top ps innovators jan07

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  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Top Public Sector Innovators:Changing the world through

    Government, Education,

    Healthcare and Life Sciences

  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07



    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences >

    Power of innovation: The ideas and actions of public sector leaders

    A message from Emilie McCabe, General Manager, IBM Public Sector

    Where will your organizations next breakthrough comefrom? Innovation often arises in the gap between anorganizations strategic goals and its current level ofperformance. It is here that public sector organiza-tions are driven to develop new, even revolutionarybusiness models, services and processes. . .oftentransforming their internal cultures, or even social pol-

    icy and society as a whole.

    These initiatives typically do not start in a vacuum.They emerge out of a hotbed of other new ideas,in some cases from fields that may seem wildly differ-ent, at first glance. Its the nature of the truly creativemind to find and capitalize onthe common ground,thereby transplanting the seeds of innovation organi-cally from one context to another. What applies wellin the classroom, for instance, may apply equally wellin the hospital emergency room; what works in thehalls of government may work in the halls of aca-demia, and so on.

    IBM is pleased to present this innovation report asa way to share some of the best new ideas to emergerecently across the public sector worldwide.

    In these pages you will find:1. A fascinating study from IBM Global Business

    Services, based on recent interviews with 765 CEOs

    and senior leaders in the public and private sectorsworldwide. More than 100 of these participants

    were senior public officials, such as agency andcabinet-level leaders. The study uncovered inter-esting findings about the ways that organizationscan foster new thinking. Insights from the privateand public sectors on the value of collaboration,the significance of culture and the importance oftop-level direction will have definite relevance

    for many leaders.2. Dozens of short, real-life stories of challenges

    met and transcended through fresh thinkingand the creative application of state-of-the-artinformation technology (IT). Weve grouped thesestories by sector, but we urge you to browseoutside your own category to see if there are anynew ideas outside the box that may be usefulfor your organization.

    IBM has had the privilege and the opportunity tohelp these exemplary organizations take their placeat the forefront of public sector innovation. They aremaking not just small improvements, but transfor-mational, game-changing ones that will help changethe world. May they inspire us all to continue on anddeepen our own innovation journeys.

    Emilie McCabeGeneral Manager, IBM Public Sector

    Using this report 2

    CEO survey analysis 3

    Government 6

    Education 51

    Healthcare and Life Sciences 102

    For more information 137

  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences >


    IBM 2006 Global CEO Study >

    CEO survey analysis:

    Innovation throughtransformation,collaboration

    and integration

  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07



    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences >

    IBM 2006 Global CEO Study: Public and private sector leaders agreethat organizational performance depends on pervasive innovation

    Senior officials in the public sector were in remarkableagreement with private sector CEOs that the perform-ance of their organizations depends on implementinginnovative practices in all aspects of the work they do.In a study conducted by IBM, 765 CEOs and seniorleaders from around the world were interviewed inthe largest study of its kind conducted in years. Over

    100 were senior public officials, such as agency andcabinet-level leaders.

    Overwhelmingly, officials and business executivessaid innovation led directly to more profitable orproductive agencies and enterprises. Further, trans-forming organizational structures and changing theworkflow are crucial activities that correlate stronglywith increased financial and budgetary performance.

    They also agree that collaborating and partneringwith outside organizations is proving essential forsuccess. Equally important is the integration of busi-ness and operational practices with technology.

    Public and private sector officials pointed out,however, that gaps between desires and performanceexist in how they remodel organizations, leveragepartnerships and alliances, and integrate businessand technologies.

    Both also reported that intensifying innovativepractices in their organizations requires the per-sonal involvement and focus of the CEO or seniorpublic officials, and cannot be delegated to mid-level management as occurred in the past. CEOscan overcome internal obstacles and redirectresources to new initiatives more effectively than

    anyone else.

    Public sector officials, like their counterparts in com-panies, have already launched initiatives to transformtheir agencies in this new age of global operationsand extensive use of the Internet to deliver infor-mation and services. Officials fund innovations withinagencies, often nurture pilot programs, and holdagency heads accountable for results. IBMs annualE-Readiness survey, conducted in collaboration withthe Economist Intelligence Unit, confirms that dozensof national governments are aggressively pursuingorganizational restructuring, modernizing the deliveryof new services, and developing national policies tofacilitate economic development.

    Little or

    no change







    Extent of fundamental change

    needed over the next two years

    Continued on next page >

  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07



    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences >

    So where do the new ideas for innovation come from?Public officials rely extensively on employees, aca-demics, associations, and other organizations withwhom they partner. The private sector does the same.However, the private sector takes the additional stepof integrating feedback and suggestions from custom-ers to a larger extent than do government agencies.

    Overall, when innovation as an institutional strategyis deployed, private and public officials report similarbenefits. The first and most visible is improved qualityof service to customers and citizens, followed closelyby reduced operating costs and, third, increasedspeed and ability to change as circumstances war-rant. Senior officials in both communities credit resultsto their organizations ability to foster cultures of inno-vation, and that all begins with the personal leadershipof senior officials.

    When asked what advice they would give to peersaround the world, they offered five recommendations.First, think broadly, act personally and lead the effort.Second, challenge the business model to be signifi-cantly different from what it is today. Third, use theintegration of business operations and technology toignite innovation. Fourth, massively expand collabora-

    tion within the departments or divisions, across theenterprise, and with other governments. Fifth, pushpeople to work with outsiders and make that activityintegral to the organizations culture and operations.

    The complete CEO study report includes a seriesof recommendations for the public sector andoffers questions senior officials can ask themselvesand their institutions to further stimulate theirinnovation strategies.

    We must develop theright business modelfor our organization,develop the most effec-tive ways of deliveringthese services, andmanage risk. Innovationand risk-takingare fundamental.

  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 7

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >


    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >

    Cheshire County Council: Providing better care to seniors

    Cheshire County Council improves the quality of elder care by creating a virtual healthcareand social services organization

    ChallengeMany countries are looking for ways to better meetthe needs of their aging populations. Although it hasone of the most sophisticated health and social caredelivery systems in the world, the United Kingdom

    (UK) is no exception. The UK is moving aggressivelyon this issue, calling on local governments to stand-ardize and streamline processes around collecting,managing and communicating case information forolder citizens.

    Cheshire County Council saw this challenge as anopportunity: an opportunity to build a comprehensive,flexible and innovative foundation that would help thecouncil more easily share information around healthand social care. The council realized that success

    would require a fundamental change at the processlevel, in the way providers and agencies interactand share information.

    SolutionThe councils answer? Work with IBM to put in placea shared service delivery platform. This approachputs the needs of the elderly squarely at the center.It brings together health and social cares broad base

    of service assessment into a single, coherent virtualassessment of seniors services needs. The sharedservices solution also consolidates roughly 20 uncon-nected assessment processeseach built around theneeds of different organizationsinto one.

    The result is a single, seamless view of a seniorsassessment history. Confirmation and alerting toolsensure that all agencies and assessers fulfill their roleand no clients fall through the cracks.

    Continued on next page >
  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 8

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >


    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >

    Were not only helping Cheshire to be at the leadingedge in the way it provides services to its oldercitizens, says Alan Alman, the councils senior ITmanager and SAP program manager. With IBMshelp and insight, weve also developed a whole new

    model of how local government can provide servicesto citizens in an innovative and joined-up way.

    Benefits of innovation Improved quality and continuity of care through more

    proactive case management Improved use of precious health and social

    care resources by harmonizing the way services

    are delivered Over 40 other UK government groups have explored

    this solution, while a consortium of five counties hasrecently adopted it.

    Cheshire County Council: Improving the quality ofelderly care through integrated service assessment.

    The council

    realized that

    success would

    require afundamental

    change at the

    process level,

    in the way

    providers and

    agencies interact

    and shareinformation.
  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 9


    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >

    China Disabled Persons Federation (CDPF) and China Welfare Fundfor the Handicapped (CWFH): Promoting a culture of accessibility

    The Chinese government gives many of its approximately 60 million citizens with disabilitiesgreater access to the Internet and other technology tools

    ChallengeThe progress of IT is driving the development ofsociety, and bringing great opportunities and chal-lenges to disabled persons. As a socially vulnerablegroup, if the disabled cant utilize IT, they may be

    marginalized in the future. Therefore, it is not onlythe embodiment of the humanistic spirit of Chinesegovernment, but also an important matter of futuresocial development to support the accessibility of theInternet for disabled citizens.

    CDPF and CWFH have undertaken various activitiesto help Chinas disabled enjoy the conveniencebrought by modern IT. The goal: to bridge the digitaldivide and extend the information society by givingthe disabled wider access to the World Wide Web.

    SolutionCDPF and CWFH have launched a major initiativewith IBM reflecting the current campaign by theChinese government to create a HarmonizedSociety through Accessibility. Through the newIBM China Accessibility Center established last year,

    they are undertaking new initiatives and exploring newtools that help: People who are deaf to read captions, embedded

    in video and audio files People who are blind to use screen reader applica-

    tions that read information aloud People who have low vision, color blindness or

    age-related vision problems to read more easily byincreasing the text size or changing the color con-trast of Web pages at more accessible Web sites

    Under the agreement, IBM, CDPF, CWFH andChina Braille Press are co-sponsoring a campaignto help 100,000 blind citizens learn to use computers.IBM has donated new ThinkPad laptops to assistwith the campaign. IBM, CDPF and CWFH also

    co-sponsored the China Information AccessibilityForum 2004 and 2005.

    Benefits of innovation Helps people with disabilities in China to participate

    in the information society more fully and productively Supports work toward setting accessibility policies,

    laws and standards for China

    CDPF and CWFH: Access to innovation helps createa more accessible world for Chinas disabled.
  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 10

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >


    City of Brownsville: Bringing a city together, the wireless way

    A growing city transforms the delivery of information and city services when it replaces an aging

    IT infrastructure with a city-wide wireless network

    ChallengeGrowth is at the heart of the City of Brownsville, Texas,on the United StatesMexico border. The city isthe center of the sixth-fastest-growing manufacturingregion in the U.S. Moving forward, Brownsville is

    determined to maintain a high quality of life for itscitizens and commuters while encouraging continuedgrowth. The city recognized the best way to makecommunity services more widely accessible to morepeople was to implement a broadband wireless net-work. The challenge: the communitys IT infrastructurecould not support a state-of-the-art wireless initiative.

    SolutionIBM worked closely with the citys IT staff and city

    politicians to completely transform its IT infrastructureand launch a wide-reaching wireless mobility project.Built on IBM BladeCenter servers, and hosted intwo data centers, the new infrastructure provides fullredundancy, with real-time failover, in case of a naturaldisaster such as a hurricane. The next-generationwireless mobility solution enables up to 500 cityworkers to work from anywhere, connected to thecitys computing systems.

    IBM is now working with Brownsville to develop anonprofit foundation to extend the reach of thewireless mobility initiative. This will enable community-based organizations such as universities, schoolsand hospitals to collaborate with the city in this effort,

    without diverting city revenue.

    As a next step, Brownsville will begin its technologyeducation program. The program will enable highschool and university students to take advantageof the new wireless network for on- and off-campusconnectivity. This includes a significant number ofstudents who commute over the border from Mexico.

    Benefits of innovation First responders, building inspectors and other

    mobile workers will be able to provide anytime,anywhere service.

    The nonprofit foundation and the university projectwill transform the way the community accessesthe Internet.

    Improved access to city applications via the wirelessnetwork will increase the productivity of city serviceproviders by an estimated 30 percent.

    The City of Brownsville: Redefining how a communityworks using wireless technologies.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 11


    Erie County Department of Information Support Services (DISS):Working as one team

    County government creates new opportunities for collaboration and cuts operating costswith an end-to-end enterprise resource management system

    ChallengeErie County provides administrative services to theCity of Buffalo, New Yorks second-largest city, and27 other neighboring municipalities. It had a visionof enabling all county departments to work together

    seamlessly to improve the delivery of public services.To get there, it needed its Department of Informa-tion Support Services (DISS) to provide centralizedsupport services. DISS needed to consolidate all com-puter and data services into one location andone division.

    SolutionWorking with IBM, DISS created a unified, centralizedcounty information services center based on an

    integrated enterprise resource management system.This centralized support fosters greater collaborationamong public service departments as they focuson their primary mission: providing the highest levelof service to people across the county. DISS is nowworking to develop and pilot new functionality in casemanagement. In the future, DISS could also provideshared services to other government jurisdictions.

    Benefits of innovationErie County has transformed the delivery of publicservices and has improved the efficiency of countygovernance. Benefits include: Provides one-stop shopping for county

    information services to both citizens andother county departments

    Lowers county operating costs andimproved management

    Erie County: Unleashing the power of collaboration.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 12


    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):Updating flood maps quickly and accurately

    FEMA implements Flood Map Modernization (Map Mod) to update the Nations flood mapsefficiently by providing mapping contractors with the tools to create digital flood maps andupdate flood information

    ChallengeWorking with U.S. flood maps that were out of date,FEMA could no longer accurately gauge flood riskin many areas. As a result, many properties in dangerof flooding were not insured because their owners

    did not recognize the risk. FEMA knew it needed toupdate the countrys flood maps, but its prior mappingprocess was neither digital nor automated. If FEMAwent ahead with its existing processes, the updatingeffort would require decades of work. Instead, FEMAlooked for a way to automate the full lifecycle map-ping process to create digital flood maps.

    SolutionTo launch Map Mod, FEMA engaged a highly

    decentralized team of independent mapping con-tractors, giving them the tools and associated trainingthey need online. FEMA uses its Mapping InformationPlatform (MIP) to provide these contractors with: Mapping tools to produce and maintain digital

    flood hazard data and maps Program management tools to monitor and control

    map development

    Access to flood hazard data and maps viathe Internet

    A state-of-the-art, secure, scalable andreliable infrastructure

    Benefits of innovation Gives community planners and local officials a

    better understanding of flood hazards and risksto their community

    Provides detailed information to builders anddevelopers for making decisions on where to buildand how construction can affect flood zones

    Offers one-stop access to flood map updatesfor insurance agents, companies andlending institutions

    Helps home and business owners to make moreinformed decisions about their current flood risks

    IBM is proud to host FEMAs portal(, providing the publicwith fast, easy access to information online ondisasters and hazards, including floods.

    FEMA: Stemming the tide of disaster withbetter information.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 13


    HM Land Registry: Transforming the way people buy and sell propertyin England and Wales

    Land Registry moves forward to implement an e-conveyancing system to simplify andexpedite the buying and selling of property in England and Wales

    ChallengeHM Land Registry is a self-funding governmentdepartment that maintains the title register of 20million properties across England and Wales. LandRegistry provides the public with Web-based access

    to its database of titles and plans through its LandRegister Online site, as well as to property pricespaid on most sales transactions since April 2000.This site receives more than 3,000 hits per day, andhas won a number of industry awards.

    Land Registry places a huge amount of importanceon the reliability, robustness and security of its ITinfrastructure and systems, noted Ted Beardsall CBE,Deputy Chief Executive and Director for BusinessDevelopment of Land Registry.

    The next step for Land Registry is to use thisinvestment to transform the buying and selling ofproperty in England and Wales.

    SolutionLand Registry is implementing a first-of-its-kinde-conveyancing solution. Through e-conveyancing,it will replace paper-based processes and sys-tems with electronic documents, applications and

    signatures. This solution is part of a central pillarof the governments broader agenda to modernizepublic services.

    IBM will work alongside Land Registry in thedevelopment and build of the IT infrastructurerequired to support e-conveyancing. The pro-gram is scheduled to be piloted in 2007 beforebeing fully introduced.

    Benefits of innovation Will fundamentally change the way that Land

    Registry and the conveyancing community works Will provide the general public with greater visibility

    of their property transactions, relieving a signifi-cant part of the stress of buying and selling houses

    HM Land Registry: Taking the paper out of theproperty business.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 14


    Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT): Keeping the wheelsof commerce turning

    MoDOT creates a one-stop, online shop for all aspects of motor carrier transportation in Missouri,simplifying processes and improving safety for motor carriers

    ChallengeThe commercial transportation industry is thebackbone of the United States. Yet for most motorcarriers, ensuring regulatory and tax compliance canbe a daunting, time-consuming taskespecially with

    the diversity of motor carrier loads, routing require-ments, and the complexities of federal and stateregulations. The situation is further complicated bydisparate business processes, and nonintegratedapplications across multiple state agencies.

    Previously in the state of Missouri, four different stateagencies at various different locations housed sixmotor carrier programs. MoDOT recognized the chal-lenge to streamline and increase efficiency. Aftergathering input from motor carriers, MoDOT began

    seeking solutions.

    SolutionMoDOT created its Motor Carrier Services (MCS)division to be the single point of contact for motorcarriers for the State of Missouri. Its the role of MCSto accept and review applications, issue credentials

    to approved carriers, collect fees, and enforce stateand federal rules and regulations. As a one-stop shopagency, MCS now collects approximately US$148million in fees, and issues over 250,000 credentialsannually. It also supports a top-notch safety programthat is helping to reduce accidents, fatalities andserious injury.

    MCS leverages a single Internet portal to givecarriers access to MoDOT applications anytime,anywhere. These include Payment Processing, Safety

    and Compliance, Overdimension/Overweight System,International Fuel Tax Agreement, InternationalReciprocity Plan, Operating Authority, and HazardousWaste and Waste Tire. These applications are inte-grated in the IBM WebSphere application serverenvironment with seamless interfaces to one another.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >

    Continued on next page >
  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 15


    Benefits of innovation Dramatically reduces the administrative time

    of carriers, improves revenue to the state andimproves road safety with better auditing of carrierregulatory compliance

    Within three months of implementing the onlinesubmission capability for Overdimension/Overweightpermit requests, approximately 75 percent of allapproved permits per day were initiated fromthe Web

    Has doubled Overdimension/Overweightpermit fees collected due to the expanded datacapture for accurate determination of the typesof permits needed

    MoDOT: Finding better ways to do business.

    MCS leverages

    a single Internet

    portal to give

    carriers accessto MoDOT




    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 16


    National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA):Bringing new resources to disaster relief

    United States Intelligence agency traditionally responsible for combat support, leveragesits geospatial imagery to provide disaster relief to millions, implementing a 24x7,real-time, imaging delivery system, allowing rescue workers and officials to better planand execute recovery strategies

    ChallengeIn addition to supporting national security throughsatellite imagery intelligence, NGA plays a critical rolein disaster and humanitarian relief efforts. The Agencyprovides real-time imagery to many stakeholders (e.g.,

    U.S. national policy makers, military forces, state andlocal governments, disaster relief agencies). With therise of low-cost, widely accessible Web-based tech-nologies, NGA looked to broaden its mandate byproviding commercial imagery to new customers viathe Internet (e.g., commercial sectors, U.S. citizens).

    SolutionNGA launched a Web portal solution, called NGA-Earth. NGA-Earth represents an innovation in NGAs

    business model by providing unclassified, low-costimagery quickly to rescue workers and the public.The Portal had its first major test in the aftermath ofHurricane Katrina. It was the first time geospatialdata and imagery were widely available to the publicduring a natural disaster.

    In fact, the demands on the NGA-Earth Portal post-Katrina were so immense and immediate, NGAquickly moved to an IBM Web-hosted environment toprovide a more robust and on demand infrastructure.

    This solution can readily accommodate the security,scalability and dynamic imagery capabilities neededto respond to unpredictable catastrophic events. NGAhas since leveraged this solution for Hurricanes Ritaand Wilma, as well as the Pakistan Earthquake, the

    U.S. Super Bowl and the 2006 Winter Olympics.

    Benefits of innovation Saves time by enabling those involved with rescue

    efforts to determine which roadways are usable priorto committing to any particular route

    Allows private companies like utilities to view thecondition of their infrastructure over hundreds ofsquare miles prior to sending anyone into the field,enabling a faster assessment of priorities and better

    coordination of recovery efforts Enables displaced home owners to view their homes

    and neighborhoods over the Web instead of tryingto visit in person, reducing the load on the survivinginfrastructure, including gas, food and hotels, andenabling police and rescue workers to focus onthose who most urgently need help

    NGA: Harnessing technology to help people recoverfrom unprecedented disasters.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 17


    OneCommunity: Moving government services into the 21st century

    A vibrant American city develops a distinct and innovative roadmap for economic

    revitalization, applying advanced technology in new, creative ways to transformgovernment service delivery

    ChallengeHow do you bring a region that was anchored intrade and manufacturing during the Industrial Ageinto the 21st century? That is the challenge facingOneCommunity, a nonprofit organization focused

    on economic development and revitalization of theGreater Cleveland community. OneCommunitysgoal is to provide organizations with advanced ITcapabilities for community collaboration, economicdevelopment, education, healthcare, job trainingand information access. Through these initiatives,OneCommunity expects to increase the communitystax base and lower unemployment.

    SolutionThe first step to bringing sustainable transformationto the region was to build an ultra broadband net-work to connect the regions leading healthcare,educational, governmental and cultural institutionsat speeds hundreds of times faster than traditionalbroadband. OneCommunity provides servicesto more than 100 schools, hospitals, universities,libraries, arts and cultural institutions, governmentfacilities and other public sector institutions.

    Applications now running on the network include: High-definition videoconferencing connecting

    Cleveland Clinic doctors to city schools World-class programs from the Cleveland Museum

    of Art delivered to Cuyahoga County branch libraries

    A pilot wireless project to enable city and countyinspectors to file and exchange data on buildingpermits in the field

    Web services enabling the worlds largest publiconline dialogue to help citizens identify the regionstop priorities and opportunities, and discuss possibleapproaches for change and transformation inthe region

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >

    State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >Continued on next page >
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    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 18


    Benefits of innovationOneCommunity enables organizations to collaborateand offer services that are transforming the waypeople live, learn, work and invest in their community.Benefits include:

    Improved delivery of government, educa-tional, social and healthcare services tocommunity residents

    Delivery of innovative services that promotelifelong learning, workforce development andimproved health

    Greater collaboration and shared services amongthe regions public and nonprofit institutions

    Attraction and growth of IT businesses in ourcommunity that leverage our community networkto offer enhanced services to public andnonprofit clients

    IBM is pleased to have assisted OneCommunityin developing its roadmap for the future.

    OneCommunity: Its all about innovationthrough collaboration.


    goal is to provide


    with advancedIT capabilities

    for community





    healthcare, jobtraining and



    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >

    State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
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    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 19

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >

    State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >


    Sapporo City: Integrating government services with SOA

    A large city in Japan transforms the delivery of public services when it implements a service-

    oriented architecture (SOA) to automate and simplify business processes

    ChallengeSapporo is the fifth-largest city in Japan and the capi-tal of Hokkaido Prefecture. In 1972, the city becamethe first Asian host of the Winter Olympics. Thirty yearsafter those Olympics, it was time for Sapporo to rethink

    the way it delivered public services to its citizens.

    For example, the citys main administrative office reliedlargely on manual, paper-based processes, resultingin a hefty administrative burden for its staff. At thesame time, Sapporos information technology (IT)infrastructure comprised numerous systems that werecostly to maintain and difficult to integrate together.The city sought to transform its business processesand become more efficient by implementing a new,seamless IT platform.

    SolutionBased on a detailed project plan developed bythe IBM Global Business Services team, Sapporochose a service-oriented architecture (SOA) to moveforward. The SOA provides Sapporo with a set of

    discrete business processes, or components, thatare easy to use and reuse, and combine seamlesslyacross the enterprise. A Web services interfaceenables city employees to access business functionsand share information easily. IBM WebSphereApplication Server Network Deployment softwareprovides a secure, dynamic platform to support thenew architecture.

    Benefits of innovation Transforms and automates the citys paper-based

    operating processes Greatly improves business efficiency, decreasing

    the amount of administrative work Enhances security as a result of integrating IT

    systems within a common, shared infrastructure

    Sapporo City: A new platform to deliver govern-ment services.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >

    State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
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    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 20

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >

    State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >


    State of Oregon: Building a robust, open platform for e-government services

    After implementing its SecurePay solution, the State of Oregon ranks third in the nation for

    e-government services

    ChallengeLike many government organizations, the State ofOregon had begun its journey toward e-governmentservices by simply delivering information online.Each state agency had its own, independent Web site.

    They operated, for the most part, like islands.

    Now, the state wanted to move to a whole newlevel: to offer a multitude of integrated services any-time, anywhere, and to allow the people of Oregonto receive and pay for them online. As Oregonse-government Manager Scott Smith noted, Therewas a lot of pent-up demand within agencies andamong constituent groups to move these servicesonline. The issue was how to do it quickly, at areasonable cost.

    SolutionIBM and Daniel IT Services implemented SecurePay,a centralized e-commerce platform based on IBMWebSphere Commerce. It supports the delivery ofa wide range of fee-based and other services online,

    including vehicle registrations, license renewals andmore. Its like having a 24x7 virtual office for con-venient permitting, fee collection, licensing andrenewal processing.

    While SecurePay supports a centralized model ofe-government, it also provides each separate agencywith flexible, individualized functions. Since the solu-tion leverages open standards software, SecurePaycan support common business processes andservices across various agencies and departments.

    At the same time, through extensive integration itenables state agencies to share data and servicedelivery. It all adds up to a high degree of fast,efficient collaboration.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >

    State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >

    Continued on next page >
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    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 22


    Travis County Tax Office: Getting out the vote

    Texas county implements innovative solution that allows citizens to register to vote

    in just minutes via the Web

    ChallengeMaking it easy for people to vote is a challengefacing communities around the world. It is especiallychallenging for a district like Travis County, Texas,which contains both large urban and vast rural areas.

    The answer: transform the voting process end-to-end,using innovative Web technologies.

    SolutionThe Travis County Tax Office implemented a Web-based application called eAccess, which allowscitizens to register to vote in just minutes via theInternet. By providing critical voting informationonlineincluding sample ballots, forms that complywith the Americans with Disabilities Act, polling

    locations, directions and mapsthe solution greatlyeases the Tax Offices administrative burden. OnElection Day, precinct coordinators can now usewireless devices to instantly confirm that a citizenis eligible to vote and has not already voted.

    Thats not all. Travis County is using the eAccesssolution to improve the efficiency and convenienceof numerous other county services. For instance, itallows citizens to retrieve tax statements, make taxpayments, file for property exemptions, bid on

    foreclosed properties for resale and access detailedinformation on each property within Travis County.In addition, an accessible portal Web site will allowcitizens to access multiple Web applications throughone window concurrently, enhancing the citizens

    experience, now and in the future.

    Benefits of innovationeAccess was designed and implemented by IBMBusiness Partner Hamer Enterprises. During the Websites first 60 days in production, it experienced morethan 1.3 million hits from 200,000 visitors. During the2004 presidential election, the Web site experienced145,000 hits in a single day. Benefits include: Enabled Travis County to register more than

    35,000 citizens to vote in just 30 days prior to the2004 elections

    Has reduced incoming citizen phone callsto the Travis County Tax Office by approximately30 percent and walk-in traffic by 40 percent

    Gives citizens instant access to information fromtheir homeseliminating the need to wait in linefor services

    Travis County: A new way to vote and access otherkey government services.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >

    State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
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    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 23


    U.S. Department of Agriculture: Encouraging healthier eating for Americans

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) creates a personalized, user-friendly online tool

    to help Americans make better, healthier food choices

    ChallengeHistorically, the USDA has provided consumerswith dietary guidance dating back more than 100years. Its original Food Guide Pyramid, releasedin 1992, contained general guidelines for food

    intake, but did not provide a clearly individualizedapproach. Recognition of the Food Guide Pyramidwas high in the late 1990s, but implementation waslow. The USDA wanted a way to personalize itseducation and promotion approach by motivatingand empowering Americans to make improveddiet and physical activity choices with informationand tools based on the most up-to-date nutritionguidance provided in the 2005 Dietary Guidelinesfor Americans.

    SolutionIn April 2005, USDA launched the new MyPyramidFood Guidance System. The USDA developedMyPyramid to provide more specific, consumer-friendly nutritional advice to Americans. The USDA

    envisioned that MyPyramid would be deliveredthrough multiple channels, such as print, Internetand the media. Today, has receivedmore than 1.7 billion hits. This popular Web siteincludes the following two interactive tools:MyPyramid Plan provides consumers with the daily

    amounts they need from each of the food groups tomeet their individual nutritional needs.

    MyPyramid Trackerhelps consumers comparetheir diet and physical activity with current dietaryrecommendations. Individuals can enter the foods

    they eat and their physical activities for a day andobtain the energy balance between them. This per-sonalized information can be tracked for up to oneyear. MyPyramid Trackerhas close to one millionregistered users.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >

    State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >

    Continued on next page >
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    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 24


    There is also a MyPyramid for kids that addressesthe needs of growing children, as well as a Spanishlanguage version, MiPirmide, targeted towardHispanics in the U.S.

    Benefits of innovation More effectively reaches consumers through the use

    of multiple channels, including the Internet More effectively teaches consumers what and how

    much to eat through clear, tailored nutrition mes-sages and diet personalization

    Helps to improve the overall health and well-beingof Americans and combats obesity by encouraginghealthier eating patterns

    MyPyramid: A new way to teach peopleabout nutrition.

    The USDA



    to provide

    more specific,


    friendly nutri-

    tional advice

    to Americans.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >

    State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
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    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 25


    Vgverket (Swedish Road Administration): Enabling a greener approachto traffic management

    Swedens capital city reduces congestion by 25 percent and gets 100,000 cars off city streetsduring peak traffic hours with new traffic management system

    ChallengeEvery major city in the world is looking for ways toreduce traffic congestion, increase accessibilityand improve the environment. The city of Stockholmdecided to implement a road-usage solution that

    would charge drivers a small fee each time theydrove past a certain area within the central Stockholmregion. The charges would be returned to theStockholm region for investment in public transpor-tation and infrastructure.

    It would be the job of the Swedish Road Administration(SRA) to implement and run the new toll-based sys-tem. There was just one thing missing: SRA did nothave the business processes or advanced technolo-gies in place to make it work. It had to create this

    groundbreaking solution from scratch.

    SolutionFirst, SRA implemented a complete roadsidetechnical infrastructure, including cameras, radiofrequency identification (RFID) readers, a data net-work and a solution to handle roadside transactions,and external interfaces between the bank and the

    payment locations. The system is based on RFIDtechnology. A small RFID device (called a transpon-der) is placed inside citizens vehicles. Defined tollpoints along roads leading into and out of the cityfeature sensors that read the vehicles transponders

    and mounted cameras that use optical character read-ers to detect the license plate numbers of vehicleswithout transponders.

    SRA also implemented the back-end processes andsystems needed to manage the roadside information,including billing systems. The solution uses a fibernetwork to connect all of the toll points to this centralback-end data system.

    Benefits of innovationVgverket selected IBM to work with SRA to design,develop and operate the new business processesand technical system. Benefits include: Traffic was cut by 25 percent in the first month of

    the seven-month pilot program. The program took 100,000 cars off the roads

    during peak business hours in a single month,and boosted public transit use.

    Vagverket: Going green with innovation.

    Improve governmentservice delivery

    Cheshire County Council >

    China DisabledPersons Federation >

    City of Brownsville >

    Erie County Department

    of Information SupportServices >

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency >

    HM Land Registry >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    National GeospatialIntelligence Agency >

    OneCommunity >

    Sapporo City >

    State of Oregon >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    U.S. Departmentof Agriculture >

    Vgverket (SwedishRoad Administration) >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness >

    Enhance security >
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    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 26


    City of Ottawa: Finding common ground for a newly amalgamated city

    Canadas capital city rises to the challenge of bringing together 11 amalgamated municipalities

    and a regional government to face the future as a fully unified organization

    ChallengeThe capital of Canada and its fourth largest city,Ottawa is a thriving G8 technology and businesscenter with an enviable quality of life and a diversepopulation. So when its provincial government legis-

    lated the amalgamation of 11 nearby municipalitiesand one regional government into a single City ofOttawa on January 1, 2001, the Citys IT staff had itswork cut out for it: how to get everyone quickly ontothe same page, with standardized technology, consis-tent business processes and the ability to supporteffective decision making.

    SolutionThe City decided that the best way to create

    common ground was to transform the very heart ofits operations: its core management systems. The Citymigrated 16 HR/Payroll systems, nine maintenancemanagement systems and eight property managementsystems over to a single SAP implementation servingmore than 15,000 employees. The initiative alsoinvolved consolidating 50 different time sheets and24 payroll cycles, as well as replacing 54 collectiveagreements that were in place at the beginning ofthe amalgamationthus giving staff and management

    the unified platform needed to manage the dailybusiness of the City and find innovative solutionsto the challenges facing the newly created City.

    Benefits of innovationWorking with IBM, the City of Ottawa not only roseto the challenge, but delivered 11 overlapping projectreleases on time and under budget over a three-year period. Benefits include: Enables the sharing of data and common business

    practices throughout the organization Automates workflow chains from one department

    to the next Improves decision making by providing timely and

    accurate total picture information

    Enhances productivity by increasing businessprocess efficiency

    Projected to deliver savings of over C$8 millionannually by 2010

    Supports the provision of cost-effective, accountableservices to residents of Ottawa

    The City of Ottawa: I ts all about building a solidfoundation for the future, developing new businesssolutions and looking for innovative ways todeliver services.

    Improve governmentservice delivery >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness

    City of Ottawa >

    Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs >

    Deutsche Post World Net >Government of Canadaand the United Nations >

    Italian Senate >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    New York Associationof Counties >

    New York CityPolice Department >

    Port of Portland >

    Santa BarbaraSheriffs Office >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    Enhance security >
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    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 27

    Improve governmentservice delivery >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness

    City of Ottawa >

    Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs >

    Deutsche Post World Net >Government of Canadaand the United Nations >

    Italian Senate >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    New York Associationof Counties >

    New York CityPolice Department >

    Port of Portland >

    Santa BarbaraSheriffs Office >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    Enhance security >


    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:Changing the face of farming

    Web portal solution is taking the paperwork out of farmingand helping farmers save time,stay informed and learn about best practices

    ChallengeLike all government departments, the UnitedKingdoms (UK) Department for Environment, Foodand Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is under constant pres-sure to improve service quality and cut costs by

    increasing its efficiency. With this in mind, DEFRAchose IBM to help develop and implement a seven-year IT renewal and transformation program. One ofthe first initiatives was to create an online service forfarmers and growers to address three main goals: Improve customer service to the farming community Provide farmers with quality, timely information Give farmers the opportunity to learn about best

    practices and benchmark the performance oftheir business

    SolutionWorking in partnership with core DEFRA, DEFRAagencies and public bodies, IBM developed the stra-tegic vision for a new service: the Whole FarmApproach (WFA). The WFA service currently com-

    prises two main elements:The Web portal:This is the channel through which

    the UKs 150,000 farms can register to par ticipate inWFA. It provides a series of tools such as businessbenchmarking and useful links to relevant Web sites.

    Before going live, a program of pilots and consulta-tion activities with farmers in different regionsensured that the portal reflected their requirementsand interests. For example, farmers can now applyfor waste exemption licenses and can complete

    their annual agricultural survey online. More onlineservices will follow.

    Improve governmentservice delivery >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness

    City of Ottawa >

    Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs >

    Deutsche Post World Net >Government of Canadaand the United Nations >

    Italian Senate >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    New York Associationof Counties >

    New York CityPolice Department >

    Port of Portland >

    Santa BarbaraSheriffs Office >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    Enhance security >

    Continued on next page >
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    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 29


    Deutsche Post World Net (DPWN): Winning on the world stage

    DPWN boosts customer satisfaction, profitability and business value with far-reaching

    initiatives for business and technology innovation

    ChallengeIts integrated Deutsche Post, DHL and Postbankcompanies offer tailored, customer-focused solutionsfor the management and transport of goods, informa-tion and payments through a global network combined

    with local expertise. Deutsche Post World Net is alsothe leading provider of Dialog Marketing services, witha unique portfolio of efficient outsourcing and systemsolutions for the mail business. The Group generatedrevenue of 56 billion euros in 2005. With currentlysome 500,000 employees in more than 220 countriesand territories, Deutsche Post World Net is one of thebiggest employers worldwide.

    SolutionInnovation highlights include: Introduced Packstation outlets, where registered

    customers can send and receive parcels using amachine 24 hours a day at more than 620 outlets inover 90 locations across Germany

    Optimized and integrated delivery routes, includingthe reconfiguration of its air network with a newcentral air hub at Leipzig/Halle Airport, which isscheduled to start operations in 2008

    Increased the use of electronic booking platformsand participated in an IATA e-freight initiativeto establish a paperless system for transportingair freight

    Launched a document service on line, a platform

    developed jointly with SAP for electronic invoiceinterchange between business customers

    In addition, DHL is now working with IBM to jointlytest the possibility of fitting packages and transportcontainers with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)transponders, with the goal to remodel the entiresupply chain using RFID.

    Benefits of innovation Sustain and substantiate the market leader

    position overall and in almost every individualsegment in which it operates

    Increased dividend payout in 2004 of around14 percent to 0.50 per no-par value share

    IBM is delighted to be a strategic partner for thisinnovative company.

    Deutsche Post World Net: Reaping the rewards ofa bigger, bolder vision.

    Improve governmentservice delivery >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness

    City of Ottawa >

    Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs >

    Deutsche Post World Net >Government of Canadaand the United Nations >

    Italian Senate >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    New York Associationof Counties >

    New York CityPolice Department >

    Port of Portland >

    Santa BarbaraSheriffs Office >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    Enhance security >

  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 30


    Improve governmentservice delivery >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness

    City of Ottawa >

    Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs >

    Deutsche Post World Net >Government of Canadaand the United Nations >

    Italian Senate >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    New York Associationof Counties >

    New York CityPolice Department >

    Port of Portland >

    Santa BarbaraSheriffs Office >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    Enhance security >

    Government of Canada and the United Nations: Enabling a global discourseon urban issues

    A major UN forum brings people from around the globe together in a virtual jam session toprepare for the World Urban Forum 3 Conference

    ChallengeThe World Urban Forum meets every two years tobring together a diverse group of people from aroundthe world in a common cause: finding ways to createsustainable cities in a time of rapid urbanization

    around the globe. Organizers planning for the WorldUrban Forum 3 (WUF3) conference to be held inVancouver, Canada, in June 2006 recognized that,even with several thousand participants in atten-dance, some segments of the global community withan interest in urban issues would not be represented.

    To ensure that WUF3 would not only reflect the widestscope of participants, but also have the most focusedagenda possible, the Forum organizers decidedafterreading about IBMs ValuesJam in the December 2004

    Harvard Business Reviewto create a Jam sessionahead of the Conference. The session would have thefollowing goals: Further develop the themes that will be explored

    at WUF3 Gather ideas from the global community for

    presentation at the Conference

    Engage large numbers of people around the world,reaching far beyond the usual community of dele-gates that attend events

    Create demand for participation at the Conference Provide an innovative way to raise awareness of

    WUF3 and the issues it addresses

    SolutionThe Government of Canada, in partnership withUN-HABITAT and IBM, sponsored Habitat JAM, afirst-of-its-kind, 72-hour global Internet event. FromDecember 1-4, 2005, Habitat JAM facilitated a con-versation between politicians, academics, aidorganizations, and people living in cities and slumsaround the world. Tens of thousands of public and

    private-sector organizations worldwide with an interestin urban issues participated in Habitat JAM. Majorthemes discussed included: Improving the lives of people living in slums Sustainable access to water in our cities Environmental sustainability in our cities Finance and governance in our cities Safety and security in our cities Humanity: the future of our cities

    Continued on next page >
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    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 31


    Improve governmentservice delivery >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness

    City of Ottawa >

    Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs >

    Deutsche Post World Net >Government of Canadaand the United Nations >

    Italian Senate >

    Missouri Departmentof Transportation >

    New York Associationof Counties >

    New York CityPolice Department >

    Port of Portland >

    Santa BarbaraSheriffs Office >

    Travis County Tax Office >

    Enhance security >

    Benefits of innovation The JAM allowed participation in Conference

    agenda-setting by groups and people who wouldnot have otherwise been represented.

    Ideas collected through the JAM will be used to

    define themes and shape discussion topics fordelegates attending the Conference in June 2006.

    WUF3: A new model of collaboration to addressthe worlds most pressing urban issues.

    Tens of

    thousands of

    public and



    worldwide with

    an interest in

    urban issues

    participated in

    Habitat JAM.
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    Executive summary/Introduction >

    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 32


    Italian Senate: Setting new standards for Web accessibility

    The Italian Senate wins top Web award after creating the most accessible government Web site

    in Europe, incorporating the Worldwide Web Consort iums Accessibility guidelines

    ChallengeThe Italian Senate had a complex Web site that wasnot particularly user-friendly. It made no provision foraccess for the disabled or elderly, or for the blind andthose with low vision. The site was also often out-of-

    date, because the architecture of the system made itdifficult to update frequently and to maintain currentcontent. These concerns led the Italian government tofind a way to transform the Senates site into the mostaccessible and user-friendly government agency Website in Europe.

    SolutionWorking with IBM and the Europe Accessibility Center,the Italian Senate successfully completed a redesign

    and launch of its Web site. The new site offers freeuse of IBM Home Page Reader and IBM Easy WebBrowsing to make it easier for senior citizens andpeople with disabilities to access content. Leveragingthese technologies, the site now meets the specifica-tions of the Worldwide Web Consortiums (W3C) WebContent Accessibility Guidelines AA level, making itfully accessible to people with a wide range of needs.

    In November 2006, the Italian Senate won anOsc@r of the WebItalys top Web award. Usersvoted its Palazzo Madama site as the best PublicAdministration and Public Utility Web site. Some ofthe criteria for the award include: quality of the infor-

    mation; richness of online functionality and interaction;ease of access; and usability.

    Benefits of innovation Makes more content accessible to more people,

    including users who are blind or who have low vision Provides a content management system that makes

    it easier to populate the Web site Moves from proprietary system to open, more

    cost-effective platform

    Italian Senate: Seeing a better way to serveits citizens.



    Improve governmentservice delivery >

    Increase efficiencyand effectiveness

    City of Ottawa >

    Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs >

    Deutsche Post World Net >Government of Canadaand the United Nations >

    Italian Senate >

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    Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT): Keeping the wheelsof commerce turning

    MoDOT creates a one-stop, online shop for all aspects of motor carrier transportation in Missouri,simplifying processes and improving safety for motor carriers

    ChallengeThe commercial transportation industry is thebackbone of the United States. Yet for most motorcarriers, ensuring regulatory and tax compliance canbe a daunting, time-consuming taskespecially with

    the diversity of motor carrier loads, routing require-ments, and the complexities of federal and stateregulations. The situation is further complicated bydisparate business processes, and nonintegratedapplications across multiple state agencies.

    Previously in the state of Missouri, four different stateagencies at various different locations housed sixmotor carrier programs. MoDOT recognized the chal-lenge to streamline and increase efficiency. Aftergathering input from motor carriers, MoDOT began

    seeking solutions.

    SolutionMoDOT created its Motor Carrier Services (MCS)division to be the single point of contact for motorcarriers for the State of Missouri. Its the role of MCSto accept and review applications, issue credentials

    to approved carriers, collect fees, and enforce stateand federal rules and regulations. As a one-stop shopagency, MCS now collects approximately US$148million in fees, and issues over 250,000 credentialsannually. It also supports a top-notch safety programthat is helping to reduce accidents, fatalities andserious injury.

    MCS leverages a single Internet portal to givecarriers access to MoDOT applications anytime,anywhere. These include Payment Processing, Safety

    and Compliance, Overdimension/Overweight System,International Fuel Tax Agreement, InternationalReciprocity Plan, Operating Authority, and HazardousWaste and Waste Tire. These applications are inte-grated in the IBM WebSphere application serverenvironment with seamless interfaces to one another.

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  • 8/14/2019 Top PS Innovators Jan07


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    CEO survey analysis > Government > Education > Healthcareand Life Sciences > 35


    New York Association of Counties: Winning the fight against medical fraud

    New York becomes one of the first states ever to use advanced analytics to help fight

    fraud and abuse in the healthcare system

    ChallengeIn the United States, millions of people who couldntotherwise afford healthcare get the medical help theyneed through the federally sponsored, state-runMedicaid program. It is an important social program

    with a complex process, in which each state reim-burses its healthcare providers for their services.Unfortunately, this process has been highly vulnerableto waste, fraud and abuse. It is a major problem inNew York State (NY), which has the largest Medicaidsystem in the nation, covering US$44.5 billion in bill-ings each year. How could government stop the wasteof funds due to improper billing and other abuses ofthe Medicaid system?

    SolutionThe New York Association of Counties ( with IBM to develop VERIFY NY, a softwaretool designed to analyze huge volumes of uploadedclaims from medical service providers. Advancedmathematical algorithms developed by IBM Researchcomb through the data, looking for suspicious billingpatterns. The solution uses over 6,000 queries to look

    for instances of incorrect billing and improper use ofthe Medicaid program, and provides a detailed reportback to participating counties, who then investigatefurther, in cooperation with state authorities.

    Benefits of innovation Preliminary claim analysis after 21 months

    pinpointed suspect Medicaid billings inRockland County, one of the first counties touse VERIFY NY

    Produced reports geared to improvinghealthcare outcomes by finding patterns ofillness or disease

    The New York State Association of Counties:

    Less waste, improved care, better outcomes.

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    New York City Police Department (NYPD): Fighting crime in real time

    New Yorks police department has a new weapon in the fight against crime: the

    Real Time Crime Center, which gathers and shares information to help catch todayscriminals and prevent tomorrows crimes

    ChallengeIn their constant fight to prevent crime and arrestcriminals, the police can often be hampered byhaving the information they need locked up in toomany placesincluding their own daily logs and

    national and international crime-fighting databases.The challenge to the NYPD was to not only gatherand disseminate data on crimes and criminals, butprovide analysis of crime statistics, trends and pat-terns to make fighting crime more efficient.

    SolutionNew York City has now armed its police departmentwith one of its most powerful crime-fighting weaponsever: a 24-hour war room known as the Real Time

    Crime Center. The facility enables police to quicklyaccess a single view of diverse information aboutcrime scenes, crime patterns and potential suspects.

    At the heart of the Center is the Crime InformationWarehouse, built on IBM technology. It provides theNYPD with a single, Web-based interface to trackcrime and the responses to it. Advanced data-miningtechnology provides investigators with rapid access

    to billions of records, including: More than five million New York State criminalrecords, parole and probation files

    More than 20 million New York City criminalcomplaints, emergency calls and summonsesspanning five years

    More than 31 million national crime records More than 33 billion public records

    The Real Time Crime Center also uses satelliteimaging and sophisticated mapping of New York City

    to detect geographic patterns in crimes. The systemcan even track suspects to all of their knownaddresses and the locations where they are mostlikely to flee.

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    Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs >

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