to all of our beloved mothers at divine redeemer happy

May 2016 To all of our beloved mothers at Divine Redeemer Happy Mother’s Day!

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Happy Mother’s Day!
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016 2
MONDAY EVENING WORSHIP Join us for Monday Evening Worship beginning at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary until May 23.
In my house, there are a lot of boys. I mean a LOT (5!) of little boys running around. Some- times they are sweet and compassionate. Sometimes they are just downright nasty to each other. When I have to get after them, I cannot for the life of me connect the right name with the right child. I’ll run through the whole list, “Noah, Micah, ‘Lijah, Judah, Luca, Iron Man (our dog)…YOU! Stop licking your brother!” But mom…Mom almost always gets the names right. I’ve found that this is pretty similar in most families – mom almost always gets the names right. Divine Redeemer has a beloved lady here who is like a mom to many in the congrega- tion. When you stop in she usually knows your name (She also probably knows your cousin’s sister’s step-mom twice removed). She cares deeply for everything that the Lord is doing here. Usually it’s her kind voice you hear on the other side of a DR phone call. It’s always great to get wisdom from mom, so, I thought for this issue of Lifelines that focused on Mother’s Day that we would give this beloved mom a voice to talk to her family here at DR. Which is why I sat down with Ms. Gail Arnold from our Church Office: SF: Gail, how long have you been a part of the Divine Redeemer family? GA: I began working here on April 2, 1984, so it has been 32 years and 2 weeks! SF: What have you learned about our DR family throughout the time you’ve been here? GA: That our D.R. family is a strong, resilient congregation that has stepped out in their faith and trusted in our Lord and let Him guide us to where we have grown today. When I began working here, we had pre-school and a kinder- garten class. We added a 1st grade class in the fall of 1984. We stepped out in our faith and built a new wing for the school addition in 1986, and added one grade every year after that until we had all 8 grades. Our D.R. mem-
bers volunteered and worked hard on that addition. We even had to use the church sanctuary as a class- room!!!! As you can see by our beautiful facility, we added anoth- er 4 additions to accommodate our growing school family. What a great statement of faith this congregation has made to the community! I’ve seen many strong friendships form with members of the congregation over the years. Many families who participated in home Bible study groups back in the 1990’s are still meet- ing in their homes to this day. We have won- derful dedicated volunteers who give so much of their time and talents to help at the church and school in so many capacities! We are so very thankful for every one of them. I’ve seen such growth in our worship venues with the
addition of the con- temporary worship services, as well as, the traditional ser- vices, to our praise bands, assorted music groups, many Bible studies that are offered throughout the year, outreach events to the com- munity, our Women’s and Men’s minis- tries, youth, and our pastoral leadership.
I would say our D.R. family is a family built on strong FAITH! Hebrews 11:1: Now faith is the assur- ance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. SF: As a mom-figure here for the church & school, what have you learned about Jesus that you want to tell our DR family? GA: I am always so humbled, and many times moved to tears when I am reading the lyrics to the songs I’m learning to sing for our praise band each month. I can’t even fathom how God loved his son so much yet He allowed His only son, Jesus to die on the cross for you and me so that we may have forgiveness and eter- nal life. I’ve learned I have to let go of what I continued on page 4...
Mom: A DR Interview by Pastor Seth
Parents: Ryan & Randi Reynolds
Nursery Little Lamb Nursery, located down in the Divine Daycare Center will remain open through May 22nd. It will be closed for the summer months, opening back up September 11.
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016
May 8th is a big day. The reason? It’s Mother’s Day – the day we set aside to give thanks to God for the women He’s chosen to be our moms. In fact, as I give thanks to God for the woman He chose to raise me, I can’t help but thank Him first and foremost for the faith He has given her – the faith which she, in turn, made known to my brother, sister, and me. For me, my mother has been a constant example of what it means to be a Godly mother; and because of this, I’ve decided to do something different this year. I’ve asked her to write a short devotion on what it means to be a Godly mother, and I’m thankful that she graciously agreed to do so. So…with that I will step aside and let the woman who raised me do the talking…and reveal the heart that God has given her. ~ Pastor Kurt
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” ~ Prov. 22:6 ( NIV) As Mother’s Day approaches, I am re- minded of how young I was when God blessed me with children. How could I possibly have known what to do for a child 24 hours a day, every day? I wondered. Would I be able to clothe them and supply necessary nourish- ment for them? It was then I began to appre- ciate and have increased respect for my own mother who was even younger than I when raising me. Looking back over many years of moth- ering, I thank God for having placed me in a home with Christian parents and an extended family who knew the importance of bringing up a child according to God’s will as written in His Holy Word. Because of the Christian training and role models in my life, I knew my children were very special, not because I gave birth to them, but because they were children of the Heavenly King. I was the tool the King chose to help nourish and guide them, and He had been preparing me for this task for many years. There are many examples of Godly moth- ers in the Bible. For example, there is Hannah, a mother who when praying desperately for a child honors the promise she made to God by placing her very young son into God’s hands in the temple (1 Sam. 1:26-28); and there is Mary, the mother of Jesus, just a very young girl who raised our beloved Savior and then knelt at His feet when He was in extreme pain and she could do nothing to help Him (John 19:25-26). Eunice and Lois, the mother and grandmother of Timothy, picked up the slack and taught Timothy of God’s love (2 Tim. 1:5) when he had no father willing to do so (Acts 16:1). A Godly mother is one who joyfully loves
God and is empowered by the Holy Spirit as she raises His child or children so they, too, know this great joy. Although not a perfect mother, with the King beside me, I was given the opportunity to bring my children to Christ’s family through baptism, to make Him part of their everyday lives through my actions, to speak openly of Him in all situations, and to pray with them on a daily basis. I was privileged to tell them of God’s love. This, I found, was even more important than things like bathing or dressing them properly; because this is the spiritual nourishment that would lead them to receive the goal superior to all earthly goals: that of eternal life. Since motherhood is a never ending priv- ilege, as my 93-year-old mother tells me she prays for me daily, I continue to pray for each of my children every day, even now, as they, too, pray for their children and grandchildren. The trusting prayer of this earthly mother is that her chicks never be separated from their Heavenly Father. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, as we set aside a day to honor mothers, we thank you for the Godly mothers who know the one thing needful and nourish their children accordingly. May all mothers be blessed with Your special love. In Jesus’ name, we come before You.
Amen, mom! My prayer is that you seek out the same God that my own mother has re- lied on throughout her life, and pass on to your children the greatest gift that can be given – the gift of the assurance we have in Jesus Christ.
Happy Mother’s Day, Pastor Kurt
The Devotions of a Godly Mother by Barbara J. Wenzelburger
Kids Connection is looking for volunteers for the 2016-2017 year. Do you have a servant’s heart? Do you enjoy working with kids? Or have you wanted to work with kids, but feel you don’t know how? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Kids Connec- tion wants you!! WE ARE LOOKING FOR: Teachers (Solo or Co-Teacher) & Substitute Teachers (Avail- ability Flexible): Guidance will be provided to help ensure your understanding of the new curric- ulum and how to run/manage the classroom. Materials Manager: This person (or people) will come in when available, prior to Sunday, to en- sure that each classroom has the materials needed for the upcom- ing week. Missions Manager: This person (or people) will coordinate, an- nounce, and manage the mis- sions that Kids Connection will participate in during the year. (Availability flexible) High School Helper: You will assist the teacher, co-teachers, or substitute teachers with les- sons, activities, and aid in class- room management. (Weekly or bi-weekly attendance preferred) We ask that you prayerfully consider these positions and contact us if you have any ques- tions or would like to join the team! Stop by the Kids Connec- tion Office on Sundays or email us at [email protected]. Thank you, Samantha Tietgen Mary Graves Kate Jendusa
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016 4
want, or think I want in my life, and give it up to Jesus and trust in His will with childlike faith!!!! We have to thank Him every day for our bless- ings, and even for the trials and tribulations we face, but especially for rising from the dead for our salvation!!! We all have to have FAITH and trust in His Will for our lives. As the beautiful lyrics for the song “It is Well” say: Albeit from me to not believe, even when my eyes can’t see. And this mountain that’s in front of me, will be thrown into the midst of the sea. And through it all, my eyes are on You. And through it all, it is well. So let go my soul and trust in Him. The waves and wind still know His name.” SF: Moms are great at passing down wisdom. What one activity in your faith has made a dif- ference in your spiritual life that you want to pass on to busy DR & LCL parents? GA: I learned this piece of wisdom from a very good sister in Christ, Mrs. Karen Lippert, who has been an inspiration to me and so many “moms” here at D.R. Take the time to read your Bible and/or devotions, and talk to the Lord ev- ery day. No matter how busy you are you can find some time talk to Him! Many times when my kids were in school and involved in all their sporting events, I would find myself talking out loud in my car to God and praying! ( Actually, I still do it to this day!!!) My routine now is I do my devotions and Bible readings very early ev- ery morning with a delicious cup of coffee and the Lord! That’s my quiet time with Him. I have to say that doing this every morning brings me closer in my faith to the Lord. As a busy mom
(or dad), I know it may be difficult to think you can’t find the time, but believe me whether it be late at night, very early in the morning, or in your car on the way to work or to a game, you will be so thankful you did. It’s a blessing to hear wisdom from a mom who deeply loves God’s people here at DR. As we think about Mother’s Day, we think about the faithful moms all around DR. We also remem- ber so many of the Biblical mothers that passed down their faith to their children. There would be no Isaac without Sarah. No Joseph without Rachel. No Timothy without Eunice. So moms reading this article – whether you are burnt out from being a nightly math tutor, over stressed by being a volleyball team taxi cab driver, or frustrated because your teen can figure out how to defrag a hard drive and yet can’t figure out how to get clothes into a hamper…the role of “just” being mom is one of the most important and influential roles you will ever get the chance to play. “Just” mom who hugs her kids good night. “Just” mom who wipes tears from cheeks. Most importantly …“Just” mom who lives her faith in Jesus and passes it down to her little ones. We have 18 summers to love our kids and raise them to see the importance of Jesus in their lives – some of you have even less. How will you, mom, take advantage of the time you have left with your kids in your house to mold them into the men and women you would want to see at your Church and neighborhood? God bless you and Happy Mother’s Day!
Mom: A DR Interview continued from page 2
Join the Divine Redeemer Lutheran
Church group.
the Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church group.
We ask all parents whose children will be baptized to attend a one session Baptism Information class. The next class will be held on Wednes- day, May 18 at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Call Gail Ar- nold to register: 262-367-8400 or e-mail her at gail.arnold@ Childcare is available upon request.
Baptism Information
We have completed our sermon series on The Story. Watch for information in fu- ture Lifeliens about our next series called: Date Chapt. Chapter Title 5/1/16 Ascension 5/8/16 Mother’s Day 5/15/16 Pentecost 5/22/16 Holy Trinity 5/29/16 Memorial Day Celebration
Sermon Themes
This month, Kids Connection continues to support Fikisha with a Penny War! For each penny brought in, the class earns one point; but for any silver or dollar bills put in the class bin, points are deducted. The goal is to be the class with the most points at the end. So, dig under the couch cushions and empty those piggy banks to bring in as many pennies as you can!
Schedule for May: 5/1: Lesson 11 - From Shepherd to King 5/8: Mother’s Day Lesson, Cards, and Games 5/15: Lesson 12 - The Trials of a King (Last day to bring in pennies) 5/22: Lesson 13 - The King Who Had It All (Last Day of Kids Connection!)
Kids’ Connection Update
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016 5
On Tuesday, February 9th, (the day before the beginning of the Lenten season) Mrs. Ziska’s and Mrs. Boris’ fourth grade students were asked what Lent was all about. As you might suspect, it was a discussion that was spirited and full of life – just like the students; and among the many great answers came one that suggested that Lent is a time to give up things like candy. Following the discussion, a unique opportuni- ty and challenge was presented to the students. After receiving piggy banks, each student was challenged to think about how they could give during the six weeks of Lent, rather than give up something; and that’s exactly what they did. From Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday, the fourth graders made a spirited commitment to fill their piggy banks – all for the purpose of contributing to their class’s mission support - Operation Christmas Child. After returning from Easter break, each stu- dent brought their banks (along with several bags of change that wouldn’t fit), and they
presented their gifts to God by placing them on the church altar. They also had an opportu- nity to take time to pray and give thanks to our heavenly Father for the all the blessings that they’ve received – especially the gift of salva- tion given in and through Jesus. I have to admit that, as a pastor, I was once again overwhelmed by the cheerful generosity that I witnessed in the fourth graders; and as their Christian brother, I am thankful that God used them to serve as an example to the rest of us. While the goal was to give instead of give up, I discovered that they weren’t simply giving…they were also giving UP to God with overflowing hearts. Thank you fourth graders, and thank you Mrs. Ziska and Mrs. Boris for demonstrating what it means to be a cheerful giver by cheer- fully giving UP to God. In all, they raised over $500.00 for Operation Christmas Child! To God be the glory!
~ Pastor Kurt & Your DRLC Outreach Team
DRLS 4th Graders Redefine What It Means to “Give Up” for Lent
Men of DR, plan to join us for our next Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, May 21st. Once again, breakfast will be served at 7:30 AM in the Cafeteria, followed by an opportunity to help plant our new Community Garden. Teaming up with DR’s Out- reach team, the creation of this garden will provide an op- portunity for members of our congregation to help maintain a garden beginning in the spring of 2016. The produce from this garden will then be distributed to local food pantries and/or families in need. So…bring your work gloves/ clothes, shovels, and posthole diggers…and join us for break- fast on Saturday, May 21st be- fore we head outside to plant DR’s new Community Garden!
MTM Men’s Breakfast & Community
Garden: Saturday, May 21
Time to Register for 2016 VBS Week VBS is June 13-17, 2016 from 9 AM-Noon each day. The theme this year is Cave Quest: Following Jesus the Light of the World. If you are interested in helping with crafts, games, snacks or with brainstorming ideas for VBS, please contact Andy Kroemer as we are forming our VBS leadership team now. ([email protected]) We are al- ways looking for new people to be a part of the team to share in this amazing out- reach event. Please prayer- fully consider serving at VBS this summer! To sign up your children or to vol- unteer, visit https://www. drlchartland or look for the VBS logo on our www.drlc. org website.
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016
The word of the LORD came to me, say- ing, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:4-5 A Place of Refuge Ministries is a network of volunteers who are committed to life and to car- ing for women facing crisis pregnancy in South Wisconsin. Through our Advocacy Program our volunteers: • REACH women with needs during preg- nancy. Telephone hotline volunteers identify the callers’ needs and • RECEIVE them into God’s care through His people. Volunteer Advocates then work one on one with mothers and... • REFER them to community resources avail- able for their physical and emotional care...and congregations throughout South Wisconsin... • RESPOND by providing what is not available in the community, and by sharing God’s love for us in His Son Jesus Christ. And every day we... • REJOICE in the opportunity to share the gospel and share in the joy of a baby born. At A Place of Refuge, churches, schools, or- ganizations and families all across Wisconsin volunteer their time at both Refuge House and Blessed Again Resale working regularly or do- ing servant events. In fact, volunteers make the
difference. While the program at Refuge House is amazing and an incredible blessing to wom- en who are in desperate need of shelter, the volunteer staffed Advocacy program has, from APOR’s beginning over 20 years ago and con- tinuing today, provided a service that is UNIQUE throughout Southeast Wisconsin. Volunteers work with women throughout their pregnancy and beyond, providing referrals, help, support, and love. The lives saved by our ad- vocates are countless. For example, in recent years, God used one of these advocates to help a mother carrying TWINS and considering abor- tion to CHOOSE LIFE for her little ones instead. It didn’t end there. Her advocate continued to share Christ’s love with this woman as she con- sidered whether to parent or make an adoption plan for her babies while APOR helped her with rent and other needs until she could go back to work after her children were born. If you would like more information about being an advocate, a hotline volunteer, volun- teering at Blessed Again Resale, or planning a servant event, please contact APOR by going to Once again, thank you for your ongoing sup- port of APOR through this year’s budget, and continue to keep all who serve in your prayers. Pastor Kurt
THE GREAT ESCAPE (Galatians) 5/29 The Great Escape: One Way Out Gal 1:1-12 6/5 The Great Escape: Break Out Gal. 1:11-24 6/12 The Great Escape: Rescue Gal. 2:15-21, 3:10-14 6/19 The Great Escape: Don’t Look Back! Gal. 3:23-4:7 6/26 The Great Escape: Living on the Outside Gal. 5:1, 13-25 7/3 The Great Escape: Escape Effort Gal. 6:1-10, 14-18
BRAND NEW (Colossians) 7/10 Brand New: New Start Col. 1:1-14 (15-20) 7/17 Brand New: New Attitude Col. 1:21-29 7/24 Brand New: New Life Col. 2:6-15 (16-19) 7/31 Brand New: New Self Col. 3:1-11
What’s Coming Up Next?
Mission of
the Month
SHOEBOXES ARE LIKE MOTHERS Shoeboxes are not just about toys, hygiene items, or school supplies that go into a box. The shoeboxes represent love and a gospel mes- sage of hope. Mothers do the same things with their children by loving them, caring for them, and teaching the gospel message full of hope. We need to be thankful for our mothers on Mother’s Day and all year long. Proverbs 31:25- 26 ~ “She is a women of strength and digni- ty. When she speaks, her words are wise and kindness is the rule for everything she says.”
In May we will be collecting Barbie dolls and baby dolls that fit in a shoebox. The collection bin is outside the Kids’ Connection Office. On June 26 Operation Christmas Child will be in the Hartland Hometown Celebration Parade again. We need volunteer walkers to walk in the parade and to help spread the word of all the great things Divine Redeemer has to offer as well as information about Operation Christmas Child. More information will be in the June lifelines. Any questions call Terry Williams at 414-254-3651 or [email protected].
Operation Christmas Child Update
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016 7
We are looking for men and women of all ability lev- els and students age 16 and older to play softball each Tuesday night beginning in May at either 6pm or 7pm and ending in August. Sig- nup NOW by emailing Todd Radke at tradke188@gmail. com. Cost is $25 per person for league fees. Come play alongside legends like Scott Droegkamp, Todd Radke and other budding softball leg- ends! Great fellowship and exercise on summer Tues- day nights. Sign-up bonus: Priceless Christian devotion following each game.
SIGNUP NOW! For Summer
Church League Softball Teams
20 15
-3 3.
3- th
This information is not intended as tax, legal or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.
It’s easier than you might think. The purpose of an endowment fund is to financially sustain the mission and work of a charitable organization. The principal of an endowment is kept intact and only the annual earnings, typically income and a portion of the capital
growth, are used to fund current needs. Our organization has established its endowment so that we can continue to carry on our important work in the years to come. You can make a significant contribution to further our mission…and it’s easier than you might think. Here are a number of charitable gift and estate planning strategies that can benefit you and build our endowment.
CHARITABLE LIFE ESTATES Do you own a home, vacation property or farm? A gift of your property is one way you can help build our endowment. With a charitable life estate, you can make your gift to us today and continue to use and enjoy the property during your lifetime. This gift is as simple as deeding your property to us with a provision in the deed that permits your continued use. You are entitled to a charitable income tax deduction, and the property is removed from your estate. In the future, our organization can sell or make use of the property for our mission.
BEQUESTS A bequest is one of the easiest gifts you can make to sustain our endowment. To most people, the most familiar type of bequests are gifts made through a provision in a will or trust. You can make a bequest of a dollar amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of or the residue from your estate. Our supporters like the fact that bequests are gifts that are made through an estate plan and are revocable, meaning you still have the opportunity to change your mind.
CHARITABLE LIFE INCOME PLANS Charitable life income plans such as the charitable gift annuity and charitable remainder trust enable you to make a future gift to endow our work while protecting or enhancing your current financial security. In exchange for your charitable gift, you reap multiple benefits:
Receive lifetime payments (for you and your spouse). Generate a current income tax deduction. Bypass all or a portion of the capital gains on appreciated assets.
Make a future gift upon your passing to endow our work.
BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS In addition to “traditional” bequests made through your will or trust, you can use beneficiary designations to endow our work. It is typically easier to make a gift by completing a beneficiary designation form provided by your account administrator than it is to visit your attorney and update your will. The benefits of making a gift to our endowment through a beneficiary designation are numerous:
AVOID PROBATE—The assets you give away will not go through the costly and time-consuming probate process.
TAX SAVINGS—If you have a taxable estate, your estate will receive a charitable deduction, saving estate taxes, and will avoid income taxes on certain assets such as retirement plans and annuities.
REVOCABLE—Beneficiary designations are revocable and can be modified at any time during your lifetime.
EASY TO DO—Simply fill out a brief form provided by your account administrator.
31385 W. Hill Rd. Hartland, WI 53029
Phone: 262-367-8400 Fax: 262-367-9410
[email protected]
Not just for the men... Make it a family event... The Ministry to Men will host guest speaker Don Beebe (former Green Bay Packer and six time Super Bowl player) at their Fall kick off event on Wednesday, September 28 at 6 PM. Save the date and join us (women children, neighbors, and friends are all invited as well). Watch future Lifelines and Spread The Word for additional information.
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016 8
May 2016
G4G Purpose Statement: Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Women’s Ministry of DRLC will provide opportunities for us to grow in our relationship with Jesus, serve others with our time and talents, pray for the needs of our sisters, and gather to connect as girlfriends for God.
The Oasis was a great success! Special thanks for Michelle Johnson for sharing her inspiring story with us on April 21st! We had 140 women who were blessed! Thanks to the g4G team and to Sue Gilmore, Jeanne Johns and Karen Cooper for the treats, the decorations and the setting of the room. J Special thanks to Jean Pordon for organizing our Servant Saturday on April 23rd. We served: Sole Hope, The Oconomowoc Food Pantry, Matthews of Hartland, and 4 senior citizens’ homes. J
In May, we are collecting Barbie Dolls and baby dolls. Please put them in the red bin by the Kids’
Connection Office.
You have an enemy...and he's dead set on destroying all you hold dear and keeping you from experiencing abundant life in Christ. What's more, his approach to disrupting your life and discrediting your faith isn't general or generic, not a one-size-fits-all. It's specific. Personalized. Targeted. Fervent is your chance to strike back. Each chapter will guide you in crafting prayer strategies that hit the enemy where it hurts, letting him know you're on to him and that you won't back down. Because with every new strategy you build, you're turning the fiercest battles of life into precise strikes against him and his handiwork, each one infused with the power of God's Spirit.
SUMMER SCHEDULE: Mondays 9 AM DR Media Center June 20-August 1 (not July 4) Wednesdays 6:30 AM (Panera in Pewaukee) June 22-August 3 (not July 6) 9 AM DR Media Center
Books are available for $10 from Karen Lippert
Well done, good and faithful servants! Bible Study Leaders
Janet Bahr Samantha Tietgen Jan Prox Jean Pordon Sunday AM Monday PM Tuesday PM Wednesday AM
Bottom Row: Corinne Merten & Stephanie Cutler
Top Row: Jodi Bowen & Erin Kircher
THE SUMMER BIBLE STUDY: Fervent by Priscilla Shirer A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific, & Strategic Prayer
M ay 2016
Saturday 1 Confirm
ation Sunday 8:00 AM Worship Service - Church 9:15 AM Adult Bible Connection, Kids Connection, & Confirmation, HS Bible Study 9:15 AM Worship Service - Gym 10:30 AM Worship Service - Church 10:45 AM Worship Service - Gym
26:30 PM Monday Evening Worship 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Basketball
36:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal 6:00 PM Men’s Bible Study 6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
4 Outdoor Education 6:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 5:30 PM Zumba-Cafeteria 5:45 PM Men’s Bible Study 6:30 PM New Member Class
5 Outdoor Education 9:30 AM Senior Connection 7:00 PM Fusion Thursday Night Lights
6 Outdoor Education 3:30 PM DR Rummage Sale Drop Off
77:00 AM DR Rummage Sale
88:00 AM Worship Service - Church 9:15 AM Adult Bible Connection, Kids Connection, & Confirmation, HS Bible Study 9:15 AM Worship Service - Gym 10:30 AM Worship Service - Church 10:45 AM Worship Service - Gym
6:30 PM Monday Evening Worship 6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Basketball
106:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal 6:00 PM Men’s Bible Study 6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Outreach Team Mtg.
116:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 5:30 PM Zumba-Cafeteria 5:45 PM Men’s Bible Study 6:30 PM New Member Class
12 9:30 AM Senior Connection 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal 7:00 PM Fusion Thursday Night Lights
13 DRLS Field Day 4:30 PM Wedding
158:00 AM Worship Service - Church 9:15 AM Adult Bible Connection, Kids Connection, & Confirmation, HS Bible Study 9:15 AM Worship Service - Gym 10:30 AM Worship Service - Church 10:45 AM Worship Service - Gym 11:45 AM NYG New Orleans Youth Trip Mtg
166:30 PM Monday Evening Worship 6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Basketball
176:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 6:00 PM Men’s Bible Study 6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study
186:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 5:30 PM Zumba-Cafeteria 5:45 PM Men’s Bible Study 6:30 PM New Member Class
199:30 AM Senior Connection 7:00 PM Fusion Thursday Night Lights
20 Jog-A-Thon 7:00 PM Ignite Youth Night
218:00 AM Men’s Breakfast and Community Garden Planting
8:00 AM Worship Service - Church 9:15 AM Adult Bible Connection, Kids Connection, & Confirmation, HS Bible Study 9:15 AM Worship Service - Gym 10:30 AM Worship Service - Church 10:45 AM Worship Service - Gym
236:30 PM Monday Evening Worship 6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Basketball
246:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 6:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal 6:00 PM Men’s Bible Study 6:45 PM Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
25 6:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 5:30 PM Zumba-Cafeteria 5:45 PM Men’s Bible Study
267:00 PM Fusion Thursday Night Lights 7:00 PM DRLS Spring Concert (Grades 5K-8th)
277:00 PM Youth Lock-In 28 8:30 AM Servant Saturday
298:00 AM Worship Service - Church 9:15 AM Worship Service - Gym 10:30 AM Worship Service - Church
30 M em
orial Day/No School Church & School Offices Closed No Monday Evening Worship
31 Achievem ent Testing
6:30 AM Men’s Bible Study 6:00 PM Men’s Bible Study
Your Contributions W ill Go A Long W
ay! Online Giving is Easy, Fast, and Very Secure H
ere’s H ow
: G o to w
w Look for the O
nline G iving button and click
on it. In the low er right hand corner of the next screen is the “C
reate Your O
pts and you w ill be ready to choose your
contribution am ount and frequency. Thank you!
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016 10
Kids’ Night Out was a ton of fun at Divine Redeemer on April 8. There were minnow races, games set up in the gym, a great dinner and more. Adults and kids had a blast and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Stay tuned for more Kids’ Night Out eve- nings come fall.
Kids’ Night Out - Another huge success!
No old TVs, shoes, appliances, sewing machines, or tires, please.
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016 11
6TH-8TH GRADE DIVINE REDEEMER YOUTH MINISTRY “IGNITE” LIFTS OFF ONE FRIDAY EACH MONTH FROM 7-9 PM IN THE DR MEDIA CENTER AND GYM. Ignite is a youth gathering for 6th-8th grade youth and their friends that will include music, games, fellowship, Bible study and fun! Ignite May News: May 20 from 7-9 PM will be the Ignite End-of-the-Year Gathering in the Media Center and Gym. Boys bring snacks for all to share and girls bring drinks (soda, water, juice, etc) for all to share. HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY taught by some wonderful vet- eran Divine Redeemer leaders— 9:15 -10:15 AM each Sunday morning in Mrs. Kuehl’s 5th grade classroom downstairs in the Junior High wing. This will take place through May 22, 2016. Another AWESOME way to get involved at Divine Redeemer. Topics include concepts from the movie God’s Not Dead: Embrace the Evidence, Marvel At The Design, Understand God’s Purpose, and Share The Message. FUSION 8TH-12TH GRADE THURSDAY NIGHT LIGHTS weekly Bible Study at the DR Youth House every Thursday, May 5, 12 & 19 from 7-8 PM. We will be digging deeper into Scripture and open for any faith questions as we grow in faith and fellow- ship. Stay tuned for special June Thursday Night Light summer gatherings on June 9 and 23 off-campus at youth family homes.
***IT’S COMING!!!!*** DR Annual Rummage Sale sponsored by DR Youth Ministry on Saturday, May 7! 7-8 AM is the $3 Pre-Sale, 8 AM-2 PM is the regular sale in DR school cafeteria and gym. Donation drop-off day will be Friday, May 6 from 3:30-9 PM. No old TVs, shoes, appliances, sewing machines, or tires, please. Money raised will benefit the DR Summer NYG Mission Trip to New Orleans. Contact Andy Kroemer at andrew. [email protected] with any questions.
2016 NYG NEW ORLEANS YOUTH TRIP MEETING Sunday, May 15 at 11:45 AM in the Media Center as we finalize the trip plans and prepare for upcoming fundraisers. Manda- tory for all youth and adults attending trip.
DIVINE REDEEMER VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2016- Cave Quest: Following Jesus the Light of the World. Save the dates June 13-17, 2016 from 9 AM-Noon each day. Make plans now to help and/or join us for VBS this summer at Divine Redeemer! If you are interested in helping with crafts, games, snacks or with brainstorming ideas for VBS please contact Andy Kroemer as we are forming our VBS leadership team now: andrew. [email protected]. We are always looking for new people to be a part of the team to share a piece of this amazing outreach event. Please prayerfully consider serving at VBS this summer! Sign up to volunteer or register here:
Youth Event Communications/ Updates If you are interested in receiving text message updates for upcoming Divine Redeemer youth events you may sign-up for the 9th-12th grade events at trunc. us/6Erw29 and for the 6th-8th grade events at You may also email Andy Kroemer at andrew.kroemer@ with your name, phone number and phone service provider (ex: Verizon, T-mobile, etc.)
Text Updates
Collection Step 1: Collect and bag aluminum cans; Step 2:
*Contact Andy Kroemer or the church office to set up a drop off day and time;
Step 3: Drop off your bags of cans by the garage at
the DR Youth House. DR youth and adults will take it from there! We will be tak- ing them to Waukesha Iron and Metal for recycling and
earning approximately . 70¢ per lb. The funds col- lected will benefit the 2015
youth mission trip.
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016
It is at this time of year that parents, teachers, and school administration reflect back on the school year and are amazed at how quickly time flies! One moment teachers are making home visits and students are having school pictures taken and, suddenly plans are being made for track & field events and graduations. The 2015- 2016 school year is no different! This year a special emphasis was made to highlight the tru- ly unique environment Divine Redeemer Lutheran School students are a part of and how that positively influences their lives. Divine Redeemer is a true Christian family and students experience the love of their teachers and the love of their Lord throughout their entire school year! • May 4 – 6 5th Grade Outdoor Educa- tion- Camp Lutherdale • Friday, May 6 3 Pre, 4 & 5 Year Old Kindergarten Field Day • Sunday, May 8 3rd & 4th Choir sings in Church Sanctuary at 10:30 AM • Friday, May 13 First – Eighth Grade Field Day
D.eaR. Diary...
The mission of Divine Redeemer Lutheran School in partnership with parents is...
providing all students with a high quality, Christ-centered education while nurturing and equipping them to meet life’s challenges and opportunities as
faithful servants of Jesus Christ.
What are your childhood memories when you recall your grade school days? Were they filled with engaging, hands on activities that included your entire class? Do you remember being singled out to answer a question and experiencing the anxiety of giving the right an- swer? Did you look forward to coming to school each day and being filled with anticipation and excitement as the next school day approached? Education and the methodology of teach- ing have changed in many ways throughout the years. In some cases, it has improved signifi- cantly and in some other ways one could argue the loss of the “good old days”. Technology has impacting teaching in many positive ways while expanding the world and the availability of cur- rent information. At the same time, technology has opened up new social implications that have also negatively affected children’s learning. It is the ability, knowledge, experience, and creativ- ity of teachers to utilize these new resources to supplement their curriculums. At Divine Re- deemer Lutheran School, each child’s level of learning is essential to their future success and their teachers are trained to teach using differ- ent techniques to guarantee this success. Total Participation Techniques continue to be used in each grade to help each student master con- cepts using their own personal gifts and talents. Learning becomes engaging, interactive, and
participatory and students are excited to learn! Here are various ways these Total Partic- ipation Techniques are used to make learning fun in Divine Redeemer classrooms- The students in Mrs. Molnau’s first grade class are taught new vocabulary words by playing “Vocabulary Bingo”. Mrs. Molnau says her stu- dents enjoy matching the new words to the defini- tions she reads aloud to them. The “race is on” to see who can fill up their board game first and learn the definition of their new vocabulary words! Drawing out the definition of a new vocab- ulary word is another technique used by Mrs. Stollenwerk’s Third Graders as she introduces new words to her class. Other total participation techniques include role playing, YES/NO cards, Chalkboard Splash, and iPad games such as “Educreations” (where iPads are used like indi- vidual whiteboards). In the middle school, Seventh Graders use their own iPads simultaneously to show answers. Miss Avery is able to see who has learned the concept quickly and use students to join in on discussions regarding their answers. Divine Redeemer Lutheran School contin- ues to remain on the cutting-edge of education- al advances and resources. The administration and faculty continue to review current platforms for effectiveness, relevance, and the over-all success of learning for each student.
Teachers Make Learning Fun at Divine Redeemer Lutheran School
LIFELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • May 2016 13
• Friday, May 20 School “Jog-a-Thon” • Thursday, May 26 Spring Concert Grades 5K– 8th • Monday, May 30 Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL • Friday, June 3 Morning- Awards Ceremony & Closing Chapel • Friday, June 3 Last Day of School - ½ day dismissal Friday Evening - Eighth Grade Graduation Ceremony
Three Special Teachers To Be Honored for their Service - All are invited!
On Sunday, June 5, 9 AM – 12:30 PM, following each worship service, you are invited to stop in Divine Redeemer’s Media Center/ Library to personally thank Mrs. Linda Wortman, Mrs. Jenny Stollenwerk, and Mrs. Karli Beck for their service to the Lord and their teach- ing ministries at Divine Redeemer Lutheran School. Mrs. Wortman will be retiring to spend time with her family after 18 years. Mrs. Stollen- werk has accepted a spe- cial education position with Lutheran Special Schools and Mrs. Beck is moving to be closer to family and will teach preschool at a Chris- tian school. Each of these individuals has been an important member of the Divine Redeemer family and we wish them success and happiness in their new endeavors.
School Raises Funds With Annual Jog-A-Thon The school’s annual Jog-A-Thon, is scheduled for Friday, May 20th. This athletic event includes the youngest students from Di- vine Redeemer’s two-year-old Eaglet class to its oldest eighth graders. Last year students were able to run laps with funds donated by the lap or in one lump sum, to raise more than $ 20,000.00. This fun event, with the help of
many volunteers, allows these students to run to financially benefit the school, run just for the fun-of-it, and at the same time run for health! Volunteers are needed for this fun and exciting event. If you are interested in helping just con- tact the school office or come and cheer on our Divine Redeemer runners!
DR Auction Is a Great Success On Saturday, April 2nd at the Country Springs Hotel and Conference Center, sup- porters of the church and school met for an evening of fun and fellowship. With school principal, Mike Oldenburg, as the auction’s emcee, great items were auctioned off to sup- port Divine Redeemer. Students of the school made and contributed unique items such as fire pits, wall clocks, hangings, outdoor bench- es, deck coolers, furniture, etc. These one- of-a-kind items were auctioned off during the “live” part of the auction and students from Divine Redeemer Lutheran School’s Eagle
Drumline even performed! Other donor items were also auctioned off during the live and silent auction parts of the evening. A great school video recapped all the great things hap- pening at the school and supporters didn’t shy away from showing their financial support. In fact, a total of $69,076.00 was received on be- half of the auction. Special thanks to the great auction committee, Mike Oldenburg, Jenny Stollenwerk, Jen Boris, Wendy Targos, Kerry Wehmeier, Marie Librizzi-Knutson, Tina Ulm, Todd and Renee Bielawa and to everyone that made donations and volunteered. Thank you!
S.T.E.A.M and “Rockets” Collide in June Divine Redeemer Lutheran School and Concordia University- Wisconsin are offering a summer S.T.E.A.M. program for 3rd – 8th graders, to be held at Divine Redeemer June 13th – 17th, from 1- 4:00 p.m. This camp is an exciting, hands-on learning opportunity with emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineer- ing, Art, and Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.). Divine Redeemer’s Vacation Bible School will be held in the mornings this same week. Any students enrolled in S.T.E.A.M. camp can be picked up by Mrs. Jen Boris, the camp coordinator, and have self-provided cold lunch and playtime
outside before camp begins. This year’s camp theme is “Rocket’s Red Glare”- Oh, say can you see… the rocket’s red glare? If you like exploding colors, lights, and sound, this camp is a perfect opportunity to learn during the summer, and have some fun as it explores the science of rockets and fireworks. Class size is limited. Registration form and information will be available online at ganizations/steam/sessions.html Questions? Please contact Divine Redeemer Lutheran School and Mrs. Boris at 262-367-3664.
You are cordially invited to the Retirement Celebration for
Mr. Jim Braun SUNDAY, JUNE 19th, 2016
Lake Country Lutheran High School Great Hall
4:30 p.m. reception 5:30 Dinner- $12 buffet
6:30 Program
PAID Hartland WI
Permit No. 5731385 W. Hill Road, Hartland, WI 53029 262-367-8400 •
School: 262-367-3664 • Day Care: 262-367-2972
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Pastoral Staff Seth Flick Jeffery Schubert Kurt Wenzelburger Chief Operating Officer Ed Eldridge School Principal Michael Oldenburg Support Staff Administrative Assistant Gail Arnold Business Manager Renee Kandler Director of Communications Ruth Sternemann Director of Day Care Kate Jendusa Director of Maintenance Jim Suchocki Director of Music Heidi K. Graf Director of Women’s Ministry Karen Lippert Director of Youth Ministry Andy Kroemer School Admissions Counselor Tracey Markut School Secretary/School Nurse Niki Cairns Part-Time Support Staff Assistant Business Manager Karen Nipko Kids Connection Co-Directors Sam Tietgen Kate Jendusa Mary Graves Church Office Phone: 262-367-8400 School Office Phone: 262-367-3664 Daycare Phone: 262-367-2972 Website:
School Faculty 8th Grade Dale Kleba Jim Braun 7th Grade Dottie Avery Mike Stollenwerk 6th Grade Micah Baganz Becky Rohde 5th Grade Mary Kuehl Karli Beck 4th Grade Jennifer Boris Kathy Ziska 3rd Grade Nancy Bretzmann Jennifer Stollenwerk 2nd Grade Julie Chudada Kathy Oldenburg 1st Grade Kari Molnau Karen Depenbrok Kindergarten - Full Day Denise Adler Paula Lamp 4-Yr Old Kindergarten Lynn Cox Cindy Stoltmann Linda Wortman Pre-school Amber Curtis Kim Cramer Dawn Weber Physical Education Terri Anderson Art Neva Conlon Spanish Language Carol Garuz Band Erica Rosebrock Music Pam Truax Computer Manya Suchy
Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School Staff