thesis part iii

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  • 8/6/2019 thesis part iii


    greatoppoftunity or the author o investigate reasof high nterestsuchas agent echnologiesnd nformation etrievalmethods'

    F u t u r e w o r k

    In a future release he followingproposed xtensionso thisprojectmust be aken nto account:

    . Agent echnology mployment:Especiallyordisturbed rocessing,ccordingo what t wasextract rom literature eviewagent s a con-venient echnique o implement istributingcomputingacilities.By distributinghe proc-ess load we expect o get faster resultsandimprove he systemperformancen terms ofthe time that is requiredby the system toprovide esults.

    o Termweighting:Somepapers Tumey,2005)suggests he transformof word frequenciesusing he logarithmic ransformation nd theapplicationsf the term entropyas a measureof terms mportancen context.

    . An adequate ser nterfacemust be producedin order o improveuserexperience

    . Personalizedearchmethodsmust be testedIt is possiblehat we can performsuch asksby creating serprofileswhichwill contain hespecificuser search nterests and combine


  • 8/6/2019 thesis part iii


    that data with extendedus e of agent technol-ogy.

    o An improved version of this proiect will in-cludeextensiveuse of database eatures'An -other improvement ca n be the use of Hiber-nating technologywhich sagest he encapsu-lation of java objects in a databaseschema(Hibernate,005).a


  • 8/6/2019 thesis part iii


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    I N D E X

    Adaptivemethods,29 InformationRetrieval, , 4, t8,Agent, 4, 56, 67 76, 77 80 4t, 71, 76, 79Ag i fe , , i i i , v ,25 ,27 ,28 ,29 ,79 In te l l i gen t gen ts ,20Agile Software Development, Intergraded Developmenti ,25, 27 Environment evelopment,i

    CapabilityMaturity Model,22 feb, ZSCoding,13, 33 loint applicationdevelopment, 25D Joint application developmentDesignoverview, i, 58 (JAD' 25Distributed agents, 21 LDocumentation, 33, 59 LatentSemantic ndexing, , 16E LSA, 7, t8, 43, 67, 73, 76, 85External nterface Requirements, LSI' 16

    i , 4 7ExtremeProgramming 26,29, M30 Maintenance,33,36Matrix, iii, 64, 67F Methodology,,26, 3t , 51,79,Facil i t ies,i, 58 80fountain modet, 25 Multi-agent ystems' 21FunctionalRequirements,, 44 ,4 g ' ' N NaturalLanguage rocessing,,G 1 5Google,v,3,5, ,g, 42,::, ::, ilil:ij Networks' ^46, 47 , 49, 52, 55, 57, 62, 66,

    7 2 , 7 6 PH PerformanceRequirements,, 49

    Hash Map, 42,53, 6 9 Predictivemethods,29HashMap, 2 50, 52, 64, 66,67 Projectdevelopmentprocess',i' ,Prototype, i, 71PrototypingMethodology, 6, 3t


  • 8/6/2019 thesis part iii


    an d AbbreviatioAppendix1. Defi nsbLSA LatentSemanticAnalysisA mathematical/statisticalechnique or extractingan d representing th e similarity of meaning ofwords and passages y analysis of large bodiesoftext,

    SV D SingularValue Deco'inpositio nis a method to factorize a rectangular real orcomplexmatrix

    SRS Softwa e Requrements SpecificationTCP Transmission ontrolProtocol

    On e of the core protocolsof the Internet protocolsuite. UsingTCP, applications n networked hostscan create connections o one another, over whichthey can exchangedata or Packets

    JVM JavaVirtual MachineDRAM DynamicRA M

    Specific ype of computermemory2D TwoDimensionsM B Megabyte

    Computermeasurementunit for storagemedia'


  • 8/6/2019 thesis part iii


    equation)hat are sometimes lsoknownas char-acteristicoots,characteristicalues Hoffman ndKunze 971),proper alues, r latent oots

