town of windsor

Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF WINDSOR AGENDA REPORT Town Council Meeting Date: September 18, 2013 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Alejandro Perez, Associate Civil Engineer Subject: Approve an Updated Priority Transportation Grant Project List Recommendation to Council: Approve a priority list of projects for seeking transportation grant opportunities for the Town of Windsor. Background: Three years ago, the Council approved a list of priority transportation projects to assist the Town in the orderly pursuit of grant opportunities. The Town has been successful in applying for and receiving grant funds due in part to the focused efforts of staff based upon prior approved priority lists. The list has been updated to incorporate new funding opportunities and reflect which projects have received funding. For the fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15, the Town has received approximately $2.6 million in grant funds for transportation projects, including a sidewalk gap closure project on Starr Road, pedestrian enhancements at signalized intersections townwide and traffic signal installation and improvements at three intersections. Grant funding has become an increasingly important source of funding for needed transportation projects in Windsor. Federal, State, regional and air district funds are being programmed to achieve specific goals such as reducing green house gases, improving safety and making streets more livable. Windsor must compete with other local agencies for these funds and grant applications are becoming more rigorous and in-depth requiring projects to have environmental and right-of-way issues resolved and preliminary engineering completed prior to submitting an application. Discussion: Grants for a town of Windsor’s size typically range from $75,000 to $1,000,000. In the past the Town has been successful in receiving grants for a range of projects. To be competitive in seeking grant funding, projects will need to be fully developed prior to application submittal. To be more efficient, staff has identified projects that are likely to qualify for grant funding and need additional funding resources to complete. Over time, the Public Works Department has developed a list of projects with input from other departments such as the Community Development and Parks and Recreation departments. The list includes projects focusing on energy efficiency, safe routes to school, pedestrian, bicycle, and street improvements. Typically, the lead time for application submittals is 8 to 10 weeks once a call for projects has been issued. However, projects of significant size can take longer than 8 to 10 weeks to develop into a successful application. With the adoption of the 2013 update to the prioritized project list, staff can focus their efforts on the higher priority projects within each category. Preliminary project plans can be developed, cost estimates prepared, right-of-way established and necessary environmental Item No.: 11.2

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Town Council Meeting Date: September 18, 2013

To: Mayor and Town Council

From: Alejandro Perez, Associate Civil Engineer

Subject: Approve an Updated Priority Transportation Grant Project List

Recommendation to Council:

Approve a priority list of projects for seeking transportation grant opportunities for the Town of



Three years ago, the Council approved a list of priority transportation projects to assist the Town in

the orderly pursuit of grant opportunities. The Town has been successful in applying for and

receiving grant funds due in part to the focused efforts of staff based upon prior approved priority

lists. The list has been updated to incorporate new funding opportunities and reflect which projects

have received funding. For the fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15, the Town has received

approximately $2.6 million in grant funds for transportation projects, including a sidewalk gap

closure project on Starr Road, pedestrian enhancements at signalized intersections townwide and

traffic signal installation and improvements at three intersections.

Grant funding has become an increasingly important source of funding for needed transportation

projects in Windsor. Federal, State, regional and air district funds are being programmed to achieve

specific goals such as reducing green house gases, improving safety and making streets more

livable. Windsor must compete with other local agencies for these funds and grant applications are

becoming more rigorous and in-depth requiring projects to have environmental and right-of-way

issues resolved and preliminary engineering completed prior to submitting an application.


Grants for a town of Windsor’s size typically range from $75,000 to $1,000,000. In the past the

Town has been successful in receiving grants for a range of projects. To be competitive in seeking

grant funding, projects will need to be fully developed prior to application submittal. To be more

efficient, staff has identified projects that are likely to qualify for grant funding and need additional

funding resources to complete. Over time, the Public Works Department has developed a list of

projects with input from other departments such as the Community Development and Parks and

Recreation departments. The list includes projects focusing on energy efficiency, safe routes to

school, pedestrian, bicycle, and street improvements.

Typically, the lead time for application submittals is 8 to 10 weeks once a call for projects has been

issued. However, projects of significant size can take longer than 8 to 10 weeks to develop into a

successful application. With the adoption of the 2013 update to the prioritized project list, staff can

focus their efforts on the higher priority projects within each category. Preliminary project plans

can be developed, cost estimates prepared, right-of-way established and necessary environmental

Item No.: 11.2

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clearances obtained for the projects with the highest priority. These efforts will require staff


As grant funding opportunities become available, projects that have been developed can be selected

from the list. Thus, competitive applications can prepared more efficiently by submittal due dates.

Having projects that are sufficiently complete will allow staff to be prepared and increase the

likelihood that the Town will be successful in receiving grant funds.

Grant programs change over time, new programs are developed, and not all contingencies can be

foreseen. In some cases, projects that are not the highest priority may be the best fit for a funding

opportunity and be taken out of priority. Likewise, new programs or opportunities can arise that

will have a different emphasis for which a priority project has yet to be established and a project

will need to be developed for that opportunity. Further, the Town may not have the staff resources

or available matching funds to seek all grant opportunities. The priority list will help in making

choices when grant opportunities arise.

Fiscal Impact:

None at this time.


1. 2013 Update of Priority Transportation Grant Project List

2. Project Location Map

Prepared By: Reviewed By:

Alejandro Perez

Associate Civil Engineer

Stuart Hayre

Principal Civil Engineer

Reviewed By: Recommended By:

Richard W. Burtt

Public Works Director/Town Engineer

Linda Kelly

Town Manager

I:\Scanned TC Agenda Packets\2013\09-18-13\Electronic Received staff reports\11.2 Attachment 1 Priority Transportation Grant Project List

9/18/2013NUMBER ON


1 1 Intersection improvements at Old Redwood Highway and Starr Road Old Redwood Highway-Starr Road

2 2 Starr Road sidewalk gap closure opposite Cali Calmecac Academy Starr Road

3 1 Lengthen box culverts on Old Redwood Highway at Faught and Pool Creeks for Class II bike lanes and sidewalks Old Redwood Highway

4 2 Sidewalk-bike Lane on Starr Road at Railroad crossing. Starr Road-NWPRR

5 3 Class I Bicycle Paths as identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and future trail study Various

6 1 Convert street lights to energy efficient LED Townwide (Phase 2) Town-Wide

7 1 Improve lighting for pedestrians under US 101 on Old Redwood Highway Old Redwood Highway from Lakewood Drive to Conde Lane

8 2 Franklin Street Pedestrian Bridge (over Windsor Creek) Franklin Street

9 3 Downtown pedestrian/bicycle crossing of US 101. Construct a crossing of the US 101 Freeway near the central Windsor interchange to serve non-vehicular travel.

10 4 ADA Transition Plan implementation Townwide

11 5 Construct Sidewalks as part of a Townwide Pedestrian Gap Closure Project

12 1 Old Redwood Highway at Bell Village Old Redwood Hwy from Richardson Drive and Windsor Road

13 2 Highway 101 and Arata Lane Northbound On-Ramp/Los Amigos Road Realignment Los Amigos Road north of Arata Lane

14 3 Jaguar Way Starr Road to Windsor Road (CIP Project) Jaguar Way from Starr Road to Windsor Road

15 4 Windsor Road-Windsor River Road Intersection Improvements to comply with CPUC requirements for commuter rail service.(CIP Project) Windsor Road-Windsor River Road

16 5 Widening of Shiloh Road Highway 101 Overpass

17 6 Replace signal at Old Redwood Highway-Windsor River Road-Conde with a modern Roundabout Old Redwood Highway-Windsor River Road-Conde Intersection

18 7 Shiloh Road-Windsor Road to Skylane resurfacing Shiloh Road from Windsor Road to Skylane

19 8 Shiloh Road-Hembree to ORH resurfacing Shiloh Road from Hebree to ORH

20 9 Windsor Road-Shiloh Road to Reiman Lane resurfacing Windsor Road from Shiloh Road to Reiman Lane







Attachment No. 1

I:\Scanned TC Agenda Packets\2013\09-18-13\Electronic Received staff reports\11.2 Attachment 1 Priority Transportation Grant Project List

9/18/2013NUMBER ON



21 10 Traffic Collision and Traffic Control Device Database Systems. Townwide

22 11 Upgrade Emergency Vehicle Pre-Emption at Signalized Intersections

23 12 Old Redwood Highway Rehabilitation from 3rd Street to Conde Lane Old Redwood Highway between 3rd Street and Conde Lane

24 1 Park-n-Ride lot on Old Redwood Highway Extension

OBAG funding for Jaguar Way/Windsor Road Traffic Signal and Sidewalk Project Jaguar Way/Windsor Road intersectionOBAG funding for Conde Ln/Johnson Street Signal and Pedestrian Enhancements Project Conde Ln/Johnson Street intersection

OBAG funding for Bell Road/Market Street/Windsor River Road Signal and Pedestrian Enhancement ProjectBell Road/Market St/Windsor River Road intersection

CDBG funding for Starr Road Sidwalk Gap Closure Project Starr Road south of Old Redwood HwyInstall Pedestrian Enhancements-Navigator Systems at Signalized Intersections Townwide Various signals in TownOld Redwood Highway Pedestrian Safety Improvements Old Redwood Highway at Lakewood





















Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, USGS, Intermap, iPC, NRCAN, EsriJapan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, 2013

Figure 1N:\US\Santa Rosa\W&K\Projects\02283 - Town of Windsor\02283-8410124 Windsor On-Call Services\08-GIS\Maps\Figures\Project Location Map.mxd

0 0.25 0.5


© 2012. While every care has been taken to prepare this map, GHD (and DATA CUSTODIAN) make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliabil ity, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and cannot accept l iabilityand responsibility of any kind (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) for any expenses, losses, damages and/or costs (including indirect or consequential damage) which are or may be incurred by any party as a result of the map being inaccurate,incomplete or unsuitable in any way and for any reason.

Job NumberRevision 1


Date 04 Sep 2013

Town of WindsorPriority Transportation Grant

Project Location Map

Data source: GHD, Projects, 2013. Created by:afisher2

2235 Mercury Way Suite 150 Santa Rosa CA 95407 USA T 707 523 1010 F 707 527 8679 E [email protected] W

Map Projection: Mercator Auxil iary SphereHorizontal Datum: WGS 1984

Grid: WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxil iary Sphere

Paper Size 8.5" x 11" (ANSI A)

Project Locations

Attachment No. 2