the seattle star (seattle, wash.) (seattle, wash.) 1915-06-30 [p 4] · 2017. 12. 22. · last hope...

STAR-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1915. PAGE 4. »t thu Vrt|i|M NarthwMt !#?§»»«? ?t N I'nhlUltMl t»« TK# Af*r r.thlUhln« < «v Main tM«»0 EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE SEATTLE STAR Kr malt. W Mir. Ma Mar. |IH| I MnitlH, aai »§«? m««ltb \u25a0)» to ? month* Nf furrW, rt»f, lllf ? Rnf«r«4 at Mlflc, mm rIM« m»H»» BECKER NEXT FATE stacked the cards on Becker. The trial judge in his case was elevated to the court of appeals, which denied his petition, and now his last hope lies in the clemency ot a governor, who, while district attorney, convicted him. \u25a0V raw deal by luck, perhaps, but it looks more like retribution. Becker, as a police officer, was merciless. He was an advocate of the infamous third degree system and an expre>sed believer in capital punishment. He has alwavs demanded that the law exact its full pound of "flesh?a life for a life, no more or less. In cold blood and with calm deliberation he plotted the death of the gambler Rosenthal. Me took his chances against the law as all criminals do, only he had the temerity to attempt to make that law his shield. His crime came home, as sooner or later, crime generally does. VP TO CARRANZA Till: Mexican situation to date is thus: The Villa-Zapata faction offers to Ret to- gether with the Carranzaists and work out a plan for peace, if possible. Carranza says "war to a finish." For further starvation, looting and anarchy in Mexico, Carranza is responsible. If Carranza fails to put down these calamities within reason- able time, he should be advised to quit. THE FRIGHTFUL TOLL rpill: war in Europe is nearly one year «»IJ. Let's J- pause ami reckon the cost, not in dollars and cents, tor that is too stupendous a task, nor in suf- fering, tor that also is beyond computation. Hut we may reckon the total, with consider- able accuracy, of those heart-rending bulletins which all the belligerents issue with sickening regu- larity?the lists of "dead or missing." England has issued an official list to May U, showing her losses at 264,178 men, practically one- third of all the forces she has had engaged. The figures, tho enormous, are insignificant compared with the whole. The following are estimates of course, but based on fairly reliable information. They include killed and missing-?captives, and wounded, all that have been incapacitated for duty: Great Britain 265,000 Germany 3,500,000 France 1,500,000 Auatria 1,500,000 Ruaaia 5,000,000 Italy, Belgium, Turkey, etc 750,000 Total 12,515,000 These figures, tho startling, are conservative. The total lighting strength of the six greatest na- tions at war, including reserves and unorganized forces, was approximately 48,000,000 men when the war began. Thus, in less than 12 months, 2S per cent of all were incapacitated. Truly, war, as it is fought today, exacts a frightful toll. A PROUD RECORD "CM.EVEN members of the house of representatives \u25a0*- J from King county signed the argument against the referendum on the port bill. On the official records at Olympia it is stated that the argument is theirs. In so doing, these 11 branded themselves liars as well as traitors to the best interests of the county. Their treachery has been recorded in their votes for the iniquitous port bill. And now they add a lie to that shameful record. Hor the argu- ment against the referendum was prepared and filed at the request of the "dock owners' trust" of Seattle. The "dock owners' trust," seeking to cripple the right of the people to control their own water front, didn't have the courage to stand sponsor tor the fight against the referendum on the port bill. So they got 11 boot-licking legislators whom they owned to do the "dirty work" for them. AND THESE 11 WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN "REPRESENTATIVES" OF THE PEOPLE! IT WAS the falling bark of the Ru-*ians that made Napoleon tire<l Kuo*ian» who won't stand up and light h\e to ftplit another day. STILL MORE FOOD SPIiAkINf i of wheat, you have never thought much of Texas as a wheat growing state, have you? Too far south, etc. From Amarillo, Texas, up in the Panhandle section ?Staked Plains country?for long years rated as an arid desert, come tidings of an eight hundred thousand acre harvest. A bumper crop is in sight and near twenty million gold dollars will pour into the Amarillo territory. LOOKS AS if the < rar neglected to prepare enough powder for a war of thi* «i*e. SEEMS AS if Kngland's aristocracy can either subscribe to the new five-billion loan or ha\e it* income tax raised. THE CZAR'S at the front. Where lie's needed is at ihe back, pushing a wheelbarrow in some ammunition factory. IF THAT New York jury declare* Harry Thaw to » )\u25a0<? sane. Justice Hendrick can reverse the decision. j| \ren't things arranged nicely for the promotion of law- year*' fee»? UNCLE SAM ha* got a destroyer that can run over .12 knots an hour. No telling what Uncle could do in a war, but if they ever start a race, he'll he there with the good*. TESTIMONY SHOWS that the I.u«itania was under-coaled, had an undisciplined crew and no precau- tions were taken. Maybe we ought to have a law re- quiring public notice of the exact condition of every ; passenger ship before her sailing. Outbursts of Everett True A Married Man's Troubles Stella and Gertie By Allman . \u25a0, . . ,11,1 J ?M : ? By Bert A UTTLE BIT OF MOST ANYTHING ATTENTION, "KNOCKERS!" Charlea B. Drlacoli. Lucifer, angel of light, wort a ! great pair of cream-colored wlnga, ? hi* standing in Heaven waa right. ?he had all kinde of beautiful I things. But he carried a grouch \u25a0in hie purae. He would knock on J the way thlnga were run?he ? would etand by the railing and 'curae, and he etarted to toting a ' gun. Now, there are no detectlvea ? up there, and no one in Heaven will 'anltch, ao thla angel waa knocking 'for fair, before anyone noticed a ? hitch. Lucifer knocked on the gold ' with which all of the alleye were i paved, he awore all the parka were ?too old, and he roared when a ain- !ner was aaved. The administration. ?he said, waa far from progreaalve 'enough. "I till all you boy* on the idead," aaid the Knocker, "thla llfe'tf ? pretty tough. Aa for me, I'm about 'to reaign from thi* old faahloned I Bureau of Light, and I'm thinking ?It would be fine to lead off with \u25a0 eome kind of a fight." He etarted 'hi* fight, *o they **y, with a bomb <and a IMnch ehell. He wi* dropped ? from the payroll next day and the 'next week he had landed In hell. tThey tell me he'e (topping there ? yet, at the Siga of the Hammer and )(|m4 ttowed Work. M«t o*k ? Stall M, Lttwtr Floor f*lk« lfac« Market FREE DOCTOR Call at the Rl*ht Drug Co. I*> Washington at. naar B»cond ara, and lav* tha «x-|ov«rnm«nt phy«l- rlin dla«noa* your an<l praacrlba tor you, abaolutaly without chare*. Wa want your patronage and of- far you tha doctor'a aarvlcaa aa as toducamant l**k fur lit Trtltw rroat. <UMt BOY BLEM FLANKLW SAY WELL DONE TWICEE PONE CHINA BCV CAY NO CAN TELLE ; MAYBESO 6ET ALESTED PLOP BIGAMY! Tong*. Hl* apartment* to knock- *r* are let, and each gueet I* placed where he belonge. mi vmr.\ri ll# «\u25a0* itij frl<md ?!«» nnfUrilfNiil All III* tafarlei of my ni<wd *nj | mm* Joyous. ha wm gmy; If ««d Ha fait tka aalfaama nmy Ha hald, with Imilj rommon »an»a. All thai I fold. In roafldanra. Ma dlad And now I look arotind. Hut ?ii«-h ti frland M*l«toni fourut f mIM hl« kindly praaanaa. y#f A d<*c Ilka that Is hard lo gat! ?Kldradfa Omnium In >liid|f ? ? ? Hai'l th« auffraicl«f to ronicrea*. When tha voting readied a clone "1 really like your ayea, aim, Hut how I bate yonr noea'" ? ? a Raxtu* ?Did you <i»ah heali oh takln' allver fer de whlaky ha lilt ? Rufua ?Yaaaah, Ah did. Ole man .lohnaon awlpea hla wlfe'a apootm raslonally! a 0 a Mr* Squirrel < hysterically >- Well, | do declare, If they haven't bored rlitht Into our pantry for maple ayrup! S ? ? Touchln' on and Appartalnln' to Bearda and Barbara A firm of lady barbers haa rent- ed a room In Illandlnavllln and will J open a ahop ne*t week. The bar or SEATTH Capital and Surplus, $811,000 ber* are Mm. Sarah Truman and two daughter* of BoaMstown. ? j Carthage <111.1 Republican Harry Chlnn of lleardatown waa In Dixon today on bualneaa ?Dlmn (Ml.) Telegraph. ? ? ? Tommy Plleipa, a gallant voting man. and hi* no leaa Italian! friend. Phi Rlchardaon, were aeated to gether 011 a Madlaon afreet cable > car. In came an moptionally pretty Rlrl Iloth moved over haatlly to make room for her between them She accepted the neat, and a mo- ment later prenented It to an et ccatlvely atout matron, with two market haaketa and a wet um- brella "Thla," na*erta an eye wltneaa and mutual friend. '««« greatly to the dlnmay of the gallant Mr. Phelpa and the no lea* gallant Mr. Rlchardaon You Will Never Be Worth Any Money Until You Save Some. Interest 4 Per Cent UNION 8 A VINOS A TRUST CO. JAMES D. HOOK, President N. B. SOLNER, Vice Pre.i- dent and Trust Officer HOGE BUILDING In the Heart of the Financial Diitrict SILL EXONERATES 2 omr OFFICIALS Mayor 011 l Tueaday ln*<atigntad the < h;iru«'« tnnde by the Wright Klevator Work* that Superintend nnt of Itulldlnga Joaenhami and Htreet Superintendent Can* had ahown favorltlam In retorting In favor of the Otla Klevator Co bid for an elevator In the clty'a build Ing on Charle* at ll«« declared the charge* were groundlea*. that the two had im-d (>Kid hiiatnea* aanae. and that tha Wright bid wan not according to aperlflcatlona. The Wright Klevator Work* Baked for the removal of C»*e and Joaanhana GET NEW KIDNEYS! Tba kldnaya are tha ni'ut overworked ; organ* of the human bod) and when 'hay f«|| in t h#lr work of filtering ««ut end throwing off the poltona developed In Hi# ayatam. thluga in to happen One of th# flrat warnings pain Ax atlffneaa In tha lowar part of the l»«f W. hlfbiv colored urlna; loaa of appxnir indlgrlon Irritation or aran atone In tha bladder Th«« aympfoma Indlrat* ? condition that mar laad to that dre«d ?d and fatal rnaladi ftrlght'a iJleaaa*. for which there la aald to t.« no rura Tou ran Klrnntf « «rta!nl>- find lmm« dial* In OOLD MK|»AI. II aarlum Oil t'apaulaa Tor rnor# than fftrt aara »hlt famous praparatlon hut baan mi un- failing ramadi for aII ltldna>. bladder and urinary frouhlaa Oat It at in. drug ?tore nn<t If I* (I«im not ynu almoat Immediate rallaf. i mir tnonav will ha r + fund ad l*r Irr* He lOn and II AO it# \u25a0ura \on gat Iha OdLI) MKI»AI, brand Nana other crttiln* For «al» and guaranteed l»y the r tar I f»rug (To EXCURSIONS ?DAILY? P.S.NavyYard, One Hour's Ride on Puget Sound 8. S. H. B. Kannady and Touriat l<eave Colinnn Dock 8:30, R:00, 10: SO a. m,; 1:30. 2:00: 6:30 p. m Vlaltora Walcoma Dally PARI, 50c ROUND TRIP Children. 5 to 12, 2fte. aKIJtCT DANCINO rARTIta HIPPODROME fifth and taiiinur n«> taiMnnl Itoßiallfc* aarr«M«lse* tamers inion oatenrm ma < i>«»»hn T»w>»r> SPINNING'S SPECIALS 50c can Powdered Floor or Dancing Wax JSc ?tint Hprtnhln the floor, the dancer* do the re*t *1.25 Dlaaton 11'/ f or 12-ln, Brick Trowal 7Be Yoii can *ave money anl do much lo keep thing* In ahlp- *hnp- by unlng a trowel. e " 25c Round Tin Dlnnar Bucket 15c Hold* 3 quart*. hit* 2 compartment* Stock and Fixture* to Be Cloaed Out at Auction, Commencing July 6 10 DURHAM DUPLEX OR 1 DOZ. OTHER SAFETY RAZOR BLADES WELL SHARPENED, 25c SPINNING'S CASH STORE F£j«r SPECIAL LOW RATES To Port Townsend, Port Williams, Dungeness and Port Angeles $I.OO?ROUND TRIP-SI.OO TICKETS GOOD GOING JULY 1, 2, 3, 4 AND RETURNING UP TO AND INCLUDING JULY 5 Three Days' Celebration at PORT ANGELES ELKS' CIRCUS July Ist 2nd 3rd Aeroplane Flight* by Prof. Stromer?Wild Men of the Hoh?Petrified Indian?Olympic Wild Animal*, Including the Celebrated Jungle Bull Many Tent Shows?Boxing Tournamnet, Parades, Etc. A GOOD TIME GUARANTEED Three Steamers Daily to Port Angeles FIVE Steamer a Daily to Port Townsend All Steamers Leave From Colman Dock PUGET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. Ticket Office, Oolman Dock Main 3903

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Page 1: The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1915-06-30 [p 4] · 2017. 12. 22. · last hope lies in the clemency ot a governor, who, while district attorney, convicted him


»t thu Vrt|i|M NarthwMt !#?§»»«?

?t N

I'nhlUltMl t»« TK# Af*rr.thlUhln« < «vMain tM«»0 EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE SEATTLE STAR

Kr malt. W Mir. Ma Mar. |IH| IMnitlH, aai »§«? m««ltb \u25a0)» to ?

month* Nf furrW, rt»f, lllf ?

Rnf«r«4 at Mlflc, mmrIM« m»H»»


FATE stacked the cards on Becker. The trialjudge in his case was elevated to the court of

appeals, which denied his petition, and now hislast hope lies in the clemency ot a governor, who,while district attorney, convicted him.

\u25a0V raw deal by luck, perhaps, but it looks morelike retribution. Becker, as a police officer, wasmerciless. He was an advocate of the infamousthird degree system and an expre>sed believer incapital punishment.

He has alwavs demanded that the law exactits full pound of "flesh?a life for a life, no moreor less.

In cold blood and with calm deliberation heplotted the death of the gambler Rosenthal.

Me took his chances against the law as allcriminals do, only he had the temerity to attemptto make that law his shield.

His crime came home, as sooner or later,crime generally does.


Till: Mexican situation to date is thus:The Villa-Zapata faction offers to Ret to-

gether with the Carranzaists and work out a planfor peace, if possible.

Carranza says "war to a finish."For further starvation, looting and anarchy

in Mexico, Carranza is responsible. If Carranzafails to put down these calamities within reason-

able time, he should be advised to quit.

THE FRIGHTFUL TOLLrpill: war in Europe is nearly one year «»IJ. Let'sJ- pause ami reckon the cost, not in dollars and

cents, tor that is too stupendous a task, nor in suf-fering, tor that also is beyond computation.

Hut we may reckon the total, with consider-able accuracy, of those heart-rending bulletinswhich all the belligerents issue with sickening regu-larity?the lists of "dead or missing."

England has issued an official list to May U,showing her losses at 264,178 men, practically one-third of all the forces she has had engaged. Thefigures, tho enormous, are insignificant comparedwith the whole.

The following are estimates of course, butbased on fairly reliable information. They includekilled and missing-?captives, and wounded, allthat have been incapacitated for duty:

Great Britain 265,000Germany 3,500,000France 1,500,000Auatria 1,500,000Ruaaia 5,000,000Italy, Belgium,

Turkey, etc 750,000

Total 12,515,000

These figures, tho startling, are conservative.The total lighting strength of the six greatest na-tions at war, including reserves and unorganizedforces, was approximately 48,000,000 men when

the war began. Thus, in less than 12 months, 2Sper cent of all were incapacitated.

Truly, war, as it is fought today, exacts afrightful toll.

A PROUD RECORD"CM.EVEN members of the house of representatives\u25a0*- J from King county signed the argumentagainst the referendum on the port bill. On theofficial records at Olympia it is stated that theargument is theirs.

In so doing, these 11 branded themselvesliars as well as traitors to the best interests of thecounty.

Their treachery has been recorded in theirvotes for the iniquitous port bill. And now theyadd a lie to that shameful record. Hor the argu-ment against the referendum was prepared andfiled at the request of the "dock owners' trust" ofSeattle.

The "dock owners' trust," seeking to cripplethe right of the people to control their own waterfront, didn't have the courage to stand sponsor torthe fight against the referendum on the port bill.So they got 11 boot-licking legislators whom theyowned to do the "dirty work" for them.


IT WAS the falling bark of the Ru-*ians that madeNapoleon tire<l Kuo*ian» who won't stand up and lighth\e to ftplit another day.


SPIiAkINf i of wheat, you have never thoughtmuch of Texas as a wheat growing state,

have you? Too far south, etc.From Amarillo, Texas, up in the Panhandle

section ?Staked Plains country?for long yearsrated as an arid desert, come tidings of an eighthundred thousand acre harvest. A bumper cropis in sight and near twenty million gold dollarswill pour into the Amarillo territory.

LOOKS AS if the < rar neglected to prepare enoughpowder for a war of thi* «i*e.

SEEMS AS if Kngland's aristocracy can eithersubscribe to the new five-billion loan or ha\e it* incometax raised.

THE CZAR'S at the front. Where lie's needed isat ihe back, pushing a wheelbarrow in some ammunitionfactory.

IF THAT New York jury declare* Harry Thaw to »

)\u25a0<? sane. Justice Hendrick can reverse the decision. j|\ren't things arranged nicely for the promotion of law-year*' fee»?

UNCLE SAM ha* got a destroyer that can run over.12 knots an hour. No telling what Uncle could do ina war, but if they ever start a race, he'll he there withthe good*.

TESTIMONY SHOWS that the I.u«itania wasunder-coaled, had an undisciplined crew and no precau-tions were taken. Maybe we ought to have a law re-quiring public notice of the exact condition of every ;passenger ship before her sailing.

Outbursts ofEverett True A Married Man's Troubles

Stella and Gertie

By Allman.

\u25a0, . . ,11,1 J ?M : ?

By Bert


ATTENTION, "KNOCKERS!"Charlea B. Drlacoli.

Lucifer, angel of light, wort a! great pair of cream-colored wlnga,? hi* standing in Heaven waa right.?he had all kinde of beautifulI things. But he carried a grouch\u25a0in hie purae. He would knock on

J the way thlnga were run?he? would etand by the railing and'curae, and he etarted to toting a'

gun. Now, there are no detectlvea? up there, and no one in Heaven will'anltch, ao thla angel waa knocking'for fair, before anyone noticed a? hitch. Lucifer knocked on the gold' with which all of the alleye werei paved, he awore all the parka were?too old, and he roared when a ain-!ner was aaved. The administration.?he said, waa far from progreaalve'enough. "I till all you boy* on theidead," aaid the Knocker, "thla llfe'tf

? pretty tough. Aa for me, I'm about'to reaign from thi* old faahlonedIBureau of Light, and I'm thinking?It would be fine to lead off with\u25a0 eome kind of a fight." He etarted'hi* fight, *o they **y, with a bomb<and a IMnch ehell. He wi* dropped? from the payroll next day and the'next week he had landed In hell.tThey tell me he'e (topping there? yet, at the Siga of the Hammer and

)(|m4 ttowed Work. M«t o*k

? Stall M, Lttwtr Floor f*lk« lfac« Market


Call at the Rl*ht Drug Co. I*>Washington at. naar B»cond ara,and lav* tha «x-|ov«rnm«nt phy«l-

rlin dla«noa* your an<l praacrlba

tor you, abaolutaly without chare*.Wa want your patronage and of-

far you tha doctor'a aarvlcaa aa astoducamant

l**k fur lit Trtltw rroat.




Tong*. Hl* apartment* to knock-*r* are let, and each gueet I* placedwhere he belonge.

mi vmr.\rill# «\u25a0* itij frl<md ?!«» nnfUrilfNiilAll III* tafarlei of my ni<wd*nj | mm* Joyous. ha wm gmy;If ««d Ha fait tka aalfaama nmyHa hald, with Imilj rommon »an»a.All thai I fold. In roafldanra.Ma dlad And now I look arotind.Hut ?ii«-h ti frland l« M*l«toni fourutf mIM hl« kindly praaanaa. y#fA d<*c Ilka that Is hard lo gat!

?Kldradfa Omnium In >liid|f? ? ?

Hai'l th« auffraicl«f to ronicrea*.When tha voting readied a clone

"1 really like your ayea, aim,Hut how I bate yonr noea'"

? ? aRaxtu* ?Did you <i»ah heali oh

takln' allver fer de whlaky ha lilt ?

Rufua ?Yaaaah, Ah did. Oleman .lohnaon awlpea hla wlfe'aapootm raslonally!

a 0 a

Mr* Squirrel < hysterically >-

Well, | do declare, If they haven'tbored rlitht Into our pantry formaple ayrup!

S ? ?

Touchln' on and Appartalnln' toBearda and Barbara

A firm of lady barbers haa rent-ed a room In Illandlnavllln and will Jopen a ahop ne*t week. The bar


Capital and Surplus,$811,000

ber* are Mm. Sarah Truman andtwo daughter* of BoaMstown. ? jCarthage <111.1 Republican

Harry Chlnn of lleardatown waaIn Dixon today on bualneaa ?Dlmn(Ml.) Telegraph.

? ? ?

Tommy Plleipa, a gallant voting

man. and hi* no leaa Italian! friend.Phi Rlchardaon, were aeated together 011 a Madlaon afreet cable >

car.In came an moptionally pretty

RlrlIloth moved over haatlly to make

room for her between themShe accepted the neat, and a mo-

ment later prenented It to an etccatlvely atout matron, with twomarket haaketa and a wet um-brella

"Thla," na*erta an eye wltneaaand mutual friend. '««« greatly tothe dlnmay of the gallant Mr.Phelpa and the no lea* gallant Mr.Rlchardaon

You Will NeverBe Worth AnyMoney Until YouSave Some.

Interest 4 Per Cent


JAMES D. HOOK, PresidentN. B. SOLNER, Vice Pre.i-

dent and Trust Officer

HOGE BUILDINGIn the Heart of the Financial



Mayor 011 l Tueaday ln*<atigntad

the < h;iru«'« tnnde by the WrightKlevator Work* that Superintendnnt of Itulldlnga Joaenhami andHtreet Superintendent Can* hadahown favorltlam In retorting Infavor of the Otla Klevator Co bidfor an elevator In the clty'a buildIng on Charle* at

ll«« declared the charge* weregroundlea*. that the two had im-d(>Kid hiiatnea* aanae. and that thaWright bid wan not according toaperlflcatlona.

The Wright Klevator Work*Baked for the removal of C»*e andJoaanhana

GET NEW KIDNEYS!Tba kldnaya are tha ni'ut overworked

; organ* of the human bod) and when'hay f«|| in t h#lr work of filtering ««utend throwing off the poltona developedIn Hi# ayatam. thluga in to happen

One of th# flrat warnings |« pain Axatlffneaa In tha lowar part of the l»«f W.hlfbiv colored urlna; loaa of appxnirindlgrlon Irritation or aran atone Intha bladder Th«« aympfoma Indlrat*? condition that mar laad to that dre«d?d and fatal rnaladi ftrlght'a iJleaaa*.for which there la aald to t.« no rura

Tou ran Klrnntf « «rta!nl>- find lmm«dial* In OOLD MK|»AI. II aarlumOil t'apaulaa Tor rnor# than fftrt aara»hlt famous praparatlon hut baan mi un-failing ramadi for aII ltldna>. bladderand urinary frouhlaa Oat It at in. drug?tore nn<t If I* (I«im not ynu almoatImmediate rallaf. i mir tnonav will ha r +

fund ad l*rIrr* He lOn and II AO it#\u25a0ura \on gat Iha OdLI) MKI»AI, brandNana other crttiln*

For «al» and guaranteed l»y the r tar If»rug (To


One Hour's Ride on PugetSound

8. S. H. B. Kannady and Touriatl<eave Colinnn Dock 8:30, R:00,10: SO a. m,; 1:30. 2:00: 6:30 p. m

Vlaltora Walcoma DallyPARI, 50c ROUND TRIP

Children. 5 to 12, 2fte.


HIPPODROMEfifth and taiiinur

n«> taiMnnlItoßiallfc* aarr«M«lse*

tamers inion oatenrm ma< i>«»»hn T»w>»r>

SPINNING'S SPECIALS50c can Powdered Floor or Dancing Wax JSc

?tint Hprtnhln the floor, the dancer* do the re*t*1.25 Dlaaton 11'/f or 12-ln, Brick Trowal 7Be

Yoii can *ave money anl do much lo keep thing* In ahlp-*hnp- by unlng a trowel. e


25c Round Tin Dlnnar Bucket 15cHold* 3 quart*. hit* 2 compartment*

Stock and Fixture* to Be Cloaed Out at Auction, Commencing July 6



SPECIAL LOW RATESTo Port Townsend, Port Williams,

Dungeness and Port Angeles



Three Days' Celebration at


July Ist 2nd 3rdAeroplane Flight* by Prof. Stromer?Wild Men of the Hoh?PetrifiedIndian?Olympic Wild Animal*, Including the Celebrated Jungle BullMany Tent Shows?Boxing Tournamnet, Parades, Etc.

A GOOD TIME GUARANTEEDThree Steamers Daily to Port Angeles

FIVE Steamer a Daily to Port TownsendAll Steamers Leave From Colman Dock

PUGET SOUND NAVIGATION CO.Ticket Office, Oolman Dock Main 3903