unit: los basicos

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives: Core Lesson Essential Questions: Studentswill be able to conjugate the verb gustar. Students will be able to use gustar with plural and singular nouns. Studentswill be able to understandgustar and use it in a sentence. Canyou identify when to use gusta and gustan? Canyou use gustar in a sentence? Canyou understandgustar when it is being used with sports? Core Lesson Usinggustar with singular and plural nouns. Big Ideas: Core Lesson Materials: Worksheets, teacher made materials, Quizlet, Kahoot Core Lesson Me Nos Key Te Terminology Le Les & Definitions: Gusta/Gustan Core Lesson Notes: Studentsstruggled with gustar more than expected. They understoodthe difference between gusta and gustan very easily, were slightly confusedfor verbs like gustar, but then quickly understood it. They most difficult part for the students was the clarifiers and the pronouns.This took much longer than expected, but they ended up creating their own high level sentences on their own. All students passed the gustar quiz. The lowest grade was a 15/20. It was very reassuringand exciting to see the students understandingeverything in the end. Unit: Los Basicos Timeline: Week 43 Unit Studentswill review/ learn basic Spanish so that they can produce written and spoken Description: languagebetter. ~~=s~~:~;tial Can you produce basic written and oral Spanishlanguage? Unit Big Tdeas: - Feminine vs. Masculine - Singularvs. Plural - Hay - Estar - Feelings - es

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Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to conjugate the verb gustar. Students will be able to use gustar with plural and singular nouns. Students will be able to understand gustar and use it in a sentence.

Can you identify when to use gusta and gustan? Can you use gustar in a sentence? Can you understand gustar when it is being used with sports?

Core Lesson Using gustar with singular and plural nouns. Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials: Worksheets, teacher made materials, Quizlet, Kahoot

Core Lesson Me Nos Key Te Terminology Le Les & Definitions: Gusta/Gustan

Core Lesson Notes:

Students struggled with gustar more than expected. They understood the difference between gusta and gustan very easily, were slightly confused for verbs like gustar, but then quickly understood it. They most difficult part for the students was the clarifiers and the pronouns. This took much longer than expected, but they ended up creating their own high level sentences on their own. All students passed the gustar quiz. The lowest grade was a 15/20. It was very reassuring and exciting to see the students understanding everything in the end.

Unit: Los Basicos Timeline: Week 43

Unit Students will review/ learn basic Spanish so that they can produce written and spoken Description: language better.

~~=s~~:~;tial Can you produce basic written and oral Spanish language?

Unit Big Tdeas:

- Feminine vs. Masculine - Singular vs. Plural - Hay - Estar - Feelings - es

Unit Materials:

Spanish workbook worksheets, teacher-made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet, Kahoot

' ,,nit Study guides Assignments: Worksheets

Quizzes/ Test

Unit Key Terminology Estar, el, la, es, singular, plural, hoy, bien, mal, asf asf & Definitions:

Unit Notes: Assessments: - Unit test

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

exchange opinions. SPA.2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the (Advanced) relationship between the practices and perspectives of

Hispanic cultures. STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.S3.F Make a presentation or write a paragraph in the target (Advanced) language about another subject area explaining the


12.1.S4.A (Advanced) 12.l.S4.B (Advanced)

12.1.54.C (Advanced)

12.1.S4.D (Advanced)

• History • Art • Mathematics • Environment and Ecology Listen to, model, interpret and discuss distinct regional accents as heard in conversation by native speakers. Speak and write enhanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions for complex oral and written communication.

• Social customs in the target language • Personal relationships • Current and past events • Poems, dramas and stories Comprehend complex spoken and written sentences and paragraphs using enhanced vocabulary terms from selected textbooks, student readers and short stories.

• Politics • Problem solving • Environment • Art and literature • History Discuss how speakers and writers use various sentence structures to convey meanings.

• Sentences combined into paragraphs• Comparative

12.1.S4.E (Advanced)

12.1.S4.F (Advanced)

expressions • Past and future events • Hypothetical statements • Complicated survival tasks • Main ideas and details of live and recorded discussions • Lectures and multimedia about current and past events • Spoken or written summaries Select a specific historical event that occurred in the target language/culture and the English/American culture. Demonstrate comparisons and/or contrasts of how target language vocabulary is used in describing the bicultural event.

• Dramatization • Essay or story • Poem or song • Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas) Demonstrate mastery of certain target language skills by connecting influences of target language in another subject area.

• Dramatization (e.g., Flamenco Dance) • Essay or story• Poem or song (e.g., classical artists)• Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas)

Topic: Los Basicos (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 400

Core Lesson Students will review/ learn basic Spanish so that they can produce written and Description: spoken language better.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Students will learn/ review basic Spanish concepts such as- feminine vs. masculine, estar, singular vs. plural.

Can you produce basic written and oral Spanish language?

- Feminine vs. Masculine - Singular vs. Plural - Hay - Estar - Feelings - es

Core Lesson Spanish workbook worksheets, teacher-made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet, Materials: Kahoot

Core Lesson Estar, el, la, es, singular, plural, hoy, bien, mal, as[ as[

Key Terminology & Definitions:

Unit: En la Cocina Timeline: Week 48

Unit Objetos de la cocina, las comidas, los cubiertos, preferir, estar con descripciones, las Description: preposiciones

Unit Essential Can you describe what is in a kitchen? Questions: Can you say which food you prefer and like?

Unit Big Ideas:

Unit Materials:

Learning parts of the kitchen, food, silverware and how to describe them

Worksheets, teacher made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet

'lnit Kitchen label .ssignments: Table label

Food project Quizzes Preferir presentation Worksheets

~:;~~~!logy La co~i~a, las cubiertos, los objetos de cocina, preferir, gustar, estar, las

& Definitions: prepos1c1ones

Unit Notes: Assessments: - Vocab quiz - Labeling the kitchen quiz - Food vocab quiz - Preferir quiz - Food project/ presentation

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

exchange opinions. SPA.1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken

(Advanced) SPA.2.1 (Advanced)

SPA.2.2 (Advanced)

SPA.3.1 (Advanced) SPA.4.1 (Advanced)

Spanish on a variety of topics. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

SPA.5.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school (Advanced) setting. STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.Sl.B Speak and write common vocabulary, phrases and (Advanced) structures during activities with the teacher, classmates

and family. (Interpersonal Skills)

12.1.Si.C (Advanced)

12.1.Sl.D (Advanced)

12.1.Sl.E (Advanced)

12.1.Sl.F (Advanced)

• Greetings, farewells and courtesy expressions • Formal and informal forms of address • Numbers and dates • Daily life skills • Basic question words • Classroom commands Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.

• Time expressions • Weather expressions • Colors • Likes and dislikes Use simple sentence and question structures in speaking and writing.

• Memorized words • Phrases • Expressions • Facts about family Find words used in magazines, commercials and advertisements influenced by the target language.

• Classroom bulletin board collage • Notebook collage Discuss with classmates and the teacher how the target language has influenced other areas of the school curriculum.

• Health and Physical Education (e.g., soccer)• Science (e.g., Fahrenheit/Celsius)• Music (e.g., lento, a cappello, allegro)

Topic: Los Objetos de Cocina (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will learn how to say different objects in the kitchen in Spanish.


Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to say different kitchen objects in Spanish.

Can you label and name kitchen objects?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Students will be able to say different kitchen objects in Spanish.

Core Lesson Materials: Worksheets, Quizlet, Cromebook, Teacher made materials

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Kitchen Vocan List.pptx

1. el abrelatas 2. la agarradera 3. la alacena 4. la bandeja para horno 5. el batidor 6. la batidora 7. la cafetera 8. el caj6n 9. La cocina 10. el colador 11. el congelador 12. la cuchara 13. el cuchillo 14. el detergente 15. la espatula 16. la esponja 17. la estufa 18. el fregadero 19. el horno 20. el lavaplatos 21. la \icuadora 22. la microonda 23. el mostrador 24. la Olla 25. el plato 26. el refrigerador 27. el rodillo 28. la sarten 29. la servilleta 30. la taza 31. el taz6n

can opener pot holder cabinet baking sheet whisk mixer coffee maker drawer kitchen strainer freezer spoon knife dish soap spatula sponge stove kitchen sink oven dishwasher blender microwave counter pot plate refrigerator rolling pin frying pan napkin mug bowl

32. el tenedor fork 33. la tetera teapot 34. la toalla de papel paper towel 35. la tostadora toaster 36. el vaso glass

Core Lesson Notes:

Students really enjoyed creating their own kitchens and labeling them. It allowed them to express their creativity and use the TL. I used a lot of props, pictures, and hands out activities in this unit, which seemed to be successful.

Topic: Las Comidas (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will know common food vocabulary in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to name food in Spanish.

Can students name food in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Food vocabulary in Spanish.

Core Lesson Materials: Quizlet, teacher made materials, SOMOS, worksheets, art supplies

Core Lesson ComidoTenqo.docx Key Comer Terminology Beber & El desayuno Definitions: Desayunar

La comida Comer l~a cena Cena,

1. el agua

water 2. el arroz

rice 3. el banana/el platano


banana 4. el bistec


el broccoli 5.

6· el cafe

7. la cebolla

onion 8. el cereal

el chocolate


chocolate 10. la comida

11. las dulces

12. la ensalada

salad 13· la fresa

la fruta 14.

15. las galletas

cookies 16. la hamburguesa

17. la harina

flour el helado


ice cream

19. los huevos

20. el jam6n

ham 21. el jugo

juice la leche


milk 23. la lechuga

lettuce 24. el mafz

corn 25. la manzana

apple la naranja


27. el pan


32· el pastel

33, la pera

( pear el pescado



35. la pimienta

pepper (bell peppers) 36. el pimiento

37. la pina

la pizza 38.


39· el polio

chicken 40. el polio frito

fried chicken

41. el queso

cheese el refresco


soft drink

43. la sandia

44. el sandwich

45. la sopa

soup la tarta




47. el te

tea 48. el tocino

bacon 49. las uvas

grapes la zanahoria



Core Lesson I used a ton of visuals and pictures this chapter. Students enjoyed the review Notes: games and hands on matching games.

Topic: Receta (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will know how to read and write a recipe in Spanish?

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Students will be able to use commands in a recipe correctly.

Can students write and read a recipe in Spanish correctly?

Using commands in a recipe.

Teacher made materials, Quizlet, worksheets

1. agrega add 2. bate beat/whisk 3. calienta heat 4. cocina cook 5. corta cut 6. cubre cover 7. derrite melt 8. en in 9. enharina flour 10. frfe fry 11. hasta que until 12. hiela freeze 13. hierve boil 14. hornea bake 15. llena fil I 16. mezcla mix 17. pela peel 18. pan put 19. par for 20. prepara prepare 21. ralla grate 22. revuelve stir 23. saca take 24. sazona garnish/season 25. sirve pour/serve 26. trocea cut up 27. unte spread 28. usa use

Core Lesson Students struggled to put the new recipe vocab with the previous food and Notes: kitchen object vocab. They enjoyed making their own recipe posters.

~0pic: Ser con Adjectivos (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Estar + descriptions

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to use estar with descriptions.

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Can you use estar+ a description in a sentence in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Using estar+ descriptions in a sentence.

Core Lesson Materials: Quizlet, Cromebooks, teacher made materials, worksheets

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:


1. asqueroso disgusting 2. crujiente crunchy 3. delicioso delicious 4. dulce sweet 5. insaludable unhealthy 6. jugoso juicy 7. picante spicy 8. rico rich, tasty, delicious 9. sabroso tasty 10. saldado salty 11. saludable healthy 12. SOSO bland

It took a while to get students to understand the grammatical side of describing foods. It took much longer than expected, but I was happy with their quiz results. Next time, I will start with more basic sentences and work up from there.

Topic: Las Preposiciones (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Prepositions in Spanish


Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will know and use prepositions in Spanish.

Can you use a preposition in Spanish?

Core Lesson Students will know and use prepositions in Spanish. Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Quizlet, Cromebooks, worksheets, teacher made materials Materials:

Core Lesson Spa Spani Key nis English sh Terminology h & a ante Definitions: to, at

bajo con under

cont de ra against

des detras de from, since


en entre in, on, at

haci hasta a until, toward

para par for, in order to

seg sin un according to

sobr about, on, upon, above, over, tras e around


before, in the presence of


of, from


between, among

until, toward

for, by


after, behind

Unit: Los Dinosaurios Timeline: Week 5

Unit Students will learn about dinosaurs in Spanish and how to use the past tense to Description: describe the time of the dinosaurs.

Unit Essential Do you know the names of dinosaurs in Spanish? Questions: Can you describe dinosaurs in Spanish?

Unit Big Ideas:

Unit Materials:

Can you use the past tense in a sentence?

Los dinosaurios, ser, superlativos, comparaciones, el preterito, descripciones

Worksheets, teacher made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet

Unit Make your own dinosaur project/ presentation '\ssignments: Archeologist presentation/ project

Comparisons paper Worksheets Quizzes

Unit Key Terminology los dinosaurios, ser, superlativos, el preterito, ser, descripciones & Definitions:

Unit Notes: Assessments: - Vocab quiz - Make a dinosaur project - Presentation on a dinosaur

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

SPA.1.2 (Advanced) SPA.2.1 (Advanced)

exchange opinions. Students understand and interpret written and spoken Spanish on a variety of topics. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of

SPA.3.1 (Advanced) SPA.4.1 (Advanced)

Hispanic cultures. Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

SPA.5.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school (Advanced) setting. STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.Sl.C Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written (Advanced) sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.

12.1.51.E (Advanced)

12.1.Sl.F (Advanced)

12.1.S2.A (Advanced)

12.1.S2.D (Advanced)

• Time expressions • Weather expressions • Colors • Likes and dislikes Find words used in magazines, commercials and advertisements influenced by the target language.

• Classroom bulletin board collage • Notebook collage Discuss with classmates and the teacher how the target language has influenced other areas of the school curriculum.

• Health and Physical Education (e.g., soccer) • Science (e.g., Fahrenheit/Celsius) • Music (e.g., lento, a cappello, allegro) Speak and model phrases and sentences with accepted pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with survival level proficiency. Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal information.

• New sentences using previously learned material • Original questions • Spontaneous responses to questions • Face-to-face conversations

Topic: Ser (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Ser in a sentence


Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to correctly use the verb ser in a sentence.

Core Lesson Can you use ser in a sentence correctly? Essential


Core Lesson Big Ideas: Using ser in a sentence

Core Lesson Materials: Teacher made materials, Quizlet, worksheets

Core Lesson Key Terminology Ser & Definitions:

Topic: Superlativos (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Understanding and using superlatives in a sentence.

Core Lesson Student Students will be able to use superlatives in Spanish. Students will know what superlatives are in Spanish.

Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Can you name Spanish superlatives? Can you use superlatives in a sentence in Spanish?


Teacher made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet, worksheets

Adjectiv Engli -isimo Adjectiv English e sh e

c6mico comiqufsimo funny really hilarious

blanco blanqufsimo white vety white

fresco fresqufsimo fresh super fresh

largo largufsimo long vety long

amargo bitter

amargufsimo really bitter

antiguo antiqufsimo old vety old

agradabl agradabilfsimo e

nice super nice

feliz felidsimo happy extremely happy

caliente calentfsimo hot really hot

Topic: Comparaciones (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Comparing and contrasting in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to compare and contrast objects in Spanish.

Can you compare and contrast objects in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Comparing and contrasting in Spanish.

Core Lesson Materials: teacher made materials, Cromebooks, worksheets, Quizlet

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Mas, menos, igual

Norma! adjecll:ive

good= bueno

bad= malo

big= grande

old = vie}i7

young = }oven

little cc pequeifo

Adjective in comp,uisoff'l

IJetler = mejor

worse= peor

bigger ,0 mayor(1-eierTing to age)

olcler = mayor

younger = menor

littler= menor(1"eferring to age)

Topic: El Preterito (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Understanding and using the preterite tense.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to identify and use the preterite in a sentence.

Can you identify and understand the preterite tense? Can you use the preterite tense in a sentence? What is the preterite tense?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Basic functions of the preterite tense.

Core Lesson Materials: Teacher made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet, SOMOS, worksheets

Core Lesson Key Terminology el preterito & Definitions:

Topic: Los tipos de Dinosaurios (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn different types of dinosaurs in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will learn the names of dinosaurs in Spanish.

Can you identify and name different dinosaurs in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Names/ types of dinosaurs

Core Lesson Materials: Cromebooks, teacher made materials, Quizlets, worksheets, art supplies

Core Lesson Key Terminology

• Cetaceos • Euripteridos

& Definitions:

• Ictiosaurios • Lamniformes • Placodontos • Plesiosaurio • Pliosaurios • Redlfquidos • Testudines • Thalattosaurios

I • Acrocanthosaurus • Avimimus • Baryonyx • Dilophosaurus • Giganotosaurus • Giraffatitan • Iguanodon • Mamenchisaurus • Sarcosaurus • Velociraptor

! • Dimorphodon • Microraptor • Preondactylo • Pteranodon • Pterodactylus • Quetzalcoatlus • Scaphognathus

• Abrictosaurus • Ajacingenia • Chirostenotes • Gallimimus • Mei • Oviraptor • Pachycephalosaurus • Troodon

• Apatosaurus • Brachiosaurus • Brontosaurio • Camarasaurus • Camptosaurus • Cetiosaurus • Dicraeosaurus • Maiasaura • Rioasaurus • Stegosaurus • Styracosaurus

• Albertosaurus • Carnotaurus • Dilophosaurus • Eoraptor • Giganotosaurus • Herrerasaurus • Ornitholestes • Pteranodon • Spinosaurus • Torvosaurus • Tyrannosaurus rex • Velociraptor

!I • Coelophysis • Cynognathus • Dilophosaurus • Dimodosaurus • Eoraptor • Ichthyosaurus • Meroktenos • Orosaurus • Plateosaurus • Procompsognathus • Velocipes


• Allosaurus • Barosaurus • Brachiosaurus • Ceratosaurus • Dicraeosaurus • Diplodocus • Estegosaurus • Giraffatitan • Lusotitan • Pliosaurus • Sarcosaurus

• Achillobator • Acrocanthosaurus • Aralosaurini • Arkansaurus • Burianosaurus • Ceratops • Chirostenote • Gorgosaurus • Ornithomimus • Saltasaurus

Topic: Descripciones y el Cuerpo (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn how to describe the dinosaurs and their body parts.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Students will know how to describe dinosaurs in Spanish. Students will know basic body parts in Spanish.

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Can you describe a dinosaur in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Describing dinosaurs in Spanish.

Core Lesson Materials: Teacher made materials, Cromebooks, books, worksheets, art supplies

Core Lesson Key Terminology los colores, los tamaf\os, carnfvoro, herbfvoro, grande, pequef\o & Definitions:

,nit: Human Impacts on the Earth

Unit Students will learn about how humans impact our Earth: pollution, recycling, the Description: environment, endangered animals, and being eco-friendly.

Unit Essential How can we help stop pollution? Questions: How can we better the environment?

Unit Big Ideas:

nit Materials:

How can we help endangered animals? How do you recycle and reuse? How can my house be more eco-friendly? How can I be a part in saving the planet?

- Pollution and Solutions - How can you make your house green - Recycling vs. waste/littering - Wasting food - Endangered animals and how to help - Save the planet

- teacher made materials - Cromebooks -Global Language Project supplemental materials

Unit - Worksheets Assignments: - Poster

- Recycling project - Save the Planet presentation

Unit Key - el contenedor de reciclaje Terminology - recoger & Definitions: - el grifo

- cuidar el planeta - la contaminaci6n - en peligro de extinci6n - reciclar - reducir - reusar - talar arb61es - los aparatos electr6nicos - el aire acondicionado - el frasco - los residues - una pila recargable - los electrodomesticos - de bajo consume - el termo - unirse -un compromise - el compost - el compostador - el medio ambiente - el almuerzo escolar - las algas - la mandarina - el repollo - la avena -desperdiciar - el leopardo - la tortuga gigante - el rinoceronte - cazar - la caza furtiva - la sobrepesca - un animal salvaje - el titf cabeciblanco - las patas traseras - equilibrarse - el chillido - los mellizos

Unit Notes: Study got really into this unit and enjoyed discussing the topics. They really enjoyed

making the sculptures out of recycled materials and they really succeeded with the endangered animals presentation. They learned a lot of new vocabulary and heard a lot of Spanish. Next year, I would try to include more grammar/full sentences into the unit.

,rANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

SPA.2.1 (Advanced)

SPA.3.1 (Advanced) SPA.4.1 (Advanced)

exchange opinions. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

SPA.5.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school (Advanced) setting. STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.Si.B Speak and write common vocabulary, phrases and (Advanced) structures during activities with the teacher, classmates

and family. (Interpersonal Skills)

12.1.S3.A {Advanced)

12.1.53.B (Advanced)

12.1.53.E (Advanced)

12.1.S3.F (Advanced)

• Greetings, farewells and courtesy expressions • Formal and informal forms of address • Numbers and dates • Daily life skills • Basic question words • Classroom commands Speak and model phrases and sentences with refined pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with accuracy and cultural understanding. Speak and write advanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions used by native speaking students of the target language.

• Medical terms • Money exchange • Purchases • Use of transportation and communications • Lodging arrangements Discuss two paragraphs: one in English and one in the target language. Select words from different origins. Compare their use in English and in the target language.

• Comparative discussion with classmates • Comparative discussion with the teacher • Follow-up written paragraph in target language using selected words from different origins. Make a presentation or write a paragraph in the target language about another subject area explaining the connections.

12.1.54.A (Advanced) 12.1.S4.B (Advanced)

• History • Art • Mathematics • Environment and Ecology Listen to, model, interpret and discuss distinct regional accents as heard in conversation by native speakers. Speak and write enhanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions for complex oral and written communication.

• Social customs in the target language • Personal relationships • Current and past events • Poems, dramas and stories

Topic: Pollution and Bettering the Environment (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will learn what pollution is and how it effects our environment. They will Description: also learn how to be "green" citizens.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

I can describe types of pollution. I can describe how to take care of my schoolroom: turning off lights and water, unplugging computers, recycling papers and bottles. I can recognize environmental problems and identify some common solutions. I can describe environmental problems in my home and suggest solutions to the problems. I can describe how "green" my home is.

What is pollution and can I describe the different types? How can I make my classroom more eco-friendly? Can I come up with solutions to environmental problems? How can I make my house "green"? What does "going green" mean?

- Pollution - Environmental problems and solutions to the problems - Going green

- teacher made materials -Global Language Project supplemental material - Project materials - Cromebooks

Core Lesson - el alimento Key - en contenedor de reciclaje Terminology - recoger & - los grifos Definitions: - cuidar

-la contaminaci6n

- en peligro de extinci6n - la basura - las botellas - las latas - la limpieza de aula - la computadora - reciclar - reducir - reusar - el aire - la tierra - ir en transporte publico - sembrar arboles - talar arboles - un grifo abierto - el aire condicionado - reciclable - el frasco - eficiente - respirar - tenemos que sanarlo -botar -conectados -los aparatos electr6nicos

Topic: Recycling and Reusing (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will learn about recycling and reusing both in the classroom and in life Description: outside of school.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

I can understand text-based ideas and details about how to care for the environment. I can explain the steps to create a recycled materials craft. I can interpret the main ideas of a Mexican infographic about the environment. I can find information about what Latin American or Spanish communities are encouraging citizens to do to protect the environment.

Do you know how to recycle? Can you describe how to reuse materials? Can you read an authentic infographic about the environment.

- How to care for the environment - How to reuse recyclable materials - How hispanic people are encouraging bettering the environment

Core Lesson - Teacher made materials

Materials: - Global Language Project supplemental materials - Cromebooks

Core Lesson - un agente de cambio Key - las residuos Terminology - una pila recargable & - las mandados Definitions: - de bajo consumo

- el termo - unirse - un compromiso - el abono -el compostador -el media ambiente -banarse - las retos -las electrodomesticos

Topic: Food Waste (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will learn about different school lunches around the world and how to Description: reduce food waste.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

I can have a simple conversation what I like for lunch. I can compare school lunches from different countries. I can share actions to reduce food waste. I can compare and contrast typical lunches from around Latin America.

What is food waste? How can I reduce food waste? What do lunches in Latin America look like?

What is food waste and how can I reduce mine.

-Teacher made materials -GLP supplemental materials -Cromebooks

Core Lesson - el almuerzo escolar Key - el tofu Terminology - las algas & - la mandarina Definitions: -el repollo

- la avena -generalmente -desperdiciar -la pila de abono - comida para el almuerzo -arroz con leche -mejor -pear -a veces -siempre -nunca

Topic: Endangered Animals (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Students will be able to name and describe engaged animals across the world. They will be able to discuss why the animals are endangered and how to help them.

I can name and describe endangered animals. I can discuss why animals are endangered. I can describe the causes of animal endangerment. I can interpret an article about the cotton-top tamarin monkey. I can share information about the tamarind with classmates. I can respond verbally to my classmates' ideas. I can share information about the tamarin's habitat and what its community is doing to protect it. I can obtain information about how the Colombians use science to protect the tamarin and its habitat.

Can you name and describe some endangered animals? Do you know why animals are endangered? Do you know about the tamarin money in Colombia?

-What is an endangered animal - Describing an endangered animal - Tamarin monkeys in Colombia

-teacher made materials -Cromebooks -GLP supplemental materials

Core Lesson - el leopardo Key -la tortuga gigante Terminology - el rinoceronte & - el cambio del clima

Definitions: - cazar - la caza fu rtiva - la destrucci6n de habitat - la sobrepesca -el sapo -dorado -animales en peligro de extinci6n -el lobo -el oso panda -el tigre -el atun -el elefante -el delffn -la contaminaci6n - un animal salvaje -el titf cabeciblanco - sabroso -quieta -las patas traseras -equilibrarse - el chillido -los mellizos -la selva tropical - la rama -saltando

Topic: Save the Planet! (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will make a presentation on how to save the planet and present it to Description: their peers.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

I can present to visitors about the environmental problems and remedies. I can share information about ways communities are using or can use science to protect the Earth's resources and environment.

Can you present information on how to save the planet to others?

Core Lesson Expressing how to save the planet to others Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

-Student made materials - project supplies -Cromebooks

Core Lesson All unit vocab


Key Terminology & Definitions:

Unit: Times and Routines

Unit Students will learn how we measure time in our lives. (time of day, reading a clock, Description: routines and activities during the day, planning a vacation)

Unit Essential Can you describe different times of the day? Questions: Can you match activities to the times of day?

Unit Big Ideas:

Unit Materials:

Can you express time to the hour and half hour? Can you describe and express daily routines? Can you describe seasons, days of the week and months in relation to time?

Time of day, reading a clock, routines and activities during the day, planning a vacatio

-Teacher made materials -Global Language Project resources - Cromebooks

Unit Vacations plan Assignments: Worksheets


Unit Key -Days of the week Terminology -Months & Definitions: -Seasons

-Time vocabulary - Routines

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

SPA.2.1 (Advanced)

SPA.3.1 /Advanced) SPA.4.1 (Advanced)

exchange opinions. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and

English. SPA.5.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school (Advanced) setting. STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.Sl.A Recite target language alphabet and associated sounds (Advanced) and basic words with proper accentuation. 12.1.Sl.F Discuss with classmates and the teacher how the target (Advanced) language has influenced other areas of the school


12.l.S2.D (Advanced)

12.l.S2.F (Advanced)

12.l.S3.A (Advanced)

12.l.S3.C (Advanced)

12.1.53.D (Advanced)

12.1.S4.C (Advanced)

12.1.S4.E (Advanced)

• Health and Physical Education (e.g., soccer) • Science (e.g., Fahrenheit/Celsius)• Music (e.g., lento, a cappello, allegro) Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal information.

• New sentences using previously learned material • Original questions • Spontaneous responses to questions • Face-to-face conversations Model and represent the cross-curriculum connections in other subject areas for classmates and language teacher through the target language.

• Dialogs • Cartoon drawings • Small paragraphs Speak and model phrases and sentences with refined pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with accuracy and cultural understanding. Comprehend spoken and written sentences and paragraphs using advanced vocabulary terms from textbooks, newspapers, student readers and magazines.

• Public figures • Historical figures • Major news events Develop and use simple, compound and complex sentence and question structures to communicate and comprehend.

• Face-to-face initiated conversations • Simple survival tasks • A simple letter • Main ideas of culturally authentic materials • Compositions Comprehend complex spoken and written sentences and paragraphs using enhanced vocabulary terms from selected textbooks, student readers and short stories.

• Politics • Problem solving • Environment • Art and literature • History Select a specific historical event that occurred in the target language/culture and the English/ American culture. Demonstrate comparisons and/or contrasts of how target language vocabulary is used in describing the bicultural event.

12.1.S4.F (Advanced)

• Dramatization • Essay or story • Poem or song • Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas) Demonstrate mastery of certain target language skills by connecting influences of target language in another subject area.

• Dramatization (e.g., Flamenco Dance) • Essay or story• Poem or song (e.g., classical artists) • Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas)

Topic: Time of Day (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will describe different times of the day and when you do activities during Description: those times of the day.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Students will be able to describe times of the day. Students will be able to match activities/routines to the time of day. Students can distinguish between Spanish and English calendars.

Can you describe different times of day? Can you describe activities during certain times of the day?

-Times of the day -Activities during times of day -Comparing English and Spanish calendars

Core Lesson -Teacher made materials Materials: -GLP resources


Core Lesson -por la manana Key -por la tarde Terminology -por la noche & -el sol Definitions: -la luna

-calendario - dfas de la semana -la fecha -la hara

Topic: Time to the Hour (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn how to express time to the hour.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to express time to the hour. Students will be able to tell time on analog and digital clocks to the hour.

Can you express time to the hour? Can you read clocks to the hour?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Expressing time to the hour

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key

-Teacher made materials -Chromebooks -Clocks -GLP

Terminology los minutos minutes & la hora hour/time Definitions: el reloj clock/watch

el minutero minute hand el horario hour hand el mediodia noon la medianoche midnight las manecillas/ hands (of las agujas a clock)

Topic: Time to the Half Hour (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn how to express time to the half hour.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to express time to the half hour. Students will be able to tell time on a digital and analog clock to the half hour.

Can you express time to the half hour?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Expressing time to the half hour

Core Lesson -Teacher made materials Materials: -GLP

Core Lesson Key

-Chromebooks -Clocks

Terminology cuarto quarter & media half Definitions: y and/plus

menos minus

Topic: Time to Five Minutes (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn how to express time to the nearest five minutes.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to identify activities that suit specific times of day. Students will be able to express time to the nearest five minutes. Students will be able to tell time on analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes.

Can you express time to the nearest five minutes?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Express time to the nearest five minutes.

Core Lesson -Teacher made materials Materials: -GLP

Core Lesson Key

-Chromebooks -Clocks

Terminology All previous vocab in unit & Definitions:

Topic: Daily Routines (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn how to describe and sequence daily routines.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to describe and sequence five to six daily routines. Students will be able to compare and contrast the daily routine of a student in Spain or Latin America with my own routine.

Can you describe daily routines? Can you sequence your daily routines?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Describing and sequencing daily routines

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key

-Teacher made materials -Chromebooks -GLP

Terminology primero first & segundo second Definitions: luego later

despues after/then leer to read baiiarse to bathe one self

ponerse la to put ropa clothes on mirar la to watch television tv hacer la tarea to do homework

Topic: Days of the Week (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will review days of the week and describe activities that take place on Description: different days.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to name the days of the week. Students will be able to describe activities that take place on different days of the week.

Core Lesson Can you name the days of the week? Essential Can you describe activities on different days of the week? Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Describing activities on different days of the week

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key

-Teacher made materials -Chromebooks -GLP

Terminology el lunes Monday & el martes Tuesday Definitions: el miercoles Wednesday

el jueves Thursday el viernes Friday and Phrases el sabado Saturday el domingo Sunday el fin de semana weekend los dias de la days of the

semana week

Topic: Months and Seasons (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will learn to name and describe key features of months and seasons. Description:

Core Lesson Student Students will be able to identify months and seasons of the year. Students will be able to describe key features of seasons in the US.

Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Can you name the months and seasons? Essential Can you describe features of months and seasons? Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Describing months and seasons

Core Lesson -Teacher made materials Materials: -GLP


Core Lesson Key Terminology las estaciones seasons & la primavera spring Definitions: la lluvia rain

las flores flowers el verano summer el calor heat las gafas de sol sunglasses el otofio fall las hojas leaves las calabazas pumpkins el invierno winter la nieve snow el frio cold los doce twelve meses months Review enero January febrero February marzo March abril April mayo May junio June julio July agosto August septiembre September octubre October noviembre November diciembre December

Topic: Travel Time (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will learn about time in different countries and activities to do in other Description: countries.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to use unit vocabulary in sentences. Students will be able to identify cultural activities they would like to do in Spain or other countries.

Can you use all unit vocabulary in a sentence? Can you identify activities you would like to do in another country?

Core Lesson Traveling and time

Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key

-Teacher made materials -Chromebooks -Art supplies -GLP

Terminology All unit vocab & Definitions:

Curriculum Map: Spanish 7 Course: SPANISH 7

Grade(s): 7th Grade

Course Description:

Course Textbooks, Workbooks, Materials Citations:

Pacing Calendar:

This course is aligned to ACTFL and PDE World Languages standards and will practice content-based instruction. It is designed to engage students through comprehensible input, language and cultural exposure, and is for any student that is able to grasp and expand on new concepts. Students in 7th grade will learn about many different topics to improve their Spanish-speaking skills. These topics include, but are not limited to; greetings, numbers, days of the week, months, weather, the solar system, indigenous tribes in Spanish-speaking countries, Tito Puente, the influence of music across Latin­America, read La Mujer que Brillaba mas que el Sol, and family.

El Sistema Solar, SOMOS, teacher-made materials, Tito Puente, La Mujer que Brillaba aun mas que el sol

2018-2019 Spanish Pacing Guide 6-8

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade

Augu Introduction Introduction Introduction st wk 1: Toda Sabre Mi + wk 1: Toda Sabre Mi+ wk 1: Toda Sabre Mi+

Prior Knowledae Review Prior Knowledae Review Prior Knowledge Review Septe Spanish Review / Sports Spanish Review /Solar Spanish Review / Ancient mber wk 1: Class Rules + Prior System Egypt

knowledge review wk 1: Class Rules/ Prior wk 1: Class Rules/ Prior wk 2: Prior knowledge knowledge review knowledge review review wk 2: Prior knowledge wk 2: Prior knowledge wk 3: Sports vocab review review wk 4: Sports vocab wk 3: Planets wk 3: Ancient Egypt

wk 4: Planets and order basics wk 4: Egypt vocab and aods

Octob Sports Solar System Ancient Egypt er wk 1: Sports and jugar wk 1: The moon and the wk 1: Gods and Pharaohs

wk 2: Jugar earth wk 2: Daily Life in Egypt wk 3: Hispanic athletes wk 2: The moon and the wk 3: Piramides and wk 4: Gustar and sports earth structures

wk 3: Stars and wk 4: Mummies and constellations review wk 4: Astronauts/aliens

Nave Sports and Basic Basic Review /Countries/ Countries/ Basic mber Review/ In the kitchen Mavans Grammar/ Spain

Dece mber

wk 1: Sports (all review) wk 2: Basic grammar review wk 3: Kitchen objects wk 4: Kitchen objects

In the Kitchen wk 1: Kitchen objects wk 2: Foods wk 3: Foods wk 4:Break

wk 1:Final solar system project wk 2:Basic grammar review wk 3: Spanish countries/map wk 4: Mavans

Mayans wk 1: Mayans wk 2: Mayans wk 3: Mayans wk 4: -Break-

Janua In the kitchen/Recipies Aztecs wk 1: Aztecs wk 2: Aztecs wk 3: Aztecs wk 4: Aztecs

ry wk 1: Food and descriptions

Febru ary

Marc h



wk 2: Food and descriptions wk 3: Recipie vocab wk 4:Writinq a recioie Human Impacts on Earth Tito Puente/Musica wk 1: Pollution and wk 1: Tito Puente the better the environment story wk 2: Pollution and wk 2: Music vocab better the environment wk 3: Music and types of wk 3: Pollution and music better the environment/ wk 4: Celia Cruz/Selena recycling and reusing wk 4: Recycling and reusino Human Impacts on Earth Pasatiempos wk 1: Recycling and wk 1: Pastimes/hobbies reusing wk 2: Pastimes/hobbies wk 2: Endangered wk 3: Hobbies with animals gustar and ar verbs wk 3: Endangered wk 4: ar verbs, er/ir animals verbs wk 4: Final projects for betterinq the earth

Los Dinosaurios wk 1: Dinosaur vocab wk 2: Dinosaur vocab and describing wk 3: Dinosaur vocab and describing wk 4: Dinosaurs in the past tense

Los Dinosaurios/Present Tense review

Pastimes/ La Mujer que Brillaba Mas que el Sol

wk 1: Ar/Er/Ir verbs and irregular verbs wk 2: Verb review and test wk 3: La Mujer story wk 4: La mujer story and feelin□s

La Mujer que Brillaba Mas □ue el Sol

wk 1: Spanish countries/map wk 2: Basic grammar review wk 3: Time/Clod wk 4: Time/Clock

Spain wk 1: Life in Spain wk 2: Family life/describing people wk 3: Family life/describing people wk 4: -Break-

Spain-Food/ Airport wk 1: Describing people wk 2: Ordering Food wk 3: Ordering Food wk 4: Airport vocab

Airport wk 1: Airport vocab and steps of going through an airport wk 2: Airport and places wk 3: Places to go wk 4: Ir- to go and places

Airport/Places wk 1: Ir- to go and places wk 2: Places and things you do there wk 3: Places and things you do there wk 4: Ar/Er/Ir verbs for activities

Airport/Places/ Caso Grave de Rayas

wk 1: Ar/Er/Ir verbs for activities wk 2: Caso Grave story wk 3: Medical vocab with story wk 4: Body parts/medical vocab

High School Prep wk 1: Preo for Hi□ h

wk 1: Dino body parts wk 1: Expressing feelings wk 2: Present tense wk 2: Comparisons and review deber wk 3: Present tense wk 3: Year Review review wk 4: End of year trip wk 4: End of year trip

June End of School Year End of School Year


Interdisciplin S . H" t S . I St d" R d" w· ·t· M th ary c1ence, 1s ory, octa u 1es, ea ing, n 1ng, a


Course Notes: Interdisciplinary Connections:

Math- solar system sizes, numbers, amounts

Science-solar system

English-writing sentences and grammar

Music-Tito Puente

School wk 2: Prep for High School wk 3: Test to see what they know wk 4: End of year trip

End of School Year

Social Studies/ History-Ancient civilizations, map, cultural concepts

Field Trips:

Latin America Spectacular Show

Unit: El Sistema Solar Timeline: Week 38

'nit Jescription: Students will learn all about the Solar System in Spanish.

Unit Essential . . . Questions: Can you name the planets 1n Spanish 1n order?

Unit Big Ideas:

Unit Materials:

Do you know basic info about stars in Spanish?

Do you know basic info about constellations in Spanish?

Can you build your own solar system and describe it?

Students will learn the planets, the phases of the moon, constellations, stars, and will build a solar system.

Planet models, teacher-made materials, art supplies, worksheets, online resources, Cromebooks

Unit Solar System Model Assignments:

Stars packet

Constellation project


La Tierra y La Luna packet

Unit Key Otros Cuerpos Celestes Terminology El sol- the sun

Definitions: Las rocas-rocks Las estrellas-stars Los anillos- rings El hielo- ice El planeta enano-dwarf planet (Pluto) La cintur6n de asteroids-asteroid belt El cometa-comet El asteroide-asteroid La luna- moon El crater- crater La constelaci6n-constellation La galaxia-galaxy El universo-universe La vfa lactea-Milky Way El meteorito- meteor El agujero negro- black hole Los Verbos Girar- to revolve, turn Estar-to be (located) Vivir- to live Tener- to have Brillar- to shine Revolver-to revolve Otras Cosas en Espacio El satelite- satilite La gravedad-gravity

Unit Notes:

La astronomfa- astronomy La 6rbita- orbit El/la astronauta- astronaut Cohete- rocket La nave espacial- space ship La estaci6n espacial- space station El telescopio- telescope


- Vocab quiz

- Collected assignments

- Solar System Project

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

SPA.1.2 (Advanced) SPA.2.1 (Advanced)

SPA.3.1 (Advanced) SPA.3.2 (Advanced)

SPA.4.1 (Advanced)

exchange opinions. Students understand and interpret written and spoken Spanish on a variety of topics. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish. Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the Spanish language and its cultures. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

SPA.5.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school (Advanced) setting. STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.Sl.C Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written (Advanced) sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.

12.1.S2.C (Advanced)


• Time expressions • Weather expressions • Colors • Likes and dislikes Comprehend simple spoken and written sentences using an expanded vocabulary in dialogs and short essays.

• Question formation • Daily schedules and school schedules • Personal information exchange • Directions and commands Model and represent the cross-curriculum connections in


12.1.S3.A (Advanced)

12.1.S3.C (Advanced)

12.1.S4.A (Advanced) 12.1.S4.E (Advanced)

12.1.S4.F (Advanced)

other subject areas for classmates and language teacher through the target language.

• Dialogs • Cartoon drawings • Small paragraphs Speak and model phrases and sentences with refined pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with accuracy and cultural understanding. Comprehend spoken and written sentences and paragraphs using advanced vocabulary terms from textbooks, newspapers, student readers and magazines.

• Public figures • Historical figures • Major news events Listen to, model, interpret and discuss distinct regional accents as heard in conversation by native speakers. Select a specific historical event that occurred in the target language/culture and the English/American culture. Demonstrate comparisons and/or contrasts of how target language vocabulary is used in describing the bicultural event.

• Dramatization • Essay or story • Poem or song • Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas) Demonstrate mastery of certain target language skills by connecting influences of target language in another subject area.

• Dramatization (e.g., Flamenco Dance) • Essay or story• Poem or song (e.g., classical artists) • Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas)

Topic: Los planetas (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 200

Core Lesson Description: Naming, labeling, and putting the planets in order in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to label and put the planets in order in Spanish.

Can you say all the planets in Spanish?

Can you put the planets in order?

Can you label the planets?

Do you know basic info about each planet?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Being able to say the planets in Spanish.

Core Lesson Materials: Planets and worksheets, teacher-made material

Core Lesson Key Terminology El sol, mercurio, venus, la tierra, marte, jupiter, saturno, neptuno, urano &. Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students learned the names of the planets and a song to go with it. The song really helped the students. Their quiz was just writing all 8 planets in Spanish. , did different matching and hands on games for this. They learned descriptions/ colors of each planet.

Topic: La Luna y La Tierra (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 200

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will know basic information about the moon and the earth in Spanish.

Students will know information about the moon and the earth and be able to compare and contrast them. Students will be able to describe both.

Can you describe the Moon in Spanish?

Can you describe the Earth in Spanish?

Core Lesson Students will be able to describe the moon and the Earth. Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials: teacher-made materials, worksheets, videos, SOMOS

Core Lesson Key Terminology la luna, la tierra &. Definitions:

Core Lesson Students did different reading about the earth and the moon. There were

Notes: questions to go along with each reading. We did descriptions of each object as well.

Topic: Las Estrellas (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 120

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn about stars in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to describe stars. They will know the life cycle of a star. Students will know verbs to describe stars.

Can you describe stars?

Do you know basic information about stars in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Understanding information about stars in Spanish.

Core Lesson Materials: worksheets, teacher-made materials, videos, SOMOS

Core Lesson Key Terminology las estrellas, brillar, el universo, quemar, explotar & Definitions:

Core Lesson Students learned about the stars through a reading in Spanish. They answered Notes: questions about them and we discussed the life cycle of a star.

Topic: Las Constelaciones (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 160

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Students will learn about constellations and be able to describe their own.

Students will know information about constellations in Spanish. They will be abl to identify constellations. They will be able to create their own constellation anc talk about it in Spanish.

Core Lesson Essential Can you understand basic information about constellations in Spanish?

Questions: Can you describe a constellation in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Describing constellations

Core Lesson Materials: worksheet, teacher-made materials, art supplies, project materials

Core Lesson Key Terminology constellaciones, estrellas, basic vocab & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students learned about constellations through hands-on activities and a project Students made and described constellations through creating constellations wit marshmallows and tooth picks. For a project, they were given a sheet of black paper with a sheet glued to it that has questions on it. They created their own, original constellation and answered questions about it in Spanish.

Topic: El Sistema Solar Tuyo (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 200

Core Lesson Description: Students will create and describe their own solar system as their final project.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will create their own solar system with descriptions of each planet in Spanish.

Can you describe planets in Spanish?

Core Lesson Students will: Big Ideas:

- create their own solar system using correct sizes and colors

- describe each planet

- present in Spanish

Core Lesson Materials: styrofoam balls, markers, paper, art supplies, Cromebooks, dictionaries

Core Lesson Key Terminology los planetas, tamano, los colores, sistema solar & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students created an entire solar system model with descriptions of each planet They were to write descriptions with color, size, and order of each planet and then create an accurate model of each planet. The kids loved it!

Unit: Los Basicos Timeline: Week 43

Unit Description: Students will be able to procedure oral and written Spanish language more efficiently.

Unit Essential C t d t d b · ·tt d I I · s · h7 Questions: an s u en s pro uce as1c wn en an ora anguage 1n pan1s .

Unit Big Ideas:

Unit Materials:

- Estar

- Feminine vs. Masculine

- Singular vs. Plural

- Hay

- el/ la

Spanish workbook worksheets, teacher-made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet, Kahoot

Unit Packet Assignments:

Study Guide


Unit Key Estar Terminology & Definitions: - Feminine vs. Masculine

- Singular vs. Plural

- Hay

- el/ la

Unit Notes: Assessments:

- Grammar test

Students learned about many different basic Spanish grammar that they need to do anything with the language. I gave students a packet of worksheets to complete individually and then we went over it. After that, I gave them a study guide and made Quizlets for them to practice. We went over the study guide and they did several different review activities. We used white boards and little hands on practices. All students did awesome on this test!

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

exchange opinions. SPA.1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken (Advanced) Spanish on a variety of topics. STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.Sl.C Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written (Advanced) sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.

12.l.S3.F (Advanced)

12.1.54.A (Advanced)

• Time expressions • Weather expressions • Colors • Likes and dislikes Make a presentation or write a paragraph in the target language about another subject area explaining the connections.

• History • Art • Mathematics • Environment and Ecology Listen to, model, interpret and discuss distinct regional accents as heard in conversation by native speakers.

Topic: Los basicos (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 400

Core Lesson Students will be able to procedure oral and written Spanish language more Description: efficiently.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Students will learn/ review basic Spanish concepts such as- feminine vs. masculine, estar, singular vs. plural.

Core Lesson Essential Can students produce basic written and oral language in Spanish? Questions:

Core Lesson _ Estar Big Ideas:

- Feminine vs. Masculine

- Singular vs. Plural

- Hay

- el/ la

1. abril

2. agosto

3. el borrador

4. Buenas noches

5. Buenas tardes

6. Buenos dfas

7. la cinta

8. LC6mo estas?

9. LC6mo te llamas?

10. LDe d6nde eres?

11. diciembre

12. domingo

13. enero

14. el escritorio

15. febrero

16. Hace calor

17. Hace fresco

18. Hace sol

19. Hace viento

20. Hasta luego

21. Hoy es ...

22. invierno

23. jueves

24. julio

25. junio

26. el lapiz




Good night

Good afternoon

Good morning


How are you?

What is your name?

Where are you from?






It's hot

It's chilly

It's sunny

It's windy

See you later

Today is






27. el libro book

28. Llueve It's raining

29. lunes Monday

30. el marcador marker

31. martes Tuesday

32. marzo March

33. mayo May

34. la mesa table

35. miercoles Wednesday

36. Mucho gusto Nice to meet you

37. Nieva It's snowing

38. noviembre November

octubre October 39.

40. otof\o fall

41. la pizarra whiteboard

42. primavera spring

43. sabado Saturday

44. septiembre September

45. la silla seat

46. las tijeras scissors

47. verano summer

48. viernes Friday

Core Lesson Spanish workbook worksheets, teacher-made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet, Materials: Kahoot

Core Lesson _ Estar Key Terminology - Feminine vs. Masculine & Definitions: - Singular vs. Plural

Core Lesson Notes:

- Hay

- el/ la

Students learned about many different basic Spanish grammar that they need 1 do anything with the language. I gave students a packet of worksheets to complete individually and then we went over it. After that, I gave them a study guide and made Quizlets for them to practice. We went over the study guide a,

they did several different review activities. We used white boards and little han on practices. All students did awesome on this test!

Topic: AR Verbs (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 200

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to use AR verbs in a sentence.

Students will be able to conjugate AR verbs. Students will be able to form sentences using AR verbs. Students will be able to understand writing using AR verbs.

What is an AR verb?

What is a conjugation?

What are the endings for AR verbs?

Can you use an AR verb in a sentence?

Can you understand when you see or hear AR verbs being used?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Conjugating and using AR verbs correctly

Core Lesson Materials: Worksheets, teacher-made materials

Core Lesson Regular AR verbs Key Terminology &

1. ayudar to help Definitions:

2. bailar to dance

3. caminar to walk

4. cantar to sing

5. cocinar to cook

6. comprar to buy

7. contestar to answer

8. dibujar to draw

9. escuchar to listen

10. estudiar to study

11. hablar to talk

12. limpiar to clean

13. llorar

14. mirar

15. nadar

16. necesitar

17. pintar

18. preguntar

19. trabajar

20. visitar

Unit: Los Paises Hispanohablantes Timeline: Week 46

Unit Description: Naming and labeling all the Spanish-speaking countries

Unit E~sential Can you name all the Spanish-speaking countries in Spanish? Questions:

Unit Big Ideas:

Unit Materials:

Can you label all the Spanish-speaking countries on a map?

Learning the names of the countries in Spanish

Learning the geography of Spanish-speaking countries

Worksheets, maps, Cromebooks, teacher-made materials

Unit Practice online Assignments:

Label a map Quiz

Pick a country presentation

Unit Key All 18 Spanish-speaking countries Terminology & Definitions: El mapa

Unit Notes: Assessments:

to cry

to look at

to swim

to need

to paint

to ask

to work

to visit

- Labeling the map quiz

~TANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

SPA.2.1 (Advanced)

SPA.4.1 (Advanced)

exchange opinions. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

SPA.5.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school (Advanced) setting. STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.51.C Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written (Advanced) sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.

12.1.S2.E (Advanced)

12.l.S3.C (Advanced)

12.l.S3.E {Advanced)

12.1.S4.E (Advanced)

• Time expressions • Weather expressions • Colors • Likes and dislikes Use an English dictionary to find the meanings and origins of target language words.

• Multi-syllable words • Target language sentences using origin words. Comprehend spoken and written sentences and paragraphs using advanced vocabulary terms from textbooks, newspapers, student readers and magazines.

• Public figures • Historical figures • Major news events Discuss two paragraphs: one in English and one in the target language. Select words from different origins. Compare their use in English and in the target language.

• Comparative discussion with classmates • Comparative discussion with the teacher • Follow-up written paragraph in target language using selected words from different origins. Select a specific historical event that occurred in the target language/culture and the English/American culture. Demonstrate comparisons and/or contrasts of how target language vocabulary is used in describing the bicultural event.

• Dramatization • Essay or story • Poem or song • Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas)

Topic: El Mapa (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 160

Core Lesson Description: Naming and labeling all the Spanish-speaking countries

Core Lesson Students will know all the names of Spanish-speaking countries in Spanish. Student Learning Students will be able to label a map of Spanish-speaking countries in Spanish Objectives: correctly.

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Can you name all the Spanish-speaking countries in Spanish?

Can you label all the Spanish-speaking countries on a map?

Core Lesson Learning the names of the countries in Spanish Big Ideas:

Learning the geography of Spanish-speaking countries

Core Lesson Materials: Worksheets, maps, Cromebooks, teacher-made materials

Core Lesson All 18 Spanish-speaking countries Key Terminology El mapa & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students have a packet from RockaLingua that allow them to practice labeling t countries, continents, and oceans. They will also choose a Spanish speaking country to do a research page on in Spanish. After the packet is complete, the) will practice both Quizlet and Purpose Games for labeling the countries. They 'II be tested on labeling the countries.

Unit: Las Civilizaciones Antiguos

UDnit . t· Students will learn about the three ancient hispanic civilizations. escnp 10n:

. _"it Et~sential can you compare and contrast the three ancient civilizations? -<ues ions:

Unit Big Ideas:

Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, comparisons

Unit Materials:

Worksheets, teacher made materials, Cromebooks

'lni! Comparison project ' .ss1gnments:

Pick a civilization and present on it




Unit Key Terminology los mayas, los incas, las aztecas & Definitions:

Unit Notes: Assessments:

- Aztec quiz

- Maya quiz

- Inca quiz

- Presentation/ project for comparison

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

SPA.2.1 (Advanced)

SPA.3.1 (Advanced) SPA.4.1 (Advanced)

exchange opinions. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

SPA.5.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school (Advanced) setting. STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.Sl.B Speak and write common vocabulary, phrases and (Advanced) structures during activities with the teacher, classmates

and family. (Interpersonal Skills)

• Greetings, farewells and courtesy expressions • Formal and informal forms of address • Numbers and dates •

12.1.Sl.C (Advanced)

12.1.Sl.D (Advanced)

12.1.S2.C (Advanced)

12.1.S2.D (Advanced)

12.1.S2.F (Advanced)

Daily life skills • Basic question words • Classroom commands Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.

• Time expressions • Weather expressions • Colors • Likes and dislikes Use simple sentence and question structures in speaking and writing.

• Memorized words • Phrases • Expressions • Facts about family Comprehend simple spoken and written sentences using an expanded vocabulary in dialogs and short essays.

• Question formation • Daily schedules and school schedules • Personal information exchange • Directions and commands Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal information.

• New sentences using previously learned material • Original questions • Spontaneous responses to questions • Face-to-face conversations Model and represent the cross-curriculum connections in other subject areas for classmates and language teacher through the target language.

• Dialogs • Cartoon drawings • Small paragraphs

Topic: Los Mayas (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn all about the Mayans in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to describe different parts of Mayan culture in Spanish.

Do students know about different parts of Mayan culture?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Culture and history of the Mayans

Core Lesson Materials: Cromebooks, worksheets, teacher made materials

Core Lesson Key Terminology alto tall

& 2. las alturas heights Definitions:

3. antiguo ancient

4. las artesanos artisans

5. bajo short

6. el cielo sky

7. civilizaci6n civilization

8. las comerciantes merchants

9. las dioses gods

10. las esclavos slaves

11. esta mas cerca de ... It is closer to ....

12. estoy de acuerdo I agree

13. la familia real royal family

14. mediano medium

15. las nobles Nobles

16. no estoy de acuerdo I don't agree

17. la piramide pyramid

18. p , 7 or que crees que ..... Why do you think that?

19, el rey king

20. el sacerdote priest

21. la tierra ground

22. las trabajadores workers

23, Yo creo que ... I think that

Core Lesson Notes:

Students got pretty bored because this chapter was a lot of history and I had them do a lot of reading. Next year, I need to think of more engaged activities for the students. They enjoyed learning and playing Mesoamerica ball.

Topic: Las Aztecas (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn all about the Aztecs in Spanish.

Core Lesson Students will be able to describe different parts of Aztec culture in Spanish. Student

Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Do students know about different parts of Aztec culture?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Culture and history of the Aztecs.

Core Lesson Materials:

Cromebooks, worksheets, teacher made materials

Core Lesson contruido- constructed Key Terminology planificado-planned & Definitions: canales-canals

ofdo- heard of

llegar- to arrive


chinampa-floating garden



yuca- yuca




tomates- tomatoes


frijoles- beans




batir- to mix



Core Lesson Notes:

leche- milk

homo- oven

estufa- stove

olla- pot

agregar- to add

remover- to stir

disolver- to disolve

servir- to serve

Telpochcalli- school for warriors

Calmecac- school for nobles

lanzar- to shoot arrows

trabajar la tierra- to work the land

guerrero- warrior

limpiar- to clean


escribir- to write

tocar musica- to play music

bailar- to dance

reparar templos- to repair/build temples

leer- to read

Students will a little more engaged with this chapter. They loved the story of Popa and Itza because I had students act out the story as I told it. It turned out really great. I had them storymap it after and draw what they heard me describing.

Topic: Las Incas (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn about Incan culture in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Students will be able to describe different parts of Incan culture in Spanish.



Core Lesson Essential Do students know about different parts of Inca culture? Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Culture and history of the Incas.

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key

Cromebooks, worksheets, teacher made materials

Terminology https:/ /www.profeenhistoria.com/cu ltura-inca/ & Definitions:

Core Lesson Only briefly covered. Notes:

Unit: Tito Puente

, 'nit . t· Students will read the book Tito Puente and learn about related topics. Jescnp 10n:

Unit E~sential Can you comprehend Tito Puente in Spanish? Questions:

Unit Big Ideas:

Unit Materials:

Can you write sentences and understand the imperfect?

Do you know about pastimes and music in Spanish?

Tito Puente, el presente, el imperfecto, la musica, pasatiempos

teacher made materials, book, Cromebooks, worksheets

Uni! Pasatiempo presentation/project Assignments:

Book summary essay



Unit Key Terminology book vocab, el imperfecto, la musica, los pasatiempos & Definitions:

• •nit Notes: Assessments:

- Book comprehension quiz

- Vocab quiz

- Music project

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

SPA.2.1 (Advanced)

SPA.2.2 (Advanced)

SPA.3.1 (Advanced) SPA.4.1 (Advanced)

exchange opinions. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.Sl.C Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written (Advanced) sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.

12.1.51.E (Advanced)

12.1.S1.F (Advanced)

12.1.S2.B (Advanced)

• Time expressions • Weather expressions • Colors • Likes and dislikes Find words used in magazines, commercials and advertisements influenced by the target language.

• Classroom bulletin board collage • Notebook collage Discuss with classmates and the teacher how the target language has influenced other areas of the school curriculum.

• Health and Physical Education (e.g., soccer)• Science (e.g., Fahrenheit/Celsius) • Music (e.g., lento, a cappello, allegro) Speak and write expanded vocabulary phrases and structures in dialogs of short essays.

• Nationalities • Occupations • Age groups • Food and beverages • Sports and leisure • School • Anatomy

12.1.S2.F (Advanced)

12.1.S3.E (Advanced)

12.1.53.F (Advanced)

Topic: El Cuento (Intermediate)

Model and represent the cross-curriculum connections in other subject areas for classmates and language teacher through the target language.

• Dialogs • Cartoon drawings • Small paragraphs Discuss two paragraphs: one in English and one in the target language. Select words from different origins. Compare their use in English and in the target language.

• Comparative discussion with classmates • Comparative discussion with the teacher • Follow-up written paragraph in target language using selected words from different origins. Make a presentation or write a paragraph in the target language about another subject area explaining the connections.

• History • Art • Mathematics • Environment and Ecology

Core Lesson Students will read the book Tito Puente. Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to comprehend Tito Puente.

Can you understand the story Tito Puente?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Comprehending a Spanish story.

Core Lesson Materials: The book

Core Lesson Key Terminology Tito Puente, la musica, el rey & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

We ended up really Tito Puente and Celia Cruz. Both books were by the same author. Students seemed to understand the book pretty well and did storyboards for each to ensure comprehension. We also did passports for each musician to

extend on the books.

Topic: El Imperfecto (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Using the imperfect tense in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to understand and use the imperfect tense in Spanish.

Can you understand and identify the imperfect tense?

Can you use the imperfect tense in a sentence.

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Understanding how to use the imperfect tense

Core Lesson Materials: Cromebooks, teacher made materials, worksheets

Core Lesson Key Terminology el imperfecto & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes: Only went over present tense because students didn't even know that tense.

Topic: Los Pasatiempos (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn different pastimes in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will know how to say different pastimes in Spanish.

Can you name different pastimes in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Naming pastimes in Spanish.

Core Lesson Materials: Quizlet, Cromebooks, teacher made materials, worksheets

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

1. bailar---to dance 2. escuchar musica---to listen to music 3. hacer crucigramas---to fill crossword puzzles 4. hacer ejercicio---to exercise 5. ir al cine---to go to the movies 6. ir al teatro---to go to the theatre 7. ir en bicileta---to ride bicycle 8. jugar---to play 9. jugar a baloncesto---to play basketball 10.jugar a cartas---to play cards 11.jugar a tenis---to play tennis 12. leer---to read 13. nadar---to swim 14.pasear---to go for a stroll 15.patinar---to skate 16.pintar---to draw 17.salir con amigos---to go out with friends 18.tocar el piano---to play the piano 19.tocar la guitarra---to play the guitar 20. ver la televisi6n---to watch television

Students liked the vocab cards everyday and learned these pretty quickly. We ended up learning to put these into sentences with conjugations. They did a lot better than expected and understood everything very well.

Topic: La Musica (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn about popular hispanic music.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will know cultural details about different types of Spanish music.

Are you familiar with types of hispanic music?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Exposure to hispanic musical culture.

Core Lesson Materials: SmartBoard, Cromebooks, teacher made materials and worksheets

Core Lesson La armonfa Key Terminology Harmony

& Definitions:

La balada

the ballad- free verse

El bongo


El charango


Las claves


Las congas

congas-cuban drums

La cumbia

cumbia - is a Latin American musical style that originated in Colombia's Caribbean coastal region

La fama


El flamenco

flamenco- style of music and dance which is native to several regions of southern Spain

El jazz


Las maracas


El mariachi

mariachi - genre of music that originated in Mexico.

La melodfa


El merengue


El micr6fono


La opera

the opera

La orquesta

the orchestra

La percusi6n

the percussion



El ritmo


La salsa

the salsa

La samba

the samba- Brazilian dance and musical genre originating in Africa

El son

son is a style of music that originated in Cuba

La voz




El canto

(singing, chant, song)

La cancfon

the song

El/la cantante


Core Lesson Notes: Students used vocab cards to learn the vocab and were quizzed on it.

Unit: La Mujer que Brillaba

~~~~ription: Students will read the book and learn about related topics.

Unit E~sential Can you understand the story in Spanish? Questions:

Do you know the difference between preterite and imperfect?

Can you form sentences using estar and feeling?

Can you use deber in a sentence?

Can you make comparisons and descriptions?

Unit Big Ideas:

'!nit ,aterials:

Understanding the story, preterite vs. imperfect, estar+ feelings, deber, comparaciones

book, teacher-made materials, worksheets, Cromebooks

Uni~ Feelings project Assignments:

Unit Key

Presentation on book

Book summary essay



Terminology deber, estar, los sentimientos, & Definitions:

Unit Notes: Assessments:

- Book compression quiz

- Vocab quiz

- Project/ presentation

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

SPA.1.2 /Advanced) SPA.2.1 (Advanced)

SPA.3.1 (Advanced) SPA.4.1 (Advanced)

exchange opinions. Students understand and interpret written and spoken Spanish on a variety of topics. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.Sl.B Speak and write common vocabulary, phrases and (Advanced) structures during activities with the teacher, classmates

and family. (Interpersonal Skills)

• Greetings, farewells and courtesy expressions • Formal

12.1.Sl.C (Advanced)

12.1.Sl.F (Advanced)

12.1.S2.A (Advanced)

12.1.S2.C (Advanced)

12.1.52.F (Advanced)

12.1.S3.F (Advanced)

12.1.54.A {l\dvanced) 12.1.S4.F (Advanced)

,pie: El Cuento (Intermediate)

and informal forms of address • Numbers and dates • Daily life skills • Basic question words • Classroom commands Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.

• Time expressions • Weather expressions • Colors • Likes and dislikes Discuss with classmates and the teacher how the target language has influenced other areas of the school curriculum.

• Health and Physical Education (e.g., soccer) • Science (e.g., Fahrenheit/Celsius)• Music (e.g., lento, a cappello, allegro) Speak and model phrases and sentences with accepted pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with survival level proficiency. Comprehend simple spoken and written sentences using an expanded vocabulary in dialogs and short essays.

• Question formation • Daily schedules and school schedules • Personal information exchange • Directions and commands Model and represent the cross-curriculum connections in other subject areas for classmates and language teacher through the target language.

• Dialogs • Cartoon drawings • Small paragraphs Make a presentation or write a paragraph in the target language about another subject area explaining the connections.

• History • Art • Mathematics • Environment and Ecology Listen to, model, interpret and discuss distinct regional accents as heard in conversation by native speakers. Demonstrate mastery of certain target language skills by connecting influences of target language in another subject area.

• Dramatization (e.g., Flamenco Dance) • Essay or story• Poem or song ( e.g., classical artists) • Projects ( e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas)

Core Lesson Students will read the book La Mujer que Brillaba aun mas que el Sol. Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to comprehend the story in Spanish.

Can you understand the story in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Comprehending the story.

Core Lesson Materials: Book

Core Lesson Key Terminology libro, mujer & Definitions:

Topic: El Preterito vs. El Imperfecto (Intermediate)

Core Lesson r Description: Difference between the imperfect and preterite tense

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Students will know the difference between the imperfect and the preterite tense.

Can you tell the difference between the preterite and imperfect tenses?

Differences between the two tenses.

Core Lesson Materials: Cromebooks, Quizlet, teacher made materials

Core Lesson Key The Preterite rerminology Generally, the preterite is used for completed actions (actions that have definite Definitions: beginning and end points.) These can be actions that can be viewed as single

events, actions that were part of a chain of events, actions that were repeated a very specific number of times, or actions that specifically state the beginning and end of an action.

The Imperfect The imperfect tense is generally used for actions in the past that do not have a definite end. These can be actions that are not yet completed or refer to a time in general in the past. It can also be used to talk about:

• actions that were repeated habitually • actions that set the stage for another past tense event • time and dates • a person's age in the past • characteristics • mental or physical states

Topic: Estar+ los sentimientos (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn how to use estar+ feelings.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson

Students will be able to use estar+ feelings in a sentence.

Essential Can you understand and write a sentence using estar and a feeling?

1 Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas: How estar and feeling work together in a sentence.

Core Lesson Materials: Teacher made materials, Cromebooks, worksheets, Quizlet

Core Lesson Key Using Estar with Conditions Terminology E t . d t f 1· t h . I d·t· A d't' & s ar 1s use o express ee ings or emporary p ys1ca con 1 10n. con 1 10n can

Def·n·t·o . be an emotion, a temporary physical state, or a temporary mental state, among I I I ns. th o ers.


Estoy triste. I am sad.

Ella esta contenta porque recibi6 unas flares de su novio. She is happy because she received some flowers from her boyfriend

Topic: La Ropa (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Student will learn articles of clothing, the verb "llevar", the verb "tener", and how Description: to describe clothing.

Core Lesson Student will be able to name articles of clothing. Student Learning Students will be able to use the verb "llevar" in a sentence. Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to use the verb "tener" in a sentence.

Students will be able to describe articles of clothing.

Can you name articles of clothing in Spanish?

Can you describe clothing?

Can you use llevar in a sentence?

Can you use tener in a sentence?

Core Lesson -Clothing articles Big Ideas:



-Describing clothing

Core Lesson Materials: Teacher made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet, worksheets

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

el chaleco vest

el sombrero hat

8.el sueter pullover

9.el traje de bano bathing suit

10.el vestido dress

11.la blusa blouse

12.la bufanda scarf

13.la camisa shirt

14.la camiseta T-shirt

15.la chaqueta jacket

16.la falda skirt

17.la gorra cap

18.los calcetines socks

19.los pantalonespant

s20.los tacones high heels

21.los zapatos shoes

22.pantalones cortos shorts

Llevar-to wear

Tener- to have

Topic: Las Comparaciones y Descripciones (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Comparing and describing

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to compare and describe things in Spanish.

Can you compare two things in Spanish?

Can you describe things in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Comparing, contrasting, describing

Core Lesson Materials: Teacher made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet, worksheets

Core Lesson Key Terminology

tall, high

& long Definitions:

alto - alta altos - a!tas

largo - larga

largos - Jargas short

corto-corta cortos - cortas

big, tall grande grandes

small pequeiio - pequeiia pequefios - pequefias

skinny, thin delgado - delgada delgados - delgadas

thin, wirey flaco - flaca ffacos - f/acas

fat, heavy set gordo - gorda gordos - gordas

weighty, heavy pesado - pesada pesados - pesadas

light weight ligero - ligera /igeros - ligeras

pretty, cute bonito - bonita bonitos - bonitas

ugly feo-fea feos-feas

clean limpio - limpia /impios - limpias

dirty cochino - cochina cochinos - cochinas

flat, even piano - plana pianos - planas

bent, crooked chueco - chueca chuecos - chuecas

angular angular angulares

inverted, upside down invierto - invierta inviertos - inviertas

naked encuerado - encuerada

encuerados - encueradas invisible

invisible invisibles

wet mojado - mojada mojados - mojadas

humid humedo - humeda humedos - humedas

dry seco-seca secos - secas

warm tibio - tibia tibios - tibias

cold frio - fria frfos-frfas

empty vacio - vacia vacfos - vacfas

full lleno- llena /lenos - 1/enas

dark, obscure




oscuro - oscura oscuros - oscuras

palido - palida palidos - palidas

viejo-vieja viejos - viejas

nuevo - nueva nuevos - nuevas

Normal adjedive

good= bueno

IJad = male

big= grande

old = viejo young = 1oven

little pequeifo

Adjective in comparism1

better = mejor

vvorse = pt.:1or

bigger = mayor (1"eferri11g to age)

olcler = mayor

younge1· menor

littler= menor(1efemng to age)

Unit: Prior Knowledge Review Timeline: Week 34

Unit Description: Students will review the following topics for a beginning of the year review test

Unit E~sential Can students ask greet people properly? Questions:

Unit Big Ideas:

Unit · '1aterials:

Can students say what their name is in Spanish?

Can students count to 100?

Do students know their months and days of the week?

Can students say what the weather is?

Do students know classroom objects?

Me llama, Los meses, los dfas de semana, los objetos de clase, los numeros, el clima

SOMOS, Cromebooks, teacher made materials, Worksheets, art supplies, booklets

Unit Booklet Assignments:

Unit Key


Study Guide



Terminology Me llama, greetings, numbers, days of the week, months, classroom objects, weather & Definitions:

Unit Notes: Assessments:

- Vocab quiz

- Chapter exam

- Collected/graded assignments


NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA.1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain (Advanced) information, express feelings and emotions, and

SPA.2.1 (Advanced)

SPA.3.1 (Advanced) SPA.4.1 (Advanced)

exchange opinions. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

SPA.5.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school (Advanced) setting. STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013) 12.1.Sl.E Find words used in magazines, commercials and (Advanced) advertisements influenced by the target language.

12.l.S2.B (Advanced)

12.1.S2.C (Advanced)

12.l.S2.D (Advanced)

12.1.52.F (Advanced)

Topic: Me llama (Intermediate)

• Classroom bulletin board collage • Notebook collage Speak and write expanded vocabulary phrases and structures in dialogs of short essays.

• Nationalities • Occupations • Age groups • Food and beverages • Sports and leisure • School • Anatomy Comprehend simple spoken and written sentences using an expanded vocabulary in dialogs and short essays.

• Question formation • Daily schedules and school schedules • Personal information exchange • Directions and commands Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal information.

• New sentences using previously learned material • Original questions • Spontaneous responses to questions • Face-to-face conversations Model and represent the cross-curriculum connections in other subject areas for classmates and language teacher through the target language.

• Dialogs • Cartoon drawings • Small paragraphs

g::~r~=:~on~ Students will learn to ask what someone's name is and say what their name is.

Core Lesson Students will be able to to ask what someone's name is. Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to say what their name is.

How do you ask what someone's name is?

Can you tell someone what your name is in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Asking "coma te llamas?" and saying "me llama .... "

Core Lesson Materials: Worksheet, Quizlet, Cromebooks, Teacher made materials

Core Lesson Me llama Key Terminology Como te llamas & Definitions: Se llama

Core Lesson Notes:

Students understood this very easily and many of them already knew it. We made cute llamas to say what there name was, which is now hanging on my wall. We practiced speaking by asking each other "coma te llamas" and "me llama .... ".

Topic: Meses/ Dfas (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn the days of the week and the months in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will know the days of the week and the months in Spanish.

Can you name the days of the week in Spanish?

Can you name the months in Spanish?

Core Lesson Days of the week Big Ideas:


Core Lesson Materials: Workbooks, Quizlet, Cromebooks, teacher made materials

Core Lesson Lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves, viernes, sabado, domingo Key Terminology enero, febrero, marzo, abril, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, & diciembre Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

It was surprising how many students didn't know their days of the week and months. The months were super easy for them because most of them are cognates. Days of the week just required repetitive practice.

Topic: Los Numeros (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will learn how to say numbers 1-100 in Spanish. Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to say numbers 1-100 in Spanish.

Can you say numbers 1-100 in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Numbers in Spanish 1-100

Core Lesson Materials: Workbook, teacher made materials, Cromebooks

Core Lesson Key Terminology Numbers 1-100 & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Pretty much all students knew 1-10. It got more difficult when it came to any number over 20. I will practice these more next year and spend more time on them.

Topic: El Clima (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn the seasons and weather in Spanish.

Core Lesson Student Students will be able to name the seasons in Spanish.

Learning Students will be able to say what the weather is in Spanish? Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Can you say the seasons in Spanish?

Can you say what the weather is in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: The seasons and the weather in Spanish.

Core Lesson Materials: Teacher made materials, workbook, Cromebooks

Core Lesson ~ Key la primavera, el otono, el invierno, el verano

~erminology hace calor, hace frfo, hace viento, esta nublado, hace fresco, esta nevando


Core Lesson Notes:

Students got the seasons pretty easily but struggled with weather a little bit more. I did a ton of hands on activities where they moved around the room or had cards or did partner games. Next year I want to incorporate the weather song that Mrs. Richards does because I think it will help the students learn the weather a little bit better.

Topic: Ronalda y Isabella (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will be able to read a small, basic story in Spanish and be able to Description: answer questions about it.

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will be able to read a small, basic story in Spanish and be able to answer questions about it.

Can you understand and answer questions about a reading in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big Ideas: Being able to understand a small paragraph in Spanish.

Core Lesson Materials: Reading and questions, SOMOS

Core Lesson Key Terminology

basic vocab

& Definitions:

Core Lesson Most students understood this reading pretty well. 6A did this independently and Notes: 6B required my help a little bit more.

Topic: Classroom Objects (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description: Students will learn different classroom objects in Spanish

Core Lesson Student: Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Students will know different classroom objects in Spanish

Can you name different classroom objects in Spanish?

Core Lesson Be able to identify and name different classroom objects in Spanish. Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials: Workbook, teacher made materials, Cromebooks

Core Lesson School Escuela / Colegio

Key Terminology Backpack Mochila & Definitions: Estuche de lapices / Caja

Pencil box de colores

Pencil Lapiz

Pencil crayon Lapiz a color

Crayon Crayon / crayola

Marker / felt Marcador / plum6n

Piece of paper Hoja de papel

Glue Pegamento

Ruler Regla

Scissors Tijeras

Book Libro

Notebook Cuaderno

Core Lesson Notes:

Whiteboard Pizarr6n / tablero

Table Mesa

Chair Silla

Desk Escritorio

Light Luz

Clock Reloj

Telephone Telefono

Carpet Alfombra

Door Puerta

Window Ventana

Computer Computadora

Students struggled to remember every classroom object that we went over, but it ended up going pretty well. Ive been trying to incorporate them into other topics/units so that they remember. I did activities where I labeled the room, picked up objects in the room, and they did a sheet to learn them also.

Topic: Review for the test (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will watch a cortomentraje and review for the test Description:

Students will review all topics in the unit for an exam.

Core Lesson Students will be exposed to a traditional, hispanic cortomentraje video. Student Learning Students will review for their test. Objectives:

Students will know all topics in the unit for an exam.

Core Lesson Do you understand the cortomentraje? Essential Questions: Are you prepared for the exam?

Core Lesson Being exposed to cortomentrajes Big Ideas:

Students will review all topics in the unit for an exam.

Core Lesson Video Materials:

Cromebook, teacher made materials, workbook, worksheets

Core Lesson Key Terminology All unit vocab & Definitions:

Core Lesson Students enjoy these! Notes:

Review for the test lasted a couple days. I made a study guide that looked identical to the test. We went over it and practiced things that students still needed to work on. Many students failed this test. The higher students preformed well, but the lower students failed really bad. I ended up re-reviewing all of the test content and letting any student that got below a C retake the test in a better format. Coming into the school, I expected the students to know more and be capable of writing each word more memory, but I quickly learned otherwise. Next year we will work on these things a lot more and I will put the test in a better format so that not so many students fail. It was a learning experience and it will go much better next year!

Curriculum Map: Spanish 8 Course: SPANISH 8 Sub-topic: Uncategorized

Grade(s): 8

Course Description:

Course Textbooks, Workbooks, Materials Citations:

Pacing Calendar:

This course is aligned to PDE Proposed World Languages and ACTFL standards and practices content-based instruction. It is designed to engage students through comprehensible input, language and cultural exposure, and is for any student that is able to grasp and expand on new concepts. Students in 8th grade will learn about many different topics to improve their Spanish-speaking skills. These topics include, but are not limited to; greetings, numbers, days of the week, months, weather, Ancient Egypt, Spain, reading and making school schedules, telling time, family members and their descriptions, restaurants and how to order food in Spanish, read Un Case Grave de Rayas and talk about health.

SOMOS curriculum, Antiguo Egipto, Espana, Un Caso Grave de Rayas, Teacher-made materials

2018-2019 Spanish Pacing Guide 6-8

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade

August Introduction Introduction Introduction wk 1: Todo Sobre Mi + wk 1: Todo Sobre Mi + wk 1: Todo Sobre Ml + Prior Knowledge Review Prior Knowledge Review Prior Knowledge


September Spanish Review / Sports Spanish Review /Solar Spanish Review/ wk 1: Class Rules+ Prior System Ancient Egypt knowledge review wk 1: Class Rules/ Prior wk 1: Class Rules/ wk 2: Prior knowledge knowledge review Prior knowledge review review wk 2: Prior knowledge wk 2: Prior knowledge wk 3: Sports vocab review review wk 4: Sports vocab wk 3: Planets wk 3: Ancient Egypt

wk 4: Planets and order basics wk 4: Egypt vocab and gods

October Sports Solar System Ancient Egypt wk 1: Sports and jugar wk 1: The moon and the wk 1: Gods and wk 2: Jugar earth Pharaohs wk 3: Hispanic athletes wk 2: The moon and the wk 2: Daily Life in wk 4: Gustar and sports earth Egypt

wk 3: Stars and wk 3: Piramides and constellations structures wk 4: Astronauts/aliens wk 4: Mummies and


November Sports and Basic Review/ Basic Review /Countries/ Countries/ Basic In the kitchen Mayans Grammar/ Spain

wk 1: Sports (all review) wk !:Final solar system wk 1: Spanish wk 2: Basic grammar project countries/map review wk 2: Basic grammar wk 2: Basic grammar wk 3: Kitchen objects review review wk 4: Kitchen objects wk 3: Spanish wk 3: Time/Clod

countries/map wk 4: Time/Clock wk 4: Mayans

December In the Kitchen Mayans Spain wk 1: Kitchen objects wk 1: Mayans wk 1: Life in Spain wk 2: Foods wk 2: Mayans wk 2: Family wk 3: Foods wk 3: Mayans life/describing people wk 4:Break wk 4: -Break- wk 3: Family

January In the kitchen/Recipies Aztecs wk 1: Food and wk 1: Aztecs descriptions wk 2: Aztecs wk 2: Food and wk 3: Aztecs descriptions wk 4: Aztecs wk 3: Recipie vocab wk 4:Writing a recipie

February Human Impacts on Earth Tito Puente/Musica wk 1: Pollution and wk 1: Tito Puente the better the environment story wk 2: Pollution and wk 2: Music vocab better the environment wk 3: Music and types of wk 3: Pollution and music better the environment/ wk 4: Celia Cruz/Selena recycling and reusing wk 4: Recycling and reusing

March Human Impacts on Earth Pasatiempos wk 1: Recycling and wk 1: Pastimes/hobbies reusing wk 2: Pastimes/hobbies wk 2: Endangered wk 3: Hobbies with animals gustar and ar verbs wk 3: Endangered wk 4: ar verbs, er/ir animals verbs wk 4: Final projects for bettering the earth

April Los Dinosaurlos Pastimes/ La Mujer que wk 1: Dinosaur vocab Brlllaba Mas que el Sol wk 2: Dinosaur vocab wk 1: Ar/Er/Ir verbs and and describing irregular verbs wk 3: Dinosaur vocab wk 2: Verb review and and describing test wk 4: Dinosaurs in the wk 3: La Mujer story past tense wk 4: La mujer story

and feelings

May Los Dinosaurios/Present La Mujer que Brillaba Tense review Mas que el Sol

wk 1: Dino body parts wk 1: Expressing wk 2: Present tense feelings review wk 2: Comparisons and wk 3: Present tense deber review wk 3: Year Review wk 4: End of year trip wk 4: End of year trip

June End of School Year End of School Year

Course Interdisciplinary History, Social Studies, Science, Math, Reading, Writing Connections:

Course Notes: Interdisciplinary Connections:

Math- numbers, amounts, years

Science-medical words

life/describing people wk 4: -Break-

Spain-Food/ Airport wk 1: Describing people wk 2: Ordering Food wk 3: Ordering Food wk 4: Airport vocab

Airport wk 1: Airport vocab and steps of going through an airport wk 2: Airport and places wk 3: Places to go wk 4: Ir- to go and places

Airport/Places wk 1: Ir- to go and places wk 2: Places and things you do there wk 3: Places and things you do there wk 4: Ar/Er/Ir verbs for activities

Airport/Places/ Caso Grave de Rayas

wk 1: Ar/Er/Ir verbs for activities wk 2: Caso Grave story wk 3: Medical vocab with story wk 4: Body parts/medical vocab

High School Prep wk 1: Prep for High School wk 2: Prep for High School wk 3: Test to see what they know wk 4: End of year trip

End of School Year

Social Studies/History-Ancient Egypt, cultural information, Spain, map

English-writing sentences and grammar

Music-Spanish music

Field Trips:

Latin America Spectacular Show

Unit: Prior Knowledge Review Timeline: Week 35

Unit Description:

Students will review the following topics for a beginning of the year review test

Unit Essential Can students ask greet people properly? Questions:

Can students say what their name is in Spanish?

Can students count to 100?

Do students know their months and days of the week?

Can students say what the weather is?

Do students know classroom objects?

Unit Big Ideas: Me llama, Los meses, los dfas de semana, los objetos de clase, los nllmeros, el clima

Unit Materials: SOMOS, Cromebooks, teacher made materials, Worksheets, art supplies, booklets

Unit Assignments:

Unit Key



Study Guide



Terminology & Me llama, greetings, numbers, days of the week, months, classroom objects, weather Definitions:

Unit Notes: Assessments:

- Vocab quiz

- Chapter exam

- Collected/graded assignments


NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006)

SPA.1.1 (Advanced) Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

SPA.1.2 /Advanced) Students understand and interpret written and spoken Spanish on a variety of topics.

STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards /2009-20131

12.1.51.A Recite target language alphabet and associated sounds and (Advanced) basic words with proper accentuation. 12.1.S1.B (Advanced) Speak and write common vocabulary, phrases and structures

during activities with the teacher, classmates and family. (Interpersonal Skills)

• Greetings, farewells and courtesy expressions • Formal and informal forms of address • Numbers and dates • Daily life skills • Basic question words • Classroom commands

12.1.51.C (Advanced) Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.

12.1.51.D /Advanced)

• Time expressions • Weather expressions • Colors • Likes and dislikes

Use simple sentence and question structures in speaking and writing.

• Memorized words • Phrases • Expressions • Facts about family

12.1.51.E (Advanced) Find words used in magazines, commercials and advertisements influenced by the target language.

• Classroom bulletin board collage • Notebook collage

12.1.51.F /Advanced) Discuss with classmates and the teacher how the target language has influenced other areas of the school curriculum.

• Health and Physical Education (e.g., soccer) • Science (e.g., Fahrenheit/Celsius) • Music (e.g., lento, a cappello, allegro)

12. 1.52.A Speak and model phrases and sentences with accepted (Advanced) pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with survival level


12.1.52. B /Advanced) Soeak and write expanded vocabulary phrases and structures in dialogs of short essays.

• Nationalities • Occupations • Age groups • Food and beverages • Sports and leisure • School • Anatomy

12.1.52.C (Advanced) Comprehend simple spoken and written sentences using an expanded vocabulary in dialogs and short essays.

12.1.52.D (Advanced)

• Question formation • Daily schedules and school schedules • Personal information exchange • Directions and commands

Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal information.

• New sentences using previously learned material • Original questions • Spontaneous responses to questions • Face-to­face conversations

12.1.52.E /Advanced) Use an English dictionary to find the meanings and origins of target language words.

• Multi-syllable words • Target language sentences using origin words.

12.1.S2.F (Advanced) Model and represent the cross-curriculum connections in other subject areas for classmates and language teacher through the target language.

• Dialogs • Cartoon drawings • Small paragraphs

12.1.S3.A Speak and model phrases and sentences with refined (Advanced) pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with accuracy and

cultural understanding.

12.1.S3.B (Advanced) Speak and write advanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions used by native speaking students of the target language.

• Medical terms • Money exchange • Purchases • Use of transportation and communications • Lodging arrangements

12.1.53.C (Advanced} Comprehend spoken and written sentences and paragraphs using advanced vocabulary terms from textbooks, newspapers, student readers and magazines.

12.1.S3.D (Advanced)

• Public figures • Historical figures • Major news events

Develop and use simple, compound and complex sentence and question structures to communicate and comprehend.

• Face-to-face initiated conversations • Simple sutvival tasks • A simple letter • Main ideas of culturally authentic materials • Compositions

Topic: Me llamo (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 40

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology &. Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students will learn to ask what someone's name is and say what their name is,

Students will be able to to ask what someone's name is.

Students will be able to say what their name is.

How do you ask what someone's name is?

Can you tell someone what your name is in Spanish?

Asking "como te llamas?" and saying "me llama .... "

Worksheet, Qulzlet, Cromebooks, Teacher made materials

Me llama

Como te llamas

Se llama

Students understood this very easily and many of them already knew it. We made cute llamas to say what there name was, which is now hanging on my wall. We practiced speaking by asking each other "coma te llamas" and "me llama .... ".

Topic: Classroom Objects (Intermediate)



Minutes for Topic: 40

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students will learn different classroom objects in Spanish

Students will know different classroom objects in Spanish

Can you name different classroom objects in Spanish?

Be able to identify and name different classroom objects in Spanish.

Workbook, teacher made materials, Cromebooks

School Escuela / Colegio

Backpack Mochila

Estuche de lapices / caja Pencil box de colores

Pencil Lclpiz

Pencil crayon Lapiz a color

Crayon Crayon / crayola

Marker / felt Marcador / plum6n

Piece of paper Hoja de papel

Glue Pegamento

Ruler Regla

Scissors Tijeras

Book Libra

Notebook Cuaderno

Whiteboard Pizarr6n / tablero

Table Mesa

Chair Silla

Desk Escrltorlo

Light Luz

Clock Reloj

Telephone Telefono

Carpet Alfombra

Door Puerta

Window Ventana

Computer Computadora

Students struggled to remember every classroom object that we went over, but it ended up going pretty well, Ive been trying to incorporate them into other topics/units so that they remember. I did activities where I labeled the room, picked up objects in the room, and they did a sheet to learn them also.

Topic: Months/Days (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 40

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students will learn the days of the week and the months in Spanish.

Students will know the days of the week and the months in Spanish.

Can you name the days of the week in Spanish?

Can you name the months in Spanish?

Days of the week


Workbooks, Quizlet, Cromebooks, teacher made materials

Lunes, martes, miE!rcoles, jueves, viernes, sclbado, domingo

enero, febrero, marzo, abril, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, diciembre

It was surprising how many students didn't know their days of the week and months. The months were super easy for them because most of them are cognates. Days of the week just required repetitive practice.

Topic: Ronalda y Isabella (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 40

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students will be able to read a small, basic story in Spanish and be able to answer questions about it.

Students will be able to read a small, basic story in Spanish and be able to answer questions about it.

Can you understand and answer questions about a reading in Spanish?

Being able to understand a small paragraph in Spanish.

Reading and questions, SOMOS

basic vocab

Most students understood this reading pretty well. 6A did this independently and 6B required my help a little bit more.

Topic: Review/ Cortomentraje (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 40

Core Lesson Description:

Students will watch a cortomentraje and review for the test

Core Lesson Students will be exposed to a traditional, hispanic cortomentraje video. Student Learning Objectives: Students will review for their test.

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Notes:

Do you understand the cortomentraje?

Being exposed to cortomentrajes


Students enjoy these!

Topic: Los Numeros (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students will learn how to say numbers 1-100 in Spanish.

Students will be able to say numbers 1-100 in Spanish.

Can you say numbers 1-100 in Spanish?

Numbers in Spanish 1-100

Workbook, teacher made materials, Cromebooks

Numbers 1-100

Pretty much all students knew 1-10. It got more difficult when it came to any number over 20. I will practice these more next year and spend more time on them.

Topic: El Clima (Intermediate) Core Lesson Students will learn the seasons and weather in Spanish. Description:

Students will learn the seasons and weather in Spanish.

Core Lesson Students will be able to name the seasons in Spanish. Student Learning Objectives: Students will be able to say what the weather is in Spanish?

Students will be able to name the seasons in Spanish.

Students will be able to say what the weather is in Spanish?

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Can you say the seasons in Spanish?

Can you say what the weather is in Spanish?

Can you say the seasons in Spanish?

Can you say what the weather is in Spanish?

Core Lesson Big The seasons and the weather in Spanish. Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

The seasons and the weather in Spanish.

Teacher made materials, workbook, Cromebooks

Teacher made materials, workbook, Cromebooks

Core Lesson Key la primavera, el otofio, el invierno, el verano Terminology &. Definitions: hace calor, hace frfo, hace viento, esta nublado, hace fresco, esta nevando

Core Lesson Notes:

Unit: Antiguo Egipto Timeline: Week 38

la primavera, el otofio, el invierno, el verano

hace calor, hace frfo, hace viento, estil nublado, hace fresco, estil nevando

Students got the seasons pretty easily but struggled with weather a little bit more. I did a ton of hands on activities where they moved around the room or had cards or did partner games, Next year I want to incorporate the weather song that Mrs. Richards does because I think it will help the students learn the weather a little bit better.

Students got the seasons pretty easily but struggled with weather a little bit more. I did a ton of hands on activities where they moved around the room or had cards or did partner games. Next year I want to incorporate the weather song that Mrs. Richards does because I think it will help the students learn the weather a little bit better.

Unit Description:

Students will learn all about Ancient Egypt in Spanish.

Unit Essential Students will learn basics about Ancient Egypt in Spanish and learn vocabulary. They will be Questions: able to read about Ancient Egypt in Spanish.

Unit Big Ideas: Ancient Egypt




Unit Materials: teacherMmade materials, Antigua Egypt book, worksheets, Cromebooks

Unit Assignments:

Unit Key

3 webquests

Pyramid project

Ancient gods flipbook


Pharaoh project

Terminology & fara6n, antiguo egipto, africa, dios, arena, pirfimide, construir, Definitions:

Unit Notes: Assessments:

- Vocab quiz

- God/ Pharaoh project/ presentation

- Pyramid project

- Webquests

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006)

SPA.1. 1 (Advanced) Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

SPA.2.1 (Advanced) Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures.

SPA.3.1 (Advanced) Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish.

SPA.4.1 (Advanced) Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

SPA.5.1 (Ad,vanced) Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school setting.

STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)

12.1.S1.B (Advanced) Speak and write common vocabulary, phrases and structures during activities with the teacher, classmates and family, (Interpersonal Skills)

• Greetings, farewells and courtesy expressions • Formal and informal forms of address • Numbers and dates • Daily life skills • Basic question words • Classroom commands

12.1.S2.B (Advanced) Speak and write expanded vocabulary phrases and structures in dialogs of short essays.

• Nationalities • Occupations • Age groups • Food and beverages • Sports and leisure • School • Anatomy

12.1.S2.D (Advanced) Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal information.

• New sentences using previously learned material • Original questions • Spontaneous responses to questions • FaceMtoM face conversations

12.1.53.C (Advanced) Comprehend spoken and written sentences and paragraphs using advanced vocabulary terms from textbooks, newspapers, student readers and magazines.

• Public figures • Historical figures • Major news events 12.1.53.D (Advanced) Develop and use simple, compound and complex sentence

and question structures to communicate and comprehend.

• Face-to-face initiated conversations • Simple survival tasks • A simple letter • Main ideas of culturally authentic materials • Compositions

12.1.53.E (Advanced) Discuss two paragraphs: one in English and one in the target language. Select words from different origins. Compare their use in English and in the target language.

• Comparative discussion with classmates • Comparative discussion with the teacher • Follow-up written paragraph in target language using selected words from different origins.

12.1.53.F (Advanced) Make a presentation or write a paragraph in the target language about another subject area explaining the connections.

• History • Art • Mathematics • Environment and Ecology 12.1.S4.A (Advanced) Listen to, model, interpret and discuss distinct regional

accents as heard in conversation by native speakers. 12.1.S4.B (Advanced) Speak and write enhanced vocabulary and idiomatic

expressions for complex oral and written communication.

• Social customs in the target language • Personal relationships • Current and past events • Poems, dramas and stories

12.1.54.C (Advanced) Comprehend complex spoken and written sentences and paragraphs using enhanced vocabulary terms from selected textbooks, student readers and short stories.

• Politics • Problem solving • Environment • Art and literature • History

12.1.S4.D (Advanced) Discuss how speakers and writers use various sentence structures to convey meanings.

• Sentences combined into paragraphs • Comparative expressions • Past and future events e Hypothetical statements • Complicated survival tasks • Main ideas and details of live and recorded discussions • Lectures and multimedia about current and past events • Spoken or written summaries

12.1.S4. E (Advanced) Select a specific historical event that occurred in the target language/culture and the English/American culture. Demonstrate comparisons and/or contrasts of how target language vocabulary is used in describing the bicultural event

• Dramatization • Essay or story • Poem or song • Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas)

12.1.54.F (Advanced) Demonstrate mastery of certain target language skills by connecting influences of target language in another subject area.

• Dramatization (e.g., Flamenco Dance) • Essay or story• Poem or song (e.g., classical artists) • Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas)

Topic: Los Dioses, Fara6nes, La Vida Diaria (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 680

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students will do research on the ancient Egyptian gods, pharaohs, and their daily life.

Students will learn basics about Ancient Egypt in Spanish and learn vocabulary.

Students will be able to read about Ancient Egypt in Spanish.

Students will use their vocabulary to learn about ancient Egypitan gods.

Students will use their vocabulary to learn about ancient Egypitan pharaohs. Students will use their vocabulary to learn about ancient Egypltan daily life. Students will be able to do research and a presentation about an ancient Egyptian god or pharaoh in Spanish.

Can you describe ancient Egyptian gods?

Can you describe ancient Egyptian pharaohs?

Can you describe ancient Egyptian daily life?

Can you make and label a map in Spanish?

Learn Spanish vocabulary about ancient Egypt.

worksheets, Cromebooks, teacher-made materials, art supplies

1. amuleto amulet

2. la arena sand

3. El Cairo, Egipto Cairo, Egypt

4. el camello camel

5. el cocodrilo crocodile

6. construir to build

7. el desierto desert

8. Dios god

9. embalsamado embalmed

10. esfinge Sphinx

11. faraon Pharoah

12. jeroglfficos Hieroglyphics

13. momia mummy

14. momificar to mummify

15. Osiris el dios de los muertos

16. piramide pyramid

17. Ra el dios solar que controlaba el cielo, la tierra, y el infierno

18. rey king

19. Rfo Nila Nile River

20. sarc6fago sarcophagus

21. el simbolo symbol

22. tumbas tombs

23. ubicaci6n location

I gave students three different web quests to complete on the topics. They were to go to different Spanish website and find the information that they need to fill it in. Students also completed a presentation with Google Slides on a pharaoh or god. Many students' grades dropped because they never completed or turned

in their web quests.

Topic: Las Piriimides (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 200

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students will learn about and build an egyptian pyramid.

Students will learn information about the Egyptian pyramids and turn it into a project completely in Spanish.

Can you write sentences about egyptian pyramids in Spanish?

Can you create and describe a pyramid in Spanish?

Students will learn to write:

- dimensions

- descriptions

- locations

- years

Posters, art supplies, worksheet w/ rubric, sugar cubes, Cromebooks

piramide, ubicaci6n, dimensiones, afios, Antigua Egipto

Students worked in pairs and created a poster on one egyptian pyramid. It was completely in Spanish. They were given prompts for sentences, but researched the information on their own.

Topic: Mumificaci6n (Intermediate) Minutes for Topic: 250

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Students will learn about the mummification process in Spanish.

Students will be able to observe and record observations/ changes in Spanish.

Can you record observations in Spanish?

Do you know the vocab in the mummification process in Spanish?


- observations

- steps

- recording data

Core Lesson Materials:

teacher made materials, worksheets, apples, cups, baking soda, table salt, epsom salt

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

mumificaci6n, manzana, paso, sal, el proceso, peso, obseivaciones

Core Lesson Notes:

Did not end up doing this chapter because they needed to work on more important topics such as grammar.

Unit: Espana Unit Description:

Students will learn all about Spain including school, family life, and food.

Unit Essential Can you read a school schedule in Spanish? Questions:

Do you understand how schools function in Spain?

Do you know typical foods seived in restaurants in Spain in Spanish?

Can you say what time classes are at?

Can you use tener and ser in a sentence?

Do you know question words?

Unit Big Ideas: Las escuelas, la vida familiar, la comida y las restaurantes, los horarios, tener, preguntas, ser

Unit Materials: teacher made materials, worksheets, Cromebooks, Quizlet

Unit Assignments:

School schedule project/ assignment

Family tree

Ordering food in a restaurant skit



Unit Key Terminology & tener, ser, las clases, la escuela, la comida, el restaurante, los horarios, miembros de familia Definitions:

Unit Notes: Assessment:

- Make a school schedule project

- Vocab quiz

- Ordering food oral quiz

- Family tree project

- Spain presentation

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages {2006) SPA.1.1 (Advanced) Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain

information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

SPA.1.2 (Advanced) Students understand and interpret written and spoken Spanish on a variety of topics.

SPA.2.1 (Advanced) Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures.

SPA.2.2 (Advanced) Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of Hispanic cultures,

SPA.3.1 (Advanced) Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish.

SPA.4.1 (Advanced) Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

SPA.4.2 (Advanced) Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons between Hispanic cultures and their own.

SPA.S.1 (Advanced) Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school setting.

STATE: Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards /2009-2013)

12.1.SZ.E /Advanced) Use an English dictionary to find the meanings and origins of target language words.

• Multi-syllable words • Target language sentences using origin words.

12.1.S3.A (Advanced) Soeak and model phrases and sentences with refined pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with accuracy and cultural understanding.

12.1.S3.B (Advanced) Soeak and write advanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions used by native speaking students of the target language.

• Medical terms • Money exchange • Purchases • Use of transportation and communications • Lodging arrangements

12.1.S3.E (Advanced) Discuss two paragraphs: one in English and one in the target language. Select words from different origins, Compare their use in English and in the target language.

• Comparative discussion with classmates • Comparative discussion with the teacher • Follow-up written paragraph in target language using selected words from different origins.

12.1.54.B (Advanced) Speak and write enhanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions for complex oral and written communication.

• Social customs in the target language • Personal relationships • Current and past events • Poems, dramas and stories

12.1.S4.E (Advanced) Select a specific historical event that occurred in the target language/culture and the English/American culture. Demonstrate comparisons and/or contrasts of how target language vocabulary is used in describing the bicultural event

• Dramatization • Essay or story • Poem or song • Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas)

Topic: Las Escuelas de Espana (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson

Students will learn about school in Spanish and other spanish speaking countries

Student Learning Students will know about hispanic schools in Spanish. Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Can you tell someone about schools in Spain in Spanish?

Cultural information and vocabulary for school in Spain.

Teacher made materials, SOMOS, Cromebooks

Ingles- English



Educaci6n ffsica-gym








Students did well with classes and writing a schedule.

Topic: La Vida Familiar (Intermediate) Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Students will learn about family life in Spanish speaking countries.

Students will know cultural information and vocabulary about family life in Spanish speaking countries.

Do you know vocabulary for family life in Spanish?

Family members

Cultural information about families

teacher made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlet, worksheets, project materials

padre: father madre: mother hijo: son

Core Lesson Notes:

hija: daughter esposo: husband esposa: wife padres: parents hermano: brother hermana: sister primo: cousin abuelo: grandpa abuela: grandma

Students did well with family members, but I need to practice the vocabulary more. Some students just didn't study and did poorly on on their quiz, but other did perfectly fine. They liked making their family tree.

Topic: Los Restaurantes (Intermediate) Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology &. Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Students will learn about typical food in Spain.

Students will learn food and restaurant vocabulary in Spanish. Students will learn cultural information about food and restaurants in Spain.

Do you know food vocabulary in Spanish?

Do you know cultural information about food and restaurants in Spanish?

Can you order food in Spanish?

Food vocabulary and cultural information

teacher made materials, Cromebooks, Quizlets, worksheets

lAlgo mils? Anything else?

2. almuerzo

3. camarero 4. cena

5. LCu3nto cuesta ... ?

6. la cuenta por favor

7. Cuesta ....

8. desayuno

9. Me gustarfa ...

10. Nada mas, gracias

11. postre

12. la proplna

13. LQue desea?

14. (Que quiere beber?

15. LQue quiere comer?

16. LQue recomienda?




How much does it cost?

The check, please.

it costs ...


I would like ...

Nothing else, thanks.



What would you like7

What do you want to drink?

What do you want to eat?

What do you recommend?

They did really well this chapter! We practiced reading and writing different conversations you would have with a waiter at the restaurant. They also had to act out a skit in front of the class.

Topic: Los Horarios (Intermediate)

Core Lesson Students will learn how to read a school schedule and say what time classes are at. Description:

Core Lesson Students will be able to say what time classes are at on a class schedule. Student Learning Objectives: Students will be able to read a school schedule in Spanish.

Core Lesson Can you read a school schedule in Spanish? Essential Questions: Can you say what time classes are at by looking at a schedule?

Core Lesson Big Telling time Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Topic: Tener (Intermediate) Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Core Lesson Notes:

Reading and interpreting a schedule

Teacher made materials, SOMOS, Quizlet, Cromebook, Worksheets

horario, las clases, la escuela

Students did well writing schedules in class.

Students will learn how to use tener in a sentence.

Students will know how to use tener in a sentence.

Can you use tener correctly in a sentence?

Using tener in a sentence.

Understanding tener

teacher made materials, SOMOS, Cromebooks, worksheets, Quizlet

Tener- to have

First time conjugating went well once they memorized it!

Topic: Las preguntas (Intermediate) Core Lesson Description:

Students will learn question phrases

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology &. Definitions:

Topic: Ser (Intermediate) Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology &. Definitions:

Students will know question words in Spanish.

Students will be able to use question words to form a question.

Can you use question words in Spanish to form a question?

Do you know question words in Spanish?

Knowing question words in Spanish

teacher made materials, Quizlet, SOMOS, Cromebooks

• lCuando? / lCuando terminas? - When? / When do you finish? • lD6nde? / lD6nde esta el bafio? - Where?/ Where is the bathroom? • lAd6nde? / lAd6nde vamos? - Where to? / Where are we going? • lDe d6nde? / lDe d6nde eres tll? - From where?/ Where are you from? • lCuantos / cuantas? / lCuantos son? - How many?/ How many are they? • lQue? / lQue te gusta tomar? - What?/ What do you like to drink? • lPor que? / lPor que preguntas? - Why?/ Why do you ask? • lC6mo? / lC6mo estas? - How?/ How are you? • lCual? / lCua1 es mfo? - Which?/ Which is mine? • lCuales? / lCuales son tuyos? - Which ones? / Which ones are yours?

Students will learn how to use the verb ser in a sentence.

Students will be able to use the verb ser in a sentence correctly.

Do you know what ser means?

Can you use ser in a sentence?

Using ser in a sentence.

teacher made materials, SOMOS, Cromebooks, worksheets

Ser- to be

Topic: Descriptive Adj. of People (Intermediate) Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson

Students will learn how to describe different people using adjectives in Spanish.

Students will be able to describe people using ser/tener and a descriptive adjective.

Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Can you describe people in Spanish correctly?

Describing People

Cromebooks, Quizlet, Worksheets, Teacher-made materials

Ser- to be

Tener-to have

1. alto tall

2. antipatico mean

3. artistico artistic

4. atletico athletic

5. bajo short

6. debil weak

7. delgado thin

8. desorganizado disorganized

9. estudioso studious

10. feo ugly

11. flaca skinny

12. fuerte strong

13. gordo fat

14. gracioso/c6mico funny

15. guapo good-looking, handsome

16. honesto honest

17. impaciente impatient

18. inteligente intelligent

19. joven young

20. lindo pretty

21. listo clever

22. moreno dark hair and skin

23. ojos avellanos hazel eyes

24. ojos azules blue eyes

25. ojos marrones brown eyes

26. ojos verdes green eyes

27. organizado organized

28. paciente patient

29. pelo castafio brown hair

30. pelo gris gray hair

31. pelo negro black hair

32. pe!o rojo red hair

33. pelo rubio blond hair

34. peludo hairy

35. perezoso lazy

36. reservado reserved

37. simpatico nice

38. sociable sociable

39. talentoso talented

40. tfmido shy








hard worker


Core Lesson Notes:

This took longer than expected to teach. Some students understood the grammar right away, but others needed more help. Next year, I will focus more on the grammar and try to add in more activities.

Unit: Un Caso Grave de Rayas Unit Description:

Students will read the book and learn about related subjects.

Unit Essential Can you write sentences using the preterite? Questions:

Can you say how you are feeling using emotions?

Can you use doler, tener, and pienso que in a sentence?

Do you know the parts of the body in Spanish?

Do you know medical/sickness vocabulary in Spanish?

Unit Big Ideas: El preterite, las emociones, las opiniones, doler, pienso que, tener, sentirse, las partes de cuerpo, las enfermedades

Unit Materials: teacher made materials, Cromebooks, worksheets, art supplies, book

Unit Assignments:



Body parts project

Enfermedades project

Feelings/ emotions project

~=:~~:!logy & las enfermedades, las sentimientos, las emociones, tener, sentirse, doler, pensar, los partes del

Definitions: cuerpo

Unit Notes: Assessments:

- Vocab quiz

- Book compression quiz

- Labeling body parts quiz

- Presentation

STANDARDS: STANDARDS NATIONAL: ACTFL - American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (2006) SPA. 1. 1 (Advanc_g_d_) Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain

information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

SPA.1.2 (Advanced) Students understand and interpret written and spoken

Spanish on a variety of topics. SPA.2.1 (Advanced) Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship

between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures. SPA.3.1 (Advanced) Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other

disciplines through Spanish.

SPA.4.1 (Advanced) Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between Spanish and English.

STATE· Pennsylvania SAS Academic Standards (2009-2013)

12.1.51.C (Advanced) Comprehend simple spoken conversations and written sentences in dialogs and short paragraphs.

• Time expressions • Weather expressions • Colors • Likes and dislikes

12.1.S2.A (Advanced) Soeak and model phrases and sentences with accepted pronunciation, rhythm and intonation with survival level proficiency.

12.1.52.B [Advanced) Speak and write expanded vocabulary phrases and structures in dialogs of short essays.

• Nationalities • Occupations • Age groups • Food and beverages • Sports and leisure • School • Anatomy

12.1.S2.D [Advanced) Use simple sentence and question structures to communicate about daily activities, social amenities and personal Information.

• New sentences using previously learned material • Original questions • Spontaneous responses to questions • Face-to­face conversations

12.1.S2.F (Advanced) Model and represent the cross-curriculum connections in other subject areas for classmates and language teacher through the target language.

• Dialogs • Cartoon drawings • Small paragraphs 12.1.S3.B (Advanced) Speak and write advanced vocabulary and idiomatic

expressions used by native speaking students of the target language.

• Medical terms • Money exchange • Purchases • Use of transportation and communications • Lodging arrangements

12.1.53.C (Advanced) Comprehend spoken and written sentences and paragraphs using advanced vocabulary terms from textbooks, newspapers, student readers and magazines.

• Public figures • Historical figures • Major news events 12.1.53.E [Advanced) Discuss two paragraphs: one in English and one in the

target language. Select words from different origins. Compare their use in English and in the target language.

• Comparative discussion with classmates • Comparative discussion with the teacher • Follow-up written paragraph in target language using selected words from different origins.

12.1.S3.F (Advanced) Make a presentation or write a paragraph in the target language about another subject area explaining the connections.

• History • Art • Mathematics • Environment and Ecology 12.1.S4.A (Advanced) Listen to, model, interpret and discuss distinct regional

accents as heard in conversation by native speakers. 12.1.54.B [.Advanced) Speak and write enhanced vocabulary and idiomatic

expressions for complex oral and written communication.

• Social customs in the target language • Personal relationships • Current and past events • Poems, dramas

and stories 12.1.S4.C (Advanced) Comprehend complex spoken and written sentences and

paragraphs using enhanced vocabulary terms from selected textbooks, student readers and short stories.

• Politics • Problem solving • Environment • Art and literature • History

12.1.S4.D (Advanced) Discuss how speakers and writers use various sentence structures to convey meanings.

• Sentences combined into paragraphs • Comparative expressions • Past and future events • Hypothetical statements • Complicated survival tasks • Main ideas and details of live and recorded discussions • Lectures and multimedia about current and past events • Spoken or written summaries

12.1.S4.F (Advanced) Demonstrate mastery of certain target language skills by connecting influences of target language in another subject area.

• Dramatization (e.g., Flamenco Dance) • Essay or story• Poem or song (e.g., classical artists) • Projects (e.g., arts, crafts, videos, dioramas)

Topic: El Preterito (Intermediate) Core Lesson Description:

Core Lesson Student Learning Objectives:

Core Lesson Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Students will learn about the preterite tense and how to use it.

Students will understand what the preterite tense is.

Students will be able to use the preterite tense in Spanish.

Can you use the preterite correctly in Spanish?

Using the preterite in Spanish

teacher made materials, worksheets, Cromebooks, Quizlet

El preterito

Topic: Las emociones (Intermediate) Core Lesson Description:

Students will learn emotion words in Spanish.

Core Lesson Students will know emotions in Spanish. Student Learning Objectives: Students will know how to say emotions in Spanish in a sentence.

Core Lesson

Essential Questions:

Core Lesson Big Ideas:

Core Lesson Materials:

Core Lesson Key Terminology & Definitions:

Can you use the emotions in a sentence in Spanish?

Emotion vocabulary

:teacher made materia_ls,_worksheets, ·cromebooks, Qulzlet

I ~liz or Contento-(,r;)/ Contenta (f)

1-As~stado (m)/ Asustada (f~--­

Preocupado (m) /Preocupada (f)

Avergonzado (m) / Avergonzada (f)

Molesto (m) /Molesta (f)

Deprimido (m) /Deprimida (f)

Confundido (m)/Confundida (f)

Sorprendido (m) /Sorprendida (f)

--I Happy

- - i__



Embarrassed f---- - - - ---­Angry


I Depressed i Confused


Penasa (m)/ Penasa (f) or Timido (m)/Timida (f) Shy


Cansado (m) /Cansada (f)

I ~mocionado (m) /Emocionada (f)

Nervioso (m) /Nerviosa (f)

Ansioso (m)/Ansiosa (f)

, Enamorado (m) /Enamorada (f)

'Amargado (m) /Amargada (f)

Malhumorado (m) /Malhumorada (f)

Desesperado (m) /Desesperada (f)

Fascinado (m) / Fascinada (f)

· Apasionado (m) /Apasionada (f)

Exhausto (m) /Exhausta (f)






In love


Moody/ Bad-tempered

i Desperate

i Fascinated

' Passionate


Topic: Los Opiniones (Intermediate)