the sumter watchman.(sumterville, s.c.) 1870-09-14.€¦ · -i bp ni^^^^ijk--\*fm¿repeopivwere...

- BP I peOpiV were opt oijU in full force oo the ; ni^^^^ijk--\*fm¿re finning {fy face, tfair e2eesiOtíe^ea¡;';Í4 .pefceifeHbát ihoy^havo -'ftfew ?ïôà'-lijy' tho noeeby ptiâ. Î .ibiDlc tn cy have col^ip to the .dtfv \j paexrorjw^. M*rK-*he coptrasU iAI tho Sçoti'liing rocotina ,tfti»r(*>jo>e'250 persons.present.' 'At (ho ÍJoioo Keform mèçtttigto day there not Tess than 2,000 ? .fieriwitm ¿tteodaooo, * tjfge-¿ majori ty 'of them being'odored. I had beep told by Borne wonk kneed Damooratio friends ; ^ft^íptffe'».^;.|6%W'Cook, Countyr- .. Chat wc, would not have corporal's ¿íWwl jBt^ouV^ mooring at thia plaee.~ ?aeïî^anil'the c*dùrea'.péop|è déy.oted^pi W^Ùeuioro.. lJulh; 'vaoos,, hnvb bêén aVubdoved.Darliugtoi» County will do, as Wdí' for Ko for in, «i'^y* county in ij T%&M'ï>aLÏ^ ''- ?íi.-í :«:....!?..?/..?. If. m ^ itfUK .;; .:? h took place in n- largo .-grove adjoining ' (the -f-^oort i.Iouae, "fffiero were stumbled, about"; L.Ö0O. pelion j, OR tli c stand j were tho menberj of thoilofurm Exe« oaúvó Committee, composed of white ¡ mid -cdof od - .mair, together wi th thc s po» k '& Col ; 1). W. Ed wards p rea id éd ] üíenükq m coting, and lutrod uced aa the , ftrat sp.enlíqJ.. \. v ' i : . \ ; j ' '«^j^itew. -'»icWlCehaeuV waVpVó¿- i tüí kudH0encrai Butler, tp ?.WPPMs$À i. pince of tho lat ter, who U'abscnfc _.on.'a j short trip to the Northwestern portion .< l$M%tà$jé;ï :ttsi rféljfèraf^ost. able ;| and eliifiucnt ?po¿ch', iu tho1 intereat' of .( thc Uc/Orth %^M^f%^:i^fr\l ] tlúént.ll'iútijírupltío: by'á^píause. 'THere j rtroTícw uiuUeuco.1 Cnn.' uUhVrand I * iWmÂi^braVe 'abtf ejöriu'ebi no)~ I die* nTid Uv» addV«fss made a Vtfly decided I in.prassiou'^uîalf^^of^ f fa ¡Ti» «a ,i ^"t<- .'.»" ' T .' . i ;., V^.«iK^.lttA^s^Ká» it..'.:* whV^wijsf listened to with inark<ed alten- j tion; ii ot shlowed tho co Yere d \ people . thc ni3c;i lit fief and thieving exploits of the miserable ltiug that have hitherto made tools ot thean and eiplained to them the broad plntfotey ot the Reform I'arty-it« guavnntco of equal rights to till men. I Jo reviewed tho administra- don, and shewed,, ibero' . tharj necessity" \ for a.rtföntrof existing eyils. VÓoe, pT. j proinpfod several persons to "totcnrup.t. tTt'^ppuVeiv Ablion bis ras.aat|yti*)psapv ) »iöjqs.with tfië i>àp4 ^ : ' &è'w'»^tip, hq fery.w.^e|y..sluqk.' 0«¿ of c . ajw¿L>* ¿ ;j < 'J '"ilio^Meeii.n^'b^ :.p i^ t|je greatest hnrmbny,' m.átí^óf titi crjored .people; . expressing their deternynation to jain, 11 iW^^V^nW*t Wv ¿h.a^siraogost -0 fotií ufo 'of t^dsy -|ro8 yat. io. ¡jome, .In >\ . th;o. afternoon,' -a oompany .of, .Sooti's " mi lit ia; paraded. . Headed "by'a- fife and :1 drum,,they.marche^ to;. wh,e.r'p Judge.!0 Carpenteï arid (ieneral ^ennedy ,A^»Q 8 »yfflh0fy furming.;..;; ,,, j , ¡J ; V¿ yyj AN ESCORT, .' <? hhd »)iiröi>'od along with us to the depot, !o aidi<j>Mci> of over half u milo. Aa our 0 oarrw.ü* mil wi.. by theni*. the officers " fmlOted, and ^tho trairf wsslesving, the 8i - etimpnny shonlds'red'«arma 'láüd gave ]tl !h/ofc votutbi^ chsvsra.- (This-t fake to'bc ti very .encouraging erpo'. ^1 abi 6ot pro-' t paved io »ny (hat the ^Jdaipany turned »mt for i lie (inpress purpose! of escorting us, bul »hoy.did so, and their whelp ¡A c<Miduer:|4!mtt.0nly iti' m^rksd C0n.trasV: h to ! hat of soûle -of.thelr' bVothren, but ii' ft was a. ccrtuin. otideuoO" ^rf-tho good ;0'( h union mid kind fooling*-of tho men.-'' Letuiií hopo thut-it.M'hue thepreourtw? >*i>',a butter d«yj'that;i» Urtwhiiig nfiir US/ft L dry w ll Au, t«W t^rmrenoe- o'f the V nieii who now plunder mtr puMio'tWa*.!.1 sur**, white .men .und.» blank men shall ¡jj H^P/ÜHMI^ Mrw.»«WuÓD good, ÄJD4 .g ^%M,ÄüftWiH',d^,vr,onpe>$t»1 íaVvall:éaíteod uyer >hqJcitjjt|».Aiud.breaeJih.»if duiilaodv <i .EUto tOVAl*' *VBA<*CfIS AV liäNOA«« J-,. -, i, ir */m s ?' if?, t , . ?? ^ »? ? Tho otprespondent oP the Pally Abm,' b writing (ruin Liucftütor, ou the oooaaiou d ol'thc vt-Ocnt Ueloríií Mass Meeting, at Ml #W:^l';>n»Vut ÄÄW^ vota pr'aHenl,,MVá} ' tl .lïnvpt.iforc. the lioyn) l'ifnyiiô cf th IP d duct" hr.vo tteeu in th J habit ut parading fi vvoity low da)*a, jtheir pn,oe*Hioi>* nut»«- HI «iaUy<)vlluiuhorvMg bettVewo ftve orialif bundled pV;xiiM/ Thbt af'er noon, altar el' (W-teei uuH, the langue n'i pjrtMdeJ /»Upit #cvanry ftyo uulorcd and st two: whit ottMU ïho two while mon ti Med »a ment» «* Weaglà. dually dübs.. d' 'J ho entire pivny lookod naheuled cf dj itietMs«>ivaW , TW»X> phubity Vt<uôtoto«ià>ea iheiv p»iwle3»aii»i ihe aas^nUul'^ftf'the . c\i\atoti--f*>i*vy%tt*t- ib'ey hm"b*iiea J drituivcd tong ouiuigh by rh* I Ut««» I J, o >htiw that 'Mhû parly" reöotv«d*¥wW, 'J Ktiiuiiiug bluVT from Judue C»»r. panter ami OettUml Huller. 1 B .tSv^^wíW^ .bead irfim »feklog, *>d:'tfie aotQrrf>n8.ncgr^.bunv^irj(bdöh/got np , Ä^wWob «TAir»*n*b4¡ok«erfóosry, M ybrh?ftiévaRadical band flayed, ivhilethespcnking wks going PP, to;( irJówn the voice ot'the *péakèra ap'd to Iraw off the negrbea ' Soott is afraid of fhe truth audioes ort.ViehUbtf tt^oef 8; hcár,,tbé.éx'pd8urb8, of'bir'"tKi$Verte8;. 0 ho$e$ tb kcop up thc negro organi¬ st ion by stirring Up h'afi blood belwoen them üüd tho whites.. 'V BEFOH« MBBTING AT (.IBtlfÜtTTl HILL-GOOD APVJCK BY A COtOR-- BB MAW» :y...t_ ,..y j ti,-rr*.«í j Th* Reform Libprtv wcfo about 4000' people present,¡cj thirds, colored. By agrcemeut tw(p "of \he opposite parjiy ^ro ail^Wed-to, flpeak ..Col..Shanop«,. Judgo Carpenter and O cn era) Butler jereme I'lrWWi ^ Heforni ^p^rfjy.i. '..'I'heaet gentlemen TeJTt no;quoaxioo. unanswered, and were fr^ fluently. ^^k^f^a^^W'tv colored < M ujfl. concludion Q(.Gen. ..Butlers: speech', on old colored mao, Bo v. 'Nathan Uoîiuinghaiu, asked the privjlçgo ((tf waking; a.. ¡ff .?«csa.5V»fF Í»?Íltlt* . V«8; »ran ted.. Ile aa ld, that, he waa à min¬ ster bf tb« QospeJ. j tlfat he'had never jtUed,, wUh. .^oUtieav^Tbai l^e felt a, a$&ai liajtOK^ bis rice.;' minkvmj#iW Pi ?oQ8,ODMy»!acii fbr -'tte .opn^^ntr^otiou ol tflmt he'-"her, lUfrñf ff**'no*?'ayont, to take place, tlie' ^¿Htl9»l¡V'W».Uerf,. He appealed i.Q;Mie jOjjpred people, io bury all différences; ¡bftt Goff wou/djnot bleaa 'theta .go, long ffifWÍ-W**/-* .Jf'^K W another.. brough hare., i M* {WorM ihçaô laihgH m people.. We beruhe baud of friendship extended ns to;qt>y. Sutler, dismissed tho meeting with 'Xiiti tl ADÏO.t liS AT KINOSTK1CK. '>'?' ?;.. jj ; IXL* \-i Small Taro Ott*. There Wa» a meeting <if tho Radicals it this place on Thursday last., The at teinpTát. a, big display wflrf-màde', but/ it rXs'ftBf $n?lgnincant affair, Compared iW\ their fortliefmeetings, -'especially rhett the «'bi¿ giins" of the p^ri^'Wete rxpeeted io firV-'bff. J Gjroatftyttvity 'was »bserv'ed for several daytí before the ueot i iigv'antl bu.sî n*s3 '"'6 f 1 importance tilled so ve ful 6'f t\ii>' loaders to various ooah ti es, thc waiiv object of which was o gabble- up ah oddreireb for the dist m mtthikt fyptrtmen ' to'-speuk 'tb.r !\Ve ia Vo öeeri t be' Uny1 wileii Ai) a mx> on acni-IU th'éf Ünioii fie^uoUhat1 \Y\\W elnore waa to speak lleró"tfduld brlbg leWrhy'every ucgvo'ío the'fdistr,iotf: but uohf was tto't the ertso 'tbí» t^aie. 'Not vcu tho DaiDO of Whitemore, Rniney, rohoá¡- VotiiHgnV.j -with the loohl ' lights Lvaid them; ebúJd «fbfóo the eathusi^ Ktit pV tho iH^Hvesf to q^iit Hieir homes nd trump to Kingstree ta liston tb the ld tale thal has been sounded in their arn foy five ¿ear.< It wan the smkllost etheriog of ttie negro's wo have ever non hrifo at a ttntllcal ibecting.-Kitty Irte ¡StúrySojWfc: '<. '? iUi Vd '. . - fjùtà-ut1. -ÛLùi), lü'HMvK IPÍION I|«VUI<iH (,'OHNTÏ O A IS DI» ty ^B!»wWf ;HI ?rïifejrtWî»1j;' «OP'í^^g, Convention, ?id in ilaruwoll on Monday last,' tba diowing nominafclons for County ofii- ^'Wére niade-r" ' '{ML pf tóbate, J. X Wilson: {)P ni em burs 'pf ,7|ib' House p('(Repré¡>. »)itáliv^s, ''.'j¿''pL' iVmhar¿Uoii,^julius layjiÄ %Mék AWrieKi ^Jpfhua .pan- PJfuty' üomniíásioñe.r$, W. th linbah ytimi .'tVwfbr'ditór o^ooj^o^töiniiaioner, Kev. ÍB. Have- pr|i^''üorbnór, »jTtiphard'^'fler.^ '| 'a'héíiar. Uarktd .tHua (*) >v'e optored etnpD^ Jl_ÍS<¿U¿}A . .<; I .... -;~ >'-»'&A^INQ,BtfVv ! Ata tladleal political mooting at Ab svilje Court IIOUHO, on Monday^ the th instuut. au we loam from the Prosa nd Batumi-, i»ofo r*ltaii Vife half of the rowd voiiiained on tho^ puMl.- ¡eqiiavo, ul did riot aúond the.robé'lntt'w h^ir »b irpeeohas itt oil O^thejthrobfbun. i-eiiyh.n. Under the lo¿.tí ot fm , Çijjf i», MwttM to b ^ro've w fftti. \ Jí» )^éeftb¿ 'wuûiâ/deliv,o.rb<l% Vf.r^ liitlû.'a|i LQpittfra rirovalled ', .¥°ß0 Wa^b'.a'ppqf Pyiiñík Wtw* fi raPfi ViVegààaâ >e.' ttUó J^óaá th|iftt ih»ttt fowtñpra wtçrr liW lUd oat ^eel nge-ld fb'e Itb'la afle1!). the glory it. gets %to jiwl^^wöb * »rjeeob ts' thwv^JSreftpJ v^td>tt Wif thfcwar*;iú^ee4 lW««'*e fact. Tb* ?'Neun dealer*!' the And here Sf« eKo^l^vi.^lf^: WJth tb ie whole mattet, aar aa tho :Jtfe»$ is concerned, buti rbr th* , closing para¬ graph of ila two column article ôf empty sound. ! ..'.-i..-.-- ; - Jp tho face of our distinct declaration's Fhf^'ff e. wrota i'wUh no wkiodttesV' tiwi f wo regret the necessity,"ti that fit Vfltt'irtia«r -ra Bensb of pftW/c, doty,* and. (asl is alway* íbe «we ^jNfJ^äjwM fail aod position «ie^rwatlng)> aheVc rt,tts sgWc'p ;ht idlanmrÄÖM ikngoage, de¬ ice ù (ls tb un'work'hy* .nersbuali.k?, Jíná attettp^^,wake¡,tt ,,ap>ear J^jJiJjd leelihg vofrv jeatowsy" for tho xJNeu)i pvomptod^o.ur exposit too of its extraor¬ dinary cputee-a bourse àgditosr Whioh others, ip ptbér'por'tlótís' pf M$\ Stat^ J h;ad preyioqsly spplcen, as, treing in aid: of tho worst enemies fctf[thejStat«. Im¬ pelled thus, e-bd still deprecating tho cessity, we uiak e so tub's; taWmènts;; wh iph shall close the whoife matter, ns far as wo are concerned. Tho Stagnier Neun was begotton in a spirit of determined opposition, as nu jppooent of the' Sumter yWatchnian. against tho most earnest and ;cputinucj, ind feeling remçnsfiances (from private considera tiona) of thoso ' niora; closely conn coted, and tho- argent appeals of leading citiious, from public considera- fiops.. It ¿ame into, existence, in the hands of such a ?'combination" -a« wu« learned powerftrl enough.' in thar icoun: tVy *o bréàk-dHvr* the.. Watchman!jlan'd lestroy tho influence! ol iticditpr.1 but tili» pxovjcil;»,: .and; with ill the pecsèual appeals- made, oren to the -generosity of oor 'people, it sue- jèeded1 in obtaining but a bare skeleton jf a pireu^ajiftn, beyond the limits of the town. ItastfeAftg epurse had, no doubt, iomething lo Oro With thiw. It 'was tho hst paper in tho State lo intimate ap- jrovul ofpegro su (Trago, and this waa jun Q 'before, Cta'i g re-j.s hud aotod defi u i t o y à&bn that great question. > Th do it lallied with Radioal offloo-hoMoraj in jsrdof to Wirrie1 the publié advertising, ind finally dissolved 'connoxion, (not long si pee) with ita editor (a gentleman if .high elia rac tar and J nt elligen ce) bo- ¡anee1 his articles' Wäre too'strongly' WmooViíloi' f. "f]. ?.. ['¡Ita b'pnstont'ot¿cmpti8 tb'pppp^'ant thc jfiùchnKw, by; u^wprtjijhfliioaoqi.aod-iia eponted puo*ile"fliny>";:havo »ll»heed >assed unnoticed; ¡ti... AYheViKÜ Watchw,*'"endorsed' the ftw. resolutions! -mj t^'u^rjit "the .pportunity presented ,itapjf,for a doath dow. It noeordingiy ?> jjwbps from', its rosilión, half woy in tho Radicar en», trace, and assartis the. position. assn,med fi fifa úbsoribert" at the «ame breath. .; A-d ter* h> thisz-sooto't of tho "extraordinary*' K)4ltioD(1of tho Samter Neve at the pru* ent time. This ia tho reason ^hy wo »aye at Sumter "thc poly white man's »aper in South Carolina." This "has likowiso proved a signal ail il rb, aó'fl thé 'b'rbtt :MtA*b nt 1 OUf load. i. .' Thatikaito tho noble .-generosity .And infalltng oonfidotieo of a' patron age ' of JÄi.éánjou-nUb'ukW^b, the- WUfcimön as, np y los t a ai(o'g m HA tue from i ts \ooV», ut .oontlttiueis, fa add,¡ tb«rauntp. ," ; luoouclusiutif wo wwh ?! thc--y uni ter Vmi? no Uni tn. We íbtíl nether ert'ty il 'J'eàfobj!^, Kiid'aW 'for jtVoW'se'ek\6a to tjivjto frfoi^ ùÎrmi fMlfW)i Wm* ft i'm uwimi *0*jd wot esitati» tc pp ap ognlnl '-m. ;. fÖ~ "Onv southern friands (saystha low York' Tdhuuê) ohoujd reuieUibor Ital, much' as m at tho 'ftitih deslrf lie socaaaa of Southern Uepuhlieanism, ;%feÄ fc««¡F ^»7|t Hfn^Ü aps^pf sÄp- onîog moo li ko rW.h.iM«íswit»,iftnliigli* Klon like that Whioh we lately 'had ociition to -oondemn in Sortit tJarbli^a; pvH*iWçl W W W °f Hw^*' t^iî." «raW4Ifi^wj!*o, ¡ñf^^ w^», ny -Uighin'. tv iaw., of 4ho oaMr^-wor bag vam to dnmpMhoiid that we eua trot Hltrd1 to rifle tUü oh ibón '6y Loph h tur oa urged of llepublioao ?oo)indçals,[,r , but: they bad elected colored naca to meet with them; ts a matte*' af j potmt, ~- »BF«iIt«r»*/aa^NINO. ! ifíaijóíiá' iii 1 .f>mf*n .V ii J cd.' j 1 A. iartrp j^d c wpoct ubi&aiaai metít iag %to bcld'ttí Wofitííbg Oil "thé Äti; IjiBfe., Ii IN now acted; a^ $MttNÍTew-i¿V j ;::iA:Cüb>r»ittoo>coQ8Í8ting of Capt. V j! BKXXVHAMÍ » THUSLY HAfctfeti, Es*:*T,*** 'i&skstó-Coí: H.: aa BjNpow,, fahjmr Po2, (S.i J.. G^iLUAOiv, and, JOHN >GiLV; nl*e>,| was oppointed to receivo the Reform speakers at Kiogatroc ou the 14th inst. :., Addresses were &ß4*'fot>tyr<$A*i B«! TINDAL, white, aod vAir...Jl: H. W.' JOHNSON, colored, which wore happily, Reived. T;: ."'j, ;.!'; , î/^f^jj 'johnson, says tbe, published report of the remarked ,i hat tba wp'r^iicfs Garpet-baçg^r^od 3ça)awaga oùjgjtrWt¡ to have thc cobtro] of our affairs, which properly bejoog to tho honest men of the Stáje, an¿i pertinently asked if the Whííe^marj.Wjas; ready to unite with tfce black kiap iu good faith and »a- earnest work, ¡to surround ibo great incesta pf pjir country . JM<%>i wall ¡o^j ¿roe and li op est raen of bot h tylers, so lit gh, and B^'tropg thiit it wouU keep out these e^jrppt,m<jp twhp. {haye already ,.n¿^ly' fained tba country. (The, hearty ; and Pf^joita^' response of TV*, ..tfcsf: «tyf, from the whpie howse attest ed fal »J that spirit 'j wb|bb^ now per trades our ff hole people, ana bide them to bury tho past, and start on a new ¿buree,, deterwrncd to accord to nil roon, their rights;, and to unite in. np. buildingfhe interests, of, thia CTVfy^ry>> ? . . av *¡tf¿ RAOICAL MFKtlNO ' AM; IDMBIA A FAltt/Hlïk -, f t. ! ttfrfräÄf-I i.ili-' " C s''i kfi n The Columbia -GudrJian bf tba 9th inafcSbyfthat *th^etlladro3l'ápol>íer!í!are $hrey fuj) to satisfy their henrevs aaMo: tbe terrible corruptions laid at their doors. Thia «ts' a noticeable fe^turèat CÀ^lLblV^ ^F^^^'Ui^à. There >ere iy>t more than forty ,pc.$fty persona present when BIr. H utson Wifjg #08* spanking. Tho -extï ta trient" of debato and collision with, a genuine Reformer,. (Colonel Wa)labé¿ allotedS few%Mf\ and su ved the moe ting in point pf n uni * ber«, At lner.,. nil told, it did not nurn-1 ber moro than 150 or 200, not'inore than half of whom>oro'VoWiji;;'>''ïhèire was no enthusiasm, no earnestness, only » little excitement scringing from pet- sonalitioaj;:;We un'dèrstanà it!wat the lame cate flt uight. StPairorowd, tire- *omo speeches, lintle'ssness and vtnntbT potion.;- ^jM^^rWi Tho oorrespondent of the Qb.a.rlcstou Xv tes says of thia meeting : / Tho great Radical meeting advertised :o take piuco hara to day, was a com plate fa il ui#. There werá not twenty ave ptMfne preeca t, exp]udi pg tho \u embers bf thc brasa ba n d Til e m oe ti og dj nu tried "w ll h ou t any óTlhe_ numeróos ipe'iikdra miking 'a' speech.' '.Ranèlor, iooti,: 'Worthington, Nash and'Whitto» iibto; aro terribly ohayriped at the tn Mo. All of the. ab'ovo perons Wîih fte eXdéptióo '< of !öcütt Were "Üb Haft Ti". T flt I Iii f*if 1 b i i\¿ Jj_I .... JJ }\<Wi\ loo» it «at r r* y à» Vtí ¿ Noa à it Fronj t h a Un 1 c I g h &0r>ttff^à\HÎà liai' (our I osa' ' a nd'., pa tr bli p ^on t IQ tn a n, çeiAti fpHNHH, ;4r», we oopy »ha toU îWing,and truat-that, oro maniy months tao pnwedf'we''m«y be-' ohio tb^lfgVàti lùtii ooNÓWéa ln'a^mtlar mm^¡¡ ft i noe the result ol the o'leotion fn li'm Biute, wo learn, thfit tho numher of if\A bujyera:ayd bb© ebcjuirlee jn regard J fytoß and, ivther 'réel property for aale Mi Itfiftf»^ ¡Mri^iadíia the Stale, ,Wé pe «penand,epfáveraejfrl. with a gentle, a ïtautp g th.. Blffo* Uh y,f1iO aooieaad huudrode. Qur pnopjo now well the^vaoe ,the leaking, oorrtipt, uupvinciphld, apolla who oomOH/{br no 1 mßtf. tfuuDi*n i *J*r*"Tr*******Tñt^wr*il*.\0 4 ;mibjpr.w.p|o^ **r© pulling f^^Vl'iJ^ßir JîjlV vrfr«. i ?V-ip'W «¿if ? Pth ioflt, io gWiftg #«couat ;pf ¿hr, large «ad Buéoe&afpJ Kftfbtb Moe tings at Cho¬ fi* ind cht-teto^ dressed by Judge CARPENTER and (Jeu, KJENNEDV, .aud fa, «r^idciûg #i;e#^VpJt tihe for rn fer, say «.»'».. i>ifV ; I ii dVf.J tit' j? /i! :««tV#-Nar*,rth^*áílo'r' arrlval'át «lie <J(A>rt llXiuiw ho rece i ved' i nfar rah'- tidfj (undiproof cí¡f;<fisrf«^i «Tl tbe heaviest ftttO'eWpuwr »ww ñas roerj pcrpeiratea lit th« r\n£ "¡t»a>\Mft ttfdnijfy Wilfttt Wbïohî »$26,0001 'wWe: booked < 'bjNo-e par lidias ri t¿. p Thia tr áúíjaét ¡Orí » áíoo e, wtí J«aru)l had opetíod thc ejes of many ioí the coWétf peoplo,' .*!»<>' 'AYo^thèfr determination «f o'ó léngèr* 'fpjhmáng the League Laders, but of: Toting for WDV^"¿*AÍ<<>ÑI«J S WHV 'tf'BHA-ibk,; VO*JE \ribvRMan1 tyNBow anFottn ooiicK^Í ,^ :it v:,),::: af!:.- : ù icK&muu Q5íírafeí]:' T iroi foul i },.t Our State, Government, according 4o th« Republican ..püoss öf ahb.Stat«, Le Wj. Corf upt. : ('.!? .. ¡«J "'' Í^ÍPA V 2; ^he?^ratfórto of, thor $MA florin J^rtj is not ^íf<i¿it/i hut wiora/. .Jg- noífag IkÚ flf'ttf"! . «rch*. ^ to ref ann thc morals of tirai Stoic Gov- eronieot. "> t^t»lUJuW.. ail! .? \ 8. íu"Ta|Íy¡ogwUti tlíTB -hoÏÏèiA and good1 man, of ijhe .State, I, h o M wy. polj V (ftp) opinions i»abeyance,-wi,th.nb s4r> fifine of principle, "io >... »!f« 4. There are but two partie* io 7the Stator 1 Not toWotef älf dil,: witt be to give countBuntvco tr>' the prcvai ribg( coe rtrptîooa. of ttá ;dooiiD.aiVt ^ffj,, ^J¿.j 5. Judge: Carpen tor »tgqd, not oo)y uncensored bj» the Republican PartjY but was ita pride hod boast/ up to tho time of hia joining the Uojioti' Tieft'fin P»rijrrî a-tul Us ce,rto^j!j)jr ;.dono noth|i»g worthy of e<msi>re sipeje. :.. r G. Judge. Carp«öttl i* ncdouhtetily a vania of ioteliccfual ability, and*iPeleot/- e$ ;$í0$| ^o'cia,^^, Ë^t^lPirf' (vrhoae moral.purity will be,^; suffiount guavAuteofOr. bia moral uprtghtueas. ni 7- Tho .'colored and' \rhttb people of tr.ö'Stato ar|o toa Jar separated. Their, mutual ib,^re8ts jre|qirt^ie that thoy should Uiyto and form ono party, «nd thia what tho' Unioh Kefonn Party pro¬ poses. ' *'?>-'?.. .1 -.i? ii -.. ? ka-,- i!; - v0TBW,:i , ,.At llie(rjl<^*«o* of* Ihaibr.ida'a fa<A»rx wi .l'ie ÉMfci'fr i?*1^.P- ^Hß^flf Wff ^ AI40^;B. SCR AM PS, Jjr, rt« u gh toe of M«¿ W . ; E. Do - DIED, at bli retldenoe, nmt Ly nohburg, S. io tba 00th >c^r of ht» afa, en Friday. tba 8 th inst-, at 9 o'clock, P. M., Col. JOHN C. RHAMB, ffi«* **I^ Hp,flr,p,s wwwf rn-. #w I ll* | "l liiilMil- j ; jHMTho mana friaad« èf Mr. THOMA» BrtIR rOKMOtf^^. an » ounco Mm M i an lnAoporfOant «And.ldato for a- acut in ' th», talala turo fraqa: Sdmter Countj, a/>d .ollolt for hun tba aupRÖ'it. y . THU 01TIDSNS. ?Ag'lK'VW':/. ( ??pti' : ff .-Ju.-.MAHON W. ,w .! M j «»Uttet» i? H '.' nf-- ÏWÎERKOÛIAR MONTHLY OOM MUNICA- li-.(TIMI ?? H. »REBN, W.-. IllK KiiWAdiiai Seorataryu: ".-..Ur, i "i^».M...,.f...-», ^ fRij u; ¿«ill fi lilli :. i-:,: ? Í > .* .> ;iThei uiuiorsignoiî baa ldoatod hltoMlf at the tho StOfa of Moj.ra. ORK KN A WALSH, «bera ho will ba glad to fia tha ptáotérf of Sulfiter Canal)-. -Tho WANDO FERTILIZER will be ranlUiod (aa böratorort),' and advanooo naile <lf rocjolreil ) o ni Cottoh ah ipped to Cb »Tins tod '. Ci ll and toe mai,.,/.,! tutu ( ',' üi-V --ni, > ;>. : B#pt I.4/.ÍJ j »''H,í¡. t BLI8HA CA,RSCtN> i l^l^^aft ^ ^ pI jI ^ j , tBayatrille^, ft, É^^^^^ Lil 'S. ' iíi'.'--(>, jjTi.i^wuJ; .'iu4toiíiy!*V. li ;wOiliir*1 ,n.l 4.Mmhil«a1(M UaalneVt n»4y aaMMvfllfti Um. ?ífnyMvllla, S.'Oí, S4pts ltíl.; I¿7». ;? "WjfJ III) Ot /J ir.Ut it ÍHAU-J -M ".MI I-n'il.i Ii/. >«r.HROim Wt. BjDOWtr ha»lu*> ¿toaW 'oí tui^o |w ?Vlif»l|itt)hurr4.aad#|'>ii bil» v/idT ^o<mT irrP>:U di /. oily*. tO».Li ' ifW| luiemí» thu V7V..i: v.' .**.. ' ' ??.rit ' :.:fl1 UO Utfl. . 1 », íM-lijit-f»-bl' b^í : - j CLOTHS,: -: ;,ri ^nrf- .. ,t ;.-^J»Wt; ;. ::4 Ut.]: ,'<"'l u.->»;;:! yî-^:"/.- :. ->:rf*> \ v^yi !.:.:>.'.? í C Sj* .?. ' '.V'- I" J'tf.tC''. Tl£ J| :.!.»;. o ti J i.o i- OJ «ó. it.-.i.';. W'ffwff-,W.i'jVi '"ÍÍ.-ÍÍ {Í;^¡'I trr 'M ;'?'; ^urrj ,1)¿iní t î« f .i; -<:- TWBEMi¡ ?tí . ' > f. ?...*>i " »j i/t'i'OGjí5»j w&yr_>I ju.i««: OÍ..-. SATIKETS ....»«Jo buri ! fto^'TWÍtT^^c^W; ?viv-!.:'«. ,1 ¡;. tul i J. Afú¡i\i(l'^.¡: rv {¡b uL'1o.%loo/? <-!ÎJ ./.> Fiaíi?»«o tv': My Grocery Departm^Ufe ishüing i.' <*)¡'r :t):(J 07/f jbMíwH.í I .J»bj.;~:; .ill ii :../ W.'P :/.í lo ÍÍÍ; » vis'? íti- ii :uí> .'...'i'.o ii -í;-'.--. nil <}.v> it'll ^f.t!1) oví»J <<l'ly íú KBjH? Iíí -THAT LINB. \\ ; b'r. ' f ff;¿i -;. ; . J ul > 'v **** ?'. Mi.v '.. .'! t v ...¿..r>'"- '¿.^««àù *. I : ?.¡< »!" !.»iv.p!' V^'i-^tii Híií'tu! .)..*'.! .! o;cj«i.y;-..s»il/? ..:Í1I' : .! 'fi; ^ .rv:<:"t ^-Tti.^.ljv> :i li. . ;boOV. :..'ft t f.j. fl I - :*T Y. t »J !?:!' fic ¡i .-.iï .'.l>«|'iyft;-f v.- o^bj£»fo/;! ;.-'.. - >)j;¡) .'. v^l^VítívW., hi:;''. .-'UM.'-Í. .. ri^tÄv^oWW'.'i.otli.'Ott'ü i' t:" tl Uli' 1 -f H«üL' :.-,3M'Y.' li ;!? ' Dress üoods, -oto '.t>'.'.! J».' :.;! ií«a t¿í»'i I r-.!-??-.'! o. 1 m r- '?t'!' , :. ttii i, .f. V ' lyoil'i iíii .. I ?.llfü"; .«! ,f.|íííní> I .'.ill yir.rfiNii ii IN-;>; ,oi!Í'. "J i- .; ::ii<\l IIf.V fcíUií ÍÍ('. Tft io' ¿ti >-v: ; iláil(v? flo ,íi¡v r:i,''r í. <;'-.! liiíf.'i. - i. -MÍÍV i -'.nb¡iJ <> ti % ii Wto&jàfàt ) t£»M^ bo ': r.v».', ti*wry.<#jftle Mbíí-I o iii Ki «I-fim t.. '.V i.' t' i "rî.'i v i JÏ.-V/0'I -iJ:V' í) TRIMMINGS, Í!.;:AT'I :!» Y/' ^flrj- 0«l <, i:i Vlv«i, ,¡! .-.«.H.. i "' :!o;Í »" « litoral »ii V-t'^i VfcíiVrfV ?:.;(( oAfñ'tfo'ri " '; ftl (jj nv?-.-'?.^M'Ií-.lT. A. A. SOLOMONS. .' l]j tV ..,<..!/; (.J.'{>y:l.'!<?! 'tro I l¡¡i/¡ yrrt'h! .H M I.:M:.;.. W Ifni i .no ,1o .ti 8.11/fp ni '^;:>^ -,U¡: Mi*-' IV f'' .- *. '''/P'ir»'>i-ùi-'î ' '/: .'.. : ' v ;-:?]. '.<' £ , v .'1 -.<í.,.. !. . - ': *y '. ». M'jttw *>-'i¡/>, »i.;.lt-';.!.-'.'ü->-)b^r;»?l '. '.'..'?.'Juól>í¡<«f(;".i'i.'i-.:/'(/« > í, to<v>»'.; :! >;'^^. OJ ii í;ilv; 5o «.MOOK Oil) }^ *;')! ioyjl j ifjníAl 'ïijTO^ filOföTlÖi ¡nJlTÓnoiJi^fl* ' iii<titfl9Yq ,HÓÍ1OO oililb Jiiûiflôoaotaoïoo iditltdi« oit j i «SftOtt tWOMVQ/a ila indi klfrl 0(lî Î0 ÍOOj^o 9lfl jóiohirt óldiAnorj .li Holy i)t vloTo'in ^iad wltjOüJ'i pcijj .»ii'timt, a ^tiiJoilto y,«l ....(»?! i J oiöl neu , I) líflh liotíí HO itíiiopJHf.tfA OIIJ i:'>"i;J»ü > id 'li^ilt oq ^fcnwrViMinvÍ oil i bu« »! DOO nogo JutKfa ooalO alooi r-oijoa hni'J ? li1ÍT»t»> M( »ifî .airOt' oa-ib'o» y^bfljilu o .cWaP»í*4.t .II-' bu.» lol I rrj't^ Ji S{ VOL. xx WE DEVOTED TO LI pilli pat on Bita. , Jiiífjt ;>I/A\' wÀtilfts4 : ¡ail) ^QOUNfflV^.u'Bf^eJB^.!'; ¿ ?Offwatt ,«fte*,olio»i jí^^eaa;a*.^fal '^A^^O&ft^ haj ioreítod in tho bailûe*e, Foú* rTtjttaWnu. iJh>\U*i jfcapLv?? ,! tj m«&":i- tfl i , tlorfv/ . ^Jív.i; .. ...;..<i.V. .;l*¿fctl'XiuVCpB»jN. i^iiitóú 'öf^latt d: libraryHH M.'rür.aafc .i ti*r ô ¡ tófcjfe '^^.^MnWanyDoor., ó.ai, '.i . ÍIBI» -4?-*1 ."»Ll'' . » MACHINE SHOP; ' D^ler* Wd ^ufrcVWr* of^.eath Mgia«., Pa*'NMttycMMf* Sago* o nd other Milt», Gin :ÄV ;A|«» 'i r. it :*ily. <»r» <.?.?!*?..:?.». ¡pRj $Í»ffK 'WH«» IS OOO YARD¿BACfQ^ï ' arl ?'it Iti'-liT-rl-J ??»'>'«»?|-'i^l4«flM' ?>! )iiV'ií.r'. ?! - ;-1 .For-aàlô b7'-n::VoJr ,j!r^. ^-^ V.>,nf. * V, f -"Ii », W. KKAOHWBU) tgdEMJfe niiff,;,.;, ¿Eipa&g .M; w.-r 'TßiH-BAOftcowajiV^? fl$ i. Î.'. ' ; .' 'vi Ü^<^M9»; ir "¿iiiliß Qtjrrccted vetkiy by A. C. ¿¿¿¡¡fa)} 0 S»*T8 Sa«ükmM-éoa1h G»rolréâV4»«ei OD; ^eV,?«.®- do, r.giod "^iSSSS 80, CbírU.toé, 8. C. Stock, (.x qr i^É? Bondi, -MW. 1 . ? ^^«pSÉSí^in 'lud Sa^Vh^^SS^ ChariotUs, Columbia. and Augula. ^fij. OolumlíKa-it worfX-«MJÍo. (Stau m. nah and Coarlcrton, (lit mort) -7Í{ áo.íSua ton, -@Sl ; Soqi^Ca'rollna, «hoU^^, BOUTirCállOLIliA BA.fK klLt.8. ' .Bank or CbW¿Wn*»:.....í:.L..i i fcíV* rf WVrgehmn.....ÖgSB Bank of Sooth Carolina................./,'...;.»§ Bfpk of tfhailer,«,.,.. .i«v> Hank of 6UU of 8* C. prior to 1S6!. Baiík of State ofB.C.iiane1861 and l8lft $|5~ «People'a : Bank br Cbartaston..^v-.....;,U2- .Union Bink oí'?Gh\n\é*ttih..\...::::.£¿M^ ?SftBUirijaVerM B, ft.3a.ok> of:Charia*leaVTl.á- (oldjj,...^....."...."..".,,Ô- '*3fttt.Wtton. U ft Bunk Of- CnarleiWa- fnoej) ... ,Y.....M......*aft'.*ä- FafmeVi* ñwBxetíonge Bank of Chnr.M--S- ton. .XuMlt»- State of South Carolina-B ills Bcctivable.,.«. City of Charlton Change Blü> .BWs^iirark^jW^ redecncdal Qeùêïe^'^^^nd Fire v<i. . . .t-r/y- X m: n.Bfwínpf .Coiapivnics having <o«(M with ihjfJLuw.-ftnd .«kB/ialifld.$2»,*00 -re«ck, «W tho fcoiofitlOTc'r'^ bouatoui^ Pheonix Fire Iusurnnco Coi/ipiny,cf Brooklyn, N. Y. Gush AéaétV,'' Wj »1,709,000. Soul he nv Lifo Insurance ConvpaayjOf Atlanta, Ga., Gen. J, B. tío^ff, Äff %W^WymL yHe*r^y VMrAlo*otaocQ fompâojfrf mit Yotk^niktB^&.QhMd 81. G erm ap Fire tpàuran ce Coropioy of New VorH^A-we-«^ 1.058.054 61. Georgia-Hom ô- ïh au raûço Com pa DJ, Columbus, Ga^Aaaetts, <$j&731 IQ. Riohnïô^$^ Co., of VirgiafylAa^^ Á, WHITE, ha« beea'íiaiatfedí o/i thu death of Mr. A. by the uùloreignèd. Wakiti fat Ike likejtl patronage bestowed apo«''Mia MM in^. f W* -paotfujly solicit rC0B.,ta VB«"X'T^WA. i" i ?-?»/;/ '..??',.. . > ;'- ' .. ..'ÏTfJTÏCK''--..-.. fJ^edWto partaÄ*' All per««a »'»^T, mantis against tba »aid firm, «ill ploaae preMfi : Wm anà ?an^rÄ . Ajk)theca^ attd Wen* 7¿iM«i¡fi«; fFaaaykJ»tleWadtfferramerj. All Medici- W^fUÎ >tt»ÍMW * - try bnat qualllf. ^ ; jj^ (vi j, .j Sap» T

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Page 1: The Sumter watchman.(Sumterville, S.C.) 1870-09-14.€¦ · -I BP ni^^^^ijk--\*fm¿repeOpiVwere optoijU in full forcefinningoo the; face,tfair e2eesiOtíe^ea¡;';Í4.pefceifeHbát{fy


peOpiV were opt oijU in full force oo the ;ni^^^^ijk--\*fm¿re finning {fyface, tfair e2eesiOtíe^ea¡;';Í4 .pefceifeHbátihoy^havo -'ftfew ?ïôà'-lijy' tho noeeby

ptiâ. Î .ibiDlc tn cy have col^ip to the .dtfv \j

paexrorjw^. M*rK-*he coptrasU iAItho Sçoti'liing rocotina ,tfti»r(*>jo>e'250persons.present.' 'At (ho ÍJoioo Keformmèçtttigto day there not Tess than 2,000

? .fieriwitm ¿tteodaooo, * tjfge-¿ majori ty'of them being'odored. I had beep toldby Borne wonk kneed Damooratio friends ;

^ft^íptffe'».^;.|6%W'Cook, Countyr- ..Chat wc, would not have corporal's¿íWwl jBt^ouV^ mooring at thia plaee.~

?aeïî^anil'the c*dùrea'.péop|è déy.oted^piW^Ùeuioro.. lJulh; 'vaoos,, hnvb bêénaVubdoved.Darliugtoi» County will do,as Wdí' for Ko for in, «i'^y* county in ij

T%&M'ï>aLÏ^ ''- ?íi.-í :«:....!?..?/..?. If.m ^ itfUK .;; .:? h

took place in n- largo .-grove adjoining '

(the -f-^oort i.Iouae, "fffiero were stumbled,about"; L.Ö0O. pelion j, OR tli c stand jwere tho menberj of thoilofurm Exe«oaúvó Committee, composed of white ¡mid -cdofod - .mair, together wi th thcspo»k e»'& Col ; 1). W. Edwards p reaidéd ]üíenükq m coting, and lutrod uced aa the ,ftrat sp.enlíqJ.. \. v '

i : . \ ; j' '«^j^itew. -'»icWlCehaeuV waVpVó¿- i

tüí kudH0encrai Butler, tp ?.WPPMs$À i.pince of tho lat ter, who U'abscnfc _.on.'a jshort trip to the Northwestern portion .<l$M%tà$jé;ï :ttsi rféljfèraf^ost. able ;|and eliifiucnt ?po¿ch', iu tho1 intereat' of .(thc Uc/Orth %^M^f%^:i^fr\l ]tlúént.ll'iútijírupltío: by'á^píause. 'THere jrtroTícw uiuUeuco.1 Cnn.' uUhVrand I*iWmÂi^braVe 'abtf ejöriu'ebi no)~ Idie* nTid Uv» addV«fss made a Vtfly decided Iin.prassiou'^uîalf^^off̂fa ¡Ti» «a ,i ^"t<- .'.»" ' T .' . i;., V^.«iK^.lttA^s^Ká» it..'.:*whV^wijsf listened to with inark<ed alten- jtion; ii ot shlowed tho co Yere d \ people .

thc ni3c;i lit fief and thieving exploits ofthe miserable ltiug that have hithertomade tools ot thean and eiplained tothem the broad plntfotey ot the ReformI'arty-it« guavnntco of equal rights totill men. I Jo reviewed tho administra-don, and shewed,, ibero' . tharj necessity" \for a.rtföntrof existing eyils.VÓoe, pT. jproinpfod several persons to "totcnrup.t.tTt'^ppuVeiv Ablion bis ras.aat|yti*)psapv )»iöjqs.with tfië i>àp4 ^: '

&è'w'»^tip, hq fery.w.^e|y..sluqk.' 0«¿ of c

. ajw¿L>* ¿ ;j < 'J'"ilio^Meeii.n^'b^ :.p i^ t|je greatesthnrmbny,' m.átí^óf titi crjored .people; .

expressing their deternynation to jain, 11

iW^^V^nW*t Wv ¿h.a^siraogost -0fotiíufo 'of t^dsy -|ro8 yat. io. ¡jome, .In >\

. th;o. afternoon,' -a oompany .of, .Sooti's "

mi lit ia; paraded. . Headed "by'a- fife and :1drum,,they.marche^ to;. wh,e.r'p Judge.!0Carpenteï arid (ieneral ^ennedy ,A^»Q 8

»yfflh0fy furming.;..;; ,,, j , ¡J; V¿ yyj AN ESCORT, .' <?

hhd »)iiröi>'od along with us to the depot, !oaidi<j>Mci> of over half u milo. Aa our 0oarrw.ü* mil wi.. by theni*. the officers "

fmlOted, and ^tho trairf wsslesving, the 8i- etimpnny shonlds'red'«arma 'láüd gave ]tl!h/ofc votutbi^ chsvsra.- (This-t fake to'bc

ti very.encouraging erpo'. ^1 abi 6ot pro-' tpaved io »ny (hat the ^Jdaipany turned»mt for i lie (inpress purpose! of escortingus, bul »hoy.did so, and their whelp ¡Ac<Miduer:|4!mtt.0nly iti' m^rksd C0n.trasV: hto ! hat of soûle -of.thelr' bVothren, but ii' ftwas a. ccrtuin. otideuoO" ^rf-tho good ;0'(h union mid kind fooling*-of tho men.-''Letuiií hopo thut-it.M'hue thepreourtw?>*i>',a butter d«yj'that;i» Urtwhiiig nfiir US/ft


dry w ll Au, o£ t«W t^rmrenoe- o'f the Vnieii who now plunder mtr puMio'tWa*.!.1sur**, white .men .und.» blank men shall ¡jjH^P/ÜHMI^ Mrw.»«WuÓD good, ÄJD4 .g^%M,ÄüftWiH',d^,vr,onpe>$t»1 íaVvall:éaíteoduyer >hqJcitjjt|».Aiud.breaeJih.»if duiilaodv <i

.EUto tOVAl*' *VBA<*CfIS AV liäNOA««J-,. -, i, ir */m s ?'

if?,t, . ??^»??Tho otprespondent oP the Pally Abm,' b

writing (ruin Liucftütor, ou the oooaaiou dol'thc vt-Ocnt Ueloríií Mass Meeting, at Ml

#W:^l';>n»VutÄÄW^vota pr'aHenl,,MVá} '

tl.lïnvpt.iforc. the lioyn) l'ifnyiiô cf th IP dduct" hr.vo tteeu in th J habit ut parading fivvoity low da)*a, jtheir pn,oe*Hioi>* nut»«- HI

«iaUy<)vlluiuhorvMg bettVewo ftve orialif tíbundled pV;xiiM/ Thbt af'ernoon, altar' (W-teei uuH, the langue n'ipjrtMdeJ /»Upit #cvanry ftyo uulorcd and sttwo: whitottMU ïho two while mon tiMed »a ment» «* Weaglà. dually dübs.. d''J ho entire pivny lookod naheuled cf djitietMs«>ivaW , TW»X> phubity Vt<uôtoto«ià>eaiheiv p»iwle3»aii»i ihe aas^nUul'^ftf'the .

c\i\atoti--f*>i*vy%tt*t- ib'ey hm"b*iiea Jdrituivcd tong ouiuigh by rh* I Ut««» I J, o>htiw that 'Mhû parly" reöotv«d*¥wW, 'JKtiiuiiiug bluVT from Judue C»»r.panter ami OettUml Huller. 1 B

.tSv^^wíW^.bead irfim »feklog, *>d:'tfieaotQrrf>n8.ncgr^.bunv^irj(bdöh/got np

,Ä^wWob «TAir»*n*b4¡ok«erfóosry,M ybrh?ftiévaRadical band flayed,ivhilethespcnking wks going PP, to;(irJówn the voice ot'the *péakèra ap'd toIraw off the negrbea ' Soott is afraid offhe truth audioes ort.ViehUbtftt^oef8; hcár,,tbé.éx'pd8urb8, of'bir'"tKi$Verte8;.0 ho$e$ tb kcop up thc negro organi¬

st ion by stirring Up h'afi blood belwoenthem üüd tho whites.. 'VBEFOH« MBBTING AT (.IBtlfÜtTTlHILL-GOOD APVJCK BY A COtOR--BB MAW» :y...t_ ,..y j ti,-rr*.«í jTh*

ReformLibprtvwcfo about 4000' people present,¡cjthirds, colored. By agrcemeut tw(p "of\he opposite parjiy ^ro ail^Wed-to, flpeak..Col..Shanop«,. Judgo Carpenter andO cn era) Butler jeremeI'lrWWi^Heforni ^p^rfjy.i. '..'I'heaet gentlemen TeJTtno;quoaxioo. unanswered, and were fr^fluently. ^^k^f^a^^W'tv colored

< M ujfl. concludion Q(.Gen. ..Butlers:speech', on old colored mao, Bo v. 'NathanUoîiuinghaiu, asked the privjlçgo ((tfwaking; a.. ¡ff .?«csa.5V»fF Í»?Íltlt* . V«8;»ran ted.. Ile aa ld, that, he waa à min¬ster bf tb« QospeJ. j tlfat he'had never

jtUed,, wUh. .^oUtieav^Tbai l^e felt a,

a$&ai liajtOK^ bis rice.;'minkvmj#iW Pi ?oQ8,ODMy»!aciifbr -'tte .opn^^ntr^otiou ol tflmt he'-"her,lUfrñf ff**'no*?'ayont, to take place, tlie'

^¿Htl9»l¡V'W».Uerf,. He appealed i.Q;MiejOjjpred people, io bury all différences;¡bftt Goff wou/djnot bleaa 'theta .go, longffifWÍ-W**/-* .Jf'^KW another..

brough hare., i M* {WorMihçaô laihgHm people.. We beruhebaud of friendship extended ns to;qt>y.

Sutler, dismissed tho meeting with

'Xiiti tl ADÏO.t liS AT KINOSTK1CK.'>'?' ?;.. jj ; IXL* \-iSmall Taro Ott*.

There Wa» a meeting <if tho Radicalsit this place on Thursday last., The atteinpTát. a, big display wflrf-màde', but/ itrXs'ftBf $n?lgnincant affair, ComparediW\ their fortliefmeetings,-'especiallyrhett the «'bi¿ giins" of the p^ri^'Weterxpeeted io firV-'bff. J Gjroatftyttvity'was»bserv'ed for several daytí before theueot i iigv'antl bu.sîn*s3 '"'6f 1 importancetilled so ve ful 6'f t\ii>' loaders to variousooah ti es, thc waiiv object of which waso gabble- up ah oddreireb for the distmmtthikt fyptrtmen ' to'-speuk 'tb.r !\VeiaVo öeeri t be' Uny1 wileii Ai) a mx> on céacni-IU th'éf Ünioii fie^uoUhat1 \Y\\Welnore waa to speak lleró"tfduld brlbgleWrhy'every ucgvo'ío the'fdistr,iotf: butuohf was tto't the ertso 'tbí» t^aie. 'Notvcu tho DaiDO of Whitemore, Rniney,rohoá¡- VotiiHgnV.j -with the loohl ' lightsLvaid them; ebúJd «fbfóo the eathusi^Ktit pV tho iH^Hvesf to q^iit Hieir homesnd trump to Kingstree ta liston tb theld tale thal has been sounded in theirarn foy five ¿ear.< It wan the smkllostetheriog of ttie negro's wo have evernon hrifo at a ttntllcal ibecting.-KittyIrte ¡StúrySojWfc: '<. '? iUi Vd'. . - fjùtà-ut1. -ÛLùi), lü'HMvKIPÍION I|«VUI<iH (,'OHNTÏ O A IS DI»

ty^B!»wWf ;HI

?rïifejrtWî»1j;' «OP'í^^g, Convention,?id in ilaruwoll on Monday last,' tbadiowing nominafclons for County ofii-^'Wére niade-r" '

'{ML pf tóbate, J. X Wilson:{)P niem burs 'pf ,7|ib' House p('(Repré¡>.»)itáliv^s, ''.'j¿''pL' iVmhar¿Uoii,^juliuslayjiÄ %Mék AWrieKi ^Jpfhua .pan-PJfuty' üomniíásioñe.r$, W. th linbahytimi .'tVwfbr'ditóro^ooj^o^töiniiaioner, Kev. ÍB. Have-pr|i^''üorbnór, »jTtiphard'^'fler.^ '|'a'héíiar. Uarktd .tHua (*) >v'e optoredetnpD^ Jl_ÍS<¿U¿}A . .<; I

.... -;~ >'-»'&A^INQ,BtfVv!Ata tladleal political mooting at Ab

svilje Court IIOUHO, on Monday^ theth instuut. au we loam from the Prosand Batumi-, i»ofo r*ltaii Vife half of therowd voiiiained on tho^ puMl.- ¡eqiiavo,ul did riot aúond the.robé'lntt'w h^ir»b irpeeohas itt oil O^thejthrobfbun.i-eiiyh.n. Under the lo¿.tí otfm , Çijjfi», MwttM to b ^ro've w fftti. \Jí»)^éeftb¿ 'wuûiâ/deliv,o.rb<l% Vf.r^ liitlû.'a|iLQpittfra rirovalled ', .¥°ß0 Wa^b'.a'ppqfPyiiñíkWtw* fi raPfi ViVegààaâ>e.' ttUó J^óaá th|iftt ih»ttt fowtñpra

wtçrr liW lUd oat ^eel nge-ld fb'e


the glory it. gets%to jiwl^^wöb *»rjeeob ts' thwv^JSreftpJ v^td>tt Wifthfcwar*;iú^ee4

lW««'*e fact. Tb* ?'Neun dealer*!' the

And here Sf« eKo^l^vi.^lf^: WJthtb ie whole mattet, aar aa tho :Jtfe»$is concerned, buti rbr th* , closing para¬graph of ila two column article ôf emptysound. ! ..'.-i..-.-- ; -

Jp tho face of our distinct declaration'sFhf^'ff e. wrota i'wUh no wkiodttesV'tiwi fwo regret the necessity,"ti that fitVfltt'irtia«r -ra Bensb of pftW/c, doty,* and.

(asl is alway* íbe «we ^jNfJ^äjwMfail aod position «ie^rwatlng)> aheVc rt,tts

sgWc'p ;ht idlanmrÄÖM ikngoage, de¬iceù (ls tb un'work'hy* .nersbuali.k?, Jínáattettp^^,wake¡,tt ,,ap>ear J^jJiJjdleelihg vofrv jeatowsy" for tho xJNeu)ipvomptod^o.ur exposit too of its extraor¬

dinary cputee-a bourse àgditosr Whiohothers, ip ptbér'por'tlótís' pf M$\ Stat^ Jh;ad preyioqsly spplcen, as, treing in aid:of tho worst enemies fctf[thejStat«. Im¬pelled thus, e-bd still deprecating tho a«

cessity, we uiak e so tub's;taWmènts;;wh iphshall close the whoife matter, ns far as

wo are concerned.Tho Stagnier Neun was begotton in a

spirit of determined opposition, as nu

jppooent of the' Sumter yWatchnian.against tho most earnest and ;cputinucj,ind feeling remçnsfiances (from privateconsidera tiona) of thoso ' niora; closelyconn coted, and tho- argent appeals ofleading citiious, from public considera-fiops.. It ¿ame into, existence, in thehands of such a ?'combination" -a« wu«

learned powerftrl enough.' in thar icoun:tVy *o bréàk-dHvr* the.. Watchman!jlan'dlestroy tho influence! ol iticditpr.1 buttili» pxovjcil;»,: .and; withill the pecsèual appeals- made, oren tothe -generosity of oor 'people, it sue-

jèeded1 in obtaining but a bare skeletonjf a pireu^ajiftn, beyond the limits of thetown. ItastfeAftg epurse had, no doubt,iomething lo Oro With thiw. It 'was thohst paper in tho State lo intimate ap-jrovul ofpegro su (Trago, and this waa

jun Q 'before, Cta'i g re-j.s hud aotod defi u i t oy à&bn that great question. > Thdo itlallied with Radioal offloo-hoMoraj injsrdof to Wirrie1 the publié advertising,ind finally dissolved 'connoxion, (notlong sipee) with ita editor (a gentlemanif .high elia rac tar andJ nt elligen ce) bo-¡anee1 his articles' Wäre too'strongly'WmooViíloi' f. "f]. ?..

['¡Ita b'pnstont'ot¿cmpti8 tb'pppp^'ant thcjfiùchnKw, by; u^wprtjijhfliioaoqi.aod-iiaeponted puo*ile"fliny>";:havo »ll»heed>assed unnoticed; ¡ti...

AYheViKÜ Watchw,*'"endorsed' theftw. resolutions! -mj t^'u^rjit "the.pportunity presented ,itapjf,for a doathdow. It noeordingiy ?> jjwbps from', itsrosilión, half woy in tho Radicar en»,trace, and assartis the. position. assn,medfi fifaúbsoribert" at the «ame breath. .; A-dter* h> thisz-sooto't oftho "extraordinary*'K)4ltioD(1of tho Samter Neve at the pru*ent time. This ia tho reason ^hy wo

»aye at Sumter "thc poly white man's»aper in South Carolina."This "has likowiso proved a signal

ail il rb, aó'fl thé 'b'rbtt :MtA*b nt 1 OUf

load.i. .'

Thatikaito tho noble .-generosity .Andinfalltng oonfidotieo of a' patron age



JÄi.éánjou-nUb'ukW^b, the-WUfcimönas, np y los t a ai(o'gm HA tue from i ts \ooV»,ut .oontlttiueis, fa add,¡ tb«rauntp. ," ;luoouclusiutif wo wwh ?! thc--y uni ter

Vmi? no Uni tn. We íbtíl nether ert'tyil 'J'eàfobj!^, Kiid'aW 'for jtVoW'se'ek\6a totjivjto frfoi^ùÎrmi fMlfW)i Wm*ft i'm uwimi *0*jd wotesitati» tc pp ap ognlnl '-m. ;.

fÖ~ "Onv southern friands (saysthalow York' Tdhuuê) ohoujd reuieUiborItal, much' asm at tho 'ftitih deslrflie socaaaa of Southern Uepuhlieanism,;%feÄ fc««¡F ^»7|t Hfn^Ü aps^pf sÄp-onîog moo li ko rW.h.iM«íswit»,iftnliigli*Klon like that Whioh we lately 'hadociition to -oondemn in Sortit tJarbli^a;pvH*iWçlWWW °f Hw^*'t^iî." «raW4Ifi^wj!*o,¡ñf^^ w^»,ny -Uighin'. tv iaw., of 4ho oaMr^-wor bagvam to dnmpMhoiid that we eua trotHltrd1 to rifle tUü oh ibón '6y Lophh tur oa

urged of llepublioao ?oo)indçals,[,r ,

but: they bad elected colored naca tomeet with them; ts a matte*' af j potmt,

~- »BF«iIt«r»*/aa^NINO. !ifíaijóíiá' iii 1 .f>mf*n .V ii J cd.'j 1 A. iartrp j^d cwpoct ubi&aiaai metít iag%to bcld'ttí Wofitííbg Oil "thé Äti; IjiBfe.,

IiIN now acted; a^ $MttNÍTew-i¿V j;::iA:Cüb>r»ittoo>coQ8Í8ting of Capt.Vj! BKXXVHAMÍ » THUSLY HAfctfeti,Es*:*T,*** 'i&skstó-Coí: H.:aaBjNpow,, fahjmrPo2, (S.iJ.. G^iLUAOiv, and, JOHN >GiLV; nl*e>,|was oppointed to receivo the Reformspeakers at Kiogatroc ou the 14th inst.:., Addresses were &ß4*'fot>tyr<$A*i B«!TINDAL, white, aod vAir...Jl: H. W.'JOHNSON, colored, which wore happily,Reived. T;: ."'j, ;.!'; , î/^f^jj'johnson, says tbe, published report ofthe remarked ,i hat tba wp'r^iicfsGarpet-baçg^r^od 3ça)awaga oùjgjtrWt¡to have thc cobtro] of our affairs, whichproperly bejoog to tho honest men of theStáje, an¿i pertinently asked if theWhííe^marj.Wjas; ready to unite with tfceblack kiap iu good faith and »a- earnestwork, ¡to surround ibo great incesta pfpjir country . JM<%>i wall ¡o^j ¿roe andli op est raen of bot h tylers, so litgh, andB^'tropg thiit it wouU keep out thesee^jrppt,m<jp twhp. {haye already ,.n¿^ly'fained tba country. (The, hearty ; andPf^joita^' response of TV*, ..tfcsf: «tyf,from the whpie howse attested fal »J thatspirit 'jwb|bb^ now per trades our ff holepeople, ana bide them to bury tho past,and start on a new ¿buree,, deterwrncdto accord to nil roon, their rights;, and tounite in. np. buildingfhe interests, of, thiaCTVfy^ry>> ? . . av*¡tf¿ RAOICAL MFKtlNO ' AM;.» IDMBIA A FAltt/Hlïk -, f t.

! ttfrfräÄf-I i.ili-' " C s''i kfi n

The Columbia -GudrJian bf tba 9thinafcSbyfthat *th^etlladro3l'ápol>íer!í!are$hrey fuj) to satisfy their henrevs aaMo:tbe terrible corruptions laid at theirdoors. Thia «ts' a noticeable fe^turèatCÀ^lLblV^^F^^^'Ui^à. There >ereiy>t more than forty ,pc.$fty personapresent when BIr. Hutson Wifjg #08*spanking. Tho -extï ta trient" of debatoand collision with, a genuine Reformer,.(Colonel Wa)labé¿ allotedS few%Mf\and su ved the moe ting in point pf n uni *

ber«, At lner.,. nil told, it did not nurn-1ber moro than 150 or 200, not'inorethan half of whom>oro'VoWiji;;'>''ïhèirewas no enthusiasm, no earnestness, only» little excitement scringing from pet-sonalitioaj;:;We un'dèrstanà it!wat thelame cate flt uight. StPairorowd, tire-*omo speeches, lintle'ssness and vtnntbTpotion.;- ^jM^^rWiTho oorrespondent of the Qb.a.rlcstouXv tes says of thia meeting :/ Tho great Radical meeting advertised:o take piuco hara to day, was a complate fa il ui#. There werá not twentyave ptMfne preeca t, exp]udipg tho\u embers bf thc brasa ba n d Til e m oe ti ogdj nu tried"w ll h ou t any óTlhe_ numeróosipe'iikdra miking 'a' speech.' '.Ranèlor,iooti,: 'Worthington, Nash and'Whitto»iibto; aro terribly ohayriped at thetnMo. All of the. ab'ovo perons Wîihfte eXdéptióo '< of !öcütt Were "Üb HaftTi".T flt I Iii f*if 1 b i i\¿ Jj_I .... JJ }\<Wi\loo» it «at r r* y à» Vtí¿ Noa à it

Fronj tha Un 1 c I g h &0r>ttff^à\HÎàliai' (our I osa' '

a nd'., pa trbli p ^on t IQ tn a n,çeiAti fpHNHH, ;4r», we oopy »ha toUîWing,and truat-that, oro maniy monthstao pnwedf'we''m«y be-' ohio tb^lfgVàtilùtii ooNÓWéa ln'a^mtlar mm^¡¡ft i noe the result ol the o'leotion fnli'm Biute, wo learn, thfit tho numher ofif\A bujyera:ayd bb© ebcjuirlee jn regardJ fytoß and, ivther 'réel property for aaleMi Itfiftf»^ ¡Mri^iadíia the Stale, ,Wépe «penand,epfáveraejfrl. with a gentle,

a ïtautp g th.. Blffo* Uh

y,f1iO aooieaad huudrode. Qur pnopjonow well the^vaoe ,theleaking, oorrtipt, uupvinciphld, apolla

who oomOH/{br no


mßtf. tfuuDi*n i *J*r*"Tr*******Tñt^wr*il*.\0 4

;mibjpr.w.p|o^ **r© pullingf^^Vl'iJ^ßir JîjlV vrfr«. i ?V-ip'W «¿if ?

Pth ioflt, io gWiftg #«couat ;pf ¿hr, large«ad Buéoe&afpJ Kftfbtb Moetings at Cho¬fi* ind cht-teto^dressed by Judge CARPENTER and (Jeu,KJENNEDV, .aud fa, «r^idciûg #i;e#^VpJttihe for rn fer, say «.»'».. i>ifV ; I ii dVf.J tit' j?/i! :««tV#-Nar*,rth^*áílo'r' arrlval'át«lie <J(A>rt llXiuiw ho rece i ved' i nfar rah'-tidfj (undiproof cí¡f;<fisrf«^i «Tl tbe heaviestftttO'eWpuwr »ww ñas roerj pcrpeiratealit th« r\n£ "¡t»a>\Mft ttfdnijfy WilftttWbïohî »$26,0001 'wWe: booked <'bjNo-epar lidias rit¿. p Thia tráúíjaét ¡Orí » áíoo e,wtí J«aru)l had opetíod thc ejes of manyioí the coWétf peoplo,' .*!»<>' 'AYo^thèfrdetermination «f o'ó léngèr* 'fpjhmángthe League Laders, but of: Toting for

WDV^"¿*AÍ<<>ÑI«J S WHV 'tf'BHA-ibk,;VO*JE \ribvRMan1 tyNBow anFottn

ooiicK^Í ,^ :it v:,),::: af!:.- :ù icK&muu Q5íírafeí]:' T iroi foul i},.t Our State, Government, according4o th« Republican ..püoss öf ahb.Stat«, LeWj. Corf upt. : ('.!? .. ¡«J "'' Í^ÍPAV 2; ^he?^ratfórto of, thor$MA florinJ^rtj is not ^íf<i¿it/i hut wiora/. .Jg-noífag IkÚ flf'ttf"! . «rch*.^to refann thc morals of tirai Stoic Gov-eronieot. "> t^t»lUJuW.. ail! .?

\ 8. íu"Ta|Íy¡ogwUti tlíTB -hoÏÏèiA andgood1 man, of ijhe .State, I, h oM wy. poljV(ftp) opinions i»abeyance,-wi,th.nb s4r>fifine of principle, "io >... »!f«

4. There are but two partie* io 7theStator 1 Not toWotef älf dil,: witt be togive countBuntvco tr>' the prcvai ribg( coertrptîooa. of ttá ;dooiiD.aiVt ^ffj,, ^J¿.j

5. Judge: Carpen tor »tgqd, not oo)yuncensored bj» the Republican PartjYbut was ita pride hod boast/ up to thotime of hia joining the Uojioti' Tieft'finP»rijrrî a-tul Us ce,rto^j!j)jr ;.dono noth|i»gworthy of e<msi>re sipeje. :.. r

G. Judge. Carp«öttl i* ncdouhtetily avania of ioteliccfual ability, and*iPeleot/-e$;$í0$| ^o'cia,^^,Ë^t^lPirf'(vrhoae moral.purity will be,^; suffiountguavAuteofOr. bia moral uprtghtueas. ni

7- Tho .'colored and' \rhttb people oftr.ö'Stato ar|o toa Jar separated. Their,mutual ib,^re8ts jre|qirt^ie that thoy shouldUiyto and form ono party, «nd thia ißwhat tho' Unioh Kefonn Party pro¬poses.

' *'?>-'?.. .1 -.i? ii-.. ? ka-,- i!; - v0TBW,:i

, ,.At llie(rjl<^*«o* of* Ihaibr.ida'a fa<A»rx wi .l'ieÉMfci'fr i?*1^.P-^Hß^flfWff ^ AI40^;B. MÁSCRAMPS, o»Jjr, rt« ugh toe of M«¿ W . ; E. Do -

DIED, at bli retldenoe, nmt Ly nohburg, tba 00th >c^r of ht» afa, en Friday. tba 8 thinst-, at 9 o'clock, P. M., Col. JOHN C. RHAMB,ffi«* **I^ Hp,flr,p,swwwf rn-.#w

Ill*| "l liiilMil-j; jHMTho mana friaad« èf Mr. THOMA» BrtIRrOKMOtf^^. an » ounco Mm M i an lnAoporfOant«And.ldato for a- acut in ' th», talala turo fraqa:Sdmter Countj, a/>d .ollolt for hun tba aupRÖ'it.y . THU 01TIDSNS.?Ag'lK'VW':/. ( ??pti' ff .-Ju.-.MAHONW.

,w .! M j «»Uttet» ?» i? H '.' nf--


li-.(TIMI ?? H. »REBN, W.-.IllK KiiWAdiiai Seorataryu: ".-..Ur, i

"i^».M...,.f...-», ^ fRij u;

¿«ill fi lilli :. i-:,: ? Í > .*.>

;iThei uiuiorsignoiî baa ldoatod hltoMlf at thetho StOfa of Moj.ra. ORK KN A WALSH, «beraho will ba glad to fia tha ptáotérf of SulfiterCanal)-. -Tho WANDO FERTILIZER will beranlUiod (aa böratorort),' and advanooo naile <lfrocjolreil ) o ni Cottoh ah ipped to Cb »Tins tod '. Ci lland toe mai,.,/.,! tutu ( ',' üi-V --ni, > ;>. :

B#pt I.4/.ÍJ j »''H,í¡. t BLI8HA CA,RSCtN> i

l^l^^aft ^ ^pI jI^ j ,

tBayatrille^, ft,É^^^^^ Lil 'S.'

iíi'.'--(>, jjTi.i^wuJ; .'iu4toiíiy!*V. li ;wOiliir*1

,n.l 4.Mmhil«a1(M UaalneVt n»4y aaMMvfllfti Um.

?ífnyMvllla, S.'Oí, S4pts ltíl.; I¿7». ;? "WjfJIII) Ot /J ir.Ut it ÍHAU-J -M ".MI I-n'il.i Ii/.>«r.HROim Wt. BjDOWtr ha»lu*> ¿toaW 'oí

tui^o |w?Vlif»l|itt)hurr4.aad#|'>ii bil» v/idT ^o<mTirrP>:U di /. oily*. tO».Li ' ifW| luiemí» thu

V7V..i: v.' .**.. ' ' ??.rit ' :.:fl1 UOUtfl. . 1 », íM-lijit-f»-bl' b^í : - jCLOTHS,: -: ;,ri ^nrf-.. ,t ;.-^J»Wt; ;. ::4 Ut.]: ,'<"'l u.->»;;:!

yî-^:"/.- :. ->:rf*> \ v^yi !.:.:>.'.? í C Sj* .?.' '.V'-

I" J'tf.tC''. Tl£ J| :.!.»;. o ti J i.o i-OJ «ó. it.-.i.';. W'ffwff-,W.i'jVi '"ÍÍ.-ÍÍ {Í;^¡'Itrr 'M ;'?'; ^urrj ,1)¿iní t >î î« f

.i; -<:- TWBEMi¡?tí .


> f. ?...*>i " »j i/t'i'OGjí5»jw&yr_>Iju.i««: OÍ..-. SATIKETS....»«Jo buri ! fto^'TWÍtT^^c^W;?viv-!.:'«. ,1 ¡;. tul i J. Afú¡i\i(l'^.¡:rv {¡b uL'1o.%loo/? <-!ÎJ ./.> Fiaíi?»«o tv':My Grocery Departm^Ufe ishüing

i.' <*)¡'r :t):(J 07/fjbMíwH.í I .J»bj.;~:;

.ill ii :../ W.'P :/.í lo ÍÍÍ; » vis'? íti- ii :uí>

.'...'i'.o ii -í;-'.--. nil <}.v> it'll ^f.t!1) oví»J <<l'ly

íú KBjH? Iíí -THAT LINB. \\ ;b'r. ' fff;¿i -;. ; . J ul >

'v **** <¡?'. Mi.v '.. .'! t v ...¿..r>'"- '¿.^««àù *.I

: ?.¡< »!" !.»iv.p!' V^'i-^tiiHíií'tu! .)..*'.! .! o;cj«i.y;-..s»il/? ..:Í1I'

: .! 'fi; ^ .rv:<:"t ^-Tti.^.ljv> :i li. .

;boOV. :..'ft t f.j. fl I - :*T Y. t »J !?:!' fic ¡i

.-.iï .'.l>«|'iyft;-f v.- o^bj£»fo/;! ;.-'.. - >)j;¡)

.'.v^l^VítívW., hi:;''. .-'UM.'-Í.

.. ri^tÄv^oWW'.'i.otli.'Ott'ü i't:" tl Uli' 1 -f H«üL' :.-,3M'Y.' li ;!?


Dress üoods,

-oto '.t>'.'.! J».' :.;! ií«a t¿í»'i Ir-.!-??-.'! o. 1 m r- '?t'!' , :. uï ttii i,.f. V

' lyoil'i iíii .. I ?.llfü"; .«! ,f.|íííní> I.'.ill yir.rfiNii ii IN-;>; ,oi!Í'. "J i- .;::ii<\l IIf.V fcíUií ÍÍ('. Tft io' ¿ti >-v: ;iláil(v? flo ,íi¡v r:i,''r í. <;'-.!liiíf.'i. - i. -MÍÍV i -'.nb¡iJ <> ti %

.» ii Wto&jàfàt ) t£»M^ bo ':

r.v».', ti*wry.<#jftle Mbíí-I o iii Ki«I-fim t.. '.V i.' t' i "rî.'i v i JÏ.-V/0'I -iJ:V' í)

TRIMMINGS,Í!.;:AT'I :!» Y/' ^flrj- 0«l <, i:i Vlv«i, ,¡!.-.«.H.. i "' :!o;Í »" « litoral »ii V-t'^i VfcíiVrfV?:.;(( oAfñ'tfo'ri " '; ftl (jj nv?-.-'?.^M'Ií-.lT.A. A. SOLOMONS.

.' l]j tV ..,<..!/; (.J.'{>y:l.'!<?! 'tro Il¡¡i/¡ yrrt'h! .H M I.:M:.;.. W Ifni i

.no ,1o .ti 8.11/fp ni '^;:>^ -,U¡: Mi*-'IV f'' .- *. '''/P'ir»'>i-ùi-'î '

'/: .'.. : ' v ;-:?]. '.<'£ , v .'1-.<í.,.. !. . - ': *y

'. ». M'jttw *>-'i¡/>, »i.;.lt-';.!.-'.'ü->-)b^r;»?l '.

'.'..'?.'Juól>í¡<«f(;".i'i.'i-.:/'(/« > í, to<v>»'.; :! >;'^^.

OJ ii í;ilv; 5o «.MOOK Oil) }^ *;')! ioyjl j

ifjníAl 'ïijTO^ filOföTlÖi ¡nJlTÓnoiJi^fl* '

iii<titfl9Yq ,HÓÍ1OO oililb Jiiûiflôoaotaoïooiditltdi« oitj i «SftOtt tWOMVQ/a ila indiklfrl 0(lî Î0 ÍOOj^o 9lfl jóiohirt ó Holy i)t vloTo'in ^iad wltjOüJ'i pcijj.»ii'timt, a ^tiiJoilto y,«l ....(»?! i J <¡ oiöl neu , I)líflh liotíí HO itíiiopJHf.tfA OIIJ i:'>"i;J»ü >id 'li^ilt oq ^fcnwrViMinvÍ oil i bu« »!DOO nogo JutKfa ooalO alooi r-oijoa hni'J ?

li1ÍT»t»> M( »ifî .airOt' oa-ib'o» y^bfljilu o

.cWaP»í*4.t .II-' bu.» lol I rrj't^ Ji S{


VOL. xx WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1S70. NO 46.Tlaneo Danaoa B< Doa» Perentie*.-Vir«.


pilli pat on Bita. , Jiiífjt ;>I/A\' wÀtilfts4

: ¡ail) ^QOUNfflV^.u'Bf^eJB^.!'; ¿

?Offwatt ,«fte*,olio»i jí^^eaa;a*.^fal

'^A^^O&ft^haj ioreítod in tho bailûe*e, Foú* rTtjttaWnu.iJh>\U*i tà jfcapLv?? ,! tj m«&":i- tfl i ,

tlorfv/ . ^Jív.i; .. ...;..<i.V. .;l*¿fctl'XiuVCpB»jN.

i^iiitóú 'öf^latt d:libraryHHM.'rür.aafc .i ti*r ô ¡

tófcjfe '^^.^MnWanyDoor.,

ó.ai, '.i . ÍIBI» -4?-*1 ."»Ll'' . »


D^ler* Wd ^ufrcVWr* of^.eath Mgia«.,Pa*'NMttycMMf* Sago* o nd other Milt», Gin

:ÄV ;A|«» 'i r. it :*ily. <»r» <.?.?!*?..:?.». ¡pRj$Í»ffK'WH«»IS OOO YARD¿BACfQ^ï ' arl

?'it Iti'-liT-rl-J ??»'>'«»?|-'i^l4«flM' ?>! )iiV'ií.r'. ?! -

;-1 .For-aàlô b7'-n::VoJr ,j!r^. ^-^V.>,nf. * V, f -"Ii », W. KKAOHWBU)tgdEMJfe niiff,;,.;, ¿Eipa&g .M; w.-r

'TßiH-BAOftcowajiV^? fl$ i.

Î.'. ' ; .' 'vi Ü^<^M9»; ir "¿iiiliß

Qtjrrccted vetkiy by A. C. ¿¿¿¡¡fa)}0 S»*T8 Sa«ükmM-éoa1h G»rolréâV4»«eiOD; ^eV,?«.®- do, r.giod "^iSSSS80, CbírU.toé, 8. C. Stock, (.x qri^É?Bondi, -MW. 1 .


^^«pSÉSí^in 'lud Sa^Vh^^SS^ChariotUs, Columbia. and Augula. ^fij.OolumlíKa-it worfX-«MJÍo. (Stau m.nah and Coarlcrton, (lit mort) -7Í{ áo.íSua

ton, -@Sl ; Soqi^Ca'rollna, «hoU^^,

BOUTirCállOLIliA BA.fK klLt.8. '

.Bank or CbW¿Wn*»:.....í:.L..i i

fcíV* rf WVrgehmn.....ÖgSBBank of Sooth Carolina................./,'...;.»§Bfpk of tfhailer,«,.,.. .i«v>Hank of6UU of 8* C. prior to 1S6!.Baiík of State ofB.C.iiane1861 and l8lft $|5~

«People'a : Bank br Cbartaston..^v-.....;,U2-.Union Bink oí'?Gh\n\é*ttih..\...::::.£¿M^?SftBUirijaVerM B, ft.3a.ok> of:Charia*leaVTl.á-(oldjj,...^....."...."..".,,Ô-'*3fttt.Wtton. U ft Bunk Of- CnarleiWa-

fnoej) ... ,Y.....M......*aft'.*ä-FafmeVi* ñwBxetíonge Bank of Chnr.M--S-ton. .XuMlt»-

State of South Carolina-B ills Bcctivable.,.«.City of Charlton Change Blü>

.BWs^iirark^jW^ redecncdal

Qeùêïe^'^^^nd Fire

v<i. . . .t-r/y-X m: n.Bfwínpf .Coiapivnics having <o«(Mwith ihjfJLuw.-ftnd .«kB/ialifld.$2»,*00 -re«ck, «Wtho fcoiofitlOTc'r'^I»bouatoui^

Pheonix Fire Iusurnnco Coi/ipiny,cfBrooklyn, N. Y. Gush AéaétV,'' Wj

»1,709,000.Soul he nv Lifo Insurance ConvpaayjOf

Atlanta, Ga., Gen. J, B. tío^ff,Äff %W^WymLyHe*r^y VMrAlo*otaocQ fompâojfrfmit Yotk^niktB^&.QhMd 81.G erm ap Fire tpàuran ce Coropioy of

New VorH^A-we-«^ 1.058.054 61.Georgia-Hom ô- ïhauraûço Com pa DJ,

Columbus, Ga^Aaaetts, <$j&731 IQ.Riohnïô^$^Co., of

VirgiafylAa^^ Á, WHITE,

ha« beea'íiaiatfedí o/i thu death of Mr. A.

by the uùloreignèd. Wakiti fat Ike likejtlpatronage bestowed apo«''Mia MM in^. f W*

-paotfujly solicit rC0B.,taVB«"X'T^WA.JÍ i" i ?-?»/;/ '..??',.. . > ;'- '

.. ..'ÏTfJTÏCK''--..-..fJ^edWto partaÄ*' All per««a »'»^T,mantis against tba »aid firm, «ill ploaae preMfi

:Wm anà ?an^rÄ. Ajk)theca^ attd Wen*


All Medici- W^fUÎ >tt»ÍMW * -

try bnat qualllf. ^ ; jj^ (vi j, .j

Sap» T