the seattle star (seattle, wash.) (seattle, wash.) 1916-08...

A Married Man's Troubles DIRECTORY THK PIIOSK ICAmi rt4("?}W MAIN STAR JM WAMT ftß BATES On# cent a word per IhitrUo#. Kl* tlmM for the ' of V, - Coupon book* ?Our hundred Unea? to be uaed ae deelred «»-??? Help and Htu*tlOß t4«. one-balf rate Notice* a TniMifut ?(liarf* 44t»rililM Far line per Insertion ??? y * ??!?.','. V BU Insertion* for thef f I* per rmt dlacount If bill * f .? within 10 da>* after nr ,a * Want ad* received up to 11 3* a. for Insertion ttme day The Star win not he r*«pon«lbUf or ?rrnm In Want Ad* after the flret Inae-tlon and the placing or an ao for more than one time \u25a0hall be construed an an accept an-a of tnl* condition bv the advertlear Advertiser* m«t preeent ordinal cm*h wh.n <*»Ulnir for '?** t»r» »d<Jr»»»»<t to boi number* r»r. Th« *t»r When Want Ad* 'on- talninr h"* numbor# »r« t»k»n br \u25a0lion* Th» S«*r *111 *!»? r.plt«-« to MrtlM r*l!lnr for »«m«. »nd «?- iutm Bo rMponalMHir by ouch art I on Attomevs-at-Law ItfwcttTit" ?<?» nt ni* O?mmtrt <«"? ?>»?»»?«* \u25a0 n<l ? ??-; - fr»» T '?\u25a0' " x T IK"" ?-> ' "" '?* pos-m-i tation ntrr t.nfi 4.nt«»l Itn ? "<* «?"* eral f»»a m«»4*rata Jf' r ~ B*l t7 K<T«R! IXltfi l»«t gnml or.r<"-« »»\u25a0 ?*# ButMmi. »?» ?»? IM> rial Attorneys?Patent Ked P. gorin-?^? nnjr'l At f»a reftmlH Tit fanrral PTd* Mat** rr« h**ofc <*« n«t»aie CC ' ' ?' n#*« Pwl*^ r»wT' \u25a0fr.VrTAr Bank risAi' > n v*or <-\u25a0 \u25a0 vitrtf* _ H..1 M*.« knii'd** t" rant** ?" > l«n«in« >>?»«*?»»? ?? \u25a0Ivtnr* *f"t t*»r« v- F n Vrt Wniiurd Tables ron **!-\u25a0 ? mi.I.HKB TABtW bcead n«* «-ar end wl*b eempl*te »er«*«d-hea4 ta- |t*i it pHi-m: bowl In a alley eepoTi#« »««T p«rm#nt? «t«ee. 4mr fotmt*ln T>» 0 r - r- *»\u2666 rirt» ««\u25a0» a \u25a0aicvcle Sunolies et orvon woPK-fl n »»*~*tr w'f t*T' !*?« Boat Builders ?<_ _ r '_^ !J - ,-T- C*rt>enter» end r«pelre Main _ Pbsttel Loans | JUIw rnypANT vrw P arr«* vnw wltTHona tx«*p« frtnn ti«Mto»ti#a mad# quickly erd «-f»nnden*lally on far» »ttir» Mvoetoek. »\u2666" nfp*AV.Avyn!fAvI/>AV <*O yae*.titfti T r *!»\u2666 «««? Cloth Siens CARn JTiTT-. - «i v rVi «* r> fr i t f»ron«* H*><?' r * . 2#?-l Empr*a The®. follsteral Loans BRSCrr LOANS nv nu*nviM and |ew»!ry 1 r»nt; Ur%) rtl«a ?*rlrtif American J«w#lry Ce. ft? a*1* KOvrr <~~irr> r>s A t r. »rrfi,iw nf t«|i« TV* %<*7 Third ?»« Cameras and Supplies LOWMAN & HANFORD CO. Kodeke ar«l Phntocrmphte fluppllee DEVELOPIHO 4 f\ r Any roll 1 flrwt A** «r»d Hi»rrv T«l ntt Junk. Aliikt Junk rjo., 1120 Tlrtt ave n Elliott »»1 %tvTKl.n T»* % l'"T« !?» « FTI TMT Movine and Storage Tt'KoN' TRAVHKeiI CO?PIANO AND furniture n.ovlnf Auto aervlca Main IHI HkftAfrWAT thanvrr.n ro ? Ftano and r'.*<!? moyl Well nrillinj; and Testing -? > * V :?? »M*m at M«' ?< II I ? re Fixtures and ? ?NOW AND nTOHK h I xft?hkT new mn.\ aaaaMt bead ?!! |lt4a I J «erd L* Uomoll, 111* s Tblrd e«e. n»er t*ln« 4?Furniture Wanted. I Irak* I 4rri'.. at N ivw'r Mele ojt >? Kr.r Sale Miscellaneous dAnit AND tKX>aa *#n 1 your »»rd»r« for #*«h and d*»«ce <lirert te o N Wllllaat* «"*-» ree »ou R>ARfy, els* jroti the t *et of eervt<* and aef* «t*li»»rT I <"h*r ratalocu* No H mali*d f*?? peetpeid en reqvett TbN ratilafwe ? keuM be In tho k*n<la of »»trr one ?ip«H M«f to build Write fer one t<Wl«r J i apiMbt««n*i Oaaat it n Oaftewon (-panel 4n«r« 1 ?t fr««t d v.r r> A ffleae 1?? J Rrr*«n itft*-"-!. (i!rinit*d 111 *««'«? ? « «.-,? Its 1*«1> I ttfM o«ab It j ?\u2666*»? m»d!eln* <-obln«t ? }l '?uph'»erd do«r. oiooh aroln panels «l ? ' P»y *onoer p«n«l» aqu«r« f »o« of s TUmod porr»i rntttmm Itli* ? . tl j rrameo. InaSde ftnloh n»«ul4ingo. build ? ra' berdnrnra O H wit.t.r«v« rr\ Tet Ifala HIT IM« Ftrat A»a a 4 TKvra AWXTVOS Rtstr'MM In '"em o* - ML J Webb K|t«-h*n A Ca HI Inlveraltr «THI*XT"K / r r»n>»t.irr# "arT nmsur { a»tal i«v»i> |*;i Teeter tat 82.60 3 SY»ILAKPCa PfftTACLIH riTTKD ?Ith ophorlreJ lonoae compieio. I* M. laeiudln# eta?nlnetioa. Krhvorti. Of* tama rtat JIT ar BloclL lirokea lonoao dn*>:iretad p h ? XMAPNI OVh Kprrt Air r Wa tr«4a. nuy rem. rapetr Muolrol ||a s -r4 Kfb%n«o 111! Waetlaka K' tott ItTt CI-*A»tIKO WOf'tK Fof M '«i «l tn*trtim*nlt ? Ufr . sK r. fltf.ii'l »m"d r«r(»o |ew fftrs kbw rtAjios ros RiurrT"icxt ap- t>.!ad en purvhaaa Mrrer Tentr. 3)1 , t*eloo « MS V i E?? r PI. A K I" bur rani a«* tn» aarhli«M TI T Pi aa Melr 1 HOTELS AND APARTMENTS »TaM)AKP hotel Cwner rirel A»a aad P'na IN. Larva mode ra. outaMa roami. aieaa »«a eervtra photia* la all raema flret <rtae« In avarr reapect IN up. with private \u25ba .'V |] ?Br'' * ' ' T MAP 71 MQi B MOTKU KM HTM AST* t'r. .r. " t i room apartmanta |5I || ?ir. 741# HHU lUrnal «Mk >0 M tie Help Wanted rir.t a«a Pbf»no Main *151. MIKE COHEN Optician*. fljjfrrmnda Fraaer Fatereon To "a. bal^onjT MAOAM KIRL a - ' Tt»» EGYPTIAN > A PHRENOLOGIST WfJl? 1 J'rir h»»/) !o«t ir" / ,1 a* It from fh * ' / » ySr what btialneaa y f mm adapt *d for. F* y th»n and whom f you will TT.mrry *«??- 11a* and »*pla'na J ,va affaire and fam- ily trouble, reunite* tha eeptrated. Explain* permanent health rule* Patlafartlon *o«rant»«d or no rharga Ka on* In trouble turned away, money or no money Permanently located at ?II Union at \u25a0VVB ?' N \u25a0 l/n CI.AIRVOTANT and medium, ad- V W bualnaaa I W'VM i*lT » health rMk and family affair* M \u25bc t L^wi Th " \u25a0 JLi j y*tir future hinnand Bt' *1 \u25a0 H L /'' ooa you la true . ' what par' SHBmmSHB lucklaat to you. and «HMt to uo to ha auoceaaful in Ufa, aatlafa'-ilon *oarant»*d 1114 Flk* at* Physicians and Surgeons t»< KATiinrN HAitIUHON -»0J MlXTt'f miiou mu. »»"tal dlae* a «0R friary mj" 6?Autos for Sale fV i itt< H i rara Wlnt'ifi wTTt nr~~Co Storage Jilty KJHBFHOOF MT' lit A'iK ~WA RK- houee. Central Mtorac'i <:o. 10} Whl'a If you have something to «vvap, list It in fttar Want Ada. BASOAOM ? lothln* ohooe. t »»le. iur>. trunk*, autt Jewelry, herdwera mm- |. a; :r ?' ri imrri'i mp ad an<| Ala a ka fit* Coane and aeo Tho Harialn ttlofr, 22 i OC' Idantel Wa bu. aall. airhanf* 17 t paid f«.f ge><l aarond band lulu Phone Main 1211 x___ Ml N WAVIIiI) T'» s#ttl* on our llttl* farms and work for um In tha milt or (h« *fxvji A aplsndld rhtiic* to i«t your own hom* ! Talk to us or wrllf W# may bo iblo to h*lp you Vfry lllflo m'>n»y Tho work takes '??f of you and mtkM th» [r*ym*nti If C I'KTKRH. 110 f'.lumbls Wt ORIGINAL moi,ER BXTIBIBK SCHOOL S2l Orc|d«ntal At* '&? barbsr trad* thoroughly. »»ruf* positions, wafts wbMa tsaralag vrw fat low rata. \V \NTKD ? A OOOT> to« rarrv Tha *»ar at Vad Attolf Roy with hors» pf*ftrr«'l Apply at Circulation Dspt . htar. WANTF.f> MX MEN To" TFtA IK A* wirsl+as operators All students pla< *4 ?h')'- aftrr finishing ? >urt» <!«?» rorr.plst* Information from Kdurttlonal K»<T".r» TV '* A, M»att|« xavanauoHTiTii iiat». ioos ut WANTKI» MKN TO WORK AROUND \u25a0 1-a mill in r out* try town Call at til Alaska llulldfnjr 61: p; in ai« moTTkh n "Via n blr " COLLEQ*. -fit Orf Mental Ava T»a«*h»s tba barbar trada wages paid; position* sarursd It ATICK cut In two hY D'>fN'* HIHINKHM t I'HT A IHH~ Trsrf* \u25a0?lis M*n a I. ? suits and ov»r mats for $1K Trarla's I pstalrs Hull Whop 905 V* Third av# |ft.M vai,i:k Tft<'T*HKHB Ff)lt ts so I.undn«iist Lilly ii(>*t«lr* r shop (lr*»r< f: d* 4' h snd I'lke 21? Female Help Wanted RRl.tAfir.fT TV ?< 11 1: TO HoVlt t) anT> rare for rrlppla for suits, light. »Is?»#??? rash Km ownor, 124 Howard V i 1 ? v. \u25a0\u25a0 m I-* \u25a0 ? fok oo\ e rx- msnt Jobs. 170 month Writ* lm madiately for list of positions Krank lln Institute, Dspt. 741 It. florhsstsr, N Y 2J-? Female Help Wanted wA NTKD TWO 01FU,H Kofi KITCHEN' work and dish washing: $2fi p*»r month, mlf h board and room. Elliott 4?» I Hwwllsh hospital if AK E 110 "ft»' «IW Y. KKI. V M A 11.1 75 'Ifijisrs Information 10 rents silver and stamp Pa< iflc . al<* Co.. !'???* it»». H*at»l# Wssh It?female Situation vv anty. 1 > 1 (Y~ ii it) fit 7k -a < 1 v.J j W< TST an, prs' tlcgl nursing or ' arnp cooking East IM<* Wanted?a math r5 i Frio tmia* trr 204 t)rr|«)«nlal ava. Frtdsy 23?PERSONALS MISS VIVIAN' massaging. Apt. 110. dor Aon Hotsl ' iKNf i'.vi M a n'7 II7" win 11kh t1» .Tirr Sf(f ua In t #»d with ladv bstwssn I * and 1 ao. objsct matrimony. Hrandlnavlan or j 'isrman preferrsd H«-nd plrtur*- in first i*M«t i< i ~ Hfsr ' "N I'll".' .1' *1* II V<T» ~tn 1.-'isot, ft. - od Itapnlrlnv. rrjm fHONOfntAwi ht ppi.r M" se fJIf j " W*sllaka Phon* Main 23?I'KRSON AI.S TRY THE I. YOW bhmese ffM.. 12, i \u25a0 V <«mt In m I ??? run JJJIi tn^aatlgete * T-" '" ?? * f jr \u25a0?'? ***??\u25a0? ' ?»iii' ? * r * » «*4 (*|>MUP«I|M and 4laoHl«r< of tba Madder kkln ißtl it *«»»a«*b ?? »tll ? i at'pendlritta are relle -d without ? >2»rr «tl »n M ad«tr* la free \ \«>%% I HIHMI KIMMiI HI m \»aler Ha) rtwa* Main ISM klr UINVBH api*«<lilnf Mllbir4 «a»*antli and ''Hi,,# t%% Al K dar »? 1«r t \u25a0«? Ittli* t*<oa». dlfftrMr*If y«»M n»»«f 4aa>»d halla; ?('?#! ahMi ><*#i f<*ur*g lad* a»ial««anta HU|« «I? * \u25a0 Intf Main J*H SI I \ I NS J ' A r . »<ir hM FERN JACKMAN J. 7 imi lt«»|»l 1111 TMrd ADAI.INE LLOYD rttm* ami f«. !«? fn» {# v»«r« * UIIb« ijnrit ha* ' ##« flaatfla'* phrcn al-glar »n/J ktflnMH trt all af '? of llf# 311 t r,s Apt ft t. I toll fITI Apatf-ial this (If AM r no* *\T >w#k <mhmf\*r ahAMid XXX IIKUTII Tl:r%TMK\r aahlrh Th» IHttM »ff«t lit* imMii' f'M, Hull- day* II a n M " »a»- WflMwlaH frll4H t p m IftlTth Ap« t> 25?SPI RITUAL MEDIUMS MADAM NINA Motor In Kootllo lloforo I ? Birt»<] with tho |»-.wrcr lu ) «**ir . r«. \u25a0 fll i. ' \u25a0 I' 9 ? ondorful hn»»«l«4go h*r to lift ih« *Ml of mtiivir ?«<! r«»»tl I# v«»u ?II lb* IniiwrUitl iiiklttrt of lifo fh« <an toll >«'U *h" »uur mr* and yvhy thof ar« anfrtilM to >ou »i l ah* r«n it*? all )ou ho win mnquar (bam, ?it i h.*w I ? mak* h«i>plr>*a» i>»t»»on ? at* on<l *»lf» If Ihtft ara ?*?1 Influ rn<H >>\mr you, aha can I*ll you hoaa (o ? < art thorn Ms lam Nina «an (all you In rrgard* to |<>ta and marriage affaira laiia tha InlMala uf who y..u arm to marry and whan and If tha «na you lota la trua ar faiaa Itha ad>laaa hu« la bring tha aapargtad togrthar and In tagarda la your a*>a«nt frlanda an*l talla tha a«> rat «»f halng happt and au' <"aa*ful lit Ufa nha will gl*« vmi mtly truthful advf'-a a- I ftralall >? » of things that will t>« »f graat *al«a to pou In ?!> gf falra uf llfa Madam Nlu« can ad -»ou in rag»rda In »aur liuilhrti and financial affaira and tall* yogi what t>uatn«aa or *»?< all«»ft will \tp I'i.Hf f<»r vua ? >inault kar at oa>a «»n anr mattara that ar* raua'ng rou worry or trwubla H«adtnga |#r j JUS I'tlAt. Varaaon Holal GENU IN"K EGYPTIAN PALMIST lirada your anlirw llfr paat. praoaat and fwlura i rrartly. giving namaa da'** and flguroa in k«ialnaaa lo%a, law mar nsga and dnmaatl. tr»uk'«w. tal'g y»U what y »u ara ha»« a.lap'a-t f»r and a hat to d In hattgr >t»uf rondltlona In Iff* Thla lad* raada your hand aa row would an »pon Hawk A rwadlng b* har will moat »nif hlghaat aiprriatlona. and >/?j *|ll h* ? la»r and happtar aft»r ? ?tnniltlng H«r aha hating |H» gift of ram"« ing all aartl lafluancaa and pia«lng you In an anvtroamant of happt thought and r*«?ntantmant I'armanantly lorata«t at it* f'nlvaraliy, naar itiath a»a Taat r*«-Mrg« fr*a MME. VICTOSTX Tha ralahratod rialrtaiant and pal'* g »*a a- ant|fir roadlng* "< all affair* .f ||f« paa' pfaaant or fuluro You hava aoon tha nlhwa now ??\u25a0a tha t»*a< If Ift ||' iihta A ! raadlng* guar*nt>"t aat i»fa» t*»rtr or nn f*a« a#? ' r|Mad R»ad|ng« 4#r 1.-v at|«>« asar oai h»ug \u2666*, tail, r*ika ?' <*flA»it r«a Kit 4NKIIN ~WO NItV.R'rVU l*oy rlainoirani pa I mtat fp*lal raad l*g tI?H IMrta at MADAM MELLIE Worlds gr»«'ait < lalrtnyaat and phrwn olag'at guarantaoa to road r«ur »n»|ra tl'» paa* praaant and f*ltura gtvaa I# »a ?d ? 1 ? r»n Vuala»aa. la* a I? * ? and fa*n!'r affairs talta tha nama r»f your fnturo hvat>an4l or wifa and what I* 4* fo na in Uf« th* ha* )«*l ar»l»»d In thla rliy **«sr hara haf»ra t »f>a stall « 111 par you far your many dtaappnlnlmani* in othara |Vha will roannv a all nMtarisa and tall yau h«w in win and ha' 4 |ha «aa fo* da atra «ha gtsaa ad'i-a on all important affaira ' fa > postal reading* |# llttal Elk rw»m « Ift 11 Ea<on4. naar Hi i MMr. \\ fl VOTISfj KI'ROrVAN palm's* v*r|ra %Oe With h«» wondar ful ? lalrvovant pr*wara aha tails r«u all tl|4 a«isr»ih hat«i**n |'!ka and f*lna M !? * M III: a N I.AIH\ r *st aard palnisin Oil rtka rhartas \u2666 r»n Itoiai Atnartmant II OflltA I VEI' «1! ItITtA MK(>t? M A S|> hsaiay ia*i kfirna* a«a MAf'AM > I~V 1tr.1.l A 111.1 (*|.AIH\ OY an' r ard raad ar 141] Tlfth Clllatt tltaw FOX TROT "** (t«nrH 'a-ight fIIRK ?fi«mnnnf I ?* 1 arfttrl flippy 4f» m# Klfth «n4 l'nl»»*al»y IHE ft«K v< ?|T INMr IT I I K H \ n 4?r «):\u25a0. iui» para f«t rh*aman*m turn t *r*> and all diffi itl< i»alni ('? nutll* f|a>n ftw 21! Malfhi fl) U H»*~o»»4 ? tad h«a i.Anf wvnT'sS» orlflM 1-Ani'f r>ar «» ranch with 11,144 aah; monaav aae-ttrad. TrlHaft And dadva naad im»i anawar matrimony lr»jutra f»r room I l>a*a»i>»»« llofai flf»h ?»» i «i>ir» «rtlrwt t"?TRS"FTVViTt\ kit inraß'fd mnfm and wra Tarma cult ?II raa«« ItJI l»ih a>« Km' Ua<i:a»« rmr LAr»n iv Th*? wi~r MA vr. riint A tad niftft*\u25a0 »>> railing ll?l S Wr*adaaar MW# I .iM»v- I* T T rtla«4 aura* w *?; DKNVKR OTP! W(>NK» tl»l f«|» *«a *r ia r c-A"'Vr»* »? rV»."M*Vrni Tit Ptna at Phona Wain !?#? RK«iirrKHKt* mitiwirs ~mm wit- latka»n Ttlf llt h .V W |*h ra Hal- l»d lltt fy,. % -0 m«' af I' r »????; a "I*' f M«dta*m I>i and I'AWS TIOKKTT* |Mu«hf Hour* 2 to t pi m 111 Jnahu* Ora*B Ride H*<#rivif Ft iris-i tairoifT. i# to Uaaont anrrfa* | iarani«*d Ul )»( Pa«»a<r»a liMi lIAfPINK «* I. IK - I -\u25a0 ~ MVm ttir.l> Ara v ">?* lon»:»? J->»n Maitla ti<-;iah a Frlandahlp c*lub. !.adi*a fraw. Ada I* RSara Ml *p» R KM>aKRR* ?"1* AT T, AT ft TH|fßj dona ' »? c«nta a roll Jtrutia r-X \u25a014# I uKt *r<|! AivTrr> ntwir. rr |r>ia T* iradar »*anln|a TIC Ploa at f'howa fcfatn l too ? A". IT* r *?'?« r#fv,«l, pnalllvalf f.araftUaw Madam Cral% nth if fs« COMPLITR brtthftai Wllkifß Caf« l«»amh «nd l*nlo»» KAU'.t' '.«» - l «v. ACCAf^p?WB BATHi. MAM 21- rurlritf Sl4 I'm* nffirt It Ora#« Hola) LAURA BURNS-"-"/;- I*l Bliloft. IMH »MV. IIIN f»t ? It MK« id ATI MM Olli it TTSh rh*um«ii«m Hia*arl A ll»lm«a. Mar t* i a ?t ir*» Manh a l'harma'7, Hindu -TOfc Fir»t a»a . WMlj ? 1 EDDY HARDING-* *\u25a0* Mflng. Apt 4 Afad* Holal. 1114 Nfttnd i7is r Ki.Y WORKIN'CIMA fi7 AUE IT. height t t»*< t ln<*h#a, wt«h*-« t<» m»»i n*at wnrkir.* woman. r»»«r aama ?«« *r.<l Fr»f«T "n» who appr^rlair* rf>mpanlon»Mp mora than danrlnir or lux«trl»fl. ohJ»r-t matrimony Addr+n« V?'**>. fttar iJiVIKH- |M»NT WORRT WHRM i)R. lay»d or Irraffultr I'm I.adv K.lg-ln In>- llftil TtUtll I»V mall. II prn !?"*. doubla atrrngth, ft 10 Kvary <'rnwn Ai»nrv, 1411 MUth KKFINITI» <IKNfiKv""with nrnV a Milt y would Ilka tn rorraapond with lady about &0 and with not la«a than I ,ioo nbjart matrimony A- draaa F-i*. Htar. 27?For Rent Unfurniahed i.Al'f KB HAM'KHi"i>. Si'oTKiN »< OUT pi Ila »«fr and atir* cur* for delayed j . |g prtM t Mo ? i i. , | remedy fall* ifl«r fair trial lUymond H*ni»<lv, room ft, Hot*l Anllcru, Fourth and tfnlon I.AIMKH. MT KKOI'I.AT' »lt N'KVBR fall* ('all at l&il'y Broadway tT. MBfI'MANTH* l.t'NC r IT Wlf/l IA Rr> f*af« ttaventh and t'nlon il 00 DOW N. «! 00 A Wlix buya a diamond or watch I'KTKIt M.CIIAEI, 1704 ?nd T.lheral credit, lt»nv-daltng M/TRET, COME BACK. I WANT TtMf i ack OUT MAlt RTF. I) BEST MATNtMONI AT, p*p*r p<iM|ah»»d M fr«»a Tha Porr» , «fi''n'l»nf Toledo Ohio 24?Business Personal WvNT Y. I) KI. f> EI! I. V I; I: NT 1.1 V\ \ ton* who knowa grocery hoalnraai, to gn In pMrin»rahlp with wMow. Ken wood 2A 3? MI w * 11. VS t. I. I . M\ M. i 11 I .? i 1114% Third offlra 10. MB* II RA'IH ItEFAIHEI» 4" FEO r.i#. « flunk Bid* 25?Spiritual Mediums 1.11.L1 AN' JAMBS?PIFIfItTTTAfi r*t«AlVl- voyarit mad 111 m llf»t»«l N'»rrla. 14 Third iv« f'lrri# trmlaht. i o'clock MMF. I.AVIK NOTKH KI'Hfil'KAN pnimlat prlna f»o< With h«*r wotidci fill clalrv»yalit powara nh« toll** v»mi nil 161 ft Kavanth, hMwMn Flka nnd Fine mm r Tii.i i? '.i'.w vTTfTk i irv 'la i m \ oyant hH'l ? Hi'i i 'ii'hi (ivfr <»wl droit -torn, aofci, I 'Ike at MADAM I IIANK ' * I.A IIIVO Y A NT. card raadar. palrnlat, hr Flka, corner Flrat. Hotal Klllott. If ?a.l*)v»art*r« f«*r M*«*tl* Merit* I |*rw|»art> «*?!» I' off! rm and ??? IIM I II JAMS A (X) I<*a4lnff lt»nUr» Kit*? tttdg H»i ontl and fth* is I K n f»» mk t r nr»o y "mm >i n*v coftagr full U«#m»n' , Uundrr furr.»r«, half M»"k from r«r fh'>n» Ratal** i?4H II "/.V * l-"»M Mi'UKRN Hot *K r»Ai» Ttt Crotkett n |)«si«r ? ?' 29?Unfurniihed Apartments UWHRMIT : ANI»* i VI. .I>KH\ * p*rt m«nt« '"?M HOI* I'.ljrMh *i ? 31?Housekeeping Rooms lioi ~ AND PLKII'INO room a, on*. two. thr«Ht-room «uit*« (lom In modern. r#aion«M* Naw ttudaon. 24*1 Ktrmt a>* corner Hal- l*rr at Phone Main 4*71 !H >t\*Kklcri*rN«J P' ><»MM hiK HICS'T IU p*r month 111* 13th Tali* » I'ninn rar "n Pike at , g*t off at 13th *\u25a0.«? 1'? I! In f<>r*tj«»«n ?Humness Chances #OR MALIB ~~HV>HMKMHOKIM<I ANI6 «en*ral riptlr ehop. In<-)udln« tool* rn«rr,in*rv and ?»... k Thle will etand ln\*«t|fntlon W C Wood. Toll. Wuh Phon* XuriMt I 711 WAN VT> » AHTNKTT WITH KMATX capital (u Inteat in paring proposition 40?Exchanges I.AND FOR TRADE Will lata* In &-paea*ng*r car. mmt ha good. ><\u25a0 part pa*m*nt on a r*aJ pit*** of land H»* liahl* room l* Down* Hldg, 70> Haeond t»a PC)It HALK )K KXCItANCSK llah*ry and dell< al*a**n. Capitol hill dis- trict, doing food hualn**a Owner alrk, rimaf eel! Term* Main 14*2 IIKI.I. A CO dloh* llldg 41. ACREAGE FOR SALE rem" BA~I,B MY OWN Kit 4 0 M'HKH f*u< and partly < leered and under cultivation, halanra \u25a0**d*d; houa*. i.nrn and outbuilding* t'heiip for raah Mum e*ll Parr « ash. halanra *any term* Addraaa l*" fc.t. Ntar NOT K 4 a7TUB* or WATKft rHONT property. dwHllnir house nnd other buildings, apr line of wuter. garden, orchard, etc . all for J if' Nan*". l>*iatto. Wash FOR oiTAiii on asm llandy to our inllla nnd ram pa Writ* or \u25a0** p. II MKIKI.KJoifN Mgr.«J l»*pt, 1701 I, (' Hmlth Hide HKATTI.K WAHII "Tou deal with ue dlr*ot " TItRKK I.AKKM I.I'MIt Klt CO $225 00 11 AM* \CKK, TERMS 30 ml not a* from th* h*art of Ha- attla an bl*al apot for a amall aiimm*r hnim- \*rv fin* trout \u25a0 iir.mi through It aprlng watar la plpad to prop ? rtv gradad road. atactrln light*. t*l*phnna. lommunlttr i»*a» h on l.aka WHahlnaton All tha ' onvf nlrnraa #»f tha . 11 v added to tha anvlronmant* In th* rnuntry llfr. i:«. allant transportation ln\**tlaat* at oflra A. 11. KKID & ('<). 114 Nam Vork Hid* Phona KHlntt |»21. STAR?MONDAY. AUG 7, 1916. PAGE 6 41. ACREAGE FOR SALK i \u25a0 ? ' ' * i i IVfc ACHKH. I IIKK IN HOI OK) H*KN. KII 9 room hotiK, «hl«k**« hnut*, ?malt barn, with h*r lafl splendid to* call"*. 2 Mm h* from utilori and hnol. partly feo» ed ll»« wail, g«»<»d wat*r raar gr 'sjnd to work, farra county rwMl nlealy irn fifotM) |>la> m a4iuinlti| T«»n» |l>? Itaiat ? I* ('all Maw York Block \u2666 \u2666 IT 4 ('IIKAf HAI.r At'ftfc. OS 111 m »a» 1 «xl « h"jM Miii rhlrkan Hoiii*, g«w»d wall IIM herr* plant* httrn* 1 <i«i« |tr4*n tdojs Price y HIl Iwntlf «i« Or? liidg HAN'li MTH<SAIS ~f# AHIK? AIX ?urfa> a «leafed * rnnm hsuft barn rhteken houa« |»w1 wall, HM POW two ralsea IN t-hlckrita I'riial at ft HI. i'm4 urnti Hfhr»i*<l»f, lit Hidg SUV I Of). TKRMS LAKE FOREST PARK OrarlmAklhf hcaullfUl H «»h litfiod Thta tract . ?malna about i»« »hirda a ;I f»»« from the Pa< ift- htgn » a aler trie HfMi aprlßi watar piped fr-iTi high up In the hl'ia tala phone* graded h«»«l rom - ?' unity bMrh i-ee» f auto l>u* \u25a0 « -t !'r« ? rt» v ilmita Y<m ran llta h»ra and wn»k In tha rltf *i«< awar fr«m paring ram A*"M high tat** an/I aaa*tam»nn In t*a rit« «»*»a « hnma at lak* poreat Park «*a!l ua up t«U» A. If RF.iirA Ct). 11l Kmm T"fk HM« rhofi* Klttott Ittl *!**\u25a0 RAM(*N -It A'-RW «»r FtKAT, ftxWl aotl. f'n* aprlftf a»i»' 1 <H*d ne? I rtmm miiaff* t»arn and chl»ken h«ua» A real |<*m 1 bo* at II J»l good |ni)qlr« lit Oream Hl*Jf pTTh FV~ 77\\ yun Jt'Hl: « fine land ll' V#rn«*n d|**rirt #»w fi l«rni <"aJi ? p ni 11S Flrtl a»a i tornan II 43?LOT FOR SALE \u2666 \u2666 ( ROOM HI M«%|4»H o\r.mooßiMi rnr. i.ur. Wit h nrf|w*« wide jf'fhaa kitten raMna'a; ona \u25ba -~rk fr«*m high 1 v " <1. I mln- u'm walk to farry on tmrt I6*»n# faat facing it > *treeta rltr water llghta and laUpboft* Wi:| aat) to r#eponatt»la parly ">n l«ff»ii of tig# ra«h and 111 m*»«th!r I** far» "\u2666 ra»td»l»ta Taka K'rklaM hoati a' l«rk and Imjurf at Viorka A Tartar a Kif kland offlra \u2666 \u2666 t.rv ) «»lt« rAHTIMT OHOWINO ? ciTt 1 h mi KOKTinrwrr If ymt l»a( fn«r »arly npportunlty In \u25a0 aaftla dan t kirk Yi»u hav» tha aarna n«» If v«u dan"t hall*«a It *ak Mr ffiiilami ||g Alaska Hldg 44?llouiri for Sale aoM r O 'KT r.s K Wilt g»* m\u25bc h«mf Two a-rna at HOT*TII I - AUK ? t -m h»ua# t.arn < hlrkan hoqtat 10 largo tearing f r *11 * tt*»« ?mall fruit all klndg rirh, d**p aoll c«n maka lining an plara T»rm« t«» you r.I.t.KV nmiTOU *111 »**anth a*» k dal# PUBLIC MARKETS I OKN I K ktalla t. I. I. T. pot roaat lr to lOr lb ; boiling haaf. Ir |h hamt urg«»r and aau- laga. lOr |b . Ixinalaas rornad hra>f 10c lb Alalia 11-11. I Iha macaroni Sir, Jar r-apa. ITr dog . lOr *ho* |m»IioI. t for 1 fcr. 4 larga roil® toilet paper. 1&r, |-|b bar aw eet rhorolate. 2l< . Jar rubber*, lr dog Atalla 14-21. be*t frrah butter : lbs llr, I lb* #sr. fan. y rreatßgry butter 21c lb , t lbs He, fre*h ranch egg* jjr dog , full rream r heeaa f#r It, H|»eclal tic coffee, iftr lb Atall 14, young salmon. 10c and He. halibut < her ha io» lb . fresh bla«'k cod, S lb* 2lr aan<lal>a. ? Iha tlr Htall 111 4lf egtra fancy (Jueen ollvaa. 2!o qt . N'l 40 aark rli.ilrf faml v flour. II 20 I large rana milk, 2!i « nitf. Ktall 20. freah YV'taatilngton rreamerv butter. lor |h . I Iba B|g Htalla 12-11. ?tigar cured r<»rned l»erf. 10c and r lb . No I pall Awlft a pure lard. 4.'.< Atalla 1, potatoaa. i ito |0r aprlcota, 25" baaket Htall* 21. halibut. |0r It aalmon. 10 lb . smelt 10r lb Htalls II 20, new Alaska herring. &c each At Along's. 40c fancy Quern nlivea, H No 10 *a« k I h lice family flour, II 20 | Mg < an* milk ,21c. lt< rana ahrlmp*, 10' 10. baking god*. !? 0 lb* green split peas. ?!< . I cans oysters. 21c. *>0< bak- ing powder. Sir Stalls 21 14. best twitrnt flour, fl 10 sack. 4 lbs sugar. 4tc. No 10 a«. k flour 20< . | large rana milk. with l |h tea or coffee. 2 pga. corn flakra. lie. nl< kled spare rlhs, f,« |b round atrak 12 Hclb . veal Steak. 10.- lb Alalia |L' ? | pickled lamb tongues. ior u> _? lbs 7.. dill plrklea. 10r dog . honey, |0. #r.« . pickled pigs' feet, 2 lbs ?&( I.eslle o 1 larga cans tomato aoiip :Ur. .? < ana mm 2hc] Imported Wor»eater sauce. 10«- and 20c. large bottles cataup. llr; I Iba rolled oat*. »Ic Htall OH. 7 lha pure cane augai He, olive oil, 40c, 10c Jar rubbers. If, ;oc Jar caps, lie. Plßft PI At P. HI *II 1?, * llm *tariri*r<l whit* granu- lated augar. Mr Stall 7>, fraah paataur Had milk, fl« *|t ,Ir pt Hffm 11 IRO3. 40r fraah roaatad roffa# ?fr lb 14 lb* ?ugar, fl 00 wllh 12 00 ordar; 2 ran* »vil«n, l&r Kt rtl 1 1(11, whit* to Ann. 10« Ih Santa Clara prunn*. i |h* 2!?«- stall f»fi, rot tag# lOf Ih Stall .11, jf,r roffra. l*r lh rollad oati t»lh* ?.".«? « l>k«* *pagh<tll. sr.. Stall K. rut ? nffaa In hulk. 27 r Jh Stall Ift 2 ? vral rhop*. 1? l*» stall ,I*. Mfholn aalmon. 2f>o and 30r halibut. 3 lb* 2ftc, Nim wrglan harrln* 3 for ?F.< stall 4, r . cantaloup**. 3 f<»r 10r. s for Stall 1621, fraah buttrr *3r lb. I Ih* hrlrk llmbur*«-r. 23«: Ih Htall &2, ha*t fr**h paat*url**d huttar. 30r Ih stall 4*. inlti< r«l huttar rlama. 10c ran. fr**h rr*nm*rv butter, 2*< |h. Stall 32. a*h pnna, 7Sr M)l Til KNI) Su*at 1? Ih* fl \u25a0 naif, n aarka in, matrhaa, * b«>**.a lOc, ollv* oil, t'aaaat ill pt . »»t lam h rhopn. 12'%r It. \»al nitlata. I f»? li. ma>aronl {.. || \armlralll f»< Ih fr**h rhinnni hut in < Ih* n:. fraah ranch ruir* ' do* 75. birga loavaa broad. for I f.< , ry»» bread for I :»«? paachfß I .' d<»R , cantaloup** and lOr, barrlr* f.r ho* o*w pot a tor* I" I ha. 2&r. pfaa. * lha 36c. ft#»*h rodfUh. 2 Ih* l be, halibut t-harka. 2 AIM. lbs*. By Allman ASK $10,000 REPAIRS Venun Had Nothing on Chicago Women, Says Police Chief CHICAGO. Aug 7?A bevy of Jo/out young woman, clad In a coat of tin and a amlla apiece burst Into th« early morning sir tod»y and Jumped Into the lake, along the North Shore, establishing the limit for nudity amenp women bath- era. Police Chief Healy already aurfeited with reporta of wom- en bathing ilad >.nlv In kI monoa, acanty trunks or wa- ter wings, announced tne limit had been reached Hie ordrra In patrolmen: "Run 'em in. And If they haven't got anything on to wear to the station, that's their affair." Venua. arising out of the sea, would have looked tame beaide the young goddesses, North. Shore residents reported. CAR STRIKE IN N. Y. IS SETTLED Alteration* In th«t public- nafety building. to provide adequate quar- tan for tli« health detriment, and ratlou off (cm will not exreed 110,000, If an ordinance ((?"fori- the iounrll la It authorize* the bulldltiK de|,ai tnient to Ko ahead with thd work NEW YORK, Aug 7.?Con- ductor! and motormsn of the New York Railway* Co. today ratified tne agreement reached yesterday oy representatives of the employer* and union offi- cials looking to a settlement of the car strike, which hai tied up all line* 'ft Manhattan and other boroughs. This I* regarded as for.-ca*tlng a final settlement »i the strike be- fore night A formal meeting »t which *11 llies are to !«? repreaent- ?-<1 It a<-t for 4 p. m. I'nton men declare on* if the term* tinker which ratification was i;rwil ou «n recognition ot '.he union. All of the employes of the In- terboro Karild Transit company (the auhwa/sl will receive a tem- porary increase 'n pay of tl p*r day, beginning yesterday, It wsa announced todav. FUND FOR DRY SQUAD Mem urn- no fundi for further en- forrt-ni'-nt of th* liquor ordlnan. * by the dry squad were available Monday. Councilman FUuc-rald a»M«l for an atnargMßCy approprta Uon of 11.'.'to to rarry on the »ork SHE SOLD WHISKY Annla Oaba. landlady in a room- In* house at 222 ('olutnbla at. wan arrented Sunday nlßht by Xericeanl Putnam, of tha dry aquad, and charged with »«lllr * wblaky. HARTLEY FILES Col Roland H. Hartley of Kvar »tt. who proudly tw«aata th* fart that he doM not u»r union labela on hta atatlonary. fl «d for govern or Monday DIP RAIDS 2 AT ALKI BEACH "Aa an employer of labor." h* declared, "I claim tha |>rlvlltip of employ In a whom I pleaae, without r«'K*rd to th» applicant ? affiliation with any orKanltatton." ALASKAN STEAMERS l-atoutlm and North *~afcer:i arrived In Seat- tle Hunday with < .11 *<>.\u25a0*> of bldaa. oil and rantird Mlmon The police Monday mere search- ing for a pick pocket who victimised pleasure seeker* at Alkl beach Sunday. PUGET SOUND STEAMERS ALL LOCAL ROUTES He reached thru a window and took a pocket hook containing $2'.' 50 and two diamond*, after Mra. 0. T. Nolte of Bclllngham had hung It on a nail In one of tbe small build- ings H. B Kennedy. 1812 Boylaton ave . had hla pocket picked of $15. He suspected a man who aaked him for a match. rrr.AvrM IKIYI rrnm COIMAV |M»r% Mil «#»' MARION arm I r '«»<? A r ri » a Mania Aaa« rla WtSSStSj M. C. fan t»*Mrwi i-.-n AflpgftM It ?? atMmaf Aa4 I»ar fori ? 10pre watg. Townaosid. WilitamaJ AaJiy alght l>u*«aaasa AoqulmU dai.y Angs.aa and Y1 el aria i ?Daaa n«»l «ral at (YliMrtg fcnltyt | fitrorra IHrsH ~ * l»a«na|fais«vs Tarawa and » Ham ? Mam Ind lasso (sails fr»r Ta I II Ham II Ham - offli Airari ktoamar! I? K'pm 1 Hpm aiary las A*r I J'pm I ttp a alt g. a trip Ha round 4 llpm I 4*pm trip ''oasartlona at I Hpm T tlpm Ta<-oma »lth a'aam a oepm * 11pm ara firr Olrmyia and! 14 Hpm lifSr ( l*ity r®rt Taa naafid npwi»| I 4Oam IHr N4a*i. for Pari 1 Hpm 4 M ptn T owiasr. d jlrartl II II pm dally Cor nocta at T»w naand. dally wfh mil llnaa f«r all. 'potntg an Olragptej paalaauA | Mart loaaaMiil \nir«iiaa falling ho r»i ? '9am nt aagiar WtolggaJ I Ham daily .for >*ort Townaand.) dally Anamrta* and Hal- ling ham f rarHl ?|Wi!|*gh*m? AnararUa? r»rl Tnsraoaaid II Hprn * n 'Knlshas. far| OHp all dally I»ar aii Anarartaa dally and Ralllnghaml iCaila at l'an Twog.j sand aowahkaund on-| ly T>ooa not Mil atj jfr*f*lt Saturday* H i«n lalaada IMllagham II H nir Knoolla fur Tur ll| midn ht Townaand and H*l ! Tuaad 7 Aunday Mngham. via all Aan Thur* > Tuaad r Juan l point*. ttatur y ( j Nan Jass Uganda IWlllngham 1 OOaT. |(r I 1l» ?/ Kmgwtfm Tussd y f»r ftaUlngham tla Monday ThurVy *<an Joan lalaad Wad naa lalir'f poi*to I KrMay furl Tow*ss*d- Port Angrlrs N rail Hay and Hay VV»rta 1J H *400*1*0* Mai lag-1 « Hpm mldn hi ham. for Port Too n Tuead r ftunday aand. Port Ang*lr* Thura'y Tuaad'y Naaii Hav and way Hatur"y Tkurg'y porta Pert Toosarnd Part Aafgrlra I rra osatl aod Hay Porta II no ntr Wwlaloalo. for 4 00pm mldn'ht Port Townaand. Port Hundar Monday Angalaa Part Oraa Wadnaa Wadnr* rant. I'lallam and Friday Friday 'way pwrta I Port I utlloa I lag lor 5 00pm Klaantrr Pugrt. f».r y |*am «i wI: r Kll|ltlK OllMlld dally airopt l. udl ow. ??ICgloa.l axcapt Hatury Wla gln Townaand.) hundar ITlanavltlo Iroudaiaj land Madlork Haturda* Only 2 10pm Hirainar Pugot f»r I 00pm Kingston Ludlow and! '»ajr points Hundai Only ( I Nam M|rau»»rr Pugrt. f r 4 Hpm Kingaton f.udtow and! Iway point*. llioml « anal <»amhlr I udloss am Poli *i« h. foi 1 4l«- > dallr l.udlow. Port Hantbla dallv asrapt "Itangor and all) asrapt Aunday jpolnt* on Hood CTannl Monday Maawsiton and Auatln I sft*rn sir Pollalnli for 4 00pm dally Maawalton and Aua-| dally asrapt tin *ir Hrlllngliam! rvapt Monday a- \\ alrtlraU laavaa' Monday 1 A uatln 11 SO a m l land Mamwalion if ill ip m dally agrapt! 'Monday for Sagttlg . | GUTS FAUNTLEROY PARK ASSESSMENT Finding that rbe hoard of emi- nent domain had reckoned the val- ue of the improvement $.19.347 66 100 high. Superior Judge Frater cut the assessment roll for a atreet run- ning diagonally from Spokane st to Fauntleroy park 2i> per cent Mon- day. The board's figure* for the as- sessment were $134.390 64. Frater held thai adjacent proper- ty was not benefited more than 75 per cent of what the board found 145 NEW CASES OF INFANTILE DISEASE NEW YORK, Aug. 7.?There were 145 ntw cases of Infan- tile paralysis reported in New York In the last 24 hours, health officials announced. Forty-four deaths occurred. These figures bring the total cases to 5,168 and the total deaths to 1,143. SHORT NEWS RALPH NOBLE. 10. son of Dr and Mrs I* D. Noble, of Klrkland. whs drowned Sunday In l.ake Washington whl'o swimming near the Matzen Woolen mills. ?Staamar Kulahan will rail at Tort Towna*nd northbound Saturday* oniv laatlng Saattl* at 10 p m Point# mark ad ?? ar* boat landing* Paaaangara for thaa* point* and for othar hoat landing polnta must maka th*lr own arran**manta for landing, and aaium* nil rlak and liability In making *uoh landing St aa mar'a paa a'nii-r rata doaa not Includa b<m( land ln« rharg»a REV. CHARLES HEMENWAY \u25ba poke Sunday right at the first of the union services of the West Se- attle church»« In the Congrega- tional church of that district. BISHOP PARKS ot Chicago will close local six day celebration of the 'ilrth of African Methodism Monday night .it th> First Africnn M K. church. 1522 14th ave MRS. S. S. HOOVER of Seattle was elected preidd< lit of the Puget sound confe-ence of tho Women's Home Missionary society at the First M. !C. church FRANKLIN K. LANE, of the in trrlot department, will nrobably -it with a commit. on to adjust Mex- ican affair;!, it was announced M n- da> at Washington. AMERICAN ALUMINUM CO. of Niagara. N Y? has bought foir aluminum claims from Nason creek settlers near Wenatchee for 9200,000. ONE THOUSAND inoie Htbks will lie pliced shortly in Seattle hotels by the Gideons, it was deed- ed Sunday, provided the various churches will defray the expenses ol distributing th"ui Baggaaa llahlllty la limited to waar- In* apparal. not to atraed $100 for who I a tlckat 160 pound* allow*.,| fr##> Staamar* and arhadula* auhjart to rhanca without notlra Kralght ralva.l dally for all polnta <a«r»pting Taroma' nam»»<l In ahova arhadul* Tb k««t* muat ba pur hasrd at tlckat off Ira opan from 110 a m to ll po midnight AFTER A successful quarterly meeting, the Soe'ety <f Friends ended their meeting Sunday at the Friends' Memorial church at 2;! rd ave. and Spruce .st. FIFTY MEMBERS of the Moun- taineers 1. ft So it tie Saturday lor llellitigham on the tenth annur.l l ilting, which Include trips to Mount Haki»r and Mount Shuksan They will return August 27. SEATTLE SOCIETY girls will stage a benefit minstrel show next Thursday nigh' ai the Cornish school, and. In a return engagi nielli at a liter dr.te. will give a heneftt for the Seattle Settlement school. PUtiRT Mil ND NMKiAIIOV CO. Tlok«< tifftr*. Cwliuan l>ack. rhoM. Mala Igft. NELSEN TO COT. "DEAD TIMBER" Commissioner Candidate for South District Wants Waste Eliminated I)R FJKOWN FOR WILSO! Herman Neisen The abolirhmint o' "daad Vmber" from the payroll of King county »s one of the aims of Herman Neisen, candidate for commissioner In the South district. Neisen, Iho never a Candida'# for any salaried 'itfice l»efore. n»w b<-cri consistently Interested \M <i< .!r>' r politK sln King rounl jM He ha* 'iete/ been ac> way with the lx>u Smith Lafe Hamilton machine He now dec I re* lie will, If elect?' «d. abolish "right of way agerta, si-perlntendenta of parks, director of rivers. Inspector of automobile tires," etc , who are now drawing 1100 to $150 a month from King county and glvlnj the public noth- ing In service. Neisen ia a successful farmer. His '-lection would prove a vital blow to machtnc politic*. FALCONER WON'T BUN Kfforta to bring out Alex Fal- coner. former ,irogreaslve repre- sentative from tl-e Second district, for the senator 1*! race, are falling flat. It Is believed. Falconer Is not In the *tate now. The effort* to gc* him in the race are made by thoee who are un- friendly to Senator Poindexter. and Filconer hi* .won consistently t Polttdexter suj, ?< rter. The obJe<t lias l>een to divide Polndexttr ? strength A* It would Five Falconer litr chance whatever to land the himself, it la a foregone concluMH that he will not run. He may. h< ever, decide to run again for coa" gress in the Second district. Mr*. John B. Allen held a Meet- ing Saturday :.t the Washington Annex. In vhlch a women's organ- ization wan effected to boost her contemplate.! entry In the sena- torial race. The Wom«n> Roosevelt-Hnghet club will meet Tuesday at 4031 Ar- cade building at i> m A E Fuller * 111 speak on the re- apportionment suit, and W M. Ford, candidate for secretary ol \u25a0tate. will also s|xak. W. H. FORD IN RACE W. H. Ford, former mayor of At- lington. is a candidate for *eer» tarv of state on the republican ticket. He ?jiac'e same race oa the progressive ticket in 1912. BALLAINE AT FREMONT John E. Ballaine. candidate foi congress, speaks Monday night at Kremont hall. Ballaine has had an Interesting career, starting as a newspaper man here many years ago. later b-» coming secretary to Gov Rog4oM and finally taking up life in A'>aska, where he founded Seward town- site. He is making his principal issue the proper handling of the government railway in Alaska. E. J. BROWN FOR WILSON Dr E. J. Hrown. socialist leader here, formerly candidate of that party for mayor, will support Woodrow Wilson for president. Dr. Brown so told an audience Satur- day. at a meeting of the King Coun- ty Democratic club. RUMMENS MAY RUN George W. Rumme.ii>>. attorney, who was one of the Taft presiden- tial electors w ho dldn t get elected in 1911'. may enter the race for lieu- tenant governor this weak. C F Vilas, former assayer, has filed for state insurance commis- sioner. WARDALL TO RESIGN Norman Wardall will take him- self off the public payroll for one month and will resign as clerk of the hoard of county commissioner* on August 15. to finish his cui paign fur county auditor. WariiW discovers that an "employe who i-eeks office has no right to divide his attention and time between pub- lic and private work." MUSIC AND DANCE FOR DEMOS A big musical program and dance are plumed by the democrats of Seattle for evening, at the Hippodrome pavilion. The King county central committee, as- sisted by the County Democratic club, the Woodrow Wilson league, the Women's Wilson-Marshall club and the Women'? IVmocratle club, will have the affair in charge. BRADFORD TO RUN ?lames K Hradford. former cor- poration coun>v>l. will file as pro- gressive candidate for governor, he announced Monday There will be no opposition fo him on that ticket Ills chief issu* will be to keep safe direct popular government. BIG PICNIC AT ENUMCLAW Fifteen thounand attended t)| farmers' picnic at Kuutuclaw Satiil day. ami nearly all the candidate for office were present Gov. l,lt ter was one of the s|>eakers. Tin Knuntrlaw band livened thiuga u| with frequent selections.

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A Married Man's Troubles


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LOWMAN & HANFORD CO.Kodeke ar«l Phntocrmphte fluppllee

DEVELOPIHO 4 f\rAny roll 1

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Movine and StorageTt'KoN' TRAVHKeiI CO?PIANO AND

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?NOW AND nTOHK h I xft?hkTnew mn.\ aaaaMt bead ?!! |lt4a I J«erd L* Uomoll, 111* s Tblrd e«e. n»ert*ln«

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I <"h*r ratalocu* No H mali*d f*??peetpeid en reqvett TbN ratilafwe? keuM be In tho k*n<la of »»trr one?ip«H M«f to build Write fer one t<Wl«r

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fr««t d v.r r> ?« A ffleae 1??J Rrr*«n itft*-"-!. (i!rinit*d 111*««'«? ? « «.-,? Its1*«1> I ttfM o«ab It

j ?\u2666*»? m»d!eln* <-obln«t ? }l'?uph'»erd do«r. oiooh aroln panels «l

? ' P»y *onoer p«n«l» aqu«r« f »o« of sTUmod porr»i rntttmm Itli* ? . tl

jrrameo. InaSde ftnloh n»«ul4ingo. build? ra' berdnrnra

O H wit.t.r«v« rr\Tet Ifala HIT IM« Ftrat A»a a

4 TKvra AWXTVOSRtstr'MM In '"em o*

- ML J Webb K|t«-h*n A CaHI Inlveraltr

«THI*XT"K /rr»n>»t.irr# "arT nmsur{ a»tal i«v»i> |*;i Teeter tat


?Ith ophorlreJ lonoae compieio. I* M.laeiudln# eta?nlnetioa. Krhvorti. Of*tama rtat JIT Y» ar BloclL lirokealonoao dn*>:iretadp h ? XMAPNI OVh Kprrt Airr

Wa tr«4a. nuy rem. rapetrMuolrol ||a s -r4 Kfb%n«o

111! Waetlaka K' tott ItTtCI-*A»tIKO WOf'tK

Fof M '«i «l tn*trtim*nlt,« ? Ufr . sK r. fltf.ii'l »m"d r«r(»o

|ew fftrs

kbw rtAjios ros RiurrT"icxt ap-

t>.!ad en purvhaaa Mrrer Tentr. 3)1

, t*eloo« MS V i E?? r PI. A K I" bur rani a«*

tn» aarhli«M TI T Pi a a Melr 1


Cwner rirel A»a aad P'na IN.Larva mode ra. outaMa roami. aieaa »«a

eervtra photia* la all raema flret <rtae«In avarr reapect IN up. with private

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MAP 71 MQi B MOTKU KM HTM AST*t'r. .r. " t i room apartmanta |5I ||

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M tie Help Wanted

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Optician*.fljjfrrmnda Fraaer Fatereon To "a. bal^onjT



PHRENOLOGIST WfJl? 1J'rir h»»/) !o«t ir"/ ,1

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what btialneaa y fmm adapt *d for. F* yth»n and whom fyou will TT.mrry *«??-

11a* and »*pla'na J ,va affaire and fam-ily trouble, reunite* tha eeptrated.Explain* permanent health rule*Patlafartlon *o«rant»«d or no rhargaKa on* In trouble turned away, moneyor no money Permanently located at?II Union at

\u25a0VVB ?'

N \u25a0 l/n CI.AIRVOTANTandmedium, ad-

V W bualnaaaI W'VM i*lT » health

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M \u25bc t L^wiTh " \u25a0 JLi j y*tir future hinnand

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SHBmmSHB lucklaat to you. and«HMt to uo to ha auoceaaful in Ufa,aatlafa'-ilon *oarant»*d 1114 Flk* at*

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miiou mu.»»"tal dlae*a «0R friary mj"

6?Autos for SalefV iitt< H i rara Wlnt'ifi wTTt nr~~Co

StorageJilty KJHBFHOOF MT' litA'iK ~WA RK-

houee. Central Mtorac'i <:o. 10} Whl'a

If you have something to «vvap,list It in fttar Want Ada.

BASOAOM? lothln* ohooe. t »»le. iur>. trunk*,

autt Jewelry, herdwera mm-|. a; :r ?' ri imrri'i mp ad an<| Ala aka fit* Coane and aeo ThoHarialn ttlofr, 22 i OC' Idantel Wabu. aall. airhanf* 17 t paid f«.fge><l aarond band lulu PhoneMain 1211


Ml N WAVIIiI)T'» s#ttl* on our llttl* farms and work

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Tho work takes '??f of you and mtkMth» [r*ym*nti

If C I'KTKRH. 110 f'.lumbls Wt


W» '&? barbsr trad* thoroughly.»»ruf* positions, wafts wbMa tsaralagvrw fat low rata.

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Vad Attolf Roy with hors» pf*ftrr«'lApply at Circulation Dspt . htar.

WANTF.f> MX MEN To" TFtA IK A*wirsl+as operators All students pla< *4?h')'- aftrr finishing ? >urt» <!«?»

rorr.plst* Information from KdurttlonalK»<T".r» TV '* A, M»att|«

xavanauoHTiTii iiat». ioos ut

WANTKI» MKN TO WORK AROUND\u25a0 1-a mill in r out*try town Call at tilAlaska llulldfnjr

61: p; inai« moTTkh n "Via nblr "

COLLEQ*. -fit Orf Mental AvaT»a«*h»s tba barbar trada wages paid;

position* sarursd It ATICK cut In two

hY D'>fN'* HIHINKHM t I'HT A IHH~Trsrf* \u25a0?lis M*n a I. ? suits and ov»rmats for $1K Trarla's I pstalrs HullWhop 905 V* Third av#

|ft.M vai,i:k Tft<'T*HKHB Ff)lt ts soI.undn«iist Lilly ii(>*t«lr* r shop(lr*»r< f: d* 4' h snd I'lke

21? Female Help WantedRRl.tAfir.fT TV ?< 11 1: TO HoVltt) anT>

rare for rrlppla for suits, light. »Is?»#???rash Km ownor, 124 Howard V

i 1 ? v. \u25a0\u25a0 m I-* \u25a0 ? fok oo\ e rx-msnt Jobs. 170 month Writ* lmmadiately for list of positions Kranklln Institute, Dspt. 741 It. florhsstsr,N Y

2J-? Female Help WantedwA NTKD TWO 01FU,H Kofi KITCHEN'

work and dish washing: $2fi p*»r

month, mlf h board and room. Elliott4?» I Hwwllsh hospital

ifAKE 110 "ft»' «IW Y.KKI. V MA 11.1 75'Ifijisrs Information 10 rents silverand stamp Pa< iflc . al<* Co.. !'???* it»».H*at»l# Wssh

It?female Situationvvanty. 1 > 1(Y~ iiit)fit7k -a < 1 v.J j W< TST

an, prs' tlcgl nursing or ' arnp cookingEast IM<*

Wanted?a math r5 i Frio tmia*trr 204 t)rr|«)«nlal ava. Frtdsy


massaging.Apt. 110. dor Aon Hotsl

' iKNfi'.viM a n'7 II7" win 11kh t1» .TirrSf(f ua In t #»d with ladv bstwssn I * and

1 ao. objsct matrimony. Hrandlnavlan orj 'isrman preferrsd H«-nd plrtur*- in

first i*M«t i< i ~ Hfsr

' "N I'll".' .1' *1* II V<T»~tn 1.-'isot, ft. - od Itapnlrlnv.

rrjm fHONOfntAwi ht ppi.r M" sefJIf j " W*sllaka Phon* Main


TRY THE I. YOWbhmese

ffM..12, i \u25a0V <«mt Inm I ??? run

JJJIi tn^aatlgete

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(*|>MUP«I|M and 4laoHl«r< of tbaMadder kkln ißtl it *«»»a«*b ?? »tll? i at'pendlritta are relle -d without? >2»rr «tl »n M ad«tr* la free

\ \«>%% I HIHMI KIMMiI HIm \»aler Ha) rtwa* Main ISM

klr UINVBH api*«<lilnf Mllbir4«a»*antli and ''Hi,,#

t%%Al K dar »? 1«r t \u25a0«?

Ittli*t*<oa». n« dlfftrMr*If y«»Mn»»«f 4aa>»dhalla; ?('?#! ahMi ><*#if<*ur*g lad* a»ial««anta HU|««I? * \u25a0 Intf Main J*H

SI I \ I NSJ ' A r . »<ir hM

FERN JACKMANJ. 7 imi lt«»|»l 1111 TMrd

ADAI.INE LLOYDrttm* ami f«. !«? fn» {# v»«r«

* UIIb« ijnritha* ' ##« flaatfla'* phrcnal-glar »n/J ktflnMH trt all aff« '? of llf# 311 t r,s Apt ft t.Itoll fITI Apatf-ial this (If

AM r no* *\T >w#k<mhmf\*r ahAMid XXX IIKUTIITl:r%TMK\r aahlrh Th» IHttM

»ff«t f« lit* imMii' f'M, Hull-day* II a n M " »a»- WflMwlaHfrll4H t p m IftlTth Ap« t>


Motor In Kootllo lloforoI ? Birt»<] with tho |»-.wrcr lu ) «**ir

. r«. \u25a0 fll i. ?» ' \u25a0 I'9? ondorful hn»»«l«4go h*r to liftih« *Ml of mtiivir ?«<! r«»»tl I# v«»u?II lb* IniiwrUitl iiiklttrtof lifo fh«<an toll >«'U *h" »uur mr* andyvhy thof ar« anfrtilM to >ou »i l ah*r«n it*? all )ou ho win mnquar (bam,

?it i h.*w I ? mak* h«i>plr>*a» i>»t»»on

? at* on<l *»lf» If Ihtft ara ?*?1 Influrn<H >>\mr you, aha can I*ll you hoaa (o

? < art m» thorn

Ms lam Nina «an (all you In rrgard* to|<>ta and marriage affaira laiia thaInlMala uf who y..u arm to marry andwhan and If tha «na you lota la truaar faiaa Itha ad>laaa hu« la bringtha aapargtad togrthar and In tagardala your a*>a«nt frlanda an*l talla thaa«> rat «»f halng happt and au' <"aa*ful litUfa nha will gl*« vmi mtly truthfuladvf'-a a- I ftralall >? » of things thatwill t>« »f graat *al«a to pou In ?!> gffalra uf llfa

Madam Nlu« can ad -»ou in rag»rdaIn »aur liuilhrti and financial affairaand tall* yogi what t>uatn«aa or *»?< all«»ftwill \tp I'i.Hf f<»r vua ? >inault kar at

oa>a «»n anr mattara that ar* raua'ng

rou worry or trwubla H«adtnga |#r

j JUS I'tlAt. Varaaon Holal


lirada your anlirw llfr paat. praoaat andfwlura i rrartly. giving namaa da'**and flguroa in k«ialnaaa lo%a, law marnsga and dnmaatl. tr»uk'«w. tal'g y»U

what y »u ara ha»« a.lap'a-t f»r and a hatto d In hattgr >t»uf rondltlona In Iff*Thla lad* raada your hand aa row wouldan »pon Hawk A rwadlng b* har willmoat »nif hlghaat aiprriatlona. and>/?j *|ll h* ? la»r and happtar aft»r? ?tnniltlng H«r aha hating |H» gift ofram"« ing all aartl lafluancaa and pia«lngyou In an anvtroamant of happtthought and r*«?ntantmant I'armanantlylorata«t at it* f'nlvaraliy, naar itiatha»a Taat r*«-Mrg« fr*a

MME. VICTOSTXTha ralahratod rialrtaiant

and pal'* g »*a a- ant|fir roadlng*"< all affair* .f ||f« paa' pfaaant or

fuluro You hava aoon tha nlhwa now??\u25a0a tha t»*a< If Ift ||' iihta A ! raadlng*guar*nt>"t aat i»fa» t*»rtr or nn f*a« a#?' r|Mad R»ad|ng« 4#r 1.-v at|«>« asaroai h»ug \u2666*, tail, r*ika ?'

<*flA»itr«a Kit 4NKIIN ~WO NItV.R'rVUl*oy rlainoirani pa Imtat fp*lal raadl*g tI?H IMrta at

MADAM MELLIEWorlds gr»«'ait < lalrtnyaat and phrwn

olag'at guarantaoa to road r«ur »n»|ratl'» paa* praaant and f*ltura gtvaaI# »a ?d ? 1 ? r»n Vuala»aa. la* a I? * ?and fa*n!'r affairs talta tha nama r»fyour fnturo hvat>an4l or wifa and whatI* 4* fo na in Uf« th* ha*

)«*l ar»l»»d In thla rliy **«sr harahaf»ra t »f>a stall « 111 par you far yourmany dtaappnlnlmani* in othara |Vhawill roannv a all nMtarisa and tall yauh«w in win and ha' 4 |ha «aa fo* daatra «ha gtsaa ad'i-a on all importantaffaira ' fa > postal reading* |#

llttal Elk rw»m « Ift 11 Ea<on4. naarHi i

MMr. t» \\ fl VOTISfj KI'ROrVANpalm's* v*r|ra %Oe With h«» wondarful ? lalrvovant pr*wara aha tails r«u alltl|4 a«isr»ih hat«i**n |'!ka and f*lna

M !? * M III:a N I.AIH\ r *staard palnisin Oil rtka rhartas\u2666 r»n Itoiai Atnartmant II

OflltA I VEI' «1! ItITtA MK(>t? M A S|>hsaiay ia*i kfirna* a«a

MAf'AM > I~V 1tr.1.l A 111.1 (*|.AIH\ OYan' r ard raad ar 141] Tlfth Clllatttltaw


(t«nrH 'a-ight fIIRK?fi«mnnnf I ?* 1 arfttrl flippy4f» m# Klfth «n4 l'nl»»*al»y

IHE ft«K v< ?|T INMr IT I I K H \ n 4?r«):\u25a0. iui» para f«t rh*aman*m turn

t *r*> and all diffi itl< i»alni ('? nutll*f|a>n ftw 21! Malfhi fl)U H»*~o»»4? tad h«a

i.Anf wvnT'sS» orlflM 1-Ani'fr>ar «» ranch with 11,144 aah; monaavaae-ttrad. TrlHaft And dadva naad im»i

anawar matrimony lr»jutraf»r room I l>a*a»i>»»« llofai flf»h ?»»

i «i>ir» «rtlrwt t"?TRS"FTVViTt\ kitinraß'fd mnfm and wra Tarma cult?II raa«« ItJI l»ih a>« Km' Ua<i:a»«rmr

LAr»n iv Th*? wi~r MA vr. riintAtad niftft*\u25a0

»>> railing ll?l S Wr*adaaarMW# I .iM»v- I* T T rtla«4 aura* w *?;

DKNVKR OTP! W(>NK» tl»l f«|» *«a

*r ia r c-A"'Vr»* »? rV»."M*Vrni TitPtna at Phona Wain !?#?

RK«iirrKHKt* mitiwirs ~mm wit-latka»n Ttlf llth .V W |*h ra Hal-l»d lltt

fy,. % -0 m«' af I' r »????; a "I*' f M«dta*m

I>i and I'AWS TIOKKTT*|Mu«hf Hour* 2 to t pi m 111Jnahu* Ora*B Ride

H*<#rivifFt iris-i tairoifT. i# tot« Uaaont anrrfa* | iarani«*d Ul )»(

Pa«»a<r»a liMi

lIAfPINK«* I. IK- I -\u25a0~

MVm ttir.l> I.inAra v ">?* lon»:»? J->»n Maitla ti<-;iah aFrlandahlp c*lub. !.adi*a fraw. Ada I*RSara Ml *p» R

KM>aKRR*?"1* AT T, AT ft TH|fßjdona ' »? c«nta a roll Jtrutia r-X\u25a014# I

uKt *r<|! AivTrr> ntwir.rr|r>ia T* iradar »*anln|a TIC Ploa at

f'howa fcfatn l too

? A". IT* r *?'?« r#fv,«l,

pnalllvalf f.araftUaw Madam Cral%m» nth if

fs« COMPLITR brtthftai WllkifßCaf« l«»amh «nd l*nlo»»

KAU'.t' '.«» - l «v.

ACCAf^p?WB BATHi. MAM21- rurlritf Sl4 I'm*

nffirt It Ora#« Hola)

LAURA BURNS-"-"/;-I*l Bliloft. IMH »MV.

IIINf»t ? It MK« id ATIMM Olli it TTShrh*um«ii«m Hia*arl A ll»lm«a. Mart* i a ?t ir*» Manh a l'harma'7, Hindu

-TOfc Fir»t a»a . WMlj?

1 EDDY HARDING-**\u25a0*Mflng.

Apt 4 Afad* Holal. 1114 Nfttndi7isrKi.Y WORKIN'CIMAfi7 AUE IT.

height t t»*< t ln<*h#a, wt«h*-« t<» m»»i

n*at wnrkir.* woman. r»»«r aama ?««

*r.<l Fr»f«T "n» who appr^rlair*rf>mpanlon»Mp mora than danrlnir orlux«trl»fl. ohJ»r-t matrimony Addr+n«

V?'**>. fttar

iJiVIKH- |M»NT WORRT WHRM i)R.lay»d or Irraffultr I'm I.adv K.lg-ln In>-

llftilTtUtll I»V mall. II prn !?"*.

doubla atrrngth, ft 10 Kvary<'rnwn Ai»nrv, 1411 MUth

KKFINITI» <IKNfiKv""withnrnVa Milty would Ilka tn rorraapond

with lady about &0 and with not la«athan I ,ioo nbjart matrimony A-draaa F-i*. Htar.

27?For Rent Unfurniahed

i.Al'fKB HAM'KHi"i>.Si'oTKiN »< OUTpi Ila »«fr and atir* cur* for delayedj . |g prtM t Mo ? i i. , |

remedy fall* ifl«r fair trial lUymondH*ni»<lv, room ft, Hot*l Anllcru, Fourthand tfnlon

I.AIMKH. MT KKOI'I.AT' »lt N'KVBRfall* ('all at l&il'y Broadway

tT. MBfI'MANTH* l.t'NCrIT Wlf/lIA Rr>f*af« ttaventh and t'nlon

il 00 DOW N. «! 00 A Wlixbuya a diamond or watch

I'KTKIt M.CIIAEI, 1704 ?ndT.lheral credit, lt»nv-daltng



p*p*r p<iM|ah»»d M fr«»a ThaPorr» , «fi''n'l»nf Toledo Ohio

24?Business PersonalWvNT Y. I) KI. f>EI! I.V I;I: NT 1.1 V\ \

ton* who knowa grocery hoalnraai, to

gn In pMrin»rahlp with wMow. Kenwood 2A 3?

MI w * 11. VS t. I. I . M\M. i 11 I .? i 1114%Third offlra 10.

MB*II RA'IH ItEFAIHEI» 4" FEOr.i#. « flunk Bid*

25?Spiritual Mediums1.11.L1 AN' JAMBS?PIFIfItTTTAfi r*t«AlVl-

voyarit mad 111 m llf»t»«l N'»rrla. 14Third iv« f'lrri# trmlaht. i o'clock

MMF. I.AVIK NOTKH KI'Hfil'KANpnimlat prlna f»o< With h«*r wotidcifill clalrv»yalit powara nh« toll** v»mi nil161ft Kavanth, hMwMn Flka nnd Fine

mm r Tii.i i? '.i'.w vTTfTk i irv 'la i m\ oyant hH'l ? Hi'i i 'ii'hi (ivfr <»wldroit -torn, aofci, I'Ike at

MADAM I IIANK ' * I.A IIIVOY A NT.card raadar. palrnlat, hr Flka,corner Flrat. Hotal Klllott.

If ?a.l*)v»art*r« f«*r M*«*tl*Merit*I |*rw|»art>

«*?!» I' off! rm and ??? IIMI II JAMS A (X)

I<*a4lnff lt»nUr»Kit*? tttdg H»i ontl and fth*

is I K n f»» mk tr nr»o y "mm >i n*vcoftagr full U«#m»n' , Uundrr

furr.»r«, half M»"k from r«rfh'>n» Ratal** i?4H

II "/.V * l-"»M Mi'UKRN Hot *Kr»Ai» Ttt Crotkett n |)«si«r? ?'

29?Unfurniihed Apartmentsf¥ UWHRMIT : ANI»* i VI. .I>KH\

*p*rt m«nt« '"?M HOI* I'.ljrMh *i ?

31?Housekeeping Roomslioi


AND PLKII'INOroom a, on*. two. thr«Ht-room «uit*«(lom In modern. r#aion«M* Nawttudaon. 24*1 Ktrmt a>* corner Hal-l*rr at Phone Main 4*71

!H >t\*Kklcri*rN«J P' ><»MM hiK HICS'TIU p*r month 111* 13th Tali*» I'ninn rar "n Pike at , g*t off at13th *\u25a0.«? 1'? I! In f<>r*tj«»«n


«en*ral riptlr ehop. In<-)udln« tool*rn«rr,in*rv and ?»... k Thle will etandln\*«t|fntlon W C Wood. Toll. WuhPhon* XuriMt I 711

WAN VT> » AHTNKTT WITH KMATXcapital (u Inteat in paring proposition

40?ExchangesI.AND FOR TRADE

Will lata* In &-paea*ng*r car. mmt hagood. ><\u25a0 part pa*m*nt on a r*aJ pit***of land H»* liahl* room l* Down*Hldg, 70> Haeond t»a

PC)It HALK )K KXCItANCSKllah*ry and dell< al*a**n. Capitol hill dis-

trict, doing food hualn**a Owner alrk,rimaf eel! Term*

Main 14*2 IIKI.I. A CO dloh* llldg


f*u< and partly < leered and undercultivation, halanra \u25a0**d*d; houa*. i.nrnand outbuilding* t'heiip for raah Mume*ll Parr « ash. halanra *any term*Addraaa l*" fc.t. Ntar

NOT I« K 4 a7TUB* or WATKft rHONTproperty. dwHllnir house nnd otherbuildings, apr line of wuter. garden,orchard, etc . all for J if'Nan*". l>*iatto. Wash

FOR oiTAiii on asmllandy to our inllla nnd ram pa

Writ* or \u25a0** p. II MKIKI.KJoifNMgr.«J l»*pt, 1701 I, (' Hmlth HideHKATTI.K WAHII

"Tou deal with ue dlr*ot "


$225 0011 AM* \CKK, TERMS

30 mlnot a* from th* h*art of Ha-attla an bl*al apot for a amallaiimm*r hnim- \*rv fin* trout\u25a0 iir.mi through Itaprlng watar la plpad to prop? rtv gradad road. atactrlnlight*. t*l*phnna. lommunlttri»*a» h on l.aka WHahlnatonAll tha ' onvf nlrnraa #»f tha . 11 vadded to tha anvlronmant* Inth* rnuntry llfr. i:«. allanttransportation ln\**tlaat* atoflra

A. 11. KKID & ('<).114 Nam Vork Hid*

Phona KHlntt |»21.


41. ACREAGE FOR SALKi \u25a0 ? ' ' *



9 room hotiK, «hl«k**« hnut*, ?maltbarn, with h*r lafl splendid to*call"*. 2 Mm h* from utilori and

hnol. partly feo» ed ll»« wail,g«»<»d wat*r raar gr 'sjnd to work,farra county rwMl nlealy irnfifotM) |>la> m a4iuinlti| T«»n»|l>? Itaiat ? I*('all Maw York Block

\u2666 \u2666IT 4 ('IIKAf HAI.r At'ftfc. OS 111 m

»a» 1 «xl « h"jM Miii rhlrkanHoiii*, g«w»d wall IIM herr* plant*httrn* 1 <i«i« |tr4*n tdojs Price y

HIl Iwntlf «i« Or? liidg

HAN'li MTH<SAIS ~f# AHIK? AIX?urfa> a «leafed * rnnm hsuft barnrhteken houa« |»w1 wall, HM POW

two ralsea IN t-hlckrita I'riial atft HI. i'm4 urnti Hfhr»i*<l»f, lit



PARKOrarlmAklhf hcaullfUl H «»h

litfiod Thta tract . ?malnaabout i»« »hirda a f» ;I f»»«

from the Pa< ift- htgn » a alertrie HfMi aprlßi watar pipedfr-iTi high up In the hl'ia tala

phone* graded a« h«»«l rom -?' unity bMrh i-ee» f auto l>u*

\u25a0 « -t !'r« ?

rt» v ilmita Y<m ran llta h»raand wn»k In tha rltf *i«<awar fr«m paring ram A*"Mhigh tat** an/I aaa*tam»nn Int*a rit« «»*»a « hnma at lak*poreat Park «*a!l ua up t«U»

A. If RF.iirA Ct).11l Kmm T"fk HM«rhofi* Klttott Ittl

*!**\u25a0 RAM(*N -It A'-RW «»r FtKAT,ftxWl aotl. f'n* aprlftf a»i»' 1 <H*d ne?

I rtmm miiaff* t»arn and chl»kenh«ua» A real |<*m 1 bo* at II J»lgood |ni)qlr« lit Oream Hl*Jf

pTTh FV~ 77\\ yun Jt'Hl:«

fine land ll' V#rn«*n d|**rirt

#»w fi l«rni <"aJi ? p ni 11S Flrtla»a i tornan II

43?LOT FOR SALE\u2666 \u2666

( ROOM HI M«%|4»H

o\r.mooßiMi rnr. i.ur.

With nrf|w*« widejf'fhaa kitten raMna'a; ona

\u25ba -~rk fr«*m high 1 v"<1. I mln-u'm walk to farry on tmrtI6*»n# faat facing it > *treeta

rltr water llghta and laUpboft*Wi:| aat) to r#eponatt»la parly ">nl«ff»ii of tig# ra«h and 111m*»«th!r I** far» "\u2666 ra»td»l»taTaka K'rklaM hoati a'l«rk and Imjurf at Viorka ATartar a Kifkland offlra

\u2666 \u2666t.rv ) «»lt« rAHTIMT OHOWINO

? ciTt 1 h mi KOKTinrwrrIf ymt l»a( fn«r »arly npportunlty In\u25a0aaftla dan t kirk Yi»u hav» thaaarna n«» If v«u dan"t hall*«aIt *ak Mr ffiiilami ||g Alaska Hldg

44?llouiri for SaleaoM r O 'KT r.s K

Wilt g»* m\u25bc h«mf Two a-rna at HOT*TIII- AUK ? t -m h»ua# t.arn < hlrkanhoqtat 10 largo tearing fr *11 * tt*»«

?mall fruit all klndg rirh, d**p aollc«n maka lining an plara T»rm« t«»you

r.I.t.KV nmiTOU *111 »**anth a*» k



ktalla t. I. I. T. pot roaat lr to lOr lb ;boiling haaf. Ir |h hamt urg«»r and aau-laga. lOr |b . Ixinalaas rornad hra>f 10c lbAlalia 11-11. I Iha macaroni Sir, Jarr-apa. ITr dog . lOr *ho* |m»IioI. t for 1 fcr.4 larga roil® toilet paper. 1&r, |-|b baraw eet rhorolate. 2l< . Jar rubber*, lr dog

Atalla 14-21. be*t frrah butter : lbs llr,I lb* #sr. fan. y rreatßgry butter 21c lb ,t lbs He, fre*h ranch egg* jjr dog ,

full rream rheeaa f#r It, H|»eclal ticcoffee, iftr lb Atall 14, young salmon.10c and He. halibut < her ha io» lb .fresh bla«'k cod, S lb* 2lr aan<lal>a. ? Ihatlr Htall 111 4lf egtra fancy (Jueen

ollvaa. 2!o qt . N'l 40 aark rli.ilrf faml vflour. II 20 I large rana milk, 2!i

« nitf.Ktall 20. freah YV'taatilngton rreamerv

butter. lor |h . I Iba B|g Htalla 12-11.?tigar cured r<»rned l»erf. 10c and rlb . No I pall Awlft a pure lard. 4.'.<Atalla 1, potatoaa. i ito |0r aprlcota,25" baaket Htall* 21. halibut. |0r It

aalmon. 10 lb . smelt 10r lb HtallsII 20, new Alaska herring. &c each AtAlong's. 40c fancy Quern nlivea, H No10 *a« k I h lice family flour, II 20 | Mg

< an* milk ,21c. lt< rana ahrlmp*, 10'10. baking god*. !? 0 lb* green splitpeas. ?!< . I cans oysters. 21c. *>0< bak-ing powder. Sir

Stalls 21 14. best twitrnt flour, fl 10sack. 4 lbs sugar. 4tc. No 10 a«. k flour20< . | large rana milk. with l |htea or coffee. 2 pga. corn flakra.< kled spare rlhs, f,« |b round atrak12 Hclb . veal Steak. 10.- lb Alalia |L' ? |

pickled lamb tongues. ior u> _? lbs 7..

dill plrklea. 10r dog . honey, |0. #r.« .pickled pigs' feet, 2 lbs ?&( I.eslle o 1larga cans tomato aoiip :Ur. .? < ana mm2hc] Imported Wor»eater sauce. 10«- and20c. large bottles cataup. llr; I Iba rolledoat*. »Ic Htall OH. 7 lha pure cane augai

He, olive oil, 40c, 10c Jar rubbers.If, ;oc Jar caps, lie.

Plßft PI At P.HI *II 1?, * llm *tariri*r<l whit* granu-

lated augar. Mr Stall 7>, fraah paataur

Had milk, fl« *|t ,Ir pt Hffm 11 IRO3. 40rfraah roaatad roffa# ?fr lb 14 lb*?ugar, fl 00 wllh 12 00 ordar; 2 ran*»vil«n, l&r Kt rtl 1 1(11, whit* to Ann. 10«Ih Santa Clara prunn*. i |h* 2!?«- stallf»fi, rot tag# lOf Ih Stall .11, jf,r

roffra. l*r lh rollad oati t»lh* ?.".«? «

l>k«* *pagh<tll. sr.. Stall K. rut

? nffaa In hulk. 27 r Jh Stall Ift 2 ? vralrhop*. 1? l*» stall ,I*. Mfholn aalmon.2f>o and 30r halibut. 3 lb* 2ftc, Nimwrglan harrln* 3 for ?F.< stall 4, r.cantaloup**. 3 f<»r 10r. s for Stall1621, fraah buttrr *3r lb. I Ih*hrlrk llmbur*«-r. 23«: Ih Htall &2, ha*tfr**h paat*url**d huttar. 30r Ih stall4*. inlti<r«l huttar rlama. 10c ran. fr**hrr*nm*rv butter, 2*< |h. Stall 32. a*hpnna, 7Sr

M)lTil KNI)Su*at 1? Ih* fl \u25a0 naif, n aarka in,

matrhaa, * b«>**.a lOc, ollv* oil, t'aaaatill pt . »»t lam h rhopn. 12'%r It.\»al nitlata. I f»? li. ma>aronl {.. ||\armlralll f»< Ih fr**h rhinnni hut in

< Ih* n:. fraah ranch ruir* ' do* 75.birga loavaa broad. for I f.< , ry»» bread

for I :»«? paachfß I .' d<»R , cantaloup**and lOr, barrlr* f.r ho* o*w pot a tor*

I" I ha. 2&r. pfaa. * lha 36c. ft#»*h rodfUh.2 Ih* l be, halibut t-harka. 2 AIM. lbs*.

By Allman


Venun Had Nothingon Chicago Women,

Says Police ChiefCHICAGO. Aug 7?A bevy

of Jo/out young woman, clad

In a coat of tin and a amlla

apiece burst Into th« early

morning sir tod»y and JumpedInto the lake, along the North

Shore, establishing the limitfor nudity amenp women bath-

era.Police Chief Healy already

aurfeited with reporta of wom-

en bathing ilad >.nlv In kI

monoa, acanty trunks or wa-

ter wings, announced tne limit

had been reachedHie ordrra In patrolmen:"Run 'em in. And If they

haven't got anything on towear to the station, that'stheir affair."

Venua. arising out of the sea,

would have looked tame beaidethe young goddesses, North.Shore residents reported.

CAR STRIKE INN. Y. IS SETTLEDAlteration* In th«t public- nafety

building. to provide adequate quar-tan for tli« health detriment, and

ratlou off(cm will not exreed110,000, If an ordinance ((?"fori- theiounrll la It authorize* thebulldltiK de|,ai tnient to Ko aheadwith thd work

NEW YORK, Aug 7.?Con-

ductor! and motormsn of the

New York Railway* Co. todayratified tne agreement reached

yesterday oy representatives ofthe employer* and union offi-cials looking to a settlement ofthe car strike, which hai tiedup all line* 'ft Manhattan and

other boroughs.

This I* regarded as for.-ca*tlng afinal settlement »i the strike be-fore night A formal meeting »twhich *11 llies are to !«? repreaent-

?-<1 It a<-t for 4 p. m. I'nton mendeclare on* if the term* tinkerwhich ratification was i;rwil ou«n recognition ot '.he union.

All of the employes of the In-

terboro Karild Transit company(the auhwa/sl will receive a tem-porary increase 'n pay of tl p*rday, beginning yesterday, It wsaannounced todav.

FUND FOR DRY SQUADMem urn- no fundi for further en-

forrt-ni'-nt of th* liquor ordlnan. *

by the dry squad were availableMonday. Councilman FUuc-ralda»M«l for an atnargMßCy approprtaUon of 11.'.'to to rarry on the »ork

SHE SOLD WHISKYAnnla Oaba. landlady in a room-

In* house at 222 ('olutnbla at. wanarrented Sunday nlßht by XericeanlPutnam, of tha dry aquad, andcharged with »«lllr * wblaky.

HARTLEY FILESCol Roland H. Hartley of Kvar

»tt. who proudly tw«aata th* fart

that he doM not u»r union labelaon hta atatlonary. fl «d for governor Monday

DIP RAIDS 2AT ALKIBEACH"Aa an employer of labor." h*

declared, "I claim tha |>rlvlltip ofemploy Ina whom I pleaae, withoutr«'K*rd to th» applicant ? affiliationwith any orKanltatton."

ALASKAN STEAMERS l-atoutlmand North *~afcer:i arrived In Seat-tle Hunday with < .11 *<>.\u25a0*> of bldaa.oil and rantird Mlmon

The police Monday mere search-ing for a pick pocket who victimisedpleasure seeker* at Alkl beachSunday.



He reached thru a window andtook a pocket hook containing $2'.' 50and two diamond*, after Mra. 0. T.

Nolte of Bclllngham had hung Iton a nail In one of tbe small build-ings

H. B Kennedy. 1812 Boylatonave . had hla pocket picked of $15.

He suspected a man who aaked himfor a match.

rrr.AvrM IKIYI rrnm COIMAV|M»r% a« Mil «#»' MARION arm I r

'«»<? A r ri » aMania Aaa« rla

WtSSStSj M. C. fan t»*Mrwi i-.-nAflpgftM

It ?? atMmaf Aa4 I»ar fori ? 10prewatg. Townaosid. WilitamaJ AaJiyalght l>u*«aaasa AoqulmUdai.y Angs.aa and Y1el aria i

?Daaa n«»l «ral at(YliMrtg fcnltyt |

fitrorra IHrsH~


l»a«na|fais«vs Tarawa and » Ham? Mam Ind lasso (sails fr»r Ta I II Ham

II Ham - offliAirari ktoamar! I? K'pm1 Hpm aiary las A*r I J'pmI ttp a alt g. a trip Ha round 4 llpmI 4*pm trip ''oasartlona at I HpmT tlpm Ta<-oma »lth a'aam a oepm* 11pm ara firr Olrmyia and! 14 Hpm

lifSr ( l*ity

r®rt Taa naafid npwi»|

I 4Oam IHr N4a*i. for Pari 1 Hpm4 M ptn T owiasr. d jlrartl II II pm

dally Cor nocta at T»w naand. dallywfh mil llnaa f«r all.

'potntg an OlragptejpaalaauA |

Mart loaaaMiil \nir«iiaafalling ho r»i

? '9am nt aagiar WtolggaJ I Hamdaily .for >*ort Townaand.) dally

Anamrta* and Hal-lingham

frarHl ?|Wi!|*gh*m? AnararUa?r»rl Tnsraoaaid

II Hprn * n 'Knlshas. far| OHp alldally I»ar aii Anarartaa dally

and RalllnghamliCaila at l'an Twog.j

sand aowahkaund on-|ly T>ooa not Mil atj


H i«n lalaada IMllagham

II H nir Knoolla fur Tur ll|midn ht Townaand and H*l ! Tuaad 7Aunday Mngham. via all Aan Thur* >

Tuaad r Juan l point*. ttatur y( j

Nan Jass Uganda IWlllngham

1 OOaT. |(r I 1l» ?/ KmgwtfmTussd y f»r ftaUlngham tla MondayThurVy *<an Joan lalaad Wad naa

lalir'f poi*to I KrMay

furl Tow*ss*d- Port Angrlrs N railHay and Hay VV»rta

1J H *400*1*0* Mai lag-1 « Hpmmldn hi ham. for Port Too n Tuead rftunday aand. Port Ang*lr* Thura'yTuaad'y Naaii Hav and way Hatur"yTkurg'y porta

Pert Toosarnd Part Aafgrlra I rraosatl aod Hay Porta

II no ntr Wwlaloalo. for 4 00pmmldn'ht Port Townaand. Port HundarMonday Angalaa Part Oraa WadnaaWadnr* rant. I'lallam and FridayFriday 'way pwrta I

Port I utlloa I lag lor

5 00pm Klaantrr Pugrt. f».r y |*am«i wI: r Kll|ltlK OllMlld dally

airopt l. udl ow. ??ICgloa.l axcapt

Hatury Wla gln Townaand.) hundarITlanavltlo Iroudaiajland Madlork

Haturda* Only2 10pm Hirainar Pugot f»r I 00pm

Kingston Ludlow and!'»ajr points

Hundai Only (I Nam M|rau»»rr Pugrt. f r 4 Hpm

Kingaton f.udtow and!Iway point*.

llioml « anal <»amhlr I udlossam Poli *i« h. foi 1 4l«- >

dallr l.udlow. Port Hantbla dallvasrapt "Itangor and all) asrapt

Aunday jpolnt* on Hood CTannl Monday

Maawsiton and Auatln

I sft*rn sir Pollalnli for 4 00pmdally Maawalton and Aua-| dally

asrapt tin *ir Hrlllngliam! rvaptMonday a- \\ alrtlraU laavaa' Monday

1A uatln 11 SO a m lland Mamwalion if illip m dally agrapt!'Monday for Sagttlg . |


Finding that rbe hoard of emi-nent domain had reckoned the val-ue of the improvement $.19.347 66100 high. Superior Judge Frater cutthe assessment roll for a atreet run-ning diagonally from Spokane st toFauntleroy park 2i> per cent Mon-day.

The board's figure* for the as-sessment were $134.390 64.

Frater held thai adjacent proper-ty was not benefited more than 75per cent of what the board found


were 145 ntw cases of Infan-tile paralysis reported in NewYork In the last 24 hours,health officials announced.Forty-four deaths occurred.These figures bring the totalcases to 5,168 and the totaldeaths to 1,143.


and Mrs I* D. Noble, of Klrkland.whs drowned Sunday In l.akeWashington whl'o swimming nearthe Matzen Woolen mills.

?Staamar Kulahan will rail at TortTowna*nd northbound Saturday*oniv laatlng Saattl* at 10 p m

Point# mark ad ?? ar* boat landing*Paaaangara for thaa* point* and forothar hoat landing polnta must makath*lr own arran**manta for landing,and aaium* nil rlak and liability Inmaking *uoh landing St aa mar'a paaa'nii-r rata doaa not Includa b<m( landln« rharg»a

REV. CHARLES HEMENWAY\u25ba poke Sunday right at the first ofthe union services of the West Se-attle church»« In the Congrega-tional church of that district.

BISHOP PARKS ot Chicago willclose local six day celebration ofthe 'ilrth of African MethodismMonday night .it th> First AfricnnM K. church. 1522 14th ave

MRS. S. S. HOOVER of Seattlewas elected preidd< lit of the Pugetsound confe-ence of tho Women'sHome Missionary society at theFirst M. !C. church

FRANKLIN K. LANE, of the intrrlot department, will nrobably -itwith a commit. on to adjust Mex-ican affair;!, it was announced M n-da> at Washington.

AMERICAN ALUMINUM CO. ofNiagara. N Y? has bought foiraluminum claims from Nason creeksettlers near Wenatchee for9200,000.

ONE THOUSAND inoie Htbkswill lie pliced shortly in Seattlehotels by the Gideons, it was deed-ed Sunday, provided the variouschurches will defray the expensesol distributing th"ui

Baggaaa llahlllty la limited to waar-In* apparal. not to atraed $100 forwhoIa tlckat 160 pound* allow*.,| fr##>

Staamar* and arhadula* auhjart to

rhanca without notlra Kralght r»ralva.l dally for all polnta <a«r»ptingTaroma' nam»»<l In ahova arhadul*

Tb k««t* muat ba pur hasrd at tlckatoffIra opan from 110 a m to ll pomidnight

AFTER A successful quarterlymeeting, the Soe'ety <f Friendsended their meeting Sunday at theFriends' Memorial church at 2;!rdave. and Spruce .st.

FIFTY MEMBERS of the Moun-taineers 1. ft So it tie Saturday lorllellitigham on the tenth annur.ll ilting, which Include trips toMount Haki»r and Mount ShuksanThey will return August 27.

SEATTLE SOCIETY girls willstage a benefit minstrel show nextThursday nigh' ai the Cornishschool, and. In a return engagi

nielli at a liter dr.te. will give aheneftt for the Seattle Settlementschool.

PUtiRT Mil ND NMKiAIIOVCO.Tlok«< tifftr*. Cwliuan l>ack.

rhoM. Mala Igft.


Commissioner Candidate forSouth District Wants

Waste Eliminated


Herman Neisen

The abolirhmint o' "daadVmber" from the payroll ofKing county »s one of the aims

of Herman Neisen, candidatefor commissioner In the Southdistrict.Neisen, Iho never a Candida'#

for any salaried 'itfice l»efore. n»wb<-cri consistently Interested \M<i< .!r>' r politK sln King rounl jM

He ha* 'iete/ been

ac> way with the lx>u SmithLafe Hamilton machine

He now dec I re* lie will, If elect?'«d. abolish "right of way agerta,si-perlntendenta of parks, directorof rivers. Inspector of automobiletires," etc , who are now drawing1100 to $150 a month from Kingcounty and glvlnj the public noth-ing In service.

Neisen ia a successful farmer.His '-lection would prove a vitalblow to machtnc politic*.

FALCONER WON'T BUNKfforta to bring out Alex Fal-

coner. former ,irogreaslve repre-sentative from tl-e Second district,for the senator 1*! race, are fallingflat. It Is believed.

Falconer Is not In the *tate now.The effort* to gc* him in the raceare made by thoee who are un-friendly to Senator Poindexter. andFilconer hi* .won consistently t

Polttdexter suj, ?< rter. The obJe<tlias l>een to divide Polndexttr ?


A* It would Five Falconer litrchance whatever to land thehimself, it la a foregone concluMHthat he will not run. He may. h<ever, decide to run again for coa"gress in the Second district.

Mr*. John B. Allen held a Meet-ing Saturday :.t the WashingtonAnnex. In vhlch a women's organ-ization wan effected to boost hercontemplate.! entry In the sena-torial race.

The Wom«n> Roosevelt-Hnghetclub will meet Tuesday at 4031 Ar-cade building at i> m

A E Fuller *111 speak on the re-apportionment suit, and W M.Ford, candidate for secretary ol\u25a0tate. will also s|xak.

W. H. FORD IN RACEW. H. Ford, former mayor of At-

lington. is a candidate for *eer»

tarv of state on the republicanticket. He ?jiac'e same race oathe progressive ticket in 1912.

BALLAINE AT FREMONTJohn E. Ballaine. candidate foi

congress, speaks Monday night atKremont hall.

Ballaine has had an Interestingcareer, starting as a newspaperman here many years ago. later b-»coming secretary to Gov Rog4oMand finally taking up life in A'>aska,where he founded Seward town-site. He is making his principalissue the proper handling of thegovernment railway in Alaska.

E. J. BROWN FOR WILSONDr E. J. Hrown. socialist leader

here, formerly candidate of thatparty for mayor, will supportWoodrow Wilson for president. Dr.Brown so told an audience Satur-day. at a meeting of the King Coun-ty Democratic club.

RUMMENS MAY RUNGeorge W. Rumme.ii>>. attorney,

who was one of the Taft presiden-tial electors w ho dldn t get electedin 1911'. may enter the race for lieu-tenant governor this weak.

C F Vilas, former assayer, hasfiled for state insurance commis-sioner.

WARDALL TO RESIGNNorman Wardall will take him-

self off the public payroll for onemonth and will resign as clerk ofthe hoard of county commissioner*on August 15. to finish his cuipaign fur county auditor. WariiWdiscovers that an "employe whoi-eeks office has no right to dividehis attention and time between pub-lic and private work."

MUSIC AND DANCE FOR DEMOSA big musical program and dance

are plumed by the democrats ofSeattle for evening, atthe Hippodrome pavilion. TheKing county central committee, as-sisted by the County Democraticclub, the Woodrow Wilson league,the Women's Wilson-Marshall cluband the Women'? IVmocratle club,will have the affair in charge.

BRADFORD TO RUN?lames K Hradford. former cor-

poration coun>v>l. will file as pro-gressive candidate for governor,he announced Monday

There will be no opposition fohim on that ticket Ills chief issu*will be to keep safe direct populargovernment.

BIG PICNIC AT ENUMCLAWFifteen thounand attended t)|

farmers' picnic at Kuutuclaw Satiilday. ami nearly all the candidatefor office were present Gov. l,ltter was one of the s|>eakers. TinKnuntrlaw band livened thiuga u|with frequent selections.