the story of learning in university an introduction to connectivism

THE STORY OF LEARNING IN UNIVERSITY Hamideh Iraj Dr. Babak Sohrabi University of Tehran

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Dr. Babak

University of


I was studying all my life.

Four years for my

bachelor's degree, three

years for my master’s

degree and five years for

my PhD but they did not


I was always the top


There were a lot of

students on my bachelor's

program. The professor

was teaching according to

the textbook and It was

clear what we are supposed to study.

The master's program

was quite similar.

Textbooks and

assignments were

clear and we were

supposed to do pre-

defined projects.

The PhD program was

a little bit different. We

were involved in

research projects but

again it was my

supervisor who was

deciding on what to do.

I delivered thesis and

projects successfully.

Why they did not help?

Here I should learn from

scratch. I have to decide

myself and I do not know where to start from.

I cannot decide on my own.

All my life professors were deciding. I am confused.

Knowledge Transfer

The need for new Skills

What Happened?

What is the change?

• Many learners will move into a variety of different, possibly

unrelated fields.

• Informal learning is a significant aspect of our learning


• Learning is a continual process, lasting for a lifetime.

• Know-how and know-what is being supplemented with


How Knowledge Changed?

“What we have here is a transition from a

stable, settled world of knowledge produced

by authority/authors, to a world of instability,

flux, of knowledge produced by the

individual...”Institute of Education, London, 2007

What is knowledge?

Learning speed

Knowledge Creation Speed

Know What

Know How

Know Where

The speed of learning and creating knowledge is more important than

the volume of the knowledge container.

The change in Information Flow

Connectivism• Learning happens in networks

• Understand the nature of required connections then design

the course or program

George Siemens

The University of Texas at Arlington

Stephen Downes

National Research Council of Canada

Learning in Networks

Connectivism Principles

•Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions.

•Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or

information sources.

•Learning may reside in non-human appliances.

•Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently


•Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate

continual learning.

Connectivism Principles –cont.

•Ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts

is a core skill.

•Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all

connectivist learning activities.

•Decision-making is itself a learning process. While there is a

right answer now, it may be wrong tomorrow due to

alterations in the information climate affecting the decision.

Learning in University

• Teach fishing

• Teach students to realize

what to learn and how to


• Teach students to learn by

the internet, discussion

forums and social networks

Learning in Organizations

•The high speed of environmental change

•The need for diverse and changing skills

•The advent of new jobs that are incompatible with university programs

•Employ life-long learners

•Manage the information flow in your organization

•Pay special attention to knowledge management in your organization


•Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age by

George Siemens, 2004

• Roots of Connectivism by George Siemens, 2009

•Organizational Impact of Connectivism and Networked

Learning by George Siemens, 2007

•Connectivism and Networked Learning by George Siemens,


•Pictures are made by

Thank You