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A family of missionary disciples devoted to knowing and spreading the joy of Jesus REDEEMER BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP LORD'S DAY WORSHIP | 3/28/2021

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A family of missionary disciples devoted toknowing and spreading the joy of Jesus



LORD'S DAY WORSHIP | 3/28/2021


Precautions Before Our Gathering:

• We will be disinfecting and cleaning commonly touched/used areas

and surfaces

• Our worship gathering space will be temporarily rearranged to allow

for social distancing during corporate worship

• If you or a family member is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or

has come in contact with someone with COVID-19, please refrain

from gathering with us in person. Instead, tune into our worship and

sermon recordings online

Precautions During Our Gathering:

• Please practice socially distancing during our worship gathering and

refrain from personal contact with other individuals and sit separately

from other individuals and families.

• We will have doors propped open to cut down on surface contami-


• No coffee or tea will be available in the Welcome Center.

• We will not partake of the Lord’s Supper during this season. Because

of the health risk to our volunteers and teachers, we will not have our

nursery or Redeemer Kids available for the time being.

• Please keep your children with you for worship. Because our children

will be with us, our worship gathering will be in an abbreviated form

during this season.


www.redeemerbf.com | (901) 207-1997 | [email protected]


Whether you’re a follower of Christ looking for a healthy church home or a

skeptic invited by a friend, we are thankful that you’ve joined us for worship

today! At Redeemer, we are a church family that seeks to live together on

Christ, our joy and hope, to the end that other mights treasure Him.

Because of necessary health precautions during this season of social distanc-

ing, nursery and kids ministry is not available at this time.

Kids’ Bulletin: Pages 14-15


Call to Worship Romans 8:35-39

Song of Praise “How Firm A Foundation”

Call to Confession

Assurance of Pardon Ephesians 1:7 -8

Song of Adoration “Before the Throne”

Song of Preparation “Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor”

Sermon The Hope of the Word At Work

1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

Song of Response “My Worth Is Not In What I Own”

Lord’s Supper


Benediction Romans 15:5-6



Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribu-

lation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness,

or danger, or sword? As it is written,

“For your sake we are being killed all the day

long; we are regarded as sheep to be


No, in all these things we are more than conquerors

through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither

death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor

things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor

anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us

from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Call To Worship

Romans 8:35-39

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord Is laid for your faith in His excellent word! What more can He say than to you He hath said, To you who for refuge to Jesus hath fled

"Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed, For I am your God, and will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee and cause thee to stand, Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand."

"When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow; For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless, And sanctify thee thy deepest distress."

The soul that is resting in Jesus as Lord Will press on enduring the darkest of storm That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, He’ll never, no never, no never forsake!


Song of Praise

“How Firm A Foundation”


(All) Most holy and merciful Father, we confess to you and to one another, that we have sinned against you by what we have done and by what we have left undone We have not loved you with our whole heart and mind and strength. We have not fully loved our neighbors as ourselves. We have not always had in us the mind of Christ. You alone know how often we have grieved you by wasting your gifts, and by wandering from your ways. Forgive us, most merciful Father, and free us from our sin.

In him we have redemption through his blood, the for-giveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and in-sight. . .


Prayer of Confession

Assurance of Pardon

Ephesians 1:7-8

Before the throne of God above I have a strong and perfect Plea A great High Priest whose name is Love Who ever lives and pleads for me

My name is graven on His hands My name is written on His heart I know that while in Heaven He stands No tongue can bid me thence depart No tongue can bid me thence depart

When Satan tempts me to despair And tells me of the guilt within Upwards I look and see Him there Who made an end to all my sin

Because the sinless Savior died My sinful soul is counted free For God the Just is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me To look on Him and pardon me

Behold Him there, the risen Lamb My perfect spotless Righteousness The great unchangeable I Am


Song of Adoration

“Before the Throne Of God Above”

Music and words by Charitie Lees Bancroft, Vikki Cook. CCLI #2306412

The King of glory and of grace

One with Himself, I cannot die My soul is purchased by His blood My life is hid with Christ on high With Christ, my Savior and my God With Christ, my Savior and my God

Christ the sure and steady Anchor In the fury of the storm When the winds of doubt blow through me And my sails have all been torn In the suffering, in the sorrow When my sinking hopes are few I will hold fast to the Anchor It shall never be removed

Christ the sure and steady Anchor While the tempest rages on When temptation claims the battle And it seems the night has won Deeper still then goes the Anchor Though I justly stand accused


Song of Preparation

“Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor”

Music and words by Matt Papa and Matt Boswell.

CCLI #7045331

I will hold fast to the Anchor It shall never be removed

No, It shall never be removed Christ the sure and steady Anchor Through the floods of unbelief Hopeless somehow, O my soul, now Lift your eyes to Calvary This my ballast of assurance See His love forever proved I will hold fast to the Anchor It shall never be removed

Christ the sure and steady Anchor As we face the wave of death When these trials give way to glory As we draw our final breath We will cross that great horizon Clouds behind and life secure And the calm will be the better For the storms that we endure

Christ the sure of our salvation Ever faithful, ever true We will hold fast to the Anchor It shall never be removed


1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

13 And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it re-ally is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.  14 For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, 15 who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and op-pose all mankind 16 by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved—so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has come upon them at last!

I. The word of the gospel comes from God, through us, to others (v. 13)



“The Hope of the Word At Work”

1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

Series: “Waiting With Resurrection Hope”

II. The word of the gospel is at work in you believers (v. 13b)

III. The word of the gospel establishes us in enduring hope (vv. 14-16)


My worth is not in what I own Not in the strength of flesh and bone But in the costly wounds of love At the cross

My worth is not in skill or name In win or lose, in pride or shame But in the blood of Christ that flowed At the cross

I rejoice in my redeemer Greatest treasure, wellspring of my soul And I will trust in him, no other My soul is satisfied in him alone

As summer flowers we fade and die Fame, youth and beauty hurry by But life eternal calls to us At the cross


Song of Response

“My Worth Is Not In What I Own”

Music and words by Graham Kendrick, Keith Getty, and Kristyn Getty.

CCLI #7024758

We celebrate the Lord's Supper weekly as a memorial and reminder of Christ’s death on the cross for our salvation. We invite you to par-ticipate with us if you are a baptized believer and member in good standing with a local church.

Please collect elements for the Lord’s Supper as we sing our song of response. Tables with prepackaged elements are available at the front of the auditorium.

I will not boast in wealth or might Or human wisdom's fleeting light But I will boast in knowing Christ At the cross

I rejoice in my redeemer Greatest treasure, wellspring of my soul I will trust in him, no other My soul is satisfied in him alone

Two wonders here that I confess My worth and my unworthiness My value fixed, my ransom paid At the cross

Available on back of worship guide

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


The Lord’s Supper


Romans 15:5-6




RESOURCES FOR VISITORS: If you're visiting with us today, we have a free book we'd love to give you(The Prodigal God by Tim Keller). Stop by the entrance lobby to grab a copy! CORPORATE PRAYER: Sunday, 10 AM. Join us for a time of corporate prayer before our worship gathering. WOMEN'S CONFERENCE WEEKEND: April 9-11. We'll be gathering to participate in the livestream of the2021 Gospel Coalition Women's Conference in members' homes. Contact Maddie Reed for more info! FOOD PANTRY MARCH DISTRIBUTION: March 31, 9 AM - 12 PM. Sign up to volunteer via the link onGroupMe. EAST MEMPHIS FOOD PANTRY TEAM: Do you have a couple hours a month you could devote to helpingwith our church food pantry ministry? Outside of our big distribution days, we need help with theadministrative side of our pantry throughout the month. Contact Chris if you can lend a hand! CHURCH GIVING AND OFFERINGS: We have an offering box at the rear of the sanctuary for any offeringsyou would like to bring during worship and online giving available for safe and secure donations atwww.redeemerbf.com/give.


Jeremy Wright, Senior Pastor: (901) 800-7889, [email protected] 

Chris Pence, Pastor: (901) 626-8755, [email protected]

Matt Alford, Pastor: (901) 299-2789

Stephen Johnson, Pastor: (901) 488-5442

Discipleship Groups are small, same-gender gatherings of believers who meet together regularly to

build each other up in Christ through encouragement, accountability, and study. If you're interested in

joining a group, talk with one of our pastors!

Electronic Giving: www.redeemerbf.com/give or Text-To-Give: Text AMOUNT to 84321

MARCH 2021 budget: $20,810.33 | MARCH 2021 actual: $13,470.25





Current Study: 1 Peter | Men's study: Wednesdays, 6:15 AM | Women's study: Wednesdays, 7:30 PM