u.s. becomes a world power. 20 th century philsophy isolationist- stay at home and don’t worry...

Unit 6 U.S. Becomes a world power

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U.S. Becomes a world power Slide 2 20 th century philsophy Isolationist- stay at home and dont worry about the rest of the world. Imperialism- the economic and political domination of a s strong nation over a weaker nation U.S.Manly isolationist until WWI Slide 3 Expansion by U.S. in pacific 1852 Matthew c Perry entered Japanese waters with 4 american war ships Japanese open trade with U.S. American Missionaries settled Hawaii and started growing sugar cane. Missionaries got king to sign treaty limiting his power 1891 queen liluokalani- became queen. Tried to make new constitution. Planters overthrow her and asked U.S. to annex Hawaii. Slide 4 2 causes of the Spanish American War 1. U.S.S. maine blew up in the harbor of Havana Cuba. American blamed the explosion on Spain Jose Marti took control over eastern cuba and declared it independent. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer reported sensational and exaggerated and sometimes untrue stories about what the spanish was doing to the cubians. called 2. yellow journalism Slide 5 The warspanish american Aggressive nationalism started called jingoism U.S. navy- commander Dewey- quickly destroyed the Spanish fleet in Cuba. Slide 6 Philippines- U.S. army not ready (not well equipped terrible condition Calvary group of cowboys called the rough riders(led by Woods and Theodor Roosevelt) Rough riders defeated the Spanish in the Philippines Spanish agreed to cease fire. Slide 7 Spanish American war ends Treaty of paris 1898 Cuba independent U.S. annex Puerto Rico and Guam U.S. pay 20 million to annex Philippines U.S. becomes an imperial power. Slide 8 Spanish American war made united states a world power Slide 9 New American Diplomacy 17-3 1900 McKinley was president was shot and killed by Leon Czolgosz Theodore Roosevelt becomes president Relationship with japan got bad, Roosevelt sent 16 battleships on a trip around the world called the great white fleet. Slide 10 Big stick diplomacy Roosevelt Roosevelt believed if the U.S. displayed its power it would make other countries think trice about fighting Speak softly and carry a big stick Slide 11 Slide 12 Speak softly and carry a big stick Theodore Roosevelt: Purchase of the panama canal zone. Columbian government controlled the panama canal zone. And refused to sell it. Panamanian people revolted and forcefully gained their independence with the help of Roosevelt and the U.S. navy support Slide 13 Panama Canal Zone It was important because ships did not have to go around South America Slide 14 Big stick diplomacy Roosevelt corollary- told everyone to stay out of western hemisphere(monroe doctrine) also said that U.S. could intervene in a region if it had trouble paying debt. Slide 15 18-1 Progressivism 1890-1920 Progressives were urban, education, middle class. (journalist, educators, and politicians) Journalist were the 1 st to talk about progressive ideas known as muckrakers. Famous Muckrakers Ida Tarbell-published articles on standard oil Jacob Riis how the other half lives - wrote about poverty and diseases in city Slide 16 What progressives wanted Direct primary- all party members voted Referendum, recall, direct election of senators (17 th amendemnt) Suffrage movement- Elizabeth caddy Stanton 19 th amendment (women right to vote) Slide 17 progressive Temperance started by womens suffrage movement Socialism govt ownership of business Eugene debs(american socialist party- got 1 million vote Slide 18 Progressives Upton Sinclair wrote the Jungle- told about unsanitary conditions of meat packing industry. Pure food and drug act and meat inspection act Slide 19 Causes of the World War I 1. Gavrilo princip assassinated Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. This is 1 cause of the war 2. Imperialism- created competition for more territory and economic gain 3. Militarism (Big armies and need to use them) Slide 20 Causes of war 4. Nationalism- intense loyalty to ones country 5. Entangled alliances Two sides of the war Allied powers- great Britain, Franc e, Italy, Russia, Japan, and eventually U.S. Central powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and ottoman empire (turkey) Slide 21 American in the beginning Isolationist- Wilson agreed to be neutral Sold good to both sides Slide 22 Modern war Trench warfare, poison gas and tanks, airplanes at the end of war Mustard, chlorine, and tear gas Slide 23 Pictures from World War I Slide 24 Slide 25 Caused the U.S. to Enter WWI 1. Unrestricted submarine Warfare, 2. The Zimmerman telegraph and 3. Sinking of Lusitania led to U.S. joining WWI German U-boats sunk Lusitania- killing 1200 people Zimmerman telegraph- letter written from Germany to Mexico. Told Mexico if it would attack U.S. when the war was over they would get all the land back they had lost Slide 26 World War I (WWI1914-1919) 30 million causalities 1 st modern war- selective service act- draft Espionage act and sedition cant interfere with draft or refuse to go, and cant speak out against war Slide 27 Great Migration Increased opportunities for jobs in the factories for women and African Americans This led to the great migration- movement of African American from the south to the north Slide 28 Wilson 14 point plan Right to self rule, free trade, and free access to the seas by all nations, international peace keeping body known as league of nations Slide 29 Treaty of Versailles- peace treaty ended ww1 Punished Germany (they had to pay reparations of money (33 Billion dollars to allies and disarm) Germany fully to blame for war League of nations suggested by President W. Wilson League of nations- where countries could work out differences Congress rejected the idea and without U.S. in it the League soon collapsed.