the sumter banner (sumterville, s.c.).(sumterville, s.c...

T ia 4Biii lll, efi y aret r t h c po fail. I I tIet V niteiI 0f otl rev Is jizar., tior yeitr Taylori. T at epoit- was e .cot eii bjAindi rier to wtIea *- toder ibe left , , ere g o h 1u to. eOf atrnoyof knoits '.at it * s arp'nure h*in ijion, enirely desiuok Sigo., nthere sonry th Ind the ws cofirmed hat the galnIe Captain e delyaie t rwith a y idu ac uiderr iichn a Ilke - / rovqj~aial. J1deedjit was' positivelyI 1pSir(rJ4,yestertny'li the city, 'that ib wa~s Sc der beloW iscWh deeple.regr t .h tie- ~ warI ;lrcunistance. which1- dho; 4ori the arimy of oin6 or its'briAWhteor'rnamerUii S"d the coungtry Of .&n il uabie public * hiaervatmt. .FMhortl after leavin as t Santimgo, ealonh .7th inm pthe Edi 'th.collai)sid 'her - beingend dialrea the eond eindeer. 5 It fisF; spseltthrut , so re ;.b-. 1A CroiwJ1%jly IVihu .nyftirther In -tne ncreg ithil es The d Mxcsio no aper ohea er 100 diochrgvonteericans in troops.- The following items weta or tc ~~. Matamioras Flag.;' nFrgm aontsrey.-eirlavu -Mttma m wi thi ..ost' as late "sei w0ha They heply of Ah pero&bei:odn to the A - bad at this tme wsprincip coli aints - eingthe dianrrhan dai chilload severs '4f.-1t is AppO.that tie fruit, so reiio- Btatted, increi e tmilness. The Mexicn ao nt appear tou be as - lan of~eere Maj. RdolhRdly well dispo tigiovar s the Ameicanr s in b ofatere y and ii'y Me ere but thatmay be heowing to a of onerey, w'hat they ure -hen'Wand ignorance oihedeep ceo trfeihs that our Mcxicans know.oraue hi1uTH play ofi A persohebolotnidvto ti e A Tama reginmnt as rccentd stoling about outaid1h cap, wvhen a lanc~r'was dlownr ipon fiom and ran og um through severa n tfure the steamer Col. Crbs left Ca.; A gntlemhad reacledythat raco m f a sdteryewh hasn t gooe poruir galf * ~lantT offic r4-,> (Iaj kadiIh Ridgicy, whointe disac igor isired a part iof the botles of Molay last, and more recently at the storming of iterey, rin riding out, 'w then 'his horse s ipped armd fell tire stolne opavment. fr the fall, Maj. Ridge. wy'l bead struck wh such force t mist the des.tne na toifrat osre his skliit He WnertilI'liy e at the Iwlls ahviceetatr no speere canterasiedrf his recovery. Geon.F Tar'ae cideic r uators a deep antNtion-sc t roughou tre armyn as this ofi cer wuas universally esteem'e'd. *IHis,7plscL in th Sles will be difficnulo to supply. A gentleman recently retuiin ed c ro aSniery, who has a good opportunity if forming a correct oinio of tie future movement&-of ben. Taylor, expresses it as Mis beliefthat, after garrisoning Sail. hoGegalo at ne ermaindbd fterrr~vl aer willh breorced Crehratory tvol forceg A a~bendemedo tianec Lhis setoiwrice.ti It isees sta e an ascetaiedctian al. teri Tarin camp (own ican umpas ire tio c'itymea t ra', n'we wrtai, specuaateathatio is not the ultimate wole plac in foe bing onceentrand note't sLide Pothe wierra Mladei benge ftifed ioenmenstrondgeast pofsible manited. StaGen. Wtol hd iisaportin helftoi S tory. aylonrinderritin fr t9isahe oa * ~ ~ h Gi of foreingt forn thi sujametionnevt Goe Tayloren at tijis tane roeandm- Italng w~no CngJer b vieddia vlue foup- posin-deemede bnecsi'frm is shervice. ., nantil o the prniAlon(eIen Tamalirnme of plather alto~y e osk ie indennid toya, nid'rrirainfor "the war. het.~e ofa fehasgo rthi urne from nin be cnieudersthe mivitry dpotn bhe.Gulf, adore l opjadga~br teI postg at S .moseph's stline'hee ae rrvdli h'Base bewk~is anare in thedcitt. Icanch ln'er evpdations-a valesup. ptofn-amach e ndlinapai abvei tr ied in few dysr ao canoe abe irdof horsec, robbe tohs hoss of-The inhaitarys ad pt i ad obeph'.sd lsaryo Arwern tra- der, C(i the opntiy dotsho was a who wa~rs rk~silelhv irn ist atptos'psina wahe~'tia upweii rdunf ie thousan dgarsn The Inedan thrte diorive f ami tperss.b haem1nc.cD pcaion-s.m lbol tols. 64JsgJe3"reIi rl o the T te e sgi~sslth bc'g rea is were pt ah~4'd W.Wh ire d r sh1itit9 ojd, between i0e hip bone ri wiich iniflksted asevere, ughEngin rous; iw'in i ir.gin- eyvaya'iiot hur . CaptainIarnef's co ia of dragoons arijeU atf)(atamnoras Nov'r. let.and exci- &in:" ailiniratin. They departed on Mt&.--Large quantities o oranges h'ive ben arriving here, ion mules, frot tMonterEy and vicinity. I his (ruit is supe. rior inaflivor to.ihe best Havana. atid quite eqial ip tho Sicily orange--thin skin, juicy and sweet The aphes grown about Manity terey, itsaid,.wiliear.comparison with the finest in the United States. Goverr Monales.- Governior Morales t-mily had left the city rather pre.Ifi; at6 , and the civil governmentof the place'wi's being dnsitatered by an Alcalde. Wecan'heat reason fir bis hasty aban- do ent o s vterey by te Osivernor, ist-he could not, cnsistently with li a oblktionis to his Government, or her generals, accede't the requisitions made upon him by Geh Tafior--to furnish.our .roops with supplies. y Cipanies F and d, 1st re- ar Artilleryon duty at this post, pack. ed up bag and baggage on the 3d inst., pie. paratory to a move to Monterey. Capt. Norman, of company 11, and Lieutenant Haskins, or company F, havc so won upon the good opinion ofour citizens, both Am- ericans and Mexican, that the depsarture.of their.comnands will be viewed with regret. POINT ISABEL, NOV. 2. Sgrne short time since, a partyYetMa- tamoras for Corpus Christi, with. a drove of mules, intending to go eastwarfdly with them. About the Sal Coloradol'it ls said, the party were murdered and robbed.of every thing. The property, it is rumored, belsinged to Mr. Hunter, who resides near Nachitoches, in your State. The neigh- borhood of theSan Colorado, is no doubt infested by as desperate a hand of white persons and Mexicanstas ever lived any tihere.- Rumors of an expedition against Tampi- co are pilenly as blackberries. It is said a naval force will co operate with the army. The heavy pieces of artillery at Cunargis are still being brought down the river. The Spitfire, und one or two other of the I1 S. steam schoontrs, are off tlhe Brazos (slajd, for what particular purpose, I am nt nformed. Sice I have commenced writing,, a gen- ilenan connectpd with the army, has arri- ved here direct from Monterey. lie teIlO me that every~.thing was as quiet when ho left, as-at any time since the capitulation. Provisioni and supplies of various kinds, continue to be taken from Camargo for the use of our army aid scme of the regiments from below ariissving up, to supply the place of those disbanted. Maj. Graham hsln6t reched Camnargo when my infoi. mnielft' there, le will probiably reach Moriter-ey in a day or twvo from this time. O. P.Q. .eac~l NE w OaEa se, Nov. 13. Meinehly a.sally-Capt. Randolph Ridgely.-TIhis gallant oificer, who has won so-many laurels in the wvar, is supplo- sed to have lost his life at Monterey, about' three weeks ago,. ini a mosst melancholy manner. Our infosrmation, as derived from Johna Deshon, Esqj., one of the owners of the steamiship Sea, and who came passen. ger in the ship U icas, which arrived here ) esterday from Brazoi, is to this effect.- Capt. 11111, U. S. Quartermaster at lBrazs's, informed Mr. Deson that an express had just arrived fromi Monuterey, commsunaien- ting thie sad inatelligenice, that Capt. iige. Il, being oni an unruly horse, and ridiuig cown a steelp hill, was throwni, the horse falling upon him, and shoueingly mangled. At the time the expre-sag1ft Monterey, Capt Ridgely was wholIy'n~stosible, the brains ooziqg out of his ears, and no hopss were enteriained oif Isis recovery. Tlhe Uncas spoke the steamship Virginian aibout twenity-five miles from the S. W. Pass on her-way from lirazos to this porit. On board the Virginsia wais a bearer of des- patches from Mlonterey for Washingmon, wvho -will probably arrive to-day. From him we may expect ftdl-pariiculars of this terrible catasutrophic. WVe must hope that Capt. Itidgely will yet be spared to his, cosuntry, which cannoot affo.rd to- Iciose sco brave and chisvalrons Bfd meritor-ioums an officy, 'ropic. ~'. Fromn fit N. O. 'Picayunec, 1dth inst. Tril E V R Vl I.AT EST F~tOM MONTiEi1v. WVe y esterdaty received, sifter our masinu news froim the Army wvas.mndle up, a letter a distingiiished oflicer of( the Amerieu. Ar- may at Monterey, which is three rdays- later thain aiiy thing we have seen. That portion ofit in rte-ltion tsi Iustamiente we look upon as rather doubtful, abmhcughu the sld Gen- eral may have besen seeni up in the neigh- hoshoodl of Chihuahua and Sonora. tolciok after pen. WVool. WVe msi ke extracts from Poior Ridugley issldead. ile was buri -d yesteriday, anid ist *'hosurned'i by tho enitir e A rmy. M ajor Leai will niot live twenly- fe'ur houtr's lsonger. We have late news froim .smn h4it d~e Pctsit toi thle cifect that tt hie 6m.404 a' Jg kive s~n Cl' i~3aini. ilyee uQi~ olO u aa a SUMTIRVILLI, S C ednesday, ogg. 25>t46. C CALI1oUN'S OioN ON Ti1 'i GE" gER A L TICl W!' S'~lTEM. We ave received frm't e one Tpi C. CA1IrWNt, a corrected copy of hi l a on tle General Ticket Spithm.A .9ie too late for insertion In1hi ti per, we propose to'pubs i ltxl. 4ACQ.UITTAI O.F'BUlRILL. T negrWcarp.ente'r, Be'rlIl wfhia we m 'ptioned in our lastas having:been im 'prisoned on the charge of Aoseebriaj and robbery, was acquitted by" i urIt Freehlders held dn Fri'da list, thk2Otl instant WiLMINGTON ANfD RALE6Gil RAIL ROA] COMPAN'. We call the attention of ourreaders tb the article, which we publish In, this nu-r ber, relative 'to the proceddings of the Siekholders of the Wilmingtian and Ru leigh R. It. Company, fromheViiming Ion Chronille of thi 18th inst., from which it is perceived, according toIhe'.2nd adopt- ed resoltion, "Trhat the present Road must be sustained; -that touspu'rc thait, i must be extended." This article Will be read with interest on account of its iela- tion t. the contemplated rail road connex- ion of this District with Charleston anti Wilmington, N. C. COTTON MARKET. The sales of the week ending on #ridayi the 20th, were 7,431 bales, and the receipt in the same titne were 10,535 balP, in the Charleston Market, giving a di er nee In favor of receipts, against sal ,0 bales. The difference, for s''ep h has gPnerally ,beein i v)r o Is. s'owinga o cottn in theit ' T rices variej fron 8 ti 10 cents; tha ig fgom-O 48.1 I-, g e g 9fil a t ra a Sb1th ne4dr.ein week Trhe folowig quotationo give tile preeant value of the'article; middling to -middlin fair, 9 to 9 1-4; fair to fully fair, 9 3-8 tu 0 1-2. 'Thae latest date from Liverpool, of Oct 31, gives a small advance of I 8th 6? penny per potund, arising entirely fromn tiue latest anid continued aceounts of the Ios. of a considerablet portion 'of thi' cotidm' crops if the United States, andl the geni e-rail rise in the ports of this country of the price of cotton. TilE SUMTER VOLUNTEERS. On the 19th. inst. Gov. ArKEN receivetI from the War Departrncntithae letter wvhiel follows, calling for the prganization aui enrolment of the Psifreetto Regimenctt ti the South Cyrolina Vouteers, for imame diate service in the Mexican wvar. The rendervous of the Riegiment is it Charleston. Weu doubt not that the seve rul companies in this State wvill forthwvith pri are themaselves for actionat the coil o their country, and prove by their.'a.ndue that the spi, which induced thei to vol- unteer wvith,so mnuchrnatiness, is not aba. tedr" A volunteer 1-ompany was forme4 in thi District on the 6th of.June last and was accepted bay the4Governor. 1; was calilet "The Sumters"', in honor of the. revoht, tionary veters ,who in thte war of"'70lei to battle.-th~e 'itzen soldiers of his native District. Thes preseni company of "Suin ters" is comm~aand4( by. a descendant of thant gallant veteran. We trust and believe that "The Sumters' will not be found wanting at ibis time wihen actiosi is required. 'Their honor dec mandts that the full cornplemnent of te ~rquired b~y the Governmnent and tha law undteer which they volupattered, b~ presented in Charleston, at tife time' al rendeCzvous. The honor of their nativc District and State'requires that they shoul respondI~ wvithi alacrity to) the summon. which they have so long and ardently do sired. 'The eyes of their countrymen, o0 the governmenl. and Europe are, upor themr as on :the volunteera of the othet States fromiwhicht re girpenis ha ve boet frdered. Thiough' their znurg~v be.en lessened by removalgr tom tii ~i * 1'*g 4 .9 >4< ftM * I m44 Or an~ OWRi u Ot, ~~~ ' 66jiti e r. hqtinMkYhij*h- 1 jhe Dmb-iictVtbert S-;4 -Ire ae lqeneiiii. 18C!"fflpan 'Q ji :,a -,,%;; those ies- so er~n theseve , ~~oll o0 ieo filll T~ALET~RE(Ig'l NT. Ak'niyonmsua NilmaIm of MOyla your E~ci~n w ~ p s 3-est; :11o 16 to be I': 1 c- hi", a 11-r 11bj c r. Ito your Ex!Colicnv that TVe 1tn(4niYA4,e me:.t*;Of Volutejters#, firolm yu required farir h cndiat6 scrie;. I'*'60,it CE,,unless swooner. djs~h~rge d."16ki Regi. meal*iilc'iai or- io.6 1116I Coonel. e,,oltt n-,d ~ ( I Mt'je'unt Major. -1Q.Mast".V 14je'n 10 Co Iueon nqwi'Jc of~lac toC ifPL, I. ilaiVIwi .2 Se~pud Ltsitenantei . 4' Serjfeanlts. -4 Cor'Poralit.' . tirel irn. iii a -Coinyi, it witi b fn~tas lacshul~bqrgqpz,1Z~, aftd vhI "lllrol~fiurea~dv ;df~jilm'ilre 41 prnsteridiinto pervico~i Se mcrs Ofi the United Slm0tt'.Ikif. h iuwcvery .cae bee istte'I C Ma 'ut whoi is i *n tears.appa~iI A ~ eI tAIIr1,or ill$ iW of- pit VA041e'gl (vil.:. Ta this 6111 th lsj eo villi hbea. m I~ wfed Iii'a''nehc i lcr of te army, nd ihevolunedrstili bIrealt t2 a t - 1 .21i .l ,n rr i~cIul s. - . 2 ~ ~ i W 1 ~ ~ ' p Tg T#rn c,-sm ER.9?- His spi vI unsis eA ji d 1161Yht Bdante Bandr CAr~edao:LI seeA satt11e4se noi~p 1846v, ar~oilhbiaisl Thx,1ure, be . o'ou t-~ra'$ 60sta idlyfi .I. o ired lars rrcet be"li a*b-. prijrl h egen chr -war pesd eeb ~ ib p' a i:6'er w e d uIo "ne' as bld'; ikn ltd 101 ytJ~fj sk i 4 vin uf fhc ao g. a. 3T~ rd rolu' "o6e i' the a,46- 0-r, ulpela toncr be dnh Are~ bto r ~otev ~n~t arxie .detsstasIti

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Post on 27-May-2018




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T ia

4Biii lll, efi y

aret r t h cpo fail. I I tIet

V niteiI 0f otl rev Is jizar.,tior yeitr Taylori. T at epoit- wase .cot eii bjAindi rier to wtIea

* - toder ibe left , , ere g o h 1u to.eOf atrnoyof knoits '.at it * s arp'nureh*in ijion, enirely desiuok Sigo.,

nthere sonry th Ind the ws cofirmed

hat the galnIe Captain e delyaie t- rwitha y idu ac uiderr iichn a Ilke -

/ rovqj~aial. J1deedjit was' positivelyI1pSir(rJ4,yestertny'li the city, 'that ib wa~s

Sc der beloW iscWh deeple.regr t .h tie-~ warI ;lrcunistance. which1- dho; 4orithe arimy of oin6 or its'briAWhteor'rnamerUiiS"d the coungtryOf .&n il uabie public

* hiaervatmt..FMhortl after leavin a s t Santimgo,

ealonh .7th inm ptheEdi 'th.collai)sid 'her- beingend dialrea the eond eindeer.

5 It fisF; spseltthrut , so re ;.b-.

1A CroiwJ1%jly IVihu .nyftirther In

-tne ncreg ithil es

The dMxcsio no aper ohea

er 100 diochrgvonteericans introops.-The following items weta or tc

~~. Matamioras Flag.;'nFrgm aontsrey.-eirlavu -Mttma m

wi thi ..ost' as late "sei w0ha They

heply of Ah pero&bei:odn to the A -

bad at this tme wsprincip coli aints- eingthe dianrrhan dai chilload severs

'4f.-1t is AppO.that tie fruit, so reiio-Btatted, increi etmilness.The Mexicn ao nt appear tou be as

- lan of~eere Maj. RdolhRdly

well dispo tigiovar s the Ameicanr s inb ofatere y and ii'y Me ere but thatmay beheowing to a of onerey, w'hat they ure

-hen'Wand ignorance oihedeep ceo trfeihs

that our Mcxicans know.oraue hi1uTHplay ofi A persohebolotnidvto ti e ATama reginmnt as rccentd stoling aboutoutaid1h cap, wvhen a lanc~r'was dlownripon fiom and ran og um through severa

n tfure the steamer Col. Crbs left Ca.;A gntlemhad reacledythat raco m f asdteryewh hasn t gooe poruir galf

* ~lantT offic r4-,> (Iaj kadiIh Ridgicy,whointe disac igor isired a part iof thebotles of Molay last, and more recently atthe storming of iterey, rin riding out,

'w then 'his horse s ipped armd fell tire

stolne opavment. fr the fall, Maj. Ridge.wy'l bead struck wh such force t mist the

des.tne na toifrat osre his skliit HeWnertilI'liy e at the Iwlls ahviceetatr

no speere canterasiedrf his recovery.Geon.F Tar'ae cideic r uators a deep

antNtion-sc t roughou tre armyn as this oficer wuas universally esteem'e'd. *IHis,7plscLin th Sles will be difficnulo to supply.

A gentleman recently retuiin ed c roaSniery, who has a good opportunity if

forming a correct oinio of tie futuremovement&-of ben. Taylor, expresses itas Mis beliefthat, after garrisoning Sail.

hoGegalo at ne ermaindbd fterrr~vl aer

willh breorced Crehratory tvol forcegA a~bendemedo tianec Lhis setoiwrice.ti

It isees sta e an ascetaiedctianal. teri Tarin camp (own ican umpas iretio c'itymea t ra', n'we wrtai,

specuaateathatio is not the ultimatewole plac in foe bing onceentrandnote't sLide Pothe wierra Mladei bengeftifed ioenmenstrondgeastpofsible manited.StaGen. Wtol hd iisaportin helftoi

S tory. aylonrinderritin fr t9isahe oa

* ~ ~ h Gi of foreingt forn thi sujametionnevtGoe Tayloren at tijis tane roeandm-

Italng w~no CngJer b vieddia vlue foup-posin-deemede bnecsi'frm is shervice.

. , nantil o the prniAlon(eIenTamalirnme

of plather alto~y e osk ie indennid

toya, nid'rrirainfor "thewar.

het.~e ofa fehasgo rthi urne from ninbe cnieudersthe mivitry dpotn bhe.Gulf,adore l opjadga~br teI postg at S .moseph'sstline'hee ae rrvdlih'Basebewk~is anare in thedcitt.

Icanch ln'er evpdations-a valesup.ptofn-amach e ndlinapai abvei tr iedin few dysr ao canoe abe irdof horsec,

robbe tohs hoss of-The inhaitarys adpt i ad obeph'.sd lsaryo Arwern tra-

der, C(i the opntiy dotsho was a Mr.nfwho wa~rs rk~silelhv irn ist atptos'psinawahe~'tia upweiirdunf ie thousan dgarsnThe Inedan thrte diorive f amitperss.bhaem1nc.cD pcaion-s.m lbol

tols. 64JsgJe3"reIi rl o theT te esgi~sslth bc'g rea is were

p tah~4'd W.Wh ired r

sh1itit9ojd, between i0e hip boneri wiich iniflksted asevere,

ughEngin rous; iw'in i ir.gin-eyvaya'iiot hur


CaptainIarnef's co iaof dragoonsarijeU atf)(atamnoras Nov'r. let.and exci-

&in:" ailiniratin. They departed on

Mt&.--Large quantities o orangesh'ive ben arriving here, ion mules, frottMonterEy and vicinity. I his (ruit is supe.rior inaflivor to.ihe best Havana. atid quiteeqial ip tho Sicily orange--thin skin, juicyand sweet The aphes grown about Manityterey,itsaid,.wiliear.comparison withthe finest in the United States.Goverr Monales.- Governior Morales

t-mily had left the city rather pre.Ifi;at6 , and the civil governmentof theplace'wi's being dnsitatered by an Alcalde.Wecan'heat reason fir bis hasty aban-do ent o s vterey by te Osivernor,

ist-he could not, cnsistently withli a oblktionis to his Government, or hergenerals, accede't the requisitions madeupon him by Geh Tafior--to furnish.our.roops with supplies.

y Cipanies F and d, 1st re-ar Artilleryon duty at this post, pack.

ed up bag and baggage on the 3d inst., pie.paratory to a move to Monterey. Capt.Norman, of company 11, and LieutenantHaskins, or company F, havc so won uponthe good opinion ofour citizens, both Am-ericans and Mexican, that the depsarture.oftheir.comnands will be viewed with regret.

POINT ISABEL, NOV. 2.Sgrne short time since, a partyYetMa-

tamoras for Corpus Christi, with. a droveof mules, intending to go eastwarfdly withthem. About the Sal Coloradol'it ls said,the party were murdered and robbed.ofevery thing. The property, it is rumored,belsinged to Mr. Hunter, who resides nearNachitoches, in your State. The neigh-borhood of theSan Colorado, is no doubtinfested by as desperate a hand of whitepersons and Mexicanstas ever lived anytihere.-Rumors of an expedition against Tampi-

co are pilenly as blackberries. It is saida naval force will co operate with the army.The heavy pieces of artillery at Cunargisare still being brought down the river.The Spitfire, und one or two other of theI1 S. steam schoontrs, are off tlhe Brazos(slajd, for what particular purpose, I amnt nformed.Sice I have commenced writing,, a gen-

ilenan connectpd with the army, has arri-ved here direct from Monterey. lie teIlOme that every~.thing was as quiet when holeft, as-at any time since the capitulation.Provisioni and supplies of various kinds,continue to be taken from Camargo for theuse of our army aid scme of the regimentsfrom below ariissving up, to supply theplace of those disbanted. Maj. Grahamhsln6t reched Camnargo when my infoi.mnielft' there, le will probiably reachMoriter-ey in a day or twvo from this time.

O. P.Q.

.eac~l NE w OaEa se, Nov. 13.Meinehly a.sally-Capt. Randolph

Ridgely.-TIhis gallant oificer, who haswon so-many laurels in the wvar, is supplo-sed to have lost his life at Monterey, about'three weeks ago,. ini a mosst melancholymanner. Our infosrmation, as derived fromJohna Deshon, Esqj., one of the owners ofthe steamiship Sea, and who came passen.ger in the ship U icas, which arrived here) esterday from Brazoi, is to this effect.-Capt. 11111, U. S. Quartermaster at lBrazs's,informed Mr. Deson that an express hadjust arrived fromi Monuterey, commsunaien-ting thie sad inatelligenice, that Capt. iige.Il, being oni an unruly horse, and ridiuigcown a steelp hill, was throwni, the horsefalling upon him, and shoueingly mangled.At the time the expre-sag1ft Monterey,Capt Ridgely was wholIy'n~stosible, thebrains ooziqg out of his ears, and no hopsswere enteriained oif Isis recovery. TlheUncas spoke the steamship Virginianaibout twenity-five miles from the S. W.Pass on her-way from lirazos to this porit.On board the Virginsia wais a bearer of des-patches from Mlonterey for Washingmon,wvho -will probably arrive to-day. Fromhim we may expect ftdl-pariiculars of thisterrible catasutrophic. WVe must hope thatCapt. Itidgely will yet be spared to his,cosuntry, which cannoot affo.rd to- Iciose scobrave and chisvalrons Bfd meritor-ioums an

officy, 'ropic. ~'.

Fromn fit N. O. 'Picayunec, 1dth inst.Tril E V RVl I.AT EST F~tOM MONTiEi1v.WVe y esterdaty received, sifter our masinu

news froim the Army wvas.mndle up, a lettera distingiiished oflicer of( the Amerieu. Ar-may at Monterey, which is three rdays- laterthain aiiy thing we have seen. That portionofit in rte-ltion tsi Iustamiente we look uponas rather doubtful, abmhcughu the sld Gen-eral may have besen seeni up in the neigh-hoshoodl of Chihuahua and Sonora. tolciokafter pen. WVool. WVe msi ke extracts from

Poior Ridugley issldead. ile was buri -dyesteriday, anid ist*'hosurned'i by tho enitir eArmy. M ajor Leai will niot live twenly-fe'ur houtr's lsonger. We have late newsfroim .smn h4it d~e Pctsit toi thle cifect that


6m.404 a' Jg kives~nCl' i~3aini. ilyee uQi~olO u



ednesday, ogg.25>t46.CCALI1oUN'S OioN ON Ti1'iGE"

gERAL TICl W!' S'~lTEM.We ave received frm't e one Tpi

C. CA1IrWNt, a corrected copy of hi la on tle General Ticket Spithm.A

.9ie too late for insertion In1hi tiper, we propose to'pubs i


4ACQ.UITTAI O.F'BUlRILL.T negrWcarp.ente'r, Be'rlIl wfhia we

m 'ptioned in our lastas having:been im'prisoned on the charge of Aoseebriajand robbery, was acquitted by" i urItFreehlders held dn Fri'da list, thk2Otlinstant


We call the attention of ourreaders tbthe article, which we publish In, this nu-rber, relative 'to the proceddings of theSiekholders of the Wilmingtian and Ru

leigh R. It. Company, fromheViimingIon Chronille of thi 18th inst., from whichit is perceived, according toIhe'.2nd adopt-ed resoltion, "Trhat the present Roadmust be sustained; -that touspu'rc thait, imust be extended." This article Will beread with interest on account of its iela-tion t. the contemplated rail road connex-ion of this District with Charleston antiWilmington, N. C.

COTTON MARKET.The sales of the week ending on #ridayi

the 20th, were 7,431 bales, and the receiptin the same titne were 10,535 balP, in theCharleston Market, giving a di er nee Infavor of receipts, against sal ,0bales. The difference, for s''ep hhas gPnerally ,beeini v)r o Is.s'owinga o

cottn in theit 'T rices variejfron 8 ti 10 cents; tha ig

fgom-O48.1 I-, g e g9fila t ra a

Sb1th ne4dr.ein weekTrhe folowig quotationo give tile preeantvalue of the'article; middling to -middlinfair, 9 to 9 1-4; fair to fully fair, 9 3-8 tu0 1-2.

'Thae latest date from Liverpool, of Oct31, gives a small advance of I 8th 6?

penny per potund, arising entirely fromn tiuelatest anid continued aceounts of the Ios.of a considerablet portion 'of thi' cotidm'crops if the United States, andl the genie-rail rise in the ports of this country of theprice of cotton.

TilE SUMTER VOLUNTEERS.On the 19th. inst. Gov. ArKEN receivetI

from the War Departrncntithae letter wvhielfollows, calling for the prganization auienrolment of the Psifreetto Regimenctt ti

the South Cyrolina Vouteers, for imamediate service in the Mexican wvar.The rendervous of the Riegiment is it

Charleston. Weu doubt not that the severul companies in this State wvill forthwvithpri are themaselves for actionat the coil otheir country, and prove by their.'a.nduethat the spi, which induced thei to vol-unteer wvith,so mnuchrnatiness, is not aba.tedr"A volunteer 1-ompany was forme4 in thi

District on the 6th of.June last and was

accepted bay the4Governor. 1; was calilet"The Sumters"', in honor of the. revoht,tionary veters,who in thte war of"'70leito battle.-th~e 'itzen soldiers of his nativeDistrict. Thes preseni company of "Suinters" is comm~aand4( by. a descendant ofthant gallant veteran.We trust and believe that "The Sumters'

will not be found wanting at ibis time

wihen actiosi is required. 'Their honor decmandts that the full cornplemnent of te

~rquired b~y the Governmnent and thalaw undteer which they volupattered, b~presented in Charleston, at tife time' al

rendeCzvous. The honor of their nativcDistrict and State'requires that they shoul

respondI~ wvithi alacrity to) the summon.which they have so long and ardently dosired. 'The eyes of their countrymen, o0

the governmenl. and Europe are, uporthemr as on :the volunteera of the othetStates fromiwhicht regirpenis ha ve boetfrdered. Thiough' their znurg~vbe.en lessened by removalgrtom tii~i

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