turku today, project memory

TURKUTODAY.INFO NETZOOM Francesco Gui Teri Šírová Emm a Vappula Roger Melcior

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Francesco Gui Teri Šírová

Emma Vappula Roger Melcior



©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    2  




1. Presentation  

2. The  target  

3. The  channel    

3.1. Similar  products  and  references  

4. Financial    

4.1. Proposal  budget  

4.2. SWOT-­‐analysis  

5. About  the  products  

5.1. Product  principles:  from  the  mass  media  to  social  media  

5.2. Needings  of  the  target  

6. Tools  

6.1. Internal  use    

6.2. External  use  

7. Conclusions  

















©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    3  




1. Presentation  


During   the   course   in   The   Social   Web   have   we   worked   in   groups   to   make   a  

strategy  for  a  company  to  improve  their  using  of  social  media.    


When  we  first  began  our  assignment  thought  we  that  we  would  like  to  create  a  

new   product   for   Turun   Sanomat   newspaper.   Turun   Sanomat   is   the   third   largest  

seven-­‐day  newspaper  in  Finland.  After  we  had  contacted  them  and  they  didn’t  show  

interest  so  decided  we  do  an  own  English  digital  newspaper.  Our  newspaper,  Turku  

Today  concentrates  on  news  from  the  Turku  region  but  also  news  from  other  Finland  

and  the  world.  The  newspaper  concentrates  most  on  exchange  students,  researchers  

and  international  teachers  in  Finland  and  of  course  everyone  who  has  interests.  We  

noticed   that   international   exchange   students   don’t   get   news   from  Turku   region   in  

English,  and  just  a  few  understand  Finnish  or  Swedish.  We  thought  it  could  be  a  good  

market  strategy  to  publish  Turku  today  because  Turku  has  every  year  approximately  

thousand  students  who  comes  from  other  countries.  We  wanted  to  create  a  digital  

webpage   where   you   can   share   information   of   Finland,   news,   happenings,   blogs,  

weather   and   events   etc.   Where   do   exchange   students   get   their   information   of  

Finland  before   they   come  here?  They  need   to   find   information  on   the   Internet,   in  

many  different  web  pages.  Why  not  put  all  information  on  one  webpage?  


We  would  like  to  co-­‐operate  with  Universities  in  Turku  if  they  would  have  some  

interest   to   add   our   webpage   to   their   webpage   and   that   way   could   students   find  

information   about   our   little   country.   Every   exchange   student   need   to   visit  

universities   homepage,   it   would   be   good   if   our   webpage   link   would   be   on  

Universities  homepages,  that  way  could  we  even  reach  Finnish  speaking  readers.  We  

think  that  even  students  who  study   journalism  could  take  a  course  form  University  

where  they  could  practice  journalism  and  write  for  example  articles  to  Turku  Today.  

That  would  be  even  good  for  us  because  the  cost  would  be  low.  


©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    4  


We  need  to  be  in  the  right  place,  in  the  right  time  to  right  people;  it  means  that  

we  need  to  be  in  the  social  media.  We  are  going  to  market  our  project  in  2.0  tools;  

it’s   the   place  where   everybody   is   today.  With   2.0   tools   do  we  mean   for   example  

Facebook  and  Twitter.  Social  media   is  a  very  good  and   important  marketing  way   in  

today’s  business.  We  think  that   it’s   the   fastest  and  most  effect  way  to  get  peoples  

attention  and  the  information  spreads  really  fast.  By  using  social  media  can  we  also  

spread  our  webpage  to  other  countries  and  that  way  could  even  more  people  learn  

about   Finland.  We   need   to   be   careful   that   we   use   the   social   media   in   right   way.  

Many  companies  are  in  the  social  media  but  they  don’t  know  how  to  use  it.    

There   are   differences   between   social  media   and  mass  media.   Social  media   is   very  

inexpensive  and  almost  everyone  can  use  it.  The  information  spreads  very  fast.  Mass  

media,  like  newspapers  are  often  written  by  professionals  and  the  costs  are  higher.  

Some  people  might  think  that  you  can  trust  more  on  mass  media  because  you  often  

know   who   writes   for   example   articles.   As   we   earlier   told   so   anyone   can   spread  

information   in   social  media   and   the   information  might  be  wrong   sometimes.   Both  

social  media   and  mass  media   can   reach  a   large   or   small   audience   by   for   example  

blogs  or  Television.    
















©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    5  


2.  The  Target  


  An  essential  step,  when  a  company  wants  to  launch  a  new  product  or  service  

over  the  market,   is  to  analyze  that  market.  One  of  the  first   issues   is  to   identify  the  

possible   consumers,   targeting   a   segment   of   people   and   analyzing   their   needing   in  

order  to  find  the  best  possible  solution  for  them.  This   is   important   in  particular  for  

online  products  and  services  because  there  is  an  overload  of  offers  on  the  web  and  it  

is   a   very   large   and   competitive   market.   There   are   no   switching   costs   for   the  

consumer,  they  can  move  from  one  product  to  another  just  through  one  click,  they  

also  can  get  a  big  amount  of   information  eliminating  asymmetries,   therefore  many  

scholars  describe  the  web-­‐market  in  term  of  perfect  competition.  For  this  reason  in  

the  design  phase  of  our  project  we  tried  to  analyze  our  future  market  and  focus  our  

strategy  on  a  very  specific  segment  of  users.  


  Turku   Today   is   a   very   tailored   product,   the   target   of   our   product   are  

international  exchange   students.  As  we  will   show,   this   is  not  a  very   large  group  of  

users,  at  least  in  comparison  with  other  Internet   information  services,  but  we  think  

that  this  is  the  best  target  for  our  product.  A  more  general  type  of  online  newspaper  

could   potentially   serve   the   needing   of   a   larger   number   of   people   but   it  would   be  

more   difficult   to   reach   them   and   realize   a   suitable   product,   in   that   case   our  

newspaper   would   also   be   in   competition   with   a   lot   of   other   bigger   sources   of  

information.   We   decided   to   realize   a   service   focused   on   the   needings   of  

international  exchange  students  also  because  we  have  a  large  knowledge  about  this  

target,  as  three  members  of  our  team  are  exchange  students.  


©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    6  


  As   you   can   see   in   the   picture   above   exchange   students   are   the   primary  

target,  they  will  be  the  biggest  part  of  user  of  our  website,  the  more  loyal,  the  ones  

who  will  participate  more  and  who  will  be  the  first  to  use  the  website   in  the  initial  

period.   The   contents   and   the   tools   that   we   will   provide   will   be   based   on   their  

needing   but   not   exclusively   for   them.   International   teachers,   researchers,  

doctorates,  postgraduate  or  other  kinds  of  international  students  that  are  not  part  of  

an  exchange  program  can  benefit  from  the  service  too,  indeed  they  do  not  differs  so  

much  from  exchange  student,  we  can  say  that  exchange  student  are  just  a  sub-­‐group  

of  this  large  segment.  The  third  group  of  people  is  the  most  general  and  is  composed  

by  students  of  every  kind  or  people  that  want  to  read  English  news  or  are  interested  

in  our  services  even  if  they  are  not  specifically  designed  for  them.  


  The  following  table  shows  the  amount  of  foreign  students  in  Turku  University  

in  the  last  years.  The  biggest  parts  of  them  are  exchange  student  (409  in  2008)  and  

209  of   them  are   from   the  Erasmus  program.  We  also  must   take   into  consideration  

that  these  data  are  about  the  entire  student  registered  during  the  calendar  year  but  

the  majority  of  them  study  in  Turku  for  less  than  12  months.  Therefore  they  will  not  

use  the  service  all  at  the  same  time.  


©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    7  


  As  we  can  see  the  number  of  exchange  students  is  increasing1,  as  these  data  

are   from   2008   we   could   expect   a   bigger   number   in   2010   and   2011.   Furthermore  

Turku  University  is  the  bigger  University  of  the  city  but  not  the  only  one,  there  is  also  

Abo   Akademy  whose   exchange   student   are  more   or   less   one   third   (181   exchange  

student  and  788   foreign  students   in  2009)  and  Turku  University  of  Applied  Science  

that   is   quite   small   (at   the   moment   350   foreign   degree   students).   An   average  

estimate  of  exchange  student  during  2010  should  be  between  750  and  850.  Statistics  

by   TYS   housing   office   are   recently   updated   and   they   report   that   in   year   foreign  

students  took  2010  about  1000  of  their  7,300  residential  places.  Concluding  we  can  

say  that  there  is  a  sufficient  number  of  potential  users,  even  if  it  is  not  very  big  this  

should  be  a  very  good  target  for  the  reasons  that  we  explained  before.  












                                                                                                               1  Source:  TUAS,  UTU  and  Abo  Akademy  International  Office.  


©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    8  



3.  The  Channel  


Every   residential   place   of   TYS   has   got   an   Internet   connection;   Internet   is  

usually  available  in  other  student  flats  and  in  several  computer  room  inside  libraries  

and  universities.  We  presume  that  every  student  has  got  easy  access  to  the  web,  in  

fact   internet   is   definitely   the  main   channel   of   communication   and   information   for  

exchange   students.   They   operate   a   very   large   number   of   activities   online,   for  

example   they   can   take   Internet  based   courses  or  manage   their   exams,   course  and  

study  career  through   instruments   like  Moodle  or  Minplan.   Internet   is  also  used  for  

applying  for  a  TYS  flat,  sign  in  for  trips  or  activities  and  booking  sauna  facilities  and  a  

large  number  of  different  tasks.    


  Internet   most   important   function   for   exchange   student   is   for   sure  

communication,   through  e-­‐mail,   communities  and  social  networks.  Facebook   is   the  

virtual  place  where  their  spend  the  biggest  part  of   their  navigation  time.  Facebook  

features  suite  very  well   to  student’s  needings,   it   is  almost  mandatory  for  exchange  

student   to  be  part   of   the  network   in  order   to   communicate   through  message   and  

chat  and  be  updated  about  current  events.  

ESN   associations   Facebook   accounts   and   fun   pages   could   give   an   idea   of   the  


●  Pancho  Abo  Akademy  (Abo  Akademy  mascot)  1,200  friends,  

●  ESN  Turku  –  Abo  (Uni  turku,  IAC  and  Abo  together)  990  members,  

●  ESN  Uni  Turku  940  members,  

●  ESN  Abo  Akademy  842  members,  

●  ESN  IAC  340  members  


  ESN   does   not   represent   all   the   exchange   students   but   their   websites  

(www.iac.tuas.fi,   www.esnuniturku.fi,   www.esnabo.eu)   are   a   point   of   references  

also  for  who  is  not  on  Erasmus.  They  also  provide  a  weekly  newsletter  that  contains  


©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    9  

a  lot  of  information  about  incoming  events  and  other  news  that  are  usually  given  by  



3.1.  Similar  products  and  references  

  We  tried  to  scan  the  market  in  order  to  see  if  there  is  similar  product  in  Turku  

or  in  other  cities  that  could  be  direct  competitors.  The  following  online  newspapers  

share  some  features  with  our  product:  

• http://www.abounderrattelser.fi   is  the  most   important  online  newspaper  about  

Turku  (in  Swedish  language)  

• http://www.unikankare.net  is  a  cultural  blog  about  the  city  written  in  Finnish  

• http://www.wikicompass.fi/turku   a   wiki-­‐content   based   website   with   useful  

information   for   students,   provided   in   English   language   by   the   University   of  

Applied  Science  of  Turku  

• http://www.ovimagazine.com   is   an   English   online   newspapers   but   its   target   is  

not  Turku  but  the  whole  Finland  

• http://www.sixdegrees.fi/6d/  a   printed   newspaper   in   English   about   Finland   for  

young  people.  

Also  we  find  out  some  experiences  that  could  be  useful  to  get   ideas  for  our  


• http://www.universando.eu   is  an   Italian   information  website  made  by  students  

for  students  

• http://btvnoticies.wordpress.com   blog   where   the   Barcelona   TV   public  

broadcasting   share   the   experiences   about   Internet   2.0   in   the   media   with   the  


• http://www.catalannewsagency.com/   official   web   of   the   public   Catalan   News  

Agency   in   English   with   news   about   the   topics   for   the   international  

communication  media  about  Catalonia.  Usage  of  the  social  tools.    


As  you  can  see  we  didn't  find  any  product  of  the  same  typology  of  Turku  Today,  

these  websites  share  some  characteristics  and  can  give  us  some  hints,  for  example  

we  noticed  that  they  are  daily  updated,  but  they  will  not  be  in  competition  with  our  

product  that  will  be  unique  in  its  kind.  


©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    10  


4.  Financial  statements  


As  part  of   the  market   analysis  we  also   tried   to  make   some  prevision  about  

the  economic  aspect  of  the  product.  The  initial  idea  of  being  a  new  product  of  Turku  

Sanomat  was  rejected  so  we  can  not  get  resources  from  this  big  newspaper.  In  any  

case  we  think  that  Turku  Today  project  will  have  zero-­‐cost.  In  fact,  following  the  web  

2.0  paradigm,  it  will  be  based  on  voluntary  work  and  free  sharing  of  information  by  

users,  we  will  also  employ  open  source  software  and  social  tools  that  can  be  found  

on   the   Internet   for   free.  A  good  opportunity   should  be   to  make   some  agreements  

with  university  and  other  international  infrastructures  in  order  to  obtain  some  help,  

for  example  articles  from  journalism  students.  


  We  will  finally  want  to  answer  to  a  typical  question:  Where  is  the  profit  in  this  

project?  Profit  is  in  fact  the  final  objective  of  almost  every  company  and  a  key-­‐point  

in  developing  a  web  strategy.  In  our  case  there  is  actually  no  profit,  some  revenues  

can  come  from  the  advertisements  (Google  Ads)  but  they  will  be  a  small  amount  and  

can  for  example  repay  the  cost  of  the  web  domain.  But  as  we  are  a  group  of  student  

and   not   a   company   our   goal   is   to   get   participation   instead   of   profit;   an   active  

community  that  use  and  sustain  the  online  newspaper  should  be  the  best  return  and  

should  benefit  the  whole  student  life  in  Turku.  


4.1.  Proposal  budget  

Nowadays,   as   you   can   see   in   the  previous  point,   our  project  has  non-­‐profit  

because  we  are  amateur  students  and  we  are  not  interested  to  get  profit.  In  the  case  

that  our  online  newspaper  would  achieve  a  big  success  and  somebody  would  like  to  

get  an  economic  viability  here  we  present  a  potential  budget.  As  we  see,  the  website  

is  potentially  self-­‐sustaining  with  this  proposal  budget  you  can  get  more  incomes  in  

the  order  to  empower  the  project  and  make  it  more  professional.    





©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    11  

Expenses   Incomes  

Domain  (per  year)   15  euros   Advertisements  (yearly)  +  

G  Ads  

3000  euros  

Hosting  (per  year)   30  euros   Sponsor  company  


1200  euros  

Rewards  for  the  regular  

staff  (per  year)  


2000  euros      

Technical  web  support  

and  graphic  design  (per  


500  euros      

Legal  support  (per  year)   300  euros      

Promotion  (per  year)   1000  euros      

Others  (per  year)   355  euros      

TOTAL  EXPENSES   4200  euros   TOTAL   4200  


About  expenses  

Domain:   keeping   the   propriety   of   the   domain   www.turkutoday.info   and  


Hosting:  keeping  in  a  server  the  files,  the  web  information,  pictures.  

Rewards  for  the  regular  staff:  small  salary  reward  for  the  people  who  works  

for   the   project   regularly   (keeping   and   upload   a   section   or   service,   writing  

almost  two  news  for  week,  getting  advertisements  or  specific  projects).    

Technical   support   and   graphic   design:   external   support   for   the   webpage,  

HTML   code,  development   application  and   corporative   image.  A   friend  price  

from  the  company  because  we  will  put  an  advertisement  in  the  website.  

Legal   support:   about   the   treatment   of   the   images,   the   law   of   personal  

information  data  copyrights…  

Promotion:   advertisement   in   some   events   in   Turku   during   the   year   (such  

student  parties,  half  marathon  or  Facebook  pages  about  Turku).  



©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    12  

About  incomes  

Advertisements:   we   will   offer   to   Turku   business   and   companies   the  

possibility   to  advertise   in  our  web  and  newsletter.  The  quantification  of   the  

cost  of  the  advertisements  will  be  per  display.  The  goal  for  the  first  year  is  to  

get  at  least  30  companies  that  pay  300  euros  for  3  months  campaign  (100  per  


Sponsor:  is  a  kind  of  special  advertisement  for  companies  that  want  to  show  

their  support  to  the  project  and  have  exchange  students  in  Turku  as  a  target.  

The  advertisements  from  the  sponsor  company  will  be  in  a  premium  place  of  

the   layout.   In   the  Turku  Today  marketing  campaigns  will  be   the   icon  of   the  

sponsor  company.  The  contract  will  be  at  least  for  one  year.  


4.2.  SWOT-­‐analysis  


We  decided  to  do  a  SWOT-­‐analysis  for  our  project.  SWOT-­‐analysis  is  the  way  

to  evaluate  our  projects  strengths,  weaknesses,  opportunities  and  threats.  We  think  

that  our  projects  strengths  are  that  we  don’t  have  any  competitors  in  Turku  region  in  

English,  we  use  social  media,  which  is  very  cheap  to  use,  and  almost  everybody  can  

use   it.   Our  weaknesses   are   that  we   are   going   to  have   students   that  work   on   our  

project  so   their  knowledge   is  not   that  high  and  as  we  use   students   so  we  need   to  

think   that  do   they   really  have   time   to  work  on   this  project.  Opportunities  are   that  

other  Universities  in  Finland  would  be  interested  in  our  product;  they  maybe  want  to  

create   an   own   webpage   to   their   hometown.   Our   opportunities   are   also   that  

companies  find  our  product  interesting  and  they  want  to  market  on  our  webpage  or  

they  want  to  co-­‐operate  with  us.  Threats  are  that  we  work  in  Internet.  Internet  is  a  

very  risk  place,  many  knows  how  to  us  it,  there  could  be  wrong  information.  Threats  

are  also  that  we  get  competitors  and  maybe  we  don’t  get  enough  readers.  

Strengths-­‐  no  competitors,  social  media,  cheap  

Weaknesses-­‐  students  work,  time  

Opportunities-­‐co-­‐operation  with  companies  and  universities    

Threats-­‐  competitors,  Internet,  enough  readers  



©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    13  

5.  About  the  product  


5.1.  Product  principles:  from  the  mass  media  to  social  media  

Turku  Today  wants  to  integrate  applications  and  medias  on-­‐line  in  the  order  

to  make  easier  the  interaction,  collaboration  and  sharing  content.  

New  tips  for  a  non-­‐organized  environment    

1. Democratization:  establish  news  supports  to  emitting  messages  and  catching  

and  communicating  with  the  target  audience.  

2. Audience  fragmentation:  the  public  is  the  same  but  have  more  interaction  

challenges,  more  media.  More  calls  to  their  attention.  

3. Focus  in  the  conversation:  the  main  point  is  the  interaction  between  the  

people  to  create  new  content.  

4. Micro-­‐actions  requirement:  we  need  to  focus  our  campaigns  and  send  the  

message  to  smaller  groups  in  the  order  to  get  replies.  

5. Building  presence:    our  brand  must  “stay”  in  the  net  building  presence  and  

generating  reputation.  

The  new  media  should  listen  the  people  by  speaking.  


5.2.  Needings  of  the  target  

The  new  product,  of  course,  must  have  new  content  that  would  be  attractive  

for  the  recipients  –  young  people  speaking  and  reading  in  English,  especially  

exchange  students  of  Turku  universities.  But  of  course,  it  might  be  attractive  also  for  

everyone  who  is  interested  about  news  and  interesting  things  about  Turku  life  and  

wants  to  practice  his/her  English.  


The  goal  is,  to  convince  students  to  participate  on  creating  of  the  news  and  

other  content.  Concerning  content,  we  suppose  that  students  know  what  kind  of  

information  they  need.    


But  here  is  a  short  list  of  possible  new  products,  which  may  be  most  important  and  

most  useful:    


©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    14  

Local  news  in  English  -­‐  especially  important  are  those  who  have  an  importance  for  

exchange  students  -­‐  changes  in  prize  of  tickets,  snow  calamity,  airlines  strike,  

increasing  alcohol  taxes  etc.  All  kinds  of  news  should  be  produced  -­‐  not  only  articles  

but  also  some  photo  galleries,  sounds,  videos.  

As  was  already  said,  students  should  participate.  It  would  be  good  if  cooperation  

with  Turku  universities  might  be  touched.  Then  students  might  choose  a  course  

called  like  “Creating  On-­‐line  News”  and  get  some  credits  for  their  work.  This  would  

be  also  good  for  advertising  because  young  journalists  are  often  proud  about  their  

products  and  they  share  their  articles  or  pictures  on  social  networks.  


Events  calendar  -­‐  including  culture,  sports,  fun,  parties,  trips  etc.  Students  who  will  

attend  those  events  will  take  some  pictures  and  write  a  report  about  the  event,  

which  will  be  published  on  the  website.    


Interactive  map  -­‐  exchange  students  who  come  to  the  town  don’t  know  Turku  and  

its  neighborhood.  They  don’t  know  where  are  good  and  cheap  pubs,  where  is  a  good  

place  to  be  visited  and  seen,  where  is  good  to  go  shopping  or  where  to  

accommodate  your  friends  who  come  and  visit  you.  All  these  useful  or  important  

places  will  be  added  into  the  map,  people  can  also  add  new  places  and  write  why  

they  are  important.  


Blogs  network-­‐  students  can  share  their  experience  and  help  to  students  who  would  

come  next.  It  is  always  good  to  know  a  real  experience  about  living,  food,  transport,  

weather,  Finnish  way  of  life  or  anything.    


“Buy  or  sell”  -­‐  advertisements  or  online  action,  for  students  who  will  come  to  Turku  

or  go  home.  While  staying  here,  a  normal  student  gets  a  lot  of  stuff  that  they  can’t  

take  back  home  (like  bikes,  carpets,  kitchen  tools  etc.).  So  he  can  place  here  an  

advert  and  surely will  find anyone  who  will come  and  would  like  to  have  these  

things,  cheaper than  in  the  normal  shop.    


©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    15  


“Sharing  experiences”:  It  would  be  very  useful  if  the  exchange  students  can  get  the  

link  to  Turku  Today  website,  before  they  will  come  –  to  read  the  experience  etc.  

Here  is  very  important  the  cooperation  with  the  universities.  When  a  student  will  be  

accepted  as  a  exchange  student,  university  should  send  him/her  the  link.  It  also  may  

be  placed  on  the  website  of  the  university.  


All  the  products  should  be  published  via  separated  RSS  channel,  to  make  

possible  to  choose  which  kind  of  information  would  like  to  get.  

























©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    16  


6.  Tools  


6.1.  Internal  tools  

Newspaper  and  the  people  who  make  them  usually  have  their  own  ways  of  

work,  some  of  them  use  social  web  tools,  some  of  them  not.  But  they  might  be  really  

very  useful,  especially  in  case  that  all  the  journalists  don't  work  in  one  place  (which  

would  be  true  if  some  exchange  students  will  participate  on  making  news).  


Documents   sharing   and   co-­‐creating   (Google   Documents,   Prezi,   TitanPad,  

SlideShare)   -­‐  makes  work   easier   when   one   article   has  more   authors   or   when   the  

article  needs  to  be  read  by  an  editor  before  it  will  be  published.  


Chats   and   videoconferences   messages   (Skype,   GTalk,   Gmail)   –   make   easier  

cooperation,  distribution  of  work  and  so  on.    


Shared  calendar  (Google  Calendar,  Doodle)  -­‐  use  for  reminding  of  deadlines,  events,  

press  conferences  etc,  because  people  who  work  in  media  usually  are  overloaded  by  

information  and  forget  a  lot  of  things.  Doodle  to  find  a  time  for  meetings  that  fits  to  



Sharing  of   documents,   sounds,   pictures,   videos   (DropBox,  Drop.io)   -­‐  Turku   Today  

wouldn’t  need  their  own  publishing  system  for  sharing  and  storaging  these  things.  It  

is   also   possible   to   share   them   on   other   social   networks,   not   only   on   the   Turun  

Sanomat  website.  It  also  makes  easier  the  cooperation  because  people  don’t  have  to  

send  data  by  e-­‐mail  etc.  


Checking   on-­‐line   reputation   (Google   Alerts,   Google   Analytics,   TweetVolume,  

BlogPulse  and  Topsy)  -­‐  to  check  the  reputation  and  the  feedback  about  the  brand  in  

the  Net.  The  next  step  should  be  to  optimize  keywords  and  SEO  in  the  order  to  get  a  

better  position  in  the  main  search  engines.  


©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    17  

6.2.  External  tools  

The  external  social  tools  will  be  the  most  important  way  to  get  information  

and  feedback  from  the  students.  Also  the  tools  will  allow  us  to  uploading  a  real  time  



Web  page/blog  (www.turkutoday.info):  the  main  page  of  the  media.  In  the  home  

web  the  audience  can  find  whole  production  of  the  media  (news,  movies,  

transmission  in  live  of  events...).  Only  in  English.  With  a  link  to  Turun  Sanomat  

webpage.  Social  media  tools  in  the  order  to  share  the  information.  RSS  feed  (just  a  

summary  of  each  post).  Comments  are  allow  in  every  post.  Cloud  widget.  

 Advertisements  and  Google  Adds.  


Tabbloid  RSS:  the  new  consumption  habits  of  the  audience  recommend  to  have  a  

RSS  channel  for  every  topic  from  the  newspaper.  Also  the  users  ask  for  a  feed  based  

on  their  desired  schedule.  


Twitter:  to  exchange  in  both  directions  the  information.  Updating  in  real  time  the  

information.  Interacting  with  the  readers.  Participate  in  active  way  in  the  city  events  

with  hashtags.  


Facebook:   to   contact   with   Erasmus   and   Exchange   students   in   Turku.   Advertising.  

With   Fan   Page.   Link   the   content   from   the   homepage.  

In  Facebook  page  we  will  have  a  bidirectional   conversation  with  our  audience.  We  

will   reply   to   any   questions   of   our   costumers.  




©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    18  


YouTube:   to   upload   videos   about   events   of   the   target   audience.   Create   the   own  

channel.   The   YouTube   channel   will   have   a   weekly   news   programmer   in   English.  

Agreement   with   the   university   media   students   for   content   production.    


Google   Calendar:   with   the   international   events   in   Turku   during   the   weekend.  

Inserted  as  a  widget   in   the  main  webpage  and  with   the  public   link   in   the  order   to  

allow   the   people   synchronize   with   their   own   calendars.  



Flickr:  to  upload  a  live  event  pictures.  Tagging  pictures  of  events.  


Forum:  with  embed  html  forum  in  our  website  we  will  provide  “Buy  or  sell”  service  

and  “Sharing  experiences”.  We  will  moderate  the  Forum.  Register  required.    


Formspring:  to  answer  the  questions  that  the  students  have  with  a  possibility  of  

interaction.  http://www.formspring.me/TurkuToday  



©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    19  

Google  Maps:  the  survival  map  with  the  most  important  places  for  the  students,  

geolocalitzation  of  the  news  and  events.  http://www.turkutoday.info/p/student-­‐




















©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    20  

7.  Conclusions  


We  are  particularly   satisfied  about   the   course  and   the  group’s  project  because  we  

transform   our   paper   and   theoretical   project   into   a   real   existing   web   service  

(www.turkutoday.info).    Also  we  have  had  the  possibility   to  use  some  of   the  social  

tools  that  we  saw  in  class.  The  website  has  been  on  line  for  2  weeks  and  we  already  

got  many  audience  and  followers  in  our  social  networks.  


One  of  the  most  important  advantages  of  our  product  is  that  the  target  that  we  have  

(exchange   students   in   Turku)   is   quite   large   but   with   a   specific   needings   that   are  

uncovered  by   the  current   supply.   In   fact,   there  are  not  competitors   in   the  market.  

We   are   the   first   on-­‐line   based   newspaper   in   English   about   Turku   student   life.  We  

expect   big   success   because   Internet   is   the   main   information   channel   for   the  

exchange  students.  Also  we  have  a  secondary  market,  uncovered  too,  Turku  citizens  

that  want  to  improve  English  skills.  


About  the  economic  side  of  our  www.turkutoday.info,  we  are  proud  because  we  get  

a  product  based  on  voluntary  work  and  sharing  through  open  free  software  and  free  

tools.    In  fact  that  we  are  only  amateur  students  we  are  looking  for  collaboration  in  

order   to   provide   a   better   and   frequently   updated   content.  We   can   currently   offer  

the  service  with  0  cost.  In  the  case  that  somebody  wants  to  make  it  professional  we  

think  that  the  webpage  will  sustain  itself  with  our  budget  proposal.  


The  use  of  the  social  web  tools   is   the  key  of  the  potential  success.  We  noticed  the  

lack   of   social   networks   use   by   the   traditional   online   media.   Therefore   we   should  

have  a  competitive  advantage.    Social  web  tools  allow  us  to  reach  visitors  from  the  

target  and  keep  going  on  the  interaction. We  are  native  social  digital  media  and  our  

priority   is   the   active   interaction   with   our   audience.   With   the   cooperation   of   our  

social   networks   followers   we   can   offer   real   time   information,   events,  

recommendations  and  other  useful  services  for  students.  



©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    21  

Our   expectation   is   that   the   users   number   will   increase   and   also   the   content  

production   and   sharing.   We   would   like   to   control   our   success   and   improve   the  

strategy  through  reputation  and  visibility  checking  tools  and  visitor  statistics.  































©  Netzoom  2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        page    22  

Bibliography  and  netgraphy  

 Bloch,  Ethan.  How  Are  Companies  Leveraging  Social  Media?.2  Breakenridge,  Deirdre.  PR  2.0:  new  media,  new  tools,  new  audiences3.  Cortes,  Marc.  Web  2  0  de  los  Mass  media  a  los  Social  media4.  Safko,  Lon  and  Brake,  David  K.  The  Social  Media  Bible:  Tactics,  Tools,  and  Strategies  for  Business  Success5.      




                                                                                                               2  http://www.flowtown.com/blog/how-­‐are-­‐companies-­‐leveraging-­‐social-­‐media  3http://books.google.com/books?id=DdhyJ_n1HFkC&printsec=frontcover&dq=new+tips+for+2.0+media&source=bl&ots=twp5wVjcgG&sig=UydtbA3ybQnvzLDCys_9HOPW3So&hl=en&ei=ADz_TNTaOZS08QO5_byMCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CBoQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=new%20tips%20for%202.0%20media&f=false  4  http://www.slideshare.net/marccortes/web-­‐2-­‐0-­‐de-­‐los-­‐mass-­‐media-­‐a-­‐los-­‐social-­‐media-­‐presentation  5http://books.google.com/books?id=YzLo5x6QX7IC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false