travel the world with the leader in tesol certification over

TEACH ENGLISH OVERSEAS Travel the World with the Leader in TESOL Certification TESOL Certification ® OVER 55,000 GRADUATES

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Travel the World with the Leader in TESOL Certification

TESOL Certification



As the international demand for English teachers continues to grow, internationally

recognized TESOL training is a must in order to teach abroad. I have been in close contact with

Global TESOL College over the past several years and find their programs to be exceptional

and their college to be top notch…

Dave Sperling, Founder of Dave’s ESL Café, California, USA

“Teaching English Overseas” is the best way for you to travel the world as you earn money, learn about yourself and experience new cultures... while helping to make the world a better place.

A “Global TESOL College Certificate” is one of the most globally mobile credentials you can have to work in almost any country in the world, from large cities to rural villages. We help you to select a job based on where you want to go as well as why... do you want to do this for the experience, for the money, or for a combination of both?

Whether you are new to this field or are an experienced EFL / ESL professional upgrading your portfolio, we have the perfect TESOL Program for you. At Global TESOL College you will learn effective teaching skills, earn impressive credentials and secure job positions in exotic locations around the globe, regardless of your age or background. So yes, you can do this!

I personally invite you to start your adventure today…


Thank you for choosing Global TESOL College

Loren YaremchukFounder & PresidentGlobal TESOL College InternationalEdmonton, Canada

Teach English Worldwide

Are You Ready for the Experience of a Lifetime?

A Message From the Founder...

Get Ready to Travel, Teach & Explore the World!

Study In-Class, Online, or by Correspondence. Join 1000’s of Our Graduates Who Are Teaching English Overseas!

Enjoy These Benefits:• Satisfyyourdesiretotravelandseetheworld• Immerseyourselfinfascinatingculturesinexoticlocations• Earnmoneyandsaveforyourfuture,orvolunteerandhelpthoseinneed• Meetlike-mindedpeopleandmakelifelongfriendsaroundtheglobe• Entertheglobaleconomyandgaininternationalteachingexperience• Beaninspirationasyouhelpyourstudentstoachievetheirgoals• Learnanewlanguage,explorenewfoods,hobbiesandpersonalinterests• Shareyourknowledge,cultureandinterestswithothers• Havethemostmeaningfulexperienceofalifetime…PLUS• Returnwithanexpandedawarenessofyourselfandoftheworld,moreself-confidence,andaninternationalresuméthatissuretoimpress!

The World Leader in TESOL Certification• IfyouspeakEnglishfluently,thenGlobalTESOLCollegecancertifyyoutoteach

English in just 5 days.

• How?1000’sofschoolsinover85countriescontactustorequestourgraduates. They know the Global TESOL College name stands for the highest caliber training.

• Over50,000individualsjustlikeyouhavecompletedourinternationallyrecognizedTESOL(TEFL/TESLequivalent)CertificationProgram.

• WhyisthereanenormousdemandforTESOLcertifiedteachers?Englishhas become the global language and people worldwide need to learn it.

• Therearemorethan100,000teachingjobspresentlyavailableincountriesaround the world, and the demand for TESOL certified teachers grows each year.

• ThestudyofEnglishisa$20billionUSDindustryworldwide-andTESOLCertifiedEnglish teachers are in high demand and earning very good salaries.

Do I need to speak the local language? No, speaking the local language is not a requirement.

Do I need to have a degree? No, however having a degree will open up even more doors for you.

Do I need to be a teacher? No, this opportunity is available to people of all backgrounds.

Do I need to be a certain age to get a job? No, people of all ages are teaching English abroad.




Get Certified in 5 Days!

call toll free: 1-888-270-2941Get Ready to Travel, Teach & Explore the World!

Who is Global TESOL College? …We Are The World’s Largest TESOL Program Provider

• Establishedin1994,GlobalTESOLCollegeistheworld’slargestTESOLProgramprovider.Our“InternationalHeadquartersandCorporateTrainingCenter”islocatedinEdmonton, Canada.

• Wecreatedtheoriginal“TESOLCertificationProgram”InNorthAmericaanditquicklybecame the most popular and recommended Program by employers as a result of our international reputation, solid training and honest service.

• Weareaworldwidenetworkoftrainingcentersandgraduatesupportofficesinoveradozencountries,withastaffofmorethan80TESOLprofessionals.

• Wearedirectlylinkedtothousand’sofschools,employersandrecruitersaroundtheglobethat hire our graduates, and we help to place you in the job that best suits your goals.

• TheCertificateemployersaskforbyname…theGlobalTESOLCollegenameisrecognizedworldwide.Wehavegraduatespresentlyteachinginmorethan85countries.

• Highlyqualified,trainedandexperiencedTESOLinstructorsbringtheworldofTESOLinto the classroom. We will train you to be an effective, resourceful and professional English teacher.

• Overthepast15years,throughourworldwidenetworkoftrainingcenters,wehavegraduatedandfoundemploymentforover40,000people,andwecontinuetograduateand place thousands of people annually.

• GlobalTESOLCollegeiscertifiedbytheGovernmentofCanada.OurProgramsareregistered by state, provincial and federal government agencies in various locations worldwide. In Ontario, we are not registered under the Private Career Colleges Act due to the fact that we are exempt, by the legislation, from registration. Franchise opportunities are available worldwide.

• Asaresultofourproventrainingandjobplacementsystem,andourdedicatedandhighly skilled team of TESOL professionals around the globe, we are firmly established astheworldleaderintheTESOLtrainingindustry…andwecontinuetosettheindustrystandardforprofessionaltrainingandcustomerservice…

When you go with Global TESOL, you go with the BEST!

Regulatory & Professional Designations:• CertifiedasanEducationalInstitutionbytheGovernmentofCanada,HumanResourcesandSkillsDevelopmentCanada(HRSDC)Institution#7009/8602

• TESLCanadarecognizedteachertrainingprogram.• UniversityaccreditedbyUSCandNewYorkState• RegisteredwiththeSingaporeGovernmentCouncilforPrivateEducation• CaliforniaBureauforPrivatePostsecondaryandVocationalEducation(BPPVE),SchoolCode#18964CA• WisconsinEducationalApprovalBoard(EAB)• ArizonaStateBoardforPrivatePostsecondaryEducation(ASBPPE)• NevadaDepartmentofEducation(NDE)• Michigan’sProprietarySchools(MPS)• MalaysianMinistryofEducation(MOE):ApprovedbytheGovernmentofMalaysia• InternationalAssociationofTeachersofEnglishasaForeignLanguage(IATEFL)• AssociationofInternationalEducators(NAFSA)• NationalAssociationofCareerColleges(NACC)• BritishAssociationofAppliedLinguistics(BAAL)• JapanAssociationforLanguageTeaching(JALT)• BetterBusinessBureau(BBB)NorthAmerica• BetterBusinessBureau“OnlineReliabilityProgram”OnlinePaymentProtection

With a Global TESOL College Certificate in hand, you instantly become certified to work in almost any country in the world, plus you now possess one of the most internationally recognized, respected and desired English teacher credentials in theindustry…50,000GlobalTESOLCollegegraduatesarelivingproof.

Our mission is to graduate

exceptional, globally aware English teachers

who will meet or exceed the

demands of schools


HRSDC Certified 7009/8602


The Global TESOL Difference…we’ve spent the last sixteen years planning for your next year or two abroad…


The English teaching industry has evolved significantly over the past decade, and foreign language schools are becoming more selectivewhenhiringnewteachers.Thenumberofqualifiedandexperienced teachers has increased as well, making a Global TESOL Certification your most valuable asset.

With a Global TESOL College Certificate (or Diploma) You Will Be Able To: • EntertheTESOLjobmarketwithrecognizedcredentials• Earnasignificantlyhighersalary$$$• Receivemorebenefitsandperks• Workfewerhoursperweekforbetterpay• Accesslucrativetutoringopportunities• Opendoorstoworkincountriesnotaccessibletotourists• Gainconfidenceinyourabilitytoteach

It is difficult to find a good job with a reputable employer without a TESOL Certificate, even if you have a degree. And teachers who have Global TESOL College Certification are eligible for many more employment opportunities and considerably higher wages.

Nowonderuncertifiedteacherswho have taught abroad in the past become TESOL Certified before they go abroad again – so they can get a jobintoday’scompetitivemarket.

Academics and employers agree that a university degree alone will not prepare you to teach English as asecondlanguage.MostuniversityESL courses are theory based and locally focused. TESOL offers more...

TESOLteachersrequirespecialskills and knowledge to teach communication in a foreign land. Therefore, reputable employers requirethattheteacherstheyhireareTESOL Certified.

For most countries, a TESOL Certificateisthemajorrequirement.In addition to a TESOL Certificate, a degree in any discipline may be necessary to teach legally in some countries.

AnEducationdegreeorMastersdegree, plus a TESOL Certificate may berequiredforhigherpayingpositions.

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Why You Need to be Global TESOL Certified

Do I Need TESOL Certification... Do I Need A Degree?

Want to get a better job and more pay? Become Global TESOL Certified today!

What Makes Us Unique#1 in Customer ServiceWereallytakecareofourgraduates…whenpeoplehearthe name Global TESOL College, they know it stands for qualityserviceandcustomersatisfaction.Astheindustryleader, we have developed our entire system based on the specific needs of our students and overseas employers. After 16yearsand50,000graduateslater,wecontinuetoprideourselves on delivering more than we promise, and more than you expected.

Proven Training System TM

Thekeytoourgraduates’successcomesfromourexclusive“Global TESOL SystemTM”. This teacher training system gives youthatimportantedgeintoday’sTESOLjobmarket.

We Know What WorksWhy is the “Global TESOL SystemTM” so successful? The old wayofteachingdoesn’twork!Muchoftheworld“KNOWS”Englishbutcannot“USE”Englishineverydaysituations.Wehaveshiftedthefocusandtrainyou“HOW”toteachEnglishtherightway.Youwilllearnthepracticalmethodsthatareproventoquicklytakeastudentfrom“knowing”to“using”English.

Internationally Recognized TESOL CertificationYou’llbecertifiedworldwide…traveltheglobewithoneofthemostrecognizedTESOLCertificates.UponProgramcompletion, you receive a TESOL “Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages” Certification.

The Certificate Employers Ask for by NameYouwillbeinhighdemandbecauseemployersworldwidecontactusrequestingourgraduates.TheGlobalTESOLCollege Certificate has become an industry standard because we graduate effective teachers. It is accepted by thousands of schools around the globe.

Employment ServicesInnovative ContentYouwanttomakethemostofyourtimeteachingEnglishoverseas. We teach you how to be an effective English teacher andhowtohavefunteaching…theGlobalTESOLProgramdelivers the perfect mix of theoretical and practical content, and will teach you all the basics of teaching in any classroom situation.Andthebestpartisthatourpractice-teachingcomponents provide you with the opportunity to use what you have learned, empowering you to excel in any classroom environment.

World Class Training MaterialsOurcomprehensiveseriesofover20TESOLFoundationandSpecializationTrainingManualsareuniquetotheindustry.Theyhavebeencustomdesignedin-house,andcoverallthetopics you will need to know. They are invaluable resources foryouintheclassroom…byfarthebestTESOLManualsavailable today.

World Class InstructorsLearnfirst-handhowtoteachEnglishfromtheindustry’sbest…ourskilledandwell-traveledTESOLInstructorspossess a Global TESOL College “TESOL Instructor Diploma”andauniversityeducation.Theirextensiveoverseas English teaching experience and knowledge will bring the world of TESOL into the classroom.

call toll free: 1-888-270-2941


Receive a World of Benefits...

More people choose Global TESOL College than any other institution.

Here are a few reasons why...

Why More People Choose Global TESOL College…


Graduate ServicesTeacher Placement ServicePersonal“step-by-step”help…thegoalofour“JobPlacementSpecialists” is to assist in placing you in a reputable teaching position that best matches your goals.

Tutors for Distance Study StudentsStudying online or by correspondence? Thousands of people from around the world become Global TESOL Certified this way. All distance study students receive unlimited assistance from a professionallytrained“DistanceEducationInstructor”byemailand telephone.

Join a Global Community of 50,000 MembersAs a graduate you become a lifetime member of our “Travel & Teach English Overseas” global community that shares job postings, travel information, teaching tips, blogs and more... unlike any other institution in the industry.

Support Abroad from the Global TESOL Network of OfficesHelpisneverfarawaywhenyouareourgraduate.GlobalTESOL College has TESOL training centers with English speaking staff in more than a dozen countries, so whenever you need assistance, phone or drop in to one of our local or overseas training centers.

Call Toll-Free Today (1-888-270-2941)We have TESOL Advisors standing by to answer yourquestionsandtogetyoustartedonyour“TeachEnglishOverseas”adventure.CallNow!

Free “Teach English Overseas” Information SeminarsWe hold FREE Seminars in most major cities so that you havetheopportunitytomeetourstaff,haveyourquestionsanswered, see our training materials, and find out all about the overseas job options available to you.

We Hold In-Class Courses in Many Major Cities... See for details.

Global TESOL College offers the leading teacher training, certification and overseas job placement service. We have the perfect TESOL Program to take you where you want to go.

Receive a World of Benefits...

Graduate Benefits

At no extra charge, all graduatesreceive these additional benefits:

Lifetime Job Placement Assistance

Lifetime Access to Our Online Graduate Center

Professional Letter of Reference

Certificate Verification for Employers

Cover Letter & Resumé Writing Templates

Lifetime Access to Overseas Job Bank

Employment Selection Assistance

Employment Contract Review

Contract Negotiating Tips

Interview Strategies

Departure Preparation Assistance

Visa, Passport & Airline Information

Country-Specific Information

Advice On Accommodations & Personal Needs

Overseas Living, Working & Teaching


Note: If available, we will provide you with the names and email addresses of graduates in your destination country.


Why More People Choose Global TESOL College…

“After working in MoroccoandFranceafter high school, this program put my entire future into perspective.NowI’mconfidentandeven more excited about my upcoming

triptoSpain!” Lindsay M., Edmonton, Canada 2003

“I thoroughly researched all other English teacher certification programs across Canada and this organization offers the most credible and professional course by far. The emphasis on training me as an English teacher was exactly what I needed.”

Nataliea Vanderheyden Toronto, Canada Taught in Ratchaburi, Thailand 1997 “I have been teaching English to childrenhereinJapanforthreemonths now. I love the experience. The land is beautiful, the people are wonderful and the food is incredible.”

P. Leung, Vancouver, Canada 2005

“We loved studying online from Costa Rica,wediditwhen and where we wanted.”J. & M. Duran Herradurra Beach, Costa Rica 2001

“We retired and took the program. A whole new world of opportunities we never thought possible opened up for us to work together abroad. Thanks, Global TESOL College!”

Sandra & Rivero Hansen Budapest, Hungary 2002

“Asan18yearoldhighschoolgraduate,Iwasn’tsurewhatIwasgetting into, but Global TESOL College madeallthedifference.NowIamreadytodothis.”ThanksGTC!

Sue Harper, Perth, Australia 2000

“On my first day in Guadalajara,Mexico,I secured an EFL job at a reputable school without a degree or any knowledge of the Spanish language. Theemployer’smain

requirementwasagovernmentapprovedTESOL certificate from a reputable school.ThanksGlobalTESOLCollege!”

Leanne Duke, Edmonton, Canada 1997 “This course explained, reinforced

and expanded on the knowledge and experience I have gained teaching ESL in Canada over the past ten years.”

Norma S., Montreal, Canada 1999 “IhavebeenteachingEnglishinKoreaandJapanforthepasttenyears.Imustsay, with all honesty, that this TESOL course was the single most important factor that took me from being a confused

What are you Waiting For?Who Gets TESOL Certified?ThereisnoaverageprofileofthetravelingEnglishteacher.Travel-motivated people of all ages and from all backgrounds take our TESOL Programs, and find meaningful employment teaching English overseas (orlocally).OurProgramsattractavarietyofpeoplefromrecenthighschoolgraduatestothosewithaMasters’orPhDleveleducation.Individuals new to teaching, as well as those with years of experience teaching English in a local school system, find our Programs to be extremely valuable because of their academic and practical content. Nomatterwhatyourbackgroundis,GlobalTESOLCollegeisheretolaunch your working vacation or exciting new international career.


call toll free: 1-888-270-2941

What Global TESOL Graduates are Saying...

university math graduate, to being a successfulandconfidentEnglishteacher!”

Robin Schneider, Lethbridge, Canada (Robin has been teaching English in Asia for the past 10 years.) 1996

“I have to admit we were skeptical at first, but here we are, in our 60’sandteachinginChina.Thankyou!”Elly & Roger Holt Memphis, USA 2004

“Thanks to your one week certificate, inUlsan,SouthKorea,Iwasgivena$500USpermonthsalaryincrease-that’s$6,000USperyear.”

Valerie Ternan, Winnipeg, Canada 1998 “When I finished my university degree inESL,Iwasn’tconfidentthatIcouldwalk into a classroom and teach because the courses I had taken were strictly theoretical in scope. Uponcompletionofyourcourse,my teaching skills have been more effective and professional; furthermore I am able to teach in a meaningful and productive manner. This was not part of my four year ESL degree program attheUniversityofToronto.”

Nick Pavic, Toronto, Canada 1995

“The employment opportunities and contacts presented to me in this course made me realize that, with this certificate, I could teach in almost any country in the world.”

Chuck Judge, Vancouver, Canada 2002

Even though I have been teaching inKoreafor5yearsIstilllearnedsomuchfromthiscourse.Mysupervisor was shocked at my improved classroom creativity and lesson planning ability. I was told that I was a darn fine teacher but I knew I lacked the creativity and resources to beaGREATTEACHER.Thiscoursesolvedtheseproblems.AstheHeadTeacher I am responsible for training all new teachers, and I am much more confident in the advice I give. I kick myself for not taking this course sooner!Thiscoursewaswellworththemoney!Ifyouarethinkingabouttakingthiscourse,stopthinking!Takeit!Youwillnotregretit!”

Adam D., South Korea 2005

“An excellent supplement to my previous six years of teaching English at a university in Japan,plusaninternationally recognized certificate from a

reputablecollege!” Carol D., Edmonton, Canada 2001

(presently lives in Tokyo, Japan.)

“As an independent personal teacher/instructor of various subjects, I found the TESOL course enlightening in respecttomethods.Notoneweekafter the course, I used similar methods

in personal instructing, and it was a completesuccess!Thecoursewasfunand interesting, the teacher was intuitive and exact, and I look forward to teaching a whole classroom of students with my certification and newfound methods under my belt.”

Liz Pringi, Canada 2004

“I am a graduate of Global TESOL College from Toronto in2004andafterone year of teaching in Indonesia, three monthsinMoscowand now back to Indonesia, I am a


Javier Miranda Toronto, Canada, 2004

Global TESOL Graduates Include:•PeopleWithoutPreviousEnglishTeachingExperience•Travelers&AdventurersExploringthePlanet•SeriousCareerTeachers•University&CollegeStudents•HighSchoolGraduates•Retirees,Couples,Friends&Families•PeopleWhoareUnemployedorareDesiringaCareerChange•PeopleInterestedinaWorkingVacation•Non-NativeEnglishSpeakingTeachers&Students•ESLTutors&Volunteers•PeopleofAllAges,Nationalities&Backgrounds•MembersofReligious,Cultural&AidOrganizations•ESLProfessionalsSeekingFormalTESOLCredentials&Specialized(ESP)Upgrading•EducatorsPresentlyTeachingOverseasorLocally•PeopleInterestedinanInternationally-FocusedProfessionalDevelopmentCourse•InternationalBusinessProfessionals&EntrepreneursPursuingtheGlobalMarket•PeopleWhoTaughtAbroadWithoutaCertificate&ArePlanning

to Go Abroad Again


What Global TESOLGraduates are Saying...

“Global TESOL Changed My Life...!”

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The range of locations and teaching situations available covers a very broad spectrum. As a TESOL Certified teacher, you will have employment opportunities available to you in most countries around the world. There only a handful of nations where English is not beingwidelystudied(suchasNorthKorea&Bhutan).

Destination Quick Facts:•GlobalTESOLCollegegraduatesareteachinginover85countries.•Thejobmarketisboominginmorenewcountrieseachyear(suchasKazakhstan&Myanmar).•ThejobmarketcontinuestogrowinestablishedTESOLmarkets(suchasSouthKorea&China).

Jobavailabilityvariesgreatlyfromcountrytocountry,but the overall global demand continues to steadily rise each year. Global TESOL graduates are working inincrediblejobsincountriesaroundtheworld…frompopulardestinationssuchasJapanandTaiwan,tothenotsocommoncountrieslikeNepalandNamibia.

Why Are There So Many Jobs?MillionsmoreeachyeararelearningEnglishsothat they can communicate in the global economy. Therearemorethan100,000TESOLjobsavailableworldwide. This is a very conservative estimate consideringthelargenumberofteachersrequiredatpresentforcountriessuchasChinaandSouthKorea.

Demand Quick Facts:•HalfabillionpeoplearepresentlystudyingEnglish

around the world. •90%percentoftheworlds’electronicallystoreddata

is in English. •80%ofthewebsitesontheinternetareinEnglish.

Let Us Help You Find Your Dream Destination

ASIA is a fascinating place where ancient traditions and modern advances combine to create a stunning cultural experience for all those fortunate enough to spend time living there. English teaching jobs in most Asian countries areabundantandlucrative.Approximately50%oftheEnglishteachingjobsavailableworldwidearefoundinAsia.Jobsusuallyincludeairfareandaccommodation.High-payingprivatetutoringopportunitiesarecommon.Asiaisagreatplacetosavemoney…PopulardestinationsincludeJapan,Korea,China,TaiwanandThailandjusttonameafew.Youwillloveit!

Asian Highlights: In China walk the Great Wall and swim the exotic beaches of Sanya; visit the temples and ruins of Angkor Wat in Cambodia; trek overland to Tibet;sampledeliciousfoodsandvisitaBuddhistmonasteryinKorea;explorethejunglesandelephanttrekinThailand;shopinHongKong…thewondersofthefareastculturesareendless!

LATIN AMERICA offers exciting opportunities for the adventurous and thesunloving.CentralAmerica,SouthAmericaandMexicohaveattractiveteachingpositionsavailablethroughouttheyear.Youwillearnenoughmoneytolive comfortably while exploring the diverse landscapes, cultures and people of this fascinating area of the world.

Latin American Highlights: Learn Spanish and dance the Salsa in Colombia; visitexcitingfestivalssuchasCarnivalinBrazil;surf,swimandwanderCostaRica’stropicalbeaches;exploreChile’smysteriousAtacamadesert;tourtheancientMayanempireinGuatemala;hiketoMachuPicchuinthePeruvianAndes; experience indigenous cultures and fall in love with the food, music, peopleandlifestyle…itisadifficultplacetoleave!

EUROPE offers an extraordinary mix of culture, history and adventure. Popular teachingdestinationsincludePoland,CzechRepublic,Slovakia,Russia,Spain,France,Italy,GreeceandScandinavia,tonameafew…peopleloveteachingherebecausetherearesomanyEuropean,AfricanandMiddleEasterncountries in close proximity, which are easily accessible and inexpensive to visit.

European Highlights: Tour a new European country each weekend; learn anewlanguage;experienceEasternBlocktraditions;SeeMonaLisaattheLouvreinParis;visitMoscowandridetheTrans-SiberianRailway;exploretheancient Acropolis and sunbathe on the endless beaches in Greece... and relax in the vineyards of Tuscany.

The MIDDLE EASTisknownforitsmystiqueandmagic.PositionsintheUnitedArabEmirates,SaudiArabia,Kuwait,andmostothercountriesofthisareaofferexcellentsalariesandgenerousbonusestotheirteachers.Mostpositionsrequirepreviousteachingexperience(atleastoneyear)andaBachelor’sdegree,somostteacherschoosetogototheMiddleEastafterthey have taught elsewhere for a year or two.

Middle Eastern Highlights: When in Saudi Arabia, join the millions in their pilgrimagetotheholycityofMecca;visitthevillageofHaballah,aremnantof the old Arabia; relax by the breathtaking Wadi Shals waterfalls in Oman; seethetechnologicalwondersintheoilrichnationofDubai;visitPetra,theprehistoriccityinJordan...andsoakinanancientsteambathinIstanbul,Turkey.

NATIvE ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES also continue to experience a growth in the demand for English language teachers as people needing to improve their conversational English skills visit, study or emigrate to Englishspeakingcountries.Jobsincludetutoringforeignstudents,teachingnewimmigrants, assisting at ESL summer camps, teaching TOEFL Preparation and more.

We Know Where The Jobs AreWhere Do You Want To Go?

Where You Can Teach English


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Go to for detailed country profiles.

Taiwan“Hess Educational Organization is the largest, most progressive private language school in Taiwan. I would like to offer the graduates from the Global TESOL College program an excellent opportunity to teach overseas.”


JapanNova has found your students to be very suitable candidates to teach English in our schools in Japan. We have full-time positions available for university graduates and semi full-time positions for candidates who may not possess a university degree.


KoreaPark English, on behalf of the Korean Ministry of Education, is regularly searching for Global TESOL qualified ESL teachers for public school teaching positions throughout Korea.


School Testimonials

Opportunities in more than 85 countries including:

AlbaniaAndorraArgentinaArmeniaAustriaAzerbaijanBelgiumBelizeBoliviaBosnia&HerzegovinaBrazilBulgariaCambodiaCameroonChadChileChinaColombiaCostaRicaCroatiaCyprus CzechRepublicDenmarkEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEstoniaFranceGambiaGeorgiaGermanyGreeceGrenadaGuatemalaGuyanaHaitiHondurasHongKongHungaryIndiaIndonesiaIran IsraelItaly

JapanKazakhstanKurdistanKuwaitLaosLatviaLebanonLithuaniaMacedoniaMalaysiaMexicoMoldovaMoroccoMongoliaNicaraguaOmanPakistanPanamaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandPortugalPuertoRicoQatarRomaniaRussiaSaudi ArabiaSerbia&MontenegroSlovakiaSloveniaSpainSouthKoreaTaiwan TanzaniaThailandTunisiaTurkeyUkraineUnitedArabEmiratesUruguayVenezuelaVietnamYemen


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And the list goes on...!

Types of Job Opportunities

There are many different categories of TESOL jobs available for our graduates.Theyinclude:

•PrivateEnglishschools•Publicschools&universities•Privatetutoring•EnglishforSpecialPurposes(ESP)•Foreignentranceexampreparation(TOEFL,IELTS,etc.)•Corporateteachingforbusinesses & government agencies

You Did What?

As a traveling English teacher, you may beofferedsomeveryunique,excitingand lucrative jobs abroad. Some of our graduateshavehadtheseamazingjobs:


How Much Can You Earn & Save?This depends on where you work, the level of your TESOL credentials, your spending habits and on the cost of living.

Typically our graduates earn an average of $2000USpermonthinmanycountriesandcansaveanywherefrom25%to75%oftheirwagesiflivingwithintheirmeans.Manyteacherssave$20,000USormoreeachyear.

As a general guideline, the wealthier the nation, the more you can make, but the cost of living is usually higher.

How Can I Earn Even More Money?Manygraduatesdouble(ormore)theirincomebyworkingoutsideofthenormal20-25hourwork week as private tutors or by teaching in specialized fields.

Teaching SalariesMoney Makers (earn between $3000 - $8000 US monthly)

•SaudiArabia,UnitedArabEmirates,Dubai•CertainpositionsinHongKong,Japan & Taiwan

Money Savers(earn between $2000 - $5000 US monthly)


Experience Makers (earn between $500 - $2000 US monthly)


Teaching Salaries by Region (US)(Pay per month; does not include optional tutoringincome)


Helpful Employment Facts For Job Selection

How Global TESOL Will Help YouAstheindustry’sexperts,GlobalTESOLCollege’syearsofknowledge and experience will prove to be extremely valuable foryou.Our“JobPlacementSpecialists”willassistyouinselecting the best job, and provide you with very important information on how to wisely negotiate the terms of your contract.

Whether you are planning a short or long term trip abroad to teach English, there are many important factors to consider when selecting a teaching position.

Your Contract•Contracttermsrangefromafewweeksuptooneortwoyears.

•Manyjobcontractsprovidepaidairfareandaccommodation,andincludeattractive packages.


•Eachjoboffersuniquebenefitsandmayincludesuchthingsasfreelanguage lessons, paid holidays, housemaids, weekend excursions and meals.

•Youcanexpectsalariesandcontracttermstovarygreatlyfromcountrytocountry, and from school to school. Foreign English teachers may be paid theequivalentsalaryofalocalteacher,orasmuchastentimesthesalaryof a local teacher.

•Anaverageworkweekis20-25hours,leavingyouampletimetoexploreand immerse yourself in a new culture.

•Manyteacherstutorprivatelyandmakealotmoremoneyinashortperiod of time, often earning double their monthly salary.

Typical TESOL contracts include these categories: •Contractduration•Start&enddate•Teachinghours/week•Accommodationarrangements•Airfare•Otherperks•Monthlysalary&bonuspay•Currency&methodofpayment•Medicalcoverage•Paidholidays&sickdays•Contractcompletionpay(often1month’ssalary)

Here’s A Typical Job OfferOne Year Contract in South Korea•FreeAirfare&Accommodation•$2,200USMonthlySalary•Teach25hrsperweek•FreeMedicalInsurance•22PaidDaysOff•EndofContractBonus:$2,200US

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Disclaimer:Theaboveinformationisprovidedasageneral guideline. Salaries listed are subject to change due to marketplace conditions and currency exchange rates. The contract salaries and benefits will vary depending on the position.

Teaching Salaries by Region (US)(Paypermonth:doesnotincludeoptionaltutoringincome)

Experience Makers(earn between $500 - $2000 US monthly)

HELP EvERY STEP OF THE WAYYouwantyourtimeabroadtobeameaningfulandrewarding experience. Obtaining the credentials and solid training to be an excellent teacher of English is very important, but you also want the facts, knowledge and support that will land you that great job. We will help you through this complete process.

We Provide You with these Products & Services:4PreparationDuringtheFoundationCourse4Step-by-StepEmploymentHandbook4 Free Teacher Placement Service4OnlineJobBankAccess4ThousandsofReputableJobContacts4LifetimeJobPlacementAssistance4ProfessionalHelpbyPhone,EmailandinPerson4AdditionalFreeEmploymentServices(SeePage7)

FOUNDATION COURSE PREPARATIONOur goal is to get you a great job abroad. One section of our Foundation TESOL Course is dedicated to covering the major aspects concerning finding an overseas job, as well as preparing you to live and work in an overseas environment.

EMPLOYMENT HANDBOOKEverythingyouneedtoknow!IncludedintheFoundationTESOLCourseisour250page“EmploymentHandbook”containingthefollowingtopics…departurepreparation,documentation(coverletter,resume),theapplicationprocess, contracts, money, health, travel, culture shock, hot tipsforearningincomeasatutor…plusmuchmore.

FREE TEACHER PLACEMENT SERvICESecuring a reputable job in one of the many exciting countries around the world is made easy with our innovative job placement system. Included with all of our Programs is our “Teacher Placement Service”, an extremely valuable tool linking you to the job that best suits your goals.

ONLINE JOB BANK - LIFETIME ACCESSYouwillbegrantedexclusiveaccesstoour“GraduateOnlineJobBank”,containingregularlyupdatedjobpostingsfrom employers worldwide, including the “hard to find” jobs. This is an unlimited lifetime service for our graduates.

LIFETIME JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE Formanyofourgraduates,teachingabroadisnotaone-time event. They continue to travel and teach English overseas year after year. Therefore, Global TESOL College provides you with unlimited lifetime job placement assistance so that you always have access to the best jobs in the world, now and in the future.

PROvEN TRACK RECORDGlobal TESOL College has successfully trained, certified and assisted in finding employmentforour50,000TESOLgraduates.Wehavea99%jobplacementsuccessrate,thehighest in the industry.

THOUSANDS OF REPUTABLE JOB CONTACTSGlobalTESOLCollegehasoneoftheworld’slargest networks of overseas English teaching positions. There is that perfect job waiting for you, regardless of your age, background, experience or education level. We have established relationships with employers worldwide, and schools contact us on a dailybasisspecificallyrequestingGlobalTESOLCollegegraduates.

GRADUATE HELP LINEGlobal TESOL College is available to assist all students andgraduatesbyphone,e-mailorinperson.


Helpful Employment Facts For Job Selection

register online at:

JobPlacement Services


1150 PAGES

Foundation TESOL Course

How You Will Learn To Teach English Worldwide... In Just 5 DaysToquicklybeonyourwaytravellingandteachingEnglishoverseas,simplycompleteour5-Day(In-Class)or60-Hour(DistanceStudy)FoundationTESOLCourse.Thiscourseispartoneofourtwo-partCertificateandDiplomaPrograms.

Duringthis“intensive-accelerated”in-classcourse,youwilllearntheTESOLmethodstouseintheEnglishclassroom,andhavetheopportunitytopracticethem.Youwillbeamazedattheskillsthatarehiddeninsideyou!...Highlyacclaimedbybothnewandexperienced teachers.

Dynamic“TESOLCertifiedInstructors”deliverthein-classcoursematerialinaninnovative,empoweringandhands-onformat.Theycombineaperfectbalancebetweenthetheoretical and practical skills you will need to succeed in the overseas classroom.

IN-CLASS: 5-Day Foundation TESOL Course•Intensive-AcceleratedFormat•Wednesday,Thursday&Friday:5:00pm-10:30pm•Saturday&Sunday:9:00am-6:00pm•Pre-Class&LunchDVDTutorials•ProjectPreparation&AdditionalReadings•OnlineActivities&LessonPlanBank•SeeOurWebsiteforDaytimeSchedules

DISTANCE STUDY:Foundation TESOL Course •OnlineorbyCorrespondence•60HoursofStudy+ModuleAssignments•6-HourTeachingPracticum(Optional,buthighlyrecommended)Practicumcreditisawardedupon proof of teaching experience.•ProjectPreparation&AdditionalReadings•OnlineActivities&LessonPlanBank•OnlineFinalExam

Convenient In-Class SchedulesNo matter how busy your schedule is, our Programs are held in two convenient formats - evening/weekend or daytime.

Flexible Distance Study OptionsStudy anywhere in the world at your own pace with the assistance of our “Distance Education Instructors.”

You’ll Receive Three Invaluable Resource Books

Included in the Foundation TESOL Course tuition, you’ll receive:•Foundation TESOL Training Manual(650pages):Thiscomprehensive,task-basedmanualprovidesyouwiththeinformationyourequiretobecomeaneffective teacher of English, and is your best asset to help you while in the foreign classroom.

•Foundation TESOL Workbook(250pages):Thisis the Foundation Course Assignment and Activity Manual.Itisastep-by-stepmanualthatguidesyouthroughthein-classordistancestudycoursework.

•Global Employment Handbook(250pages):ThiscompleteA-Z“How-ToGuide”isyourkeytofindingthat perfect overseas job and it also prepares you for all aspects of living and working overseas.

For In-Class Course Dates and Locations Call 1-888-270-2941 or Visit

call toll free: 1-888-270-2941


Our Foundation Course is Available in 3 Convenient Study Options:

In-Class • Online • Correspondence

IN-CLASS OUTLINE5-Day In-Class Outline: Day 1•ClassroomWarm-UpActivities&Games•TESOLMethods&Techniques•StudentProficiencyLevels•Student&TeacherAssessment•LessonPlanning•InstructorLessonDemonstration

Day 2•PhilosophyofTeaching•YoungLearners•TeachingEnglishtoAdults•TeachingPronunciation•TeachingVocabulary•“DynamicMethod”Video

Day 3•TeachingGrammar•Music&VideointheLanguageClassroom•ClassroomManagement•“TotalPhysicalResponse”Method•DevelopingListeningSkills•DevelopingSpeakingSkills

Day 4•DevelopingReadingSkills•DevelopingWritingSkills•PracticeTeaching(Practicum)Lessons•PeerTeachingEvaluations•JET“TeachAbroad”DVD

Day 5•TeacherLessonPresentations•TeachingEnglishOverseas•TESOLEmploymentWorkshop•JobSelectionStrategies•DocumentPreparation•Graduation&CertificatePresentation

Course Contents TESOL Modules:Foundations in TESOL Teaching•PhilosophyofTeaching•TESOLPedagogy

Methodology in Second Language Acquisition•TPR&DynamicMethods•CommunicativeLanguageLearning

Student and Teacher Assessment•ProficiencyLevels•AssessingLanguageSkills

Lesson Planning•TeachingStrategies•LessonPreparation

Classroom Management•StudentMotivation•TeachingSituations

Developing Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing Skills•HowtoTeachFoundationalLanguageSkills•Real-lifeCommunicativeTasksforEnglishStudents

Teaching Vocabulary•CommonProblemAreas:Homophones&Reductions•HighFrequencyWords

Teaching Pronunciation & Phonetics•InternationalPhoneticAlphabet•Consonant&VowelTeachingTechniques

Teaching Spelling & Punctuation•PunctuationRules•British/AmericanSpellingVariations

Teaching Grammar•ReviewofCommonGrammaticalTerms•GrammarTeachingStrategies

EFL/ESL Classroom Tools: Warm-ups, Games, Music & Videos•ImportanceofRolePlaying&GamesforLanguageLearning•UsingMusic&VideosintheClassroom


Employment Modules:

For more information regarding the academic content of our programs, email the “International Academic Department” at [email protected].

register online at:

Learn to effectively teach your students how to understand & use the English language.







Foundation TESOL Course

Internationally Recognized • Practical • Economical Academic-Based • Employment-Focused • Time Efficient


People new to teaching as well as experienced teachers will greatly benefit from our professionally designed TESOL Programs. Work abroad or locally.

The following world standard TESOL Programs consist of our Foundation TESOL Course(60hours),plus1,3,5or9SpecializationTESOLCourses(60hourseach).(See pages 18 & 19 for a complete list of Specialization Courses.)

The higher the Program level you choose, the greater the rewards you receive in terms of income, benefits and employment opportunities. (See page 21 for tuition fees.)

As the “Teach English Overseas” industry matures, employers worldwide have become more selective concerning teaching credentials. This is why all of our Programs meet the international employment standard of a minimum of 100 hours of study.

Call: 1-888-270-2941

Need Help Selecting a Program?

register online at:

Teach & Travel Internationally with the Industry Leading TESOL Certification


Convenient Options to Suit Your Busy Schedule

Foundation TESOL CourseIfourIn-ClassFoundationTESOLCourse schedule does not fit into your schedule, or if you live in a remote location, get TESOL Certified online or by correspondence.

Specialization TESOL CoursesAll16SpecializationTESOLCourses are available online or by correspondence.

Online & CorrespondenceStudy BenefitsBecomeTESOLCertifiedtodayvia the aid of our specially trained “DistanceEducationInstructors.”

Receivethesamecoursecontent,certification and support services as in-classstudents.Assignments will be graded by a qualifiedTESOLInstructor.Study anywhere you choose, at a pacethatworksforyou… …Register and start today!

Distance Study

TESOL Programs

TESOL Certificate ProgramsOur Certificate Programs are designed for individuals who desire to travel & teach English internationally or locally. Our industry standardprogramsarepopularforanyonereadyforalife-changingyearortwoabroad.

TESOL Diploma Programs OurDiplomaProgramsaredesignedforindividualswhoareseriousaboutlanguageteachinganddesiretobethebestintheirfield.YouwillberewardedwiththemanybenefitsassociatedwithhigherlevelcredentialsthantheaveragetravelingEnglishteacher.Elevateyourcredentials,employmentoptionsandincomewithaGlobalTESOLCollegeDiploma.Aworthwhileinvestmentforbothshortandlong-termTESOLcareers.

Special TESOL Certificate & Diploma Programs

Program 1: Advanced TESOL Certificate Program

Program 6: International TESOL Certificate Program

Program 2: Professional TESOL Certificate Program

Program 3: Advanced TESOL Diploma Program

Program 4: Professional TESOL Diploma Program

Program 5: TESOL Instructor Diploma Program

•Credential: Advanced TESOL Certificate•120 Hours • 2 Courses•FoundationTESOLCourse+One Specialization Course

For solid credentials and more employment flexibility...A greater depth of knowledge in the TESOL profession translates into more opportunities and higher paying positions.

•Credential: Professional TESOL Certificate•240 Hours • 4 Courses•FoundationTESOLCourse+Three Specialization Courses

Start your adventure today. Become TESOL Certified to “Travel and Teach English Worldwide” with confidence and skill. Receive the industry standard credential required to teach conversational English.

For the more lucrative and prestigious employment opportunities... The Advanced TESOL Diploma is an achievement of “Academic Excellence” with more employment options in higher level positions.

•Credential: Advanced TESOL Diploma•360 Hours • 6 Courses•FoundationTESOLCourse+Five Specialization Courses

•Credential: Professional TESOL Diploma•600 Hours • 10 Courses•FoundationTESOLCourse+Nine Specialization Courses

TESOL with Distinction... Earn this top level Diploma and impress even the most selective employers, and work in academic settings. This program represents academic achievements that will provide you with the widest array of specialized employment options, more benefits, and higher pay.

This program is available to Global TESOL College’s International Agents and Franchise Partners. E-mail [email protected] if you would like to be licensed to offer or sell our programs in your area.

•Credential: TESOL Instructor Diploma•700 Hours • 11 Courses•FoundationTESOLCourse+Ten Specialization Courses•EnrollmentApprovalRequired

Develop and perfect your English teaching skills... This 4-week in-class program is popular among native English speakers, international students and non-native English speaking teachers.


•Credential: International TESOL Certificate•120 Hours of In-Class Instruction•ExpandedFoundationTESOLCourseContent+ComprehensiveAppliedCurriculum

Employers prefer to hire teachers with specialized skills and certification.

Global TESOL College is the only TESOL Program providerofferingacomprehensiveseriesof16Specialization TESOL Courses.

Whether you wish to teach children in Thailand, lawyersinMexico,doctorsinPoland,orlocal

immigrants, we have the perfect Specialization Courses for you.

Each Course will strengthen your teaching portfolio and expand your employment, financial and career options.

You’llfindthatourteachersareexceptionallywell-qualifiedandourtrainingmanuals are clear and concise. Together, they will give you the advantage you need

to secure better jobs and higher pay.


Asindicated,allProgramsrequirethecompletionofoneor more of the Specialization Courses listed below. These Courses can also be completed independent of a Program.

Theedgeyouneed...selecttheSpecialization(s)thatcompliment your interests and support your goals.

Youcanstudyathomeorfromabroad,quicklyandconveniently, and you are able to study at your own pace.

All Specialization Courses are 60 hours long and are available

either online or by correspondence.

Better Jobs... Higher Pay... 16 “Hidden-Market” TESOL Opportunities


Our Six Most Popular Specialization Courses are: • Teaching Children English • Business English • Teaching Grammar • Teaching Adults English • Teaching TOEFL Preparation • Graduate TESOL Course

1. Teaching Children EnglishAs children are acquiringanewlanguage, special attentionisrequiredwhen teaching the basic learning skills. Learn to plan, prepare and deliver creative, inspiring and fun lessonsthatreflect

the needs of young learners.

2. Teaching Business EnglishThe global marketplace has chosen English as the universal language of communication. ByspecializinginthisTESOLfield, you will find a wider array of employment, tutoring and consulting possibilities.BecomecertifiedtoteachBusinessEnglishtoday&you will be in high demand in the business world.

4. Teaching Adults EnglishAdults are voluntary learnerswithuniqueand often diverse requirements.Learntheskills necessary to teach adults in an effective manner, while keeping them motivated to succeed in a new language.

6. Teaching TOEFL PreparationTOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)isstudiedaggressivelybymillions of ESL students worldwide. Their TOEFL score will be the major factor in determining their university entranceinNorthAmerica,ortheirability to secure a job in their home country. Learn the easy way to help your students to pass this test, and your skills will be in demand for high paying teaching & tutoring jobs.

5. Graduate TESOL Course

Nowthatyouhavemastered the concepts covered in our Foundation TESOL Course, dive deeper into the strategies used to maximize your teaching potential. This academic level course is mandatory

fortheDiplomaandInstructor Programs.

3. Teaching GrammarYoucanspeakEnglish,but do you know the rules of grammar, and are you able to teach grammar effectively? Perfect the skills that will form the foundation of every lesson you teach, and learn to impart

these essential communication tools to others.

We Offer the World’s Best Selection of Specialization Courses

Increase Your Income By Double or More...


7. Teaching Adolescents EnglishTeenagers have an incredible enthusiasm for learning English due to their fascination with western pop culture. They are taking steps towards independence and planning their future careers. This Course will help you to teach your students English

andtoequipthemwiththetoolsthey need to communicate in future school, work and social contexts.

10. Teaching Medical EnglishNurses,doctorsandotherforeignmedical professionals must be proficient in medical terminology, procedures and concepts in order toworkinanative-Englishspeakingcountry, or to advance in their presentposition.Becomecertifiedto teach them the necessary English skills they need to succeed.

12. Tutoring EnglishTutoring English full time or “on the side” is almost as popular as teaching in regular English classrooms. Tutor privately one to one, in small groups, over the phone, on the internet, or virtually anywhere. Specialize in tutoring basic or Specialized English, one of the most lucrative English teaching options.

11. Teaching Legal EnglishLaw students and foreign business people who do not speak English as their native language are looking for teachers who specialize in teaching legal terminology, concepts and international communication.

9. Teaching Computer EnglishTeach people worldwide how to learn English using computer programs and the internet (also referredtoasCALL:Computer Assisted LanguageLearning).Usingcomputersisan innovative and effective way to teach English.Computers-

the ELT classroom of the future.

13. Teaching ESL LocallyLearn how to teach English inUSA,Canada,Australia,England,etc.Millionsofstudents study English in native-Englishspeakingnations. Teach English in ESL schools in your home country, learn how and what to teach, where to look for work, and how

to promote yourself as a local English teacher and/or tutor.

15. Independent Study ElectiveTell the TESOL world your story by sharing your academic perspective. Select a TESOL related topic, and complete an independent research project. Perfect for the creative mind.

Which Course(s) Should I Choose? Call 1-888-270-2941 today to speak with a Global TESOL College Advisor. We will help you to select the Program & Specialization Course(s) which will best realize your teaching and earning potential. For detailed Specialization Course descriptions visit

16. TESOL Teaching PracticumPutyourTESOLknowledgeandskillstothetest!PracticeteachingEnglishatan ESL school of your choice, anywhere in the world. Gain valuable classroom experienceandimpressiveresumécredentialsbyapplyingwhatyouhavelearnedin our TESOL Foundation Course.

“AftercompletingtheBusinessEnglish specialization course, I can say that it was comprehensive, innovative and very well designed. It was the key to making a lot of money in a special field. I now make$40/hr.teachingbusinessEnglishinJapan.”Douglas Reese, Bristol, U.K 2002

8. TESOL for Non-Native English TeachersAsanon-nativeEnglishspeaker,youmake up a significant portion of the thousands of English teachers around the world. This course will help you todeveloptheskillsrequiredtoteachconversational English effectively, regardless of what your native language is, or where you plan to teach.

14. Teaching Tourism EnglishTourism is the fastest growing industry intheworld.Hotelstaff,tourguides,store merchants, taxi drivers, as well as many other tourism related occupationsrequiretheskillstocommunicateinEnglish.Beapartofthis dynamic global industry.

We Offer the World’s Best Selection of Specialization Courses


call toll free: 1-888-270-2941

It’s this easy:

It’s a Big WorldRegister Now...

...and Start Your Adventure Today!Get Global TESOL College Certified Today…BeginteachingEnglishimmediately,withtheskillsandconfidenceto succeed in any classroom around the world.

Your Complete Training, Certification & Job Placement Solution

Quick and convenient... become TESOL Certified and then placed in an overseas job immediately. Simply follow the five steps below.

Step 1:Select TESOL Program •Seepage17forProgramoptions•NeedhelpdecidingwhichProgramtotake?Call1-888-270-2941ore-mail:[email protected]•Ifcallingfromoverseasdial:(Canadacode)+(780)438-5704(MST)

Step 2:REGISTER for the TESOL Program You Selected Registration Options:•[email protected](paybyCreditcardorPaypal)•Phone1-888-270-2941orFaxformto1-877-435-0918•E-mail:[email protected]•Mailformto:GlobalTESOLCollegeInternationalHeadquarters.Addressislistedonpage24ofthisbrochure(thebackcoverpage).•Orinpersonatoneofourworldwidetrainingcenters

Step 3:COMPLETE our Foundation TESOL Course •5-DayIntensiveIn-Class format, or Online or by Correspondence•AFoundationTESOLCertificateisawardedattheendofthein-classcourse(uponsuccessfulcompletion)•See“In-ClassCourseSchedule”

Step 4:COMPLETE Selected Specialization Course(s) •Selectmethodofstudy(OnlineorbyCorrespondence)•Studybeforeyoudepartorwhileyouareteachingoverseas•CertificateorDiplomaisawardeduponsuccessfulProgram completion

Step 5:JOB PLACEMENT•SelectdesiredjobfromtheGlobalTESOL“OnlineJobBank”•Contactourjobplacementteamforadviceandassistance•Signyourcontractandpreparefordeparture•Packyourbagsandbegintheexperienceofalifetime!

We have jobs waiting for you… We provide job placement assistance by connecting you with schools, recruiters and international agencies that regularly hire our graduates.


Save $! For Promotions & Discounts Call Now or visit www.globaltesol.comTuitionissubjecttochangewithoutnotice.Seewebsiteforcurrentfees.Lowesttuitionpricematch-Callfordetails.


Registration Form


1. Personal Information (Clearly print your first, middle, then last name as it appears on your passport)

Name: Today’s Date:

Address: City & Country:

Prov/State: Postal/Zip Code: Home Ph: ( )

E-mail: Cell/Work: ( )

M M / D D / Y Y

V 2 - 2 0 0 8

5. Select Specialization Course(s) (60 Hours Each) 6. Hard Copy of Manuals (optional)








Study Elective





I am studying online and want to orderhard copy versions of the manuals.

Foundation or International Manuals: $100*

Specialization Manuals: $50* each





ESL Locally

7. Payment (Tuition fees may be subject to change without notice. See website for current prices and special promotions.)

8. How Did You Hear About Us?



American Express

Money Order


Certified Cheque

Credit Card Number

Expiry Date: Currency:

Card Holder:


Mail to: Global TESOL College, 10037 B - 82 Avenue,Edmonton, Alberta T6E 1Z2 Canada • Fax to: 1-877-435-0918















Call NOW:1-888-270-2941


FoundationTESOL Course

SpecializationTESOL Course

Advanced TESOL Certificate

Foundation TESOL Certificate Course +1 Specialization TESOL Certificate Course City:


Foundation TESOL Certificate Course +3 Specialization TESOL Certificate Courses

Foundation TESOL Certificate Course +5 Specialization TESOL Certificate Courses

Foundation TESOL Certificate Course +9 Specialization TESOL Certificate Courses

“In-Class” refers to taking the Foundation Course in-class, and taking the Specialization Course(s) online. A hard copy of the three Foundation Manuals are included.

“Correspondence”refers to studying offline. Orders include hard copy versions of all Course Manuals.

“Online” refers to taking all Courses online. Students studying online may order hard copy versions of all Course Manuals.(See#5below)

Foundation TESOL Certificate Course +10 Specialization TESOL Certificate Courses

International TESOL Certificate Course

Foundation TESOL Certificate Course

Specialization TESOL Certificate Course

Professional TESOL Certificate

Advanced TESOL Diploma

Professional TESOL Diploma

InstructorTESOL Diploma

InternationalTESOL Certificate

Academic Description of Our Internationally Recognized Programs

Total Hours In-Class

3. Select Tuition (CAD/USD) 4. Only for In-ClassFoundation TESOL CourseOnline Corresp.



$2995 $2795 $3395700


















$995 $1095120









See Our Website for In-Class Course Locations Near You.



(circle tuition below)


How To Register

Your Registration Options:


call toll free: 1-888-270-2941

REGISTRATION POLICIESIn-Class•Fulltuitionpaymentisrequiredto

confirm your seat.•Adepositof$300isrequired

to reserve your seat, and the balance is due at least two weeks priortothestartofthein-classcourse.

Correspondence & Online•Fulltuitionpaymentisrequiredat

time of registration.•CorrespondencetuitionincludesShipping&Handlingofmanualsby air mail.•Forcourierrates,e-mail“[email protected]”.

Upgrade Policy: If you register for a Program, then later decide to upgrade to a higher Program, you are only charged the difference in tuition between the two Programs.

Transfer Policy: If you register then want to switch your course date, or if you want to transfer to a distance study program, each transfer is subject to a$50processingfee.

•Wearecertifiedasaneducationalinstitution by the Government of Canada. Tuition is tax

deductible and is tax exempt.

Study Options:•“In-Class” refers to taking the “Foundation TESOL Course”in-class,andthe“SpecializationTESOLCourse(s)”online.A hard copy of the three Foundation manuals are included.•“Online” refers to studying completely online. Online students may purchase a hard copy of course

manuals for reference purposes.•“Correspondence” refers to studying completely

by correspondence. A hard copy of all manuals are included in your correspondence tuition.

FaxFax your completed registrationformto:

Direct Fax:(780) 665-6141


globaltesol.comto register for allIn-Class,Online&Correspondence


In PersonVisitaGlobalTESOL

College Training Centernearyou!

See our website fora location near you.


Call us toll free at

1-888-270-2941and register

with one of our TESOL Advisors.

Note 1: Tuition fees are subject to change without notice. See our website for current prices.

Note 2: Student funding may be available. Contact your local funding agency for details.

Note 3: Universitytransfercreditsmay be available. Contact your university for details.

* A payment plan is available for all Programs. Call or e-mail for details.

MAILComplete registration form and mail it along withtuitionpaymentto:


Address is listed on the backcover(page24).

Additional ServicesNeed More Information Before You Register? CallToll-FreeNow1-888-270-2941…to Speak to a TESOL Advisor.

Attend a Free Info Seminar Visitwww.globaltesol.comfordates& locations near you.

In-Class CoursesIn-ClassCoursesareHeldinManyMajorCities.Visitwww.globaltesol.comfor dates & locations near you.

Franchise Opportunities Available (TESOL & ESL)Email:[email protected].

Join Global TESOL CollegeGlobal TESOL College is now accepting applications for Independent SalesRepresentativeworldwide.Email:[email protected].

Free TESOL Program! Promote a Program in Your AreaIfyouorganizeaGroupof10ormoreTESOLstudents,we’llofferthecoursein your city, and your tuition is free.

Other services:•AgentAgreementsAvailable•CanadaTESOL/ESLStudyTours&SummerCamps(2&4week)•CanadaTESOL/ESLInternships(1-6months)•OffertheGlobalTESOLCollegeProgramsatYourUniversityorCollege•WeWelcomeEducationalPartnershipInquiries

visit Our Website for:•In-ClassCourseDates&Locations•ScheduleofFreeInformation


& Specialization Courses•LettersfromGraduates•QuickandSecureRegistrationand

Payment Options•FrequentlyAskedQuestions•MeettheGlobalTESOLCollegeStaff…plusmuchmore!

Our Guarantee To You


SATISFACTION GUARANTEEIfyouattendthefirstdayofthein-classcoursebutitdoesnotmeetyourexpectations,youwillreceiveatuitionrefund,subjecttoa10%processingfee.

LOWEST TUITION GUARANTEE Our tuition fees are among the lowest in the industry. If you should find an equivalentin-classprogramforless,wewillmatchthattuition.GlobalTESOLCollege makes every effort to ensure that our tuition fees remain as low as possibleforourstudents,whiledeliveringthehighestqualityTESOLinstructionavailable today.

Investing in a higher education is an investment in you… and your future.

TESOL, TEFL, TESL… What do these Acronyms Mean?TESOL “Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages”•TeachingEnglishworldwidefromaNorthAmerican perspective (worldwide)

TEFL “Teaching English as a Foreign Language”•TeachingEnglishinanon-nativeEnglishspeaking country (ie.Japan,Russia)

TESL “Teaching English as a Second Language”•TeachingEnglishina

native English speaking country (ie.Canada,USA)

1-888-270-2941 e-mail: [email protected] •

Copyright © 2016 Global TESOL College® Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Travel… Teach… Explore!the world is waiting for you...

Global TESOL College is your ticket... join today!


Program Worldwide

55,000 Graduates

International HeadquartersSuite126,10654-82Avenue

Edmonton, Alberta T6E2A7Canada

Franchise & Agent Opportunities Available Worldwide. E-mail: [email protected]

Toll Free in North America Tel:1-888-270-2941

For More Information orto Register, Call Now to Speak to a TESOL Advisor.

International Direct Tel:(780)438-5704Fax:(780)665-6141

HRSDC Certified 7009/8602
