the sun. (new york, ny) 1913-11-23 [p...

t TELAMON CUYLER . SUES WIFE'S MOTHER !jys Slio Induced Her Daughter o Lcavn Him and Oct Divorce. ATTACHMENT FOH $500,000 Plaintiff Once Said He Was Pro-piiriii- fr liist of Now York's Social Klect. A' ritt.ii hinoiit for $500,000 against the trop'rt.v of Mra. Isabella T. Barton, a nealthy widow now living lit Alftme1a, fat. was granted jestcrday by Supreme. t'ourt .luftlro Senlury In n milt brought l,v Ttliiinon Cruicer Hntlth Cuylerrlawyer, .niton broker and social mentor, on the around that Mrs. Harton hail alienated affection of IiIh wife. Mrs. (Iraca Krton. who Is the dcfenilaiit'H dniiRhter, iJI Indued her to leave him secretly In March. 191", and to divorce him sulme- - ouentlv In California. The attachment cruiited on the ground that Mrs. Bar Ion l a t. It will bo nut In the hands of the Sheriff when an effort will be made to find property of the defendant In New York. Culer, who wan practising law In At lanta. ln at the time he married Grace Marlon In New York In 1900, went before the CeoigU Ijeglslnture shortly before his. inarrl.iKe and had his name chanced from i'ulor Smith to Smith Cuyler. lie Is now tikntlllid with the Purls hotisu of J. P. Morgan &. Co., and la the son uf the late Henry Hunt Smith, one of the best known mtton factors of tho South. Traces Ancestry ta 1BBO. He traces his ancestry back to a Cuy- ler ho came hero with De pevster'a reg;l-uifi- it In ICiO. He announced a few years jro that he was prepurlng a new list of tlie social elect In New York, which would the name of Mrs. Hetty tlreen, snd would be headed by Mr. and Mrs. U'orneiltis Vundeiblll. In his complaint t uIr, who calls Mnuelf simply Telamou Cuyler, a.iys he Married ilrace ll.irton on November 14, 1P0C, with tho approval of his wife's mother, the defendant, and that at the time of the marriage both women were persons of large Independent means, t'uyl'r says be was conducting u modest lut Kluuing law ptacticc at the time. Tin plaintiff ullegis that at all times lit il the greatest love and affection for Lis w.fe and that she letumed his loc ijtll the alleged alienation by the de-- '. nflant They have, two children, ilrace, II vears old, and John, 5. lie says h's vslte lived with him In Atlantic for Uwo si.irs, and that he was mettlng with success, but that his mother-in-la- him to sacrifice his professional areer and lemovc with his wife to New Vork. Cu'lil savs that from the time of his marriage until March. 191 2. when lis vvfo deserted him. his mother lived with I). in xnci'llona Alienated, Me a. if to tu.v niairitiRe.' say "Suhstuuent uvlr 'the ilelendant conceled . alUiiab th uffections of m wife and roeuie tin dissolution of the marriage. id bv throat!, promises and acts tend-t- o huin.l ate me before my wife and fale suitemints concerning my ac- - o". wholly rubbed me of the affection f ni. wtfr hi that she left mo secretly d took my children to the home of her lothfr at Alameda, Cab. where she has tl' e I Chilled." Cujlcr got some publicity two years agn hn he was running the cotton tirm of 'I II Smith & Co. He left New Yolk . v Atlanta with l3l,nort worth of bond hi possession, and disappeared from the tram In North Caiollna. He w:v .Ming four days and when found he w.i a Hate of collapse. He saitl he thought fit ti was going to stop tind got IT if ul a teb gram to his mother, Hj tl anil struck on his bead, and knew r.t!i!nc cb inly until be found hlnuHf a- strum. days later bathing his head over a TEA DANCE FOR CHARITIES. Br Held at morrow MacDoticll Club To- - X tta dance and sale will bo held at Club, l"! West Klfty-tit- 'i -- iteet. afternoon from U itil 7 o'clock for the benefit of the New x ik filing committee of the State Char-- i e Aid Association. M.SH Ituth, Uiaper will give some of r monologues at 3 o'clock and later there be erral fancy dances by amatiurs su iet There will be general dancing ft a d lea will be served by Mrs. Henry Ilnani Mih Joan XVhitrlrige, Miss l a i 'Idle, Mis. Duncan (1. Harris, Mins . I S.iwscr and other. Interesttd In a tiiurlty. A feature of tho sale will j 'ov table for children, for whom d.n.ssion will be charged. Tickets f r 'I'tertaminent and dance are Jl. of the patroiiisses are Mines. I aii r Huntington, lCdward It. Hewitt, ,i w of Hall liutler, Shepard A. Morgan, iui M Podge, William Church Os-'- i, Paul Tuckernian, Frank Sullivan 'h Krcdeiick Kdey and Kugene A. i ibln MISS McADOO BACK IN CAPITAL. .tlr. Ilnppnril, en Xllnlaler Kcojir the .elherlanila, Arrive. XVjiciiimiton, Nov. "", MIbb Morula Xd'si. daughter of the Secretary of the 'i 'as"H. Is vIsltliiK Miss Klu Uoblnson, ii ii,-l'- ii of Mr and Mih. Italph Itobln- - n Hiiltlinore, She wlU return to ' -l iKtun (in MiiikI.o , I'lc ne s Is appolnieil Minister from the . Hie. Mr. Itapiiaid, has arrived In V. jshiiKton lo succed Mr. Loudon, re-- i 'l i,ied to the olthe of ForclBti Af-t- i rs m his own country. I' mi Xdnilinl and Mrs. Kdward H. in iiKMiited their dauKhter to society t i ii'iiinium at u ten at Itauscher's. THE '."irlmU I'roin Liverpool and Qlleena. I ii iv n and the t'ontloent. H ii XX bite Star liner Adriatic, from 1 '"t r,i ,ni, ijueenstovvn' 1' Mr. XV. II Mr and Mr Klrka "i Lalhron. ' Hirbir l' ii V Jn II 111 'I 1...1 SEAG0ERS. I'l.irke II I'hlford. IT II Hum Mi. I.. H Tseddvll I'rench Xudie I'onia Una Cav alien tfn Muidloie. XI ' Ttxlliei fllKj HI lly ' .111 A a 1st mm " ' Tr .urn Ii '.ni i.nlliiii s M . K .1 t ijr Krneito olxrl Ookhchmidt Afternoon. MacLiowell S A M Mr. and lr Mcliiinald. Mr and Mr. XV, A j'err.v. La;e A il Poll' h )r and Mrs. Ii II Itadmnre. II K, Tlederaann. T t" XVynn. liner France VI' Cameron t'nrbea John U. A Leithman t'harle. Korh H. II. II Joy Mm.. Maaauuet, S It Newla-rr- The llev. P S Phrlau JiiIiii Iteilf Thomil L, de Sal tlge lUroneas de Uonuecaza de MartraU. 3. L Jni. MUSIC FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. "rninhmi) Concert Pairs Kiluca- - tlnnal and Tuneful Alra. The Symphony ConcorU tor Young l'oo-p- le under the direction of Walter Dam-rosc- h opened sixteenth season yes- terday afternoon at Carnelo Hall. The programme prepared for tho entertainment again followed the aim of these concerts In pairing educational opportunity In tnualc with pleasure and began a study of the modern orchestra and Its Instru- ments us bearlns last seanon's course when the dance anil e.v millions weio considered. The Instruments explained ami Illus trated were the oboe, Kngllsli hoin, clar- inet, viola and violin, Mr. Damioscli made the explanatory remarks and thu following playeis, In the order of th named Instruments, did tlio IIIUNlratltiK: llruno l.abatc, Ccsuie Addlinandn, liustav I.aligenus, Hans Welssmann and Kath- leen Parlow. The composition selected by the distinguished violinist In disclosing the vast ponets of her Instiumeut was the eecond violin concerto of Max Hruch In I) minor. A trio of Itcethovcn for oboe, clarinet and IJiigllsli was excellently per- formed and received prolonged applause. Procession of the Pllgrlmo," Herlloz's "Harold" symphony, afforded op- portunity for Illustrating the viola, while the opening number, Spinning Wheel of Oniphale." by Salnt-Saen- provided through an excellent performance by tho orchestra a line display of the separate Instrument In combination. The final orchestra number In the list was llneseo's first ''Humanlan Rhapsody." Mr. D.uniosch In hli remarks combined In a mnt Interesting manner the usual abundance of knowledge and wit at his command, In outlining his of for the coming he said that the development of the orclustra as a whole and In part would be followed Uh simplest of combina- tions, the llrt having posslbt been at a time when two or more shepherd pln.vod together upon pipes of reed, down to those of our which cm produce, audi unlimited variety of coitus and tre- mendous effects. SCHOOL ART LEAGUE LUNCHEON. Rapid t.ronlh of Society In TOO Members In Three Year. The School Art League, an Institution which has for Its aim the furthering of the art training of the pupils of the city schools, had Its annual meeting luncheon yesterday at the Av Hotel. The speakcts weie Itoheit XV. forest, incident of the .Metropolitan and enue de Mil- - scum of Art. A. Augustus Ib-al- presi- dent Brooklyn Institute .Museum; O. Agar, president National Arts Club, and I'taiik XX'. Crow nlnshleld of the On fur j .If ujnifiir. Hclnrleli Mejn sang and .Miss Molly Ilest recited The activities uf the league at present are Its lectuies on Satunlay mornings for public school pupils In both the Metropolitan anil llronklvn museums. both of which ale largely intended, it 'scholarship civet, to eight city school Kluduutos for industrial art study and Its medals for craftsmanship, which aie given to 400 workcts Jn the workshops of the public schools each year. .Jr. Carnegie gae the money for the medals this scar, Itobett XX'. de Korea t having gheii It last ear. Mr. de Koret in ills atldtess spoke of the rapid Rrowth of the league, which three ago was a meie cnmmlttoi. but now had about seven hundred mem- bers. The Junior league had Inci eased to 1,600 members. Ha cave hi assurance that the officers of the Museum of Art felt the of the league to lie one of plan their most Important aids a one of the Jamri Count Posae. fiom llatla Harini C'liunl their upon song, little horn "The from "Tho plan work season from form their time, tona.1 Paik John chief years work surest means of building up the public good taste of the future. ETCHING PROCESSES SHOWN. Interesting; Kxhllilllon of Mrthodx at the Public l.llirnr;. For the next few month. the piiiit gal-ler- v In the New York Public 1.1 bra r w'll be occupleil by an exhibition llluslr.r ng the making of an itching hit.-ie- t in th. subject I appareiitl and the matter Is here presented m m graphic a manner as to heighten the interest The visitor e the entire piocess. be- ginning with copper plates bare, grounded and smoked through production by mean of etching needle, burin, roulette, aquatint and other aids, the aold bath, the work of the printer to the print. Ill en some pictures of print lovers and pilnt shops are shown and a selection of etch- ings by the master of the art. Wherever poslble the actual objects are shown, plates, tools, proofs, counter-i- n oof, early and late Impres-lo- u from the same plate, print. illustrating changes piade on thu pi He, prints on various kinds. of paper and on satin. Processes are Illustrated plctorlally. Huhot Is shown smoking a plate, Iteni-bran- appears etching, Neureiither shows the Imp of the acid attacking the artists' handiwork and WhiMter la seen at the press. The exhibition will toinaln open till the end of next March. LE LYCEUM'S COMPETITION. I'rlaea Offered for Orlalnal Vol'l.a nml Iraiislatlona. Tl,.. Soeietv I.e Uyceuin. m order Increase the Interest in rrenrn iaiiKuane and literature anioiiK American women, has offered prizes rantrlnK from .10" lo J.-.- 0 for the best work and trans- lations which may t- - submitted. Mine, Carlo Polifeme, iiresliient of the froclety, .sesterday announced tin- - conditions of the competition. The subject allowed to the competitors are "The lnlluence of Joan of Arc" and "The HuiImii Hlxer." The Hrst must be In French verse and the second may be a tale or lesend ransInK In length from 300 to S00 word. Then an llncllsh translation of " Sovoys et Le Pen-sees- from "lai tlulriande do Julie," which must be done Into verse, is the third fea- ture of the competition, ManusenpiH mum kih "if;"" i tliere pseudonym, to .Mile, iteiene no .eeicici,i, 172 WashlnBlon Park, Hrooklyn. N. X. They will be received until tho last day of Janunry. The competition Is under the patronaKc of tlahrlel Hanotaux. COTTIER SALE BRINGS $37,047 Sin, t', Mtrnnsa l'a neat Prlee,f4H for flld Tapestry, Tim Cottier salo at the American Alt laancintlon vesterday develoiied lively bidding nml the total for the nnoii amounted to ISD.UJO, imikiiiE Cottier ale $j7,n47 to date. The best price realised was $th paid by Mrs. tapeatry arveil screen frame i jnest iv nanaU Mrs. William Thaw aecured handsome chulrn, payint: :i" H wliiKiiil chair and d chaise both upholstered needlework. Fowles paid 40o old I:ukIisIi cltot of drawers 'Anne stylo and laid for HU Knslltdi cab-- ! (net In lacquer of the name period, I Other unlet, fivefold screen I Stewart Duncan for curved o.tli Jacobean In S P. lllls" Jacobciin liulfet X', Painter for W and Jacobean armoiro to n. Wllllaina U'10. Th ial continues Monday afternoon. jAoiir THE SUN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1818. IkMRDtfffH boHirrM TEXAS TURKEY DRIVE GREATEST IN THE WORLD (Iiip lien! of It.lMMI Krivi-r- ' Tiisk In to Ki't'i I'oxx Ffoin (iniiiir to li'oot. t ', Ti x . Nox. '.: The "tmkey tinl" ni.i.s be barriil fiom society the country mi'r, but II will in Mr come into npiite in Cueio and sotithwi st TeMis. at lciiit not that tills section l most tint' esled and f.iiiillhr with. To tin- "turkey Irot bj some the "tuike drive." would bo to Ignore one of the binctst and best piOliiK Industries of this mi tiou. which Is 'the world's Klillt'St tut key PIihIuiIiiK centre. Hetwem .'.o.niio and tur-ke- s will be "trott.d" into I'tiiro this sear. Many dressed bird which will i.e hamrini; In Noitbciii pout!r sliop the d.iv before Tli.iiikKl Inn will trot olid Kobble with thousands of Its kind Into Cuero dtirlnc the next few das. Thi to Is no other, testis lty of Its the world, nn each of the four days of u.iMdv and fun making theie will b" "trotted" throim-l-i the its pannle of thousands of turl.'ss. ilrlscn III fiom i.oints milis away. Last year only one parade was liild. Ill which '.O.niii) birds This enormous IIikI; SWalllpeil till' "IK ""'I sk.i.ih.- ,.t ,,,fU :,i.,i resiiliid lii heavy financial In- - to the owners of the birds. Pour imi.iiIis. with smaller iiinnber of blnls in each but KH'.iler number In all. dihtrlbiitf d "wi the four days, will lie held this year (Sow "' oultt and his mlllt.u staff will head the "tint" on tlio second day of the ""li'tiiinu the four das of fistivitles Sultan and his court will rule the town, in keeplnir with the atmosphere cieated bv tin enoi minis number of "ttnks Mavor .1. M HalbT I.e v.ciluiin will be Silllau II Miss Qil.iv ll.ithboue of X'lclorln In. the inot beautllul Kill in enu uiii l,e Sultana i it cue. II 1 a a a a a a ). a from sunoimdlnK towns men and women will compose the court, svhlch o..i... ..,i Aiiltnn.i will head lay's parndc of nil keys. The from all Texas "till key ciuntlcs will follow- royn couit (in .....,-- i t; in me - spirit will bn dances aim i ..,..... n.., il III Ilie ,. uii...... ... - of rei-ln- n seems sunn."-"- . ,'.,.. the flourishes the abundance "tnrkex ccbbiii- - Yekrtll Mo-rlft- the "turkey inn nm to prime. lo I lie .. til be natural iiomc m mc part of the i,t itl tills section as in ii" mil the tln the the even eniei the I'niled H. un-n- - is .. . of natural food upon xviiicu .h- - i.leA, thrive wonderfully wen. in. in. s of wide raiiRes for their foraKlm.. hi d tl e climate Is so mild that no protection is necessary 111 order to raise them success- - f''No'twllhstandini; the Ideal con- - eome lull. ur hi this sect on. nunc?" ifler-- 1 ..,. i rul-e- il to any i Mlitriitr.. tlllttltS n the i - rnr u or Olll mole ti tunics extent were erectnl at Their cbtabllshnienl tesulll Cn.i-- beconilllK centre Ulptinuu screen i,..l..l s:,.t,.u if the being Otto lluriict. iiRent. hoiielit two iii,.,,,.,.,! ut of heie tlian any other place ... ... ... .... - ' wn.ul conso ot inn auuii in the country, e rout the of No i,i inn tttmiiti' in ast .i.iuii.ii ,i "' I........ curio nlKht and day In order I Mr Wlnllirop paid Pjr. for a nrP M ,iperallnn cabinet of ebony Inlaid with of , ,,,i,,e the thousands of tuihevs hioiiBlil i fnr :i ntiislr' cabinet III enmino i,, i,,. tiH. furiuirs. wood' and cbou.v nnd $4.1' for a The birds are dilven Into ..iHitni nenalssance and old n,e cunnti v roails Ilk" entile. I Iw-- I ror S7 for lotiRiie, In antiiie Mr. for an III gueen were a leather lo laSHs a ' cabinet Miss la coxed lo Is. a for l the .'oo.ono In sir. M.IUKIHCl .l,,,t th almost th' turkey in to ot mother over n.,..t.M h.iiii men colli I K nm ueni mm it, oust few ikon. The lai'Kost turkey .Inlia iit'ni' lu the United Slates place Cuero last when a r x nnn bens and uohblers was herded toRfthcr bv h dealer and driven thirteen mites it look the driven) thirty hours i, liver llic turke.vs. lull 111" birds) ., umlileii notion to III a Rrove about four mips rrum town, folic Ihelll lo coillllllir mil could thu In the Hlaiiu'lilellim pens. Tho work or lite or tiirkv bo.vs, an llie.v am called, Is by no alnecure. XVhcn the blids ant well meet with no trnie obtacle A Bountiful Thanksgiving Thanksgiving day was first observed by the Israelites after they made their escape from Egypt and reached the promised land which "Flowed with milk and honey." In this country the day was made an established custom by the pioneers of American liberty. One of those pioneers was Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, who also built a church and a brewery in Providence in the seventeenth century. This month 90,000,000 Americans celebrate the day by feasting, drinking and giving thanks for the fruits of a land which become the greatest and richest of all nations upon the earth. That is something to be thankful for, indeed. Nearly ten million of these good Americans within a short radius of the Jacob Kuppert Brewery, where stands the finest Brewhouse in the world. There be found the beer that satisfies most of these people the year round, and from there will flow the beer that will satisfy these same people on Thanksgiving, November 27th, 1913, the day designated by the President of the United States. sale by all dealers. JACOB RUPPEKTS IKmckerbocker The Beer Tht Satisfies Intel Kind said southwest Prominent with first Stan until lurkevs Hrst town Knormniis iriitiln took Into vear, look loiejt notliltiK march ilioveis, means and will has live will For Our Knickerbocker Beer is a mild, appetizing stim ulant which will add flavor to your Thanksgiving dinner. Our Ruppiner, a dark Bavarian style, is a nourishing liquid food which builds up tissues and aids digestion. Order a case of each of these famous brews and on the road the drovein have no il iff ulty Hut when a turkey drive becomes really frightened, a cattle stampede Is a tame affair In comparison, n is siaien The greatest catl-i- ! of trouble for the drovers Is the turkey's habit of selectins Ha roost. lie time without reward to tnc time of day, particularly Jf th. sky be oi roast ur the buds arc pass .K th. 'US'i a wooded stretch of road. On cloudy dale tin- diosers caiefully iixold the bott-n- i lands aiirl wooded sections, w In re the il irkncsi is apt to fool the birds Into that the sun Is sinkiim. Petoiiis of miles me sometimes made to asold the delay iisiiltniK from n p'ema- - your ture roost. iik. I luce the birds ilc-nl- to' -- top for the nichl or dav It Is impo-dl- ilo ' to force them to continue the march AlonK the most commonly used roads j for the driM'M there are - run-din- places at consenleiit Internals, which the I drovers try to make before dark. The turkey crop Is unusually cood this tiled year lilnl will be much ssed boat sear, which was a bad larcet- than last car for the pio- - diiction of the birds. Heavy rains hase tended to keep the birds from their best condition, but on the other hand they have caused mi abundance of fond, and the cool weather has put on the tinishliiK touches. The tuil.ess shipped North and this year should be the plumpest nud lamest of several season. An enormous crowd Is espetud tin the ' Cuero turkey trot. that the little city initiht not be able to care for the thousands sshn will w:irm over the place IliorKe H Hams, in clurRe of ' the "trot." re(iisteil the loan of ton cots of the XX'nr Department at X'asblni;ton, statlnir that the of ' Texas had this number on hand, nud that they would be needed to accommodate the xlsitors. flood Field In XX'nlcliniia linn, I'l.AIM'ini.P, N. .1 . Nov. H The weekly run of the XX'utchuiiK Hunt I'ltib this afteinimn nttiacled a Rood sl7id Ibid. The hounds wetc thrown In nn the Hiinillton farm, the meetliiK place belli? at New lltooklyn Pond. Alter a run of about elitht mlli s a check was made on the McCul-le- n fill m. The second cbeik was made on the Steennrnfo fiuin. I,. It. Sinilli was actliiR matter of the hounds in the ab senee of It. Finch. The follow Inc. ttnlshed. L. It. Smith, M. F II .1. J O'Ponohuo, II. A. ltoiirne. S. I. 1'iench, Col. C. 11, S. llellows, lleseiley lliown, Miss Margaret lliown. Miss MatKarei Pana. Mis. limwn Itolston, 11. S. Ilol-li- lltowu Itnlstoii, I tin Itolston and Huntsman llaiilsnn. I'lllilini Itiiiinera Heat r,rniiiii. The Clinton cioss ciuiiiti v team, with- out the services of I'apt, llauiueistei-- . de fcatcd the llrasinus Hall hailleis b n score of "3 to ax over the X'au Coitlandt Pali, ionise yestetday Cnpt lilcnn of FrriMitus bint out Secret of Clinton by laches for the honor dm In the fust time of l minutes nn siconds, "77" satisfy Thanksgiving guests. Anticlp.itliiK Adjulant-iiener.i- l A hard stubborn Cold thai hang on, is broken up by Humphreys' Sevsnty-seven- " COLDS The easy time to stop a Cold is when the shivers first run down your back, your bones begin to ache and you feel sore all over. This is the time when "Seventy-seven- " is most effective. If you wait until you begin to cough and sneeze, it may take longer. The Dollar Plask holds more than six twenty-fiv- e cent vials. At all Drug Stores or mailed. Iluinihre)a' Humro. Medicine l'o,, 1.71 William Sirctt, New York.-Ad- ve rtlwmmt. SXl.t'.s Al'CTIO.V. To-Morr- ow & Tuesday Also following (lays until hour uf ".ale, includinj; ThatiUscivini; liny At thi Gallork's of Filth Ave. Auction Rooms ;:53-:!- 4l Fourth Ave. i "th s, KXIIHUTIOV OF I'lio comlijiied piiviilo of Frederick WyniMns and Clws. Newman, t'oiitniniuu: a iniiltltiiile of t'ii nml intorostltm olm cts and iiiri't.i iiiR villus lil- - I'hitioso IVir'-ol.iit- i Miiiff Hottles, .latins. Anali , I'' v- ital. Steatite anil Wood Cal'Vllio llioni'es, Ac , ,I.isiiii'mv Ivory t ,irv itiK. Notsiikes, Ssvoril (luaril-Satsiim.-- i., Porcclaliii. Poitonc Ancient (ireek lil.i, Tanat llekka anil Ith'ulian XXiin-choic- e Miniatures, Art Medal nm v.irioiH Otijetrt ib' Vertu AID Mivnnil larj;c inipoi lull Piiinliiu;, incltiiliiiK Thomas Buchanan Hoafi . Masterpiece 1'aintinir. SHERIDAN'S KIDK. Days of Mile, XX eilni-si- l ly. I'rnl. v and 'Saturil.iy. Xovemlier '.'. -' and '.'li, at i P M eacli day CataloKUes m.illoil nil ri' iui- -l HKNHY A IIAUTM XN u-- t iotn. i I tilt AI.I. OXTi:ifs. ii" " "THANKS GIVINC TURKEY" slrlelly Pure ii) i.nmii I j.u-rs anil Havtnoinl i.Siiirt Pniattn-- IHrri I to NporOnit. Sin l,i X Famlli flubs. Ileeently Marled one nrrirr NX i lt iiniv I'luti of :io sisirtsninn i nrili-- r Pltlt-tiu- rrrrlviil Heads' express .1 lllil shell t)sters Xour l).tcrs lli'tt tier Hail III ni llnine HeiKr limn Siisitii". Islattil t mi Ifaviii or Hint Polnls ' Wire Orders lo X If (i MUX Its. Ilou-- VX'aclia lufftitiie, XVaehaprcatrtM .i iDci-s- si sl.orr i Open o.stn s Si Ictlv pn c onrn Oi su rs ilellv ert'.l I'spn ss li Ni-t- i Xoil. fnllowimr iIhj alter s'll.uiirrit P XI SI el tier 'I llri'e eallous aii.l tin sll-- Mi en ov stcrs uenvrieii I ti lu ni in N'en X'niU, Jirrn pir noi. I xtiri-s- s I' u It New X'o'k ami Hinoklsu, 57 in per turn. SITUATIONS XVAN I LII vl.Xl.t:. A rTPHNi )l IN' unii e ti ri u eniplov inetu llitllletl Its llllitlllle Bent leinilll illultesl I ef et euit-s. .XI iiox litti Sun I HOOIv'ls'HHPr.II ashler office tumim-i- . thotoilKliI) experleni ed , monthly hut lime, ililllv lln.inil.ll report sluht drafts, p.iv loll; hlKhly i ecomnietnleti L, I II.VHLLS. Hire lluslinel. 100a lies- - tr Ave HrollX j IIHN'TLIIM AN' wishes to irpresi'lit lll.uiu f. it till Ink- - or JnliMliR bullae III I'J lllllu ii. el West V.i on ti ciilllinUsl'ill hit-- a. no ilr.iw Ini; aiioitut nects.:ir A II Hus rilli.liillk'11. Pa, .1 I'.VNLSi;, ablest worker fur lllllllti' 111 lT.ll ' "f 'tll'lietll Km, .I HI'IIV ! - W't m '"'! Mlst'.l 0 WeMl t.iinllv enl Ire i'l. In SITUATIONS XV.tN'TKI) I'HXIAI.K. rilMl'.VN'lliN Itellneil ouns i;nif Heti iiiimuii wlshea position as romp itilou ulll Ins Hi tllivel, Adtlreaa It I!.. box 131. HPil H'wuy YDl .N'U ladv, heailllful il.iu.ei willlts position tta uaslstiiul to le.u-he- i of K kt a nil Inn, Addleaa It I. I.oxl.'l 13HI II w,il lil'.l lAHI.i: itiloretl wnuiHll, expel ieiu et thialrbiil inaltl. watita sltuutlun with ueiiens or rtr Is a t e ; will travel, nut inuss.iiie refer ences, 'Phone, ISM Harlem. Apt, 1 HVVITCIIHOAKD operiilol seven veula experleni e urenc linawi'i- ( N llos l.'iS Hun. HTKnTjiIHAI'IIIIH. !' ekperleme, nent uiiiIiHPiu., tl. '.ties plaie iillh .iili.niie int-i.- M VI link I 7 Sun TO I.KT I OH HI'MNK-x- I I ltl Ol. liIH.XIII.I'. tuiliiliv site sonthwent coi- ner Xlriii uinl VVarien Hla Jersey t'liy .Xbout 100x40. Aoylt, LVNt'll, 108 Mainulli Av, Mi ItMkRlltMfll rriiorkrrM, mmm. fix i Mi r-- - ji mi rot ti v i t !' In 30 ilavs hs' S niiem.iti ) r I - i i in li , i. i m II (ii' e .1 f.mner ,.t minister 111 I.I T n II s, hln I t .i i i. r At'' l' fh I. V! . N i in i I'n-I.- il "III it ni t.ii Vl.l.LS M IN - t Viol 1. II l V.n . ) 3i mi A(.KMs ,e- a:to,th OHO toil nn lii a . s ' ll eirs ,f-- t ' I . ,nc SI w ,i i i ii. ti - ' i. r -- ' ' nn" e ." Mile ! "I'll , till mo-l-- i I 1.1 A 111 U I lie. a ii M'CK ' n for ll'illilav ti Hie llr.ul-llf- l c 1st, ,er miles pen lie men 'tin e lll.i iiii-- .i.itn n w '. 'I' out t tire w ii ki rs. !,c Hist lu von i. Uhliur-lioi- XV xn i, n 1. ii as e. ii no VXt'l I'XI XM'll A- Ts Hete It -. iii w in sicii li. wlii-l-- ml. ii .t it in 'ii ilslli.e no. ir, rs-- , .t i pp. ar til- It. f. si w rile Inr p. rllct.l-- i r. ' cv to I.U ir i'.1 ' ' i . ill rl n. N X' XXI' lie if ine Ss Hell .i.i i I I ' i i i i 1.1 s II Xlll il I run t r 1, e.. of vi'ur "ill Pi :'"' ci of our lociil ii-- i ir-- 1 htiittvi s aril i l.K'h irn.iti t nuutc atilit. , l i t ,i i .uiitlii-- . lit 'ii-lt-- i, Mil Uf. , . I'lir I I et-i- W rile ! I . " ' - V ' ' ' I 'I , . S t. IV I.i ..1 eier VV It. s e- :u! s . ti. . I, .1 Tl. tlavtnn o XN LII minis isri:i't:i: niui-- i h'i ' .'.e Itnlv , p, pel tin. li lKi:tl ll' . . n.e-- i its hi .a Tl.:..k iiiinhiK II Loilew III. T.'ie.l.i ro,e.'. pieeil or rt'tfstnms lI.u.N . LI 1'iuirtiil ll.XII'XS'X llMll lo to . h.tlarV anii i her nn.1 If ot X t.l Mlt tlotl .'Hitler rre.illnc i.ti pump no ritK.r. i'iioti: I' XV MALH. wanted m ha-- lo is ( sp- 1,0(10 r 11. box i: i.ll'. Itallu l Mali I'lerks. I'us t I i,l lleseuue es. iiis" everswliere i,i t prtpiteil lis tortutr P. I'.lll servlte Si'iril.iM llxamlner rieo Htitiklel XXrlle NOW I i il.l PATTKItSiiN IMX1I. i:iiVlfi: Hi'llOllL. Iloi ht'stor. N X. t ie'.. it s' t.tte e st'll ui. m. in. letuil trade: JIM monthly inlium ,p i 11,1,, t.l tout. u . .p p. nil s f..t ii.nn of nliilll 1. In Imp VII. li te Inn S 1. 11 it S .ti IIH' ..M.i:..'l AN wanted Ublue. . it, fh.iri anil poll wines, pilvute p.irll-- s, una .i nil hut i inn nils-- P in Pn. is s ll litis lost STi:i H roll. Il Kill, He li.tiaea llltHLIt UK OWL. .. Hen. I, liitl VN'II'.O PlKt cl.isa .in llllei tltral Inuil-..1- is Aoitlv JullS IIV.VNS A l.'n. lluillllif ! .1 Av XV AM I'l' M ,. .I.l.ii Sun oil l' e l.n XNII llil'lic iU'LI'INIi Pa in XVANTtli. Huston, Mni it.ii iilteiit sixteen s oltl: ith ference Nl 117 expi uses '.iKt fit ii'ii' Mll.l.l.l. HLI XX N I l.ll I'PVI XI. K. II ill It i la I 1 J r . .i r tl I or.- lei. hi. ,tr erl t ( '' r tnt- -i e l :i I ! " c t S 1.. 7. v u II N to ii I is P K ii ) i i .ip I'l il.h, . s t ill easv I'l a nl eolollni: ii mil t. y ii i can infi ll .11 lUllstl.lieil pill in 'li it - in-- VND hi Dili's, a tr.s .s llalsteil, I lu- - HtslNLst ru AN ENORnioUS PROPERTY Immense IMoney Earner v ntiMii'iii i I. oi'i'imii Nit met inn) a m ' miles of u Willi .1 li ' '' "I 1" nil Itlns to the tin e XV l 'teBin li PJ) lire it tllvulinil" In t'H L.isi i.ii u now Him I lillsa l it. . hiiiiee. ('ill hla out VV'llle in nn..' l0 will e.ia'i a lini'O iiutiki) xx'bnt cull you invchi If si'Hs vou- - Pirn Income n-- urliv Addiraa rl, I'M.OII. lull 1'nik Av New Xmk. l'OXT MM'TII I'l.OHIIIA. Anv and all Itilurmuliou Riven i oncernliis; Ml,l-ll- l lltlil Milllll I'lotl'll Heat Klllpe ft till ciutuirv lu I idled M.n XV rile fni lu-f- iniilliin. .1 H Mi LP.NHON', Mliiinl, Pla. PINT. PI'.i'AN's. Mini II .loni s of Xlounil. Iji . iriowK them, he ships direct in private everyivhi'ie b evpienk and fielt'lu maki; iim monihly. wrltlittf muvlnc plclute II pttuu :,.0ii0 u.tom 111)!. auld ..VI M t ' I I'lllt till XX'e low I'l itMMiKH noovis to i. 7lh HI Large trijtit Join an-- ' XVesI roeni. 3d floor. ,l!i l..r Il ptli i a nr. IS WEATHER FORECAST Washington Predictions for day and For enalern Xpw York and anatk ern ei llnuland, Inerraalntc el on al- lies to-- dt probably lopal ralaa at nluhll fair and inme-uli- at coldert moderate aoath and KiinlhMesI vtlniU, Ne Jersey, fair I V and probably ; sonieiliat loliler mod- erate smith unii sniithwe-- t winds. Nnrtherii Nev IhiKlsml, liirresnliig elouill-ne.- s ; local ruins at night or somewhat colder modrats south lilnl sniilhwest winds. XVeslrrn New X'nrk, local ralni and iftlder or fslr, eoldsr, inoilernte to brisk west winds. Nil XX' Voltk', Nov, 23 A rentrs of low tiresmire wns Iniated over Mil travel, An spied lively .I.K. To sniirl and Iowa Hiid of limited energy the iiiu of generally iloudy inndltlnn In the central Mtates, the Ohio X'alley ami lake rulons and Into tho middle Atlantic States, with showeri In part of the Mlsxlsslppl X'alley snd ths Uk reKlnns. There was also a little rain on th east ceaet of Florida and In the north Pacific Slates the weather was generally fair unit the preure hlrh, M in ti lower teinjieriiture. prevailed In the Upper lake regions, the upper Mississippi X'alley, the snd the llncky Moun tain Slates, unii the line of freeilnc weather exienijert from northern Minnesota Into northern New Mexiio and ArUona. fronts were reported from central aaa iiorttiern Oalifornla tl was wanner In New flnKlatid, New I X'nrk, the Ohio X'alley and the Southern State I In thl. . 11 v the - m fair, following ihniw fen In the e.irlv niornlni, tooler In or the inorning, growing wanner; wind, light lo fresh souilieiii tn outh; average hu inldln 7" pel noil . Iiitrotneier, corrected In read to re lrrl. at A, M., SI). 31; t P M 3D.1. The temteisiiiie In this city Ksterday, recorded by the olflclal therinonitter, Is shows In the annrxrd table: ioi.i. i.i.'.! tin. 1912. .X.M M M l. M 1J M I'. U ' M- - 3 1'. M ..on 01 15 MM ..& d lowest teinpeiatute. .il',t III in A. M MARINE INTELLIGENCE. XI1M xi l iii; Al.U.XV.Xt ill PM Sun rise? ft M Sun et l.ll M.ion rlit! 1111,11 .Tl;lt 'IIIIS D.XX. M ,snd H'li 30 dnv Island :i.:m Hell fiste l.i) X' llllS n.xv t in Saniljll'k tio Mnmt lu ml Hell fiale ArrlTeil SX'I'I IID.XX November '.'I', s- - I'mnie, ln.'Ji A XI , Havre. IS. s I'ltii.-la- . 11 o.'i XI . Palermo. November 7, S Wells I'ltv, II III X M . Dublin. November .X. Ss i.orilou i astle. 'i IS ,X. XI , Lnniton, Novrrn- - her I .... Ss Itijra. .i A .vi . .m Lin-la- . Aiivruiner i.. s- - tnnania, an:. P XI . crlMnhnl. November It. Ss Mohsw k. .lai ksnnvllle, November m S .leCrrson. Surf. ill.. Novrmbrr 21 Ss Manna llata, November ii. Attnivni 1'noxt ni:x' vohk. Ss I'rlnr 1'rleilitih XMlhelm. at I'litnouth Ss 'raoruiln,!. ui (ienoa. Ss l unula, al liriiiia. Ss ('uriml.i. at SXII.LI) I'Olt M1XX' XlHIK Ss (mill Alltweiti S. WrtMlnnl.kflord, from llercen Ss I .ii e ii . from 1.1m r noi Ss Krleitrlih iler Urosse, from llrrinen S foltimlila from iilfi s lirr.iliie. from Havre. Ss Wal-- i rln Am;iiie Vlciotla. from ftamhurt. Ss N'laff-ira- . frulii llavie Ss Nlru-- i from llottetilam Iss s.vrittiiita, from liiivana. Ol Kil'INO S'll'AMSniPS. Sail y Mill. I'lose Prln Joachim ln'iialex . J0 V U 'I ai'.b' lite J.ini-lr- 17 .t JerTeiMin. Norfnii. Sill tie sail 'I uesilnj . ii, Marl'lies.a. Ilrrlnelj i.ii iVII'.MVV Inipertetl ori..ltill!ers ti.XT althniigli Northwest southwest November llnltlirore. Liverpool . II" It. I (l.llll. iit.miuuii. 1'HIIOVII. Illlllill Majaro, Itrrn.iil.i Miutl.h Prim e. Itahln H.ili lilr. Il'o Prim e lotilev 'thu Vllnnesota .IniiKtli-- Xteliaivl.. Jiicksonvllle i its of Miinuriituet v , s h II iiiillioti. Norfoll. sail i rrHhce. Havre !nlrsto, sotitliatui'tiiii Xl.ii ,ii allio. I a liiliiv ni s.tina Xtnrt'i. Jrimalcii Mav.iro llreliiuU Alriiti'iuin. San llntlltiuo e in a. lliivaiin Kioulil.-illil- , Vtilvu rp . Porto llli-- urlstan XtaUinns Molri-nr.ri- l. Havana Pioteu-- , N'i'm Orleans, I'oltirinl'i, lialvi-to- n Huron, .lai kst'tniiie Miullson. N'orfolU Callfornle j ruse r. . areoutvtsnt Phllau. It.hla. 1' llli'illlnrs ' eusinn.cis M Vmsii-rda- INVOXIlNIi SIKVXISIIIP'I. Due To-d- iiitcr.i . I Kvno Oriinle Nassau Xnillla. . ( olor'iilo ' ' Ki't.lirhe,-- I larlvithl'l . . t nleiliinia lieort-- VV.istlllllt'un. Viarv I.i nil Itlfnurtliey Uemlli'l. etl ttl.ile i'ltv of Xliinicoiitrr Perfi I'tlon Ill Paso. I'otsll.l'll Plslere- - Prln I'ln-- i I'rleitilch.. Ilvinti . Nru Due Xtinverp l.lnioii .s.i ii .lu in s.inui Lucia ... s, fiiranct'i X'olllUs. tliirnu Ilia Due Tuentay il II Krontulnzi-ssl- liursl. I nrl Sliur sitraio.'ti roncliii l'll of I'lil'linluis uuiseh al tiuikithlp at Nov tlui-ii- l nri li.irlllieltl I'ol (iolfera it. x i: it) .xi Ncurmper ?' 7 1.' A XI s :tn XI s .10 VI lino M t'.' ll M 11' KI M I'.' () XI '.nvelliper 7 ml M s :in XI s il A XI XI III A XI I.' I.I XI IS l"l XI X I ii lierpmil. I Hull . . Havil 'latnpli-- . U.lUi-sto- . (ililsiti'll tltpi'letl I ontlon si Lucia Porto Itleo I'urUs iflainl.. sav.i nn'ili in . Drlcaii",. Itotterdatn. Port San Juan Im Il.iriiiitlos sun I N'n.sau Nru Orleans .l.tcUsoiivllIe titilve.ton.. Noveiiiher SS, I'liilstlansand Ilremen I .Ibiiu. liltiKston. Havana Vlov XX Nov - has . pui. ' ' ' l. Veel. 1KI m ki ii m 00 00 m :iki im CI 00 . - c I ; A l x I -. l 3 'A I l 3 .Nof. I i IS Nov. . l.X Nov. 7 .S'ov, t:. 'l .Nov. Nov. '.'il ir, Nov, Nov Nov Vi uv N'nv i" Nov XVIieleaa 1 lie olll I MR Vfllfll. 1 i'.'.'i east nf Situiv li vrshTllllV s.e Cat '.! of HonU ' I. einenla of Nasal AKIIINOTON. :'.'. ed VV'.VHlll.N'liTli.N' S.iviinnah ...Nuv. mania. .Saiuly Veea. tun 'i ' .tallllllttoli all't liosplt fidace lias s.illeil I m s for X'llleflaul'lie Hie irnlaer Mnlth front sun tilean lor ,.iti Fran. -. o. he i Chester from i'i lor Havana the li.mleklllp Ni i ILiinpslilH u Tuxp.iu fur fin, the ile.tiovn I1 " ton the impede Itiials Tliotniitti int Tlnaey from Jaeksnnv Hie fm favaimai rm ii) ''ie ilcra lanii'tl In iUy Major .1 II tlllleil lo V'lj H.illt iii-- ' I'ol I' . '' I'uiltv tlel alleil limi nil il'' Lletlt iff lleneral Lieut Thl" l.ieul li J V I' Xrlhur Honolulu. 11.411 Sail, in A u I' u Jin p u innri XI to a vi il in M i: xt 3 ill p xt :i m .1 P it in X' on p VI xt p M III X XI t: xi 15 il VI i: in m r.'oi vi P vi xt in on A XI i;ii xi i: im XI p.' xt XI I' XI I' XI 1' M 'I he.e a 1.'. a 1.', H In Nov. U Nov, l: tl IT IX Nov is Nov Nov. Nov N'nv Nov. Nov Nov. Nos. Nov Nov. Nov. Nov lly east Th" The Xei.i X'er.i and weie r.'im Nov. III I til in' ' t i I l.X 17 III l.'t 'Jl III :" IS !.'. ts it "J e .11 XI al M il M In tl" a it. il ,1 II I" tliilll III ULU St, I" id no m lie euli r was H f Neeilhtim lu cominantl th Mnelj N'nv btilliatlot l.alveston CilhMltnr lialveston telleveil ami llrilei Three "eorei. : -- TIioukIi over (loll'eis in inc "'" the .Xpaw.Mitis i scores wen- IUI lieu in noil' .Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. milt's H'.i.K miles arrlv thlp and I'lf'H Lieut Nov. Nov. Nov. tlrti.ll lililil fourth t,enei,ii Lr'vlll tl'lall Outlaid navy l.aucil; ninetv .lacti '.'; 'lull lo-il- onlv with '.ol l 'x XX .x i 'ran . '"-still, , si. nnd II tirai (IUI with ss ii. x3.

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!jys Slio Induced Her Daughtero Lcavn Him and Oct



Plaintiff Once Said He Was Pro-piiriii- fr

liist of Now York'sSocial Klect.

A' ritt.ii hinoiit for $500,000 against thetrop'rt.v of Mra. Isabella T. Barton, anealthy widow now living lit Alftme1a,

fat. was granted jestcrday by Supreme.

t'ourt .luftlro Senlury In n milt broughtl,v Ttliiinon Cruicer Hntlth Cuylerrlawyer,.niton broker and social mentor, on thearound that Mrs. Harton hail alienated

affection of IiIh wife. Mrs. (IracaKrton. who Is the dcfenilaiit'H dniiRhter,iJI Indued her to leave him secretly InMarch. 191", and to divorce him sulme- -

ouentlv In California. The cruiited on the ground that Mrs. BarIon l a t. It will bo nut Inthe hands of the Sheriff whenan effort will be made to find propertyof the defendant In New York.

Culer, who wan practising law In Atlanta. ln at the time he married GraceMarlon In New York In 1900, went before

the CeoigU Ijeglslnture shortly before his.

inarrl.iKe and had his name chanced fromi'ulor Smith to Smith Cuyler. lie Is nowtikntlllid with the Purls hotisu of J. P.Morgan &. Co., and la the son uf the lateHenry Hunt Smith, one of the best knownmtton factors of tho South.

Traces Ancestry ta 1BBO.

He traces his ancestry back to a Cuy-

ler ho came hero with De pevster'a reg;l-uifi- it

In ICiO. He announced a few yearsjro that he was prepurlng a new list oftlie social elect In New York, which would

the name of Mrs. Hetty tlreen,snd would be headed by Mr. and Mrs.

U'orneiltis Vundeiblll.In his complaint t uIr, who calls

Mnuelf simply Telamou Cuyler, a.iys heMarried ilrace ll.irton on November 14,1P0C, with tho approval of his wife'smother, the defendant, and that at thetime of the marriage both women werepersons of large Independent means,t'uyl'r says be was conducting u modestlut Kluuing law ptacticc at the time.

Tin plaintiff ullegis that at all timeslit il the greatest love and affection for

Lis w.fe and that she letumed his locijtll the alleged alienation by the de-- '.

nflant They have, two children, ilrace,II vears old, and John, 5. lie saysh's vslte lived with him In Atlantic for

Uwo si.irs, and that he was mettlng withsuccess, but that his mother-in-la-

him to sacrifice his professionalareer and lemovc with his wife to New

Vork. Cu'lil savs that from the timeof his marriage until March. 191 2. whenlis vvfo deserted him. his mother livedwith I). in

xnci'llona Alienated, Me a.


to tu.v niairitiRe.' say"Suhstuuentuvlr 'the ilelendant conceled

. alUiiab th uffections of m wife androeuie tin dissolution of the bv throat!, promises and acts tend-t- o

huin.l ate me before my wife andfale suitemints concerning my ac- -

o". wholly rubbed me of the affectionf ni. wtfr hi that she left mo secretly

d took my children to the home of herlothfr at Alameda, Cab. where she hastl' e I Chilled."Cujlcr got some publicity two years agnhn he was running the cotton tirm of

'I II Smith & Co. He left New Yolk. v Atlanta with l3l,nort worth of bond

hi possession, and disappeared fromthe tram In North Caiollna. He w:v

.Ming four days and when found he w.ia Hate of collapse. He saitl he thought

fit ti was going to stop tind got IT

if ul a teb gram to his mother, Hjtl anil struck on his bead, and knew

r.t!i!nc cb inly until be found hlnuHfa-

strum.days later bathing his head over a


Br Held atmorrow

MacDoticll Club To--

X tta dance and sale will bo held atClub, l"! West Klfty-tit- 'i

-- iteet. afternoon from U

itil 7 o'clock for the benefit of the Newx ik filing committee of the State Char-- i

e Aid Association.M.SH Ituth, Uiaper will give some ofr monologues at 3 o'clock and later there

be erral fancy dances by amatiurssu iet There will be general dancingft a d lea will be served by Mrs. Henry

Ilnani Mih Joan XVhitrlrige, Missl a i 'Idle, Mis. Duncan (1. Harris, Mins

. I S.iwscr and other. Interesttd Ina tiiurlty. A feature of tho sale will j

'ov table for children, for whomd.n.ssion will be charged. Tickets

f r 'I'tertaminent and dance are Jl.of the patroiiisses are Mines.

I aii r Huntington, lCdward It. Hewitt,,i w of Hall liutler, Shepard A. Morgan,

iui M Podge, William Church Os-'- i,

Paul Tuckernian, Frank Sullivan'h Krcdeiick Kdey and Kugene A.

i ibln


.tlr. Ilnppnril, en Xllnlaler Kcojirthe .elherlanila, Arrive.

XVjiciiimiton, Nov. "", MIbb MorulaXd'si. daughter of the Secretary of the

'i 'as"H. Is vIsltliiK Miss Klu Uoblnson,ii ii,-l'-ii of Mr and Mih. Italph Itobln- -

n Hiiltlinore, She wlU return to' -l iKtun (in MiiikI.o ,

I'lc ne s Is appolnieil Minister from the. Hie. Mr. Itapiiaid, has arrived InV. jshiiKton lo succed Mr. Loudon, re-- i

'l i,ied to the olthe of ForclBti Af-t- irs m his own country.I' mi Xdnilinl and Mrs. Kdward H.

in iiKMiited their dauKhter to societyt i ii'iiinium at u ten at Itauscher's.


'."irlmU I'roin Liverpool and Qlleena.I ii iv n and the t'ontloent.

H ii XX bite Star liner Adriatic, from1 '"t r,i ,ni, ijueenstovvn'1' Mr. XV. II Mr and Mr Klrka

"i Lalhron.' Hirbir

l' ii


111 'I1...1


I'l.irkeII I'hlford.IT

II HumMi. I.. H



Xudie I'onia

Una Cav alientfn Muidloie.

XI ' Ttxlliei fllKj HI lly' .111A a 1st mm" ' Tr .urn

Ii '.ni i.nlliiiisM . K .1

t ijr

Krneitoolxrl Ookhchmidt




Mr. and lrMcliiinald.

Mr and Mr. XV, Aj'err.v.

La;eA il Poll' h)r and Mrs. Ii IIItadmnre.

II K, Tlederaann.T t" XVynn.

liner France

VI' Cameron t'nrbeaJohn U. A Leithmant'harle. KorhH. II. II JoyMm.. Maaauuet,S It Newla-rr-

The llev. P SPhrlau

JiiIiii IteilfThomilL, de Sal tlge

lUroneas de Uonuecazade MartraU.

3. L Jni.


"rninhmi) Concert Pairs Kiluca- -

tlnnal and Tuneful Alra.The Symphony ConcorU tor Young l'oo-p- le

under the direction of Walter Dam-rosc- h

opened sixteenth season yes-terday afternoon at Carnelo Hall. Theprogramme prepared for tho entertainmentagain followed the aim of these concertsIn pairing educational opportunity Intnualc with pleasure and began a studyof the modern orchestra and Its Instru-ments us bearlns last seanon's coursewhen the dance anil e.v millions weioconsidered.

The Instruments explained ami Illustrated were the oboe, Kngllsli hoin, clar-inet, viola and violin, Mr. Damiosclimade the explanatory remarks and thufollowing playeis, In the order of thnamed Instruments, did tlio IIIUNlratltiK:llruno l.abatc, Ccsuie Addlinandn, liustavI.aligenus, Hans Welssmann and Kath-leen Parlow. The composition selectedby the distinguished violinist In disclosingthe vast ponets of her Instiumeutwas the eecond violin concerto of MaxHruch In I) minor.

A trio of Itcethovcn for oboe, clarinetand IJiigllsli was excellently per-formed and received prolonged applause.

Procession of the Pllgrlmo,"Herlloz's "Harold" symphony, afforded op-

portunity for Illustrating the viola, whilethe opening number, Spinning Wheelof Oniphale." by Salnt-Saen- providedthrough an excellent performance by thoorchestra a line display of the separateInstrument In combination. The finalorchestra number In the list was llneseo'sfirst ''Humanlan Rhapsody."

Mr. D.uniosch In hli remarks combinedIn a mnt Interesting manner the usualabundance of knowledge and wit at hiscommand, In outlining his offor the coming he said that thedevelopment of the orclustra as a wholeand In part would be followed Uhsimplest of combina-tions, the llrt having posslbt been at atime when two or more shepherd pln.vodtogether upon pipes of reed, downto those of our which cm produce,audi unlimited variety of coitus and tre-mendous effects.


Rapid t.ronlh of Society In TOO

Members In Three Year.The School Art League, an Institution

which has for Its aim the furthering ofthe art training of the pupils of the cityschools, had Its annual meetingluncheon yesterday at the AvHotel.

The speakcts weie Itoheit XV.

forest, incident of the .Metropolitan


deMil- -

scum of Art. A. Augustus Ib-al- presi-dent Brooklyn Institute .Museum;

O. Agar, president NationalArts Club, and I'taiik XX'. Crow nlnshleldof the On fur j .If ujnifiir. Hclnrleli Mejnsang and .Miss Molly Ilest recited

The activities uf the league atpresent are Its lectuies on Satunlaymornings for public school pupils In boththe Metropolitan anil llronklvn museums.both of which ale largely intended, it'scholarship civet, to eight city schoolKluduutos for industrial art study and Itsmedals for craftsmanship, which aiegiven to 400 workcts Jn the workshops ofthe public schools each year. .Jr. Carnegiegae the money for the medals this scar,Itobett XX'. de Korea t having gheii It lastear.

Mr. de Koret in ills atldtess spoke ofthe rapid Rrowth of the league, whichthree ago was a meie cnmmlttoi.but now had about seven hundred mem-bers. The Junior league had Inci eased to1,600 members. Ha cave hi assurancethat the officers of the Museum of Artfelt the of the league to lie one of

plan their most Important aids a one of the


Count Posae.








"The from


plan workseason









surest means of building up the publicgood taste of the future.


Interesting; Kxhllilllon of Mrthodxat the Public l.llirnr;.

For the next few month. the piiiit gal-ler- v

In the New York Public 1.1 bra r w'llbe occupleil by an exhibition llluslr.r ngthe making of an itching hit.-ie- t in th.subject I appareiitl and thematter Is here presented m m graphic amanner as to heighten the interest

The visitor e the entire piocess. be-

ginning with copper plates bare, groundedand smoked through production by meanof etching needle, burin, roulette, aquatintand other aids, the aold bath, the workof the printer to the print. Ill ensome pictures of print lovers and pilntshops are shown and a selection of etch-

ings by the master of the art.Wherever poslble the actual objects areshown, plates, tools, proofs, counter-i- n

oof, early and late Impres-lo- u

from the same plate, print. illustratingchanges piade on thu pi He, prints onvarious kinds. of paper and on satin.

Processes are Illustrated plctorlally.Huhot Is shown smoking a plate, Iteni-bran-

appears etching, Neureiither showsthe Imp of the acid attacking the artists'handiwork and WhiMter la seen at thepress.

The exhibition will toinaln open till theend of next March.


I'rlaea Offered for Orlalnal Vol'l.a

nml Iraiislatlona.Tl,.. Soeietv I.e Uyceuin. m order

Increase the Interest in rrenrn iaiiKuaneand literature anioiiK American women,

has offered prizes rantrlnK from .10" loJ.-.-0 for the best work and trans-

lations which may t- - submitted. Mine,

Carlo Polifeme, iiresliient of the froclety,

.sesterday announced tin- - conditions of thecompetition.

The subject allowed to the competitorsare "The lnlluence of Joan of Arc" and"The HuiImii Hlxer." The Hrst must be

In French verse and the second may be

a tale or lesend ransInK In length from300 to S00 word. Then an llncllshtranslation of " Sovoys et Le Pen-sees-

from "lai tlulriande do Julie," whichmust be done Into verse, is the third fea-

ture of the competition,ManusenpiH mum kih "if;"" i tliere

pseudonym, to .Mile, iteiene no .eeicici,i,172 WashlnBlon Park, Hrooklyn. N. X.

They will be received until tho last day ofJanunry.

The competition Is under the patronaKcof tlahrlel Hanotaux.


Sin, t', Mtrnnsa l'a neat Prlee,f4Hfor flld Tapestry,

Tim Cottier salo at the American Altlaancintlon vesterday develoiiedlively bidding nml the total for thennoii amounted to ISD.UJO, imikiiiE

Cottier ale $j7,n47 to date.The best price realised was $th paid

by Mrs.tapeatryarveil


i jnest iv nanaUMrs. William Thaw aecured

handsome chulrn, payint: :i"H wliiKiiil chair and d chaise

both upholsteredneedlework. Fowles paid 40o

old I:ukIisIi cltot of drawers'Anne stylo and laid for HU Knslltdi cab-- !

(net In lacquer of the name period,I Other unlet, fivefold screenI Stewart Duncan for curved

o.tli Jacobean In S P. lllls"Jacobciin liulfet X', Painter

for W and Jacobean armoiro to n.Wllllaina U'10.

Th ial continues Monday afternoon.






(Iiip lien! of It.lMMI Krivi-r- '

Tiisk In to Ki't'i I'oxx Ffoin(iniiiir to li'oot.

t ', Ti x . Nox. '.: The "tmkeytinl" ni.i.s be barriil fiom society thecountry mi'r, but II will in Mr come npiite in Cueio and sotithwi stTeMis. at lciiit notthat tills section l most


and f.iiiillhr with.To tin- "turkey Irot

bj some the "tuike drive." would boto Ignore one of the binctst and bestpiOliiK Industries of this mi tiou. whichIs 'the world's Klillt'St tut key PIihIuiIiiKcentre. Hetwem .'.o.niio and tur-ke- s

will be "trott.d" into I'tiiro thissear. Many dressed bird which willi.e hamrini; In Noitbciii pout!r sliopthe d.iv before Tli.iiikKl Inn will trotolid Kobble with thousands of Its kindInto Cuero dtirlnc the next few das.

Thi to Is no other, testis lty of Itsthe world, nn each of the four days

of u.iMdv and fun making theie will b""trotted" throim-l-i the its pannleof thousands of turl.'ss. ilrlscn III fiomi.oints milis away. Last year only oneparade was liild. Ill which '.O.niii) This enormous IIikI;SWalllpeil till' "IK ""'I sk.i.ih.-,.t ,,,fU :,i.,i resiiliid lii heavy financialIn- - to the owners of the birds. Pourimi.iiIis. with smaller iiinnber of blnlsin each but KH'.iler number In

all. dihtrlbiitf d "wi the four days,will lie held this year (Sow "'oultt and his mlllt.u staff will head the"tint" on tlio second day of the

""li'tiiinu the four das of fistivitlesSultan and his court will rule the town,

in keeplnir with the atmosphere cieatedbv tin enoi minis number of "ttnks

Mavor .1. M HalbTI.e v.ciluiin will be Silllau II

Miss Qil.iv ll.ithboue of X'lclorlnIn. the inot beautllul Kill inenu uiii l,e Sultana i it cue.









from sunoimdlnK townsmen and womenwill compose the court, svhlcho..i... ..,i Aiiltnn.i will headlay's parndc of nil keys. Thefrom all Texas "till key

ciuntlcs will follow- royn couit(in .....,-- i t; in me -


will bn dances aim i..,..... n.., il III Ilie ,.

uii...... ... -

ofrei-ln- n seems

sunn."-"- . ,'.,..the




ccbbiii- -



the "turkey inn nm


prime. loI lie .. til

be natural iiomc m mc

part of

the i,t

itl tills section as in ii"






I'niled H. un-n- - is .. .

of natural food upon xviiicu.h- - i.leA, thrive wonderfully wen. in. in. s

of wide raiiRes for their foraKlm.. hi d tl e

climate Is so mild that no protection is

necessary 111 order to raise them success- -

f''No'twllhstandini; the Ideal con- -

eome lull. ur hi this sect on. nunc?"ifler-- 1 ..,. i rul-e- il to any

i Mlitriitr.. tlllttltSn

thei - rnr u or Olll mole ti


extentwere erectnl at

Their cbtabllshnienl tesulllCn.i-- beconilllK centre

Ulptinuu screen i,..l..l s:,.t,.uif thebeing

Otto lluriict. iiRent. hoiielit two iii,.,,,.,.,! ut of heie tlian any other place... ... ... .... - 'wn.ul conso ot inn auuii in the country, e rout the of No

i,i inn tttmiiti' in ast .i.iuii.ii ,i "' I........curio nlKht and day In order

I Mr Wlnllirop paid Pjr. for a nrP M ,iperallnncabinet of ebony Inlaid with of , ,,,i,,e the thousands of tuihevs hioiiBlil

i fnr :i ntiislr' cabinet III enmino i,, i,,. tiH. furiuirs.wood' and cbou.v nnd $4.1' for a The birds are dilven ..iHitni nenalssance and old n,e cunnti v roails Ilk" entile.

I Iw--

I ror S7 forlotiRiie, In antiiie

Mr. foran III gueen

were a leatherlo laSHs a

' cabinet Missla coxed lo Is.












to ot



n.,..t.M h.iiii men colli I K nm ueni mm

it, oust few ikon. The lai'Kost turkey.Inlia iit'ni' lu the United Slatesplace Cuero last when a

r x nnn bens and uohblers was herdedtoRfthcr bv h dealer and driven thirteenmites it look the driven) thirty hoursi, liver llic turke.vs. lull 111" birds)., umlileii notion to III a Rrove aboutfour mips rrum town,folic Ihelll lo coillllllir

mil couldthu In the

Hlaiiu'lilellim pens.Tho work or lite or tiirkv

bo.vs, an llie.v am called, Is by noalnecure. XVhcn the blids ant well

meet with no trnie obtacle

A Bountiful ThanksgivingThanksgiving day was first observed by the Israelites after they

made their escape from Egypt and reached the promised land which"Flowed with milk and honey." In this country the day was madean established custom by the pioneers of American liberty. One ofthose pioneers was Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, whoalso built a church and a brewery in Providence in the seventeenthcentury. This month 90,000,000 Americans celebrate the dayby feasting, drinking and giving thanks for the fruits of a land which

become the greatest and richest of all nations upon the earth.That is something to be thankful for, indeed. Nearly ten million ofthese good Americans within a short radius of the Jacob KuppertBrewery, where stands the finest Brewhouse in the world. There

be found the beer that satisfies most of these people the yearround, and from there will flow the beer that will satisfy these samepeople on Thanksgiving, November 27th, 1913, the day designatedby the President of the United States. sale by all dealers.


The Beer Tht Satisfies










iriitiln tookInto vear,










Our Knickerbocker Beer is a mild, appetizing stimulant which will add flavor to your Thanksgiving dinner.Our Ruppiner, a dark Bavarian style, is a nourishingliquid food which builds up tissues and aids digestion.

Order a case of each of these famous brews and

on the road the drovein have no il iff

ulty Hut when a turkey drive becomesreally frightened, a cattle stampede Is atame affair In comparison, n is siaienThe greatest catl-i- ! of trouble for thedrovers Is the turkey's habit of selectinsHa roost. lie time without reward to tnctime of day, particularly Jf th. sky be

oi roast ur the buds arc pass .K th. 'US'ia wooded stretch of road. On cloudy daletin- diosers caiefully iixold the bott-n- i

lands aiirl wooded sections, w In re theil irkncsi is apt to fool the birds Into

that the sun Is sinkiim.Petoiiis of miles me sometimes made to

asold the delay iisiiltniK from n p'ema- -


ture roost. iik. I luce the birds ilc-nl- to'-- top for the nichl or dav It Is impo-dl- ilo '

to force them to continue the marchAlonK the most commonly used roads j

for the driM'M there are - run-din-

places at consenleiit Internals, which the I

drovers try to make before dark.The turkey crop Is unusually cood this

tiled year lilnl will be much



sear, which was a badlarcet- than lastcar for the pio- -

diiction of the birds. Heavy rains hasetended to keep the birds fromtheir best condition, but on the otherhand they have caused mi abundance offond, and the cool weather has put on thetinishliiK touches. The tuil.ess shippedNorth and this year should be theplumpest nud lamest of several season.

An enormous crowd Is espetud tin the' Cuero turkey trot. that thelittle city initiht not be able to carefor the thousands sshn will w:irm overthe place IliorKe H Hams, in clurRe of

' the "trot." re(iisteil the loan of ton cotsof the XX'nr Department at X'asblni;ton,statlnir that the of

' Texas had this number on hand, nud thatthey would be needed to accommodate thexlsitors.

flood Field In XX'nlcliniia linn,I'l.AIM'ini.P, N. .1 . Nov. H The weekly

run of the XX'utchuiiK Hunt I'ltib thisafteinimn nttiacled a Rood sl7id Ibid. Thehounds wetc thrown In nn the Hiinilltonfarm, the meetliiK place belli? at Newlltooklyn Pond. Alter a run of about elithtmlli s a check was made on the McCul-le- n

fill m. The second cbeik was made onthe Steennrnfo fiuin. I,. It. Sinilli wasactliiR matter of the hounds in the absenee of It. Finch. The follow Inc.

ttnlshed. L. It. Smith, M. F II .1. JO'Ponohuo, II. A. ltoiirne. S. I. 1'iench,Col. C. 11, S. llellows, lleseiley lliown,Miss Margaret lliown. Miss MatKareiPana. Mis. limwn Itolston, 11. S. Ilol-li-

lltowu Itnlstoii, I tin Itolston andHuntsman llaiilsnn.

I'lllilini Itiiiinera Heat r,rniiiii.The Clinton cioss ciuiiiti v team, with-

out the services of I'apt, llauiueistei-- . defcatcd the llrasinus Hall hailleis b n

score of "3 to ax over the X'au CoitlandtPali, ionise yestetday Cnpt lilcnn ofFrriMitus bint out Secret of Clinton bylaches for the honor dm In the fusttime of l minutes nn siconds,


satisfy Thanksgiving guests.


Adjulant-iiener.i- l

A hard stubborn Cold thaihang on, is broken up byHumphreys' Sevsnty-seven- "

COLDSThe easy time to stop a Cold

is when the shivers first run downyour back, your bones begin toache and you feel sore all over.

This is the time when "Seventy-seven- "

is most effective.If you wait until you begin to

cough and sneeze, it may takelonger.

The Dollar Plask holds morethan six twenty-fiv- e cent vials.At all Drug Stores or mailed.

Iluinihre)a' Humro. Medicine l'o,, 1.71 WilliamSirctt, New York.-Ad- ve rtlwmmt.

SXl.t'.s Al'CTIO.V.

To-Morr- ow & TuesdayAlso following (lays until hour uf

".ale, includinj; ThatiUscivini; linyAt thi Gallork's of

Filth Ave. Auction Rooms;:53-:!- 4l Fourth Ave. i "th s,

KXIIHUTIOV OFI'lio comlijiied piiviilo of

Frederick WyniMnsand Clws. Newman,t'oiitniniuu: a iniiltltiiile of t'ii

nml intorostltm olm cts and iiiri't.iiiiR villus lil- - I'hitioso IVir'-ol.iit- i

Miiiff Hottles, .latins. Anali , I'' v-ital. Steatite anil Wood Cal'Vlliollioni'es, Ac , ,I.isiiii'mv Ivory t ,irvitiK. Notsiikes, Ssvoril (luaril-Satsiim.-- i.,

Porcclaliii. PoitoncAncient (ireek lil.i, Tanat

llekka anil Ith'ulian XXiin-choic-e

Miniatures, Art Medal nmv.irioiH Otijetrt ib' Vertu

AID Mivnnil larj;c inipoi lullPiiinliiu;, incltiiliiiK

Thomas Buchanan Hoafi .

Masterpiece 1'aintinir.SHERIDAN'S KIDK.

Days of Mile, XX eilni-si- l ly. I'rnl. v

and 'Saturil.iy. Xovemlier '.'. -'

and '.'li, at i P M eacli dayCataloKUes m.illoil nil ri' iui- -l

HKNHY A IIAUTM XN u-- t iotn. i

I tilt AI.I. OXTi:ifs.

ii" " "THANKS GIVINC TURKEY"slrlelly Pure ii) i.nmii I j.u-rs anil

Havtnoinl i.Siiirt Pniattn-- IHrri I

to NporOnit. Sin l,i X Famlli flubs.Ileeently Marled one nrrirr NX i lt iinivI'luti of :io sisirtsninn i nrili-- r Pltlt-tiu-

rrrrlviil Heads' express .1 lllilshell t)sters Xour l).tcrs lli'tt tierHail III ni llnine HeiKr limn Siisitii".Islattil t mi Ifaviii or Hint Polnls ' WireOrders lo X If (i MUX Its. Ilou-- VX'aclialufftitiie, XVaehaprcatrtM .i iDci-s- si

sl.orr i Open o.stn s Si Ictlv pn conrn Oi su rs ilellv ert'.l I'spn ss li ookltn.intNi-t- i Xoil. fnllowimr iIhj alter s'll.uiirrit P XI

SI el tier 'I llri'e eallous aii.l tinsll-- Mi en ov stcrs uenvrieii I ti lu ni inN'en X'niU, Jirrn pir noi. I xtiri-s- s I' u ItNew X'o'k ami Hinoklsu, 57 in per turn.


A rTPHNi )l IN' unii e ti ri u eniplov inetullitllletl Its llllitlllle Bent leinilll illultesl I ef eteuit-s. .XI iiox litti Sun

I HOOIv'ls'HHPr.II ashler office tumim-i- .

thotoilKliI) experleni ed , monthly hutlime, ililllv lln.inil.ll report ll.itsluht drafts, p.iv loll; hlKhly i ecomnietnletiL, I II.VHLLS. Hire lluslinel. 100a lies- -

tr Ave HrollXj

IIHN'TLIIM AN' wishes to irpresi'lit lll.uiuf. it till Ink-- or JnliMliR bullae III I'J lllllu ii. elWest V.i on ti ciilllinUsl'ill hit-- a. no ilr.iwIni; aiioitut nects.:ir A II Husrilli.liillk'11. Pa,

.1 I'.VNLSi;, ablest worker furlllllllti' 111 lT.ll ' "f 'tll'lietll

Km, .I HI'IIV ! - W't m '"'!




enl Irei'l. In


rilMl'.VN'lliN Itellneil ouns i;nif Hetiiiiimuii wlshea position as romp itilou ulllIns Hi tllivel, Adtlreaa It I!.. box 131. HPilH'wuy

YDl .N'U ladv, heailllful il.iu.eiwilllts position tta uaslstiiul to le.u-he- i of K

kt a nil Inn, Addleaa It I. I.oxl.'l 13HI II w,il

lil'.l lAHI.i: itiloretl wnuiHll, expel ieiu et

thialrbiil inaltl. watita sltuutlun with ueiiensor rtr Is a t e ; will travel, nut inuss.iiie references, 'Phone, ISM Harlem. Apt, 1

HVVITCIIHOAKD operiilolseven veula experleni e urenclinawi'i- ( N llos l.'iS Hun.

HTKnTjiIHAI'IIIIH. !' ekperleme,nent uiiiIiHPiu., tl. '.ties plaie iillh .iili.niieint-i.- M VI link I 7 Sun

TO I.KT I OH HI'MNK-x- I I ltl Ol.liIH.XIII.I'. tuiliiliv site sonthwent coi-

ner Xlriii uinl VVarien Hla Jersey t'liy.Xbout 100x40. Aoylt, LVNt'll, 108 MainulliAv,





i Mi


ji mi rot ti v i t !'In 30 ilavs hs' S niiem.iti )

r I - i i in li , i.i m II (ii' e.1 f.mner ,.t

minister111 I.I T n II s,

hln I t .i i

i. r At''l' fh I.

V! .


i in iI'n-I.- il "III

it ni t.iiVl.l.LS M IN



Viol 1.

II l


. )





OHO toil

nn lii a . s' ll eirs ,f-- t

' I. ,nc SI


,i ii ii. ti - 'i. r -- ' '

nn"e ."

Mile ! "I'll , till mo-l-- i

I 1.1 A 111 U


lie. aii

M'CK ' n for ll'illilav ti Hie llr.ul-llf-

l c 1st, ,er miles pen liemen 'tin e lll.i iiii-- .i.itn n w '. 'I'out t tire w ii ki rs. !,c Hist lu von i. Uhliur-lioi-

XV xn i, n 1. ii as e. ii no

VXt'l I'XI XM'll A- Ts Hete It -.

iii w in sicii li. wlii-l-- ml.ii .t it in 'ii ilslli.e no. ir, rs-- ,

.t i pp. ar til- It. f. si w rile Inr p. rllct.l-- i r.' cv to I.U ir i'.1 ' '

i . ill rl n. N X'





Ss Hell







i 1.1 s

II Xlll il I run t r 1,

e.. of vi'ur "ill Pi :'"' ci of our lociilii-- i ir-- 1 htiittvi s aril i l.K'h irn.iti t nuutcatilit. , l i t ,i i .uiitlii-- . lit

'ii-lt-- i, Mil Uf. , . I'lir I I et-i- W rile! I . " ' - V ' ' ' I 'I , . S

t. IV I.i ..1eier VV It. se- :u! s . ti.. I, .1 Tl.tlavtnn o


minis isri:i't:i:niui-- i h'i

' .'.e Itnlv ,




li lKi:tlll'

. . n.e-- i its

hi .a Tl.:..k





ro,e.'.pieeil or


lI.u.N .



llMll lo




anii i





t.l Mlt tlotl.'Hitler rre.illnc

i.ti pump noritK.r. i'iioti:




ha-- lo is ( sp-1,0(10 r 11. box i:

i.ll'. Itallu l Mali I'lerks. I'ust I i,l lleseuue es. iiis" everswliere

i,i t prtpiteil lis tortutr P. I'.lllservlte Si'iril.iM llxamlner rieo XXrlle NOW I i il.l PATTKItSiiNIMX1I. i:iiVlfi: Hi'llOllL. Iloi ht'stor. N X.

t ie'.. it s' t.tte e st'llui. m. in. letuil trade: JIM monthly inlium,p i 11,1,, t.l tout. u . .pp. nil s f..t ii.nn of nliilll 1.

In Imp VII. li


Inn S






..M.i:..'l AN wanted Ublue.. it, fh.iri anil poll wines, pilvute p.irll-- s,

una .i nil hut i inn nils-- P in Pn. is s

ll litis lost

STi:i H roll. Il

Kill, He li.tiaea llltHLIt UK OWL... Hen. I, liitl

VN'II'.O PlKt cl.isa .in llllei tltral Inuil-..1-

is Aoitlv JullS IIV.VNS A l.'n.lluillllif ! .1 Av

XV AM I'l'M ,. .I.l.iiSun oil l' e







Huston, Mniit.ii iilteiit sixteen s oltl:ith ference Nl 117

expi uses'.iKt fit

ii'ii' Mll.l.l.l.

HLI XX N I l.ll I'PVI XI. K.


It i

l a


1 J


. .i r tlI





( ''r

tnt- -i e






c tS




u II N

toii I is






.ipI'l il.h,

. s t ill easv I'l a nl eolollni:ii mil t. y ii i can infi

ll .11 lUllstl.lieil pill in 'li it - in--

VND hi Dili's, a tr.s .s llalsteil, I lu- -

HtslNLst ru

AN ENORnioUS PROPERTYImmense IMoney Earner

v ntiMii'iii i I. oi'i'imii Nitmet inn) a m ' miles of u Willi .1 li ' '' "I 1"

nil Itlns to the tin e XV l 'teBin li PJ) lire ittllvulinil" In t'H L.isi i.ii u

now Him I lillsa l it. . hiiiiee. ('illhla out VV'llle in nn..' l0 will

e.ia'i a lini'O iiutiki) xx'bnt cull you invchiIf si'Hs vou- - Pirn

Income n-- urliv Addiraa rl,

I'M.OII. lull 1'nik Av New Xmk.

l'OXT MM'TII I'l.OHIIIA.Anv and all Itilurmuliou Riven i oncernliis;

Ml,l-ll- l lltlil Milllll I'lotl'll Heat Klllpe ft tillciutuirv lu I idled M.n XV rile fni lu-f-

iniilliin. .1 H Mi LP.NHON', Mliiinl, Pla.

PINT. PI'.i'AN's. Mini II .loni s of Xlounil. Iji .

iriowK them, he ships direct in privateeveryivhi'ie b evpienk and fielt'lu

maki; iim monihly. wrltlittf muvlnc plclute

II pttuu





..VIM t '


I'lllttill XX'e


I'l itMMiKH noovis to i.

7lh HILarge trijtit


an-- ' XVesIroeni. 3d floor.


Ilptli i a




Washington Predictions forday and

For enalern Xpw York and anatkern ei llnuland, Inerraalntc el on al-

lies to-- dt probably lopal ralaa atnluhll fair and inme-uli- at

coldert moderate aoath andKiinlhMesI vtlniU,

Ne Jersey, fair I V and probably; sonieiliat loliler mod-

erate smith unii sniithwe-- t winds.Nnrtherii Nev IhiKlsml, liirresnliig elouill-ne.- s

; local ruins at night orsomewhat colder modrats

south lilnl sniilhwest winds.XVeslrrn New X'nrk, local ralni and iftlder

or fslr, eoldsr,inoilernte to brisk west winds.

Nil XX' Voltk', Nov, 23 A rentrs oflow tiresmire wns Iniated over Mil






sniirl and Iowa Hiid oflimited energy the iiiu of generallyiloudy inndltlnn In the central Mtates, theOhio X'alley ami lake rulons and Into thomiddle Atlantic States, with showeri Inpart of the Mlsxlsslppl X'alley snd ths UkreKlnns.

There was also a little rain on th eastceaet of Florida and In the north PacificSlates

the weather was generally fairunit the preure hlrh,

M in ti lower teinjieriiture. prevailed In theUpper lake regions, the upper MississippiX'alley, the snd the llncky Mountain Slates, unii the line of freeilnc weatherexienijert from northern MinnesotaInto northern New Mexiio and ArUona.

fronts were reported from central aaaiiorttiern Oalifornla

tl was wanner In New flnKlatid, NewI X'nrk, the Ohio X'alley and the Southern

StateI In thl. . 11 v the - m fair, followingihniw fen In the e.irlv niornlni, tooler In


the inorning, growing wanner; wind, lightlo fresh souilieiii tn outh; average huinldln 7" pel noil . Iiitrotneier, correctedIn read to re lrrl. at A, M., SI). 31; tP M 3D.1.

The temteisiiiie In this city Ksterday,recorded by the olflclal therinonitter, Is showsIn the annrxrd table:

ioi.i. i.i.'.! tin. 1912..X.M M M l. M

1J M I'. U ' M- -3 1'. M ..on 01 15 MM ..& d

lowest teinpeiatute. .il',t III in A. M


XI1M xi l iii; Al.U.XV.Xtill PM

Sun rise? ft M Sun et l.ll M.ion rlit!1111,11 .Tl;lt 'IIIIS D.XX.


,snd H'li 30 dnv Island :i.:m Hell fistel.i) X' llllS n.xv

t inSaniljll'k tio Mnmt lu ml Hell fiale

ArrlTeil SX'I'I IID.XX November '.'I',s- - I'mnie, ln.'Ji A XI , Havre. IS.s I'ltii.-la-. 11 o.'i XI . Palermo. November 7,S Wells I'ltv, II III X M . Dublin. November .X.

Ss i.orilou i astle. 'i IS ,X. XI , Lnniton, Novrrn- -her I ....Ss Itijra. .i A .vi . .m Lin-la-

. Aiivruiner i..s- - tnnania, an:. P XI . crlMnhnl. November It.Ss Mohsw k. .lai ksnnvllle, November mS .leCrrson. Surf. ill.. Novrmbrr 21Ss Manna llata, November ii.

Attnivni 1'noxt ni:x' vohk.Ss I'rlnr 1'rleilitih XMlhelm. at I'litnouthSs 'raoruiln,!. ui (ienoa.Ss l unula, al liriiiia.Ss ('uriml.i. at

SXII.LI) I'Olt M1XX' XlHIKSs (mill AlltweitiS. WrtMlnnl.kflord, from llercenSs I .ii e ii . from 1.1m r noiSs Krleitrlih iler Urosse, from llrrinenS foltimlila from iilfis lirr.iliie. from Havre.Ss Wal-- i rln Am;iiie Vlciotla. from ftamhurt.Ss N'laff-ira- . frulii llavieSs Nlru-- i from llottetilamIss s.vrittiiita, from liiivana.

Ol Kil'INO S'll'AMSniPS.Sail y


Prln Joachim ln'iialex . J0 V U

'I ai'.b' lite J.ini-lr-

17 .t JerTeiMin. Norfnii.


tie sail 'I uesilnj .

ii, Marl'lies.a. Ilrrlnelj












. II" It. I (l.llll. iit.miuuii.1'HIIOVII. IlllllillMajaro, Itrrn.iil.iMiutl.h Prim e. ItahlnH.ili lilr. Il'o

Prim e lotilev 'thuVllnnesota .IniiKtli--Xteliaivl.. Jiicksonvlllei its of Miinuriituet v , s hII iiiillioti. Norfoll.

sail i

rrHhce. Havre!nlrsto, sotitliatui'tiiii

Xl.ii ,ii allio. I a liiliiv nis.tina Xtnrt'i. JrimalciiMav.iro llreliiuUAlriiti'iuin. San llntlltiuo

e in a. lliivaiinKioulil.-illil-, Vtilvu . Porto llli--

urlstan XtaUinnsMolri-nr.ri- l. HavanaPioteu-- , N'i'm Orleans,I'oltirinl'i, lialvi-to- nHuron, .lai kst'tniiieMiullson. N'orfolU

Callfornlej ruse r. .

areoutvtsnt Phllau. It.hla.








iiitcr.i .

I KvnoOriinle NassauXnillla. .

( olor'iilo'' Ki't.lirhe,-- I

larlvithl'l . .

t nleiliinialieort-- VV.istlllllt'un.Viarv I.i nilItlfnurtlieyUemlli'l.

etl ttl.ilei'ltv of XliinicoiitrrPerfi I'tlonIll Paso.

I'otsll.l'llritil.milPlslere- -

Prln I'ln-- i I'rleitilch..Ilvinti .



.s.i ii .lu ins.inui Lucia ...s, fiiranct'iX'olllUs.tliirnu

IliaDue Tuentay

il IIKrontulnzi-ssl-liursl.I nrl Sliursitraio.'tironcliiil'll of I'lil'linluis

uuiseh altiuikithlp at


tlui-ii- lnri


(iolferait. x

i: it) .xi

Ncurmper ?'7 1.' A XI

s :tn XI

s .10 VI

lino Mt'.' ll M11' KI M

I'.' () XI

'.nvelliper7 ml Ms :in XIs il A XI XI


I.' I.I XI

IS l"l XI

X I ii


Hull . .

Havil'latnpli-- .

U.lUi-sto- .

(ililsiti'lltltpi'letlI ontlonsi LuciaPorto ItleoI'urUs iflainl..sav.i nn'ili

in .



PortSan JuanImIl.iriiiitlossun I

N'n.sauNru Orleans.l.tcUsoiivllIetitilve.ton..Noveiiiher SS,

I'liilstlansandIlremenI .Ibiiu.liltiKston.Havana


XX Nov -




'' '












- cI




xI-. l3


I l


.Nof. I i


. l.XNov. 7







Nov Viuv

N'nv i"Nov

XVIieleaa 1 lie olll I MR Vfllfll.1 i'.'.'i east nf Situiv

li vrshTllllVs.e Cat '.! of HonU

' I.

einenla of NasalAKIIINOTON. :'.'.




mania. .Saiuly

Veea.tun 'i '

.tallllllttoli all'

liosplt fidace lias s.illeil I ms for X'llleflaul'lie Hie irnlaer Mnlth front sun tilean lor ,.iti Fran. -. o.

he i Chester from i'i lorHavana the li.mleklllp Ni i ILiinpslilH u

Tuxp.iu fur fin, the ile.tiovn I1 "ton the impede Itiials Tliotniitti intTlnaey from Jaeksnnv Hie fm favaimai

rm ii)


ilcra lanii'tl In iUyMajor .1 II

tlllleil lo V'lj H.illt iii-- 'I'ol I' . ''I'uiltv tlel alleil limi

nil il'' Lletltiff lleneral



li J


I' Xrlhur



Sail,in A u

I' uJin p u

innri XI

to a viil in M

i: xt3 ill p xt:i m.1 P it

in X'

on p VI

xtp M


t: xi15 il VI

i: in m

r.'oi vi

P vixt

in on A XI

i;ii xii: im XI

p.' xtXI



1' M

'I he.e a





InNov. UNov, l:

















I til in' ' t











.11 XI




tl"a it.

il ,1 II I"tliilll III ULU

St, I"





euli r wasH f Neeilhtim lu cominantl th









Three "eorei.: -- TIioukIi over

(loll'eis in inc "'"the .Xpaw.Mitis i

scores wen- IUI lieu in


















tlrti.lllililil fourth




navy l.aucil;

ninetv .lacti '.';'lull lo-il- onlv

with '.ol l 'x XX .x i 'ran . '"-still,

, si. nnd II tirai (IUI

with ss ii. x3.