the sun. (new york, ny) 1912-03-28 [p 15].auto coach meets trains. wrlto for descriptive folder, a,...

T" l,4,.ri1,(,i.s!),,Jl,.1i,.Jii(,i i,n j , J ,"J.. J. i . . ,i.,Mi, Ill . ..Li ,,,.1.,IJJ. I . .X ,. .' , . m, U ,v, . . . .. JJ I i r.i r.npr i;.m,i..m. THE DEVELOPMENT OF A WORLD FAMOUS HOTEL THE NEW EXTENSION miDLAND-ADELP- HI HOTEL LIVERPOOL mOW OPEN TO VISITORS An Improvement on every Modern Note in Hotel Construction. The Midland Company's other Hotels ara THE MIDLAND THE MIDLAND THE MIDLAND THE QUEEN'S THE MIDLAND GRAND Chief Ofllce St. Pancras, London. Illustrated of the Midland and Tariffs of other Hotels sent post free on application to TOWN & COUNTRY BUREAU, 389, FIFTH AVENUE, nnnLLN-CFJIMA- all Town a 3SB on lo City of V IKIsLV.DEN. GERMANY. 4 HOTELS ,M) NEW nrtouniAT a out Tel. uuncoi. IT'S FALL ' i ii 19, N It., ft. Warren week ' nu Sjrdv. M V U. xlTH PltO on each, .Vi:V LONDON (Norwich) ' n 1. I. .S, It., Clarkaon St., K m . p m: Tier 70 K. It., ft. li. T!a P .M Sirs. CiTV i l Ac at 171 e n1 Plerw $ Worceiter, S3.40 Ri.TO r. M. 19, Management. Service, S i ) 'lukei 31)0 N. Y. M IN TLIt m;vv PARK, H, 1 Et'ROPKAN THE ENGLAND - NEW YORK. RERLIX-iiERKA- XT. I Fifth Avenua, New York. irssr.i.ioiip Ithlne Com- - tVIKSII.MIHV. AX1 DINNER," SFIti:i ONLY OF NEW - 4.. NTEK AM) JKUStSl. Atlantic Cltr. t f.DAMI. ATI AMTIf HATCI 1 IV lrglnla av near lleach and Meel pier. , Open I 1 apactty wn. cold sea uaier nains: rooms, snutnerti exnosure! 10 street level, sun parlors, etc.: si.ui up aany; special wecxiy rates, nnotfiet. i. oacnes meet trains. COOPIIlt I: Leeds. On ocean front, Vlrclnla A, nvrrloolilnK zamnus nteei rier, out ai2,nii up weeklj, no extra charge for not sea uatrr baths. Elevator, spacious sun parlor, private baths, Auto meets trains. Hooklet, VM, Propr. I M. Mtir. I ettreetls-- Fall, Winter and resort I I smonr Tines, ofTrln e dry. I mate, social every ! I outdoor recreations. The ideal place to I seek freedom from cities' I i nr. laukcl nuuic 'New Open. A. J. MURPHY. Mrr. LAUREL IN PINES .'Now Open. Mar. and on request Iltnokleta from Xew Vnrk City ela Oak Court Hotel, N, J, Family hotel notabla quiet, and X. E. Gpingtmbers, Up. BERLIN HAMBURG HOTEL ESPLANADE Two of the Magnificent Hotels in Europe With Latest Comforts and Luxury Important Extension of the Berlin Esplanade now In Boeklet frea from Country Bureau, DL'hSKLDOHF- - GEKMAXY. Metropolis of the Lower Rhine 11 hours from London Direct Houle Berlin, Dresden and Central Europe. I'hc Garden and Fine Arts. Commercial Cen- tre: 3, Equable Cllmale; Summer and Winter Hrsldenoe. Starting point fur llhlnu trips. Outdoor Sports. Grand Opera. Concerts, Theatres all year round. ICFI.SI IVAI, .lune 3'J-l- ulr AIRSHIP I'lr.t Class Hotel.. Moderate Tnrlits. I'or Apply 3S0 4th Ar., ,. or TH- - KumtsVKitKix. Dttssiu.noitr. OUSSELDORF tfjjff BREIDENBAGHER HOF BfitiSP W.ESBADEN The Leading Hotel of Wiesbaden THE NASSAU Mc!t,;hmt'.a'.is& Park. 100 with I'rlvate Baths Toilet X.Y. Hooking Office. 3883th Ave. RESTAURANTS. GEORGE RESTAURANT sr. THE TALK nnnmnn TAND POINTS mm ENGLAND NEW IN KlVhlt LI!S15 via N.wport and Fall St., htr. COMS10N- -' ar.t IHKNCU. Orchestra LINE via l'irj!, ft. jr) OF LOWELL and M'.W I1AVEX MNELv.P1rr.F..H.;: Vre.t.jonly str.CliraTKnW.CIIAPIN. Droadoay. Transfer Tourlit Providence Direct, lllt. IniluillitE Sunday, 1'roui Pier Eaatslllver. Improved omce, DroadHar. KEsOHTH. Mlllli, lttonttllle. ! Motel Gram an WHENCE BUONXVIjlE, RESORTS. KN(it.AM). OF r.i:iiMAM'. KHMAXY. HOTELS HEMTAs'RANTS. RECTOR $1 ON IIAI.CONV YORK- - HESOHT'. UIrini niljnn llVllvlv surrouootpgs. not and larce elevator the Orchestra. HYMAN, HA.NK PIIOKHl'H, liketTooU, AKEWOOD.N.1 An Sprlnar the healthful ell. advantagea and opportunity for the discomfort THE THE FRANK P.HRUTP.. Information Lake-soo- for domesticity homelike atmosphere, Most progress Illustrated The Inhalillants; UltAMA'l 13. ZEPPELIN SIAIIIIN. Cull Infnimatlon Apartments at KCROPEAN resorts. r.XOLAXI). MANCHESTER - DERBY BRADFORD - LEEDS Brochure Adslphl SHORE rrxj-c- i ci w "HiiwwnAV ti a w r 1 w qw loiv n X AAJUI eW W a .a. w SW . I MW -p .., t i If I - LONDON W. TOWLE, Maoagar Midland Hotels. J LONDON. ENGLAND. pircAnnj.T iioTr.t. loximi.v. Every modern Improvement: hot water radiator: hot and cold water and telephone In every room; 150 bathrooms. Tor tariffs apply Town A Country iiureau. saw rnn ar . , HOTEL CECIL. LONDON. Europe's Premier Hotel. Ask for booklet, free, from Raymond & wnrrcoun co.. 224 Fifth Avenue. .New York. MVITZKKLAXI). Vacation Opportunities for all Classes are obtainable In SWITZERLAND TIIIl LAND UK SI'I.MC ItKAl TT Write for nraetlral sue c stluns and useful Infnr. matlon. also liandsonirlv Illustrated booklets, lit erature. maps and the Motel Guide. Al l. Htl:E HIS FKUCUAI, It VII.I'.OADH 341 Fifth Ave. IDrpt Ml) Xew York HAD WII.IIL'MSKN, GERMANY. nAI) WlLDl'NGKX. Illustrated booklet from uilAlll.K.l vu. licit uiiLL'h, 61 park place WINTER RESORTS NEW JERSEY. Atlantic City. HOTEL CHELSEA , Atlantic City, N. J. Occurring an entire block nf ocern front. lth no obstruction to the vle; In the fnrhlon.ihlc resilience section, oilers the hlclirst ctandard of hotel excellence In appointments, cuMne. and service; MCI Itisiirfoutlv furnished bert. chambers and suites have private baths (fresh and ea "uteri attached. Uric solarium and dln-l- hall nverlooklnr the ocean and board- walk. High-clas- s orcheitra. Milliards, cafe, trill, etc. Trench chefs. Coif privi- lege!. Autos meet trains. Booklet and term upon request, open all the year. J. D. TIIOUPSON & CO. Vtltni: Ft) ft NIT.CfAI. KASTKR OFFKR, Kentucky ave., near Heach and all attractions. Good Cooking, Ilfllclent Nervlce and Homelike s'nmforta et Moderate Kates, ?oucnolce rooms, so connecting ulth bath; latest Improvements; white help, good music; American plan, (2 up dally; special weekly. Auto coach meets trains. Wrlto for descriptive folder, A, CONItAD KKHOI.U, Owner & Manager. GALEN HALL ATLANTIC flTT. Hotel and Sanatorium. with Ita elegant comfort. Its Toalo and Cera, " Baths and superior uble and service la an ideal dace for Winter and Spring. AJwavs onan. always ready Alwars busr. ... 1 vm .nu. General uanagef. rt v, offlce. 112J Broadway, Iewtn v srss m m w m Directly on the Ocean Front. Aiwa. s Open. WALTKK J, IIIIZHY. HOTEL RALEIGH St, and Place Charles lleach, son lane, sunny rooms, ocean view; private baths, tunnlntr nater In rooms: sun parlors: eletalnr: electric lltthls, etc. Meals and sertlcc best obtainable? Special rates for March and April. II. J. DYNES. HOTEL NEW ENGLAND So, Carolina Ae. h beach. Private baths, run I nlniwaterln rooms: delator to street level: sun ; parlor, etc.: capacity 3W. Daoklct. UIIYAX It I Wll.l.lAMS, Mo,t modern and leadlnc moderate rate hotel, , A nnjiDI r Virginia Ave. near beach. HLDsMnAnU Capacity ISO. kumiy rooms, steam heated: cirellent table, IX, lift, ' SU'.ts) up weekly; U up dally. Am, plan, Elevator; sun parlors: orchestra. HookletJ.J' COI'K. ffiarlborougb-BIentel- ni ; AllaXTIO CITY, X. J. Joslah tthlte Sons Company. The Wiltshire Ueach. Oe e a n Mew. Greatly lmnroved. Can. 8 bo. Private baths, run- - nlog water In rooms, elevator, etc. Music, Spe cial" III M up wekjy; .w ti dallv. Onan all tns year, Boewei. AJstUEL ELLIS. I Colonel W. C. Gorgas, Chief Sanitarv Officer at i Panama, says: "Climatic conditions of the Isthmus in April are excellent, as good as at any time of the year." HAMBURG WMRIBJN Largest. . Co. aW k. In the World OVER 400 M m. 1,210.000 SHIPS TONS s. s. KAISERIN AUQ. VICTORIA MARCH 30. 9 A.M. Atlantic Service LONDON PARIS HAMBURG Kals'n Ant. Vic. March .in, 0 A. M. IIVTAVIA .... March ao. 12 non Pres. C.rant April n. B A. M. Amerlka AptU II. 1 V. M. Hamburg direct, second cabin only. "MEDITERRANEAN Olbraltnr. Algiers, Naples. Gcnoi S. S. HAHSUHB April 4. 12 nsart 8. S. MOLTKr. April If. 10 AM IS. it. HAMRVHti, Uar IB, AU 1WIII not call at Algiers. Can You Get Away? for 16 Days EASTER CRUISE PANAMA CAHAL, Cuba and Jamaica ByS. S. VICTORIA LUISE il..'o) TOVSI APRIL 6, 11 A. M. and COLON t reservations alio available on Raster Cruise. ttrTurlsts at Southern Resorts may Join this cruise at Havens, SUMMER CRUISES To the IAXII or TUP MID- NIGHT St'.N. Eight delightful cruises during .lone, .ruly and An rust, from Ilamhure to Nornnr, North t ape, .Spltibergen. Dura- tion M to It davs Cost $62.50 and up Splendlt service, large sleamsMps "VirrnlllA t.ClSE." "KHOM'UIV-r.F.SSl- rr.CII.II" an 1 -- MITHOlt JAMAICA AND THE PANAMA CANAL Cuba. Ilavtl, Colombia. Costa nice, WF.F.KLY SAILINGS BT "Prinz" Steamers rPinimi$7JJS,$142.53 25-DA- Y CRUISES, $140 allowlna : In ) days on Isthmuv Optional Shore I'.irursluos stt-- - SMI INC.S S. S. WESTEPWALD. Ufa- -. 30, 7 P.M. S. 5. PRINZ J01CHIM. April 6. 2 P.M ctnnectlnc "111 Pltltt'-CHIL- r. and fro-- PANAMA, rcrlte for booklet nf any cruUc. HAMBURG -- AMERICAN LINK J.n ItHOAItWAT N 1. l'hcne iasi Hector BERMUDA with Its world.famej LILIES no' In touom Is best reached by the pat.ulV s OCEANA STEADIEST SHIP TO BERMUDA 14,OOs) Tons, ftrfi Feet Lnnp, CAHIII1.S NO rilCICHT. XO CATTLK. Avoid vcslcl(nes: complete tho com- fort of trip to the Ocean ParadUe by the Oceana Salllnirs Thursdays, (let hiKiUlet s.nd (wr AlTIIACTIVi: HATI'.M KVKP. urKI'ltHI) Ilerinuda.tlantlcLlne,;)n'way, X V. I'honrloWorlh IS' 1 1 , - M.-.- 1 1' J UNITED m:iivui: II FRUIT COMPANY ew Gianni flu nt Passenger and l'relhl Steamers sail rrerr Wrdnesdar anil S.iturdaj, U noon. Pier 1. Past Illver (foot of l'nlton HI.) .IAMAIIA PA.WMS-- ttll.OtllilA Salllnss etery WcdncsJav at 1" nno'i, .AAICA PANAMA COST 1 MCA Kalllnrs eery Saturday nt 12 noon. Connectlne nt Port Union. Costa lllca. for San Jose and Intermediate points on tho .Northern Hallway: alo t I olnn for Panama City and West Coast ports of Central America. Mexico and South Ameilcn. Mrml for Illustrated Hooklet. 15 llalter.i Place, .V . Id. loan Itectnr. Additional ucclly salllnzs from Iloston, Philadelphia, Kaltlmore, .New Orletns, TOL'RS. Spring Tour CALIFORNIA LEAVING MAY 2d Clrand Canyon. California, Tosemlte Valley. Yellowstone Park, Colorado, Optional return by Alaska and Yellowstone, by Colorado, or by Canadian Itocklcs. Our Hooklet itltes all detain.. Call or rite for It. other touts to WAHHI.NUTOX, Alaska, Yellowstone, Europe and Humid the World, Raymond & Whitcomb Go. 99R Fifth Awa. "www ni, n: 70 Mad. BERMUDA "The Land of the Lily and the Rose." Sailings twice a week lo this charming Winter Ilesorl by peir, large, twin-scre- steamship', luxuriously appointed, equipped with all modern appliances, cabins de luxe, , llh private bath, perf cot beating and cntlla-tlo- orchestra, etc, Ixinrst Fares. Choice Accommodations. Tickets Interchangeable for return passaje. Hooklet, tickets and all Information from THOS. COOK & SON : Hroadway, :l and U3 I'lfth Ave, !;wa Hroadway. New York. All About BERMUDA Our lilustratrd llermuda Folder "O" contains large map, sailings of all steamers, rales nf fare, list of hotels anil hoarding nouses aim inner ,,.Mrl":,""I"i",ll,'1,Vi,w Sent free on application Tl'iltel, Ageni, orriamis nirmiinn iiw" 31 tftest Thirtieth hi.. Xew York tit). Choicest berths Lowest raUa. EUnUrt Steamship Ucketa for all line. ILlea-aallea-al Slee-i- Car Co SSI Stk ATe, CUNARD FASTHST, FINHST & LAROEST QUADRUPLE SCREW TURBINE STEAMSHIPS Mauretania April 17 May 29 Aug. 7 L H (t lfQ Y 1 O May 8 June 19 Aug. 28 U O1 I CL 11 Id 1 A. M. July 10 Sept. 18 CAR0NIA CAMPANIA CARMANIA Apr. 10, 10 A.M. June 1. May 15, 1A.M. June 26. May 18, 10 A.M. July 13. May 4, 10 A.M. June 29. June 6, 1A.M. July 17. June 16, 10 A.M. Aug. 10- - The "Lusitanla." "Mauretania" and "Campania" will sail from New York at 1 A. M. Wednesdays, subject to the discretion of the Commander. Passengers served cold buffet supper between 9 P. M. & midnight Tuesday. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, PARIS, BERLIN, VIENNA """ VIA QUF.KNSTOWN AND FISHGUARD. Mauretania and Luiitania do not stop at kjueenitown, east-bou- New York -- Mediterranean- Adriatic Service Calllnt at Madeira, Oibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Trieste, Hums Write (or Itinerary. Sailing hour noon. 1VERNIA CARPATHIA SAX0NIA PANN0NIA March 30, 6 P.M. s April 11 April 35 ab May 3 May 16 a May 30 Juns 13 ab June 20 a Omits Madeira, b Omits Genoa. Quotations furnished for any Tours. Round the World Trips. Special through rates to Egypt, the Far East, South Africa, and South America. TIERS FOOT W. 14th ST., NORTH RIVER. OFFICES, 24 STATE ST., OP. BATTERY. mm SIGNALS The Largest and Finest 4S.093 New OLYMPIC Tons Each TITANIC to Mar. 28, 12:00 . .Mar. 30, 10:00 A.M. . Mar. 30, 12:00 Noon 3, 9:00 A.M. I'ler ca. N. R. tl:.10 A. M. St. I nut Ma.- - ' I'lilla .day la St. Louis May II Xew Vnrli May 25 New Direct rier M, X. K. .Apr. . May Prin-- s I nuiECT ron all to Sea and rnovt oe.voa April 2th to May alh fJtHt up. U s - . . June Sail Juna Finland place Plymeuth Apr.). Adriatic TO TORK m"ASo FRENCH CARTE RESTAURANT, BATHS, POOL, FOUR GYMNASIUM, CAFE, PALM COURT, COURT NEARBY SAILINGS Celtic Noon Laurentlc Minnetonka. .Apr. American ielphla.. Atlantic Transport York-Lend- er) Minnetonka.. AMIUInnewasVa.Apr.lS Ulnncliaha.Apr.i), Hi:lAUlilnnetonUa. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT ! NORTH Kaiser iisrnnss sthameiw I'iCSDAYS coxsKCTioxs Cruise Black Caucasus Cabin HltOAI)W..T GERMAN KTar?chA13boertTHE MEDITERRANEAN8!0 $iA.50 To YORK CAXOPIC Thur., April Tues., AND colonist rates route to West and l'litifitj ('oat points, ocean voyage big, modern I.iner to Texas. rates include inenM mid and city and tourist Const, $5..r(). Hailinj-- s every mid rorrespondinBly low rates from New York to points and .neinfn," naUinp from York Murch StrnmiMp "Hrasat," tailiiiq Avril eharur lir tnorfe ntitMber vf aiinerior, upper Infrroomis. Thru aiailubts wsrfer Itu.iO ro'onfsf MALLORY STEAMSHIP COMPANY Ticket Office, North Hirer MaiaT Yark Ticket OfBce, Uroadway J FRENCH LINE TransatUntiqut Direct Line to Havre- - (France), Sailing Every Thursday. 10 A. M. fT, Xorth Itlvef. St. 1j Pretagne .March 58 I.a nretagne .. is ljvSavole, April Savole., .April 14 I ji Provence. imrrancn. .. ." In Screw Steamers. IQuadruple Steamer GF.XEIIAI. AGEXCY'. 10 Street. X. Y'. OLD DOMINION UAILx HKKV1CE. Point Comfort, Norfolk, Portsmeuta, Plnner'a Newport News. Va , for Petersburg, Itlrhmond,- - Washing- ton, I). entire South Freight Passenger Strameia Tier it, N. It., of North Moore at 3 P. M. . I.. Traffic, Manager. Twin-Scre- Sailings 10A.M vw Amsterdam Xoordam i Ityndam is 2.1 tHotterdam. ' IIOULOaNF. s U. .... I ft 30 B'way. X. Y. FABRELINE".RIVIERA AZOltl-- S L1S1ION KICK Weekly Sailings Winter Voyages. J YV. n U, A., II tiUUj N. Y. Hi:UMItI) 44 hoGrs York. ' Pa- latial Heamets. A. K. 4 CO., Agents, 20 llrimdway. a North Ilussla Tour, IS. CLARK'S Journey a throng Finest Scenery B MnaU i.eaaersnip. a Continents! In MivA Juno r EASTER Alf fromfaent Hetorti. loweit . Sftt 1 Til 1 at1 aTa Tel. Franklin Iftto. Broadway, New1 r 1 APRIL 3 May July April Aug. 1 M. July 3 Sept. Steamers In the World APRIL P.K. 3 May 25 July from luna IS NEW APRIL 20 May 11 22 June 1 July 13 Plrrtll. X. K Red Star lOA. M. Lensten. baver-Antwe- t-n Kroonland son'aderland...... Apr. IS e Lapland Apr. W at Plymouth in of Dover. White Star -C- harbauraj-Sautharnalaa OlymplctnevrlApr.l I.J II lltintotncw). noou01yii!rlcnew)Ha-- Mar. M. noonl 4 Laurentl:...Her.90. nuonlUaltlc Apr. 11 Kx THE MEDITERRANEAN CRKTIfJ S. .1 P. IS. June 1) April 37, S I'. June i. 11 a BROADWAY. SUBMABINC A LA TURKISH ELECTRIC SWIMMING ELEVATORS, VERANDA SQUASH RACQUET Kroonland. Kronprinx LONDON Wiltielm dor Grosse, ts., Mr. 2 FriedrichWllhelnx 11 Wilhelm April 16 GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS. NAPLES GENOA BAI.TIMonr.-miEUE- direct-O- ne class (ID Passencers-WKDXESU- OELRICHS CO., General Agents V Sicclnl via water-ra- il Dellchtfiil on Mnllory (lalveston, TlirougH n. cea stop-ov- er privilej-c- s at Galveston, resort Southwest. Jlerth sleeper privi- leges to l'ncilio Wednesday Siittirtlny. through all South Southwest. On thf .Srama'iip Sue :uili, anil tlh. no rrfra vilt a drek vtlt lie Ihr apeciul rofr. Pier Uty n" Compsjnie Generate Paris Ftom Pier foot West Apn sl'l April Tw Screw State LINE For Old point and C, and the and West, and ar.ll from foot St., every week day W, WOODHOW, Tues. Anr. Anr. Apr. Apr. 'VIA tPLYMOUTH iiouLpaxn. Ufflce NAPLR3 MAlF.IU.ES. lapnrox.lSpeoUl AS. KLY ELL CO.. at, from New OUTUnUltlDGB Torns. Cape June fiy raiTlate, rail and boat wot Id's arlv. nesi TOURS Tours nmg x.y TOURS rttf PAITtt IIT m Tbr 22 24 34 12 21 A. 11 13 4, Pari via Uar. Apr. will call Wr. P.U.IOceanic... Apr. Naw Celtic Apr. April M.: May St.: July XEW & Far of tho tho ".Sun Ihr for Pltr 4R. atM) ISIh PARIS BREMEN Bl. poms in coxtinkxtai. europk. Cruise to the Polar Regions KTtOU BREMEN July 18 to Aarust la las up LLOYD NEW TOIIK CALIFORNIA ARIZONA UTAH NEVADA ERMUDA Roand Trip to and up Tickets by Arcadian ft Ucrmudlan are Interchangeable. THK ROYAI. MAIL ATF-4- PACKET CO. 22 State St. Thos. Cook ft Son. 2(5 and 2388 Droadway, 2t and US Fifth Ave. Ilaymond n WMtcomb. ris mtn Ave., x. v. Or any SteannhlpIlcket Agent. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN LINE NORWAY. SWEDEN AND DENMARK. A. K. Jebasea Do.. Aaeats. 1 Broadway. 4 AUSTRO-AMER1CA- N LINK. MRTIITKRRANKANsAURlATIC. BAIUNCB UKNERAIXY WKUNKSMAYS. Pals tires. t .. 1 Ratterv Plaee. (i BHANCH OFFICES 1 vat HAIL V .. SUHDA V OVENINO ADYatrmeMerrrs srassnr (a ram sva faa isaiasfaf srfx CMr Was Sum i i I 1 rli i east , in I ssa Bscate at Use Wail Street oaYee. at Btaed tMreet. 900 Bee, sswa. llU Bsuaslssej. ssar atu Street. : Wast Math Barer. Gearre H. Alt-er- Rsaam Hepisatsu-u- t. an Triaane SiaMasg.Ts4saae awiarakzeaa, t 4 Rressktym tB Urtakgetocj Stratt. aear.. Uassn SlreeL , ,., Newark X J Fyed erlck X. aXieiiisaf , ass israaa m. Tcsevuasie naa Maraat. fWaaa- - at: Unas watuxzai P. is ' vvy 3. oaMra. AtlaarUo Cfty. N. J Waltsa K. Bdca. Area cy, a Reaaat SuejtL TIE WEATHER FORECAST WASHINOTON PREDICTIONS FOR TO-DA- AND For eastern New York, fair In northern ' and rain In southern portion to-d- or rain moderate rar labte winds, mostly southerly. For northern New England, fair M rain or night: moder- ate variable winds. For southern Xew Kngland, Increasing cloudiness rain moderate . southerly winds. " For New Jersey, rain y and probably moderate variable winds, mostly southerly, NKW YOPK. March SI. It was colder yesterday In 7lchltsn, the upper Mississippi valley, Vvjorrttia. Colorado and Nevada, but generally warmer elsewhere, with specially noteworthy advances In temperature In the middle Atlantic and New Kngland States. There was no freeslng weather south nf northeri New Kngland and New Y'ork an1 ' the lake regions, although In the Sou'ih west It was down to the freezing point, In central New Mexico and Arizona. Tlirri was some light rain In the central Staest . but In other sections .the weather nm gen. erally fair, The pressure aa high over the esstern half nf the country, except northern New Kngland, the upper Mississippi valley and the upper lake regions. .Over the South west and over the north central and north-- '' " western States the pressure was ion. In this city the day was fair and warmer!' ' wind, fresh, northwest; average humidity, 4t per cent.; barometer, corrected to read to sea level, et A. M 30. dt; J r. M., 10.01. ' The temperature In this city yesterday, as re- - corded by the official thermometer. Is shown la the annexed table: . . loii. loii.i ion. nil. a A. u i. a i'. u as- - 1JM... '. to' 9 P. xt IV 3 V, M Mr Wil3 Mid tV Lowest temperature, to-- , at 13.01 A. U. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. UIXIATUnn AIJ1AXAC THIS DAY. Sun rises.. t:44Sun sets (!:16Moon sett. 3:44 HIGH WATER THIS DAY. Sandy n,k..3:UCov.tsland..3:SOilltll Gats.,3 41 Arrlted WEUXESDAY. March V. Ss Kaiser WllhelmdcrGrosse.nremen, March 18.., Ss Adriatic. Naples, March It, Hs Kansas, Hull. March 10. Ss SlraUiclyde, Dunkirk, March 6. Ss Thames, Kingston, March 22, SsTlvlves. Kingston, March SI. SsHero, Manzanlllo, March in. Ss El Itlo, Galveston. March 31. .Ss Mohank. Jacksonville. Marrh 31. .. Ss Hamilton. Norfolk, March 2. . Ss Pathfinder. Iloston, March M Ss Knutsford, Philadelphia. March ?S. Ss Francisco, Iloston, March 111. AliniVEI)-OU- T. Ss Vaderland. at Antwerp from New, Y'ork. Ss Prlnzess Irene, at Gibraltar from Xen York. Ss ltotterdam, at Itottenlsm from New York. SAILED FIIOM FOftEIGX POUTS. Ss Saxonla, for Xew Y'ork from Gibraltar- - Ss Oceania, for Xew Y'ork from Naples. OUTGOING STUAMSH1P3. Sail MSHS Close. Celtic. Liverpool a go AM ji llrclagne, Havre TroAM Oceana, llermuda .., SJOAM Monterey, Havana alio AM rtellucia, Itlo Janeiro. ..ij., lonPM toncettlnl ill Giorgio, llajtl 1 tin P M Oscar II., Copenhagen City of Montgomery, Sat 'h Monroe, Norfolk.. . . Kalahdln, llrunswlck Sail Madonna. Xaples Itayamo. Tamplco ., Mohawk, Jacksonville Princess Anne, .Norfolk ;. Sail Saturday. Marrh A Liverpool... ,. 8 SO AM Kaiscrin Augustc victoria, Ilamburr. SO A M Carolina, San Juan..,. . ,. eon AM Arcadian, uermuda.. . , s on a xt Tlvlves. Coldn to SO A M Havana, Havana...... 10 00 A M Thames. Jamaica... 1090 AM tvcsterwaiu, Jamaica... a it Korona, Trinidad II SO AM Hunearlan 1'rlnce. Monte- video I2 00M Minnetonka, London.., Krounland, Antwerp Koenle Albert. Naples Ilatavla, Hamburg ivernia. maples., , Ilochambeau, Havre , Uranium, llottcrdam.. Guantansmo. Santiago Concho, Tampa., j . nrazos. uatveston..... Iroouols. Jacksonville ... .... City of Columbus. Savannth . ., , Hamilton, .oriotK,, . . In 'eel Sail. 12 ti V. f 10 10 AM - 11 HI A M 12 no M sroPM a on p M irol' m 2 Oft P M i on p M t leoPM s .1 m I' M , lion M tOOPU 3U0PU 1200 M , no A M 12 00 XI 11 00 A M 12 00 M I fH) l M - iml'k on p M 2f I M mm a so A M 10 00 A M 11 on a M 12 00 M &O0 P M 3 00 P M ' 12 COM -- 1 on P V I 00 P M I no l M jfttPM 3oonM " INCOMING STEAMSHIPS. . Due Dorothy St. Lurta March in Luclgen firemen . , . March 8 Sophie H Uinflon March 8 ' Kroonland Antwetp March 18 Minnetonka Southampton, ., March 18 Ilamburr Palermo March IS Manzanlllo. ... i Manranlllo March 18 Minnesota , Jamaica MarchSI President Grant Hamburg , Marrh 14 Koenlgln Lutse Ilremen MarrliPl , Itoon .. .Ilremen ,., March 1 i Carpathla , , ,, Gibraltar Marrh 18 ,J C. F. Tletgen., Chr:silanand,,.Marchl8 t Mauretania Livcrnoiii Vlarch 21 Canadian Liverpool , ,, ..March la Canada Palermo.,..,, .March IS Marchioness of Hutc. . St. Lucia March M. , .acapa , iingsiiii , Marcnxa Arcadian.... ,'. ..rtermuda. . , .March? Cnmus Xew i.rleans., ,.March2S Irotiuols., ,, Jacksonville ...March 24 Due Iroquois London Marrh lx favour llarbados March!) Mexico Vera Cruz.,.,, ..March 31 Mararalbo Curacoa March 21 Kl Norte Galveston March 21 San Marcos .. Ilrunsnlck March 21 Oceania. Potras. , March 1J Due Saturday, Marrh .0. I.a Savole. , , - Havre., . Marrh W Lord Sefton.,.. Liverpool. . March IS Apache Jacksonville .March 28 V Ry Marconi YYIre lea-- Ss noon, for Xew Y'ork, was rm miles east ot Sandy Hook at 10:15 A, M. yesterday, Ss Koenlgln Lulse, for Xew Y'ork, was 600 mlle east nf Sandy Hook at 1 35 A. M, . , Ss Hamburg, for Xew Y'ork, was sr miles east. . of Sandy Hook at noon. ' Ss Kroonland. for Xew York, was 10 mllea east of Sandy Hook a. 730 A. M. h C. P. Ttetren. for Xew Y'ork, was 103 mllti east of Sandy Hook at 733 P. M. k Ss Minnetonka, for New York, was M0 miles eist of randy Hook at noon. r Movements of Naval Y'essels. WASHINGTON;, March 27, The battleship Dakota and the cruiser Birmingham have arrived at Hampton Roads and the tender h Custlne at Norfolk, The cruiser Washington has palled from Puerto Cabello for Santo Domingo city; I the. tender Castlne, from Norfolk; for cruise In irnesapeniie ins imumur ui,v.., the tender Severn and the submarines Clt CS, CI, C-- D-- l, D-- D-- 3 and F.-- from Xorfolk, for cruise In Chesapeake Hay; the (, cruiser Saratoga, from Olongopo, for Shang- hai; the collier AJax, from Guantanamo, for( Hampton Itoads; the battleship Xew Hstnp- - f shire, from Hampton Roads, for Southern' drill grounds, anil the battleship Florida, from trial course, for Hampton Itoads. t Army anil Xaiy Ordere. WASHINGTON. March 27, These armjf orilers were Issued lo.ilay; rapt Corni-lu- r. Smith. Fourteenth Cav-air- y (Major, Philippine Scouts), to unaa-signe- d list, vice Capt. Klvln R. HelbetC , (Major, Philippine Scnptsr, cavalry. Capt. Henry F, Wilbur. Coast Artillery, from the Utli to Sixth Company. First Lieut. Jamea .1. Peterson. Medical Rcserto Corps, resignation accepted. Thes navy orders Were Issues: I I., C'nmrriander A A. Klmbeny. ITOm r j.ieui. . v.... vnr-- Asiatic station. ' Assistant Surgeon J. T. Dulilgg. from treatment at Naval Hospital, Washington, 1 iind unit orders. Civil Knglneer C- - I). Thurber. from Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, to Xew York f yard, Xew York ,,, Trlungle Waltt Fire Indictments All Dltw. missed. , Tlie remalnlna; "lx Indictments against, Isnni! Harrla mid .worna ''" i'. ptletora of th" TrlaiiRtr. witl.t factory, ilmiKlnc tho two proprietor! with man-- a Khter In the llrat and eeconjl degrjo illnilert yeaterday hy worn trv In tho Criminal bruneli of th rluiwin-- j court. Ilrrl and lllHi.ik weir nnd on Indlclmeiit and iwi Th" nut . omce Veitctdtiy v.hother or 'not ' rtiey would be "proeecuterl on a fltSrse ot ' factory lawi. hi. tt' ) ' rilat vea ot'the ftrti vlctfmi deaira, .v

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1912-03-28 [p 15].Auto coach meets trains. Wrlto for descriptive folder, A, CONItAD KKHOI.U, Owner & Manager. GALEN HALL ATLANTIC flTT. Hotel and Sanatorium

T" l,4,.ri1,(,i.s!),,Jl,.1i,.Jii(,i i,n j , J ,"J.. J. i . . ,i.,Mi, Ill . ..Li ,,,.1.,IJJ. I . .X ,. .' , . m, U ,v, . . . .. JJ



r.i r.npr






mOW OPEN TO VISITORSAn Improvement on every Modern Note in

Hotel Construction.The Midland Company's other Hotels ara



Chief OfllceSt. Pancras, London.

Illustrated of the Midland and Tariffs of otherHotels sent post free on application to




Town a 3SB

on loCity of





NEWnrtouniAT a out Tel. uuncoi.


FALL' i ii 19, N It., ft. Warren week

' nu Sjrdv. M V U.xlTH PltO on each,

.Vi:V LONDON (Norwich)' n 1. I. .S, It., Clarkaon St.,

K m . p m : Tier 70 K. It., ft. li. T!aP .M Sirs. CiTV



Ac at 171e n1 Plerw

$ Worceiter, S3.40Ri.TO r. M.

19,Management. Service,

S i ) 'lukei 31)0 N. Y.



PARK, H, 1








Fifth Avenua, New York.


IthlneCom- -






Atlantic Cltr. tf.DAMI. ATI AMTIf HATCI

1 IVlrglnla av near lleach and Meel pier. , Open I

1 apactty wn. cold seauaier nains: rooms, snutnerti exnosure!

10 street level, sun parlors, etc.: si.uiup aany; special wecxiy rates, nnotfiet. i. oacnesmeet trains. COOPIIlt I: Leeds.

On ocean front, Vlrclnla A, nvrrloolilnKzamnus nteei rier, out ai2,nii upweeklj, no extra charge for not sea uatrr baths.Elevator, spacious sun parlor, private baths,

Auto meets trains. Hooklet, VM,Propr. I M. Mtir.

I ettreetls-- Fall, Winter and resort II smonr Tines, ofTrln e dry. Imate, social every !

I outdoor recreations. The ideal place to Iseek freedom from cities'

I i nr. laukcl nuuic'New Open. A. J. MURPHY. Mrr.


and on requestIltnokleta from Xew Vnrk City ela

Oak Court Hotel,N, J,

Family hotel notablaquiet, and

X. E. Gpingtmbers, Up.


ESPLANADETwo of the Magnificent Hotels in Europe

With Latest Comforts and LuxuryImportant Extension of the Berlin Esplanade now In

Boeklet frea fromCountry Bureau,


Metropolis of the Lower Rhine11 hours from London Direct Houle Berlin, Dresden and CentralEurope. I'hc Garden and Fine Arts. Commercial Cen-tre: 3, Equable Cllmale; Summer and Winter Hrsldenoe.Starting point fur llhlnu trips. Outdoor Sports. Grand Opera. Concerts,Theatres all year round. ICFI.SI IVAI, .lune 3'J-l- ulr

AIRSHIP I'lr.t Class Hotel.. ModerateTnrlits. I'or Apply 3S0 4th Ar., ,. or TH- -KumtsVKitKix. Dttssiu.noitr.


W.ESBADEN The Leading Hotel of Wiesbaden THE NASSAUMc!t,;hmt'.a'.is& Park. 100 with I'rlvate Baths Toilet X.Y. Hooking Office. 3883th Ave.







KlVhlt LI!S15 via N.wport and FallSt.,

htr. COMS10N- -'

ar.t IHKNCU. Orchestra

LINE vial'irj!, ft.

jr)OF LOWELL and

M'.W I1AVEX MNELv.P1rr.F..H.;:Vre.t.jonly str.CliraTKnW.CIIAPIN.

Droadoay. Transfer Tourlit

Providence Direct,lllt. IniluillitE Sunday,

1'roui Pier Eaatslllver.Improved

omce, DroadHar.




!Motel Gram anWHENCE BUONXVIjlE,










UIrini niljnn llVllvlvsurrouootpgs. not and





AKEWOOD.N.1An Sprlnar

the healthful ell.advantagea and opportunity

forthe discomfort




homelike atmosphere,




UltAMA'l 13.ZEPPELIN SIAIIIIN.Cull Infnimatlon






Brochure Adslphl


rrxj-c- i ci w "HiiwwnAV ti a w r 1 w qw loiv nX AAJUI eW W a .a. w SW . I M W -p .., t i If



Maoagar Midland Hotels.


pircAnnj.T iioTr.t. loximi.v.Every modern Improvement: hot water radiator:hot and cold water and telephone In every room;150 bathrooms. Tor tariffs apply Town A Countryiiureau. saw rnn ar . ,

HOTEL CECIL. LONDON.Europe's Premier Hotel.

Ask for booklet, free, fromRaymond & wnrrcoun co..

224 Fifth Avenue. .New York.


Vacation Opportunities for all Classesare obtainable In


Write for nraetlral sue c stluns and useful Infnr.matlon. also liandsonirlv Illustrated booklets, literature. maps and the Motel Guide. Al l. Htl:E

HIS FKUCUAI, It VII.I'.OADH341 Fifth Ave. IDrpt Ml) Xew York


nAI) WlLDl'NGKX. Illustrated booklet fromuilAlll.K.l vu. licit uiiLL'h, 61 park place



, Atlantic City, N. J.Occurring an entire block nf ocern

front. lth no obstruction to the vle;In the fnrhlon.ihlc resilience section, oilersthe hlclirst ctandard of hotel excellenceIn appointments, cuMne. and service; MCIItisiirfoutlv furnished bert. chambers andsuites have private baths (fresh and ea"uteri attached. Uric solarium and dln-l-

hall nverlooklnr the ocean and board-walk. High-clas- s orcheitra. Milliards,cafe, trill, etc. Trench chefs. Coif privi-lege!. Autos meet trains. Booklet andterm upon request, open all the year.


Vtltni: Ft) ft NIT.CfAI. KASTKR OFFKR,

Kentucky ave., near Heach and all attractions.Good Cooking, Ilfllclent Nervlce andHomelike s'nmforta et Moderate Kates,?oucnolce rooms, so connecting ulth bath; latest

Improvements; white help, good music; Americanplan, (2 up dally; special weekly. Auto coachmeets trains. Wrlto for descriptive folder, A,CONItAD KKHOI.U, Owner & Manager.


Hotel and Sanatorium.with Ita elegant comfort. Its Toalo and Cera,

" Baths and superior uble and service la anideal dace for Winter and Spring. AJwavs onan.always ready Alwars busr.... 1 vm .nu. General uanagef.

rt v, offlce. 112J Broadway,

Iewtn v srss m m w m

Directly on the Ocean Front.Aiwa. s Open. WALTKK J, IIIIZHY.



lleach,son lane, sunny rooms, ocean view; private

baths, tunnlntr nater In rooms: sun parlors:eletalnr: electric lltthls, etc. Meals and sertlccbest obtainable? Special rates for March andApril. II. J. DYNES.

HOTEL NEW ENGLANDSo, Carolina Ae. h beach. Private baths, run I

nlniwaterln rooms: delator to street level: sun ;parlor, etc.: capacity 3W. Daoklct. UIIYAX It I

Wll.l.lAMS,Mo,t modern and leadlnc moderate rate hotel, ,

A nnjiDI r Virginia Ave. near beach.HLDsMnAnU Capacity ISO.kumiy rooms, steam heated: cirellent table, IX, lift, 'SU'.ts) up weekly; U up dally. Am, plan, Elevator;sun parlors: orchestra. HookletJ.J' COI'K.

ffiarlborougb-BIentel- ni ;

AllaXTIO CITY, X. J.Joslah tthlte Sons Company.

The Wiltshire Ueach. O e e a n Mew.Greatly lmnroved. Can. 8 bo. Private baths, run- -nlog water In rooms, elevator, etc. Music, Special" III M up wekjy; .w ti dallv. Onan alltns year, Boewei. AJstUEL ELLIS.

IColonel W. C. Gorgas,Chief Sanitarv Officer at i

Panama, says: "Climaticconditions of the Isthmusin April are excellent, asgood as at any time ofthe year."HAMBURG WMRIBJNLargest. . Co. aW k. In the World

OVER 400 M m. 1,210.000SHIPS TONS



MARCH 30. 9 A.M.


LONDON PARIS HAMBURGKals'n Ant. Vic. March .in, 0 A. M.IIVTAVIA .... March ao. 12 non

Pres. C.rant April n. B A. M.Amerlka AptU II. 1 V. M.

Hamburg direct, second cabin only.

"MEDITERRANEANOlbraltnr. Algiers, Naples. GcnoiS. S. HAHSUHB April 4. 12 nsart8. S. MOLTKr. April If. 10 AMIS. it. HAMRVHti, Uar IB, AU

1WIII not call at Algiers.

Can You Get Away?for 16 Days


PANAMA CAHAL,Cuba and Jamaica


APRIL 6, 11 A. M.and COLON

t reservations alio availableon Raster Cruise.ttrTurlsts at Southern Resortsmay Join this cruise at Havens,

SUMMER CRUISESTo the IAXII or TUP MID-NIGHT St'.N. Eight delightfulcruises during .lone, .ruly and Anrust, from Ilamhure to Nornnr,North t ape, .Spltibergen. Dura-tion M to It davs

Cost $62.50 and upSplendlt service, large sleamsMps"VirrnlllA t.ClSE." "KHOM'UIV-r.F.SSl-

rr.CII.II" an 1 -- MITHOlt


PANAMA CANALCuba. Ilavtl, Colombia.


"Prinz" SteamersrPinimi$7JJS,$142.53

25-DA- Y CRUISES, $140allowlna : In ) days on Isthmuv

Optional Shore I'.irursluosstt-- - SMI INC.S

S. S. WESTEPWALD. Ufa- -. 30, 7 P.M.S. 5. PRINZ J01CHIM. April 6. 2 P.M

ctnnectlnc "111 Pltltt'-CHIL- r.

and fro-- PANAMA,

rcrlte for booklet nf any cruUc.


J.n ItHOAItWAT N 1.l'hcne iasi Hector

BERMUDAwith Its world.famej

LILIESno' In touom

Is best reached by the pat.ulV s


14,OOs) Tons, ftrfi Feet Lnnp,CAHIII1.S NO rilCICHT. XO CATTLK.

Avoid vcslcl(nes: complete tho com-fort of trip to the Ocean ParadUe by

the Oceana Salllnirs Thursdays,(let hiKiUlet s.nd (wr AlTIIACTIVi:HATI'.M KVKP. urKI'ltHI)Ilerinuda.tlantlcLlne,;)n'way, X V.


1 1 , - M.-.- 1 1' JUNITED m:iivui: II


ew Gianni flu nt Passenger and l'relhlSteamers sail rrerr Wrdnesdar anil S.iturdaj,U noon. Pier 1. Past Illver (foot of l'nlton HI.)

.IAMAIIA PA.WMS-- ttll.OtllilASalllnss etery WcdncsJav at 1" nno'i,

.AAICA PANAMA COST 1 MCAKalllnrs eery Saturday nt 12 noon.

Connectlne nt Port Union. Costa lllca. for SanJose and Intermediate points on tho .NorthernHallway: alo t I olnn for Panama City and WestCoast ports of Central America. Mexico andSouth Ameilcn. Mrml for Illustrated Hooklet.15 llalter.i Place, .V . Id. loan Itectnr.

Additional ucclly salllnzs fromIloston, Philadelphia, Kaltlmore, .New Orletns,


Spring Tour


Clrand Canyon. California, TosemlteValley. Yellowstone Park, Colorado,

Optional return by Alaska and Yellowstone,by Colorado, or by Canadian Itocklcs. OurHooklet itltes all detain.. Call or rite for It.other touts to WAHHI.NUTOX, Alaska,Yellowstone, Europe and Humid the World,

Raymond & Whitcomb Go.

99R Fifth Awa."www ni, n: 70 Mad.

BERMUDA"The Land of the Lily and the Rose."

Sailings twice a week lo this charmingWinter Ilesorl by peir, large, twin-scre-

steamship', luxuriously appointed, equippedwith all modern appliances, cabins de luxe,, llh private bath, perf cot beating and cntlla-tlo-

orchestra, etc,

Ixinrst Fares. Choice Accommodations.Tickets Interchangeable for return passaje.

Hooklet, tickets and all Information from

THOS. COOK & SON: Hroadway, :l and U3 I'lfth Ave,

!;wa Hroadway. New York.

All About

BERMUDAOur lilustratrd llermuda Folder "O"

contains large map, sailings of all steamers,rales nf fare, list of hotels anil hoardingnouses aim inner ,,.Mrl":,""I"i",ll,'1,Vi,wSent free on applicationTl'iltel, Ageni, orriamis nirmiinn iiw"31 tftest Thirtieth hi.. Xew York tit).

Choicest berths Lowest raUa.EUnUrt Steamship Ucketa for all line.ILlea-aallea-al Slee-i- Car Co SSI Stk ATe,


MauretaniaApril 17 May 29 Aug. 7L H (t lfQ Y 1 O May 8 June 19 Aug. 28

U O 1 I CL 11 Id 1 A. M. July 10 Sept. 18

CAR0NIA CAMPANIA CARMANIAApr. 10, 10 A.M. June 1. May 15, 1A.M. June 26. May 18, 10 A.M. July 13.May 4, 10 A.M. June 29. June 6, 1A.M. July 17. June 16, 10 A.M. Aug. 10- -

The "Lusitanla." "Mauretania" and "Campania" will sail from New Yorkat 1 A. M. Wednesdays, subject to the discretion of the Commander.

Passengers served cold buffet supper between 9 P. M. & midnight Tuesday.



Mauretania and Luiitania do not stop at kjueenitown, east-bou-

New York -- Mediterranean- Adriatic ServiceCalllnt at Madeira, Oibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Trieste, Hums

Write (or Itinerary. Sailing hour noon.

1VERNIA CARPATHIA SAX0NIA PANN0NIAMarch 30, 6 P.M. s April 11 April 35 ab May 3May 16 a May 30 Juns 13 ab June 20a Omits Madeira, b Omits Genoa. Quotations furnished for any Tours.

Round the World Trips. Special through rates to Egypt, theFar East, South Africa, and South America.



The Largest and Finest



Mar. 28, 12:00. .Mar. 30, 10:00 A.M.

. Mar. 30, 12:00 Noon3, 9:00 A.M.

I'ler ca. N. A. M.

St. I nut Ma.-- ' I'lilla .day laSt. Louis May II Xew Vnrli May 25

New Direct rier M, X. K..Apr. .


Prin-- s

InuiECT ron allto Sea

andrnovt oe.voa

April 2th to May alhfJtHt up.

U s

-. .




Finland place









LaurentlcMinnetonka. .Apr.


Atlantic TransportYork-Lend- er)

Minnetonka.. AMIUInnewasVa.Apr.lSUlnncliaha.Apr.i), Hi:lAUlilnnetonUa.


! NORTH Kaiser

iisrnnss sthameiwI'iCSDAYS


Cruise BlackCaucasus




$iA.50 To



Thur., AprilTues.,


colonist rates route to West andl'litifitj ('oat points, ocean voyage big, modern

I.iner to Texas. rates includeinenM mid and

city and touristConst, $5..r(). Hailinj--s every

mid rorrespondinBly low rates from NewYork to points and

.neinfn," naUinp from YorkMurch StrnmiMp "Hrasat," tailiiiq Avril

eharur lir tnorfe ntitMber vf aiinerior, upperInfrroomis. Thru aiailubts wsrfer Itu.iO


MALLORY STEAMSHIP COMPANYTicket Office, North Hirer MaiaT YarkTicket OfBce, Uroadway J

FRENCH LINETransatUntiqut

Direct Line to Havre- - (France),Sailing Every Thursday. 10 A. M.

fT, Xorth Itlvef. St.1j Pretagne .March 58 I.a nretagne .. isljvSavole, April Savole., .April 14I ji Provence. imrrancn. .. ."In Screw Steamers. IQuadruple Steamer

GF.XEIIAI. AGEXCY'. 10 Street. X. Y'.


Point Comfort, Norfolk, Portsmeuta,Plnner'a Newport News. Va ,

for Petersburg, Itlrhmond,- - Washing-ton, I). entire South

Freight Passenger StrameiaTier it, N. It., of North Moore

at 3 P. M. .

I.. Traffic, Manager.

Twin-Scre- Sailings 10A.Mvw AmsterdamXoordam i

Ityndam is2.1tHotterdam.' IIOULOaNF. s U. .... I

ft30 B'way. X. Y.

FABRELINE".RIVIERAAZOltl-- S L1S1ION KICKWeekly Sailings Winter Voyages.J YV. n U, A., II tiUUj N. Y.

Hi:UMItI) 44 hoGrs York. ' Pa-

latial Heamets. A. K. 4 CO.,Agents, 20 llrimdway.

a North Ilussla Tour, IS.CLARK'S Journeya throng Finest SceneryB MnaU i.eaaersnip.a Continents! In MivA Junor

EASTERAlf fromfaent Hetorti. loweit .

Sftt 1 Til 1 at1 aTa

Tel. Franklin Iftto. Broadway, New1

r 1

APRIL 3 May July

April Aug.1 M. July 3 Sept.

Steamers In the World


May 25 Julyfrom luna ISNEW APRIL 20

May 11 22June 1 July 13

Plrrtll. X. KRed Star lOA. M.

Lensten. baver-Antwe- t-n

Kroonland son'aderland...... Apr. ISe Lapland Apr. W

at Plymouth in of Dover.

White Star-C- harbauraj-Sautharnalaa

OlymplctnevrlApr.l I.J IIlltintotncw). noou01yii!rlcnew)Ha--

Mar. M. noonl 4

Laurentl:...Her.90. nuonlUaltlc Apr. 11


April 37, S I'. June i. 11









Wiltielm dor Grosse, ts., Mr. 2

FriedrichWllhelnx 11Wilhelm April 16


BAI.TIMonr.-miEUE- direct-O- ne class(ID Passencers-WKDXESU-

OELRICHS CO., General Agents

VSicclnl via water-ra- il

Dellchtfiil onMnllory (lalveston, TlirougH

n. cea stop-ov- er privilej-c- s at Galveston,resort Southwest. Jlerth sleeper privi-leges to l'ncilio Wednesday

Siittirtlny. throughall South Southwest.

On thf .Srama'iip Sue:uili, anil tlh. no

rrfra vilt a drekvtlt lie Ihr apeciul


PierUty n"

Compsjnie GenerateParis

Ftom Pier foot WestApn


Tw ScrewState


point and

C, and the and West,and ar.ll from

foot St., everyweek day



'VIAtPLYMOUTH iiouLpaxn.


NAPLR3 MAlF.IU.ES.lapnrox.lSpeoUl

AS. KLY ELL CO.. at,from New



Cape Junefiy raiTlate, rail and boatwot Id'sarlv. nesi

TOURS nmg x.y


22 24

34 12 21A. 11


Pari viaUar.Apr.

will call

Wr.P.U.IOceanic... Apr.

NawCeltic Apr.

April M.: MaySt.: July




of thotho



Pltr 4R.atM)


PARIS BREMEN Bl.poms in coxtinkxtai. europk.

Cruise to the PolarRegions

KTtOU BREMENJuly 18 to Aarust lalas up



ERMUDA Roand Trip to and upTickets by Arcadian ft Ucrmudlan are

Interchangeable.THK ROYAI. MAIL ATF-4- PACKET CO.22 State St. Thos. Cook ft Son. 2(5 and 2388

Droadway, 2t and US Fifth Ave. Ilaymondn WMtcomb. ris mtn Ave., x. v.Or any SteannhlpIlcket Agent.


A. K. Jebasea Do.. Aaeats. 1 Broadway.4 AUSTRO-AMER1CA- N LINK.




ADYatrmeMerrrssrassnr (a ram sva faaisaiasfaf

srfx CMr WasSum i i I 1 rli i east , in I ssaBscate at Use Wail Street oaYee. atBtaed tMreet. 900 Bee,sswa. llU Bsuaslssej. ssar atu Street.: Wast Math Barer.Gearre H. Alt-er- Rsaam Hepisatsu-u- t.

an Triaane SiaMasg.Ts4saaeawiarakzeaa, t 4

Rressktym tB Urtakgetocj Stratt. aear..Uassn SlreeL , ,.,

Newark X J Fyed erlck X. aXieiiisaf ,ass israaa m. Tcsevuasie naa Maraat.fWaaa- - at: Unaswatuxzai P. is'vvy 3. oaMra.

AtlaarUo Cfty. N. J Waltsa K. Bdca.

Area cy, a Reaaat SuejtL



For eastern New York, fair In northern '

and rain In southern portion to-d- orrain moderate rar

labte winds, mostly southerly.For northern New England, fair M

rain or night: moder-ate variable winds.

For southern Xew Kngland, Increasingcloudiness rain moderate .southerly winds. "

For New Jersey, rain y and probablymoderate variable winds, mostly

southerly,NKW YOPK. March SI. It was colder

yesterday In 7lchltsn, the upper Mississippivalley, Vvjorrttia. Colorado and Nevada, butgenerally warmer elsewhere, with speciallynoteworthy advances In temperature In themiddle Atlantic and New Kngland States.

There was no freeslng weather south nfnortheri New Kngland and New Y'ork an1 '

the lake regions, although In the Sou'ihwest It was down to the freezing point, Incentral New Mexico and Arizona. Tlirriwas some light rain In the central Staest .but In other sections .the weather nm gen.erally fair,

The pressure aa high over the essternhalf nf the country, except northern NewKngland, the upper Mississippi valley andthe upper lake regions. .Over the Southwest and over the north central and north-- '' "

western States the pressure was ion.In this city the day was fair and warmer!' '

wind, fresh, northwest; average humidity,4t per cent.; barometer, corrected to readto sea level, et A. M 30. dt; J r. M.,10.01. '

The temperature In this city yesterday, as re--corded by the official thermometer. Is shown lathe annexed table: . .

loii. loii.i ion. nil.a A. u i. a i'. u as- -

1JM... '. to' 9 P. xt IV3 V, M Mr Wil3 Mid tV

Lowest temperature, to--, at 13.01 A. U.


UIXIATUnn AIJ1AXAC THIS DAY.Sun rises.. t:44Sun sets (!:16Moon sett. 3:44

HIGH WATER THIS DAY.Sandy n,k..3:UCov.tsland..3:SOilltll Gats.,3 41

Arrlted WEUXESDAY. March V.Ss Kaiser WllhelmdcrGrosse.nremen, March 18..,Ss Adriatic. Naples, March It,Hs Kansas, Hull. March 10.Ss SlraUiclyde, Dunkirk, March 6.Ss Thames, Kingston, March 22,SsTlvlves. Kingston, March SI.SsHero, Manzanlllo, March in.Ss El Itlo, Galveston. March 31..Ss Mohank. Jacksonville. Marrh 31. ..Ss Hamilton. Norfolk, March 2. .Ss Pathfinder. Iloston, March MSs Knutsford, Philadelphia. March ?S.Ss Francisco, Iloston, March 111.


Ss Vaderland. at Antwerp from New, Y'ork.Ss Prlnzess Irene, at Gibraltar from Xen York.Ss ltotterdam, at Itottenlsm from New York.

SAILED FIIOM FOftEIGX POUTS.Ss Saxonla, for Xew Y'ork from Gibraltar- -

Ss Oceania, for Xew Y'ork from Naples.



Celtic. Liverpool a go A Mji llrclagne, Havre TroAM

Oceana, llermuda .., SJOAMMonterey, Havana alio AMrtellucia, Itlo Janeiro. ..ij., lonPMtoncettlnl ill Giorgio, llajtl 1 tin P MOscar II., CopenhagenCity of Montgomery, Sat 'hMonroe, Norfolk.. . .Kalahdln, llrunswlck

SailMadonna. XaplesItayamo. Tamplco .,Mohawk, JacksonvillePrincess Anne, .Norfolk ; .

Sail Saturday. Marrh ALiverpool... ,. 8 SO AM

Kaiscrin Augustc victoria,Ilamburr. SO A M

Carolina, San Juan..,. . ,. eon AMArcadian, uermuda.. . , s on a xtTlvlves. Coldn to SO A MHavana, Havana...... 10 00 A MThames. Jamaica... 1090 AMtvcsterwaiu, Jamaica... a itKorona, Trinidad II SO A MHunearlan 1'rlnce. Monte-

video I2 00MMinnetonka, London..,Krounland, AntwerpKoenle Albert. NaplesIlatavla, Hamburgivernia. maples., ,Ilochambeau, Havre ,Uranium, llottcrdam..Guantansmo. SantiagoConcho, Tampa., j .

nrazos. uatveston.....Iroouols. Jacksonville ... ....City of Columbus. Savannth . ., ,Hamilton, .oriotK,, . .



12 ti V. f10 10 AM -11 HI A M12 no MsroPMa on p Mirol' m2 Oft P Mi on p M tleoPM s

.1 m I' M ,lion MtOOPU3U0PU

1200 M ,no A M

12 00 XI11 00 A M12 00 M

I fH) l M -iml'kon p M2 f I M

mma so A M

10 00 A M11 on a M12 00 M

&O0 P M3 00 P M

'12 COM --1 on P VI 00 P MI no l MjfttPM3oonM "


Dorothy St. Lurta March inLuclgen firemen . , . March 8Sophie H Uinflon March 8 'Kroonland Antwetp March 18Minnetonka Southampton, ., March 18Ilamburr Palermo March ISManzanlllo. ... i Manranlllo March 18Minnesota , Jamaica MarchSIPresident Grant Hamburg , Marrh 14Koenlgln Lutse Ilremen MarrliPl ,Itoon .. .Ilremen ,., March 1 iCarpathla , , ,, Gibraltar Marrh 18 ,JC. F. Tletgen., Chr:silanand,,.Marchl8 tMauretania Livcrnoiii Vlarch 21Canadian Liverpool , ,, ..March laCanada Palermo.,..,, .March ISMarchioness of Hutc. . St. Lucia March M. ,.acapa , iingsiiii , Marcnxa

Arcadian.... ,'. ..rtermuda. . , .March?Cnmus Xew i.rleans., ,.March2SIrotiuols., ,, Jacksonville ...March 24

DueIroquois London Marrh lxfavour llarbados March!)Mexico Vera Cruz.,.,, ..March 31Mararalbo Curacoa March 21Kl Norte Galveston March 21San Marcos .. Ilrunsnlck March 21Oceania. Potras. , March 1J

Due Saturday, Marrh .0.I.a Savole. , , - Havre., . Marrh WLord Sefton.,.. Liverpool. . March ISApache Jacksonville .March 28 V

Ry Marconi YYIre lea--

Ss noon, for Xew Y'ork, was rm miles east otSandy Hook at 10:15 A, M. yesterday,

Ss Koenlgln Lulse, for Xew Y'ork, was 600 mlleeast nf Sandy Hook at 1 35 A. M, . ,

Ss Hamburg, for Xew Y'ork, was sr miles east. .of Sandy Hook at noon. '

Ss Kroonland. for Xew York, was 10 mlleaeast of Sandy Hook a. 730 A. M.

h C. P. Ttetren. for Xew Y'ork, was 103 mlltieast of Sandy Hook at 733 P. M. k

Ss Minnetonka, for New York, was M0 mileseist of randy Hook at noon.

rMovements of Naval Y'essels.

WASHINGTON;, March 27, The battleshipDakota and the cruiser Birmingham havearrived at Hampton Roads and the tender h

Custlne at Norfolk,The cruiser Washington has palled from

Puerto Cabello for Santo Domingo city;I the. tender Castlne, from Norfolk; for cruise

In irnesapeniie ins imumur ui,v..,the tender Severn and the submarines CltCS, CI, C-- D-- l, D-- D-- 3 and F.-- fromXorfolk, for cruise In Chesapeake Hay; the (,

cruiser Saratoga, from Olongopo, for Shang-hai; the collier AJax, from Guantanamo, for(Hampton Itoads; the battleship Xew Hstnp- -

fshire, from Hampton Roads, for Southern'drill grounds, anil the battleship Florida,from trial course, for Hampton Itoads.


Army anil Xaiy Ordere.WASHINGTON. March 27, These armjf

orilers were Issued lo.ilay;rapt Corni-lu- r. Smith. Fourteenth Cav-air- y

(Major, Philippine Scouts), to unaa-signe- d

list, vice Capt. Klvln R. HelbetC ,(Major, Philippine Scnptsr, cavalry.

Capt. Henry F, Wilbur. Coast Artillery,from the Utli to Sixth Company.

First Lieut. Jamea .1. Peterson. MedicalRcserto Corps, resignation accepted.

Thes navy orders Were Issues:I I., C'nmrriander A A. Klmbeny. ITOm rj.ieui. .

v.... vnr-- Asiatic station.' Assistant Surgeon J. T. Dulilgg. fromtreatment at Naval Hospital, Washington, 1

iind unit orders.Civil Knglneer C- - I). Thurber. from Naval

Training Station, Great Lakes, to Xew York fyard, Xew York ,,,

Trlungle Waltt Fire Indictments All Dltw.

missed. ,

Tlie remalnlna; "lx Indictments against,Isnni! Harrla mid .worna ''" i'.ptletora of th" TrlaiiRtr. witl.t factory,ilmiKlnc tho two proprietor! with man-- a

Khter In the llrat and eeconjl degrjoillnilert yeaterday hyworn

trv In tho Criminal bruneli of th rluiwin-- j

court. Ilrrl and lllHi.ik weir nndon Indlclmeiit and iwi Th"

nut .omceVeitctdtiy v.hother or 'not '

rtiey would be"proeecuterl on a fltSrse ot '

factory lawi. hi. tt' )' rilat vea ot'the ftrti vlctfmi deaira, .v