folders myofficehub

Folders Document Repository System (DRS) to manage your documents in secure online storage in an organized folder structure

Upload: myofficehub

Post on 17-Aug-2015




1 download



Document Repository System (DRS) to manage your documents in secure

online storage in an organized folder structure


An easy to access Web-based application to securely manage all your documents via the Internet.

Various actions like add, edit, delete, share, review & archive can be performed on documents.

Create Folders & Sub-folders.

Documents can be moved between folders.

Track versions of all your documents.

All your documents are password protected and can be accessed from any location, 24/7.

Clicking “Folders” icon in myofficehub home page directs you to the below page.

Create & Edit folders

Upload & Edit documents

Search stored folders & documents

Your Folders List

Know how Folders App works


Create – create new folders & sub-folders.

Enter details such as folder name & description, choose users to share folder, period during which

folder should

be available (if required) & Save.

To share folder with user(s), select either “All Users” or “Selected Users” by clicking respective

radio button.

Then from the user list appearing in left, choose user(s) and click “>>” button.

Selected user(s) gets shifted to the right-side user list box.

The folder created will be shared with these user(s).

Once saved, the folder will be included in your folders list.

Folder Create Page

Select user(s) to share folder

Shared user(s)

Folders created

Create subfolderDelete folder

Edit folder details

List of folders created


Upload – upload documents to stored folders.

Choose folder from dropdown to save document, enter document details such as name &

description, choose

document type from dropdown, users to share document, browse & attach document, and Submit.

Enable notifications to users so that they are made aware of documents that are being uploaded

in myofficehub (optional).

To send notification, tick “Enable Notification” check-box.

Select user(s) from left-side user list box, shift chosen user(s) to right user list box.

Once you have uploaded the document to the folder, a notification message will be auto-triggered

to all chosen

user(s) via email informing them of the upload.

Once submitted, the document gets saved in the chosen folder.

To view versions of a document, click “Versions” button alongside that document.

Document Upload Page

Documents Uploaded

Select folder to save document

Select document type

Document shared with

following users

Select users

Click to send upload notification

to users

Notification to following users

Attach document here

Delete document

View document versions

Edit document details

Email Notification

Dear User,

[User Name] has uploaded [Document Title] in myofficehub Document

Repository System.

Sincerely, myofficehub DRS System

The following notification will be auto-triggered to all chosen user(s) via email informing them of

the upload.


You can replace a document with its newer version by maintaining the record of the previous


To upload newer version of an already uploaded document, click “Edit” button besides the

document to

replace; in uploaded document list.

Here, click on the “Replace Attachment” button besides the attachment.

Attach the newer version, and click “Update” button.

You can view all versions (uploaded) of a document through the “List” page (explained latter in



Click to upload newer version


You can view all versions (uploaded) of a document by clicking “View” button of the document in

the gird in

Document Upload page.

You will be directed to the ‘Document History’ page that lists all versions uploaded for that


Document versions can also be tracked through the “List” page (explained latter in this


Click to view all versions

Click to view


Search – Search Stored Folders & Documents

Choose entity to search by selecting from respective check-box.

Enter entity name to search.

The search result will be displayed in grid below.

Enter entity name

Select entity to search

Search result


List – View all your saved folders & documents

Clicking “List” icon will list all your saved folders.

Click a folder from the list to view all documents saved under it.

Documents can be Moved between folders, Archived and Deleted.

To action a document, select document from grid by ticking respective check-box.

Then select action to perform from dropdown list and click “OK” button.

You can also view versions of an uploaded document through the “List” page through the Version “View”


Folders List

Tick to select document to


Select action to perform on chosen


Click to view all versions of this


Email Notification

Dear User,

[User Name] has archived [Document Title] in myofficehub Document

Repository System.

Sincerely, myofficehub DRS System

The following notification will be auto-triggered to all chosen user(s) via email informing them of

the archive.

Dear User,

[User Name] has removed [Document Title] in myofficehub Document

Repository System.

Sincerely, myofficehub DRS System

The following notification will be auto-triggered to all chosen user(s) via email informing them of

the delete.


For further information please contact us:

Telephone : 1300 276 266Email : [email protected]