vidyalaya sangathan to govt. of nct of delhi. provisions...

Dy. Contr oller of Account s (Tech.) PAO-23.DTC Depot , Okhl a, New DelhiDat ed :3? F. 17(04) / 2016/T- I /Pr. A0// S3 7~ Copy t o : 1. The Pay & Account s Offi cer , PAO-02, West Bl ock-4, R. K. Puram, New Delhi with a copy of Cir cul ar No. PFRDA/ 2017/ll / Pl anning Department/ 3 dat ed 06- 03- 2017 wi th the advi se t o arr ange the r efund of amount of DCRG i f al r eady deposited into government account . All PAOs, Govt . of NCT of Delhi , Delhi/ New Delhi f or i nf ormat i on and compliance whil e decidi ng wi t h such cases. (K.V. Babu) Dy. Controller of Account s (Tech.) PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTS OFFICE Refer ence not es of PAO- 23 on pr e page. As per the pr ovisi ons of ci rcul ar No. PFRDA/2017/1 I/ Pl anni ng Department/3 dat ed 06- 03-2017 of Dy. Gener al Manager, Pension Fund Regul at ory and Devel opment Author ity ( copy pl aced al ongsi de) the amount fr om r ecogni zed Pr ovi dent Fund can be t r ansfer r ed i n t o New Pensi on Scheme ( NPS) on ful filment of foll owi ng main conditi ons : - ( i ) t he subscr iber presentl y under Govt ./ Privat e Sect or empl oyment is r equir ed t o appr oach the r ecognised provi dent fund/Super annuati on Fund Trust through the cur r ent empl oyer by givi ng request f or transfer of his recognised pr ovi dent fund/super annuati on fund to hi s NPS account , ( ii ) the Recogni sed Pr ovi dent Fund/Super annuati on Fund Trust may init i at e tr ansfer of the Fund as per t he pr ovi sions of the Trust Deed. The r ecor ds of case fi le of PAO- 23 does not indi cat e as t o whether above said 2 condi tions have been complied wi th by t he Admini str ative Depart ment bef or e all owi ng the tr ansf er of Pr ovi dent Fund contr i buti ons fr om Kendriya Vidyal aya Sangathan t o Govt . of NCT of Delhi. In vi ew of the above PAOs i s advi sed to obtai n necessary cl ar ifi cation/confi r mati on fr om the Admini st r ati ve Department as t o whether the pr ovisions of Trust Deed of Kendri ya Vidyal aya Sangathan permits t he t ransfer of Pr ovident Fund i nt o New Pensi on Scheme and deci de the matt er accordingly. This i ssue wi th the approval of Contr oll er of Account s.

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Page 1: Vidyalaya Sangathan to Govt. of NCT of Delhi. provisions · The Pay & Accounts Officer, PAO-02, West Block-4, R.K. Puram, New

Dy. Controller of Accounts (Tech.)

PAO-23.DTC Depot, Okhla, New DelhiDated :3?F.17(04)/2016/T-I/Pr. A0//S3 7~

Copy to :

1. The Pay & Accounts Officer, PAO-02, West Block-4, R.K. Puram, New Delhiwith a copy of Circular No. PFRDA/2017/ll/Planning Department/3 dated06-03-2017 with the advise to arrange the refund of amount of DCRG ifalready deposited into government account.All PAOs, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Delhi/New Delhi for information andcompliance while deciding with such cases.

(K.V. Babu)Dy. Controller of Accounts (Tech.)


Reference notes of PAO-23 on pre page. As per the provisions of circular

No. PFRDA/2017/1 I/Planning Department/3 dated 06-03-2017 of Dy. General

Manager, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (copy placed

alongside) the amount from recognized Provident Fund can be transferred in to

New Pension Scheme (NPS) on fulfilment of following main conditions :-

(i) the subscriber presently under Govt./Private Sector employment is

required to approach the recognised provident fund/Superannuation Fund

Trust through the current employer by giving request for transfer of his

recognised provident fund/superannuation fund to his NPS account,

(ii) the Recognised Provident Fund/Superannuation Fund Trust may initiate

transfer of the Fund as per the provisions of the Trust Deed.

The records of case file of PAO-23 does not indicate as to whether above

said 2 conditions have been complied with by the Administrative Department

before allowing the transfer of Provident Fund contributions from Kendriya

Vidyalaya Sangathan to Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

In view of the above PAOs is advised to obtain necessary

clarification/confirmation from the Administrative Department as to whether the

provisions of Trust Deed of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan permits the transfer

of Provident Fund into New Pension Scheme and decide the matter accordingly.

This issue with the approval of Controller of Accounts.

Page 2: Vidyalaya Sangathan to Govt. of NCT of Delhi. provisions · The Pay & Accounts Officer, PAO-02, West Block-4, R.K. Puram, New
Page 3: Vidyalaya Sangathan to Govt. of NCT of Delhi. provisions · The Pay & Accounts Officer, PAO-02, West Block-4, R.K. Puram, New

1.With a view to facilitate transfer from recognised provident funds to the NationalPension System (NPS), Clause (iv) in Rule 8 of Part A of the Fourth Schedule to theIncome Tax Act has been Inserted through the Finance Act 2016 so as to provideexemption from taxation to one time portability from a recognised provident fund to theNPS. Further, a sub clause (v) to section 10(13) of Income Tax act has been inserted soas to provide for the exemption from tax to any payment from an approvedsuperannuation fund by way of transfer to the account of the employee under NPSreferred to in section 80CCD and notified by the Central government. With introductionof this provision in the said clause, transfer of funds of an assesse employee from hisexisting superannuation fund to a pension account under National Pension System(NPS), is not liable to be treated as income of such assesse for the said AssessmentYear.

2.Accordingly, in case the subscriber is interested to get his recognised providentfund/superannuation fund transferred to NPS, he may follow the below mentionedprocess:

•The subscriber should have an active NPS Tier I account which can be openedeither through the employer (where NPS is implemented) by filling up theprescribed subscriber registration form or through the Points-of-Presence(POPs)(Banks/non-banks entities registered as POPs With PFRDA) or online througheNPS on the NPS Trust website

•The subscriber presently under Govt./Private Sector employment is required toapproach the recognised provident fund/Superannuation Fund Trust through thecurrent employer by giving request for transfer of his recognised provident fund /superannuation fund to his NPS account.

Subject: Transfer of amount from recognised Provident Fund/Superannuationfund to National Pension System (Applicable for the individual employees)


PFRDA/2017/11/PD/306 March 2017


All Stakeholders in the National Pension System


B-14/A,ChhatrapatlShivajiBhawanQuiab Institutional Area,

igcm : 011-26517503•^^m : 011-26517507Intuit:


Page 4: Vidyalaya Sangathan to Govt. of NCT of Delhi. provisions · The Pay & Accounts Officer, PAO-02, West Block-4, R.K. Puram, New

(ARHilesh Kumar)Deputy General Manager

•The Recognised Provident fund/Superannuation Fund Trust may initiate transferof the Fund as per the provisions of the Trust Deed read with the provisions ofthe Income Tax Act, 1961.

. The Recognised Provident fund/Superannuation Fund may issue thecheque/draft in the name of:

In Case of Govt. employee: Nodal Office Name (PAO or CDDO Name)<>Employee Nameo PRAN (12 Digit No.)

In case of Subscriber presently under Private Sector including All Citizen Model:POP (Name of the POP) Collection Account-NPS TrustoSubscriberNameoPRAN (12 Digit No.)

•In case of Government Employee, the employee should request the recognisedprovident fund/ Superannuation Fund to issue a letter to his present employermentioning that the amount is being transferred from the recognised providentfund/ superannuation fund to be credited in the NPS Tier I account of theemployee.

•The Present employer/POP i.e. nodal office shall while uploading the fund maymention the transfer from recognised provident fund/ superannuation fund in theremarks column while uploading it through Arrears mode. The upload may bemade as per the request letter of the ex-employer.

•In case of Private Sector employee including subscriber covered under AllICitizen model, the employee should request the recognised provident fund/ISuperannuation Fund to issue a letter to his present employer/POP as the caseImay be mentioning that amount is being transferred from the recognisedjprovident fund/ superannuation fund to be credited in the NPS account of thejemployee/individual Tier I account.j

tI•The POP will get the amount collected and the same may be uploaded by thef

POP in the NPS account of the subscriber. 5

3.It may be noted that as per the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 the amount sotransferred from recognised provident fund/Superannuation Fund to NPS is not treatedJas income of the current year and hence not taxable. Further, the transferredrecognised provident fund/superannuation fund will not be treated as contribution of thecurrent year by employee/employer and accordingly the subscriber would not make ITr

claim of contribution for this transferred amount.

4.For further clarification, if any, the person may like to contact the undersigned onemail [email protected] , Telephone No. 011-26543158.