by randolph of the season's jnton .atest books...

8 CRITICAL REVIEWS OF THE SEASON'S T .ATEST BOOKS Joseph C. Lincoln on Cape Cod Again Fiction by Barbour. Curwood, Bachcllcr and Others. Maurice Hewlett Mingles Autobiography With Talcs of Fairy Folk The Agitating Sex. Volumes of Practical Information "Libraries." Biog- raphy. Science and Theology. Th t. rjrvvill .f i. ;. nriii;iiiit;ini III I Jrwpll '. I.,n. . Il.' 'Mr I'imII'-- r.iii. nt- i Aii'.i-'im- . ) ilf tilfillj I"1KUU. Mr. 1'iati Ii.mi.'i If tin- - ."my ninl in - iniM-mur- tutu In vv 111 the Ihlllf'l .i!i-t- . Willi 1U nlil fnf, Nati' Si ihIiIit, ami with III." iIi'llKlitfiil Kure-k- Svvnllnvv. nnvv ilcvnlnpi il Inlnj lw tcKi tnl l.'in t" Mr. Stm ktmi'- - I'umnii.i I'lii" iiitia lit tlic xunlinritiiii ntc .uivi-tr- m I'limiuli mill mmy mil." flniiuthly. tm Mr. I.lni'uln ha in milt the- - nil "f I'NiMinliiiit vvnhniit l.i'tr.iylnt; thr th. II hj '!". . Vi-t- , in .1 vvav, ili' Ml'' N Inu, for it iIimIk I'liH'tly mi!i ill'1 inuph' of tlio Fiutiim r li".ii"ii r ri, iranm-- tn thr t'npn ami vlili ii ntT.uf In tin UTi-n- Mni lil miti.ili Tin' ninltiii Itnn 'ltll ItH .ll"lllll IllllLltil lllli.ll! JUft IIM writ fiv .1 n win t Tin'' nivvn nirrily a .1 hailcyi mili'l mill tin1 IiatlWH 11 II MM t nf (IlllU rlll'lll" tllilt mmini'iitK mi what niTiir.i. IIv-- yw hrie rpmltilM ' tn'os uf Mr. Lim-nl- Mnrlc.i crop up: I'N ri:il ln-- I In- - pictiitociliii' r.iM'.il wli'i mitrii the eanltnritiin. This in.iy I"' ili'.ilinu ! imIy vvitli n Mnry in until' trntmaM mul Intrnilnl tn i n t t t.iln. Tlmt pinpiin' It fulfils ailmiialil.v, mul It prnvlil'-.- s thr roaili-- r with in.iny n luiuly lmmli. HV hope Mr. I.itviiln will imt tin nf thi fldel nnil Mill l.i'i iivv.iv fmtii the liu e'ltle. for vvhli'h I"' serine tn hiinUi'l'. s : elm.. I'i'itii- - iMuK. Imt thi mrv i hrlc'.ite r ii iilitis thin nvt "f thi.-- fcason's Hi linn. I omr Ni'll rictiiin, i Tt ! too Kul that li.iipll II' 111. v P..I!'- - hour flintilit lii'Uln tn tnKf hlin-i-- if soil- - misty nnil ti v t" lin pinlilrnii intn tho InVii t.lh tin iliixIn-- nlf n pii'ttlH. ' In s- - i ApplH'ins ho ' hrinps lr oiiiii: rmipli' .timi'thor ' natiirall. thf Kiri .nul tho ntnh mo to omh mlur mul tn I In- - ninii r nnil tho Imrm.iMiiK N i hmtnliv.' with- - out tfio intioh ctiKhlni:. riifinliinntoiv thp yniinu m ill - voty ru li nml tlio alrl Is poor, tho author m riii tn tho ifloa that tho arNtm ra. v of wi.ilth In Amorlui noail,is. I.ko in ills In Kiirop. . r.iiinnt ni.uiv nit nf iti uivn rlat-.- , mi tin- hornoM-tt- liltiiM-l- l i in il.o tho Kill llM' with him wlthiutt m.iri-iiiuo- . whllo Mio tichts m:aln?t hor itii' nin-- . Tho omi1i Is mii'h talk iihnnt ' v.hat woro ntvo ivannloil n tllloit wh:, Ii I-.- n it nf plnio In n lluht suminrr !t"r.v. ami whloli wo ni" nlil fanhlnnoil onnimh tn i ovarii :ih lihi llmih j on Mioloty. A urv oapal'lo horn oim nrittor j Ftralcht In .i small liiythl.'al (Jorman principality, aoourclln tn tho i stall-llsho- il nil'" of nih ont ut'o stnrn. In Italpll A. irmilwIM S "Tlio Miii lllii't K Affair' iSnllv n:nl Klomtoi.ii, Now York i Tlio Inrliloiita mo iitniiishina. i httt follow mi oaoh iithor protty nat- urally, ' thouah tho illaltis nto illnwril tn porfoct tl.oir plans inn oi.'y in nrdor tlio honi may his o. rrllont iniilitios. Tluio aio pioity .nul uniiil hits uf rhaniitor: thp ortoiprisn.i: tipnriir is mailo tn lit In flPMormi-l- y nml tho oml . us ilra-mat- lr as it is imoiootPil, Tin ro is lit t lo room for m ium.iht nnw.iilays in tllOl-- llM Oil) III O lilt'-- . Illlt tlllS llllO well i''iii"triiotii, o.jtins arnl '""i ncrroniilj. Th" aiitli"f nvis iinmusi. of iloini; lii.tti I . ' It is a ontahIo Sir tialahail that .Tamos Olivor ('iiiimuhI ilisonwi s ninntit: tho .SVirthwo-t- ol ii Muiititoil INilloo In "Ifwhf'l ' lllaipi rsi. His i,. ,,f Invo Is hoaiilifiil an. I nml In- - hulils tn it 'iini-to!i- tl in tli.. oml. Sooral ' M'Cirx in tho Atrtir ilil nio ih- - ;.onlioil with unat vlvlilnoss, ami in m far tho stoiy is wi'll worth ro.iillnir. Tho t..o i.f tho outlaw whom tho hom lunioois is r.niiir oiio'ipiv nuiiiiir.i-tnntl- Ins iiffuuec s inn. that winilil liaidlv moot with outnloiiiiiailoii in tin-A'- ami his w null rlnas ta tho joail. rr'n onilulity. Afur tin- - sttuni; tho ailtlii.f lIo.s nf tho toril-lil- p liiiiolliioss of iho Nnrllioru mil it Is illsoiHipoMInu tn hnvo jio iili. turn up nnil moot ai o'i'Ual i.mos sn ioail-ll- It is im tin r illff.nilt tun tn aoooit tho hrrnino's tiasfor or ntfppilun, I'lnlii tlio stait ti. ii.Mili.r uiulor-Ftuml- s thai Vinuio K. Ci.i. in "Ti,. Moan f.f Nmht Wpiif llimlil, Mrail nml romriinvi menus tn .o lnii-n-o- , Sho rontiints tin- - nllo viiluo nf tho Wost with, tho mass uf i .iniiptli.ii whloh tho Kum: Mitiols fi.r, miv.ii.-- maliloii is nfton inii ii thmiuh wo onulil wish that it win- mailo oaillor sho is i,,,l a S Wash lllllfliloinl. Tlio lumlior oamp 'iml Us winking anil tlio Broat fotost Hi i i..M-rl.i- i with vlcor ami iiii'lortamlluu. Thoio mo hints ihat tlio antlmr has toail up on foropti. mi fiiiiu i viitimi ami mi frauils nn (invoi iimi ni lainls. Thoio i.s an inn. .inn of vill,iln.. Iimvovor, ttlllt llollillKS lu II Inttop tll.lllu uf Uti r- - ntiil o anil ilo'r.ioi.s mm h I rum iin ri al Itttorost III tli" slut v. Thai llos in . honi'd lomnlim hnw tn iln iho i,,h be lin." iinuortalior, tno tnoaii irni luaniior In whli'li ho soiilis his oarlior ilifl'ioul. tirs hanllv Ills lu with what oharaoter ho ilispla. s in tlio Mnry, Thoro may ,o plonMiro In Itu Uinc n rioaii Unnkoy n will as a iImiij; in.n, that is iho sou nf ninii'-oiuo- luiim I'.irliollrr lnl.os wlnn ho iliilnllis tho pumpmiH pnlitlol.His ho I. now In hN l.ny-hoo- d n "Tho TurniiiK of nrlKCfliv'1 (Hatpol), Thoy havo put oiani;oil sinoo t lion, thiniuli iliov ma" no li.riKor imliato i,ino S'i.,.stor. y shnulil Imvo pn fi i i oil iiniro uhuiit tiio huy.i In tho run in ry umu of whom Im uhos us KlImpM s, ami of tin- - ploasant .lays that he rir,ils. .n om ini tio mm protty ii I, ri i v i.i. nu i.,i rllimws tho i, hi outer uml tamlis ih" nin inlnr. 'Slav oiHiu thai c. v i.inii.i.n htm wrllfon in "A Shaiiouil llnln" n V I'Miiloon, S.M.IIU-.- . V i shntv that tho iflthoi- - iiliilii wh.ii a nuiy Ih ami tut i i.m i.iii.ito ii,,n.i(iir iI Ti T'it i nil mim ii ilidai'llc ptirpoM', In. i or and ulun tho snun has hopii l.i mht oinl aliruiuly v0 houiil lo k ml in have Mi drop the scho'ilmastti' and . IIM tlx '.nl ti'l'i ! 11 i ll.lllri' I'V uililnu tli tlnti fur it nvvti iKi'. Si. nir iii. ti uf ii,,. l mul rlimin "f .Inhatitia Spyrl S'vl t.ili' tuny In iil'tiiPnil finiii iimllin; "t'hi'l." ttnti-'ni- l.y IIi.iiiii II. II. .11 illiitiin unit Main. N'i'sv Yuiki. It ti'llx linw n .vuiiiiK M'limil ti'iirlur ii'fnrtii t It ilill-iln- ti mul i m iiiu h in ;i tinniiit.iln vllliiuo. mill Imvv "In. ili'Vi l.ipi tin- - atti- - lli- I. it. nl i.f .i ii..i...... ) V , .,,,. ini tll, Maurlir llinlill unil I lir I'ulrli-a- . !'. Unwind ilnotlio's i..vaiiiplo lu "Wahr- - hoit mill I Hi'htiitiu" Mntirii'o llowlott mlmtlos fiaumints uf iiutuhluKrnphy 'with fani'lful siioiMilatlniis In "I. nto of I'mMipIno" it'li.itlos Sciiluiir's Sotisi, Tho lluoail ho follows l that of tho Ut nut ui al Mmns ho has soon; thi"-!- ' as ho ilositihos llii'tn, without .- to tlioiu. mo oottiilnlv In-- 1 ton stlm:. Ilipiallv Intot osIIiil-- . howosrr, Into tho ai't'iiiinl. of tho soil of huy ho was, of tho hunks ho toad mul tho thlnits i Iho thiamin Ho lofialns ftmn roliitlnc llltof lApi'tlonil'S l'l-,lls- . linos nut wish tn in,ito ih.. iiunontlons of iro- - prlolv, mi Idon that must ho tn hinisplf. iiiasmui'li lis thoro sooms In .ho tin loason why ho shnulil tni tip tho i.nli.noo ho has toir.irdlni: nn.xthltu; that Is out of tho iiiilmur.N inn nf nnturo with any thoorlos ho may hao ooniorn- - Im; tho M'Mial standatils of siipornattirnl In huts. Ho Intorsporsps what ho offors ns his own ou.rli'iii o with mmiio mvo ilotlnlto 'and oomploio s'.'ilos of iilatiutis h"- - twion faltlos and liintHti loltms whloh, iho nofs, lost nn i:uin niithorlty. His itisl-to- ii n tin- - oslstimio uf f.ilrlos will 'moot with apprnxal ovon from w Im lofiiso to holiovo in thorn, for without thorn tho .iy of ihiiilhood would ho lossrnod. Ho si oms dotormlnp.l. ' howover. to provo thai tholr standards of murals mul funduct whoio thoy illffor, fi .'in ours ma v ho i ipi.illy cood, n matt r that ma- ho takon for crnnUil and whloh Is rathor dull whon disous-o- d. Vhothir Mr. llowlott is forlous or not In his iituiitiiont. his honk Is tirlnht and ontor- - t iillilit- - V., ...ililil ll'wli I,,. lin.t li ft nut his harpltiL' nn so, fur it toi llttlo In his rnntontinn. 'I lie Aullillliiu el. Tho attention whlih women have tn themsiHi..s nf Into throuch their efforts tn nbtatn pnlltlcal tlfhn h.i hei n the cause nf a superntuind'int lln'd of willing, polemical for tho must putt, little of which can he Judaed f r Its literary merit. The cause, in some phao or other. Is in the writer's mind; the form Is comparntl ely unimportant. ' ir tlio MirtuiiM tmoks at hand nnly twn initio properly within the d unaln of the y critic. An antholnsy of rr marks on wntuan in prose mid verso, hecltinlnt; with llam- - iiiurahi and ondini: with Mr. t'hestetton and his triho. has heen compiled hy W. II. lieveildao under tin- - title. "John and It one" il.onitmans, iirren and Cum. pan ). Tho shntt story which serves as an Inuoiluctlou and supplies the title tnav the author's i rin Inn to e- -i plain his point of view; It seems Irrele-- I vant. for the arrancement of the e- -' traits lines that sn far as Is necessary. .Tho nurlt of the colleitliin. and it Is a one. as it distlmrulshes It ftnm ..iitl,ers nf the same liind. N that the ... .. . i .. i.i ... ' " ' " '"' " very recent iiiftntMr.-- . that of (i real I'.Ht- - Hit), so that his limitations ate flesh and novel and his anthology will ho uf,.fu a .1 supplement tn Its predecessurs. M. Hoover, ho has not conllneil himself to epimams, hut has limited ,iin manv t In mull 1 mid Judgments almut w.iiiiiii mul has n,,t )vtl afraid to uo lmiK evliacts. liven miintii; authors of tho past Mr. hide's ieailln has ' o iii am uiiuiv is w.rv j,,ri -- tliiu. Ill "Tho Woman Willi Kmptv Hands" iHodd, M. ad nnil 'innpanvi wo have an actoiint of vvhv one woman took up the siirftairo mol'm.n. It Is nn appeal to the fiellnirs ami not tn the leasoti. The nairator lust ,,.r iuihani and clillil and fuiind herself with no object in i'f..; she then found oui fur the Urst time tho evils to whieh manv women lire suhjeoteil, mul slmilltaiiHously cattle In t'liiitnct with a woman who nttraeted her and who believed that the siiITiiikm will i nro those iv IN, Tlio evolution Is natural mid the stoty pathetic; the loa'c. however, seems purelv feminine The addresses delivered mid articles ii.iiiiii-.- i ..v i'.iikioiiu iiooins in neniiir or woman s i luhts, whlrh sin- - has col- - leeleil uinlir tho title "Way Statlnna' iDoil.l, M nd and . 77 ('oiiipanyi, me h II IIIV i of a i hai.u ter tn dlstliiL-uls- them from many others of the same sott which emanate from other women dally. They M'rvo to declare the author's stand on the subject. Tho mare valuable portion of the hook consists of the record of the agitation for the snffr.iKo in KnK-lam- l, which the author relates in oider lo connect her articles tot" thor. This is a partisan account, to he sure, hut It is ptetty complete, hednnlne with th Hist outbreaks of violence in ion:. ami etidiim with the disappearance of M -- s I'mikhursl. The wnos of the KnKllsh middle class itlil. the chl who Is kept nt homo with no moil .vf escape save marrlaao, are hii nti hy Josephine Pitcnlrn Knnnles In "The I pliolstercd 'iii'" tllodder and St'im-'hto- (ienrue II, Dnran Company), The author ;s hitter ncalnst tho custom of provpntlnc itirls from learning prao. tli'nl mothods for carnlnK their own IMntr. mid insload of cxpliilulnit how Inorlla and sorlal piojiullco shall ho oxoti'iimo IiimIkIim tiKiilnst (lie homo us tho onuso. siraniToly oihiiikIi, tho ohlof ri'iiioiiv sno HtiKiM'siH is cmiKrHilon, n s; urllo llrltish panncoa, yet I lit- rait women emigrants, wo ltnaitlii, mso I'hlelh- - fiuiu tho npod of ostah- - ilshlm: nei In, no s In lands wheto womon n rr sontoo. Tlio mtli'loi hy Anna Ciarlln Siotirr whkh hmo miniaroil in tho I'umm, mo uathi'ioil unit r Iho tltto "Vimian Share lu Social Culliiro" i.Mliclioll Kon-notlo- Now Ynth I. Thoy are u irvlew uf what w Lilian had doiio fur the woilit fiom tho origin nf mankind tn the ptosent day, a ptivonlntion of facts, which ni'iy ho Miporlliinus, Imt which can ho mtronl with lu tho main, even If tho lender dissents fnun the ileduo-tioti- s the aiithnr dr.iwJ front them nr the llietnllc with which she tidullis lliem I'scepi that tliov mo women and that they ato liefotc tho pill, lie ovo nt pts- - el, I thero Is llttlo In 'i ii it ii hi In tho ipie r company I'loyd Doll has hroiiBht ton thor In "Woinon ns World liullil- - oS' i I'Vn hos and t'nmpany, rhlcai-'ii- i Tin io lis llttlo Information, ton, iihutit til- - ti n ho has chosen to write ul. "ill. .Masculine treatment of tho woman iiii'stlon in Kimland Is so ponderous l and dtii!, whether it fiuors or attacks, ns almost tn Justify tin- - violence of tho militants. Science and the notion of sex hut den ,1. Monet Ta.ilor In writ-ti- n; "Tho Nature of Woman" iK, V. Mutton and Company ) a medical ef- fort to explain the situation, "Woman and hy W. I.. i.p-pletun- si , smart Journalism, the ef- fort to write hrluhtly and opUramm.itlc-nll- v on a suhject hefnrc tho puhllc. that the author has not considered ery deeply In The Man and tho Woman" I and I'ompnny,) Arthur I, Sal-nio- ti rhapsodizes poetically nn the j hetween the sexe. There U mure matilv lcor In the hooks the j women write. I I'rnetlenl liifnrninllnn. This world has narrowed since fncl Toln'.s time and Is no lonirer wld" - IS HER HOUSLI M.W m.oiiMi'ii hrr Anuf Willi npplr ik ronpug nrrr thi pltmeif rli; Of thr na nnd thr brirh hnth hr if hrum, Ai'H, nil day at hrr horn. tl'i'A o; irmrf airayrd wall Shr picturrlh oxrr. nnd ptnphth it nil With rrhor nnd drrnm". ninging nj Klrnm Sing w huxlding hrr nn'r print and Of thr roof of thr oak i f,Hc mndt. With n rarpil of moon niirf liehrn nnd chirr. 'oca miracle nnd oxer. tendrr, Irnitlhng thing tlrnyrd Hrr inndair. the morninj nnd rirning Har. hrr rustling rfoorvni. rlrr njtr H'tfi Ihr coming and going Of fair thingi Thr Ihrr'hnld of the four xrind arr is building hrr liowr From dutt o; .'iin.7 Shr i malting thr ong and thr nnd thr wing; h'ram October' toed ard gold Shr t mnkmg out of the old; Yea! out of icintrr' 'hjing Shr i making alt Mr immer turret, nd the brn'tn leaie p.rned uf Xoirmbfr' left Shr i changing liae'c again t, Ilichnrd l.r ilrOicnnc in Harper' enoiuh to hold the fly and us In "The Kedtietlon of Plies" i.lohn Murray. .1. It. t.lpplncott Company) Kdvvard Hanford Ilos first drawn an indictment nunlnn fly In many counts, nil nlirmlns as well as ovtremilv unpleasant, next, he takes fly apart and demonstrati s the In- iquity of each portion; finally, h ex- plains In what wa.vs the tly may be foiled and exterminated and how eoeletv should ortranl.e nKalnst the plaitue. With summer comlnc on and screens 1,'olni; lip the honk is decidedly tllllelv. If "Harper's Hook for Yoiini: Natural- ists" byAlpheiis Verrlll i Harpers i does lint send boys nut Into Holds and woods In search of t wits, hints, tlowtrs and other thlnus, which should be Its natural effect. It will at any iat be very useful to boys who have already he coilectlm; taste. It tells 'them how :u artanne their speclniens, Imw tn pre. serve those that me pel Ishable and also how to study The author deals bit Insects, fishes 11 till leptllfs, lilKKer beasts, the animal life of thes'ii-shor- rucks and minerals, Indian relics, plants and oddlMes of natuie. lie Hives, help for nearly everything that a boy Is likily to want to her. The book hus many pictures, A popular account of the constella- tions intended In the Hist place fur children has been written by Alice Mary Matlock firlltlth In "The and Their Stories" i Henry Holt and Comp.inyi. The constellations mo descilbed, with the means of flndluu them in the heavens, the author Kives fully lis much attention to the leiiends and stories attached to them and quotes liberally from many authors In prose and In verse-- . MeteOlolilK.V Is ilecldedlV slmplllloil 111 P.dwln C. Martin's "iiur own Weather" I Harpers). Ho t"lls us all we need know iho winds and storms and the many chani:es In the weather tn a pleasant conversational style as re- moved from that of a schoolmaster as possible. Tim suhject Is on thai every one at all times and the Infotmatlon supplied Is what many people ask about frequently. It Is a remarkably koimI book In Its way and orlKlnal. , A textbook on the blither departments of bookki'epini! has been prepared by Dr. Joseph .1. Klein of the New York rnlverslty In "Kloments of Accounting" tAppletons) It seems to ho very clear anil very complete, hut the subject Is one on which layman can hardly venture nn opinion. The author's stand-Iii- k us an Instructor In the School nf Commerce should tho hnok nnd the methods advocated In It. Directions as regards naturalization, Bell and Wing By FREDERICK FANNING A striking book of vtf.Botlon Post, AlsorliitiR, nstoiimlinfj, inspiring, baffling. London 'Acadtmy, Power ami originality. Cork Examiner, A great work. ISoslon Marks of Renins constantly, Troy Record. A wealth of ideas, Boston Transcript. Cieniiine a'piration and power. Occult Review, lingland, AHoundttiR fertility. Brooklyn Times, Near the sn. Portland O'regonian. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, N. V. Price U.90 By George Randolph Chester $ tfie Famous Author of Get-Rich-Qu- ick Wallingford Burnit,The Elarly Bird Wallingford, etc., etc. Wallingford in His Prime J. Rtiftts Wallingford attain as intrfnious, as wily, and ax deft in left-hand- promotion as before appears as the central fipire this collection of stories. Blackie Daw is with him again and in addition Mr. Cheater introduces some new characters. Prlte $1. 25 rut At all Botktelltrs nswtosk THE BOBBS-MERRTL- L CO. ikdianawus MAY BUILDING hoom mom; fiMtWfi Kpinuuig rrcrct nrrn rnrr rtrA And Of bladr. flooring tmnll oirr Ami grrcn And blotting. Mag thr flo'xtr trodden the young ymr tltet pring'. Mngazint unlucky Domestic the the Hyatt the birds' them. With lis, cat Stars hut about far the recommend AYER Herald. a. Publbhtra, Bobby Young of with a Kood deal of other miscellaneous Infoi ma'lon that will he helpful to new-come- ts to ho I'nlteil Stntes, have been propatcd hy Nathaniel t. I'owler, ,lr In "How to (ihlain (Ttlzenshlp" (Sully and Kli Intelch. New York). Hound In with Hie KiiBllfli te.t are translations of the essential ...rlloiis In Italian, l'lemli, Ueiinan and Vlddlsh, Yoiini? housekeepers whose amhitioti soars ahovo fuilito and tufty ato lead nn In the paths nf sweetness hy Matlnn H. Noll's "Candles and llonhnns and Hnw tn Make Them" I David McKay, Philadelphia). The author senslhly the utensils needed nnd the materials used first, then she turns tn the product The recipes are appetlzInK; they lead tn the helchts of candy Itnaklnp. thoimh the humhler forms are not nenleoted. tho author describes an amanlnc variety of diffeient fudecs and tattles. To the llteratute of practical garden- ing Henry H. Savior contributes "The Hook of Annuals" i.Meltrlde, Nast nnd Company), a description of fifty vari eties in iinn-c- mat iiioom llie urst vear from se'cd, with directions for planum; them. Krom Three I'aeful "l.lhmrlr." The volume on 'Wrllini; Kngllsh Pinso," which Prof William Tenney llrewster of Columbia fnlverslty bus written for the "Hume Cnlvirslty L- ibrary" j (Williams and NorKtite, Henry Holt and Compnny), should be put iii ' the hands uf every man who Is tn write- - and of every teacher of ICngllsh that has btalns iiumikIi In understand sense it does not deal with rules of grammar or ihetoiic, it dues not iindeital.e to tell the leader what to do; it simply villains the funda- mental Ideas that are al the Imttiiui of every form of writing and refers to examples In llteratute for evidence of how those ideas ate can led out. It Is ii book from whli h any one who ernes for the KiikIIsIi language can derive profit Two new volumes of "Harper's L- ibrary of Modern Thought" ileal with questions that are perplexing tn tht men of science who should know most about Ihetii and that remain without dellnlte answers. The theories agout geo- logical measurements of lime nre slated by Arthur Holmes In "The Ag of the Karth" Ularpets) with the gioiinds on which they rest; the more abstiail question, "Are tlio Planets. In- habited?" (Harpers) is nnswered by K. Waller Maunder with apparently s tittle lenson for the belief lie professes ns there Is for the guesse'S he rejects. Klght nioie volumes of the interest- ing little "Cambridge Manuals of Sci- ence nnd Literature" (Cambridge rn. vcrslty Press; C. p. Putnam's Suns! are at hand. The historical and liter- ary subjects selected can very well be handled lu a narrow compass, these are "The Vikings." by Prof. A. Mavver of the rnlverslty of Durham, a lively sketcli of a romantic episode; "Ancient Babylonia." by Dr. C. W. 11. Johns, a irood summary of recent archifologlcal information: "The Icelandic Sagas." hy Dr. W. A. Cralgie, a satisfactory ac- count of a limited literature, and "Com- parative. Itellglon," hy Prof. V. pj. Jevons of the t'nlveirslty of Durham. In science we have "The Story of a Loaf of Ilread." by Prof. T. H. Worsl of tho rnlverslty of Cambridge, in which the manufacture Is explained from the sowing of the grain on, a slMe nt book once very popular; "Tlio Physical llasls of Music," by Dr. Al exainler voml, a popular nccount of acoustics; "The .Modern Warship," by Kd ward L. Attwood, an excellent ar- ticle, and nn Interesting sketch of "An- cient Stained and Painted OIiish," by I". Sydney ICden. Other Rnaka. To the Important and Interesting "Shakespeare. Library" edited hy Prof, I. Oollancr, which brings, conveniently lo seli(jJar the material for the critical study of Shakcspedie, has been added "Th Troublesome Helen of Kins John" (Chalto Bnd Wlndtis; Duffletd and Company), edited hy I .1, I'urnlvall and John .Muntii. The latter editor J wroto the introduction, In which the history of the play Is explained mid the use Shakespeare made of It Is shown. frankness nnd directness mark the autobiography that Senator Unbelt M. La Kollette has written, ' A Personal Nairntlve of Political Kxperleneos" (The P.olie.rt M. La Toilette Company, Madison, Wis. i. The author makes no claim to literal y met It. he is telling a political story for a purpose and tell- ing It ns volubly as Iv thinks necessary. The book records the events In u career mid the author's views about very reretil politics. Somewhat belated Is the notice of the "t'ncollected Wtitlngs of P.nlph Waldo Kmerson" by Charles C. Hlgelow (The Lamb Publishing Company. New York). To the devout Kiuersonlan every sctnp of the philosopher's thought Is precious. These that the editor liai saved, after previous edltois had rejected or p.ieed them ovet. are slight no doubt, but they ate Interesting enough to win rant their preservation. Tin volume will be wel come ns a communion to a - comiueic Kmerson. The same author who appealed to Hrltlsh sentiment with nn account of King IMivard's dog now avails hoi self of the disaster to the South Pole ex- - pedttion to work on people's feel- - Ings In "Like Hnslish Ciontlemen (Holder and StoiiRhtnn; fieorgo II. Dnran Compnny I. The picture s based entirely on the first nccount sent In. It does not seem In the best of taste to drag In (."apt. Scott's baby son nor tn work in the Peter Pan allusions. The latest volume In the useful "In- ternational Theologlrn! Library" pub- lished by Charles Scrlhner's Sons Is Dr. George Buchanan Gray's "A Critical In- - troeltictlan to the i id "lestntnent. It londonscs into s.Hi pages of moderate si7e tlio substance of the research tn Biblical matters which has been sn ex- traordinarily active In very recent years. The book will be a great con- venience tei ministers, it enables the layman to form an Intelligent Idea of tlio textual and historical questions that the cliurch'i are discussing with Utile rillllculty and In a bhnrt time, for Dr. Grav's work Is a remarkable example of clearness and succinct method. Another tacit! of knowledge that ini hi en tev.ilutlonl7.ed by the archaeo logical discoveries of the past generation Is brought within the layman's ken In Dr. James Henry Breasted's "Develop- ment of IJellclon and Thought In An- cient Ksypt" (Charles Scrlhner's Sons). It Is n book that many have been await- ing for some time, n statement, not of startling finds from exploration or ex- amining the new materia), a branrh In whli h the author has distinguished him-h.l- f. but of what the substance of the new knowledge I", vvhat It Is that we have learned ftom these most ancient of human lecords This Dr. Breasted sup-pil- 111 his book with regard to the suh- - l... ,,.l l. ... . ,.,., nra I ... f . llVtl l II, llll'-.- l llll'wt i i.i. turns and to us. It Is n clear and narrative that every one can read with Interest. The goal uf all good Americans, even before they die. nil t iii al) y calls for more diilons of th" guide hooks than any other place. "Baedeker's Parts nnd Its Knvlroiis" for (Knrl Baedeker, Leipzig; Chatles Scrlhner's Sonsl Is the eighteenth edition of the guide, a num- ber only exceeded In the Baedeker hand books bv Switzerland. The Paris has been revised up to date; this Is tile edi- tion to take for the siimtmr vacation. Pleasant visions of Provlncetown nnd of Boston with an occasional flash of real funnlness, help along Nathaniel C Fowler Jr. 'a "The Knockers' Club" (Sully and Klelntelch, New York). The humor Is usually ponderous, however, and the half dozen persons for whose comments every action must watt and every Joke must be drawn out are pretty tiresome. Bonks llreelved. nut MM.Hf of ,lntnin I" Mur.v Sill- - IIvhii, Ph. I. P Piltnilln i Knn l The Makers nf Maln," Herbert I'.ilsnr llnlmf". (The llnewell Pre. I. en lutein. Me. I Slim. Penne," (teurgn I., ritrle. Hi. p Putnam' Hone ) "The Sotithlnrn1 ef Nerth AmerlCH " eienrne Palmer I'ulnum HI P I'ulnum'n son. I V e'.inillil lllstnrv or Ihe .lenultn." Jmeph Mefxti. HI P. Putnam's Hens.) "The Problem nf iThrlstlniili " S vnl. Jnelnlt Howe l Mrmlllnne. i "Home I.lfe In ." A H. Itappopnrt (Miirmlllane i "A Siinn Life' Uutiel c Barron, ll.ltlle, llrnu n Hint Cftmpin Thnmaa .lefferana Jnhn Sharp TVIII lam. lOnhitiililn l'nlerll Pie, l.enirke ami lliiei hner "Zone nf ihe Hnlrll " Auisut ftrlndrierir. (II P. I'uln.itn Hnne. I reinrelnn nf a Tenilerfnnt " ftalrh StmU (Henry Holt un.l c.'nmpanv Thlni" I.eHrne.l lo l.lvlns." .luhn Baa. tivni. in. P. Pntriuni's Hnim.i "Heiinnna anil Aibtraa " John Basi nin, HI I. I'ulnam' Hon. I , line Hunilreil c'hnpel Tnlka Siintenie" Aiitiitii llnpklna strnni, n.l, I..I,. I), i The ilrltllili anil llnxlanit prei. PhllailelnhlHl "Letters nf Ksther ami Hnn Murine cnl lese iMia" .1 nh n linuiiaa Aelam, iKIeni-I- It. Itavell Ciitiuiaiil. I "Tli Huprenie Cnurt and I'nennitllutlnnal Leslalnllnn." Hlalne Free Mnnre, Ph.D. uinverii) , i.onKiiian, tireen snil I'nmpsn)'. I "out With Ihe inula" Hamilton M. uHinii, muting i nmpany.) "The i:nnquet." A .Neain I'looerr, (Tils li iiwiriin I roe, i.infiiin, rien.i Bulnf Nature Klrsi." Clarence M. Weed. 1.1 H. Llpjilni mi I'nmpany.l "Hurieea In llurilenlne." Jele Peahody Crnthlniham. (Uuffleld and Company.) "Klowar Uarilenlmi" II. h, Adams. N'aat and Company, ) 4ithllc Kdurallon." I'liarlfM t)e Oar mo, (0. W. Bardeen. Hyraruae, N. V "Kdui-atlona- l Diamaili ." nmriia Hherl-ds- Pry. (Moffat, Ynrej anil company.) "A Little Honk of Brlllany.'1 Iloheri Medlll. (Mrnrlde, Nast ami Company.) "I'atnn Praera.' Marah Kill, Ilyan A. r. MrClurg and Company, Chicago i "Th Garden of Desire.'' Kdna VVorthley tndereiml (Mlb'hell Kennerley.) "To he Kileiel " Vuaiisle Aneelllee ttrHnehiltl by Mbdieil .1, Knlghl anil Charlea OUT T Jnton TODAY New Novel SYLVIA "The Most Impressive Novel in a Generation" f j Nvlvla - I he greale- - I lung .SitH'Mir lia ever don, palug The lllllgle both In the hU'iio of h iheme ninl o, i i iltiiliiiille inteiisit) ninl luivinir a mole luu i el nil ntipe.i. S peiirlng Ml I In lisviholoitlenl liioliieril when oi ml iin' i"i,. I me al llie, K.vlvla Is the le sioiv of a gloat s i weililing, ami reveals ine mint's me puiuie oomm- iieai- - in i plcliire of the old, fust -- vanishing Oiiiii I, ei u life, ami in Hie i.n folding of Ihe clmrnetiT of a elm lining mil. Hie boin, is sin passing while In the tlllHl, sIlillllllK -- i e- m- i luuites Iioiiih lo Hie liullv iduiil lender the honor which Is hidden lu llie phrase, ". im: his wi ohIs " The culliiliialion of (be slnrv Is so powerful, yel lold o i lmsielv and In so ulhilliiK a stele, as to piove irresitihe Iv la will inuvitaliiv command install!, uiile-piea- d ai'entiou b us appeal lo the hearts of men nml women 413 Pagea, Clolli, $1.20 Net. Postage, It cents. For Sale by All Booksellers Publishers THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY Philadelphia It Mu ruli v. (Kheiman, French nnd Com imnv llolon ' Kniiinmv rind Svieni In ih llnkeri Kinll Buitin. iHlenurt tind Kl'l't Cnmpanv Clni Inrinlt I An lihnr.l Khlimn Ann Thrinp Ci..i (The Auihiir, New York i VVIIeani S. C Nethereole Mai inll- - Ian I Piiriltuile - Hugh VVslpole. eeieorge II linrnn Cnmpanv i The lleblt Aiieiunt ' Oilier Cllilnn (IJenrge II llnrsn Ciiiup.inj, i ' 'The .luinplng-of- r I'Inie nthel shnckel ford (denrge II. Iinran Compan) i The Ambition ef M.irk Trtilit " Henry Itnseell Miller. IThe Hnhbs Merrill l.'nm-liin- tnillnnupoll i "The I'nnaplriiev " Iloliert Bker anil .Inhn llnierson. ltu(Tebl and Cenipanv i Th Woman of the Twilight .Vtnrnh IJMIn Itvnn, i.v C. MiClurg unit Cnnipan) The lllrl With Two Selves'- f II Cmtello i A. C MrClurg and Company i "lliiKar Itevelli-- Piinlel Carson Hood.' man (Mlii'hell Kennerle). Xew Vork i "The Hplerdld ejuet ll.i-- ll Mathens, "I -- in ii ic II lleeli i The Sheep Kaleis," VV. A. Allen. iThe Shakespeare Press, New Vnrk.l The Whip" Itb hard Parker. (The, Cflmpani New York "Itomiince." Acton lave. IThe Macau- - lay Compun I "Plitnts nnd Their !'" fre.trlck I.e. roy Harger.t i Henry Holt nnd Cnmpanv i "School Hygiene. Fletcher H tireselar. Ph. I) ( Mm mlllans. P.helorlc and the ituil of re Mfred M Hitchcock (Hnr Hull and Compane i Wnmanln." Man II Tho. illll'on Pub llshlng Company. New- Vnrk.l I 'Mvself nnd I'' Tannle Stearr I)jls eMacmlllnn i Waters" T. M Healv. M. r I Longman. Clreen nnd Comiany i "Nash and Some Others' C S Kvan (Kdward Arnold: Longman. Ureen and Companj.) BOOK THIEVES OF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY The Bodleian library, whloh has been ' celebrating the tercentenary of Its founder, at one time suffered badly from book thieves. In its eiavs the mis- - take was made of trutlnc too Implicitly to the consciences of readers, who were permitted to take hooks away on pay- - j nielit of a deposit. Hut the deposits were usually trilling compared with the value of the books nnd unscruptiloin students used to forfeit their money nnd keep the volumes borrowed. Others were annexed without the for- mality of a deposit. I'olydorc VerRll. a famous Italian scholar, stole so many books from the Bodleian that the barred his admission to the li- brary. He thereupon nppealed to Henry VIII., who ordered that Verdi should be allowed to borrow whatever works he desired, nnd the librarian had lo put up with belnc robbed as philosophically ns they could. From thr fall Mall amrttr. LATIN AMERICAN COLLEGES ' OLDER THAN OUR OWN Si universities In I.nlln Anif-rlcn- countries weie istabllshed before the first one In the lerrllorv thin lifter. ward the t'nlted States, accord-I- n to a recent bulletin of the Hureau nf l'Mucatlon. The universities of Mcx. Ico and Lima weie founded itl l.'iMji Santo Domlmto, i:,:,s. Honota, 1ST2. C'oriloba, 1613, and Sncre, 623. Another uroup of Latin American , unheisltles a prune Into exlsience In1 the era of Independence, typlfylngr a sense of nailonnl onlrv ,,in.. such nre the rnlverslty of llueno A res, the l Diversity of TruJIIIo In Pern, the I l..... r ......i.. I iiin-irii- j in .M iiiii,n nnu ine insti- tution at Medellln in Colmnhln. In Itr.i. ' 7.11 the unlversltv Idea ill, I mo m .., rind favor Instead. Independent profes sional schools for medicine and law worn established. PUTNAM'S 1NEWB00KS The Old-Fashion- ed Woman Primitive. rnclrs Uunii llie .sr By ELSIE CLEWS PARSONS Author ef 1 he I'mnlly " K". II .VI nn, llu mail, (I Ci, 'In the feminist, this book will sur-Re- frojh enterprise; to him or her who is contrary minded because feminism means onlv an increase of social tvriinny. it will be a plea for ;t simpler nnd less obtrusive back (round for (wsonal relations. The Man Who One Day a Year Would Go "Eelin"' Anil .Somr Other Utile Cullrsr Ttililg Month' Athletic. By CHARLES HALSTED MAPES InlrKolleglAtn llrnad .lump riinmnlun aiu C'hMrman of tlio Cnlunihln I'rmemlti-I'nnimllte- on Alhlrllis, mil UU2. Willi a full iiiiv llluilrniinm, !.: ntl. Hi mail, II. .n. A collection of stories, articles, spetvhi's on football, rowinc, track athletics, horse racing and college life Kencrally, by a man who has been a part of what he writes, and knows and loves his subject. .s'fnd for Sprint) Cntatoguts, G. P. Pifian's SM's,lakiishers Sinclair s ! I. "Few American novelist n ha started with a stor.v as hi an I powerful as this." Ih .n ( Tnlituu. THE QUARRY By JOHN A. MOR0S0 THE THEME "A rcmnrkalily thrilling lale of a young country lad's conviction ani fcntrnce for murder of wlrch ho is in- nocent, his subsequent escape froir prison, and hi life in the little Sou'r Carolina town where he hides from the hounds of justice." I A RARE FIRST NOVEL "Hail to a promisini! nov.cnmo, . American fiction! John A. Moto-u- Hi- - ' just arrived, with the odds s'ronxU c favor of his reniuinitiK for some true. His first novel, 'The (,uarrv. i. nn c - ceptinnally interesting story with I sitrmficance deeper than fc'tiv '" Mvimapnhf .i.m- hi. LAYS BRE POLICE MhTHODS "A Mrikini; pictttre of the power Ot the New York police system as n posed to the weakness of th" mu ays hare the working of the law and the Detective Hureau in a r.11-- . where the victim is helpless :n ' friendless." V 1 o,.' .1' rrimn. CONTAINS REAL SENTIMENT. TOO "A cenuine and- - 'inartificial lovi stor.v lends addition.J interest to :v. unusually ahsorliiiic iaie." ,' . niatttl T "C. lh.'iHlrK, PirlH.r lii Tlini,'ai Amo $1.25 'ul; h; ma-l- , VI M.I. IIIHIKsri.ij-iiK- , GARDEN-BOOK- S ALL THE NEW OUT-DOO- R BOOKS E. P. Dutton & Company 681 5th Ave. Near 51l!i Street Book Exchange of cond hind tooki t"r alr, riclmnge or wanted will fc. Innertnl In TIIIJ St;.N. Btturdgyg, at 20c. Hun (itn ord to tht lint, fourteen linn lo ih Inch I BOOKS Kxtcutorg, tdmlnutrilou M ytni IU lind It to Ihur BOUGHT xTkag( to coiamunletii Itrge or mail col action of book. gmojnpM. Pnntt, or other litnu-- ! rtth dowo. HENRY 11 aV.KAN, .n York't IrgMi Bookgtr, it Broidwar trui fl tw 81., Jj.JT. Tnli,hon Braid l00 IM1 TBI BEST VLXci TO SB1X. AUTOGKAl'H S. llbririeg. cruel old cograrlDca of Wubiwton pd othtr Amortctoj, cgrgl ud btltl urof. old Tltwi of Bonoa.jiow York and aiUt Amtriean cltlei! wbkllng mdh. picture ot Otm, Uln of rarlr DmBtm. Amencan mi( to" pilDtgd bofora 17f, baok plate, and ail kind ot Itlerarj propcrtr and U QOODSPBRD'S flOOKSHOP. IA rarl t., notion, Mim. BOOK I'libliihcri' orcratocl.- - hnnki In asta or amcli volun'.'-- ' ARQAINS anda of brand nw t.rnki HI half nviA -- .. .1 1A,- - TV, r i Including Lltaratura. Srtenco, Hlntory, Tru'rl. niuarsiinr nnu fiction. Drop' a pottalW Tats leirua no. . Thi Tabard Inn look Cimpany Home Omca: ISO rilbert Street, rhila.irli'iii HOOKS All out ot print booka aupi'lml majier on what aubjoct; write nc ataliiK too.,i wanted: I can get you inj book ever publunMi when in England call and Inaprct mr ale, le l M.OW rare booka BaKER'H OKBAT HOOK' BHOr. John lirlcnt at., Birmlncbam. KntliuJ AUTOOKAPHS lliiiltesr i, r '.V ii rur H'l rr. . rlH nml ilnrnmi n' ' I0UQHT ran. nits nriitili- - I M.VIIKl A.N, ail fit III Ave. .Nr Votk I mli !" ;,m vni.i'MKS or noon iiimiki Mr I' brary nt thr lair I in via I'miiTMin will hi- - Mile- - inmini'iirliiK Mniiility, May tilth 1 ""T grnphsiVtiirilrnnn, MlniTllanreiiiH Llti'rntu ri;l many llm- - MI'l. MilltllnH I vim (Mil flis m.. Hriiiililjn .N, , Until - r open until in I' M. Airroo'itAriri.irrriiius hmuiu fur ni-ii- . i will pay Hie lilgbcut price fur Irtirrs. injo'.!" acrlpis and document by fammu pcopl'. I MAlHCMN, l th a v., reir. Cd at.. Nrw M. KrillllM It uliM'ilitli'n n't Mplnt i" t runiiiilnii, ir Kifii. ihlc; nm ii ilinltr lltvn. DlA'u. i'J. .. ji.ii V...1CC, t;ll Uii.atl.ia,

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Page 1: By Randolph OF THE SEASON'S Jnton .ATEST BOOKS … · of Fairy Folk The Agitating Sex. Volumes of Practical Information



T .ATEST BOOKSJoseph C. Lincoln on Cape Cod Again Fiction by

Barbour. Curwood, Bachcllcr and Others.

Maurice Hewlett Mingles Autobiography With Talcs

of Fairy Folk The Agitating Sex.

Volumes of Practical Information "Libraries." Biog-

raphy. Science and Theology.

Th t. rjrvvill .f i. ;. nriii;iiiit;ini III I

Jrwpll '. I.,n. . Il.' 'Mr I'imII'--

r.iii. nt- i Aii'.i-'im- . ) ilf tilfillj

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I'umnii.i I'lii" iiitia lit tlic xunlinritiiiintc .uivi-tr- m I'limiuli mill mmy mil."flniiuthly. tm Mr. I.lni'uln ha in miltthe- - nil "f I'NiMinliiiit vvnhniit l.i'tr.iylnt;

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Mnrlc.i crop up: I'N ri:il ln-- I In- -

pictiitociliii' r.iM'.il wli'i mitrii theeanltnritiin.

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Tho omi1i Is mii'h talk iihnnt 'v.hat woro ntvo ivannloil n tllloit

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Ftralcht In .i small liiythl.'al (Jormanprincipality, aoourclln tn tho i stall-llsho- il

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httt follow mi oaoh iithor protty nat-urally,


thouah tho illaltis nto illnwriltn porfoct tl.oir plans inn oi.'y innrdor tlio honi may his o.rrllont iniilitios. Tluio aio pioity

.nul uniiil hits uf rhaniitor:thp ortoiprisn.i: tipnriir is mailo tn litIn flPMormi-l- y nml tho oml . us ilra-mat- lr

as it is imoiootPil, Tin ro islit t lo room for m ium.iht nnw.iilays intllOl-- llM Oil) III O lilt'-- . Illlt tlllS llllOwell i''iii"triiotii, o.jtins arnl '""incrroniilj. Th" aiitli"f nvis iinmusi.of iloini; lii.tti I . '

It is a ontahIo Sir tialahail that.Tamos Olivor ('iiiimuhI ilisonwi s ninntit:tho .SVirthwo-t- ol ii Muiititoil INilloo In"Ifwhf'l ' lllaipi rsi. His i,. ,,f InvoIs hoaiilifiil an. I nml In- - hulilstn it 'iini-to!i- tl in tli.. oml. Sooral '

M'Cirx in tho Atrtir ilil nio ih- -;.onlioil with unat vlvlilnoss, ami inm far tho stoiy is wi'll worth ro.iillnir.Tho t..o i.f tho outlaw whom tho homlunioois is r.niiir oiio'ipiv nuiiiiir.i-tnntl-

Ins iiffuuec s inn. that winililliaidlv moot with outnloiiiiiailoii in tin-A'-

ami his w null rlnas ta tho joail.rr'n onilulity. Afur tin- - sttuni;

tho ailtlii.f lIo.s nf tho toril-lil- p

liiiiolliioss of iho Nnrllioru mil itIs illsoiHipoMInu tn hnvo jio iili. turnup nnil moot ai o'i'Ual i.mos sn ioail-ll-

It is im tin r illff.nilt tun tn aoooittho hrrnino's tiasfor or ntfppilun,

I'lnlii tlio stait ti. ii.Mili.r uiulor-Ftuml- s

thai Vinuio K. Ci.i. in "Ti,.Moan f.f Nmht Wpiif llimlil, Mrail nmlromriinvi menus tn .o lnii-n-o- , Shorontiints tin- - nllo viiluo nf tho Wostwith, tho mass uf i .iniiptli.ii whloh thoKum: Mitiols fi.r, miv.ii.-- maliloiiis nfton inii ii thmiuh wo onulilwish that it win- mailo sho is i,,,l a S Wash lllllfliloinl. Tliolumlior oamp 'iml Us winking anil tlioBroat fotost Hi i i..M-rl.i- i withvlcor ami iiii'lortamlluu. Thoio mohints ihat tlio antlmr has toail up onforopti. mi fiiiiu i viitimi ami mi frauilsnn (invoi iimi ni lainls. Thoio i.s an

inn. .inn of vill,iln.. Iimvovor,ttlllt llollillKS lu II Inttop tll.lllu uf Uti r- -

ntiil o anil ilo'r.ioi.s mm h I rum iin ri alItttorost III tli" slut v. Thai llos in .

honi'd lomnlim hnw tn iln iho i,,h belin." iinuortalior, tno tnoaii irni luaniiorIn whli'li ho soiilis his oarlior ilifl'ioul.tirs hanllv Ills lu with what oharaoterho ilispla. s in tlio Mnry,

Thoro may ,o plonMiro In Itu Uinc nrioaii Unnkoy n will as a iImiij; in.n,that is iho sou nf ninii'-oiuo- luiimI'.irliollrr lnl.os wlnn ho iliilnllis thopumpmiH pnlitlol.His ho I. now In hN l.ny-hoo- d

n "Tho TurniiiK of nrlKCfliv'1(Hatpol), Thoy havo put oiani;oilsinoo t lion, thiniuli iliov ma" no li.riKorimliato i,ino S'i.,.stor. y shnulilImvo pn fi i i oil iiniro uhuiit tiio huy.i Intho run in ry umu of whom Im uhos usKlImpM s, ami of tin- - ploasant .lays thathe rir,ils. .n om ini tio mm protty

ii I, ri i v i.i. nu i.,i rllimws thoi, hi outer uml tamlis ih" nin inlnr.

'Slav oiHiu thai c. v i.inii.i.nhtm wrllfon in "A Shaiiouil llnln" n

V I'Miiloon, S.M.IIU-.- . V i shntv thattho iflthoi- - iiliilii wh.ii a nuiyIh ami tut i i.m i.iii.ito ii,,n.i(iir

i I Ti T'it i nil mim ii ilidai'llcptirpoM', In. i or and ulun tho snunhas hopii l.i mht oinl aliruiuly v0houiil lo k ml in have Mi

drop the scho'ilmastti' and .

IIM tlx '.nl ti'l'i ! 11 i ll.lllri' I'V uililnutli tlnti fur it nvvti iKi'.

Si. nir iii. ti uf ii,,. l mul rlimin"f .Inhatitia Spyrl S'vl t.ili' tuny In

iil'tiiPnil finiii iimllin; "t'hi'l." ttnti-'ni-

l.y IIi.iiiii II. II. .11 illiitiin unitMain. N'i'sv Yuiki. It ti'llx linw n

.vuiiiiK M'limil ti'iirlur ii'fnrtii t It ilill-iln- ti

mul i m iiiu h in ;i tinniiit.ilnvllliiuo. mill Imvv "In. ili'Vi l.ipi tin- - atti- -

lli- I. it. nl i.f .i ii..i...... ) V, .,,,. ini tll,

Maurlir llinlill unil I lir I'ulrli-a- .

!'. Unwind ilnotlio's i..vaiiiplo lu "Wahr- -

hoit mill I Hi'htiitiu" Mntirii'o llowlottmlmtlos fiaumints uf iiutuhluKrnphy

'with fani'lful siioiMilatlniis In "I. nto ofI'mMipIno" it'li.itlos Sciiluiir's Sotisi,Tho lluoail ho follows l that of thoUt nut ui al Mmns ho has soon;thi"-!- ' as ho ilositihos llii'tn, without .-

to tlioiu. mo oottiilnlv In-- 1

ton stlm:. Ilipiallv Intot osIIiil-- . howosrr,Into tho ai't'iiiinl. of tho soil of huy ho

was, of tho hunks ho toad mul tho thlnits i

Iho thiamin Ho lofialns ftmn roliitlncllltof lApi'tlonil'S l'l-,lls- . linos nutwish tn in,ito ih.. iiunontlons of iro- -

prlolv, mi Idon that must hotn hinisplf. iiiasmui'li lis thoro sooms In

.ho tin loason why ho shnulil tni tiptho i.nli.noo ho has toir.irdlni: nn.xthltu;that Is out of tho iiiilmur.N inn nf nnturowith any thoorlos ho may hao ooniorn- -

Im; tho M'Mial standatils of siipornattirnlIn huts.

Ho Intorsporsps what ho offors ns hisown ou.rli'iii o with mmiio mvo ilotlnlto

'and oomploio s'.'ilos of iilatiutis h"- -

twion faltlos and liintHti loltms whloh,iho nofs, lost nn i:uin niithorlty. His

itisl-to- ii n tin- - oslstimio uf f.ilrlos will'moot with apprnxal ovon from w Im lofiiso to holiovo in thorn, forwithout thorn tho .iy of ihiiilhood wouldho lossrnod. Ho si oms dotormlnp.l. '

howover. to provo thai tholr standardsof murals mul funduct whoio thoy illffor,fi .'in ours ma v ho i ipi.illy cood, n matt rthat ma- ho takon for crnnUil and whlohIs rathor dull whon disous-o- d. VhothirMr. llowlott is forlous or not In hisiituiitiiont. his honk Is tirlnht and ontor- -t iillilit- - V., ...ililil ll'wli I,,. lin.tli ft nut his harpltiL' nn so, fur it llttlo In his rnntontinn.

'I lie Aullillliiu el.Tho attention whlih women have

tn themsiHi..s nf Into throuchtheir efforts tn nbtatn pnlltlcal tlfhnh.i hei n the cause nf a superntuind'intlln'd of willing, polemical for tho mustputt, little of which can he Judaed f rIts literary merit. The cause, in somephao or other. Is in the writer's mind;the form Is comparntl ely unimportant.' ir tlio MirtuiiM tmoks at hand nnly twninitio properly within the d unaln of y critic.

An antholnsy of rr marks on wntuanin prose mid verso, hecltinlnt; with llam- -

iiiurahi and ondini: with Mr. t'hestettonand his triho. has heen compiled hy W.II. lieveildao under tin- - title. "John andIt one" il.onitmans, iirren and Cum.pan ). Tho shntt story which servesas an Inuoiluctlou and supplies the titletnav the author's i rin Inn to e- -i

plain his point of view; It seems Irrele-- I

vant. for the arrancement of the e- -'

traits lines that sn far as Is necessary..Tho nurlt of the colleitliin. and it Is a one. as it distlmrulshes It ftnm..iitl,ers nf the same liind. N that the... .. . i .. i.i ...

' " ' " '"' " very recentiiiftntMr.-- . that of (i real I'.Ht- -Hit), so that his limitations ate flesh andnovel and his anthology will ho uf,.fua .1 supplement tn Its predecessurs.M. Hoover, ho has not conllneil himselfto epimams, hut has limited ,iin manv

t In mull 1 mid Judgments almutw.iiiiiii mul has n,,t )vtl afraid to uolmiK evliacts. liven miintii; authors oftho past Mr. hide's ieailln has' o iii am uiiuiv is w.rvj,,ri -- tliiu.

Ill "Tho Woman Willi Kmptv Hands"iHodd, M. ad nnil 'innpanvi wo havean actoiint of vvhv one woman took upthe siirftairo mol'm.n. It Is nn appealto the fiellnirs ami not tn the leasoti.The nairator lust ,,.r iuihani andclillil and fuiind herself with no objectin i'f..; she then found oui fur the Ursttime tho evils to whieh manv womenlire suhjeoteil, mul slmilltaiiHously cattleIn t'liiitnct with a woman who nttraetedher and who believed that the siiITiiikmwill i nro those iv IN, Tlio evolution Isnatural mid the stoty pathetic; theloa'c. however, seems purelv feminine

The addresses delivered mid articlesii.iiiiii-.- i ..v i'.iikioiiu iiooins in neniiir

or woman s i luhts, whlrh sin- - has col- -

leeleil uinlir tho title "Way Statlnna'iDoil.l, M nd and . 77('oiiipanyi, me h II IIIV i

of a i hai.u ter tn dlstliiL-uls- them frommany others of the same sott whichemanate from other women dally. TheyM'rvo to declare the author's stand onthe subject. Tho mare valuable portionof the hook consists of the record ofthe agitation for the snffr.iKo in KnK-lam- l,

which the author relates in oiderlo connect her articles tot" thor. Thisis a partisan account, to he sure, hutIt is ptetty complete, hednnlne withth Hist outbreaks of violence in ion:.ami etidiim with the disappearance ofM -- s I'mikhursl.

The wnos of the KnKllsh middle classitlil. the chl who Is kept nt homo withno moil .vf escape save marrlaao, arehii nti hy Josephine Pitcnlrn Knnnles In"The I pliolstercd 'iii'" tllodder andSt'im-'hto- (ienrue II, Dnran Company),The author ;s hitter ncalnst tho custom

of provpntlnc itirls from learning prao.tli'nl mothods for carnlnK their ownIMntr. mid insload of cxpliilulnit howInorlla and sorlal piojiullco shall hooxoti'iimo IiimIkIim tiKiilnst (lie homo ustho onuso. siraniToly oihiiikIi, tho ohlofri'iiioiiv sno HtiKiM'siH is cmiKrHilon, n

s; urllo llrltish panncoa, yet I lit- raitwomen emigrants, wo ltnaitlii,

mso I'hlelh- - fiuiu tho npod of ostah- -

ilshlm: nei In, no s In lands whetowomon n rr sontoo.

Tlio mtli'loi hy Anna Ciarlln Siotirrwhkh hmo miniaroil in tho I'umm,mo uathi'ioil unit r Iho tltto "VimianShare lu Social Culliiro" i.Mliclioll Kon-notlo-

Now Ynth I. Thoy are u irvlewuf what w Lilian had doiio fur the woilitfiom tho origin nf mankind tn theptosent day, a ptivonlntion of facts,which ni'iy ho Miporlliinus, Imt whichcan ho mtronl with lu tho main, evenIf tho lender dissents fnun the ileduo-tioti- s

the aiithnr dr.iwJ front them nrthe llietnllc with which she tidullislliem

I'scepi that tliov mo women and thatthey ato liefotc tho pill, lie ovo nt pts- -el, I thero Is llttlo In 'i ii it ii hi In thoipie r company I'loyd Doll has hroiiBhtton thor In "Woinon ns World liullil- -oS' i I'Vn hos and t'nmpany, rhlcai-'ii-iTin io lis llttlo Information, ton, iihutittil- - ti n ho has chosen to writeul. "ill.

.Masculine treatment of tho womaniiii'stlon in Kimland Is so ponderous l

and dtii!, whether it fiuors or attacks,ns almost tn Justify tin- - violence of thomilitants. Science and the notion ofsex hut den ,1. Monet Ta.ilor In writ-ti- n;

"Tho Nature of Woman" iK, V.Mutton and Company ) a medical ef-fort to explain the situation, "Womanand hy W. I.. i.p-pletun- si

, smart Journalism, the ef-fort to write hrluhtly and opUramm.itlc-nll- v

on a suhject hefnrc tho puhllc.that the author has not considered erydeeply In The Man and tho Woman" I

and I'ompnny,) Arthur I, Sal-nio- ti

rhapsodizes poetically nn the j

hetween the sexe. There Umure matilv lcor In the hooks the


women write. I

I'rnetlenl liifnrninllnn.This world has narrowed since fncl

Toln'.s time and Is no lonirer wld"



M.W m.oiiMi'ii hrr Anuf Willi npplrik ronpug nrrr thi pltmeif rli;

Of thr na nnd thr brirh hnth hr if hrum,Ai'H, nil day at hrr horn.

tl'i'A o; irmrf airayrd wallShr picturrlh oxrr. nnd ptnphth it nil

With rrhor nnd drrnm".ninging nj Klrnm

Sing w huxlding hrr nn'r print andOf thr roof of thr oak i f,Hc mndt.

With n rarpil of moon niirf liehrn nnd chirr.'oca miracle nnd oxer.

tendrr, Irnitlhng thing tlrnyrd

Hrr inndair. the morninj nnd rirning Har.hrr rustling rfoorvni. rlrr njtr

H'tfi Ihr coming and goingOf fair thingi

Thr Ihrr'hnld of the four xrind arr

is building hrr liowr From dutt o; .'iin.7Shr i malting thr ong and thr nnd thr wing;

h'ram October' toed ard goldShr t mnkmg out of the old;

Yea! out of icintrr' 'hjingShr i making alt Mr immer turret,

nd the brn'tn leaie p.rned uf Xoirmbfr' leftShr i changing liae'c again t ,

Ilichnrd l.r ilrOicnnc in Harper'

enoiuh to hold the fly andus In "The Kedtietlon ofPlies" i.lohn Murray. .1. It. t.lpplncottCompany) Kdvvard Hanford Ilos firstdrawn an indictment nunlnn fly Inmany counts, nil nlirmlns as well asovtremilv unpleasant, next, he takes

fly apart and demonstrati s the In-

iquity of each portion; finally, h ex-

plains In what wa.vs the tly may befoiled and exterminated and how eoeletvshould ortranl.e nKalnst the plaitue.With summer comlnc on and screens1,'olni; lip the honk is decidedly tllllelv.

If "Harper's Hook for Yoiini: Natural-ists" byAlpheiis Verrlll i Harpers i

does lint send boys nut Into Holdsand woods In search of t wits, hints,tlowtrs and other thlnus, which shouldbe Its natural effect. It will at any iatbe very useful to boys who have alreadyhe coilectlm; taste. It tells 'them how

:u artanne their speclniens, Imw tn pre.serve those that me pel Ishable and alsohow to study The author deals

bit Insects, fishes 11 till leptllfs,lilKKer beasts, the animal life of thes'ii-shor-

rucks and minerals, Indian relics,plants and oddlMes of natuie. lie Hives,help for nearly everything that a boy Is

likily to want to her. The book husmany pictures,

A popular account of the constella-tions intended In the Hist place furchildren has been written by Alice MaryMatlock firlltlth In "The and TheirStories" i Henry Holt and Comp.inyi.The constellations mo descilbed, withthe means of flndluu them in theheavens, the author Kives fully lismuch attention to the leiiends andstories attached to them and quotesliberally from many authors In proseand In verse-- .

MeteOlolilK.V Is ilecldedlV slmplllloil 111

P.dwln C. Martin's "iiur own Weather"I Harpers). Ho t"lls us all we needknow iho winds and storms andthe many chani:es In the weather tn apleasant conversational style as re-

moved from that of a schoolmaster aspossible. Tim suhject Is on thai

every one at all times and theInfotmatlon supplied Is what manypeople ask about frequently. It Is aremarkably koimI book In Its way andorlKlnal. ,

A textbook on the blither departmentsof bookki'epini! has been prepared byDr. Joseph .1. Klein of the New Yorkrnlverslty In "Kloments of Accounting"tAppletons) It seems to ho very clearanil very complete, hut the subject Is

one on which layman can hardlyventure nn opinion. The author's stand-Iii- k

us an Instructor In the School nfCommerce should tho hnoknnd the methods advocated In It.

Directions as regards naturalization,


A striking book of vtf.Botlon Post,AlsorliitiR, nstoiimlinfj, inspiring, baffling. London 'Acadtmy,Power ami originality. Cork Examiner,A great work. ISoslonMarks of Renins constantly, Troy Record.A wealth of ideas, Boston Transcript.Cieniiine a'piration and power. Occult Review, lingland,AHoundttiR fertility. Brooklyn Times,Near the sn. Portland O'regonian.

P. PUTNAM'S SONS, N. V. Price U.90

By George Randolph Chester

$tfie Famous Author of

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Burnit,The Elarly BirdWallingford, etc., etc.

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J. Rtiftts Wallingford attain as intrfnious, as wily, and ax deftin left-hand- promotion as before appears as the central fipire

this collection of stories. Blackie Daw is with him again andin addition Mr. Cheater introduces some new characters.

Prlte $1. 25 rut At all Botktelltrs

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Kpinuuig rrcrctnrrn rnrr rtrA


Of bladr.flooring

tmnll oirrAmi grrcn



Mag thrflo'xtr

troddenthe young ymr








them.With lis,










a. Publbhtra,



with a Kood deal of other miscellaneousInfoi ma'lon that will he helpful to new-come- ts

to ho I'nlteil Stntes, have beenpropatcd hy Nathaniel t. I'owler, ,lr In"How to (ihlain (Ttlzenshlp" (Sully andKli Intelch. New York). Hound In withHie KiiBllfli te.t are translations of theessential ...rlloiis In Italian, l'lemli,Ueiinan and Vlddlsh,

Yoiini? housekeepers whose amhitiotisoars ahovo fuilito and tufty ato lead nnIn the paths nf sweetness hy MatlnnH. Noll's "Candles and llonhnns andHnw tn Make Them" I David McKay,Philadelphia). The author senslhly

the utensils needed nnd thematerials used first, then she turns tnthe product The recipes are appetlzInK;they lead tn the helchts of candy

Itnaklnp. thoimh the humhler forms arenot nenleoted. tho author describes an

amanlnc variety of diffeient fudecs andtattles.

To the llteratute of practical garden-ing Henry H. Savior contributes "TheHook of Annuals" i.Meltrlde, Nast nndCompany), a description of fifty varieties in iinn-c- mat iiioom llie urst vearfrom se'cd, with directions for planum;them.

Krom Three I'aeful "l.lhmrlr."The volume on 'Wrllini; Kngllsh

Pinso," which Prof William Tenneyllrewster of Columbia fnlverslty buswritten for the "Hume Cnlvirslty L-ibrary"


(Williams and NorKtite, HenryHolt and Compnny), should be put iii '

the hands uf every man who Istn write- - and of every teacher

of ICngllsh that has btalns iiumikIi Inunderstand sense it does not deal withrules of grammar or ihetoiic, it duesnot iindeital.e to tell the leader whatto do; it simply villains the funda-mental Ideas that are al the Imttiiuiof every form of writing and refers toexamples In llteratute for evidence ofhow those ideas ate can led out. It Isii book from whli h any one who ernesfor the KiikIIsIi language can deriveprofit

Two new volumes of "Harper's L-ibrary of Modern Thought" ileal withquestions that are perplexing tn thtmen of science who should know mostabout Ihetii and that remain withoutdellnlte answers. The theories agout geo-logical measurements of lime nreslated by Arthur Holmes In "The Agof the Karth" Ularpets) with thegioiinds on which they rest; the moreabstiail question, "Are tlio Planets. In-

habited?" (Harpers) is nnswered by K.Waller Maunder with apparently stittle lenson for the belief lie professesns there Is for the guesse'S he rejects.

Klght nioie volumes of the interest-ing little "Cambridge Manuals of Sci-ence nnd Literature" (Cambridge rn.vcrslty Press; C. p. Putnam's Suns!are at hand. The historical and liter-ary subjects selected can very well behandled lu a narrow compass, theseare "The Vikings." by Prof. A. Mavverof the rnlverslty of Durham, a livelysketcli of a romantic episode; "AncientBabylonia." by Dr. C. W. 11. Johns, airood summary of recent archifologlcalinformation: "The Icelandic Sagas." hyDr. W. A. Cralgie, a satisfactory ac-count of a limited literature, and "Com-parative. Itellglon," hy Prof. V. pj.Jevons of the t'nlveirslty of Durham.In science we have "The Story of aLoaf of Ilread." by Prof. T. H. Worslof tho rnlverslty of Cambridge, inwhich the manufacture Is explainedfrom the sowing of the grain on, aslMe nt book once very popular; "TlioPhysical llasls of Music," by Dr. Alexainler voml, a popular nccount ofacoustics; "The .Modern Warship," byKd ward L. Attwood, an excellent ar-ticle, and nn Interesting sketch of "An-cient Stained and Painted OIiish," byI". Sydney ICden.

Other Rnaka.To the Important and Interesting

"Shakespeare. Library" edited hy Prof,I. Oollancr, which brings, convenientlylo seli(jJar the material for the criticalstudy of Shakcspedie, has been added"Th Troublesome Helen of Kins John"(Chalto Bnd Wlndtis; Duffletd andCompany), edited hy I .1, I'urnlvalland John .Muntii. The latter editor


wroto the introduction, In which thehistory of the play Is explained midthe use Shakespeare made of It Isshown.

frankness nnd directness mark theautobiography that Senator Unbelt M.La Kollette has written, ' A PersonalNairntlve of Political Kxperleneos"(The P.olie.rt M. La Toilette Company,Madison, Wis. i. The author makes noclaim to literal y met It. he is telling apolitical story for a purpose and tell-

ing It ns volubly as Iv thinks necessary.The book records the events In u

career mid the author's viewsabout very reretil politics.

Somewhat belated Is the notice of the"t'ncollected Wtitlngs of P.nlph WaldoKmerson" by Charles C. Hlgelow (TheLamb Publishing Company. New York).To the devout Kiuersonlan every sctnpof the philosopher's thought Is precious.These that the editor liai saved, afterprevious edltois had rejected or p.ieedthem ovet. are slight no doubt, but theyate Interesting enough to win rant theirpreservation. Tin volume will be welcome ns a communion to a - comiueicKmerson.

The same author who appealed toHrltlsh sentiment with nn account ofKing IMivard's dog now avails hoi selfof the disaster to the South Pole ex- -

pedttion to work on people's feel- -

Ings In "Like Hnslish Ciontlemen(Holder and StoiiRhtnn; fieorgo II.Dnran Compnny I. The picture s basedentirely on the first nccount sent In. Itdoes not seem In the best of taste todrag In (."apt. Scott's baby son nor tnwork in the Peter Pan allusions.

The latest volume In the useful "In-

ternational Theologlrn! Library" pub-

lished by Charles Scrlhner's Sons Is Dr.George Buchanan Gray's "A Critical In- -

troeltictlan to the i id "lestntnent. Itlondonscs into s.Hi pages of moderatesi7e tlio substance of the research tnBiblical matters which has been sn ex-

traordinarily active In very recentyears. The book will be a great con-venience tei ministers, it enables thelayman to form an Intelligent Idea oftlio textual and historical questions thatthe cliurch'i are discussing with Utilerillllculty and In a bhnrt time, for Dr.Grav's work Is a remarkable example ofclearness and succinct method.

Another tacit! of knowledge thatini hi en tev.ilutlonl7.ed by the archaeological discoveries of the past generationIs brought within the layman's ken InDr. James Henry Breasted's "Develop-ment of IJellclon and Thought In An-

cient Ksypt" (Charles Scrlhner's Sons).It Is n book that many have been await-ing for some time, n statement, not ofstartling finds from exploration or ex-

amining the new materia), a branrh Inwhli h the author has distinguished him-h.l- f.

but of what the substance of thenew knowledge I", vvhat It Is that wehave learned ftom these most ancient ofhuman lecords This Dr. Breasted sup-pil-

111 his book with regard to the suh- -

l... ,,.l l. ... . ,.,.,nra I... f . llVtll II, llll'-.- l llll'wt i i.i.turns and to us. It Is n clear and

narrative that every one can readwith Interest.

The goal uf all good Americans, evenbefore they die. nil t iii al) y calls for morediilons of th" guide hooks than any

other place. "Baedeker's Parts nnd ItsKnvlroiis" for (Knrl Baedeker,Leipzig; Chatles Scrlhner's Sonsl Is theeighteenth edition of the guide, a num-ber only exceeded In the Baedeker handbooks bv Switzerland. The Paris hasbeen revised up to date; this Is tile edi-

tion to take for the siimtmr vacation.Pleasant visions of Provlncetown nnd

of Boston with an occasional flash ofreal funnlness, help along Nathaniel CFowler Jr. 'a "The Knockers' Club"(Sully and Klelntelch, New York). Thehumor Is usually ponderous, however,and the half dozen persons for whosecomments every action must watt andevery Joke must be drawn out are prettytiresome.

Bonks llreelved.nut MM.Hf of ,lntnin I" Mur.v Sill- -

IIvhii, Ph. I. P Piltnilln i Knn l

The Makers nf Maln," Herbert I'.ilsnrllnlmf". (The llnewell Pre. I. en lutein.Me. I

Slim. Penne," (teurgn I., ritrle. Hi. pPutnam' Hone )

"The Sotithlnrn1 ef Nerth AmerlCH "eienrne Palmer I'ulnum HI P I'ulnum'nson. I

V e'.inillil lllstnrv or Ihe .lenultn." JmephMefxti. HI P. Putnam's Hens.)

"The Problem nf iThrlstlniili " S vnl.Jnelnlt Howe l Mrmlllnne. i

"Home I.lfe In ." A H. Itappopnrt(Miirmlllane i

"A Siinn Life' Uutiel c Barron,ll.ltlle, llrnu n Hint Cftmpin

Thnmaa .lefferana Jnhn Sharp TVIIIlam. lOnhitiililn l'nlerll Pie, l.enirkeami lliiei hner

"Zone nf ihe Hnlrll " Auisut ftrlndrierir.(II P. I'uln.itn Hnne. I

reinrelnn nf a Tenilerfnnt " ftalrhStmU (Henry Holt un.l c.'nmpanvThlni" I.eHrne.l lo l.lvlns." .luhn Baa.

tivni. in. P. Pntriuni's Hnim.i"Heiinnna anil Aibtraa " John Basi nin,

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"out With Ihe inula" Hamilton M.uHinii, muting i nmpany.)

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