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HipServ® 2.3 0 User Guide

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HipServ® 2.30User Guide

Publication History

Author Revision Publication Date

Rick Lorenz 2.0 July 21, 2009

Rick Lorenz 2.3 March 4, 2010

Copyrights and Trademarks

The information contained in this document represents the current view of AxentraTM HipServ as of the date of publication.

AXENTRA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Axentra Corporation.

Axentra may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Axentra, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Unless otherwise noted, the companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted in examples herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred.

© 201009 Axentra Corporation. All rights reserved.

Marvell® is a registered trademark of Marvell and SheevaPlug™ is a trademark of Marvell or its affiliates.

Sony, PlayStation, PLAYSTATION and PS3 are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Xbox 360 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. iTunes and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Incorporated. UPnP is a certification mark of the UPnP Implementers Corporation. DLNA and DLNA CERTIFIED are trademarks and/or service marks of Digital Living Network Alliance.

All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

ContentsContents ....................................................................................................................................................... i

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1

About HipServ ....................................................................................................................................... 1

Store ............................................................................................................................................... 1

Manage ........................................................................................................................................... 1

Share .............................................................................................................................................. 2

Enjoy ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Print ................................................................................................................................................ 2

File types ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Recommended ............................................................................................................................... 2

Internal ............................................................................................................................................ 2

External ........................................................................................................................................... 2

Other ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Media players ........................................................................................................................................ 3

Mobile devices [Premium Feature] ........................................................................................................3

Services ................................................................................................................................................ 3

iTunes ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Facebook [Premium Feature] .........................................................................................................3

Flickr [Premium Feature] ................................................................................................................. 4

RSS [Premium Feature] .................................................................................................................. 4

About your HipServ-enabled device ......................................................................................................4

Power button ................................................................................................................................... 4

Reset button ................................................................................................................................... 4

LEDs ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Drive spin down .............................................................................................................................. 4

Push Button .................................................................................................................................... 4

Documentation and tutorials .................................................................................................................. 5

HipServ User Guide i

Technical support .................................................................................................................................. 5

Premium features .................................................................................................................................. 5

Installing HipServ ......................................................................................................................................... 7

1 - Verifying requirements ..................................................................................................................... 7

Broadband Internet ......................................................................................................................... 7

Router ............................................................................................................................................. 7

PC ................................................................................................................................................... 8

Mac ................................................................................................................................................. 8

2 - Connecting the hardware ................................................................................................................. 8

3 - Setting up the HipServ-enabled device ............................................................................................9

Resetting the administrator password .............................................................................................9

4 - Installing the desktop applications ....................................................................................................9

5 - Adding a printer .............................................................................................................................. 10

PC ................................................................................................................................................. 10

Mac ............................................................................................................................................... 11

HipServ Agent ........................................................................................................................................... 13

Starting HipServ Agent ........................................................................................................................ 13

HipServ Agent commands ...................................................................................................................14

Not logged in/Logged in as ...........................................................................................................14

Switch user ................................................................................................................................... 14

Log in/Log out ............................................................................................................................... 14

Explore my HipServ folders ..........................................................................................................14

Open HipServ application .............................................................................................................15

Open Desktop Mirror ..................................................................................................................... 15

Preferences .................................................................................................................................. 16

About ............................................................................................................................................ 16

Exit HipServ Agent ........................................................................................................................ 16

HipServ Application ................................................................................................................................... 17

Starting the HipServ Application ..........................................................................................................17

Using HipServ Agent ..................................................................................................................... 17

Using a browser [Premium Feature] .............................................................................................17

From the desktop .......................................................................................................................... 17

From the Start menu .....................................................................................................................17

Logging in ............................................................................................................................................ 18

Home page .......................................................................................................................................... 19

ii HipServ User Guide

Main menu .......................................................................................................................................... 19

Media Library page .............................................................................................................................. 20

Displaying the Media Library page ................................................................................................20

Media Sources section ........................................................................................................................21

FamilyLibrary ................................................................................................................................ 21

MyLibrary ...................................................................................................................................... 21

MyComputers ............................................................................................................................... 21

Selecting a folder ..........................................................................................................................21

Expanding and collapsing a folder ................................................................................................22

Displaying the menu ..................................................................................................................... 22

Adding a folder .............................................................................................................................. 22

Deleting a folder ............................................................................................................................ 22

Uploading files .............................................................................................................................. 23

Viewing details .............................................................................................................................. 24

Opening a folder ........................................................................................................................... 24

Moving a folder ............................................................................................................................. 24

Copying a folder ............................................................................................................................ 25

Renaming a folder ........................................................................................................................ 25

Adding files to an album ................................................................................................................26

Allowing downloads ...................................................................................................................... 27

Sharing with family ........................................................................................................................ 27

Sharing with friends ...................................................................................................................... 28

Setting up contacts ....................................................................................................................... 29

Sharing with everyone .................................................................................................................. 30

Sharing via RSS [Premium Feature] .............................................................................................30

Sharing with media players ...........................................................................................................30

Sharing with Facebook [Premium Feature] ...................................................................................31

Sharing with Flickr [Premium Feature] ..........................................................................................32

Sharing files with DMAs ................................................................................................................33

Running a slideshow .....................................................................................................................33

Playing songs ............................................................................................................................... 34

Downloading a file ........................................................................................................................ 34

Albums section .................................................................................................................................... 35

Selecting an album .......................................................................................................................35

Displaying the menu ..................................................................................................................... 35

HipServ User Guide iii

Viewing details .............................................................................................................................. 35

Disabling sharing .......................................................................................................................... 35

Adding an album ........................................................................................................................... 36

Deleting an album ......................................................................................................................... 36

Renaming an album ...................................................................................................................... 36

Running a slideshow .....................................................................................................................36

Playing songs ............................................................................................................................... 36

Files section ........................................................................................................................................ 37

Filtering files .................................................................................................................................. 37

Setting the view ............................................................................................................................ 37

CoolIris [Premium Feature] ...........................................................................................................39

Searching for files and folders ......................................................................................................40

Sorting files ................................................................................................................................... 40

Uploading a file ............................................................................................................................. 41

Selecting a file .............................................................................................................................. 41

Displaying the menu ..................................................................................................................... 41

Viewing details .............................................................................................................................. 41

Adding a caption ........................................................................................................................... 42

Adding tags ................................................................................................................................... 42

Deleting a file ................................................................................................................................ 43

Removing a file ............................................................................................................................. 43

Moving a file .................................................................................................................................. 43

Copying a file ................................................................................................................................ 43

Renaming a file ............................................................................................................................. 43

Adding files to an album ................................................................................................................44

Using a file as the album cover .....................................................................................................44

Downloading a file ........................................................................................................................ 44

Working with images .....................................................................................................................44

Playing a song .............................................................................................................................. 45

Playing a video ............................................................................................................................. 45

Albums page ....................................................................................................................................... 46

Displaying the Albums page .........................................................................................................46

Selecting an album .......................................................................................................................46

Viewing an album ......................................................................................................................... 46

Filtering files .................................................................................................................................. 47

iv HipServ User Guide

Setting the view ............................................................................................................................ 47

Sorting files ................................................................................................................................... 48

Accessing a file ............................................................................................................................. 48

Subscribing to an RSS feed [Premium Feature] ...........................................................................48

Starting CoolIris [Premium Feature] ..............................................................................................49

Running a slideshow .....................................................................................................................50

Playing a video ............................................................................................................................. 50

Playing songs ............................................................................................................................... 50

Downloading a file ........................................................................................................................ 51

Backup My HipServ page .................................................................................................................... 52

Connecting a USB drive ................................................................................................................52

Binding your HipServ and service provider accounts ....................................................................53

Displaying the Backup My HipServ page ......................................................................................55

Media Sources section ..................................................................................................................55

Space Availability section .............................................................................................................55

Files section .................................................................................................................................. 56

Backup Details section ..................................................................................................................57

Selecting a folder ..........................................................................................................................58

Expanding and collapsing a folder ................................................................................................58

Displaying the menu ..................................................................................................................... 58

Viewing details .............................................................................................................................. 59

Opening a folder ........................................................................................................................... 59

Scheduling a folder for backup .....................................................................................................59

Scheduling a folder for removal ....................................................................................................59

De-scheduling a folder ..................................................................................................................60

Restoring a folder ......................................................................................................................... 60

Scheduling a file for backup ..........................................................................................................60

Scheduling a file for removal .........................................................................................................60

De-scheduling a file ...................................................................................................................... 61

Restoring a file .............................................................................................................................. 61

Running a backup manually ..........................................................................................................61

Enabling scheduled backups ........................................................................................................62

Setting the time for scheduled backups ........................................................................................62

Accessing backed up files on the USB drive .................................................................................62

Accessing backed up files on the online service ...........................................................................63

HipServ User Guide v

Preferences page ................................................................................................................................ 65

Displaying the Preferences page ..................................................................................................65

Using the Preferences page .........................................................................................................65

User .............................................................................................................................................. 66

Diskspace ..................................................................................................................................... 68

Change password ......................................................................................................................... 68

Network sharing ............................................................................................................................ 69

UPnP router configuration .............................................................................................................69

Registration ................................................................................................................................... 70

Notifications .................................................................................................................................. 70

Network services [Premium Feature] ............................................................................................71

LAN connection ............................................................................................................................ 72

Date and time ............................................................................................................................... 73

Add new user ................................................................................................................................ 75

Edit user ........................................................................................................................................ 76

Shut down ..................................................................................................................................... 77

Software updates .......................................................................................................................... 77

Disk Management ......................................................................................................................... 77

Computers Backup ....................................................................................................................... 77

Power timer ................................................................................................................................... 78

HipServ Folders ......................................................................................................................................... 79

Viewing HipServ Folders ..................................................................................................................... 79

Available folders .................................................................................................................................. 80

FamilyLibrary ................................................................................................................................ 80

MyLibrary ...................................................................................................................................... 80

MyComputers ............................................................................................................................... 80

DesktopMirror ............................................................................................................................................ 81

Starting DesktopMirror .................................................................................................................. 81

Configuring backup .......................................................................................................................82

Adding folders to the backup ........................................................................................................82

Removing folders from the backup ...............................................................................................82

Viewing the report ......................................................................................................................... 82

Manually backing up selected folders ...........................................................................................83

Manually backing up all listed folders ...........................................................................................83

Restoring all backed up folders .....................................................................................................83

vi HipServ User Guide

Changing account settings ............................................................................................................83

Multiple Drive Support ............................................................................................................................... 87

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 87

External Storage ........................................................................................................................... 88

Backup .......................................................................................................................................... 88

Maximum Safety (RAID1) .............................................................................................................88

Maximum Performance (RAID0) ...................................................................................................89

Maximum Storage (JBOD) ............................................................................................................89

USB drive ............................................................................................................................................ 90

Connecting the USB drive .............................................................................................................90

Formatting the USB drive ..............................................................................................................90

Configuring the USB drive for backup ...........................................................................................91

Configuring the USB drive for external storage .............................................................................92

Ejecting the USB drive .................................................................................................................. 93

eSATA drive ........................................................................................................................................ 94

Connecting the eSATA drive .........................................................................................................94

Configuring the eSATA drive ........................................................................................................94

Ejecting the eSATA drive ..............................................................................................................95

Internal drive ....................................................................................................................................... 97

Adding an internal drive ................................................................................................................97

Configuring the drive array ............................................................................................................97

Ejecting an internal drive ...............................................................................................................98

Rebuilding the drive array ...................................................................................................................99

Formatting the drive array ...................................................................................................................99

Other ........................................................................................................................................................ 101

iTunes ............................................................................................................................................... 101

Adding songs to the iTunes library ..............................................................................................101

Configuring an iTunes client .......................................................................................................101

Playing songs with an iTunes client ............................................................................................102

FTP [Premium Feature] .....................................................................................................................103

FTPS [Premium Feature] ............................................................................................................103

HipServ Pictures Wizard ...................................................................................................................104

Index ........................................................................................................................................................ 105

Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... i

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1

HipServ User Guide vii

About HipServ ....................................................................................................................................... 1

Store ............................................................................................................................................... 1

Manage ........................................................................................................................................... 1

Share .............................................................................................................................................. 1

Enjoy ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Print ................................................................................................................................................ 2

File types ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Recommended ............................................................................................................................... 2

Internal ............................................................................................................................................ 2

External ........................................................................................................................................... 2

Other ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Media players ........................................................................................................................................ 3

Mobile devices [Premium Feature] ........................................................................................................3

Services ................................................................................................................................................ 3

iTunes ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Facebook [Premium Feature] .........................................................................................................3

Flickr [Premium Feature] ................................................................................................................. 4

RSS [Premium Feature] .................................................................................................................. 4

About your HipServ-enabled device ......................................................................................................4

Power button ................................................................................................................................... 4

Reset button ................................................................................................................................... 4

LEDs ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Documentation and tutorials .................................................................................................................. 4

Technical support .................................................................................................................................. 4

Premium features .................................................................................................................................. 5

Installing HipServ ......................................................................................................................................... 7

1 - Verifying requirements ..................................................................................................................... 7

Broadband Internet ......................................................................................................................... 7

Router ............................................................................................................................................. 7

PC ................................................................................................................................................... 8

Mac ................................................................................................................................................. 8

2 - Connecting the hardware ................................................................................................................. 8

3 - Setting up the HipServ-enabled device ............................................................................................9

Resetting the administrator password .............................................................................................9

4 - Installing the desktop applications ..................................................................................................10

viii HipServ User Guide

5 - Adding a printer .............................................................................................................................. 10

PC ................................................................................................................................................. 11

Mac ............................................................................................................................................... 12

HipServ Agent ........................................................................................................................................... 15

Starting HipServ Agent ........................................................................................................................ 15

HipServ Agent commands ...................................................................................................................16

Not logged in/Logged in as ...........................................................................................................16

Switch user ................................................................................................................................... 16

Log in/Log out ............................................................................................................................... 16

Explore my HipServ folders ..........................................................................................................17

Open HipServ application .............................................................................................................17

Open Desktop Mirror ..................................................................................................................... 18

Preferences .................................................................................................................................. 18

About ............................................................................................................................................ 18

Exit HipServ Agent ........................................................................................................................ 18

HipServ Application ................................................................................................................................... 19

Starting the HipServ Application ..........................................................................................................19

Using HipServ Agent ..................................................................................................................... 19

Using a browser ............................................................................................................................ 19

From the desktop .......................................................................................................................... 19

From the Start menu .....................................................................................................................19

Logging in ............................................................................................................................................ 20

Landing page ...................................................................................................................................... 21

Main menu .......................................................................................................................................... 21

Media Library page .............................................................................................................................. 22

Displaying the Media Library page ................................................................................................22

Media Sources section ........................................................................................................................23

FamilyLibrary ................................................................................................................................ 23

MyLibrary ...................................................................................................................................... 23

MyComputers ............................................................................................................................... 23

Selecting a folder ..........................................................................................................................24

Expanding and collapsing a folder ................................................................................................24

Displaying the menu ..................................................................................................................... 24

Adding a folder .............................................................................................................................. 24

Deleting a folder ............................................................................................................................ 25

HipServ User Guide ix

Uploading files .............................................................................................................................. 25

Viewing details .............................................................................................................................. 26

Opening a folder ........................................................................................................................... 26

Moving a folder ............................................................................................................................. 27

Copying a folder ............................................................................................................................ 27

Renaming a folder ........................................................................................................................ 27

Adding files to an album ................................................................................................................28

Allowing downloads ...................................................................................................................... 29

Sharing with family ........................................................................................................................ 29

Sharing with friends ...................................................................................................................... 30

Setting up contacts ....................................................................................................................... 31

Sharing with everyone .................................................................................................................. 32

Sharing via RSS [Premium Feature] .............................................................................................32

Sharing with media players ...........................................................................................................32

Sharing with Facebook [Premium Feature] ...................................................................................33

Sharing with Flickr [Premium Feature] ..........................................................................................34

Sharing files with DMAs ................................................................................................................35

Running a slideshow .....................................................................................................................35

Playing songs ............................................................................................................................... 36

Downloading a file ........................................................................................................................ 36

Albums section .................................................................................................................................... 37

Selecting an album .......................................................................................................................37

Displaying the menu ..................................................................................................................... 37

Viewing details .............................................................................................................................. 37

Disabling sharing .......................................................................................................................... 37

Adding an album ........................................................................................................................... 38

Deleting an album ......................................................................................................................... 38

Renaming an album ...................................................................................................................... 38

Running a slideshow .....................................................................................................................38

Playing songs ............................................................................................................................... 38

Files section ........................................................................................................................................ 39

Filtering files .................................................................................................................................. 39

Setting the view ............................................................................................................................ 39

CoolIris [Premium Feature] ...........................................................................................................41

Searching for files and folders ......................................................................................................41

x HipServ User Guide

Uploading a file ............................................................................................................................. 42

Selecting a file .............................................................................................................................. 42

Displaying the menu ..................................................................................................................... 42

Viewing details .............................................................................................................................. 43

Adding a caption ........................................................................................................................... 43

Adding tags ................................................................................................................................... 43

Deleting a file ................................................................................................................................ 44

Removing a file ............................................................................................................................. 44

Moving a file .................................................................................................................................. 44

Copying a file ................................................................................................................................ 44

Renaming a file ............................................................................................................................. 45

Adding files to an album ................................................................................................................45

Using a file as the album cover .....................................................................................................45

Downloading a file ........................................................................................................................ 45

Working with images .....................................................................................................................46

Playing a song .............................................................................................................................. 46

Playing a video ............................................................................................................................. 46

Albums page ....................................................................................................................................... 47

Displaying the Albums page .........................................................................................................47

Selecting an album .......................................................................................................................47

Viewing an album ......................................................................................................................... 48

Filtering files .................................................................................................................................. 48

Setting the view ............................................................................................................................ 48

Accessing a file ............................................................................................................................. 49

Subscribing to an RSS feed [Premium Feature] ...........................................................................49

Starting CoolIris [Premium Feature] ..............................................................................................50

Running a slideshow .....................................................................................................................50

Playing a video ............................................................................................................................. 51

Playing songs ............................................................................................................................... 51

Downloading a file ........................................................................................................................ 52

Preferences page ................................................................................................................................ 53

Displaying the Preferences page ..................................................................................................53

Using the Preferences page .........................................................................................................53

User .............................................................................................................................................. 54

Diskspace ..................................................................................................................................... 55

HipServ User Guide xi

Change password ......................................................................................................................... 56

Windows networking ..................................................................................................................... 56

Registration ................................................................................................................................... 57

Notifications .................................................................................................................................. 57

Network services [Premium Feature] ............................................................................................58

LAN connection ............................................................................................................................ 59

Date and time ............................................................................................................................... 61

Add new user ................................................................................................................................ 62

Edit user ........................................................................................................................................ 63

Shut down ..................................................................................................................................... 64

Software updates .......................................................................................................................... 64

RAID .................................................................................................................................................... 65

Adding a hard drive ....................................................................................................................... 65

Configuring RAID .......................................................................................................................... 65

Removing a drive .......................................................................................................................... 66

HipServ Folders ......................................................................................................................................... 67

Viewing HipServ Folders ..................................................................................................................... 67

Available folders .................................................................................................................................. 68

FamilyLibrary ................................................................................................................................ 68

MyLibrary ...................................................................................................................................... 68

MyComputers ............................................................................................................................... 68

DesktopMirror ............................................................................................................................................ 69

Starting DesktopMirror .................................................................................................................. 69

Configuring backup .......................................................................................................................70

Adding folders to the backup ........................................................................................................70

Removing folders from the backup ...............................................................................................70

Viewing the report ......................................................................................................................... 70

Manually backing up selected folders ...........................................................................................71

Manually backing up all listed folders ...........................................................................................71

Restoring all backed up folders .....................................................................................................71

Changing account settings ............................................................................................................71

Other .......................................................................................................................................................... 75

iTunes ................................................................................................................................................. 75

Adding songs to the iTunes library ................................................................................................75

Configuring an iTunes client .........................................................................................................75

xii HipServ User Guide

Playing songs with an iTunes client ..............................................................................................76

FTP [Premium Feature] .......................................................................................................................77

FTPS [Premium Feature] ..............................................................................................................77

HipServ Pictures Wizard .....................................................................................................................78

Index .......................................................................................................................................................... 79

HipServ User Guide xiii

IntroductionAbout HipServ

HipServ is a secure media server that lets you store, manage, share and enjoy your digital media. You can collect and store content including personal photos, music, videos and documents. HipServ can automatically back up your precious data, saving it from loss. It is easy to drag and drop digital media to HipServ, catalog it into folders, and share it by creating albums. HipServ allows you to access your content through digital media players and computers, located on your home network, or from any computer inaround the world through the web. You can even upload, download and view your content on a mobile handset.

StoreYou can securely store digital media in one place: your HipServ-enabled device. HipServ allows you to upload content locally from a computer on the home network, or remotely access across the Internet (Premium feature). For example, it allows you to upload photos while you're on the road or on vacation (Premium feature).

You can back up the PCs and Macs on your home network to the HipServ-enabled device. DesktopMirror automatically backs up selected folders on a regular basis. Windows Backup, Vista Backup and Time Machine can use the HipServ-enabled device as the backup disk. Backed up content is always available, even if the computer is turned off.

Digital media on the HipServ-enabled device can be backed up to a USB drive or online service. Multiple drive support allows Maximum Safety (RAID1), Maximum Performance (RAID0), or Maximum Storage (JBOD).

ManageYou can organize your digital media into shared FamilyLibrary folders or private MyLibrary folders. After you upload a file, you can add a caption and tags to the file. Later you can search for files that match the caption and tags.

HipServ User Guide 1

ShareYou can create albums to share your digital media with family on your home network and friends across the Internet. For example, you can put the latest baby pictures in a shared album, and they will automatically appear in grandma's digital photo frame. Your can even HipServ-enabled device has a unique web address. It allows you to share selected content with the public, while keeping private media secure. For example, you can put the latest baby pictures in a shared album, and they will automatically appear in grandma's digital photo frame.

EnjoyYou can show digital media on computers and media players located on your home network, or , and remotely on computers across the Internet. The media server built into the HipServ-enabled device makes content available to a wide variety of media players that support the UPnP-AV, DLNA or Windows Media Connect standards. This way you can view photos through an Xbox 360 or PS3 in the living room, while listening to music through a networked sound system in the family room.

PrintYou can connect a USB printer to the HipServ-enabled device, and then share the printer with all the computers on your home network.

File typesRecommended

Recommended file types are JPEG for images, MP3 for audio, and MPEG-4 (H.264) for video.

InternalThe HipServ Application uses an internal player to provide high performance for the following file types.

Media Class Supported Formats

Image JPEG, GIF, PNGAudio MP3Video MPEG-4 (H.264), MOV, FLV

ExternalThe HipServ Application uses third party browser plugins (Windows Media Player and Quicktime) to support additional image, audio and video file types. For a list of supported file types, please consult the browser plugin specifications.

HipServ User Guide 2

FTP [Premium Feature]

OtherHipServ stores other file types as documents. Depending on the browser settings, they can be downloaded, or opened using third party applications.

Media playersThe media server built into the HipServ-enabled device makes content available to a wide variety of media players on your home network. The media player must support the UPnP-AV (Universal Plug and Play - Audio Visual), DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) or Windows Media Connect standard. Media players include gaming consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3), digital photo frames, iTunes clients, IP televisions, networked sound systems (Sonos), digital video players (Roku, NETGEAR Digital Entertainer, DLink DSM), and many more.

Mobile devices [Premium Feature]

A variety of mobile devices (i.e. smart phones) can access HipServ. Mobile devices include the Playstation Portable, iPhone, Blackberry, etc.

Mobile devices accessing HipServ over the Internet will automatically be re-directed to a mobile interface. HipServ will automatically optimize the mobile interface for the device. Depending on the device, mobile users can:

Browse albums Browse folders in the Media Library Create a new folder in the Media Library Upload a file from the mobile device to a folder in the Media Library Download a file from an album or folder to the mobile device

Once you set up the HipServ-enabled device, you can access it from a mobile device by going to

ServicesHipServ can share digital media through third party applications and services.

iTunesAn iTunes client on the network can access music stored on the HipServ-enabled device. The music files must be within folders or albums that are configured to share with DMAs or media players. Music files appear in the SHARED > HipServ:iTunes folder.

HipServ User Guide 3


Facebook [Premium Feature]

You can share an album with Facebook. Your HipServ-enabled device will upload the images from the album, and Facebook will add them to a photo album. If you add more images to the album, HipServ will automatically upload them to the photo album.

Flickr [Premium Feature]

You can share an album with Flickr. Your HipServ-enabled device will upload the images from the album, and Flickr will add them to the photostream or to a set. If you add more images to the album, HipServ will automatically upload them.

RSS [Premium Feature]

If you share an album with everyone, an RSS icon ( ) will appear above the album's images. If the person viewing the album clicks the RSS icon, the browser will show the album in an RSS reader. The RSS reader will show the name and description of the album, and its images sorted by name. Each image will show its name, caption, and when it was added to the album. The RSS reader will automatically receive new images as they are added to the album, and will delete them as they are removed. Album RSS feeds can be bookmarked in any RSS reader, including browsers, Vista and Google gadgets, and digital photo frames that support RSS.

About your HipServ-enabled devicePower button

The power button works as described by the OEM.

Reset buttonThe reset button works as described by the OEM.

LEDsThe LEDs indicate status as described by the OEM.

Drive spin downThe internal hard drive within the HipServ-enabled device automatically spins down approximately 11 minutes after read/write activity. This reduces power consumption and noise, and extends drive life. The hard drive spins up automatically to process new read/write operations.

Push ButtonThe HipServ-enabled device has USB ports on the front and back. Connecting a USB drive to the front USB port, and then pushing the adjacent button will upload content from the drive to a new datestamped folder in Family Library. The new folder is Family

4 HipServ User Guide

FTP [Premium Feature]

Library > USB-Downloads > [MMM dd yyyy hhmmss]. The LED on the front panel starts flickering when the upload begins. It stops flickering when the upload is complete and the drive is safely ejected. You can then disconnect the drive from the HipServ-enabled device.

Connecting a USB drive to the rear USB port treats the drive as external storage or backup.

Documentation and tutorialsThe HipServ installation also provides documentation and tutorials for using the HipServ-enabled device. Additional support is available through support forums at:

Technical supportIf you require assistance or technical support with your HipServ-enabled device, please contact the OEM (original equipment manufacturer).

Premium featuresPremium features extend the capabilities of the HipServ-enabled device, and are available to licensed users. Premium features may include:

Viewing images with CoolIris Sharing albums through Facebook, Flickr or RSS Setting up unlimited user accounts Remote access to HipServ Folders and the HipServ Application FTP and FTPS Mobile device support No advertising

HipServ User Guide 5

Installing HipServCarefully follow these steps to set up HipServ.

1. Verify that your network and computer meet the minimum requirements.

2. Connect the HipServ-enabled device to your network.

3. Set up the HipServ-enabled device.

4. Install the desktop applications.

5. Optionally connect a USB printer to the HipServ-enabled device.

1 - Verifying requirementsBroadband Internet

Make sure your home network is running properly and provides a broadband connection to the Internet. You must be able to access the Internet from your computer.

RouterYour router directs local data traffic through your home network, and passes Internet data through a firewall. The firewall protects your computer from malicious data on the Internet, but allows safe data through ports. The HipServ-enabled device requires ports 21 (FTP), 22 (SSH), 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) to be available and unblocked.

The Setup program will automatically configure these ports using UPnP (Universal Plug and Play). Most routers have UPnP available and enabled, allowing configuration to occur. The Setup program will tell you whether configuration was successful.

If UPnP is available but disabled, enable UPnP as described in the router documentation.

If UPnP is not available, set up port forwarding from ports 21, 22, 80 and 443 to HipServ as described in the router documentation. Use TCP for each port.

The Support Forum has the Test Port Forwarding tool at If you need to test port forwarding, go to this site, and then click the Test Port Forwarding button.

HipServ User Guide 7

PC Windows XP SP2, or Windows Vista or Windows 7 500 MHz Pentium III or greater 512 MB RAM or greater CD or DVD ROM drive Web browser (Internet Explorer 7.0 or later, Firefox 2.0 or later) Flash Player 910

Mac Mac OS 10.4 or 10.5 G3 or later, or Intel Core processor 512 MB RAM or greater CD or DVD ROM drive Web browser (Firefox 2.0 or later, or Safari 3.0 or later) Flash Player 109

2 - Connecting the hardwareConnect the hardware as directed by the OEM (original equipment manufacturer).

Optionally connect a USB cable from the HipServ-enabled device to a USB printer.

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3 - Setting up the HipServ-enabled deviceSet up the HipServ-enabled device to register it with the service provider, prepare it for use on the home network, and to make it available for remote use across the Internet.

1. Insert the disk into your PC or Mac.

2. Click Step 1 - Setup, and then follow the instructions.

3. When prompted, enter the product key, device name, administrator name and password. Record the information in the table below.

The Product key is the 16-letter code written on the bottom of the HipServ-enabled device.

The Device name identifies the HipServ-enabled device to the home network and to remote users across the Internet. The service provider will automatically ensure the device name is unique, and the Setup program will notify you if you need to change it. For example, use your last name as the device name.

The Administrator name and Password provides access to the administrator account. You will use the administrator account when you first log in to HipServ. Logging in with the administrator account allows you to change server preferences and add other users.

Product key

Device name

Administrator name

Administrator password

Resetting the administrator passwordResetting the administrator password allows you to enter a new password. This is required if you forget the administrator password.

To reset the password, use the Reset Tools option on the disk.

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4 - Installing the desktop applicationsInstall the desktop applications so you can access the HipServ-enabled device from your computer.

1. Ensure the computer is connected to the same home network as the HipServ-enabled device.

2. Insert the disk into your PC or Mac.

3. Click Step 2 - Install Desktop Applications, and follow the instructions.

4. Optionally set up Vista Backup or Time Machine to use the HipServ-enabled device as the backup disk.

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each computer on your home network.

The desktop applications are:

HipServ Agent - Starts the other desktop applications. HipServ Application - Organizes digital media into folders and albums. HipServ Folders - Accesses digital media through Explorer/Finder. DesktopMirror - Backs up selected folders.

5 - Adding a printerOptionally connect a USB printer to the HipServ-enabled device, or to a USB hub connected to the device. This way all computers on the home network can share the printer. Note that only printing is supported. If you have a multi-function printer, scanning is not supported.

10 HipServ User Guide

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PC1. Connect a USB cable from the printer to the HipServ-enabled device, or to a

USB hub connected to the device.

2. Using Explorer, browse to Hipserv. If prompted, enter your User Name and Password.

3. Double-click Hipserv. The following message appears.

4. Click OK. The Add Printer Wizard starts.

HipServ User Guide 11


5. Select the Manufacturer and Printer, and then click OK.

Mac1. Connect a USB cable from the printer to the HipServ-enabled device, or to a

USB hub connected to the device.

2. Go to System Preferences > Printer & Fax.

3. Click to add a printer.

4. Click Windows, and then select workgroup and hipserv.

12 HipServ User Guide

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5. Select Registered User, enter your User Name and Password, and then click Connect.

6. Select the printer model in Print Using, and then click Add.

The first time you print, you will be prompted for your user name and password. Enter your User Name and Password, select Remember this password in my keychain, and then click Connect. Next time you print, you will not be prompted for your password.

HipServ User Guide 13

HipServ AgentHipServ Agent allows you to start the other desktop applications. The HipServ Agent icon resides in your system tray (PC) or dock (Mac). It normally appears when you start your computer.

Right-click the HipServ Agent icon ( ) to display the menu. On a PC only, the menu displays your login status, and has commands for logging in and logging out. On a PC or Mac, the menu has commands for exploring the HipServ folders, opening the HipServ Application, and opening DesktopMirror. The Preferences command allows you to check for software updates to the desktop applications.

Starting HipServ AgentIf you exited HipServ Agent, the HipServ Agent icon is not available.

To start HipServ Agent on a PC, click Start > All Programs > Axentra > HipServ Desktop Applications > HipServ Agent > HipServ Agent.

To start HipServ Agent on a Mac, start Finder, browse to Applications > HipServ Desktop Applications, and then launch HipServ Agent.

HipServ User Guide 15

HipServ Agent commandsNot logged in/Logged in as

The label at the top of the menu displays who is currently logged into HipServ, or shows Not logged in.

This is available on a PC only.

Switch userIf someone is logged into HipServ, the Switch user command logs out the current user, and allows you to log in.

This is available on a PC only.

Log in/Log outThe Log in command allows you to select your HipServ-enabled device, and then enter your User name and Password. If you log in and then start one of the desktop applications, you will have access to the HipServ-enabled device. If you select Remember Me, you won't have to re-enter your password next time you log in.

The Log out command closes the current user's connection to the HipServ-enabled device. Be sure to log out to prevent other users from accessing your albums and MyLibrary folders.

This is available on a PC only.

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Explore my HipServ foldersThe Explore my HipServ folders command starts HipServ Folders. This application prompts you to log in (if necessary), and opens Windows Explorer or Mac Finder. It shows your FamilyLibrary, MyLibrary and MyComputers folders within a network drive, unless access is blocked. You can access the folders in a familiar environment, and upload files greater than 2 GB. This command is available whether the HipServ-enabled device is located locally on the home network, or remotely across the Internet (Premium feature). See "HipServ Folders" on page 95.

Open HipServ applicationThe Open HipServ application command starts the HipServ Application. This application opens your browser, prompts you to log in (if necessary), and displays the Landing Home Page of the HipServ Application. You can then access your folders and albums within the media library, view albums, back up your HipServ-enabled device, and set preferences. This command is available if the HipServ-enabled device is located locally on the home network, or remotely across the Internet (Premium feature).

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Open Desktop MirrorThe Open Desktop Mirror command starts the DesktopMirror application. The application backs up selected folders if the computer is on the same home network as the HipServ-enabled device.

PreferencesThe Preferences command allows you to check for software updates to the desktop applications, and displays the name and IP address of the HipServ-enabled device on your home network.

18 HipServ User Guide

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AboutThe About command displays the version number of HipServ Agent.

Exit HipServ AgentThe Exit HipServ Agent command closes HipServ Agent, and removes the icon from the system tray.

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HipServ ApplicationThe HipServ Application runs in your browser. It allows you to access your folders and albums within the media library, view albums, back up your HipServ-enabled device, and set preferences. Because the HipServ Application uses a web-based interface, it works the same with different computers and browsers. The HipServ Application is available if the HipServ-enabled device is located locally on the home network, or remotely across the Internet (Premium feature).

Starting the HipServ ApplicationUsing HipServ Agent

Right-click the HipServ Agent icon ( ), and then select Open HipServ Application.

Using a browser [Premium Feature]

Navigate to

From the desktopDouble-click the Navigate to My HipServ (www) icon.

From the Start menuTo start the HipServ Application on a PC, click Start > All Programs > Axentra > HipServ Desktop Applications > QuickConnect > Navigate to My HipServ (www).

To start the HipServ Application on a Mac, start Finder, browse to Applications > HipServ Desktop Applications, and then launch Smart Web Shortcut.

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Logging inAfter you start the HipServ Application, you must log in (unless you logged in previously).

1. If necessary, enter Your Home Server Name.

2. If necessary, enter Your User name and Your Password.

3. Optionally select Remember me, so you don't have to re-enter your password next time you log in.

4. Click Sign In.

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Landing Home pageAfter you start the HipServ Application and log in, the Landing Home page appears. It allows you to select Albums, Media Library, Backup my HipServ, or Preferences.

You can set a background image for the Landing Home page. See "Use as Home page backgroundUse as Home page background" on page 54.

You can also clear the background image. See "Clear home backgroundClear home background" on page 79.

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Main menuThe Main menu appears at the top of the Albums page, Media Library page, Backup my HipServ page, and Preferences page. It shows your display name, and allows you to sign out. The Main menu contains the Home Go To menu and the Help menu. The Home Go To menu lets you switch to one of the other pages. The Help menu shows the user manual, connects to HipServ support or starts a Quicktour.

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Media Library pageThe Media Library page allows you to organize your files using folders, and share files using albums. The Media Library page has the Media Sources section, Albums section, Files section and Details section.

Displaying the Media Library pageFrom the Landing Home page, click Media Library. From one of the other pages, click Home Go To in the Main menu, and then select Media Library.

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Media Sources sectionThe Media Sources section shows the FamilyLibrary folders (if your account can access them), your MyLibrary folders, and your MyComputers folders.

Note that while the subfolders within FamilyLibrary and MyLibrary are intended for specific file types, you can actually put any file into any folder.

FamilyLibraryThe FamilyLibrary folder contains the FamilyDocuments, FamilyMusic, FamilyPhotos and FamilyVideos subfolders. Your family shares these folders, so they are accessible to all user accounts on HipServ (unless the user's account blocks access; see "Let user access family folder" on page 90). They are shared with DMAs (digital music adapters), making the content available to media players on the home network. You can share content within the folders with friends or the public by placing the files in an album.

MyLibraryThe MyLibrary folder contains your private MyDocuments, MyMusic, MyPhotos and MyVideos subfolders. Each user has their own MyLibrary folders, and only you can access your folders. They can be shared with DMAs, making the content available to media players on the home network. You can share content within the folders with family, friends or the public by placing the files in an album.

MyComputersThe MyComputers folder contains a folder for each computer using DesktopMirror, Vista Backup or Time Machine. You can only access a MyComputers folder if your login credentials were used to configure the backup. Note that the directory structure within the MyComputers folder makes it easy to locate and restore single files or entire folders. You can download them through the HipServ Application, or you can copy and paste them through HipServ Folders. Folders within MyComputers can be shared with DMAs, making the content available to media players on the network. You can share content within the folders with family, friends or the public by placing the files in an album.

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Selecting a folderSelecting a folder highlights the folder name, and displays its subfolders and files in the Files section.

To select a folder, click the folder name.

Expanding and collapsing a folderExpanding a folder shows its subfolders.

To expand a folder, click the right arrow ( ) beside the folder name.

Collapsing a folder hides its subfolders. This is useful if many folders are open, and you want to reduce clutter on the screen.

To collapse a folder, click the down arrow ( ) beside the folder name.

Displaying the menuThe HipServ Application has a menu with commands for working with folders.

To display the menu, move the mouse over a folder. An arrow will appear beside the name. Click the arrow ( ) to display the menu.

Adding a folderAdding a folder creates a new subfolder within the current folder. Using subfolders is a good way to keep your content organized. A new folder within FamilyLibrary will be accessible to all users (unless the user's account blocks access). Only you can access a folder within MyLibrary.

To add a folder, select the folder where you want to add the subfolder, and then click the New Folder icon ( ). When prompted, enter the name of the folder, and then click Create.

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Deleting a folderDeleting a folder removes it and all its files and subfolders from the HipServ-enabled device. Delete folders carefully!

To delete a folder, select it, and then click the Delete Folder icon ( ). You can also select the folder, display the menu, and then select Delete.

Note that if you delete a folder, and an album contains a reference to a file within the folder, the item will no longer be available from the album.

Uploading filesUploading files copies them from your computer to the selected folder. If you upload a file to a folder within FamilyLibrary, it will be accessible to all users (unless the user's account blocks access). Only you can access a file uploaded to your MyLibrary folders.

The HipServ Application allows you to a copy a file or set of files that are less than 2 GB. If you want to copy files greater than 2 GB, use HipServ Folders (see page 95), DesktopMirror (see page 97) or FTP (see page 119).

To select the destination for the upload, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Upload. Alternatively, you can select the folder, and then click the Upload icon( ). The Upload window appears. You can now choose Manual Upload or Drag and Drop. Manual Upload lets you select individual files, and is the default method. Drag and Drop lets you drag multiple files and entire folders from Explorer/Finder.

To use Manual Upload, click Manual Upload (this option is selected by default). Click Add File, browse to the file, and then click Open. Optionally add more files. Click Upload to upload the file(s). Once the upload is complete, click Close.

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To use Drag and Drop, click Drag and Drop. A window appears, prompting you to drag and drop your files here. Drag the file from Explorer/Finder and drop it into the window. You can drag multiple files or folders. Click Upload to upload the file. Once the upload is complete, close the window.

Viewing detailsViewing details shows information about the selected folder, and allows you to edit it.

To view details, select the folder, display the menu, and then select View Details. Alternatively, select the folder, and then click the Show Details icon ( ). The details appear in the Details section, which is displayed beside the Files section. Folder details include the name of the folder, and the number of files and folders it contains.

Opening a folderOpening a folder shows its subfolders, and displays its subfolders and files in the Files section.

To open a folder, double-click the folder name. You can also display the menu, and then select Open.

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Moving a folderMoving a folder puts it in a different location, along with its subfolders and files. If the new location is within FamilyLibrary, the folder will be accessible to all users (unless the user's account blocks access). Only you can access a folder within MyLibrary.

To move a folder, drag and drop it to another folder. You can also select the folder you want to move, display the menu, and then select Cut. Select the destination folder, display the menu, and then select Paste.

Note that you cannot cut and paste a folder to another application, and you cannot cut and paste data from another application into the HipServ Application.

Copying a folderCopying a folder puts it in an additional location, along with its subfolders and files, while keeping the original folder. If the new location is within FamilyLibrary, the folder will be accessible to all users (unless the user's account blocks access). Only you can access a folder within MyLibrary.

To copy a folder, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Copy. Select the destination folder, display the menu, and then select Paste.

Note that you cannot copy and paste a folder to another application, and you cannot copy and paste data from another application into the HipServ Application.

Renaming a folderRenaming a folder changes its name.

To rename a folder, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Rename. When prompted, enter the new name, and then click Rename.

Note that if you rename a folder, and an album contains a reference to a file within the folder, the item will no longer be available from the album.

30 HipServ User Guide

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Adding files to an albumAn album allows you to group related pictures, music, videos and documents from multiple folders. The album has a theme, which sets the mood by displaying background graphics. You can leave the album unshared for your own enjoyment, or you can share it with your family, friends or everyone.

An album contains references to files, but doesn't contain copies of the files themselves. This way you can have the same file in multiple albums without taking up any more space. However, if you delete a file from the folder, it will no longer be available in the albums.

If you add files from a folder to an album, files within subfolders are not included.

Adding files to an existing albumYou can add the contents of a folder to an existing album.

To add the files, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Add to Album > [Album Name].

Creating a new unshared albumYou can add the contents of a folder to a new album that only you can see. The folder can be shared later.

To create the album, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Add to Album > New. By default, the album has the same name as the selected folder. Optionally enter the Name of the album, and optionally enter a Description. Select a theme for the album, or keep the default theme. Click Submit to create the album.

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Creating a new shared albumYou can add the contents of a folder to a new album. The album can be shared with family and media players on the home network, and with friends and the public on the Internet. Images in an album can be shared through RSS, Facebook or Flickr.

To create the album, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Share Selected Items. By default, the album has the same name as the selected folder. Optionally enter the Name of the album, and optionally enter a Description. Select a theme for the album, or keep the default theme. Choose whom you want to share the album with, as described in the following sections. Click Submit to create the album.

Allowing downloadsThe album streams compressed images to conserve bandwidth and improve performance. You can allow people viewing the album to download original full-resolution versions of the files. This is especially important if the album contains documents, because the album lists these files but cannot open them.

To allow files to be downloaded, select Allow downloads for this album.

Sharing with familySharing an album with family makes it available to the other HipServ users, unless their account blocks access. See "Let user access family folder" on page 90. The album will appear in their Albums page.

To share the album with family, select Share with other family accounts.

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Sharing with friendsSharing an album with friends makes it available to selected contacts.

To share the album with your friends, select Share with friends.

Setting the From addressThe first time you share an album with friends, HipServ will prompt you for your email address. Emails sent by HipServ notifying your friends about shared albums will indicate they are from this email address. Each HipServ user can set their own email address. You can change your email address later. See "Sharing emails senderSharing Emails Sender" on page 79.

Setting an end dateBy default, an album is shared indefinitely. Setting an end date determines how long the album will be shared.

To set an end date for sharing, select Share Until. By default, the album will be shared for one month. Use the calendar to change the end date.

Limiting accessWhen you share an album with friends, HipServ can send them an email notification that contains a link to the album. By default, anyone who clicks the link can view the album. Limiting access requires your friends to set up a password to access your albums. Once they set up a password, they will need to enter it in order to view any album that you have shared with friends.

This is suitable if your friend shares an email account with family members, but doesn't want them to see your albums.

To limit access, select Password-protect this album. When a friend first clicks the link in the email notification, they are prompted to create a password. Next time they click the link, they are prompted for this password. They will also be prompted for this password if they click a link to access a different album.When you share an album with friends, HipServ can send them an email notification that contains a link to the album. By default, anyone who clicks the link can view the album. Limiting access allows you to require a password.

To limit access, select Password-protect this album. When a friend first clicks the link in the email notification, they are prompted to create a password. Next time they click the link, they are prompted for this password.

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Emailing your friendsWhen you share an album with friends, HipServ can send them an email notification that contains a link to the album.

To email your friends, you must first set up your contacts, as described below. Then you can either select Send email to invitees, or click Send Invitations.

Setting up contactsSetting up contacts is setting up your address book, and setting up the contact list for the current album. Your address book contains the names and email addresses of your friends. Each user has their own address book. You only have to set up the address book once, though you can add and remove contacts later as required. The contact list contains friends whom you want to share the album with, and must be set up for each new album. Each album can be shared with a different set of your friends.

Viewing your contactsViewing your contacts shows your address book and the contact list for the current album.

To view your contacts, click the click the Add Friends icon ( ) in the album details. The Share with your contacts window appears.

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Setting up your address bookTo add a friend to your address book, click the Create New Contact icon ( ). Enter the Contact Name and Email Address, and then click Add. Once you add a friend to your address book, you can add them to the contact list.

To remove a friend from your address book, select the friend in the Address Book list, and then click the Delete Contact icon ( ).

To edit a friend in your address book, select the friend in the Address Book list, and then click the Edit Contact icon ( ). You can then change their name or email address.

Setting up the contact listTo add a friend to the contact list, select the friend in the Address Book list, and then click Add >>.

To remove a friend from the contact list, select the friend in the Allowed Access list, and then click << Remove. Note that if you email an invitation to a friend, and then remove them from the contact list, they will no longer have access to the album.

Finding a friendIf you have a large list of friends, and you want to remove or notify a specific person, enter some letters from their name in the Find in list box. The Address Book list will show only matching entries.

Saving your contactsOnce you have set up your address book or contact list, click Save.

Sharing with everyoneSharing an album with everyone makes it available to the public over the web. The website address will appear in the album details.

If you share an album with everyone, it will automatically be shared with family as well, including users without access to albums shared with family.

To share the album publicly, select Share with everyone.

Setting an end dateBy default, an album is shared indefinitely. Setting an end date determines how long the album will be shared.

To set an end date for sharing, select Share Until. By default, the album will be shared for one month. Use the calendar to change the end date.

Sharing via RSS [Premium Feature]

If you share an album with everyone, an RSS icon ( ) will appear above the album's images. If the person viewing the album clicks the RSS icon, the browser will show the

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album in an RSS reader. The RSS reader will show the name and description of the album, and its images sorted by name. Each image will show its name, caption, and when it was added to the album. The RSS reader will automatically receive new images as they are added to the album, and will delete them as they are removed. Album RSS feeds can be bookmarked in any RSS reader, including browsers, Vista and Google gadgets, and digital photo frames that support RSS.

Sharing with media playersSharing files with media players allows media players on your home network to detect and access content within the album. The media player must support the UPnP-AV, DLNA or Windows Media Connect standard. Media players include gaming consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3), digital photo frames, iTunes clients, IP televisions, networked sound systems (Sonos), digital video players (Roku, NETGEAR Digital Entertainer, DLink DSM), and many more.

To share the album with media players on your home network, select Share with media players.

Note that files are shared with media players if they are in a folder or album with sharing enabled.

Sharing with Facebook [Premium Feature]

To create a photo album on Facebook that contains the images from your album on HipServ, select Share with Facebook. The Service Authorization window appears.

Click the facebook icon ( ). A browser window appears, prompting you to authorize Facebook to use HipServ. If necessary, enter your Facebook user name and password, and authorize HipServ to link with your Facebook account. Close the browser window. Click Authorization complete.

Select an existing photo album, or create a new photo album by entering its name and optional description, and then click Submit. HipServ will upload the images to the photo album.

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To complete the photo album, log in to Facebook, and then navigate to the photo album. You will see a message similar to "This album contains photos uploaded from another application. Select photos to approve or reject." Select the photos, and then click Approve Selected Photos. Once you have approved the photos, you can edit, organize and share them normally.

HipServ will only upload images from the album: not documents, music or videos. The images will be uploaded with their captions, but not their tags. If you add more images to the album, HipServ will automatically upload them. You will have to approve these new photos as described above. However, removing images from an album will not remove them from Facebook.

Sharing with Flickr [Premium Feature]

To create a set on Flickr that contains the images from your album on HipServ, select Share with Flickr. The Service Authorization window appears.

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Click the flickr icon ( ). A browser window appears, prompting you to authorize Flickr to use HipServ. If necessary, enter your Flickr user name and password. Click OK, I'll Authorize It so HipServ can link with your Flickr account. Close the browser window. Click Authorization complete.

Select the default photostream or an existing set, or create a new set by entering its name and optional description, and then click Submit. HipServ will upload the images to the photostream or set.

HipServ will only upload images from the album: not documents, music or videos. The images will be uploaded with their captions, but not their tags. If you add more images to the album, HipServ will automatically upload them. However, removing images from an album will not remove them from Flickr.

Sharing files with DMAsSharing files with DMAs (digital media adapters) allows media players on your home network to detect and access content within the folder. The media player must support the UPnP-AV, DLNA or Windows Media Connect standard. Media players include gaming consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3), digital photo frames, iTunes clients, IP televisions, networked sound systems (Sonos), digital video players (Roku, NETGEAR Digital Entertainer, DLink DSM), and many more.

To share folder with media players, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Share with DMA. All its subfolders will be shared as well.

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To stop a folder from sharing with media players, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Unshare with DMAs. You can then enable or disable sharing for its individual subfolders.

Note that files are shared with media players if they are in a folder or album with sharing enabled.

Running a slideshowRunning a slideshow displays the images within the folder, one at a time. Images within subfolders are not shown, nor are music, videos and documents.

To run a slideshow, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Slideshow. The browser automatically shows each image with its caption. See "Running a slideshow" on page 60.

Playing songsPlaying songs plays the music within the folder. Songs within subfolders are not played, nor are images, videos and documents.

To play songs, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Autoplay. The browser automatically plays each song, and shows the album art and name of the current song. See "Playing songs" on page 60.

Downloading a fileDownloading a file retrieves the original full-resolution version of the file.

To download a file, select the folder, display the menu, and then select Download. A window lists the files within the folder. Files within subfolders are not listed. Click the Download button beside the desired file. Depending on your browser settings, you can open the file, download it to a specific directory, or download it to the default directory.

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Albums sectionThe Albums section shows the albums you have created, and allows you to edit them. To view your family's albums (i.e. shared albums created by the other users), select Albums in the Home Go To menu.

The Shared Album icon ( ) appears beside albums that have been shared.

The Unshared Album icon ( ) appears beside albums that have not been shared.

Selecting an albumSelecting an album highlights the album name, and displays its files in the Files section.

To select an album, click the album name.

Displaying the menuThe HipServ Application has a menu with commands for working with albums.

To display the menu, move the mouse over an album. An arrow will appear beside the name. Click the arrow ( ) to display the menu.

Viewing detailsViewing details shows information about the selected album, and allows you to edit it.

To view details, select the album, display the menu, and then select View Details. Alternatively, select the album, and then click the Show Details icon ( ). The details appear in the Details section, which is displayed beside the Files section. Album details include the name of the album, the number of files it contains, the description, the theme, and how the album is shared.

Disabling sharingDisabling sharing prevents others from viewing your album.

To disable sharing, select the album, and view its details. Clear the Album Sharing and Social Networking Sites options.

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Adding an albumTo add an album, click the New Album icon ( ). Enter the Name of the album and an optional Description. Select the theme, and set the sharing options. You can then drag and drop folders and/or files from folders to the album. For more information, see pages 30 to 38.

Deleting an albumDeleting an album removes access to its files, but the files remain within the folders. If you shared the album on Facebook or Flickr, the images will remain on these services. If you shared an album via RSS, the images will no longer be available to the RSS readers.

To delete an album, select it, and then click the Delete Album icon ( ). You can also select the album, display the menu, and then select Delete.

Renaming an albumRenaming an album changes its name.

To rename an album, select the album, display the menu, and then select Rename. When prompted, enter the new name, and then click Rename.

Note that if you rename an album that is shared with friends or with everyone, the original link will no longer work. However the link will go to a page listing all your albums, so they might be able to find the renamed album.

Running a slideshowRunning a slideshow displays the images within the album, one at a time. Music, videos and documents are not shown.

To run a slideshow, select the album, display the menu, and then select Slideshow. The browser automatically shows each image with its caption. See "Running a slideshow" on page 60.

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Playing songsPlaying songs plays the music within the album. Images, videos and documents are not played.

To play songs, select the album, display the menu, and then select Autoplay. The browser automatically plays each song, and shows the album art and name of the current song. See "Playing songs" on page 60.

42 HipServ User Guide

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Files sectionThe Files section shows the subfolders and files within the selected folder, or the files within the selected album.

Filtering filesFiltering the files specifies which file types will appear.

To filter the files, select All Files, Images, Music or Videos in the Media Filter list. The Files section will only display files of the selected type.

Setting the viewSetting the view controls how the Files section will display the files within the currently selected folder or album.

To set the view, select Thumbnail, List, Shuffle , Cover, or CoolIris in the Views list.

ThumbnailThumbnail view displays an image for each file that indicates what the file contains. It also shows the file name, size and caption. Moving the mouse over a file in Thumbnail view shows the Options arrow, which allows you to display the menu.

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44 HipServ User Guide

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ListList view uses a table to display the files. For each file, List view shows the file name, whether the file has tags, caption, date, file type and size. Moving the mouse over a file in List view shows an arrow, which allows you to display the menu.

ShuffleShuffle view displays a larger image for each file. It also shows the file name and caption. You can flip through the files by clicking the image to the left or right of the current file. Moving the mouse over a file in the list shows the Options arrow, which allows you to display the menu.The menu is not available in Shuffle view.

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CoverCover view displays a larger image for each file. It also shows the file name and caption. You can flip through the files by clicking the image to the left or right of the current file. Moving the mouse over a file in the list shows the Options arrow, which allows you to display the menu.

46 HipServ User Guide

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CoolIris [Premium Feature]

CoolIris provides an innovative user interface to display the images within the folder or album. Documents, music and videos do not appear. The menu is not available in CoolIris view.

After selecting the CoolIris view, click Get CoolIris to install the CoolIris plugin. This will allow you to take full advantage of the functionality.

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Searching for files and foldersSearching for files and folders checks all the folders you have access to, and displays items with captions, tags or file names that match the search criteria.

To run a search, enter text in the Search box, and then click the Search icon ( ). The Files section will show files that contain the search text in the caption, tags or file name. It will also show folders that contain the search text in the folder name. The search term will be highlighted. If you enter one word, you will see all the items that share the word. If you enter more than one word, the search results will be constrained to items that have all the words.

Once the files appear, you can add them to an album for sharing with family, friends or the public.

For example, the following illustration shows the results after searching for church. The first file has Church as a tag; the tag appears in the Details section. The second file has Church in the caption. The third file has Church.jpg as the file name.

See "Adding a caption" on page 50, and "Adding tags" on page 51.

Sorting files Sorting files arranges them in the specified order.

To sort the files, select Name, Mime type, Size, Modified time, Caption or Tag in the Sorting filter list. The Files section arranges the files in the specified order.Searching for files and folders

Searching for files and folders checks all the folders you have access to, and displays items with captions, tags or file names that match the search criteria.

48 HipServ User Guide

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To run a search, enter text in the Search box, and then click the Search icon ( ). The Files section will show files that contain the search text in the caption, tags or file name. It will also show folders that contain the search text in the folder name. The search term will be highlighted. If you enter one word, you will see all the items that share the word. If you enter more than one word, the search results will be constrained to items that have all the words.

Once the files appear, you can add them to an album for sharing with family, friends or the public.

For example, the following illustration shows the results after searching for church. The first file has Church as a tag; the tag appears in the Details section. The second file has Church in the caption. The third file has Church.jpg as the file name.

See "Adding a caption" on page 50, and "Adding tags" on page 51.Uploading a file

To upload a file, select the destination folder, and then upload the file. See "Uploading files" on page 28. You can also use HipServ Folders (see page 95), DesktopMirror (see page 97), or FTP (see page 119).

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Selecting a fileYou can select a file in Thumbnail view or List view. Selecting a file highlights it, and allows you to perform an operation on it. If the Details section is displayed, it shows the file's details.

To select a file, click it. To select multiple individual files, hold the Ctrl key while clicking files. To select a range of files, click the first file, and then hold the Shift key while clicking last file.

Displaying the menuThe HipServ Application has a menu with commands for working with files. You can display the menu in Thumbnail view or List view. The menu is not available in Shuffle view or CoolIris view.

To display the menu, move the mouse over a file. In List view, an arrow ( ) will appear

beside the name. In Thumbnail view, the Options arrow ( ) will appear on the image. Click the arrow to display the menu. The menu has different commands depending on whether the file is within a folder or an album, and depending on the whether the file is an image, song, video or document.

Viewing detailsViewing details shows information about the selected file, and allows you to edit it.

To view details, select the file, display the menu, and then select View Details. Alternatively, select the file, and then click the Show Details icon ( ).

The details appear in the Details section, which is displayed beside the Files section. Details for all files include the name, size, file type and date. If the file is within a folder, the Details section shows the tags and caption. Songs include the duration. Pictures include the dimension. Videos include the duration and the dimension.

Adding a captionAdding a caption stores a description of the file. The caption will appear when viewing a file within a folder or album, and when an image is shared through Facebook, Flickr or RSS. You can search for a file by entering text from its caption. See "Searching for files and foldersSorting files arranges them in the specified order." on page 48 48.

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To add a caption to a file, start by selecting its folder. Select the file, display the menu, and then select View Details. Enter the caption in the Caption box of the Details section.

Alternatively, in Thumbnail view, you can select the file, click the Click to add caption message, and then enter the caption. In List view, you can select the file, and then enter the caption into the Caption column.

Adding tagsAdding tags stores additional information about the file. The tags will appear in the Details section when viewing a file within a folder. The tags will not appear when viewing an album, nor when images are shared through Facebook, Flickr or RSS. You can search for a file by entering text from its tags. See "Searching for files and folders" "Sorting files arranges them in the specified order." on page 48 48.

To add tags to a file, start by selecting its folder. Select the file, display the menu, and then select View Details. Alternatively, select the file, and then click the Show Details icon ( ). Enter the tags in the Tags box of the Details section.

Tags allow you to describe each file on your HipServ-enabled device. If you tag files consistently, you will be able to find them more easily, especially as their number grows over time.

For example, assume you took a number of pictures at Jane's 11th birthday, which was held at your cottage. You enter the following tags for each picture: birthday, Jane, eleven, cottage. Some pictures have Mary or Joe in them, so you enter Mary or Joe as tags in those pictures.

Later you can search for birthday pictures. Tagged pictures from all birthdays will appear, including tagged pictures from Jane's birthday. Or you can search for pictures from your cottage. All tagged pictures from the cottage will appear, including tagged pictures from Jane's birthday. If you search for birthday cottage, then only birthday pictures from the cottage will appear.

Note that you can tag music, video and documents as well as photos.

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Searching for files and foldersSearching for files and folders checks all the folders you have access to, and displays items with captions, tags or file names that match the search criteria.

To run a search, enter text in the Search box, and then click the Search icon ( ). The Files section will show files that contain the search text in the caption, tags or file name. It will also show folders that contain the search text in the folder name. The search term will be highlighted. If you enter one word, you will see all the items that share the word. If you enter more than one word, the search results will be constrained to items that have all the words.

Once the files appear, you can add them to an album for sharing with family, friends or the public.

For example, the following illustration shows the results after searching for church. The first file has Church as a tag; the tag appears in the Details section. The second file has Church in the caption. The third file has Church.jpg as the file name.

See "Adding a caption" on page 50, and "Adding tags" on page 51.

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Deleting a fileDeleting a file removes it from the folder. You can delete multiple files at once.

To delete a file, start by selecting its folder. Select the file, display the menu, and then select Delete.

Note that if you delete a file, and an album contains a reference to it, the item will no longer be available from the album.

Removing a fileRemoving a file deletes it from the album, but leaves the file in the original folder. You can remove multiple files at once.

To remove a file, start by selecting its album. Select the file, display the menu, and then select Remove.

Moving a fileMoving a file puts it in a different folder. You can move multiple files at once.

To move a file, start by selecting its folder, and then drag and drop it to another folder. You can also select the file, display the menu, and then select Cut. Select the destination folder, display the menu, and then select Paste.

Note that you cannot cut and paste a file to another application, and you cannot cut and paste data from another application into the HipServ Application.

Copying a fileCopying a file puts it in an additional folder, while keeping it in the original folder. You can copy multiple files at once. Copying a file duplicates the original full-resolution version stored in the folder; not the compressed version displayed in the HipServ Application.

To copy a file, start by selecting its folder. Select the file, display the menu, and then select Copy. Select the destination folder, display the menu, and then select Paste.

Note that you cannot copy and paste a file to another application, and you cannot copy and paste data from another application into the HipServ Application.

Renaming a fileRenaming a file changes its name. You can only rename a file within a folder.

To rename a file, start by selecting its folder. Select the file, display the menu, and then select Rename. When prompted, enter the new name, and then click Rename.

Note that if you rename a file, and an album contains a reference to that file, the item will no longer be available from the album.

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Adding files to an albumAdding a file to an album adds a reference to the file, but doesn't copy the file itself. This way you can have the same file in multiple albums without taking up any more space. However, if you delete a file from the folder, it will no longer be available in the albums. You can add multiple files at once.

To add a file to an album, start by selecting its folder, and then drag and drop the file to the album.

You can also select the file, display the menu, and then select Add to Album > New, Add to Album > [Album Name], or Share Selected Items. For more information, see pages 30 to 38.

Note that if you select multiple files, and then select Add to Album > New or Share Selected Items, the album will not have a default name.

Using a file as the album coverUsing a file as the album cover causes its image to appear in the album icon on the Albums page. You can use an image, music, video or document. A music file will use its album art (if available). A document will use the generic document image.

To use a file as the album cover, start by selecting the album. Select the file, display the menu, and then select Use as Album Cover.

Downloading a fileDownloading a file retrieves the original full-resolution version of the file. You can select multiple files for downloading at once.

To download a file, select it, display the menu, and then select Download. A window lists the selected files. Click the Download button beside the desired file. Depending on your browser settings, you can open the file, download it to a specific directory, or download it to the default directory.

Working with imagesUse as Landing Home page background

Using an image as the Landing Home page background causes it to appear on your Landing Home page.

To set the Landing Home page background, select the image, display the menu, and then select Use as Landing Home Page Background.

You can remove the image from the Landing Home page. See "Clear home backgroundClear home background" on page 79.

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ViewViewing an image displays it in a paused slideshow.

To view an image, double-click it. You can also select the image, display the menu, and then select View.

If you play the slideshow, it will display the other images within the selected folder or album. See "Running a slideshow" on page 60.

Rotate clockwiseRotating an image clockwise turns it to the right. If the image is used in an album, it will be rotated there as well.

To rotate an image, start by selecting its folder. Select the image, display the menu, and then select Rotate Clockwise.

Rotate counterclockwiseRotating an image counterclockwise turns it to the left. If the image is used in an album, it will be rotated there as well.

To rotate an image, start by selecting its folder. Select the image, display the menu, and then select Rotate Counterclockwise.

Playing a songPlaying a song plays the music within the folder or album, starting with the selected song.

To play a song, double-click it. You can also select the song, display the menu, and then select Play. See "Playing songs" on page 60.

Playing a videoPlaying a video shows the video.

To play a video, double-click it. You can also select the video, display the menu, and then select Play. See "Playing a video" on page 60.

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Albums pageAn album is a group of related pictures, music, videos and documents. The album has a theme, which sets the mood by displaying background graphics. The album can be unshared for your own enjoyment, or shared with family, friends or everyone.

The Albums page allows you to view your albums, albums shared with family, and albums shared with everyone. If your account blocks access, you won't see albums shared with family. See "Let user access family folder" on page 90.

Displaying the Albums pageFrom the Landing Home page, click Albums. From one of the other pages, click HGo Toome in the Main menu, and then select Albums.

Selecting an albumSelecting an album highlights it, and enables the Slideshow, Download and CoolIris buttons near the top of the screen.

To select an album, click it.

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Viewing an albumViewing an album shows its images, videos, music and documents. This is the same view that family, friends and the public see if they access your shared album.

To view an album, double-click it.

Filtering filesFiltering the files specifies which file types will appear.

To filter the files, select All Files, Images, Music or Videos in the Media Filter list. The album will only display files of the selected type.

Setting the viewSetting the view controls how the album will display files.

To set the view, select Thumbnail, Shuffle , Cover, or CoolIris in the Views list.

ThumbnailThumbnail view displays an image for each file that indicates what the file contains. It also shows the file name and caption. See "Thumbnail" on page 43.

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ShuffleShuffle view displays a larger image for each file. It also shows the file name and caption. You can flip through the files by clicking the image to the left or right of the current file. See "Shuffle" on page 45.

CoverCover view displays a larger image for each file. It also shows the file name and caption. You can flip through the files by clicking the image to the left or right of the current file. See "Cover" on page 46.

CoolIris [Premium Feature]

CoolIris provides an innovative user interface to display the images within the album. Documents, music and videos do not appear. See "CoolIris" on page 47.

Sorting files Sorting files arranges them in the specified order.

To sort the files, select Name, Mime type, Size, Modified time, Caption or Tag in the Sorting filter list. The album arranges the files in the specified order.

Accessing a fileDouble-clicking a file opens or downloads it, as follows:

An image is displayed within a paused slideshow. A video is played. A song is played, followed by other songs within the album. A document is opened or downloaded, depending on your browser settings.

Subscribing to an RSS feed [Premium Feature]

If an album is shared with everyone, an RSS icon ( ) will appear above the album's images. Subscribing to the album's RSS feed will show the album in the RSS reader.

To subscribe to the album's RSS feed, click the RSS icon. The browser will show the album in an RSS reader. The RSS reader will show the name and description of the album, and its images sorted by name. Each image will show its name, caption, and when it was added to the album. The RSS reader will automatically receive new images as they are added to the album, and will delete them as they are removed. The RSS feed will not include music, videos and documents within the album.

Album RSS feeds can be bookmarked in any RSS reader, including browsers, Vista and Google gadgets, and digital photo frames that support RSS.

To use the RSS feed in an RSS reader, type or copy and paste the URL of the RSS feed into the RSS reader.

58 HipServ User Guide

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Starting CoolIris [Premium Feature]

Starting CoolIris displays the album's images with the innovative CoolIris user interface. Music, videos and documents are not shown. You can start CoolIris using the Albums page, or after displaying an album.

To start CoolIris using the Albums page, select the album, and then click CoolIris.

To start CoolIris after displaying an album, select CoolIris in the Views list.

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Running a slideshowRunning a slideshow displays the images within the album, one at a time, along with their captions. Music, videos and documents are not shown. You can run a slideshow using the Albums page, or after displaying an album.

To run a slideshow using the Albums page, select the album, and then click Slideshow.

To run a slideshow after displaying an album, click Slideshow.

You can also run a slideshow by double-clicking an image, and then clicking the Play button.

The toolbar, illustrated below, allows you control the slideshow.

Playing a videoPlaying a video shows the video.

To play a video, double-click it.

The toolbar, illustrated below, allows you control the playback.

Playing songsPlaying songs plays the music within the album. Images, videos and documents are not played.

To play songs after displaying an album, click Play All.

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You can also play a song by double-clicking it. All the songs in the album will autoplay, starting with the selected one.

Clicking the icon ( ) starts an additional browser window with similar albums you can purchase.

The toolbar, illustrated below, allows you control the playback. Clicking the Minimize icon closes the Autoplay window, but the music continues to play as long as you remain on the current page. Clicking the Autoplay icon ( ) on the bottom of the Media Library page or Albums page returns to the Autoplay window.

Downloading a fileThe album streams compressed images to conserve bandwidth and improve performance. An album can be configured to allow those viewing it to download original full-resolution versions of the files. This is especially important if the album contains

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documents, because the album lists these files but cannot open them. See "Allowing downloads" on page 32.

Downloading a file retrieves the original full-resolution version of the file. You can download all the files using the Albums page, or individual files after displaying an album.

To download all the files using the Albums page, select the album, and then click Download. A window lists all the files in the album. Click the Download button beside the desired file. Depending on your browser settings, you can open the file, download it to a specific directory, or download it to the default directory.

To download a file after displaying an album, select the file by clicking it. You can select multiple files by holding the Ctrl key while clicking them. After selecting the files, click Download. A window lists the selected files. Click the Download button beside the desired file. Depending on your browser settings, you can open the file, download it to a specific directory, or download it to the default directory.

You can also download a document by double-clicking it.

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Backup My HipServ pageThe Backup My HipServ page allows you to back up the files and folders on the HipServ-enabled device to a USB drive and/or online service, and to restore files back to the device. The USB drive or online service uses the same directory structure as the device to organize the files.

Connecting a USB driveIf you are backing up your HipServ to a USB drive, you must connect the drive to the HipServ-enabled device. The drive will be flagged as a backup device, and cannot be used for external storage. You can then backup files from your FamilyLibrary, MyLibrary and MyComputers folders to the drive, and can restore files from the drive.

The drive must be formatted with NTFS:

If the drive is formatted with NTFS, the HipServ application will flag the drive as a backup device, but will not format it. Files on the drive will remain intact.

If the drive has a different format, the HipServ application will format the drive and then flag it as a backup device. Any files on the drive will be deleted.

NOTE: Formatting the USB drive will delete its files.

1. Start the HipServ Application, and log in using your HipServ account.

2. Connect the USB drive to the HipServ-enabled device.

3. Go to the Backup My HipServ page. The following screen appears, prompting you to enable USB backup.

4. Click the Enable USB Backup Now button. The following screen appears, prompting you to select the USB drive.

HipServ User Guide 63

Richard Dault, 02/19/10,
Since this is for Orange specifically, I can’t help but think we can directly refer to it as Internet Space 2 (or whatever they are calling it)


5. Select the USB drive, and then click OK. If the drive needs to be formatted, the following screen will appear, prompting you to verify your selection.

6. Click Yes. The following screen appears once the HipServ Application has prepared the USB drive.

7. Click OK. The Backup My HipServ page appears.

Binding your HipServ and service provider accountsIf you are backing up your HipServ to an online service, you must bind your HipServ and service provider accounts. Binding connects your HipServ-enabled device to your service provider's backup facility. You can then backup files from your FamilyLibrary, MyLibrary and MyComputers folders to the online service, and can restore files from the online service.

The administrator's accounts are bound during installation, but each HipServ user in your family should bind their accounts as well. This requires each HipServ user to have their own service provider account (i.e. email address) as well as their own HipServ account.

1. Start the HipServ Application, and log in using your HipServ account.

2. Go to the Preferences page.

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3. Expand Orange Identification.

4. Click Activate.

5. Enter your email address and password, and then click OK. The service provider verifies the account information, and binds the HipServ and service provider accounts.

6. If necessary, you can click Deactivate to make the service provider account available for another HipServ user, or you can click Modify to bind a different service provider account to your HipServ account.

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Displaying the Backup My HipServ pageFrom the Home page, click Backup My HipServ. From one of the other pages, click Go To in the Main menu, and then select Backup My HipServ.

The Backup My HipServ page has the Media Sources, Space Availability, Files and Backup Details sections.

Media Sources sectionThe Media Sources section shows the FamilyLibrary folders (if your account can access them), your MyLibrary folders, and your MyComputers folders. If you select a folder within the Media Sources section, the Files section shows its subfolders.

You can back up any of the subfolders within FamilyLibrary, MyLibrary or MyComputers. You can also back up individual files within these folders.

Space Availability sectionThe Space Availability section shows the amount of space used and available in the HipServ-enabled device. It also shows the amount of space used and available in the USB drive and/or online service.

NOTE: Your HipServ-enabled device might store more than your USB drive or online service. For example, your device might have 500 GB of storage, while your account might provide 10 GB. If so, you need to be selective when deciding which files to back up. For example, you might choose to back up your favorite photos and important documents, but not music and video.

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Files sectionThe Files section shows the folders and files within the folder selected in the Media Sources section.

FolderFor each folder, the Files section shows the filename, the number of files and folders within the folder, and the backup status.

The following table describes the backup status icons for a folder.

Icon Current status Action at next backup Override?

No files in the folder are backed up.

None or some of the files will be backed up.

Yes, you can override this setting for individual files within the folder.

(Grey) All the files within the folder and its subfolders will be backed up.

No, you cannot override this setting for individual files.

At least one file in the folder is backed up.

The files will not be backed up or deleted.

Yes, you can override this setting for individual files within the folder.

(Green) New and modified files within the folder and its subfolders will be backed up.

No, you cannot override this setting for individual files.

All files within the folder and its subfolders will be deleted.

No, you cannot override this setting for individual files.

Attention required.

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FileFor each file, the Files section shows the filename, size, and backup status.

The following table describes the backup status icons for a file.

Icon Current status Action at next backup

The file is not backed up.

None. The file will not be backed up.

(Grey) The file will be backed up.


The file is backed up.

None, unless the file is modified. If so, the file will be backed up.

The file will be deleted.

None. The file will not be backed up if modified, or deleted.

If the file has been deleted from the HipServ-enabled device, the filename is shown in italics, and you can restore the file.

Action required.

Backup Details sectionThe Backup Details section shows information about the selected folder or file.

Name - The filename of the folder or file. Last modified - When the contents of the folder or file last changed. If blank,

the file is backed up, but has been deleted from the folder. Status - The backup status of the folder or file. The following status messages

are available:o Not backed up - The folder or file has not been backed up.o Folder exists on backup service - The folder has been created on the

USB drive or online service.o Backed up successfully - The file has been backed up, and is present in

the Media Library. Note that if the file is deleted from the USB drive or online service, this message will still appear.

o Backed up successfully, the file does not exist in Media Library - The file has been backed up, but has been deleted from the Media Library. Note that if the file is deleted from the USB drive or online service, this message will still appear.

Last backed up - When the file was last copied to the USB drive or online service. If blank, the file is not backed up.

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Next scheduled backup - When the folder or file will be automatically backed up or deleted. If blank, the file will not be backed up or deleted from the USB drive or online service.

Selecting a folderSelecting a folder highlights the folder name, and displays its subfolders and files in the Files section.

To select a folder, click the folder name in the Media Sources section or the Files section.

Expanding and collapsing a folderExpanding a folder shows its subfolders.

To expand a folder, click the right arrow ( ) beside the folder name.

Collapsing a folder hides its subfolders. This is useful if many folders are open, and you want to reduce clutter on the screen.

To collapse a folder, click the down arrow ( ) beside the folder name.

Displaying the menuThe HipServ Application has a menu with commands for working with files and folders.

To display the menu, move the mouse over the file or folder. An arrow will appear

beside the name. Click the arrow ( ) to display the menu. The following table shows the available commands:

Folder in the Media Sources section

Folder in the Files section File in the Files section

Open Open

Show Details View Details View Details

Add to Backup Add to Backup

Archive Archive

Remove from Backup Remove from Backup

Restore from Backup Restore from Backup

Not Backed Up Not Backed Up

NOTE: The Restore from Backup command is only available if backup has been configured. The folder status must be Folder exists on backup service. The file status must be Backed up successfully or Backed up successfully, the file does not exist in Media Library.

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Viewing detailsViewing details opens the Backup Details section, described previously. Once you view details, the Backup Details section will remain open.

To view details, select the file or folder, display the menu, and then select Show Details or View Details. Alternatively, select the file or folder, and then click the Show Details icon ( ).

Opening a folderOpening a folder shows its subfolders, and displays its subfolders and files in the Files section.

To open a folder, double-click the folder name. You can also display the menu, and then select Open.

Scheduling a folder for backupScheduling a folder for backup will prepare to copy all its new and modified files and subfolders to the USB drive or online service. You cannot override this setting for its individual files and subfolders.

To schedule a folder for backup, select the folder in the Files section, display the menu, and then select USB Backup > Add to Backup or MyCo Backup > Add to Backup.

The icon changes to a green or grey checkmark ( or ).

You can also click the icon and select the green or grey checkmark ( or ).

Scheduling a folder for removalScheduling a folder for removal will prepare to delete all its files and subfolders from the USB drive or online service. You cannot override this setting for its individual files and subfolders.

To schedule a folder for removal, select the folder in the Files section, display the menu, and then select USB Backup > Remove from Backup or MyCo Backup > Remove

from Backup. The icon changes to .

You can also click the icon and select .

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De-scheduling a folderDe-scheduling a folder means it will no longer be backed up or deleted from the USB drive or online service. You can then schedule subfolders and files within the folder for backup or removal.

To de-schedule a folder, select the folder in the Files section, display the menu, and then

select USB Backup > Archive or MyCo Backup > Archive. The icon changes to .

You can also click the icon and select .

Restoring a folderRestoring a folder copies all its files and subfolders from the USB drive or online service to the HipServ-enabled device. The Restore from Backup command is only available if backup has been configured. The folder status must be Folder exists on backup service or Folder exists on backup service, does not exist in Media Library.

If a folder has been deleted from the HipServ-enabled device, but the status is Folder exists on backup service, does not exist in Media Library, the filename is shown in italics. This means you can restore the folder.

To restore a folder, select the folder in the Files section, display the menu, and then select USB Backup > Restore from Backup or MyCo Backup > Restore from Backup.

You can also select the folder in the Files section, click the Restore icon ( ), and then select Restore Selected Files from USB or Restore Selected Files from MyCo.

NOTE: Restoring a folder will replace its files and subfolders with those from the online service. More recent versions on the HipServ-enabled device will be overwritten. New files on the device that haven't been backed up will remain undisturbed.

Scheduling a file for backupScheduling a file for backup will prepare to copy it to the USB drive or online service.

Its folder must be de-scheduled (i.e. the folder's icon must be ).

To schedule a file for backup, select the file in the Files section, display the menu, and then select USB Backup > Add to Backup or MyCo Backup > Add to Backup. The

icon changes to a green or grey checkmark ( or ).

You can also click the icon and select .

Scheduling a file for removalScheduling a file for removal will prepare to delete it from the USB drive or online

service. Its folder must be de-scheduled (i.e. the folder's icon must be ).

HipServ User Guide 71

Richard Dault, 02/19/10,
Same as last comment


To schedule a file for removal, select the file in the Files section, display the menu, and then select USB Backup > Remove from Backup or MyCo Backup > Remove from

Backup. The icon changes to .

You can also click the icon and select .

De-scheduling a fileDe-scheduling a file means it will no longer be backed up or deleted from the USB drive or online service.

To de-schedule a file, select the file in the Files section, display the menu, and then select

USB Backup > Archive or MyCo Backup > Archive. The icon changes to .

You can also click the icon and select .

Restoring a fileRestoring a file copies it from the USB drive or online service to the HipServ-enabled device. The Restore from Backup command is only available if backup has been configured. The folder status must be Folder exists on backup service or Folder exists on backup service, does not exist in Media Library.

If a file has been deleted from the HipServ-enabled device, but the status is Backed up successfully, file does not exist in Media Library, the filename is shown in italics. This means you can restore the file.

To restore a file, select the file in the Files section, display the menu, and then select USB Backup > Restore from Backup or MyCo Backup > Restore from Backup.

You can also select the file in the Files section, click the Restore icon ( ), and then select Restore Selected Files from USB or Restore Selected Files from MyCo.

NOTE: Restoring a file will replace it with a possibly older version from the USB drive or online service.

Running a backup manuallyIf scheduled backups are enabled, the Backup application automatically backs up and removes designated files and subfolders at a scheduled time. If required, you can run a backup manually.

To run a backup manually, click the Backup icon ( ), and then select Run USB Backup or Run MyCo Backup. Designated files are immediately backed up and removed.

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Enabling scheduled backupsHipServ can automatically run scheduled backups. When backup runs, HipServ backs up and deletes designated files from the USB drive or online service. If you do not have scheduled backups enabled, you will have to run backups manually.

To enable scheduled backups:

1. Go to the Preferences page.

2. Expand User.

3. Set Enable scheduled backups to Yes, and then click Submit.

Setting the time for scheduled backupsThe default time for scheduled backups is 4:00 AM. You can change the default time.

To set the time for scheduled backups:

1. Click the Backup icon ( ), and then select Schedule Backup.

2. Select the time, and then click OK.

Accessing backed up files on the USB driveYou can access files on the USB drive by connecting it to a computer. This way you can retrieve your files if the HipServ-enabled device fails.

HipServ User Guide 73


Accessing backed up files on the online serviceYou can access files on the online service using any computer with an Internet connection. This way you can retrieve your files if the HipServ-enabled device fails, or its connection to the Internet is unavailable.

To access your files:

1. Navigate to the service provider web address (e.g.

2. Enter your email address, and then click OK.

3. Enter your password, and then click Valider.

4. Click accéder à mes contenus.

5. If you want a .zip file that contains all the backed up files, select the Backup HomeLibrary checkbox, and then click Télécharger. Depending on your browser settings, the .zip file is opened, downloaded to the default directory, or you are prompted for the directory to save the file.

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6. If you want a single file, double-click Backup HomeLibrary, and navigate to the folder that contains your file.

7. Click the checkbox of the desired file, and then click Télécharger. Depending on your browser settings, the file is opened, downloaded to the default directory, or you are prompted for the directory to save the file.

HipServ User Guide 75


Preferences pageThe administrator can set up user, server and administration preferences. Where noted, some preferences are available to all users. Other preferences require administrator permission.

Displaying the Preferences pageFrom the Landing Home page, click Preferences. From one of the other pages, click Home Go To in the Main menu, and then select Preferences.

Using the Preferences pageThe Preferences page lists the sets of parameters.

To expand or collapse the set, click the top level name. For example, click User to expand the user preferences. Click it a second time to collapse the set.

To save your changes, click Submit.

To restore the saved preferences, click Restore.

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HipServ User Guide 77


UserAll users can set their user preferences.

LanguageThe Language list sets the language for the HipServ Application user interface. The selection of languages depends on your region. The default language is from your computer's configuration.

Sharing emails senderThe Sharing emails sender box sets the return email address for messages sent by HipServ when you share an album with friends.

78 HipServ User Guide

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Home background positionThe Home background position list sets the size of the image on the Home page. Choices are:

Center - Preserves the original aspect ratio of the image. Fit to screen -Zooms and crops the image to fit the Home page.

Clear Landing Pagehome bBackgroundClicking the Clear Landing Pagehome bBackground button removes the image from your Landing Home page.

Sharing Emails SenderThe Sharing Emails Sender box sets the return email address for messages sent by HipServ when you share an album with friends.

What to do when a file already existsThe What to do when a file already exists box sets the behavior if you copy or move a file to a folder that already contains a file with the same name. Choices are:

Overwrite old file - The new file replaces the old file. Keep existing file - The old file is retained, and the new file isn't copied/moved. Rename new file - The old file is retained, and the new file is copied/moved but


HipServ User Guide 79


Share new albums with media players by defaultThe Share new albums with media players by default list controls whether new albums will be shared with media players on your home network by default. You can override the setting when you create or edit an album.

The media player must support the UPnP-AV (Universal Plug and Play - Audio Visual), DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) or Windows Media Connect standard. Media players include gaming consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3), digital photo frames, iTunes clients, IP televisions, networked sound systems (Sonos), digital video players (Roku, NETGEAR Digital Entertainer, DLink DSM), and many more.

No - New albums will not be shared with media players. Yes - New albums will be shared with media players.

Share new albums with other family members by defaultThe Share new albums with other family members by default list controls whether new albums will be shared with other HipServ users by default. You can override the setting when you create or edit an album.

No - New albums will not be shared with family. Yes - New albums will be shared with family.

Enable scheduled backupsThe Enable scheduled backups list controls whether the HipServ-enabled device will automatically back up files to the USB drive and/or online service.

No - HipServ will not automatically back up files. Yes - HipServ will automatically back up files at the scheduled time.

Resume audio playbackThe Resume audio playback list controls whether playback will automatically start with the first song or video in the folder or album.

No - Playback will start at the beginning of the first song or video in the folder or album.

Yes - Each time you play a song or video, the HipServ Application will display the following window, offering to resume where playback last stopped.

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Hide help tipsThe Hide help tips list controls whether help tips appear when you start the HipServ Application.

No - Help tips appear. Yes - Help tips do not appear.

Reset all saved promptsClicking the Reset all saved prompts button re-enables the help windows that you disabled previously by clicking Don't show me again.

DiskspaceAll users can view the amount of space on the HipServ-enabled device.

UsedThe Used field shows how much disk space is occupied.

FreeThe Free field shows how much disk space is available.

HipServ User Guide 81


Change passwordAll users can change their password.

If you back up your computer with DesktopMirror, and you change your password, you will have to update DesktopMirror with your new password (see "Changing account settings" on page 99).

PasswordEnter your new password in the Password box.

Confirm PasswordRe-enter your new password in the Confirm Password box.

Windows nNetwork sharingingThe administrator can control access through HipServ Folders to private MyComputers and MyLibrary folders.

Note that this setting does not control access to FamilyLibrary folders. A user always has access to these through Explorer/Finder.

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Enable nWindows network sharing for private filesThe Enable Windows nNetwork sharing for private files list controls whether users can access their private folders through HipServ Folders.

Yes - Users can access their private folders through Explorer/Finder. No - Users cannot access their private folders through Explorer/Finder.

Workgroup nameThe Workgroup name box sets the name of the workgroup. The workgroup gives the computers on your home network access to the HipServ-enabled device through Explorer/Finder, and to the USB printer optionally connected to the HipServ-enabled device.

UPnP router configurationThe administrator can control how the HipServ Application configures the router. In most cases, the setup program configures the router, but the default settings can be changed if your equipment inhibits router configuration. See "Router" on page 7.

UPnP router configurationThe UPnP router configuration list controls whether the HipServ Application will attempt to configure the router.

Yes - The HipServ Application will configure the router. This is the default setting.

No - The HipServ Application will stop attempting to configure the router.

Attempt to overwrite UPnP configuration on router?The Attempt to overwrite UPnP configuration on router? list controls whether the HipServ Application will force settings upon the router.

Yes - The HipServ Application will force settings upon the router. No - The HipServ Application will not force settings upon the router. This is the

default setting.

HipServ User Guide 83


RegistrationThe administrator can change the name of the HipServ-enabled device. The service provider will automatically ensure the device name is unique, and will notify you if you need to try a different name.

Note that if you change the device name, friends and the public won't be able to access shared albums using the links provided previously. If you use DesktopMirror, you will have to update the HipServ name (see "Changing account settings" on page 99).

HipServ NameThe HipServ Name box sets the device name for your HipServ-enabled device.

NotificationsThe administrator can set the email address for notifications about the HipServ-enabled device.

NotificationsThe Notifications box sets the email address for notifications about the HipServ-enabled device.

Network services [Premium Feature]

The administrator can control FTP access to the HipServ-enabled device. For better security, disable FTP access unless you specifically require it. If FTP is enabled, you can

84 HipServ User Guide

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use it to upload and download files in the MyLibrary folders. If your account provides access, you can also use FTP for files in the FamilyLibrary folders. See "Let user access family folder" on page 90.

Enable FTP access to your local LAN [Premium Feature]

The Enable FTP access to your local LAN list controls whether a local user can FTP into the HipServ-enabled device.

Yes - A local user can FTP into the HipServ-enabled device. No - A local user cannot FTP into the HipServ-enabled device.

Enable FTP access to the Internet [Premium Feature]

The Enable FTP access to the Internet list controls whether a remote user can FTP into the HipServ-enabled device.

Yes - A remote user can FTP into the HipServ-enabled device. No - A remote user cannot FTP into the HipServ-enabled device.

HipServ User Guide 85


LAN connectionThe administrator can set IP address information for the HipServ-enabled device.

Obtain IP address automaticallyThe Obtain IP address automatically list controls whether the HipServ-enabled device obtains a dynamic IP address from the router.

Yes - The HipServ-enabled device automatically obtains a dynamic IP address from the router using DHCP. In most cases, use this setting.

No - The HipServ-enabled device will use the static IP address entered into the Server IP address box. This is rarely required, but may improve performance for remote users. Selecting No enables the Server IP address, Server netmask, and Gateway boxes.

DNS server 1The DNS server 1 box sets the primary domain name server. This is obtained automatically from your router's DHCP configuration, and is provided by your ISP.

DNS server 2The DNS server 2 box sets the secondary domain name server. This is obtained automatically from your router's DHCP configuration, and is provided by your ISP.

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Server IP addressThe Server IP address box sets the static IP address for the HipServ-enabled device. Obtain the static IP address from your ISP (Internet service provider), and use it to replace the dynamic IP address that appears in the box by default. The Server IP address box only appears if Obtain IP address automatically is set to No.

Server netmaskThe Server netmask box sets the subnet mask. Choices are:

/32 ( netmask.24 ( /16 ( /8 (

The subnet mask determines the address range of the subnet. Data to addresses within the subnet (e.g. between your computer and the HipServ-enabled device) are routed within the network. Data to addresses outside the subnet (e.g. between a remote user and the HipServ-enabled device) are routed to the Internet. Most home networks with less than 255 nodes use netmask.24. The Server netmask box only appears if Obtain IP address automatically is set to No.

GatewayThe Gateway box sets the IP address of the device that routes data from the HipServ-enabled device to the Internet (i.e. the router). The Gateway box only appears if Obtain IP address automatically is set to No.

HipServ User Guide 87


Date and timeThe administrator can set the date and time for the HipServ-enabled device.

Set date and time from the InternetThe Set date and time from the Internet list controls where the HipServ-enabled device obtains the date and time. Choices are:

Yes - The HipServ-enabled device obtains the date and time from NTP (network time protocol) servers. In most cases, use this setting. Selecting Yes enables the Internet Time Servers box.

No - The administrator sets the date and time for the HipServ-enabled device. Selecting No enables the Date and Time controls.

Internet Time ServersThe Internet Time Servers box sets the NTP servers used by the HipServ-enabled device. In most cases, use the default NTP servers. The Internet Time Servers box appears if Set date and time from the Internet is set to Yes.

DateThe Date control sets the current date. Set the date by clicking the Calendar icon ( ) and then choosing the year, month and date. The Date control appears if Set date and time from the Internet is set to No.

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TimeThe Time control sets the current time. Set the time using the up and down arrows after clicking the hour and minute. The Time control appears if Set date and time from the Internet is set to No.

CountryThe Country list allows you to select your country.

CityThe City list allows you to select a city within your time zone.

Add new userThe administrator can add new users. This way each user in your family can have their own MyLibrary folders.

Account User NameThe Account User Name box sets the name of the user. It must be at least three characters.

Display NameThe optional Display Name box sets the name that will appear in the Main menu of the HipServ Application. The display name will also appear in the Albums page before the user's albums. If used, it must be at least three characters.

PasswordThe Password box sets the user's password. It must be at least six characters, and one of the characters must be a digit.

Confirm PasswordRe-enter the password in the Confirm Password box.

HipServ User Guide 89


Create as AdministratorSelecting the Create as Administrator check box gives the user administrator permissions. The default setting denies administrator permissions.

A user with administrator permissions has access to all the preferences.

A user without administrator permissions only has access to the User, Diskspace and Change Password preferences.

Let user access family folderSelecting the Let user access family folder check box gives the user access to the FamilyLibrary folders, and allows them to view albums that have been shared with family. The default setting grants access.

Note that if you disable access to the FamilyLibrary folders, a user can still access them using Explorer/Finder through HipServ Folders.

Edit userThe administrator can edit user accounts.

Account User NameThe Account User Name list contains the users added previously, and allows you to select the account to edit.

Display NameThe optional Display Name box sets the name that will appear in the Main menu of the HipServ Application. The display name will also appear in the Albums page before the user's albums. If used, it must be at least three characters.

PasswordThe Password box sets the user's password. It must be at least six characters, and one of the characters must be a number.

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If you're editing your own administrator account, you must re-enter the password, even if you're not changing it.

If the user backs up their computer with DesktopMirror, they will have to update DesktopMirror with their new Password (see "Changing account settings" on page 99).

Confirm PasswordRe-enter the password in the Confirm Password box.

Create as AdministratorSelecting the Create as Administrator check box gives the user administrator permissions.

A user with administrator permissions has access to all the preferences.

A user without administrator permissions only has access to the User, Diskspace and Change Password preferences.

Let user access family folderSelecting the Let user access family folder check box gives the user access to the FamilyLibrary folders, and allows them to view albums that have been shared with family.

Note that if you disable access to the FamilyLibrary folders, a user can still access them using Explorer/Finder through HipServ Folders.

Shut downThe administrator can shut down or restart the HipServ-enabled device.

To shutdown the HipServ-enabled device, click Shutdown.

To restart the HipServ-enabled device, click Restart.

Software updatesThe administrator can check for firmware updates to the HipServ-enabled device.

To check for firmware updates, click the Check Now button. If there are no updates, Your HipServ is up-to-date appears.

HipServ User Guide 91


Disk ManagementRAIDThe administrator can check the status of the RAIDdrive array, and can format and eject the hard drives. See "Multiple Drive Support" on page 103.

The HipServ-enabled device can operate with one or two drives. If there are two drives, RAID (redundant array of independent disks) stores digital media on both drives at the same time. If one of the drives fails, the HipServ-enabled device will notify you by email, and your data will still be present on the other drive. This way your content is protected from hardware failure.

Adding a hard driveTo add a hard drive, power off the HipServ-enabled device, insert the drive, and then power up the device.

When you power up the HipServ-enabled device, it will ensure the drive is blank. If you have added a second drive, it will also ensure both drives are the same size. If these conditions are met, the HipServ-enabled device will automatically prepare the drive, and will copy data from the original drive to the second drive.

Once the drives are in sync, all data will be written to both drives. When the RAID array is functioning normally, the Status is Clean, with both disks In RAID.

Configuring RAIDIf you add a hard drive but the HipServ-enabled device cannot prepare it automatically, you must configure RAID. This occurs if:

You inserted the drive while the HipServ-enabled device was powered up. The drive has data on it. The second drive is a different size from the original drive. If the second drive is

smaller, it cannot be added to the RAID array. If the second drive is larger, it can be added to the RAID array, but the additional space will be wasted.

In these cases, the following message will appear.

Click OK, and then navigate to Preferences > RAID.

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Adding a used driveIf the drive isn't blank, the HipServ Application will display the following message. Click Yes to delete the data.

Rebuilding RAIDYou must rebuild RAID if the Status is Single Disk and the second drive is Unused.

To rebuild RAID, click Rebuild. The HipServ-enabled device will sync the drives by preparing the second drive and then copying data to it.

Removing a driveTo remove a hard drive, power off the HipServ-enabled device, and then remove the drive.

You can also remove a drive while the HipServ-enabled device is powered up. Navigate to Preferences > RAID, and then click the Eject button by the drive. Wait for the disk to change from In RAID to Unused. You can then physically remove the drive from the HipServ-enabled device.

CAUTION: Removing a hard drive that is powered up and In RAID may cause data loss or corruption.

Computers BackupComputers backup uses Windows Backup, Vista Backup or Time Machine to back up files on the computer to the HipServ-enabled device. Before configuring the backup facility on your computer, you must enable computers backup and specify a password. The password will be required when you configure the backup facility on your computer. You can also wipe existing backups from the HipServ-enabled device.

HipServ User Guide 93


Enabling computers backupEnabling computers backup prepares the HipServ-enabled device for use as a backup device. This is required before configuring the backup facility on your computer.

1. Select the Enable computers backup feature check box.

2. Enter the password in the Password box. The password must be at least six characters long and contain at least one number.

3. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password box.

4. Click the Submit button. You can now configure the backup facility on your computer.

Wiping backupsWiping backups deletes backed up data from the HipServ-enabled device. This allows you to delete sensitive information from the device.

NOTE: Wiping backups will delete all backed up data from the HipServ-enabled device.

To delete backed up data from the HipServ-enabled device, click the Wipe button.

Power timerThe administrator can configure the HipServ-enabled device to automatically power down and power up at a specified time each day. For example, it can be configured to power down at 11:00 PM and power up at 8:00 AM. This way albums and files would only be available during the daytime and evening hours.

NOTE: Powering off the device will interrupt data transfer and scheduled backups.

To schedule power, select the Enable power timer check box. You can then select the Power OFF and Power ON actions and times for each day of the week.

94 HipServ User Guide

HipServ FoldersHipServ Folders lets you use Microsoft Explorer or Mac Finder to work with content in your HipServ-enabled device. This way you can manage your files in a familiar environment, and can upload files greater than 2 GB. This application prompts you to log in (if necessary), opens Windows Explorer or Mac Finder, and then shows your FamilyLibrary, MyLibrary and MyComputers folders within a network drive. HipServ Folders uses Samba if the HipServ-enabled device is located locally on the home network, and WebDAV if the device is located remotely across the Internet (Premium feature).

Viewing HipServ FoldersRight-click the HipServ Agent icon ( ), and then select Explore My HipServ Folders. If necessary, enter your HipServ Name, User Name and Password, and then click Sign in. Explorer/Mac shows the folders within a network drive.

To view HipServ Folders on a PC, you can also click Start > All Programs > Axentra > HipServ Desktop Applications > Quick Connect > Explore My HipServ Folder.

To view HipServ Folders on a Mac, you can also start Finder, browse to Applications > HipServ Desktop Applications, and then launch Smart Folder Shortcut.

HipServ User Guide 95

Available foldersFamilyLibrary

The FamilyLibrary folder contains the FamilyDocuments, FamilyMusic, FamilyPhotos and FamilyVideos subfolders. Your family shares these folders, so they are accessible to all users.

Note that all users can access the FamilyLibrary folders through Explorer/Finder, even if access is blocked or Windows nnetworking sharing is disabled. See "Let user access family folder" on page 90, and "Network sharing" on page 82.

MyLibraryThe MyLibrary folder contains the MyDocuments, MyMusic, MyPhotos and MyVideos subfolders. Each user has their own MyLibrary folders, and only you can access your folders. Windows networkingNetwork sharing must be enabled for users to see their MyLibrary folders. See "Network sharing" on page 82.

MyComputersThe MyComputers folder contains a folder for each computer using DesktopMirror, Vista Backup or Time Machine. You can only access a MyComputers folder if your login credentials were used to configure the backup. Windows NetworkingNetwork sharing must be enabled for users to see their MyComputers folders. See "Network sharing" on page 82.

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DesktopMirrorDesktopMirror lets you back up the PCs and Macs on your home network to the HipServ-enabled device. The DesktopMirror application backs up selected folders on a regular basis. Vista Backup and Time Machine can use the HipServ-enabled device as the backup disk. Backed up content is always available, even if the computer is turned off. Note that the directory structure within the MyComputers folder makes it easy to locate and restore single files or entire folders.

DesktopMirror will back up the files in one direction, from the computer to the HipServ-enabled device. It will back up the files in the listed folders, using the settings in the Schedule tab. Files that haven't changed since the last backup will be ignored. New and updated files on the computer will be copied to the HipServ-enabled device. Deleted files will be removed from the HipServ-enabled device.

Starting DesktopMirrorRight-click the HipServ Agent icon ( ), and then select Open HipServ DesktopMirror.

To start DesktopMirror on a PC, you can also click Start > All Programs > Axentra > HipServ Desktop Applications > Desktop Mirror > Desktop Mirror.

To start DesktopMirror on a Mac, you can also start Finder, browse to Applications > HipServ Desktop Applications, and then launch Desktop Mirror.

HipServ User Guide 97

Folders that have never been backed up are red. Folders to be backed up are yellow. Folders that have been successfully backed up are green.

Configuring backupWhen you first start DesktopMirror, you must configure it. If your computer has multiple users, then each user must start DesktopMirror and configure backup separately.

1. Enter the HipServ Name (if required), User Name and Password, and then click Next. If you log in to the HipServ Application using these credentials, the backup directory for the computer will appear under MyComputers.

2. The My Documents (PC) or Documents (Mac) folder is selected for backup. Click Next.

3. If Windows Firewall is blocking HipServ DesktopMirror, click Unblock.

4. Select when to back up files, and then click Next. Backup can occur when an interval expires, or at a certain time daily or weekly, and when you start DesktopMirror.

5. Optionally select Start backing up my folders when I click finish, and then click Finish. The HipServ DesktopMirror window shows the status of the backup.

Adding folders to the backupAdding a folder will include the folder, its files, and its subfolders in the subsequent backups.

To add a folder, choose File > Add, or click the Add icon ( ). Browse for the folder you want to add, and then click OK.

Removing folders from the backupRemoving a folder will exclude the folder, its files, and its subfolders from subsequent backups. It will be deleted from the HipServ-enabled device when backup next runs.

To remove a folder, select the folder to remove from the backup. Choose File > Remove, or click the Remove icon ( ). Click OK to confirm.

Viewing the reportA report is generated after every backup or restore event. The report is added to the top of the Backup Activity log. Viewing the report shows the most recent addition to the log.

To view the report, choose View > View Report. The Backup Activity window appears.

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Manually backing up selected foldersAfter you add folders to the backup, you can manually back up selected folders.

To manually back up selected folders, select the folders to backup. You can select multiple folders by holding the Ctrl key while clicking folders. Choose Tools > Backup Selected Item(s). New and modified files in the selected folders are backed up.

Manually backing up all listed foldersAfter you add folders to the backup, you can manually back up all listed folders.

To manually back up all listed folders, choose Tools > Backup All Items. New and modified files in all listed folders are backed up.

Restoring all backed up foldersRestoring all backed up folders copies their files to the computer.

To restore all backed up folders, choose Tools > Restore. Files and folders on the HipServ are added to or replace those on the computer.

Note that you can easily restore a single file by downloading it through the HipServ Application, or by copying and pasting it through HipServ Folders.

Changing account settingsChanging accounts settings lets you modify the device name, user name, password, and backup schedule.

To change account settings, choose Tools > Account Settings.

HipServ User Guide 99


Identity tabSelect the Identity tab to modify the HipServ host name, User name or Password. This is required if you change the device name (see "Registration" on page 84), or if a user changes their password (see "Edit user" on page 90).

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Schedule tabSelect the Schedule tab to modify when to back up files.

If you select Timed Backup, DesktopMirror backs up the files automatically. You can select Backup every or Backup at. Backup every lets you select the duration between backups, ranging from 5 minutes to 24 hours. Backup at lets you select the time and day for the backup.

If you select Backup at program startup, DesktopMirror backs up the files when started. This way you control when backups occur.

HipServ User Guide 101


Advanced tabSelect the Advanced tab to view the backup folder on the HipServ-enabled device.

102 HipServ User Guide

Multiple Drive SupportIntroduction

The HipServ-enabled device can have one or two internal drives. Depending on the device, you can connect a USB drive, an external eSATA drive, or a second internal drive. A USB drive can be a multicard reader, flash drive or USB hard drive.

The HipServ Application provides four options to support multiple drives:

External storage or backup Maximum safety (RAID1) Maximum performance (RAID0) Maximum storage (JBOD)

The following table summarizes the options available when adding drives to different HipServ-enabled device configurations.

HipServ-enabled device

Initial Configuratio


Operation Option

One drive bay

One internal drive

Add USB drive External storage/backup

Add eSATA drive Maximum safety (RAID1)

Two drive bays

One internal drive

Add USB drive External storage/backup

Add eSATA drive Maximum safety (RAID1)

Add second internal drive

Maximum safety (RAID1)

Maximum performance (RAID0)

Maximum storage (JBOD)

Two internal drives

Add USB drive External storage/backup

Reconfigure drive array

Maximum safety (RAID1)

Maximum performance (RAID0)

Maximum storage (JBOD)

HipServ User Guide 103

External StorageA USB drive provides external storage by default. The drive will appear as a folder on the Media Library page, within the Family Library folder. If the drive is a multicard reader, a different folder will appear for each card. The drive can be a different size from the HipServ-enabled device. You can use the HipServ Application to move files between the device and the drive. The drive will not be accessible through Explorer/Finder unless you eject it and connect it to the computer.

NOTE: If you want to apply a tag or caption to a file, or if you want to use the file within an album, ensure the file is located on the HipServ-enabled device itself. The following problems will occur if the file is in external storage:

If you apply a tag or caption to a file in external storage, and then eject and reconnect the USB drive, the HipServ Application will re-associate the tag or caption with the file that has the matching path and filename. If the path or filename is changed in external storage, the tag and caption will not be re-associated. If the USB drive has a different file with a matching path and filename, the tag and caption will be incorrectly associated with that file.

If you create an album that contains a file in external storage, and then eject and reconnect the USB drive, the album will no longer provide access to the file.

If you create an album that contains a file in external storage, and then eject the USB drive while a user is accessing the file, the file will remain available. For example, if the user is listening to a song or playing a video that is located in external storage, and you eject the USB drive, the file will continue to play without interruption. However, if the user attempts to access a different file in the album, it will not be available. If a user logs in after the drive has been ejected, they will see an empty album.

BackupA USB drive can be configured as a backup device. The HipServ Application will use it to automatically and regularly back up selected files and directories on the HipServ-enabled device. The drive will not appear within the Family Library folder. If the drive is a multicard reader, one card can be used for backup, and the others for external storage. The drive can be a different size from the HipServ-enabled device. The drive will not be accessible through Explorer/Finder unless you eject it and connect it to the computer.

Maximum Safety (RAID1)An eSATA drive or a second internal drive can safeguard the data on the HipServ-enabled device, backing it up using the RAID1 protocol. The RAID1 protocol provides full data safety via redundancy in the drives. This means that all data is automatically copied to the added drive, but it does not provide any additional storage.

HipServ User Guide 104

FTP [Premium Feature]

If one of the drives fails, the HipServ-enabled device will notify you by email, and your data will still be present on the other drive. This way your content is protected from hardware failure.

Both drives should be the same size to avoid wasting disk space. If the second drive is smaller, it cannot be used. If the second drive is larger, its extra space will be unused.

This option can be used if connecting an eSATA drive to a HipServ-enabled device with one internal drive, if adding a second internal drive to the device, or if you wish to rebuild the file system on a device that already has two internal drives. This option is not available if connecting a USB drive, or if connecting an eSATA drive to a device with two internal drives.

Maximum Performance (RAID0)A second internal drive can increase the performance of the HipServ-enabled device using the RAID0 protocol. The RAID0 protocol provides the highest performance by saving data to both drives. However, if one drive fails, the entire file system is lost.

Both drives should be the same size to avoid wasting disk space. If the second drive is smaller, it cannot be used. If the second drive is larger, its extra space will be unused.

This option can be used if adding a second internal drive to the HipServ-enabled device, or if you wish to reconfigure the file system on a device that already has two internal drives. This option is not available if connecting a USB or eSATA drive to the device.

Maximum Storage (JBOD)A second internal drive can maximize the storage capacity of the HipServ-enabled device using the JBOD protocol. The JBOD protocol provides the most storage. It partially fills the first drive, then the second drive, and then switches between the two. However, if one drive fails, half the file system is lost.

The two drives can be different sized, which provides flexibility.

This option can be used if adding a second internal drive to the HipServ-enabled device, or if you wish to reconfigure the file system on a device that already has two internal drives. This option is not available if connecting a USB or eSATA drive to the device.

HipServ User Guide 105


USB driveYou can connect a USB drive directly to the HipServ-enabled device, or through a USB hub that is connected to the device. The USB drive can be a multicard reader, flash drive or USB hard drive. The USB drive can be used for external storage or backup.

A multicard reader can hold multiple memory cards at the same time. The types of cards that are supported depend on the reader itself. Each card in the reader that is configured for external storage will appear as a separate folder in Family Library. One of the cards can be configured for backup.

Connecting the USB driveConnect the USB drive directly to the HipServ-enabled device, or to a USB hub that is connected to the device. Do not connect the USB drive to the computer, or to a USB hub that is connected to the computer.

Formatting the USB driveFormatting the USB drive changes it to an NTFS device. This is required for the USB drive to be used as a backup device, but is not required for external storage. The Format button is available if an active or inactive USB drive is connected to the HipServ-enabled device.

CAUTION: Formatting the USB drive deletes all the files from the drive.

To format a USB drive:

1. Display the Preferences page.

2. Expand USB.

3. Click the Format button by the drive. The application ensures that you want to format the device.

4. Click Format. The application ensures that you want to format the device.

106 HipServ User Guide

FTP [Premium Feature]

5. Click OK. The application displays the following window as it formats the drive.

6. Once the window closes, collapse and re-expand USB. The USB drive is formatted as an NTFS device, and the status of the USB drive is Active.

Configuring the USB drive for backupConfiguring the USB drive for backup flags it for use as a backup device. It will no longer be available for external storage, and will not appear as a folder in Family Library. The Use for Backup button is available if an active or inactive USB drive is flagged for external storage and connected to the HipServ-enabled device.

To configure the USB drive for backup:

1. Display the Preferences page.

2. Expand USB.

3. Click the Use for Backup button by the drive. The application ensures that you want to use the device for backup.

4. Click Yes. The application displays the following window as it readies the device for backup.

HipServ User Guide 107


5. Once the window closes, collapse and re-expand USB. The USB drive is formatted as NTFS, flagged as a backup device, and the status of the USB drive is Active.

Configuring the USB drive for external storageConfiguring the USB drive for external storage allows it to appear as a folder in Family Library. It will no longer be available as a backup device. The Use for Storage button is available if an active or inactive USB drive is flagged as a backup device and connected to the HipServ-enabled device.

To configure the USB drive for backup:

1. Display the Preferences page.

2. Expand USB.

3. Click the Use for Storage button by the drive. The application ensures that you want to use the device for external storage.

4. Click Yes. The application displays the following window as it readies the device for external storage.

5. Once the window closes, collapse and re-expand USB. The USB drive is flagged for external storage, and the status of the USB drive is Active.

108 HipServ User Guide

FTP [Premium Feature]

Ejecting the USB driveEjecting the USB drive safely shuts it down, and changes its status to Inactive. You can then disconnect the USB drive without losing data. The Eject button is available if an active USB drive is connected to the HipServ-enabled device.

CAUTION: Eject the USB drive before disconnecting it. Failing to eject the drive can result in loss of data.

To eject a USB drive:

1. Display the Preferences page.

2. Expand USB.

3. Click the Eject button by the drive. The application ensures that you want to eject the device.

4. Click Yes. The application displays the following window as it ejects the drive.

5. Once the window closes, collapse and re-expand USB. The status of the USB drive is now Inactive.

6. Disconnect the USB drive from the HipServ-enabled device or USB hub.

HipServ User Guide 109


eSATA driveYou can connect an eSATA drive to a HipServ-enabled device that has an eSATA port and is equipped with one internal drive. The eSATA drive can be used for Maximum Safety (RAID1), so should be the same size as the internal drive to avoid wasting space. It cannot be used for external storage/backup, Maximum Performance (RAID0) or Maximum Storage (JBOD).

Connecting the eSATA drive1. Before connecting the eSATA drive for the first time, log out of the HipServ


2. Power up the eSATA drive.

3. Connect the eSATA cable from the eSATA drive to the HipServ-enabled device.

4. If necessary, log in to the HipServ Application.

You do not have to log out of the HipServ Application if re-connecting a previously configured eSATA drive. You do not have to power down the HipServ-enabled device before connecting the eSATA drive. Do not connect the eSATA drive to the computer.

Configuring the eSATA driveAfter you log in to the HipServ Application, a screen appears on the Home page indicating that a new drive has been detected. The screen displays the manufacturer, model and size of the new drive.

The first time you log in to the HipServ Application after connecting the eSATA drive, you must format the eSATA drive, and configure the drive array for Maximum Safety (RAID1).

1. Select Add to current configuration - Maximum Safety (RAID1), and then click OK. The application ensures the eSATA drive is blank and the same size as the internal drive. It then formats the eSATA drive and configures the drive array.

110 HipServ User Guide

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A warning message will appear if the eSATA drive is not blank. In this case, you can choose to format the eSATA drive, deleting all data. A warning message will also appear if the eSATA and internal drives have different sizes. In this case, you can choose to configure the drive array anyway, despite the wasted space.

2. The following screen appears once the drive array is configured. Click OK to continue. The HipServ-enabled device will start copying data from the internal drive to the eSATA drive.

Ejecting the eSATA driveEjecting the eSATA drive safely shuts it down. You can then disconnect the eSATA drive from the HipServ-enabled device without losing data. You do not have to power down the HipServ-enabled device before disconnecting the eSATA drive.

CAUTION: Eject the drive before disconnecting it from the HipServ-enabled device. Failing to eject the drive can result in loss of data.

To eject an eSATA drive:

1. Display the Preferences page.

2. Expand Disk Management.

3. Click the Eject button by the drive. Wait for the disk to change from Configured to Unused.

HipServ User Guide 111


4. Disconnect the eSATA cable from the HipServ-enabled device.

When you reconnect the eSATA drive, the HipServ Application will automatically resync it with the internal drive.

112 HipServ User Guide

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Internal driveYou can install a second internal drive into the HipServ-enabled device. The drive array can be configured for Maximum Safety (RAID1), Maximum Performance (RAID0) or Maximum Storage (JBOD). The two drives should be the same size if you will configure the array for Maximum Safety (RAID1) or Maximum Performance (RAID0). The drives can be different sized if you will configure the array for Maximum Storage (JBOD).

Adding an internal drive1. Log out of the HipServ Application.

2. P ower off the HipServ-enabled device.

3. I nsert the drive.

4. P ower up the device.

5. Start and log in to the HipServ Application.

Configuring the drive arrayAfter you log in to the HipServ Application, a screen appears on the Home page indicating that a new drive has been detected. The screen displays the manufacturer, model and size of the new drive.

The first time you log in to the HipServ Application after adding an internal drive, you must format the new drive, and configure the drive array.

After you select the configuration for the drive array, a warning message will appear if the new drive is not blank. In this case, you can choose to format the new drive, deleting all data. If you are configuring the drive array for Maximum Safety (RAID1) or Maximum Performance (RAID0), a warning message will appear if the drives have different sizes. In this case, you can choose to configure the drive array, despite the wasted space.

1. Select the configuration for the drive array, and then click OK.

To configure the array for Maximum Safety (RAID1), select Maximum Safety (RAID1). The application ensures the second drive is blank, and that both drives are the same size. If these conditions are met, the HipServ-enabled device will automatically prepare the array, and will start to copy data from the original drive to the second drive. Otherwise, the application will prompt you to continue.

Once the drives are in sync, all data will be written to both drives. When the RAID1 array is functioning normally, the Status is Active or Clean, with both disks Configured.

To configure the array for Maximum Performance (RAID0), click Maximum Performance (RAID0). The application ensures the second

HipServ User Guide 113


drive is blank, and that both drives are the same size. If these conditions are met, the HipServ-enabled device will automatically prepare the array, and then start writing data to both drives. Otherwise, the application will prompt you to continue.

Once the drives are in sync, data will be written in an interleaved fashion to both drives. When the RAID0 array is functioning normally, the Status is Active or Clean, with both disks Configured.

To configure the array for Maximum Storage (JBOD), click Maximum Storage (JBOD). The application ensures the second drive is blank. The drives can be different sizes. If this condition is met, the HipServ-enabled device will automatically prepare the array, and then start writing data to both drives. Otherwise, the application will prompt you to continue.

Once the drives are in sync, data will be written in a round-robin fashion to both drives. When the JBOD array is functioning normally, the Status is Active or Clean, with both disks Configured.

Ejecting an internal driveEjecting an internal drive safely shuts it down. You can then remove the internal drive from the HipServ-enabled device without losing data. Alternatively, you can power down the device, and then remove the internal drive.

CAUTION: Eject the drive or power down the device before removing the drive. Failing to eject the drive can result in loss of data.

To eject an internal drive:

1. Display the Preferences page.

2. Expand Disk Management.

3. Click the Eject button by the drive. Wait for the disk to change from Configured to Unused.

114 HipServ User Guide

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4. Remove the drive from the HipServ-enabled device.

When you reinstall the drive, the HipServ Application will automatically resync it with the other drive.

Rebuilding the drive arrayRebuilding the drive array configures it for Maximum Safety (RAID1).

To rebuild the drive array:

1. Display the Preferences page.

2. Expand Disk Management.

3. Click the Eject button by the drive. Wait for the disk to change from Configured to Unused.

4. Click Rebuild. The HipServ-enabled device rebuilds the drive array for Maximum Safety (RAID1), and begins to resync the drives.

5. Click OK.

Formatting the drive arrayFormatting the drive array deletes all data from the drives, including images, music, videos, documents and albums.

To format the drive array:

1. Display the Preferences page.

2. Expand Disk Management.

HipServ User Guide 115


3. Click the Format button. The application prompts you to continue.

4. Click Yes to continue. The HipServ-enabled device formats the drives, and the application prompts you to wait until the device has rebooted before logging in.

5. Click OK, and then wait until the device reboots.

6. Once the device reboots, log in to the HipServ Application. It notifies you that the disk configuration has been changed.

7. Click OK to continue.

116 HipServ User Guide


Computers can use iTunes to access music stored in the iTunes library on the HipServ-enabled device. These iTunes clients must be connected to the same home network as the HipServ-enabled device. They cannot access the iTunes library remotely across the Internet.

Adding songs to the iTunes libraryThe HipServ-enabled device can stream music from the iTunes library to the iTunes clients on your home network.

Adding songs to the iTunes library makes them available to the iTunes clients.

To add songs to the iTunes library, first move the music files to subfolders within FamilyLibrary > FamilyMusic. After moving the music files, ensure the folder is shared. Select the FamilyMusic folder, and display the menu. If the Unshare with DMA command is displayed, the folder is shared. If the Share with DMA command is available, select it.

Configuring an iTunes clientConfiguring an iTunes client ensures it will look for shared libraries, including the FamilyMusic folder on the HipServ-enabled device.

To configure an iTunes client, choose Edit > Preferences, and then select the Sharing tab. Ensure Look for shared libraries is selected.

HipServ User Guide 117

Playing songs with an iTunes clientMusic files stored on the HipServ-enabled device appear in the SHARED > HipServ:iTunes folder. You can play these songs within iTunes, but you cannot add them to a playlist. Pictures, videos and documents stored on the HipServ-enabled device are not available within iTunes.

Up to five iTunes clients on your home network (i.e. computers and media players) can play iTunes DRM-protected music, but an unlimited number of iTunes clients can play iTunes Plus music or songs imported from CD.

To play music, select the HipServ:iTunes folder, and then double-click the song.

HipServ User Guide 118

FTP [Premium Feature]

FTP [Premium Feature]

You can upload and download files from your HipServ-enabled device using FTP (file transfer protocol). FTP provides access to your MyLibrary folders. If your account has access, FTP also provides access to the FamilyLibrary folders.

The router must forward port 21 to the HipServ-enabled device. This is set up automatically if the router has UPnP enabled.

FTP must be enabled in Preferences > Server Preferences > Network Services. Set Enable FTP access to your local LAN and Enable FTP access to the Internet to Yes.

To connect via FTP locally, browse to ftp://[HipServ IP Address]. You can get the IP address of the HipServ-enabled device by right-clicking the HipServ Agent icon, selecting Preferences, and then selecting the HipServ(s) Found tab.

To connect remotely, browse to ftp://[HipServ-Enabled Device Name]

When logging in, the user name and password are case-sensitive.

FTPS [Premium Feature]

FTPS is similar to FTP, but provides additional security.

To use FTPS, configure your FTP client to use FTPS instead of FTP.

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HipServ Pictures WizardThe HipServ Pictures Wizard uploads images directly to the HipServ-enabled device. It starts when you attach a digital camera to your PC. It also starts if you insert a memory card into your PC.

The wizard allows you to choose the destination folder for the images, whether to rename the files, and whether to delete the images from the camera.

The HipServ Pictures Wizard is available on a PC only, and the PC must be on the same home network as the HipServ-enabled device.

120 HipServ User Guide


Accessing backed up filesOnline service, 63USB drive, 62

Account settingsChanging, 83

Account User Name, 75, 76Add new user, 75Adding

Album, 36Caption, 42Files to album, 26Folder, 22Folders to backup, 82Internal drive, 97New user, 75Printer, 10Songs to the iTunes library, 101Subfolder, 22Tags, 42

Address bookSetting up, 29

Administrator, 75, 77Administrator name, 9Administrator password, 9

Resetting, 9Album

Accessing a file, 48Adding, 36Adding files, 26Album cover, 44Allowing downloads, 27Creating, 26

Deleting, 36Disabling sharing, 35Displaying the menu, 35Downloading a file, 51Filtering files, 47Playing songs, 36, 50Renaming, 36Running a slideshow, 36, 50Selecting, 35, 46Setting the view, 47Setting up contacts, 29Sharing via RSS, 30Sharing with everyone, 30Sharing with Facebook, 31Sharing with family, 27, 67, 76, 77Sharing with Flickr, 32Sharing with friends, 28Sharing with media players, 30, 67Starting CoolIris, 49Subscribing to an RSS feed, 48Viewing, 46Viewing details, 35

Albums page, 46Displaying, 46

HipServ User Guide 121

Albums section, 35Allowing downloads, icon, 51Attempt to overwrite UPnP configuration on

router?, 70Audio file types, 2Autoplay icon, 50

BBackground for Home page

Using image as, 44Background for home

Clearing, 66Backing up

All listed folders, 83Selected folders, 83

Backup, 88Accessing backed up files on the online

service, 63Accessing backed up files on the USB drive,

62Configuring, 82Configuring the USB drive for backup, 91Enable scheduled backups, 67Enabling computers backup, 78Enabling scheduled backups, 62Running a backup manually, 61Setting the time for scheduled backups, 62Wiping backups, 78

Backup Details section, 57Backup My HipServ page, 52

Displaying, 55Binding your HipServ and service provider

accounts, 53


Adding, 42Change password, 68, 84Changing

DesktopMirror account settings, 83Device name, 70, 84

Checking for software updates, 16, 77City, 75Clear home background, 66Collapsing a folder, 22, 58Computers Backup, 77Configuring

Drive array, 97eSATA drive, 94USB drive for backup, 91USB drive for external storage, 92

ConfiguringiTunes client, 101

ConfiguringBackup, 82

Confirm Password, 69, 75, 76Connecting

eSATA drive, 94USB drive, 52, 90

Contact listSetting up, 29

ContactsSetting up, 29

CoolIrisStarting, 49

CoolIris view, 39, 48Copy and paste, 25, 43, 66Copying

Files, 43, 66Folder, 25

Country, 74Cover view, 38, 47Create as Administrator, 75, 77Cut and paste, 24, 43, 66

DDate, 74Date and time, 73Deleting

Album, 36Files, 43Folder, 22

De-schedulingFile, 61Folder, 60

Desktop application updates, 16DesktopMirror, 81

Adding folders to backup, 82Changing account settings, 83

HipServ User Guide 122

FTP [Premium Feature]

Configuring backup, 82Manually backing up all listed folders, 83Manually backing up selected folders, 83Removing folders from backup, 82Restoring all backed up folders, 83Starting, 81Viewing the report, 82

DetailsViewing, 24, 35, 41, 59

Device name, 9Changing, 70, 84

DHCP, 72Disabling sharing, 35Disk Management, 87Diskspace, 68Display Name, 75, 76Displaying

Albums page, 46Backup My HipServ page, 55Media Library page, 20Menu, 22, 35, 41, 58Preferences page, 65

DMAs. See Media playersDNS server 1, 72DNS server 2, 72Downloading files, 34, 44, 51Downloads

Allowing, 27Drag and Drop, 23Drive

Adding, 87Drive array

Configuring, 97Formatting, 99Rebuilding, 99

Drive spin down, 4Dynamic IP address, 72

EEdit user, 76Ejecting

eSATA drive, 95Internal drive, 98USB drive, 93

Email addressNotifications, 70Return email address, 28, 66Setting up contacts, 29

Sharing an album with friends, 28Enable FTP access to the Internet, 71, 103Enable FTP access to your local LAN, 71, 103Enable power timer, 78Enable scheduled backups, 67Enable network sharing for private files, 69Enabling scheduled backups, 62eSATA drive, 94

Configuring, 94Connecting, 94Ejecting, 95Formatting, 99

EveryoneSharing an album with, 30

Expanding a folder, 22, 58Explorer, 69, 79External storage

Configuring the USB drive for external storage, 92

External Storage, 88

FFacebook, 3, 30, 31, 32, 39

Sharing an album with, 31Family

Sharing an album with, 27, 67, 76, 77FamilyLibrary folder, 21, 71, 76, 77, 80Features, 5File

De-scheduling, 61Restoring, 61Scheduling for backup, 60Scheduling for removal, 60

File Transfer Protocol, 103File types, 2Files

Accessing, 48Adding a caption, 42Adding tags, 42Adding to album, 26Copying, 43, 66Deleting, 43Displaying the menu, 41Downloading, 34, 44, 51Filtering, 37, 47Moving, 43, 66Playing a song, 45Playing a video, 45, 50

HipServ User Guide 123


Removing, 43Renaming, 43Searching, 40Selecting, 41Setting the view, 37Sorting, 40, 48Uploading, 23Using a file as the album cover, 44Viewing details, 41Working with images, 44

Files section, 37, 56Filtering

Files, 37, 47Finder, 69, 79Firewall, 7, 69Firmware updates, 77Flickr, 4

Sharing an album with, 32Folder

Adding, 22Adding files to album, 26Adding to backup, 82Collapsing, 22, 58Copying, 25Creating an album, 26Deleting, 22De-scheduling, 60Displaying the menu, 22, 58Downloading a file, 34Expanding, 22, 58FamilyLibrary, 21, 71, 76, 77, 80Manually backing up all listed, 83Manually backing up selected, 83Moving, 24MyComputers, 21, 69, 80MyLibrary, 21, 69, 71, 80Opening, 24, 59Playing songs, 34Removing from backup, 82Renaming, 25Restoring, 60Restoring all backed up, 83Running a slideshow, 33Scheduling for backup, 59Scheduling for removal, 59Searching, 40Selecting, 21, 58Sharing with media players, 33Uploading files, 23

Viewing details, 24, 59Formats. See File typesFormatting

Drive array, 99USB drive, 90

FriendsSetting up contacts, 29Sharing an album with, 28

FTP, 71, 103FTPS, 103

GGateway, 73

HHard drive

Adding, 87Help menu, 19Hide help tips, 68HipServ

Installing, 7HipServ Agent, 13HipServ and service provider accounts

Binding, 53HipServ Application, 17HipServ device

Renaming, 70, 84Restarting, 77Shutting down, 77

HipServ device updates, 77HipServ Folders, 79

Viewing, 79HipServ Name, 70HipServ-enabled device

Backing up, 52Home background position, 66Go To menu, 19

IImage file types, 2Images

Rotating, 45Using as Home page background, 44Viewing, 45Working with, 44

124 HipServ User Guide

FTP [Premium Feature]

Installing HipServ, 7Internal drive, 97

Adding, 97Ejecting, 98Formatting, 99

Internet Time Servers, 74IP address, 72iTunes, 3, 101

Adding songs to the iTunes library, 101Configuring an iTunes client, 101Playing songs with an iTunes client, 102


LLAN connection, 72Home page background

Using image as, 44Home background

Clearing, 66Home page, 19Language, 66LEDs, 4Let user access family folder, 76, 77, 80List view, 37Logging in, 18

MMac Finder, 69, 79Mac requirements, 8Main menu, 19Manual backup, 61Maximum Performance (RAID0), 89Maximum Safety (RAID1), 88Maximum Storage (JBOD), 89Media Filter, 37Media Library page, 20

Displaying, 20Media players, 3

Sharing a folder with, 33Sharing an album with, 30, 67

Media Sources section, 21, 55Menu

Displaying, 22, 35, 41, 58

Microsoft Explorer, 79Minimize icon, 50Mobile devices, 3Moving

Files, 43, 66Folder, 24

Multiple Drive Support, 87MyComputers folder, 21, 69, 80MyLibrary folder, 21, 69, 71, 80

NNetwork services, 71, 103Network sharing, 69, 80Notifications, 70, 71NTP server, 74

OObtain IP address automatically, 72Online service

Accessing backed up files, 63Opening

Folder, 24, 59

PPassword, 69, 75, 76

Resetting the administrator password, 9PC requirements, 8Playing

Songs, 34, 36, 45, 50Songs with an iTunes client, 102Video, 45, 50

Ports, 7, 69Power button, 4Power timer, 78Preferences

Add new user, 75Change password, 68, 84Computers Backup, 77Date and time, 73Disk Management, 87Diskspace, 68Edit user, 76LAN connection, 72Network services, 71, 103Network sharing, 80Network sharing, 69Notifications, 70

HipServ User Guide 125


Disk Management, 77Registration, 70Shut down, 77Software updates, 77User, 66

Preferences page, 65Displaying, 65

Premium features, 5Printer

Adding, 10Product key, 9Public

Sharing an album with, 30Push button, 4

RRAID0, 89RAID1, 88Disk Management, 77Rebuilding

Drive array, 99Registration, 70Removing

Files, 43Folders from backup, 82

RenamingAlbum, 36Files, 43Folder, 25HipServ device, 70, 84

ReportViewing, 82

Requirements, 7Reset all saved prompts, 68Reset button, 4Resetting the Administrator password, 9Restarting the HipServ device, 77Restoring

File, 61Folder, 60

Restoring all backed up folders, 83Resume audio playback, 67Rotating images, 45Router, 7, 69RSS, 4

Sharing an album via, 30RSS feed

Subscribing to, 48

Running a backup manually, 61Running a slideshow, 33, 36, 50

SScheduled backup

Enabling, 62Setting the time for, 62

Scheduling a fileDe-scheduling, 61For backup, 60For removal, 60

Scheduling a folderDe-scheduling, 60For backup, 59For removal, 59

Searching files and folders, 40Selecting

Album, 35, 46Files, 41Folder, 21, 58

Server IP address, 73Server netmask, 73Service provider accounts and HipServ

Binding, 53Set date and time from the Internet, 73Setting the time for scheduled backups, 62Setting the view, 37, 47

CoolIris, 39, 48Cover, 38, 47List, 37Shuffle, 38, 47Thumbnail, 37, 47

Setting upAddress book, 29Contact list, 29Contacts, 29

Share new albums with media players by default, 67

Share new albums with other family members by default, 67, 76, 77

SharingAlbum via RSS, 30Album with everyone, 30Album with Facebook, 31Album with family, 27, 67, 76, 77Album with Flickr, 32Album with friends, 28Album with media players, 30, 67

126 HipServ User Guide

FTP [Premium Feature]

Disabling, 35Folder with media players, 33Setting up contacts, 29

Sharing emails sender, 66Sharing Emails Sender, 28Shuffle view, 38, 47Shut down, 77Shutting down the HipServ device, 77Slideshow

Running, 33, 36, 50Software updates, 16, 77Songs

Adding to the iTunes library, 101Playing, 34, 36, 45, 50Playing with an iTunes client, 102

SortingFiles, 40, 48

Sorting filter, 40, 48Space Availability section, 55Starting

CoolIris, 49DesktopMirror, 81

Static IP address, 72, 73Subfolder

Adding, 22Subnet mask, 73Subscribing to an RSS feed, 48Supported file types, 2


Adding, 42Thumbnail view, 37, 47Time, 74Types of files. See File types


Desktop application software, 16HipServ device firmware, 77

Uploading files, 23UPnP router configuration, 69, 70USB drive, 90

Accessing backed up files, 62Configuring for backup, 91Configuring for external storage, 92Connecting, 52, 90

Ejecting, 93Formatting, 90

User, 66Adding new, 75Editing, 76, 84


Playing, 45, 50Video file types, 2View

Setting, 37, 47Viewing

Album, 46Details, 24, 35, 41, 59HipServ Folders, 79Images, 45Report, 82

Views, 37, 47

WWhat to do when a file already exists, 66Windows Explorer, 69Wiping backups, 78Workgroup name, 69Working with images, 44

AAccount settings

Changing, 71Account User Name, 62, 63Add new user, 62Adding

Album, 38Caption, 43Files to album, 28Folder, 24Folders to backup, 70Hard drive, 65New user, 62Printer, 10Songs to the iTunes library, 75Subfolder, 24Tags, 43

Address bookSetting up, 31

HipServ User Guide 127


Administrator, 63, 64Administrator name, 9Administrator password, 9

Resetting, 9Album

Accessing a file, 49Adding, 38Adding files, 28Album cover, 45Allowing downloads, 29Creating, 28Deleting, 38Disabling sharing, 37Displaying the menu, 37Downloading a file, 52Filtering files, 48Playing songs, 38, 51Renaming, 38Running a slideshow, 38, 50Selecting, 37, 47Setting the view, 48Setting up contacts, 31Sharing via RSS, 32Sharing with everyone, 32Sharing with Facebook, 33Sharing with family, 29, 55, 63, 64Sharing with Flickr, 34Sharing with friends, 30Sharing with media players, 32, 55Starting CoolIris, 50Subscribing to an RSS feed, 49Viewing, 48Viewing details, 37

Albums page, 47Displaying, 47

Albums section, 37Allowing downloads, icon, 51Audio file types, 2

BBackground for Landing page

Clearing, 54Using image as, 46

Backing upAll listed folders, 71Selected folders, 71

BackupConfiguring, 70


Adding, 43Change password, 56, 72Changing

DesktopMirror account settings, 71Device name, 57, 72

Checking for software updates, 18, 64City, 62Clear Landing Page Background, 54Collapsing a folder, 24Configuring an iTunes client, 75Configuring backup, 70Confirm Password, 56, 62, 64Contact list

Setting up, 31Contacts

Setting up, 31CoolIris

Starting, 50CoolIris view, 41, 49Copy and paste, 27, 44, 54Copying

Files, 44, 54Folder, 27

Country, 62Create as Administrator, 63, 64Cut and paste, 27, 44, 54

DDate, 61Date and time, 61Deleting

Album, 38Files, 44Folder, 25

Desktop application updates, 18DesktopMirror, 69

Adding folders to backup, 70Changing account settings, 71Configuring backup, 70Manually backing up all listed folders, 71Manually backing up selected folders, 71Removing folders from backup, 70

128 HipServ User Guide

FTP [Premium Feature]

Restoring all backed up folders, 71Starting, 69Viewing the report, 70

DetailsViewing, 26, 37, 43

Device name, 9Changing, 57, 72

DHCP, 59Disabling sharing, 37Diskspace, 55Display Name, 62, 63Displaying

Albums page, 47Media Library page, 22Menu, 24, 37, 42Preferences page, 53

DMAs. See Media playersDNS server 1, 59DNS server 2, 59Downloading files, 36, 45, 52Downloads

Allowing, 29Drag and Drop, 25Drive

Adding, 65Removing, 66

Dynamic IP address, 59

EEdit user, 63Email address

Notifications, 57Return email address, 30, 54Setting up contacts, 31Sharing an album with friends, 30

Enable FTP access to the Internet, 58, 77Enable FTP access to your local LAN, 58, 77Enable Windows networking, 56Everyone

Sharing an album with, 32Expanding a folder, 24Explorer, 56, 67

FFacebook, 3, 32, 33, 34, 41

Sharing an album with, 33

FamilySharing an album with, 29, 55, 63, 64

FamilyLibrary folder, 23, 58, 63, 64, 68Features, 5File Transfer Protocol, 77File types, 2Files

Accessing, 49Adding a caption, 43Adding tags, 43Adding to album, 28Copying, 44, 54Deleting, 44Displaying the menu, 42Downloading, 36, 45, 52Filtering, 39, 48Moving, 44, 54Playing a song, 46Playing a video, 46, 51Removing, 44Renaming, 45Searching, 41Selecting, 42Setting the view, 39Uploading, 25Using a file as the album cover, 45Viewing details, 43Working with images, 46

Files section, 39Filtering

Files, 39, 48Finder, 56, 67Firewall, 7Firmware updates, 64Flickr, 4

Sharing an album with, 34Folder

Adding, 24Adding files to album, 28Adding to backup, 70Collapsing, 24Copying, 27Creating an album, 28Deleting, 25Displaying the menu, 24Downloading a file, 36Expanding, 24FamilyLibrary, 23, 58, 63, 64, 68Manually backing up all listed, 71

HipServ User Guide 129


Manually backing up selected, 71Moving, 27MyComputers, 23, 56, 68MyLibrary, 23, 56, 58, 68Opening, 26Playing songs, 36Removing from backup, 70Renaming, 27Restoring all backed up, 71Running a slideshow, 35Searching, 41Selecting, 24Sharing with media players, 35Uploading files, 25Viewing details, 26

Formats. See File typesFriends

Setting up contacts, 31Sharing an album with, 30

FTP, 58, 77FTPS, 77

GGateway, 60

HHard drive

Adding, 65Removing, 66

Help menu, 21Hide help tips, 55HipServ

Installing, 7HipServ Agent, 15HipServ Application, 19HipServ device

Renaming, 57, 72Restarting, 64Shutting down, 64

HipServ device updates, 64HipServ Folders, 67

Viewing, 67

HipServ Name, 57Home menu, 21

IImage file types, 2Images

Rotating, 46Using as Landing page background, 46Viewing, 46Working with, 46

Installing HipServ, 7Internet Time Servers, 61IP address, 59iTunes, 3, 75

Adding songs to the iTunes library, 75Configuring an iTunes client, 75Playing songs with an iTunes client, 76

LLAN connection, 59Landing page, 21Landing page background

Clearing, 54Using image as, 46

Language, 54LEDs, 4Let user access family folder, 63, 64, 68List view, 40Logging in, 20

MMac Finder, 56, 67Mac requirements, 8Main menu, 21Media Library page, 22

Displaying, 22Media players, 3

Sharing a folder with, 35Sharing an album with, 32, 55

Media Sources section, 23Menu

Displaying, 24, 37, 42Microsoft Explorer, 67Mobile devices, 3Moving

Files, 44, 54Folder, 27

130 HipServ User Guide

FTP [Premium Feature]

MyComputers folder, 23, 56, 68MyLibrary folder, 23, 56, 58, 68

NNetwork services, 58, 77Notifications, 57NTP server, 61

OObtain IP address automatically, 59Opening

Folder, 26

PPassword, 56, 62, 63

Resetting the administrator password, 9PC requirements, 8Playing

Songs, 36, 38, 46, 51Songs with an iTunes client, 76Video, 46, 51

Ports, 7Power button, 4Preferences

Add new user, 62Change password, 56, 72Date and time, 61Diskspace, 55Edit user, 63LAN connection, 59Network services, 58, 77Notifications, 57RAID, 65Registration, 57Shut down, 64Software updates, 64User, 54Windows networking, 56, 68

Preferences page, 53Displaying, 53

Premium features, 5Printer

Adding, 10Product key, 9Public

Sharing an album with, 32

RRAID, 65Registration, 57Removing

Files, 44Folders from backup, 70Hard drive, 66

RenamingAlbum, 38Files, 45Folder, 27HipServ device, 57, 72

ReportViewing, 70

Requirements, 7Reset button, 4Resetting the Administrator password, 9Restarting the HipServ device, 64Restoring all backed up folders, 71Rotating images, 46Router, 7RSS, 4

Sharing an album via, 32RSS feed

Subscribing to, 49Running a slideshow, 35, 38, 50

SSearching files and folders, 41Selecting

Album, 37, 47Files, 42Folder, 24

Server IP address, 60Server netmask, 60Set date and time from the Internet, 61Setting the view, 39, 48

CoolIris, 41, 49List, 40Shuffle, 40, 48Thumbnail, 39, 48

Setting upAddress book, 31Contact list, 31Contacts, 31

HipServ User Guide 131


Share new albums with media players by default, 55

Share new albums with other family members by default, 55, 63, 64

SharingAlbum via RSS, 32Album with everyone, 32Album with Facebook, 33Album with family, 29, 55, 63, 64Album with Flickr, 34Album with friends, 30Album with media players, 32, 55Disabling, 37Folder with media players, 35Setting up contacts, 31

Sharing Emails Sender, 30, 54Shuffle view, 40, 48Shut down, 64Shutting down the HipServ device, 64Slideshow

Running, 35, 38, 50Software updates, 18, 64Songs

Adding to the iTunes library, 75Playing, 36, 38, 46, 51Playing with an iTunes client, 76

StartingCoolIris, 50DesktopMirror, 69

Static IP address, 59, 60Subfolder

Adding, 24Subnet mask, 60Subscribing to an RSS feed, 49Supported file types, 2


Adding, 43Thumbnail view, 39, 48Time, 62Types of files. See File types


Desktop application software, 18HipServ device firmware, 64

Uploading files, 25User, 54

Adding new, 62Editing, 63, 72


Playing, 46, 51Video file types, 2View

Setting, 39, 48Viewing

Album, 48Details, 26, 37, 43HipServ Folders, 67Images, 46Report, 70

132 HipServ User Guide

FTP [Premium Feature]

Views, 39, 48


What to do when a file already exists, 54Windows Explorer, 56Windows networking, 56, 68Workgroup name, 56Working with images, 46

HipServ User Guide 133