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SPRING 2009 1 TRINITY ALUMNI MAGAZINE SPRING 2009 VOLUME 46 NUMBER 1 WEATHERING THE STORM A forward outlook on the current economic climate

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SPRING 2009 1

T R I N I T YA L U M N IM A G A Z I N ES P R I N G 2 0 0 9V O L U M E 4 6N U M B E R 1

WEATHERING THE STORM A forward outlook on the current economic climate

Page 2: Trinity Magazine

2 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E2 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E


Financing our FutureLooking beyond the economic crisis means drawing on

our strengths of today and investing in tomorrow

was during the 1992 U.S. Presidential cam-

paign (when many of the upcoming class of ’13

were busy being born) that Bill Clinton coined

the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid.” His suc-

cessor, presiding in the eye of a storm (never the most elegant

position) and languishing in the wake of what has been widely

characterized as a U.S.-led global recession, left offi ce no doubt

thinking, “It’s the stupid economy.” And the latest incumbent,

encumbered with the follies and foibles of an inherited system,

has come to power on the back of a widespread popular belief

that, “The economy: it’s stupid.”

Indeed, this is a time marked by a bewil-

dering and dismaying lack of serious and in-

formed debate, a time when some have made

a profi t of doom, and others just seem to be

guessing haphazardly, with no great guiding

principles but the thought that one day some-

one will be vindicated. We have had plenty of

Keynes: now we need more folk to show they

are able. In these pages, we pay tribute to Trin-

ity alums making an impact in various areas of

the global fi nancial system. That some of our

own sit among the world’s movers and shakers offers hope that

economic order will be restored, possibly even improved.

The College has been sheltered to some extent from the wild

economic weather by a fi ne combination of smart and industri-

ous fi nancial and investment committees, working alongside a

campaign and development team dedicated to bringing money

in, and a bursarial- and buildings-management ethos that is fun-

damentally allergic to excess and waste.

Even so, we have been hit hard. Decisions both prudent

and painful continue to be made to ensure the College will sail

through the current storm unscathed and still afl oat even if to do

so means facing unpleasant cutbacks and unpalatable setbacks.

At the most basic level, for example, our endowments for schol-

arships and bursaries, awards that distinguish Trinity from other

colleges in Toronto and beyond, and are a mark of how remark-

able our students are, have been sadly depleted. Without further

injection of earmarked funds, the College will be less able than

we would wish to recognize and reward the great potential and

still greater achievements of our students. We are determined to

return to previous levels (and eventually exceed them!) when the

moment is right.

It is traditional in times of hardship to speak slightingly of

ivory towers, a biblical phrase fi rst found in the Song of Songs,

referring to the beautiful neck of Solomon’s beloved. Ivory tow-

ers are less loved these days, particularly by politicians, though

in biblical terms they were never in-

tended to be valued purely for them-

selves, but for the weight of wisdom

and fairness of prospect they sustain.

So it is with Trinity.

Ivory towers are a luxury soci-

ety must afford. Costly to build and

maintain, they nonetheless gain grace,

strength and prominence with age.

But if they decay or are destroyed,

they are hard to raise again. Allowing

such structures to crumble is a false

economy, for without spires to aspire to, and hallowed halls to

recall, and without the fellowship and shared growth and ex-

perience offered by the best universities, the world would be a

poorer, duller place indeed.

Straitened times call for straight talking and thinking, and we

trust you will fi nd both in this issue. But as always with Trinity

College, there is much more: the promise of a bright future and

the recollection of a glittering past, and the fi rm resolve to pro-

tect what we can and to build where we may. Whatever the woes

of the fi nancial world, that surely is the debt of responsibility we

owe our splendid students, in whose future we invest, and our

wonderful, loyal alums, who offer great returns, with an interest

rate that remains happily high.


Provost and Vice-Chancellor

“Ivory towers are a luxury

society must afford.

Costly to build and

maintain, they nonetheless

gain grace, strength and

prominence with age”






Y: N








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SPRING 2009 3 SPRING 2009 3

22 Published three times a year by Trinity College, University of Toronto,6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto, M5S 1H8Phone: (416) 978-2651Fax: (416) 971-3193E-mail: [email protected]://www.trinity.utoronto.caTrinity is sent to 13,000 alumni, parents, friends and associates of the College. Trinity College complies with the Ontario Freedom of Information

and protection of Privacy Act. We protect your personal information and do not rent or sell our mailing list. If you do not wish to receive the magazine, please contact us.

Editor: Lisa PaulEditorial Co-ordinator: Jill RooksbyArt Direction and Design: Fresh Art & Design Inc.Publications Mail Agreement 40010503

Cover illustration: Blair Kelly













System ShiftMalcolm Knight rewires the

global fi nancial machineBy Julia Belluz

Barclay’s Has BiteAnd her name is Geri James

By Rick McGinnis

Firm FocusSacha Kapoor goes after his

dreams and lends his expertiseBy Kristine Culp

Vital LinkSharon Pel keeps

regulators in the loopBy Leah Stokes

The NegotiatorGraeme Clark represents

Canada at the world tableBy Liz Allemang

n.b.College observations worth noting

By Peter Josselyn

Trinity’s Vital OrganTransfusion needed!

By Judy Stoffman

Casual ConversationGetting to know Trinity’s

fellows and associates

Class NotesNews from classmates near and far

CalendarThings to see, hear and do

Trinity PastThe Case of the

Coloured Windows

By Jill Rooksby






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4 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

n.b. O B S E RVAT I O N S & D I S T I N C T I O N S W O R T H N O T I N G • B Y P E T E R J O S S E LY N

Skating to Victory

Trinity’s intramural hockey team skated to victory in the fall season, beat-

ing out Medicine with a 1-0 overtime win in the fi nals.

Team captain Andrew Kavanagh ’10 said it was great to win, but also nice

to see “a big gathering of fans” cheering them on. “It was really a team effort.

Each game we had a different player step up to the plate — a lot of teams

have only one or two guys to carry the load.”

Currently, 12 of the team’s 17 members are Trinity students; some colleges

don’t fi eld teams, so it’s common for students from other colleges to join up.

Kavanagh, vice-president of the Trinity College Athletic Association, has

played with the team for three years. The year before he joined, Trinity broke

a fi ve-decades-long losing streak, capturing the Jennings Cup for the fi rst time

since 1956. The team won again in 2007.

To toast the fall victory, Provost Andy Orchard hosted Kavanagh’s team on

March 12, just four days before the fi fth and fi nal regular winter season game

in the Division 1 Non-Contact league. (At press time, the team was in fi rst

place with two wins, two ties. The semi-fi nals were scheduled for March 23, and

the fi nals, March 27. See the next issue of Trinity for the results.)






Y: C












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SPRING 2009 5


2008 Governor General’s

Award for children’s literature.

The Landing, which takes

place during the Depression,

is a coming-of-age story about

a 15-year-old boy named Ben.

Although not autobiographical,

the book is set in Gravenhurst,

Ont., Ibbitson’s hometown.

“I’ve wanted to write a book

about Muskoka my entire adult

life, and it was a joy to be able

to do it,” he said.

Ibbitson is currently the

Washington correspondent

for The Globe and Mail.


Net while sitting in the Quad-

rangle, thanks to new wireless

access points that were installed

in a number of common areas

and classrooms last summer.

The upgrades are part of an

ongoing project to provide

wireless access throughout the

Trinity buildings.

Last summer’s initiative

is largely courtesy of student

funds set aside for special

projects. The senior student

governing body, the Trinity

College Meeting, allocated

$25,000 to the project. The

University of Toronto kicked

in $5,000 for the classroom

component. So far, almost

$22,000 has been spent.

Additional common rooms

will be provided with wireless

access this summer.


80 of the country’s top

debaters for the prestigious,

three-day Central Canadian

Debate Championships at

the end of February.

Tournament director and

second-year Trinity student

Jason Davis, noting that the

College is an ideal host, said,

“Students here naturally

engage in intellectual and

academic discourse. Debat-

ing is a formalized version of

the conversations we would

normally have.”

Trinity has argumenta-

tive roots: the Trinity College

Literary Institute (or The Lit),

a student government body

founded in 1854, regularly

runs in-house debates.

But over the past two years,

Trinity has become a force

to be reckoned with in the

competitive circuit.

“We’ve established a

reputation in a short period

of time. Hosting draws even

more attention and reinforces

our presence,” Davis said.

(As hosts, Trinity debaters

served as judges and staff, but

didn’t actually debate.)

Starting Feb. 27, 40 teams

of two from 12 schools com-

peted until there were only

two teams left for the fi nal

debate on March 1.

Seeley Hall brimmed with

excitement during the last

round, which pitted McGill

University against Hart

House. The question up for

debate was whether parents

in Quebec should be allowed

to decide if their children are

educated exclusively in Eng-

lish or in French.

In the end, Saro Setrakian

and Sophie Macintyre of

McGill nabbed the title and

the Léger Cup trophy.

“They were a stronger

team,” Davis conceded.

Granted and Graced

In recognition of their generosity to Trinity over the years, including

to the Strength to Strength campaign, the boardroom on the sec-

ond fl oor of Trinity College has been named the Douglas and Ruth

Grant Boardroom.

Doug ’59 and Ruth ’63 Grant in front

of the boardroom door.












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6 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

In spite of the home-team

upset, the Championship

exceeded expectations.

“When you have a room full

of debaters, people who have

their own opinions, you know

whether or not the crowd is

into it,” Davis said. “There was

a lot of banging on table tops.”

No greater indication of a suc-

cessful debate.


man to receive, at a ceremony

last November, a Governor

General’s Award in Com-

memoration of the Persons

Case. Given in the spirit and

memory of Canada’s Famous

Five, who won legal recogni-

tion for women in 1929, the

award honours individuals

who have made outstanding

contributions to promote the

equality of girls and women

in Canada.

For his part, Barry has been

challenging the way beauty

standards are presented by

the fashion industry and the

media since he was a teenager.

Founder and CEO of Ben

Barry Agency Inc., an interna-

tionally recognized modelling

consultancy, he was also a key

player in the Dove Campaign

for Real Beauty.

Currently a PhD candidate

at Cambridge University and

a visiting scholar at Harvard

Business School, Barry hopes

his research and efforts will

ultimately push modelling

agencies to use “real” models,

not just for altruistic reasons,

but because it benefi ts their

bottom line: his research

shows that women identify

more deeply with models who

closely resemble their own

physical image.

Barry was the guest speaker

at this year’s SpeakEasy, a

Trinity event geared to young

alumni, on Jan. 30.

Leading by ExampleSARAH YUN ’09 HAS A RÉSUMÉ

that reads as if she should

be leading a country. In due

time, perhaps.

The fourth-year English

and political science student

won this year’s Faculty of Arts

& Science Dean’s Student

Leadership Award, a dis-

tinction that recognizes her

involvement on-campus

and beyond, and includes a

$500 scholarship.

Declaring herself “humbled

and honoured,” by her win,

Yun said, “Students are doing

amazing things on this cam-

pus, and I feel truly blessed to

be a part of that.”

Part of that indeed. Yun is

chair of the student division

of the G8 Research Group

(G8RG), currently preparing

a team of students to travel to

Italy this July for the 2009 G8

Summit, and a team leader

with the Trinity branch of

Lawyers Feed the Hungry. In

the past she was also involved

Michael Row Your Boat Ashore, Hallelujah

There was a point when Michael Braithwaite ’09

doubted he would even make it to the National

Rowing Championship Regatta: his ride had bailed and

his accommodations had fallen through. But in the end,

he made it — and walked away a champ.

Braithwaite placed first in the Men’s Under 23

Single Skulls category in London, Ont., winning the

2,000-metre race with an eight-second lead. “I think

surprising is probably the best way to describe the

race,” he said.

In his fourth year of cognitive science and phi-

losophy, Braithwaite is president of the Trinity College

Athletic Association. He has been rowing for six years,

and has been on the Varsity team for four.

Ben Barry poses with

Governor General

Michaëlle Jean after

accepting his award.

Sarah Yun

O B S E R V A T I O N S A N D D I S T I N C T I O N S W O R T H N O T I N Gn.b. P







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SPRING 2009 7

with the WUSC Refugee

Student Program, and was president of the English

Students’ Union, co-ordinator

of the Environmental Net-

working Fair, and a violin

soloist with Hart House

Chamber Strings, among

other accomplishments.

Yun’s post-summer plans

are still up in the air, but it’s no

surprise she has options. She

is eagerly awaiting responses

from master’s programs in

social policy for the 2009-2010

academic year, and plans to

apply to law school this fall for

the following year.

Reach Past the StarsTO MOST PEOPLE, HR8799 IS

just a series of letters and num-

bers. But to Bruce Macintosh

’88 it represents something

profoundly signifi cant: it’s the

name of the star marking the

spot where he and a team of

astronomers, led by Macintosh

and Christian Marois, discov-

ered three giant planets (fi ve to

10 times the mass of Jupiter)

outside of our solar system.

The star, which is 130 light

years away in the constellation

Pegasus, can be seen with

binoculars but not with the

naked eye. The planets, on

the other hand, can’t even be

spotted with a conventional

telescope because they are

obscured by starlight.

“Stars are very bright and

planets are very faint,” Macin-

tosh said. “For example, Jupiter

is one billion times darker

than the sun.”

Stationed in Hawaii,

Macintosh and his colleagues

used a highly specialized

telescope camera equipped

with a mirror that changes

its shape a thousand times

a second to correct for the

turbulence of the Earth’s

atmosphere. They started their

search by observing young

stars, looking for relatively

“new” planets that were still

molten and glowing. And they

lucked out. This is one of the

fi rst times photos have been

taken of extrasolar planetary

systems. (At the same time as

Macintosh and Marois made

their discovery, another team

announced an image of a planet

Books Round-up

A10th book by Rose Murray ’63 has hit shelves.

A Taste of Canada: A Culinary Journey shows

how distinctive Canadian cuisine can be, and how

the country’s land, climate and people shape it.

Martin Hunter ’55 has published a memoir

of his life up until age 24. Young Hunting includes

his years at Trinity, which he describes as a

“whacking good time in the afterglow of Evelyn

Waugh’s depictions of Oxford and Cambridge

in the 1920s.”

John Allore ’86 contributed a chapter to

Criminal Investigative Failures, which recounts the

unsolved murder of his sister, Theresa Allore, who

disappeared in November 1978.

T. A. Keenleyside ’62 has published a book

about his travel experiences. Missing The Bus,

Making The Connection: Tales and Tastes of Travel

spans more than 20 countries, including parts of

southeast Asia, where he served as a diplomat.

Complementing the stories are recipes assembled

by his wife, Dorothy (Pointing) ’62.

Arch Haslett ’63 fought a debilitating illness

and lived to write (and publish) a book about

it. Wing to Wing chronicles the personal and physi-

cal journey Haslett took to cope with his illness

and promote healing.

An infrared image of the

HR8799 planetary system taken

with the Keck telescope. The

three planets are labelled — b,

c and d — and their orbital

motion is shown. The central

pattern of coloured speckles is

light from the star scattered by

the telescope and Earth’s

atmosphere, like a “lens fl are”

in a camera.













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8 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

orbiting the star Fomalhaut, 25

light years away.)

With 2009 being the offi cial

Year of Astronomy, it’s the

perfect time for Macintosh

and his colleagues to build on

their discovery.

Macintosh, an astrophysi-

cist from Lawrence Livermore

National Laboratory in Cali-

fornia, is leading a $20-million

joint Canadian-American

project striving to improve

the technology used to view

and photograph planets similar

to Jupiter.

“The Holy Grail is to fi nd

planets that are like Earth,” he

said, “though that’s 10 or 20

years away.” ■



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Terms of Service

The Rev. Andrea Budgey had

never set up a Facebook profi le,

but she recognized it as a great tool

for engaging with students. “I took

a deep breath and plunged in,” she

said, choosing for her profi le picture

a lovely image of stained glass hang-

ing in Trinity’s chapel.

Appointed for a fi ve-year term as

Trinity’s fourth Humphrys Chaplain,

Budgey replaces the Rev. Dr. Dana

Fisher, who fi nished a two-year term

at Trinity last August to become Rector of St. John the Evangelist Anglican

Church in downtown Ottawa.

Budgey has a long list of academic and professional accomplishments,

including a MMus (she plays the oboe, among other instruments, and is a

co-founder of the Sine Nomine Ensemble for Medieval Music), and a MA

in medieval studies, both from the University of Toronto, as well as a MDiv

from Trinity (’06). She was ordained priest last January, and worked as assis-

tant curate at Saint Simon-the-Apostle in Toronto until the end of 2008.

Excited about her return to Trinity in a brand new capacity, Budgey

said she plans to stay true to the role of the student-focused Humphrys

Chaplaincy, and hopes that while she serves both the religious and the

non-believers of Trinity and the whole of St. George campus, students will

guide her according to their needs.

“A lot of the people for whom I’m available are not Anglican, not Chris-

tian, and acutely skeptical,” she said, “and it doesn’t worry me. It’s still pos-

sible to have respectful and constructive conversations and be helpful.”

Budgey believes churches must pay attention to the environmental,

social and political issues young people value to keep them interested. “It’s

really important that a church engage in these issues and not dismiss them

as merely political.”

Since her offi cial start date on Jan. 5, Budgey has met with such groups as

the Trinity College Volunteer Society in hopes of collaborating on projects.

“It’s exciting to be part of people’s ethical development,” she said, “and how

they become involved in the world — their social identity.”









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SPRING 2009 9

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Page 10: Trinity Magazine

10 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

When Erik Penz and Priya Suagh got engaged, they

had only one place in mind for their wedding:

Trinity College Chapel, with sunlight slanting in

through the stained glass windows and soaring

organ music to lift the soul.

Penz’s mother, Catherine (Adamson) Ruskin ’67, sang in Trin-

ity’s chapel choir as a student. She advocated for music that steered

clear of wedding clichés. The young couple chose Sir Hubert Par-

ry’s I was Glad for the procession, Charles-Marie Widor’s Toccata for the recessional, and, for Canadian content, Healey Willan’s

Christe, Redemptor omnium for the organ prelude.

“John Tuttle [Trinity’s Director of Music] had tremendous

patience in advising what music would be appropriate,” Penz

recalls, “and went above and beyond to hunt down sheet music

and pull together an incredible choir. After the wedding, many

people commented on how amazing the music was.”

As Trinity’s organist and choirmaster, the energetic Tuttle only

plays at the chapel’s weddings — there’s an average of 55 per year

— when he has time. (Outgoing Bevan Organ Scholar Christo-

pher Ku plays most of them.)

If the music sounded particularly fi ne on that day last November,

it is likely because the organ had recently been overhauled, thanks, in

part, to Cuban-born José Ordonez ’50. Ordonez, who had retired to

Florida after a long career as an educator, returned to Toronto every

summer to visit friends, staying in a room at the College. When he

died last year, he left a bequest to contribute to restoring the organ.

Built by Casavant Frères of Saint-Hyacinthe, Que., and

installed in the chapel in 1954, the instrument desperately needed

to have its 1,400 pipes replaced, or at least dismantled and cleaned.

More than half a century of organists playing it had taken a toll.

But sending the pipes back to Casavant Frères for cleaning, or

buying new ones, would have cost more money than was available

for the project, Tuttle says.

As luck would have it, he found out from local organ builder

Thomas Linken that Holy Trinity Church, next door to Toronto’s

Eaton Centre, was about to replace its organ (which had been

having mechanical troubles, but still worked) after inheriting one

from another institution.

“Some of its pipes were lovely,” Tuttle says of Holy Trinity’s organ.

“Some made by Casavant, some by Samuel Warren, a famous organ

builder from the 1800s.” They weren’t brand new, but they were a

huge improvement over the well-worn pipes on Trinity chapel’s organ.

And best of all, Holy Trinity was offering the pipes for free.

With new pipes in hand, there was still the labour issue to

solve: Who was going to install them? To complete the project

within the allotted budget, Tuttle and Linken decided to tackle

the swap themselves.

When you glance up to the choir loft from the nave, the 17 fat,

bronze-coloured pipes you see fronting the Trinity organ are only

for show; they emit no sound. The real music is produced behind

them — in the organ chamber, a small, cedar-lined room reached

via a catwalk — by a forest of narrow, upright pipes.

Tuttle and Linken spent much of last summer in that hot lit-

tle chamber, removing 1,200 of the dirty and damaged pipes and

replacing many of them with those from Holy Trinity. They also

vacuumed and washed the entire mechanism and the remaining

200 pipes. The enhanced tonal quality was worth the grunt work.

But further restoration is required. The organ’s console, slightly

larger than an upright piano and the instrument’s nerve centre, is

overdue for a mechanical system rebuild. Some pedal notes are

loose, making it diffi cult to play accurately.

Tuttle enumerates additional problems that could be addressed

if another “organ donor” came forward: “The keyboards and pedal-

board need to be refurbished so they have a consistent feel and don’t

clack; the combination action, which allows the organist to turn

stops on and off by pushing preset buttons, is unreliable.”

If existing parts could be replaced with modern electronic switches

and memories, the organ would perform even better than it did when

it was fi rst built. Tuttle would also like to see “a snappy little trumpet

stop” added “to play brides up the aisle,” making weddings at Trinity

even more exciting. He estimates it will cost between $100,000 and

$150,000 to complete all of the required work.

“If we raise more, we’d have the money to endow the instrument,

which is an integral part of worship here,” says Tuttle, who strives to

introduce his students to music of substance and imagination. “I tell

my students that trivial music leads the way to trivial faith.” ■

Vital OrganTRINITY’S

Post-surgery, the instrument is recovering, but still needs a transfusion


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SPRING 2009 11

After six years of piping out good tunes, Trinity

College’s Bevan Organ Scholar Christopher Ku

is leaving. And he’ll be missed. “He is not just

an excellent musician, but an excellent church

musician,” says John Tuttle, Trinity’s organist and

director of music.

“It’s been a wonderful experience,” says

Ku, who appreciated working closely with di-

vinity students, knowing they’ll take what they

learned about music at Trinity back to their

own communities.

Ku’s original three-year term was extended

twice, fi rst for a year and then for two more

years. “We bent the rules a little bit,” Tuttle says.

The Bevan Organ Scholarship is a wonderful

opportunity for an undergraduate music student

to gain valuable experience working as a church

musician, “but with a safety net,” Tuttle says.

The Scholar’s primary responsibilities are

assisting the head organist and playing at the

various services divinity students attend as

part of their studies.

While at Trinity, Ku was also working toward

his master’s in musicology at the University of

Toronto. Having now completed that, he has

applied to various PhD programs, hoping to focus

his research on the way that church music shifted

in the 16th century as Latin was phased out in

favour of English.

As for fi nding Ku’s replacement, Tuttle says

there are already a number of candidates; the

search has begun in U of T’s faculty of music. Look

for an announcement in the next issue of Trinity.













Page 12: Trinity Magazine

12 t r i n i t y a l u m n i m a g a z i n e

For months now, Canadian news

media have spouted doom and

gloom about the economy — and

with good reason. On only one

other occasion since the Second

World War have the major eco-

nomic powers of the world con-

currently slid into a recession.

In the past six months, the Bank

of Canada slashed its benchmark

rate to a 50-year low, Statistics

Canada reported the first trade

deficit in 30 years, and the Harp-

er government tabled its federal

budget, confirming a deficit will

ensue, and thus evoking a collec-

tive sigh from its voting public.

But even as domestic and in-

ternational economies fall apart,

there are people who are trying

to hold things together, striv-

ing to ensure this sort of thing

doesn’t happen again, helping to

shape the future of finance. In

the following pages, we profile a

selection of such people. Catch

a glimmer of their optimism as you

read their stories.

WeatHerIng tHe StOrm

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Malcolm Knight rewires the global fi nancial machine

IN the slick, artwork-laden offi ces of Deutsche

Bank in London’s Financial District, you can

hardly tell that the city has been ravaged by

what is known in these parts as “the credit crunch.” High

heels and polished shoes clack across the expansive lobby

as eager bankers rush to work before 8 a.m.

On my way to meet the recently appointed non-execu-

tive vice-chairman of the bank, Malcolm Knight, the fi rst

sign of the global fi nancial crisis comes in the way of eleva-

tor chatter between two employees.

“The tube was extra stuffed full of people,” complains one.

“Yah, I think they might be cutting back on services now,”

conjectures the other.

On Knight’s fl oor (he is based in New York but works

from here when in London), staff members swirl carts with

bankers’ breakfasts — fresh fruit, bread, yogurt and cof-

fee — about the offi ce. Knight shows up an hour late for

our meeting, as a result of some confusion about his sched-

ule, he says, but apologizes so profusely it is hard to hold a

grudge. “I am really, really sorry,” he says. “It is not okay.”

The Canadian economist, who has worked in many

of the world’s fi nancial capitals, is disarmingly humble;

at the bank he’s known for his genial charm. The pres-

sure he is currently facing — to establish Deutsche

Bank’s global policy for engaging in dialogue on fi nancial

system reform, and the reform of fi nancial regulation in

this credit-crunch climate — hardly shows.

It could be because Knight has had to deal with simi-

lar pressures and similarly chaotic political and economic

environments before. In nearly 25 years at the Interna-

tional Monetary Fund (IMF), he worked his way up to

director of departments that focused on monetary issues

in the Middle East and Central Asia.

While a war was raging in Afghanistan in the late-

1980s, Knight negotiated and managed the implementa-

tion of IMF’s US$1.1-billion macroeconomic adjustment

program for neighbouring Pakistan. “Trying to make

good economic policies in those sorts of conditions really

requires you to think outside of the box,” he says.

From 1999 to 2003, as senior deputy governor, or sec-

ond-in-command, of the Bank of Canada, Knight found

himself in charge of operations when the fi nancial world

was briefl y thrown into turmoil with the Sept. 11, 2001,

terrorist attacks.

Then most recently, starting in 2003, he was the gen-

eral manager and CEO of the Basel-based Bank for Inter-

national Settlements, which serves as the bank for central

banks with assets of more than $550 billion. In that role,

he was credited with fostering co-operation among central

bankers and fi nancial regulators around the world, while


System Shift





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14 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

also making the BIS a forum in which public offi cials in

charge of monetary policy could interact.

Knight’s fi ve-year contract with BIS was set to expire

last March, but ended up being extended to June of this

year, when he would have been obliged to retire anyway

in accordance with the company’s compulsory retirement

age of 65. “I wasn’t too interested in retiring,” says Knight,

who turns 65 on April 11. Not to mention, he adds, that

“we’re in the midst of a fi nancial crisis.”

Instead, Knight left BIS almost six months early to

secure his current post at Deutsche Bank. “These offers

just don’t come up all the time,” he says.

Knight made his move from Basel to New York to join

DB on Oct. 6, 2008, which was the beginning of one of

the worst weeks ever in the fi nancial markets. (It was just

after Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy and just before

actions were taken to inject capital into the banks in Europe

and the U.S.)

In his new role, Knight gets

to tackle what he considers to

be the most interesting issue in

the political and economic scene

right now: “How to deal with the

present financial crisis and how

to restructure the architecture of

international fi nance to make the

system work better.” He identi-

fies the weaknesses that led to

this crisis as an opportunity for

positive change. “We don’t have

a theory about how to go for-

ward,” he admits. “There isn’t

a very clear road map, but it’s

essential to clarify that over the

next six months.”

Clarifi cation is Knight’s job. As a global wholesale bank,

DB has a vested interest in a well-regulated and stable global

fi nancial system. “We should engage in dialogue on what

constitutes better regulation and supervision of the fi nan-

cial system, and on what the banks themselves need to do

to clean up their act, as it were,” he says.

The fi rst time Knight witnessed the effects of an eco-

nomic crisis was in the late-1950s in his hometown of

Amherstburg, in southwestern Ontario; he saw many resi-

dents of the town, which then had a population of about

4,000, suffer long-term unemployment as a result of the

North American recession. He was intrigued as to what

could have caused such adversity.

In 1963, Knight went to Toronto to study political sci-

ence and economics at Trinity College (from which he

also received an Honorary Doctorate in 2006). “When I

got to Trinity, I found very quickly that it really expanded

my horizons,” he refl ects. “It was a small college, a bit like

living in a small town, but the people I met had a much

broader education and view of what was going on in the

world than I did. And I rapidly caught their fascination

with world affairs, with political issues, with writing about

those issues.”

Four years later, having graduated from Trinity, Knight

left Canada to complete a master’s (and eventually a PhD)

in economics at the London School of Economics and

Political Science (LSE). It was the late-1960s, and students

all over Europe had their eyes on social revolution. Knight

remembers the LSE as “a hot-bed of agitation against the

[Vietnam] War.” “You had a lot of political ferment —

ideas about how society should be organized, and whether

the U.S. policy of containment of

communism really made sense.”

Knight likens that political fer-

ment to the current questioning of

what happened with the fi nancial

system. “Was it greed, ineffec-

tive risk management, ineffective

supervision? Were there problems

in the way monetary and fi scal pol-

icies were being implemented?”

He makes it clear that the weak-

nesses of the fi nancial system can-

not be addressed without engag-

ing the private sector in dialogue,

which is partly why the opportu-

nity at Deustsche Bank was one he

could not refuse.

Knight’s work at DB is mostly in an advisory capacity (to

governments, central banks, fi nancial supervisory agencies

and academics), to put forth fi nancial system reform while

promoting global fi nancial stability. “It’s time to step back

and look at the fi nancial system in a measured and objective

way,” he says. Knight believes markets must be regulated,

and regulators and supervisors have to ensure that fi nancial

institutions stop taking the sorts of risks that could cause

the fi nancial system to collapse again.

Working with DB, Knight gets to travel to London

often from his home in the U.S., where he and his wife

raised two of their three daughters (the third was raised

between the U.S., Switzerland and Canada), which has

“We should engage in dialogue on what constitutes

better regulation and supervision of the fi nancial

system, and on what the banks themselves need to do to clean up their act,

as it were”

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spring 2009 15

the added bonus of allowing him to return to LsE as a vis-iting professor in finance; that the DB position afforded him a chance to be back at his alma mater helped seal his decision, Knight says.

This isn’t the first time Knight has worked at a univer-sity, however. He has always kept one finger in the aca-demic pie, having previously held posts in the economics departments at the University of Toronto and the LsE, and as an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University school of Advanced international studies. He has fre-quently written about the economy for academic journals, and he was also an author on a monograph on the Cana-dian economy, developed for university students.

What does the expert think about Canada’s place in this current financial crisis?

“This is probably going to be a very serious and prolonged global recession,” he says. But he also notes that the banks in Canada are well-capitalized, and haven’t been as deeply involved in the risky lending associated with real estate.

“My hunch is that the Canadian economy is bet-ter placed to weather this crisis than the economies of most other countries. And the reason is that for over a decade, the Canadian economy has had good fiscal policy and good monetary policy, and it is a stable economic- policy environment.” n

Weathering the Storm





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16 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

Fresh out of Trinity with a degree in commerce and geog-

raphy, and a minor in economics, Geri James started

her career with a posting she plucked off the job board

at the University of Toronto’s student employment centre. It

was 1984 — “not a great year for jobs,” she recalls — and at

the time she had no idea it would prove such a good fi t.

“I was hired by a firm whose

focus was pension plans and invest-

ments,” James says, “and that has

been my whole career. I’ve changed

jobs a few times, but always stayed

in the investing/pension area.”

There have been startling shifts

in the investment area of the fi nan-

cial sector in the past 20 years, but

James, now a principal at Barclay’s

Global Investors Bay Street outpost,

is still frustrated by one fact that

has hardly changed — the relative

scarcity of women in the industry.

In 2004, women made up only 19

per cent of CFA charterholders, she

points out. In 2008, only 20 per cent

of those awarded the CFA chartership were women — the

number barely increased over that four-year period.

“One of the things that appealed to me about Barclay’s

was that our Global CEO was a woman and the person

who hired me was a woman,” James says. (Both positions

are now occupied by men.)

As a sort of personal mission, she makes a point of

challenging the status quo. “I like to promote women in

the investment industry — there still aren’t many and I’m

not really sure why,” she wonders aloud.

To that end, James helped launch a women’s network at

BGI. She has also mentored women formally and informally,

and she took part in a program spon-

sored by Women in Capital Markets

that took her into high schools to advise

girls thinking of a career in fi nance.

Last November, James celebrated

her 10-year anniversary with Bar-

clay’s. (She wears the watch she

received to mark the occasion proudly

— “Isn’t it pretty?” she asks, pulling

up her sleeve.) Two months prior to

that, she had made a change within

the fi rm, which coincidentally coin-

cided with the steepest free-fall of

the global fi nancial markets in years,

making it seem, in retrospect, almost

a risky move. After fi ve years working

with iShares, Barclay’s retail brand of

exchange-traded funds, James moved back to the institu-

tional side of the business where she began.

Given the state of the economy, her return to institu-

tional investing was hardly tranquil. She had her hands

full helping hefty clients such as pension funds steer their

way through seemingly non-stop crises, including the

“It’s actually been exciting to be part of it. I know that sounds bad, but it’s been exciting to see what you can achieve in a bad

environment; that you can make a difference and you can help. I guess I’ve looked

on the positive side”


And her name is Geri James

Barclay’s Has Bite

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SPRING 2009 17

failure of fi rms like Bear Stearns, and the fallout from Ber-

nard Madoff ’s massive Ponzi scheme.

“All of a sudden clients wanted to know, ‘What are my

assets right now? What’s my exposure to Bear Stearns, to

Lehman, to all those various fi rms?’ And the latest was

Madoff. How do we help them not panic?”

James points out that Barclay’s was lucky because it

didn’t have exposure to many of the failing fi rms. “We

didn’t have Madoff, we got out of Bear Stearns early, saw

Lehman coming. In fact, our sister company, Barclay’s

Capital, ended up buying Lehman. It was a huge gain for

us as a fi rm because we were able to grow into an area we

wanted to by buying assets at a discount.”

In February, James made yet another in-house move when

she was promoted to director, business management. “In this

new role, I will still spend part of my time with some of our

institutional clients, helping them with investment strategy,”

she says, “but I will take on broader business-management

responsibilities, including oversight of our legal, compliance,

fi nance and accounting groups in Canada.”

Trying times to be managing anything in the invest-

ment world, to be sure, but James says she enjoys the chal-

lenge, especially after the illusions and overconfi dence of

the boom years. “It’s actually been exciting to be part of it.

I know that sounds bad, but it’s been exciting to see what

you can achieve in a bad environment; that you can make

a difference and you can help. I guess I’ve looked on the

positive side.” ■




















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18 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

Firm Focus

You might come across Sacha Kapoor in the But-

tery, helping a student with an economics ques-

tion. You might see him studying at St. Hilda’s

Residence, the door to his room open to visitors. Or you

might meet him in Strachan Hall as he shares a high table

dinner with peers and professors.

Kapoor, 32, is an academic don at Trinity. A Univer-

sity of Toronto doctoral student in economics, he lives in

residence and is available to undergraduates as a personal

tutor in economics, math and statistics. He and the other

10 academic dons are an invaluable resource for Trinity

students, who can tap the dons’ expertise in everything

from art history to physics. “My door is always open to

the students here,” Kapoor says.

And students appreciate this marvellous resource:

“Sacha is my residence-fl oor don,” says Alec Hughes, a

second-year student in the mathematics and physics spe-

cialist program. “He has been extremely helpful to me this

year in providing academic advice, helping me fi nd a sum-

mer position in physics, and just giving perspective on

university life in general.”

Kapoor says working as a don is both interesting and

rewarding. He enjoys engaging with the students, whom

he describes as bright, ambitious, good-natured and “good

Trinity’s academic dons are one of our

best investments in our students. We’re

the only college at the University of

Toronto to offer such a program, which

has grad-school or professional-faculty

students, and experts in their respective

fi elds assisting undergrad students making

the transition from high school. Dons

ensure they don’t fall through the cracks

as they navigate the wider, and at times

seemingly overwhelming, U of T campus.

Academic dons live at the College

and are available to Trinity students, both

resident and non-resident, every hour

of every day. They offer one-on-one and

group tutoring, as well as personal and

academic counselling. For both current

and future students, having the support

of older, experienced scholars is an

invaluable resource.

The Strength to Strength Campaign

set out to raise $3 million to endow the

Academic Dons Program, so that Trinity’s

students will continue to be able to take

advantage of this superior and unique

program. We’re still working toward

that goal — contributions are always

welcomed and appreciated.


Emre Gonlugur – art history

Sacha Kapoor – economics

Andrew Crabtree - English

Sean Lafferty – history

Vanessa Peters – social sciences

Navindra Persaud – life sciences

and chemistry

Yoav Farkash – life sciences

Nicholas Riegel – philosophy

Arjun Tremblay – political science

Patricia Greve – political science and

international relations

Ozgur Gurel – political theory



Sacha Kapoor goes after his dreams and lends his expertise

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spring 2009 19

human beings.” He values the rich, cross-disciplinary inter-action with the other Trinity dons. And he says tutoring gives him the chance to become more effective at commu-nicating economic themes. “it contributes to my develop-ment — i’ll be a better teacher, a better researcher.”

But Kapoor emphasizes that his primary role is to be there for Trinity students, who have the advantage of not being forced to compete with other U of T students for a tutor’s time. “They can simply book a meeting with one of us,” he says. “students at other colleges have to hire tutors to get the same type of access.” And that can cost more than $40 per hour.

Although he is clearly thriving in the university setting, Kapoor’s own academic path wasn’t always so clear. grow-ing up in Brampton, Ont., where his family settled after emigrating from india in the 1970s, Kapoor knew his par-ents expected their two sons to become educated profes-sionals. still, after two years at Queens, he quit university.

He then spent a few years doing everything from fac-tory work to bartending, jobs that he says prompted him to start “asking economic questions.” When eventually he returned to Queens to finish his undergrad, his aca-demic career took off. He did his master’s at U of T, and is currently in his fourth year of doctoral research, which focuses on internal workplace organization.

Expecting to complete his phD next year and then pursue a career in academia, Kapoor will face a job market currently in the doldrums, since many universities have imposed hiring freezes. The economic downturn will last a couple of years, Kapoor speculates, but he’s not entirely pessimistic: “These periods of recovery are not always bad,” he says. “Firms are forced to become more efficient.” And people and organizations are resilient and creative in the face of adversity, he adds. That kind of outlook may be among the most valuable benefits Kapoor provides to the students he works with. n





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Weathering the Storm

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20 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

Regulation, traditionally a dreaded term, is sud-

denly hip again. For Sharon Pel ’79, this comes

as little surprise. As senior vice-president of Legal

and Business Affairs for TMX Group, part of Pel’s job is to

sit across the table from regulators. And since mid-2008,

when the current fi nancial crisis

accelerated, she’s been pulling

up her chair even closer.

“Our advice is being sought

from various government depart-

ments on how to address the cri-

sis,” says Pel, 52. In the current

economic climate, she supports

regulatory reform and trans-

parent trading, so it’s a point of

pride for her that one of TMX

Group’s core business strategies

has always been the latter. “If it’s

on the Toronto Stock Exchange

you know what it is, you can see

it, and you know how it trades,”

she says.

Pel is the third child in a family

of four children, born and raised

in Toronto by Dutch parents. For

her fi rst round of post-secondary education, she opted to stay

in her hometown, and live at home. “I was sure I wanted to

go to the University of Toronto, and I wanted a small college

with high academic standards where there would be a sense

of community,” she says. “My choice was Trinity.”

Her career path, on the other hand, wasn’t quite so deci-

sive. “I went to Trinity thinking I was going to be an arche-

ologist. Isn’t that funny?” Instead, the experience of work-

ing a summer job in the labour relations department of Air

Canada inspired her to become a

labour lawyer.

“Once I got to law school,

though, I saw all the possible

paths and found I really liked

corporate and securities law,” she

says. “Corporate law is about tak-

ing problems and solving them.”

After getting her LLB from the

University of Ottawa in 1982, Pel

articled at Tory Tory DesLauriers

& Binnington (Torys LLP) until

the fall of 1983, when she took

the bar admission course. She was

called to the bar a year later, and

returned to Torys as an associ-

ate lawyer shortly after. She was

made a partner in 1990. During

her 21-year stint with the firm,

Pel focused primarily on mergers,

securities transactions and corporate fi nance.

This expertise was in fact what led to her current posi-

tion with TMX Group. In 2002, still with Torys, Pel helped

TMX Group do a corporate reorganization, and she put


Sharon Pel keeps regulators in the loop






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together its initial public offering (IPO) transaction. A year

later, the company asked her to come on board as its gen-

eral counsel. “I had worked closely with the senior execu-

tives over the many months of the IPO and I liked them,”

she says, refl ecting on why she accepted the offer.

Pel’s job has “six main buckets,” as she calls them,

including litigation, managing contracts and governance.

But one of her most important roles is dealing with securi-

ties regulators in both Canada and the U.S. “The TSX’s

main regulatory body is the Ontario Securities Commis-

sion (OSC), so we’re required to operate our business in

a particular fashion,” she says. “When we want to make

changes [which could mean making acquisitions or gen-

erating new products in-house], we need to speak to the

OSC and other regulators so they’re aware of what we’re

doing, and seek approval when necessary — I’m the legal

adviser behind a lot of this stuff.”

The biggest adjustments in making the jump from

Torys to TMX Group, Pel says, were having a boss (“in

private practice you are essentially self-employed”), and

dealing with one rather than multiple clients (“though

you still have to deal with competing demands for your

time in both environments”).

Luckily, she has mastered the art of balancing her time,

even in her personal life. When she’s not being Mom to

her 15-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son, whom she

calls her “life’s greatest work and achievement,” she packs

in travelling, reading, gardening and sports.

More than six years after starting at TMX Group, Pel

continues to fi nd her job highly rewarding. “The business

is fascinating, and right now [fi nance is] in a period of

dramatic change, both domestically and globally. I love a

good challenge.”

Since she helped take it public, TMX Group — which

up until June of last year was called TSX Group Inc. — has

undergone a period of rapid growth. In 2008 alone, the

company acquired the Montreal Exchange (this merger

was what prompted the name change from TSX to TMX),

and increased its stake in the Boston Options Exchange

Group to a majority position.

As a result of the fi nancial crisis, Pel says TMX Group

fi nds companies doing fewer IPOs as there is less avail-

able capital to invest, and she notes there has been high

volatility. “It’s a lack of predictability that makes people

nervous,” Pel says. Though, as she wisely points out: “Lots

of people make money from volatility in the markets.”

Overall, she is optimistic: “It’s no good being a pessi-

mist. You’ve got to look forward, not backward.” She also

points out that the market correction was inevitable, if a

little surprising, considering the extent of the crisis that

has emerged. “It’s been a bit of a perfect storm of things

going wrong…Anyone who thought the upward swing

would continue unabated isn’t old enough to have seen a

market correction before.” ■

“It’s no good being a pessimist. You’ve got to look forward, not backward...It’s been a bit of a perfect storm of things going wrong…

Anyone who thought the upward swing would continue unabated isn’t old enough to have

seen a market correction before”


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22 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

While much of the world seems to be swept

up in Obamamania, Graeme Clark expresses

only restrained delight about his proximity

to the new American President.

“I’m trying not to get too attached. There’s a good

chance I’ll have moved before the end of Obama’s fi rst

term,” he says.

Of course, as Ambassador and Permanent Representa-

tive to the Organization of American States (OAS) and a

key player in Canada’s role in the upcoming Summit of

the Americas, Clark is used to discussing politics without

an overarching sense of partisanship.

Pressed about why he made the jump from English

and history student to diplomat, this Ottawa-born son

of a civil servant explains that his father “was also in the

Canadian Foreign Service.” Yet there’s nothing nepotistic

about his career path.

Clark spent most of his childhood in the cities where

his father was stationed: there were European stints

in Paris, Brussels and London, followed by a return to

Canada’s capital for several years. But while government

has dictated the majority of his (albeit briefl y inhabited)

hometowns, Clark did make one pivotal decision regard-

ing his geographic locale. After fi nishing high school, he

was eager to attend a post-secondary institution away

from home (which at that time was Ottawa), and chose

Trinity College at the University of Toronto.

“I probably should have gone to McGill,” he says (both

of his parents studied at the Montreal university), “but

Trinity was my contrarian’s decision.” He adds: “It was

really about the pull of Toronto in the 1970s — it was

glorious to be a student on campus then.”

What he remembers most fondly, aside from the College’s

striking Gothic architecture, is Trinity’s proximity to Hon-

est Ed’s emporium, which was the destination of choice for

bargain-bin canvas tennis shoes and freebie turkeys.

“It was the fact that I could walk there, or to Kens-

ington Market or the Manulife Centre to buy a bottle of

wine for a party on Saturday night,” he says. “For a guy

brought up in Ottawa, with its grey, bureaucratic build-

ings and culture dominated by politics, it was exposure to

this wonderfully multicultural existence.”

Move over Europe.

Still, after obtaining his degree at Trinity, Clark went back to England to do his graduate studies. While at

Oxford, he worked in French as a freelance journalist for

Radio-Canada and le Devoir, and graduated with a mas-

ter’s in literature in 1986. The following year he wrote the

Foreign Service exam.

“There was no trigger, no magic formula that led me

to the Foreign Service,” he says. “I jumped through dif-

ferent hoops. I considered going to law school. I certainly

disregarded being an academic — I didn’t take that path.

I was too impatient.”

Meanwhile, his Trinity friends and classmates herded

themselves into graduate programs, with most, he recalls,

staying in academia. “I guess I was the black sheep.”

At some point between Oxford and his fi rst job with


Graeme Clark represents Canada at the world table

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SPRING 2009 23

the Foreign Service, Clark had developed an attraction to

Latin culture, in all of its expressions.

“Coming out of school, I barely knew Latin America. I

barely spoke Spanish,” he says.

His newfound passion for the culture, along with the

requisite professional skills, landed him his fi rst job, in

1989, with the Department of External Affairs and Inter-

national Trade at the Canadian Embassy in San José, Costa

Rica, covering Nicaragua, Panama and Honduras.

Following that, Clark had a slew of assignments at

headquarters in Ottawa — in the International Secu-

rity and Defence Relations Division; in the Offi ce of the

Minister of Foreign Affairs; and as a legislative assistant in

the Prime Minister’s Offi ce — before eventually getting

another placement south of the border.

In 1997, Clark was appointed as the Canadian Ambas-

sador to Peru and Bolivia. He recalls the experience with a

particular (diplomatic-like, if you will) partiality.

“I had four very happy years in Peru. It was deeply fas-

cinating, if troubled.”

Clark’s posting spanned the disintegration of then-

president Alberto Fujimori’s government in 2000.

“Part of my role was to work with the OAS to support

Peru through its political transition,” he says, noting how

the country fell apart along with the government of its

leader — who would later serve prison time for human

rights abuses — only to become what Clark now describes

as a “cultural and economic superstar.”

After his posting in Peru at the height of its tumult,

Clark’s 2006 move to his current post at the Canadian














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24 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

Mission to the OAS in steady Washington, D.C., might

seem comparatively fl at-line. He doesn’t fi nd it so at all.

“It’s an exciting place to be, and an exciting place to

be right now,” he says, adding that his assignment comes

with the perk of a much-coveted view.

“My offi ce looks out on to Pennsylvania Avenue and

the inauguration route.” (In January, he braved security

checkpoints and camped out in the embassy.)

As Washington welcomes change in the form of President

Barack Obama, Clark foresees a time of metamorphosis

for the world, and for the Western Hemisphere in

particular. And although he doesn’t articulate it as

such, Clark will in fact be integral to

that metamorphosis.

He describes his role — Canada’s

National Co-ordinator — at the

upcoming Fifth Summit of the Ameri-

cas in Trinidad and Tobago from April

17 to 19, as being one of the senior

government offi cials tasked with pre-

paring “the substantive aspects of the

Summit,” of which there are many,

and with “ensuring that it is a success

from [Canada’s] perspective.” The

pressure to do that mounts daily as

current economic and political reali-

ties sink in.

The Summit of the Americas is

one of only a few multilateral plat-

forms for negotiation in the world

— the only forum where democratically elected Heads of

State from 34 countries and governments of the Western

Hemisphere meet to discuss global issues and — the real

challenge — establish solutions.

Those solutions are then carried out by the OAS, which

seeks to strengthen democracy and promote human rights,

as well as tackle many of the problems shared by Western

nations, such as terrorism and — particularly relevant to

this Summit — poverty.

By the time this year’s gathering is underway, reps from

member countries will have conferred at least six times in

D.C., and gathered in various host countries.

With so much on the agenda, Clark says, reps spend

their time “at boardroom tables, rather than enjoying the

colour and culture.” The perks come in other forms, he

says: for example, witnessing developments come to frui-

tion as a result of the “occasionally onerous” multilateral

negotiation process.

“It’s not glamorous. It’s not for personal pleasure and

benefi t. [My friends] express a great sense of pity rather

than envy [of my position],” he says, though he makes

sure to add that in December he did have one opportunity

to get up early and swim while in El Salvador.

In representing Canada at the negotiating table, fi nding

common ground isn’t as diffi cult as operating in uncom-

mon languages, Clark says. Getting 34 nations to agree to a

shared goal or policy is tough; fi nding language that pleases

each of them is trickier still. Finding language that pleases

each of them and translates into their respective mother

tongues can be, at times, nearly impossible.

“There are days when you go back

and forth for hours making a case for

the inclusion or omission of an adverb

or an adjective,” he says.

But such tests have honed his nego-

tiation skills (which he says are “use-

ful” personally, although he denies

using this ability for dinnertime

bantering), and have allowed him to

build trusting relationships with other

member countries in the OAS.

“Sometimes you have to be tough,

but I prefer to work a little more qui-

etly. I might save conversations for the

corridor. It’s a non-hectoring style,”

he says. “One of the wonderful things

about being a Canadian is bringing a

value of consensus-building and com-

promise to the table. It’s the way we function as offi cials and

diplomats. It’s a refl ection of who we are as citizens. After

negotiating, these are people I can still have a coffee with at

the end of the day.”

Ever the diplomat, Clark isn’t giving much away about

the upcoming Summit’s agenda. But he points out that

there is only so much he can say.

Back in January, he said: “It’s clear the current eco-

nomic crisis will be on the agenda. But it’s really too early

to tell in what form or guise as we’re still three months

away. A lot can change in three months.”

With change being a defi ning attribute of the Foreign

Service, Clark surmises he’ll be in Washington just long

enough to receive a few visitors. (Friends have recently

expressed interest in the re-energized capital, he says.)

“Appointments are usually four years and then — who

knows? Picking up and moving is what’s wrenching about the job,” he says. “It’s also what’s so exciting.” ■

“One of the wonderful things about being

a Canadian is bringing a value of consensus-building and compromise

to the table”


Page 25: Trinity Magazine


There’s a whole group of people who are affi liated with, though not necessarily grads of,

Trinity College. The fellows and associates, whose expertise runs the gamut from theo-

retical physics to literature to immunology, include some of U of T’s fi nest faculty. Part

of Trinity’s wider intellectual community, they give talks and lectures at the College, contribute to

its wealth of cross-disciplinary resources, mingle with Trinity folk at high table and other College

events, and mentor students. In this new department, we will get to know them a little better, start-

ing with Mark Stabile and Michael Marrus. Look for more introductions in the issues that follow.

Casual ConversationGetting to know Trinity’s fellows and associates

Fellowship Musings:

“The thing that’s kinda fun is you get to

help with undergrad admissions. You read

through applications and give your com-

ments and ranking. I don’t know what they

do with them but presumably they take

them into account when they’re making

decisions. So you see all the new students

applying to Trin and try to convince your-

self they’re as bright and fun as the ones

who were there when you were there.”

Where you’ll fi nd him at U of T:

“Half of my life is I am the director of

the new School of Public Policy and Gov-

ernance at U of T. The other half of me

is a professor of economics at the Rotman

School of Management.”

What gets him up in the morning (besides

his four-month-old baby, Bruno):

“Part of what I work on is how we fund

our healthcare system. Most people

in Canada know our system is funded

largely publicly, and that it’s strapped for

cash. The government is fi nding it really

hard to do more without raising taxes —

everybody gets angry when you raise taxes.

So one project I’m working on is how to

increase the funding that goes into health-

care without raising taxes.”

As if that doesn’t keep him busy enough:

“The other part of what I do is the eco-

nomics of child health and development.

Specifi cally, right now I’m working on a

National Bureau of Economic Research

working paper, looking at whether the

money we spend to help the children of

low-income families, works. In particu-

lar, it considers whether child tax benefi ts

help these children have healthier lives and

improve their school performance.” (And,

he adds, the good news is, they do.)

What he took away from Trinity:

“On one of my fi rst couple of days there

the Provost had a dinner. He said, and

maybe he still does this: ‘Look to your

left, look to your right. Chances are you’ll

marry one of those two people.’ So you sort

of look to your left and to your right and

you laugh. And in this case, well, maybe

she wasn’t right next to me, but she wasn’t

too far down the table. It’s a bit ridiculous,

but we’re happy.” PH





Y: P






S PRING 2009 25

Page 26: Trinity Magazine

Fellowship Musings:

“The model that we’re dealing with comes

from Oxford and Cambridge, where fellows

customarily lived in the college and were

part of the college community, taught there

and had a lot of their adult lives there. We

don’t. So what is the association? It is, in a

word, what you make of it.”

Where you’ll fi nd him at U of T:

“This semester I teach two courses: one at

the Law School, called Modern Political

Trials; and one in the Department of His-

tory, called Great Trials in History.”

What keeps him tied to his desk:

“I’m just fi nishing a book called Some Mea-sure of Justice, which examines the Holo-

caust-era restitution campaign of the 1990s.

It’s about the major issues that arose in the

U.S. having to do with Swiss banks, Ger-

man industry and insurance and art — the

story is, in large part, one of Holocaust

survivors and their families who used the

courts to seek restitution for wrongs done

during the Second World War.”

Some Measure of Justice is slated to be

published this November by the University

of Wisconsin Press. The book is partially a

product of a lecture series Marrus recently

gave at the University of Wisconsin, which

covered the same subject as his book.

Boiling his book down to a universal theme:

“I’m interested in the way the law deals

with historical wrongs — that’s a big sub-

ject, widespread in many regions of the

world. It’s a subject we’re occupied by here

in Canada, in particular with aboriginal

people and residential schools. The issue

is how does the law contend with wrongs

done, not in the immediate past, which

is what the law usually does, but wrongs

done in the distant past? And what’s the

point of that?”

Seeds of inspiration:

“I’ve been reading around this and study-

ing it for some time. It came up in my law

degree because you have to do a mini the-

sis, and mine was on apologies and justice

for historical wrongs.”

Where you’ll fi nd Marrus this May:

“In the spring I’ll be going to South Africa,

where I’ll be a visiting professor at the Uni-

versity of Cape Town, talking to law and

history students. They’re very interested

in justice for historic wrongs because of

apartheid, so my work is very relevant to

them, and theirs to me.”

On the Larkin-Stuart Lecture:

“It’s a big deal. I’ve spoken at Trinity in the

past, but I was honoured to be invited.”

Marrus delivered this year’s sold-out

Larkin-Stuart Lecture — Justice and Theatre: Great Moments in Great Trials —

on March 25 and 26. ■


“If each of us was

doing now what we

did when we went to

grad school, the world

would be a pretty dull

place. Far from forcing

us to stick to one theme

for our whole lives,

university encourages

us to explore”






Y: H






26 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

Page 27: Trinity Magazine

ClassNotesClassNotesN E W S F RO M C L A S S M AT E S N E A R & FA R


1940sA biography of the Rt. Rev. James

Charles MacLeod Clarke ’45, The

Whistling Bishop by Emily-Jane Hills

Orford, documents the Anglican bishop’s life, primarily as a mission-

ary to the Inuit in Northern Canada

during the 1950s and early ’60s.

1950sWalter Pitman ’52 has published

Elmer Iseler: Choral Visionary.

Frank Thompson ’52 has pub-

lished India in Mind: A Memoir.

He lives with his wife, Elaine

(Hunt) ’52, near Nobel, Ont.

Philip and Diana (Burdock)

Weinstein ’57 recently celebrated

their 50th wedding anniversary.

Karleen Bradford ’59 has pub-

lished Dragonmaster.

1960sClive Thomson ’68 was appointed

professor and director of the School

of Languages and Literatures in the

College of Arts at the University of

Guelph last July. The appointment

follows 14 years at the University

of Western Ontario, where he was

chair of the Department of French

Studies and cross-appointed to the

Department of Psychiatry. He also

has an established private practice as

a psychoanalyst in Guelph, Ont.

Michael Ignatieff ’69 has been

named interim leader of the Liberal

Party of Canada and will likely

be elected its offi cial leader at the

party’s spring Leadership Conven-

tion. Ignatieff holds an honorary

doctorate from the College (1999).

His father, George, was Provost

from 1978 to 1982.

1970sPeter F. Love ’71 has been appointed,

by the Canadian Investments

Awards, to the 2008 jury for the

Green Company Award.

Alan Hibben ’75 has been ap-

pointed to the board of directors

of Pinetree Capital Ltd., and is a

member of its audit committee.

Rev. Michael Fleming ’76 was

installed as Canon at Christ

Church Cathedral at the synod

of the Diocese of Ottawa.

John Cruickshank ’76 became the

new publisher of the Toronto Star in

October of last year.

1980sRev. Robert Cross ’82 is retired

and living in Niagara-on-the-Lake,

Ont., where he is involved in

St. Mark’s Anglican Church, the

Rotary Club and the Caribbean

Workers Outreach Program.

Caroline Despard ’82 was named

the 2008 Family Physician of the

Year for the region of southwestern

Ontario, and was recognized with

a special award from the John

Howard Society for the work she

did with the Vietnamese Outreach

Program in London, Ont.

Karim H. Ismail ’82 has published

Keep Any Promise: A Blueprint for

Designing Your Future, a self-help

guide drawing on his extensive expe-

rience in setting and achieving goals.

Alanna Mitchell ’82, who was a

science and health reporter for The

Globe and Mail for 14 years, has

published her second book, Sea Sick:

the Hidden Crisis in the Global Ocean.

Andrea Wood ’83 has been appointed

head of media and entertainment law

at Bennett Jones LLP.

Very Rev. Michael Hawkins ’88

was elected Bishop of the Diocese of

Saskatchewan on Dec. 6 at a synod

held at St. Alban’s Cathedral in

Prince Albert, Sask.

Paul Paton ’88 recently moved

from Queen’s University in Kings-

ton, Ont., to the Pacifi c McGeorge

School of Law in Sacramento,

Calif., where he was appointed

associate professor and director of

the Ethics Across the Professions

Initiative. He obtained his doctorate

in law from Stanford in June of last

year, and was reappointed vice-chair

of the Canadian Bar Association’s

National Ethics and Professional

Issues Committee in August.

Karen Woodman ’88 is a senior

lecturer in Teachers of English

to Speakers of Other Languages

(TESOL), and course co-ordinator

for the Master of Education in

TESOL and Teaching English as a

Foreign Language (TEFL) in the

Faculty of Education at Queensland

University of Technology in Bris-

bane, Australia. She is also currently

chair of the Teacher Education

Interest Section for the international

TESOL organization.

1990sPatrick Cain ’91 is a web editor

at the Toronto Star. He produces a

weekly interactive map that looks at

various aspects of life — from im-

paired driving to school vaccination

rates — in the Toronto area.

Sean Morley ’92 was appointed

to the board of directors of the

Toronto Port Authority in Decem-

ber of last year.

Ian Bell ’92 is a federal Crown

prosecutor working in the courts at

Old City Hall in Toronto.

Kate Broer ’93 has been named

one of Lexpert’s Rising Stars in the

category of lawyers under 40.

Jean Jerome C. Baudry ’94 has

been appointed by the Canadian In-

vestments Awards to the 2008 jury

for the Green Company Award.

2000sAndrew Duncan ’00 was deployed

to Afghanistan from April to

November 2007 as the J2 Opera-

tions offi cer to the Joint Task Force

Commander, and was awarded

the General Campaign Star. Upon

his return, he was posted to the

Canadian Forces School of Military

Intelligence in Kingston, Ont., as

the Land Warfare Offi cer instructor.

Alex Waxman ’07 is currently

working for the United Nations

High Commission for Refugees

in New Delhi, India, specializing

in determining which Somali and

Burmese refugee cases fall within

the grounds of the International

Refugee Convention.

Jasmeet Sidhu ’10 and Sadia

Rafi quddin ’09 were listed as two

of Canada’s Top 100 Powerful

Women in 2008 by the Women’s

Executive Network — both in the

Future Leaders category.

Elizabeth Abbott’s book Sugar: A

Bittersweet History was one of two

runners-up for the 2008 Charles

Taylor Prize for literary non-fi ction.

SPRING 2009 27

Page 28: Trinity Magazine

28 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

She was awarded a $2,000 honorar-

ium. Dr. Abbott was Trinity’s Dean

of Women from 1991 to 2004.

Peter Munk, a member of Trinity’s

Salterrae Society, and Steven Jaris-

lowsky, whose daughter Alexandra

is a Trinity grad (’91), were both

elevated to Companion of the

Order of Canada.


Ian R. J. Still ’92 and Julie A. Flynn:

Oct. 4, 2008, in Hamilton.

In attendance were Roland

Haage ’92, Don Booth ’93, Drew

Markham ’93, Mark Marshall ’94

and James Phillips ’93.

Peter Land ’93 and Britt Nyman:

Nov. 1, 2008, in Petersfi eld, Hants.,

England. In attendance were

Andrew McFarlane ’93 and Michael

Klosowski ’93.

Litza Smirnakis ’99 and Nick

Roustas: July 8, 2008, in Toronto.

Dr. William Aspy ’00 and Dr.

Laura Di Quinzio: Sept. 27, 2008,

in Halifax. In attendance were

Michael Jessop ’01, Hamish Mar-

shall ’00, Dr. Peter Mack ’00, Ian

Smith ’00, Robert “Beowulf” Addi-

nal ’00 and Andrew Duncan ’00.


Michael Zeitlin ’79 and Denyse

Wilson: a son, Leo David Zeitlin,

Aug. 6, 2008, in Vancouver.

Catherine Parubets ’90 and

Alex Hazlitt: a daughter, Elizabeth

Catriona, Sept. 11, 2008, in

Cobourg, Ont.

Christie Sutherland ’92 and

Joseph Laposata: a son, Albert Mi-

chael, April 29, 2008, in Toronto.

Patrick Cain ’91 and Catharine

Tunnacliffe: a daughter, Margaret

Eleanor Tunnacliffe Cain, Dec. 2,

2008, in Toronto.

Kimberley (Barrett) ’93 and John

Korinek: a son, Jacob Henry Bar-

rett Korinek, Sept. 22, 2008,

in Toronto.

Charlotte E. Masemann ’94 and

Erik de Vries: a daughter, Anna

Claire Masemann de Vries, Aug. 20,

2008, in Ottawa.

Kathryn (Andruchuk) ’95 and

Dean Hegan: a daughter, Gabriella

Sophie, June 22, 2008, in Calgary.

Jaimie (Clark) ’02 and Daniel

Atkins: a daughter, Katherine Joy,

Aug. 23, 2008, in Moose Jaw, Sask.

John and Nina (Wright) Atkinson:

a daughter, Bryn Elizabeth Wright

Atkinson, Nov. 4, 2008, in To-

ronto, granddaughter of Betty Anne

’60 and Hugh Anson-Cartwright.

Ryan and Michael Barnett-Cowan:

a daughter, Quinn Mary Grace,

Sept. 27, 2008, in Toronto, grand-

daughter of Alyson ’71 and Bruce

’75 Barnett-Cowan.

David and Karyn (McMahon)

Bradfi eld: a daughter, Gwen Elena,

Dec. 2, 2008, in Brooklyn, N.Y.,

granddaughter of Robert and Helen

(Pepall) Bradfi eld ’60 and grand-

niece of Winsor ’58 and Ruth

(Scott) ’60 Pepall.

Robert Creighton and Dearbhia

Lynch: a son, Finlay Cormac

Kevany Creighton, Sept. 2, 2008,

grandson of Donald and Moira ’63

(Davidson) Creighton.

Sheila (Creighton) and Richard

Band: a son, Quinlan Harry Robert

Band, Sept. 13, 2008, in Vancouver,

grandson of Donald and Moira ’63

(Davidson) Creighton.

Molly Finlay and Sam Robinson: a

daughter, Elle Mackenzie Robinson,

Dec. 5, 2008, in Toronto, grand-

daughter of Carol ’66 (Blyth) and

Bryan Finlay.

Jonathan and Valerie Greer: a

daughter, Julia Shaughnessy, Sept.

26, 2008, granddaughter of

William ’47 and Rina Greer.

Caitlin and Ted Burns: a son,

Edward Dillon Southwood, Nov.

19, 2008, in Palo Alto, Calif., great-

grandson of Philippa Jahn ’39 and

grandson of John ’68 and Penny


John Philip Ferrar and Edit

Ketchum: a daughter, Ana Sofi a

Hungerford Ketchum, Aug. 23,

2008, in Bucharest, Romania,

granddaughter of Dr. J. Anthony

’69 and Mary Ketchum.

Bruce and Kathleen Langstaff:

twins, a son, James Kent, and a

daughter, Claire Lillian, Aug. 15,

2008, in Richmond Hill, Ont.,

grandchildren of J. Bruce ’63 and

Judy Langstaff.

Hugh and Margot Macdonnell:

a son, George Edward Chapman,

Aug. 8, 2008, in New Jersey, grand-

son of Patricia Macdonnell ’48.

Hope and Michael Nightingale/

Thomas: a son, Matthew, Oct.

9, 2008, in Toronto, grandson

of George ’54 and Geraldine ’55


Christopher and Jessica Seed:

a daughter, Stella Violet Seys, Oct. 12,

2008, in Toronto, granddaughter of

Michael and Cara Peterman (Caro-

line Willmott) ’66 and great-niece

of Judy Willmott ’70.

Joe Sedgwick and Dimitra Paganos:

a daughter, Evyenia Sophia, Oct. 6,

2008, granddaughter of Patricia

Sedgwick ’56.

Katie Wilson and Reuben East:

a son, Gabriel Thomas Wilson-East,

Dec. 29, 2008, in Ottawa, grandson

of Tom ’62 and Elizabeth ’65 Wilson.


Allen: Lorna Margeret, Aug. 3,

2008, in Windsor, Ont., mother of

Donald V. ’66 and mother-in-law of

Nancy ’65 (Riggs) Allen.

Ashton: Isabel, Sept. 4, 2008, in To-

ronto, mother of Roger Ashton ’70.

Askwith: Gordon Kingsford ’49,

Oct. 6, 2008, in Hamilton.

Baillie: Jean Elizabeth Margaret,

Dec. 4, 2008, in Beaverton, Ont.,

mother of James C. Baillie ’59.

Bain: Madeleine (Armour) ’45,

Oct. 8, 2008, in Toronto, grand-

mother of Thomas Kruger ’99.

Baker: Kelly Michael, Sept. 4,

2008, in Calgary, brother of

Katherine Baker-Ross ’05.

Bell-Irving: Robin ’45, Aug. 28,



Trinity is developing a STRATEGIC PLAN for the

next three to fi ve years, and we encourage your

input into the development of a vision, mission,

objectives, directions and priority actions. To that

end, we would be grateful to hear your views.

Help shape the College’s future by fi lling out our

ONLINE SURVEY. All comments will be reviewed

by the Strategic Planning Committee and used to

help develop a draft Strategic Plan, expected to be

available for review later this year.


Page 29: Trinity Magazine

SPRING 2009 29

2008, in Vancouver, brother of the

late Peter Bell-Irving ’44.

Blagrave: Charles Nisbet Patrick

’49, Feb. 20 in Rothesay, N.B.

Brauch: Klaus A. ’73, May 2007

in Huntington Beach, Calif.

Brumlik: Joan (Newson) ’55,

Dec. 30, 2008, in Edmonton.

Boehm: Judith Ann, Sept. 29,

2008, in Toronto, mother-in-law

of Arden Boehm ’83.

Campbell: Colin Kydd, Sept. 9,

2008, in Hamilton, father of Ian

Campbell ’84.

Case: Jessie, Dec. 26, 2008, in

Burlington, Ont., sister of Joyce

Beverley ’39.

Clark: Brian Montgomery,

Sept. 10, 2008, in Toronto,

husband of Phoebe Wright ’81.

Clements: Pamela Dora, Oct. 17,

2008, in Port Hope, Ont., mother

of Simon Clements ’86.

Cloutier: Gerard H., Aug. 11,

2008, in Montreal, father of Anne

Cloutier ’91.

Cook: Jane Smith, Nov. 13, 2008,

in Toronto, mother of the late John

Cook ’61.

Cornforth: Stephen Harold ’61,

Oct. 17, 2008, in Toronto, father

of Ward B. Cornforth ’87.

Coyle: Francis Gordon ’48,

Nov. 17, 2008, in Toronto.

Crabtree: Alan Hanson, Oct. 18,

2008, in Toronto, brother of Peter

A. Crabtree ’55.

Crossey: Richard Edward, Oct. 28,

2008, in Toronto, grandfather of

Ethan Hoddes ’07.

Dale: Elinor Jessie Gordon,

Oct. 9, 2008, in Collingwood,

Ont., wife of Hugh Dale ’50 and

mother of Sarah Isbister ’71.

Deane: Dorothy Jane (Metcalf )

’35, Dec. 23, 2008, in Toronto.

Delamere: Diana (McMillan) ’56,

Sept. 3, 2008, in Toronto.

Disher: Irwin Scott, Sept. 22,

2008, in Montreal, father of Char-

lotte Disher ’77.

Dodds: Douglas ’78, Sept. 14,

2008, in Toronto, brother of David

R. Dodds ’77.

Donkin: William Reid Q.C. ’48,

Sept. 22, 2008, in Waterdown,

Ont., husband of the late Kate

Donkin ’48 and father of David

Donkin ’90.

Foster: Colin Edward, Nov. 10,

2008, in Vancouver, stepfather of

Martin Guest ’84.

Gartshore: John Alexander ’51,

Sept. 13, 2008, in Toronto.

Guthro: James Gregory, Nov. 11,

2008, in Toronto, father of Lisa

Guthro ’79.

Guest: Helen Nancy (McKnight)

’66, Nov. 18, 2008, in Toronto,

wife of John R. Guest ’67.

Hamilton: David Ashbury ’77,

Feb. 6 in St. Catharines, Ont.

Hardacre: Walter Oliver, Nov. 11,

2008, in Toronto, father of Nancy

Diane Stinson ’72 and Gordon

Hardacre ’66, and father-in-law of

Enid Hardacre ’65.

Harricks: Ruth Elenah, Oct. 3,

2008, in Toronto, mother of Paul

Harricks ’76 and sister-in-law of

Patricia Sedgwick ’56.

Hawkins: Murray Kennedy,

Oct. 1, 2008, in Toronto, father

of Meredith Ann Hawkins ’88.

Healy: Elsie Miriam Nish,

Feb. 14 in Toronto, mother

of Priscilla Healy ’65.

Henderson: Marjorie E. (Peat)

’66, Nov. 24, 2008, in Brecken-

ridge, Minn.

Herodek: Yoly Rose, Dec. 24,

2008, in Mississauga, Ont., mother

of Christine (Herodek) Old ’59.

Hill-Crawford: Pamela Frances,

Feb. 1 in San Diego, Calif., daugh-

ter of John Longfi eld ’53.

Holmes: Murray, Sept. 4, 2008, in

Toronto, father of Karen Holmes ’66

and grandfather of Valerie Eisen-

hauer ’96.

Holmes: Phyllis (Saunders) ’37,

Aug. 26, 2008, in Toronto, sister of

Beatrice Saunders ’40 and the late

Robert Saunders ’31, and aunt of

Janet (Hampson) Farrell ’75.

Hunter: Morris, Sept. 28, 2008, in

Orangeville, Ont., father-in-law of

John Cruickshank ’76.

Jarvis: Arthur Mountain ’44,

Oct. 29, 2008, in Toronto.

Johnson: Marie Lynn, Sept. 24,


Communications titan Edward (Ted) Samuel Rogers

died Dec. 2, 2008, of congestive heart failure at age

75, leaving an empire as complex as the man himself.

Rogers was exposed early to the path his life would

take. His father started radio station

CFRB (which was sold after Ted Rogers

Sr. died in 1939), and invented a radio

in which tubes replaced batteries, al-

lowing it to be plugged into the wall. At

Upper Canada College, a young Rogers

revealed his enterprising spirit early

by rigging up an antenna to screen TV

shows in his dorm room — defying the

private school’s rules — and charging

admission. After graduating from Trin-

ity College in 1957, he studied law at

U of T and worked briefl y at what is

now Torys LLP. He retained a lifelong connection with

the Tory family, but his fascination with gadgetry drew

him inexorably to his true passion.

Ted Rogers’ illustrious career began in radio. At

26 he used an inheritance to buy Toronto’s fi rst FM

station, CHFI. By 1967, he had secured his fi rst 300

cable-TV customers, and he spent the next 20 years

expanding his franchise.

Resourceful and resilient, a risk-taker with a drive

that more than compensated for his physical frailties, he

built a communications empire — comprising cable TV,

radio and television stations, magazine publishing (he ac-

quired Maclean Hunter Ltd. in a $3-billion deal in 1994),

residential telephone services, and the country’s largest

wireless network — through relentless hard work and

an astute grasp of the labyrinthine

government and legal regulations af-

fecting each of its components. And

it made him the second wealthiest

Canadian, with a personal net worth

estimated at more than $7 billion.

In the last few years, his focus

was philanthropic, including: mul-

tiple donations to Trinity, some of

which went to support the John W.

Graham library, named in honour

of Roger’s stepfather and mentor,

John Graham ’34; the establishment

of the Rogers Department of Electrical and Computer

Engineering at U of T; and the Rogers School of Manage-

ment at Ryerson University.

His one big regret was that he was unable to ful-

fi ll a vow to his mother to buy back CFRB — some-

thing he was still trying to negotiate just before he died.

Ted Rogers is survived by his wife, Loretta, and their

four children, two of whom hold senior positions at RCI:

Edward is cable division president and Melinda is vice-

president, strategy and development.

Page 30: Trinity Magazine

30 T R I N I T Y A L U M N I M A G A Z I N E

2008, in Mount Forest, Ont.,

mother of Colin R. Johnson ’77.

Laidlaw: Nancy Burke, June 17,

2008, in Duncan, B.C., mother of

Hugh Laidlaw ’80 (Div.).

Lawer: Audrey Stella Russell,

Nov. 12, 2008, in Toronto, wife

of John V. Lawer ’51.

Lawes: Judith Anne, Jan. 4 in

Whitby, Ont., sister of Sheila ’68 and

sister-in-law of Michael ’68 Royce.

Lindsay: M. M. Elizabeth (Betty)

’40, Aug. 19, 2008, in Ottawa.

Lindvik: Gunnar Kristian ’50,

Feb. 3 in Oslo, Norway.

Longfi eld: Alan Paul, Dec. 10,

2008, in Whitby, Ont., brother of

John M. Longfi eld ’53.

MacCallum: Hugh Henry Reid

’51, July 18, 2008, in Toronto.

Mackie: Dorothy Caulfi eld,

Sept. 13, 2008, in Maple, Ont.,

mother of George Mackie ’67.

McCardle: James Joachim,

Aug. 29, 2008, in Ottawa, father

of Bennett E. McCardle ’74.

McGibbon: David Richard ’61,

Feb. 12 in Beaconsfi eld, Que.

McLean: John Dunbar, Nov. 14,

2008, in Oakville, Ont., husband of

the late Maud Jocelyn McLean ’46

and brother of Mary McLean ’46.

McLean: Maud Jocelyn (Hicks)

’46, Nov. 18, 2008, in Oakville,

Ont., wife of the late John Dunbar

McLean ’46 and sister of Michael

K. Hicks ’49.

McMinn: Joan, Nov. 8, 2008, in

Toronto, sister-in-law of Natalie

McMinn ’54.

Meertens: Anita, Dec. 12, 2008,

in London, Ont., grandmother of

Gemma Cox ’11.

Meynell: David Balfour, Oct. 5,

2008, in Toronto, husband of

Margaret (Shotton) Meynell ’56.

Mickleburgh: Brita Helena,

Dec. 2, 2008, in Newmarket, Ont.,

mother of Norma Mickleburgh ’72.

Mortimer: Charles Stuart MacIvor

’48, Sept. 18, 2008, in Toronto.

Moulton: Daisy Christina, Aug. 24,

2008, in Campbellford, Ont.,

grandmother of Keir Moulton ’01.

Neelands: Christine Martin,

Oct. 1, 2008, in Toronto, wife of

the late Donald Neelands ’38.

Norman: Jeffrey Alan ’51, Sept. 3,

2008, in Toronto.

Norman: Marilyn Jean, Oct. 7,

2008, in Kingston, Ont., sister-in-law

of William ’61 and Nancy Whitla.

Orford: Elizabeth Metcalf,

Nov. 11, 2008, in Toronto, sister

of Emily Goodman ’42 and aunt

of Roger H. Goodman ’76.

Pace: Alexander Murray, Feb. 12

in Oakville, Ont., grandson of

A. Murray Pace ’53.

Partridge: Helen Rosemary “Tibs”

(Annesley) ’41, Nov. 3, 2008, in


Penhorwood: William H.,

Sept. 16, 2008, in Toronto, father

of David Penhorwood ’77.

Plunkett: Edith Mary (Latter)

’35, Sept. 8, 2008, in Whitby, Ont.,

sister of Val Firstbrook ’42.

Pritchard: Doris Alice, Nov. 4,

2008, in Toronto, grandmother of

Carrie Lynde ’02.

Prokos: Chloe Eleanor Margaret,

Aug. 26, 2008, in Toronto, sister of

Frances Errington ’50.

Rahimi: Alexander E.R. ’87,

Feb. 15.

Ramsay: John Murray, Nov. 4,

2008, in Western Canada, husband

of Leah (Lowe) Ramsay ’45.

Roell: Kathleen Macdonald,

Aug. 2, 2008, in Toronto, sister of

D’Arcy K de B. Macdonald ’35.

Rose: Clayton Crawford, Sept. 16,

2008, in Collingwood, Ont., father

of David Rose ’76 and grandfather

of Colin Rose ’08.

Seaborn: Edward Arthur, Feb. 23

in Meaford, Ont., brother of J.

Blair ’45 and brother-in-law of

Carol ’48 Seaborn.

Sedgwick: Henry Francis Hugh,

Sept. 23, 2008, in Toronto, husband

of Patricia (Eckardt) Sedgwick ’56.

Sims: Henry A. ’37, Nov. 21,

2008, in Ottawa.

Sinclair: Eleanor Frances ’43,

Oct. 20, 2008, in Toronto.

Smye: Dorothy Jean, Jan. 3 in

Oakville, Ont., mother of Randy

(Ralph) J. Smye ’67.

Spragge: John C., December

2008, in Toronto, father of Suzanne

Spragge ’91.

Stanley: Mary Elizabeth, Nov. 25,

2008, in Toronto, wife of F. Gordon

Stanley ’48.

Stewart: Pauline, Nov. 2, 2008, in

London, Ont., sister of Ann Gal-

braith ’53 and sister-in-law of John

Galbraith ’51.

Strutt: James William, Nov. 8,

2008, husband of the late Audrey

Elizabeth Strutt ’50.

Taylor: Christopher Norman,

Aug. 18, 2008, in London,

England, brother of Robin Boys ’51.

Tomic: Joan (Ottewell) ’40,

January 2008 in Ferndale, Mich.

Tomlinson: Lillias, Nov. 13,

2008, in Toronto, aunt of Barbara

Thamer ’54 and George Tomlinson

Gunn ’65.

Vingoe: Joan Lilly Hope,

Sept. 16, 2008, in Toronto,

mother of D. Grant Vingoe ’80.

von Bredow: Mattias Wichard,

Sept. 6, 2008, in Beamsville, Ont.,

father of Astrid von dem Hagen

’70 and grandfather of Veronica

Kitchen ’01.

Walsh: Peter Desmond, Aug. 25,

2008, in Cowansville, Que., father

of Karen Walsh ’80.

Walmsley: Robert J. K. ’50,

Nov. 19, 2008, in Toronto, husband

of Ruth Walmsley ’50 and father of

Ann P. Walmsley ’78.

Weekes: Jennifer (Maynard) ’71,

Dec. 28, 2008, in Gravenhurst,

Ont., wife of Robert Weekes ’71

and sister-in-law of John ’66 and

Arlene ’66 Weekes.

Weynerowski: Witold Maciej ’59,

Feb. 17 in Chelsea, Que.

Wiles: Sydney Thomas, Dec. 27,

2008, in Mississauga, Ont., father

of Chris Wiles ’82.

Wilkie: Trevor Spragge Wilkie,

Oct. 13, 2008, in Niagara Falls,

Ont., grandfather of Miranda

Birch ’92.

Wood: John David Stephenson

’06, Nov. 30, 2008, in Toronto.

Woolverton: Mary Jarvis ’36,

Aug. 28, 2008, in Toronto.

Wolf: Maximillian Leopold,

Oct. 10, 2008, in Toronto, brother-

in-law of Anne M. Wolf ’49.

Wylie: Gladys Dobbie, Oct. 9,

2008, in Toronto, mother of Lynda

and mother-in-law of Michael

Thompson ’62, and grandmother

of Aaron Thompson ’99.

Young: David, Dec. 10, 2008,

in Oakville, Ont., brother of Marcia

Blundell ’60. ■


FROM HERE TO E-TRINITYKeep in touch! e-trinity, our electronic newsletter, will

keep you up to date on College news and

events between issues of Trinity magazine.

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All events are free unless a fee is specifi ed, but please phone (416) 978-2651, or e-mail us at [email protected] if you have any questions, or to reserve a space.


April 1, April 8 and April 22:

Alumni Lecture Series

This year’s theme, Canada’s Recent

Constitutional Crisis: Political,

Historical, and Legal Perspectives,

will feature: Chancellor the Hon.

Bill Graham; Prof. Robert Bothwell,

head of Trinity’s International Rela-

tions Program and Fellow of Trinity

College; and Prof. Peter Russell,

University Professor Emeritus of

Political Science, University of

Toronto, and Fellow Emeritus of

Trinity College.

April 1: Bill Graham

“A Politician’s Take on the Constitu-

tional Crisis.”

April 8: Robert Bothwell

“The Constitutional Crisis in

Historical Perspective.”

April 22: Peter Russell

“The Constitutional Crisis from

a Legal Point of View.”

George Ignatieff Theatre,

15 Devonshire Pl., 7:30 p.m.

To reserve a seat, please call

(416) 978-2651, or e-mail

[email protected].

April 16: Eighth Frederic Alden

Warren Lecture

Patricia Fleming discusses: What is

the History of Books in Canada?

George Ignatieff Theatre, 8 p.m.

To reserve a seat, please call

(416) 978-2653.


April 23: Spring Meeting of


George Ignatieff Theatre, noon.

For more information, contact Jill

Willard: (416) 946-7611;

[email protected].

May 30: Annual General Meeting

of the Alumni Association

Find out about the activities of

your alumni association and

changes at the College. Then

come “back to the classroom” with

a lecture by guest speaker Dr. Andy

Orchard, Provost, on Old

Anguish: Teaching and Learning

in Anglo-Saxon England. All

are welcome.

George Ignatieff Theatre, 2 p.m.

To reserve a seat, please call

(416) 978-2651, or e-mail

[email protected].


May 12: Divinity Convocation

Honorary graduands will be

Dr. Ruth Bell ’56 and the Rt.

Rev. Miguel Tamayo Zalvidar.

Strachan Hall, 8 p.m.

June 15 to 17: Divinity Associates


Your People Shall be my People:

Anglicans and Lutherans Together;

Visions for the Future.

In early July 2001, the General

Synod of the Anglican Church of

Canada and the National Conven-

tion of the Evangelical Lutheran

Church in Canada passed the

Waterloo Declaration of Full

Communion of the two churches.

Keynote speakers, the Very Rev.

Peter Wall, Rector, Christ’s Church

Cathedral in Hamilton and Dean

of Niagara, and the Rev. Michael

Pryse, Bishop of the Eastern Synod

of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

in Canada, will set the framework

for discussion in four symposia:

considering liturgical and sacramen-

tal practices; shared ministries;

the history of Anglican-Lutheran

relations; and the international

scene. Conference worship will

draw equally from the two liturgies

and clergy, leadership is shared,

and it is hoped that attendees

will come from both churches.

Lay participation is particularly

invited and encouraged. For a

conference brochure, contact

Julia Paris: (416) 978-2707;

[email protected]. ■

CalendarCalendarT H I N G S T O S E E , H E A R A N D D O T H I S S P R I N G



Reunion years end

in a 4 or 9, but all

alumni are welcome.

For more details,

please contact Julia

Paris: (416) 978-2707;

or juliaparis@trinity.

OCT. 23 TO 27

34th Annual Book Sale – The Friends of the Library

Help the Friends of the

Library fulfi l their $1,000,000

pledge to the librarianship

endowment. To donate books

or assist with the sale, please

call (416) 978-6750.

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The Case of the Coloured



When you think of the artwork at Trinity College, you

probably recollect the paintings and tapestries lining our

public spaces. There’s no doubt these are lovely, but the

stained glass punctuating Trinity’s stone walls is perhaps

the oldest, most impressive art on campus—and in some

ways, the most mysterious.

We know where most of the panes originated. Those in

Strachan Hall were produced by the late, revered stained-

glass artist Yvonne Williams and her colleagues. One made in

1941 displays 17 heraldic College and school coats of arms.

Trinity benefactor the late Gerald Larkin commissioned her

to produce fi ve other panels for the dining hall. The three

that were completed feature imposing, shadowy fi gures.

Williams was also instrumental in recovering fragments

from the windows in the chapel at Trinity’s original Queen

Street location, most of which were the work of well-known

Toronto fi rm McCausland & Co., and which she incorpo-

rated into panes in the current chapel. Some of the smallest

and most beautiful examples are the only pieces salvaged

from the central window of the old sanctuary: three angel

fi gures, now perched above the chapel’s eastern doorway.

Records reveal, too, the origin of the soaring panes

behind the High Altar. Commissioned in 1955 by the cha-

pel’s architect, Sir Giles Gilbert Scott from English firm

James Powell & Sons, the glass was carefully packed into

21 cases, along with the requisite metal bars and rods, and

shipped across the Atlantic.

But there are six pieces of stained glass in the College

for which the provenance, beyond a few details and a lot of

speculation, is a mystery. Donated by Constance Greening

Matthews in 1956, they are housed in the Lady Chapel and

the Provost’s Lodge, and thought to be European.

Whatever the origin of Trinity’s stained glass, however,

each piece cries out to be studied further, to have its unique

characteristics showcased, perhaps in future Trinity Past

columns…. – Jill Rooksby PH





Y: C







Pictured above: This bishop riding a horse is one of Trinity’s stained-glass

mysteries — it sits in the Provost’s Lodge.