the texas big day - the texas big day the lure of a texas big day has been teasing...

1 The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central location in the continent, wide variety of habitats and coastline provide the perfect mix of birds from all corners of North America. Texas has a long history of Big Days culminating in numerous attempts over the past 30 years leading in part to the tradition of the Great Texas Birding Classic . For decades the focus had largely been on routes that transverse the Rio Grande Valley and Gulf Coast regions, but Texas provides a cornucopia of route options for birders to take. Perhaps the most fruitful route started in the Hill Country in Uvalde County and finishing in Galveston County on the Gulf Coast. Following this route a team in 2006 amassed 260 species which held or a number of years until a team from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology snagged 264. In 2012, they hit the timing just right, and a large migration day and fall-out allowed for an impressive 294 species. Our interest was piqued- was a 300 species day possible in North America?

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Page 1: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


The Texas Big Day

The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in

North America. It's central location in the continent, wide variety of habitats and coastline

provide the perfect mix of birds from all corners of North America.

Texas has a long history of Big Days culminating in numerous attempts over the past 30 years

leading in part to the tradition of the Great Texas Birding Classic. For decades the focus had

largely been on routes that transverse the Rio Grande Valley and Gulf Coast regions, but Texas

provides a cornucopia of route options for birders to take.

Perhaps the most fruitful route started in the Hill Country in Uvalde County and finishing in

Galveston County on the Gulf Coast. Following this route a team in 2006 amassed 260 species

which held or a number of years until a team from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology snagged 264.

In 2012, they hit the timing just right, and a large migration day and fall-out allowed for an

impressive 294 species. Our interest was piqued- was a 300 species day possible in North


Page 2: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Our quest began April 14, 2015. Our contingent comprised Yousif Attia (Vancouver, British

Columbia), John Brett (Toronto, Ontario), Christian Friis (Toronto, Ontario), Stu Mackenzie (Port

Rowan, ON), and Ross Wood (Burlington, Ontario). Yes, a hodgepodge group of Canadians were

going to take a run at Texas. While we were no strangers to Big Days, with over 10 under our

belt together, we were complete strangers to Texas. Only two of us had ever been before, 10

and 20 years prior and both focusing on the Rio Grande area. We were however, a well-oiled

big day machine and hold the records for Ontario, Alberta, and Canada (which also happens to

be May and June North American records).

Quintessential Big Day reports are filled with mystery and intrigue. This Big Day report however,

is going to try and take a different approach; it's going to be filled with excruciating detail. We

submitted 190 eBird checklists during our trip, and 42 were completed in real-time on the day

itself. They are all annotated below.

This Big Day was done as part of the Great Canadian Birdathon raising funds for Long Point

Bird Observatory and Bird Studies Canada.

The Anous Team (left to right): Christian Friis (CAF), Ross Wood (RWW), Stu Mackenzie (SAM), John Brett (JSB), Yousif Attia (YSA).

Page 3: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central



Scheming began in early winter 2015 as YSA and SAM realized that they would both be

attending a North American Banding Council meeting in Baton Rouge, LA, in the middle of April.

The pieces quickly started falling together as JSB, CAF, and RWW were recruited to join us in the

Lone Star State. In the end we would have April 14 to 20 to complete the day, including travel

to and from Canada. We had six days, kind of. Six days to learn the birds, the people, the places,

the routes, and the little known crooks and crannies across approximately 600 km of the state,

and get the perfect conditions for a Big Day. We knew the timing of our window was a little

early in the year for migrants, but with 5 wives, 6 kids, 4 dogs, and 5 active careers, we had

severely limited our options for an attempt.

The Scout Begins: April 14 -17, 2015.

Note: Although not summarized here, YSA and SAM spent about 6 hours scouting on April 10.

eBird checklists summarized in checklist table.

April 14

CAF met YSA, SAM in Baton Rouge on April 13, and we made our way to Texas so we could

scout High Island / Anuhuac/ Bolivar area first thing April 14. High Island was tricky. All you can

really do is learn the roads, the various habitats, drips, trails, and investigate the inefficiencies

and traps. We toured the woodlots in a feeble attempt to learn the paths and examined the

habitats likely to produce different species. Ultimately the migrants and time would dictate

how we worked the 'island' on the day. Bolivar was straightforward: the birds just line up for

you at a few key sites 1) Oilfield Rd, 2) Rollover Pass, 3) Bolivar Flats, and a number of other

small ponds and wetlands en route. Nearly everything we were hoping to find was very

cooperative: Snowy, Wilson's and Piping Plover, American Oystercatcher, Black Skimmer, 7

species of Tern, Bonaparte's Gull, and a variety of other notable shorebirds: Sanderling, Red

Knot, and Short-billed Dowitcher. Bolivar Flats were relatively bird-less, but the beach and Barn

Owl made this a must stop site. Previous scouting of the Anahuac wetland complex provided

quick access to nearly all the wetland birds including Least Bittern, Purple Gallinule, Black Rail,

King Rail, and Seaside Sparrow. We toured north to scour the fields for a one-stop-shorebird-

shop and found 3 or 4 amazing fields with thousands of shorebirds with great diversity - we had

found just about every shorebird and waterbird we could hope for with the exception of some

tricky ones like Buff-breasted Sandpiper.

Page 4: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Upon their arrival in Houston later that day, JSB and RWW, proceeded to scout Houston's

surrounding forests for some specialities like Red-headed and Pileated Woopecker, and Brown-

headed Nuthatch, and Fish Crow.

The entire contingent assembled in Houston mid-afternoon and made out way to the San

Antonio area to check out Mitchell Lake Audubon Centre and surrounding areas including a

quick urban Monk Parakeet colony. A little farther west, the Attwater National Wildlife Refuge

provided astounding grassland birding, although encroaching development is discouraging. We

stayed in San Antonio that evening.

April 15 -17

We awoke early so that we could be at Attwater for dawn to try and catch Greater Prairie

Chickens lekking. We had great success, but did not think was going to be repeatable on the

day. We then made our way west to Uvalde which provided an overwhelming assortment of

species, landscapes, hotspots, and navigational and time-management challenges. As any Big

Day connoisseur understands, timing is everything - particularly in the first and last few hours of

the day. Uvalde's wonderful mixture of desert scrub, river valley oases, and forested hilltops

kept us busy for the next two days as we tried to become as familiar as possible with some of

North America's rarest or most elusive species: Golden-cheeked Warbler and Black-capped and

Gray Vireo. There were also many specialties that we had to wrangle up: Great Kiskadee,

Couch's Kingbird, Green Jay, and Green and Ringed Kingfisher, not to mention about 100 other

grassland/scrub/canyon/desert/and highland species.

Page 5: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


These three days all blurred together as we repeated various components of the route at

different times and tried to familiarize ourselves with the region and local avifauna as much as


Hill Country

We spent a lot of time deliberating over when to make our attempt and after scrutinizing the

weather one last time over lunch on the 17th, we realized that we only had one good chance

for a run at Texas - April 18. Windy conditions made April 19 less desirable, and we all had

flights to catch very early on April 20.

We rolled into San Antonio in the pouring rain late afternoon on the 17th, and scouted some

local ponds and parks until dark where we found a few good surprises. Some of us, primarily

the drivers, tried desperately to rest despite last minute planning and preparations such as

emptying the cooler of beer and ordering large containers of coffee from Starbucks. At 2330 we

picked up the coffee and we were a go.

A summary of eBird checklists for the scouting days are summarized in Table 1. at the end of this report.

Page 6: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Scaled Quail - one of many jinx birds on the day.

Part 1. The Night

Section A. 0000 - Woodlawn Park,

San Antonio. We began the day with

a Ross's Goose, three Redhead,

Northern Pintail, Yellow-crowned

Night Heron and our only 'real'

Mallard of the day. We then worked

our way northeast to the San Antonio

Country Club at 0020 where were we

alighted to find late night singing

robin. On our way south out of the

city, we passed the trusty Monk

Parakeet colony on an electricity

transformer and ended phase one of

our journey at Mitchell Lake Audubon

Center with a Common Paraque at 0113 before heading west to Uvalde.

Section B. We arrived at our first stop southwest of Uvalde at 0239 on the Nueces River. It was

a perfectly still, clear night allowing us to easily pick up an Elf Owl, 2 Lesser Nighthawk,

Common Nighthawk, 2 Common Poorwill, migrant Swainson's Thrush and the ubiquitous Texas

Yellow-breasted Chat! Next stop was Cook's Slough at 0320 which ended up being incredibly

productive - Great Kiskadee, Green Jay, 3 Black-crowned Night Heron, Great-horned Owl and 2

Eastern Screech Owls. Our extremely productive night had us looking for ways to burn time, so

we decided to try wandering hillsides looking for Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, and lucky for us one

was awake at 0434. Next stop was Chalk Bluff Park at 0452 where we were greeted by another

Page 7: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


kiskadee and eventually found a Chuck-will's-widow (phew). We searched tirelessly for a Barred

Owl, but came up empty.

Part 2. Dawn Chorus

Section A. Dawn was later that we were hoping in hill country as birds didn't really start waking

up until close to 7. Despite this late start, we made quick work of Chalk Bluff Park before

completing a whirl-wind circuit of the region. Highlights, or our only observations for the day

included: White-tipped Dove, Green Kingfisher, Ringed Kingfisher, Couch's Kingbird, Brown-

crested and Ash-throated flycatcher, Rock, Canyon, and Cactus wren, Yellow-throated Warbler,

Painted Bunting and Hooded Oriole, foraging Lesser Nighthawks over the river, and to our

delight, vocalizing Chihuahuan Ravens. We left by 745.

Chalf Bluff Park

Section B. Next stop was a rather famous locale for Gray and Black-capped vireo called the

'vireo tree' on route 334 northwest of Uvalde at 0756: Gray Vireo, Black-capped Vireo, Canyon

Towhee, Rufous-crowned Sparrow, and our only Verdin. Farther down the road at 0812,

Golden-cheeked Warbler, Scott's Oriole, and American Kestrel (one we had missed during our

scout (mds)). Our final stop near Bracketville at 0835 resulted in a flyover Peregrine Falcon

(mds), a Pyrrhuloxia, and a few Bullock's Oriole. 5 minutes down the road we slammed on the

brakes for three Lark Buntings (mds). At Fort Clark Springs at 0855 - Black Phoebe. We took a

Page 8: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


risk on our way back to Ulvade crossing through a border patrol station, but the extra time

spent there was more than made up for by a cooperative Harris's Hawk on the fence, an Osprey

perched roadside, and a Yellow-headed Blackbird at the checkpoint. After the checkpoint we

made a very brief stop at the Uvalde Fish Hatchery for Cinnamon Teal. At 0940 we were done in

Uvalde, about 40 minutes later than we had hoped.

Part 3. The Drive

Section A. A long drive ensued back toward San Antonio with a quick stop just west of the city

for some roadside Horned Larks and a flock of Franklin's Gulls. We arrived back at Mitchell Lake

Audubon Center at 1122. Torrential rains in previous days had removed all potential shorebird

habitats and made most access roads impassable. Although discouraging, this was a blessing in

disguise as it made our visit exceedingly efficient and we were out of there in 15 minutes

grabbing Green-winged Teal, Eared Grebe, White Pelican, Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Sharp-

shinned Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Merlin, Ruby-throated and Black-chinned Hummingbird, and a

Curve-billed Thrasher - thank goodness!

Section B. En route to Houston a number of roadside stops resulted in an adult Bald Eagle (mds)

flying over the highway, Broad-winged and Swainson's hawks and small kettles of Mississippi

Kites, more Franklin's Gull, and American Crow. Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife

Refuge produced a pair of White-tailed Hawks and three Northern Bobwhite. We had extremely

low expectations of seeing a Greater Prairie Chicken, but we checked out the lek anyway -

nothing. However, on the drive out, a hen scurried through the ditch and into a field adjacent to

the road - Big Day Magic. Onward at 1352!

Attwater National Wildlife Refuge

Page 9: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Section C. A long drive to the pine forests northeast of Houston produced very little and we

learned the advantages of quick-toll lanes in Houston. Eisenhower Park and Sheldon Park on

the outskirts of the city at 1539 and 1601 produced Red-bellied, Red-headed, and Pileated

woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Great-crested Flycatcher, Pine

Warbler, and a Fish Crow. Leaving the area at about 1615 - we were now another 1/2 hour

behind schedule.

Part 4. The Coast

Section A. We made our way southeast of Houston quickly rolling past a Boat-tailed Grackle

colony, picked up our only Bank Swallow on the lake, and had a quick scan of our previous

shorebird fields which were now ponds. Unprecedented rain during the week had turned all of

our fabulous shorebird fields into lakes, deep lakes. Luckily at 1725 we found an un-flooded

field that housed thousands of shorebirds, herons, and ibis. The field had 18 shorebird species

including American Golden Plover, 400 Stilt Sandpipers, 800 Long-billed Dowitcher, thousands

of 'peeps', and a single Wilson's Snipe. A little farther down the road, two Purple Gallinule and 5

Upland Sandpiper. Next stop- High Island and Bolivar. En route we passed a small group of

White-faced Ibis - foolishly, out of all the White-faced we observed, we never stopped to scour

for a Glossy...Big Day stupidity and a big miss.

Section B. First stop on the Gulf Coast was Oilfield Rd. at 1804 where a Common Nighthawk was

awaiting on a wire. Seven species of tern amassed in a loafing flock joined by the bird of the

day, a young Little Gull. Other new additions were American Avocet and Wilson's Plover. We

immediately regretted our next decision - instead of going back to High Island for migratns, we

continued down Bolivar. In the end this decision didn't cost us much, but the time at dusk

would have been better spent looking for shorebirds and waterbirds in open areas then

migrants in dense woods. Rollover pass, an overpass adjacent to brilliant sandy islands, was

productive: American Oystercatcher, Long-billed Curlew, Marbled Godwit, Short-billed

Dowitcher, and Black Skimmer, and a White-tailed Kite a little farther down the road. Alas our

'reliable' Reddish Egret was nowhere to be seen.

Section C. We were efficient on Bolivar, but we didn't get into Boy Scout Woods on High Island

until 1842. Thankfully afternoon thundershowers had grounded some migrants and we quickly

accumulated another 30 species or so including: Eastern Wood Pewee, Acadian Flycatcher,

Wood Thrush, 14 species of warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo and

Painted Bunting. Smith Oaks Woods at 1921 produced Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-bellied

Flycatcher, and a Dickcissel. Darkness slowly overtook the woodlot and the rate of new species

being added was abysmally low, so swallowing our earlier mistake we made our way back down

Bolivar peninsula. We arrived at a wetland on Bob Rd at 2027 where we found a Clapper Rail

Page 10: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


and moved onto Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary where a group of Red Knot eagerly awaited

our arrival in the dusk light. We scoured the High Island area for a Whip-poor-will or Barn Owl

to no avail, so made our way to our final destination, the cleanup hitter, the closer, the

Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge.

Part 5. The Night Phase 2

Arriving at Anahuac at 2217, our first new bird for the day was a Marsh Wren followed shortly

thereafter by Sedge Wren, American and Least Bittern, Black and King rail, and the last bird of

the day, a Yellow Rail! We had a horrible time trying to find one of many Seaside Sparrows that

we had found there during our scout. The final minutes of our day were spent desperately

trying to find a Whip-poor-will somewhere in the NWR, but the stroke of midnight fell at the

Skillern Tract, whip-poor-will-less.


We collected what energy we had left and worked our way north to Winnie. A quick recount

and inspection of our eBird checklists confirmed that we had found 271 species that day, the

2nd highest Big Day total in North America (3rd if you include a 3-state total of 273). A full

species list is presented in Table 2.

We were extremely proud of our day, but we had a lot of Big Day 'Magic' to thank - luck with

nocturnal birds, raptors, Ross's Goose, Greater Prairie Chicken, and Little Gull. Likewise, there

are always Big Day Blunders such as Barred and Barn Owl, Whip-poor-will, Glossy Ibis, Virginia

Rail, Reddish Egret, Snowy Plover, Scrub Jay, and Seaside Sparrow, sigh, not to mention a rather

abysmal showing of migrants. We only had two Empidonax flycatchers, and easily could have

added another 10-15 migrant warblers, vireos and sparrows. Not surprisingly we easily found

half of these birds the following morning.

As for a 300 species day in North America? It is possible, and Texas, specifically along this route,

is almost certainly the place to do it. If we had greater success with our big day blunders we

would have easily graced 280, and if combined with a fall-out, the mid-290's and even 300 is

reachable, but everything has to be absolutely PERFECT!

This Big Day would not be possible without the great efforts put forth by the earlier teams who

blazed this ultimate route through Texas.

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The next day - actually enjoying looking at birds.

Page 12: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Table 1. eBird Checklist Table - April 15 to 20 - BIG DAY APRIL 18.

Date/Time Location County State Checklist

10/04/2015 7:00 Drive--Houston Chambers US-TX

10/04/2015 Anahuac NWR (UTC 049) Chambers US-TX

10/04/2015 12:45 High Island Chambers US-TX

13/04/2015 8:50 Beaumont--Drive Willis Rd to Nome

Jefferson US-TX

13/04/2015 9:05 Beaumont--field on Willis Rd Jefferson US-TX

13/04/2015 9:20 Beaumont--Field on Gilbert Rd.

Jefferson US-TX

13/04/2015 9:30 Doguet's Turf Farms (FM 326 @ US 90--Nome)

Jefferson US-TX

13/04/2015 9:45 Nome--Drive to Winnie Jefferson US-TX

13/04/2015 10:00 Winnie--Drive to Jenkins Rd. Chambers US-TX

13/04/2015 10:20 Winnie--Drive to Anahuac Chambers US-TX

13/04/2015 10:47 Anahuac--Berryland Farms Chambers US-TX

13/04/2015 11:00 Anahuac--Drive in Anahuac NWR

Chambers US-TX

13/04/2015 11:35 Anahuac--Drive Anahuac to Bolivar

Chambers US-TX

13/04/2015 11:55 Bolivar Peninsula--Beach Rd and oil fields

Galveston US-TX

13/04/2015 12:40 Bolivar Peninsula--Drive oil fields to Smith Oaks

Galveston US-TX

13/04/2015 12:45 High Island--Smith Oaks (UTC 052)

Galveston US-TX

13/04/2015 14:15 US-TX-Bolivar Peninsula-2012 5th St

Galveston US-TX

13/04/2015 14:20 High Island--Boy Scout Woods (UTC 055)

Galveston US-TX

Page 13: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


13/04/2015 15:15 US-TX-Winnie-243 FM1663 Chambers US-TX

13/04/2015 18:20 Rosenberg--Drive to Attwater

Fort Bend US-TX

13/04/2015 19:25 Cat Spring--Drive Attwater North to Attwater

Colorado US-TX

13/04/2015 20:05 Cat Spring--Drive Attwater to I-10

Colorado US-TX

14/04/2015 6:45 Cat Spring--Attwater area Colorado US-TX

14/04/2015 8:35 Cat Spring--Drive I10: hwy 96 to hwy 949

Colorado US-TX

14/04/2015 8:46 Alleyton--drive hwy 949 to exit 649

Colorado US-TX

14/04/2015 8:52 Alleyton--drive exit 695 to rest area

Colorado US-TX

14/04/2015 8:57 Columbus--drive rest area to mile 687

Colorado US-TX

14/04/2015 9:02 Weimar--drive mile 687 to exit 682

Colorado US-TX

14/04/2015 9:45 Weimar--Stavinoha Tire, Oil and Battery

Colorado US-TX

14/04/2015 10:15 Weimar--drive exit 682 to exit 687

Colorado US-TX

14/04/2015 10:22 Schulenburg--drive exit 687 to exit 668

Fayette US-TX

14/04/2015 10:26 Schulenburg--drive exit 668 to exit 661

Fayette US-TX

14/04/2015 10:32 Flatonia--drive exit 661 to exit 653

Fayette US-TX

14/04/2015 10:39 Waelder--drive exit 653 to exit 642

Gonzales US-TX

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14/04/2015 10:47 Harwood--drive exit 642 to exit 637

Gonzales US-TX

14/04/2015 10:52 Harwood--drive exit 637 to exit 632

Gonzales US-TX

14/04/2015 10:58 Luling--drive exit 632 to mile 625

Caldwell US-TX

14/04/2015 11:03 Luling--drive exit 625 to exit 617

Guadalupe US-TX

14/04/2015 11:09 Seguin--drive exit 617 to exit 612

Guadalupe US-TX

14/04/2015 11:14 Seguin--drive exit 612 to exit 604

Guadalupe US-TX

14/04/2015 11:28 Seguin--drive exit 604 to exit 599

Guadalupe US-TX

14/04/2015 11:33 Seguin--drive exit 599 to exit 586

Guadalupe US-TX

14/04/2015 11:39 Converse--drive exit 590 to exit 585

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 11:44 Converse--drive exit 585 to exit for hwy410 south exit 581

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 11:48 San Antonio--drive exit 581 to exit 37

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 11:53 San Antonio--drive exit 37 to exit 46

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 12:01 San Antonio--drive to Mitchell Lake

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 12:05 Mitchell Lake Audubon Center (HOTE 103)

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 15:05 San Antonio--drive Mitchell Lake to exit 41

Bexar US-TX

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14/04/2015 15:10 San Antonio--drive on hwy 37 to exit 138c

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 15:15 San Antonio--drive to Monk Parakeet

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 15:31 San Antonio-- from parakeet in around San Antonio to Pollos Asados

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 17:00 San Antonio--drive Pollos Asados to Calaveras Lake

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 17:28 San Antonio--drive Cavaleras Lake entrance to Kilowatt Rd.

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 17:41 San Antonio--drive Kilowatt Rd. to I-37 Frontage Rd.

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 17:52 San Antonio--drive to I-37 exit 133

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 18:06 San Antonio-- hwy 410 (entered I-37 exit 133) to exit 34

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 18:12 San Antonio--drive exit 34 to exit 31

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 18:15 San Antonio--drive I-35 south to I-35 north to exit 167

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 18:30 San Antonio--drive Starlight Terrace/1000 Oaks Dr to Stahl Rd

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 18:49 San Antonio--Stahl Rd to Bat Cave Rd

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 18:55 Garden Ridge--drive Bat Cave Rd to hwy 3009

Comal US-TX

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14/04/2015 19:02 New Braunfels-drive to Bat Cave

Comal US-TX

14/04/2015 19:15 Bracken Bat Cave area Comal US-TX

14/04/2015 19:34 San Antonio--drive Bat Cave to Garden Ridge

Comal US-TX

14/04/2015 19:50 Schertz--drive I-35 to exit 167B

Comal US-TX

14/04/2015 20:00 San Antonio--drive exit 167B to exit 162

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 20:05 San Antonio--drive exit 163 to exit 157B

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 20:11 San Antonio--drive exit 157B to exit 152

Bexar US-TX

14/04/2015 20:34 Castroville-804 US-90 Medina US-TX

15/04/2015 7:30 Uvalde--drive Uvalde to Nueces River

Uvalde US-TX

15/04/2015 7:39 Uvalde--Nueces River to junction with hwy 1022

Uvalde US-TX

15/04/2015 7:48 Uvalde--drive junction hwy 1022 to train track bridge cross

Uvalde US-TX

15/04/2015 7:55 Uvalde--drive track bridge to bridge before water tower

Kinney US-TX

15/04/2015 8:02 Uvalde--drive to bridge before water tower to Brackettvile limit

Kinney US-TX

15/04/2015 8:11 Brackettville--drive Brackettville to 'river' on hwy 334

Kinney US-TX

15/04/2015 8:30 Brackettville--'river' outside of Brackettville

Kinney US-TX

Page 17: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


15/04/2015 8:48 Brackettville--drive 'river' on hwy 334 to CV ranch

Kinney US-TX

15/04/2015 8:57 Brackettville--CV ranch on hwy 334

Kinney US-TX

15/04/2015 9:20 Brackettville--drive CV Ranch to Mountain View Ranch

Kinney US-TX

15/04/2015 9:45 Brackettville--drive Mountainview Ranch to mile 11.5

Kinney US-TX

15/04/2015 10:07 Brackettville--mile 11.5 at curve hwy 334

Kinney US-TX

15/04/2015 10:29 Brackettville--drive Nuesces River Rd to dry river

Kinney US-TX

15/04/2015 10:50 Brackettville--drive dry river to vireo tree

Kinney US-TX

15/04/2015 11:05 Uvalde--vireo tree Uvalde US-TX

15/04/2015 11:48 Uvalde--drive vireo tree to Laguna intersection stop

Uvalde US-TX

15/04/2015 12:10 Uvalde--drive Laguna intersection to Chalk Bluff Park

Uvalde US-TX

15/04/2015 12:33 Uvalde--drive Chalk Bluff Park to Uvalde

Uvalde US-TX

15/04/2015 13:45 Cook's Slough Nature Ctr. (HOTW 025)

Uvalde US-TX

15/04/2015 15:15 Uvalde--drive Cooks Slough into Fort Hinge

Uvalde US-TX

15/04/2015 15:52 Uvalde--drive Fort Hinge to fish hatchery

Uvalde US-TX

15/04/2015 18:10 Neal's Lodges- Cabin 61 feeders

Uvalde US-TX

Page 18: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


16/04/2015 4:22 brushy creek road Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 5:17 Nueces River--FM 481 bridge Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 5:43 Uvalde Fish Hatchery (HOTW 027)

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 6:13 Chalk Bluff Park (Uvalde) (HOTW 023)

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 7:10 Uvalde--gnatcather spot Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 7:30 Uvalde Co.- TX55 Nueces River Bridge area

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 7:44 Uvalde--drive from Nuesces River to 334 jxn and back to Chalk Bluff Park

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 7:55 Chalk Bluff Park (Uvalde) (HOTW 023)

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 10:01 Uvalde--drive Chalk Bluff Park to hwy 334W

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 10:16 Uvalde--vireo tree Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 11:11 Uvalde--drive vireo tree to roadside stop

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 11:44 Brackettville--drive roadside stop to Brackettville

Kinney US-TX

16/04/2015 12:05 Texas--Brackettville Kinney US-TX

16/04/2015 12:44 Brackettville--Brackettville to Uvalde limits

Kinney US-TX

16/04/2015 13:00 Uvalde--drive Uvalde limits to Border Patrol inspection station

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 13:15 Uvalde--drive Border Patrol inspection station to Old Eagle Pass Rd.

Uvalde US-TX

Page 19: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


16/04/2015 13:22 Uvalde--drive Old Eagle Pass Rd. and fish hatchery

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 14:47 Uvalde--drive fish hatchery to Uvalde

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 15:00 Uvalde--seed factory Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 15:08 Uvalde--drive seed factory to Uvalde

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 15:50 Uvalde--drive Uvalde to hwy 2690

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 15:55 Uvalde--drive hwy 2690 to junction hwy 1051

Uvalde US-TX

16/04/2015 16:03 Concan--drive junction hwy 1051 to hwy 1027 to Buchanan Cabin

Uvalde US-TX

17/04/2015 6:30 Brackettville--hwy 334 (quail spot)

Kinney US-TX

17/04/2015 6:55 Brackettville--hwy 334 by flood guage

Kinney US-TX

17/04/2015 7:02 Fort Clark Springs Kinney US-TX

17/04/2015 7:14 Brackettville--drive Brackettville to roadside stop

Kinney US-TX

17/04/2015 7:29 Brackettville--Roadside stop Kinney US-TX

17/04/2015 7:36 Brackettville--roadside stop to migrant dip

Kinney US-TX

17/04/2015 7:48 Uvalde--migrant dip Uvalde US-TX

17/04/2015 7:57 Uvalde--vireo tree, east Uvalde US-TX

17/04/2015 8:20 Uvalde--wooded area north of hwy 334

Uvalde US-TX

17/04/2015 8:44 Chalk Bluff Park (Uvalde) (HOTW 023)

Uvalde US-TX

Page 20: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


17/04/2015 12:58 Sabinal--drive from junction 2730

Uvalde US-TX

17/04/2015 13:06 Sabinal--drive from Ranchero Creek to West Squirrel Creek

Medina US-TX

17/04/2015 13:09 D'Hanis--drive from West Squirrel Creek

Medina US-TX

17/04/2015 13:13 Hondo--drive junction 1796 to East Live Oak Creek

Medina US-TX

17/04/2015 13:18 Hondo--drive from West Live Oak Creek to junction 462

Medina US-TX

17/04/2015 13:36 Hondo--drive junction 462 to CR 4004

Medina US-TX

17/04/2015 13:46 Hondo--drive from CR 4004 to junction 1343

Medina US-TX

17/04/2015 13:51 Castroville--drive from junction 1343 to CR 482

Medina US-TX

17/04/2015 13:58 Bexar Co.--Mechler Rd. Bexar US-TX

17/04/2015 14:12 San Antonio--drive CR 482 to hwy 410 exit

Bexar US-TX

17/04/2015 14:18 San Antonio--drive hwy 410 exit on 90 to Cupples Rd.

Bexar US-TX

17/04/2015 14:26 San Antonio--drive exit Cupples Rd to 87N to exit 155a

Bexar US-TX

17/04/2015 14:41 San Antonio--Woodlawn Lake (HOTE 093)

Bexar US-TX

17/04/2015 15:43 US-TX-San Antonio-4150-4398 N New Braunfels Ave

Bexar US-TX

18/04/2015 0:00 San Antonio--Woodlawn Lake (HOTE 093)

Bexar US-TX

Page 21: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


18/04/2015 0:20 US-TX-San Antonio-4150-4398 N New Braunfels Ave

Bexar US-TX

18/04/2015 0:35 San Antonio--306 Mission Rd/Power station (Parakeet colony)

Bexar US-TX

18/04/2015 0:54 Mitchell Lake Audubon Center (HOTE 103)

Bexar US-TX

18/04/2015 2:39 Nueces River--FM 481 bridge Uvalde US-TX

18/04/2015 3:20 Cook's Slough Nature Ctr. (HOTW 025)

Uvalde US-TX

18/04/2015 4:34 gnatcatcher hill spot Uvalde US-TX

18/04/2015 4:52 Chalk Bluff Park (Uvalde) (HOTW 023)

Uvalde US-TX

18/04/2015 6:20 Chalk Bluff Park (Uvalde) (HOTW 023)

Uvalde US-TX

18/04/2015 7:56 Uvalde--vireo tree, east Uvalde US-TX

18/04/2015 8:12 Brackettville--roadside stop to migrant dip

Kinney US-TX

18/04/2015 8:35 Brackettville--hwy 334 (quail spot)

Kinney US-TX

18/04/2015 8:49 US-TX-Brackettville - 29.3230x-100.3952 - Apr 18, 2015, 8:51 AM

Kinney US-TX

18/04/2015 8:55 Fort Clark Springs Kinney US-TX

18/04/2015 9:14 US-TX-Uvalde-1757 US-90 Uvalde US-TX

Page 22: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


18/04/2015 9:17 US-TX-Uvalde-1757 US-90 Uvalde US-TX

18/04/2015 9:23 US-TX-Uvalde-7397 US-90 Uvalde US-TX

18/04/2015 9:40 Uvalde Fish Hatchery (HOTW 027)

Uvalde US-TX

18/04/2015 10:30 Hondo--drive from West Live Oak Creek to junction 462

Medina US-TX

18/04/2015 10:56 Bexar Co.--Mechler Rd. Bexar US-TX

18/04/2015 11:22 Mitchell Lake Audubon Center (HOTE 103)

Bexar US-TX

18/04/2015 12:09 San Antonio--drive exit 34 to exit 31

Bexar US-TX

18/04/2015 12:09 San Antonio--drive exit 34 to exit 31

Bexar US-TX

18/04/2015 12:15 US-TX-Converse - 29.4627x-98.3021 - Apr 18, 2015, 12:16 PM

Bexar US-TX

18/04/2015 12:30 US-TX-Seguin - 29.5697x-98.0180 - Apr 18, 2015, 12:31 PM

Guadalupe US-TX

18/04/2015 12:59 US-TX-Seguin-699 Neumann Rd

Guadalupe US-TX

18/04/2015 13:10 US-TX-Waelder - 29.6924x-97.2342 - Apr 18, 2015, 1:11 PM

Gonzales US-TX

18/04/2015 13:52 Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR--N. (Prairie Chicken Rd. area)

Colorado US-TX

18/04/2015 15:39 Eisenhower Park (Harris Co) Harris US-TX

Page 23: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


18/04/2015 16:01 Sheldon Lake SP (UTC 033) Harris US-TX

18/04/2015 16:57 US-TX-Hankamer - 29.8348x-94.5464 - Apr 18, 2015, 4:59 PM

Chambers US-TX

18/04/2015 17:06 US-TX-Hankamer-732-734 Jenkins Rd

Chambers US-TX

18/04/2015 17:19 Anahuac--Berryland Farms Chambers US-TX

18/04/2015 17:25 US-TX-Anahuac - 29.7237x-94.4983 - Apr 18, 2015, 5:26 PM

Chambers US-TX

18/04/2015 18:04 Bolivar Peninsula--Beach Rd and oil fields

Galveston US-TX

18/04/2015 18:23 Rollover Pass (UTC 056) Galveston US-TX

18/04/2015 18:33 Bolivar--b/w Rollover Pass & High Island

Galveston US-TX

18/04/2015 18:42 High Island--Boy Scout Woods (UTC 055)

Galveston US-TX

18/04/2015 19:21 High Island--Smith Oaks (UTC 052)

Galveston US-TX

18/04/2015 19:56 Bolivar Peninsula--Beach Rd and oil fields

Galveston US-TX

18/04/2015 20:27 Bolivar--Bob Road Galveston US-TX

18/04/2015 20:42 Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary--Rettilon Rd

Galveston US-TX

18/04/2015 22:17 Anahuac NWR (UTC 049) Chambers US-TX

19/04/2015 11:53 Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary--Rettilon Rd

Galveston US-TX

Page 24: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


19/04/2015 12:56 Bolivar--b/w Rollover Pass & High Island

Galveston US-TX

19/04/2015 13:22 Bolivar Peninsula--Beach Rd and oil fields

Galveston US-TX

19/04/2015 14:06 High Island--Boy Scout Woods (UTC 055)

Galveston US-TX

19/04/2015 19:22 W.G. Jones State Forest (UTC 036)

Montgomery US-TX

20/04/2015 7:44 Bush Intercontinental Airport area

Harris US-TX

2015-04-10 10:33:00 Bolivar Bolivar US-TX

Page 25: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Table 2. Species List, probability of detection based on eBird checklists, group total and partial total.

Name Probability of detection

Group Partial

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 0.276533 1

Fulvous Whistling-Duck 0.05898 1

Snow Goose 0.004699

Ross's Goose 0.000893 1

Cackling Goose 0.002625 Miss

Canada Goose 0.030744 Miss

Gadwall 0.096669 1

American Wigeon 0.049315 1

Mallard 0.117111 1

Mottled Duck 0.143543 1

Blue-winged Teal 0.401412 1

Cinnamon Teal 0.0328 1

Northern Shoveler 0.215594 1

Northern Pintail 0.013643 1

Green-winged Teal 0.079404 1

Redhead 0.047003 1

Ring-necked Duck 0.015394 1

Lesser Scaup 0.048737 1

Ruddy Duck 0.084108 1

Scaled Quail 0.016942 Miss

Northern Bobwhite 0.068327 1

Greater Prairie-Chicken 0.004989 1

Wild Turkey 0.068793 1

Pied-billed Grebe 0.218389 1

Eared Grebe 0.034935 1

Page 26: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Neotropic Cormorant 0.214007 1

Double-crested Cormorant 0.229976 1

Anhinga 0.059333 1

American White Pelican 0.099431 1

Brown Pelican 0.189967 1

American Bittern 0.03076 1

Least Bittern 0.037888 1

Great Blue Heron 0.389923 1

Great Egret 0.464479 1

Snowy Egret 0.329377 1

Little Blue Heron 0.220211 1

Tricolored Heron 0.212403 1

Reddish Egret 0.079258 Miss

Cattle Egret 0.289321 1

Green Heron 0.228848 1

Black-crowned Night-Heron 0.085269 1

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 0.13669 1

White Ibis 0.199122 1

Glossy Ibis 0.008278 Miss

White-faced Ibis 0.119659 1

Roseate Spoonbill 0.175087 1

Black Vulture 0.438551 1

Turkey Vulture 0.717195 1

Osprey 0.130594 1

White-tailed Kite 0.04758 1

Mississippi Kite 0.036095 1

Northern Harrier 0.124015 1

Sharp-shinned Hawk 0.048184 1

Cooper's Hawk 0.082174 1

Bald Eagle 0.016102 1

Harris's Hawk 0.040291 1

Page 27: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


White-tailed Hawk 0.030166 1

Red-shouldered Hawk 0.157975 1

Broad-winged Hawk 0.08717 1

Swainson's Hawk 0.152951 1

Red-tailed Hawk 0.217657 1

Yellow Rail 0.007429 1

Black Rail 0.003597 1

King Rail 0.019383 1

Clapper Rail 0.04393 1

Virginia Rail 0.015498 Miss

Sora 0.094475 1

Purple Gallinule 0.030564 1

Common Gallinule 0.147111 1

American Coot 0.335442 1

Black-necked Stilt 0.260804 1

American Avocet 0.105257 1

American Oystercatcher 0.039275 1

Black-bellied Plover 0.104704 1

American Golden-Plover 0.056848 1

Snowy Plover 0.023811 Miss

Wilson's Plover 0.047595 1

Semipalmated Plover 0.083516 1

Piping Plover 0.035914 1

Killdeer 0.384268 1

Spotted Sandpiper 0.126875 1

Solitary Sandpiper 0.089704 1

Greater Yellowlegs 0.17847 1

Willet 0.198796 1

Lesser Yellowlegs 0.211185 1

Upland Sandpiper 0.073002 1

Whimbrel 0.063618 1

Page 28: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Long-billed Curlew 0.039862 1

Marbled Godwit 0.058624 1

Ruddy Turnstone 0.09029 1

Red Knot 0.016049 1

Stilt Sandpiper 0.053239 1

Sanderling 0.090598 1

Dunlin 0.079432 1

Baird's Sandpiper 0.04491 Miss

Least Sandpiper 0.17144 1

White-rumped Sandpiper 0.006764 1

Buff-breasted Sandpiper 0.011761 Miss

Pectoral Sandpiper 0.093696 1

Semipalmated Sandpiper 0.066111 1

Western Sandpiper 0.066254

Short-billed Dowitcher 0.054405 1

Long-billed Dowitcher 0.127273 1

Wilson's Snipe 0.04626 1

Wilson's Phalarope 0.041353 Day after

Bonaparte's Gull 0.016313 1

Little Gull 0.000289 1

Laughing Gull 0.360498 1

Franklin's Gull 0.082975 1

Ring-billed Gull 0.123908 1

Herring Gull 0.07974 1

Least Tern 0.107976 1

Gull-billed Tern 0.067121 1

Caspian Tern 0.075897 1

Black Tern 0.024256 1

Common Tern 0.038205 1

Forster's Tern 0.159199 1

Royal Tern 0.127764 1

Page 29: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Sandwich Tern 0.076903 1

Black Skimmer 0.074576 1

Rock Pigeon 0.248031 1

Eurasian Collared-Dove 0.249605 1

Inca Dove 0.221083 Miss

Common Ground-Dove 0.086889 1

White-tipped Dove 0.062938 1

White-winged Dove 0.550856 1

Mourning Dove 0.881764 1

Yellow-billed Cuckoo 0.074294 1

Black-billed Cuckoo 0.009003 Miss

Greater Roadrunner 0.075967 Miss

Barn Owl 0.012846 Day after

Eastern Screech-Owl 0.026174 1

Great Horned Owl 0.043588 1

Elf Owl 0.011367 1

Barred Owl 0.039651 Miss

Lesser Nighthawk 0.024853 1

Common Nighthawk 0.056663 1

Common Pauraque 0.019795 1

Common Poorwill 0.01254 1

Chuck-will's-widow 0.053991 1

Eastern Whip-poor-will 0.0082 Miss

Chimney Swift 0.287376 1

Ruby-throated Hummingbird 0.264176 1

Black-chinned Hummingbird 0.20978 1

Ringed Kingfisher 0.017825 1

Belted Kingfisher 0.12847 1

Green Kingfisher 0.024827 1

Red-headed Woodpecker 0.035335 1

Golden-fronted Woodpecker 0.219389 1

Page 30: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Red-bellied Woodpecker 0.299205 1

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 0.038409 1

Ladder-backed Woodpecker 0.178346 1

Downy Woodpecker 0.212439 1

Northern Flicker 0.016986 1

Pileated Woodpecker 0.064408 1

Crested Caracara 0.170584 1

American Kestrel 0.075324 1

Merlin 0.022901 1

Peregrine Falcon 0.02515 1

Monk Parakeet 0.01205 1

Olive-sided Flycatcher 0.003798 Miss

Eastern Wood-Pewee 0.077242 1

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 0.000508 1

Acadian Flycatcher 0.027115 1

Alder Flycatcher 0.001587 Miss

Willow Flycatcher 0.000761 Miss

Least Flycatcher 0.009213 Miss

Black Phoebe 0.020924 1

Eastern Phoebe 0.160084 1

Say's Phoebe 0.028371 Miss

Vermilion Flycatcher 0.050457 1

Ash-throated Flycatcher 0.096504 1

Great Crested Flycatcher 0.134072 1

Brown-crested Flycatcher 0.071615 1

Great Kiskadee 0.109292 1

Couch's Kingbird 0.114935 1

Western Kingbird 0.116884 1

Eastern Kingbird 0.220829 1

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 0.478439 1

Loggerhead Shrike 0.217833 1

Page 31: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


White-eyed Vireo 0.431077 1

Bell's Vireo 0.047682 1

Black-capped Vireo 0.022498 1

Gray Vireo 0.002791 1

Yellow-throated Vireo 0.074904 1

Blue-headed Vireo 0.077866 Miss

Warbling Vireo 0.059168 1

Philadelphia Vireo 0.014804 Day after

Red-eyed Vireo 0.18529 1

Green Jay 0.075715 1

Blue Jay 0.451114 1

Western Scrub-Jay 0.046363 Miss

American Crow 0.300882 1

Fish Crow 0.011516 1

Chihuahuan Raven 0.030689 1

Common Raven 0.057127 1

Horned Lark 0.033219 1

Northern Rough-winged Swallow 0.129566 1

Purple Martin 0.382507 1

Tree Swallow 0.139245 1

Bank Swallow 0.036849 1

Barn Swallow 0.605976 1

Cliff Swallow 0.220058 1

Cave Swallow 0.07299 1

Carolina Chickadee 0.388109 1

Tufted Titmouse 0.185103 1

Black-crested Titmouse 0.232514 1

Verdin 0.038426 1

Brown-headed Nuthatch 0.011866 1

Rock Wren 0.014378 1

Canyon Wren 0.045715 1

Page 32: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


House Wren 0.106527 1

Sedge Wren 0.045337 1

Marsh Wren 0.090659 1

Carolina Wren 0.460156 1

Bewick's Wren 0.165446 1

Cactus Wren 0.041786 1

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 0.287416 1

Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 0.007797 1

Ruby-crowned Kinglet 0.246394 1

Eastern Bluebird 0.177788 1

Veery 0.021523 1

Gray-cheeked Thrush 0.019379 1

Swainson's Thrush 0.108371 1

Hermit Thrush 0.039249 1

Wood Thrush 0.078775 1

American Robin 0.109722 1

Gray Catbird 0.190571 1

Curve-billed Thrasher 0.059936 1

Brown Thrasher 0.158146 1

Long-billed Thrasher 0.095824 1

Northern Mockingbird 0.937303 1

European Starling 0.511455 1

Cedar Waxwing 0.235659 1

Ovenbird 0.051606 1

Worm-eating Warbler 0.075701 1

Louisiana Waterthrush 0.047998 Miss

Northern Waterthrush 0.083604 1

Blue-winged Warbler 0.082437 Miss

Golden-winged Warbler 0.013998 Miss

Black-and-white Warbler 0.196589 1

Prothonotary Warbler 0.10556 Miss

Page 33: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Swainson's Warbler 0.025761 Miss

Tennessee Warbler 0.159472 1

Orange-crowned Warbler 0.188552 1

Nashville Warbler 0.207591 1

Mourning Warbler 0.000849 Miss

Kentucky Warbler 0.079259 1

Common Yellowthroat 0.229604 1

Hooded Warbler 0.146283 1

American Redstart 0.060059 1

Cape May Warbler 0.00147 1

Cerulean Warbler 0.037747 Miss

Northern Parula 0.183287 Miss

Magnolia Warbler 0.010595 Miss

Bay-breasted Warbler 0.005153 Miss

Blackburnian Warbler 0.033309 1

Yellow Warbler 0.071503 1

Chestnut-sided Warbler 0.027559 Miss

Blackpoll Warbler 0.029747 Miss

Black-throated Blue Warbler 0.001032 Miss 1

Palm Warbler 0.025569 Miss

Pine Warbler 0.046765 1

Yellow-rumped Warbler 0.296661 1

Yellow-throated Warbler 0.065 1

Prairie Warbler 0.007665 Miss

Golden-cheeked Warbler 0.041323 1

Black-throated Green Warbler 0.11264 1

Canada Warbler 0.011566 Miss

Wilson's Warbler 0.045984 Miss

Yellow-breasted Chat 0.119788 1

Olive Sparrow 0.06817 1

Eastern Towhee 0.014063

Page 34: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Rufous-crowned Sparrow 0.047194 1

Canyon Towhee 0.036553 1

Cassin's Sparrow 0.031757 1

Chipping Sparrow 0.204567 1

Clay-colored Sparrow 0.084409 1

Field Sparrow 0.054234 1

Vesper Sparrow 0.06195 1

Lark Sparrow 0.193144 1

Black-throated Sparrow 0.037874 1

Lark Bunting 0.016627 1

Savannah Sparrow 0.237838 1

Grasshopper Sparrow 0.042495 1

Le Conte's Sparrow 0.004743 Miss

Seaside Sparrow 0.024896 Miss

Song Sparrow 0.030517 Miss

Lincoln's Sparrow 0.288444 Miss

Swamp Sparrow 0.069704 1

White-throated Sparrow 0.200857 1

White-crowned Sparrow 0.208833 1

Summer Tanager 0.314645 1

Scarlet Tanager 0.128212 1

Northern Cardinal 0.976701 1

Pyrrhuloxia 0.05444 1

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 0.134098 1

Blue Grosbeak 0.112455 1

Indigo Bunting 0.318108 1

Painted Bunting 0.127535 1

Dickcissel 0.042329 1

Bobolink 0.002021 Miss

Red-winged Blackbird 0.621116 1

Western Meadowlark 0.024303 Miss

Page 35: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central


Eastern Meadowlark 0.18114 1

Yellow-headed Blackbird 0.033425 1

Brewer's Blackbird 0.031267 1

Common Grackle 0.22882 1

Boat-tailed Grackle 0.087962 1

Great-tailed Grackle 0.727411 1

Bronzed Cowbird 0.093231 Miss

Brown-headed Cowbird 0.431133 1

Orchard Oriole 0.241041 1

Hooded Oriole 0.036246 1

Bullock's Oriole 0.030101 1

Baltimore Oriole 0.141842 1

Scott's Oriole 0.030024 1

House Finch 0.280743 1

Lesser Goldfinch 0.122024 1

American Goldfinch 0.107317 1

House Sparrow 0.537898 1

264 7

Potential Total 319

Total Misses 48

Total Observed or Heard 271

Page 36: The Texas Big Day - The Texas Big Day The lure of a Texas Big Day has been teasing us for awhile. Texas is a mecca of avian diversity in North America. It's central