tpr reviewer form (1)

REVIEWER FORM Dear Reviewer Please fll in this orm i n completely and email i t to your Regional Editor as soon as possible. Many Thanks  ohn Ro berts ! E" ecutive Editor . Name: Nathanael Kent Address : Cottage Farm Barn, Manns Hill, Bossingham, Canterbr!, Kent, C"# $E% Email: nathanael&m'lellan(ent)'om Mobile: *+$-$+./* Re0ie1ing Name: Nathanael Kent 2ersonal Blog 3i4 !o ha0e one5 6R7: n8a 32haroah9s Nmber - on 1hatsonstage)'om %is'ssion Board5 "1itter name 3i4 !o ha0e one5: &nathanael(ent For the site 1e reire the 4ollo1ing in4ormation A short biogra;h! o4 !orsel4 3no more than .-* 1ords5 #athanael has been a theatre addict since his local theatre$ The Marlowe in % anterbury$ closed down or reurbishment in &''(. )ondon became the easiest main theatre*s+, to get to$ and$ well$ he caught the bug+ #ow that the Marlowe has reopened$ he regularly goes there weekday evenings *as well as other smaller local houses,$ and to )ondon at the weekend. #athanael mainly sees plays$ though some o his most memorable e"periences have been the recent %hichester musical revivals. -e has ust completed his /0levels *in maths$ philosophy$ fne art and economics,$ and is taking a gap year beore going to university to read philosophy . Area !o 1ish to re0ie1 in: 32lease delete as a;;ro;riate5 1outh East /s a reviewer you agree to abide by the ollowing terms and conditions. 2ailur e to adhere to the ollowing may mean that you are no longer asked to be a reviewer or The Public Reviews. .5 < o arri0e at the theatre on time and 'ond't !orsel4 in a ;ro4essiona l manner ) -5 < o are a sole re;resentati0e o4 the "2R 1hen !o are re0ie1ing a sho1 ) =5 "hat !o boo ( all re0ie1s throgh !or re gional edito r > !o M6?" NO" 'on ta't the theatre dire'tl! #5 < o sbmit !o r re0ie1 'orre'tl! 4ormatted 3see 4ormatting gide5 b! .-noon the ne@t da!) /5 "he editors o4 "2R reser0e the ri ght to edit8 amend !o r re0ie1 )

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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8/11/2019 TPR Reviewer Form (1) 1/2


Dear Reviewer

Please fll in this orm in completely and email it to your Regional Editor as soon as possible.

Many Thanks

 ohn Roberts ! E"ecutive Editor.

Name: Nathanael Kent

Address : Cottage Farm Barn, Manns Hill, Bossingham, Canterbr!, Kent, C"# $E%

Email: nathanael&m'lellan(ent)'om

Mobile: *+$-$+./*

Re0ie1ing Name: Nathanael Kent

2ersonal Blog 3i4 !o ha0e one5 6R7: n8a 32haroah9s Nmber - on 1hatsonstage)'om

%is'ssion Board5

"1itter name 3i4 !o ha0e one5: &nathanael(ent

For the site 1e reire the 4ollo1ing in4ormation

A short biogra;h! o4 !orsel4 3no more than .-* 1ords5

#athanael has been a theatre addict since his local theatre$ The Marlowe in %anterbury$ closed

down or reurbishment in &''(. )ondon became the easiest main theatre*s+, to get to$ and$ well$

he caught the bug+ #ow that the Marlowe has reopened$ he regularly goes there weekday

evenings *as well as other smaller local houses,$ and to )ondon at the weekend. #athanael mainly

sees plays$ though some o his most memorable e"periences have been the recent %hichester

musical revivals. -e has ust completed his /0levels *in maths$ philosophy$ fne art and

economics,$ and is taking a gap year beore going to university to read philosophy.

Area !o 1ish to re0ie1 in: 32lease delete as a;;ro;riate5

1outh East

/s a reviewer you agree to abide by the ollowing terms and conditions. 2ailure to adhere to the

ollowing may mean that you are no longer asked to be a reviewer or The Public Reviews.

.5 <o arri0e at the theatre on time and 'ond't !orsel4 in a ;ro4essional manner)-5 <o are a sole re;resentati0e o4 the "2R 1hen !o are re0ie1ing a sho1)=5 "hat !o boo( all re0ie1s throgh !or regional editor > !o M6?" NO" 'onta't

the theatre dire'tl!

#5 <o sbmit !or re0ie1 'orre'tl! 4ormatted 3see 4ormatting gide5 b! .-noon thene@t da!)/5 "he editors o4 "2R reser0e the right to edit8amend !or re0ie1)

8/11/2019 TPR Reviewer Form (1) 2/2

$5 All re0ie1s that are 'reated 4or "2R or solel! the 'o;!right o4 "he 2bli'

Re0ie1s, re0ie1s ma! be re;blished on !or o1n ;ersonal blogs bt the

'orre't ;roto'ol mst be 4ollo1ed)+5 "he 2bli' Re0ie1s is not able to 'o0er ot o4 ;o'(et e@;enses 4or tra0elling to a

theatre to re0ie1 and an! 'osts in'rred 1hilst 'arr!ing ot !or dt!)5 It is be'oming more 4reent that theatres 1ill no1 'harge 4or ti'(ets boo(ed

that are not sed, i4 !o 4ail to trn ; to a re0ie1, and "2R get billed 4or the non

se o4 ti'(ets > this in0oi'e 1ill be sent to !o 4or immediate ;a!ment) 3this 'an

range 4rom / -**;er ti'(et de;ending on the e0ent55 <o agree to let !or 'orre't regional editor (no1 1ith as m'h ;rior 1arning i4

!o are nable to attend a ;er4orman'e, 1e are a1are that li4e is n;redi'table

and that na0oidable e0ents 'an and 1ill ta(e ;la'e, so in order to a0oid ste; +

o''rring ;lease (ee; s dl! in4ormed).*5 "hat !o read and nderstand and a'tion e0er!thing 'ontained in the

re0ie1ers handboo()..5 Failre to adhere to an! o4 the abo0e ma! reslt in being ta(en oD o4 "he

2bli' Re0ie1s re0ie1ing lists)

I agree to the abo0e terms and 'onditions o4 being a re0ie1er o4 "he 2bli' Re0ie1s)

?igned 3b! t!;ing !or name here !o are ele'troni'all! agreeing to the abo0e terms

and 'onditions5

Name: Nathanael Kent %ate: *#8*+8-*.-

Regional Editor Conta'ts:

E3E%4T56E ED5T7R 8 #orth 9est ! ohn Roberts: ino;

%entral ! 1elwyn <night : central; 

 =orkshire>#orth East ! )aura 1timpson : yorkshire;

1outh 9est ! ac?ui 7nions: southwest; 

)ondon ! 5an 2oster: london; 

1outh East ! @len Pearce : southeast; 

1cotland ! /my Taylor : 1cotland; 

1outh %oast ! Marina 1park : 1outhcoast;