value added stories to increase price


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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Ask a CEO if they want to spend a pile of money on an analysis of their company's story, and they'll probably throw you out of their office. But if you tell them that you have a powerful insight that can help them raise the prices on all of their products, they might ask you over to their house for dinner. Money talks, in other words. Unfortunately, in most companies, the power of story to affect pricing still remains unknown, or at least it's vastly under-utilized.


Page 1: Value Added Stories to Increase Price

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Join my contest on making up VALUE ADDED STORIES TO INCREASE PRICE

It has been a long time since I sent you an article written by someone else. This is on how

telling a meaningful story or a value added story can add value to the customer and help sell the

product (by Ty Montague). In the past, I have talked about decommoditisation. So, while the

examples given by Ty make sense, what story do you tell for cement, or fertiliser, or salt or

vegetables? Well for vegetables, I can differentiate, for cement can I and how?

I am willing to give a prize (of two customer value management books) for the best ideas on

value adding stories to tell about your commodity product. So enter my contest. You have to

articulate a value added story on cement (and/or another product you like) that will increase its

price and demand.

Gautam Mahajan, President-Customer Value Foundation

M: +91 9810060368

Read on and come back to me

If You Want to Raise Prices, Tell a Better Story

Ask a CEO if they want to spend a pile of money on an analysis of their company's story, and

they'll probably throw you out of their office. But if you tell them that you have a powerful insight

that can help them raise the prices on all of their products, they might ask you over to their

house for dinner. Money talks, in other words. Unfortunately, in most companies, the power of

story to affect pricing still remains unknown, or at least it's vastly under-utilized.

Pricing strategy usually follows one of four tracks. Bottom up: calculate the cost of everything

that goes into making the product, and add a fair margin on top. Sideways in: analyse and adopt

the price of competitors' products. Top down: target a demographic or economic segment, and

engineer the product to meet that price. Or dynamic: use a complex, real-time calculation to

gauge supply and demand, usually with the help of an algorithm.

What you almost never hear about is a fifth track, which I call story analysis: an analysis of a

product's capabilities to fulfil a profound human need, to tell a story that gives your customers'

lives richer meaning. In a world of abundance, what your product does for your customers is

important, but not nearly as important as what your product means to them. And this second

part — the story of your product — is what yields the greatest pricing power of all.

Not convinced? Consider this story.

Page 2: Value Added Stories to Increase Price

Back in the summer of 2006, New York Times Magazine columnist Rob Walker was mulling the

question of what makes one object more valuable than another. What makes one pair of shoes

more valuable than another pair if they both deliver on the functional basics of comfort,

durability, and protection? Why does one piece of art cost $8,000,000 and another, $100? What

makes one toaster worth $20 and another worth nearly $400 if they both make toast? As Walker

turned these questions over in his mind he concluded that it is not the objects themselves, but

the context, the provenance of the objects, that generates value. In other words, the value isn't

contained in the objects themselves, but in the story or the meaning that the objects represent

to the owner.

Walker decided to test this conclusion in a simple and direct way. With the help of a friend, he

began buying random, worthless, or low-value objects at tag sales and thrift shops. The cost of

the objects ranged from one to four dollars. An old wooden mallet. A lost hotel room key. A

plastic banana. These were true castoffs with little or no intrinsic worth.

Next, Walker asked some unknown writers to each write a short story that contained one of the

objects. The stories weren't about the objects, per se; but they helped to place them in a human

context, to give them new meaning.

When Walker put the objects, along with their accompanying stories, up for sale on eBay, the

results were astonishing. On average, the value of the objects rose 2,700%. That's not a typo:

2,700%. A miniature jar of mayonnaise he had purchased for less than a dollar sold for $51.00.

A cracked ceramic horse head purchased for $1.29 sold for $46.00. The value of these formerly

abandoned or forsaken objects suddenly and mysteriously skyrocketed when they were

accompanied by a story.

The project was so successful (and so interesting) that they have now repeated it 5 times and

put all the results up on the web. It is also a book.

Walker's experiment reminds us in a clear and extremely tangible way how the concept of value

works in the human brain: a can opener is a can opener is a can opener until it is a can opener

designed by Michael Graves and a part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern

Art. A shoe is a shoe is a shoe until it is a pair of TOMS shoes. For every pair that I buy a child

who has never been able to afford shoes gets a free pair as well. Suddenly, these objects are

part of an inspiring narrative — one that I can use to reveal something meaningful about myself

to others. That's something I am willing to pay for.

That's where real pricing power comes from.

And as the number of products and brands in the world proliferate at an ever-accelerating pace,

the power is only increasing. In 1997, there were 2.5 million brands in the world. Today? The

number is approaching 10 million. So the trend is toward rapid commoditization of just about

everything. In a world of almost overwhelming abundance, an authentic, meaning-rich story

becomes the most important ingredient to drive a company's margins up.

Page 3: Value Added Stories to Increase Price

Gautam Mahajan is a thought leader in Creating Value. He can be reached at [email protected]

Gautam Mahajan, President-Customer Value Foundation

M: +91 9810060368

Tel: 11-26831226, Fax: 11-26929055

email: [email protected]


Customer Value foundation (CVF) helps companies to Create Value and profit by Creating Value for the customers,

employee and for each person working with the companies.

Total Customer Value Management (TCVM) transform the entire company to focus on Creating Value for the

customer by aligning each person's role in Creating Customer Value and getting shareholder wealth and Value.