
M 10 THE SUN, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1918. 1 ' Giants, Brooklyns and New Yorks All Lose Games in Mad Scramble for Pennant V 'I If i .1,8 I , P ) DOYLE'S ERROR, BASES ON BALLS Those Kiiciors Coiiiribiito to Second (riant DclVat liy Cardinals. KOXKITHY ALSO IIKI.PS Eighth tlio Fatal Kound. for in That Period Visitors Take Lead. BOSS HIT.GINS GETS 0. B. Chanco for Tallies in Srvpnth Spoiled by Ovprzonloits Jiasp Kunnin". Thare 1 a desperate fight on among tha Olanta, Cubs nnd Cardinals for the third place championship, nnd the (Hants lead hy a point Tlicy were beaten by the Car- dinals again yesterday, for the Pirate nosed out the Bostons. The Ilrooktyna had another sorrowful day. for the Hrates floored them again The Phillies are rac-In- R along comfortably In the lead They iave the Neds h merciless trouncing y. Yesterday' Reaalta. Hi. Laula, 4; New Tork. I. rittabur. 6, Brooklyn, 3. Chicago. 4. Boston. 6. rnuaneipnu. 13. Cincinnati. . Detail Clafc "taadlnca. i r i s1 u hi? Phtladalphla 4 t - t Brooklyn. n Nw York.. J' 4 St. Louia.. J, o 3 4' 1 4 l 14 Chicago o'j II 3 Pltttburg.... 1i : Beaton Til 1 ! J M ht7 .SBV Cincinnati. n i a'1":: Ion Gajn.a Leal.. i4:ti',ii'is i7,j:;,i:o To-dar- 'a rhednle. t. lunula In New Vork. Pltthiir In Brooklyn, rhlratn In Bomon. Cincinnati In Philadelphia. An error hy Iioyl. the nnlv one made by the (Hants, and the mlsplnred Illierallty of Jeff Tesreau were a lnltiR offset vester'. day to the fmu that the nianf marie nine hits to the Cardinals' four and one error to the Cardinals' four The fmir ,,. blnatlon was one which worked ttm for the Cardinal, for they nun ),y worn of 4 to 3 Hesldes taldnc advnntnae nf faults In New York's same they ran bnsfs with Judgment and enterprise and didn't neglect any opportunity to turn evcithlna; to their advantage. An able bodied hit hv Konetrhy another larse factor In their victory Koiietchys hit. made in the eighth Inning, In which era the Cardinals clat- tered Into the lend, came after chances had bien offered tu retire the side Koney wouldn't have iom up at Hit If Doyle hadn't made a high throw to first on the first man up As It was he todk a hand In the game with men nn second and third, and as it turned out It would have been far better to hnp lemoved him as an element of danger l.y palng htm But as he wasn't passed and did send n Mnge humming to light and two runs fciored, the fat was In the me. The Ulants took to bunting and sacrific- ing and did good execution that way. It was no fault of this plan of campaign that one New Vi)rf error proved mora damaging that four times that manv St I.ouls sins of omm1son The Ulants ran liases will tun, going down often and making most of their steals go through Their bac" running as sggresslve nnd Intelligent!) done, with one exception. Burns w.m overzenlous on one occasion and ruined the clover strategy of Meriog by a hour hradd blunder. Not content to let fll enough alone. Hums In the seventh Inning Killed a good chance to score bv ,t fatuous oetioing of wlmt fortune was at that moment providing When he put the 1,1,11 over the plate Tesreau was very effertli... Two hostlles. whom he staitul along the highway with passes, scored, mid so the extreme diffi- culty the Cardinals had In rinding his delhery went fir nothing. Sallee was hit more freev hv the liiants. though he pitched h good game. Ills control was good, while Tcliiiiu's was not. He was weak tn holding up baae runners, but was not castigated l'i s. .erey that the Clants found him easy plucking. Umpire Hjirn had a wearing day. There were m many plas on the hnses that Ills head was swinging continually from one station In another and hW vet-die- met with several fretful objections The wa h,( saw It, Wliltted, who a moment latcc scored, wan safe Ht third on a steal la the fifth Inning, but that wasn't the aniv Herrog and the other Giants saw t Again the wnv h saw It, Herzog was anfe on a teal of second In the se,nti, inning Mlte JIugglns made such rti .inlmated kick that he waa bounced Tf-- i a rebounred when he lined tip ngalnst tl e bleacher hoards mi his way to outer ilarlii's The ejectment of the St l.iil loininatider helped the Olants little, i i:vans, w10 was the little boss'si hattlBf siiceessm, scored n run Kre Itlghir cense, crjlng "hair' In the first Inning Tire.iu had passed the first three Vet '17 Kol ul nf ,, entangle m. nt iiretf. ,. Mnwrfy tnppeil a slow onu tn llerzog, on which he was thrown one and Mug tallied, hut Mngee was run dnirn on Konej's thrust to Ileroir and Oakes gilt the ila light tin Ice. "Hie ( limits tied the score In the snnnd Mcrkle hunted snfeh, ,t,. second nnd took up lila Jiahitnt ,lt winto's had thtou. He scored on it sizzling double bj Mmi Hm the wenUmss of lb. fiuitili it hat. with runs hovering near, w us In edden.e Wilson sacrificed anil Mil nay was mil down on llerzng's gtouiider to Mnwiej same thing In the Ih rd aftir Bums had alngM ,i, Mn,n seiond, shajer ii,., muKht to Mown.), HetclKf foubd, lnnle perished nt ,st. I he foitrO) was a t,,. ,,ir(, s,.tsf,ic. toty. tUi hunt., and aided to second 1" "'' "ild thtoH. Murray sacrl-8-er- j, immi Whlit.d shinned Wilson's hopper Mart,).. scoimmI llerzog singled with two out, stole second and didn't stop running iitrtU he was .,t the plate Wlnao'a low thtow took an angle to left Held off Hugs gauntlet, Manee had enough e to iv for the hall for H.rzog to git a wood stirt and then Instead of throwing home M;.e rel.ied to Mnvvrev That didn't hetokfti nny excess of grav matter snd to hall up the r,,y' made a dlafcrted tlnow o Wlngo lime,ir the martial Caidlnal- - weren't fl'f'.h',"nn,; iV'",""1 s,i"' talked. Wjltud nola second before Hug. Jake Daubert jyCaj! - v,i,,. E.r.r ft 4. v.. .'.r - - - raaklrn captain, nhn nai hnaarrd reatrrdar hr Umpire Klem for dlapntlnc a, called atrike. gins waa paaiad, Wllaon throwing poorly. Whit and Hug mads a double ateal, and a cratch lilt to the first base line by Magee brought Whltted horn. The seventh brought the crowa' feet to McOraw's eyes. Herzog led off with a hit and stole second. Tesreau sacrificed. Burns stabbed to Koney, who wss watch- ing Herzog The latter bluffed to go home and kept Koney In suspense long enough for nurns to cross the hag safel) Hums Immediately proceeded to undo Konev's witless work with witless work of his own. Herznr had returned to third afely and everything was rosy until Hums went drilling down to second. Herzog tried to save the situation nnd tn score while the ball was being shot around, but was caught. Koyle's high throw on Kvans began the eighth. Magee sacrificed Sheckard sin- gled to left. Kvans held third when Phafer took Mowrey's fly, Sheckard running down from first on the throw in. The Judlclnu llvans had his reward when Koney cracked a hit to left, on whtch both' he and Sheckard sprinted home. Meyer fizzled as a pinch punchr l'i the eighth With two out. a two bagger by MerMe nnd pa"s to Murrav and Wilson filled the pillows Herzog, who hid ent the hall along the ground every time, tw'ce for hits, gave way tn the Chief, who nicked a fly to left which was of the genu cinch ""he score ST I.OflS (N L ' NEW YOHK IN I. i ah r h p a e ab r h i e H l n.:b 1 1 ' : ft o H irns If n ; n n n Evn.rf 1 t 0 0 0 8 4 1 1 4 i i Ma'r.lf.Sh I I I I 1 A''nod(r'M 1 0 a 0 0 S'k'rt rf.lf 3 t 1 3 0 i) Flet'tirr.M 4 n 0 .1 1 .MO ylll 3 0 0 6 4 I)0le:h 4 0 0 14 1 3 0 in e Merkle.ib : Oikesrf 40010 0'MurrsT.rf 3 1 10 9 "I1HH.SS .11114 l'Vfll0!lc .1 n 1 n Winen e 4 0 1 : : llerrnr.Jb bailee p 4 10 14 tMeir I 0 n o 0 n ,c.rnh "b i n 0 I 0 o Tot 1 4 4!;: TriMU p 3 9 0 0 J o tCraiidall 1 0 o 1 1 o Tnts!, "1 3 1 Batted for Shafer in the ntmh Intuni 'Halted for Herror In the elrhth innlne tllvtM for Tereau in the ninth Innini St Louis 1 o o o 1 0 o ; 04 New Vnrll 0 1 n o 0 9 0 -- 3 Kirn b" on error St LnuK 1; New York, I I,eft on bae Jt Imt Nw Vork Kirs' be on balls Off bailee off Tefresu. t Struck out-- Hy Slle. . by Teieau. Two biie hits MerU!. Murrar hlt Maiee. Mowrey. Murray. Tesreau Stolen haellutiinj, Konetchy, Whined s; Burnt, Merkle, Murray, lienor, j Paed bll- - "iMo i mpire in cniel nirier Kisld urn. plre -- Hyron Time l hour and M mlnutea EVERS PALES AS RUNS COME. Hut Brarea (irt Only FItc, One I.raa Than Needed tn Tie Cabs. Boston. May !1. After being blanked for seven Innings tn-d- the Braves got busy in the eighth Inning and ivvired file runs, Johnny Evers growing paler every time a tally counted But five were not enough even to tie the score, as the Cuba had piled up six during the content, cbieflv Wause of weak pitching b Hes. 's home nm In thn third Inning ac- counted for two of the four runs made by the vl.tors tn that session. The .score: CHICAIJO (N L 1IOSTON (N I. ) ab r h i ae ab r h p a e 4 0 0 4 ') 0 Ma'rllle 401 ; f. i, Brers :b 4 1 0 4 Myers lb . 4 1 l 10 o o Mlte oil. rf 3 1 4 0 0 Conn llv.lf 4 1 0 s o o Zltn'an.ab 4 1 J 3 0 Sh'ii jr ;b 4 t 1 3 1 0 4 1 3 7 0 0 Tltlle.rf 3 t 0 0 0 d Is.-h.c- f 4 14 10 (' Mann cf 300101 llridw' 3 0 1 3 3 0 0 0 o Ariher.c 4 0 13 orollinscf o n o l o o Hilli h,p 3 110 10 Devlin 3h 300330 L'heneT.p 1 0 0 0 i ('Semour 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 'itiuth..1b 000000 Total 33 6 id :; 11 rwhaling.c v 0 0 b 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 llsncleii.c 0 0 0 1 0 lien p 4 0 3 0 4 0 Totals .31 .', 4 3, IS 1 tutted for Mann In the etthth Inning Batted for Devlin In the eithth innin tllatted (or Whollnr in lhn eight) Iniiim Chlcaco 004001010 Boston 000000040-- 4 First base on error-Chic- Left on bases Chicaao. 4; Boston. ? First hse 011 balli-O- f) Reulbtch. S; off Chetie;, 1; off Heat 4 Struck nut Hy Iteulbaeb, 1; by Cheney. 1; or Beaa, r. Home run- - Zimmerman 'I liree bise hit Saler Two base hlts- - Sairr. Lesib. Archer Sacriflie ers Double plays -- Zimmerman. Evers and Zimmerman; llrldwell, Evers and Saler, Zimmerman, Evers and Saier Hit br pitcher Hv Cheney (Seymour) Umpires Hrennan ami Kason Time 1 hour and 4S minutes American Association, AT KANSAS CITY KIHST C.AMK. rnlumbus.. ,, 00000201 a 'i' "t KsnsaaPlty .. 00300004 0 1 Ilatterles Cook, MrCjulllan snd Smith. Powell, Vaughn snd O'Connor SKi'ONIJ UA.Mi: folumbua H M I I 11 1 0 'a '7 3 KHiisMNrity .. 0 0 0 0 4 3 n 0 i, a Jlnltrrles Cole and Hinlih, Vniiihu anil Krlchell. Indiana polls. Milwaukee (rain), Minneapolis-Toled- o train). Kaatern Aaanelatlnn, At Plltsfleld llnrtfnrd. f., Pltl.fl.lil. 4. At llnlvoki New London. II, llnlvoke, ; All other games postponed train) Trl-Xta- te l.ranor, At Vork Wilmington, 3, Vork, 3 Ai Trenlon- - Allenmnn, ,1, Trenton. 1 At llarrlsburg- - Allantlr i'il, 3, llarrla-l.urg- . 3 Virginia League. I'nrtsmntiih, 4 Iloanoke, 0 Norfolk, 3; Petersburg. I, Newport News, 10. Richmond, S. Cotton si ta tea League, gelma, 7; Columbus., 0, Psnaacola, ft ; Meridian, 3 No other games scheduled ;Vii v?SV.iSi1?sd.,-jiV:- '"' aao PIRATES' BUNTS SEND DODGERS HIGH IN AIR Willi Throws Knsiip nnil Tliri'c Jtiins I'iiMpi- - Ovp.i- - I'liite, Hrpnkinr Tip. Font LAID DOWN IN A HOW Dmiliprt, Millpp mill Ctitslinwj FppI llrnvy llnnd of Klein's l'lnpiripnl Power. Vour bunts In a row. two of which re- sulted In costly wild throws, cut an figure In the I'lrnteV second vic- tory over the Hrooldyns nt Kbhets Field yesterday The score was f. to 2 nnd three of Pittsburg's runs were manufar-turei- l hy the bunting game. Thesu three tallies were made in the eighth Inning and lit oUe u tie fp 10 that point Biignn and Adams had been on their mettle, each pitching with telling effect Vlox opened the fatal Inning with n single fo left Fred Clarke hung out the bunt sign nnd Wagner dumped the ball neatly. Ilagnn had to hustle and his throw to Hummel wns wide. John Miller nlso hunted nnd had It brnten when Smith threw wildly to first Before the hall could be recovered Vlox nnd Wngner crossed the plate nnd Miller pulled up at second. Wilson nlso bunted to Smith, who threw him out nnd Miller advanced to third Miller was half wnv home when l!',rne worked In the fourth hunt nnd scored as the latter wns being shut off nt the Initial corner The Brooklyns, still without the services of Cutshaw, struck n snsg In the person of Chief Umpire Klem. To many sharp-eye- d observers Klem nppe.ired to be de- cidedly off on balls and strikes. When ha called a third strike on Jake Daubert In the first Inning on n ball Hint seemed :i trifle low the Dodgers' tlrst baseman kicked strenuously Klem lost 10 time In putting Daubert out of the game, n movn that Hngered the n.flflfl fans to such an ' extent that they hooted the czar the rest nf th ItflnM.u.n The ejection of Daubert brought Hum- mel over from second to first baan and drew Klrkpatrlck from the bench to cover ine miiiuie bag. There was more friction sixth1 &!'? W Wll-o- n IM the. ' thought the ball was a strike and while he wns thinking It over Klem ban shed him nnd Krwln put on the mask. A moment Inter Klem . ordered Cutshaw to leave the bench for the dress- - lug room. t Adams outpltched Bagan He struck out eight men nnd was Invincible In the I pinches. A fair sample nf his effective. , ness was displayed In the first Inning i .Moran open...! with a rattling three 'over Caret's head Adams nmde Zi stop of Hummers smash for the first out. wniKeii and stole second, nfter winen u in at popped m Brne and Daubert was called out on strikes, Klrkpntilck'x presence In the lineup was lucky for the Dodgers, for In th fourth inning, with Stengel on second he ham- mered the leniher In deep centre field ,lor a ilfnti home ru- - After that the Dodaers matiiiKfd to tr. t one or more men on b,iss in ,..,rh of the succeeding In-- . nlngs. hut Ailam.i tightened ui A nnteunrth feature wns the batting of Itngan He found Adams for two solid tilts, ope a two buKL-er- . which was the best work with the stick eer tecorded In his name, When the game was over the crowd, still hooting nt Klem. watched him stalk off the field in m-f- of no police protection The scote pinnnt(i nnooxi.TK to rnpae ah rhpae Mensor cf 4 1 1 n Moran rf ft 3 1 1 0' farej. If t. I 'i 0 llu rh.lh 4 1 14 n it ' Vlox :h 4 1 Mrnicl cf 3 1 0 o o Wj er.ea 1 3 0 Whejt If o l) 1 0 .1 MU r lb 3 0 0 Ilsub' 1 0 0 0 0 Wilaon.rf o 0 Klrkp'k :b 3 1 i 3 1 Ilvrne.Sh 3 0 0 mlth.3b . 4 0 0 3 1 Simon c 4 1 0 4 o o 0 I Adams p 4 3 0 0 Mlller.. 3 0 0 J I - Krwin c 3 0 0 " I I Totals 33 6 37 9 1 Haviii p 3 il 3 J I lL'sllshsu 1 n 1 I . Toials 3 ; 14 j Batted for Rtftn In I tie ninth Innini Pittaburi o i n o o l o 3 0 , U.aaI. I I, AAf,AA. : I . Ts o b.-- e hlt-V- .ox. Callahan ThTe; I nhhl7i,M,.n '0n;v.,.'i,n.,Klvr,,1Ckn9,' ' WL. Mnlnr r.'.'-a- . Il,ni"'. blrH M?L?n, '",i"..?,r,llnr rrJ: olf ItaKsn. 1 Struck out-l- li Adsms. n.'br Raxan. 3 Left on bases Ittuhurir. linni ljn. f Double play Moran snd O Miller I'm plre In chief. Field umpire-Or- th Time! 1 hour and 41 minutes . PHILLIES LAND ON THREE. Johnson, llnrter nnd Smith 1 leld T'nlal nf Nineteen lilts. PHII.APKLPIIIA, May 21. The Phillies battered three Cincinnati pitchers to-d- I and won, IS tn n Indian Johnson lasted only three innings. Hartei. who Ki,., ,.1. ,1,. 4 .v.- - . , i j . . . i" "-- . .in"- - ui.- - iiiniiiKs rtno the last tn(,. The Phillies made a total or nineteen hit. nnd thirty bases, Incltnl ing two pome runs a triple and three! doubles The scoie ; CINCINNATI PHII.A IN Ll ab r b p a a an r h p Reseller 113 0 3 0 0 pask.rt cf 4 3 1 3 Hates rf 4 0 1 0 1 t, 3 3 3 Tinker ss n 0 3 0 Loliert.Sh 4111 Alm'iU 3b . 0 a 1 0 I Mftme If 3 j 4 Heik.r.ef 1 H ;t 3 0 1'ravnth.rf ft : ft 3 Mars's.ib 1 n 0 r. 1 0 I.uil'riis.ih 4 t 3 4 II r'r.3h ss 4 003 I ft 003 (ir.uit.3b 4 0 n I 0 Killlfri.c 3 3 ft Clark. c I n 0 0 0 How ley. e 10 13 Klln.i. 3 0 1 4 0 0 Sealon.p 4130 Johnann.p 1 0 0 00, llarlcr.p 2 n 1 Totals 40 IJ IS 37 I 1 Smith p 0 0 0 0 Totala SO 0 III I 41 Clnnnnail ooooaonooo Philadelphia 4 0 J 0 J 0 3 ,.1J 1 a Off Johnson. 7 In fhrs. Innlnss. nff Hurler 9 in three Inning: off Smith. 9 ln two lmmis Tn base lilts Luderue, Howler, Ma-e- Three base Home rune l.uderus. Sealnn Left on bases Cincinnati, 7: I'hlladelnhta, 7 St licit nut Uy .lohnaon. 1; by llait.r, I; by Smith. 1: by Sealon. 7 Double nloys Pask.rt snd l.ob.t; lleiker and (irantj Ilerghammer and Marsana: Becker and Almeida First base on errors Cincinnati, I: Philadel- phia. 3 First base on ball Oft Hartrr, 1: off Sealun. 4. Wild pitch-Sm- ith Sacrifice hits Loliert SacTlllre fiy Ludrrua I.'mplr.a-O'P- ay and Kmalle Time 1 hour and Si mlnutea World Ontflelda American. Six errors inndn by members of the New York American Printers Baseball tenni brought nbout their defent nt the hands of the World typos by n score of s to fi nt Prospect Park yesterday after- noon. The score I IT, II E. American 10330000 0 a a a World 03001410 x 10 0 flatteries American, O'llrlen and (Inhlrn, World, Wellandt nnd Unman SiontU Atlanlli- - Leaarue, Macon. 4; Columbus, 3 Charleston, 3, .lackannvllle, 1. Savannah, 13, Alhan), 3 ises.n Innings ralni Tela l.enane, Pallaji, 4, neaiimnnt. 4, Waco, 4; Houston, 3, Fort Worth. ! Han Antonio, Austin. 4; ilslveston, 3 ( rlrel gam.i Austin, 3. liiilvesion, n (second game). farnllnn l.ragne, Ashevltle. IJ: flalelgh. S. (Ireenahoro. 3. Durham. I. Charlotte, I. Winston. flalem. I, U. I, T. l.ragne, llnpklnsvllle. t. T'adurah, 0 ii..ii Innlnfti, llendersnn. 7, Hsrilshiirg, I, f'slrn, 7; Clarkavllle, 4 Owenaboro, 7, Vlncannea. . IfT,:, ,t i j j i. .awirvc . AMisi'cr GMto for Ebbets 'riWAsntKit mi:iwi:s or tim Hrooklyti flub wild yest4-ila- tllilt tilt ;l v.'itire Hillt! of reservt'd j M'ntH lor the I'liiluih'lphia-llronkly- fi ' Kami; nt Kbticix I'icld on Siiiunl.iv xrt'iMltxl t tint for (hi- - opvtiitin with tin? Now ork Afiierit'iiiiH on April .". MiilleiiK prHielijtl Hint by i- row iiIkIh all tlic imsitvimI seals would l)! Kolic cxcciit thoso ill tln boxes. Tho lirooklyn club lias mailt' nrratiKements to nt'citiiimodnlH J5,(KH) fans without mnkiiiK any of thorn watch the- - first battle with the I Quakers from the playing surface. JOHNSON'S TENTH STRAIGHT. lie Pitches Mnth and Tenth tnnlnga' anil Napa Are Beaten. ci.ivEi.AS-n- . May Pinch Hitler Will-- ! lams with tho score 3 to 1 In favor of the' .Naps stepped up In the ninth Inning for Washington y and banged out n home run, scoring n man ahead of him and. tying up the game. Waller Johnson then relieved Groom and held the Naps to one hit In the ninth nnd tenth. The OrUllth! aggregation touched up Knhler for two1 hits, good for the winning run. nnd look another for good measute when Orogg, who reliever Knhler, threw wild to centre field. The victory was Johnson's and made his tenth straight. The score : WASIIINOTON CLEVELAND .ah rhpae abrhpas' Moeirr.rf B 0 0 : n .tohna' 6 I I 10 0 1 Milan cf r.1131 3Cbapn.aa 301 3 0, M' 4 1114 O.Olson.Jh f, 0 0 3 0 0 i.sndiUh .1 0 3 13 0 0 Tiirner.2b. II 0 1 1 0 t.aii ie.Sh r. 0 0 4 3 o'.lacUa'n.rf 4 3 3 0 (1 3 0 0 1 4 1 .413100, fieh'fer.Sb 1 ooii Ofirsner.lf 4 0 3 4 0 0 Shanks.lf K 3 3 1 0 0 i'arirb.c 4t 1 e 0 0 'le'irjr.,. 3 0 t f, 1 0 Kaliler.p 3 1 0 3 0 Mill mi. o lllin n r.rear.p .00000 11 Oroom.p ooofo Johns'n.p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tntala a; 3 II SO it 1 Total!.. 40 f. 80 30 3 Waehlngton osooooies s- -fl Cleveland 000010110 s3 ' llltsv-O- R Oroom. II In eliht and two tMrtal lnnlaii; off Johnson. In one and one third Innlnrs; off Kahler. 7 in nine lnn!na, off Oreag. I In one Innitir Two base hits (.rsner. I; Shanks rtyan Three base hlteJacken, Shanks Home Sacrifice hits Chapman. Kahler Sacrifice Stolen an, Milan. Onndll Firt nw on nsus -- uij Hanier. 3 on oroom. I First base on errors Cleveland. 1: ITuhintinti orffi'" nyVoo'r0,:' l Johnson, i Double plays Milan and Morrau Moeller and Henry. I.anorte. Schaefer and. ,lr,nrl" P"cn oroom i mplree , mlnme'" nd lUn r""'- -: h"r' ""' WflfiTt BTSnrPC VV1 Cnv Tnn Oat. Rales Fall. ! Pllrhea In Rorton anil Unity Ends. . . r"'CAoo. May 1 1. -- The White Mog enme fro!n 7 Hc,rrt M r,,n" ln ,t"' nln,h and had the filled when Boston retired the last man nnd won by lil to V It was n hatting bee all the way, the world's champions hitting a pair of Chicago pitchers for eleven safe ones. while the White Sov hnminered Bay Col-- 1 llns and Beilu iit. Joe Wood finally wns called on nnd pitched to but one man This was ltorton. who came up with the bases filled, two down nnd nni run needed tn ue iiorton nit in nrat .md the rall wn oej Tn. trore ; IIOSTON 'A I. t'HICAOO (A I. ' ah r h ll A e nh r h s m ii.."rr ri .. t ti a n mm erkes .b 4 3 : I lterer 3b 0 "pe'ker cf S 3 3 0 0 I iid.3b r, J 3 1 Iwislf 3 1 3 0 n .1 Col'ns rf 4 1 .Isn'nii Ih I 1 : 1 foiirn 3 0 I 7 KltSle lb t. 0 3 0 rt indie ..10 1 0 Wae er s 4 o o Zeeler.lh 3 1 3 Can m'n.e 300 Matiii k (lis 0,10 II roll's p 3 3 1 " tiiHih 0 0 n IWbeni p 0 0 n 0 Wpaer,i9 3 3 13 Wood p 0 0 0 .K.Ktrrlr 0100 SehalU c M i : Totals 37 10 II 2 Hen?.p 0003 I'.nue p 110 1 IHorton 0 0 0 0 Tit sta .1 t II ? Ifl 'Ratted for FntirnLr in ih. slvth Innln.' 'Halted for Maltick In the ninth innlnt tnatlert lor nearer tu the ninth tnnlnr Itlatteil for Lanae In the ninth innlnt ' Poston 300401, ififtni ChtcaKO if0ort3ios :i Ifl on hnaes-llnat- nn 11 Chn-agn- , ? Has on balls -- Off II Collins 3 off lUdient. 1. off Item 4, off Lanae, 4 Struck out Hy n Col t 'X ' 4MThresT hli'h,ViU S1'"' Kllin. SaerlS " '' e Mi. , Csrrnau Stolen Pa.aed ball Scbalk Double play. Wsiiirr and F.ncl.. son and Connolly Time hours and 30 nun uirs W iaVKWATIOWAL LIAUU. YesterJay'a nraalta. Buffaln. 4 Newark 3 Montreal, 4 Bslitir.nrs, t Rochester-- . Ir.i- - 'ttv iralni Toronm.Provldenee iralnt taadlav of Ih Claba. w l. re w L PC Bufalo. . IS 11 :i llnrh.,,.. .14 is .407 Newark l 14 ,M3i r.ionin 13 II 40.' Kalttrnere... .l U M7 M.inneai 11 II .411 1 rovin.pce... 13 13 njrrev Cltv . II II .107 To-dar- 'a Schednle. N'isrk tn Huffatn city In Horh"r Providence In Tormit llsltltnnr. In Mentrei, BISONS EVEN WITH INDIANS. Make Their Hits at Opportune Times nnd Win hy II In .1. HrrrALo, May 21 - Murrain won back the game lost to Newnrk In their first meeting, to.dnyn score being ti to 3. Hoth teams hit about the same In numbers but the lllsnus slammed the sphere at most opportune momenta with men on the sacks. The score : NEWARK ni'FFALO ab rhpae ab rhpae 4 3 10 0 OTr'ad'le.Sb 3 3 10 10 (Saini' 4 3 4 0 . 3 0 0 0 W.Jl'an If 3 0 n o Jarkaon.lf 3 1 1 0 ft 0 Dallon.rf 3 0 I 0 O' 4 1110ft cf 4 0 i t 0 lli.s.3h 4 13 13 0 E Z'rn Ibl I 3 3 0 Beck, 111. . 3 0 0 13 0 0 Oeli.vb 4 0 3 3 nlDeln'g'r.rf 4 0 0 1 lllscins.e 3 4 3 Stephens.!' 3 0 0 0 0 Umin'lT.P 3 ft II n 0 Cosily c 0 4 0 llarier I 0 ft 0 0 Mains n 3 0 0 0 1 Enrm'n.p 0 0 1 0, ILee 0 0 0' Totals 37 ;is 1 TolaJa..30 3 7 34 II 3 Hotted for Donnelly in the seventh Inning. tllatted for Eumann in the ninth Inning Newark , 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 Buffalo, 10110003 1: liases nn balls Off Mains, 4, off Dnnnrllv. 3; off Enmaim. 3 Sir ink out By Moina, : bi Donnelly. 4 Two base hitsHinitiier. Hues Sairlllce hits W Zimmerman. Uaginer, Rna, b Heck, Ifiiitiia Stolen bases Trursdale, J; Col llns. W. Ziniro.imon. K .Imni.nnaii, Hues First base nn errors Newark, 3 Left nn bases Newnrk, 7 Double Buffalo. 4; plays -- Myers and (iagnler; Roach nnd Heck; (lagnier and Collin Wild pitches Main. 3. Passed balls dowdy. 3 umplrea-Umal- ey and Finn.ran Time 3 houra and ftft minutes Mnntreal Hnlves Sha-rk- ry, Montrkai,, Miiy 21, Moid ri al bunched hits on Hhnwkey In two Innings v nnd defented Haltlmoro, 4 to 1. Haiti-- 1 more's only run was du tu errors by Lennox nnd Cunnlnghnin Lennox was spiked by Cnpron In the first Inning and compelled tn if tire, The score: H, 11 E liaitunore e o n n 0.- -1 4 Montreal 301103000 x 4 7 4 Hailerlea Baltimore. Khawkey and tiian, Montreal, Bmlth ami Hums Snot hern League. Mamrhls, 7: AUanis, ft. nirnilngham. 3; Mobile, I ifllst gain.) Rlrnilnghani. ft, Mobile, (s.cond game), Chattanooga, 3 Montgomery, n, Nashsllle. 7; New Orleans, .1 (first ganisl, Naahf lllr, I; New Orleans, I laerond gam). CREE MAKES ONLY HIT OFFHAMILTOH Ihowiis' Hifr Southpaw Proves KpiiI Monarch of .Mound. Blanking New Yorks. I'OKD KtTPKRS AN OFF DAY' Yields Nine llifp, Which Send in Five Runs Spectnenlar Slop Hurts Hand. The New York Americans auferert from a stringency In the baac hit market es-- 1 terday and weie shut out uy ine iirowns. By winning however, they can take a majority of the series. The Bostons put another crimp In the While Sox record nnd the Washington halted the Cleveland". Wet grounds kept the apul In Detroit. 1 eslerday'a Iteanlls. .t Louis. f,i New York, 0. lesion. 10. Chicago. . Washington, r. . Cleveland, 3. wet grounda. Detailed Clnb "lanallnga. 8 1'S ,5 5 i ' , Sil &' r l V a i m elf ' r. i irinladelphta. i 1. 1 3 0 ih b ' o;b i jCleeland . . 4 3) 5 4 I 31 13 .S3fl Washington. I 1. - i ij :i 3i b is it ki Chicago oj 4j : 4('ln 14 ' 5M Boston. ,. . Si 3 3 31 S 14 .431 St. Loull. a all. Detroit. M4 New York.. o o 31 I ?3 r.amea Lost o:i3iri4 is'jt 3tl23l;t:s To-day- 'a rhetlnle. New- - Terk In St. Louts. Washington In Cleveland. Philadelphia In Detroit. St. I.OC1S. May 51. The Ptnvalless ttrowns came to life y and won In their third tryout against the New Yorks hy a score of & to 0. Karl Hamilton held the visitors to one hit. a Texas leaguer back of the Hue between first nnd second Spltball Hon! was on the mound for New Vork. hut did not perform up to his customary standard Nearly every one of the nine hits th locals made counted In Increasing the score. Cord had gilt edge support. Snappy plwlng by McKechnle. who was circulating In the shortfleld position, nnd Sweeney, whose tin owing arm had the Drowns showing great respect for him, helped to hold down the score I'ord played a perfect fielding game and was tesponsihle for several assists on hard plavs In the eighth Inning he robbed Williams of a hit on 11 bounder thnt ne.-irl- split his bale hand. l'or several minute after making the throw to Chase that tet'reil the runner, l'ord rublmi his llnnd nnd Chose mn In tn ,s,,. If his finger wns split When he resumed pla Hie fans gao him a round of ap. plause Cree wss the only visitor who d with Hamilton's offerings. After six Innings without n tilt being made off the big southpaw. Cree' In the seventh rnleil his Texas leaguer to right, but It counted for little, for he wns nipped n few minutes later attempting to steal second Wolier twice received flee trans-portatlo- while Mldklff nnd Daniels were the other New Yorkers thus favored The score . NEW YORK (A. Ll RT LOUIS A Ll ab rhpae shrhpa Hinl'Isrf 3 0 n 1 (i 1 Shol'nn ef 3 3 110 0 Wnlterrf 3 0 0 1 1 njnhtis'nlf 3 o t o n o !l"ll:.h ? 1 1 I : ? lTnl'"lf r' ! : 1 " ! mmn i " " i' -i ran ;n a n z l n o Cree.ll . 3 0 I ? 0 0 nn.f ll. null Chase lb 3 0 0 9 1 0 Austin Jh 3 110 3 0 Sneen'y.c 3 0 0 3 3 0 Walls, e 1 3 0 0 1 3 s MldU'f.:h 3 0 0 1 1 o,Ainew e 3 0 1 a 0 0 M' 3 o o r, 3 0 Ham't'n p 3 0 1 0 3 0 r orn p r o a o s n tMerrett 0 0 0 0 0 Totals : t 9 ;; 11 0 . . niais ii 1.4 19 Halted lor Hanzrll in the ninth mnlni 'hailed for Ford in th ninth inninr Ne Tork ooanoooo 0 SI Louis - 5 0 0 0 310 .A Two base hits- - Shottun Pratt Three bae hit niillams Sacrifice Pou-- , ble pls Williams Pratt and Brief: Austin Pratt and ef stolen ba.e- - Wnltrr First I base on balls Off Ford, 3; off Hamilton ' struck nut liy Ford, hv Hamilton, I ""u't," Nr" " S'-- r ''0,"," ''m,'!r and Kvsns hour and " nm,u"' LOSING BRACE BY CORNELL. Msler'a lilt In 1'enlh entla In Win. nlnit Mli'hlgnn linns. 4 4 ivennerc .,11.. imurr.ei a I n 111 1 0 ft 0 ft j 1 1 Pnntl's.ib I 0 0 ft 0 4 3 4 1 0 0 lory, ficvueen. Keller. First base on Off off Qiiin. Struck By Quintain, .1: by John son, 3 Left on bases Michigan. Cornell :i, lilt by Adair Passed ball Webber Double Adair: Schlrlek Umpire- - Dnnolnie Tune .' hours 30 mlnutea Wi'atrrn League. St Denver, 3 Moines, 4, Lincoln, Wlrhltn. 3: Omaha, I Sinus t'll, Si Topeka, New F.nslnnil I. entitle. At llrocktonFall Hlver, 13; llciikton, t, Lowell, k. Portland, i.ynn- - 1. Worcester, rence, New Bed- ford. 4, Where 's Man Who Said Talk Is Cheap? DOSTO.V, Mav L'I. It will root nny nntl baseball with a newspaper man. Hereafter all InterviewH with Cubs art) to be tabooed if President .Murphy, now here with tho club, is ablo to put through the latest of innovations. "I am RoinK to fino nny nnd nil of my players 1100," declared Murphy to-da- "If they nro found talking baseball with any newspaper men. I don't intend to have my club wrecked and torn to by these stories that emanate from the players." YALE GOES ON WINNING. rnrrn Take BIk Lead, bnl nine Mnkea It Sixteen New Haven, May SI. Yale wni. her sixteenth baseball victory this Itrown, to 4, The largest crowd of the season was on hand, the undergraduates to the field In a body behind n brass band and cheer- ing and singing throughout the game. Brown seemed to have the game won In the first Inning, when tllle lost his grip nnd allowed four runs. After Crowther had fanned. Olio walked Loud nnd Snell. Eayers with ono of (Jlle's fast shoots for a triple to left, scoilng l.oud and Snell. Then Kayers came home on a poor throw. The game was won by Tale ln the With two men out, Olle got a life. Middle, brook singled, Pehofleld walked and lllos-so- doubled, scoring Olle and Middle-broo- k Hlddel singled, driving ln tho win- ning runs. The score: H1IOWN YALE ab r b r s e ab r h n a e rrnwi' .. 0 3 j 1 Mld b' 4 1I 00 sioio 0 onnn rt.Jf 1 0 1 0 ol Sliell.c 3 1 0 H 0 II nss'm as 4 1 1 R I Kavrea p 4 I 0 f. o Hlddel! lb 3 0 3 o o J F.H'r.Sh 4 0 0 0,1 S It'l-.3- 3 10 0 11 Andr's.Ib 3 0 o t Pum'llr.rf 4 10 10 0 TeVi.:h 3 0 10.: ifornlsh.rb 4 0 t j I .loh't'n rf 4 o i 3 e o llurdeite.c 3 o i j o Nsah.ef 30010 O'fille.p 411110 Iluketle 1 0 0 0 0, - Totals 81 I ; 13 J Totals S3 4 s 31 11 3' Batted for Naah In the ninth Inning Brown 40000000 n 4 Yale 030040 no s Two base hits llurdetle. Bloaaom Three bass hit Haves f,acrlfte hit -- llurdetle Molen bsse-- .t y Relllv Johnston First base nn er rora- - Brown. 3. Vale. Hrst base 011 halls-O- ff Hayes (Jlle. f Struck om -- Hr Karres. o; by Cite. 0 lH on bass Brown. Vole. 7 Cmpirea Msfford and Adams. Time -- 1 hour M minute. PLAY ALL AROUND. Midshipmen Vanqnlah the Noire Dame Nine Score nf T tn I. Annapolis. Md. May It The mid- shipmen defeated Notre Dame this after- noon T to 1. The former pl.tjed n strong game all or. mini. The score. XOTItK HAMK NAVAL ACADEMY all r h p a e ab r hp a e OCnn' 4013 ;, .Sn'itb"h 4 I 0 4 f. 0 Kelleylf 4 .0 0 0 o .,ltn 41.100 Farrel lb 4 0 0 II 0 iri.her.if 3 too Mills rf 4 0 0 ; 0 0 Hall lb 4 0 1; 0 (i ni 0 Jn 1 o 0 ? 0 n v.iiclrn lli 1 I : I Ilnr sn ,f 3 0 0 A n line, i I i tl i i A n Ne 30001 tnimerlf 4 o o i n ,i (roy.c 3 o o i j o'lh, U e ? 3 I o. 3 13 13 nsriben.p I 1 : fi n . - Totala It 1 l "l M i Totals 3S ' T .7 13 1 Notre Dam- - 0 a o o o i o o o First' ' Three baa. er." Vaiden base on balls-O- ff Berier. 3 Slruck nit-I- W Iteraer. i f. hy iribrt 3 Double play O Cnur.e I and Parrel on h.... .Notie Dame. 3. N'avt. T Wild pitch Passed ball Hhks llolk eibert I in pi r-r- llrtt Time l hour 40 mluiites PENN'S HITS OPPORTUNE. Inly Fnnr nf Them, lint They serve tn Defeat ritn.APEt.ritiA, May II Pensylvanla defeated Iordhnm on Franklin Field to- - day by a score of 3 tn The lied and , ".Dine team mad- - only four hits, tmt . . n,rm "ne r.vioe mi mii un- - iiioinem. 1 he score : FORDHAM PENS nb rhpae ab rhpae M Oo'nlf 4 13 10 o Marlin 3h 4 i 0 0 t 0 Carroll 5b 4 1 i o ; a Colem'ti.lf 3 3 111" Vivlann e 3 0 0 fl iCorjells. 3 0 I.e.ihif 4 0 : ; 0 t Mindset 4 0 1 1 Elliffe -- f 4001 oM.t'allrf 3 o i o 0 o II M I M . : I 'lontll.v .0 J 0 il 0 I" Flanl'n lb 3 Oil o oWall'ielh 3 o o Kier an :b 3 a o o 3 1 Kiums 1001131 Donley 0 0 0 n 0 satre p 30004; Will'ms p 3 0 0 4 0 - - Totala 3 4 :; 1: s Totals j; 3 s : i; 4 natlrd for Kiernan 111 ine ninth innlnt: Porilham n 0 0 0 1, a 0 0 : Penn ; n n 0 0 0 0 1 j eft on base, l'ordhitn Penn 4 First i,,.r nn errors Fnnlliani. : Penn . Two base Ihiis Carioll Coleman Three has. I11I Williams Sairlnieni 1v1an Double piajs Sares Konns and Walla. , 4'orjell Wallaie and I'.llifff Struck lit- - William., s by Savre. v Slolcu bae. Miiiovrrn. Coleman Minds B.ims on balls Olf Williams, 3 d balls - Knous. Viv latin I'mpirc Julian Time I hour and 3.'. nuimtrs wrdi irv 1 v 11m v rnnti Ab r hp a e ab r h p a e 1 2 3 3 0 .! Mur'y.rf 4 12 10 I Icr.p 0 n ft 0 0 0; Totals 14 ft 13 37 11 0 Totals. .33 4 11 34 11 I Hatted for Stanley In eithth Inning Wesleyan 010010300-- Holy Cross n 0 0 0 3 1 1 ft Two ha, hits Wrlxhl, Ilarllni Three base Saunders ns. Cawley Mill. 11 lias. Sauiidrrs. Left on basea Holy Cross. ; Weslryan. 7 First base on batla-O- ff (Jarlska. 3; olf Tlerney. I: Stanley, 3, Struck out-- Hy Oarlaka. 4: by Tlerney, 4: by Stanley. 3 Double plu- Wrlahl iiinasslsiedi: O'Dwjrer, Sounders and OslersTeu. Wild Hit by pitched ball -- Cawley Umpire Lincoln. Time J hours and e minutes Prospect Tnrk llnaehnll P. H. 1(14, ; P S. 137, ft. Peniint A (.' , cllntnn A. C Mldnnnd A, C, It: Lincoln P. c. 4, Plathush A, C, ti, Prospect Park F. C 3. and Combine in Botited only by ihi Itidlitiin A New York. nrdtr fram any dealar Ithaca. May 21 -C- ornell played better! WESLEY AN WEAK AT FINISH, baseball than usual against Michigan but was beaten III the tenth Inning by ,.,. ..,. , nil Tlerney anil three hits, Sser s single scoring two run". It was fourth of game and gave Holy t rnss W In t.amr. team the victory by fi to 3. The score : Wiikitstkp.. Mass.. May 21. Wesle.van MICHH14.!s. CORNELL n,s beaten by lolj Cross ." to i In a ab r hp a e ab r h p a e nntcst In which the Connecticut plners CorvH J S Jfi'Svl".; j ! 5 J' managed to tie the score twice, but were M'Q 0 13 3 3 0 1 0 0 unable to tlnd Tleinev In the hitler patt of Sialer.rf ft 0 ft 0 4 0 0 9 3 3 the game. The scote I.Tralner.lf. 0 1 0 O'Adair.Jh 3 0 o1 3 .401101 otf out lilt olf ttn J ? 3 ? 1 1'Johnsou.p 4 10 0ft 0 Pi ts ns If 41111 0 n 0 o'.rc'r'.V.Ib .111110 0 0 4J .1 0 3 7 0 0 O'I)'r.3b 4 3 3 4 0 11 'Ha'd.3b :i ft 0 4 3 0 Sau'd's ss I I 3 t 0 Totals 34 H14..0 1 'Markr.ef 30040 O.O 400300 Michigan !5S52,!,,l:'Ri Ile'm'n.3b 1 0 0 I 0 MeteVr.lf .11 I 0 0 0 Cornell. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -3 1 1 3 ft 0 OI.Muriiliy.c 4 0 3 )1 0 Two base hit -- Bell Stolen hiaes-Sial- er, Stanle.v.p 4 0 113 1 0 ft 0 ' 0 Quintain. Bell, S.hlnck, Keller. Saerltlce hlia Holden 00000 ft Tierney.p. 3 0 0 0 0 (1 iinwani. balls .Inhnsmi, 1: tain. 3 out : pitcher-Kell- er plays-Train- er and and Adair and Joseph. IS; Oes 0 I 0 At Lowell Ai i.ynn. 0 ,t New lledfnrd Law t, his both fifth. 1 and liy 1 j.:h and M'Erl ' win 9, Brewars, his the his tijb This Beer ia Just Right! "You'll Like It." Puritu. WholenmenrBt, Sparkle Presi- dent pieces xtralahl. consecutive afternoon, defestlng marching connected WELL I'ordhnni. pilch-Stan- ley. Iteanlla, Flavor Whti, n.Keller.r'r Ullman.e roartska.p It Suih the Moit Exatting Tattt! Try It! LOCKETT PERFORMS IN BRILLIANT STYLE t "rat Appearance Hero With hlipllfill Comrades, mm Plays Dashing Polo. FRKAKK AIDS OPPOSITION Lilies I'p With Piping Hod Four and Scores Againt His Countrymen. Kngland's polo team lined up vest at I'lplng Hock for the first four pe. , of n game just as It will be allgne the International match on Juno l'i nothing unforeseen happens. Capt V t Lnckett made his fltst nppearanee 111 saddle In America and, though lie pLv ,., through only half the g.nne, showed som, dashing polo. The Englishmen met with much sti.Ter opposition than 111 their Initial game on Monday They weie opposed by four playets wearing the colors of Piping Ito-l- , three of whom had gooiltxratlngs undte tho I'olo Association ind In addition rtis.i K M Kreake, the English substitute, pis Ing In his favorite position of No, ? ft. I.ockett got out of the g.11110 the 'ii ig Hock tram picked up nnd the total In favor of the English iiuartot was u4 to 4t. Cnpt. ftltson, who made mich a showing last Monday, placed in dlffetently yesterday After Capt Lockei-retire- from the fray Ills place was take, by Cap!. K. D Miller, the veteran nni manager, mid the score, which had i largely against Piping llnck up tunc, was brought In dose flgmes 1. successful assaults of Agassis and Von Stnde. I'reakc played In marvi'l form toward the end of the game 11 . last gnnl was remarkable lie whlrned the ball away from the opposing side pi tne middle or tne item and shot in ' toward the goal. Two strokes of his ma . let led up lo a final drive that sent t is wooden sphere hurtling nt the extreme height of the goal post. The lineup; Eniland-N- o I. Capl St O I, Chrs: No .'. Capl A Noel Kdsarda: No 5. Ort R O Rlt.on, hacks. Cap! V Lockett t art E I) Miller , Pinim Hivk Nn 1. C P Beadlestnn ,Vn :, V M freaUe; No 3 F S on siad bv'4. r. 1. Aj.T.17 FIRST PF.RIOP, Tlm lioals Player anil Team M I C'heape. Gotland 3 33 . Acassn, Ilpins UnrV SECOND PERIOD 3 Cheape Eniland . 1 IJ Pipiiif lin k tenah7ed ij coal, Badls en cros,ni Kdards Tllllttl PERIOD No soala scored FOURTH PERIOD I Edwards Kntlani Kotland penalied i, for safetT FIFTH PERIOD .'. FreaUe. Piinnr dock t 'A Edwards. IhisUnd ', l.oikctt Entland MXHI PERIOD sair. Pipiiic lloi-- Von Made Pipinc Hock SEVENTH PERIOD 10 Ednsrda England EKiHTII PERIOD II- - Freaks I'iniii: Itoel, Gunman Knclanii t, eained loi penaltj total. P puii Ro'-- ("tea lariini ... lott b.i ien.ilt i. lotnl i, It, r eres L'.ipl 11 1) Miller slid D J Roia Turn Emhl iniiiule periods T,,r,,U W,n "er. Vlelor.. Nr.w Hrpnswick. N. .1 . Mav 21 In a : ,u,in. fielding n"1 hard hitting. Itutgers defeated Lebigi- hen- - this nfterniniti. 7 In Itutier litnded on Knils for live hit. including a home i up anil n double, scoring H e runs in the opening inning The it H r Lhlgh o o o it i o 7 i Itutgei .'. n i h i x. . : n naileries -- Kearty and Wright pennl. an Acker. vs nrl Male l.eaane. A r El, Ml It, u h y. slhan 00000000000 a Eloilra e 0 0 n c 0 0 o 0 1 1 Itaiterles tial.r nnd Melionniixb Va and Hitter empire- - Latham scranten-Ctlc- iw.t grotpidsi vv llkestarre..S racns.. , rain . tralni AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE OWTsTRg AND SCLIJiRa Of Aft TOMOlHl.r.S. COMMKHCIAL Titll Oli GARAOE5 TIRFS. EQUIP- MENT a. ALSO RETA1R WILL ALWAYS TINP iwurmiNo or iNTEarsT in THIS COl.PMN. "Body Sale" Must Vacate Itcitcd I hi tor to I t, itvl ,r 1. 200 Auto Bodies Untrimmed Cost $150 to $400 At $10 up III ' MM .1(1- - I 1(1 VIIK II 350 Auto Bodies All Makes Utlll.llV . othsi lli.i.s, (11. I'.u karti. per Ii sses. nr (I 01 oilier niakei Ml ft- - ic joo ronin'rtr At $10, $15, $20, $30, $40, $50 Abo Pa i , Vi neti. Si.i-- lie. llu ll i. snd li oilier part " d n n'rl , Ae wAt Any Price to Alio 'lliltl.inille. nn iul. .1,111. I nc ii c iami ii oiin' Jandorf Automobile Co. asr 3, 5, 7, o w. 61st. .::; REBUILTPIERCE ARROWS Self Starting and Electric Lighting Sytf mi We have Jut completisl arrangriiirins enabling us to olfer alt 1011 and mi; models with starting mid lighting svsirms lor Information about cars available now call, write or telephone. IILI.IS MOinit Clt CO 41(1 Cential Ave. Newark, lei, Mil Mark.' New Jersey drilrrs In I'leice rroi' ( Franklin Used Cars We are o'Teilng at unusually low ptlrr o r stock of used cars. These Minus have been tal .1 ss part paimenl for new Franklins snd havi hern thorouirhly overhauled. They ore hatgalns. lrAKI.I Horoit ' It 411.. 37ft mnerdain av ,N , Phone oliinihuv l.v " POPE HARTFORD 1PII Ml II. p. 1 Passenger landaiilet, nvrrha and repainted: any irasuuable oflrr takes ihlv ear, loll ,M! II. P. 7 Passenger louring car, I'd1)' eqiilpprdietcellent coiidltlun, ILinn. POPE MOTOR CAR CO., IHU4ll'nAV. tr.l.. 5110 t'OI" ALL MAKKS AND MODIIUS OK I'HP.D (. .MIS. pedal money raising sacrifice sale; MTOllMi'" U West 63rd (near HrnadHayi, AtTOMOHll.K AMI MOTOR THICK IV ei niiiiiiun, I4'i an 1 Booklet ejplalns WIH adtomorii.t; our Is nils r. At.'Aur.n 1 Inaprri our .rl'l a W. 14th tu nil b convlnrMI.

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Page 1: · M 10 THE SUN, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1918. 1 Giants, Brooklyns and New Yorks' All Lose


10 THE SUN, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1918.1 '

Giants, Brooklyns and New Yorks All Lose Games in Mad Scramble for Pennant



If i.1,8 I ,

P )



Those Kiiciors Coiiiribiito toSecond (riant DclVat

liy Cardinals.


Eighth tlio Fatal Kound. forin That Period Visitors

Take Lead.


Chanco for Tallies in SrvpnthSpoiled by Ovprzonloits

Jiasp Kunnin".

Thare 1 a desperate fight on among thaOlanta, Cubs nnd Cardinals for the thirdplace championship, nnd the (Hants leadhy a point Tlicy were beaten by the Car-dinals again yesterday, for the Piratenosed out the Bostons. The Ilrooktynahad another sorrowful day. for the Hratesfloored them again The Phillies are rac-In- R

along comfortably In the lead Theyiave the Neds h merciless trouncing y.

Yesterday' Reaalta.Hi. Laula, 4; New Tork. I.rittabur. 6, Brooklyn, 3.Chicago. 4. Boston. 6.rnuaneipnu. 13. Cincinnati. .

Detail Clafc "taadlnca.



i s1u

hi?Phtladalphla 4 t- tBrooklyn. nNw York.. J' 4

St. Louia.. J, o 3 4' 1 4 l 14

Chicago o'j II 3

Pltttburg.... 1i :Beaton Til 1 ! J M ht7 .SBV

Cincinnati. n i a'1":: IonGajn.a Leal.. i4:ti',ii'is i7,j:;,i:o

To-dar- 'a rhednle.t. lunula In New Vork.

Pltthiir In Brooklyn,rhlratn In Bomon.Cincinnati In Philadelphia.

An error hy Iioyl. the nnlv one madeby the (Hants, and the mlsplnred Illieralltyof Jeff Tesreau were a lnltiR offset vester'.day to the fmu that the nianf marie ninehits to the Cardinals' four and one errorto the Cardinals' four The fmir ,,.blnatlon was one which worked ttm forthe Cardinal, for they nun ),y worn of4 to 3 Hesldes taldnc advnntnae nffaults In New York's same they ran bnsfswith Judgment and enterprise and didn'tneglect any opportunity to turn evcithlna;to their advantage. An able bodied hit hvKonetrhy another larse factor Intheir victory

Koiietchys hit. made in the eighthInning, In which era the Cardinals clat-tered Into the lend, came after chanceshad bien offered tu retire the sideKoney wouldn't have iom up at Hit IfDoyle hadn't made a high throw to firston the first man up As It was he todk ahand In the game with men nn second andthird, and as it turned out It would havebeen far better to hnp lemoved him asan element of danger l.y palng htmBut as he wasn't passed and did send nMnge humming to light and two runsfciored, the fat was In the me.

The Ulants took to bunting and sacrific-ing and did good execution that way. Itwas no fault of this plan of campaignthat one New Vi)rf error proved moradamaging that four times that manv StI.ouls sins of omm1son The Ulantsran liases will tun, going down often andmaking most of their steals go throughTheir bac" running as sggresslve nndIntelligent!) done, with one exception.Burns w.m overzenlous on one occasionand ruined the clover strategy of Meriogby a hour hradd blunder. Not contentto let fll enough alone. Hums In theseventh Inning Killed a good chance toscore bv ,t fatuous oetioing of wlmtfortune was at that moment providing

When he put the 1,1,11 over the plateTesreau was very effertli... Two hostlles.whom he staitul along the highway withpasses, scored, mid so the extreme diffi-culty the Cardinals had In rinding hisdelhery went fir nothing. Sallee was hitmore freev hv the liiants. though hepitched h good game. Ills control wasgood, while Tcliiiiu's was not. He wasweak tn holding up baae runners, but wasnot castigated l'i s. .erey that the Clantsfound him easy plucking.

Umpire Hjirn had a wearing day.There were m many plas on the hnsesthat Ills head was swinging continuallyfrom one station In another and hW vet-die-

met with several fretful objectionsThe wa h,( saw It, Wliltted, who amoment latcc scored, wan safe Ht thirdon a steal la the fifth Inning, but thatwasn't the aniv Herrog and the otherGiants saw t Again the wnv h saw It,Herzog was anfe on a teal of secondIn the se,nti, inning Mlte JIugglnsmade such rti .inlmated kick that he waabounced Tf-- i a rebounred when he linedtip ngalnst tl e bleacher hoards mi hisway to outer ilarlii's The ejectment ofthe St l.iil loininatider helped theOlants little, i i:vans, w10 was the littleboss'si hattlBf siiceessm, scored n run

Kre Itlghir cense, crjlng "hair' In thefirst Inning Tire.iu had passed the firstthree Vet '17 Kol ul nf ,,entangle m. nt iiretf. ,. Mnwrfy tnppeila slow onu tn llerzog, on which he wasthrown one and Mug tallied, hut Mngeewas run dnirn on Konej's thrust to Ileroirand Oakes gilt the ila light tin Ice.

"Hie ( limits tied the score In the snnndMcrkle hunted snfeh, ,t,. second nndtook up lila Jiahitnt ,lt winto'shad thtou. He scored on it sizzlingdouble bj Mmi Hm the wenUmss oflb. fiuitili it hat. with runs hoveringnear, w us In edden.e Wilson sacrificedanil Mil nay was mil down on llerzng'sgtouiider to Mnwiej same thing In theIh rd aftir Bums had alngM ,i, Mn,nseiond, shajer ii,., muKht to Mown.),HetclKf foubd, lnnle perished nt ,st.

I he foitrO) was a t,,. ,,ir(, s,.tsf,ic.toty. tUi hunt., and aided to second1" "'' "ild thtoH. Murray sacrl-8-er- j,

immi Whlit.d shinned Wilson'shopper Mart,).. scoimmI llerzog singledwith two out, stole second and didn't stoprunning iitrtU he was .,t the plate Wlnao'alow thtow took an angle to left Held offHugs gauntlet, Manee had enough e

to ivfor the hall for H.rzog to gita wood stirt and then Instead of throwinghome M;.e rel.ied to Mnvvrev Thatdidn't hetokfti nny excess of grav mattersnd to hall up the r,,y'made a dlafcrted tlnow o Wlngolime,ir the martial Caidlnal- - weren'tfl'f'.h',"nn,; iV'",""1 s,i"'talked. Wjltud nola second before Hug.

Jake Daubert

jyCaj! - v,i,,.

E.r.r ft 4. v.. .'.r- - -

raaklrn captain, nhn naihnaarrd reatrrdar hr Umpire Klemfor dlapntlnc a, called atrike.

gins waa paaiad, Wllaon throwing poorly.Whit and Hug mads a double ateal, and acratch lilt to the first base line by Magee

brought Whltted horn.The seventh brought the crowa' feet to

McOraw's eyes. Herzog led off with ahit and stole second. Tesreau sacrificed.Burns stabbed to Koney, who wss watch-ing Herzog The latter bluffed to go homeand kept Koney In suspense long enoughfor nurns to cross the hag safel) HumsImmediately proceeded to undo Konev'switless work with witless work of his own.Herznr had returned to third afely andeverything was rosy until Hums wentdrilling down to second. Herzog tried tosave the situation nnd tn score while theball was being shot around, but wascaught.

Koyle's high throw on Kvans began theeighth. Magee sacrificed Sheckard sin-gled to left. Kvans held third when Phafertook Mowrey's fly, Sheckard running downfrom first on the throw in. The Judlclnullvans had his reward when Koney crackeda hit to left, on whtch both' he andSheckard sprinted home.

Meyer fizzled as a pinch punchr l'i theeighth With two out. a two bagger byMerMe nnd pa"s to Murrav and Wilsonfilled the pillows Herzog, who hid entthe hall along the ground every time,tw'ce for hits, gave way tn the Chief, whonicked a fly to left which was of the genucinch ""he score

ST I.OflS (N L ' NEW YOHK IN I. iah r h p a e ab r h i e

H l n.:b 1 1 ' : ft o H irns If n ; n n nEvn.rf 1 t 0 0 0 8 4 1 1 4 i iMa'r.lf.Sh I I I I 1 A''nod(r'M 1 0 a 0 0S'k'rt rf.lf 3 t 1 3 0 i) Flet'tirr.M 4 n 0 .1 1

.MO ylll 3 0 0 6 4 I)0le:h 4 0 0 14 1 3 0 in e Merkle.ib :Oikesrf 40010 0'MurrsT.rf 3 1 10 9

"I1HH.SS .11114 l'Vfll0!lc .1 n 1 nWinen e 4 0 1 : : llerrnr.Jbbailee p 4 10 14 tMeir I 0 n o 0 n

,c.rnh "b i n 0 I 0 o

Tot 1 4 4!;: TriMU p 3 9 0 0 J o

tCraiidall 1 0 o 1 1 o

Tnts!, "1 3 1

Batted for Shafer in the ntmh Intuni'Halted for Herror In the elrhth innlnetllvtM for Tereau in the ninth Innini

St Louis 1 o o o 1 0 o ; 04New Vnrll 0 1 n o 0 9 0 -- 3

Kirn b" on error St LnuK 1; New York,I I,eft on bae Jt Imt Nw VorkKirs' be on balls Off bailee off Tefresu.t Struck out-- Hy Slle. . by Teieau.Two biie hits MerU!. Murrar hlt

Maiee. Mowrey. Murray. Tesreau Stolenhaellutiinj, Konetchy, Whined s; Burnt,Merkle, Murray, lienor, j Paed bll- -"iMo i mpire in cniel nirier Kisld urn.plre -- Hyron Time l hour and M mlnutea


Hut Brarea (irt Only FItc, One I.raaThan Needed tn Tie Cabs.

Boston. May !1. After being blankedfor seven Innings tn-d- the Braves gotbusy in the eighth Inning and ivvired fileruns, Johnny Evers growing paler everytime a tally counted But five were notenough even to tie the score, as the Cubahad piled up six during the content, cbieflvWause of weak pitching b Hes. 's

home nm In thn third Inning ac-counted for two of the four runs made bythe vl.tors tn that session. The .score:


ab r h i a e ab r h p a 4 0 0 4 ') 0 Ma'rllle 401 ; f. i,Brers :b 4 1 0 4 Myers lb . 4 1 l 10 o oMlte oil. rf 3 1 4 0 0 Conn llv.lf 4 1 0 s o o

Zltn'an.ab 4 1 J 3 0 Sh'ii jr ;b 4 t 1 3 1 0 4 1 3 7 0 0 Tltlle.rf 3 t 0 0 0 dIs.-h.c- f 4 14 10 (' Mann cf 300101llridw' 3 0 1 3 3 0 0 0 oAriher.c 4 0 13 orollinscf o n o l o oHilli h,p 3 110 10 Devlin 3h 300330L'heneT.p 1 0 0 0 i ('Semour 0 0 0 0 0 0

- 'itiuth..1b 000000Total 33 6 id :; 11 rwhaling.c v 0 0 b 1 1 0 0 0 0llsncleii.c 0 0 0 1 0lien p 4 0 3 0 4 0

Totals .31 .', 4 3, IS 1

tutted for Mann In the etthth InningBatted for Devlin In the eithth innin

tllatted (or Whollnr in lhn eight) IniiimChlcaco 004001010Boston 000000040-- 4

First base on error-Chic- Left on basesChicaao. 4; Boston. ? First hse 011 balli-O- f)Reulbtch. S; off Chetie;, 1; off Heat 4 Strucknut Hy Iteulbaeb, 1; by Cheney. 1; or Beaa, r.Home run-- Zimmerman 'I liree bise hit SalerTwo base hlts- - Sairr. Lesib. Archer Sacriflie

ers Double plays -- Zimmerman. Eversand Zimmerman; llrldwell, Evers and Saler,Zimmerman, Evers and Saier Hit br pitcherHv Cheney (Seymour) Umpires Hrennan amiKason Time 1 hour and 4S minutes

American Association,AT KANSAS CITY KIHST C.AMK.

rnlumbus.. ,, 00000201 a 'i' "tKsnsaaPlty .. 00300004 0 1

Ilatterles Cook, MrCjulllan snd Smith.Powell, Vaughn snd O'ConnorSKi'ONIJ UA.Mi:

folumbua H M I I 11 1 0 'a '7 3KHiisMNrity .. 0 0 0 0 4 3 n 0 i, a

Jlnltrrles Cole and Hinlih, Vniiihu anilKrlchell.Indiana polls. Milwaukee (rain),Minneapolis-Toled- o train).

Kaatern Aaanelatlnn,At Plltsfleld llnrtfnrd. f., Pltl.fl.lil. 4.At llnlvoki New London. II, llnlvoke, ;All other games postponed train)

Trl-Xta- te l.ranor,At Vork Wilmington, 3, Vork, 3Ai Trenlon- - Allenmnn, ,1, Trenton. 1

At llarrlsburg- - Allantlr i'il, 3, llarrla-l.urg- .3

Virginia League.I'nrtsmntiih, 4 Iloanoke, 0Norfolk, 3; Petersburg. I,Newport News, 10. Richmond, S.

Cotton si t a tea League,gelma, 7; Columbus., 0,Psnaacola, ft ; Meridian, 3No other games scheduled

;Vii v?SV.iSi1?sd.,-jiV:-'"'




Willi Throws Knsiip nnil Tliri'cJtiins I'iiMpi- - Ovp.i- - I'liite,

Hrpnkinr Tip.


Dmiliprt, Millpp mill CtitslinwjFppI llrnvy llnnd of Klein's

l'lnpiripnl Power.

Vour bunts In a row. two of which re-

sulted In costly wild throws, cut anfigure In the I'lrnteV second vic-

tory over the Hrooldyns nt Kbhets Fieldyesterday The score was f. to 2 nndthree of Pittsburg's runs were manufar-turei- l

hy the bunting game. Thesu threetallies were made in the eighth Inningand lit oUe u tie fp 10 that pointBiignn and Adams had been on theirmettle, each pitching with telling effect

Vlox opened the fatal Inning with nsingle fo left Fred Clarke hung out thebunt sign nnd Wagner dumped the ballneatly. Ilagnn had to hustle and histhrow to Hummel wns wide. John Millernlso hunted nnd had It brnten when Smiththrew wildly to first Before the hallcould be recovered Vlox nnd Wngnercrossed the plate nnd Miller pulled up atsecond. Wilson nlso bunted to Smith, whothrew him out nnd Miller advanced tothird Miller was half wnv home whenl!',rne worked In the fourth hunt nndscored as the latter wns being shut off ntthe Initial corner

The Brooklyns, still without the servicesof Cutshaw, struck n snsg In the personof Chief Umpire Klem. To many sharp-eye- d

observers Klem nppe.ired to be de-cidedly off on balls and strikes. When hacalled a third strike on Jake Daubert Inthe first Inning on n ball Hint seemed :itrifle low the Dodgers' tlrst basemankicked strenuously Klem lost 10 time Inputting Daubert out of the game, n movnthat Hngered the n.flflfl fans to such an

'extent that they hooted the czar the restnf th ItflnM.u.n

The ejection of Daubert brought Hum-mel over from second to first baan anddrew Klrkpatrlck from the bench to coverine miiiuie bag. There was more frictionsixth1 &!'? W Wll-o- n IM the. '

thought the ballwas a strike and while he wns thinking Itover Klem ban shed him nnd Krwln put onthe mask. A moment Inter Klem . orderedCutshaw to leave the bench for the dress- -lug room.

t Adams outpltched Bagan He struckout eight men nnd was Invincible In the I

pinches. A fair sample nf his effective., ness was displayed In the first Inning i

.Moran open...! with a rattling three'over Caret's head Adams nmde Zistop of Hummers smash for the first out.wniKeii and stole second, nfter

winen u in at popped m Brne andDaubert was called out on strikes,

Klrkpntilck'x presence In the lineup waslucky for the Dodgers, for In th fourthinning, with Stengel on second he ham-mered the leniher In deep centre field

,lor a ilfnti home ru- - After that theDodaers matiiiKfd to tr. t one or more menon b,iss in ,..,rh of the succeeding In-- .nlngs. hut Ailam.i tightened ui

A nnteunrth feature wns the battingof Itngan He found Adams for two solidtilts, ope a two buKL-er-. which was the bestwork with the stick eer tecorded In hisname, When the game was over thecrowd, still hooting nt Klem. watched himstalk off the field in m-f- of no policeprotection The scote

pinnnt(i nnooxi.TKto rnpae ah rhpaeMensor cf 4 1 1 n Moran rf ft 3 1 1 0'farej. If t. I 'i 0 llu rh.lh 4 1 14 n it '

Vlox :h 4 1 Mrnicl cf 3 1 0 o oWj er.ea 1 3 0 Whejt If o l) 1 0.1 MU r lb 3 0 0 Ilsub' 1 0 0 0 0Wilaon.rf o 0 Klrkp'k :b 3 1 i 3 1

Ilvrne.Sh 3 0 0 mlth.3b . 4 0 0 3 1

Simon c 4 1 0 4 o o 0 IAdams p 4 3 0 0 Mlller.. 3 0 0 J I- Krwin c 3 0 0 " II Totals 33 6 37 9 1 Haviii p 3 il 3 J I

lL'sllshsu 1 n 1I

.Toials 3 ; 14 jBatted for Rtftn In I tie ninth Innini

Pittaburi o i n o o l o 3 0 ,U.aaI. I I, AAf,AA. : I

. Ts o b.-- e hlt-V- .ox. Callahan ThTe; I

nhhl7i,M,.n '0n;v.,.'i,n.,Klvr,,1Ckn9,' 'WL. Mnlnr r.'.'-a- . Il,ni"'.

blrHM?L?n, '",i"..?,r,llnr rrJ:

olf ItaKsn. 1 Struck out-l- li Adsms. n.'brRaxan. 3 Left on bases Ittuhurir. linniljn. f Double play Moran snd O Miller I'mplre In chief. Field umpire-Or- th Time!

1 hour and 41 minutes .


Johnson, llnrter nnd Smith 1 leldT'nlal nf Nineteen lilts.

PHII.APKLPIIIA, May 21. The Philliesbattered three Cincinnati pitchers to-d- I

and won, IS tn n Indian Johnson lastedonly three innings. Hartei. who,., ,.1. ,1,. 4 .v.- - . , i j . . .

i" "-- . .in"- - ui.- - iiiniiiKs rtnothe last tn(,. The Phillies made a totalor nineteen hit. nnd thirty bases, Incltnling two pome runs a triple and three!doubles The scoie ;

CINCINNATI PHII.A IN Llab r b p a a an r h pReseller 113 0 3 0 0 pask.rt cf 4 3 1 3Hates rf 4 0 1 0 1 t, 3 3 3Tinker ss n 0 3 0 Loliert.Sh 4111Alm'iU 3b . 0 a 1 0 I Mftme If 3 j 4Heik.r.ef 1 H ;t 3 0 1'ravnth.rf ft : ft 3Mars's.ib 1 n 0 r. 1 0 I.uil'riis.ih 4 t 3 4II r'r.3h ss 4 003 I ft 003(ir.uit.3b 4 0 n I 0 Killlfri.c 3 3 ftClark. c I n 0 0 0 How ley. e 10 13Klln.i. 3 0 1 4 0 0 Sealon.p 4130Johnann.p 1 0 0 00,llarlcr.p 2 n 1 Totals 40 IJ IS 37 I 1

Smith p 0 0 0 0

Totala SO 0 III I 41

Clnnnnail ooooaonoooPhiladelphia 4 0 J 0 J 0 3 ,.1J1 a Off Johnson. 7 In fhrs. Innlnss. nff

Hurler 9 in three Inning: off Smith. 9 ln twolmmis Tn base lilts Luderue, Howler, Ma-e-

Three base Home runel.uderus. Sealnn Left on bases Cincinnati, 7:I'hlladelnhta, 7 St licit nut Uy .lohnaon. 1; byllait.r, I; by Smith. 1: by Sealon. 7 Doublenloys Pask.rt snd l.ob.t; lleiker and (irantjIlerghammer and Marsana: Becker and AlmeidaFirst base on errors Cincinnati, I: Philadel-phia. 3 First base on ball Oft Hartrr, 1: offSealun. 4. Wild pitch-Sm- ith Sacrifice hitsLoliert SacTlllre fiy Ludrrua I.'mplr.a-O'P- ay

and Kmalle Time 1 hour and Si mlnutea

World Ontflelda American.Six errors inndn by members of the

New York American Printers Baseballtenni brought nbout their defent nt thehands of the World typos by n score ofs to fi nt Prospect Park yesterday after-noon. The score I

IT, II E.American 10330000 0 a a aWorld 03001410 x 10 0

flatteries American, O'llrlen and (Inhlrn,World, Wellandt nnd Unman

SiontU Atlanlli- - Leaarue,Macon. 4; Columbus, 3Charleston, 3, .lackannvllle, 1.

Savannah, 13, Alhan), 3 ises.n Inningsralni

Tela l.enane,Pallaji, 4, neaiimnnt. 4,Waco, 4; Houston, 3,Fort Worth. ! Han Antonio,Austin. 4; ilslveston, 3 ( rlrel gam.iAustin, 3. liiilvesion, n (second game).

farnllnn l.ragne,Ashevltle. IJ: flalelgh. S.(Ireenahoro. 3. Durham. I.Charlotte, I. Winston. flalem. I,

U. I, T. l.ragne,llnpklnsvllle. t. T'adurah, 0 ii..ii Innlnfti,llendersnn. 7, Hsrilshiirg, I,f'slrn, 7; Clarkavllle, 4Owenaboro, 7, Vlncannea. .

IfT,:, ,ti j j i. .awirvc . AMisi'cr

GMto for Ebbets'riWAsntKit mi:iwi:s or tim

Hrooklyti flub wild yest4-ila-

tllilt tilt ;l v.'itire Hillt! of reservt'd j

M'ntH lor the I'liiluih'lphia-llronkly- fi '

Kami; nt Kbticix I'icld on Siiiunl.ivxrt'iMltxl t tint for (hi- - opvtiitin with

tin? Now ork Afiierit'iiiiH on April .".

MiilleiiK prHielijtl Hint by i-

row iiIkIh all tlic imsitvimI sealswould l)! Kolic cxcciit thoso ill tlnboxes. Tho lirooklyn club lias mailt'nrratiKements to nt'citiiimodnlHJ5,(KH) fans without mnkiiiK any ofthorn watch the-- first battle with the

I Quakers from the playing surface.


lie Pitches Mnth and Tenth tnnlnga'anil Napa Are Beaten.

ci.ivEi.AS-n-. May Pinch Hitler Will-- !lams with tho score 3 to 1 In favor of the'.Naps stepped up In the ninth Inning forWashington y and banged out n homerun, scoring n man ahead of him and.tying up the game. Waller Johnson thenrelieved Groom and held the Naps to onehit In the ninth nnd tenth. The OrUllth!aggregation touched up Knhler for two1hits, good for the winning run. nnd lookanother for good measute when Orogg,who reliever Knhler, threw wild to centrefield. The victory was Johnson's andmade his tenth straight. The score :

WASIIINOTON CLEVELAND.ah rhpae abrhpas'Moeirr.rf B 0 0 : n .tohna' 6 I I 10 0 1

Milan cf r.1131 3Cbapn.aa 301 3 0,M' 4 1114 O.Olson.Jh f, 0 0 3 0 0i.sndiUh .1 0 3 13 0 0 Tiirner.2b. II 0 1 1 0t.aii ie.Sh r. 0 0 4 3 o'.lacUa'n.rf 4 3 3 0 (1

3 0 0 1 4 1 .413100,fieh'fer.Sb 1 ooii Ofirsner.lf 4 0 3 4 0 0Shanks.lf K 3 3 1 0 0 i'arirb.c 4t 1 e 0 0'le'irjr.,. 3 0 t f, 1 0 Kaliler.p 3 1 0 3 0Mill mi. o lllin n r.rear.p .00000 11Oroom.p ooofoJohns'n.p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tntala a; 3 II SO it 1

Total!.. 40 f. 80 30 3

Waehlngton osooooies s- -flCleveland 000010110 s3 '

llltsv-O- R Oroom. II In eliht and two tMrtallnnlaii; off Johnson. In one and one thirdInnlnrs; off Kahler. 7 in nine lnn!na, offOreag. I In one Innitir Two base hits (.rsner.I; Shanks rtyan Three base hlteJacken,Shanks Home Sacrifice hitsChapman. Kahler SacrificeStolen an, Milan. Onndll Firtnw on nsus -- uij Hanier. 3 on oroom. IFirst base on errors Cleveland. 1: ITuhintinti

orffi'" nyVoo'r0,:' lJohnson, i Double plays Milan and MorrauMoeller and Henry. I.anorte. Schaefer and.,lr,nrl" P"cn oroom i mplree ,

mlnme'" nd lUn r""'- -: h"r' ""'

WflfiTt BTSnrPC VV1 Cnv

Tnn Oat. Rales Fall. ! Pllrhea InRorton anil Unity Ends.


. r"'CAoo. May 1 1. -- The White Mog enmefro!n 7 Hc,rrt M r,,n" ln ,t"' nln,hand had the filled whenBoston retired the last man nnd won bylil to V It was n hatting bee all the way,the world's champions hitting a pair ofChicago pitchers for eleven safe ones.while the White Sov hnminered Bay Col-- 1

llns and Beilu iit. Joe Wood finally wnscalled on nnd pitched to but one manThis was ltorton. who came up with thebases filled, two down nnd nni run neededtn ue iiorton nit in nrat .md the rallwn oej Tn. trore ;

IIOSTON 'A I. t'HICAOO (A I. 'ah r h ll A e nh r h s m

ii.."rr ri .. t ti a n mmerkes .b 4 3 : I lterer 3b 0"pe'ker cf S 3 3 0 0 I iid.3b r, J 3 1

Iwislf 3 1 3 0 n .1 Col'ns rf 4 1

.Isn'nii Ih I 1 : 1 foiirn 3 0 I 7KltSle lb t. 0 3 0 rt indie ..10 1 0

Wae er s 4 o o Zeeler.lh 3 1 3Can m'n.e 300 Matiii k (lis 0,10II roll's p 3 3 1 " tiiHih 0 0 nIWbeni p 0 0 n 0 Wpaer,i9 3 3 13Wood p 0 0 0 .K.Ktrrlr 0100SehalU c M i :

Totals 37 10 II 2 Hen?.p 0003I'.nue p 110 1

IHorton 0 0 0 0

Tit sta .1 t II ? Ifl'Ratted for FntirnLr in ih. slvth Innln.''Halted for Maltick In the ninth innlnttnatlert lor nearer tu the ninth tnnlnrItlatteil for Lanae In the ninth innlnt '

Poston 300401,ififtniChtcaKO if0ort3ios :i

Ifl on hnaes-llnat- nn 11 Chn-agn- , ? Hason balls -- Off II Collins 3 off lUdient. 1. offItem 4, off Lanae, 4 Struck out Hy n Col t

'X ' 4MThresT hli'h,ViUS1'"' Kllin. SaerlS" '' e Mi.

, Csrrnau Stolen Pa.aedball Scbalk Double play. Wsiiirr and F.ncl..

son and Connolly Time hours and 30 nunuirs

W iaVKWATIOWAL LIAUU.YesterJay'a nraalta.

Buffaln. 4 Newark 3Montreal, 4 Bslitir.nrs, t

Rochester-- . Ir.i- - 'ttv iralniToronm.Provldenee iralnt

taadlav of Ih Claba.w l. re w L PC

Bufalo. . IS 11 :i llnrh.,,.. .14 is .407Newark l 14 ,M3i r.ionin 13 II 40.'Kalttrnere... .l U M7 M.inneai 11 II .4111 rovin.pce... 13 13 njrrev Cltv . II II .107

To-dar- 'a Schednle.N'isrk tn city In Horh"rProvidence In Tormitllsltltnnr. In Mentrei,


Make Their Hits at Opportune Timesnnd Win hy II In .1.

HrrrALo, May 21 - Murrain won backthe game lost to Newnrk In their firstmeeting, to.dnyn score being ti to 3. Hothteams hit about the same In numbers butthe lllsnus slammed the sphere at mostopportune momenta with men on thesacks. The score :

NEWARK ni'FFALOab rhpae ab rhpae 4 3 10 0 OTr'ad'le.Sb 3 3 10 10(Saini' 4 3 4 0 . 3 0 0 0W.Jl'an If 3 0 n o Jarkaon.lf 3 1 1 0 ft 0Dallon.rf 3 0 I 0 O' 4 1110ftcf 4 0 i t 0 lli.s.3h 4 13 13 0E Z'rn Ibl I 3 3 0 Beck, 111. . 3 0 0 13 0 0Oeli.vb 4 0 3 3 nlDeln'g'r.rf 4 0 0 1

lllscins.e 3 4 3 Stephens.!' 3 0 0 0 0

Umin'lT.P 3 ft II n 0 Cosily c 0 4 0llarier I 0 ft 0 0 Mains n 3 0 0 0 1

Enrm'n.p 0 0 1 0,

ILee 0 0 0' Totals 37 ;is 1

TolaJa..30 3 7 34 II 3

Hotted for Donnelly in the seventh Inning.tllatted for Eumann in the ninth Inning

Newark , 3 0 0 0 0 0 3

Buffalo, 10110003 1:

liases nn balls Off Mains, 4, off Dnnnrllv. 3;off Enmaim. 3 Sir ink out By Moina, : biDonnelly. 4 Two base hitsHinitiier. HuesSairlllce hits W Zimmerman. Uaginer, Rna, bHeck, Ifiiitiia Stolen bases Trursdale, J; Colllns. W. Ziniro.imon. K .Imni.nnaii, HuesFirst base nn errors Newark, 3 Left nn bases

Newnrk, 7 DoubleBuffalo. 4; plays --Myersand (iagnler; Roach nnd Heck; (lagnier andCollin Wild pitches Main. 3. Passed ballsdowdy. 3 umplrea-Umal- ey and Finn.ranTime 3 houra and ftft minutes

Mnntreal Hnlves Sha-rk- ry,

Montrkai,, Miiy 21, Moid ri al bunchedhits on Hhnwkey In two Innings v

nnd defented Haltlmoro, 4 to 1. Haiti-- 1

more's only run was du tu errors byLennox nnd Cunnlnghnin Lennox wasspiked by Cnpron In the first Inning andcompelled tn if tire, The score:

H, 11 Eliaitunore e o n n 0.- -1 4

Montreal 301103000 x 4 7 4

Hailerlea Baltimore. Khawkey and tiian,Montreal, Bmlth ami Hums

Snot hern League.Mamrhls, 7: AUanis, ft.nirnilngham. 3; Mobile, I ifllst gain.)Rlrnilnghani. ft, Mobile, (s.cond game),Chattanooga, 3 Montgomery, n,Nashsllle. 7; New Orleans, .1 (first ganisl,Naahf lllr, I; New Orleans, I laerond gam).



Ihowiis' Hifr Southpaw ProvesKpiiI Monarch of .Mound.

Blanking New Yorks.


Yields Nine llifp, Which Send in

Five Runs SpectnenlarSlop Hurts Hand.

The New York Americans auferert froma stringency In the baac hit market es-- 1

terday and weie shut out uy ine iirowns.By winning however, they can takea majority of the series. The Bostonsput another crimp In the While Soxrecord nnd the Washington halted theCleveland". Wet grounds kept the

apul In Detroit.

1 eslerday'a Iteanlls..t Louis. f,i New York, 0.lesion. 10. Chicago. .

Washington, r. . Cleveland, 3.wet grounda.

Detailed Clnb "lanallnga.

81'S ,5 5 i '


Sil &' r lVa i m elf 'r. i

irinladelphta. i 1. 1 3 0 ih b ' o;bi

jCleeland . . 4 3) 5 4 I 31 13 .S3fl

Washington.I 1.

- iij :i 3i b is it ki

Chicago oj 4j : 4('ln 14'


Boston. ,. . Si 3 3 31 S 14 .431

St. Loull. a all.

Detroit. M4

New York.. o o 31 I ?3

r.amea Lost o:i3iri4 is'jt 3tl23l;t:s

To-day- 'a rhetlnle.New- - Terk In St. Louts.

Washington In Cleveland.Philadelphia In Detroit.

St. I.OC1S. May 51. The Ptnvallessttrowns came to life y and won Intheir third tryout against the New Yorkshy a score of & to 0. Karl Hamilton heldthe visitors to one hit. a Texas leaguerback of the Hue between first nnd secondSpltball Hon! was on the mound forNew Vork. hut did not perform up tohis customary standard Nearly everyone of the nine hits th locals madecounted In Increasing the score. Cordhad gilt edge support. Snappy plwlng byMcKechnle. who was circulating In theshortfleld position, nnd Sweeney, whosetin owing arm had the Drowns showinggreat respect for him, helped to hold downthe score

I'ord played a perfect fielding gameand was tesponsihle for several assistson hard plavs In the eighth Inning herobbed Williams of a hit on 11 bounderthnt ne.-irl- split his bale hand. l'orseveral minute after making the throwto Chase that tet'reil the runner, l'ordrublmi his llnnd nnd Chose mn In tn ,s,,.If his finger wns split When he resumedpla Hie fans gao him a round of ap.plause

Cree wss the only visitor who d

with Hamilton's offerings. Aftersix Innings without n tilt being made offthe big southpaw. Cree' In the seventhrnleil his Texas leaguer to right, but Itcounted for little, for he wns nipped nfew minutes later attempting to stealsecond Wolier twice received flee trans-portatlo-

while Mldklff nnd Daniels werethe other New Yorkers thus favored Thescore .

NEW YORK (A. Ll RT LOUIS A Llab rhpae shrhpaHinl'Isrf 3 0 n 1 (i 1 Shol'nn ef 3 3 110 0

Wnlterrf 3 0 0 1 1 njnhtis'nlf 3 o t o n o

!l"ll:.h ? 1 1 I : ? lTnl'"lf r' ! : 1 " !mmn i " " i' -i ran ;n a n z l n o

Cree.ll . 3 0 I ? 0 0 nn.f ll. nullChase lb 3 0 0 9 1 0 Austin Jh 3 110 3 0Sneen'y.c 3 0 0 3 3 0 Walls, e 1 3 0 0 1 3 sMldU'f.:h 3 0 0 1 1 o,Ainew e 3 0 1 a 0 0

M' 3 o o r, 3 0 Ham't'n p 3 0 1 0 3 0r orn p r o a o s n

tMerrett 0 0 0 0 0 Totals : t 9 ;; 11 0

. .

niais ii 1.4 19Halted lor Hanzrll in the ninth mnlni

'hailed for Ford in th ninth inninrNe Tork ooanoooo 0SI Louis - 5 0 0 0 310 .A

Two base hits- - Shottun Pratt Three baehit niillams Sacrifice Pou-- ,ble pls Williams Pratt and Brief: AustinPratt and ef stolen ba.e- - Wnltrr First I

base on balls Off Ford, 3; off Hamilton 'struck nut liy Ford, hv Hamilton, I

""u't," Nr" " S'--r ''0,"," ''m,'!r

and Kvsns hour and "nm,u"'


Msler'a lilt In 1'enlh entla In Win.nlnit Mli'hlgnn linns.



ivennerc .,11.. imurr.ei a I n 111 1 0 ft 0 ft j 1 1

Pnntl's.ib I 0 0 ft 0 4 4 1 0 0

lory, ficvueen. Keller.First base on Off off Qiiin.

Struck By Quintain, .1: by Johnson, 3 Left on bases Michigan. Cornell :i,lilt by Adair Passed ballWebber Double Adair:Schlrlek Umpire- - Dnnolnie Tune.' hours 30 mlnutea

Wi'atrrn League.St Denver, 3

Moines, 4, Lincoln,Wlrhltn. 3: Omaha, I

Sinus t'll, Si Topeka,

New F.nslnnil I. entitle.At llrocktonFall Hlver, 13; llciikton, t,

Lowell, k. Portland,i.ynn- - 1. Worcester,

rence, New Bed-ford. 4,

Where 's Man WhoSaid Talk Is Cheap?

DOSTO.V, Mav L'I. It will root nnynntlbaseball with a newspaper man.Hereafter all InterviewH with Cubsart) to be tabooed if President.Murphy, now here with tho club,is ablo to put through the latest of

innovations."I am RoinK to fino nny nnd nil of

my players 1100," declaredMurphy to-da- "If they nro

found talking baseball with anynewspaper men. I don't intend tohave my club wrecked and torn to

by these stories that emanatefrom the players."


rnrrn Take BIk Lead, bnl nineMnkea It Sixteen

New Haven, May SI. Yale wni. hersixteenth baseball victory this

Itrown, to 4, Thelargest crowd of the season was on hand,the undergraduates to the fieldIn a body behind n brass band and cheer-ing and singing throughout the game.Brown seemed to have the game won Inthe first Inning, when tllle lost his grip nndallowed four runs. After Crowther hadfanned. Olio walked Loud nnd Snell.Eayers with ono of (Jlle's fastshoots for a triple to left, scoilng l.oudand Snell. Then Kayers came home on apoor throw.

The game was won by Tale ln theWith two men out, Olle got a life. Middle,brook singled, Pehofleld walked and lllos-so-

doubled, scoring Olle and Middle-broo- k

Hlddel singled, driving ln tho win-ning runs. The score:

H1IOWN YALEab r b r s e ab r h n a e

rrnwi' .. 0 3 j 1 Mld b' 4 1I sioio 0 onnn rt.Jf 1 0 1 0 olSliell.c 3 1 0 H 0 II nss'm as 4 1 1 R I

Kavrea p 4 I 0 f. o Hlddel! lb 3 0 3 o oJ F.H'r.Sh 4 0 0 0,1 S It'l-.3- 3 10 0 11Andr's.Ib 3 0 o t Pum'llr.rf 4 10 10 0TeVi.:h 3 0 10.: ifornlsh.rb 4 0 t j I

.loh't'n rf 4 o i 3 e o llurdeite.c 3 o i j oNsah.ef 30010 O'fille.p 411110Iluketle 1 0 0 0 0, -

Totals 81 I ; 13 JTotals S3 4 s 31 11 3'Batted for Naah In the ninth Inning

Brown 40000000 n 4

Yale 030040 no sTwo base hits llurdetle. Bloaaom Three bass

hit Haves f,acrlfte hit -- llurdetle Molenbsse-- .t y Relllv Johnston First base nn errora- - Brown. 3. Vale. Hrst base 011 halls-O- ff

Hayes (Jlle. f Struck om -- HrKarres. o; by Cite. 0 lH on bass Brown.Vole. 7 Cmpirea Msfford and Adams. Time --

1 hour M minute.


Midshipmen Vanqnlah the NoireDame Nine Score nf T tn I.Annapolis. Md. May It The mid-

shipmen defeated Notre Dame this after-noon T to 1. The former pl.tjed n stronggame all or. mini. The score.

XOTItK HAMK NAVAL ACADEMYall r h p a e ab r h p a e

OCnn' 4013 ;, .Sn'itb"h 4 I 0 4 f. 0

Kelleylf 4 .0 0 0 o .,ltn 41.100Farrel lb 4 0 0 II 0 iri.her.if 3 tooMills rf 4 0 0 ; 0 0 Hall lb 4 0 1; 0(i ni 0 Jn 1 o 0 ? 0 n v.iiclrn lli 1 I : I

Ilnr sn ,f 3 0 0 A n line, i I i tl i i A n

Ne 30001 tnimerlf 4 o o i n ,i(roy.c 3 o o i j o'lh, U e ? 3 I 3 13 13 nsriben.p I 1 : fi n

. -Totala It 1 l "l M i Totals 3S ' T .7 13 1

Notre Dam- - 0 a o o o i o o o

First' 'Three baa. er." Vaiden base

on balls-O- ff Berier. 3 Slruck nit-I- W Iteraer. i

f. hy iribrt 3 Double play O Cnur.e I andParrel on h.... .Notie Dame. 3. N'avt.T Wild pitch Passed ball Hhksllolk eibert I in pi r-r- llrtt Time l hour

40 mluiites


Inly Fnnr nf Them, lint They servetn Defeat

ritn.APEt.ritiA, May II Pensylvanladefeated Iordhnm on Franklin Field to- -

day by a score of 3 tn The lied and ,

".Dine team mad- - only four hits, tmt. .n,rm "ne r.vioe mi mii un- - iiioinem.

1 he score :

FORDHAM PENSnb rhpae ab rhpae

M Oo'nlf 4 13 10 o Marlin 3h 4 i 0 0 t 0Carroll 5b 4 1 i o ; a Colem'ti.lf 3 3 111"Vivlann e 3 0 0 fl iCorjells. 3 0

I.e.ihif 4 0 : ; 0 t Mindset 4 0 1 1

Elliffe -- f 4001 oM.t'allrf 3 o i o 0 o

II M I M . : I 'lontll.v .0 J 0 il 0 I"

Flanl'n lb 3 Oil o oWall'ielh 3 o o

Kier an :b 3 a o o 3 1 Kiums 1001131Donley 0 0 0 n 0 satre p 30004;

Will'ms p 3 0 0 4 0- - Totala 3 4 :; 1: s

Totals j; 3 s : i; 4

natlrd for Kiernan 111 ine ninth innlnt:Porilham n 0 0 0 1, a 0 0 :Penn ; n n 0 0 0 0 1 j

eft on base, l'ordhitn Penn 4 Firsti,,.r nn errors Fnnlliani. : Penn . Two base

Ihiis Carioll Coleman Three has. I11I

Williams Sairlnieni 1v1an Double piajsSares Konns and Walla. , 4'orjell Wallaie

and I'.llifff Struck lit-- William., s bySavre. v Slolcu bae. Miiiovrrn. ColemanMinds B.ims on balls Olf Williams,3 d balls - Knous. Viv latin I'mpircJulian Time I hour and 3.'. nuimtrs

wrdi irv 1 v 11m v rnntiAb r h p a e ab r h p a e 1 2 3 3 0 .! Mur'y.rf 4 12 10

I Icr.p 0 n ft 0 0 0;Totals 14 ft 13 37 11 0

Totals. .33 4 11 34 11 IHatted for Stanley In eithth Inning

Wesleyan 010010300--Holy Cross n 0 0 0 3 1 1 ft

Two ha, hits Wrlxhl, Ilarllni Three baseSaunders ns. Cawley

Mill. 11 lias. Sauiidrrs. Left on basea HolyCross. ; Weslryan. 7 First base on batla-O- ff(Jarlska. 3; olf Tlerney. I: Stanley, 3,Struck out-- Hy Oarlaka. 4: by Tlerney, 4: byStanley. 3 Double plu- Wrlahl iiinasslsiedi:O'Dwjrer, Sounders and OslersTeu. Wild

Hit by pitched ball -- Cawley UmpireLincoln. Time J hours and e minutes

Prospect Tnrk llnaehnllP. H. 1(14, ; P S. 137, ft.

Peniint A (.' , cllntnn A. CMldnnnd A, C, It: Lincoln P. c. 4,Plathush A, C, ti, Prospect Park F. C 3.

and Combine in

Botited only by ihi

Itidlitiin ANew York.

nrdtr fram any dealar

Ithaca. May 21 -C- ornell played better! WESLEY AN WEAK AT FINISH,baseball than usual against Michigan

but was beaten III the tenth Inning by ,.,. ..,. , nil Tlerney anilthree hits, Sser s single scoring two run".It was fourth of game and gave Holy t rnss W In the victory by fi to 3. The score : Wiikitstkp.. Mass.. May 21. Wesle.van

MICHH14.!s. CORNELL n,s beaten by lolj Cross ." to i In aab r hp a e ab r h p a e nntcst In which the Connecticut plners

CorvH J S Jfi'Svl".; j ! 5 J' managed to tie the score twice, but wereM'Q 0 13 3 3 0 1 0 0 unable to tlnd Tleinev In the hitler patt ofSialer.rf ft 0 ft 0 4 0 0 9 3 3 the game. The scote

I.Tralner.lf. 0 1

0 O'Adair.Jh 3 0 o13 .401101





ttn J ? 3 ?1

1'Johnsou.p 4 10 0ft 0 Pi ts ns If 411110n0 o'.rc'r'.V.Ib .1111100 0

4J .1 0 3 7 0 0 O'I)'r.3b 4 3 3 4 0

11 'Ha'd.3b :i ft 0 4 3 0 Sau'd's ss I I 3 t 0Totals 34 H14..0 1 'Markr.ef 30040 O.O 400300Michigan !5S52,!,,l:'Ri Ile'm'n.3b 1 0 0 I 0 MeteVr.lf .11 I 0 0 0Cornell. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -3 1 1 3 ft 0 OI.Muriiliy.c 4 0 3 )1 0

Two base hit -- Bell Stolen hiaes-Sial- er, Stanle.v.p 4 0 113 1 0 ft 0 ' 0Quintain. Bell, S.hlnck, Keller. Saerltlce hlia Holden 00000 ft Tierney.p. 3 0 0 0 0 (1

iinwani.balls .Inhnsmi, 1:

tain. 3 out:

pitcher-Kell- erplays-Train- er and

and Adairand

Joseph. IS;Oes 0

I 0

At LowellAi i.ynn. 0

,t New lledfnrd Law t,















his the his


This Beer ia Just Right! "You'll Like It."Puritu. WholenmenrBt, Sparkle




consecutiveafternoon, defestlng





pilch-Stan- ley.






It Suih the Moit Exatting Tattt! Try It!



"rat Appearance Hero

With hlipllfill Comrades, mm

Plays Dashing Polo.


Lilies I'p With Piping HodFour and Scores Againt

His Countrymen.

Kngland's polo team lined up vestat I'lplng Hock for the first four pe. ,

of n game just as It will be allgnethe International match on Juno l'inothing unforeseen happens. Capt V tLnckett made his fltst nppearanee 111

saddle In America and, though lie pLv ,.,

through only half the g.nne, showed som,dashing polo.

The Englishmen met with much sti.Teropposition than 111 their Initial game onMonday They weie opposed by fourplayets wearing the colors of Piping Ito-l- ,

three of whom had gooiltxratlngs undtetho I'olo Association ind In addition rtis.iK M Kreake, the English substitute, pisIng In his favorite position of No, ? ft.I.ockett got out of the g.11110 the 'ii igHock tram picked up nnd the totalIn favor of the English iiuartot was u4to 4t.Cnpt. ftltson, who made mich a

showing last Monday, placed indlffetently yesterday After Capt Lockei-retire-

from the fray Ills place was take,by Cap!. K. D Miller, the veteran nnimanager, mid the score, which had i

largely against Piping llnck uptunc, was brought In dose flgmes 1.

successful assaults of Agassis andVon Stnde. I'reakc played In marvi'lform toward the end of the game 11 .last gnnl was remarkable lie whlrnedthe ball away from the opposing side pitne middle or tne item and shot in '

toward the goal. Two strokes of his ma .let led up lo a final drive that sent t iswooden sphere hurtling nt the extremeheight of the goal post.

The lineup;Eniland-N- o I. Capl St O I, Chrs:No .'. Capl A Noel Kdsarda: No 5. Ort

R O Rlt.on, hacks. Cap! V Lockett t artE I) Miller ,

Pinim Hivk Nn 1. C P Beadlestnn ,Vn :,V M freaUe; No 3 F S on siad bv'4.r. 1. Aj.T.17


lioals Player anil Team MI C'heape. Gotland 3 33. Acassn, Ilpins UnrV

SECOND PERIOD3 Cheape Eniland . 1 IJ

Pipiiif lin k tenah7ed ij coal, Badls encros,ni Kdards

Tllllttl PERIODNo soala scored

FOURTH PERIODI Edwards KntlaniKotland penalied i, for safetT

FIFTH PERIOD.'. FreaUe. Piinnr dock t 'A

Edwards. IhisUnd', l.oikctt Entland

MXHI PERIODsair. Pipiiic lloi--

Von Made Pipinc HockSEVENTH PERIOD

10 Ednsrda EnglandEKiHTII PERIOD

II- - Freaks I'iniii: Itoel,Gunman Knclanii t, eained loipenaltj total. P puii Ro'-- ("tea

lariini ... lott b.i ien.ilt i. lotnl i, It, r

eres L'.ipl 11 1) Miller slid D J RoiaTurn Emhl iniiiule periods

T,,r,,U W,n "er. Vlelor..Nr.w Hrpnswick. N. .1 . Mav 21 In a

: ,u,in. fielding n"1hard hitting. Itutgers defeated Lebigi-hen- - this nfterniniti. 7 In Itutierlitnded on Knils for live hit. includinga home i up anil n double, scoring H e

runs in the opening inning Theit H rLhlgh o o o it i o 7 i

Itutgei .'. n i h i x. . : n

naileries -- Kearty and Wright pennl. anAcker.

vs nrl Male l.eaane.A r El, Ml It,

u h y.

slhan 00000000000 aEloilra e 0 0 n c 0 0 o 0 1 1

Itaiterles tial.r nnd Melionniixb Vaand Hitter empire- - Latham

scranten-Ctlc- iw.t grotpidsivv llkestarre..S racns.. , rain .







"Body Sale" Must VacateItcitcd I hi tor to I t, itvl ,r 1.

200 Auto Bodies UntrimmedCost $150 to $400 At $10 up

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wAt Any Price to Clear.srAlio 'lliltl.inille. nn iul. .1,111. I nc ii c

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Self Starting and Electric Lighting Sytf miWe have Jut completisl arrangriiirins

enabling us to olfer alt 1011 and mi; modelswith starting mid lighting svsirms lorInformation about cars available now call,write or telephone.

IILI.IS MOinit Clt CO41(1 Cential Ave. Newark, lei, Mil Mark.'New Jersey drilrrs In I'leice rroi' (

Franklin Used CarsWe are o'Teilng at unusually low ptlrr o r

stock of used cars. These Minus have been tal .1ss part paimenl for new Franklins snd havi hernthorouirhly overhauled. They ore hatgalns.

lrAKI.I Horoit ' It 411..37ft mnerdain av ,N , Phone oliinihuv l.v


1PII Ml II. p. 1 Passenger landaiilet, nvrrhaand repainted: any irasuuable oflrr takes ihlv ear,

loll ,M! II. P. 7 Passenger louring car, I'd1)'eqiilpprdietcellent coiidltlun, ILinn.

POPE MOTOR CAR CO.,IHU4ll'nAV. tr.l.. 5110 t'OI"

ALL MAKKS AND MODIIUS OK I'HP.D (. .MIS.pedal money raising sacrifice sale; MTOllMi'"

U West 63rd (near HrnadHayi,


I4'i an 1 Booklet ejplalns WIHadtomorii.t; our Is nils r.

At.'Aur.n 1 Inaprri our .rl'la W. 14th tu nil b convlnrMI.