Florissant in 1991 to

1995. He was then assigned as Secretary to Archbishop

Rigali from 1995 to 1997. He resided at St. Margaret

of Scotland in South St. Louis and St. Rapha-

el Parish in St. Louis Hills. Following

this he was assigned as Associate

Pastor to Queen of All Saints in

Oakville (1997-2002) and then

returned to Sacred Heart in Olde

Town Florissant as Pastor 2002 to

2011. He was assigned to be Pastor

of Holy Infant Parish in Ballwin in

June 2011. Many of his former Sa-

cred Heart parishioners attend his Sun-

day and weekday Masses here at Holy Infant.

He treasures his life as a Priest and loves cele-

brating the Sacraments as well as proclaiming the Word

of God. He is given opportunity to wrestle connecting

faith to life and life to faith.

He sees and respects a rich tradition of more than

50 years of faithfulness at Holy Infant. On his first visit

to our Adoration Chapel he prayed to build on the faith,

hope, and love tradition conveyed. He had a vibrant wel-

come and sees us as a loving community parish rich with

organizations and ministries. Huge! He en-

joys the enthusiasm of members of our

youth ministry and the compassion of

our more seasoned members. It is a

joy to work with two brother

priests who are his contemporar-

ies. The rectory is never boring,

already having had many memora-

ble conversations and lots of laugh-

ter. It is great to see so many spiritu-

al opportunities for men and women

starting with the Stephen Ministry, CRHP

and the PX90 Men’s Spiritual Enrichment Pro-


As for the most challenging task(s) ahead of him,

first and foremost would be getting to know the people by name and for them to get to know him. He is one person facing

(Continued on page 3)

Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011

By JoAnn Dinkelkamp



He sees and


a rich tradition

of more than 50 years

of faithfulness

at Holy Infant.

photo by Don Dinkelkamp

Page 2: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother


Holy Infant, a vibrant

“Alive in Christ” Catholic

School, has begun a new year with an enrollment of 670

children. Holy Infant’s mission is to educate the whole

person – mind, body and spirit, providing a sound foun-

dation in which children can grow spiritually with

strengthened academics in all disciplines to prepare them

for rapidly-changing cultures and economies. We are

happy to welcome again Sister Rosario as Principal and

Sister Laurentia, our much-loved Sisters of Mercy.

A visit to an all-school Mass offers a view of

multi-lesson teaching at Holy Infant. As the children

learn the Liturgy, the Mass and the Eucharist, they are

absorbing important social

graces. The children’s

comportment is remarkable

– they enter quietly, sit still,

listen carefully, confidently

approach a lectern, use a

microphone and speak with

ease in a crowded church -

all lessons that will serve

them well for life.

Holy Infant teach-

ers provide interesting

ways to encourage learn-

ing. Third grade students

must choose a saint, re-

search and write a paper on

the story of his life, legacy

and accomplishments. With help from his parents the

child fashions a cloth doll of his saint. He will then pre-

sent his story and his doll to the class. The dolls are

proudly displayed in the church lobby on All Saints Day.

The children enjoy this activity without realizing they

have had a lesson in religion, researching, writing papers,

presentation and art.

A much more difficult learning experience awaits

the 7th grade History class, as the History Day National

Competition, anticipated with excitement and dread, has

already begun. It is the responsibility of the student to

enter into his notebook each day’s history lesson which

becomes the basis for that student’s exhibit in the compe-

tition. UMSL and the History Channel set a new theme

each year, but the student chooses his own venue for his

exhibit Last year Holy Infant’s exhibits covered a wide

range from Web sites and Documentaries to a Perfor-

mance. The exhibits are judged, and judged, and judged

again, with only winning entries moving up the line from

Holy Infant, to UMSL, to UM in Columbia, (more than

600 Missouri students

competed last year at the

Columbia State Finals).

The winners move to the

Nationals at College

Park, Md. where they

compete with exhibits of

7th graders from across

the United States. Last

year four of our exhibits

and two alternates com-

peted in the National fi-

nals at College Park. We

did not place in the Na-

tionals, but watch out for

Holy Infant in this year’s


The staggering number of awards won each year

by Holy Infant students in National, State and Diocesan

contests in all subjects prove that “Alive in Christ” Holy

Infant School, provides a strong and firm foundation for

the future of our children. Sister Rosario will be delight-

ed to show the complete list of last year’s awards to any

interested person.



By Mary Jane Zust

Coming Soon To A TV Screen Near You!


Visit this website to see a video that you'll probably want to share!

Founder Tom Peterson gives a brief introduction,

then sit back and enjoy . . .

Saint Dolls made and presented by Holy Infant third graders

for All Saints Day in 2010.

photo by Don Dinkelkamp

Page 3: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother


By Samantha Miller

Name: Samantha


Age: 16

High school attending:

Visitation Academy

10,000 people and is grateful for their patience. Also, he is

keen to keep up with Sister Rosario who is full of life’s energy

and clearly illustrates a lot of love for this community. Next,

every priest, including himself, is challenged to evangelize and

welcome people to our family of faith. He welcomes and looks

forward to each of these challenges.

Father Stanger was officially installed as Pastor of

Holy Infant at the 10:15 Mass Sunday, August 28, 2011 by

Vicar Rivituso at a beautiful ceremony, followed by a parish

reception. Author’s note: When you get to spend more than

a few minutes with Father Stanger, you will find him to be extremely

warm and comfortable to be with. He has a knack of putting you at

ease and you don’t even notice it. He loves to laugh and has many

pleasures besides his profession. He likes to ride his bike and enjoys

movies. Cooking is a favored hobby and he even uses herbs and spic-

es. When he isn’t doing any of this, he reads. Take time to know him

and it will be your pleasure in the end.

(Continued from page 1 . . . Father Stanger . . . )



Retreat Opportunities An annual retreat is a traditional and proven means of per-

sonal spiritual renewal and fulfillment. Opportunity is pro-

vided several times a year to make a closed retreat with

others from Holy Infant Parish, either weekend or as a

“weekday retreat.” The

White House is a Jesuit

retreat house offering

retreats based on the

Spiritual Exercises of St.

Ignatius. On each retreat

four or five priests are

available for private

conferences and the cel-

ebration of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing

of the Sick. Mass is celebrated each day and at night there

is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The Holy Infant

men’s annual weekend retreat in October runs from 7 pm

on Thursday until Sunday at 2 pm. The Holy Infant men’s

annual mid-week retreat in October starts on Monday and

ends after brunch on Thursday. Women’s retreats are also

available at the White House Retreat House. Contact Joe

Pfeifer (636) 458-8699.

King’s House in Illinois

offers retreats for wom-

en. For information

about retreats for the

women of our parish

contact Susie Kulka

(636) 236-9732 or Dor-

othy Denzer (636) 391-


By Pam Miller

For years, I grew up in the environment of a

Catholic school. I had religion class every day. In my

primary years, learning about Catholicism came in the

form of small little handouts and reciting prayers such as

the Hail Mary or the Our Father. As I grew up, the

handouts became packets and the packets became text

books. By the time I entered 7th grade I could navigate

the entire Bible and locate all the classic verses you hear

repeated over and over in homilies and rolling across the

top of the screen on Catholic informational websites. By

the time I entered 9th grade I knew an extensive amount

of Church history and had clearly in my mind all the laws

and precepts set forth by the Catholic Church. However,

I’m not here to recite to you an entire monotonous tale of

my growth in a Catholic environment. Instead, I’d rather

tell you that this is almost the same story you might hear

from millions of college students who also spent years

learning about Church doctrine and rules. The thing is,

though, is that only half of the high school students who

leave for college come out still claiming to belong to the

Catholic Church.

Recently, I became extremely interested in this

staggering statistic, mostly because I found this statistic

to be more fascinating than horrifying as it has always

been portrayed. I took to researching this extensively,

using a widespread network of internet articles and books

alike to investigate. The best book I found was Unchris-

tian, by David Kinnaman, a complete analysis of the

Christian faith in the 21st century and the negative reac-

tions it brings. It seems that not just the Catholic faith,

but other Christian faiths are experiencing the same hard-

ships. I would highly encourage not just teens, but adults

as well, to read it. It raises some very interesting ques-

tions, as well as statistics about how people outside our

faith view us. Most importantly, it really challenges the

reader, who is assumed to be Christian, to re-evaluate

their faith and how they are living it and sharing it with


Submitted photo

Submitted photo

Submitted photo

Page 4: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother


We’re back -

enthusiastic teachers,

students with happy,

smiling faces, and ex-

cited parents – all in

bright new hallways.

What a wonderful be-

ginning to our new

school year! Students

were welcomed on

Monday, August 22 by

Sr. Rosario, Fr. Stan-

ger and members of

the Metro West Fire

Protection District. The yellow fire truck in the parking

lot was a visual reminder to drivers that the school chil-

dren are back and extra care should be taken when trav-

elling on New Ballwin Rd. and the surrounding neigh-

borhood. We certainly appreciate the fire fighters’ pres-

ence and their interest in our students’ safety.

We offer special thanks to Fr. Stanger, Mr. Rob

Meinberg, and our maintenance staff for creating a

bright, beautiful learning environment in our hallways,

classrooms and lower cafeteria. The new floors and

painted doors and classrooms are cheerful and uplifting.

On Tuesday, August 31, we enjoyed a wonder-

ful Back-To-School Night that played to a full house.

Parents’ excellent attendance was a strong indication of

their great support and cooperation. School Board presi-

dent, Mr. Paul Auberry, our Advisory Boards, and I

were very happy and proud to present the good news of

our successful Self-Improvement Process – the Final

Report from the Visiting Team. Since we are all part of

the bigger picture in Catholic education, I hope that you,

too, feel a sense of pride at the commendations made in

the areas of Catholic Identity, Educational Program, and

Facility, Finances, and Partnerships. As I said on Tues-

day, “talent wins games, but teamwork wins champion-


We ask God’s blessing on our new school year,

that it will be a happy and productive one for our stu-

dents and that we will all be “Ambassadors for Christ in

Faith, Academics, and Service.” As always, we are

grateful to all our parishioners for their ongoing support

of Holy Infant School.


By Sr. Rosario Delaney

I hope you feel the way I do – that we –

as a parish family - are a good team!

L-R – Engineer Mike Vaughn, Firefighter Paramedics

Jim Moss and Bill Evans with Harrison P., Christian

P., Sr. Rosario, Grace H., Harry Linneman and Fr.


Fr. Stanger Trivia

Did you know that Fr. Stanger is the youngest

pastor ever to serve at Holy Infant?

His favorite movies are Schindler’s List,

Slumdog Millionaire, Dead Poets Society and

Good Will Hunting.

His favorite Restaurant is Trattoria Marcella?

Come and visit Holy Infant Catholic Church

and see more about Fr. Stanger on EVTW in

the Holy Infant Church Vestibule!

Do you know who your Parish

Council Members are?

Sherry Myers — President

Jim St. Louis — Vice President

Bob Wulff — Secretary

Fr. Stanger Fr. Bannes

Fr. Chris Sr. Rosario

Jim Miller Teresa Colletti

Martha Lang Mary Swyers

Gloria Rohrer Jeff Cupps

Patricia Foley Mary Pancella

Deacon Ken Clemens Submitted photo

photo by Don Dinkelkamp

photo by Don Dinkelkamp

Page 5: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother


Remember dating when you couldn’t get enough

time with the person who eventually became your hus-

band or wife? Remember when you looked at this person

across the table from you with adoring eyes and days

filled with laughter?

We have been in those shoes. We were married

23 years ago as of Memorial Day

weekend this year. We’ve have two

children: One just graduated from

college and the other is starting his

third year of high school. We love

each other and feel so blessed every

day to have each other.

December last year, though,

something in our relationship was

different. Our patience with each oth-

er and sometimes our tone of voice

wasn’t so kind. We weren’t behind

on our bills. We were both employed.

Chores around the house were com-

pleted although Nel did her thing

“here” and I did my thing somewhere else in the house.

Our feelings were extra-sensitive to what the other per-

son had to say, and we were ready to defend our actions

or words as we spoke. Our house wasn’t always a fun

place to live.

We entertained and worked well together in pub-

lic but we knew something was wrong. It seemed like it

just hit us all of a sudden, but was probably just a collec-

tion of “straws” over time on the camel’s back that

caused the problem. Thoughts in our minds were, “What

do we do when we realize something has changed in

our marriage? Can we afford to NOT do some-


We heard about Marriage Encounter weekends

over the years with a sales line of “makes weak marriag-

es strong and good marriages stronger”. Cars need a tune

up over time; some jobs require continuing education,

plants need fertilizer. Maybe it was time for our 22 year

tune up?

A parish friend sent me the website to get some

more information about a Marriage Encounter Weekend.

It was before Christmas 2010, and I signed us up for the

February 2011 weekend. I tricked Nel into the weekend

by including an envelope for Nel under the Christmas

tree with a note saying, “Weekend get away with hus-

band, February 4-6”.

Nel was excited to get away for a weekend. She

was all curious about where we were stay-

ing, and what other things I had planned

for the weekend. Mid-January Nel let me

know she wanted to be somewhere close

to the water. I let her know we wouldn’t be staying any-

where near any river or lake. Nel really wanted to be by

some water and wasn’t happy and

wanted the reservations to be amend-

ed. I told Nel the reservations were

“non-refundable” and Nel was recon-

sidering about the weekend. I reas-

sured her saying, “Trust me.” Nel

wasn’t very happy with that answer.

Less than a week before the

weekend, Nel found a brochure about

Marriage Encounter Weekends in the

house and told me she figured out the

“Weekend get away with husband”.

But recognizing the need for some

time away, she agreed to attend even

though I “tricked her”.

Neither of us knew exactly what was in store for

us. We received no guarantees one weekend would

change or improve our marriage but knew we had to take

a chance. We packed up and left the house with trepida-

tion. We said a prayer on our way to the hotel. The ac-

commodations were fine. We wanted time to sit down

and talk and now had a weekend with each other.

We left the marriage encounter weekend a

“renewed couple”. We were amazed one weekend could

change us so dramatically; at how much we really loved

each other; at how much we forgot over the years as the

kids, the house, the chores, the jobs, and families and

whatever else we let get in the way of our love of each

other. We remembered how important our marriage was

to us.

We re-learned how to communicate better with

each other. We re-learned we really do like to spend time

together and even after all these years we don’t know

everything about the other yet. We re-learned the value

of the Sacrament of Marriage and that we’re not alone as

God is with us. The kids have noticed a difference in us

since our weekend. Does your marriage deserve a mar-

riage encounter? Could it be better?

Consider attending the upcoming St. Louis

weekend on December 2-4. More information can be

found on the St. Louis-World Wide Marriage Encounter

website http://stl-wwme.org/about.htm

By Chris and Nel Cummings With Pam Miller

How is your marriage? Is it like when you first got married?

Submitted photo

Page 6: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother

Words and Works is a

quarterly publication of

Holy Infant Parish, in-

forming parishioners of

events and activities of

interest to the parish, with

a further goal of fostering

unity within the Church

and drawing all together

into a closer warmer

Church family.


Pam Miller

(314) 498-6730

[email protected]


Don Dinkelkamp

(636) 391-0031

[email protected]


Eileen Buehrle

[email protected]

JoAnn Dinkelkamp

[email protected]

Kathie Hanneke

[email protected]

Gloria Rohrer

[email protected]

Mary Jane Zust

[email protected]


Join the Px90

Workout …

on Saturday morning

from 7 to 8:30 am in the

Upper Cafeteria starting

September 17. Coffee

and light breakfast is

provided. Work up a

sweat for God and your


They will see results in

just a few weeks.

Be Courageous!

To sign up, just hit

‘reply’ or send an email

to Jim Dunne at

[email protected]



The Words &

Works Newsletter

is mailed three

times a year to

all homes regis-

tered with the

Holy Infant Parish

Rectory. If you

would prefer to

receive this news-

letter electronical-

ly, send your re-

q u e s t t o

[email protected]

The newsletter

looks fabulous in


R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

For those not Catholic who would like to

learn more about the Catholic Church.

For those baptized Catholic but were not

taught the Catholic Faith.

For those who would like to

learn more about the Bible, the Mass, the Sacraments and

Catholic traditions.

For those who have questions and would like to ask them in

a comfortable, welcoming, and inclusive setting.

The process is exciting, fulfilling, and life-changing! It's still

not too late to get involved this season! Call Laura Teague

for more information at 636-458-0381. Check out the St.

Louis Archdiocese R.C.I.A. website for more information

on the process:



Page 7: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother



photos this page by Don Dinkelkamp

Page 8: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother


October 2011

1 7:15 am PX90 (Saturdays thru May, 2012) – Upper Cafeteria

1 8:30 am First Saturday Devotions & Confessions (1st Saturdays thru May, 2012) – Church

1 Children’s Liturgy of the Word (4 pm Masses thru May, 2012) – Lower Cafeteria

2 Donut Sunday – Upper Cafeteria

2 Children’s Liturgy of the Word (8:30 & 10:15 Masses thru May, 2012) – Lower Cafeteria

2 6 pm Tae Kwon Do Class (Several Sundays thru May 2012) – Lower Cafeteria

3 9 Holy Childhood Mission Mass – Archbishop Carlson

3 9:30 am Quilting Group (Mondays thru May, 2012) – Lower Cafeteria

3 PSR Classes (Mondays thru May, 2012, 4:30 & 6:30 pm sessions)

3 7 pm Book of the Month Club (1st Mondays through May, 2012) – Holy Infant Room

4 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study (Tuesdays thru May, 2012) – Holy Infant Room

4 9:30 am Bible Study (Tuesdays thru May, 2012) – Back Lower Cafeteria

5 7 pm RCIA Classes (Wednesdays thru Easter 2012) – Rosario Hall

5 7 pm Divorce Care (Wednesdays thru end of November) – Holy Infant Room

4 4 pm Blessing of the Animals – North Parking Lot

6 7:30 am Holy Infant Business Network Meeting (1st Thursdays thru May, 2012) – Holy Infant Room

6 10 am Book of the Month Club (1st Thursdays thru May, 2012) – Holy Infant Room

6 10 am HI Seniors Monthly Meeting & Luncheon (1st Thursdays thru May, 2012) – Lower Cafeteria

6 7 pm Bible Study (Every Thursday thru January 2012) – Holy Infant Room or Lower Cafeteria

7-9 Men’s CRHP Weekend

8 & 9 Bob Dolan – Selling and Autographing his book about his brother Archbishop Dolan – after all

Masses in Church vestibule

9 9 am Legion of Mary Meeting (Every Friday thru May 2012) – Holy Infant Room

9 1 pm Baptisms

11 7:30 pm Knights of Columbus Monthly Meeting (2nd

Tuesdays thru May, 2012) – Holy Infant Room

13 6 pm Men’s Club Meeting (2nd

Thursdays thru May, 2012) – Lower Cafeteria

15 Day School’s Dinner Auction – Marriott West Hotel

18 7 pm First Reconciliation Parent Evening of Reflection – Church

18 7 pm Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Monthly Meeting (3rd

Tuesdays thru May, 2012) – Holy

Infant Room

23 7:30 am Knights of Columbus’ Parish Breakfast – Upper Cafeteria

23 1 pm Baptisms

24 7 pm Baptism Preparation Class – Holy Infant Room

25 Day School - 8th Grade Parent Mandatory Graduation Meeting

27-Nov 3 Book Fair – Rosario Hall

29 11 am Men’s Club Chili Cook-off – Upper & Lower Cafeterias

29 &30 Bethlehem Olive Wood Religious Art Sale at all Masses in the Church Vestibule

31 5:30 pm Vigil Mass – All Saints Day

31 6:30 pm Trunk or Treat – Upper Parking Lot

November 2011

1 6, 8, 10 am & 7 pm Masses – All Saints Day

6 Donut Sunday – Upper Cafeteria

11 Veterans’ Day Celebration – Parish Center

11 6 pm Knights of Columbus’ Family Bingo – Upper Cafeteria


Page 9: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother


12 8am-Noon Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary’s Holiday Shopping Event – Lower Cafeteria

12 6 pm Knights of Columbus’ Adult Bingo – Upper Cafeteria

13 1 pm Baptisms

18 7 pm MOPS Bunco – Upper Cafeteria

19 9 am “The Wonders of Women” – Rosario Hall

19 6 pm Girl Scouts’ Mom and Me Event – Upper Cafeteria

19 & 20 Bethlehem Olive Wood Religious Art Sale at all Masses in the Church Vestibule

19 5:30 pm Mass Confirmation Groups’ Commitment – Church

20 Noon Mass Confirmation Groups’ Commitment – Church

20 7 pm Introduction to Liturgical Changes (Mass) – Deacon Ken Clemens -- Church

24 9 am Thanksgiving Day Mass & Food/Non-Perishables Collection

27 1 pm Baptisms

28 7 pm Baptism Preparation Class – Holy Infant Room

29 6:30 pm Day School’s First Reconciliation -- Church

December 2011

2-4 Mike Kelly Basketball Tournament – Parish Center

3 11 am Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary’s Breakfast with Santa – Upper Cafeteria

4 Donut Sunday – Upper Cafeteria

4 4 pm Blessing of Baby Jesus – Church

4 5 pm Youth Group’s Live Nativity

5 6:30 pm PSR’s First Reconciliation

7 7 pm Vigil Mass – Immaculate Conception

8 6, 8, 10 am & 7 pm Masses – Immaculate Conception

8 10 am Holy Infant Seniors’ Christmas Party – Upper Cafeteria

8 8 pm Men’s Club Christmas Party – Lower Cafeteria

10-11 Mike Kelly Basketball Tournament – Parish Center

10 10 am Holy Mass with Anointing of the Sick; Reception following in Upper Cafeteria (No 8 am Mass)

11 1 pm Baptisms

11 1:30 pm Ladies’ Advent Tea – Upper Cafeteria

11 5 pm Knights of Columbus’ Family Christmas Party – Upper Cafeteria

13 7 pm Day School’s Christmas Concert – Church

14 6 pm Women’s Club Christmas Dinner & Party – Upper Cafeteria

17-18 Mike Kelly Basketball Tournament – Parish Center

18 1 pm Baptisms

24 4 pm Christmas Eve Mass – Church

24 4:10 pm Christmas Eve Mass – Parish Center

24 6 pm Christmas Eve Mass – Church

25 Midnight Christmas Day Mass – Church

25 7, 9 & 11 am Christmas Day Masses – Church

26 7 pm Baptism Preparation Class – Holy Infant Room

31 Regular Mass Schedule

January 2012

1 Regular Mass Schedule

8 Donut Sunday – Upper Cafeteria

8 1 pm Baptisms

8 1 pm 7th Grade Pre-Confirmation Retreat – Parish Center & Lower Cafeteria

10 7:30 pm Cry of the Hidden Heart (Tuesdays thru April 3) – Rosario Hall

Page 10: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother


14 6 pm Knights of Columbus’ Adult Bingo – Upper Cafeteria

22 1 pm Baptisms

22 1 pm Knights of Columbus’ Open House – Lower Cafeteria

23 7 pm Baptism Preparation Class – Holy Infant Room

26 7 pm Confirmation Sponsor/Candidate Evening of Reflection – Upper Cafeteria

27 Tentative – Catholic Schools’ Week Sock Hop – Parish Center & Lower Cafeteria

27 & 28 Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby – Upper Cafeteria

28 7 pm Men’s Club Trivia Night – Parish Center

29-Feb 3 Catholic Schools Week

February 2012

3 & 4 7 pm Day School Sixth Grade Play – Parish Center

5 Donut Sunday – Upper Cafeteria

5 8:30 am Boy Scouts’ Scout Sunday Mass and Reception following in Lower Cafeteria

10 & 11 7th & 8

th Grade Family Honor Student/Parent Sessions – Upper Cafeteria

12 8:30 am Girl Scouts’ Scout Sunday Mass and Reception following in Upper Cafeteria

12 1 pm Baptisms

19 7:30 am Knights of Columbus’ Community (Family) Breakfast – Upper Cafeteria

20 5 pm Cub Scouts’ Blue & Gold Banquet – Parish Center & Lower Cafeteria

21 8:45 am Burning of the Palms – Church Steps

22 6 & 8 am & 7 pm Ash Wednesday Masses and Distribution of Ashes

22 4 pm Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary’s Ash Wednesday Fasting Dinner – Upper Cafeteria

23 6:30 pm First Eucharistic Parent Evening of Reflection – Upper Cafeteria

24 4:30-8 pm Men’s Club Fish Fry – Upper Cafeteria

24 7 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

27 2 pm The Way of the Cross - Church

27 7 pm Baptism Preparation Class – Holy Infant Room

28 6 pm Scouting Arrow of Light & Crossover Ceremony – Upper Cafeteria

March 2012

2 4:30-8 pm Men’s Club Fish Fry – Upper Cafeteria

2 6 pm 6th Grade Family Honor – Parent Only Session – Rosario Hall

2 7 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

3 9:30 am 6th Grade Family Honor – Parent/Student Session – Upper Cafeteria

4 Donut Sunday – Upper Cafeteria

4 3 pm Confirmation Retreat

5 2 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

9 4:30-8 pm Men’s Club Fish Fry – Upper Cafeteria

9 7 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

11 1-7 pm St. Patrick’s Celebration

16 4:30-8 pm Men’s Club Fish Fry – Upper Cafeteria

16 7 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

16-18 Women’s CRHP Weekend

19 2 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

22 6 pm Girl Scouts’ Father/Daughter Event – Upper Cafeteria

23 4:30-9 pm Men’s Club Fish Fry – Upper Cafeteria

23 7 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

24 10 am Holy Mass with Anointing of the Sick; Reception following in Upper Cafeteria (No 8 am Mass)

Page 11: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother


26 2 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

26 7 pm Baptism Preparation Class – Holy Infant Room

30 4:30-8 pm Men’s Club Fish Fry

30 7 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

31 11 am Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Lunch with Easter Bunny – Upper Cafeteria

April 2012

1 Donut Sunday – Upper Cafeteria

2 2 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

2 7 pm Men’s Club NCAA Basketball Final Game Meeting/Party – Lower Cafeteria

5 7 pm Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper – Church; followed by Seven Churches Tour

6 1:30 pm Day School’s 8th Grade Passion Play – Church

6 3 pm The Way of the Cross – Church

6 7:30 pm Good Friday – The Lord’s Passion – Church

7 7:30 pm Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil Mass – Church

8 6, 7:30, 9, 10:30 & Noon Easter Sunday Masses

13 5 pm Luke 18 Cram Night – Parish Center & Lower Cafeteria

13-15 Men’s CRHP Weekend

20-22 Luke 18 Weekend for 8th Graders

22 1 pm Baptisms

23 7 pm Baptism Preparation Class – Holy Infant Room

28 10:30 am Day School’s First Eucharist

28 1:30 pm PSR’s First Eucharist

May 2012

1 7 pm 7th Grade Parent Confirmation Meeting - Church

3 7 pm Confirmation Service of Light – Church

5 TBD Mike Treese Run (to benefit Tuition Fund)

5 5:30 Mass Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Wedding Vow Renewal; Dinner following in Upper


6 Donut Sunday – Upper Cafeteria

7 PSR Last Day of Classes

10 7 pm Day School’s Visual & Performing Arts Evening – Parish Center

11 7:30 pm Confirmation

12 Men’s Faith in Action 3rd

Annual Father/Son Barbeque – Castlewood Park

12 6 pm Knights of Columbus’ Adult Bingo – Upper Cafeteria

13 1 pm Baptisms

14 ??? PSR End of Year Mass and Barbeque

19 Day School’s 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony and Mass – Upper Cafeteria and Church

23 Day School’s Kindergarten Closing Mass

25 Day School’s Last Day of School – Noon Dismissal

27 1 pm Baptisms

29 7 pm Baptism Preparation Class – Holy Infant Room

June 2012

4-8 Vacation Bible School

10 1 pm Baptisms

22-24 Parish Rummage Sale – Parish Center & Lower Cafeteria

24 1 pm Baptisms

25 7 pm Baptism Preparation Class – Holy Infant Room

Page 12: Vol. 7, No. 3 Fall 2011 - FATHER STANGER - HOLY INFANT ... · Father Edward J. Stanger was born to Albert and Marjorie Stanger June 6, 1964, or as he likes to say, 6/6/64. His mother

Regular Mass


Sunday Obligation

Saturday: 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Sunday: 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m.,

10:15 a.m. and noon

Weekday Masses

Monday-Friday: 6 a.m. and

8 a.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.

Holy Day Masses

Please check the bulletin or

call the rectory to check

times for Holy Day Masses.

Perpetual Eucharistic


24 hours, 7 days a week.

Enter the chapel through the

main lobby.

Holy Infant Parish

627 Dennison Drive

Ballwin, MO 63021-4898

Holy Infant Church 627 Dennison Drive, Ballwin MO 63021-4898

Rectory: (636) 227-7440 FAX (636) 227-4548

Website: www.holyinfantballwin.org

Pastoral Staff

Father Edward J. Stanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pastor

Father Timothy L. Bannes . . . . . . Associate Pastor

Father Christopher Dunlap. . . . . . Associate Pastor

Deacon Kenneth Clemens . . . . Permanent Deacon

Rectory Office Hours

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Closed for lunch from noon -1 p.m.

Ministry to the Homebound

Please call the rectory if you are ill at home or in the hospital or nursing facility and would like Communion brought to you. Volun-teers also are available to help in other ways.