transparent technology in the classroom

California State University, San Bernardino California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks CSUSB ScholarWorks Theses Digitization Project John M. Pfau Library 2003 Transparent technology in the classroom Transparent technology in the classroom Henry Frank Richards Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Richards, Henry Frank, "Transparent technology in the classroom" (2003). Theses Digitization Project. 2478. This Project is brought to you for free and open access by the John M. Pfau Library at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses Digitization Project by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected].

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Transparent technology in the classroomCSUSB ScholarWorks CSUSB ScholarWorks
Transparent technology in the classroom Transparent technology in the classroom
Henry Frank Richards
Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Richards, Henry Frank, "Transparent technology in the classroom" (2003). Theses Digitization Project. 2478.
This Project is brought to you for free and open access by the John M. Pfau Library at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses Digitization Project by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected].
A Project
Master of Arts
A Project
teachers. New teachers taught as they were taught in high
school and college. Their instructors taught using the
methods that their teachers used. Veteran teachers grew up
in a world of blackboards and overhead projectors. They
may or may not reach out to technology.
School districts can in-service teachers weekly, but
they cannot force teachers to adopt new technology.
Schools can, however, provide tools to help teachers adopt
technology at their own pace.
Technology is a fact of life. Children grow up with
computers, the Internet, email, cell phones, and
multimedia. Each can be a tool for the classroom, but the
teacher needs a guide to help them adapt.
This project is a first step in providing a useful
booklet for novice technology users. The booklet will also
be added as a web page with a decision tree function to
quickly move users to the appropriate section.
There are so many that have helped in many ways to
reach this point in my career. John Wells, long deceased,
without whom I would not have learned algebra. Sans
algebra, I never would have completed college or become,
for a while, a math teacher.
Ken Decroo helped so many, including me, to love what
technology can do for students. His students are truly
fortunate to pass through his class.
Dr. Amy Leh established high standards for the
department, and then helped us to achieve them. Her
thoughtful help is deeply appreciated.
I want to thank Dr. Eun-Ok Baek for paving the road
through this project.
so much and finished before me. I respect his-dedication
to learning, and teaching those set apart from society. I
regret we did not complete the program together, as
My wife, Chris worked hard to allow me the time to
attempt this work and never discouraged me from the time
away from her and our family.
So many, including me, doubted I would ever attempt
college after my infamous high school career. Upon
graduating high school, my father gave me this advice.
"Whatever you do with your life, son, be sure there's no
math in it." Ninety percent of my fellow graduates from
Victor Valley High did not finish college. I can only
acknowledge the other advice my father gave me. "When you
know what you want, don't quit, don't ever give up."
Thanks Dad.
I dedicate this work to my wife, Chris. It was
through your inspiration and tolerance that I attempted
this program. You motivated me complete my Bachelor's
degree, to become a teacher. Then you were my example of
what a great teacher should be. Finally, your
encouragement to attempt the Master's program.
All that I am, all that I have, is because of you.
Project Overview .................................. 12
Introduction ...................................... 14
Preparing Teachers................... 15
Introduction ...................................... 29
The Project....................................... 4 0
Introduction ...................................... 43
Conclusions....................................... 43
Recommendations................... 44
REFERENCES.......... 86
Table 3. Represents the Subject's Interviews ......... 31
Figure 1. Transparent Technology..................... 10
Figure 2 . Mosaic Logo................................. 21
Figure 3 . Old Technology is Replaced by What New Technology............. ................... . 34
Figure 4 . Decision Tree Model ........................ 40
of transportation was mature, and soon to be replaced by
automobiles. However, the wagons were safely manufactured
for long-term operation. The horse-drawn wagon was
comfortable, compared to riding a horse, and simple to
prepare for use. The user didn't think about the movement
of the yoke, the levers in the brake system, or the
portable water available for horses and humans. They found
their way with-landmarks and maps drawn by surveyors or
explorers. The technology of transportation was
transparent to the families of the nineteenth and early
twentieth century.
uncomfortable, and open to bad weather. New users had to
learn new methods to work this new technology. Many
continued to use horse-drawn transportation. Some would i
ride in, but not drive, an automobile. They refused to
bring this new technology into their daily lives.
School children of a century ago wrote on small slate
blackboards, or wrote with fountain pens, the latest in
Today, a century later, we drive computer controlled
electronic marvels of transportation. The result is the
same. The driver and passengers arrive at their
destination in relative comfort and safety in their
computer controlled automobile, while listening to
satellite radio. They can map their destination on the
dash with voice directions, using a Global- Positioning
it is not transparent. Computers, DVD players, LC
Projectors, presentation software, personal data
assistants, and computer graphics have created a
cornucopia of technological possibilities. Many new
technologies are transparent to the student, but not for
instructors. They use the same tools their own teachers
used in college and grade school.
Schools are diverting resources for technology. "In
the past ten years, American schools have spent more than i
$5 billion on new technology that was designed to improve
student performance" (Norris, 2002). Unfortunately, the
District Superintendents and parents direct principals to
improve standardized test scores under threat of
replacement. Principals, in turn, are placing similar
pressure on department heads and teachers to improve their
own scores by whatever means possible.
In Texas, principals, superintendents, and even school boards can pay a heavy price--in some cases, losing their positions--if they do not forge a strong link between what is taught in classrooms and what is tested by the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS), a state standardized exam. (Bushweller, 2002)
Classroom instructors face their own dilemma, use
after school hours focusing on test scores, or learn to
improve their classroom instruction through technology.
Survival instincts push teachers to focus directly on test
scores and not on creating a diversified learning
improving test scores and instructional technology are not
only compatible, but also essential for improving
students' education. Novice users need help to solve
technology problems. If they must continually call for
help, and that help is slow in coming, they are unlikely
to adopt any technology into their lesson plans. If they
can solve simple problems quickly, they may be encouraged
attempt technology that is more complex and eventually
become competent users of technology. They may become
revitalized teachers. The by-product of that invigorated
teaching is the improvement of standardized test scores,
student and teacher attendance, and reduced behavior
education? Gordon E. Moore, co-founder of Intel and author
of Moore's law, originally stated computer chip technology
would double every year. Improvement slowed to eighteen
month in 1975 and remained constant through the end of the
century [see Appendix A] (Moore, 1965).
Today's instructors must deal with the effects of the
rapid change in technologies. Even if schools ignore
everything since the invention of the computer, the
students in our schools have not. They are multitasking at
home. Watching multiple television channels while surfing
the Internet, "burning" music CD-ROM's, chatting on their
cell phone, while electronically participating in multiple
conversations online.
That same student enters school each morning, placed
in a seat, one of thirty-five, all in straight rows. The
teacher lectures while students take notes on ruled paper.
The teacher writes notes on a chalk or white board.
Students read from their six-year-old text, looking at
photos of historical sites or static prints of equations.
The students watched the occasional instructional VHS
video shown on a portable twenty-seven inch television.
Images are barely visible past the third row and the audio
is garbled and unclear.
however, has changed. Educators developed strategies to
teach Johnny, but now Johnny is an immigrant, or has never
read outside school, and finds nothing from school in
common with Hip-Hop music, skateboarding, "X-treme"
sports, and a hundred-fifty channels of digital satellite,
television. Johnny's school life consists of desks still
in rows, monochromatic lessons, packed into neat
fifty-minute units of time. Johnny has limped through
Phonics, Whole Language, more Phonics, standardized -
testing, high-stakes testing, and back-to-basics.
The purpose of this thesis is to develop ideas or
methods to assist teachers to find alternative tools to
reach modern students. New teachers may be better able to
reach today's students because they are only a few short
years distant from them. They are tangential to today's
students. The twenty-five year old men teachers wear a
"buzz cut" and chinos. They too listen to Hip-Hop and know
why Boy-Bands are for kids and Eminem is on the cutting
education, taught by many of the last generations
professors, who themselves are distant from the cutting
edge of instructional technology.
young or mature and introduce them to other methods on
instruction that could simplify the process of teaching
and improve their opportunities of reaching this, and
future generations of "Johnny". We should also introduce
these technologies to experienced teachers and hope they
too will introduce new technologies into their teaching
strategies. However, some teachers may never adopt
technology into their instructional strategies. This is a
difficult concept to embrace. We must accept the fact that
we will fail to bring some teachers under the
Tenure prevents any real opportunity to force veteran
instructors. We can only encourage and hope they will
accept some measure of technology into their classrooms.
Computers are a fact. We teach within that context.
The business world demands workers that are computer
literate, students and parents use them at home, and many
schools have adequate facilities. A computer, linked to
the Internet, can help a teacher to organize and teach
their class online. Instructors can use a web site as a
central location where students and parents may find
information regarding the class, instructions for"''
completing assignments, review techniques that are not
available in class, and access to grades so students and
parents may have instant access to their grades.
Teachers wishing to model information to students can
do so with the help of an overhead projector. However,
their desktop computer, with an LC Projector can use
programs like PowerPoint, Inspiration, or MathCAD, to
instruct the class, utilizing full color, animations, and
multiple sources, without trying to move slides, books,
and other media to the top of an ordinary overhead
projector. Teacher can locate useful instructional sites
for math, English, social science, and science, on the web
and share those with students.
Students can learn through video, but many videos are
too long for class. Teacher must remove large portions to
keep the content relevant to the classroom. The same
material on a DVD player can switch location of the
content in an instant, replaying segments quickly, and
remove sections with as little effort as a click of the
remote control.
demonstrate their authentic knowledge of all subjects can
use a simple Digital Video Camera. We can see the examples
in-depth research, and funding for technology.
The tools and technology exist in the students'
world. They are part of their personal context of the
higher level. Their students, too, must perform on
multiple standardized exams to complete a k-12 education.
Teachers, students, and parents are losing control of the
are removing teacher driven creativity from the classroom.
Teachers can prevail if they use technology to open lines
of communication with administration, students, and
parents. The following diagram shows the implementation of
technology in a multimedia class. It includes an array of
possible technologies a teacher can bring to their lesson
plans. The inside portion lists old tools that were
computer combined with the Internet. The computer is the
tool that connects, in some way, to almost everything
else. The Internet includes a teacher-provided web site,,
with online syllabus, lessons, quizzes, parent accessible
grades, and an online textbook. The diagram above '
illustrates how technology assists this instructor to
teach Digital Video Production, Broadcast Journalism, and
Advanced Broadcasting at Granite Hills High School in
Apple Valley, California. The author designed and built
the site to service one hundred fifty students, and their
parents. The school does have a website, but it is rarely
updated and does not provide teachers or parents access to
update their information. Student use the instructors web
site daily to determine their assignment, read their
anywhere they have access to the Internet.
The students have little difficulty learning to use
the site, though they are not accustomed to teachers
providing full Internet access for. any class. Their
parents usually need some assistance from the student to
regular intervals. School administration ignores the site;
instead pointing out that the school has a web site, even
though that site consists of only one page.
The author uses the school web site one day per year
to broadcast graduation over the Internet. Other teachers
have no access to the official school web site, though a
few do have their own site.
Goal of the Project
The goal of this Masters project is to develop a tool
for high school teachers who are inexperienced using
modern instructional technologies. The tool or tools must
bridge the gap that prevents these teachers from
attempting new technologies without having a technician at
their side each day. The teachers should eventually become
self-learners, to a limited extent, and feel more
confident when calling for help.
This tool will assist teachers to reach these goals:
• Students will use a variety of technologies to
demonstrate their skills.
learning with a variety of technologies.
it is simpler to learn and does not adversely
affect their self-esteem.
they acquire the requisite basic skills and do
not need to attend after school instructional
new technologies on their own.
Project Overview
developed for this Masters project, came from informal
interviews with teachers both experienced and inexperience
with the technologies available at our school. The look
and feel of the device is important. If the tool is a full
sized three-ring binder, most teachers will file it in a
drawer and not use it. A web site or CD-ROM may be too
complex for some. The tool must be a size and medium that
will fit on a crowded desk and be easy to use and simple
locate the information required.
Initially, I developed the tool as a decision tree on
a web page. The inherent problem became clear with
teachers that did not have Internet skills. They needed
another tool to get into the web page. I had a difficult
time accepting that technology would not be the only cure,
but the tool had to meet the needs of the user, not the
search backwards, we might stop at the Renaissance where
we could regard Guttenberg, and his moveable type, as the
beginning of instructional technology. Extrapolate to the
twentieth century and we may add slide projectors, motion
pictures, television, and the VCR (Jonassen, Peck, &
Wilson, 1999). A study of the field might lead one to
believe that searching for technological applications for
education rivals only by the search for the Holy Grail.
Purpose of the Review
The purpose of this writing is to examine methods to
utilize technology in schools for teachers and students in
such a way that teachers feel comfortable bringing
technologies into their classroom. We generally do not
need to force technology on students. To them it is not
technology; it's just what is. Like the telephone or
television, it's part of our culture. Students have grown
up with computers, camcorders, DVD players, and Dolby
Surround Sound, et al.
The difficult strategy is to find how to help the
instructor feel at ease with technologies invented after
the teacher reached adulthood. Whatever technology an
instructor chooses is not relevant to the instructional
principals (Office of Research, 1993). If a computer is
installed in a classroom, it can be an electronic
worksheet, or a grade book. This is no improvement over
old technology. If the teacher, however, uses the computer
to demonstrate dissections in a science class, edit video
from a student project, or become a digital home for a
lesson, quizzes, and grades, then the computer is an
improvement over old technology. But the technology must
fit within the instructional strategies designed in the
teachers' lesson plans.
have long-term effect on instructional technology. The
benefit will last generations.
Congress, 1995). Regardless what age that was, from
kindergarten through college, we are students that learn
from our teachers. When young people enter the profession,
they are likely to adopt the styles of the best teachers.
The use or lack of technology will influence new teachers
concepts of the delivery of instruction. The educational
system, therefore, should model the use of technology at
the college and secondary levels, at the very least.
Reaching current teachers is more difficult. They are
already on the job and may have a course of education
required to maintain their teaching credential. Extra
classes for technology may be put off until later in their
careers. Once a teacher is tenured, which happens after
two years in California for k-12 teachers, the incentive
to add skills becomes an intrinsic value, rather than a .
required skill. School districts are limited in means of
assuring their teachers are proficient with, and will use,
technology purchased by the district.
What should a district purchase for their schools?
Technology must be updated and replaced. Should they
purchase a computer for each classroom or laser disk
players with bar-code readers? The answer is yes to both,
but only to teachers that have first requested the
equipment, and second, have received training or
demonstrated ability to use the equipment (U.S. Congress,
1995) .
Teachers in a "technology" department would have
computers, printers, and other advanced technology for
instruction. This limits the use of advanced technology to
students that are enrolled in those classes.
Silicon Valley School District spent $27 million to
place an average of six computers in each classroom.
District officials question if the money was well spent.
They point to only a modest increase in standardized test
scores since the addition of computers. "There is no body
of research that demonstrates that this investment in
technology is going to pay off big time in terms of
increasing student achievement," says Gary Bloom of the
University of California, Santa Cruz (Morris, 2 0 02) .
This is the initial question districts ask when
purchasing technology. Will it increase our test scores?
While the answer may be yes, it is not necessarily the
relevant question.
learning. Both Piaget and Vygotsky believed that children
learn when they are at play (Mooney, 2000). That is, if a
child is engaged, or having fun, they are more likely to
to a high school class in Calculus, or Chemistry. Attempt
to calculate a derivative or recount the periodic table.
Give up? Now recall a sport you played in a youth league,
or high school. Can you recite the rules? Likely you could
because you were either having fun or the activity was
meaningful to you.
activities on a computer, or a DVD/Mp3 player. This prior
knowledge can change the role of the teacher to a
facilitator in class. Using Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal
Development the teacher can assist the student through
scaffolding what they know about a subject to a new level
of understanding (Mooney, 2000). The technology in the
classroom becomes a vehicle for the scaffolding.
Vygotsky specifically warns against the drill and
kill use of computers. His conclusions were
Repetition and reiteration must be avoided as it is the kiss of death for the student's interest. Instead the subject should be presented, initially, in its briefest and simplest form, covering the most important facts and relations. Later, the teacher can return to the subject in a deepened and extended form with new facts, conclusions and generalizations. Then interest will be aroused by itself. (Oscarsson, 2001)
If a child is allowed free time on a computer with a
variety of programs the child may find a program of
interest. This is, a music program such as ACID, or
animation programs like Poser are simple to learn and use.
Piaget wrote, agreeing with Dewey, that children learn
only when their curiosity is not fully satisfied (Mooney,
2000). Technology can serve this purpose. The software
above can be introduced, but the learning can be
constructed by the student, when they are provided time
for experimentation. Here the teacher becomes the
facilitator, not the "sage on the stage."
This change in the role of the instructor is a
substantial change for teachers accustomed to students
sitting in straight rows, taking notes, answering
questions only after they've raised their hands and been
called on by the teacher. That method may work better for
the college bound student, or the student competent in the
education "game."
digital devices don't see the technology. The widely-used
quote from Alan Kay that technology is "...only for people
who are born before it was invented" (Tapscott, 1998).
Children don't wonder at a bank ATM or desktop computers.
Their teachers, unfortunately, see these as inventions to
be learned or ignored. The proliferation of ATM's has made
everyone aware of their use and most have mastered their
complexity. Only a decade ago, though, some new users
asked other users how to get cash from their ATM.
Small computers first came home with computer games
like Pong in 1974 and Pac-Man in 1980 (Trueman). This
enabled people from differing generations to become
comfortable with the first computers.
Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs sold the first
home/school computer, the Apple II, in 1977 (Weyhrich,
2001). This product enabled schools to add a new
technology for students, and to a lesser extent, teachers.
The "drill and kill" software did bring computers into
labs for students to use, but the experience only served
as a replacement for work sheets. Students solved problems
to be able to play short games. The software connected
what they wanted to do with what they needed to do. It was
a start. Schools committed to purchasing technology'.
The technology tended to be computers and those
computers were largely from Apple. In a Los Angeles Times
interview in 1989, Sand Diego schools district vocational
education director Susan Reese stated that "about 80% of
all classroom computers in the district are manufactured
by Apple, in large part because of the 'brilliant
marketing move' by the company in 1983 and the fact that
most software was originally written for Apple and not for
IBM and other brands" (Smollar, 1989) .
Just as computers with their DOS operating systems,
became a school standard, the Internet entered the
educational equation.
Before 1993, a user would enter a Uniform Resource
Locator (URL) to access an Internet location. This long
string of names had to be exact or the intended location
could not be located. The usage was limited to hard-core
users in science and government. Marc Andreesen developed
a browser in March of 1993 called Mosaic. This now
forgotten logo is shown in figure 2. This browser caused
an explosion in Internet traffic. Service traffic
increased, a whopping 341,634% in annual growth rate
(Cringely, 1998).
forever changed. An early adopter of the World Wide Web
(www) was schools. Student and teachers could research in
detail and speed unattainable at a school library.
Teachers could communicate through email, newsgroups, and
their own web pages.
the U. S. Department of Defense in the 1960's. American
universities and colleges started using the Internet in
the 1970's. It spread to Europe in 1973. The system
evolved worldwide until 1986 when the U. S. National
Science Foundation set up NSFNET linking five American
university supercomputers. In 1990 the entire Internet was
aligned under the control of NSFNET. Commercial use of the
Internet was allowed in 1991 (Galbreath, 1997) .
All the above was useful to dedicated users, but the
graphical user interface (gui, pronounced "gooey"), i.e.
Mosaic and Netscape, opened the Internet to widespread
use. Prior to 1993, the Internet was used for electronic
mail, news groups, file transfers (ftp) and minimal
commercial use. After the GUI, the Internet became the
World Wide Web. They are separate, but the Web browser is
to the Internet as Microsoft Windows is to the personal
computer (Galbreath, 1997) .
for access to information (free and paid), integrated
email, video traffic, real-time corporate Intranets,
commercial commerce, education, and training (Galbreath,
1997) .
(Galbreath, 1997)
and Web after the advent of the graphical user interface.
The ease of use allowed non-technical users to click and
go on the Web.
The Internet and Web are not free. Research
frequently tells a reader that the Web is free to users,
but that is like saying television is free. Yes the signal
is without cost, but one must have a television, and an
of a certain size, with a color picture. Soon the
television must be digital. The signal is free, but
watching television can cost hundreds or thousands of
dollars. The Web is free, but the user needs a computer, a
modem. A 28k modem is useable, but the user will have long
waits. A DSL modem cable modem is necessary to receive the
Web at speeds acceptable for the content sent. A business
or school needs a T1 or T3 line. Using the Internet can
cost hundreds, or thousands of dollars.
Development of Technology
computer is the core technology that allows the Internet
to exist, and the "killer app" that desktop computers need
to be useful outside business, is the World Wide Web.
The two technologies have developed along a similar
timeline. The Internet lags behind the development of
computers because computers are the core technology.
Table 2 illustrates the simultaneous growth of the
Internet and the related growth in use of computers.
COMPUTER YEAR INTERNET Mainframe computers Pre-1974 ARPNET. TCP Intel releases the 8080 chip, the basis for the 1st IBM PC. Altair homemade computer.
IBM releases the IBM 5100 Portable Computer. Cost up to $19,000. Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Micro-Soft (hyphen dropped later)
Hewlett-Packard rejects computer made by Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak incorporate Apple Computer. IBM releases the IBM 5100 desktop. Cost about $10,000. Atari rejects Steve Jobs idea for a personal computer.
1976 Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom sends an email.
The "killer application" VisiCalc is released for Apple II. Sales of Apple II raise from $1 million to $8 million.
IBM releases the IBM PC. Cost $1,565.
1981 BITNET (Because It's Time Network)linked City of New York University and Yale University. Used for file exchange and email.
Introduction of the Commodore 64 computer. Will go on to sell 17 million units.
1982 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Department of • Defense requires standard protocols so Army and Navy can "talk" to each other. Found out they couldn't during the invasion of Granada.
Commodore 64 computer. Will go on to sell 17 million units.
COMPUTER YEAR INTERNET Apple releases the Macintosh.
1984 Introduction of Domain Name Server or DNS. This distributed database allows local administration of units of the Internet.
Microsoft introduces Windows 1.0
1986 NSFNET backbone created with 56 kbps speed.
Apple produces their 1 millionth computer.
1987 Number of Internet hosts breaks 10,000.
Apple releases Macintosh Classic with a color monitor. Microsoft releases Windows 3.0
1990 ARPANET ceases to exist. Archie released for indexing Internet sites.
QuickTime for Macintosh. Sound Blaster sound board for PC.
1991 Gopher released to access the web. WWW (world wide web) based on hypertext, released by CERN.
1992 Number of Internet hosts breaks 1 million. Term "surfing the Internet" coined by Jean Armour Polly.
200 MHz Intel chip for PC. Intel introduces the Pentium chip.
1993 Marc Andreessen develops Mosaic, a graphical interface for the web. It takes the Internet by storm.
1994 Andreessen develops Netscape Navigator 1.0. U. S. Robotics sells the 28.8 Kb modem.
Compaq Computer surpasses IBM becoming number one in PC sales.
1995 Real Audio streaming allows users to hear in real-time on the Internet.
1996 Netscape and Internet Explorer battle for dominance of the Internet.
Intel introduces the Pentium II chip
COMPUTER YEAR INTERNET Microsoft introduces Windows 98 with Plug-N-Play capability.
1998 Internet Explorer dominates the Internet.
Intel introduces the Pentium III.
Intel introduces the Pentium IV.
2000 Pentium IV enables streaming audio and video. 35 million Americans listen to music online. 45 million play games online. Number of people connected to the Internet passes 400 million. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and Cable modems bring high speed access to homes and small business.
Number of PC's sold worldwide 1981 to 2000 reaches 835 million units.
a third member, email. This electronic communications tool
uses both the computer and the Internet as a foundation.
There are other methods to utilize email, but the most
common form is on a computer, using the Internet. This
tool enables a teacher to communicate with other teachers,
parents, and even students. Used school wide, the tool can
help teachers communicate with parents.
Do these tools belong in our school? Howard Gardner,
the author of the seven intelligences wrote how technology-
can be used in schools.
...the new technologies hold tremendous promise, but they must be seen as a means rather than
ends. A pencil can be used to write Spencerian sonnets or to poke out someone's eye. A computer can deliver drill-and-kill curricula or stimulating scientific puzzles, it can educate, enlighten, entertain, and instruct, or it can dull perceptions, stimulate consumerism, and reinforce ethnic stereotypes. The Internet can help create vigorous and constructive communities, it can isolate and desensitize individuals to their fellow human beings; it can even forment hatred. (Gardner, 1999)
Schools will reform, but the progress of reform can be
enhanced by the integration of technology into the toolbox
of teachers (Chiero, 1999) .
classroom, and how can the use of that technology become
transparent to the instructor and students? The answer is
essential for teachers that want to introduce technology
into their curriculum, but lack the background to do so.
The response of teachers about how best they can learn is
essential to the design of a tool they feel comfortable
using. Once the tool is developed, we worry that teachers
may use it once and file it away, never seen again. The ..
tool design is vital to bringing teachers from fear and
confusion to illumination.
The elements of teaching adults are a century old,
and adults' fear of learning something new is as old as
mankind. We could equate the fear of technology to the
fear of mathematics or the fear of flying. Some will only
do it when they absolutely have to.
Selected teachers answered a few questions on a
general survey of their needs and problems. I chose a
simple process of selecting participants. I am a member of
with staff members on technology problems. The second
criteria came from a note in teacher mailboxes asking for
the assistance of novice to moderate users.
These two sources provided a group of fourteen
potential interviews. Most were teachers, but a few were
classified as secretaries. The secretaries were proficient
with MS Word, but lacked adequate skills in other areas.
The teachers all came from the same high school, but
taught in a variety of subject areas. Before interviewing
participants, approval was sought and received to use
human subjects in research. All participants' names are
represented in code. Table 3 represents the subject's
interviews and a summary of their responses. They were
divided into Math; Science; English; Social Science; Fine
Arts; Foreign Language; Elective; and secretary.
The complete survey is in Appendix (). The results of
the interviews did not clarify the problem. The expected
result was that a majority of interviewees would prefer
one type of assistance tool. The actual result was no
majority preferred any particular any particular tool.
Partici pant ID
Assessed skill level
Weakness W=Word P=PwrPt E=excel G=Gradebook I=Internet C=Camcorder
Preferre d method to learn I=Intern et C=CD B=Bookle t
(A) C cept (R)e ject
1 . Jl Elective Average E; G; C I A 2 Ml English Average P; E; I; C C A 3 LI English Novice W;P;E;G;I;C B A 4 DI Math Novice P;E;X;C B A 5 Pl Secretary Average P;C I A 6 M2 Elective Novice E;I;C I A 7 Cl Science Average W;P;E;C C A 8 Jl Social
Science Novice W;E;P;G;I;C B A
9 RI Social Science
Expert C I R
10 BI Social Science
Novice W;E;I;P;C B OR C A
11 P2 Math Average E;P C R 12 D2 Math Average C I R 13 P2 Fine Arts Novice P;I;G c A 14 C2 Foreign
Language Novice W;P;I;C;E B A
15 T1 Secretary Average C I R
This unexpected result left the author in a quandary.
If the resultant tool only meets the needs of a few users
and is not useful to others, then the project fails. If
there is no one method that will help a majority of users,
what course of action remains?
The interviews did point to three possible tools; an
easy to use, pocket-sized handbook, a CD-ROM with
hyperlinks, and a web-based resource.
when confronted with computers, software, and other new
equipment. The outburst met with applause from many of the
other teachers. We cannot overcome resistance with
in-services, coercion, even rewards. A teacher that does
not see how they can either 1) improve their current
teaching, or 2) reduce the amount of time and effort
involved in teaching, will not find adequate motive to
change their method of teaching. Any new technology needs
to be as simple or efficient as the technology they will
discard. Anyone that has taught in K-12 classrooms has
seen the teacher described above.
Some technology has already reached the transparent
level. Videotapes and televisions are examples. VHS video
and desktop computers are from the same era, but they do
not have the same level of transparency. Aspects of VHS
are difficult, such as setting a timer. However, most will
master the basic operations, playback and record.
The computer has levels of transparency. Casual users
can write a basic document, or produce a simple
spreadsheet. Many are capable of sending and receiving
email or surfing the web. Teachers can assign students
simple software for drill and practice, sometimes through
the help of a computer aide. The one thread connecting all
users is that users will learn what is important or useful
to them.
This simple use of technology does not allow access
to the array of tools used in business and industry. In
order for a teacher to maximize available technology, the
instructor must find a link from what they know to what
they need or want. In figure 3 we compare old and new
technology and from that point, or how to create a
transparent environment.
technology, as seen on the left above, to the newer
technologies seen on the right.
What is transparency? Teachers routinely flip on an
overhead projector, show a VHS movie on a television,
write a note, or call home to parents, assign reading from
a text, and have students write their thoughts and store
them in a journal. Any new teacher could duplicate these
without help from a mentor. The teacher feels comfortable
using some technology; they do not have to "bone up" to
use it. They probably do not even think about it as
technology. That is their transparent technology.
effort in new forms of technology. When they see how
others, using computers, can calculate grades in minutes
not hours, they will accept a computer. Some may only use
it for grades and a game of Solitaire, but they are using
a computer. Next is using available software. Most
computers come with a basic text writer, and many with an
office suite. Reluctant teachers will see the benefit if
writing once and editing many times on a computer, a much
simpler procedure that hand-written notes and letters.
Teachers that lecture with an overhead projector may
find that it is not too difficult to become proficient
with PowerPoint. Once they can write lecture notes and
their overheads once with presentation software and see it
presented to the class with on Liquid Crystal Projector,
they may be astonished at the ease of use and the interest
of students. Our hypothetical teacher has become an
emergent user.
We do not want to overwhelm our teacher, so we will
not attempt to add another layer of technology too soon.
Perhaps they could be enticed next semester, or next year.
They may even ask for more.
Chapter One had an illustration of how technology
aided the instruction of video production. Technology and
limited utility in education.
Let us assume a typical high school math class with
one computer for the teacher and one computer for the
students. The school uses a Novell network, and is
connected with a T-l line for the Internet. Each classroom
has a twenty-nine inch television, access to the local
cable company. Computer software includes Microsoft Office
- Professional, MathCAD, and a grading program. The math
department bought one LC Projector for every five
teachers. Each classroom at the school has a telephone.
Every math class has a set of Texas Instruments graphing
calculators. The above items came from the Digital High
School Grant.
may access to post items from their class. "Stand And
Deliver" is the only high school level movie ever made
about mathematics, and most students have seen it before
ninth grade. The department does have one DVD player, just
in case.
has been slow to utilize available technology. Every other
Monday the instructor prepares the class a new chapter.
The course syllabus is on his/her webpage and shown to the
class with the LC Projector, from the desktop workstation.
The students (and their parents from any computer) can see
what they have accomplished and what chapters lie ahead.
He/she introduces the chapter with a brief PowerPoint
presentation using the computer and LC Projector,
outlining the objectives of the chapter and how the
current chapter relates to previous knowledge. The
instructor saves the presentation in HTML and uploads it
to his/her section of the school web site.
Tuesday, the instructor models the basic steps to
solving the new problems, demonstrating several examples
for the students. Those examples are part of his/her
lesson plan and uploaded to the webpage after school. All
students with computer access can review the examples
anytime outside class. The instructor, or an aid, posts
homework assignments on the webpage each day and solutions
to selected problems are also posted, with relevant
publish, using student identification numbers only, on the
web page. In a classroom with sufficient computers the
quiz is administered at QuizLab ( Parents
name and a unique password for access. Parents can also
email the teacher anytime and some have requested regular
emails home with their students' grade and previous
assignments. The grading program allows the teacher to do
this anytime.
deeper meanings to the chapter. The instructor uses
MathCAD to illustrate complex steps to the equation to the
class using the computer and the LC Projector. The program
also illustrates a three dimensional graph of the
equations. The students replicate the computation on their
hand-held graphing calculators.
classroom telephone to forward calls to his cell phone. A
parent calls during lunch because that is the only time
available to call the teacher. He takes a few minutes to
discuss problems about their child's homework.
Tuesday, a group of four advanced students approached
the instructor with a small video project. They used the
departments' digital video camera to tape a seven-minute
story on practical uses of the chapters' objectives. They
completed taping in the school's quad on Tuesday, edited
on Thursday, and showed their work to the class after the
test on Friday.
Wednesday the class watches a few minutes from a DVD
program produced by the Standard Deviants on Economics.
The economic principals use the mathematics discussed
during the previous few days. The instructor showed the
same video the year before but discovered minimal student
interest when viewed on a television. This year he used
the LC Projector and two external speakers. He noticed
that all students appeared to watch and listen without
distraction. He used part of a white wall, increasing the
size of the viewing area to a six-foot by five-foot area.
The chapter test came Thursday. Friday to review the
test results and grades uploaded to the web page by Friday
will need personal assistance, but before calling the site
technology assistant, instructors should first attempt to
resolve problems with the use of a decision guide. The
decision tree model, as shown in figure 4, can give the
user quick reference to possible quick fixes and eliminate
waiting time to use the equipment. This self-help as will
empower the instructor will a sense of ability and
decrease their anxiety of using newer technology.
Figure 4. Decision Tree Model
Internet; projector; VCR/DVD; television; and video
camera. Through the decision tree help guide the
instructor may pinpoint the area of trouble.
The point of contention remains; how do we reach
timid instructors and provide a safe pathway into their
choice of technology?
group had some web experience and preferred a web-based
tool. The second group had experience with CD-ROM's and
DVD's and preferred a CD-based tool. The third group
feared all technology and preferred an instructor to
handhold during the learning process, but felt they could
accept a flip chart or book as an instructional tool.
The data presents a problem. Apparently, the solution
is multiple solutions. While the solutions do not require
learner customization, solutions do need to fit learning
styles or needs. The solution should be prepared in three
The three parts are not ordered by value. First, a
multi-chapter handbook with sections separated by general
headings. The second and third tools, a CD-ROM and a web
site can be combined into one unit, but available in both
It is a personal belief that the book form is a
temporary solution for most. Once learners gain a modest
self-confidence, I believe they will switch to the CD-ROM
and/or the web site as their primary learning device. I
also believe that for most, their learning curve will
resemble Moore's Law. That is, their learning will
accelerate and the sum of the learners ability will
continue to double until they reach their own level of
necessary competence. These learners, filled with new
confidence, will transfer their primary source of learning
from Ethernet to the students in their class. Regardless
of how we concentrate our continuing education, the
digital generation will know what we need to know before
prior generations. The difference, and why their elders
remain the teacher, is the tool still needs wisdom and
experience to be useful.
background, and they each want/need a different learning
experience. Some were experienced with the Internet or
word processing, or some were more graphics oriented,
while others did not truly want to use any new technology.
The high school where I teach has tried for four
years to bring ninety percent of the teachers to a level
of technological competence. So far, we have fallen far
short of that goal.
meeting we discuss possible solutions bring teachers up to
speed with existing technology. We reach a consensus, put
the plan into effect, and have the same rate of failure
with each attempt.
approach. We began during this past school year to find
those methods that would reach the reluctant learner. I
find it difficult to believe there are some who will never
see the usefulness of the computer, the Internet, or other
multimedia, to their classroom. I must accept that
conclusion. My quest is to minimize that group and allow
the hesitant learners to see the possibilities they have
available to them.
would suggest they study a small number of teachers as
they work with new technology. Experienced users pride
themselves in not reading the manual, and new learners
find manuals confusing and incomplete. The study of how a
few learners from different age groups might yield some
insight into how to reach reluctant learners.
This same study might also be applied to teenage
learners and how their background affects their learning
curve. I wonder if hours of computer time playing games
reduce the learning curve for other technologies.
Technology will continue, I believe, integrating more
into our personal lives. I also believe that the paramount
importance is the education of students, not the comfort
of teachers. Districts should test new teachers for their
inserted into their annual review. When learning becomes
important to a student, including teachers, they are ready
and willing to learn.
Internet/Web Internet Explorer Frontpage Dreamweaver HTML
Projector Basic Overhead Liquid Crystal
Television Cable Through VCR
2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 1.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
We have Windows98 based Tangent, Dell, and Gateway on campus. We also have OS 9 and OS X Macintosh computers. Most instructions are general to all types. Where noted, they are specific to Macintosh only.
Computer won’t turn on:
Check the power cord in the back of the computer and the wall. Wiggle the cord at the back of the computer and push in.
Check the outlet. Plug another device into the same wall outlet and test the power.
Check for a “toggle” switch in the back of the computer. The toggle will have a 1 (one) ora 0 (zero). The “On” position is the number 1.
On Macintosh the “On” button can be on
The top row of the keyboard (G3)
The front of the computer (G4)
The side of the computer base (iMac)
Call for help.
Computer is on, but nothing on the monitor:
Check the power plug in the back of the monitor and the wall. Jiggle the cord at the back of the monitor and push in.
Check the wall outlet. Plug another device into the same wall outlet and test the power.
Follow the other cord from the back of the monitor to the back of the computer. Push in on the cable head and check that is it screwed in fully.
Check the power button on the front of the monitor. There should be an amber or green light en next to the button. ;
Call for help.
Grading - Grade Machine:
To see full instructions, open the manual for Grade Machine. These instructions are for the simple, basic instructions and troubleshooting.
Adding a student:
From the VIEW menu chose STUDENTS.
Type required information. You may sort later or use the EDIT menu and INSERT ROW to add a row within an existing list.
Deleting a Student:
This is permanent.
Click the students ROW NUMBER (not the name)
Select the EDIT menu and click CUT. All information will be eliminated for that student.
Sorting student names:
Chose the NAME field and click OK.
If you are continuing, the same set up from the previous semester this will work for you. If not, you need to read through the manual, or call for help.
From the CLASS MENU select Categories
Select Next Quarter
Click Copy
Type the description and the number of possible points
Type in the weight of the assignment, if not equal to others
Select Enter to add more assignments
Entering Scores.
Locate the column containing the assignment you wish to score
Type the score and press Enter. The cursor will move down to the next student
Special Scores.
See the CLASS menu and Special Scores
In the Scores window enter the abbreviation for the score such as inc for incomplete, ab for absent, ex for excused, and dr for dropped.
To enter extra credit for a score use the + sign with the extra points, le, a possible score of 10 earns 5 extra points, enter +5 for a total of 15.
Printing a report.
Select the REPORT menu and chose an Individual or Group report
Click Print. You may wish to Preview the report before you print.
Microsoft Word:
To see full instructions, open the manual for Microsoft Word. These instructions are for the simple, basic instructions and troubleshooting.
The two most used are Standard and Formatting.
j Word File Edit Insert Format Font Tools Table Window Work Help
0 ih @ 1Normal . . Online Layout
(Rtftrence F) ‘Courier Nej j page Layout
Basle VCH Basic DVD
Visual Basic'
Web WordArt
Font and text size:
In the Formatting Toolbar, the second tool from the left is the Font. Next to Font is Font size. Chose the desired front and size. OR
(jg Word Fite E8it View Indent___________Font Tools Table Window Work Help
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Select the FORMAT Menu and chose Font. Select the desired Font and Size.
Word File Edit View insert ot „ » V •» i *___ "< ©I ”
Font Todfo Tabte Window Work Help
List Bullet 2
Font: Font style: Size:
Font color:
; : *20
Q Double strikethrough Q Outline G All caps
S Superscript Q Emboss Hidden
G Subscript Q Engrave
Create a new document Open a document:
• Select the FILE menu and New Document. You may also select a template from here.
• From the FILE menu, select Open. Select the folder from the top of the dialogue box and select the file you want.
o You may need to change the File Type at the bottom of the dialogue box to rtf or txt or an older version of Word.
Save a document:
Select the FILE Menu and chose Save or Save As. In the Dialogue box, type the file name, the folder to save in, and the type of file, usually a Word Document. In Windows, this will cause an extension of dot doc (.doc).
Q Eg Word " File Edit View Insert Format Fonf Tools ' Table . Window Work 'Help:
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Print a document:
• Select the FILE Menu and chose Print. From the dialogue box select the printer and number of copies to print.
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Enter page numbers and/or page ranges
separated by commas (e.g, 2.5-8)
@ (‘Preview^ ('Save As POEv0 ('Cancel!
Spell and Thesaurus check:
Select the TOOLS Menu and chose Spelling and Grammar or Thesaurus.
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Data Merge Manager Envelopes... Labels... ’
‘Letter Wizard- Address Book
Tools on the Web
Word Docuannt.
Print a doewaent:
Double line spacing
Chose the FORMAT Menu and select Paragraph. From the dialogue box change under Line Spacing, Single to Double.
® Word File Edit View. Insert:
Font Tools' Table ~ Window Work Help'
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Alignment { Left- • ~ . - Outline Level: ( Level1
Header and Footer:
Create a Header under the VIEW Menu. Chose Header and Footer.
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Gnimar or Thesaurus,
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the dialogue box change under Line Spacing, Single
to Doublai
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o Under 1, select the page number
o Under 2, change header to footer.
To see full instructions, open the manual for Microsoft PowerPoint. These instructions are for the simple, basic instructions and troubleshooting.
Create a new presentation.
Select a Slide from the New Slide dialogue box
PowerPoint file Edit View jnsert format Tools Slide Show Window Help ” , !* ’j I
FB-Jn z ( ili-ezl..: I; / |->4 OK'D ~ New Slide
Choose » ahde layout::
Title Slide ’ BuHtudUst 2 Column Text Table
Chart A Text j; Or^anuation Chart . | ’ Chart i ; st slide
Clip Art A Text j i THIeOnly
Q Don't show this dialog box again ^ Cancel
OR select the FILE Menu and Project Gallery
Click on Presentations and select from the templates
jgj PowerPoint file Edit View Insert format Tools Slide Show. Window Help-
Blank Documents My Templates Based on Recent
Business Forms Home Essentials
{ Open:..') @ Show Project Callery at startup (Cancel")
= IQ! rtS;
Select the VIEW Menu and click Toolbars
Chose the toolbar appropriate for your needs
The most like again is Standard and Formatting
Create a simple presentation:
Chose a Presentation by Content or Design
Chose Title from the New Slide Dialogue Box
Click on “Click to add title” and type the title to the presentation
Click to add a subtitle
Add any notes for the slide at the bottom
New Slide
Don’t shoe/ this dialog box again. (Cancel \ C OK
Text S Clip Art H Clip Art* Text
Select the appropriate new slide from the dialogue box
Click on the prewritten titles to change the new slide. Return key to add lines
Repeat the process until complete
View our slideshow:
Slide Show Window He
r PowerPoint File Edit View . Insert Format Tools
NS • MB Si
Arial S 'l8 3 B / U $
©00 ' <7jj0kes.ppt 1 © Wewi II work on Windows 2 © Information on the net 3 © What to pot I n our video 4 © What equipment to buy s ©
View Show:' -Rehearse Timings Record Narration.... Set Up Show;..
Action Buttons Action Settings.:.
• • : : ’ • • ...- L.' Hide Slide D Custom Shows...
Select the SLIDE SHOW menu and Action Buttons
Select NEXT SLIDE OR HOME and draw on the screen where you want the button and select OK
Repeat the process for each slide
Play the show and check the buttons
Animate text:
Select SLIDE SHOW Menu and Animations
Select how you want the text to show up on the page
Play the show. At that page click the mouse to animate the text
Slide Shove
1 © W&will vork on Windows 2 ® Information on the net 3© What to put in our video 4 © What equipment to buy s 0
View.Show Rehearse Timings
Window Help
Reverse Order Drop In/Out Wipe Right .......... Dissolve Split Vertical Out
Internet Explorer:
To see full instructions, open the manual for Internet Explorer. These instructions are for the simple, basic instructions and troubleshooting.
Internet Explorer from Microsoft is the most widely used browser. Netscape is an alternative.
Below is a copy of the browser with titles for the important areas of the interface.
The unlabeled items are either self-explanatory or for more advanced users. The most relevant is Favorites. You can save and retrieve frequently used web address or important addresses.
Internet Explorer will add the http and even the www for most URL’s.
Searching the web:
Most wide used site is or for multiple searches. Also, try for k-12 educators. Try the education side of the Discovery Channel at
• Search tips
o Use quotation marks ““ to group words into a phrase
o A minus sign (-) to exclude words unrelated to your search
o Use AND for a Boolean search
<- Back button to return to the previous page. OR click the triangle and see several previous pages.
-^•Forward button to return to a page after the one you are currently on.
Stop loading the current page
• Right-click Menu:
o Forward - move forward one page
o Save Background As - save background as a graphic in .gif format
o Set As Wallpaper - replace the current wallpaper on your desktop
o Copy Background - copy background image to the clipboard
o Select All - everything on the viewable page
o Create Shortcut - shortcut to that web site on your desktop
o Add To Favorites - puts current page into your favorites folder
o View Source - for advanced users that want to see the HTML for that page
o Language - reformats the web in the in language it was sent
Other questions should be answered through the help menu or call for assistance.
Opens the page Opens the heading Open/close page title Close heading Start the page
Close what’s seen Close the page
• Hypertext Markup Language first used in 1989
• HTML instructions to the web browser are called tags that begin and end with < and >
• Each page starts with heading information. All pages start with <html> and end with </html>
o The I tells the browser this is the end of tat tag or page
• Each page of html must be saved as “text”
Sample <html> <head> <title>name of the page</title> </head> <body all the content of the web page </body> </html> Images
<img src=“filename.jpg”>
img src tells the browser to see an image, not text.
“filename.jpg” is the saved name of a jpeg picture
pictures can be placed on the page using <align> and left, center or right. </align> is not required with images.
<center> items to be centered </center>.
<font face=“font name” size-'#” color=“ff0023”>text</font>
• External sites.
o <a href=“mailto:[email protected]”>
To find other tags consult a text on html or the website at for an interactive tutorial.
Liquid Crystal Projector
This projector can connect with your computer, VCR, DVD player, or cable (through the VCR).
Your computer will need a second monitor outlet either on the original video card or from a second video card. OR you may purchase a “splitter” with one end connecting to your monitor and the second to the projector. Set your monitor resolution to 800 X 600 or lower, unless your projector specifically states it can go higher. On the Macintosh, open the Monitors window and set to “mirror”.
Use the video out to reach your LC projector.
Set your VCR to channel 3 at all times, unless you are using it as a TV tuner from the cable in. Set your television to channel 3 for most reception.
Many VCR’s today have special channels for the RCA in. RCA video is the “yellow” video in the back or front. Many models have RCA inputs in the back and the front. In this case, the back plugs use channel L1, the front
inputs channel L2. If you are using the coaxial input/output (cable), then use channel 3.
RCA input rear L1
RCA input front L2
DVD Player
Your DVD player is very similar to your VCR. You will have the yellow/red/white RCA inputs and an additional round black plug called “S-video”. You may have a third choice that has the appearance of RCA but in fact it is component video. The best signal to your TV is component, next is S-video, and last is standard RCA.
Component Video S- Optical Audio to
S'Video Surround Sound
An added bonus is the digital audio also called optical audio. This uses a special cable that connects to surround sound. You may connect speakers to the RCA audio outputs. You can purchase an RCA to mini-plug converter at Radio Shack for under $5. This will allow you to use your computer speakers.
All DVD players are different, though most have the basic above. The key to operation is the remote. The remote control is unique to each brand and model. There are things to look for. Play, stop are standard. There will be a fast word at speeds of 2x up to 32x. You will also have a chapter jump button. Both have buttons for forward and reverse.
Televisions have two or three inputs. The primary is a coaxial cable input in the rear. If this is direct from the wall, then your TV tuner will change the stations. In most cases, if the cable comes from the VCR you will still use the TV to change channels.
Secondary inputs are the yellow/red/white RCA inputs. If they are in the front, then you will also have a set in the rear. These RCA inputs may require you change the input setting for the television. The button will likely be in the front of the TV, under a flap. Changing the button will rotate input from TV to AV1 to AV2. There may be more inputs. Usually AV1 will be the rear input, AV2 the front, and TV the coaxial input.
Common problem hook up
If you have a VCR to TV hookup and have a cable input, you may have trouble. Check these connections.
Connect the wall cable to the coaxial input on the rear of the VCR. Set the VCR to channel 3. Simple connection: coaxial OUT from the VCR to coaxial IN on the TV. Set VCR to channel 3.
Connect the RCA cables from the OUTPUT on the rear of the VCR to the RCA INPUT on the rear of the TV. Use the tuner on the television to change channels. Common mistake: be sure the power is ON the VCR. Set the input button to TV if you use a coaxial connection from the VCR to the TV.
VCR playback
Connect the RCA cables OUTPUT on the rear of the VCR to either the front or the rear RCA INPUT connections on the television. Change the channel on the VCR to L1 and use the tuner on the TV to change channels. Be sure the power is on the VCR. Set the input button on the TV to AV1 for rear connection or AV2 for the front connection.
Purchasing a camera
If you are about to purchase your first video camera, consider the following. VHS-C needs a small box to convert the small size tape for use in your VCR. This could damage your VCR. You can avoid this by using the camera as your VCR. A better quality, but with the same drawbacks is VHSC-S.
8mm and digital 8 are good quality formats, but they are not the standard size. You may find most non-standard formats discontinued in the near future.
The standard video format for digital video is mini-dv. This may also be known as a “firewire" or “IE1394”. You can only record for sixty minutes in standard mode, whereas 8mm can record up to two hours.
When you purchase the video camera, be sure you buy a camera with an external microphone input. That assures you can plug in a microphone, disconnecting the internal microphone. This is essential to good audio on your videotape. If you are purchasing a VHS-C because you will spend much less for that camera, then you may not be able to add the microphone input. VHS-C cameras are usually under $350, while digital video cameras with mic input will start at about $600.
Basic operation of the camera , Z , Z; F
There are a few things to remember that can greatly improve the quality of your video, regardless of your experience.
Use a tripod. This simple device will steady your camera and keep the viewer from becoming “seasick” when watching your show. A respectable tripod can cost as little $50 - $75. If you plan to use your camera once a week, or will allow students to use the camera, then invest in a better quality tripod. This may cost $200 - $300. Of course, you may spend a great deal more if you plan to be a frequent high-end user.
Purchase two or three “wired” microphones from Best-Buy or Radio Shack. Include a 3-way splitter so all three may be used simultaneously. Poor sound quality will destroy your video. Wire any subject with a speaking part. The internal microphone will fade or include all sound. In any case the sound quality will have an echo.
A hand-held microphone is a possibility, but purchase a stand. Subjects will move their hand around the mic add an unwanted scratching sound.
Add lighting to classroom projects. Studio lighting is very expensive. You can purchase floodlights from a local hardware store. A cheap one has a clip attached. Hook the light on the ceiling so you don’t have shadows on the background. Light from both the left and right sides, at about a 45 degree angle. You can further improve lighting quality by adding a third light a few feet behind the subject. Do not allow the lights to enter the picture.
If sunlight is one source of light, block it out. Indoor and outdoor lighting are very different and will change to overall color of your video. Use either outdoor or indoor lighting, but not both.
Check your white balance. This tells the camera what kind of light to expect. Find your recording settings and look for white balance. Usually, you will find a “light bulb”, or “sun”, and an “auto” setting. Inexperienced users should use the auto setting; otherwise adjust to where you are.
When taping outdoors, keep the sun behind you. If the sun is behind your subject you will be able to see well through the viewfinder but the actual tape will shade your subject. The result may be only a silhouette of your subject. Keep the sun behind you within 45 degrees to your left or right.
When students must remember lines, use a computer as a teleprompter. A laptop works best, but any computer with word processing software will do. Type out all the dialogue with your word processor. Start each section with the students’ name, in all caps, that will read. Use phonetic spelling for difficult words. Good pronunciation is more desirable than good spelling.
Place the computer monitor under the camera, as close as possible, and a student to press the down arrow or page down button as needed.
Allow extra footage. Be sure the tape has been running for three to five seconds before any action occurs. Delete unwanted footage in the editing process. Do the same at the end of the scene. Stop the actions, count to five, and then stop the camera.
Student projects will have mistakes. To assist students to edit out mistakes, shoot each scene twice. The second taping should be from a different angle. This change will allow the editor to cut out a mistake. The change of angle eliminates the “jump” look that would occur if the angle did not change.
Finally, clearly mark the tape. If all projects are on a single tape, be sure to keep a continuous timecode on the tape. Additionally, you should log all shots. That is, the start timecode on the tape, the group, what scene, the shot, and the ending timecode. This will help reduce taping over another students work.
Editing Your Tape
This is where you will appreciate firewire. If you are editing on a computer you will need a capture device and editing software. If you have a Macintosh, you should already have a firewire connect.
We recommend that you use basic editing software such as iMovie2 from Apple or Movie Maker on the Windows XP platform. They are free with the operating system. If you have already taped your program, you may want a hands-on tutorial. This is a good place to call for help.
Application to Use Human Participants in Research
1. PROJECT REVIEW X New Project (ID# will be assigned by the IRB) _________________ . __________
Revised Project (Enter id#) _____________________________________
Approximate date of most recent previous review of this project__________
2. INVESTIGATOR(S) NAME(S) Henry Frank (Hank) Richards Department Education - Instructional Technology Phone 760-242-4649 E-mail Address: [email protected]
If you are a student, please provide the following information: This research is for X Thesis Honors Project Independent Study
Course________________ Other__________
3. PROJECT TITLE Transparent Technology in the Classroom_____
4. DESCRIPTION OF PARTICIPANTS (Enter approx, no. of participants and categories that apply)
Number 5_____ Gender: Female Male CSUSB Students Children (17 or younger) Child Development Center Prisoners Patients in institutions X Other Teachers at Granite
Hills High School
5. IS THIS RESEARCH BEING SUBMITTED AS PART OF A FUNDED RESEARCH PROPOSAL? Yes X No If yes, you must submit one complete copy of that proposal as soon as it is available and respond to the following questions:
Does the funding agency require notification of Institutional Review Board approval? Yes No
(lf yes, please provide the IRB Secretary with one copy of all relevant forms, instructions, etc., with your original copy of this application.) Project period from_____________ to_____________________
.X lam applying for exempt review, based on the following category(ies): (Check all that apply. Submit an original and one copy of all application materials to the IRB.)
X Research conducted in established or commonly accepted educational settings and involving normal educational practices
Research involving the use of educational tests, if information from these sources is recorded in such a manner that participants cannot be identified in any way
X Research involving survey or interview procedures where participants cannot be identified
Research involving the observation of public behavior where participants cannot be identified
Research involving the collection or study of existing data, documents, records, pathological specimens, or diagnostic specimens, where these sources are publicly available or where participants cannot be identified
I am applying for expedited review, based on the following category(ies): (Check all that apply. Submit an original and 1 copy of all application materials to the IRB.)
Collection of hair, nail clippings, teeth in a non-disfiguring manner.
Collection of excretal and/or external secretions. Recording of data from adults using noninvasive procedures. Collection of moderate levels of blood samples from adults in
good health. Collection of supra- and sub-gingival dental plaque and
calculus. Voice recordings made for research purposes. Moderate exercise by healthy volunteers. Study of existing data, documents, records, or pathological or
diagnostic specimens. Non-manipulative, non-stressful research on group or individual
I am applying for full board review. (Submit an original and 1 copy of all application materials to the IRB.)
7. ATTACHMENTS. I have included copies of all relevant project materials and documents, including (check all that apply):
X Surveys, questionnaires, and/or interview instruments. Informed consent forms or statements. Letters of approval from cooperative agencies, schools, or education
boards. Debriefing statements or explanation sheet.
8. AFFIRMATION OF COMPLIANCE: I agree to follow the procedures outlined in the summary description and any attachments to ensure that the rights and welfare of human participants in my project are properly protected. I understand that the study will not commence until I have received approval of these procedures from the IRB or where appropriate a department Human Participants Review Board; I have complied with any required modifications in connection with that approval. I understand that additions to or changes in the procedures involving human participants, or any problems with the rights or welfare of the human participants must be promptly reported to the IRB. I further understand that if the project continues for more than one year from the approval date, it must be re-submitted as a renewal application.
Signature of Investigator Date
Signature of Co-Investigator Date
APPROVAL OF FACULTY ADVISOR/SPONSOR (Required for all investigators who are students)
I affirm the accuracy of this application, and I accept responsibility for the conduct of this research, the supervision of human participants, and maintenance of informed consent documentation as required by the IRB.
Printed Name of Faculty Advisor/Sponsor Campus Phone
Signature of Faculty Advisor/Sponsor Date
E-mail Address of Faculty Advisor/Sponsor
APPROVAL OF A LICENSED PHYSICIAN (Required only if the project involves medical procedures and neither the investigator nor the faculty/advisor is a licensed physician)
Printed Name of Licensed Physician
Signature of Licensed Physician
9. PARTICIPANT RECRUITMENT. All participants are adult teachers at Granite Hills High School in Apple Valley, California. I will chose five participants from a larger group of high school teachers that need assistance using technology and have asked for assistance. Each has enrolled in a school sponsored weekly class (on campus) on use of school computers and technology. Age, gender, and ethnic background are not issues of the questionnaire, nor does it have any bearing on their selection. There is no reason to believe any participants are not of good mental and physical health.
10. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. My project involves creating a booklet that teachers can use when they have difficulty with their classroom technology. The thesis is making instructional technology transparent to users. Teachers can work toward competence without waiting for technical personnel to arrive and instruct. With the self-help guide, the teachers can become independent users of technology. Participants will be interviewed individually, one time only, in their classroom, after school. The length of the interview should be less than thirty minutes per participant. After completion of the project, I will distribute the completed project to the participants for their use and evaluation. I will correct any errors or omissions at that time. I will arrange time after school with each participant to observe their use of the completed project and if in fact, it is useful for them.
11. CONFIDENTIALITY OF THE DATA. All data will be stored in a locked, fireproof cabinet No participants will be identified beyond the interviewer. Interview sheets will be anonymous, and identified only by a number known only to the interviewer.
12. RISKS AND BENEFITS. The author cannot think of any short or long-term risks to the participants. Interviewed teachers are already aware they lack certain skills to operate advanced technical equipment. They are aware the school and the interviewer are seeking methods to assist their request to become competent users of available technology. Interviewed participants will be aware that a benefit of their participation will be additional tools to assist them in their quest to become proficient with technology in their classroom. Their improved ability will help them to become more versatile teachers for their high school students.
13. INFORMED CONSENT. I request waiver of informed consent. The adult teachers are volunteering their time to attend weekly sessions to help them learn how to use the technology available for their classroom. I work with all participants and have known some for several years. The questions are general questions and all answers are confidential. No information will be passed to others, except in aggregate in my thesis.
14. DEBRIEFING STATEMENT. Participants will be made aware of the uses of the interview at the time they are interviewed. Participants will be given a copy of the tool chosen to assist teachers. This may be a web page or flip chart, or other tool derived from their responses. Participants will receive a copy of the instructional device as it is made available to all teachers and staff at Granite Hills High School.
Teacher/lnterviewee #_______________
We have asked you to participate because you are at an introductory level at one or more of the technology tools we use at Granite Hills High School. The end use of this interview is to create a tool or tools, to assist instructors to adapt our technologies into their curriculum.
1. What is your area of teaching?
Math Science English Social Science Fine Arts Foreign Language Elective
2. Do you have a computer available for use at home?
3. Do you use an LCD projector in your classroom?
4. Do you use creation tools for lessons? (Video camera, digital camera, PowerPoint, etc.)
5. Do you integrate any technology into your lesson plans?
5a. If so, how?
7. Do you use technology personally to?
Weekly Monthly
7c. Student grades?
7e. Collect information for lesson plans?
7f. Access lesson plans from wet? sites?
8. Do you feel you have adequate training to use technology in your classroom?
9. What tools do you need training to use in the classroom? (Select all that apply)
Problem Area
9b. Internet.
9c. Email.
9I. Other?
10. What method of training would best serve your needs? (select two)
10a After school in-service. 10b Videotape.
10c. Desktop flip chart. 10d Web page. 10e 3-ring binder.
10f. Reference book for each tool.
11. Post project.
11a. Participant was observed using the project on / / . Participants’ comments.
11 .b Participant did did not use the project to their satisfaction.
11 c. Participants suggestions.
I agree to follow the procedures outlined in the summary description and any attachments to ensure that the rights and welfare of human participants in my project are properly protected. I understand that the study will not commence until I have received approval of these procedures from the IRB or where appropriate a department Human Participants Review Board; I have complied with any required modifications in connection with that approval. I understand that additions to or changes in the procedures involving human participants, or any problems with the rights or welfare of the human participants must be promptly reported to the IRB. I further understand that if the project continues for more than one year from the approval date, it must be re-submitted as a renewal application.
Bernstein, A. (1998). Using electronic mail to improve school-based communications [Electronic version]. The Journal, 25 (10), 58-60.
Bushweller, K. (2002). Teaching to the test. Retrieved September 30, 2002, from
Chiero, R. T. (1999). Secondary teachers' professional uses of computers. Retrieved October 26, 2002, from
Colvin, R. L. (1997, October 15). Education: an exploration of ideas, issues and trentds in education; Campuses csh in on computer campaign: More than 200 high school acress the state are chosen in a random drawing to split the first $100-million chunk of funding for governor's drive to boost online learning. Los Angeles Times Retrieved October 10, 2002 from document?_m=795420410496a3d5adlf36689e07